Chills and nausea


2017.07.27 20:56 dylanl98 Chills

The official subreddit for the YouTube channel, [Chills]( Uploading a new video every Thursday! Submit your stories and videos here and they may be featured in a new video.

2009.07.10 15:56 crovoh Social Anxiety

Distress in social situations, causing impaired functioning in daily life. Triggered by perceived or actual scrutiny from others. Physical symptoms may include: blushing, excess sweating, trembling, palpitations, and nausea, stammering, along, rapid speech, panic attacks.. Introversion and shyness (personality characteristics) are not social anxiety (mental distress). Socially anxious people may be shy/introverted, but shy/introverted people do not necessarily have social anxiety

2014.05.05 12:40 LadyAbraxus Lexapro

A community for those prescribed Lexapro or Cipralex, also known as Escitalopram. Please be positive and supportive. [> If you are feeling suicidal call 1-800-273-8255. If you need emergency medical attention call 911. [> Read all the rules before posting the first time, and please do not ask for medical advice, contact your doctor or psychiatrist.

2024.06.10 17:28 starryteal 1 Week Post Op Notes

Hi everyone! Throughout my journey I have posted a lot here and I figured it might be helpful for me to talk about my experiences with gallbladder removal and the week I have had after surgery. Please note that this is just my experience. Other people might recover differently. For reference, I am 25F, underweight, and I had multiple polyps (0.5 cm), sludge, and a folded septated gallbladder.
Day 1: Day of surgery I was extremely nervous. I went in panicking, sat in the waiting room, and then got my IV. After a few hours, they gave me Versed and wheeled me into the OR. The IV in my hand was moderately painful but not awful, and when I got the versed, I immediately stopped feeling scared. As they gave me propofol I was talking to the nurses about my cats. For me, it was NOT as though I closed my eyes and woke up a second later, it felt a bit more like a strange nap. Not at all unpleasant, but very weird lol.
When I woke up, I was in very little pain. Apparently they gave me a lot of fentanyl while I was out. I woke up trying to scratch my eyes out lol. I had also scratched my neck pretty bad, but didn't feel it at all. I was just kind of euphoric and chill. My mother was in the room with me when I regained consciousness, but apparently I had "woken up" awhile prior and I was really restless. I was very tired, my eyes wouldn't focus, but I had no pain or nausea. Just a lot of tenderness and I was exhausted. My throat felt really tender too (from the breathing tube). I ate some saltines and was discharged. That night I took oxycontin and slept pretty well without pain, nausea, or discomfort—just a LOT of abdominal tenderness, akin to doing waaay too many situps.
Day 2
On day 2 I was still taking oxycontin + advil. I had zero appetite but managed to eat jello and some oatmeal. Day two was kind of strange--I slept for most of the day, waking up every few hours to take more pills and have a bite of a cracker and then would fall back asleep. I was feeling reeeeallly good, just very tender and sore. It was near impossible to sit up to get out of bed but I had my mom help me up so I could walk to and from the bathroom. I had a little bit of urinary retention, but not at all severe. My bloating was pretty bad, and my lower belly was super swollen.
Day 3
Day three was the worst day by far. I didn't want to take any more narcotics, it was making me a little nauseous and my mouth was super painful and dry (I had asked for a patch behind my ear because I am emetophobic and was afraid of throwing up). so I only had advil. I was super sore, tired, and starting to feel really weird/upset. My stomach was super tender and sore and swollen. I slept for a lot of the day, but finally took my first shower.
Day 4
Another rough one :( I was feeling a lot better, walking more, but my mental health was seriously fucked up from the anesthesia lol. I was an anxious, depressed mess. I could NOT for the life of me stop crying and weeping over every. single. thing. I felt incredibly alone, like nobody understood what I was going through, and also went through a weird mourning of my gallbladder--like, this was an irreversible thing that has happened. I am never getting it back. I am going to have to learn how to live differently, and as someone with autism I really struggle with change. It was awful, frankly. I took another shower on Day 4 and drank a lot of miralax as I hadn't had a BM yet. I have very rarely ever felt so scared, alone, and miserable as I felt on days 3-5.
Day 5
BM happened, normal at first, and then a bit of looser stool. Not awful. Not super urgent, either. Stomach was still sore. I woke up with a slight pain in my RUQ which made me panic horrifically (not severe, but just a sharp uncomfortable feeling). I was terrified that I was going to have RUQ pain again. My incisions weren't hurting too badly, but the pain under my ribs scared me enough that I took another zofran + half of an oxycontin and slept. I had family visiting, which I think helped me a LOT.
Day 6
No BM. I am having more of an appetite again, and was able to eat a lot of foods that were previously no-go. I had a mozarella foccacia sandwich, waffle, sorbet, and even a little ice cream. I was feeling pretty good honestly, not too sore, just a bit of acid reflux. Been taking rolaids and gas x for that and it has helped. Still taking advil for stomach tenderness.
Day 7 Looser BM again today, but not at all urgent. Just kind of "eh I know I need to go, but it's not an emergency". No cramping. My incisions are healing well. I took a metamucil fiber thin today and have had some discomfort, but nothing severe. Ate a banana without issue. I will keep updating as I recover more. Still taking advil for stomach tenderness.
I am feeling a lot better. Honestly though, I feel like it is really important to realize that if you are getting this surgery and have prior mental health concerns, it is NORMAL and okay to feel scared and anxious and depressed post op. Even if it is kind of nonsensical, you went through something pretty physically traumatic and your body is still recalibrating. I felt totally weird and alone and awful about the whole thing, but it's very normal and a genuine reaction to anesthesia. Not a reason not to get surgery, but just something to be aware of and proactive about!
submitted by starryteal to gallbladders [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:41 raembo84 Strange long lasting symptoms, new Covid?

