Quotes on losing a loved onep


2010.01.26 19:23 blisstonia 30 ROCK

Guess which subreddit thinks gesturing with one's thumbs is for poor people, is immortal, has TWO BAD KNEES, is beautiful but doesn't know it, and hasn't cried once today? THIS ONE. A sub-reddit for the fans and critics of the show 30 Rock. Discussion of the show, pictures from the show and anything else 30 Rock related.

2010.05.24 09:13 stevenbird68 Home security

We're a place to get help with and discuss all topics relating to home security. All topics from beginner questions to help with your esoteric GE panel from 1989 are welcome! Are you looking for advice on cameras or security systems? Try using the search bar! NOTE: We require a minimum of 50 karma to post.

2013.11.16 14:45 Civiltactics Trauma Toolbox: peer support for survivors

A place to seek or share coping strategies, resources, art, music, videos, and other survivor tools.

2024.06.10 13:07 Alarming-Buy3578 [TOMT] Ten Year Search

TOMT] Lego Stop Motion. 10 year search.
For years I've been searching for a lego stopmotion series from my childhood. My memory of it is faint, but I recall loving it a kid and rewatching it plenty of times. It has continued to resurface in me again and again, but I have never been able to find it. I hope that someone here may be able to help me.
Like I said my memory is faint, but I have a general idea of most of the series and it's episodes. I'll go over each episode as best I can and, hopefully, that will help someone realise what i'm rambling about.
The series overall is about a type of alien invasion or infection. Throughout the series the character's are figgting against this type of clay or playdo creatures. It takes people over and infects them. That's the general premise and now I can describe the episodes.
Ep 1:
The episode start's with an object falling to earth. It crashes through the roof of some sort of base and into the pot of a chef. The chef brings out the pot and serves it to a group of men. After eating the food and the object within, they are infected and become the first patch of clay monsters.
It cuts to two people duelling with swords. One is our main character and the other is his master. The two go back and forth and the main character get's his cheek cut and loses. The main characters sidekick then rushes in and the trio start to escape the base.
The episode ends with the master dying and the main guy and his sidekick escaping on speeders.
Ep 2 or 3?:
Main character is inside new base. He get's a teleportation device and uses it to move around. He is betrayed by his sidekick who is infected and the main character is defeated by him. The main guy is knocked unconcious and the episode ends.
Ep 4:
This may have happened at the tailend of episode 2, but I think this was in another episode entirely. The main character wakes up and meets his sidekick. The sidekick and him reconcile and the sidekick gives him a fresh pair of clothes and the main guy's outfit is changed for the rest of the series.
Ep 5:
This episode begin's with an opening narration recapping the current situation. The budget clearly went up for the finale as everything is of a much higher quality and effort was clearly put in.
The main character is caught trying to steal a rifle from a soldier. He is in a type of building, I think it's a castle or prison of some kind. He is caught, let go and the episode continues.
From here, I have a good memory of the finale. Ir end's with a final standoff between the remaining lego figures and the clay monsters. There is long panning shots of either side and all of it is well filmed. A battle ensues and both sides are destroyed and killed. The series ends with the character giving a final monologue.
Sadly, that's all I can recall. For the time frame, I believe I watched it around 2013 or 14 and it would have been made around that time. The overall quality of the video and my age at the time would match up.
Quite frankily, I'd be happy if anyone even knew about this series as well and not if they could find it. I just want to make sure I javen't gone crazy, lol. Have a lovely day, lads and get back to me when you can.
submitted by Alarming-Buy3578 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:05 StrawberryEiri Low skill required games

I'm looking for a recommendation. Seems like there's a zillion choices in existence, and I'm having a serious case of decision paralysis.
I just had my first couch potato weekend in a while and spent a lot of time on Dead Cells. Thing is, I'm not very good at that game. I'm at 2 boss cells and I can't progress anymore. I played over 8 hours over the weekend and all the progression I managed was put 40 cells in the legendary forge.
I'm looking for a game that doesn't challenge your reflexes as a player quite so much. I enjoy a challenge, but the kind where I can get better. I do not get better at fast-paced games.
Games I LOVED:
Games I enjoyed without falling in love with them:
Games I'm pretty meh about
Games I did not enjoy
submitted by StrawberryEiri to roguelites [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:04 ImTheGuffMan Light and Dark Saga Comes To An End

Light and Dark Saga Comes To An End
The Destiny franchise has been a roller coaster just like my life in the last ten years. Cayde's sacrifice has me self reflecting on my life and what has happened over the years in this epic Light and Dark Saga. It's nice to finally have a narrative and an ending to this journey from the beta testing that I participated in prior to the release of Destiny in September of 2014 to now and find closure.
The ups and downs in my life for the last 10 years both success, failures, setbacks, heart break, missed opportunities, the joy I've shared and the love I've been shown I cannot express my gratitude for my Wifee who's my forever fire team member, my family, fam, friends, fire teams over the years, Destiny community, clans I've been apart of and the looking for groups over the years. In life and this game it has shown me how to practice patience, if you want something in life bad enough then you have to grind, persevere and devote time into it. I have been given hope in this game and in life.
