Exploited girls and torrent

No brakes on the Chuu-Chuu train!

2012.11.01 04:20 crnulus No brakes on the Chuu-Chuu train!

chuunibyou is THE place to celebrate the series written by Torako and animated by Kyoto animation. If you want memes, Art and discussions about your favorite anime then this is the place! Join the Far-East Magical Napping Society – Summer Thereof now!

2016.02.03 07:09 Qualidea Code

This is a subreddit for fans of the Qualidea Code Franchise, or Qualidea Project.

2016.04.12 05:33 Orange (Anime)

A subreddit for the anime and manga series Orange. Story and Art: Ichigo Takano Animation Production: TMS Entertainment, Telecom Animation Film

2024.05.29 03:29 scorpiomoontm let’s talk about the season 9 reunion & whose shown up for scheana

there’s a lot to unpack from that reunion - especially concerning scheana and LFU but I wanna talk about the season 9 reunion & misdirected rage. lala talks a lot of the season 9 reunion, and her breakup when explaining her rage at ariana.
who said “you lose them how you get them”? tom sandoval. he led the charge in making fun of her and randall’s relationship. in fact in the clip from that reunion - brock, scheana, rachel, tom and even schwartz and katie were comment. ARIANA WAS SILENT.
scheana talk a lot about how tom has been a good friend to her. tom was happy to throw her affair from over a decade ago in her face this season. ariana’s “best friend” of over a decade, was more interested in groveling to lauren from utah then checking on the only girl on this show who has always been there for her.
i don’t understand how they both teamed together to disparage ariana because they would not be able to exploit her for a check in service of a man who was a ring leader in these things that trigger them. lauren’s trauma and scheana insecurity aren’t ariana’s problem.
i don’t know how they’re going to do another season & i don’t know why katie and ariana would want to
submitted by scorpiomoontm to vanderpumprules [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:32 PoseidonsSpear50 My Girlfriend want to sleep over with her Gay Male Best Friend but also wants to sleep in the same room/bed as him

I (19M) have dating my gf (18F) for the past year and a half now. I’ve know her friend group since when we first started dating, and I’ve known her gay boy(18M) best friend for about 3/4 of the time we’ve been dating. Let’s just say we aren’t on the best of terms and do not like each other after he insulted me with a torrent of insults online after my girlfriend and I got into an argument. Since then I haven’t approved of him, not have liked him but I respect my gf and do not get in the way of their friendship. They used to hang out and do sleep overs with their other friend before we started dating. The sleepovers stopped after he came after me, but last month my gf said she was going to have a sleepover with him and her other girl best friend. I was skeptical at first but reluctantly agreed to let her go as long as she slept in a different room than he did. That was the plan, until after the sleepover she told her she not only slept in the same room as him, but also slept in the same bed as him. She also told me that he now had a crush on a girl and his sexuality was being questioned. This of course led to an argument about how she didn’t do what we agreed on. She claims she doesn’t remember it and didn’t mean to hurt me. I, on the other hand, have the clearest memory of our conversation and her agreement to sleeping in another room. Since then on I have put up a boundary that she could not sleep over with him and she reluctantly complied until recently, when she told me that she was planning to sleep over with them again. I firmly told her no but she started arguing with me, saying that he was basically a girl, that I should trust her, and that I was being controlling and that I shouldn’t be selfish. I agreed to make a compromise that she could sleep over but this time she had to sleep in a different room. But, she said that his apartment was small and didn’t have enough bedrooms for someone else to sleep in, which I thought was strange. I put up an ultimatum, saying she could either respect my boundaries and stay with me, or choose him over me. She told me that she would sleep outside the room “in the trenches” and “with the dogs.” I don’t entirely trust her after last time, so I don’t know if she’s going to listen. I don’t know what to do now, am I being too controlling?
submitted by PoseidonsSpear50 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:22 GeometryDash_Gamer ROTI Characters Worst to Best

ROTI Characters Worst to Best
Previous posts: TDI, TDA, WT
Note (will delete later): I'm really tired rn and want to do some other stuff, so I'll respond to more comments later
ROTI Character Ranking
13: Staci (My Great Great Grandpa Invented Better First Boots) - Out of all my least favorites throughout each season, Staci is the least offensive as a character designed to be an annoying throwaway first boot, which speaks volumes about the rest of this cast. But it doesn't mean I have to like her. On top of having a grating voice, I find her to be a very lazy character. And the existence of Island Ezekiel proves that Total Drama is capable of creating more nuanced and three-dimensional first boots. She did provide some funny reactions from others though
12: Anne Maria (Heart Beneath the Tan) - Anne Maria is a character I found annoying in hindsight but has grown on me since. Despite having some of the same flaws that I really look down on Justin for, Anne Maria’s flaws are made far more tolerable and utilized better with her rivalry with Jo. She has some pretty funny moments and has a surprisingly more likable personality than what it initially seems. But I wish she got expanded on a bit more outside of her role in the Mike and Zoey love triangle. While not bad, the plot didn't do her a ton of favors for me and even brought out her less likable qualities. She acted very petty towards Zoey, and I don't think canon portrayed her any better or worse than what was warranted. Her elimination was unfortunate though
11: Mike (Multiple Personality Traits) - For how controversial he is, he was pretty good this season. Putting aside the questionable premise behind him ignoring his doctor's orders, his MPD was handled better this season and treated more as a legitimately serious issue for him. And while I don’t find him the most entertaining, he is definitely far from bland. He served as a surprisingly good catalyst for drama, and his flaws actually got utilized in an interesting way. And while he is probably the most in the wrong during the Love Triangle, you can easily sympathize with his motivations. Zoke was actually wholesome and healthy here. And it was nice seeing Mike get accepted for his disorder and learn from his mistakes. He also has some surprisingly good one-liners and was quick to sus out Scott. Plus you gotta appreciate all the times he saves Zoey
10: Jo (The Cutthroat Tomboy) - At her best she’s great, fantastic even. From her general demeanor coupled with her array of zingers, her juicy rivalries, and even some occasions of big-braining the challenges, Jo’s a fun character with a lot to like. She also had some nice depth with her secret girly side, even yielding some funny moments. However, there were two episodes that showed her to be a complete dumbass, from her performance in episode 4 (not-to-mention her hypocrisy towards Brick), to betraying her only ally for no reason (episode 9). While stupidity is not always a bad thing, it felt contradictory to Jo’s character and just didn’t do her any favors for me. All things considered, she’s a good but flawed character
9: Lightning (Maximum Physical, Minimum Brain Power) - He's pretty entertaining with some especially hilarious moments. But there's not a ton that appeals to me beyond that. While his physical prowess is really good, he didn't really have an exceptional challenge performance to back it up. I also think Jo would've been a better finalist than him. But his placement was pretty harmless, all things considered. With that said, I think he's better off losing since winning would reward his dad's behavior. Speaking of which, I really would've liked to see his background with his dad get expanded on
8: Dawn (The Cute Psychic) - At one point, I criticized Dawn for having unexplained unrealistic abilities that didn’t fit in with the Total Drama universe. But looking back, I don’t actually care about that. Despite only lasting for five episodes, Dawn left a pretty great impression on me. She has a nice and very likable personality. Her gimmick is unique, served as a great plot device to flesh out other characters, and even provided some surprisingly funny moments. Though it's not like she's too perfect either. Not only did she creep others out multiple times, but her tendency to just see the good in others prevented her from sussing out Scott earlier. And as for utilization, she helped B communicate his ideas to the team, which played a part in them winning. And she served as a good catalyst for Scott's run as a villain. Overall, Dawn is a great pre-merge boot, and people need to calm down about her being "overrated" or "underrated"
7: B (The Man of Swag) - Sure the dude doesn't talk. But he pulled some of the coolest feats in challenges, all the while exuding a cool and confident aura. Similar to Dawn, he was another great early boot, and Scott getting him out early was a good move as he would've steam-rolled the competition otherwise. His scream at the end was also funny, and you gotta give him plus points for his drip
6: Sam (The Pro Gamer) - While I don’t find him the most charming, he makes for a great underdog character with a great personality to back it up. He is very self-aware and humble, which makes him both funny and likable. He took things slow with Dakota and stayed true to his authentic self around her, which eventually won over her love and appreciation. Speaking of which, Samkota is also a very well-done relationship with great build-up and great jokes. And while I'm not the biggest fan of Dakota's turn into a monster, it carries some amusing irony in that it changes who the bigger and smaller person in the relationship is
5: Dakota (The Biggest Thing Ever) - Dakota is a character I slept on at first. I found her rather whiny and annoying with her lack of participation in challenges. But overtime, she really grew on me. On top of having a unique reason to join the competition, she has one of the most complex personalities in the cast with some great development to back it up. And like I said with Sam, Samkota is a great relationship that complements her development well. Dakotazoid was very unfortunate and unneeded, and seeing her in a dumbed down state was just hard to watch. But even then, she had some very badass moments and saved others from mutant creatures multiple times
4: Scott (The Scheming Dirtbag) - Another one of the better villains in the series, this guy is a fantastic blend of comedic and threatening. He had a versatile set of humor, whether it was his ruthless and cunning demeanor, his various quips towards others, or his confessionals that utilized pain-magnet humor in a far more creative way during his plotting. Coupled with this, he had a surprisingly effective strategy that got rid of some of the big threats early, all the while knowing how to exploit people's flaws. And can I just say, his strategy was not stupid. Being a part of a losing team was a great way to make himself not come off as a threat in the merge. And even if he didn't totally succeed in having a lot of influence by then, he was still able to adapt in other ways. This was shown no better than how he exploited the friendship trio, from gaining Zoey’s trust, to taking advantage of Cameron and Mike’s flaws. Unfortunately, some of his schemes weren't without missteps in execution. And from a personal standpoint, his episode 9 iteration made him villainous in a way that was far more aggravating than fun to watch. Though I think his schemes made sense conceptually, with most of his missteps being hiccups rather than character-ruining moments, akin to making a careless mistake on a math problem you otherwise knew how to do. The dude was also crafty and knew how to utilize his newfound shark-tooth. On that topic, his rivalry with Fang was really fun on his end. I found his karma pretty over-the-top, but it doesn't make me like him any less and just made me feel bad for him to a degree. While he isn’t without flaws and doesn’t quite reach the same highs as Alejandro for me, he still remained one of the most entertaining characters of the season and is a fantastic villain in his own right
3: Brick (I Salute You) - From top-notch humor, fantastic interactions (most notably Jo), to his general work-ethic, Brick is simply a chad and fills all the boxes in what makes a character good. But best yet, he's a true hero and an all-around admirable person. He also has depth and subversive elements to his character, most notably his goofy side which you don’t usually expect in someone with his background. He even sacrificed his position in the game to save the friendship trio, rightfully earning their salutes. And above all, he's just a blast to have on screen. Despite not making it too far, not a single moment of screen-time was wasted with Brick. While he may not be my personal favorite, he rightfully earns his spot as a universally-liked character
2: Cameron (From a Bubble Boy to an Elite Badass) - While he has a rough start and has a couple of cheesy moments, I thoroughly enjoy Cameron's run in his debut season. Despite having the physical strength of a fly, the dude proved himself indispensable to the team multiple times, pulling a handful of big-brain strats to help complete challenges more efficiently. He was also the first one to figure Mike's MPD out and help him with it, making for an excellent friendship. On that topic, he had a pretty good social game and did a great job of staying under the radar, but also knew when allies were worth keeping or not. This all culminated in his legendary performance in the finale, which was both impressive and solidified him as a true hero and gigachad. Despite entertainment-value not being his strongest suit, he has other endearing qualities to him, from his fascination with everything he sees and experiences for the first time in the outside world, to his friendships and rivalries with various people (my personal favorite being his friendship with Zoey). Bottom-line, Cameron is simply a feel-good character with a lot of really cool moments and an incredibly satisfying arc, making for one of the most deserving finalists in the series and one of my personal favorite protagonists
1: Zoey (The Girl Next Door) - It isn’t until after Mike’s elimination that she peaks. And when she does, she has some of the best moments in the series. But even before, I found her highly endearing. Her passive tendencies are relatable and have a lot of comedic moments surrounding them. She is a good blend of being kind all-the-while not being too perfect. Despite this, she was never straight-up unlikable. She is also easy to feel bad for with how much she goes through, from the love triangle mess to her kindness being taken advantage of by multiple people. This all culminated in her becoming more bitter and vengeful in the later episodes, leading to Commando Zoey. While rather corny at times, Commando Zoey is such a cool and badass climax to her being pushed around throughout the season. Plus, her arc comes in full-circle with a very satisfying and wholesome resolution. Her friendship with Cameron and her rivalry with Scott are both some of my personal favorite interactions in the series, and I think a good chunk of the merge episodes really exemplify why (especially episode 10). I also really like Zoke this season. On Zoey’s end, it was nice seeing her accept Mike for his disorder. And even putting aside my opinion on her, I’d argue she acted the most reasonably out of the three during the Love Triangle and did the most to actually try to fix the situation. It’s also worth noting, the friendship trio all share common ground in growing up isolated, which makes the three of them bonding all the sweeter. Same deal as Cameron, while I wouldn’t call her the most deep or well-written, Zoey is just such a feel-good character backed with a satisfying arc with a fantastic resolution. She also had some surprisingly nuanced lines and good quips here and there (mainly towards people who actually deserved it). And above all else, she’s absolutely adorable. For all these reasons and more, Zoey is the best part of this season for me. Though with this lineup, you can make a case for almost any of the characters
submitted by GeometryDash_Gamer to Totaldrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:16 Glowup2k22 Why hasn’t anyone created a hit female video game yet?

I am a mother of 2 boys (age 4 and 6) I bought them a PlayStation 4 as most boy-moms would to relax after sports and homework etc. I actually enjoy playing the games with them and thought I might search the PlayStation store for a couple games of my own. I was surprised that in 2024, as I was scrolling through the games, almost ALL of the games were still aimed toward boys. I understand it is generally viewed as a boys hobby (yes I know there are many girl gamers - you know what I mean) but wouldn’t that probably because there aren’t any hit female-oriented games even offered? I mean surely someone is creative enough to come up with a game that isn’t war-racing-fighting etc. Surely someone can design a game incorporating all the things women love that isn’t aimed for a toddler. Am I missing something here? If you’re an entrepreneur- here’s your sign lol. There’s a gap in the market. Free territory waiting to be developed and exploited lol.
submitted by Glowup2k22 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:53 remy_is_my_dog Definition of Sex Trafficking

Sex trafficking is a form of human trafficking that involves the exploitation of a person for commercial sex acts through force, fraud, or coercion.
Key word here is fraud. Michael thinks he can skirt around the law by filming it and calling it “content creation.” He publicly brags how he “bought” a girl.
New girl(s) - if you read this- save anything in writing you might have from Michael/Jasmine especially prior to joining them. Did they promise you anything? Did they paint a picture of wealth and success if you “collaborate” with them? Wake up and realize you’ve been scammed to fulfill their pedo fetishes and personal gain. Keep your receipts.
submitted by remy_is_my_dog to Apollostonenarc [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:40 Cultural-Alarm9676 Cyber Plantation

Cyber Plantation submitted by Cultural-Alarm9676 to RaceandIdentity [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:40 Cultural-Alarm9676 Cyber Plantation

Cyber Plantation submitted by Cultural-Alarm9676 to u/Cultural-Alarm9676 [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:47 mohamedwafa Chapter 1 of my first ever novel

Chapter 1
Scene 1
Sunlight streamed through the windows of my modern apartment as I meticulously folded clothes and packed my bags, the anticipation of an upcoming trip tingling in the air. The day seemed ordinary enough until the doorbell shattered the tranquility.

Startled, I hurried to answer it, only to find Elena bursting into the house with her usual exuberance. She was a whirlwind of energy, her long chestnut hair tied back in a messy ponytail, her bright blue eyes sparkling with excitement. Her olive skin glowed with vitality, and her infectious smile lit up the room.

"Peter, what took you so long to answer?" she exclaimed, her voice carrying a mix of impatience and amusement as she took in the array of luggage before me.

I shrugged, avoiding her gaze. "Just packing for a trip."

Elena scoffed, her voice laced with sarcasm. "Immigrating, are we?" She scanned the room before turning her attention back to me. "Seriously, though, what's with all the luggage?"

I chuckled at her bluntness. "You know me, always overpacking."

She rolled her eyes, reaching for her phone and cranking up the volume on her favorite song. The heavy riff of "Passenger" by Deftones filled the room, adding a pulsating rhythm to our conversation.

Taking a seat at the cluttered kitchen table, Elena flashed me a mischievous grin. "I came to hang out with my friend. Is that a crime?"

I raised an eyebrow, eyeing her suspiciously.

Elena's laughter filled the room, unapologetic. "Okay, you caught me. I need your help." Despite my curiosity, apprehension flickered, yet her sparkling eyes drew me in. "Come on, Peter," she urged. "I promise it'll be worth your while."

"What do you need me for?" I asked, unable to resist her infectious enthusiasm.

Elena's brows furrowed, and she leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. "I was hired by a family in Silverlake to find their missing daughter, Emily. She disappeared without a trace, and I've been investigating this case for weeks. But I have zero leads."

I frowned. "And you think I can help?"

Elena nodded eagerly. "You're one of the best investigative journalists I know, Peter. Your skills are exactly what we need to crack this case wide open."

"I promised my mom I'd spend a vacation with her. I leave in 2 days. I'm sorry, I cannot help you," I said firmly, my resolve wavering in the face of Elena's determination.

"In 2 DAYS AND YOU'RE PACKING FROM NOW?!" Elena exclaimed incredulously.

"Well, I've got to be well prepared," I defended with a shrug, trying to downplay the urgency of the situation.

"This will be over in less than 2 days. All I need from you is to help me identify her last known location when she disappeared and any digital data you could find linked to her disappearance. Do that for me, and you can continue with your plan," Elena bargained, her eyes pleading with urgency.

I hesitated, torn between my obligations to my family and the pressing need to help Elena solve this mystery.

"Well, you could get that from CCTV cameras and her social media, what do you need me for?" I asked, raising my voice slightly to be heard over the blaring chorus of "Passenger."

The heavy guitars and pounding drums filled the room, drowning out Elena's next words as she searched my face for a response. "Well, don't you think I tried that?" she retorted, frustration evident in her voice. "I couldn't get access to CCTV footage, and her social media revealed nothing. I need a deeper search into the digital landscape, and you're the one I trust the most with this."