Something really confusing is hitting me and my wife. 13 days ago I woke up and got some light headache and really bad nausea. So bad i thought i will throw up against the wall. This lastet for 2 days only and went almost completely away. Got one time green diarrhea. The third day again headache, but this time more severe and some stomach discomfort. The next day coughing, sore throat and severe congestion startet. Also some chills but no real fever. Muscles startet aching. Felt just like a strong flu or cold. Today respiratory symptoms are almost gone, very mild headache persists but now my stomach starts freaking out again. Had some days with constipation, slight gastritis pain, then could poop. Today it cramps and feels like i am getting diarrhea.
My wife startet having symptoms some days after me, still feels like mucus is everywhere, back pain and things like that. But only very mild gi symptoms.
I made a home test, but was negative. Stopped testing because i even was negative while having a positive pcr test. doctors don’t test either.
But could this be the new Corona strain? This is so strange, never experienced shit like this and can’t find any serious information about the new gen covid.
submitted by raembo84 to COVID19positive [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:13 Ok_Raccoon_3134 no idea what's wrong

I woke up a few days ago with a really sore throat which at first I just thought was from like dry air and not drinking enough, the following day it turned into a headache as well and I couldn't eat because of nausea.
Today I was terrified but woke up soooo hungry and had some food in the morning but then began to just feel weird, its been hours since I ate but I feel so weird and like nauseas but hungry but bloated and like I might vom or something, almost like things wanna come up maybe? idk am I just ill or is this like something worse? had some water but it just made my stomach feel like tight/bloated n I feel like I almost need to constantly burp or something
ive got like chills sometimes or im like way too hot, headache, my eyes are tired, I just feel overall exhausted ive just finished my period so was expecting to feel more energetic if anything but its the exact opposite. My throat feels a little bit better but still a bit sore, headache, sometimes I get almost a bit light headed but idk whether that's just from anxiety? its just freaking me out and making me not want to eat or drink incase I throw up
submitted by Ok_Raccoon_3134 to emetophobia [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:59 CurrencyAltruistic70 Weird virus going around? -congestion -coughing -sore throat -nausea -migraines -red eyes

Currently on day 4 but feeling way worse. Of course this happens during a cross country trip to Washington state from NJ. At Wisconsin right now and feeling like death in a hotel room.
Day 1 -tickle in throat, no big deal, minor coughing
Day 2 -coughing, congestion and phlegm.
Day 3 -same symptoms as day 2 along with wheezing, shortness of breath, chills, and body aches.
Day 4 -just woke up with all above symptoms along with nausea, migraines and eyes bloodshot.
Negative on Covid. honestly, this feels way worse then Covid. I’ve been on amoxicillin since day 1 and ibuprofen but not helping much.
Hope all stays safe out there.
submitted by CurrencyAltruistic70 to newjersey [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:57 Consistent_Mood1136 Giving up ?

I started keto 5 days ago and I started with the runs to the bathroom since day 2. I am wondering if I am doing something wrong. According to my keto strips, I am on ketosis. I have lost some water weight ( obviously) I got the keto flu on day 3 and felt horrible, got chills, nausea, diarreah and body aches. It all went away the next day, but the trips to the bathroom continue. What am I doing wrong ? Is this normal? I don't want to quit but I don't know if I should quit. Help !!!!!
submitted by Consistent_Mood1136 to keto [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:13 picklesidaho Staph not resolving after 7 abx — skin is mottling

62 yo F, no major health problems I had a puncture wound on my forehead, between my eyes that became infected with staph and spread to my sinuses. Since, I’ve been to minor care 3 times and the ER once, followed by a visit to my primary. My normal body temperature is 97.4. This whole thing began about 5 weeks ago, and as I mentioned Ive now been treated with 7 different antibiotics and I feel worse than ever. The original infection—the huge pus crater between my eyes— has resolved, but I still feel like I have an infection raging somewhere. I have chills, nausea, severe headache that radiates to my neck and shoulders. For the past week I’ve been bedridden. My temperature is now 98.8 which is elevated for me, but obviously doesn’t concern the medical professionals. My skin is beginning to look mottled and I’m getting scared about sepsis. I’ve lost 8 pounds since this all started and am currently at 97 pounds. I’m also a MRSA carrier and have passed my concerns on to each of the 5 providers I’ve seen but I don’t feel like I’m being heard.
submitted by picklesidaho to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:08 Brilliant_Ninja_4299 AITA for Leaving My Partner After Everything He Did for Me?