Destiny has given me, the desire for remaining dedicated to my goals, wants in life, remaining courageous and often showing bravery when others didn't. I thank you all for being alongside in this constant change and journey. The ability I've seen and demonstrated to constantly get back up, when this game or life seemed too hard and impossible. I still in the end kept my body from falling on the ground permanently and giving up, which I give credit to Destiny to inspire me to work towards building a legacy and continue to share a life with others worth living.
If it weren't for my previous clan friends keeping in touch with me after our clan and community, Hektik was forced to dispand and losing our sponsorships opportunities through my destructiveness, immaturity, paranoia, doubt and taking things to an extreme when it wasn't needed. For them to still be there for me that meant the world to me. Where others left me alone to work through a lot of issues, work on myself, getting sober and having some of my darkest moments in life that you continued to be there. I am grateful you kept in touch with me.
Thank you for never giving up on me and you every day remaining in contact with me. Even when the clan disbanded and I tried so hard to play by myself and never play again with anybody, because I was devastated and felt personally responsible for losing something we all loved. I appeared offline and from 2011 through 2014 didn't play with anybody.
I love my first ever LFG Grandmasters random paired fire team member with all my heart and I am forever grateful and glad that I created a group for the very first Grandmaster I've ever attempted in the Devil's Lair. If it weren't for them during Covid and through these years being my dear friend and fire team member I wouldn't have had the courage let alone the strength and perseverance over the years we have shared.
I love going on adventures with you and sharing some of the coolest memories that I have ever had in Destiny 2. We have vanquished many, many tough and hard fought foes. We have laughed and cried for many days in this game. It's awesome to now over all these years finally have a third to do the Grandmasters, Legendary Exotic missions with Tom Bomba.
I appreciate everyone who has helped me in completing raids, events, campaigns and to remain in touch with Bee and I over the years. Thank you for my fellow leaders that I appointed to keep the clan and fire team in tact in my absence while I mourned my Bungie friends who lost their jobs. I appreciate you for allowing me to be gone for long periods of time and always checking in.
As for the rest of you my dear clan, looking for group fire teams, random encounters, raiders and my Destiny fam, it continues to be an honor to fight alongside you. I appreciate you staying remaining active, helping me complete over the years activities that I couldn't do on my own and making hopefully lasting friends as a result.
While this saga has sadly finally come to an end I loved the last ten years. May there be many memories to come and my hope is to share them with all of you. Like in life and in this game, I will continue to have setbacks, success and go on many adventures until my last day on this Earth. May the ending result in your lives and this game be filled with memories that may last for a lifetime. I hope you continue to love this game and hopefully share your joys with others.
Until the end when my body is extinguished and my light is restored to the Traveler.
Gratias tibi
Thank you,
submitted by ImTheGuffMan to StepUpInLifes [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:02 TonyTony1287 The Walking Dead Ranking Every Episode

Oh my God was this list hard to rank šŸ˜… I took about I would say at least 15 hours of my time into this and all of that was just to rank them at a certain level without much to say. First off we have about 8 Tiers from F,D,C,B,A,S,SS, and Premium though I barely put much into their. Remember this is just an opinion so don't take too harshly if your favorite episode isn't high on my list. For some episodes I may not say much or anything since this was too long originally.
F Tier, these are my least favorite episodes and most likely I have a vendetta against them in some way that made it hard for me to like them
  1. S2 Ep 8 Nebraska- I hate Lori and I think this episode expresses it, most definitely a vendetta. I didn't exactly like the stuff with Hershel and recovering though it was okay, but lori made some questionable decisions to go off on her own to look for Rick even though she should know he's fine seriously. She wrecks a car and then barely dies from a walker, mind you she is pregnant and shouldn't do these things easily my least favorite episode.
  2. S10 Ep 21 Diverged- I honestly forget this episode so much since it has nothing truly interesting or important to the story
  3. S7 Ep 6 Swear- this episode feels slow paced and dull due to oceanside being not seen well for me and I feel like Tara put on the best performance she could for it.
  4. S8 Ep 2 The Damned- this episode to me was just a lot of action and in the walking dead I don't want that. We see a couple of characters die (including Francine šŸŖ¦ I absolutely loved her character and hate how she died here :[ mindless) Erics death started here, but it just wasn't impactful enough.
  5. S3 Ep 11 I Ain't a Judas- Andrea is a boring character in the show and I hate her in this episode. The focus should've been on the prison honestly and maybe If she killed the Governor I would've understood her more.
  6. S10 Ep 20 Splinter- if most of the episode was real I would've loved it, but they weren't...
  7. S3 Ep 5 Say the Word- Andrea just isnt much good in this episode and Rick going crazy wasn't a fun idea to me.
  8. S8 Ep 3 Monsters- aside from the one fight with Rick I really didn't care much for it again for the fighting and having Morales return and die felt out of place.
