Nursing report template

Student Nurse: tips, advice, and support

2012.12.09 12:39 Baconated_Kayos Student Nurse: tips, advice, and support

Practically anything and everything related to nursing school.

2009.11.30 07:50 Support and knowledge about breastfeeding

**This is a community to encourage, support, and educate parents nursing babies/children through their breastfeeding journey. Partners seeking advice and support are also welcome here.**

2016.09.28 04:45 killlameme7 MemeEconomy


2024.06.10 17:19 The_Ghost_Dragon Birth Certificate in VA--legally married mother filled out BC as if single

I'm not sure how else to word the title.
Essentially, my sister was still legally married to her ex, but had been separated for years. She had another kid (by her new partner) and they filled out the birth certificate like normal. She was later informed by a nurse at her PCP that since she was still legally married, she should have had to fill out an affidavit of paternity(?) and go through the proper channels since VA considers the legal husband as default father.
Our question is, should she get this redone? Is the birth certificate valid? If anyone reports it, could she get in trouble or have to redo the process? TIA for any info.
submitted by The_Ghost_Dragon to AskLegal [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 17:09 lukisjama Project responsibilities

Hi all, can you please help me how to approach the following issue :-)
What I have as data sources
What I need
Any ideas? Thank you very much
submitted by lukisjama to Notion [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:38 Totally_man I wanted to share the intentionally deceptive responses from my MP/MPP.

On March 26, 2024, I emailed MP John Nater, voicing concerns about Jenni Byrne, CEO of a lobbying firm with connections to Loblaws. Byrne, who was Pierre Poilievre’s political advisor, founded a new lobbying firm while maintaining ties to her previous one, despite publicly denying such connections. My email detailed how Byrne’s new firm initially redirected its website traffic to her old firm’s site, a move corrected only after scrutiny. Byrne’s firm employs six active lobbyists for Loblaws, a company facing criticism for significant price hikes. I urged Nater to address these unethical lobbying practices and their impact on Canadians.
Nater responded on April 12, 2024, downplaying the issue. He claimed Byrne is not a registered lobbyist and denied any undue influence from lobbyists on himself or the Official Opposition. Additionally, Nater defended the Conservative stance on the carbon tax by citing a snippet from a Parliamentary Budget Officer’s report, taken completely out of context.
Nater’s response implied the carbon tax negatively impacts households, quoting the PBO report to suggest a net loss. This quote, however, referred to projections for 2030 and failed to consider ongoing developments in clean energy, home upgrades, and other mitigating factors outlined in the full report. The PBO actually states that currently, 80% of households come out ahead on the carbon tax/rebate. This crucial context was omitted in the propaganda that Nater and Pierre Poilievre have been pushing to constituents.
Frustrated by Nater’s misleading reply, I responded on April 12, 2024, and again on April 18, 2024, clarifying that while Byrne may not be a registered lobbyist, her firm employs six active lobbyists representing Loblaws. I included a link to the registry of these lobbyists to underscore the disingenuousness of Nater’s response. I wrote, “Your complete non-answer is an absolute disgrace to every single person you supposedly represent. You are part of the problem, clearly. Grow a pair.” I received no further response from Nater, although that was no longer expected at this point.
Seeking accountability, I had emailed MPP Matthew Rae on April 7, 2024, expressing my disappointment with Nater’s lack of engagement and urging greater transparency from Conservative representatives. Rae’s response on June 3, 2024, outlined provincial efforts to address affordability, healthcare, and housing. He cited various investments and initiatives. However, I found Rae’s response equally unsatisfactory, especially given the provincial government's track record, including the controversial Bill 124.
Bill 124, which capped public sector wages at 1%, was recently ruled unconstitutional by the courts. As a result, the pay owed to public sector workers, including nurses like my wife, is not a matter of generosity but a legal obligation. Rae’s email, which ignored these critical aspects, felt particularly hollow in light of these developments.
In my reply to Rae, I wrote, “Matthew, my wife is a nurse. Your email not only rings absolutely hollow, but it's an absolute insult.”
I shared my frustrations another subreddit, detailing how Nater’s response was a canned “blame the carbon tax” answer. I pointed out that he tried to deceive me by misrepresenting the facts about Jenni Byrne and using a quote taken out of context to push his narrative. Additionally, I highlighted that Nater mentioned Bill C-356, “The Building Homes Not Bureaucracy Act,” as a Conservative effort to address the housing crisis while failing to acknowledge that Pierre Poilievre has voted against affordable housing measures more than any sitting MP.
In my post, I wrote, “Byrne’s not a lobbyist? True, but she runs a lobbying firm that employs a team [six, active] of them. Next time they try to play word games, remember that facts matter, and context is everything. If your MP thinks they can mislead you with technicalities, make sure they know you're paying attention.”
This video highlights how it's being framed by Conservatives, posted by Pierre's team.
This video shows that the answer is much more nuanced.
There is a growing demand for honesty and direct answers from elected officials. I feel my experience illustrates voters are increasingly unwilling to accept evasive responses and are calling for greater accountability in their government.
Our elected representatives are supposed to work for their constituents, and it seems as though they have failed this task on a fundamental level.
submitted by Totally_man to onguardforthee [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:25 Icy_Welder_9153 Contact URL not working

Contact URL not working
Does anybody know whats going on with the support at bandainamco i try to submit a ticket but this shows instead
submitted by Icy_Welder_9153 to bandainamco [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:24 automator432 My 6 step process for effective keyword research working with AI SEO content generation tools

My 6 step process for effective keyword research working with AI SEO content generation tools
Hey Redditors! Curious about mastering keyword research with AI tools? Here's my simple 6-step guide to help you optimize your content and boost your SEO effortlessly!

