Fancy cursive fontsc


2011.01.04 16:04 JESUS_HATES_FIGS Penmanship


2024.06.04 10:36 Front_Coconut_9516 Can any of you read this?

Can any of you read this?
This Cursive is too fancy for me...
submitted by Front_Coconut_9516 to oneshot [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 07:47 Basic_Designer1291 Help with Tattoo Font

Help with Tattoo Font
Does anybody know what this font could possibly be or something similar to it?? I feel dumb for asking because it could just be fancy cursive but i still want to know exactly what
submitted by Basic_Designer1291 to identifythisfont [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:57 Cat_blob_dev How i think HAZBIN characters would write!

How i think HAZBIN characters would write!
(I didnt know wether to do art or meme so art ig)
submitted by Cat_blob_dev to hazbin [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 17:20 ThatBluebird5165 Silence of the lambs tattoo idea?

Silence of the lambs tattoo idea?
I've always loved silence of the lambs and my birthday is comming in a few months I was hoping to get my first tattoo I just want to make sure it doesn't only sound good in my head
I want to get similar to the bird tattoo above but with the death's-head hawkmoths instead of birds and the quote "well clarice have the lambs stopped screaming" in fancy cursive under it
Unfortunately I haven't found anything similar online so in not sure if it would work or not
Any input?
submitted by ThatBluebird5165 to TattooDesigns [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 21:22 Fickle-Exchange2017 Season 4, Ep 20. RECAP! THE END?!

Currently on Party Roll

Our trek east to the mechanical city is halted when our group come across a bone grinding camp. The only way pass, is thru..... and that all goes to shit when we are spotted by meth heads. BATTLE ENSUES! Otto strikes first, using his Nancy Regan powers against these drug heads, revealing all their locations. Sledge, yet again, against dogs nonetheless, getting surrounded by and picked on but holds his own. By the time the party gets involved, Sarn raises hell (and earth) flinging our meth heads into the air and confusing the heck outta em. Yet, this isn't enough; for the meth heads and their guard dogs, do manage to ding our party members pretty good. With more meth heads revealing themselves from their tents, it's our King's trusted aid (remember that?!) Sarn, creating a wall of fire between us and the meth heads! This effectively gives our party space while keeping away from immediate attack...Just one problem.... the fire cuts across a bone grinding tent....which is set on fire....which is currently exploding...and a plume of blue smoke is billowing up and towards us....
Spartan Roll: 9
Mark 17 Matt 13 Jose 16 Cory 12 Dusty 10 Vanessa
If you get above 9, you Chris Farley
Back to the action!
Sit Rep
Bobby Fasthands has slipped off the cliff edge and falling into the shallow canyon below. Meth head #1 is currently distracted by the erupting fire set before him. Bimbo the dog begins running away.
Sarn's turn, communicating to the group that it's time to leave, doesn't move at half speed under the difficult terrain (ice and cracks on the ground), but needs to roll w/advantage to make a dex save. 7 Sarn makes it a few feet and slides, busting his ass on the ice in the direction he was heading.
Donoub's turn, going to move away from combat and leave, moves at half speed for the difficult terrain, needs to make a dex save. 16 Makes it to the end of where the ice formed and more
Sledge's turn, runs the same way was Donoub and JBR 5 who is still carrying Meeb
Krimbin's turn, Sandblasts the tent that's currently on fire to try and make it worse 9, Hit 3 dmg He hit's the tent, having the sand get in and under the tent, pushing things inside around, which instantly causes an explosion. it's a big one, supplies go everywhere including the meth heads being thrown up or into walls. The second explosion, brings move fire, consuming the shallow canyon and sticking into place. The following explosions shake the ground, developing the cracks into larger pieces.
Everyone, cept Donoub & Sledge, make Dex saves
Otto 16 Sarn dirty 20 Krimbin Nat 20 !!!
With ease, the remaining party members make it across the ice, avoiding the nightmare fire pit below them.
---Combat ends ---
Sledge, along with JBR 5 and Meeb walk along the available canyon floor away from the disaster they created. Above them are the rest of the party walks parallel on a small trail.
We do make it out of this ravine like place and back into the desert, heading towards east. The terrain is rocky, so travel is slow and evening approaches. We believe now is a good time to stop and set up camp and grab some rest. Thankfully no fuckery happens during the night, so we wake up rested and with spell slots again.
Back on the road, we head east. Sarn does notice as they set off that there are footprints in the ground, near the camp. The foot prints lead off in the direction we're actually going, so we creep on. We travel for days and nights until to crest a peak and look upon the ruins of a city...the city of Ricecomine.
"Ricecomine is an ancient city made by the 'makers'. They are robotic entities; they still exist to this day, they live mainly in the capital and there are few of them now. It is a giant, giant city of pseudo mechcanical and magical. People used to come here to raid it or to pillage it to raise money. It's been outlaw.... and reduced the city alot...Most of the surface level stuff has been picked over and as you get deeper in, it's kinda dangerous down there" - DM Steven
Otto, roll perception 17 Has noticed recent activity of looters, might be desperate people in desperate times.
Donoub, being a fancy lady, is curious about the shops, which I find funny, as it is a ruined city and most of it has been plundered. Yet, she enters one of the shops and tries to Indiana Jones', aka collecting any resources she can find.
Donoub, roll perception on the shop 17 Digs around the back and finds a very well made thing. Not sure what it is, as its something she's never seen before, but it carries value.
Otto, grabs Sledge and follows the footprints he's seen and they stop in the middle of town square. There are plenty of buildings around there. Sledge is drawn towards a building which has its door covered in garbage and the broken window gives enough space for Sledge to throw his teleportation dagger though it. When he materializes, he comes to being in a dark room. It is not a lot of stuff in here, open concept.
Sledge, roll perception 18 Finds a stool and some low laying furniture. Another door leads to a garden area, some greenery can be seen. Sledge walks towards the open garden area.
back in the square...
Sarn, roll perception, looking for more footprints or signs of habitation 17 Notices that where the footprints end, there's an area where where isn't sand anymore. They ended because the rest of the way is paved, going towards a fountain area.
Otto, roll perception, looking for more footprints or signs of habitation 17 Smizes they stepped up on the fountain to get by it, heading west, towards a little group of houses.
Donoub, roll perception on the shop again NAT 1 While looting, sand gets in her eyes, temporarily blinded by the sand.
The group is split right now. Otto, Sarn and Krimbin (maybe Meeb and JBR 5) are in the town square. Donoub is inside a shop and Sledge is going deeper into a residential area.
Sledge is walking through the garden area and hears some laughter amongst the roof tops.
Sledge*, roll perception* 11 See's movement on the roof of the buildings he is around.
Getting low to the ground, Sledge catches wise and throws his dagger up and towards the opposite building from where he sees movement.
Sledge, roll strength to throw the dagger up two stories 18 he does it and is now up on the roof. He sees a couple of ppl and they are looking down to where Sledge was and don't see him. They are wearing marron coloured armor.
Back at the main square...
Roll perception
Otto 10 Sarn NAT 1, uses a binny, 24
Sarn looks around and up and notices four men in marron armor, standing on these roof house tops, looking at him. Otto decides to wave at them and one actually waves back.
Back in the shop...
Donoub, roll for dex save as she is temporally blinded inside the shop 17 Hears footsteps clip clapping towards her, ducks and a giant club swings right across, missing Donoub's head. A large person is in the shop with her.
Thinking fast on her feet (and not her back for once) Donoub flashes her infected tattoo of the symbol on Sir Onn'd, claiming she is with them. It's this quick thinking that saves her life, as she recognized the marron armor of the men to be that of Sir Onn'd elite guard. To further sweeten the lie, Donoub doubles down and says that she's Wizburr and transforms into the appearance of Wizburr before him.
Donoub, roll persuasion w/advantage on selling the lie that the Wizburr appearance is her true self. 14, 11 He accepts her words as true and tells her to get going to see the others.
Back at the square...
Sarn ducks for cover after seeing the strangers, while Otto and Krimbin stand there patiently. An arrow comes and hits the ground at their feet. The strangers sprint towards the fountain as arrows begin to fly by them. Magical arrows at that. Our group scatter from their position towards a building, but the door is barricaded with garbage and such.
Otto 2 Sarn 8 Krimbin 5
It is a feeble attempt. The door doesn't budge and another set of arrows come at them
Otto 20 Sarn 7 Krimbin 6+
Otto and Krimbin take 6 dmg and Sarn takes 12 dmg
Back to Sledge on the roof top...
The two guards climb down from their spots, into the garden area looking for Sledge. Using this as an opportunity, Sledge decides he's gunna jump and maul attack em. Not use a spell or ranged attack, but Jump....and Maul....The dogs really didn't teach him the lesson did it?!
Sledge, roll melee attack w/advantage, goes into a Rage -5 for attack 12 w advantage, uses binny**, 24** 26 dmg Leaps from the second story of this building, landing the maul perfectly on this persons skull, like slap dab in the middle. A loud CRUNCH is heard and the person falls. The other guard reacts slow to the events...
Sledge, second attack, 2, Miss
Bonus action, 18, Hit ! 11 dmg
Back with Donoub, its more trust building/finding out as much as possible without coming off suspicious. The dumb brute doesn't say much and we then head back to the tripod group trying to open a door.
Otto 12 Sarn 4 Krimbin NAT 1, Uses binny, 10
Sarn is no use, Krimbin and Otto wrench the door open, all three get in just as an arrow hits the door.
Will our party come out successful from this battle?
How long will it take for Donoub's cover to be blown?
What are Sir Onn'd people doing this far east?!
I don't have the answers and the trail ends here. Maybe we'll never know....but I sure as heck, have a lot of questionS that you'll hear (and hopefully see some responses) in the near future!
--- THE END??? ---
"That's a good one Matt..." - Dusty, deadpan, to Matt when Matt says 'We're home aloning the shit outta these people'
"We're looking up 'Horses with arms', sorry' " - A distracted Cory
"Oklahoma.." - Cory, when Steven says, 'There are actual spots that are just constantly burning meth pits'
"You hit a person so hard....that their butt explodes" - Mark
-For Dusty
-Sledge befriends Bimbo the dog with some food and they become pals. -Sledge remanes Bimbo, "Clemp't"
-Cory is not a fan of sleeping at the same time in 'Minecraft survivor' mode.
-JBR 5 was created by the 'makers'.
-Everyone also picked up some magical bones on their journey, except Otto, who's a puss
-Cory doesn't care much for Indiana Jones, for he sees him as a looter rather than an adventurer
-Jose's always writes in cursive and it's outsssssstanding.
-Sledge's teleportation dagger has 5 uses and resets after a short rest.
-Jarel and Dorne are the guards names that Sledge is fighting. Dorne is the one that's KO'd
-The guard that's with Donoub is named 'Thunk'
-Cory spent most of the second half of this episode drawing horses with arms
@ party_roll on twitter
Teener Time
submitted by Fickle-Exchange2017 to PartyRollPodcast [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 05:10 Jxbxxx WW1 Captains Belgium map, having trouble figuring out the owners name

WW1 Captains Belgium map, having trouble figuring out the owners name
I think it may say Capt J E Deacy but I am not confident on my cursive reading when it's this fancy
submitted by Jxbxxx to Transcription [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:26 Rathwastaken Fuck it, I'll also declare a binding vow

Inspired by u/HAZARD_LEVEL_SEVEN and his ballsy move of ultimate hate, I too will declare a binding vow of my king returning. I have absolute trust in my GOAT returning far beyond any hate of sukuna glazers.
While there is nothing but respect for hazard's choice, I refuse to let any sukuna glazers be seen in a positive light so consider this a fuck you to your declaration. I refuse to stop glazing my glorious sex eyed king until the day I die. From 236 my GOAT has been whispered to come back, and not for a second will I believe he was a bluff.
WITHOUT FAILURE has my goat had ripple effects from the start. From the beginning there was one goat. The one man to stand alone as the honored one. To kill the notorious sorcerer killer brandishing myriads of weapons at just the high school level. The one man to singlehandedly fight the disaster curses all at once. The man that SAT UPON SUKUNA LIKE THE THRONE HE WAS TO HIM. If it means my goat lives, I shall take any punishment. But even with this risk, I believe just one outcome. Even with the greatest sukuna glazer writing the manga, would we lose? We who have prayed for times like these from the moment our angel broke its wings?
Nah, We'd Win
My binding vow is as follows: IF I am wrong, please ban me from this sub permanently, following a handwritten cursive letter using a fancy pen declaring my stupidity and folly, and why sukuna is the goat, along with the purchase of merchandise regarding sukuna.
IF I am right, I will laugh exorbitantly.
submitted by Rathwastaken to Jujutsufolk [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:22 GachaDinguS Stuck in a New Realm? (POV and rules in body text!)