  9. S2 Ep 2 Bloodletting- the group searching for Sophia was okay for a concept, but this episode was okay and went slow paced for me until the end.
D Tier, moving on these episodes were for me mostly just forgettable or boring so I won't say much except they weren't all bad
  1. S1 Ep 3 Tell it to the frogs- first off S1 won't be all high because I'm ranking EVERY episode, but this one felt slow in pace more as well compared to the last two. Shane was a badass though.
  2. S11 Ep 3 Hunted- Forgettable... Not much to say.
  3. S5 Ep 11 The Distance- Forgot entirely this was an episode, after rewatch still don't like it except for Aaron.
  4. S2 Ep 9 Trigger finger- It was a bit better than Nebraska, mostly cause of the Randel scenes.
  5. S7 Ep 14 The Other Side- Sasha somewhat makes a noble decision.
163-162. S11 Episodes 22 following 21- 22 had the Warden being uninteresting as a villain and 21 was boring as can be which is why they sit besides each other.
  1. S8 Ep 7 Time for After- I don't like the plans they have to deviate from Rick and him going to Jadis again feels like a horrible decision on his part.
  2. S9 Ep 8 Evolution- The ambience is the best part, though I hated Jesus' s death as it felt like a bad sendoff.
C Tier, These are a bunch of boring and hard to follow episodes that have some highs that keep it out of former tiers.
  1. S2 Ep 1 What lies Ahead- I liked the RV scene with Andrea, but what follows is dull.
  2. S11 Ep 4- The pope is somewhat average.
  3. S7 Ep 12 Say Yes- The carnival was a nice scenery for TWD, but they had too many fake outs with the walker "shooting" at them and the deer fake out.
  4. S9 Ep 7 Stradivarius- The Search for Eugene feels tiring to follow what's happening and I ended up watching the episodes once and never again because of it.
  5. S2 Ep 4 Cherokee Rose- Watching the episode is fun because of the well, though I feel like it was stupid as an idea as the group should have more common sense before doing something dumb.
  6. S2 Ep 3 Save The Last One- Shane was horrifying, but the rest was dull.
  7. S8 Ep 14 Still gotta mean something- Rick felt unnecessarly cold hearted in this episode killing off the Saviors that helped him which I didn't like, though Jared got a well deserved death.
  8. S4 Ep 9 After -It was okay watching Carl try to scavenge while Rick was injured and I liked the scene with his shoe being lost.
  9. S7 Ep 5 Go Getters- the episode itself wasn't bad yet I never really enjoyed it too much aside from Maggie being a badass and the ending was pretty good.
  10. S4 Ep 10 Inamtes- Inmates was a pretty well rounded episodes showing off some of the group which I liked seeing Tyreese the most.
  11. S8 Ep 6 The King, The Widow, and Rick- the episode was pretty lackluster for me and I didn't really appeal to seeing the garbage people much in this or everyone going to attack the saviors which was a dumb move to do. Ezekiel was probably the most fun of the episode.
  12. S3 Ep 16 Welcome to the Tombs- the finale for season 3 has always been horrible as it barely gives tension between the Governor and Ricks group, it just felt unfitting for a finale.
  13. S11 Ep 8 For blood- it was a okay Mid Season finale to say the least (sorry, 1/3 season finale). I did like some of the parts in it with Maggie which is why it sits higher than others.
  14. S5 Ep 7 Crossed- I thoroughly enjoyed the chase scene between the three officers and Ricks group, but that was about it.
  15. S4 Ep 13 Alone- I liked watching the parts of the group split up, except for Maggie, Bob, and Sasha as they felt very uneventful to me. What makes this episode better had to be the part about Daryl and Beth with the ending of the introduction to Joe's group.
  16. S7 Ep 10 New Best Friends- a lot of these parts I forgot about in this episode when it came to the Kingdom though after rewatching it I enjoyed those parts more than the Garbage people. I just honestly think Jadis's group is uninteresting and makes for no substance.
  17. S10 Ep 15 The Tower- I sometimes forget about this episode and it's premise with Beta, but I think it holds up enough for a weird one and The stuff with princess was okay.
  18. S9 Ep 3 Warning signs- I think the episode was okay, I just didn't like Season 9 A that much...
B tier, now we get to the episodes I could watch again in the past 6 months or binge through without skipping
  1. S11 Ep 2 Acheron Part 2- this was close to being put into C tier since I really hated some parts about it like how they left Gage to die and still had to fight off dozens of walking regardless. The group in the first two episodes seem to switch off and on from good to bad.
  2. S7 Ep 4 Service- for some reason people hate this episode and I can't see why except for the fact it mainly deals with Negan at Alexandria; in my opinion it was him and a couple other characters who saved season 7 and 8 for me.
  3. S10 Ep 3 Ghosts- I forget the episode...
  4. S10 Ep 7 Open Your Eyes- I thought the episode was fine as I don't hate Siddiq and all, though I liked and hated the ending as I loved the twist of Dante and hated that Siddiq had to die so early on.