I apologize if my language is not good because my first language is not English. I (23F) has been with my partner (33M) (Let's call him Kevin) for 4 years now. Kevin was married before and had a divorce after his wife cheated on him. I met him through one of cousin (26F) (Let's call her Bailey) during a tragic period of my life (this was because Bailey had to stay at my parent's house due to Visa issues and making my life an absolute nightmare).
To give a little bit about my background, I'm the youngest of my family and did not have a good relationship with my parents or siblings because they were absent for most of my life. I spent most of my childhood alone in my room. The situation worsened with time to the point that they won't even call me out for a family birthday and just drop a piece of cake at my room. This was the exact point which Bailey used to manipulate and control me for 8 months.
So back to the story, Kevin was the first to notice Bailey's behavior and informed my parents, saving me from all the chaos. I was too distorted after all the events and Kevin made sure to stay with me, helping me recover. With time, we started dating, he helped me pursue my studies. During my studies, Kevin's friends got him into debt by taking a secured loan for his bike. The friend was not willing to pay him back, so I offered to take up a part-time job to help him out (Kevin was unemployed at the time which I assumed was because he was recovering from his failed marriage) He insisted at first, but gradually agreed.
He also time to time loaned some money from me for a business, which all succeeded for sometime but ultimately failed. He also applied for jobs but didn't end up more than a week in any of them as he was either dissatisfied with the payment or waking up early. By the time I graduated, I got into a good job with a decent pay. Things started changing from there as I had to go to work and was spending less time with him (this is because of work, but I made sure to visit him after work and in the weekends). He developed the mindset that since I'm earning now that I'm trying to control him with the power of money.
I tried my best to make him not feel this way and starting finding time to spend with him despite work. This led to me taking constant leaves at the job and not being present online when working from home. Meanwhile, I got pregnant, and he was blaming me that I didn't keep a watch on my dates. My periods stopped a long time back due to contraception so was not aware of this. I wanted to keep the baby, but he disagreed saying we can't afford to take care of it, ultimately leading to an abortion.
The abortion was haunting me for a while, causing Kevin and I to have constant fights. It also led to him and I attacking each other and had to go for counselling, where I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. I started taking medication, he was becoming supportive and things were good for a while. Then I got infected with Dengue and was hospitalized for about a week. Kevin only visited me once (around the 4th day of getting hospitalized), and gave the excuse that my mother is a nurse so there's nothing he could do by being present there as I'm already being taken care of . This made my mom upset, and she started disliking him.
Things escalated with time, and the constant drama started making my condition worse. My parents lost at the constant fights between us and decided to ask him to stop. This made him angry (forgot to mention he has anger issues) and he picked a fight with them. I left home, got married and moved in with him. A few months after I lost my job, due constantly being absent due to all the drama. Kevin was mad at first but was supportive later, encouraging me to find a new job. He also offered to pick up a job so that we could take care of ourselves.
Somehow within a week I was able to land on a new job. We finished paying off his debts and was living together good. At first I was taking care of the rent, he was taking care of the bills (from small businesses) and the food was provided by his parents. And then his friends (19-21M) came into the picture, he spent all his earned money to party with them, gave up doing his business, and was always chilling with them at home. He's friends were always at our house, and slowly he starting spending more time with them than me. I was trying to nicely explain it to him, which would make him angry. He started becoming abusive towards me (He hit me with a stand fan on my leg and didn't take me for treatment as he mentioned he only gave a touch).
When home, he would mostly spend time on his phone, would refuse to spend time with me, and anytime I try to speak he would scold and lay hands on me for raising my voice. Things escalated until one day I asked him to take me shopping for a family event (note this was the first time I was doing something for myself after a long time). He took me out the entire week only because either he was tired or he didn't want to visit more than one place a day (had to run back to his friends). This made me feel invisible and trying to explain to him only made him beat me once more.
I packed up my bags and came back to my parents house. He didn't call me once. I reached out to him to ask if he will stop acting the way he does now and if we could be together like before. He called me crazy and asked me come home. I asked him to promise he will change only for him to say "Come if you want, or else don't". It broke my heart and he blocked me afterwards. I've had abandonment issues from small days and it feels like I'm at fault and I'm overreacting. Am I the A**hole?
Facts About Him I Couldn't Figure Out Where to Enter Above:
  1. He didn't like any of my friends and would constantly fight for me to stop talking to them (they don't like the way he treats me)
  2. He doesn't visit any of our family events, and would constantly find an excuse to not be present.
  3. He would constantly call me abnormal/crazy because I suffer from BPD
  4. He would always put me down when his mad, as I was nothing before I met him (would use filth and would call me a prostitute [I was a virgin when I met him and have being very loyal])
  5. He would say that I have forgot the past how he saved me, whenever I try to reason on something.
  6. He would never listen to my day, problems, or hardships I'm going through sometimes (He would either get mad, would take it as a joke or dismiss it with a "hmm").
  7. He makes sick jokes about my parents and would constantly belittle them.
  8. He rarely has s** with me, and would mostly dismiss me if I bring it up.
  9. He would care for me when I'm dead sick (nausea) but would dismiss if there's no symptoms showing out (fever, bodily pain, BPD).
  10. He has never bought me a present on my birthday or our anniversary expect in the first year (not that I expect anything but it would have being nice time to time)
  11. He would try to bring his friend on dates, because he finds it boring to hang out only with me.
Note: He has never cheated on me, and is never secretive about his contacts or calls. He and I share the same contact list. He is using my phone (he broke his one during a fight) so he doesn't mind me taking it and going through it anytime. He still talk to his ex wife sometimes and care for her (she was his uncle's daughter) and is very open about it with me (I have talked to her as well and I don't mind him keeping contact). He initially asked for my permission and I was okay with it. He doesn't suspect or have any trust issues with me as well.
I don't really understand what got into him. We were planning on going abroad together for my masters, and now since he's not around I'm not sure if I will be able to leave. My family isn't well off to fund my studies, and we initially planned that he's going to work and I'm going to study (while doing a part-time). I can still work but is not quite sure if I'll be able to survive in another country (sorry for ranting out my frustrations, I don't have many friends now to share my story as well).
submitted by Brilliant_Ninja_4299 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:16 Mission_Cow8663 I restarted using fluoxetine after 1.5 years and now i have chills

I stopped using it early 2023. But because of severe anxiety episodes i went back to them. But now after 4 days, i started feeling a cold chill without fever and mild nausea. Is it normal and have any of you guys experianced this? Also i use omeprazole for GERD.
submitted by Mission_Cow8663 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:42 lolfreng Cramping STD symptom

STDs can affect nearly every part of the human body. Syphilis rashes may appear on the soles of the feet. And STDs like chlamydia can even cause eye infections. Perhaps unsurprisingly, then, there are several STDs that can cause abdominal pain. What’s the STD that causes cramps and bloating most often? Typically, the two STDs most commonly associated with abdominal pain are chlamydia and gonorrhea. It’s worth noting now that men are unlikely to experience cramps or bloating as a result of an STD. This is a symptom that happens almost exclusively to women.
Chlamydia & Gonorrhea Risks
Chlamydia and gonorrhea are two extremely prevalent, extremely similar STDs. In fact, it’s often difficult to tell the difference between the two. Plus, you can even have both chlamydia and gonorrhea at the same time. Though these infections are widespread, they are not harmless. For one, they both can cause pain and discomfort on their own. Women with either may experience pain during urination, sexual intercourse, or vaginal itching. Worryingly, chlamydia and gonorrhea can also contribute to Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID).
When left untreated, STDs can lead to PID. PID, in turn, will often cause abdominal pain, cramps, bloating, chills, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting. Beyond these unpleasant symptoms, though, PID can have long-lasting effects. PID can cause infertility or ectopic pregnancies. As mentioned above, both chlamydia and gonorrhea are common catalysts for PID. And it may only take a few days after the initial exposure to bacteria for PID to occur.
submitted by lolfreng to STDFacts [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:02 Old-Butterfly-1915 Mono? HIV?

So I was really feeling bad today was day 8 I could barely get out of bed, I’ve had muscle aches, a fever, chills, headaches nausea. I have no rash, tounge issues, sore throat, etc. I went to urgent care and they did a rapid mono test (the pricking finger blood test) and it was positive. I have been in a google hole about this because I’ve never had mono but before I was diagnosed today I was convinced I had HIV because I had unprotected sex and I guess they have similar symptoms. I’m a female- should I be concerned about HIV or could this really just be mono? Please give me your advice!! I just am worried because it was the rapid test for mono and it said HIV can cause false positives?, I also did take an in home HIV test and it was negative but my exposures wouldn’t have been 3 months yet. One was in April and one was end of May. Just looking for some peace of mind!!
submitted by Old-Butterfly-1915 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:43 hssnd Help! Accidentally took 2mg first dose.