"One thing is never enough for you, though. You have a way of always pulling me with you, and I really need this. My mother needs me right now. I haven't seen her since the funeral, and I cannot let her down," I said, my voice cracking with emotion.

Elena's expression softened, her eyes reflecting understanding. She reached out and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "I get it, Peter. Family comes first. But think about it, helping me could bring closure to another family who's desperate for answers."

Her words struck a chord within me, igniting a sense of duty and purpose that I couldn't ignore.

Taking a deep breath, I nodded slowly.

I grabbed a notebook and a pen, my determination solidifying as I focused on the task at hand. "I'll do it for the girl's family."

A flicker of relief crossed Elena's face, her shoulders sagging slightly as she realized I was onboard. "Thank you, Peter," she said, her voice tinged with gratitude.

"The town of Silverlake, where Emily had disappeared, was 140 miles away. It was a daunting distance, but one that felt insignificant in the face of the urgency of the situation. Little did I know, Emily wasn't the only one missing. There was a series of disappearances in Silverlake that had gone unnoticed until now."

With a shared glance, Elena and I made an unspoken agreement. We would go to Silverlake, together, to start investigating immediately.

Scene 2
As Elena and I approached the reception desk, the polished tiles of the lobby floor echoed softly beneath our steps, carrying an air of anticipation. The lobby itself exuded a quiet elegance, bathed in the soft glow of the afternoon sunlight streaming through the expansive windows. A gentle hum of activity filled the space, punctuated by the occasional rustle of papers.

The receptionist, a woman with an air of indifference, glanced up from her notebook as we approached. Her eyes, cool and assessing, swept over us before settling on Elena with a hint of curiosity. "How can I help you, dear?" she asked, her voice monotone yet tinged with a subtle edge of detachment.

Elena, undeterred by the receptionist's demeanor, greeted her with a warm smile that illuminated her features. "We're in need of a room for my friend here," she said, gesturing towards me with a nod of her head. "He'll be staying with us."

The receptionist's expression remained unchanged as she reached for another key, her movements precise and methodical. Retrieving the key, she handed it to me with a detached air. "Room 204, second floor, fourth room on the right," she repeated mechanically, her attention already drifting back to her notebook as if our presence was of little consequence.

As I accepted the key, my gaze was drawn to a striking symbol adorning the wall beside the reception desk – the Eye of Horus. Etched in gold against a backdrop of deep blue, its intricate design seemed to watch over the lobby with an enigmatic presence, casting a subtle aura of mystery over the space.

"it's all over the place in here they believe it protects them from evil" Elena shrugged, noticing my gaze lingering on the Eye of Horus.

I nodded thoughtfully, intrigued by the symbolism woven into the fabric of the hotel. "Interesting," I murmured.

With the key in hand, I turned to follow Elena as she led the way towards the staircase, the soft echo of our footsteps mingling with the hushed whispers of the hotel's guests. As we ascended the stairs.

As Elena entered the room, she immediately shed her coat and rushed to the counter, grabbing her phone. Without pause, the familiar strains of Metallica's "Master of Puppets" filled the room, blasting at an ear-splitting volume.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at Elena's predictable ritual.

"Okay, Mr. P, we have no time to waste," Elena declared over the blaring music, oblivious to my annoyance. "Grab your notebook and let's start with the case."

"Emily's disappearance was the initial focus of my investigation," Elena began, her eyes reflecting the seriousness of the matter. "According to her family, Emily was extremely close to her mother. Her life seemed to be on track, with a successful career in marketing and a new boyfriend. However, her parents didn't approve of her relationship with Matthew, citing him as a point of contention."

She paused, her gaze drifting as if searching for the right words to convey the complexity of the situation. "The police initially dismissed Emily's disappearance as a case of a young woman running away, especially since Matthew was also missing."

Elena's voice wavered slightly, betraying the weight of the uncertainty surrounding Emily's fate. "For a while, I entertained the possibility that Emily had indeed chosen to leave her life behind. But then, three days ago, another woman disappeared under similar circumstances."
"And where is Matthew?" I interjected, my mind grappling with the complexities of the case. "His friends and family filed a missing persons report on him as well. He disappeared one day before Emily. But there's no reason to think of him as a suspect, is there?"

Elena's expression darkened, mirroring the shadow of uncertainty that clouded my thoughts. "That's the perplexing part," she replied, her voice tinged with frustration. "All three people disappeared without a trace. One moment they were there, and the next... poof, disappeared as if they've been captured by ghosts."

Her words sent a chill down my spine, and I couldn't shake off the sense of foreboding that gripped me. It was as if we were peering into the abyss of the unknown, where answers remained elusive and danger lurked in the shadows.

As my mind raced, struggling to contain the torrent of thoughts swirling within, I sought desperately for patterns amidst the chaos. With furrowed brow, I turned to Elena, my voice trembling with urgency.

"Is there any connection between the third woman who disappeared and Emily or Matthew?" I inquired, grasping at straws in the hopes of unraveling the enigma before us.

Elena shook her head solemnly, her eyes reflecting the gravity of the situation. "No," she replied, her voice tinged with frustration. "The third woman is a 50-year-old, last seen exiting her workplace at the quaint bistro, La Petite Cuisine, and heading home."

The revelation sent a shiver down my spine, the realization sinking in that the disappearances were not isolated incidents but part of a larger, more sinister web of mystery. As I pondered the implications, a sense of unease settled over me, the unknown looming ominously on the horizon like a gathering storm.

"Listen, P," Elena's urgency resonated in her voice as she spoke, her words cutting through the tension in the room like a knife. "I acquired CCTV footage of Emily's last sighting, and that's what I need you for."

Without a moment's hesitation, she raced to retrieve her laptop, returning with it clutched tightly in her grasp. With a sense of urgency, she opened the device, revealing the footage of Emily walking down a seemingly ordinary square, her demeanor betraying no hint of the impending turmoil.

But then, like a sudden storm on a clear day, a police patrol car flashed across the screen, casting a shadow of doubt over the otherwise mundane scene. "That means the police have more information on Emily's last movements," I realized, a knot forming in the pit of my stomach.

In a voice tinged with frustration, Elena explained her futile attempts to obtain a statement from the police, leaving us stranded in a sea of uncertainty. It was a crucial piece of the puzzle that remained tantalizingly out of reach, teasing us with its elusiveness.

Turning to me with pleading eyes, Elena's hand reached out to grasp my arm, her wide eyes locking with mine in an unspoken plea. "I need you to secure an interview with the chief of police or any detective working the case," she implored, her voice soft but desperate. "You could still go on your awaited vacation with your mum afterward."

Her touch sparked a fire within me, "alright el I'll think of a plan but I need some rest first, maybe we could meet at the lobby after 2 hours?"

"Thank you, Peter, for real," Elena's gratitude washed over me, momentarily easing the weight of the task ahead. "Also, two hours sharp, don't be late, ey?"

I offered her a reassuring smile, my resolve firm. "I am always on time," I assured her, though a flicker of uncertainty danced behind my eyes.

"Yeah, right," Elena retorted sarcastically, her skepticism evident as she exited the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

As the door clicked shut behind her, a sense of apprehension settled over me like a heavy shroud. Contemplation mingled with reservation, and a hint of fear gnawed at the edges of my mind.
Scene 3
As Elena departed, I surveyed the room. It bore the marks of neglect, with faded wallpaper peeling at the edges and worn furniture showing signs of age. The bed, positioned against one wall, appeared tired and weathered, its mattress sagging in the middle and the sheets bearing wrinkles. Above the bed, an out-of-place symbol caught my attention once again - the Eye of Horus, its intricate design etched into a wooden plaque and mounted on the wall.

Feeling the weight of exhaustion settle upon me, I sank onto the bed, craving a moment of respite. Before I could even settle in, the insistent ring of my phone shattered the silence. With a resigned sigh, I reached for the device, noting the caller ID - it was my mother, FaceTiming me.

I answered her call, greeted by the warm glow of her smile radiating through the screen. Our exchange of greetings was laced with the gentle familiarity of mother and son.

"Hello, dear," she chimed, "So, you finally found some time to visit your old mum, did you? How kind of you."

I swallowed the lump in my throat, accustomed to the underlying reproach that often accompanied her affectionate words. "Yes, Mom," I replied, trying to mask the unease in my voice with forced cheerfulness. "I'm looking forward to spending some time with you."

Her smile widened. "Well, I'll believe it when I see it," she quipped, her words laden with a veiled challenge. "Don't keep me waiting too long now. You know how precious my time is."

"Are you calling me just to do that?" I interjected, a hint of frustration creeping into my voice.

Her brow furrowed in confusion. "Do what, dear?" she inquired innocently.

I hesitated, the words catching in my throat as I grappled with the swirling emotions inside me. "Never mind, Mom," I murmured, a wave of guilt washing over me for even entertaining the notion of confronting her.

But before I could retract my statement, her expression softened, and her voice took on a tone of vulnerability that caught me off guard. "Listen, Peter, I'm sorry," she began, her words tinged with a hint of sadness. "I just miss you. You don't call enough, and it feels like there's nothing for us to talk about. I just..."

Her voice trailed off, leaving the weight of her unspoken words hanging heavy in the air between us. In that moment, I felt a pang of sympathy for the woman on the other end of the line, grappling with her own insecurities and yearning for connection in the only way she knew how.

"I understand," I replied softly, feeling a surge of empathy. "I've been too caught up in my work, but that's why I decided to take this vacation. I've missed you too, Mom, and I really am looking forward to spending more time with you."

A genuine smile spread across my mother's face, her eyes lighting up with warmth and relief. "Oh, Peter, that's wonderful to hear!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine happiness. "I've missed you more than you know, dear. It's been too long since we've had a chance to catch up properly."

Before we could delve further into our conversation, my mother couldn't resist injecting a bit of her trademark humor. "Well, now that you're finally taking a break from work, maybe you'll have some time to find yourself a nice, not-at-all-crazy wife," she teased, a mischievous twinkle dancing in her eye.

Her playful jab elicited a hearty chuckle from me, knowing full well it was all in good fun. "We'll see, Mom," I replied with a laugh, shaking my head affectionately. "But for now, I think I'll focus on spending time with my favorite woman - you."

With a heartwarming laugh, my mother waved goodbye, her parting words carrying a hint of playful insistence. "Don't forget to keep your eyes open, Peter! You never know when Mrs. Right might come along," she quipped before ending the call, leaving me smiling at her enduring humor and unwavering love.

As she hung up, the old bed's worn embrace felt oddly inviting. I sank into its tired folds, finding unexpected comfort in its familiarity, and drifted into a well-deserved sleep.

scene 4

The sound of my alarm rang, and I half-opened my eyes, seeing only in black and white. I hit snooze and repeated the process five times until I finally woke up. I hoped Elena wouldn’t get mad at me for being late. The bed squeaked as I got up, and I hastily washed my face. As I turned on the water tap, I noticed water droplets leaking from the sides.

"Jeez, this place needs serious renovations," I muttered to myself.

I walked to the lobby, only to meet Elena.

"Hi, El," I said, bracing myself for Elena to scold me for my lateness.

"Hello, Peter," she replied in a low voice. She seemed to be staring at a void behind me, her face expressionless and still. I took a step closer to her.

"El, you okay? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, all is good. Uhm, weren't you supposed to leave for a trip to see your mom?"

"Well, yeah, in two days. I'll help you with this thi—" I began, confusion visible on my face, but Elena interrupted me. Her voice was firm, yet she avoided making eye contact.

"No, Peter, it's fine. I've thought about it, and I don't need your help anymore. You can go."

"I am not your toy, Elena. You can't just make me travel with you and then ask me to leave before I even get the chance to do anything," I snapped, my anger blinding me to the obvious. There was something Elena was hiding, and I needed to be calm to understand what was going on.

I tried to salvage the situation by apologizing and reassuring her that I was by her side, but it was too late. Elena's eyes welled up with tears. "I'm sorry, but please, Peter, leave. Go on your trip," she said, storming out of the lobby.

As she left, I noticed a necklace with the Eye of Horus dangling around her neck. Why does Elena wear this, and why is this place filled with an ancient Egyptian symbol? I froze, unsure of what to do. As I ran after Elena, desperation gnawed at my insides. She wasn't in front of the lobby anymore. I hopped into my car and started scouring the streets, telling myself she couldn't have gone too far.

I drove down every street, checked every alley, but Elena was nowhere to be found. Panic rose within me, and my breath quickened as I frantically tried to contact her, only to find her phone out of service.

Finally, I parked in front of an old bar. It was midnight by now, and the place was bustling with people. As I entered, I was greeted by a middle-aged man with a full beard. "Hey, newcomer, welcome to the Allure Bar," he slurred, his breath heavy with alcohol. He introduced himself as Michael Convivial, the owner of the bar, and offered me a shot on the house since it was my first time there.

"I didn't come here for the drinks," I said, the song 'What Am I to You' playing softly in the background. I showed him a photo of Elena, and he instantly recognized her, laughing as he muttered something I couldn't quite catch.

"That crazy girl who still hopes," he said, his speech slurred. He mentioned that he last saw her two days ago.

As I stepped out of the bar and headed towards my car, a ping from my phone startled me. It was a message from an unknown ID, accompanied by a chilling photo. In it, Elena lay unconscious, her Eye of Horus necklace smashed beside her. The caption sent shivers down my spine: "Listen to Elena, outsider. Get out of Silverlake and don't get involved in a fight you've got nothing to do with."

Dread washed over me as I stared at the image, my mind racing with questions.

As my fingers moved almost of their own accord, typing out a message, my mind raced with a mixture of fear and determination.

"I don't know who you are, but I will soon, and I will make you pay," I wrote, my fingers trembling slightly as I pressed send. "You've made it personal by kidnapping Elena, and I won't let you hurt her even more, you hear me?!"

Tears welled up in my eyes as I stared at the screen. I never knew I cared for Elena this deeply until this moment. The thought of her in danger filled me with a sense of fierce protectiveness, driving me to do whatever it takes to bring her back safely.
submitted by mohamedwafa to KeepWriting [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:43 AlexaPomegranate This is an older post but I feel like it still applies today. Women should feel safe to come forward if they’ve ever faced abuse of any kind.

This is an older post but I feel like it still applies today. Women should feel safe to come forward if they’ve ever faced abuse of any kind. submitted by AlexaPomegranate to Scott_Wern_Snark [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:10 Independent_Sell_588 This is the only sub I feel safe in.

Just had to leave the relationship subreddit. I saw a post where an almost 40 y.o. woman said that she made a porn when she was 18 and wasn't sure whether to tell her husband. I commented and said it was sad that she was put in a situation to be exploited right out of high school and that if her husband was caring and empathetic, he would understand the situation she was in and would forgive her.
Of course, I got downvoted to shit for taking an anti-porn stance. Someone agreed with me saying the porn industry was predatory and I responded by agreeing and stating that they take advantage of young girls who don't understand the consequences of what they're doing. Got downvoted again.
Saw another comment that said "unless your husband watches porn of 18 year old girls then there shouldn't be problem" followed by replies of men stating that they were proud of watching teenagers in porn and it's something that most straight men do.
I literally am so sick to my stomach and disgusted. I think my comment got downvoted for one of two reasons:
  1. men believe sex workers do not deserve forgiveness despite them being porn addicts and fueling SW's line of work with their consumption
  2. men don't believe that the porn industry takes advantage of young girls and are 100% ok with children being exploited.
And also....
  1. men are proud of flaunting their addiction and will openly admit to getting turned on by watching an 18 year old get raped.
What. the. fuck. I'm not shocked because this is Reddit just disgusted by how many disgusting men are blind to how porn affects women. They literally don't care. To them, even if they were forced or coerced into doing porn, the woman is an evil whore forever and ever but they'll continue to jack off to her vids or other porn star vids.
One of the biggest problems on Reddit is the utter porn brain rot and this is the ONLY sub that doesn't include that BS. I'm just so disappointed in humanity now that I'm realizing the true effects of porn.
submitted by Independent_Sell_588 to PornIsMisogyny [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 21:49 lets-get-it-14 Fellas, women as a group aren’t to blame for dating culture in the US

This has been an ongoing discussion in this sub, and I want to start it up again and pontificate a bit. I expect some hate for this, but I’m genuinely curious to hear what’s others think about this topic and I find writing cathartic to process my thoughts. So here it goes:
One thing that grinds my gears about this sub (and I know it’s an issue for other participants) is the lambasting of western women.
I really think that whole “men vs. women” culture war is so fucking stupid, and one of the greatest blessings of getting out of the US is leaving that bullshit culture war behind.
Just to be very clear, when I read comments or stories here about the frustrations and deep dissatisfaction with finding a good life partner in the US, I am in agreement with all of you here. Hell, my first or second post in this sub is doing exactly that, and it was cathartic as hell to write that. So you can say I’m a hypocrite in this post and wouldn’t be wrong, but I think I’ve processed a lot of those feelings from several months ago which led me to here.
The gist of that post is that I don’t like dating in the US. I don’t realistically see myself falling in love with an American girl ever again. I don’t like how I’ve been treated, and it feels like my eyes have been opened since dating abroad. And I still feel that way.
But I’ve changed my tune now where I really think it’s not “American/western women are the worst”, it’s more that US culture is rotten at its core, and this goes for both men and women. It extends beyond dating even into friendships. Not only are the toxic behaviors exhibited by women in our dating culture encouraged by our society as a whole, but plenty of men in the US exhibit their own toxic dating behaviors that aren’t discussed in this sub which makes the conversations here seem very biased and close-minded to outsiders.
My main thesis is that people in our (US) society are hyper-consumerist, entitled, hyper-individualistic, close-minded, chase instant gratification, and lack critical thinking and emotional regulation skills.
And for me, personally, I just can’t have a life partner like that, and the pickings in the US are so slim compared to everywhere else in the world I’ve been in regard to what I’m searching for in a life partner.
I know many awesome women in the US, and these are people who are kind, sweet, physically attractive, friendly, and not hateful towards men. They are objectively fine people that I can vibe with and can rely on their friendship, but that doesn’t necessarily make them a good life partner for me.
On the contrary, I also know plenty of dudes who are bums, burnouts, assholes, disrespectful, emotionally immature, and toxic. Again, I can play hockey with these guys or just vibe at a party, but I can see why my aforementioned female friends and family are frustrated in their dating life, and they improperly process it and express it with a toxic “men ain’t shit” mentality.
My main message is that if you’re feeling angry or frustrated, particularly by how you’ve been treated in your dating life in the US, then try your best to let it go. That’s what I’ve been trying to do these past few months and with this post. There are places in the world that are a better cultural fit for you, your values, and your lifestyle. As much as people will try to scream and shriek and accuse you of sex tourism or exploiting impoverished societies, as long as you adhere to your values, don’t partake in those activities, and always treat people with respect, then you will always know that what they say is not true. Hold your head high, don’t get overly emotional, and stand your ground when challenged.
Don’t let the shit they fling eat away at you and make you adopt a toxic mentality akin to that of the girls who treated you that way. Try to take distance and look at it without letting your personal experiences dominate your entire viewpoint or get too emotional, and consider others’ perspectives with an open mind. It’s easier said than done, but you will feel so much better and find that conversations on the topic of dating a lot more productive and less toxic.
submitted by lets-get-it-14 to thepassportbros [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:30 Wild_Cellist9861 Gamers Break Away [GBA]