  5. S6 Ep 7 Heads Up- I didn't like the twist of Glenn and all, but I liked the suspicion with Carol and Morgan as well as the Ending being dramatic.
  6. S8 Ep 11 Dead or Alive- it's not good to know when you remember an episode due to bad things. Daryl has been making more off decisions for the character and Tara seems to be completely Reckless now making me hate her moving forward.
  7. S4 Ep 4 Indifference- The Scenes with Carol and Rick we're amusing with crude Humour as well as some more tense scenes in my opinion and I hated/liked when Rick told Carol she couldn't come back.
  8. S3 Ep 6 Hounded- honestly I would've rather put this episode a little bit higher due to Merle (probably my favorite charcater which contributes to a lot of episodes being higher) being a badass while fighting Michonne and pulling out puns as well. The reason it doesn't get higher is still due to Rick and the phone situation being uneventful.
  9. S11 Ep 9 No Other Way- Alden dies in this episode which I should've seen coming that sucks. The ending feels misleading a bit though everything else in the middle is pretty great.
  10. S11 Ep 5 Out of the Ashes- literally the only reason I put this here was due to Lance so deal with it!
  11. S4 Ep 11 Claimed- Rick had a pretty solid pair of scenes with the Claimers and I liked watching Glenn and Tara (Surprisingly).
  12. S10 Ep 13 What We Become- I thought the flashbacks/hallucinations we're pretty good, but aside from that this episode was just mediocre.
  13. S9 Ep 4 The Obliged- I liked watching Daryl and Rick fight each other over different views on how everything should be and the ending I thought was pretty suspenseful as well as the saviors and oceanside.
  14. S11 Ep 15 Trust- Lance feels exactly like the Governor in some of these episodes which is what I like about him, and from here I start to enjoy Princess maybe because Mercer is around more xd.
  15. S10 Ep 17 Home Sweet Home- I thought Maggie was a good enough concept for an episode with the reapers, though it didn't hit that hard watching again. It still Is most definitely better than the other 3 episodes of S10 part C but enough for A Tier.
A Tier, after this point complaints may start to stop, but that doesn't mean entirely. These episodes I enjoy watching over and over again with some good tension and comedy as well.
  1. S1 Ep 5 Wildfire- For the episodes Jim was in I liked him and learning his backstory as well so this was a pretty fun episode.
  2. S4 Ep 15 Us- the stuff with Abraham and their group was pretty wholesome to me and I liked Joe for the time being in here seeing how he is pretty fair to be honest giving things where they are due and trust to Daryl.
  3. S6 Ep 11 Knots Untie- I somewhat feel like the episode drags due to there being too much at hilltop, but it is a new community so I can't truly argue. I remember enjoyably when Rick stopped the assassination attempt.
  4. S8 Ep 9 Honor- the beginning with Carl I thought was good to showcase the events that unfolded before the decimation and Carl's death hit hard.
  5. S5 Ep 4 Slabtown- I personally don't mind the hospital arc too much, yet it won't get all of it's episodes too high of course. I liked watching Noah and Beth converse and I thought this was a new era for the walking dead.
  6. 10 Ep 1 Lines we Cross- the part with the Satellite was amusing to watch as it was a big change to see and I like that about the walking dead on occasions.
  7. S9 Ep 6 Who are you now?- I liked learning of Luke's Group (you heard me, Luke's Group) and what they have been like learning of some of their past.
  8. S10 Ep 8 The World Before- I liked mostly just watching two scenes, the beginning with Dante and Gabriel and Dante. I loved the fact no one even considered a Whisperer living amongst them and how he did some much devious stuff was mind boggling and amazing to watch. When Gabriel talks about forgiveness to Dante and kills him shows me how Gabriel has changed the past seasons.
  9. S7 Ep 9 Rock in the Road- Rick gives off a good speech to Ezekiel and I liked seeing him and Morgan reunite again. The stuff with Gabriel wasn't too bad either.
  10. S3 Ep 9 The Suicide King- the Governor finally seems to be starting to let things of him slip which I love to see. I also enjoyed watching Merle with Daryl as well too.
  11. S11 Ep 11 Rouge element- I thought that the twist of Steph was pretty good and I don't mind the episode being a bit long and tedious for it's reveal.
  12. S11 Ep 23 Family- I loved the fact Lydia got bit just because it shows us that people can still get bit and survive. It shows to me that in the finale no one could be truly safe even though Luke gets bit and still dies.
  13. S11 Ep 17 Lockdown- Saving Sebastian was okay ig.
  14. S8 Ep 10 The Lost and The Plunderers- Simon's character I think was made perfectly as he is a hotheaded person who is all about power and showing that off. Killing most of the Garbage people was terrifying to watch and showed how Negan could be more merciful than others.
  15. S1 Ep 1 Days Gone Bye- I think for the pilot it did it's job well and showed off enough of what the show could be. Of course this doesn't mean it was all good but as pilots go it was pretty solid.