My mom was forced to switch from trulicity, and today was her first dose of Ozempic. She followed the instructions of the 2mg pen she had and has been vomiting throughout the day. Now that I’m involved I’ve read through this subreddit and found out why she would have and how she should have used the 2mg pen.
She’s 67, 4”10, 115lb
Besides vomiting and dehydration, is there anything worse that is common? Like overdosing or such? Should I run her to the hospital, or should she be fine for the night?
Her side effects are: nausea, vomiting and chills
submitted by hssnd to Ozempic [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:49 Space_Bear24 Help with Upcoming 50 miler planning

Hey! I am heading down to run the Devil's Gulch 50 miler in Wenatchee, WA this July.
I'm looking for a bit of advice. Firstly I just came off a 50K spartan last week and feel good to go back to training. Since the race is 4 weeks out any suggestions on how to tackle volume between now and the race?
I know this is a stupid window timing wise but the 50k I just ran was pretty chill, I cruised it.
My goal for the race is just to finish it in one piece, I don't really care how long it takes.
Secondly I always get nausea after the 3-4 hour mark and ginger chews help a bit. I've tried tums, ginger gravol and peppermint oil. This is eating entirely whole foods too, about 200Kcal per hour.
Any advice for running in the heat, I expect it to hit 90+F while I'm out there.
Thanks for the answers in advance and if anyone has run this race before I'd love to hear and tips or advice.
submitted by Space_Bear24 to Ultramarathon [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:50 GriffinGalang [PMVJC] [2024-02] [Poll Results] Clinical research article distribution, critical reading instructions, case presentation

Good morning.
The poll for the second round of the PinoyMed Virtual Journal Club has closed. The clinical research article for discussion is
Priya G L, Dhibar DP, Saroch A, Sharma N, Sharma V, Verma N, Chaluvashetty SB, Prakash A, Kaur H. Efficacy of empirical ciprofloxacin or cefixime plus metronidazole therapy for the treatment of liver abscess: A randomized control clinical trial. Sci Rep. 2024;14(1):11430. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-59607-1

Reading the clinical research article

Please find a quiet moment to read the article. Typically, it should take no more than 15 minutes. Your reading of the article should not be the same as the way you read a novel. Your reading must be directive.
There are four basic questions that you need to consider. The order of the questions is important.
  1. 1. Is the basic study design valid?
  2. 2. Was this well-designed study methodologically sound?
  3. 3. What are the results of this well-designed and methodologically sound study?
  4. 4. Do the results of this well-designed and methodologically sound study help my patient?
You will note that the previous questions build into subsequent ones. This means that if you find that a study is designed poorly (question 1), there is no need to continue reading. If the study is well-designed (question 1) but not methodologically sound, then there is no need to continue reading.
There are a series of sub-questions under each of the basic questions. Consider each one in turn as you read the clinical research article. After each question, decide whether you would answer YES, NO, or CAN'T TELL.

Questions for critical review

The full list of questions that you need to consider is as follows
  1. Is the basic study design valid?
a. Did the study address a clearly focused research question?
CONSIDER: Was the study designed to assess the outcomes of an intervention? Is the research question ‘focused’ in terms of the population studied, intervention given, comparator chosen, and outcomes measured?
b. Was the assignment of participants to interventions randomised?
CONSIDER: How was randomisation carried out? Was the method appropriate? Was randomisation sufficient to eliminate systematic bias? Was the allocation sequence concealed from investigators and participants?
c. Were all participants who entered the study accounted for at its conclusion?
CONSIDER: Were losses to follow-up and exclusions after randomisation accounted for? Were participants analysed in the study groups to which they were randomised (intention-to-treat analysis)? Was the study stopped early? If so, what was the reason?
  1. Was this well-designed study methodologically sound?
d. Were the participants ‘blind’ to the intervention they were given? Were the investigators ‘blind’ to the intervention they were giving to participants? Were the people assessing/analysing outcome/s ‘blinded’?
e. Were the study groups similar at the start of the randomised controlled trial?
CONSIDER: Were the baseline characteristics of each study group (e.g. age, sex, socio-economic group) clearly set out? Were there any differences between the study groups that could affect the outcome/s?
f. Apart from the experimental intervention, did each study group receive the same level of care (that is, were they treated equally)?
CONSIDER: Was there a clearly defined study protocol? If any additional interventions were given (e.g. tests or treatments), were they similar between the study groups? Were the follow-up intervals the same for each study group?
  1. What are the results of this well-designed and methodologically sound study?
g. Were the effects of intervention reported comprehensively?
CONSIDER: Was a power calculation undertaken? What outcomes were measured, and were they clearly specified? How were the results expressed? For binary outcomes, were relative and absolute effects reported? Were the results reported for each outcome in each study group at each follow-up interval? Was there any missing or incomplete data? Was there differential drop-out between the study groups that could affect the results? Were potential sources of bias identified? Which statistical tests were used? Were p values reported?
h. Was the precision of the estimate of the intervention or treatment effect reported?
CONSIDER: Were confidence intervals (CIs) reported?
i. Do the benefits of the experimental intervention outweigh the harms and costs?
CONSIDER: What was the size of the intervention or treatment effect? Were harms or unintended effects reported for each study group? Was a cost-effectiveness analysis undertaken? (Cost-effectiveness analysis allows a comparison to be made between different interventions used in the care of the same condition or problem.)
  1. Do the results of this well-designed and methodologically sound study help my patient?
j. Can the results be applied to your local population/in your context?
CONSIDER: Are the study participants similar to the people in your care? Would any differences between your population and the study participants alter the outcomes reported in the study? Are the outcomes important to your population? Are there any outcomes you would have wanted information on that have not been studied or reported? Are there any limitations of the study that would affect your decision?
k. Would the experimental intervention provide greater value to the people in your care than any of the existing interventions?
CONSIDER: What resources are needed to introduce this intervention taking into account time, finances, and skills development or training needs? Are you able to disinvest resources in one or more existing interventions in order to be able to re-invest in the new intervention?

Patient case and clinical question

As you read, please consider how the clinical research article can be used in the case of this patient. The clinical question is,
Could this patient have benefited from a course of oral antibiotics? If so, what benefits and harms should he expect?

Clinical Case Report: Liver Abscess in a 47-Year-Old Male


A 47-year-old male presented with severe abdominal pain, fever, and jaundice. Clinical evaluation, imaging, and laboratory tests confirmed the diagnosis of a liver abscess. This case highlights the critical presentation of liver abscess and underscores the importance of timely diagnosis and intervention in improving patient outcomes.


Liver abscesses are localized collections of pus within the liver, typically caused by bacterial, fungal, or parasitic infections. They are associated with significant morbidity and mortality if not promptly treated. This report describes the presentation, diagnosis, and management of a 47-year-old male with a liver abscess.

Patient Description

The patient is a 47-year-old male with a past medical history significant for type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension. He presented to the emergency department with a five-day history of severe right upper quadrant abdominal pain, high-grade fever, chills, and jaundice. He also reported nausea, vomiting, and a general sense of malaise.