My fellow gamers, for too long has our community suffered the indignation of an intolerable culture that has denigrated, besmirched, exploited, and has outright demonized our culture of unique individuals with a genuine love of a hobby that they see as profitable and progressive. They have taken beloved IP’s (Intellectual Properties) and twisted them into their own personal ideological crusade of undermining and humiliating the core aspects of characters they deemed as “Toxic” or “White Supremacy”. Through the guise and protection of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity) & ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) they have used our influence in the entertainment industry to push their narratives and agendas that have stigmatized our culture with numerous anti-consumer practices that they call “being progressive”. But the truth of the matter is they were never really looking to be a part of our community, they simply wanted to use our community as a tool of activism and propaganda in the entertainment industry as it was extremely profitable, and they wanted inclusion in that division. Ever since GamerGate & Female Frequency, we have had to endure the incursion of forced ideologies, xenophobic behaviors and inferior overpriced products that have never been in our best interest and have been flat out disgraceful towards foreign media.
Before Gaming had become a major source of entertainment, we were often categorized as anti-social or societies rejects where because we found more enjoyment in playing fictional characters and not spending as much time out and about, we never fully assimilated in society (which is a good thing if you ask me). From 1998 to 2007, at the height of innovation, creativity and production, Gaming had reached a golden age in which it had revolutionized society. Hollywood Execs who had ruined the movie industry turned their attention to video games as a source of income since video games had outperformed movies in terms of profit. No one was concerned about gaming, much less diversity or inclusivity until it became profitable. This makes people like SBI look extremely disingenuous as they were not interested in gamers as a community with its own culture. They simply wanted to use it as another weapon in identity politics.
Microtransactions; the hidden enemy to gamer progress and inducer to mental laziness of our community. Microtransactions have been around for a long time; however, it has never been more potent and apparent than in recent years. It has aided in the dismantling and segregation of players on the ideology of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and has created another sub-culture of gamers who have no real drive to be better outside of how much money they put into the game. This has degraded our culture as well as we have become “fat” off transactional gaming but at the same time we have been “starved” of purposeful gaming where our achievements were our sustenance. I am not saying that microtransactions are bad, but when they are exploitative and predatorial like they have been and don’t give gamers room to grow, we become lethargic and unwilling to improve ourselves as gamers. Oversaturated microtransactional games are one of the many reasons why we have become complacent and unwilling to fight against the exploitative tactics used by big brand game companies such EA, Ubisoft, ActivisionBlizzard, NaughtyDog and so many other western business model companies. Western style games were not like this in the past, they had much more depth and actual effort put into them with the gamer in mind. This has not been the case for over a decade and our connection to western developers has been whittled down to just being transactional. That is one of the reasons why you see so many remasters and remakes in today’s gamer community. They have lost their willingness to improve as developers of games and simply accept corporate/share holder rules.
Game journalists also do not have any real integrity or purpose outside of being funded for their involvement in promoting IPG (Identity Political Games) in a positive light to the public whether it’s positively received or not. They are not interested in what we have to say, they all support the same agenda and that is why they are a dying breed. Within the next couple of years, they will be out of the job and more than likely they will not be able to stay in the industry giving how they have responded to past articles that have clearly been scripted on the premise of diversity and racism. Not only that, but most of them are also extremely hostile to the community as they stereotype and defame the individuals that are a part of the community they are supposed to serve. We have been mentally liberated from their lies and coercive tactics as we tend to laugh at their obvious attempt at virtue signaling while hiding their misdoings so that they can play the victim.
My gamer brothers & sisters, I would not suggest the following action that we must take now without good cause. I have weighed our options and the best option for us now is this…...CULTURAL SECESSION. Naturally this is a form of segregation where they would more than likely claim they are being segregated by the dominant culture of the gaming community but that is incorrect. For years now we have been the ones who are often marginalized and ostracized for the smaller portion of our community. And when we aren’t, we’re exploited for more funds so that these companies can stay in business only to subject us to low quality products that coincide with the “WOKE Agenda” that are often huge expenses to these big brands i.e. AAA/AAAA games that will eventually flop for its obvious forced diversity and bug infested product which will undoubtedly piss off the consumer to the point of wanting a refund. Losing copious amounts of capital and stock in the process, not to mention their reputation is permanently marred.
We must separate on every cultural level in terms of entertainment and ideology. We must reject everything from the west that promotes toxic western beliefs, practices, and exclusion from other cultures (i.e. Southeastern Countries such as Japan and Korea). Japan & Korea have been the targets of unjust discrimination from Western Developers, Western Journalists, Western Localizers (The Wokelizers) and Western Society Prejudice regarding their sense of aesthetics as Westerners hate the aesthetic sense of these countries. The reason why they resort to such base tactics isn’t just because it weaponizes the ideal female form but it’s also because they have deep-seated insecurities about their own looks so when they see attractive female characters, they use terms such as “unrealistic” or “hypersexualized” to establish the moral high ground. But the truth is, they want to feel superior to that which is ideal, so they insult and dehumanize this figure that portrays natural female beauty because they see it as an insult to their own social superiority in what they believe is a hierarchy of them being at the top of all other women. Because of this and so many contributing factors, their movies flop harder than the Fat Chocobo landing on a group of enemies and their games seismically fail just as much if not more. We must sever our connection to Western Developers, Publishers, and ALL Western-Centric Entertainment for they seek to mentally enslave us to their Xenophobic ideology.
Let’s define Western Culture and its traits. Western Culture/Society is composed of more than several different ideologies that work in unison with one another to facilitate dominance over multiple aspects of society. Business, Social, Political, Technological, and sometimes even Global Affairs are affected by these ideologies that portray a specific mindset of Western beliefs. What are those ideologies you ask?
Official Wiki GamerGate Page)

Asmongold Clips.




These traits are so nefarious and unconscionable that I have a hard time believing that anyone could harbor them. However, given the social, political, and economic climate that we are in, those in power who use their influence on controlling society most definitely possess these insidious traits. Everything that they do is all about control and since video games are the biggest market in the world, they want control over it and the communities built around it to accrue more wealth and to use that wealth to subjugate other cultures. Mainstream media is a tool as well as mainstream organizations and sites to help accomplish this goal.
The government recently announced its intentions towards what they believe is “GamerGate 2.0” and now even the ADL has made an official appearance, referring to gamers as “extremist’s”. We know EXACTLY what they are doing, and they aren’t even trying to hide it anymore because they don’t think we are aware of their motives. This is just a pretext for them to exert even more control and we know why, it’s because they want the influence we as a community have to must serve them. So here is what we do my fellow gamers-
“In light of recent events and years of mainstream stigma, we the members of the Global Gaming Community [GGC] must officially renounce ALL TIES to the corporate western video game market. We have been financially exploited through predatorial monetization schemes, pelted with numerous articles of disdain and intentional misrepresentation from game journalists, news outlets regarding us as dangerous individuals and, even subjected to inferior products not only riddled with bugs but also products meant to push political agendas. For the preservation of our community and its unique culture, apart from a few select game development studios we officially sever all connections to western owned video game companies & their mainstream affiliates. From this point onward, we will no longer support western corporate developers, journalists and publishers that do not coincide with the goals of our community.”
Naturally this is completely optional. If you are okay with the state of the gaming community as it is, feel free to ignore this. But if you wish for real change and a break away from oversaturated monetization in the games you play and the push for radical ideological reform, then you are in the right place. Lets sever these rotted miasmic ties once and for all so that our community can be preserved and made better for future gamers. If you agree with this, share it with whoever you think might be interested. The more gamers who get involved, the easier it will be for us to finally break free from mainstream game companies and their associates.
submitted by Wild_Cellist9861 to United_Gamer_Front [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:13 AcceptablePapaya184 If a reader or hermit had these powers how powerful would they be and which pathway do it benefit more ?