Stuck in a New Realm? (POV and rules in body text!)
(Will change flair if it isn't correct‼️)
POV: You're a mortal. One day, you were doing... well, whatever it is you usually do, but walking through a door, something... happened. A glitch in the system, an error in the fabric of the universe – something! Whatever it was, it affected you, and only you. You were transported to a new realm, a new universe, one completely unrecognizable.
Wherever you were, you seemed to be in the middle of a city. A very... vast city, it seemed. Many odd people flooded the streets, ones who bared horns, others who flew, and people who looked impossibly fictional. The sky and surrounding city seemed to stretch on forever, roads and buildings covering everything. The sky was made of pure light, making everything have a new-looking sheen to it. Everything looked... oddly modern. But this place – it was not for you. It was far from home.
Scrambling the streets to find somewhere less crowded, with less weird-looking people, you stumble across a store. In a fancy cursive font, the sign above the doors read "Aderyn Sisters: Jewelry," and luckily for you, the store looked fairly vacant. Checking for an "open" sign (which you eventually found), you stepped into the store, even if just for a breather away from the things out in the city, and heard a bell above the door ring. From behind the counter, a woman speaks.
"Welcome to Aderyn Sisters: Jewelry. You're at D.R. Jewelry, the brightest gem of all stores among the immortal realm, and..." She paused in the middle of her (very obviously scripted) welcome and sighed tiredly, " get the jist, I'm sure."
She hadn't even glanced in your direction. She looked... fairly normal compared to some of the beings you saw in the streets, aside from thise wings on her head or her tails. Could she be of any help? Well, it couldn't hurt to talk, could it?
No gods/immortals (just for the sense of the OC... the OC doesn't have to be human either, just as long as it has a given lifespan)
I would like an image and necessary info on the OC(s) used (like age, species, etc...)
No "idc" OCs
No romance... alas, she has her eyes set on someone else already
Any questions will be answered about the POV/RP!
submitted by GachaDinguS to GachaClubPOV [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:53 lunachappell Please use regular font

So I was looking through AO3 define a fanfiction cuz I was bored and something that just drives me insane so much is when authors side to use like fancy lettering that are really hard to read in their summaries cuz I'm dyslexic so I already have a hard time reading a lot of stuff but then when you use fonts that are like cursive or Don't know what it's called but this is literally a word directly from the one I saw that made me want to talk about this "𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕔𝕠" I don't know what this font is called but it drives me insane It is so hard to read please I am begging you if you are making a summary please put it in regular font
submitted by lunachappell to FanFiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:02 semdot14 [WTS] Grail Pen Lot

  1. Lamy 2000 Brown LE with 18k Broad nib [A2] The pen writes great and looks even better. It has a nice milk chocolate appearance that really sets it apart. It comes with all the goodies completely unused including a book, a Lamy leather notebook and some other fancy items...oh and the pen. photos and timestamp $425 shipped
  2. Pelikan M1000 Green 18k Medium Nib [B] This pen is a classic. It is huge but can be used daily and it writes so well. Usually these pens are buttery smooth but this one has a very slight bite to it. The ink flows will and it has a lot of springiness to it. Comes with the original box and sleeve. Photos and Timestamp $475 shipped
  3. Visconti Homo Sapiens Bronze Age Skylight 23K two-tone Palladium Nib Medium Cursive Italic [B] This is such a good pen. I wish Visconti would keep making them. It is the best of the Crystal Dream and the standard Bronze Age in that it allows you to see how much ink you have without taking away from the great lava resin barrel. I had the 18k nib replaced with a dream touch because I prefer the look and feel of the palladium. This one writes well with good flow and spring. This one has a bit of a bite to it. Comes with the box Photos and Timestamp $675 Shipped
submitted by semdot14 to Pen_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 20:01 semdot14 [WTS] Pen Lot Lamy, Nakaya, Leonardo, ASC, Pilot

Here are five pens that I love but don't get used enough. A few are pretty special.
  1. ASC Triangolo Arco Verde yellow gold trim 14K Magic Flex nib [A2] Another loverly pen from ASC using old stock Omas Arco rods. It writes well, but it's size is a bit much for me. I have inked it once, cleaned it and now only look at it. It deserves to be used.comes with box and all the paperwork. Photos & Timestamp $825 Shipped
  2. Pilot 912 Falcon with Flex Nib Factory 3 slot ebonite feed [A1] Not much to say about this pen. It has been modified for better flow. I never got around to using it. This pen has only been inked for this writing sample. Photos $125 Shipped
  3. Leonardo Momento Magico In-House 14k Medium Nib LE Omnia Amethyst Resin [A2]. This pen is absolutely gorgeous. The material is from Jonathon Brooks of the Carolina Pen Company. With that, it has Leonardo's new nib which has a great writing feel. I love it, but don't use it enough. It comes with the box and paperwork. Photos $400 Shipped
  4. Nakaya Naka-ai Writer Heki-Tamenuri Custom 14K Two Tone Medium Soft nib with cursive Italic grind from Nibs [A2]. This one is hard to let go of, but I don't have space for it. This is a particularly special pen because the studio added more kanji than usual on the barrel. It reads, "And the word was God." The pen is in great shape. The nib has a bit of tooth to it. It comes with the box and papers. Photos and timestamp. $800 shipped
  5. Lamy 2000 Brown LE with 18k Broad nib [A2] The pen writes great and looks even better. It has a nice milk chocolate appearance that really sets it apart. It comes with all the goodies completely unused including a book, a Lamy leather notebook and some other fancy items...oh and the pen. photos and timestamp $450 shipped
submitted by semdot14 to Pen_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 11:51 portable-solar-power How to write fast in good handwriting?

This question gets asked a lot and I think for some people it's essentially all they want. They're not in actual penmanship and don't want extraordinary expertise in it. It's just the work/job they do that requires them to write sort of neatly/legibly and fast. It's like a survival skill for them.
You cannot write super fast and expect it to be looking perfect. Similarly, you cannot write super neatly and assume that you'd be able to do it quickly. A balance between the two is crucial for sufficiently good and efficient handwriting.
The solution is to stick to the basics. Simple handwriting is fast and it could be neat and clean at the same time. Handwriting doesn't have to be fancy if you are in a time limit. To be efficient, you'll need to focus only on the things that matter.
Cursive is not fast, nor is print. What you're more proficient in makes one fast over the other. It's strange that, for some people, cursive with more loops, long flourishes and more character takes less time to write than simple letter-to-letter printing. For some, print is fast no matter how fast the cursive is for others. Learning cursive is not the solution to writing faster as this advice is thrown around all the time whenever someone asks a similar question.
Another piece of advice people give is to write smaller. You still need to do the same hand movements and efforts to complete a certain letter so it won't help that much. It's not the best thing you can do to be faster.
Picking a font for inspiration isn't necessary if speed is the priority. Making your handwriting look in a certain way similar to a font takes the second place.
If you are supposed to show your written work to someone else, being illegible is something that you don't want at all.
Certain letters don't look how they should (according to the standard letter chart which everyone knows and writes/reads) which creates legibility issues.
Improving your letter formation and making them look how they're supposed to be is a perfect starting point to boost the legibility aspect of your writing.
So one of the best advice that can be given to someone who's looking to improve their fast handwriting or handwriting in general is before making it fancy/eye-pleasing, make it fundamentally perfect. Know how each letter is to be formed up to standard. You can always add a style of your choice afterwards.
Tracing worksheets/workbooks could be a great starting point for studying letter strokes and letter formation. However, you'll need to practice with more than just worksheets on your own to be a better penman.
When writing quickly you already won't have much time to reflect on how you're doing so external help like using lined paper instead of blank would be the best thing to do. Lined paper not only makes you write in a straight line but helps you to be more consistent as you're writing between two parallel lines.
submitted by portable-solar-power to Handwriting [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 19:11 Tigra21 Hunter or Huntress Chapter 188: Charitable Concessions