Step 1: Research Your Seed Keyword

IStep 1 is crucial. We’re talking about researching your seed keyword. It’s like laying the foundation for a solid building—get this right, and everything else will fall into place.
What is a Seed Keyword?
A seed keyword is the starting point of your keyword research journey. Think of it as the broad, generic term that represents the core of what you’re aiming to optimize for. It’s the base from which you'll uncover those golden long-tail keywords that bring in targeted traffic.
Why It’s Important
Imagine trying to navigate a new city without a map. That’s what keyword research feels like without a good seed keyword. Your seed keyword helps you explore and identify the specific terms that potential users are searching for. It's the difference between driving aimlessly and knowing exactly where you need to go.
How to Find Your Seed Keyword
Start by brainstorming words that are central to your niche or topic. These are terms your audience is likely searching for. For example, if you’re in the fitness niche, “weight loss” or “strength training” could be good seed keywords.
Using Keyword tools
Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, SemRush, Ahrefs, or Ubersuggest to analyze your seed keywords. These tools will provide you with metrics like:
  • Monthly Search Volume: How often is this term searched?
  • Ranking Difficulty: How tough is it to rank for this keyword?
  • Cost Per Click (CPC): What’s the average cost per click if you were to run ads for this keyword?
  • Trends: Is this keyword gaining or losing popularity?
Example Walkthrough
Let’s say you choose “keyword research” as your seed keyword. Plug it into an AI tool. You might find related keywords like “keyword planner” or “keyword research tools” that have high search volumes but moderate difficulty levels. This is where you strike gold, finding actionable insights to shape your content strategy.
Pro Tips
  • Think Broad, but Act Specific: Start with a broad term and then drill down into specifics. For instance, from “fitness” to “home workouts for beginners.”
  • Leverage Trends: Use tools like to see if your seed keyword is part of a growing trend. Also get more insights on related keywords/topics which can in turn be the next “seed keyword” for next article and so on. Capitalize on what’s hot right now.
  • Look for Low-Hanging Fruit: Aim for keywords with decent search volume but lower competition to maximize your chances of ranking.

Step 2: Filter Out and Eliminate Keywords

Alright, you've got your seed keyword and a list of potential keywords from Step 1. Now it’s time to filter out and eliminate the keywords that aren’t worth your effort. This step is all about fine-tuning your keyword list to focus on the most promising opportunities.

Why Filter Keywords?

Not all keywords are created equal. Some might have high search volumes but are incredibly tough to rank for. Others might be easy to rank for but bring in little to no traffic. By filtering your keywords, you avoid wasting time and resources on keywords that are too competitive or irrelevant to your target audience.

How to Filter Keywords

1. Assess Ranking Difficulty

First, look at the ranking difficulty for each keyword. This metric, often provided by AI tools, tells you how hard it is to rank for a particular keyword. A higher score means more competition. For instance, in the attached image, you see keywords like "keyword research tool" with a ranking difficulty of 82—pretty tough to break into!
Pro Tip: Aim for keywords with a ranking difficulty lower than 70. These are typically less competitive and give you a better chance of ranking higher on search engine results pages (SERPs).

2. Evaluate Search Volume

Next, check the monthly search volume. This tells you how many people are searching for that keyword each month. Keywords like “Google keyword research” with a search volume of 5.2K are gold mines if they have a manageable ranking difficulty. On the flip side, a keyword with low search volume, like “keyword” with only 240 searches, might not be worth your time, especially if it’s also difficult to rank for.
Pro Tip: Look for keywords with a good balance of search volume and manageable ranking difficulty. A keyword like “keyword research” with a ranking difficulty of 77 and a search volume of 1.8K is a decent option.

3. Eliminate Overcrowded Keywords

Finally, get rid of overcrowded keywords. These are keywords that everyone and their grandmother are trying to rank for. If a keyword has a ranking difficulty above 80, it's often too competitive unless you have a high domain authority or a large budget for content creation and link building.

Practical Example

Let's say you’re working with “keyword research.” You find related terms like “SEO keyword analysis tool” and “website keyword analysis tool” with ranking difficulties of 76 and 81 respectively. Despite their decent search volumes, the high difficulty scores suggest that these might not be worth the effort compared to easier options.

Tools for Filtering

  • Google Keyword Planner: Great for seeing search volume and competition level.
  • Ahrefs: Provides detailed metrics including difficulty scores.
  • SEMrush: Offers comprehensive keyword analytics including trends and difficulty.

Quick Tips

  • Focus on Long-Tail Keywords: These often have lower competition and are more specific, making them easier to rank for.
  • Consider User Intent: Choose keywords that match what your audience is looking for, not just what has high search volume.
  • Don’t Be Afraid to Niche Down: Sometimes the best opportunities are in narrower niches where competition is lower.

Step 3: Cluster, Cluster, Cluster

Hey folks! Now that you’ve filtered your keywords, it’s time to move on to Step 3: Cluster, Cluster, Cluster. This step is all about grouping similar keywords into clusters to create focused, themed content that packs a punch. Think of it as building a roadmap for your content that guides both you and your readers.

What is Keyword Clustering?

Keyword clustering involves grouping related keywords together. These clusters are usually centered around a main topic or theme and include various related keywords that your audience might be searching for.
By clustering, you ensure that your content covers a topic comprehensively and provides value, which can improve your rankings and user engagement.
Also, with right AI writing tools, you can import all your "Cluster keywords" for your article , and it will make sure your article covers all those cluster keywords.

Why You Should Cluster Keywords

Clustering helps you:
  1. Create Comprehensive Content: Cover a topic thoroughly by addressing multiple aspects of it.
  2. Improve SEO: Search engines love content that covers a topic in depth.
  3. Enhance User Experience: Provide valuable, relevant information in one place, making it easier for your audience to find what they need.

How to Create Keyword Clusters

1. Identify Core Topics

Start by identifying core topics from your filtered keyword list. These are broad themes that encompass various related keywords. For example, if you’re focusing on “keyword research,” your core topics could include “tools for keyword research” or “how to perform keyword research.”

2. Group Related Keywords

Next, group your keywords into clusters based on these core topics. Look for keywords with common characteristics or those that can logically be addressed in the same piece of content. For instance, in the attached image, keywords like “best keyword research tools” and “Google keyword search tool” can be clustered under “keyword research tools.”
Pro Tip: Use tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs to identify related keywords and organize them into clusters easily. Other tools are KeywordCupid , Cluster AI etc.

3. Analyze Search Intent

Ensure that the keywords in each cluster match the search intent. This means understanding what users are looking for when they search for these terms. For example, keywords like “best free keyword research tools” and “how to use keyword research tools” indicate that users are looking for recommendations and guides.

Practical Example

Let’s say you’re clustering keywords around “keyword research.” Your clusters might look like this:
  • Tools for Keyword Research: “best keyword research tools,” “Google keyword search tool,” “free keyword research tools”
  • How to Do Keyword Research: “how to perform keyword research,” “keyword research tips,” “SEO keyword research”
  • Keyword Research for Specific Needs: “keyword research for beginners,” “keyword research for SEO,” “advanced keyword research techniques”
Each cluster represents a topic you can create a detailed, valuable piece of content around.

Benefits of Clustering

  • Structured Content Creation: Makes it easier to plan and write content that covers all aspects of a topic.
  • Higher Search Engine Rankings: Comprehensive content is often ranked higher by search engines.
  • Better User Engagement: Users are more likely to stay on your page if you provide all the information they’re looking for.

Tools for Clustering

  • Cluster AI: Automatically groups related keywords into clusters.
  • Ubersuggest: Provides suggestions for related keywords to create clusters.
  • Google’s Keyword Planner: Helps identify and group related keywords based on user searches.