  16. S11 Ep 1 Acheron Part 1- The only reason I put it this high was for the interrogation scenes especially when it came down to Ezekiel. Him and Mercer are honestly a great pair and I love his ending to the show as it's fitting.
  17. S5 Ep 10 Them- after losing most of the group it seems like a fitting episode of despair and plays it perfectly.
  18. S5 Ep 12 Remember- the first shown scenes of Alexandria was pretty good and I liked the interviews scene too. We also saw a lot of new character introductions.
  19. S11 Ep 6 On The Inside- The ferals was a nice touch of horror that I never knew I could need. Making the people with the ferals Virgil and Connie made the most perfect sense as well.
  20. S6 Ep 13 Not Tomorrow Yet- this episode shows off how our group is seeming to be the bad guys starting to kill people in their sleep. I like how Glenn and Heath have their first kills and show how they are changing.
  21. S7 Ep 1 The day will come when you won't be- I like the title as it references Doctor Jenner, but for the episode I liked Negan and that's mostly it. Seeing two people die was horrible to me, but necessary and since I don't rank episodes for being bad due to deaths I can still rank them high.
  22. S6 Ep 16 Last Day on Earth- Simon has a good introduction and I like them trying to get from point A to B, but what stands out to me most is probably Abraham and Eugene with his speech about him
  23. S7 Ep 15 Something they need- Sasha was probably the highlight of the episode for me and I liked them and Negan's interactions. It Is a good effort to show that they aren't all monsters and I like seeing Eugene as well.
  24. S3 Ep 7 When the Dead come knocking- Glenn and his interrogation with Merle was amazing and I liked seeing Glenn's true will shine.
  25. S8 Ep 12 The Key- I don't like this episode much honestly if it wasn't for Negan and Ricks Speech as well as Simon and his deviousness.
  26. S8 Ep 1 Mercy- the beginning I had to move up due to some good portions of it like Rick and Negan. I also liked the ending a lot even though I watched the trailer a lot and knew of Gabriel and Negan's interactions.
  27. S9 Ep 1 a New Beginning- wow two series beginnings next to each other... Yeah it's weird but they weren't exactly S Tier Material. The beginning with them trying to get a horse accessory was great tension to watch and I already love Ricks Beard.
  28. S10 Ep 18 Find me- okay so maybe I exaggerated My feeling towards Season 10 C a bit since I like some of the episodes a bit and others worse. The reason I put this here is mostly good plot lines and that was it.
Around here I wanted to say the reason for some episodes ranking higher is due to the fact the others are horrible and some of these have redeeming qualities. It's hard to put over 150 episodes ranked from horrible to greatness and know the points of interest.
  1. S3 Ep 3 Walk With Me- Merle brings joy to me seeing him again and I love him from here on out. I like how the Governor seems to be innocent enough until the big reveal with the militia which is amazingly put.
  2. S10 Ep 9 Squeeze- I hate Squeeze... There i said it. The cave sucks honestly and Id rather not watch it again because of that, but Negan is the only saving grace for this episode and if it wasn't for him I would never watch this episode again.
  3. S8 Ep 13 Do Not Send Us Astray- Simon attacking the Hilltop was the most great action of this season that I never minded and it felt terrifying after Tobin's fate was sealed.
  4. S3 Ep 12 Clear- I had to move it from S Tier, but nevertheless a great episode. Morgan's return was done perfectly and I felt like his character did a full 180 after this. Michonne and Carl's side story was also good.
  5. S2 Ep 12 Better Anglels- Shane and Ricks final confrontation was amazingly executed and loved the difference from the Comics with Rick killing shane and Carl shooting his reanimated self; Shane and Randel was also good too.
  6. S4 Ep 12 Still- Daryl and Beth make sense to pair together and I like seeing how we get a bit more back story to his character. They feel like the most perfect example to put for a mismatched pair.
  7. S6 Ep Thank You- The journey with Glenn's group trying to get back was amusing to see even though the dumpster ending wasnt really the best, still horrible to see.
  8. S10 Ep 4 Silence the Whisperers- Negan and Lydia have a good bond and I like how Negan defends her even though I hate how no one believes Lydia that Negan protected her.
  9. S8 Ep 4 Some Guy- I still love watching Ezekiel and the Kingdom so I enjoy this episode and how he feels defeated the whole time. Jerry is the best bodyguard in my opinion as well as it is shown and Shivas death is heartbreaking.
  10. S5 Ep 8 Coda- The reason I put this soo high was due to Rick and Bob. I did like the ending a bit even though I feel like Beth's death could've been avoided.
  11. S3 Ep 14 Prey- originally this episode was C Tier for me, but I re-watched it and put it this high due to the Governor being a literal psycho and I love this side of him.
  12. S11 Ep 20 What's been Lost- Lance felt underutilized as soon as he died, I really wished they could've made a difference with his exit on the show.