“Right. Tarp,” Saph muttered to herself as it became evident where the rather massive section of canvas had been hiding. Galaxer had been using it as harness padding, which was mostly due to there really being nowhere else to put it. Even folded in on itself twice it still covered all of the venerable dragon’s back.
“I still don’t get what you want that for? Don’t we have tarps? Actually, no, I know we have some. We used them for the logs and shit,” Pho complained, still not having worked out the purpose of a keep-dweller getting a few dozen square meters of stout waxed canvas.
Saph had to admit it looked to be quality stuff and brand new. It was laid out in the grass for inspection by the buyer, Ray walking along the sides of it, looking it over and passing Saph on her walk round.
“Sooo who is it for?” Saph questioned as she came by.
“Tiguan. For when it rains,” Ray answered meekly as she carried on.
“Ahr I see.”
“Wait, you got this for a dragon who is staying at a keep? Don’t they have a greeting hall?” Pho piped up again, clearly wanting to be heard today.
“Yes, but the floor is stone. It gets cold in winter. Also he gets to keep it. He told me about all the times he has had to sleep outside before. Now if he has this he could stay dry. Or have something nice to lie on.”
“Yes, it can certainly help make a campsite more comfortable,” Galaxer agreed, giving the woman a nod. “But it seems you know that already. Is that for Glira by chance?” he questioned, glancing towards where Saph and Fengi had set up the other tarp for Yldril, to give her some shelter from the rain.
“No, that is for our resident black dragon,” Saph clarified. “I believe she is currently napping in protest.”
“Ahr…” the dragon responded, glancing to Baron, the decorated war veteran. “A peculiar allocation of resources isn’t it, sir?” he asked, with what Saph thought to be humor in his voice.
Baron and Jarix had been sitting behind the line of dragonettes, waiting patiently and having a chat with the two new arrivals when they weren’t busy with all the unloading and various questions.
“It is indeed… but she is of the keep. We are not. If we wanted a tarp we best bring one ourselves,” the red dragon responded, calmly and seemingly not upset about the fact he was sleeping outside still.
‘Didn’t think of that,’ Saph cursed to herself. Glira had of course complained, but, well, she was a bit of an arse too. Baron though, he didn’t deserve worse hospitality than a slave. That wasn’t right.
“Maybe I should bring you one for next year old sport, if they let you out here again that is of course.”
“If they do not, then they best find a suitable replacement. We need every dragon currently on the island, and I doubt that is to change soon.”
“Right you are, well I suppose a lesser teacher will have to do for the recruits. I am sure they will find someone.”
Baron did raise an eyeridge at that comment but didn’t offer anything further.
“Right, okay, my question now. Why don’t you bring a tarp along if it is so nice ?” Pho tried again, glancing between the red and white dragons.
“It is heavy of course, and I do not plan on staying in the wilds any more than is needed. That and I have cargo to carry of course,” Galaxer deflected with a huff, not paying the young huntress much mind.
“Isn’t that gonna be a bit heavy for a dragon who’s supposed to fight then? I swear I’m not trying to be an arse here.”
‘Well you are failing there Pho,’ Saph grumbled to herself, as she watched Ray look down at the tarp, ears lowering slightly.
Saph knew getting something that big couldn’t have been cheap though. Perhaps the greenhorn did have a point. Tiguan couldn’t even be half the weight of Galaxer. But on the upside he didn’t have a shred of armor to wear, unlike Jarix and especially Grevi, so perhaps it would be fine. Might even make his harness a bit more comfortable. It hadn’t looked to Sapphire like the finest of work.
“I’m sure he will be fine. If luck would have it I’m sure he’ll be sticking around this island for some time. Then he can just leave it at whatever keep is closest to what he’s doing, isn’t that right you old grizzled veteran? You must have done that a few times, no?”
Ray’s ears did raise a little at the hopeful words as she looked to Baron.
“It doesn’t get any worse than he leaves it somewhere for a time if he is expecting battle, no. And I do not believe he has a place of his own in the city yet. If what Galaxer says is true and they have taken new recruits, then the shared stables would be quite packed indeed.”
“Oh yes, a fair few young and old. It seems news of the fighting on the frontier lit a few souls.”
“Indeed. Well in that case he might be most appreciative. Some privacy is always nice, even if it is only a clearing somewhere.”
“Oh that is good, I was worried for a moment there he wouldn’t like it,” Ray said happily, giving the tarp one last final glance. “It looks good too. I am very happy with it.”
“Well then I guess we can knock you off the list as well then. I will tell Carnige. Is this black dragon going to come and get it here?”
“Oh I hope so.”
“He will, ain’t no way he’s heading home for winter without swinging by to say hi. If he ain’t staying the winter that is,” Saph declared. She was quite confident in that statement all things considered. Tiguan was a big softy and Ylditz wouldn’t be able to stand the complaining if they didn’t.
“Very well, will you all put it away or should I take it up to the greeting hall when time allows?”
“Oh if you wouldn’t mind. I think it would be quite hard to get up the stairs.”
“Very well. Perhaps before dinner, I do seem to smell something quite lovely yes.”
“We have some stuff on the spits, yes. I hope you will like it. We know you have flown a long way.”
“Indeed, it is always rough doing such a long stint in one go, and I would hazard a guess we aren’t getting more than a few days here before heading home this time now are we?”
“I wouldn’t be so sure just yet Galaxer,” Saph interjected. “We did find something more down below which they are very busy with.”
“Of course you did. Well I am sure we shall hear more of that very soon. Did you hear that, Arch? More stuff down below,” Galaxer called out towards Arch, who seemed to have been having a conversation with Jarix upon being reunited. He did turn his head towards them to answer though.
“Well yes, there were two more vaults. Did they get them open?”
“Well, did you?” Galaxer questioned, looking down to Sapphire.
“Only the one.”
“Ahr, very well. Maybe a chance of a winter flight out here for the inquisition then, that should pay nicely.”
Tom looked about the library that was now filled with playing children, all having fun with their various new toys. The strange board game pieces were currently being used to depict soldiers around a keep made of wooden blocks, which Tom was quite sure the craftsman who made the set would have been appalled by.
Essy and Lothal had come up to oversee the kids after the unloading had been concluded and all the stuff had been stashed away wherever it was destined. Sadly that meant Tom probably couldn’t put off having that chat with Joelina much longer, though he was seriously considering putting it off till after dinner time. Sadly he had a feeling they might have a drink or two tonight, so that probably wouldn’t be such a great idea.
Vulzan had gone down to assist Arch, promising to bring up Tom’s box of stuff sometime later, after he was assured that they would read the letters he had given them today. The trader had brought it up a few times, so he had probably agreed to make sure Tom did indeed read them.
“I think the quality assurance department has declared the toys satisfactory, don’t you think, Jacky?”
“Well nothing has broken yet, so that’s good,” Jacky replied, stepping aside as a pair of kids came running by with red flags strapped to their tails. Said flags were more dragging along the floor than flapping in the wind, but Tom supposed they weren’t made for running speed.
“No, no, they are being very careful. I must say some of these things are very nice though,” Essy added as she arbitrated just how many pieces Revo and Hulunar could have so they could try actually playing said board game. This was met with vehement opposition from Kiran, who needed every soldier for his keep.
“True that. Well best of luck. I’ll go read the mail, shall we Jacky?” Tom questioned, resigning himself to just getting this over with.
“I suppose we shall, yes,” Jacky grumbled in reply, seeming less than pleased.
The two of them made their way out of the library, leaving the kids in the capable hands of Essy, Apuma, and Lothal.
“Probably best to read the letters first. Upstairs?”
“Let’s. If it says something we don’t like we can always burn it and pretend we didn’t get it then.”
“I somehow doubt that would work, but I suppose,” Tom half-sighed and chuckled.
The two of them made their way up to Jacky’s room as she got out the letters she had stashed away inside her breastplate. Tom shut the door behind them and Jacky laid down the letters on the bed so they could have the sun behind them to help read what they said.
“Right then, what are the chances some of this is good news?”
“About the same as Kalestine deciding that we have been working very hard and she’s going to send a herd of tirox marching past the front door,” Jacky replied as they both took a seat on the bed and Jacky took out her knife.
“You know, maybe Shiva will let you have that fancy one with the ruby in the hilt?” Tom tried in good humor as Jacky set about looking through the envelopes, presumably looking for the oldest.
“I wish. Can you imagine what she would do if I dropped it or something? Maybe for some special occasion.”
“Well, if it can sniff out deer hiding in the bushes then surely it’ll be fine. Are you in the habit of losing things in the forest?”
“It has been some time… but it has happened,” Jacky admitted a little sheepishly as she found what she was looking for and started opening one of the envelopes. Inside there was a folded up crisp white paper.
“Oh my, look at this stuff, it’s almost as nice as some of your paper.”
Tom just nodded, watching as she unfolded it, revealing an utter mess of what Tom could only guess was the equivalent of dragonette cursive. “Oh you have to be shitting me, what the hell is that?” he protested, looking at the nearly impossible to decipher scribbles.
“Fucking city dwellers,” Jacky agreed, squinting as she held the letter up a bit closer. “I guess I need to make Apuma proud.”
“If you could, yeah. I’ve got no chance.”
“Dear Tom. I hope this finds you well. -Oh you wish for that now- Since last we met I have formulated some questions for which I would like you to provide me with an answer. Send your reply via Vulzan if you are able… -What is she on about, she sent us a pair of those earrings?”
“I don’t know… is that it?”
“Well no we got questions you see,” Jacky replied, tapping the paper with the claw on her thumb.
“How do your people know of dragons? Why are infants thrown into pools of water? What is the point of a cat? Where do cars come from? Are they grown? Why is there music everywhere? Is it true that giving birth is truly the most painful thing in the world to a human? -It just goes oon and oooon. Look at this shit, she really fit it in here.” Jacky turned the letter around to Tom to see and it ruely was packed, line after line. “She ran out of space… oh no, bit on the back here. What is the meaning of the combat simulations displayed by the thinking machine, is it training? And why is it not take more seriously if it is? Are you tricking the children into accepting grueling training for more than 12 hours a day?”
“Oh my, yeah she’s in my younger years I guess… I used to love going to the swimming halls, you know… and I might have liked my computer a bit too much.”
“I never would have guessed.”
“Oh come on, it was good fun at the lake.”
“Get me warm water and then we are talking.” Jacky dismissed, looking back to the letter.
“We do have that actually.”
“Anyway, next letter please. I have a feeling this isn’t the end of the questions.”
“Yeah probably,” Jacky agreed, trimming the top of the second envelope with a claw and taking out the letter. “Oh she’s uhm… her writing is a bit worse on this one. Where are the ships that breach the heavens and the universe itself? I have seen movies and imagery of them, but never in your memories do they appear! Do they exist?! Are you from a backwards country without lance weapons and teleportation machines? And how were dogs produced from wolves!? I must know this!”
“Oh my… someone has been to the mental cinema I guess… Wait. I thought she already knew about what a movie was? I could have sworn she saw a movie in my memories.”
“Paulin did get to see one if I remember right. She must have told her all important Joelina about it.”
“Yeah…” Tom replied, thinking further on the implications of this. “She is definitely seeing more than I am too. I’ve only seen a few flashes of her childhood and younger days, though it seems to be slowly advancing towards the current time.”
“Maybe she can use her mind magic stuff to see more? I don’t know. I bet you a gold she’s trying to make the dreams worse, not better like us. Maybe it’s driven her a bit mental? Well, more mental.”
“I suppose so yeah… Another one,” Tom replied, gesturing for her to continue.
“Yup. Next one it is… Oh dear. Right.” Jacky squinted at the paper. Tom leaned over and confirmed that the letter was indeed a mess, complete with drips of ink and smudged out symbols. “I ha-have. Discovered. What a motion image is… -Well that’s good-. I understand the art of the computer’s hallucinations. They are not real. But rockets! Are rockets real Tom? Have your people visited the gods! Why is there only one god at the churches where you grew up? Yet there are other churches, the other gods are seen as alien, or different, why? Where are the gods Tom! Why are they disparate!... -Man, I think she’s about lost it.”
“Oh dear… Yeah, might need to clarify some things… And sweep some under the rug. If she’ll even believe me,” Tom said doubtfully, grimacing as he looked at the remaining letter. “Let’s get it over with, last one.”
“Right oh, let’s see what this one says… Oh… I think this one is for you.” She simply turned the letter around and showed the contents, big bold drippy latin letters—in Danish.
“What does it say?” Jacky questioned, sounding a touch worried.
“Answer me… I’m guessing this is where she decided on sending those earrings.”
“Ahr yeah that would make sense,” Jacky agreed, glancing at the wooden box which contained the lone earring. “Wait, why did she bother leaving in the first letters when she sent this anyway?”
“I don’t know, why did she feel the need to put childrens toys in the same box as a suit of enchanted half-heretical armor and the blade of... what was he called again?”
“The second most wanted man alive”.
“Yeah that… I don’t think she’s doing so hot.”
“Think she’ll be very mad if you wait till tomorrow?”
“Probably,” Tom conceded as he slid the lid off the box, picking up the small silvery piece of jewelry. He took a deep breath, looking to Jacky. “Right, safeword is spaghetti. If I say it thrice in a row, take it off.”
“Right, sounds like a plan. Good thing Paulin isn’t here, right?”
“Yeah… actually,” he leaned in and whispered, “Go check the corridor, someone might be listening. Quietly.”
“You’re the quiet one,” Jacky complained as she got up, Tom picking up the earring and studying it in his hands.
It had fine intricate runes running along its surface in little channels. It was exquisite handiwork, that much he could tell. ‘And not cheap like we know.’
Jacky went up to the door and with a rapid jerking motion opened it, sticking her head out to glance down either corridor. “All clear…” She pulled her head back in and locked the door. “Put the damn thing on then. No promises I won’t fuck up your ear if I have to rip it off.”
“Rather that than something worse happening. I kinda wished I’d gotten to see more of her life before this.”
“You’re kidding, right?” Jacky questioned as she sat down next to him on the same side where a hole had already been punched for the last time he had a crack at this sorta thing. “You always wake up, shaking, cold, crying, screaming or whatever the fuck might have happened that time. And you want more?”
“Well not that part… I guess she has already been through my memories once before, and not like she knows something about me I don’t… but still would be nice to know how the hell she ended up where she is. She knows that about me.”
“Or how her mentor’s knife ended up at Furlong keep.”
“That too… that too… maybe I’ll be able to ask.”
“You do that… now, get it over with.”
“Right.” Tom held the earring up to his ear and started to fiddle with it a bit. A bit turned into a while and soon enough Jacky grew impatient.
“Really? You can’t put on an earring?”
“It’s not like it’s something I do often. Damn thing is fiddly, don’t wanna break it either.”
“It’s mithril, it won’t just break. Here let me.”
Tom resigned himself to being helped as Jacky quickly put in the little thing and slid in the locking pin. “Right, there you go. Have fun I suppose.”
“Yeah yeah, try not to rip my ear off if I start making funny noises. Remember, safeword is spaghetti.”
“I got it.”
“Right, how was it? I close my eyes an-”
“Anyone seen Tom and Jacky? Dinner is almost ready,” Ray questioned as she came up the stairs from the kitchen into the grand hall where everyone was starting to congregate. Well, all of the dragonettes at least. The dragons had elected to eat all together down in front of the keep, rather than having one or two of them eat in the greeting hall.
That was all the dragons save for Yldril though. She was consigned to her awning and would get what was left over. That should still be a fair bit of food, and certainly better food than she got normally, but Saph doubted it would do much for her demeanor. Said demeanor was why she was consigned however; no one wanted to put up with her at a feast.
“No, we were told not to disturb them. I think they got something to do. They are up in Jacky’s room,” Saph replied on her way to sit down at the huntress table.
“Ahr okay… should I put something aside for them later?”
“That might be best. We don’t know how long they will be.”
“Okay. I’ll be back in a minute then. Tell the others to start taking seats, we are nearly there.”
Saph just nodded and smiled as Ray turned back and hurried down the stairs, but a moment later Balethon and Herron came up said stairs with a spitted deer, which was to be their main course for the day. ‘Oh this should be lovely… Do I wanna try out some of the ham too today I wonder?’
As she sat down at the table it was pretty evident that most of the others had decided that yes, they would be trying out some of the interesting new things they got. It was rather hard to complain after whoever had sold you something had already left.
There had been a lot of chatting and a few good laughs as they all got settled in, and true to Ray’s word they were soon called up to come get their portions of meat and sides. It was good stuff. Someone had snuck in some extra herbs and spices either at the last minute or possibly used the last of old stores now that they knew resupply was coming.
They did have a few guests at the huntress table, namely Udanti and Tirox from Archeon’s crew. They were of course interrogated thoroughly for any news about how things had been going in the world at large.
Tirox spoke highly and with his usual brash bravado about tales of battles fought all along both the frontier and even some middling keeps. He did not seem worried in the slightest, relating victory after victory. Udanti seemed less enthused, and as the meal progressed hushed murmurs and gossiping began to spread among all the tables, as far as Saph could work out from where Udanti was sitting.
Darklings attacking middling keeps, or ring keeps as some would call them, like the one where she grew up. That could not be good. The darklings were growing bolder. Udanti had heard rumors that the guard had suffered losses too. Last time they had received much news of the war, there had been no mention of any defeats by the guard, only keeps raided or besieged. But according to Udanti, an entire combat wing of rookies had not been heard from for some time, and no one was being told what had happened to them.
Tirox didn’t think much of it. Maybe they were just holed up, and even if they had been lost it was only one wing of dragons. That was to be expected in war. By the time the dinner was more or less finished they had also all heard the rumors about Rashan. Bo and Pho had needed to be brought up to speed on just who that was, but everyone who had been with the keep before all this started knew well enough who that was and what this all meant.
“I guess Shiva is gonna need to try again to convince Tom to make that dragon killing cannon then?” Fengi questioned, seeming almost apathetic about it.
“Or something like it,” Essy echoed, nodding as she sipped a cup of a special tea she had bought.
“Don’t push him on that. I’m sure all the stuff we’re already doing will be plenty. There are so many other things he wants to do. Most sound like they would be good news for us too.”
“Yeah speaking of good news, miss silver streak, I heard you found someone special. Where is he at?” Udanti the archer questioned, seemingly wishing to change the subject as well.
“Oh Maiko? I don’t know actually?” Sapphire admitted, looking around to see if he was sitting at the guards table like he usually did, but there was no sign of him.
“I think he is with Yldril,” Fengi added, sipping the tea a little as well. “I’m sure he snuck her some food or something.”
“Maiko got a soft spot for a traitor dragon or something?” Tirox questioned with a huff, tilting his head.
“No, he’s trying to get on her good side. Might be handy one day,” Fengi answered plainly. “… And it might make her a little less insufferable.”
“Oh… I see, so it’s like a mission you put him on?”
Saph wasn’t sure this was something that should be discussed openly at the dinner table, but she wasn’t about to stop Fengi. At least not yet.
“Yes, don’t blab to the dragon about it. Then it won’t work. And her ears are good, remember that.”
“Oh… okay,” the male trader escort replied, looking at Fengi a little confused.
He likely remembered a far happier and more bubbly girl than who was sitting at the table now. Saph sighed to herself. These past months had been hard on Fengi. Very hard. Hopefully things would get better. Maybe they could do something about all that now. Then it clicked for Saph why Fengi might not be so cheery today. It wasn’t just that Yldril had been segregated around the back of the keep.
‘Maybe she got some bad news from those trying to find Dorae for her… Probably best not to bring that up here.’
“Oh yeah by the way, I heard some talk you got the hook up too, didn’t you Fengi?” Udanti questioned, once more trying to steer the conversation back to something positive, obviously not knowing that was a touchy subject.
Fengi put on a forced smile. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to show she at least appreciated the gesture. “I did… it’s been a little rough though with all this… stuff going on…”
“Ooooh riiight,” Udanti replied, seeming to catch on now. “I’m guessing he isn’t much for getting bossed around.”
Before Fengi could reply, Essy interjected. “Oh no, quite the opposite. He’s a right little knight so he is. But he is at times a bit of a… oh speak of the devil,” she carried on, her gaze carrying past Udanti to the young guard approaching the huntress table. Saph spied a familiar looking small box in the palm of one of his hands.
By the time he made it up to the table all heads were turned to look at the young man, which seemed to unnerve him just a touch, which was understandable to be fair.
“Hi uhm… Okay. So many more people hehe… Right,” he went, seeming to steel himself, Fengi turning around fully on the bench to face him. “I know what you think of me… that I’m a weak willed coward… I’m sorry. I’ll try to do better, but I can’t promise anything. Here,” he went, holding out the little box towards Fengi. “I know you don’t like flowers much… So I got you this instead.”
There was perfect silence at the table, especially from the trader escorts who had no clue what was going on. Fengi gingerly held out a hand and took the box, looking up at Unkai with a curious expression then down to the box as she opened it, revealing a beautiful pair of silver earrings with rectangular cut emeralds set in them.
“I hope you like them.”
Fengi stared at them for a moment, one hand going up to touch the plain copper ones she wore most days. Saph couldn’t actually remember, but she guessed Shiva had made them some time back. They were not overly remarkable, almost rugged looking by comparison to the new silver ones.
“I love them,” Fengi finally declared just as it seemed like Unkai was losing hope. Looking up at him she wore a far more genuine smile than before. “Though I could do with some flowers too one of these days. Those times were simpler.”
The guard let out a slight involuntary chuckle and nodded. “I think I can manage flowers.”
“You used to be quite good at picking out the prettiest ones,” Essy added in her motherly tone. “Maybe there are still a few who haven’t succumbed to the cold and rain.”
Fengi took one of the earrings out of the box and held it up to her ear, looking around at them all. “How do they look?”
“Elegant,” Saph said, nodding her approval. It was the truth. They weren’t overly ostentatious, and they wouldn’t have suited Fengi if they were. And who knew, with everything happening at the keep, she might find herself with a matching silver crown before too long. “Silver suits you.”
Fengi even let out a little giggle at that, putting it gingerly back in the box and looking back to Unkai, who had not moved a muscle, probably having run out of planning 30 seconds ago. And Fengi’s smile faded a touch. “I’m sorry but… I didn’t think to get you anything special…”
Unkai had seemed worried for a second as her smile had faded, but livened right back up as the reason was made plain. “Oh don’t worry about that…just try not to hate me. That will be plenty.”
Fengi’s smile faded a little further. “I don’t hate you, I’m sorry if you thought that.”
Saph and the others did exchange some glances. There could be no doubt they had been hard on the guy, but it did seem to have worked.
“No no, it is okay. I get it… I was a jerk… I might be again. But I’ll try not to be, okay?”
“I guess I’ll try not to be so scary… no promises either.”
‘Awww that’s nice,’ Sapphire mused to herself, a smile starting to grow. ‘Ooh I wonder if Maiko got me something?’
Righty oh, your medicin has been administered, I do hope you liked it, I did try my best to make it palatable. on the news front things appear to be going swimingly, so expect HoH to carry on as normal for many more months to come. We also got a bit more cool art, check it out if that's your sorta thing.
Till next time, take care.
Wiki and Art Gallery If you can't remember who someone is, want to read any of the side stories of fanfiction, or you just wanna watch some of the cool art that's been made for the story. Patreon If you want to help get more cool shit made consider joining the Patreon, you also get chapters two weeks ahead of time. HoH Subreddit if you want more stories from the HoH universe or are interested in writing something for this funny little world. Discord if you wanna have a chat about the story or just hang out First Previous Next
submitted by Tigra21 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 00:09 TheRealLanAmore Final order was placed on this design. Thoughts & comments ?