Quick Tips

  • Think Thematically: Group keywords that can be logically addressed in the same piece of content.
  • Cover All Angles: Make sure your content addresses different facets of the topic.
  • Stay User-Centric: Focus on providing value to your audience with comprehensive information.

Step 4: Write
Now that you’ve got your keyword clusters all set, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to Step 4: Write. This step is all about transforming your research into a compelling first draft that will engage and inform your audience.

It’s the step where you turn data and keywords into content that not only answers questions and solves problems but also attracts and retains readers. Good writing makes your content more engaging, more shareable, and more likely to rank high on search engines.

How to Start Your Draft

1. Use Your Keyword Clusters

Begin by pulling keywords from your established clusters. Each cluster provides a roadmap for your content, ensuring you cover all the necessary aspects of the topic. For example, if you’re writing about “keyword research tools,” you might start with an introduction that includes your main keyword and then dive into sections like “best tools,” “how to use,” and “free options.”
Pro Tip: Some AI tools like "Content at Scale" aim to naturally incorporate all your keywords into the text. Keyword stuffing is a no-no! Writing in a way that feels natural and relevant to the topic, while also integrating your "cluster keywords" and NLP keywords from Google's first page DATA is best done by some tools like "Content at Scale", Cuppa, WriteSonic etc.

2. Structure Your Content

Outline your content based on the clusters. This will help you stay organized and ensure you don’t miss any important points. For instance, a blog post on “Maximizing SEO” could be broken down into sections such as:
  • Introduction: Importance of SEO
  • Choosing Good Keywords: Tips and Tools
  • Effective Keyword Placement: Strategies and Examples
  • Conclusion: Recap and Call to Action
Pro Tip: With tight AI tools, you can use "Content templates" that make use of Use subheadings to make your content skimmable. People love content they can quickly scan to find the information they need.

3. Draft Quickly

Don’t worry about perfection at this stage. The goal is to get your ideas down on paper. Using an AI content platform can speed up this process by generating drafts based on your keywords and clusters. This is especially useful for producing a lot of content quickly while maintaining quality.

Tools for Writing

  • Most human-like content writing platforms: Content at Scale, Cuppa, WriteSonic. Drafting is faster with these tools, and you get to import all your "cluster" keywords into the content, making it the best possible SEO draft! Basically, you have an unfair advantage here , which other tools might NOT have!
  • Grammarly: Helps catch grammar and spelling mistakes, ensuring your content is polished.
  • Hemingway App: Analyzes readability and suggests ways to simplify your text.
  • AI Writing Assistants: Platforms like Jasper or Writesonic can generate content ideas and drafts based on your keywords.

Practical Example

Let’s say you’re working on an article titled “Boost Your SEO with Effective Keyword Placement.” Start by crafting an engaging introduction that highlights the importance of SEO and introduces the concept of keyword placement. Use your cluster to guide the main sections, discussing strategies, examples, and tools for keyword placement. Wrap up with a conclusion that reinforces the key takeaways and encourages readers to apply what they’ve learned. All this writing can be automated with tools like "Content at Scale" and Cuppa 's content templates.

Tips for Engaging Content

  • Use Active Voice: It makes your writing more direct and dynamic.
  • Include Examples: Real-world examples make your content relatable and easier to understand.
  • Add Visuals: Images, charts, and infographics can make your content more engaging and visually appealing.
  • Revise Later: Focus on getting your ideas down first, then come back later to refine and edit.

Step 5: Build Power

You’ve got your draft ready, now it’s time to build power into your content using keyword insights.
You can access this feature of “Keyword insights” in some AI content generation tools like Content at Scale and Cuppa !
Here’s how you can supercharge your article in a few simple steps:
  • Evaluate Substantial Keywords:
    • Use the Keyword Insights feature to assess each keyword’s value.
    • Ask yourself, “Is this keyword even worth it?” Check the Keyword Value score for guidance.
  • Optimize Keyword Mentions:
    • Review the “Mentions” stats to balance keyword usage.
    • Too few mentions might mean your keyword gets ignored.
    • Too many mentions can make your content look like spam.
    • Aim for a balanced keyword frequency to enhance readability and SEO.
  • Check for Keyword Entities:
    • Identify and incorporate keyword entities that are relevant to your topic.
    • Entities add depth and context, making your content more authoritative.
  • Boost High-Value Keywords:
    • Emphasize keywords that have high value and are crucial for your content.
    • Integrate them naturally to maintain flow and avoid keyword stuffing.
  • Leverage the Insights:
    • Use insights to adjust content length, structure, and keyword placement for maximum impact.
    • Ensure your content aligns with the latest SEO best practices.

Step 6: Publish and Monitor

You’re ready for the final step: Publish and Monitor. Let’s get that content out there and keep an eye on its performance.
  • Publish Your Content:
    • If you’re using platforms like WordPress or Shopify, some AI tool let you publish your content with 1 click – currently the best ones are Content at Scale, Cuppa, Junia, WriteSonic etc. which have this feature!
    • Ensure your post is optimized for SEO and readability before hitting publish.
  • Monitor Performance:
    • Use Google Analytics 4 (GA4) to track performance.
    • Check the Pages and Screens report to monitor key metrics like page views, user engagement, and conversions.
  • Adjust Based on Data:
    • Analyze the data to see which keywords are driving traffic and engagement.
    • Make adjustments to your content based on performance metrics to improve SEO and user experience.
  • Continuous Optimization:
    • Regularly update your content to keep it relevant and high-performing.
    • Stay on top of trends and tweak your strategy as needed to maintain and boost rankings.
submitted by automator432 to ProAITools [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:20 Geektechno TechSmith Camtasia v2024.0.1 Pre-activated (macOS) 💚 (Free Download) ☑️

TechSmith Camtasia v2024.0.1 Pre-activated (macOS) 💚 (Free Download) ☑️

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submitted by Geektechno to MacCrack [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:01 l8tn8 Weekly Claim Status and Success Thread

Has your claim been taking the scenic route or did it take the express lane this week?
For those looking to share their success you may also want to make a post in our sister sub: VeteransSuccess.
For those looking to share their claim status you may also want to make a post in our sister sub: VeteransWaitingRoom.
Claim status Template:
To tag specific people in replies on redit type: "u/username". The "u" does need to be lowercase.
Helpful Links:
Current average wait time for claims click HERE.
For those interested in learning more about the stages of a claim click HERE.
To see list of benefits based off combined disability evaluations click HERE.
submitted by l8tn8 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:31 chaksnoyd11 For OLJ Job Hunters (job tracker spreadsheet + chrome extension)