  13. S8 Ep 8 How it's gotta be- Forgot about Natanias death.
  14. S11 Ep 7 Promises Broken- Negan and Maggie had a good talk together about before.
  15. S10 Ep 6 Bonds- Okay.. XD.
  16. S6 Ep 10 The Next world- I thought the stuff with Rick, Daryl, and Jesus was goofy, but great.
  17. S11 Ep 19 Varient- I do like the idea of evolving walkers though I feel like it was a bit late in the show.
  18. S3 Ep 13 Arrow on the Doorstep- the meeting was just terrific to watch as the Governor is so sinister inside it with Milton and Hershel having a good talk as well with Martinez and Daryl having a good show off time. Merle and Glenn have some good times too.
  19. S9 Ep 2 The Bridge- The log scene was amazing and Aaron had a good scene with the amputation.
S Tier, These episodes are some of my favorite to watch with a good glass of Tea and some snacks.
  1. S7 Ep 7 Sing me a song- Negan and Carl were fun to watch as well as some more insight on the sanctuary as Daryl breaks free. Negan and Carl also Bond.
  2. S10 Ep 10 Stalker- Daryl VS Alpha!!!
  3. S11 Ep 16 Acts of God- Lance is very horrifying as to what his next move is and Leah's stuff was good.
  4. S3 Ep 8 Made to suffer- it was a great Mid season finale as I enjoyed the fight with the Governor and Rick as well as the ending with Merle and Daryl.
  5. S2 Ep 6 Secrets- Glenn has to deal with hiding multiple people's secrets and I feel like the comedy is pure gold here.
  6. S1 Ep 2 Guts- The rooftops scenes were great as well as the parts where they wear guys to avoid the walkers, it always felt like a sense of panic in this episode.
  7. S9 Ep 9 Adaptation- the introduction to Alpha was simple enough and I feel like it's a good episode.
  8. S11 Ep 10 New Haunts
  9. S11 Ep 12 The Lucky Ones- Carol finally feels a little bit like she's back to her old self in this community with Lance and their deals.
  10. S4 Ep 1 30 days without and Accident- probably my second favorite of the beginning episodes as it demonstrates exactly how the group has got along since the recent events. Has a good story with the shopping market and the roof caving in was awesome.
  11. S3 Ep 10 Home- this episode shows how Merle and Daryl are far apart which I can still keep watching Merle and be entertained as well as the fight scene at the end with the Governor being cocky as can be.
  12. S9 Ep 16 The Storm- snow is a new but simple thing that I like along with Negan Earning trust with Michonne.
  13. S10 Ep 2 We are the End of the World- Gamma saving Alpha is one of my favorite scenes of how it shows Alphas power towards the group and influence on it's people.
  14. S6 Ep 8 Start to Finish- The walls coming down had an interesting story as well as many like the Wolf getting loose and Diana having a badass/amazing exit.
  15. S9 Ep 11 Bounty- The Movie Theatre scene was pretty good as well as Alpha with and Lydia.
  16. S5 Ep 2 Strangers- The uneasy feeling of Gabriel is pretty good to show the groups trust and I like how the ending is played out with the reveals.
  17. S11 Ep 13 Warlords- The Complex is a pretty good place to see and I like seeing the evolution of Negan and Aaron.
  18. S9 Ep 15 The Calm Before- The highlight is the end with the pikes though it made sense for the lesser characters. I hated seeing Henry and Enid die (Not with Tara).
  19. S10 Ep 11 Morning Star- The start of the battle is ingenius with the tree sap fire scene and it makes for a suspenseful ending to the episode to come.
  20. S9 Ep 5 What come After- The episode is meant to be a sendoff for Rick so I'll rank it about everything else instead. I did enjoy some of the sequences with Hershel and I loved seeing Shane again. He really puts perspective on some episodes like Season 5 which makes me enjoy watching those episodes more as well as Shane. Ricks exit was also done is a pretty good way.
  21. S7 Ep 13 Bury me Here- I liked watching Morgan slowing go back into insanity which I believe is due to PTSD of some sort. The episode feels really well done and I like the ending to it with Richard Dying and Carol being told everything.
  22. S9 Ep 12 Guardians- Alpha is great to watch in this episode and the way she kills the two whispering who challenge them is great!
  23. S8 Ep 5 The Big scary U- the main focus is Negan and Gabriel which is an amazing talk between then two before settling their differences. I also like the unease at the sanctuary through betrayal.
  24. S11 Ep 14 The Rotten core- the whole episode is one of If not my personal favorite to watch for the complex alone being a nice setting. I enjoy every bit of this episode as well as the side deal with Sebastian and how Mercer is revealed to be a pretty nice guy.
  25. S5 Ep 15 Try- The whole episode feels like a decent into madness for Rick seeing everyone against him. I like how he goes into protective cop mode and try to defend the ones he lives as well as his speech at the end.
  26. S11 Ep 18 A New Deal- The whole episode is average, but the ending just feels amazing to rewatch.
  27. S2 Ep 11 Judge, Jury, Executioner- I personally like Dale a lot so I love this episode. It really shows how the group is starting to turn as they believe to do what is best for the group and not morals. Dales death is also very heartfelt to watch and showed off the walkers dangerousness.