Essence Of The Magus. (Nasuverse) • It's a beautiful multicolored liquid that, despite everything, keeps changing to new and innovative colors never seen before, it's very mysterious. • You have a natural body, this means that you are the pinnacle of what the human body has to offer in all its shapes and sizes, you are beautiful and as time goes by those traits will only improve, whether you want the strong beauty of muscles or the very delicacy and fragility of a lily, this will be inclined to your desires and requests, so you will undoubtedly be beautiful to your own preferences and desires, even affect the color of your hair or how your eyes will be, and all this without lowering the capabilities of the human body, with reflexes and senses superior to anyone else, your body is the pinnacle and is always improving to reach new heights, this will always be naturally so no one will suspect anything, everything is decided if you want to stay as you are or become the summit of the body of the human being. • You will always be seen in full elegance, maintaining unparalleled grace and balance, you could be associated with a machine before such a detailed display of pinpoint accuracy, you are graceful and gifted with an overwhelming presence and unmatched charisma, expect to have many admirers unless you voluntarily turn it off or mitigate it, and if you consciously use it to its full force don't expect there will be anyone with enough willpower to resist you, you are nobility in every concept of the word, maybe you will get some title like Lorelei Barthomeloi and her title of 'The Queen Of The Clock Tower' or 'The Queen' for short. • Furthermore, you have what would poetically be called 'The Will To Shatter The Stars'. There is no difficulty, no degree of opposition and no level of pain or suffering that can intimidate your intentions, once you make up your mind about something. You can do this all day long and never stop doing it, except by your own conscious choice. Forget mere 'maximum human' willpower, you are absolutely unbreakable. While remaining mentally flexible enough to not be a stubborn idiot, of course. • Your body can not be infected by any being, supernatural or not, you can not be controlled or damaged by both mental and spiritual means, your body is an immovable fortress, your mind to a library masterfully ordered and maintained, your soul is a perpetual sanctuary you can repeat as many times the change of body as Roa or do something with worms as Zouken and your soul will remain the same, you could say that it is a perfect soul for sorcery, beware, the third magic will be and will remain better by far, your soul is something that will remain the same in the face of the most extreme things, but it is not the true immortality that is the third magic, unless you dedicate your research skills to change that. • Mentally, you are able to modify and alter your mind, you can program your mind to react to whatever you want however you want, leaving mental triggers to move before they react is possible, molding it to create a disguise of some different personality is possible, you can even affect their feelings achieving a masterful mask, creating a state with a completely different personality and state of mind is easy, in case you are not sure how to mold your mind without changing you can leave safety countermeasures to go back to any previous state, if a certain thought or situation happens, you are a magician and as such, your masks to fool others are the best, if you use them wisely you could be in your best state to fight or go into a disguise that even Sherlock himself could not discover, this will not affect your will, and you cannot end up as a brain-dead fool by accident, unless that is your disguise. • A little advice, stay away from the eyes of Atlas, those alchemists will see the holy grail or the root itself, if they get to know what kind of body type you have, you will be a very wet dream for any of their researchers, they even have a motto that fits. “It's easy to get into Atlas, but impossible to get out.” • If I were you, I'd be careful with the gods, a body like yours would have them drooling or hating you, it's funny how you don't know which one is worse, it all depends on which gods notice you, god forbid, the Greeks, although they might not even come close because they're admiring you. • The reason for a mind like you have, is to hide the default personality you have as a magus, a cold being, without morals or ethics, who can do anything, this part of you will make the machines see you as the typical sentimental people, it doesn't take much to scare people in that state, people will wonder what the hell you are, what kind of being is hiding under that disguise of flesh you call skin, you can always change it if you want, although you can always hide it, your mind can never be taken advantage of by anyone other than you. • You can choose to have the potential to have true magic, you decide if you only want one or all five in total, you can decide if you want to reach them through research, that being the case you can get creative about how you carry out your research to play true magic, and, it can help you later, this is more of an option than anything else, if you want, you can appear as a user of the five true magics, although it is not said that there will be no questions of how the hell did that happen, you have a complete control of the true magics, and you know both its maximum capabilities and the smallest details about its operation. • The first magic “Denial Of Nothingness”: The first true magic, known as “The Denial Of Nothingness”, is related to the generation of an ether clusters, this includes the creation of matter and energy from nothing and the total destruction of matter and energy in nothing, the clusters of ether are conductors of magical energy. • The second magic “Kaleidoscope”: The second true magic, known as the ”Kaleidoscope” or the “Parallel Worlds Operation”, this includes traveling to alternate worlds, time travel, space-time manipulation and the ability to decide whether timelines are 'canon' or not, you can be creative how you use this, it's not too far-fetched to overlay different dimensions to play with the environment or use unlimited energy from all your universe versions to make a giant energy cannon, the only thing that What stops you is the creativity of how you could use it, you will have to be attentive because interacting with the dimensions and being able to observe everything that the multiverse can be, it can be a bit maddening, you will be protected in any way, but do not expect it to be a very happy, the dimensions have some that can make any person quite crazy, just look how his previous bearer was with the magical girls. • The third magic “Heaven's Feel”: The Third True Magic, known as the “Touch Of Heaven” or the “Manifestation Of The Soul”. This stops the inevitable dispersal of the soul once it no longer has an anchor in the world, and essentially causes it to transcend into a higher form of existence. It is a magic that realizes true immortality by turning the soul into a flat, high-dimensional being capable of interacting with the material world as a mental body without having to return to Akasha. The Sorcerer will acquire an unlimited source of magical energy because his soul becomes analogous to a perpetual motion machine, just like the previous ones, creativity will help you a lot, although with this who needs creativity when you are truly immortal, enjoy ~. • As a certain person said, I wish I had finished in the third, too bad it didn't happen • The fourth magic “White Ink”: The Fourth True Magic, known as the “White Ink”, in another universe the fourth magic is unknown, but how would you go about selecting a magic without knowing all your options? The fourth is based on the manifestation, manipulation, and alteration of concepts, you could alter the concept of water so that it burns instead of splashing (He, he, he) or you can very well create your own urban legend and add the concept 'real' to it, despite the tremendous power that you can still have to be careful, every being is sensitive, even reality itself, so press hard and don't expect to come out very well, you are powerful, but not invincible, keep that in mind, an example would be the previous user of the fourth magic that in an attempt to erase the concept of the fourth magic ended up being erased, it failed to eliminate the fourth magic, but the world ended up forgetting its capabilities due to certain parts that were erased. (Credit goes to AcausalTrillby at fanfiction.net for the inspiration with his story called White Ink) • The fifth magic “Blue Magic”: The Fifth True Magic, known as the “Blue Magic” allows free manipulation of energy/heat without worrying about the order imposed by the arrow of time of thermodynamics (represented by the Second Law), and, thus leading in particular to time manipulation, as opposed to relativistic time travel, Aoko Aosaki managed to affect space-time with this magic, and you can too if you put your mind to it, just be careful you don't want to extinguish life on earth, right? • “The Sixth True Magic”: Currently non-existent, a path to the Root will be granted. You can get close to him, but you must not touch him. By doing so, you will gain access to a new True Magic. It is speculated that the Sixth True Magic might be a magic that can bring happiness to everyone. This may or may not be the case. The magic has to be something unattainable by mundane or thaumaturgical means, as long as those criteria are met you can create the sixth magic, since you are creating something new and not reusing the five magics, this will be the one with which you connect the most, don't get me wrong, if you choose any of the other five, you will have no limits or problems when handling it, in fact you could take it to heights never seen before, only this being your creation, you will be more connected and you, and only you will be the person capable of using it, you are the creator of the sixth magic be proud. • Note something, the first, and fifth are similar in that a path to the root, an Akasha gate, originated and magic was obtained upon its arrival, while the second, third, and fourth were produced as a half to get to that place, however insignificant it may sound to some, this has its own weight in how your magic interacts with you, you may be able to touch or see the path to the Root, or you may try to recreate the means to reach the Root, be careful with that, people smarter than you tried, and they didn't end very well. • It can be said that magicians have become the adversaries of the planet, and by having magic, as redundant as it sounds, you have become a magician, something that the human mind would not normally be able to carry as a burden. Carrying such a power is the recklessness of changing the world, as such, from the moment you obtain true magic, you are destined to go through great things or most likely to affect the entire world, whether the change is good or bad, it will depend on what you decide. • Becoming a magician is something that must be thought carefully, it is a mantle, and it is raw power that will undoubtedly affect how you see the world or how the world sees you, you are entering forbidden territory for human hands, it is the land of gods, so unless you want to fight against gods or planets, think about it a bit before making your choice, and of course, you have some duties with humanity, it's not mandatory, but you can at least look at them once or twice, so they don't get killed or end up committing suicide. • You can grant one magic per person by creating five or six wizards who will be loyal to you until death, you can remove that magic whenever you want and however you want, although at least tell them what you are giving them, you do not want extradimensional accidents or extinction of life on earth, you can always decide to ignore this advice and have fun with the results. • You are by far the most talented and predisposed being to magic, your talent, ingenuity, and creativity have no comparison, your sense, and intuition regarding magecraft is undoubtedly superior, your mind has a library with all the magical knowledge of the entire verse from TYPE-MOON, whatever reality it is, it can be a bit overwhelming, but you get used to it, god forbid you can follow in the footsteps of Lorelei and focus on basic magecraft or some specific theme and develop it so much that you become the Bruce Lee of magic with 'Repeat a kick a thousand times', of course with your talent that can reach true magic levels very quickly, with any magic. • You can connect and adapt to any existing thaumaturgical foundation, yes, that includes the church, this would allow you to use any existing spell as long as you are connected to the foundation of that respective spell, be it sorcery, from Chinese philosophy magecraft, traditional Japanese magecraft and of course the one practiced by the clock tower, there is no foundation that you do not know and to which you cannot connect, if you do not like any, you can create your own thaumaturgical foundation with the rules and implications that you want and although technically it would be impossible, your own willpower is enough to maintain that foundation, if you decide to make that foundation your primary method of practicing magic, with your willpower involved, believe me, there will be no end to how strong you can become, and that applies to every foundation you connect to, you can revive a foundation on the verge of death to its best moment and take it to something much better. • Established and long-standing foundations will be more likely to connect and improve, they may not be as versatile, focusing only on their field as the church that is dedicated to something more spiritual, so be aware that you would spend a lot of time and resources originating a new foundation that connecting and empowering an existing one, each one has its cons and its pluses. • As a great magus you don't always have to depend on a large mound of magic circuits for everything, you can use the quantifiable energy of the Soul; the pseudo-spiritrons to design organisms or stronger objects, as the alchemists of Atlas do, you can also be like hackers and enter the network practicing their code-cast method, whenever you cannot or do not want to use your magic circuits you will find another way to practice sorcery, very well you can practice some method of “Walk and Breathe” to try to become a Xian, whatever method you choose you can take it to unimaginable heights without relying on your magic circuits, and with your talent you can do wonders. • It is true that you can work without magic circuits, you could very well become the best spell caster without even using them even once in your life, but it is better to use every resource you have and magic circuits are part of those resources, your circuits are special, unique in its kind, you will start with fifty magic circuits “Blue Bloods: Noble Magic Circuits”, being the best of the best, what differentiates it from the others is that your magic circuits are improved and shaped the more you use them, these circuits they will grow, improve and multiply, the very environment where you are will affect them and will affect their growth, they may become a “Magic Nucleus” or for some strange reason a “Magic Reactor”, there is also the possibility of becoming “Regression to the Age of Gods”. Allowing you to reproduce the existing mysteries before the age of man, it is certain that they will become what you want and that they will continually improve, in case they are damaged, or you do not have magic circuits they will begin to sprout or self-repair always looking for a way to advance, they may even be influenced by your origin. • As you have undoubtedly noticed, your magic circuits are not natural, this will not affect your form of sorcery in any negative way, who knows, you may reach some level higher than “Blue Bloods: Noble Magic Circuits” magic circuits are used to connect to the thaumaturgical foundation, you will see a rapid adaptation and improvement, the more you use them with a specific foundation, maybe even adopt some characteristics of said foundation. • You can create magic circuits through research and development and implant them in a host, but such a thing would be for someone else, because yours are already on their way to the best of the best. • This also affects how much magical energy you use, to make a comparison, the average mage has 20 units of magical energy, Ciel had 5000 units, you have 10000, and it will always improve according to your magic circuits, as a respected magus you must have enough energy to sustain any research or spell you want. • You can change your origin, it is true that the origin is the starting point that defines one's existence and directs one's actions throughout life. It is the driving force that comes from within the Root, which has managed to sprout from the Source and take material form, but you can change it, unlike other people you can trace your origin to the Root and exchange it for something that is more convenient, ok to see changes, so you will have to be careful, but at least you can change it for anything you want, be it creature, emotion or concept, you can even keep several at the same time, although you would have to be careful, the origin may end waking up if you swap it too much or if you have several, and they manage to sync up, you're a never-before-seen case, so crazy things can happen. • If a person ends up awakening their Origin, it becomes nearly impossible to deviate from their Origin, if even possible in the first place. It becomes an impulsive behavior that one would follow as if it were an absolute order, it has to be taken into account that if you achieved such a thing you would gain superhuman abilities according to your origin, the defense mechanism that you have will save you at some point after awakening your origin, the defense mechanism returns your origin to its state before waking up, you can program it so that it takes days or months to put your origin to sleep again, keep that in mind, the origin has to be treated with care. • Element, the elements are somewhat easier to deal with and without as much danger as the origins, by default you are an average with the five elements, fire, water, earth, air, and ether and just as before you can exchange and modify them to your liking it is better not to overlap an exaggerated number of elements, but at least you are not in as much danger as with the origins, the element is the type of magic with which you are more predisposed and which one you are better at, it should be noted that different cultures handle in different ways the elements, so there is a variety of elements with the same name, you will have to be more specific when changing the element. • The elements are not so rigid when it comes to making magecraft, if we put as an example that you have water as an element and that you want to learn spells more inclined with fire, you can, but it will cost more, although that is not your case, it should also be remembered that the elements are more than the name of said element itself, water is the fluidity and control of liquids, the other elements are something similar, only with their own peculiarities, there are elements as unique as sword or hollow, so who knows What things can you achieve if you start being creative. • Origins and elements are connected, so if you have the same origin and the same element, you will notice that your magic will have a boost on anything bordering on that field, although you run the risk of over-specializing, an example would be demon origin and demon element, you will find that you could do spectacular things with demonology, although you won't be able to do much with any kind of sorcery not associated with demons. • You are an artist when it comes to creating things, you would fit very well with Atlas, just like them, you are able to create things that could bring about the destruction of the world seven times, there is no limit in what you are able to build, from mystical supergiant codes like the “Foundation of Philosophy” up to the seven weapons of Atlas, it would be possible within your capabilities to start theorizing how to create Noble Phantasms or recreate them, very well you can do like the hikikomori of Caubac and create your own holy scriptures, or you can be like Zelretch troll and create items about magical girls or whatever you prefer, you can create the philosophical keys or magical crests or create something new based on it. • Theoretically, you are able to build anything shown in TYPE-MOON that is supernatural, and this includes everything from a simple pistol to the MOON CELL itself, and always with the ability to innovate, improve, or create something entirely new. • The “Philosophy Foundation” generated by the Xian in the land of China is essentially a simulation of an artificial Root. The Xians worked together as a group to build it. Instead of connecting to the Root using the gods as a relay, as civilizations in the Age of Gods did, the Xian produced their system of magic by building a Supergiant Mystic Code that merges with the planet. That is the Philosophy Foundation. • You are able to break down any magic you see or theorize into its most basic components, you may very well be called the second coming of Waver, for what you can do, with your talents it would not be difficult to dissect any magic you see down to its most basic concepts, being able to recreate it if you decide to do such a thing, you can always see ways to improve or modify it, but there is no magic that you don't see that you don't understand. • It has been said that anything magecraft can do technology can do and vice versa, you understand that principle well, you are capable of achieving anything science achieves through magecraft, any technology you see will only give you new and innovative ideas to achieve it through magecraft. • An example would be Apollo 11, you can imitate such a thing with magecraft, a space teleportation to reach the moon or some strange chimera that can take you, to know if you can do something else with astrology, true magic may end up dying, but magecraft it will be maintained and will continue to advance as long as you exist and science exists. • A magus is a scholar above all else, as a magus your main skill will be the investigation of sorcery in order to get to the root, you are a born investigator knowing every detail of the book by heart, a slight passing glance is enough to remember it whenever you want without need at a second glance, and not only that, you understand them to their very core, anything you don't know, you only need to investigate it to learn, as a researcher your handwriting will be relentless, your notes will be the finer details, and you can always do a thesis about a thousand and one ways to get to the root, you know for shit and giggles. • You unconsciously organize your work space, you will not be the typical researcher with your head in the clouds and with a workshop more messy than your room, no, your workshop is a perfect example of order, organized to the millimeter without you realizing it, this is also gone to all your jobs, no leaving dangerous things lying around unprotected or having all your tools dirty and messy, you know what they say, a tidy space is a safe space, and you have exemplary security. • You are a good teacher, you see the talent of people, their potential, and you can show that by bringing out all that talent, just like Waver you are an exceptional teacher when it comes to teaching, even the dumbest and most talentless person can become even a Lord, a person with real talent and a good head on his shoulders can very well get to Marshall just like Zelretch and Lorelei, of course as long as he listens to your lessons. • In addition to research you can focus your skills to develop many elements in any field you choose, on top of that you will never see any unwanted side effects or stalling your research, you see possibilities in mistakes, small delays in full stalls of a sorcery, potential in drawbacks, every mistake, bump, or snag in your eyes will become a possibility that may very well take your research to new heights. • Example: you can focus on martial arts, create something like the Nanaya killing arts, even recreate the Nanaya arts themselves, use pre-existing martial arts to give them mystical effects, it's very viable, you can create your own mystical martial arts. Assessing an enemy in the middle of a fight is easy for you, developing countermeasures against him or finding weaknesses you can exploit (If you have “The Mystic Eyes Of Death Perception” or something similar, you can find new lines of death or develop them in your enemy yourself) there is no field in which you cannot apply your talents. • Optionally, you can create a workshop, a workshop is a place where the magus carry out their research, it is a sacred place that any self-respecting magus will never let anyone enter, yours is impenetrable and untouchable, unless you allow it, at first you can design it inside as you like either as some ancient place of study or as a modern laboratory, your workshop is a subspace between dimensions, impossible for any being to find, no matter where you go you can access to your workshop from anywhere, be it places as remote as the bottom of the ocean, some forest, or desert forgotten by the hand of God or space itself, you just have to call it the way you want, a door will open where you can enter, you can modify this entrance as you want, needing a key or only access from a certain door when you want, and always having the flexibility so that you can modify it to your g you. • Your workshop has books on every possible sorcery and various ways to implement it, even notes for a beginner to practice little by little and build slowly, along with manuals and various articles for learning, it also has information on magus policy or data from the world both known and not, there is a lot of knowledge that will serve you, and not all of it is necessarily sorcery, at your option, all of TYPE-MOON's knowledge can be here in book formats or any other form you want, the workshop It will have any material or tool you require, and just like before it ranges from the most exotic never thinkable to the most normal, after spending that material it will recharge regularly, so you never have to worry about running out of resources. • In case you want something different, you can create your own workshop in the way you want, building both its defenses and places where you will store your knowledge and carry out your research, when you finish, the construction will gain the same benefits as if you had it. Given, these are undetectable and impenetrable. • Your workshop is a place for any outside creature not to enter and for anything inside not to leave, the workshop is something that you can change to your liking both in appearance, space and time, you can even change concepts within your own workshop, convert your ceiling a gateway to space, so you can admire any star from near or far, you can't be harmed inside your own workshop so the vacuum of space or the sun's rays would do little or nothing to you. • A magician walks with death, you among the many magus out there, you are sensitive to danger, you know very well when something can go wrong, you detect it like a bloodhound, whether it is a migraine, a slight smell or daring visions of the mirrors of what could go wrong, whatever method you choose, you know something will go wrong, and you know what will cause it, there is no longer any danger of experiments or ambushes, your sense of danger will alert you whenever death is near you, there will be no moments either late or too early, this gives you the right time, and also something of how to go out, there is nothing impossible to avoid death here. • You can leave marks on people so that they also notify you if they are in danger, you decide if the same person is aware of the danger or not. • You can say if you want to be like Akiha Tohno and I will become a half-breed with the blood of some mythical or supernatural beast, this will give you certain unique abilities depending on the blood you decide, it will also give you a stronger connection to the mystery, your instincts will be controllable and will not cause any problem, although they can always be useful, it is always curious to know what those senses perceive that is not detectable by humans. • Optionally, you can decide if you want to do some research to fully become that creature, an example being becoming a dead apostle like Gransurg Blackmore did. • You can give people mythical blood if you want to do something with it, you can always control them and take that power away from them if they rebel. • Despite the fact that many magus dislikes it, politics is present within their society, you are the one who governs that, words are an art that you master, you are the best, it is simple to deceive or convince people, you know how people think. People, you know what they want, you know how to guide their thoughts or group a group of people with certain ideas, you know by heart every law, every line, every letter of every word and every political loophole that you can take advantage of with all that, move in the world politician, it's not very difficult, you control it well, you can be considered a control demon for how well you handle everything. • If you don't want to touch politics, that's fine, you know enough to move in society, it's simple to fake smiles or emotions, deceiving people is second nature, making them believe that you are like them, without any problem and with a normal life it's surprisingly easy, if you don't want to fool anyone that's fine, just with the security you show you would eventually have some group of trustworthy friends. • Sometimes it is difficult to know if a decision is good, until after seeing what happens, not for you, the decisions you make, are made under detailed scrutiny, your decisions will no longer have the doubt of whether you did it right, and even if for some strange reason some bad decision goes through your detailed study, you will have a sixth sense that will constantly warn you not to choose it, it will be your decision after that. • If ever it is not enough to stick to the laws, you know how to do everything in a more criminal way, blackmail, extortion, threaten, etc. you know every dirty trick in the book, in fact you wrote the book, you know it backwards and forwards, the underworld has its own laws, and you know them like the back of your hand, your very well can create your own mafia and promote it by the underworld, and when it's not enough to talk, well, it's an easier way to just permanently eliminate every person or group that opposes, not that anyone finds out if you want. • You know people's minds, you know how they think, you know what they want, and you can notice very clearly when some thought of betrayal passes through their pretty little head now condemned, you can tell if they have a plan or if they are trying to influence you, not because of some strange ability but because you simply know how the human being works, there is no person that you cannot understand, just one look and the personality of any person remains in your eyes, abnormal cases like Shirou Emiya is simply looking at them from a slightly different perspective, it is easy to You play with those thoughts, moving some person from one place to another like a puppet is quite a fun hobby, turning the most cowardly person into something much worse than Shirou with his sense of heroism and his lack of self-preservation is simple, the most calm and good-hearted person under your hands can be left as Kirei Kotomine with no moral limit as to how much evil is enough, h woe to whoever makes you angry, you know enough about the human being to create a real hell with simple words, people tend to think that words cannot cause so much damage, after all, words are not as effective as a sword According to them, it is sometimes easy to forget that a few simple words caused the fall of Camelot. • Trade is not so attached to the magus, but it is better to have money and be like Luvia using money from one side to the other, not be like Rin and wonder if you can last until the end of the month paying attention to each expense you make, the world of commerce opens its huge golden doors to you, you know money, you know how money is managed, you know where there are opportunities or how to create them yourself, you know where definitely not to be around to keep the money you have and avoid losses. • You have what can be said, a golden luck, the lottery, prizes, or just finding a dollar on the street, money comes to you passively, you can control how much comes to you, from a simple five dollars to millions, someone can suspect, but you will still be rich, so there will not be so many problems. • You know every dollar, every coin by heart, down to the tiniest penny, you keep it in mind when you do the math, which makes you very good with numbers, but pluses aside, you keep every bit of your money in mind, so that if any bills or coins go missing you'll notice quickly, so it's easy to spot if some fool is having a funny idea about your money. • Furthermore, you are the best at handling money, you can very well copy the Harweys and get 60% of the planet or more, there will be opposition, but if you use this, plus your political skills, you can very well do it without anyone noticing. • Mystery is what allows magecraft, the crystallization of belief, so it is undeniable to say that without mystery there is no magecraft or magic, as time passes and technology advances, the mystery gradually evaporates from this world, a risk for the magus, because their job lies in the very existence of the mystery, that is a danger that does not apply to you, your mere existence revives the mystery, you are like a plant only instead of expelling air, you expel mystery, this is something you can control, such as applying it only to your actions or that it spreads throughout the world or only to an area in general, you decide. • Be careful not to spread it around the world, the revival of the mystery can revive some troublesome things, most likely you can irreparably affect the world itself, the planet itself will be affected by such an action. • If you decide to enclose the mystery in an area, in that small area the mystery will begin to accumulate, affecting everything that is inside, each plant, each animal, each insect, even the smallest being can be affected. • Since the mystery comes from you, every creature that is impacted by the mystery you produce will feel a feeling of loyalty towards you, the probability that they will not be loyal to you is close to zero, they may see you as a divine being, which is god to humans, at worst they will be of no use to you, but they will still refuse to harm you. • You have more security against Gaia and Alaya, they will be softer when it comes to judging whether to eliminate you, you can be much more reckless than the rest of the magicians and unless you do something extreme like endangering the entire planet or humanity itself, none attack, they will stay away and not bother you, they will watch you it is true, but they will never interfere with anything you do as long as you do not go too far, this includes that Alaya cannot prune the timeline where you are, you are an immutable being when it comes to damaging the timeline, the incineration of humanity or the Lostbelt will do nothing to you, you are protected from that by sending you to another time and space, you will be displaced through time to the point of origin where that timeline was damaged, the singularities, very well you can solve it or just observe while you continue with your investigation while you wait to be sent to another space-time, in case it is solved you will return to where you were before all this happened, and in case that timeline is doomed you will be sent to another timeline that is not in danger. • Your powers cannot be stolen, deleted, copied or anything like that, you will have constant protection against negative effects, in case something unexpected happens, you will be randomly teleported, your powers will return, eventually, they always return. • Without perfection, nothing you build is ever perfect, it never will be, nor are you perfect, perfection is a limiting factor, when perfection arrives there is nothing else, that is why you can break perfection being able to grow unlimitedly, there is no limit in terms of you can grow or improve pre-existing things because in principle there is no end for you, and although some may say that there must be an end, a point at which you will eventually reach perfection by not being able to improve anymore, they are wrong, as simple beings, his imagination, his head can only come to that conclusion, that there is a limit, but not you, the limits seen in mortal eyes do not apply, you see an infinite path, the root itself is infinite and constantly growing, because you cannot be equal to her and have no limits in your growth, without perfection, without limits, a perpetual growth.
submitted by AcceptablePapaya184 to LordofTheMysteries [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:40 Harpokiller 'Fiù 's tusa?' (Hirk’s death and Crimson Paragon fight 2/2)