For OLJ Job Hunters (job tracker spreadsheet + chrome extension)
Hi buhaydigital,
I saw posts from u/DIEmension-c-137 and u/Thick-Day6529 that contain pictures of their job application spreadsheet. I personally got the idea from Diemension a few months back (thanks, btw!), so I decided to create a simple Chrome extension that will basically copy the job post details from the page to your clipboard. You can then paste it into your job tracking spreadsheet (it will only save you a few clicks 😅).
Chrome Extension: onlinejobsph-job-details-extractor
You can also use and modify this spreadsheet template: Job Application Tracker Spreadsheet
The extension only supports OLJ for now, but I plan to expand to other platforms when I have the time.
DM me if you find any bugs.
P.S. There's an increase number of reports of Wise having unauthorized transaction, just take note of this.
Edit: This is a repost, forgot to add proper links and images.
submitted by chaksnoyd11 to buhaydigital [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:18 LawEqual8886 Should I continue to look for friendships despite being burned at the work place by coworkers?

It’s not all of my coworkers but there are a select few who I don’t get along with. And I just stay to myself and do my job but they always find something wrong with my performance when I did everything that I could’ve done.
I’m a nurse and I guess tonight I had a pt go down to the ICU. So everyone came to the room to help when we were figuring out what to do and how to stabilize things. However there were two other nurses sorta critically eyeing me and they decided to later gossip about me behind my back.
I’m not really giving specifics but they basically thought we should’ve made an official call for help sooner for the pt but I attempted multiple times to get the charge nurse and the doctor but both said to just wait and see if she’d be ok. Then I get the “you should’ve called sooner” when I tried to get help..??
So it was awkward asf when I caught those two nurses in the hallway obviously talking about me, I know because one of them was like “look she’s right behind you” out loud. And then the second one turned to look at me. Then she made some excuse about talking about her cats and not wanting anyone to know.(maybe she was talking about her cat but why make a big scene about me walking up behind them..?) Which idk the whole thing seemed like high school and I’m like if you have an issue with me say it to my face it’s cowardly asf to go behind my back and gossip to your little friend in a corner and avoid me to do it.
And it did sadden me because I tried to befriend one of those nurses and it genuinely sucks, because i never say a word to them and if I do it’s a greeting or a nice exchange. It’s made me wary of wanting friends especially at the work place.
Perhaps no one will agree that they were talking about me badly but I’ve gaslighted myself enough at this job when it comes to being trashed talked enough that I never reported it. Like I’ve been called dr death by the secretary lady and the charge nurse joked about firing me loudly and asking for another nurse to replace me(I called out that next day because I was depressed asf and suicidal)
I’ve been called half a nurse because I asked for help with one of my patients and they thought I shouldn’t have needed help. So yes Ik when someone is talking badly about me and maybe I would’ve thought nothing of it if it weren’t for the awkward, “omg she’s walking right behind you!” Like I’m just something to be avoided and it’s fucked up because I’m pretty sure I’m one of the only ones whose gotten this treatment ever since I became a nurse. I’ll never be close with them ever..
Again maybe some will think I’m paranoid but if it’s just an innocent conversation about a cat which I’ve heard my coworker talking loudly about said cat earlier to other coworkers without caring then I doubt my presence would change much or there would be a need to tell the other I’m approaching the area they’ve been gossiping at.
submitted by LawEqual8886 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:09 Kloiper The War Room - /r/hoi4 Weekly General Help Thread: June 10 2024

Please check our previous War Room thread for any questions left unanswered
Welcome to the War Room. Here you will find trustworthy military advisors to guide your diplomacy, battles, and internal affairs.
This thread is for any small questions that don't warrant their own post, or continued discussions for your next moves in your game. If you'd like to channel the wisdom and knowledge of the noble generals of this subreddit, and more importantly not ruin your save, then you've found the right place!
Important: If you are asking about a specific situation in your game, please post screenshots of any relevant map modes (strategic, diplomacy, factions, etc) or interface tabs (economy, military, etc). Please also explain the situation as best you can. Alliances, army strength, tech etc. are all factors your advisors will need to know to give you the best possible answer.

Reconnaissance Report:

Below is a preliminary reconnaissance report. It is comprised of a list of resources that are helpful to players of all skill levels, meant to assist both those asking questions as well as those answering questions. This list is updated as mechanics change, including new strategies as they arise and retiring old strategies that have been left in the dust. You can help me maintain the list by sending me new guides and notifying me when old guides are no longer relevant!
Note: this thread is very new and is therefore very barebones - please suggest some helpful links to populate the below sections

Getting Started

New Player Tutorials


General Tips


Multiplayer Tips


Country-Specific Strategy


Advanced/In-Depth Guides

If you have any useful resources not currently in the Reconnaissance Report, please share them with me and I'll add them! You can message me or mention my username in a comment by typing Kloiper

Calling all generals!

As this thread is very new, we are in dire need of guides to fill out the Reconnaissance Report, both general and specific! Further, if you're answering a question in this thread, consider contributing to the Hoi4 wiki, which needs help as well. Anybody can help contribute to the wiki - a good starting point is the work needed page. Before editing the wiki, please read the style guidelines for posting.
submitted by Kloiper to hoi4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:00 AutoModerator Weekly Who's Hiring Post for June 10, 2024

For the job seekers, simply comment on a job posting listed or DM that user if you are interested. Any comments not in response to a job posting will be removed.
Welcome to the weekly sales "Who's hiring" post where you may post job openings you want to share with our sub. Post here are exempt from our Rule 3, "recruiting users" but all other rules apply such as posting referral or affiliate links.

Posts that do not include all the information required from the below format may be removed at the mods' discretion.

Job Title/Role:
Job duties/description:
Any external job posting link or application instructions:

If you don't see anything on this week's posting, you may also check our who's hiring posts from past several weeks.
That's it, good luck and good hunting,
submitted by AutoModerator to sales [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:32 No-Present-84 Three Levels of PMO Certification

Three Levels of PMO Certification
PMO certification is a recognized credential that validates one's expertise and proficiency in PMO management. Aspiring PMO professionals often pursue certifications such as PMP (Project Management Professional), PfMP (Portfolio Management Professional), or specialized PMO certifications offered by professional organizations or certification bodies. Achieving certification demonstrates a commitment to professional development and enhances one's credibility and marketability in the field.
The three levels of PMO (Project Management Office) certification—Supportive PMO, Controlling PMO, and Directive PMO—reflect different degrees of involvement and control that the PMO exerts over projects within an organization. Each level serves distinct organizational needs and objectives. Here’s an explanation of each:
PMO Certification
1. Supportive PMO
Role and Function:
A Supportive Certified PMO Professional acts as a resource center, providing project management tools, best practices, templates, training, and advice. It operates in an advisory capacity and has minimal control over projects.
Key Characteristics:
· Advisory Role: Offers guidance, best practices, and recommendations without enforcing compliance.
· Resource Provision: Supplies templates, tools, and methodologies to project teams.
· Training and Development: Provides training sessions and workshops to enhance project management skills.
· Knowledge Repository: Maintains a repository of project management resources and lessons learned.
2. Controlling PMO
Role and Function:
A Controlling PMO establishes a framework for project management, enforces compliance with standardized processes, and monitors project performance. It has a moderate level of control over projects.
Key Characteristics:
· Standardization: Enforces the use of standardized project management methodologies and practices.
· Governance: Implements governance processes to ensure projects are managed consistently.
· Monitoring and Reporting: Tracks project performance and provides regular status reports to senior management.
· Compliance: Ensures adherence to established project management processes and standards.

