
Bestila (Cz) Metal Forever [Demo] (2008)

2023.05.18 15:08 AxeWitcher Bestila (Cz) Metal Forever [Demo] (2008)

submitted by AxeWitcher to HeavyMetalRarities [link] [comments]

2013.12.19 18:46 therio05 To the homophobic girl from High School who friend requested me on Facebook

Context: This was after she posted #bringphilrobertsonback
"I can't believe you had the AUDACITY to post this after YOU friend requested me.
Not only do you know i'm gay, but back in High School you made a remark that you "didn't know if you could sleep at night knowing that [someone like me] lived across the street from you". How dare you, and consider this a rant that formally states a long overdue formal fuck you that I never had the guts to say in High School.
By defending Phil Robertson, you are further justifying and validating hateful and bigoted behavior towards other minorities, and condoning policies that are against equality for individuals of this nation- which is a direct representation of your ethical principles and character concerning basic human rights. Your civil rights end when they infringe on the human rights of others, and you're going to need a lot more than just Jesus to explain your reasoning behind this bigoted response to hate-fueled and uneducated statements made by Mr. Robertson.
Don't use religion to justify your prejudices and ignorance. If a statement had been made against women, an ethnic minority group, or even people with disabilities, people would see the blatant discrimination more clearly. It is unfair to discriminate against a minority group based upon characteristics that are absolutely harmless to society as a whole.
Homosexuality may be a religious sin, but is by no means immoral and has no detrimental effect on society whatsoever. There is absolutely NO secular justification for any legal or moral discrimination against gays, and all attempts to discriminate in terms of the law can be traced back to unfounded evidence that is heavily influenced on convoluded religious principles. It is INSANE and ILLOGICAL to expect that society will conform to a religion that they don't believe in, and furthermore, the second we accept bigotry against gays, we open the door to religious laws infiltrating further into our country and attacking our freedoms further. Ever heard of separation of church and state? Educate yourself.
When all religious and social biases are taken out of the equation, we are left with the SIMPLE FACT that homosexuality and heterosexuality are both morally neutral; they involve two CONSENTING adults interacting in a way that has no effect on the well-being of other people. Regardless of the combination of genders involved, these relationships are (and should be) the business of those involved, and there is no legitimate reason why they should be labeled as immoral, and furthermore persecuting others for reasons of love. Please explain to me how this in any fashion can be compared to bestilaity, i'd really love to hear it.
In conclusion, I think that the only thing that could possibly interrupt your ability to sleep is the fact that you have (and likely always will be due to your location and ignorance) a hateful approach towards others that aren't like you, and you are a proponent in a movement that is against equality for all. I hope one day that you realize that being on the side of hate is always the losing side. It's people like you and all your friends who liked this status that are regularly prostitising to prevent me from obtaining equal rights that you take advantage of everyday. It's people like you that keep me from being able to see my partner in the hospital after an injury or accident. It's people like you that have no conceptual awareness as to how you would be indirectly affected if I said "I do" to my partner, which is a pact made not only by love, but for societal and legal protections. It's people like YOU that make me sick and uncomfortable with the fact that there are others like you that not only feel this way, but are actively seeking out means to sabotage opportunities for others just because you disagree with the person they have romantic feelings towards. It's disgraceful, and you should be ashamed of yourself.
I think the only thing that would disrupt your ability to sleep at this point is not by me being anywhere near you and being who I am, but more because your hateful beliefs are imposing and hurtful towards others.
I'm defriending you because it's ludicrous that assume that we're friends based on your prior hateful remarks in the past and even more absurd to think that I would associate with someone as bigoted as you."
submitted by therio05 to lgbt [link] [comments]