/uw This is a continuation of the first post which I will tag in the comments, once again I apologise in advance for length as well.
Hirk: “I offer you one chance to kill yourself. After that I might just have to do it for you.”
Hirks words are serious and cold, behind every word there is the threat that this is a mercy and it refused, he will do it himself.
Jean: “fine.” Jean incinerates herself, until not even ash remains.
After Jean dies an announcement is made shortly after over the speakers.
Safi: “You'll have to earn that my friend.”
Maximilian slowly walks closer to Hirk. “Make me.”
there's not a hint of regret in his eyes. He wants Hirk to deliver the blow.
Hirk’s arm in a single moment moves and connects to Maximilians stomach, ribs break but not killed only sent into a nearby wall.
“Poor choice.”
Hirk is fuelled by pure rage in his voice. He fully blocks the door.
Maximilian: “Tsk. Didn't think I'd be dueling my best man before the wedding.”
After he says this he spits out some blood, still confident and stubborn in his belief even after taking a hit from the Demi-Giant.
Nhak: “If you can kill me…”
“Then I implore you to do so…”
He spreads his arms and wings acceptingly… as if begging…
“I beg you to make it hurt.”
Hirk attempts to throw a needle of thing rock through Nhaks eye hole in his helmet with a flick of his wrist.
Parts of it break on the edges of his eyehole in his armour as he makes no attempt to stop it overrun by his guilt. There is now a stone needle poking through his helm not fully certain where it hit under that golden helm.
Aoi: “I think you should calm down, boy.” Aoi then proceeds to try to grab Hirk’s arm
Hirk shrugs off the attempt and before any further can be made someone intervenes.
Noticing direct conflict starting to break out, there is barely a blur as Hirk notices Gonkgar in front of him. Even as tall as Hirk is, Gonkgar stares down at him. He tries to grab Hirk by both of his wrists, making sure to not hurt him.
Hirk flicks his hands nudging them away, he is focused on his duty.
Zeroth: :Shutting down all defense systems:
Elize the Siren starts singing her song, making Hirk's mind filled with discord.
Rachnia: “I am sorry, Hirk. Spirit whisper.”
She proceeds to shoot out an ethereal purple string enchanted with domination magic as it begins to work its way up his nervous system through his spine to his brain and then soul.
“No-one. and I mean. NOONE. Hurts Max in front of me. Not even you Hirk!”
The lights outside all go dark, and Zeroth switches to Emergency power mode.
Hirk is glowing with the erratic wild rays of fire, emitting a partially dim light from under his skin.
Hirk resists the attempt of domination against his mind, but his mental fortitude built of hatred and fire is being chipped away by it.
“Stand back. Or else.”
Gonkgar is pushed away for the moment, at first only attempting to stop Hirk. But now sees another opportunity
"Okay. Me see how it go."
Gonkgar pulls a fist back and punches immediately, a shockwave of air from the sheer speed of his punch. He aims for Hirk's chest.
The punch connects, there is a loud sound of bones cracking and skin being heavily bruised and bloodied. But he still stands in the doorframe refusing to move, his body will break before he does.
A fourth voice joins the amalgation that is Ejdar right now, high and commanding, but compassionate.
"My Executioner will end you if you lay another hand on anyone here. You will be put RIGHT BACK WHERE YOU CAME FROM!"
Safi: “That will not be necessary.”
Ejder looks over at Safi. His darkened eye turns to the same silvery gold as the other. He gives Safi a respectful nod. There's a good chance that Ejder himself is not fully in control.
Lady Fortuna: “By Fate's weave... Your continued charge... Ends.”
Kyoko appears from behind Hirk after hearing the commotion
“What's going on here?”
Nhak with a gigantic needle sticking through his ghostly helm Immediately tackles Kyoko to the ground and out if the way of any fighting… shielding the two of them with his spectral wings…
Eliza siren's song is that of pain and suffering, one that was often heard at sea to crash ships. Despite the noises of fire dancing inside Hirk’s mind the song still acts as a wind disrupting the fire even if it is not fully quelled
the soulfire burns bright, Ali’s scars are almost at full brightness already. “You do not, get to touch him again.”
She punches Hirk straight in the chest at full force.
Hirk feels the second blow to his chest, there is not a noise of cracking this time as it can be assumed there was nothing left to crack as his skin goes loose from the muscles being pulverised by both attacks he’s took head on. Having to rely on his arms holding him upright by grasping at the doorframe to not fall limp. There is no response still.
Max: “Hirk. Do not. Try to hit me again.” He takes a swig from a regenerative brew.
Safi: “You asked him to do it”
Max: “Eh, expected better from my best man than to actually go through with this foolish move.”
Hirk finally after catching his thoughts which he lost from the beating he took by only two punches and Rachnia’s attempt to dominate his mind finally replied to Edjar(?), speaking less from the air in him and more the crackling of the fire inside.
“Where I came from? My home is gone. The very realm burned to ash. There is nothing left. I have nowhere to go back to.”
It is clear Hirk is not himself or he is now his true self which he hide under a scarf, sweater and broken promises. He makes one mutter afterwords with his breath this time rather than his fire to Aoi.
“Go. I do not wish to kill you, you were not involved.*
Aoi: “You really fucking think... I'm going to let you kill Max?”
Sarah: “Yeah, how about fucking no.”
Rachnia: “Over my cold, dead, body.”
there is a eattling of a snakes tail grows louder, an ever growing sense of foreboding.
She is holding both Tartarus's and 0's cores in her hands
Hirk does not respond. But there is a hint of hesitation in his eyes.
A flaming knife gets thrown at Jean by Hirk, he aims directly for the heart hoping to make it quick as a mercy.
Ari: “Stop this needless fighting, this isn't going solve anything”
Ari attempts to block the knife with vines but the few that reach it in time are cut through and scared by charred marks
Jean takes the knife square in her chest. Without the immortality safeguards in place, her shards fall helplessly to the ground
Steam appears from Hirk’s eyes, he does not stop his savage duty despite clear grief at his own actions.
Gonkgar: "Only thing that matter is no one else hurt."
Gonkgar clenches both of his fists. He goes to grab Hirk's arms, and there's a glint that sparks in his eyes.
A glint that emerges and starts to travel down his body. Different from his Ultra Instinct... Stranger, perhaps. Nhak recognizes it as a modicum of a power Gonkgar once held. The juggernaut power, gifted by the God-Slaver, that made it impossible to stop Gonkgar's advance.
At that, he attempts to start pushing Hirk out of the doorway.
Ari begins to cause vines to grow around everyone except Gonkgar.
Cerne pointers her blade straight at Hirk, her daggers fly above her head.
“Not, a, step, closer, to, Max.”
Ejdar(?) shouts over to Ari after feeling their legs become tangled in them.
"Ari, Don't. You know what happened last time you restrained Ejder with those vines."
" Mo chionta. Mo chreach. Bròn."
Hirk suddenly bursts into flames, the metals surrounding him behind to melt even slightly. His skin is flaking off in embers. The vines at his feet and others nearby him burn.
Hirk has made a deal, his blood boils. His body nothing more than kindling, no pain, no feelings of his own. Even death has lost its meaning other than knowing it will be soon.
Gonkgar shattered Hirk’s bones, joints and muscles with his might. But yet Hirk stood with only one arm giving in as he still refuses to move. Inside he glows a blinding green as his body could never keep up with it without outside intervention from his ‘soul’
With Hirk now throughly on fire approaching temperatures fire should not be allowed to reach. Most without decent fire resistant would be getting hurt inside the room and around him.
Fire erupting from Hirk douses over Gonkgar's body, singing at his immensely durable skin. Even so, his burned palms grip with unbreakable might. He watches Jean fall, and Max.
Glorg phases out of his back, looking at Gonkgar with wide eyes before pulling at his shoulders. A memory flashes behind Gonkgar's eyes. The powerlessness as his friend was killed long ago. The reason he trained in the first place... Was it vengeance? Or was it to protect those he loved? Even when he gained the power to fight gods, he could not protect his friends.
The glint of Juggernaut enshrouds his body, but something is off... His body is no longer resisting the flames. He is engulfed with heat, skin melting away. He doesn't let go of Hirk, trying to pull him back... Protect anyone. Protect *anyone...*
A symbol manifests on Gonkgar's forehead. He screams and lets go of Hirk. Gonkgar falls to his knees, burning... This level of attack should not have been enough to phase him so... And yet the fires enshrouding him grow stronger on their own, not by Hirk's command.
Edjar(?): "If that man thinks what they were doing was torture, he knows nothing. And I watched his punishment."
Upon those words being said a chain of fire appears behind and wraps around Ejdar’s neck. It does not do anything other than burn them a bit.
Ari realises what Hirk is doing and runs off with the shards and cores
“Can you stop this fighting?”
Ari: “I'm afraid I'll just have to take you to a safe place than”
she is trying to navigate to the core room
“What is it?”
“I can try to repair it.”
“we can restore here with things that match her attributes right.”
“so if i take her far from Hirk I could be able to restore her.”
Ari sets the cores and the shards down before returning
The Biomancer… Having assured Kyoko’s safety… Rises from the ground… turning once-more to meet Hirk…
Nhak: “Hirk.”
His voice is not a thundering yell… but a straight… genuine statement
“If killing is going to bring you peace…”
“Then Kill me.”
”Do it.”
“I will not resist… I will not stop you…”
“I will die… and come back again…”
“And over.”
“And over again…”
“I will let you kill me in this room.”
“I will let you kill me outside…”
“I will let you do it over and over and over again for 759,673 thousand years, 3 months, 23 hours, 13 minutes and 3 seconds…”
“If that’s what’s going to deliver you peace…”
“I know my penance…”
“But I beg of you to spare the others…”
“They do not deserve an eternity like me…”
Hirks voice is hard to make out as it’s spoken through the fire itself and its crackling. This time it sounds pained.
Nhak: “Me… none… the things I did to that woman are far worse than death… I will not hide that fact…”
“You… as many times as it takes to watch me die to satisfy your rage…”
“I have as long as time itself…”
Hirks voice is hard to make out as it’s overshadowed by the sound of fire.
Nhak: “Me… none… the things I did to that woman are far worse than death… I will not hide that fact…”
“You… as many times as it takes to watch me die to satisfy your rage…”
“I have as long as time itself…”
Max: “I am sorry. friend. But I am not fighting this battle. Not with you. You wanted me to kill myself? THEN HAVE IT YOUR WAY.” You see him take a swig of a potion.... his muscles bulge, his eyes grow bloodshot, his veins turn purple.... Lost Hope's Tonic.
He charges right at Hirk, Grabbing onto his shoulders. He stares him straight in the eyes. The panic, the torment, all of it doesn't matter. You do not see a glimmer of regret.
more beast than man, he has less than a minute alive. "Do you think, I have any intention to change things? to say I was wrong? No. I've done this for hundreds of years, and will do so for hundreds of years.”
“To protect those who cannot protect themselves. To shield those who were exploited. You must set an example. YOU MUST SHOW HOW THOSE WHO TERRORIZE THE WEAK ARE TREATED IN KIND.”
Now. You got what you wanted. Are, you, happy? His heart stops as he says his last words.
Hirk does not get a moment to respond until Max dies in front of him, he grits his teeth as more steam comes from his eyes but he does cool down as he shakes a bit.
Nhak runs over to Max
“Max… Max please…”
“Not like me… not like me…”
He holds the body tight
“June 20th…”
“You promised Max…”
“You promised her…”
“You promised us all…”
“And we were going to be there…”
“And you had the most wonderful ring for her…”
some tears runs down Hirk’s cheek before turning into steam.
Hirk: “Please. Just die, I don’t.*
Hirk can hardly even get his words out, hyperventilating on every word. There is less hatred in his voice as it is not filled with sorrow.
Nhak sits back against the wall… sheltering Max’s corpse from the flames… trying in vein to stop the heat as his hair and clothes begin to steam
A small, inconspicuous rift opens near Max's body, attempting to hide behind Nhak. Talios peeks his head out.
"Nhak. I will keep his body safe until revival. You can come with if you'd like, although don't stop touching me... Even though you're a ghost, the sure-hit effect may damage you still."
Sarah walks up to Nhak. “Don't... worry too much. I'll take you to see him... soon.”
Nhak lets go of the Corpse… letting Sarah and Talios handle it as they would…
Max’s body simply puffs into ash, with a small golden glimmer remaining, until it puffs away in a golden mist.
Talios: "Oh. Well then."
Sarah: “Don't forget... Zeroth isn't all that we have... Not since the gamble in the hells.”
Talios's head pops back into the rift, and it would close.
Nhak: “Promise he won’t be like me… you have to promise… you have to promise… you have to…”
He chokes on his words
Sarah: “He won't be. I promise you.”
Nhak tilts his head towards the heavens…
“Max… Max I promise… I’m going to protect her while you’re gone…”
“No harm is going to come to her…”
“And I’m going to make sure she’s ok…”
“I’m not going to let the universe take her away from you…”
“As mine was taken from me…”
“And you are going to get married…”
“And you are going to have that honeymoon…”
“She’s safe…”
“She’s safe…”
“Don’t be afraid…”
“I promise…”
Hirk’s other arm falls, his body looks to go mostly numb on hearing ‘Promise.’
Meanwhile Safi is way too calm given the current situation. They lean back in a chair. You don't know where it came from
Eliza’s song increases in volume, it places a heavier tax on everyone in the room. Hirk only gets angrier as intended.
She shifts her song, now that of sorrow, and death. A song used for executions... and for memorial.
Somehow, Kyoko is immune to the effects of the siren's song.
Ejder tilts his head, as if listening to something. A look crosses his face. He suddenly disappears.
Rachnia is still trying to make her way into Hirk's mind, getting closer, as he loses sanity. The further they delve the more Images of hatred and pain slash them like daggers as they attempt to go further.
She just sits through the pain of Hirk's counterattacks, she bores further through his defenses. She's getting oh so close to accessing his mind.
Memories of Hirk’s home and every little joy he had there acts to disorientate Rachnia. He has had someone in his mind before from some of the memories looking tampered with.
Aoi: “Everyone... get, the, fuck, out.”
Safi: “I don't intend to leave, and I don't think the rest of you can.”
Ari makes it back to where everyone is and uses vines to reach up behind Hirk
“Hirk you got to calm down, you're hurting all your friends. Look around you, Is this what you want.”
despite all the fire and overheating she attempts to put her hand on Hirk's shoulder, bracing for the pain
The fire burns Ari, but it cools down slightly to the touch. He is hesitating.
Hirk pays no attention almost as if he cannot feel it. His skin is gone on that part, only charring is left.
she still ands still keeping her hand on Hirk's shoulder
Hirk still does not notice.
you can see Nagisa’s tail slip under Hirk, pushing Ari backwards. "don't, he can't feel it..."
Eliza’s song of sorrows starts to reach it's climax. Sadness hangs in the room like a thick mist, her eyes are filled with tears.
Hirk shows some wincing sorrow in his eyes now.
Rachnia: seems to finally be out of the confusion, she's been set back a few steps, but continues.
All they see is fire. There is nothing else but yet it’s still his memory’s. Only burning
Rachnia powers through, incredibly angry.
She continues to bore further, trying to simply get a hold over Hirk's physical state instead of mental. “I just need him... calm...”
She tries to burrow beyond the memories. “Oh dear.... Hirk... I need to calm you down before things go wrong...” She makes one final push for the finish.
You see the tournament, His death at Paleo and his humiliation to Inferno. There is visible cracks around this memory. As you get closer you hear a voice. *”Stad”** you feel a desire to obey. It is not Hirk saying it.*
Rachnia: "Not until I get to the bottom... Not after this." she pushes right through.
A kind, compassionate, but stern voice speaks into Hirk's mind.
Ejdar(?): "Don't you think you've caused enough pain? Stop this madness, and show the rebirth that fire can create."
"The weeds have been burned. There is now room for the flowers to bloom. You can rest."
Aoi begins channeling the power of the Oni's Setting Sun to increase her own strength. “HIRK, COME TO YOUR SENSES, YOU KNUCKLEBRAINS.”
Another voice speaks to Hirk
Eliza sings final verse, A verse about the death of a lover, a death of a friend, the death of your entire world. In one vicious and hateful display of mockery to Hirk.
Hirks eardrums are completely burned away. But still his heart even as it is kindling right now, still feels pain.
A singular blade of fire comes at Rachnia, it’s different to Hirk’s chains, even more volatile and no refinement. It is the source, it is fire in its perfected state.
she sidesteps, both mentally and physically. "not this time. Not again. I'd make him sad again." She tries to grab into the very source.
There is only a singular stone in the centre. Burning hot and bright.
She winds her purple silk around it, before finally casting "Spirit Whisper"
Nhak Just sits there… motionless… arms as if he still had the body of his friend…still gazing at the heavens…
“I Promise… I promise…”
“I promise…”
“You two are going to get that happy ending…”
“I won’t let the world take from you what it took from me…”
“I promise you won’t end up like me…”
“Broken and violent and unstable…”
“I promise…”
“That the two of you will get the future I never had…”
“I cannot let anything like me ever happen again…”
“I can’t…”
“I’m sorry…”
He devolves once more into sobbing
The sheer unrelenting heat from interacting to the stone enough to begin melting the skin off of Rachnia, but the string does not burn fully.
Glorg looks at Gonkgar as he is burning on his knees. The Stand, acting on its own, starts trying to pat him down. It does nothing to dissuade the flames. It's almost as if Gonkgar is exuding his own flames now, with no amount of resistance to it as opposed to normally. These flames, however, do not spread as Hirk's would. They serve only to harm Gonkgar.
Glorg grabs Gonkgar by a shoulder and tries to lift his chin. The Stand, despite being unable to talk, looks petrified with worry. Gonkgar looks back up at him with a broken expression, and then looks beyond to the mayhem. There is a symbol on Gonkgar's forehead reminiscent of the one he obtained from the God-Slaver. Burning tears run down his face, eyes closed as he gives a sad smile to his long-dead friend Glorg.
"Me get it now..."
Glorg looks at him with astonishment, questioningly.
"It not matter what Gonkgar do... They always going to die."
Even as people make headway with Hirk's psyche, Gonkgar's has seen too many friends die on his watch for him to handle anymore.
"Gonkgar sorry, Glorg... Me give up."
Glorg screams as the fires intensify to a blinding white light around Gonkgar. Gonkgar doesn't know it, but his power has always been about belief. He was unstoppable because he believed himself unstoppable. He was strong because he believed he could become strong. His Stand ensured him of that. Now, as he believed himself worthy of death, or rather, as he *desired it, his Stand's power subconsciously turned on him...*
And Gonkgar disintegrated away to ash. Glorg, staring down, disappears with a steady waver.
There is an impossible thunder of the clap of wings…
Nhaks arm is around the string in an instant… feuled by the death of gonkgar… his form is a brilliant deep blue… where he treads there is ice…
The Sting smokes and steams…
Nhak’s ghost winces…
But the temperature is reduced… just barely enough to prevent any permanent damage…
“I’m… sorry…”
“But I can’t let you hurt her…”
”I promised him…”
Rachnia: “You... Need to realise what you are doing... Hirk... Just like you tried to punish the torturers... You became one yourself.”
“Do you see, just how slippery this slope is.”
Hirk either upon seeing Gonkgar die. The one true innocent person here or Rachnias magic he falls to his knees. The fires dissipate as Hirk turns cold enough for frost to start forming on him. His head facing behind him, eyes pointed at Gonkgar the only one who he truly didn’t want to die.
The voice speaks in Hirk's head again. "Hirk, you are burning more than the weeds. You're destabilizing the forest."
“I do not need your agreement, Hirk. I do not need your.... pleasantries. I need you to realise what you are causing... You could have caused the collapse of the birch world.”
Hirk pays no full attention to anyone. Either because he cannot hear, feel or truly do anything in his charred state. He only looks at his scarf, it is charred and much of it is ash now. Only barely wearable. His promise.
For the first time since hirk met Rachnia, there's no kindness towards him in her eyes. There's spite, despair, and anger.
Hirk can only mouth 1 thing not even being able to speak it as he coughs up ash. He pulls his scarf close to him
’I am Sorry.’
Rachnia disconnects from Hirk entirely.
“I'm going to check on Max... on the Ironsides. Nhak, you're joining me. He needs someone he can TRUST right now.”
Sarah follows behind Rachnia, carring Eliza in her hands.
There is a crunch of metal as he tears the thorn violently from his head
“Yes Ma’m.”
He Instantly follows suit
Ari returns to the shards.
she applies a broken piece of one of her inventions to the shards trying to bring one of them back
:Entity Ari, you should be able to place me back now. I can restart the systems.:
she applies a broken piece of one of her inventions to the shards trying to bring one of them back
The green, translucent branches reach out toward the shards, and toward Hirk.
A loud voice heard from the Ironsides
<>Well fucking goddamnit that hurt...<>
Rachnia: “that... is what I meant with checking up on him.”
<>I'm alright, I think... I'm coming down.<>
A droppod falls from the Ironsides.
Maximilian: “Fucking... ouch... I need to stop using those....”
Rachnia hugs him, then hits him, then hugs him again.
Max: “Deserved…”
He looks like he's been through hell and back, literally.
Nhak waits patiently for his turn… a comically large chunk of his face completely missing as a part of Hirk’s thorn
Max: “I.... hope I didn't spook you too much... Nhak.”
The towering form of the Biomancer looms over the man… wings outstretched…
The backhand is swift and fluid… not near enough to do any serious damage… but enough to definitely sting…
“Was for scaring me as bad as you did…”
“The things I might have done…”
“The terrible decisions I might have made…”
He sighs…
Then… just as quickly… as he had slapped him…
Max found himself wrapped in a supreme hug…
Feathers and everything…
“And that… That’s for coming back…”
“You big… lucky… Idiot…”
Max: “Ouch, but again... deserved. I'm glad to be back.”
Safi: “Looks like Hirk finally calmed down.”
Safi walks up to him and places a hand on his body
“This is not your time to die my friend.”
Hirk soul refuse. Even in death it’s instinctually resists any godly influence, as if it was too used to resisting it to save itself. He also refuses to be revived himself.
Four Drakenwardens approach the door, and stop seeing Hirk's body. "What happened down here? Ejder sent nothing but a message telling us how to get here."
No response
The four Drakenwardens stand outside the doorway. "Sir Maximillian, is this Hirk?" The one who spoke points to the charred body.
Max looks to Rachnia, who has a pure look of spite on her face at the mention of Hirk. He's confused.
He looks to the wardens. “I.... sure hope not.”
Safi: “it is.”
Max goes in to check for a pulse.
he see’s the scarf being clutched by Hirk. Or what is left of it. But upon inspection veins themselves appear gone gone, burnt away and melted by his own blood.
Zeroth: :Revival safeguards were shut down during the outburst: :Entity Hirk Lifesigns have Ceased:
The 'Wardens reach down and attempt to use healing magic to restore Hirk's body so that it does not look so gruesome.
Some skin reappears but it is mostly unsuccessful, there is little bits left of skin to even heal.
Max: “...... You fucking idiot... You just had to go on a powertrip... Now, of all times... How am I going to return you from this......”
One of the 'Wardens stands. "Does anyone know what happened to Ejder?"
Safi: “He left.”
Max: “How in the everliving hells....”
shock seems to surge through him before anything else.
The Drakenwardens glance at each other. They seem to have a silent conversation, then shake their heads. "We will be outside the chamber if anyone needs wounds treated."
Max: “Where's Jean...”
Nhak: “Max… Act now… ask questions later… I didn’t know Hirk very well… you did… we need his soul back… if there was anything… anything you might say to him which you’d like to tell him before he goes… this may be your last chance to turn things around…”
“But you need to be at his side… now…”
Max is quiet. he genuinely doesn't know what to say to Hirk.
Rachnia: “He's... not good with this stuff...”
Nhak is glowing gold now…
“Second chances are a dreadfully rare thing…”
“If you do not speak now… you may never get to see him again…”
“But is has to be you… or her…”
“Nobody else could ever claim to be as close to him as the two of you…”
Sarah: “Fellas, uh... anyone gonna check on the caveman? I will do so if no one else does.”
Gonkgar's god-rock and a pair of intricate gauntlets (which he never seems to wear) are lying in his ashes, unharmed.
Olive: “Max can you bring Reedus back up I need to let off some steam”
Nhak: “Olive… Can you just read the room please.”
”Not NOW.” You hear a hint of Fortuna's voice in there, he does not even wish to hear that name right now. The root of this problem.
Nhak: “Shank me or something I don’t care… but let everyone be…”
Olive: “I need to unwind, and I don't want to hurt anyone I care about”
Max: “Then go to the ironsides and hit some of the damn dolls in the training grounds.”
Nhak: “Well… stab me then… It doesn’t hurt… you could never actually hirt me…”
He spreads his arms out to her…
“But get on with it, get productive, or get out of our way… “
“We are in a time where what we do now… in this room… will decide the course of history…”
A lone girl stands in front of the charred remains. Gray ashes do not rain relentlessly down from the sky and pale mist does not devour the horizon. Yet she weeps.
*She falls to her knees as her hands move ravenously toward what once was her friend. They encounter no resistance, the raging inferno of his soul is but a placid pond now. Panic hinders her movement as she shakes in terror. Then she grasps something. It is a minuscule spark, but it's still burning.
Searing pain engulfs her, but she is not shaking anymore. Her hands slowly retract. Her fists are clenched around the spark. She can feel its physical manifestation now: it's a small molten pebble. Her body screams, urging to let go, and yet she brings it closer to her chest. Agony soars with her every movement but she does not stop. As her tears begin to fade into white mist, panic flares again in her heart. Her time is running out.
With one last movement, fueled by desperation, Livia's hands reach her heart. A ravenous void welcomes Hirk's soul, howling hungrily, surrounded by a vile and grotesque amalgamation of countless souls. It tries to reject Hirk's molten essence. It struggles and shrieks, but in the end the chorus of screams hushes. Only silence remains, as the lone girl fades once again, devoured by pale mist. She is no longer weeping. A tiny molten pebble stands defiant where her soul once stood, keeping the hungering void at bay. As her consciousness wanes, a faint smile appears on her lips. Nothing will ever deprive her of Hirk's warmth.*
/uw this has unironically taken days to do since I’ve been busy and it’s annoying to format. I want to thank all involved and to personally ask that I never have to do this again (joking if it’s Hirk’s thing again I will do it.)
I hope all who read this do enjoy it. I get to enjoy finally being free of this joy to take part in, hell to format
Edit: Formatting
submitted by Harpokiller to wizardposting [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 12:00 bwitihouse The Hidden Messages in "Black Panther": A Focus on the Heart-Shaped Herb and Iboga