3. Directive PMO
Role and Function:
A Directive PMO takes full control of projects, managing them directly. It assigns project managers and oversees project execution to ensure alignment with organizational goals.
Key Characteristics:
· Centralized Control: Has full authority over project management activities and decision-making.
· Direct Management: Assigns project managers to projects and provides direct oversight and support.
· Resource Allocation: Manages the allocation of resources across projects to ensure optimal utilization.
· Accountability: Holds project managers accountable for project outcomes and performance.
Supportive PMO: Acts as a resource center providing tools, templates, and guidance without enforcing compliance. Best suited for organizations with a decentralized project management structure.
Controlling PMO: Enforces standardized processes and methodologies, ensuring compliance and consistent project management practices. Ideal for organizations that require a consistent and standardized approach.
Directive PMO: Takes full control of projects, managing them directly to ensure alignment with organizational goals. Suitable for organizations with centralized project management needs.
Each level of PMO Professional certification addresses different organizational needs, offering varying degrees of control and support to optimize project management practices.

submitted by No-Present-84 to u/No-Present-84 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:21 John___Matrix Report for when something was last in stock?

Is it possible to generate a report that lists all my inventory that is currently out of stock but that shows the date it was last in stock?
I have a lot of hand made products where the lead time can be more than a year but for some of them, I'd like to either archive them or create a new "long term out of stock template" and be able to flag these extremely long lead time times while removing some older products that we'd unlikely get more of.
submitted by John___Matrix to shopify [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:55 Recent_Green_8907 Ring doorbell

Wondering if I can do anything about my neighbors constantly watching me and listening to my conversations through their ring door bell? Their porch is right next to my drive way and when me and my neighbor were friends she’d say where are you leaving when I was leaving etc. a few months ago her dog bit my son and we’ve been fighting ever since. When I took my son to the doctors we made a report with my local public health. Neighbors were supposed to provide shot records and never did. Now they have to go to court and they’re mad about it. They told my other neighbors on the other side of me that “she don’t wanna mess with us because we will call children services on her”basically for my kids playing “outside by themselves” my kids play on the front porch and front yard and I have an infant that I nurse on the couch but watch them out my living room window. My guess is they watch my kids play on their ring doorbell. They’ve heard me talking with my grandma about calling the city because they put up a crappy sheet metal fence too and attached it to my garage. They would only be calling out of spite/retaliation. What can I do here ??
submitted by Recent_Green_8907 to neighborsfromhell [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:44 letsgettesty Really fucking confused by CT report - can someone help.

I recently had a CT scan, and a follow up meeting with my Oncologist who said I had a 31mm lymphnode. This put me a the requirement for needing 3x BEP.
Anyways, I asked her to send me the CT report because the portal has blocked it until June 12th. (I met her two weeks ago today.)
Anyways the nurse finally followed up and sent it through, and this is the infomation I have. Please note I had a 6mm node in August last year!!!!
"there are a couple of left para-aortic nodes which are subcentimetre in size measuring up to 7 mm in diameter, a few adjacent tiny subcentimetre nodes also noted in this region.
Conclusion: A couple of small subcentimetre nodes noted in the left para-aortic region within the retroperitoneum as described (no previous studies available for direct comparison of this reticular finding), otherwise no overt size significant lymphadenopathy within the scanned volume."
Has she confused me with someone else????? No mention of 31mm or 3.1cm anywhere.
My life has been turned upside down in the last two weeks. So i'm not sure if I should get my hopes up or not.
submitted by letsgettesty to testicularcancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:16 CatSpilledSpicedTea I (21 F) and my sister (23 F) have never had any issues until last week. She and her husband (23 M) had invited me over for a lunch, which is normal for us.

I have a severe shellfish allergy, even touching it makes me extremely itchy, my sister is completely aware of this and has been since we were children.
When I got to their house she said that food was already finished and in the fridge, she claimed that it was just a tuna pasta (yes, I can eat tuna, an many other fish, just nothing with a shell).
After she finished cleaning up we had a short conversation about what’s been happening in our lives since it had been a while since we’d seen each other. I got this strange feeling from her but just brushed it off as I was extremely tired that day.
She grabbed the food out of the fridge and served it for me, giving me a small bowl “in case I don’t like it”.
I couldn’t smell much of it, and from what I could smell I just assumed it was fish, but when I took a bite I almost immediately felt my throat burning.
I was coughing and grabbing at my throat, and her husband kept asking me if I was choking.
My sister turned to me panicking and saying “I thought you were exaggerating!!”
An ambulance was called and i was rushed to the hospital, i was thankfully okay but they had made me stay to be monitored for nest two days.
My sister and BIL had tried to visit me but I told her to get out. She kept apologising and refusing to leave. I told her that I’ll be calling the police on her for what she’d done, as it’s literally attempted murder, and she lost it.
She kept screaming at me saying “I know you’re faking this, you always act like you’re allergic to shellfish so I wanted to test you!” Id been pressing the call button for the nurse but they heard her regardless and had asked me if I wanted them removed. I said yes.
I explained the whole situation to her and the hospital security and eventually decided that with the help of the nurse and security guards I’d file a report against her.
My mother is saying I’m overreacting and that I should have just cut contact, but I don’t know anymore. AITA?
as some of you may know I posted this yesterday, well, reddit decided that "intentional food tampering" is a form of violence and deleted my post. Long story short, my sister (who knows I have a deadly shellfish allergy) stuck shellfish into her "tuna" pasta. l immediately had a severe reaction leading to me getting an ambulance called. While in the hospital the psycho came in screaming about how she thought I was faking it, and then security escorted her out. I threatened to call the cops and both her, and my mother pleaded with me not to. Well, I did it. I called the cops, had the nurse that was a witness made a statement and I'm filing for a protection order if it's the least I can do. Thank you for all of the help and kind words.
submitted by CatSpilledSpicedTea to SpilledSpicedTea [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:59 markoj22 Larne mum on the mental ill-health ‘endemic’ faced by Northern Ireland's unpaid carers