Final order was placed on this design. Thoughts & comments ?
Nothing fancy. Not trying to promote. Just the brand name and slogan to start. I’ll be furthering the design process as the seasons go on but wanted to get thoughts on the name and over all appearance of the logo.
Just a quick note these will NOT be printed on “Killer Instinct” blanks. But I like the silhouette of their crews and my manufacturer will be producing a very similar cut.
I’ve had some feedback that the cursive is too unreadable. Would like to get some thoughts on this. Also going to be doing black t shirts as well with this print.
submitted by TheRealLanAmore to streetwearstartup [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 03:54 KirkHammettJigsaw Here You Go Hefty

Listen, this match has gone on for a long, long time. Hefty got the prompt wrong and booked a Bryan Danielson title reign. I tried to follow the prompt, but I realized a Danielson reign would be more fun, so that’s what I’m doing. I’m also gonna jump back to when he SHOULD have won the belt. Time machine type shit.
Let's set the scene, shall we? It's Winter is Coming 2022, and MJF is the AEW World Champion. He has just defeated a fellow Pillar, Jungle Boy, in the main event. After the match, he stands above his adversary's lifeless body, holding his Championship high above his head, talking trash. That is, until we hear THIS. Bryan Danielson wants another shot at the AEW World Title, and MJF looks petrified! They share a staredown, and Danielson points at the belt, at himself, and leaves the ring. We have ourselves a feud in the making!
Bryan cuts a few promos, calling MJF out for hiding behind The Pinnacle. MJF refuses to comment, which only fuels the American Dragon, who takes to calling Max a coward. It seems like the Champion is sick of this, as when Bryan Danielson walks into the backstage area at New Year's Smash Night 1, he's ambushed by The Pinnacle, who slam his leg with a car door!
For weeks after that, MJF talks mad shit about Danielson. He actually utters the words "I guess the Dragon got his wings clipped." However, in early February, FTR have a match against the Varsity Blonds, with MJF at ringside. They win. However, a video comes in on the big screen. Shawn Spears with a chair around his leg, and Danielson standing over him!
"MJF, I'm back. And I don't have much to say. But if you keep dodging me, this will keep happening."
He stomps right on the chair, breaking Shawn's leg! Bryan winks at the camera before the feed goes out! MJFTR are left in the ring, shocked! Bryan still doesn't get the match he wants, so he blindsides Dax Harwood, locking him in the Cattle Mutilation on concrete for over a full minute! MJF then tells Cash Wheeler to deal with him, which results in Bryan vs. Cash.
That match ends with Danielson hitting repeated stomps, prompting a ref stoppage! But the American Drsgon continues to stomp him out, and MJF runs in, attacking Bryan! After knocking him over, he finally makes the match at Revolution official: Bryan Danielson vs. MJF for the AEW Championship.
MJF (c) vs. Bryan Danielson - AEW World Championship
MJF comes out without The Pinnacle by his side, as they've all been injured at the hands of his opponent tonight, Bryan Danielson. He's going to have to get this done all by himself.
Bryan Danielson has over 20 years of experience, while MJF has less than 10. However, MJF is a prodigy, and the World Champ, so Bryan isn't exactly in for an easy time.
The bell rings, and Friedman is hesitant to lock-up. Once he eventually ties up with Bryan, Danielson immediately gets control and drags him to the mat! MJF struggles, and starts to panic. Could Bryan lock some sort of match-ending submission right off the bat? No, MJF gets a foot on the ropes, and the ref forces Bryan to break the hold. The two men get back up, and lock up once more. This time, Danielson immediately turns MJF into a Hammerlock, and the champ actually looks confident here, as he cartwheels, somersaults, and pops back to his feet with a grin! But Danielson kicks his legs out from underneath him and starts stomping on his shoulder! This is brutal! As MJF writhes in pain, The American Dragon picks him up once again. But Maxwell sneaks in a headbutt, knocking Bryan to the mat! He smirks, flips off the crowd, and runs the ropes, looking for some sort of Splash. But Danielson kips up, and kicks MJF HARD in the leg! MJF drops and has to roll out of the ring, limping!
The champ doesn't have anybody left from The Pinnacle to confer with on the outside, so he limps back up to the apron. Danielson gets a little over-eager, kicking him through the ropes, while MJF is on the apron! Two kicks catch him flush in the head! But MJF catches one! HE DROPS TO THE FLOOR, AND BRYAN'S KNEE BENDS OVER A ROPE!!! He falls to the mat, and now both competitors have a sore leg. MJF struggles to the top rope, and Bryan climbs to his feet using the ropes. MJF dives off, STOMPING ON BRYAN'S ARM! A SALT OF THE EARTH COULD END HIM LATER!!!
As Bryan holds his arm and grits his teeth, MJF laughs and lightly kicks at him, like he's a toy. The champion lifts the wounded Dragon to his knees, and hits a Snap DDT! Cover! 1, 2, kickout! This one is far from over. MJF gets up, angry, and starts to stomp relentlessly on Bryan's arm! Danielson tries to cover up, but Max finds a way to continue driving his boot into his elbow and bicep! This is becoming very one-sided!
MJF picks him up again, and goes for a Suplex, but Danielson lands on his feet, grabs a one-armed waistlock, and manages to hoist MJF up for a German Suplex!!! Bryan darts over to the champ, and tries to apply the LeBell Lock! But his arm fails him, he's not strong enough to put it on at the moment! MJF transitions into Full Mount and starts to raise down elbows and hammerfists on the challenger, who can't block them!
Bryan rolls out of the ring, weathered, and MJF decides to show off. He steps out to the apron, bounces off the middle rope, and HITS A PERFECT MOONSAULT ON THE FORMER WWE CHAMPION!!! MJF CAN TRULY DO IT ALL!!! He then picks up Bryan, who's in a bad way, and plants him with a POWERBOMB ON THE APRON! The Champ very well may be able to win this alone!
He lifts Danielson up again, and starts punching him, but Danielson starts to block them, and throws some body shots of his own! MJF tries to kick him away, but Danielson has it scouted, catches it, and hits a Dragon Screw! Danielson has the upper hand for the first time in quite a while, but he's still damaged, hobbling around because of his leg and back. He puts it aside for a moment, and as MJF gets up, Bryan runs forward! BUSAIKU KNEE, SENDING THE CHAMPION OVER THE RAILING!!! DANIELSON HAS THE UPPER HAND AGAIN!!!
Danielson limps over to the Timekeeper's Area, where he grabs a rolls of tape. The American Dragon slowly tapes his arm up, taking over a full minute to insure that his sore appendage is guarded From MJF's offense. Then, he marches back towards the guardrail, where he reaches over and grabs MJF in the Guillotine position. Balancing the champion on the railing for a moment, Bryan pauses. DRAPING DDT! RIGHT ON THE FLOOR!
Soaking in the cheers, Danielson lifts up the lifeless MJF, trying to lug him into the ring. With his arm taped up, it's a little difficult, but he managed to elevate the champ enough to get him onto the apron, before pushing him in. Danielson walks up, taking the steps, and halfway into the ring, MJF bounces up to his feet and cuts him off! Gets him in position! HEATSEEKER PILEDRIVER!!!! He desperately drags Bryan into the ring! 1, 2, Thr-NOOOOO!!!!!!!! THIS IS STILL GOING ON, MJF LOOKS HELPLESS!
MJF looks demented now, as he starts to stomp on Bryan's taped up arm even more! He plunges into Full Mount! Elbows and elbows, over and over! BUT BRYAN IS A TREMENDOUS GRAPPLER, AND HE THROWS UP A TRIANGLE CHOKE! MJF quickly lifts him up, GOING FOR A POWERBOMB, BUT DANIELSON ROLLS THROUGH WITH A HURRACANRANA! Both men back up now, and Max goes for a Lariat, but Bryan kicks it away! CLUBBING SHOT TO THE HEAD WITH THE STIFF, TAPED UP ARM! Friedman is rocked badly, but he jumps up and hits a Dropkick! BOTH MEN DOWN!!!!
As the crowd shows their appreciation with chants, the two competitiors get up to their knees. Exchanging slaps, each one harder than the last! Bryan has experience with this kind of hard-nosed fighting, and he starts to gain an advantage, hitting 3 slaps in a row! MJF GRABS HIM AND FORCES HIM DOWN TO THE MAT, HITTING HIM IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD REPEATEDLY! With his concussion history, this could be VERY dangerous! The champ unravels the tape on Danielson's arm frantically! SALT OF THE EARTH! IT'S LOCKED IN ON THE DESTROYED ARM, DANIELSON MAY HAVE TO TAP! BUT HE MANAGES TO ROLL MJF OVER! ARMS HOOKED! BRIDGE! THE CATTLE MUTILATION IS IN! IT'S TIGHT, MJF'S ARMS ARE FLAILING AROUND! AND SUDDENLY, THEY GO LIMP! HE'S OUT, THE REF STOPS THE MATCH! THE NEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW AEW WORLD CHAMPION, "THE AMERICAN DRAGON" BRYAN DANIELSON!!!!!!!!!!
Bryan Danielson def. MJF (c) (19:32)
AEW Dynamite - March 8th, 2023
Bryan Danielson addressed his future after winning the World Title.
"After so much time, I almost forgot what it feels like to be a World Champion. What it's like to be the man, what it's like to be the guy holding the top belt. And it feels damn good. But on Saturday, I was reminded of what it's like to be the challenger. Clawing, trying to make a statement and etching my name in the history book. I forgot how fun it is. I wanna give that opportunity to other people, guys that haven't been able to yet."
"I sure as hell am not here to pity young guys. I'll go all out against them. But I still wanna give them the chance to figure out what it's like to face off with the best, hoping to hell that you can pull off a victory. And I'm that guy that can give it to them, because I'm the best. So I'm putting out an open contract for Rampage next week. Whoever answers it: good luck. You'll need it."
AEW Dynamite - March 15th, 2023
Daniel Garcia is backstage.
"For a while now, people have been calling me the future of AEW. I hear it, and you'd think it makes me proud. But no. It pisses me off. Because I'm not the future, I'm the damn present! I'm ready now! So Bryan Danielson, I signed your open contract. You just signed your death warrant. Get ready for a Red Death."
AEW Rampage - March 17th, 2023
Bryan Danielson (c) vs. Daniel Garcia - AEW World Championship
Danielson comes into this one with a confident, somewhat cocky demeanor. Garcia makes him pay for that, stretching him, nearly managing to submit the champ and take his belt on the very first defense! However, Bryan is a better striker, and takes advantage of that, chopping at his legs and slowing 2point0's Favourite Son down.
Garcia continues to fight, but the expertise shown by the American Dragon proves to be too much for the young star. After a methodical dismantling of "Red Death", Bryan applies a Heel Hook for the win. That's 1 defense down.
Bryan Danielson (c) def. Daniel Garcia (14:09)
AEW Rampage - March 24th, 2023
Bryan is on commentary for the entire show. Max Caster picks up a win over Shawn Dean, and Bryan picks up a mic.
"Max, I didn't expect that from you. You won that match the right way, and I salute you. So on next week's Dynamite, I'd be willing to give you a Championship Eliminator Match. If you win, you get a title shot."
Max nods eagerly. Why is Bryan doing this? Such an unorthodox choice.
AEW Dynamite - March 29th, 2023
Bryan Danielson (c) vs. Max Caster - AEW World Championship Eliminator
Max Caster's entrance goes like this:
After that crude line, the match gets underway. Bryan hits a Busaiku Knee, locks in the LeBell Lock, and Max taps! This is over already! What a quick win!
Bryan Danielson (c) def. Max Caster (0:17)
Homicide on Twitter - April 2nd, 2023
Former ROH World Champion Homicide, who ended Bryan Danielson's extraordinary reign in 2006, posts this on his Twitter page.
"FYI=I ended the greatest title reign of Bryan Danielson's career, and I could do it again."
AEW Dynamite - April 5th, 2023
Bryan Danielson sits backstage, belt draped over his shoulder.
"Homicide wants to face me, huh? All these years later. He beat me in a hell of a match in 2006, and never had a bigger moment since. Wrestling is a business about doing shit lately, and are you doing shit, Homicide? No.
However. I've said that I'm here to give opportunities, right? Well, you'll get one. 17 years later, you get one. Our feud is old enough to drink in some countries, and we're about to rekindle it. In 2 weeks. Dynamite. Championship Eliminator Match. Let's turn back the clock."
AEW Dynamite - April 12th, 2023
Homicide vs. Fuego del Sol
This is just a match to introduce fans to Homicide. It's a fun little back, that sees Fuego show off some agility. However, he gets worn down by Homicide's pure, distilled brutality. He just can't take his punches, and he sure as hell can't take the Cop Killa that puts him down for the 1, 2, 3.
Homicide def. Fuego del Sol (7:34)
After the match, Danielson and Homicide share a staredown.
AEW Dynamite - April 19th, 2023
Bryan Danielson (c) vs. Homicide - AEW World Championship Eliminator
Bryan seems just as good, if not better, than he did in 2006. However, Homicide's got some miles on him, and it shows. He manages to put up a damn good fight, though, managing to bust open Bryan's chest with chops! However, over the course of the duration of the match, as Danielson starts to control the pace more and more, the Dragon seems to get very frustrated. "Come on, show me something!"
Something seems to snap in him as the contest progresses. He seems to develop a sense of mortality. He realizes that one of his greatest rivals isn't the fighter he once was, and that one day, Bryan won't be either. And all of a sudden, he seems to get a feeling of superiority. That he's on top of his game, even after 20-plus years. That he's the AEW World Champion.
That he's The Best.
Eventually, he wriggle out of a Cop Killa, keeping the arms hooked, and he locks in the Cattle Mutilation for the tap. But Bryan doesn't celebrate, preferring to get up calmly.
Bryan Danielson (c) def. Homicide (16:16)
The champ demands a mic.
"Man, that was disappointing. Homicide truly isn't what he once was. And you know what? That's not ok. His time here, tonight, could've been used to serve a younger talent. Someone that isn't broken down. But no, he had to have his spotlight. So I'm going to make sure that he never has it again."
He prepares to kick Homicide's head in. But at that very moment, Eddie Kingston comes rushing down the ramp to make the save! Danielson rushes out of the ring to a chorus of boos as the Mad King checks on his friend.
AEW Dynamite - April 26th, 2023
Eddie Kingston has something to say.
"You know, Bryan Danielson is a guy that I've never liked. But he took things to a whole new low when he insulted Homicide. That man saved me countless times, and last week, I saved him. That's the least I could do. But I think I wanna do the most. Bryan Danielson, American Dragon, Champ, whatever you wanna call yourself. It's all a front. You pick on young dudes like Caster and Garcia, guys you know you can beat. You go after guys that beat you decades ago, knowing that you can beat them now. Well, why don't you pick on someone that can pick back, huh? Someone like me. I'll be waiting. Don't bitch out, because I swear you'll regret it."
AEW Rampage - April 28th, 2023
It is announced that on Dynamite, we'll get a Championship Match between Eddie Kingston and Bryan Danielson.
AEW Dynamite - May 3rd, 2023
Eddie Kingston vs. Bryan Danielson (c) - AEW World Championship
It's the American Dragon's second defense of his World Title, and it's a tough one. Eddie Kingston looks determined, not only to win the belt but also to avenge Homicide after the disrespect shown to him by Bryan Danielson.
This isn't a match, it's a fight. We see more brawling from Bryan than ever before in his AEW run. His chest gets busted open once again, but he manages to do the same to the Mad King with some vicious Roundhouse Kicks. Eddie throws the smaller Danielson around a bit, and Bryan twists the New Yorker into knots with hate-filled Kimuras that Eddie shrugs off!
Eddie hits a Uraken, and it connects flush, but Bryan tumbles through the ropes, leaving Kingston without an opportunity to make the pin! Eddie looks frustrated, and he rages for a moment, giving Danielson precious time to recover.
The champ eventually gets back in, and he starts really locking in submissions, but Eddie refuses to tap to any of them! Eventually, he has a Crucific Lock in, and Kingston, screaming in pain, still doesn't submit! Bryan starts throwing Elbows and his unblocked skull, and after over a dozen, Eddie goes limp! The ref has to stop the match, Danielson is still the AEW World Champion!
Bryan Danielson (c) def. Eddie Kingston (21:50)
AEW Dynamite - May 10th, 2023
Bryan Danielson stands in the middle of the ring. He soaks in the boos. Bryan smiles, and raises the mic to his lips. But before he can get a word out, we hear THIS! Jon Moxley is here!
The Death Rider steps into the ring, and stares the champ down! He looks like he's about to say something, but instead, he plants Danielson with a Death Rider! The American Dragon has been put on notice!
AEW Rampage - May 12th, 2023
Jon Moxley explains his actions.
"I'm cut from the same cloth as Eddie Kingston and Homicide. Those are my brothers. And to see Bryan Danielson dismiss them, the fact that he thinks he's better than us, it pisses me off.
Bryan Danielson isn't better than me. He's the Champ, yeah, but I was too. He was WWE Champ, yeah, I was too. I've done the same shit he has, and I've done it without being a prick with a superiority complex.
So I spoke to the boss. And he said that if I want a shot at his belt at Double or Nothing, I got it. Well guess what, Dragon? I want it. See you on May 29th."
AEW Dynamite - May 17th, 2023
It is announced that on next week's Dynamite, the go-home episode to DoN, there will be a contract signing for the AEW World Championship Match between Mox and Bryan.
AEW Dynamite - May 24th, 2023
A table is set up in the middle of the ring, with Mox and Danielson on opposite ends. Each has a contract in front of them. Danielson speaks first.
"Well, Mox. We crossed paths a few times in that other place, and I was never scared of you. But I heard a lot about how fearsome Jon Moxley was, how you're the Purveyor of Violence. I look at you, and all I see is the same man. Scared, putting up a front, pretending to be a badass. Same as Eddie Kingston, same as Homicide. You guys don't wrestle the right way. You brawl, you cut corners. I'm a pure wrestler, and I'm gonna show that I wrestle the way all wrestlers should when I beat you at Double or Nothing."
Mox looks unfazed. He picks up his own mic.