History and Symptoms

The patient stated that the abdominal pain began insidiously but progressively worsened, becoming sharp and constant. He denied any history of recent travel, trauma, or known liver disease. His diabetes had been poorly controlled, with his last hemoglobin A1c recorded at 9.2%. He was compliant with his antihypertensive medications but admitted to inconsistent use of his diabetic medications.

Physical Examination

On examination, the patient appeared acutely ill and was diaphoretic. His vital signs were as follows: temperature 39.5°C, heart rate 110 beats per minute, respiratory rate 24 breaths per minute, blood pressure 140/85 mmHg, and oxygen saturation of 94% on room air.
Abdominal Examination:
Other Systems:

Laboratory and Diagnostic Investigations



The clinical presentation, laboratory results, and imaging findings confirmed the diagnosis of a liver abscess.


The patient was admitted for close monitoring and management.
Percutaneous drainage of the abscess was performed under ultrasound guidance, yielding approximately 100 mL of purulent material. The fluid was sent for microbiological analysis to guide targeted antibiotic therapy.
Intravenous fluids were administered to maintain hydration and haemodynamic stability.
Blood glucose levels were closely monitored and managed with insulin.
Pain and fever were managed with acetaminophen and opioids as needed.

Clinical Question

Could this patient benefit from a course of oral antibiotics? If so, what benefits and harms should he expect?

Release of the critical analysis

The critical analysis of the clinical research article will be released on Monday 17 June.
submitted by GriffinGalang to pinoymed [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:54 aglasnar Understanding gallstones: A practical guide for patients - SOVETPLUS .COM Корисні поради для дому

Gallstones affect one in five people, making it the most commonly diagnosed digestive disease in patients of all ages. What are the features of gallstone disease – what kind of disease is it, how does it manifest itself and how to deal with it?

What are gallstones?

Cholelithiasis is a condition in which insoluble deposits of many bile chemicals occur in the gallbladder or bile ducts. Bile consists of water, bile acids, cholesterol, fatty acids, phospholipids, proteins, bilirubin and inorganic compounds. Normally, all these substances dissolve in bile and are excreted in this form into the digestive tract, but disturbances in the composition of bile impact their solubility.
The first insoluble substances to precipitate are the so-called dirt and microcrystals, which over time combine into increasingly larger structures, resulting in the formation of deposits. Most often they form in the gallbladder and are then called cholecystolithiasis. Much less typically, they form in the bile ducts – then choledocholithiasis occurs. Typically, stones found in the bile ducts are of vesicular origin, that is, they enter these ducts from the gallbladder.
In most cases, stones are composed of cholesterol, inorganic ions such as calcium, proteins, and bile pigments. These ingredients come in different proportions. There are different types of deposits: cholesterol, pigment and mixed. Mixed deposits, that is, cholesterol and pigment deposits, are by far the most common. Pigment deposits are commonly found in developing countries, such as Africa and Asia, but in developed countries, such as Europe and North America, they consist only of cholesterol.

Gallstone disease – causes

The mechanism of gallstone formation is complex, and experts often cannot indicate the specific reason for their formation. This phenomenon is caused by several factors, including disorders of lipid metabolism in the body and decreased secretion of bile acids. Another burden is bile stagnation, which allows pathogens such as bacteria to accumulate in the bile ducts.
Risk factors predisposing to the occurrence of this disease include:

Gallstone disease – attack symptoms

The pain caused by gallstones is sudden and sharp and can last from a few minutes to several hours. It is characterized by unpleasant cramps and dull pain on the right side of the abdomen, felt up to the shoulder and even the entire upper back. The discomfort in the lower chest often associated with this condition is sometimes confused with a heart attack. Symptoms typical of this disease include fever, chills, nausea that may lead to vomiting, yellowing of the whites of the eyes, and a change in skin tone to yellow, light-colored stools, and dark urine.

Cholelithiasis during pregnancy

Hormonal changes during the second and third trimester of pregnancy increase the risk of gallstone crystallization. Progesterone suppresses the contractility of the gallbladder, promoting bile stagnation. Stones block the bile ducts, which can lead to acute pancreatitis or obstructive jaundice. This condition typically requires hospitalization and the use of a special, easily digestible diet.

Gallstone disease – treatment

In case of an attack of biliary colic, painkillers (paracetamol, ketoprofen, diclofenac) and antispasmodics containing hyoscine, papaverine or drotaverine are used. Hospitals sometimes prescribe stronger opioid medications. Surgical treatment involves removal of the gallbladder, and after surgery it is necessary to switch to a low-fat diet. You can try to dissolve the deposits with ursodeoxycholic acid, but this is a long-term method and has a high risk of relapse.

Cholelithiasis – diet

Cholelithiasis – diet
A proper diet is a very important aspect of the fight against gallstones. The menu of a sick person should include mainly healthy foods low in fat. A diet that is usually easily digestible, although containing insoluble fiber, such as cooked vegetables, processed fruits, is usually recommended. Fatty and difficult to digest foods should be avoided.

Flaxseed and gallstones

Flaxseed has a positive effect on digestive functions and also affects the functioning of the gallbladder – it is most effective in the prevention of gallbladder diseases. Regulates the functioning of the gallbladder, promotes its cleansing, prevents the formation of inflammation and gallstones.

Oatmeal and gallstones

During an attack of the disease and when its symptoms subside, as well as during the recovery period after laparoscopic removal of the gallbladder and resection of the gallbladder, it is not recommended to consume whole grain oatmeal (unless we use instant oatmeal and do not overcook it, for example, in “milk” soup).). During the period of remission, their presence in the diet is very desirable, because then the diet should be rich in fiber-rich foods.

Are gallstones dangerous?

Gallstones carry the risk of serious health complications such as biliary colic, acute cholecystitis, chronic cholecystitis, acute pancreatitis and cholangitis.

Untreated gallstones – what are the consequences?

One of the most common complications of gallstone disease is acute cholecystitis. This is an indication for surgical removal of the follicle. Untreated cholecystitis can lead to life-threatening complications such as liver abscess, gallbladder empyema, or peritonitis.Gallstones affect one in five people, making it the most commonly diagnosed digestive disease in patients of all ages. What are the features of gallstone disease – what kind of disease is it, how does it manifest itself and how to deal with it?

What are gallstones?