“You’re surrounded by friends with poor mental health. They’re the only people who really understand what it is like.”
A Co Antrim woman has opened up about the toll of providing unpaid care for members of her family for over 15 years on her mental health.
Deborah McAllister lives in Larne and cares for her mum, who has dementia, and her daughter, who has complex needs.
Two-thirds (66%) of people like Deborah who have provided unpaid care for sick or disabled family members or friends in Northern Ireland have suffered mental ill-health because of their caring role, according to new research published today.
In the YouGov poll, which was commissioned by Carers NI to mark the beginning of this year’s Carers Week, 25% of current or former unpaid carers said that caring for their loved one had had a very negative impact on their mental health, with a further 41% saying it had a slightly negative impact.
Campaigners say that mental health challenges have become ‘endemic’ among Northern Ireland’s unpaid carers and called on the Department of Health to fund the regular breaks and other support services carers need to better protect their mental wellbeing.
Deborah said: “I’ve been an unpaid carer for over 15 years and at one time that meant caring for three family members at the same time. I was diagnosed with over-functioning anxiety, PTSD and compassion fatigue as a direct result of my unpaid caring role.
“I actually had to retire from my career as a nurse because of ill-health. I love my mum and daughter, but caring has taken such a toll. I’m emotionally and physically exhausted all of the time. It’s very difficult to ever improve your mental health when you’re caring, because there are never any breaks.
“I also get no financial support for my caring role and having to live on a little pension only adds to the anxiety. Many of my friends are caring for loved ones and they are all sick too. You’re surrounded by friends with poor mental health. They’re the only people who really understand what it is like.”
Angela Phillips, Senior Policy Officer at Carers NI, said: “Mental ill-health has become endemic among Northern Ireland’s unpaid carers and that really is no surprise when so many of them are waiting months or years for access to support and the opportunity for a break.
“Social care and respite provision across Health Trusts is just not meeting demand and the pressure that puts on carers is leaving them mentally worn out and in the grips of anxiety, stress and depression every day.
“In the worst cases, carers are reporting thoughts about self-harm and suicide, and that should be serving as a screaming wakeup call that the health system isn’t doing enough.
“This year’s Carers Week needs to be about delivering ring-fenced funding for the breaks and other services carers need to protect their mental health.”
The poll also found that 44% of current or former carers in Northern Ireland have suffered negative impacts on their physical health. Close to half (47%) said caring had negatively impacted their finances and savings, while 48% said their job and ability to go to work had been negatively affected.
In a statement, the Department of Health said it acknowledges the vital role played by carers and is committed to raising awareness of the role and ensuring they continue to be supported and valued.
A DoH spokesperson added: "The Department has established a Social Care Collaborative Forum to commence delivery of the reforms included in the Reform of Adult Social Care consultation. One of the Forum’s workstreams is specific to carers and is examining a range of issues and how we can work together to improve them.
"Mental health services in Northern Ireland are provided in line with the regional stepped care model and are available to everyone. All who need care and treatment, including carers, will be provided with services that are clinically appropriate.
"Across all Trusts, short breaks provision has been identified as an area of increasing need, with demand extending beyond the existing capacity within relevant facilities. Health and Social Care Trusts provide short breaks via multiple arrangements. In addition, the use of Direct Payments enables carers to determine more bespoke arrangements for their particular needs.
"The Department is finalising a draft service model for learning disability, which includes several outcomes and actions to expand respite/short breaks and day services. To better support children with disabilities, work is underway to expand and diversify short breaks services."
submitted by markoj22 to MedicalCannabis_NI [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:54 AccumulatedAvocados Regulators, Reporters, and Representatives to Contact

This list expands on the suggested steps to take in the pinned post with some new avenues for, as well as background you could include when, reaching out to legislators, reporters, and regulatory agencies.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Under 12 CFR Part 1091, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau can issue a Notice of Reasonable Cause, based on complaints it has received, to establish supervisory authority over a nonbank entity such as Synapse, Juno, and Yotta. With this supervisory authority, the CFPB can "conduct examinations of" a nonbank app to evaluate compliance and refer matters to law enforcement. The CFPB also has supervisory authority over banks with over $10 billion in assets. Evolve Bank and Trust has far less than $10 billion in assets as of March 2024.
12 CFR Part 1091:
78 FR 40351:
CFPB RIN 3170-AA24:
Previous nonbank supervisory designation proceedings:
Banks with $10 billion or more in assets:
Synapse Brokerage Agreement:
  1. File complaints against Synapse Brokerage and Yotta or Juno:

Federal Reserve Board

The Federal Reserve Board is the primary regulator for Evolve Bank and Trust.
FDIC BankFind Certificate 1299:
  1. File a complaint against Evolve Bank and Trust:

Members of the United States Congress

Congressional staff can accept constituent casework for issues involving a federal agency such as for a complaint open with or forwarded by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that is unresolved. Members' staff can work to "facilitate the appropriate administrative processes involved, encourage an agency to give a case consideration, and sometimes advocate for a favorable outcome." In this case, that administrative process would include the CFPB establishing its supervisory authority over the fintechs involved.
Casework in a Congressional Office (RL33209):
  1. Find your representatives:
  2. Find the casework section on their website
  3. Complete their privacy release form
  4. Email the issue that you would like to be resolved that involves a federal agency, along with any documentation

The White House

  1. Complete a casework request
    1. Request assistance:
    2. Select the CFPB

United States House Committee on Financial Services

Share an Experience
Members of this House committee oversee agencies and issues related to financial services.
  1. Email members:
  2. Email minority members:
    1. "Share your story about your experience with consumer financial products, or a government financial agency."