"Bryan, there's something you're not getting. We aren't fronting about being tough dudes. That's us. That's our life. I wouldn't have won the belt if it wasn't for my past, alright? You learned to fight in a gym, I learned to fight on a street corner in Cincinnati. On Sunday, you're gonna see unfiltered violence the likes of which you simply aren't used to. I'm going to make you wish you stayed in that other company. Who knows, maybe I'll send you back there."
He signs the contract before leaving the ring. All we can do now is wait for Sunday!
AEW Double or Nothing - May 28th, 2023
Bryan Danielson (c) vs. Jon Moxley - AEW World Championship
Jon Moxley has a crazed look in his eyes as he makes his entrance, not saying a word or engaging with the crowd on his way to the ring. Bryan Danielson, on the other hand, panders (I hate this word) all the way down the ramp, talking shit about brawlers like Mox.
The bell ring, and Mox charges right at Bryan, who immediately dips under the ropes and to the floor, prompting a shower of boos in his general direction. He raises his arms, which makes the jeers even louder. But he doesn't see Moxley diving through the ropes! TOPE SUICIDA TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD! With Danielson's concussion trouble, that can't be too good for him.
Mox throws him around, into the barricades and ring posts, which gets the crowd fired up. Danielson tries to kick at him to create distance, but Jon slips all of them, and then continues to get closer, throwing punches continuously. Bryan tries to slide back into the ring for refuge, but the Death Rider doesn't let him, dragging him back out and hitting a Snap Suplex right on the edge of the Timekeeper's Table! It doesn't break, instead holding strong and toppling, causing the American Dragon to fold high up on his shoulders! Mox is already inflicting hell on the champ's head and neck!
Wary of the ref's count, both men get back in the ring, much to the delight of the World Champion. But it seems like he still can't get a rhythm going against Mox, who tees off on him. The former champ bites down on Bryan's head, angering the ref but delighting everybody in the filled arena! Blood begins to trickle out of his head! The champ pulls away in disgust and pain as Jon continues to run wild!
Stomps now, on the legs, midsection and head of Danielson! He keeps switching up his target, making it very difficult for Bryan to block the hellacious boots! Moxley backs off, but Bryan isn't out of the woods yet, as the moment he gets up to a solid base, Mox rushes forward and connects with a HUGE REGAL KNEE! Bryan looks like he's out! An early cover! 1, 2, Thr-NO! It was a kickout, but that was dangerously close this early in the match! This has been extremely one-sided so far!
Mox is undeterred, and he picks Bryan up, putting him in position for an Underhook DTT! The grip is strong, and he tries to lift, but Bryan has the awareness to hook a leg, preventing himself from getting hit with the Paradigm Shift. Moxley starts throwing knees right to the body, and after a dozen of them, Danielson starts to falter again, which tells Jon that it's time to go for the Paradigm Shift again. He's up! But Bryan pushes himself off, lands on his feet, and throws a Roundhouse Kick that lands with a thud on the side of Mox's head! The Purveyor of Violence falls to the mat for the first time in the contest, and Danielson takes a much-needed respite.
Mox starts to get back up, and Danielson kicks at his legs to keep him on the ground. Jon throws a right hook, but the champ has him scouted, and ducks out of the way. Bryan wipes the blood off his face with his hand, and stares at the crimson on his palm. He slaps Mox across the face, leaving a red handprint on the Death Rider's cheek! There's a pause for a moment as the crowd recognizes the disrespect shown, and then Mox tackles Danielson to the canvas! Punch after punch after punch after punch after punch, repeat times infinity! Something has snapped in Mox's head, this onslaught is absolutely vicious!
Bryan helplessly crawls away, and Mox throws hatred-filled, furious soccer kicks at his ribs! Each one makes a sound that echoes throughout the venue, reverberating in the ears of each and ever fan! And Danielson can't stand it, but he gets up and chops Mox! Mox chops back! Danielson! Mox! CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! OVER AND OVER, THIS MATCH IS A SPRINT AND THE CROWD IS LOVING IT! BOTH OF THEIR CHESTS ARE RED AND BLOODY, AS THEY TRANSITION TO FOREARMS! REPEATEDLY, ONE OF THEIR HEADS IS ABOUT TO BE CAVED IN! SLAPS NOW! AGAIN AND AGAIN! Finally, each man throws a headbutt! THEY BOTH COLLAPSE!!!!
After a bit of a wait, the two men stir for a moment, and try to use each other for balance. Quick as a cat, the Dragon applies a GUILLOTINE! It's tight, because it was so unexpected! The crowd is in a frenzy wondering if Mox will tap! But the Death Rider forces himself to his feet, and swings back and forth for momentum, before LAUNCHING THE CHAMPION IN THE AIR! EUROPEAN UPPERCUT, THE CHAMP IS OUT! Mox takes in the ovation for a moment, before lifting Bryan up and hitting a non-elevated Paradigm Shift! Pin! 1, 2, kickout! Mox wastes no time at all, picking him up yet again! PARADIGM SHIFT! IT DOESN'T WORK, BRYAN LANDS BEHIND MOX AND HOOKS HIS ARMS, FORCING HIM DOWN! BRIDGE! CATTLE MUTILATION!!!!
Mox scrambles, trying not to pass out, as a bloody, crazed Danielson squeezes harder and harder! Jon shimmies all the way over to a rope, getting up to his knees a bit, and BARELY drapes a toe over the bottom rope, breaking the hold! As he gets up, Bryan runs the ropes and goes for a BUSAIKU KNEE! BUT MOX DROPS DOWN, AND DANIELSON FLIES OUT OF THE RING!!!! Mox darts to the top rope! CROSSBODY TO THE OUTSIDE!!!!
He rolls the champ back in, and quickly looks for another Paradigm Shift attempt, but Danielson sweeps his legs out from under him and starts stomping on his skull! This is BRUTAL! He picks Mox up! Runs the ropes! BUSAIKU KNEE!!!! But he's not done! Lifts the Purveyor of Violence to his feet again! A SECOND BUSAIKU KNEE! AND HE STILL WANTS ANOTHER ONE! MOX STRUGGLES TO GET TO HIS FEET, AND DEFIANTLY FLIPS BRYAN OFF, BUT HE CAN'T STOP A THIRD BUSAIKU KNEE!!!! COVER! 1, 2, 3! THAT'S IT, BRYAN DANIELSON IS STILL YOUR AEW WORLD CHAMPION AFTER A SHORT, BUT VIOLENT WAR!!!
Bryan Danielson (c) def. Jon Moxley (15:00)
(Authors's Note: Lee Moriarty won the Casino Battle Royale to win a shot at the AEW World Championship.)
AEW Dynamite - May 31st, 2023
We get a Lee Moriarty promo, hyping himself up.
"A lot of people saw me for the first time on Sunday, so yeah, it may have been a shocker that I won. But not to me. Nah, I wasn't surprised at all. I'm a strong believer in the fact that I'm one of the best wrestlers in the world. People talk a lot about the American Dragon, yeah? But soon, they'll be talking about the Tiger. Mox, Eddie and Homicide brought the Street Style. I'm bringing that TIGA-STYLE. All I need is one good night, and that belt will be coming home with me. Bryan Danielson, you better be ready. Because there's a very real chance, you'll just be an answer to a trivia question: Who did Lee Moriarty beat to become the AEW World Champion?"
AEW Rampage - June 9th, 2023
Lee Moriarty wins a match and the moment he goes backstage, he's ambushed by Bryan Danielson! The American Dragon throws him into the concrete wall, and as Moriarty slowly gets to his knees, Danielson knees his skull into the concrete! Medical staff check on Lee as Bryan gets ushered away.
AEW Dynamite - June 14th, 2023
It's announced that Bryan Danielson will have a non-title match against Carlie Bravo on next week's Dynamite.
AEW Dynamite - June 21st, 2023
Bryan Danielson (c) vs. Carlie Bravo
This is a non-title match, but Danielson flaunts his belt all the way down the ramp. He looks a bit different, wearing white boots, white trunks, and a white jacket with "The American Dragon" written in red cursive print. He looks regal, and he projects cockiness.
The match itself is an absolute squash. Bryan only needs 2 minutes to win, and he finishes Bravo off with a simple Roundhouse Kick, but the message is simple: Bryan Danielson is not to be fucked with.
Bryan Danielson (c) def. Carlie Bravo (2:10)
AEW Rampage - June 30th, 2023
Bryan Danielson enters the building in a limo, but is immediately rushed by Lee Moriarty, who chokes him out and stuffs him right back into his car! Before closing the door, he tells Danielson, who is still unconscious, "I'll see you at Fyter Fest Night 1, bitch."
AEW Dynamite - July 5th, 2023
With their AEW World Championship Match taking place next week, we get a sit-down confrontation via satellite between Moriarty and Danielson.
BD: "Well, Lee, you got one over on me last week, good job. Make sure you savour your little 15 minutes of fame, because after what I do to you next week, you'll never reach those heights again."
LM: "Tough talk from someone that got choked out 5 days ago, but whatever."
BD: "You blindsided me, do that in a real match."
LM: "You blindsided me a few weeks before, it's the same shit! You know, when you beat Homicide, you talked about how you wanted the spotlight to go on young dudes. Now that I'm a threat, you switch up on me, you attack me and all that shit! You're a hypocrite. You talk about all the things you want, but you only want one thing, and that's a spotlight for yourself."
BD: "You know what, Lee? Maybe you're right. I want the spotlight, and I don't wanna share it. But that's because I'm the BEST. Nobody here can touch me, especially not someone like you who hasn't proven himself yet."
LM: "I won the Casino Battle Royale, I beat 20 guys to get this spot. All I need is to beat one more. You're just another pin to knock over, Bryan. That's it."
AEW Dynamite: Fyter Fest Night 1 - July 12th, 2023
Bryan Danielson (c) vs. Lee Moriarty - AEW World Championship
Danielson comes out, and he has a grand entrance. An orchestra to play his theme, throngs of fans to welcome him. He treats this like a huge event. Meanwhile, Lee Moriarty has a simple entrance, throwing his Tiger mask into the crowd.
The match itself is very technical, with Danielson being VERY overconfident. He does surfboards while flexing, kicks while talking trash, and many other cocky things. Lee, however, fights like his life depends on it, hitting big combos, targeting Bryan' ribs a lot! Abdominal Stretches seem to be working out pretty well for him, but after a solid run by Moriarty, Danielson manages to take control again. A LeBell Lock with one fist raised in the air, and even with the braggadocio shown by the champ here, Lee has no choice but to tap out.
Bryan Danielson (c) def. Lee Moriarty (18:46)
AEW Dynamite: Fight For The Fallen - July 26th, 2023
Jay Lethal is backstage.
"Bryan Danielson has reverted back to his ROH days, it seems. Similar offense, same gear. He says he's the best, and he cosplays as his Ring Of Honor self to prove it. He fancies himself as the face of ROH. But he abandoned that company. I didn't. I was with it for longer than he ever was, and I loved it more. Basically, I'm trying to say that one of the things that Danielson hangs his hat on? I did it better. So I want a chance to prove that I can be better at being the AEW World Champ, too."
AEW Dynamite - August 2nd, 2023
Bryan Danielson has a response for Jay Lethal.
"You brought ROH up for no reason, and that's hilarious to me. The most important shit you've done was in a company that you're not a part of anymore. This is the present, and I'm doing much better than you. If you want a shot at this belt, you gotta earn it. In 2 weeks. Championship Eliminator Match. I'll be there."
AEW Dynamite - August 16th, 2023
Bryan Danielson (c) vs. Jay Lethal - AEW World Championship Eliminator
If Jay wins this one, he gets a shot at the AEW World Championship. But Bryan hasn't lost in 2023 yet, and he's not looking to start now.
This is an absolute back-and-forth battle, a struggle. Danielson twists Lethal into knots, but Jay shows off his athleticism and gets the upper hand by overpowering Danielson, whether it's with shoulder tackles, lariats or spinebusters.
The finish comes when Bryan starts to piece Lethal up with kicks. To the leg, to the ribs, a few land to the head, and Lethal is slowing right down! Another big Roundhouse puts him on his back, and the American Dragon starts to laugh. He knows he has this under control! The champ backs up to his corner, he looks like he's about to line up a Busaiku Knee! Darts forward, dives into the air, AND JAY LETHAL CONNECTS WITH A SUPERKICK OUT OF MID-AIR! Scrambles to lift him up! LETHAL INJECTION! Doesn't go for the pin, preferring to pick him up again for good measure! A SECOND LETHAL INJECTION! COVER! 1, 2, 3!!!!!!! JAY LETHAL HAS HANDED BRYAN DANIELSON HIS FIRST LOSS OF 2023, EARNING A SHOT AT THE AEW WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!!
Jay Lethal def. Bryan Danielson (c) (17:33)
AEW Rampage - August 25th, 2023
Bryan Danielson sits backstage, looking angry.
"Well, Jay Lethal, you did it. You beat the great Bryan Danielson. Good job. You got yourself a shot at this belt right here. But here's the thing, Jay. I've been performing at the highest level for over 10 years now, and I haven't crumbled. You wanna know why I left ROH behind? I was onto bigger and better things. But you? You couldn't handle that. You could've left, but you didn't. You were content. I am NEVER content. That's the mark of a true Champion! At All Out, I'll show you why I made it out. It's because I'm the best wrestler to ever live! You're just the next guy to fall."
AEW Dynamite - August 30th, 2023
Jay Lethal airs a video package of him speaking spliced in with clips from his ROH days.
"You say that my ROH days are tainted, Bryan Danielson. You say I could've moved on, and that I didn't because I couldn't handle the pressure. But you know the truth? I didn't move on because it was home. ROH was my domain, the place where I was the ROH World Champ and TV Champ at the same damn time! But a little while ago, I showed you that I'm more than just hype. That's when I pinned you in the middle of the ring. On Saturday, history will repeat itself! You'll see that I am the competitor I am today, simply because I am also...a man of Honor."
AEW All Out - September 2nd, 2023
Bryan Danielson (c) vs. Jay Lethal - AEW World Championship
Jay Lethal comes out looking as confident as ever, knowing that he can beat Bryan Danielson, as he's done it before. Meanwhile, the champ looks a bit shaken, a bit off-guard.
The bell rings, and Jay steps into the centre of the ring, ready to lock up. Bryan looks tentative, but engages, and Lethal immediately shows that he's physically stronger than the champ by pushing him back towards the ropes. We get a clean break between the two, and they step back into the centre. Lethal gets a Hammerlock, but this is amateur hour for Bryan Danielson, who easily cartwheels, somersaults, and spins into a wristlock. Now that he's has control, he's a bit more at ease. But Lethal is no slouch, and he rolls out of it and hits a perfect dropkick, sending Bryan crashing to the mat!
The champ is frustrated, and Lethal eggs him on, telling him to "get your ass back up here." Danielson comes in with more force this time, and gets met with a high armdrag, executed perfectly. The Dragon gets up again, this time even more angrily, and runs right into a second armdrag! A third time, he gets up and charges forward, but stops just before he makes contact with Jay. Jay goes for the armdrag anyways, accidentally falling on the mat as a product of his own doing! Bryan goes for an Elbow Drop to capitalize, but Lethal deftly rolls out of the way, and Bryan hits the mat. Jay gets up roughly at the same time as the Champ, and throws a Discus Elbow that hits the American Dragon directly in the jaw! Cover! 1, kickout! This one is still getting going.
Bryan is even angrier now, pissed that he's getting outwrestled by Jay Lethal. He throws a Roundhouse to the body, but Lethal catches it and drives the point of his elbow right into the knee of the champ, causing him to shriek in pain! A few kicks to the knee, and Danielson rolls out to avoid further harm.
We can see the gears in his head turn as he thinks of a way to outsmart Lethal. Finally, a big grin appears on his face. He roots around under the ring, and picks up a Kendo Stick. Is he about to disqualify himself? As the ref pleads with him, Bryan reluctantly agrees and throws the weapon to the mat. But as the official turns to pick it up and throw it out of the ring, Bryan POKES JAY LETHAL RIGHT IN THE EYES! A takedown, and now he's free to throw Haymakers from Full Mount! What a dirty tactic! As the crowd chants "No! No! No!" the champion jokingly does "Yes!" motions to the dismay of the audience. Lethal reaches for his leg from the ground and he stomps on the challenger's hand!
Now that Bryan has the upper hand, he goes for his usual strategy of piecing his opponent up with kicks. To the legs to slow Jay down, to the body to make him less likely to hit power moves, and a few to the head in hopes of knocking Jay out. Danielson hits one of those Head Kicks, spinning Lethal around! Full Nelson! DRAGON SUPLEX! BRIDGE PIN! 1, 2, NO! Danielson is going to have to do more damage if he wants to win this match.
The American Dragon seems to be exploring creative options to put Jay away, and he climbs up to the top rope. He waits for Lethal to get up, he could be lining up for a Missile Dropkick! But Lethal quickly vaults up to the top, grabs Danielson's head for leverage, twists, and SENDS THE CHAMPION CRASHING DOWN TO THE MAT! The crowd knows what to expect here as Lethal is perched high above his opponent! MACHO MAN GESTURE! ELBOW DROP!!!! It takes a lot out of Jay, but he crawls to make the cover! 1, 2, KICKOUT! IT'S JUST NOT ENOUGH!!!
Jay is in a bad way, those deadly kicks from Danielson screwed him up pretty bad. But he lifts the champ up, wanting to keep fighting, needing to keep fighting. He puts Bryan in a Pumphandle Slam position, looking for something big here! Lifts him up! BRYAN LANDS IN A PERFECT SPOT FOR A DDT, AND HITS ONE! TRANSITIONS INTO A GUILLOTINE CHOKE! WHAT A BEAUTIFUL MOVE!!! Lethal gasps for air, reaching for a rope! He's not gonna be able to get one! But he punches the champ right in the jaw, shocking him enough that Lethal can nudge his head out from Danielson's grasp. That was a close call!
As Jay gets up, Bryan goes for the patented Busaiku Knee! But like in their last match, Jay has it scouted, countering with a SUPERKICK OUT OF MID-AIR! PICKS THE CHAMP UP, LINES UP FOR A LETHAL INJECTION, JUST LIKE THE LAST TIME!!!
JAY BOUNCES OFF THE ROPES WITH A HANDSPRING, AND DIVES FOR A CUTTER! DANIELSON DIVES AS WELL, AND CATCHES HIS ADVERSARY WITH A CROSSFACE CHICKENWING OUT OF THE AIR!!!!! IT'S IN TIGHT!!!! Jay fights the hands, and manages to barely pull them off off his throat, managing to give himself JUST enough space to throw headbutts with the back of his head! He gets free!
Bryan Danielson (c) def. Jay Lethal (20:23)
submitted by KirkHammettJigsaw to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 06:12 Traditional_Cell6058 Cover up engraving on cutting board