  28. S10 Ep 14 Look At The Flowers- Negan and Daryl make a good pair to watch though I enjoyed watching Beta and him struggling to get back on track after Alphas death and I love him so much more for this episode.
  29. S5 Ep 5 Self Help- Daryl and Carol at the moments have some good episodes together so it's not surprise I'd love this episode. With Noah in the episode as well it feels like a amazing show of how the characters (Carol and Daryl) have changed morally.
  30. S6 Ep 13 The Same Boat- Carol has been shown to be ruthless, but this episode shows her true colors as how she doesn't want this to be her life anymore.
  31. S5 Ep 13 Forget- the episode itself has many great minisodes it felt like which was fantastic.
50 and 49. S4 Ep 6 Live Bait and 7 Dead Weight- I put these both here due to the fact of me loving the equally. The 6th episode feels like a showcase of how the Governor gets broken entirely and starts to get built back up positively showing what could have been and for a time it feels beautiful to me. The 7th though shows how some things can mess with his mind and make him go back to being a psychopath that kills everyone he sees.
  1. S8 Ep 16 Wraith- The ending to season 8 was pretty eventful for the battles begin as Eugene saved everyone's asses from a cool trick with the bullets. I am happy that Rick decided to save Negan and I love the episode except for the ending being off-putting with Maggie.
  2. S6 Ep 9 No way Out- The Wolf has a pretty interesting end that I enjoyed to see and aside from the the entire eoisode is the best part. You never feel that sense of boring to it as the action is nonstop great.
  3. S5 Ep 5 Now- I liked small bits and pieces of this episode mostly revolving around Diana and her role starting to change. If she survived I don't doubt I would've loved to see her go through more of an arc.
  4. S7 Ep 11 Hostiles and Calamities- I can see the hate for this episode, though I love it myself. Eugene in my opinion is at his best here and I love watching him here with Negan and their interactions. It was also great how Dwight had framed the doctor.
  5. S5 Ep 6 Consumed- Abraham was one of my favorite characters not just for jokes but for this episode. His backstory is heartbreaking to learn about and relatable. When he falls down after beating Eugene in defeat I can feel his pain with him.
  6. S9 Ep 13 Chokepoint- Daryl VS Beta!!!
SS Tier, after this point there is no bad things that the episodes could have drag it's down. These ones are my person favorites.
Around this time I also realized that it seems my numbers on the side aren't matching so I'm fixing it from here so skip 42- 38. Idk what happened but I messed up somewhere and went to fix it but couldn't find the problem.
  1. S2 Ep 13 Besides the Dying Fire- The walkers attacking the farm was a great scene just as much as the Democracy speech was from Rick, though Lori is horrible to Rick in this episode. Also Rick tells the group "we're all infected"
  2. S4 Ep 2 Infected- I love the scene where Patrick reanimates and the morning fight they have in the prison. So much stuff happens at once. The ending was Great with Tyreese and. The pig scene was sad to watch.
  3. S6 Ep 6 Always Accountable- One time when I like Sasha is this episode with Abraham. Where to begin; The Rocket launcher scene was great, Abraham is great with quips, Daryl with Dwight is a good scene and I love the ending as well.
  4. S6 Ep 14 Twice as Far- The Denise speech wasnt too bad and the death was great. I enjoyed Abraham and Eugene; I think my favorite scenes was with Abraham and Eugene with another one of his speechs towards him which was funny and heartfelt.
  5. S4 Ep 16 A- The best part is when Joe's group comes along and how Rick bites out his throat signifying that he and Shane are now alike. I also like when Rick and Daryl talk as well as Rick figuring out this olace kidnaps people.
  6. S2 Ep 7 Pretty Much dead Already- Shane is what I love about this episode, he and Dale had a really funny encounter and I feel like Shane makes me laugh and be serious at the same time with each scenes. I also like how Rick is more accepting towards Hershel.
  7. S10 Ep 16 A Certain Doom- Beta was good in this episode and had some great parts, but the fights wee great especially the scene with the Music. Betas death felt odd, but that doesn't lower the episode.
  8. S4 Ep 14 The Grove- I mean do I really have to explain? Carol is a savage here and I love when they finally talk about Karen and Davids death here. Nothing in this episode is a low note.
  9. S2 Ep 5 Chupacabra- I love everything about Daryl's scenes in this that show how he is a badass and capable of holding his own. Also love his Hallucinations.
  10. S11 Ep 24 Rest In Peace- certainly wasn't the best finale, but I felt like it did well enough for the episode. It tied up most loose ends for the show given its runtime and I feel like it is fitting enough.
  11. S2 Ep 10 18 Miles Out- my favorite of Season 2 has Shane and Rick have the best battle I have seen even more than The Governor and Rick or Negan and Rick. This battle utilizes both of their strengths and weaknesses with some things that have never been done in the show much more like using your blood to attract walkers to other places. It was an amazing episode all in all.