United States Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs and United States Senate Banking Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Protection

Share an Experience
Members of this Senate committee and subcommittee oversee agencies and issues related to banking.
  1. Send a fax to members:
    1. Send fax for free via FaxZero or the HP Smart app (no printer, landline, or payment method required)

Federal Trade Commission

  1. File complaints against Synapse Brokerage and Yotta:

State Attorney General, State Agencies, and State Legislators

  1. Email state attorney general: or
  2. Email state legislator:


Share a Tip
  1. Email or message The New York Times - Your Money reporters
  2. Email or message The Wall Street Journal - Personal Finance and Banking reporters
  3. Submit a news tip to local news -


Suggestions for things to mention to the committee, representative, White House, federal agency, etc.
  1. Please encourage the CFPB to take the steps in 12 CFR Part 1091 to supervise the nonbank parties that are part of the reason why my funds are frozen. I would like the FRB to similarly supervise the banks involved. I would like the regulators to work together to ensure depositors' funds are returned since the court overseeing Synapse's bankruptcy does not have jurisdiction to oversee that since depositor DDA and FBO funds are not part of the estate.
  2. Please introduce or co-sponsor legislation that would protect fintech depositors and prevent this regulatory blackhole from forming again.
  3. I believed my funds were safe since [Yotta OR Juno] represented that I held a demand deposit account (DDA), made available through Synapse, with Evolve Bank and Trust, member FDIC. [Yotta OR Juno] and Evolve unilaterally changed my checking/DDA account to a for-benefit of (FBO) account structure in October 2023. My checking account funds were pooled in this FBO account without obtaining my affirmative consent.
  4. Evolve Bank and Trust and Synapse have been aware of a shortfall in depositors' funds since September 2023 including while these changes to the account structure were made., and Synapse CEO (Sankaet) comment:
  5. My ACH processing has been halted since May 7, 2024, and my debit cards issued by Evolve Bank and Trust have also been frozen.
  6. Other relevant news coverage, YouTube videos, Substack articles, and Reddit posts
    1. See for some links
If anyone has a template of what to include in these messages and forms, please share it in the comments. I can also update this post with any additional background, templates, or links.
submitted by AccumulatedAvocados to SynapseVictimsFight [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:30 willikeit ATI RN PHARMACOLOGY 2023 SCREEN RECORD

Are you taking ATI RN pharmacology soon? Inquire for the screenrecord file . Mail me Or pm me
submitted by willikeit to toptiernursingexams [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:32 Ykwhatimtryingto Is it hard to get into nursing program in Australia(specifically wsu, uts, etc) as an international student who has canadian report card

My grade isnt poorly bad but I can’t say it’s good. Gpa is around 3.0-3.3 with all science classes + psychology. I’m going to start applying to Australian universities as soon as I get my final report card but I’m afraid if I will get rejected. I have no other program in my mind except nursing since my parents are forcing me to do it. I can’t go to college and transfer for nursing since my parents would not want to pay for it, my parents r weird so there’s no any other things that I can do except applying for nursing that is 3 year program. They don’t want me to go to university that they think it’s not good enough to brag about. Due to that I only can apply to wsu, uts, and rmit. I do want to apply for griffith uni and University of Canberra as a safe choice but I’m not sure my parents will allow me. Is it possible to geting into any of the university that I mentioned? I am so worried.
submitted by Ykwhatimtryingto to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:18 notionplates Habit & Time Tracker (Notion Template)

Habit & Time Tracker (Notion Template)
Habit & Time Tracker (Notion Template)
Track your habits with one click in Notion! Build a better you with our simple yet powerful habit tracker.

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  • Flexible Duration Tracking - Display your stats for your desired period (e.g. day, week, month, ,,, etc.)
  • Unlimited Habits - No limits on your self-improvement aspirations.
  • Archive Completed/Paused Habits - Celebrate wins while keeping focus.
Check it here:
submitted by notionplates to notionplates [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:12 PracticalNoise679 I told her I was damaged during that matter goods she said she wouldn't change a thing she was in love with the damaged goods now I'm really damaged and left all alone with nothing