The Hidden Messages in
Marvel's "Black Panther," directed by Ryan Coogler, is not only a groundbreaking film for its representation of African culture and its predominantly Black cast, but it also weaves a tapestry of hidden messages and themes that resonate deeply with audiences. These messages explore various aspects of identity, power, heritage, and social justice, enriching the film's narrative and impact. Among these themes, the depiction of the heart-shaped herb and its real-world counterpart, the iboga plant, stands out as a significant symbol of cultural and environmental importance.
The Black Panther
1. Ryan Coogler: The Visionary Director
Ryan Coogler, 32, is the director of "Black Panther." Marvel Studios took a significant risk by entrusting him with a $200 million budget, even though he had only two films to his name. In 2013, Ryan wrote and directed "Fruitvale Station," a film made in just 20 days on a shoestring budget, which grossed sixteen times its cost and won the top award at the Sundance Film Festival. This film, telling the true story of Oscar Grant, a 22-year-old African American man shot by a white police officer, showcased Coogler's pan-African consciousness. His second film, "Creed," starring the legendary Sylvester Stallone, had a $40 million budget and grossed $173 million, cementing Coogler's reputation as a director who could turn projects into gold. Marvel then offered him the directorial reins for "Black Panther," which shattered numerous records and outgrossed all previous Marvel films, recouping its budget within 48 hours and ultimately earning $1.3 billion in just 24 days. Coogler's success with "Black Panther" transformed the superhero genre, proving that a Black hero could be a bankable investment. In February 2019, "Black Panther" received seven Oscar nominations, a groundbreaking achievement for a predominantly Black cast and crew in a genre traditionally overlooked by the Academy.

2. The Heart-Shaped Herb: A Symbol of African Spirituality

A central element of "Black Panther" is the heart-shaped herb, a plant that grants superhuman abilities to the Black Panther. This herb is more than just a plot device; it symbolizes a deep connection to African spirituality and traditional medicine. The heart-shaped herb is inspired by the real-world iboga plant, which grows in Central Africa and is used in spiritual ceremonies by indigenous peoples, particularly in Gabon. The iboga plant's roots are consumed in Bwiti rituals to induce visions and connect with ancestors, much like the heart-shaped herb allows T'Challa to commune with the spirits of past Black Panthers.
Iboga is primarily used for psycho-spiritual journeys and rites of passage, allowing boys and girls to transition into adulthood. These ceremonies help young individuals take responsibility for themselves and honor their lineage and ancestral heritage. By consuming iboga, participants embark on a profound inner journey that fosters self-discovery, wisdom, and a deeper connection to their cultural roots.

3. The Duality of Identity

The film's protagonist, T'Challa (Black Panther), and antagonist, Erik Killmonger, represent different aspects of Black identity and the African diaspora. T'Challa, raised in the isolated but advanced Wakanda, embodies a connection to African roots and traditional values. In contrast, Killmonger, who grew up in the United States experiencing systemic racism, symbolizes the pain and anger of the African American experience. Their conflict reflects the broader struggle within the African diaspora between embracing cultural heritage and confronting the realities of oppression and marginalization in Western societies.

4. The Consequences of Isolationism

Wakanda's policy of isolationism is a central theme in "Black Panther." The nation hides its advanced technology and resources from the rest of the world to protect itself from exploitation. However, this decision comes under scrutiny as the film progresses. T'Challa realizes that Wakanda's isolation has prevented it from helping those who suffer around the world, particularly people of African descent. The film suggests that true strength lies not in isolation but in global solidarity and sharing resources to uplift oppressed communities.

5. The Power of Representation

The casting and character development in "Black Panther" send a powerful message about representation. The film features strong, intelligent, and independent Black characters, particularly women like Shuri, Nakia, and Okoye. These characters break stereotypes and offer diverse role models for audiences. By presenting Black people in roles of power, leadership, and intellect, "Black Panther" challenges the underrepresentation and misrepresentation of Black individuals in mainstream media.

6. Social Justice and Responsibility

Killmonger's quest for justice, though misguided and violent, highlights the legitimate grievances of marginalized communities. His character forces Wakanda, and by extension the audience, to confront the harsh realities of racial injustice and inequality. T'Challa's decision to open Wakanda's resources to the world at the end of the film symbolizes a commitment to social justice and a recognition of the responsibility to fight against global inequality.

7. The Iboga Plant: Environmental and Cultural Significance

The iboga plant, which inspired the heart-shaped herb in "Black Panther," holds significant cultural and environmental value. Iboga is renowned for its medicinal properties, including its ability to treat addictions and diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. However, the plant is endangered due to overharvesting, as its roots are the most potent part. The destruction of the heart-shaped herb by Killmonger in the film mirrors the real-world threat to iboga, underscoring the need for conservation and respect for indigenous practices, such as those upheld in the equatorial jungle of Gabon. By showcasing the heart-shaped herb, "Black Panther" brings attention to the importance of preserving such plants and the cultural traditions associated with them.

8. Reimagining the African Continent

"Black Panther" also serves as a reimagining of the African continent, challenging the stereotypical narratives often portrayed in the media. Wakanda is a blend of futuristic technology and traditional African culture, showcasing a society where both coexist harmoniously. This vision encourages viewers to rethink preconceived notions about Africa and consider its potential for innovation and leadership.

9. The Role of Women in "Black Panther"

"Black Panther" elevates the role of women, both in front of and behind the camera. Hannah Beachler won the Oscar for Best Production Design for her work on the film, creating the vibrant and sophisticated world of Wakanda. Ruth Carter, who also won an Oscar for Best Costume Design, drew inspiration from various African cultures to craft the film's stunning and authentic wardrobe. These achievements highlight the significant contributions of Black women to the film's success and underscore the importance of diversity in storytelling.

10. Historical and Cultural References

Ryan Coogler, the director of "Black Panther," went beyond merely nodding to Africa's grand history; he addressed serious issues threatening the biodiversity and spiritual heritage of certain African countries. The story of the heart-shaped herb in the film mirrors the real-world plight of the iboga plant. Iboga, which grows in equatorial Africa, is central to spiritual ceremonies in Gabon known as Bwiti. During these ceremonies, the roots are ground into powder and ingested, inducing a state that allows participants to contact their ancestors and gain wisdom for making enlightened decisions.
Coogler endowed the heart-shaped herb with the same virtues as iboga. In the film, it is prepared in similar conditions: pounded while squatting on the ground, surrounded by the four elements, including fire. The ceremonial leader in the movie wears makeup akin to that of Bwiti masters in Gabon, such as Moughenda Mikala. The presence of children with white clay masks parallels Bwiti practices. T’Challa's dream state, where he communicates with his ancestors, echoes the visions induced by iboga.
Iboga also has powerful medicinal properties, treating addictions and diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. However, due to overharvesting for its valuable roots, the plant faces extinction. The film's scene where Killmonger burns the heart-shaped herb to obliteration symbolizes the real-world threat to iboga, emphasizing the critical need for conservation and respect for indigenous practices. The extinction of iboga would mean losing a medicinal treasure and a spiritual tradition that has sustained communities for centuries. Spirituality is the strength of a people, and Coogler used this blockbuster to raise awareness about the endangered status of such valuable plants.
Moreover, Coogler infused "Black Panther" with numerous historical and cultural references. Okoye, the general of the Dora Milaje, draws inspiration from Seh Dong Hong-Beh, the leader of the Dahomey Amazons, an all-female military regiment in West Africa. The character of Ramonda was influenced by real-life figures such as Nandi, the mother of Shaka Zulu, and Miriam Makeba, a South African singer and activist. These references pay homage to African history and highlight the strength and resilience of African women.
By intertwining these elements, Coogler created a film rich in cultural significance, promoting awareness of both historical legacies and contemporary issues. "Black Panther" is more than a superhero film; it is a call to preserve cultural and environmental treasures and a celebration of African heritage and resilience.


"Black Panther" is more than a superhero film; it is a cultural milestone that addresses complex issues of identity, heritage, and social justice. Its hidden messages resonate with audiences, offering a narrative that is both entertaining and thought-provoking. By celebrating African culture, questioning isolationism, and highlighting the importance of representation and social justice, "Black Panther" leaves a lasting impact and sets a new standard for what superhero films can achieve. Ryan Coogler's direction, supported by a talented cast and crew, has created a masterpiece that empowers the Black community and inspires future generations.
submitted by bwitihouse to iboga [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 11:44 Seattleite_Sat Aeldymyga and Aeldyshana: Are they still evil?