Cholelithiasis is a condition in which insoluble deposits of many bile chemicals occur in the gallbladder or bile ducts. Bile consists of water, bile acids, cholesterol, fatty acids, phospholipids, proteins, bilirubin and inorganic compounds. Normally, all these substances dissolve in bile and are excreted in this form into the digestive tract, but disturbances in the composition of bile impact their solubility.
The first insoluble substances to precipitate are the so-called dirt and microcrystals, which over time combine into increasingly larger structures, resulting in the formation of deposits. Most often they form in the gallbladder and are then called cholecystolithiasis. Much less typically, they form in the bile ducts – then choledocholithiasis occurs. Typically, stones found in the bile ducts are of vesicular origin, that is, they enter these ducts from the gallbladder.
In most cases, stones are composed of cholesterol, inorganic ions such as calcium, proteins, and bile pigments. These ingredients come in different proportions. There are different types of deposits: cholesterol, pigment and mixed. Mixed deposits, that is, cholesterol and pigment deposits, are by far the most common. Pigment deposits are commonly found in developing countries, such as Africa and Asia, but in developed countries, such as Europe and North America, they consist only of cholesterol.

Gallstone disease – causes

The mechanism of gallstone formation is complex, and experts often cannot indicate the specific reason for their formation. This phenomenon is caused by several factors, including disorders of lipid metabolism in the body and decreased secretion of bile acids. Another burden is bile stagnation, which allows pathogens such as bacteria to accumulate in the bile ducts.
Risk factors predisposing to the occurrence of this disease include:

Gallstone disease – attack symptoms

The pain caused by gallstones is sudden and sharp and can last from a few minutes to several hours. It is characterized by unpleasant cramps and dull pain on the right side of the abdomen, felt up to the shoulder and even the entire upper back. The discomfort in the lower chest often associated with this condition is sometimes confused with a heart attack. Symptoms typical of this disease include fever, chills, nausea that may lead to vomiting, yellowing of the whites of the eyes, and a change in skin tone to yellow, light-colored stools, and dark urine.

Cholelithiasis during pregnancy

Hormonal changes during the second and third trimester of pregnancy increase the risk of gallstone crystallization. Progesterone suppresses the contractility of the gallbladder, promoting bile stagnation. Stones block the bile ducts, which can lead to acute pancreatitis or obstructive jaundice. This condition typically requires hospitalization and the use of a special, easily digestible diet.

Gallstone disease – treatment

In case of an attack of biliary colic, painkillers (paracetamol, ketoprofen, diclofenac) and antispasmodics containing hyoscine, papaverine or drotaverine are used. Hospitals sometimes prescribe stronger opioid medications. Surgical treatment involves removal of the gallbladder, and after surgery it is necessary to switch to a low-fat diet. You can try to dissolve the deposits with ursodeoxycholic acid, but this is a long-term method and has a high risk of relapse.

Cholelithiasis – diet

submitted by aglasnar to u/aglasnar [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:00 thequietcne2 Worried about my mom

My moms history:
44f, 5'2, about 220lbs (I think, the last time I heard my mom say her exact weight was many years ago), taking daily pain medicine (I believe it's methadone, I don't know the dosage), frequent ibuprofen as well as probiotics. History of severe nerve damage, chronic constipation, past menstrual problems/severe anemia (it's been treated and doesn't seem to be a problem anymore), and depression.
My mom has been complaining the past few years that she's been having stomach pain, pressure, and sometimes nausea. She's always had problems with constipation, but her newer complaints seem to be related to food. It seems like any time she eats, she gets pain in her stomach. She says if she eats more than a "toddler sized portion" her stomach will become extremely uncomfortable. And even then it acts up. We've tried tracking what she eats, and it seems like there's not much rhyme or reason to it. Stuff from basically every food group will aggravate her symptoms. The only things she's found that have never upset her stomach, oddly enough, are coffee and ice cream? Though other dairy products will upset her. And sometimes plain foods like rice won't bother her. But it's very random and doesn't make any sense to me. She saw her doctor and told him about this when it first started and he said that she's probably fine and to come back for an ultrasound if it gets worse. She claims it's gotten better since she started taking probiotics, but she still complains about it a lot. Her mom was also having stomach problems a few years ago and was diagnosed with a gluten allergy. I don't see my grandmother so I don't know the full extent but, from what's been reported to me, she's fine as long as she eats gluten free. My mom has tried staying away from gluten and it didn't seem to change anything. She continues to have problems.
In addition to that, she's had three random, out of the blue, vomiting episodes in the past year or so (maybe year and a half to two years at most). Its important to note that my mom is famous in our family for NEVER throwing up. Not during any of her pregnancies, not when she's sick. She'll get nauseous, but just can't puke. I think throughout my entire childhood I've literally only known about her actually throwing up once or twice. That's it. So for her to have three different completely out of nowhere episodes of vomiting, when no one else in the family is sick and she didn't eat anything we didn't also eat, im that span of time, is extremely weird for her.
I wasn't with her the first two times it happened but I was this lastest time (about a few weeks ago). She threw up continuously for about four to five hours with maybe thirty minute breaks in between. The last time it was so urgent she didn't even make it all the way to the bathroom. She was on the verge of tears saying she didn't know what was wrong with her. Finally went to bed with bad chills and still had pretty bad nausea. (These episodes all seemed to have happened in the night/very early morning). She couldn't eat for the next several days, though she didn't throw up again after that night. She said her whole body hurt and the first day after she could barely get out of bed. You could hear in her voice how badly she felt.
I've encouraged her to go back to the doctor and get checked out, but she says he's not gonna do anything for her and this is just the result of her getting older. But I don't believe her. I'm worried that between the constant stomach issues and the random vomiting episodes something could potentially be wrong with her, and she's not taking care of it. My family is, unfortunately, kind of a "wait until you absolutely have to go somewhere to get looked at otherwise you're probably fine" group of people. She had very bad anemia back in 2019 where she had to have two blood transfusions, and by the time she finally got herself checked out her hemoglobin levels (or whatever levels they use to measure the severity of anemia) were all the way down to 2. From what I understand its supposed to be somehwere around 12. They were amazed she walked in by herself. And even then she only went to a walk in clinic. So I'm worried this could be a sign of something that she's not gonna get fixed until something really bad happens as a result.
Any ideas as to what could be going on? Is this actually just her getting older? It just seems odd to me.
submitted by thequietcne2 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:03 strawberrycake_23 Help with severe endometriosis