I have this cutting board with a name engraved in the bottom corner of it in fancy cursive. It also has a date right below it in a Calibri like print. I want to cover up the name and date some how. It's a really nice cutting board so I don't want to throw wood filler and paint on it. I'm considering expanding the engraving, sort of like a tattoo cover up. Any ideas?
submitted by Traditional_Cell6058 to woodworking [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 01:19 BeelzebubParty Hey, i've been writing an Eddsworld IT au and i would really appreciate it if you could read chapter one and tell me what you think. :>

A gloomy rain fell down from the steely grey clouds above England, creating puddles in pot holes and mud pits in mounds of dirt. The small english town of Derry had been flooded before, and the townspeoples fears of another had put everyone on edge. Nobody dared utter the word though, their superstitions wouldn't allow that. People in Derry were well known for their superstitious and cagey behavior, but this was not entirely unwarranted. It wasn't just a flood here and there once in a while in Derry, they had a long and colorful past with all types of disasters, some man made, others acts of god.
There was the great black spot fire of 1979, in which a white supremacist group burnt down a local disco predominantly visited by Derry's small black and latino community, accidentally torching half the town down in the process. In 1952 there was the expansive national ASDF league shoot out, which lasted a total nine hours in the Derry town square before the police finally got the upper hand and killed every gang member on sight. But the most horrific of all was in 1925, when the Derry ironworks exploded, killing all it's workers as well as everyone participating in the annual Derry christmas parade nearby, most of which were children.
These were just a few of the horrific events Derry township had gone through, and bizzarely, no matter how gruesome each event was, none were ever on the news or remembered too well. That was just how Derry worked, despite it's reputation as a sleepy, dreary town where nothing much ever happened, tragedies were rampant. So you couldn't quite blame the people for being superstitious and scared, especially in autumn when the weather was at it's absolute worst. It was late autumn now though, there was only about four more days till winter, and the worries of floods would soon turn into worries for blizzards, and people were certain the worst of the worst had already came and went.
On this fine rainy saturday in a white two story house, Tom Denbrough was sitting upstairs, doing what he did everyday, writing songs. He'd been wrestling with an awful case of influenza the past few days, hocking up phlegm and wiping snot from his nose every few minutes 'til it was rubbed raw. He had not much energy for anything else because of it, all he could muster the strength to do now was lay in his checkered, tissue covered bed sheets, and wait for his mother to bring him chicken noodle soup and sprite to ease his churning tummy.
It wasn't too bad though, a lot of people can't stand being alone, but Tom often thrived in solitude. Ever since he was a kid he'd taken a liking to it, he was "introverted" as some one would like to say, but back then introverts were seen as more of a problem than just a thing you could be. It felt odd for him to say "ever since he was a kid" as if he wasn't still a kid now, but he technically wasn't. He'd bid farewell to such a label by september, and swapped out the childish number twelve to the unlucky number thirteen, and Tom still wasn't so sure if he was happy with that.
He didn't quite feel like an adult, and people still had yet to treat him as such, but Tom had his own suspicions about that. He knew there was more reason than just him still being a minor, because the truth of the matter was that everyone enjoyed babying him because of his condition.
He was disabled, dis-abled, the word making him feel weird even now. Before Tom was called such a thing he had considered the word disabled to exclusively mean people in wheelchairs, missing legs, or some of the really out there stuff like conjoined twins. He never pictured disabled meaning some on like him, a boy with a bad stutter but a healthy body and brain. Perhaps that was closed minded of him, but alas, Tom was only thirteen, and his scope of reference for the world was much smaller than he pretended it to be.
Even the doctors in Derry didn't treat him all that compassionately, insisting to both him and his mother that he must have been "slow" in some way, but just hiding it, no matter what he or his parents said. It took Tom fighting tooth and nail just to get out of special Ed. which was basically just four kids in a classroom asked to do elementary level shit because the teacher did not believe they were capable of more. He still had to go to regular speech therapy though, which Tom loathed since in all his years of going it seemed to have done him no favors.
He still stuttered, barely getting through sentences without stumbling over at least one word, and getting even worse whenever he felt nervous or scared. That was probably the worst part about it, Tom had never liked being emotional or letting people know he was affected by things, especially when kids at school enjoyed getting a rise out of him. His panicked little drawn out "bu-bu-bu-bu-" sounding like sweet music to his tormentors ears. It was nearly possible for him to hide his feelings or keep his cool whenever he was scared, because that stupid god damn stutter was like a built in lie detector.
He didn't know where the stutter had came from, there were theories here and there, but none of them ever made him feel better. The most likely one involved a car rear ending him when he was only a toddler, knocking him into a coma but miraculously not killing him. He was in it for only a few weeks, but emerged with his stutter, which of course young and niave Tom didn't understand would cause him so much trouble later down the line.
Because Tom didn't like to talk much, he spent a lot of time writing music in his room, his lyrics were all very hamfisted and schlocky, but for a thirteen year old boy they were quite good, and would only get better the more with age. He loved music, lived and breathed it, specifically the sounds of motown records, funk, rap, rock and roll, all the sorts. He had to keep that all a secret from his mother though, she was a musical elitist of sorts. She went to a fancy schamncy music school and had been teaching piano to students for years, so she had a hard time enjoying anything that wasn't classical or something their grandma would listen to.
When Tom went out to buy a bass he had to mow a crap ton of lawns and convince his dad to keep it a secret from mom, but it was well worth all the effort. He only got to play it when she was away at work, never daring to smuggle it out of the house and go busk unless some one decided to be an asshole and tell her. But he loved his bass more than anything, he even gave her a name, since Tom figured all rock stars named their instruments. He chose Susan, after the families first and only dog they had when he was little, and it seemed to stick. Ever since then Tom had remained adamant that you couldn't play an intrument with out giving it a name first.
Even though he enjoyed writing music, and it was the thing that made him the most happy, there was still a slight underlying sadness to it whenever he'd play. He'd lwanted to be a rock star ever since he first heard Van Halen and fell in love with the sound, but with that dream also came the knowledge it'd never happen. Afterall, who the hell would wanna hear him on a record? Stuttering all over the place, stumbling over words, heck, people would send in complaints that how their brand new records were scratched and skipping. There was nobody like him on the radio, and that painful truth kept him from ever singing to anybody but a very small and select audience. And by audience, he meant his stuffed teddy bear and little brother, absolutely no one else.
Speaking of which, his very small audience was on his way up stairs, stomping like a clydesdale despite their mothers constant reprimands about it. Jon knocked on Tom's bedroom door, then immediately pushed it open without being invited in. He was only six, so things like boundries and personal space were not so ingrained him. Neither was self conciousness, maliciousness, or the ability to not be incredibly annoying, but Tom tried very hard to not hold that last one against him. He scanned the room with wide and curious eyes, like he had just stumbled upon a new and foreign world despite being in here many times before.
He loved Tom's room, he loved it more than his own. He thought it was so cool and groen up how he had band posters on his walls. There was a ton of other cool stuff too like a nintendo 64 he'd sometimes let him play, a drawing desk, and a heap of awesome clothes he said he could have when he got bigger! It was a lot cooler than his own bedroom, which was fairytale prince themed and had his half finished lego projects strewn all about, but he still liked his room well enough.
Tom looked up from the note book he was currently writing on and wiped his nose with his shirt sleeve. "Whuh-what d-do you want?" Asked Tom, a little curt. He was good at being polite and caring to Jon most of the time, he was only six afterall, he couldn't go around screaming at him, but it was harder to be patient with him when he was working on something.
Jon ran up to Tom, as if right on cue and looked up to him with needy adoring eyes that seemed to soften his attitude. "Toooom, I'm very sad..." Jon complained, and Tom rolled his eyes. He forced a smile and put the pencil he was writing with down "Oh yeah? are you actu-u-ually sad or just buh-bored?". Jon giggled at how blunt he was being "I'm sad and boreeeed.". Tom leaned closer to Jon's face, but not too close since he was still sick and didn't want him to catch it. "Sad peop-puh-puh-ple don't giggle, moron." He said, booping Jon on the nose with his index finger, causing him to erupt into another giggle.
If their mother was here in the room with them she'd no doubt say "Thomas! Stop calling your brother a moron!" Then lightly smack him on the back of the head, not enough to actually hurt but enough to knock some sense into him. Jon didn't mind it at all though, he saw it as just his brother being silly with him, and he'd always call Tom names right back. "You're a cheesehead." Jon said, biting down on his tongue and smiling. "You're a buh-buttbrain." Tom retorted. "You're a cakesniffer!" Jon exclaimed. "You're an A-ho-hole." Jon went silent at that. That was a no no word, well, not quite, but almost. Mom and dad were very strict about no no words, although he heard Tom say them all the time over the phone when he wasn't supposed to be listening.
Suddenly, another wave of laughter came from him, so loud and hearty he had to hold his belly like santa while he laughed. "You're an A-hole!" Jon said, still laughing. The two boys then launched into a big silly argument of who was the bigger A-hole, eventually ending with Tom proclaiming Jon's A-hole was bigger than the entire continent and both the boys giggling like mad. "Now guh-go away puke stuh-stain, i'm sick and I don't want you to catch it." Tom said, smiling and gently shooing his brother away. "Waiiiit! Peas Tommy, play me a song!" Jon begged, putting his hands together like he was praying.
"It's p-puh-please, not peas, Jon. B-besides, I can't sing, my voice is too hoarse and my stuh-stuh-stuh-" Tom closed his eyes and took a moment to collect himself. "I'm terrible singer." He continued. "No you're nawt! you're an amazing singer! Peas, just one song?" Jon pleaded. "Play me the one about the kid who grows up to be a superhero! Peas peas peas peaaaasss?". Tom shook his head "No can do, kid. Go b-buh-bug some one else before you catch my-" he sneezed into his elbow, grossing his little brother out. "Eugh... cold." Tom grumbled.
"There's nothing to do thoooouuugh." Jon complained, crossing his arms in a huff. "Why don't you go bug mom or dad?" "Mommy's practicing piano and daddy's trying to get the electricity back on..." he mumbled, a little sad. The constant rain and thunder had knocked out a lot of the houses in their neighborhood's power and still had yet to kick back on. The Denbrough boys were quite lucky to have their father with them, he was amazing when it came to things that involved a screwdriver or a wrench, and you'd never guess it by looking at him.
He'd hardly wear anything but Hawaiian pineapple shirts and socks with sandals, but he was still a very smart man none the less. He worked for their town's electrical company, and Tom could still remember the look of pride he had during career day in primary school when he told everyone his dad was responsible for keeping the town's power in check. It was quickly dashed when some asshole decided to ruin it by asking if his dad slept on the job and zapped him on accident and that's why he "Couldn't talk right.". The worst part of it was that Tom was pretty sure he didn't mean for it to be an insult, and was just genuinely asking it out of ignorance. He deeply hoped wherever that kid was now, he was in great pain.
Their mothers piano playing should have been obvious to Tom, it was loud and carried it's way all through out the house, even up the stairs, but it seemed to be just background noise at this point. He hadn't noticed it until now, but his mother was playing much faster than usual, she was in the "zone" so to speak, and wanted to hold onto that for as long as she could, so both Jon and Tom were shit out of luck. Tom sighed "Jeez." He leaned back into his pillows and thought for a moment, shoving all the gross snot filled tissues and crumpled up rejected lyrics from his first few failed attemps at writing a new song.
Jon awkwardly shifted around on his feet, swinging his arms side to side as if waiting for further instruction on what to do. "It's a damn sh-shuh-shame that it's raining so bad or else you could play outside." Jon nodded, and sighed, genuinely disappointed by the amount of rain. Suddenly, Tom snapped his fingers and rose up from his bed "H-hold on- I just remembered s-omething.". He quickly grabbed a folded up newspaper that his mom had left on his night stand for him to read, then ripped out one of the pages.
"What are you doing Tom?" Innocently asked Jon. He straightended it out and folded it into a triangle shape, sticking his tongue out like he was hard at work. "I'm muh-makin you a p-puh-puh-aper boat, just like dad taught me how to do when I was s-six." He explained. Jon's face lit up "Wow, really!?" he waddled over to the bed and smiled. "Yep, dad and I used to sail these all the time. Do me f-f-fuh-fav-or and go in the basement and bring back some puh-puh-puh-puh-" Tom paused again and forced another smile. "Paraffin. It's in a little b-box that says gulf." he finished.
"You mean... in the basement?" Jon mumbled, suddenly a little intimidated. "Yes, you're not scared are you?" His brother asked, half amused and half concerned. On one hand, it was very cute that Jon felt the need to impress him and pretend to be tough, on the other, he was barely not a toddler anymore, and Tom didn't wanna scare him on purpose. Jon shook his head "No i'm not scared, being scareds for babies. I can do it.". "O-o-okay, but j-just in case... here." He handed him a walkie-talkie, the kind they'd usually use to communicate whenever they'd pretend to be soldiers on the battlefield together during summer.
"C-cuh-call me if you need me." he instructed, and Jon nodded again. He skipped happily to the door, only stopping whe Tom called out "And remember Pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-". "Paraffin, I know!" Jon cheerfully replied, figuring if he didn't say it Tom would be stuck on the p's forever. He shut the door and hopped down the stairs, leaving Tom to his very important task of sitting in bed and sneezing. He only waited 'til after Jon was gone to let his smile drop and chastise himself for not actually saying the word. He'd never show Jon just how much he loathed his stutter, especially since Jon found it cool and Tom didn't wanna ruin the magic of it.