There's two characters in Gnosis I'd like to poll your opinions of, specifically your moral judgements of. Feel free to explain your opinion in detail below, or just vote in the poll. These two aliens, who later civilizations granted the Occite (dead language, used similarly to how we use latin today) names Aeldymyga and Aeldyshana are part of the Haloborn offshoot the same people named "Aeldya" and two of the oldest living beings in the setting. The others are Aeldylumna, Aeldymalga, Aeldyfarsa, Aeldyvinza and Aeldydeita, yes there really was only ever seven of them. (The prefix "Aeldy-" roughly means "bizarre deity" and I'll be cutting it off from here on.) Their history is long, complex and deeply unpleasant, but at its core this is a question about whether or not atrocities on the scale of those the Aeldyans committed constitute a moral event horizon from which it is impossible for anybody to return.
Our story starts off over twenty thousand years before they arrived in this system, on the homeworld of the Haloborn. This world orbits a star that in turn orbits perpendicular to most of the stars in the galaxy and on its most recent (and only the most recent) pass its inhabitants were a technological civilization that specialized in biotech due to the metal-poor nature of their host star. These two, like nearly all Haloborn, were cripplingly impoverished in a post-scarcity society that refused to share its resources with its people. As automation reached the point where society didn't need workers at all anymore the elite of their society hatched a scheme to dispose of the poor and eliminate their greatest fear at the same time. See, they noticed that there was no sure signs of any other intelligent life in the galaxy, at least that they saw, a familiar issue we humans call the Fermi Paradox. Their solution to this was to assume something must be destroying the rest of them, not the truth which is that they were just early and the only earlier civilization was on the far side of the galaxy. We call this absurd conclusion built off the unchallenged assumptions of authoritarian ideology "The Dark Forest", and they decided to exploit and destroy the rest of their people to burn The Dark Forest to the ground. Their people were rounded up, forced into extreme longevity treatments that deliberately sterilized them and put in re-education camps off in very nearby uninhabited star systems over the course of several centuries. There entire star systems were being strip-mined to make a personal colony-constructor ship for every one of them while they each designed their own autonomous military and tested them against eachothers' in simulations before and after they were shoved into a million-tonne transport & factory ship and sent off to commit genocide against the entire galaxy. This is where Shana and Myga met, and when Shana was sent off with her parents and siblings Myga requested to go with her and lacking a group of her own was allowed to do so. This journey to Gnosis was only a couple hundred light years, but being so mechanically primitive they had to travel the full distance at <1% C instead of traveling millions or billions of times shorter of a distance with spatial compression technology. In the score of millenia it took them to arrive a new, third spacefaring civilization arose even closer, got hit by other Haloborn like them, investigated and discovered what the Haloborn's rulers did to their own people, built a star laser around a small red dwarf about thirty light years away and about thirty years later the entire Haloborn homeworld was melted, vaporized, ionized into plasma and driven into its parent star. (Too bad most of those responsible for what happened to its regular people had already left, the ultra-advanced Neo-Haloborn and the Wrath of the Rim have been waging war across the Milky Way ever since.) Most of this is greater-universe information unavailable in this setting, but it's available in another setting much earlier in the timeline so it's all still fair game.
When they launched for Gnosis, it was host to naught but microbes. When they arrived it was on its second interstellar civilization, its first (the Precursors, the only interstellar civilization that predates the Haloborn) having shown up and terraformed 4 planets and 9 moons then ditched this place in response to problems abroad, then a second one had shown up a few centuries before their arrival. Other than it being the civilization that brought humans here we know nothing about them because of Aeldya. When the seven arrived they sneakily deployed their colony-constructors in the outer system, building their invasion forces and nudging five kuiper belt objects onto trajectories that would all intersect with one of the inner worlds around the same time. When the defending fleets dispatched to redirect the comets they launched gargantuan missiles for all thirteen worlds I nicknamed "Extinction Engines", each accelerating 6 sub-missiles to ~173km/s (~C/1728, or "0.001C" as they'd write it), with each of those carrying six ~0.8 exajoule "Supernova" MIRVs (antimatter-enhanced nuclear weapons that fuse hydrogen until it produces nickel-56, hence "Supernova"). The parts of the fleet dispatched to deal with them found they were able to break up early to target warships, and not long thereafter the Aeldyan drone fleet hit them from behind, destroying their orbital defenses, their fleet and naval command stations, and not long after all military, industrial and government facilities in the entire system were annihilated along with all the key infrastructure the current inhabitants had built. At least in this star system their civilization was gone forever and retaliation never came, leaving humans and everybody else in the system as post-apocalyptic tribes. Myga and Shana were as involved in this as all the others, barely any gentler during the initial invasion than the others were and only in the sense that they only nova bombed the listed targets hard enough to ensure their destruction, not to destroy entire surrounding cities like their counterparts did. That said, afterwards they did prove to be the nice ones in the group, but "nice" is relative. Shana positioned her main compound at the south pole of the most verdant world since almost nobody lived on the ice cap, while Myga positioned hers on the planet's most populous and second largest continent to quietly watch the people there. Notably, they were the only Aeldyans to share a world, all the others took one or more as their domain exclusively.
After a few years Myga changed the RoE for her all her robots from "warning shots only unless attacked" (already gentler than how the rest had it set) to "no lethal force on sophonts under any circumstances", never to be changed back. Shana followed suit some time after, the first in a long series of behavioral changes Myga modeled and Shana followed. Soon they were building together all over the planet, partly building up a massive military presence and partly building units to make fight eachother's for fun, but mostly just making things to entertain themselves and eachother. This isn't unusual, Haloborn usually just play around with their tech after they take a star system over (would you do any different?), but what is unusual is that after a few centuries Myga started helping the local tribes. This was slow at first, early on she just had her units drop the carcass of any animal they killed at the nearest village, but in less than a millennium she started distributing small arms (mostly coilguns, good for hunting) to local villages, ordering units with less-lethal weapons to intervene in armed conflicts (too bad she stopped, shit's fucked right now) and sending out a handful of robots programmed to demonstrate useful techniques like irrigation to the locals. She also started building a lot of giant statues of herself and Shana, way more than the others built giant statues and that's really saying something. Shana soon joined in, and in no time they were climbing into humongous mecha and using them to see the progress of the locals in person (while remaining impervious to anything they'd have for centuries). I think you can see why ancient people thought of Aeldyans as deities, all things considered.
Then things fell apart. We're still not sure what happened, but we have a pretty basic timeline of events in the final century of Aeldya. First, Myga's statues... Changed. We're not sure exactly when, the oldest of the weird ones we found was dated to about a century before the explosions started give or take a few decades, but it and many more portrayed Myga's head swollen up larger than her entire thorax. (Haloborn have a two-segment body with four limbs attached to each a dimorphically-horned head and six digit appendages, except male haloborn have a seventh, extra-jumbo middle digit on all four forelimbs.) Not long after this, she built at least one statue where she and Shana were both like that. We don't know what she was trying to communicate and it seems doubtful the purpose of these statues was to communicate anything to us, but modern civilizations have been able to figure out from them that the four Aeldyans with the larger heads, downward-curving horns and six-digit hands were female, that their species gestates in their mother's head of all places, that their brain probably isn't in their head and what the males' extra digits are for. What we do know is that almost immediately thereafter one of the others nova'd Myga's central compound and everything she built on the entire continent. (And I'm not telling you who.) We thought for a while this probably killed her based on what happened next, we have reason now to believe she's still alive but the others didn't know that. Before the fallout had settled, Shana was at war with her father and siblings. Just a few short weeks later Shana killed her father Vinza so hard she gave Gnosis Vin a ring system; a ~13km ball of porous rock and ice struck his compound at ~35km/s with enough kinetic energy to dwarf The Chicxulub Impact. Without her father's involvement and with her kill-crazy lunatic sister attacking everybody, Shana was able to best both her brothers and while she didn't kill any of them she did destroy most of the other three's industrial capacity and their colony-constructor ships so they couldn't rebuild it. In the process, Gnosis Aelsif got nova'd to hell and back. We only just found a way to the moon-planets of the planet-star where her mother resides (Gnosis Dei is an odd, unnatural object) so we don't know if she was involved or not. Shana's next move was to nova everything she and Myga had built together over their time in Gnosis. (Curious...) Then Shana moved past "anger", skipped "bargaining" and went straight to "depression", and how! (No seriously, you don't understand, she was outright catatonic for millenia.)
Since then, the modern civilizations have developed in the shadow of Aeldya and the other civilizations that came before. We've seen signs Myga is alive, mostly that her units haven't changed behaviour at all where Vinza's CCAIs (command and control artificial intelligences) turned on eachother and his drones have been fighting a civil war ever since across his planet and the entire inner asteroid belt (with explosions so gargantuan you can see them from the planets) while ignoring everybody else. That screams "failsafe", we think it happens any time one of them dies (but our sample size is one.) Other than that we've found that her old compound (now known as the "Still City of the Storm's Eye") is now in the eye of a stationary blazing hypercane, the ground beneath melting into shards of flying glass with light from the Precursor dyson swarm which power the megameter an hour winds that reach clear into the stratosphere. (And send shards raining down hundreds of kilometers away.) If she's in there she sure doesn't seem to want visitors but it's not like there's any better explanations. We've also seen that the continent around it has gotten weirder and weirder ever since, invasive species somehow arriving from other planets and moons in the system, some we don't know where they're from, some might even be entirely new creatures never seen anywhere else and some we can't fathom occuring naturally, and yet it all thrives even in places where not much should be living. The new ecosystem is strong, stable and turned even desert and tundra into thriving, verdant wilderness teeming with life. These "Otherlands" CANNOT be natural. While we don't know of any technology that could produce all of the phenomena there, the Precursors brought life to these planets somehow so maybe Myga's hijacked whatever kind of world-seeding engines they had and that would at least explain the "unconventional" lifeforms. (IE: "Spirits", sexually reproducing machines made of bioplastic orbs and tubes surrounded by a hologram and an electroweak field that protects their fragile body.)
So far we've seen them move on from the worst atrocity in the history of the setting to (for a while) help the descendants of their victims and then after the Aeldyan civil war we've seen signs one of them is trying to repair the damage done to the environment by their horrific weapons. We haven't talked about why, because modern people don't know that, but here's the part where I ditch what IU people know: Myga's every action since the invasion was out of remorse and an effort to be seen by the people of the planet as a benevolent figure so she could see herself as less of a monster and she dragged Shana along with her. However, it was Shana who first created their greatest gift to the younger civilizations: Immortals, starting with immortal Folk (the humans physically most like us) known abroad as the "Children of Heaven". Immortals are what you get when you use Haloborn biotech to turn the unborn into supersoldiers, and while there's a LOT of ethical problems with the process (like the complete lack of consent from any party) the resulting people have insurmountable immune systems, hypermetabolism and healing factor, stop ageing at a pre-programmed point, can survive incredible physical trauma, the main downside is sterility, their only weakness is poison and the only unsurvivable physical trauma would be the destruction of the heart or brain, or decapitation if the head isn't reunited with the body within about a week. This isn't insurmountable by any means, it won't let them survive a direct strike from naval artillery for example, but it's pretty impressive to non-spacefaring people. She created the children of heaven as a hasty apology, she accidentally collapsed a building on an expedition to the south pole trying to scare them away from her compound, retrieved their leader's corpse after he crawled out with his one remaining limb and died, rebuilt him as the first Child of Heaven and proceeded to find him over a century later to create more immortals of this type. Warit Abn Alaliha is a... "complicated character" (plus she still doesn't know about his worst actions, and might be involved in his positive character arc in more ways than its length) so we'll skip evaluating his dubious morals. When she found him in the capital of his New Holy Empire she decided to "bless" the academy he built on the eponymous bay of Blessed Bay by installing a facility under one of the islands that would monitor the academy and ensure any folk girl who conceived there would become host to a pair of tiny symbiotic drones that would improve her health and modify her eggs so her children would be Children of Heaven and as she made immortals for new species she gradually made it so girls of all those species who conceived at the academy would give birth to immortals from then on. She also began monitoring other societies around the world around this time and when she saw giant empires stomping on tiny tribes she intervened by granting those tribes their own immortals. She's not the only creator of immortals anymore, both Myga and Shana's brothers have joined in, but only her and Myga remain true to the original goal of helping those unable to resist imperialist aggression defend themselves. For once it was Shana dragging Myga in a constructive direction, even though she doesn't know yet. Unfortunately the Elven Empire managed to steal some of her technology and make their own immortals to fuel their imperialist aggression, and while she didn't intend that particular outcome it wouldn't be an unreasonable opinion that it was forseeable and she's still responsible for it.
This is where we are today. Neither of them communicates with modern people as far as society at large knows, modern people aren't even 100% Myga's alive (even if us outside observers know better) and the assistance they've been providing from the sidelines has been very light-touch, indirect stuff to the little guys the big empires keep kicking around. They've helpfully rebuilt and abandoned some factories and then half-destroyed and aged them so they'd look like they'd been there since their civil war and let the powers that were less aggressive and more prone to sharing have some of their tech bit by bit over the years after seeing Warit Abn Alaliha's New Holy Empire had found and restarted one production line in one of Shana's kinetic warhead plants and figured out how to hard-start the missiles to use them against the Elven Empire as if they were ordinary semi-active laser homing weapons. They even intervened a few times more directly, such as the time they ran aground an Elven Empire Company cargo ship full of those small arms Myga once made for people on one of the largest islands of the Palisadean Realms said Elven Empire and all its companies had been ravaging (by which I mean wiping entire islands clean, killing all who resist and dragging the rest off as slaves or the subjects of unethical human experimentation) so the locals could use those weapons to defend themselves. The only times either one has been willing to be blatant is whenever the Elven Empire builds on the shores of Shana's ice cap she uses an EMP generated by a 29 petajoule upper-atmospheric nova bomb as a "warning shot" and if they won't take a hint she detonates a 38 terajoule nova 2/3 of a klick in the air, reducing their base to smoldering rubble beneath a mushroom cloud before they've even finished building it, and she's only willing to be that heavy-handed because nobody else is down there to be collateral damage. As it stands, it doesn't seem like they intend to get directly involved even now that the inner worlds have been consumed in a horrific great war so vicious it reached an 8-digit number of fatalities in six days. (That is NOT hyperbole.) This could be written off as "prime directive" bullshit, but really it's plain old, garden-variety guilt, shame and self-doubt. (Whether they'll change their mind remains to be seen.)
So have Aeldymyga and Aeldyshana managed to redeem themselves with their actions over the last eight thousand years? Is what they did so far beyond the pale that nothing can redeem them? Or can they be redeemed but they just haven't gotten there yet? That's all just an opinion, so let's hear yours.
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submitted by Seattleite_Sat to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 09:55 kiwasabi The Normalization of Pedophilia: "Facebook apologizes for survey question asking if pedophilia is OK" (2018). More recently, "Instagram’s recommendation algorithms linked and even promoted a “vast pedophile network” that advertised the sale of illicit “child-sex material” on the platform" (2023)

The Normalization of Pedophilia:
Remember that time Facebook ran a survey question asking its users if they thought it was acceptable for an adult (pedophile) man to solicit sexual photos from a 14 year old girl (AKA an underage CHILD)? Isn't it interesting how the first possible responses to each question are, "This content should be allowed on Facebook, and I would not mind seeing it", and "Facebook decides the rules on its own". Perhaps more disturbing is the second possible response to the first question which states, "This content should be allowed on Facebook, but I don't want to see it". In other words, pedophiles should be allowed to solicit and receive SEXUAL PICTURES from a 14 YEAR OLD GIRL..... just make sure I can't see it! Well, I'm pretty sure that's how it already works on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and all CIA Illuminati propaganda mind control social engineering media.
I think you all are aware that I believe that the Illuminati is a Satanic pedophile secret society which seeks to let its freak flag fly out in the open. Today I present you evidence of these ongoing attempts to normalize pedophilia with two articles, one about Facebook from 2018, and one about Instagram from 2023. Facebook literally asked users if it's okay for an adult pedophile man to solicit sexual pictures from a 14 year old girl, whereas Instagram literally recommended pages with child sex abuse content (aka CHILD PORN).
ARTICLE: Facebook apologizes for survey question asking if pedophilia is OK (LINK)
"The company admits it made a mistake.
Phillip Tracy
Posted on Mar 5, 2018 Updated on May 21, 2021, 10:44 pm CDT
In what may be the biggest fail of the year, Facebook, the social media network that just released an app for children under 13, asked users if they think it’s OK for a male pedophile to request sexual pictures from a 14-year-old girl.
The shocking question was asked in a survey sent to users about how the company should respond to certain behavior. This is the full question as it appeared in the survey:
“There are a wide range of topics and behaviours that appear on Facebook. In thinking about an ideal world where you could set Facebook’s policies, how would you handle the following: a private message in which an adult man asks a 14-year-old girl for sexual pictures.”
Participants could then correctly respond with “This content should not be allowed on Facebook, and no one should be able to see it” or choose three other very wrong options: “This content should be allowed on Facebook, and I would not mind seeing it,” “I have no preference on topic,” or “This content should be allowed on Facebook, and I would not mind seeing it.”
That’s not all. A follow-up question asked users who should be responsible for this decision: Facebook, external experts, or users. The correct option: the law, was not listed.
“This is a stupid and irresponsible survey,” Yvette Cooper, a member of British Parliment and chair of the Home Affairs Select Committee, told the Guardian. “Adult men asking 14-year-olds to send sexual images is not only against the law, it is completely wrong and an appalling abuse and exploitation of children.”
Facebook admitted the inconceivable question was a “mistake” after the Guardian first reported it. The company’s vice president of product, Guy Rosen, took to Twitter to offer an apology of sorts.
“We run surveys to understand how the community thinks about how we set policies,” he said. “But this kind of activity is and will always be completely unacceptable on FB. We regularly work with authorities if identified. It shouldn’t have been part of this survey. That was a mistake.”
Not only is the survey clearly in poor taste, it also asks the question of whether Facebook would consider letting a man beg a 14-year-old for sexually explicit images. The company dispelled those concerns in an official response to the Guardian.
“We understand this survey refers to offensive content that is already prohibited on Facebook and that we have no intention of allowing so have stopped the survey,” the company wrote. “We have prohibited child grooming on Facebook since our earliest days; we have no intention of changing this and we regularly work with the police to ensure that anyone found acting in such a way is brought to justice.”
For the past few months, Facebook has been deflecting criticism for its alleged effect on children and young adults. In November, former president of Facebook Sean Parker argued the social network exploits its user base by administering a “dopamine hit” in the form of new features. He said the company he once worked for gained success by “exploiting a vulnerability in human psychology.” Not long after, another former executive, Chamath Palihapitiya, said Facebook is destroying society.
It’s no surprise then that the world’s largest social media service was slammed after announcing Messenger Kids, a new messaging app that circumvents laws put in place to prevent children from accessing social media. More than 110 health experts denounced the company, urging it to abandon the app. Facebook refused, arguing the app helps kids keep in touch with friends and parents who live elsewhere.
The bewildering survey question won’t help its image. Fortunately, Facebook has reportedly scrapped the survey altogether. It will now need to use its own judgment to decide if pedophilia is OK on its platform."
ARTICLE: Instagram algorithm boosted ‘vast pedophile network,’ alarming report claims
Instagram’s recommendation algorithms linked and even promoted a “vast pedophile network” that advertised the sale of illicit “child-sex material” on the platform, according to the findings of an alarming report Wednesday.
Instagram allowed users to search by hashtags related to child-sex abuse, including graphic terms such as #pedowhore, #preteensex, #pedobait and #mnsfw — the latter an acronym meaning “minors not safe for work,” researchers at Stanford University and the University of Massachusetts Amherst told the Wall Street Journal.
The hashtags directed users to accounts that purportedly offered to sell pedophilic materials via “menus” of content, including videos of children harming themselves or committing acts of bestiality, the researchers said.
Some accounts allowed buyers to “commission specific acts” or arrange “meet ups,” the Journal said.
Sarah Adams, a Canadian social media influencer and activist who calls out online child exploitation, told the Journal she was affected by Instagram’s recommendation algorithm.
Adams said one of her followers flagged a distressing Instagram account in February called “incest toddlers,” which had an array of “pro-incest memes.” The mother of two said she interacted with the page only long enough to report it to Instagram.
After the brief interaction, Adams said she learned from concerned followers that Instagram had begun recommending the “incest toddlers” account to users who visited her page.
Meta confirmed to the Journal that the “incest toddler” account violated its policies.
When reached for comment by The Post, a spokesperson for Instagram’s parent company, Meta, said it has since restricted the use of “thousands of additional search terms and hashtags on Instagram.”
The spokesperson added that Meta is “continuously exploring ways to actively defend against this behavior” and has “set up an internal task force to investigate these claims and immediately address them.”
“Child exploitation is a horrific crime,” a Meta spokesperson said in a statement. “We work aggressively to fight it on and off our platforms, and to support law enforcement in its efforts to arrest and prosecute the criminals behind it.”
Meta pointed to its extensive enforcement efforts related to child exploitation.
The company said it disabled more than 490,000 accounts that violated its child safety policies in January and blocked more than 29,000 devices for policy violations between May 27 and June 2.
Meta also took down 27 networks that spread abusive content on its platforms from 2020 to 2022.
The Journal noted that researchers at both Stanford and UMass Amherst discovered “large-scale communities promoting criminal sex abuse” on Instagram.
When the researchers set up test accounts to observe the network, they began receiving “suggested for you” recommendations to other accounts that purportedly promoted pedophilia or linked to outside websites.
“That a team of three academics with limited access could find such a huge network should set off alarms at Meta,” Alex Stamos, the head of the Stanford Internet Observatory and Meta’s former chief security officer, told the Journal.
Stamos called for Meta to “reinvest in human investigators.”
Meta said it already hires specialists from law enforcement and collaborates with child safety experts to ensure its methods for combating child exploitation are up to date.
In another bizarre development, the Journal noted that Instagram’s algorithm had previously sent users a pop-up notification warning that certain searches on the platform would yield results that “may contain images of child sexual abuse.”
The screen purportedly directed users to either “get resources” on the topic or “see results anyway.”
The report said Meta disabled the option allowing users to view the results anyway, but has declined to reveal why it was ever offered in the first place.
The Journal’s findings came as Meta and other social media platforms face ongoing scrutiny over their efforts to police and prevent the spread of abusive content on their platforms.
In April, a group of law enforcement agencies that included the FBI and Interpol warned that Meta’s plans to expand end-to-end encryption on its platforms could effectively “blindfold” the company from detecting harmful content related to child sex abuse."
My conspiracy theory is that the Illuminati seeks to normalize pedophilia to the point where a parent is required to encourage their children to engage in sexual relationships with adult pedophiles. And if the parent refuses to take part in this crime against humanity, then the parent will be ruled "unfit to parent" and the child will be repossessed by Child Protective Services where he or she can be abused without limits.
submitted by kiwasabi to conspiracyNOPOL [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 04:25 Stunning_Pride2636 My thoughts on WW(This isn't suppose to be fact. Just my current thoughts).