Hi, 22 year old female here, I’ve never had Reddit before but I figured I’d try talking to people on here cause I haven’t had any luck anywhere else. I’ve had severe endometriosis and chronic pain for most of my life, ever since I got my first period it’s pretty much been hell for me. As a teenager they put me on every type of birth control there is, in general I’ve been told my period pain is normal, getting ovarian cysts is normal, my scans were clear and that it was probably just stress. By the time I was 20 I couldn’t take it anymore and demanded I get surgery for it. Once I got the surgery the doctors found I had stage 4 endo, it had also spread to other organs, and lots of scar tissue was found as well. I was told they removed all endometriosis that was found. After surgery, I felt decently better for a while, the best pain wise I’ve ever felt in my life which was a huge win for me. Fast forward to now though, two years after surgery my pain is getting much worse again. My treatment plan at the moment consists of a Liletta IUD and I was previously also taking Norethindrone as well but I stopped cause I felt it was too many hormones for my body. In addition to worsening pain my periods have returned. I stopped getting them after the IUD was put in but they have been back for the past 6 months I would say. About a month ago I went to my OB explaining all this, with my main concern being my periods returning. In fact, it’s been almost more than just periods, with lots of breakthrough bleeding all the time which really increases my daily pain. My doctor had explained to me that he thought I had a hormonal issue due to the IUD and prescribed me estrogen tablets to take for 2 weeks. I did notice improvement with those, they stopped the bleeding and I felt slightly better than usual. But as I’m writing this I am stuck in bed and you guessed it, my period has returned. I obviously plan on going back to my OB cause clearly I need more hormones or a new medication or something. But to be honest, I am at a complete loss with how to help myself. I’ve had this disease for over a decade now. I have spent thousands of hours crying, bed ridden, sleepless nights, days in the hospital, trying every OB around, staying home from school, not being able to do what I want or anything for that matter. I have mourned my old body and accepted my new dynamically disabled body. I got a surgery by myself for myself, my point here is that I could write a book on endometriosis with all my experiences. I am also tired of being on hormones and on top of daily pain I’m always feeling sick. For context, I have insane chronic fatigue that never gets better no matter how much I sleep or what I eat or vitamins I take. I also have really bad nausea every morning, I get headaches nearly everyday. I’ve also been told I have suspected IBS, but every medication I’ve tried with my GI doctor has caused a lot of problems for me. I am also always freezing, and a lot of the time I feel as if I have the flu and I don’t. I’ll experience body chills/pain in my muscles/overall unwell feeling. The only way I know how to describe it is it literally feels like I am sick. Circling back to my main point, which is that I’ve been dealing with this for a long time and I feel I’ve kind of reached a plateau point where nothing is really able to help me anymore. I have lots of products to help me, I have an OBI belt, heating pads, ice packs( if you have endo you know the drill with all the stuff we use to help us) And lately I feel as if they really don’t do much for me. The older I get, the worse I feel. I am in a constant cycle of doctor appointments, pain, depression, medical debt, and disappointment. So this is me asking, is there anyone else out there? That has some of the same problems or struggles as me or feels the same way I do? Or if you work in the medical field and have knowledge about this sort of stuff I’d accept that too. Thank you for taking time to read my post. :)
submitted by strawberrycake_23 to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:42 Gergar12 I asked ChatGPT-4 to list all symptoms of Lyme Disease, and I had nearly all of them either now or in the past.

Given that you are experiencing a wide range of symptoms associated with chronic Lyme disease, including a history of a bullseye rash (erythema migrans) which is a hallmark of Lyme disease, it is important to seek medical attention promptly.
Here's a summary of your reported symptoms:
  1. Fatigue
  2. Joint pain and swelling
  3. Muscle aches
  4. Headaches
  5. Cognitive issues (e.g., memory problems, difficulty concentrating)
  6. Sleep disturbances
  7. Neurological problems (e.g., numbness, tingling, facial palsy)
  8. Heart issues (e.g., palpitations, chest pain)
  9. Mood changes (e.g., anxiety, depression)
  10. Fever and chills (in the past)
  11. Swollen lymph nodes
  12. Eye inflammation or vision changes
  13. Sensitivity to light
  14. Neck stiffness
  15. Digestive problems (e.g., nausea, abdominal pain)
  16. Dizziness or imbalance
  17. Shortness of breath (maybe)
  18. Rash (bullseye in the past)
  19. Flu-like symptoms
These symptoms suggest a possible Lyme disease infection that may have progressed to a chronic state. It is crucial to get a thorough evaluation from a healthcare provider who can perform the necessary tests and provide an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. If Lyme disease is confirmed, early and adequate treatment can help manage symptoms and prevent complications.
submitted by Gergar12 to Lyme [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:31 Dabba2087 Need help with this case

This wasn't my patient. But a friend's family member that I saw in our ER and have been following along.
Late 20s male presents with 3 weeks of worsening peri rectal pain. No Fevers chills or myalgias. He's found to have what looks like a peri-rectal cellulitis/abscess but otherwise he is well appearing. Labs aren't too remarkable at presentation. CT shows a copious amount of air (!) In the perirectal soft tissues but minimal stranding and no fluid collections.
He's placed on zosyn and Vanc, surgery comes and sees him. Aside from the air, he doesn't look like a necrotizing soft tissue infection kind of patient. Appears well. Good vitals, labs look okay.
He's admitted with abx. I see him upstairs and there's a marked improvement of the cellulitis region, at least externally. He feels better, less pain. Surgery gets a repeat CT and there is some minimal interval worsening of the soft tissue stranding. So they bring him to surgery. Reportedly there was pretty much no pus seen. Just blood and clots. Cx was taken and about 5 days out now has not grown anything.
He gets sent home post op day 1 or 2. During his 3 days at home he now develops fevers, mayalgias as well as nausea and vomiting. He can't even keep down water despite zofran, let alone the bactrim they sent him home on.
I see him in the ED again. Now he looks like shit. Normal HR and BP but fever of 101.3, looks wiped out. Surgical wound is open. No drainage or surrounding erythema or tenderness.
Leukocytes 16k, lactic 1.2, Cr 9.0, BUN 28. Hasn't urinated much in the last 12-24 hours. He gets sent out for nephro and dialysis capabilities. He gets about 3L of fluids and cr doesn't budge.
To me the air in the soft tissues was most likely from the colon than microbial source. He looked well otherwise. Area wasn't very tender, his vitals were fine, felt relatively well, labs looked good. Further CT didn't show any fluid and even stranding was minimal. Has anyone seen a necrotizing soft tissue infection present insidiously like this? The lack of growth on cx and no pus seen also seems to make this unlikely but obviously that's the elephant in the room.
The renal failure I would like to think is from dehydration over 3 days. But still, 9 is pretty high and the bun/cr ratio doesn't suggest pre-renal. His Cr was normal 3 days prior before leaving the hospital. To my knowledge he hasn't had or taken any very nephrotoxic drugs. The only combo I can think of is the ibuprofen and zosyn+vanc. If it is somehow a delayed/insidious nec fasc maybe from streptococcus toxin? But I'm just throwing stuff at the wall here.
Obviously I'm worried but I'm not looking for advice to place blame. More so for my own knowledge because I'm not quite sure what's going on. I'm hoping it's dehydration and I'm just thinking too much into it.
Thanks everyone.
Edit: Nephrology at the academic center is thinking ATN secondary to CT contrast plus some of the nephrotoxic drugs and dehydration.
submitted by Dabba2087 to emergencymedicine [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:29 mrpooooopy STD that causes cramps