When he first learned how to talk he'd constantly immitate it, which naturally caused their parents some fear that the stutter was genetic or could be "caught" so to speak. Jon had no idea how much Tom hated his stutter, how it made people see him, how it actively dashed his dreams. Sometimes at school he'd get so flustered he'd have to clutch his desk and try so very hard to form a sentence and it still wasn't cohesive.
He was not and never would be just Tom Denbrough to his classmates, or even his teachers, although they'd never admit that. He was Stuttering Tom, Tuh-Tuh-Tuh-Tom to the particularly cruel ones, and Tom hated it. The absolute worst part of being in a situation like Tom's was no doubt the inability to open up about how much you dislike yourself. After all, preteen boys are already closed off, especially so in a small rural town like Derry where the homophobes outnumbered the gay community ten to two, but Tom had it the worst.
Nobody wants to be the guy to come out and say you think stuttering makes you a freak, all you'd really do is bring other disabled people down and raise up the dickheads who instilled that self hatred in him to begin with, but that's how he felt ans he couldn't help that. He was sure that's how his parents felt too, they did love him dearly and saw to almost all his needs 24/7, but they were still eagerly waiting for him to stop the stutter, and had so for a long time.
The doctors told him it'd only stick around for a few years after he got over the shock of the coma, but that date came and went, and still, Tom's stutter remained. You could tell they were both disappointed, and he truly could not blame them, because he was disappointed too. He didn't know what was wrong with him, or why he never got better despite countless visits to the speech therapist, but he began to wonder if there was something incredibly wrong with him. Everyone felt that way, even if they pretended like they didn't, everyone except for Jon that is. Jon adored him with or without the stutter, and Tom was supremely thankful for that.
While Tom continued to chastise himself, Jon hopped down the stairs joyfully. So joyfully, he nearly forgot that he'd be going down to the cellar, where dreams and little boys would surely go to die. He dashed through the house, past his mom's prized women's bowling league trophy's, past the grand piano, and past their big fancy living room he and Tom would solve puzzles in.
He threw open the cellar door and stared down at the abyss in front of him, fianlly letting the fear and anxiety settle in. Rickety, paint chipped stairs with large empty gaps of space between them disappeared off into the darkness of the room, the power still not back on despite their fathers best efforts. The bottom of the basement had been flooded at some point during one of the worse storms of the season, and the smell of soaked moldy wood and muddy water grossed Jon out quite a bit.
He stood there for a moment, a creeping sense of dread tugging at his chest like a dog on your pant leg. He was waiting for something, a large claw or alien tentecale to reach out from the dark and rip him to bits, but there was nothing. He must have been standing there for a while too because suddenly the walkie-talkie blared to life with Tom's voice, and he jumped back in shock.
"What's t-taking so long?" Asked Tom, and Jon nervously swallowed. "I stopped in the kitchen for a snack." He lied, he knew you weren't supposed to do that, lying was probably the worst thing you could do to your family. Well, that's what Jon thought was the worst at least, He was a little bit too young to know about some of the truly awful stuff some people do to their own kin. Familicide, Sexual abuse, beating, his parents and Tom had been working hard to keep his innocence. Derry was a hard place to do that in, it seemed like every couple of years some one went crazy and killed a lot of people. Jon had even heard bits and pieces of such things being whispered by his mom to his uncle over the phone, but for the most part, his childhood had stayed in tact.
"You know if muh-mom sees you snacking before din-din-er she'll have a cow." said Tom. "I know, i'm sorry." Jon mumbled. "It's whatever dude, just hu-hurry, and do-don't forget to grab to some muh-muh-muh-matches and one of those wax burner thingies.". "Okay, i'm doing it now." He said, then stuffed the walkie-talkie back into his pants pocket, but he was not, in fact, doing it now.
He still stood at the top of the stairs, terrified by the prospect of going down below, and still waiting for the inevitable mutated bat creature to emerge and drag him down into the depths of their flooded basement. Then, just as he was thinking about turning back, his own thoughts began to taunt him. "Come oooon Jon, you're not a baby are you? Only babies get scared by stuff like monsters and the dark. Do you want a boat or not?" He thought. "No." He replied and clenched his fists, grumbling into the darkness "I'm not a baby. I can do this.".
He took one step down the creaky stairs, frightening himself by the surprisingly loud noise they made, but calmed himself. He reiterated "I am not a baby." under his breath over and over again, as if it was a powerful spell that could keep all of the monsters away. It reminded him of how, whenever Tom's stutter would get particularly bad, his mom would have him recite these poems that were meant to help him focus and form sentences again. Sometimes they'd help him alot, but they could never make the stutter go away completely.
That was kind of what was happening now to Jon, he was still very much scared, so scared that if something popped out at him right now he may very well wet his pants, but the words coddled him and made him feel like he could press on. He hopped off the last step and into the flood, the water so low it could not even reach the six year old childs ankles. He turned his attention to a large rickety shelf under the cellar stairs and inspected the contents.
There were many items on it, shoepolish, old dish rags, wrenches, flashlights with no batteries, a can of turtle wax. For some reason, out of all those objects the turtle wax was what caught his attention, even more than the Paraffin and matches he came down here to get. The company's logo on the front was what really seemed to draw his eye, it was nothing special really, hardly as interesting of a mascot as a Tony the tiger or even a Ronald Mcdonald, just a tiny albino turtled posing proudly above the words turtle and wax. But Jon just couldn't stop staring at it for some reason. A spontaneous pang of familiarity hit him in the chest, as he racked his brain to try and remember where he had seen a turtle like that before.
Was it a dream? It felt too real to be jusr a dream, but much too distant to be a memory. He'd have to think about that later when he had the time, right now he had a mission to do. He snatched up the box, matches, and wax burner then bolted for the steps as fast as he could. Now that he had gotten what he came for he wasn't gonna waste any time down there. He ran as fast as his little legs could, begging god or whatever diety was listening to please not let anything grab his ankles as he ran back up the stairs.
The damp darkness of the cellar was suffocating and opressive, and Jon feared once he got back to the candle lit parlor room, that would be when the creature laid his slimy hands on him and pulled him back. He had made it though, despite all odds he was alive and still had yet to be digested by some hungry beast living under the stairs. He slammed the door and pressed his back against it, panting from how fast he was running as the fear of the dark slowly disappeared until the next time he had to confront it.
His mother suddenly stopped her piano playing to look up at him from across the room, somewhat worried, but highly annoyed by her son's slamming of the door. "Johnathan Bowley Denbrough, what have I told you about slamming that door?" She scolded, but not too harshly as her son was clearly frightened. He swept his bangs out of his face and panted a little more "Sorry mum." he muttered. She shook her head dismissively and went right back to playing Für Elise, which actually helped ease his anxiety.
He headed back up stairs and quickly placed all the stuff on Tom's night stand, eagerly watching as he melted the wax with such hypnotic glee he couldn't help but bounce a little. Tom dipped his finger in the wax and spread it over the paper boat, turning the boat from a nice white to an odd yellowy brown color. Jon got a little too close for comfort, putting his head over his brother's shoulder and breathing quite heavily on him, and yet, Tom still didn't seem to get annoyed.
The only time he'd really ever get annoyed with Jon's behavior was when he'd repeat stuff and ask incessant questions, which he had slowly learned over the years not to do for his brother's sake. They were seeing to each other needs, and it wasn't wasn't just because Tom didn't wanna get in trouble or Jon didn't wanna get yelled at, but a genuine shared affection for one another.
Jon dipped a finger into the wax and began to spread some on it's side with him, smiling and perfectly content. "C-careful you little cootie, you'll make it too heh-heavy and it'll flop on it's side." Tom gently reprimanded. "Oops.." he said, taking his hand away and letting the rest on his finger dry until he could peel it off. "It's oh-kuh-kuh-kay, just take it easy." He said, giving his brother a reassuring headpat to show there was no hard feelings.
Once the wax was spread, Tom took a sharpie from a Disneyland branded cup he used to store his pens and markers and then uncapped it with his mouth. He wrote "S.S. Jon" on the side in cursive font, and even drew a little stick figure captain waving on top of the boat, which Jon found very silly. He handed it to him, gingerly and carefully like it was a one of a kind art piece that belonged in a museum. "She's all ready Captain." he said, raising his hand to his forehead and doing a two finger salute. Jon giggled, but tilted his head in confusion "She?" he wondered.
"You always call boats a sh-she Jon." He explained, and Jon's mouth fell open like he just learned some amazing untold truth about the universe. He clutched the boat in his hands and grinned, looking up with pure adoration and love for the thirteen year old sitting on the bed. Then, quite randomly, Jon lunged right at him for a big hug, startling Tom.
"Agh! What the heck are you doing?! You're gonna g-geh-get sick!" He shouted. Jon laughed then kissed Tom on the cheek, something he hadn't done since he was three. "Eugh, now you're d-d-definetly gonna get sick. Get off me." He lightly scooched him off and Jon looked back to him, still smiling, and still very thankful. "Thanks Tom Tom, thanks alot." He said, and Tom shrugged.
"It's fine, just don't come crying to me when you get the flu and start vu-vomiting your g-guh-guh-uts out.". Tom paused to loudly cough, momentarily drawing some concern from his brother. "And p-p-put on a rain coat when you go out, I d-don't want you getting soaked." He wheezed, huddling under the covers. "Okay!" Jon cheerfully replied, closing the door and heading to the down stairs closet where they kept all the coats.
He put the small baby blue rain slicker on over the baggy sweater he was wearing and finangled with the buttons for a while, still not all that good at hand eye coordination dude to his young age. When he finally managed to get most of them through the holes, he pumped his fist in celebration, and even did a spin. On his way out the door he stopped to grab a pair of black galoshes that still had some mud left on them. He and Tom had went outside together a week ago and simply neglected to clean them since, then, as if in an act of karma for being so lazy, Tom caught a very bad cold the following day.
Jon waddled out the front door into the cool autumn air, making squeaky squishing noises with each step from the rubber soles of his boots. He took a few steps off the porch, only to be greeted by a sudden but gentle breeze hitting the side of his face and pushing his hair around. The now weaning rain fell down from the sky and onto poor little Jon's head, tapping politely on his hood as if to say "Hello Jon! It's your buddy, the rain! Let me in!". He walked a little bit further until he was at the edge of the driveway, then turned around to look back up at his house. It was a moderately above average two story home, nothing special, but to Jon it might as well had heen a castle. His bedroom was right across from Tom's on the second floor, although his over looked the back yard and Tom's overlooked the drive way.
He was peeking through the bay window his bed was by now, standing up on his knees and peeling back the curtains to watch him walk away. Since the house was still dark from the power outage, Tom was barely visible to him. He looked like a floating disembodied head, something Jon found both silly and a little spooky. He jumped in place and waved wildly at him, as if he thought Tom might possibly be able to miss the toddler dressed in a bright blue rain slicker and boots. Tom smiled then lifted up the walkie-talkir in his hand to his mouth "B-be careful. There's alot of w-weirdos out there.". Jon rolled his eyes, still smiling, but a tiny bit annoyed.
He took out his own walkie-talkie from his back pocket and pressed the button to respond. "You sound like mum." he joked. "C-can it." Tom said, a little flustered, especially since he knew it was true. Depite their differences, Tom had always been more like his mother than his father, and the opposite had been true for Jon. He giggled at his embarrassment, "I'll stay safe, don't be such a cry baby, Tom.". "Hey, I resent that label, I'm a cry man." And now they were both snickering over the radios.
"I'm serious though, stay safe." Tom reiterated. "Ok ok- I will- I love you." Jon said, and Tom went silent for a moment as he did not know how to respond. Jon was lucky enough to still be at the age where you could tell another guy you loved them and no one cared, and Tom desperately wished for him to stay like that and never get to old for saying I love you. Lord knows he was forced to out of it a long time ago, and he'd all but forgotten how to do it.
"I- uh- uhm-" Tom hesitated for a second, even with out all the macho man bullshit he had to go through at school, Tom had a hard time letting others know how he felt. Trying to hock out the words was like trying to hock out a pill you didn't mean to take. He swallowed "I lo-love you too." He spat out, and Jon seemed content with that.
He cheerily skipped down the street with his walkie-talkie in one hand and Paper boat in the other, splashing in rain water with each stomp. Tom fell back down onto his bed and sighed, totally exhausted. He wanted to take a long nap now, and he seemed quite over due for one judging by his throbbing head ache. His mothers constant repitition of Für Elise didn't really help that at all, if anything it made it worse. God, if he could have just a single moment of silence he would be happy as a clam.
What Tom didn't know though was that this song's meaning was about to be forever changed for him, from just an annoyingly pompous piano tune to a song that even twenty seven years later could still send him into a trance. From that day forward, anytime he heard those first few notes he'd always have the exact same haunting thought. "That's it, that's the song. That's the song mom was playing the day Jon passed away.". And as it turned out, that rainy view of Jon from his bedside window would be the last time he'd ever see his brother again.
submitted by BeelzebubParty to Eddsworld [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 17:32 tayamackenzie Castration or Prostration?!