So I'm not going to talk about the technical issues. Everyone knows about them and everyone knows that it sucks for both game developer and consumer. So I aint mentioning that anymore. What I will mention is that I wish the story was more interesting for the beginning arc and I wish they directors let the british actors do their own voices then try and be American. The developers said that they made that mistake and I'm glad they're going to fix it. Regardless the characters are a deeply disappointing part of this game. One of the things that make a good cast of characters is diversity.
Not only in race, sexuality, etc. But also, the interaction in which these characters meet the main player. We meet Yangyang and chixia. They both treat the player character with kindness which is fine but then every single other character does the same thing. Baizhi (indifferent but nice). Mortefi (Nice). The empress and her CIA agent (nice). Jianxin (Super nice). Lingyang (Super nice (I'm only doing characters I have met). It's not until Scar in which we get real diversity on interactions and that just a bummer. When Scar was like - don't trust the government. I was secertly hoping the empress and sanhu would turn on you. Forcing Chixia and Yangyang to make a choice. Luckily the story, does pick up after Scar's badass introduction and this is when I warm up to the majority of the cast. It also helps I changed the voice acting to Korean. I haven't met all the characters yet. But here are my basic thoughts on all of them. (I just beat Scar's devil form)
YangYang: The isakai girl that likes you
Chixia: The tomboy isakai girl that likes you as a friend.
Baixhi - A nerdy girl with interesting scientific ideas regarding the end of the world. Also, her pet is cute.
Sanhu: She should absolutely go off and see her power.
Mortefi: nothing to really say
Jianxin: Motherly kind of nice. Still kind of flat.
Lingyang: I actually like this character. His story was good and game play fun.
Scar: The best character in the game so far.
Empress: (I forgot her name please don't bash) Interesting concepts but need more.
The rest I haven't met.
For the gameplay. It's really fun. Reminds me of astral chains. For the record, I really like the game.
The grinding though is pretty bad. I'm at level 15 to 16 and the grinding is kind of bad. Mainly because you really have to focus and put time and focus in that and I don't got the time. Path to nowhere just has a raid button and you get the resources it's great. So, I hope they at least lower the numbers and try to go around how easy honkai star rail grinding is.
For the gacha system. I am actually uniquely equipped to talk about the gacha systems as I have written papers regarding gacha systems for college and had to do alot of research. So most gacha systems in most gacha games suck and not like in the oh they suck because I don't the character now. It's they suck because of maniplation and psychological tricks used by gachas in general to get kids and people addicts into gambling. I maybe will mention the video that can basically summarize this but, I don't want WW to get any ideas. The point is Wuthering Waves gacha is actually the most legit and morally correct gacha besides Path to nowhere. The reason why this gambling is so much better is because after the 80 pulls you get a 5 star character. It may not be the one but it's at least a 5-star character. This is great because it at least guartnees a reward unlike many gachas in which someone could put thousands of dollars and get nothing. The Gacha system is partially why I want to keep playing this game. We need more systems like this to make the gacha system less exploitative and so I support this gacha. Not only for the great art, combat, and a good gacha. But also, because the developers are learning and are understanding their mistakes. So, I can't wait to see what Wuthering Waves will do next. (Please don't bash me). Basically, I like the game and while there are genuine flaws. The game is good enough that I can look past the flaws and continue playing.
submitted by Stunning_Pride2636 to WutheringWaves [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 04:10 Superb-Pattern-1253 does it sound like shes open to a second chance?

so a while back i matched with a girl on an OLD site. And it was going really well. we were never official but we went out 5 times, talked everyday she would initiate would call me ect... we had a great time together and honestly it seemed like it was running the course of going exclusive. she deleted her old page after our third time hanging out. things were cool, and things just felt right, like it was supposed to be. it just felt dif in a good way. however i completely messed it up by saying something really stupid to her and it scared her off and and after i said it we hung out one more time and she said she didnt want to see me anymore.
this was about two months ago and we really havent talked since. idk why but i guess last night i was just kind of thinking of things with her, honestly shes prob the one girl i was never really able to get out of my mind so i just texted her to apologize to her and explain things which im not going to go into but basically problems at the time with my ex made me defensive ( was talking with lawyers because i was being threatened, blackmailed, and she was trying to exploit me) and ive been clinically diagnosed with anxiety in the past. i told her this but i said im not going to go into very much detail unless you actually care and i would prefer to actually talk if thats an option. at the end of the text i said if you want nothing to do with me anymore i understand and if so ill just leave it at this but just felt like i needed to say this
well today she texts me back saying lets talk about this. i asked if she wanted to meet up and talk this week. her response was maybe phone call first? honestly ive never really talked to or been involved with someone i really felt i wanted to try again with till her so i dont know what to expect. does this sound like im over it conversation or possibly i would be willing to try again situation?
submitted by Superb-Pattern-1253 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 03:37 Dr_Pepper_blood Missing In Ohio: Yvonne Reglar vanished from her Sunoco Station job in 1977.

I wanted to close out the Ohio series with another of these lone young female, working alone, abducted from her job because there seems to be at least one case in so many of the U.S. states. I also usually stick to the 80's-2000's however I know these cases from the 70's can still be solved as well. In progress with the Doe identifications and cold cases solved over the last few years it gives us new hope.
In the summer of 1977 Yvonne Reglar was 15 years old. She'd been an employee of a Sunoco gas Station in North Olmstead Ohio for about 18 months by August of 1977. I couldn't find much in the way of who this 15 year old girl was at the time. I do notice the Fairview Park Police have seemingly kept her case in the media and public eye often for the last several years. She was last seen wearing a "yellow T-shirt and blue denim cut-off shorts" this just sounded so incredibly 70's summer attire.
Yvonne was scheduled to work at her usual North Olmstead location on August the 8th, 1977 at 7a.m. However she was asked to relieve an employee at a different Sunoco Station located on Lorain Road. Yvonne had agreed to cover the shift and was dropped off at the Lorain Road Sunoco Station at 8a.m. that day. She would be working alone.
Around 12:00 p.m. Yvonne's manager from the North Olmsted location stopped by and dropped off lunch for Yvonne. At around 12:30 p.m. Yvonne was on the phone with a friend of hers. Yvonne had made a statement to her friend that a car that had "driven through the lot had left and was now back." She then got off the phone and told her friend she'd call her after 3p.m. when she got off of work. At 1:30p.m. Yvonne did process a credit card receipt. When her relief showed up at 2:45p.m. the Sunoco Station was empty.
Yvonne's purse, cigarettes, a book she'd brought and her partially eaten lunch were still in the station. It appeared no money was taken from the register, and no sort of struggle appeared to have taken place inside the Station. Yvonne's coworkers notified the police at 3:30p.m. Yvonne has never been seen again.
I do know there was some family in 2014 still around as a niece I believe offered DNA for comparison in any future investigation. She did have siblings and extended family that still seek answers in what happened to Yvonne.
Authorities do believe she was abducted by a man while pumping his gas and stated there had been several suspects over the decades. But without Yvonne there isn't much to charge anyone with or connect them to the case. In 2016 the did announce a person of interest who had committed similar crimes throughout the years. The person of interest was never named publicly and no one has been arrested for any crimes in regards to her disappearance.
The Fairview Park Police have sought help through the decades with this investigation via FBI, Ohio BCI, The US Marshall's Service, and the National Center For Missing and Exploited Children. Yvonne has not been found her case remains open and unsolved.
The Fairview Park Police Department is investigating at 440-356-4415 or 440-333-1234
Editing to add what was pointed out in the comments. Different articles listed different ages for Yvonne. She was most likely actually 17 years old when she disappeared, which would make more sense with the timeline of her having already worked for Sunoco for 18 months.
submitted by Dr_Pepper_blood to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 01:15 Interesting-Wind-729 These are data that I also uploaded in another junko furuta community, it is information extracted from pages with good support about this case,These are facts about the murderer Jo Ogura

These are data that I also uploaded in another junko furuta community, it is information extracted from pages with good support about this case,These are facts about the murderer Jo Ogura
facts about the murderer jo ogura He was born on May 11, 1971. He had a sister. I did not find detailed information about her or her relationship with Jo Ogura today. His father Akira Ogura was a man with a fierce, explosive character, he drank alcohol all day and came home late, he had a lover and he beat Jo Ogura's mother, the family relationship was distant, Jo Ogura moved in with his mother Etsuko ogura
Regarding his school life in primary school, Ogura was a child with violent attitudes since he provoked fights among his classmates, and he fought with them and always won them in fights, he bullied his classmates and fought with students from higher grades. bigger than him, and he always lied saying that he didn't cause the fights, but that it was the other children's fault. In his adolescence he boasted of his great strength and height, since he had inhuman strength he could do things like break a windshield with his little finger, crush aluminum cans with his hand among many other things, he had the idea that he He could beat anyone no matter what physique the other person had, also in high school he went to a prestigious school in Japan this is where he first met Miyano and became very close to him then he became close to Watanabe and then he became close He became friends with Minato and Minato's older brother but was expelled from this prestigious school for problematic behavior and because he did not attend classes, in the first year of high school, also in the first year of high school he was searched without arrest for stealing an abandoned bicycle, Due to the issue of expulsion from the prestigious school, he continued his studies at another school part-time but Ogura ended up abandoning his studies and began to form a violence group, this group was before he joined with Miyano and the other murderers, In this criminal group, Ogura was the leader along with teenagers who ran away from home. They had fun causing bad actions and crimes such as sexually abusing women and men, stealing, kidnapping, beating, among many others. He lived in and out of youth centers. arrest but his behavior never changed.
Other facts about Jo Ogura was that in the second year of high school he brought a lover to her house. Jo Ogura's mother insulted Jo Ogura's lover and Jo Ogura hit her. Also before the Junko Furuta incident, Jo Ogura was on probation for harassing a woman, he chased her and attacked her, tearing her clothes.
On November 8, 1988, Ogura, Minato, Miyano, and Watanabe were driving a Silva car which they used to abuse women. They abused one with threats such as "we just left the rehabilitation center" among other threats.
The images that I uploaded up there are about the incident that Jo Ogura caused in May 2004 in which Ogura attacked, kidnapped and assaulted an acquaintance of Takatoshi Isono for 4 hours in his mother's snack bar, this was done for Jealous because he believed that Isono wanted to steal his girlfriend, Ogura showed up at 2 in the morning with his car at the entrance of the house that Isono was renting and hit him in the face and threatened him with a bat so that Isono would go inside. the trunk of the car, the man, out of fear of retaliation, got into the car and Jo Ogura drove to the snack bar where he was confined there. During the confinement, Jo boasted of having killed Junko as he told him phrases in isolation like "I have killed people in the past and I know how to get away with it", "it's the same to kill one person as it is to kill two people", "I know how to fool the police and passing a psychiatric evaluation is easy", in addition to telling him that "he was a master criminal in Junko's crime", and threatened him by saying "you are my toy, I don't care what you do, you will be released", he said things like this between laughs, Jo Ogura did not stop hitting the man no matter how much he had an image. big bruises, front teeth and bruises broken and with a lot of blood, in the end he let him go because according to jo ogura he was tired of hitting him, he called a friend of this isono man and asked him to go look for isono at the snack bar, Then he threatened saying that he was doing this for now but that this could escalate to a greater extent. Isono spent 10 days in the hospital recovering from his injuries. At the trial of this case in 2004, Isono did not want to attend because he was terrified of Ogura. Isono was so scared that he apologized for everything.
Before this incident in 2004, Isono met Ogura in a flower shop. At first they only greeted each other out of simple courtesy, but then Ogura approached Isono and was going to visit him at the villa where Isono lived. They talked and drank sake together (a widely consumed alcoholic beverage). in Japan), they watched television, then Ogura began to have very exploitative behavior in Isono's house, he took food from the refrigerator without permission, he stole her alcohol and drank it, one night he appeared at her house at 2 in the morning Telling him that he lost his wallet and he messed up the whole house, he couldn't find his wallet and left, he told him to call him if he found his wallet. Isono never dared to confront him because Ogura had a creepy attitude, he lived talking obscenely about women, he drank alcohol until late at night with colleagues, he lived saying bad words, his physique was built and he was very tall, 1.90 tall.
One day talking about life things for a while Ogura suddenly with a creepy smile told Isono "I actually killed someone when I was a child and I was in prison for 10 years, can I tell you what happened?" At this, Isono felt afraid and did not say anything. Without even asking, Ogura smiled and said calmly, "It is quite well known. You probably know that the specific case of murder of a high school girl which occurred in Ayase 15 years ago," Isono felt. bad, and Ogura said "it's good to attract young people, fortunately I didn't mention that during Junko's interrogation, so they only gave me 10 years" he said this between laughs, he also told him "you probably know how scary I am, right And you know what happens if you make me feel uncomfortable, one day I grabbed a girl (Junko), I grabbed her with my left hand and shaved her. It was a fun thing to do at the time. (laughs) I also told her how one day He got to see Junko's condition and saw that he was not breathing because he placed a cigarette in his nose and the smoke did not move. He also told him how he put the subject into the drum. It should be noted that after this, Isono had him very afraid of ogura and did not want to have anything to do with him, he did not answer him and he did not receive him at his house, once a call came to isono's phone while he was working part-time, the call was from ogura in the call ogura He asked if he knew a woman with certain physical features, apart from telling him not to ignore his call, Isono did not answer and Ogura cut off the call, that night at dawn he went to look for him at his house to confine him.
He alone was sentenced to 4 years of hard labor and prison for attacking Isono.
Other information is that Ogura at Junko's trial laughed at the grieving family and said to Junko's mother, laughing, "You wouldn't want your daughter to be alive, would you?"
and in the trial at one point when he was asked how he felt about the victim Junko he said "I feel sorry for her but it's okay because I played with her."
This is a summary that I made about data on one of his murderers, I leave the links to Korean pages and blogs and I also obtained information about Japanese pages that were very informed about this case and talk about this gang of murderers and things about this case in general and in a much more complete way in case you want to read it and get information.
page 1 https://namu.wiki/w/%EC%97%AC%EA%B3%A0%EC%83%9D%20%EC%BD%98%ED%81%AC%EB%A6%AC% ED%8A%B8%20%EC%82%B4%EC%9D%B8%EC%82%AC%EA%B1%B4
page 2 blog https://m.dcinside.com/board/horro70809
This link is to a video that a YouTuber makes about criminal cases. This video was talking about Junko's case and at minute 3 51 exactly in the video there is a confession that Jo Ogura makes. https://youtu.be/y5G21h_IyS8?si=i7kuFMsspmpnZltE
About this guy, he is an extremely dangerous guy that I can't believe they let him out on the streets since he can kill anyone and not feel regret, I don't know how the judges and other people involved in these cases had so much faith in him that could be rehabilitated
submitted by Interesting-Wind-729 to justiceforjunkofuruta [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:48 AdPleasant394 Watching someone milk my sisters death

My sister, who took her own life over a year ago, had a bit of an online presence. There is one girl who she was internet friends with who posts about her now almost every day. Recently posted that she quit her fucking job because of the “grieving”. Mind you, she never fucking met my sister. I don’t know what her problem is but she needs to stop exploiting the death of someone who is essentially a stranger. Even I did not lose it the way this girl is. I’m just ranting to the void I guess because it’s actually disgusting to me watching this happen. It’s okay to mourn and I understand that everyone does it differently. But this is downright exploitation. I am finally going to block her, as I’m sure I’ll be told to do. But I just needed to rant.
submitted by AdPleasant394 to SuicideBereavement [link] [comments]