STDs can affect nearly every part of the human body. Syphilis rashes may appear on the soles of the feet. And STDs like chlamydia can even cause eye infections. Perhaps unsurprisingly, then, there are several STDs that can cause abdominal pain. What’s the STD that causes cramps and bloating most often? Typically, the two STDs most commonly associated with abdominal pain are chlamydia and gonorrhea. It’s worth noting now that men are unlikely to experience cramps or bloating as a result of an STD. This is a symptom that happens almost exclusively to women.
Chlamydia & Gonorrhea Risks
Chlamydia and gonorrhea are two extremely prevalent, extremely similar STDs. In fact, it’s often difficult to tell the difference between the two. Plus, you can even have both chlamydia and gonorrhea at the same time. Though these infections are widespread, they are not harmless. For one, they both can cause pain and discomfort on their own. Women with either may experience pain during urination, sexual intercourse, or vaginal itching. Worryingly, chlamydia and gonorrhea can also contribute to Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID).
When left untreated, STDs can lead to PID. PID, in turn, will often cause abdominal pain, cramps, bloating, chills, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting. Beyond these unpleasant symptoms, though, PID can have long-lasting effects. PID can cause infertility or ectopic pregnancies. As mentioned above, both chlamydia and gonorrhea are common catalysts for PID. And it may only take a few days after the initial exposure to bacteria for PID to occur.
submitted by mrpooooopy to STDFacts [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:30 Happy_Alternative582 5mg side effects

I’ve been on 5mg for 4 weeks, first two weeks were fine (no side effects). The 3rd week i decided i would switch up my injection site to my stomach (i was getting an injection site rash and wanted to be able to hide it in a bathing suit so stomach it was) after i injected in the stomach i had HORRIBLE nausea and was vomiting. I was able to get zofran and it worked great. However my plan was just to inject my 4th shot in my thigh again and this week has been just as bad. I’ve been throwing up the second i wake up. Has anyone experienced this after switching injection sites? I can’t deal with this nausea and vomiting. I would rather chew on needles than throw up.
Can i skip a week of my shot to kind of get the side effects to chill before i do another dose? Is that a terrible idea? I don’t want to continue to take zofran (the constipation is unreal) i guess im just trying to figure it out. I haven’t had side effects at all until the past 2 weeks.
To add I’m 138 now and my goal is 135. I wouldn’t be mad at 125 for some wiggle room. I’ve been consistently losing about 10-15lbs a month. Started at 172 March 20th.
Thanks in advance for any advice given! :)
submitted by Happy_Alternative582 to Mounjaro [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:49 Charms666_ You dont need to finish that 4l of peglyte if it makes you sick

PS: I am still feeling a bit dizzy from my sedation so there may be some grammar mistakes. Please try to ignore them.
Before my colonoscopy exam, I have seen a lot of people saying “grow up and do your prep” when my stomach was actually twisting and hurting after taking a sip of peglyte. So I wanted to give a tiny bit of hope to people who are going through this. I had my colonoscopy exam today. As it was my first time ever, I was very anxious. But it was not as bad as I thought - I can’t even remember what happened. The only painful feeling you will feel is the pinching feeling when they will inject an IV. It was like taking a 30 min nap. The nurses and the doctor at the clinic were making this a very pleasant experience. Kudos to them! As a prep, I was prescribed Dulcolax and Peglyte. 2 days before my prep, I avoided vegetables and chose low residual foods. The day before my appointment, I did not eat anything until 1pm, but I had a severe headache and almost blacked out (please eat properly before your liquid diet), so I ate a slice of chocolate cake. Then in the evening, I came home late from work and I could not get myself a broth, so my only option was a beef noodle (not spicy). Even though I was not supposed to eat any solids, I was on the verge of fainting, so I ate the noodle (very irresponsible from my side). And after that I started my Peglyte. Peglyte tasted like a gatorade mixed with a salt water. Since childhood, I never liked the taste of gatorades and would always puke it out, so finishing 4l of Peglyte was a torture for me. I would take a sip and straight up vomit and my stomach would hurt. I had to push myself to at least get through the 1/2. After 1/2, my stool was clear but everyone were saying that you had to finish it. I have tried everything: used straws, put it in the fridge to chill, tried to wash down the aftertaste with a lemon water, taking gravol to help with nausea. But nothing helped me, as I was vomiting a lot. So, because my stool was clear I did not want to physically and mentally hurt myself and went to sleep. On the day of my colonoscopy exam, I didn’t eat or drink. I was scared that I might get sent home because I didn’t finish the peglyte but I wasn’t. The doctor was very happy with my prep and the exam went well. In conclusion, it's important to remember that everyone's experience with colonoscopy prep can be different, and what works for one person might not work for another. Don't be too hard on yourself if you struggle with the prep, and don't hesitate to listen to your body and prioritize your well-being. It's okay to make adjustments as needed, even if it means deviating slightly from the prescribed routine. The most important thing is to ensure that you are as comfortable as possible and to communicate any issues with your healthcare provider. Remember, the goal is to take care of your health, and sometimes that means finding the right balance for you.
submitted by Charms666_ to colonoscopy [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:33 dalecoopernumber4 Physical symptoms of weaning from breastfeeding?

(posted in the breastfeeding subreddit but didn't get any traction so re-posting here)
Currently typing this after waking up in a hot sweat/chills and now can’t fall back asleep…baby is around 12 months. Two weeks ago I was doing 4-5 milk removals per day (2-3 of those nursing and the rest pumping), dropped it to 3 milk removals last week, and 2 milk removals as of yesterday. I’m planning to stay at 2 for as long as possible (nursing morning and bedtime).
Over the past week, I’ve experienced an increase in anxiety, hungenausea similar to first trimester (definitely not pregnant), weird appetite issues, chills, night sweats and insomnia. On the plus side my sex drive is back in full force, so I guess there’s one positive.
I’ve had my period since 6 months postpartum so I didn’t think the hormone changes would be this bad. Please tell me this won’t last long 😭.
submitted by dalecoopernumber4 to beyondthebump [link] [comments]