My name is William living Dayton Ohio I was married and with a woman for 20 years in those 20 years we bought rental properties made investments towards our future when I met her I told her I had nothing to offer but my love and have a heart because I've been married before so when you go into a supermarket so shiny cans on the shelves when you get to the back and you see those cans for 20 cents that are damaged that's me you don't want me I'm damaged goods swimming called me up 2 weeks later crying since she was in love with the damaged goods and wouldn't change a thing so that God said I even deserved happiness a butter story my walls came down my defenses turned off I invested she said that when I talked her into Byron rental properties I would do the work she would provide the credit so that's what we did so the one we're retired we'd live on a shack on a beach in Panama eating cat food I was happy with this I was with her after all she loved me for who I was and didn't want to change me to me that was everything 6 years after we married we decided to have children so I got rid of the crotch rockets but his in her Harleys and two weeks later I was hit by a car doing 90 going around to 20 mph I called her from the side of the road looking at my leg in the road to have been in a terrible accident didn't think I was going to make it to take care of our cats I was in a coma for 3 months my leg was ripped off I have some pelvis request my ribs are crushed running back my arm was shattered my left arm was severed to the Bone my friend lower intestines went through my sternum and dad for him into my lungs collapsing a lot and a half my spleen was ripped into both kidneys are perforated liver was perforated I lost 5 feet of intestines when I woke up I was horrified horrified at how my body looked but there she was smiling so I pushed it down and smiled back at her when I was intrate that told her I came back to be with her because I decided once she told me something that was unusual I should have came back to be with myself I'm not going to lie that horrified me on the inside of it 167 days after the accident I got to go home but two weeks into my homestay I started having nightmares I tried talking to her about this she said the accident didn't happen to her she couldn't relate and she was incapable of empathy mind you this is the same woman that cried and said that she felt responsible that the accident happened because she bought me the motorcycle and it sure I'd have one anyway even if we weren't married cuz I had one before we got married I told her I was becoming addicted to prescription pain meds she said that was impossible doctor was right in the scripts I had use of both my arms but the one arm was partially couldn't move back and forth all the way she pushed me to have an operation I wasn't ready for I told her I wasn't ready she picked out a doctor I talked to the doctor said he was walking the park come to find Eddie was a sports medicine doctor nine elbow doctor I damn near lost my arm I have not even partial use of it now in a way out blamed her for pushing me into having that operation so when she pushed me to have a stomach operation I said hell no I'm not ready my buddy hasn't healed enough but it started to download spiral spiral I really didn't like who I looked in the mirror the drugs numb numb that maybe not deal with it so I became a drug addict when I realized this I asked her for a divorce told her to put it together make it look good she said it was just a piece of paper and it meant nothing I believed her the lawyer that I had asked to look at the paperwork is it divorce I took it kind of hard I left for a month she followed me around showing up a trap house his drug houses sitting out of my truck bed I didn't say nothing I thought this was love so when she found me in a hotel she asked me to come home if I was going to do drugs to do them at home not to be running the streets so that's what I did for 12 years did my drugs at home waiting to die 3 years before the 12 years were up I'd go septic once a month my legs would swell and go throughout my whole body I'd run a fever 103 to come in and feel my chest after work this was love she was checking on me and the divorce she put spousal support a year after the spousal supported she threw me out I went to Texas for 2 months broke my leg lost a hundred pounds you said you'd come and get me when I asked her to stop returning my phone calls but a month after I got there she told me I could come home I told her I wasn't ready so I was confused when I asked to come home and she said no I called her father what happens between me and hers between me and her so I called her mother she came and got me on the way back it was worth fighting he kept telling me how it wasn't going to step foot in the house I wasn't welcome there anymore that I had to go to her sister's house or a homeless shelter I did not take this well I acted like a child I threw a temper tantrum but that's all I did so we got back to Ohio mind you she wouldn't let me drive because I have no use in my hands for those 3 days we spent the night in hotel the first night back she disappeared at midnight I called her through another temper tantrum so it was going to burn the f****** hotel down she didn't come home come back she did I thought to myself only a woman that's seeing somebody disappears in the middle of the night she assured me that was not the case so the next day I called her from Optimus orthotics they squeezed me in told him what I wanted they said they were deliver it she paid for it when we walked out to the car she told me that I couldn't go home again I had to go to her sister's hous how's her homeless shelter I told her on the 3rd and I got my check I'd kill myself she put a lanyard around my neck so there was six hundred dollars in it I could do what I wanted to do I was a big boy and drove her man went to the social security office fell called her told her I need help getting my wheelchair out of the car cuz I needed to use the restroom she's fund me for a couple of hours I was pumping gas I was on my way to see my drug dealer I was going to start using after 6 months of being clean this guy pulled up at the gas station and took one look at me and asked me if I partied I said I do right now he had me some pink stuff I paid $600 for it 6 g's kept calling her she finally showed up at McDonald's with their father I said call her I said take that son of a b**** home so she did you finally called me back and told when you meet her at Burger King and grab some of that stuff down and started a thin before I passed by McDonald's again Arby's remember seeing KFC and Burger King I woke up in the emergency room go behind the building across from Burger King and hit a wall doing 60 she said she was sending Burger King seen a car like mine at KFC and drove over there looked over the embankment and see my car sorry hit the wall I didn't steering wheel and died it was Northampton shocked I asked her to come visit me in the hospital she said you want me to come visit you that kind of played on me a little bit because of that day I drove by the house and seen a car in the driveway and she said she didn't know she car it was I asked her sister if there was a car in their driveway would you know what she said yes so when I got out of the hospital or sister picked me up I was fully expecting to go to this shelter her sister took me to her house she said she'd come by and visit me my wife x wife 2 weeks I waited going out of my mind calling and leaving her messages acting stupid when she went to a concert or tractor pull just weird s*** and I told her I wouldn't go back to a wheelchair she brought the electric wheelchair over I come unload they told me my car was in her dad said he's going to do me a favor and have it fixed she give me a list of stuff I had to do get right with God get right with myself have my foot amputated get an apartment for 2 years she told me she loved me she'd give me kisses her sister told her she told her and that tell me things she didn't mean so next day she took back her love told me she's going to give it to me with stipulations I did something she asked me to do she get mad cuz it was over she crying in the garage tell her me that she put in handicapped doors when we had pocket doors I said sure why because we had a chance in front of her father asked her father to leave because we're trying to talk her father said what was between me and her was between me her and him this m*********** wouldn't leave I said that isn't what you said when I was in Texas he ignored me I said the first time we made love you weren't in the room you still wouldn't leave this man was awful he say s*** to me like I'd like to see you go to a homeless shelter or it was over 12 years ago between you and her had went to that car and the car was cleaned up professionally but they had left the drugs in the car I had taken the drugs to the garage with full intentions and things keep going sideways to kill myself I was laying in bed one night and hurt her and her sister and her brother-in-law talking she said he's probably out in the garage door with drugs her brother-in-law would be in a dick to me so I spent my time out in the garage working out there were drugs out there but they were drugs commit suicide he said I'm sorry for ruining Karen's plans so the next day I asked her I said what are these plans she assured me she had no plans there were no plans to what end she said there's an awful damn wood spiral I've heard telling me stuff like she took me out to eat but she did it so she didn't have to hear me b**** I had to get an apartment for 2 years by myself do this operation and stuff but she wasn't going to be there for me I had to do it all by myself and at the end if she didn't trust me it was over no guarantees no nothing she wasn't going to help or nothing that's not a relationship let their my doctor said his s*** arterial motors last thing she did was take me off the loans and realize I address it what about the mortgage she said I was never on him come to find out over there 12 years she took me off those but there's a 7-year statue of limitations so I'm told she wanted up she left me at that homeless shelter St Vincent de Paul's it was a culture shock to say the least there were drug dealers that run the place staff members that are on the take the place was god-awful nasty and clean I was hospitalized six times six different infections I'm in the hospital right now my seventh time fighting an infection in my body I stood up against the drug dealers spoke out staff called me out on it I was attacked three times didn't do too bad the first time to hellacious beatings the second time I've never been beat like that in my life and I've taken some beatings I'm not a badass I can fight but these people are new to get me off my feet after all I am missing a leg when that didn't work it's in a man to tell me how I was going to be violated next time I took a shower I informed staff they laughed third shift staff took my shower away from me wouldn't let me shower in the handicap shower anymore told me to shower in the pod two weeks later I was visiting about three men I was assaulted backed up my stuff and left I called my ex-wife and her sister your sister said she's going to call me when she got off work I reached out for help I received none the whole time has been going on my ex-wife is known and every once apologize saying she's sorry it wasn't a nice place even though she's the only person that said that never once threw me a lifeline everyone's checked on me I've struggled I couldn't walk more than 10 feet when my car was taken which my ex wife made sure of I can do 13 miles a day now I've lost 240 lb of went to the sheriff's department I went to the police department I've even sent the attorney general an email nobody cares about homeless people treat it like secondary citizens I still love my wife my ex-wife I'm still in love with her she said my love is sick my mind has been so messed up I seen her playing out in the front yard with a man and his two children and couldn't believe it was her I put her niece in there her father was grinning and smiling like a jackass watching them on the porch this is why I was in that garage I've been lied to manipulated Left 4 Dead everyday I pick myself up and I push on I spent 5 months at that damn place just to get 2 months off my rent I ended up leaving because I refuse to be assaulted again there I've reached out to an investigator reporter for Dayton daily News I'm hoping she cares she was recommended by a shift nurse here at Grandview hospital where I'm currently staying I still love my wife my ex-wife I need closure I haven't received I've gotten mental help and patient I was referred to see a psychiatrist in a therapist for what I've been through physically I'm in the best shape I've been in a 20 years my goal is to have my leg rebuilt and start running I want to do a 5k by the end of the summer give me I'm ready to go back to work after 20 years of being off my name is William Dean and survivor I'm a fighter and I'll never give up
submitted by PracticalNoise679 to lostlove [link] [comments]