Castration or Prostration?!
Joshua Abbe (1856-1899) was 42 years old when he passed away. My first thought when seeing this was “cause of death: castration” but looking closer it might say “prostration.” I’d love to go back in time to the people filling these certificates out and say to them “can you read what this says? No? Do better!” I can read fancy cursive, but sometimes it’s just really difficult to tell because it’s fancy cursive AND sloppy. Regardless, rest in peace Joshua. He is currently resting at Greenbriar Cemetery in Lake Ann, Michigan.
submitted by tayamackenzie to DeathCertificates [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 09:11 CedarwoodWren Strahd has a lot of unnecessary expensive stuff

The most practical item is a solid gold hip flask with his name engraved in fancy cursive. It's studded with tiny rubies in intricate abstract patterns. He carries it around full of blood. A few of the rubies have fallen out. Strahd gets annoyed when he finds them in his pockets. He sends it to his silversmith to be fixed at least every 6 months.
He also has a chandelier in the dining room with well over a thousand crystals. It hasn't been lit in centuries.
There's a taxidermy bear in his study. It must've once been quite magnificent, but it's fur is brittle and the skin has grown tight from centuries of being in a non climate controlled castle.
He has a vast and elaborate wardrobe but he only actually wears a small fraction of it. He literally owns 47 hats but you never see him wear a hat once. Some of his shoes don't even look like they'd fit properly or be comfortable.
He's basically a super rich hoarder who can afford the space to store his hoard of expensive stuff he never uses.
submitted by CedarwoodWren to CurseofStrahd [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 02:43 Parigi7 Today I realized that in french school they didn't just teach us handwriting they taught us calligraphy

I was writing something at work today and it occurred to me to try to write in "attaché" or cursive. I took my time and wrote each letter the way I remembered being taught in 12ème (1st grade) and I was so impressed by the result. My handwriting had not looked this good in years! The letters were beautifully curved and had a very nice fancy looking style.
Nowadays most people (including myself) seem to write in detached or semi-cursive, and I can see why since cursive is very slow. But still, it's a cool little skill I unearthed from the depth of my memories. Haha.
Anyway, I left lebanon a long time ago. I just wanted to share a silly little story that gave me a little nostalgia today.
submitted by Parigi7 to lebanon [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 04:52 Due-Creme-3966 Why is the [3D] clan cursive/fancy?

submitted by Due-Creme-3966 to arrasquestion [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 00:24 Deep_Concept8244 Mystery Tennessee "Whiskey Bar " who made this?

Mystery Tennessee
Looking for the manufacturer of this cool buffet/credenza?
I really have never seen anything like it. It's not fancy by any stretch. Not a dovetail in sight. After seeing it, I thought about it for months before going back to visit it (& buy it) in a local antique mall in Tennessee. It was labeled as a 'whiskey bar'. I've just never seen its likeness. It goes with my industrial modern dining room vibe perfectly
Someone painstakingly stripped away the paint that once covered it. It appears that is was green at some point & in taking photos for this post, I found a piece of red painted wood. I'm not convinced that the knobs are original because they're not as dried out as the rest of the piece. The screws and bolts look older than I'm used to seeing.
There is writing on the back; the pencil cursive seeming to be older than the black marker (probably the antique booth id).
At one point in my research, I was so convinced that it looked like a Heywood-Wakefield piece because of the mix of metal & wood use. I even ordered a Heywood-Wakefield identification & value guide catalog. Fact: It is not a Heywood-Wakefield piece.
I'd love to find another catalog to search through but the smaller local furniture makers that were near this area must not have such documentation if that's where it originated.
Would love to be pointed in other directions if anyone has some ideas.
(Also, happy to reference my new catalog if anyone suspects a Heywood-Wakefield piece in another post sometime 😀)
submitted by Deep_Concept8244 to Antiques [link] [comments]