  12. S1 Ep 6 TS-19- idk what it is but I love watching this episode over and over again and I love it the more I watch it. It is probably because I like Doctor Jenner a bit more in each watching of his tragic backstory with his wife.
  13. S9 Ep 14 Scars- The flahsback was an amazing one that told us something vital to the story about how they don't trust people coming in anymore. What Daryl and especially Michonne went through is tragic.
  14. S5 Ep 3 Four Walls a roof- this episode is perfect for a number of reasons like Bob and his antics or Savage Rick, this was a turning point for the walking dead and this is where Rick gets some of his roots.
  15. S1 Ep 4 Vatos- even though I love TS-19 I love Vatos more. This is unique to some episodes where you see a group just like Ricks that is trying to survive and this is where we realize the world is bigger than we thought still.
  16. S7 Ep 16 The first day of the rest of your Life- The battle was amazing and I feel like this was the best it was going to get for the coming seasons, but season 9 and 10 surprised me.
  17. S10 Ep 5 What it always Is- Negan with the Kid is the highlight I think, I could've honestly seen this going farther, if it wasn't for the former savior. I feel like this was fitting for an entire episode of, but we diverged a bit.
  18. S4 Ep 3 Isolation- Hershel and Tyreese are the highlights for me with Tyreese going berserk and Hershel being a kind soul. This is a staple episode for why Season 4 is amazing and why Hershel is what made season 4 great.
  19. S6 Ep 4 Here's not Here- I love learning about Eastman and Morgan in this one off. I love how it is somewhat told in the first person narrative to the Wolf and how Morgan changed back to who he was. Eastman shows how he and Morgan are pretty similar and why he should be like him.
  20. S5 Ep 14 Spend- aside from Francine being here to be used as eye candy for me I loved how some of Alexandria like and dislike rick's group here. I do hate Noah dying as I feel like he could've been so much more.
  21. S10 19 One More- I love havng the episode based on Aaron and Gabriel as they have came a long way since their beginnings. When they have few an encounter with Mays I felt like this was a testimony to who they are as people. We see how they care for each other and how Mays fails to make a point of who they are until Gabriel Kills him showing he has gone farther away from the light.
  22. S7 Ep 3 Cell- Daryl is locked up and he is now being treated like shit. This episode feels great cause of how it feels like he is trying to break Daryl. Dwight also has a great mission on how he mercy kills a savior and shows he isn't as bad as you may think.
  23. S6 Ep 1 First time again- I do enjoy the setting of the episode how we see the diverge in Alexandria and who listens or hears Rick out. The episode is a great example for staring episodes... But not the best at it.
  24. S5 Ep 9 What Happened and what's going On- I loved Tyreese's character so to see him die was horrible for me. His episodes I feel like was a good send off since it is a test to who he is as a person who is confounded about the world around him.
  25. S3 Ep 4 Killer Within- this episode was played perfectly and I feel like is a good sendoff for other characters as well like how I hate Lori. She is made just a bit better from her sacrifice and thought T-Dog went out in a good way as well. The prisoners also had a good show for their trust.
  26. S4 Ep 5 Interment- this is where Hershel's best episode is as he is the best Samaritan Alive in the apocalypse. At the end where Rick and Carl fend off the walkers inside the gates in a great bond and I love the whole episode.
  27. S6 Ep 3 JSS- it is well rounded and has good action as well as a lot of tension and suspense with Carol showing off her capabilities and Morgan with his philosophy.
Finally we cracked the top ten and into Premium Episodes. If you've made it this far you are are persistent as me... Well probably less since this took a long ass time but still. These are the episodes whee I cherish them and can watch more than once a month.
  1. S8 Ep 15 Worth- Worth has what I want in an episode; good characters and story/plot. Eugene's parts are made more important seeing how he needed to stay at the sanctuary to save Alexandria and the other communities. I loved even more Dwight's part where I have without doubt the most suspense with him and Negan. Simon also had the most best arc death as it felt complete.
  2. S5 Ep 16 Conquer- the episode has a lot of action and the ending was the pivet. I love the speech he has and how Diana let's Rick be in charge now was a sort of cliffhanging ending that signify's perfection.
  3. S5 Ep 1 No sanctuary- both Season 5's beginning and finale are amazing and the way Rick and his group take down Terminus in one episode is amazing as they fight there way out and the scene with Judith was great. Morgan was just a sprinkle of wholesomeness to see.
  4. S10 Ep 12 Walk With Us- The Episode had just enough action, good deaths and character interactions to make it here. First of the battle at hilltop was amazing. The second best thing was Earl and I feel very sad every time I watch this episode at his part. Then the best thing is the end with Alpha and Negan.
  5. S3 Ep 1 Seed- The best beginning to a season it shows how the group has changed since Rick and the prison is a great example. The tombs are a great scenery and the ending was perfect for a cliffhanger as well as Conquer.
  6. S3 Ep 2 Sick- the prisoner episode was pretty good to watch as a group of prisoners try to take on walkers. While some are good others would rather be assertive. Rick has definitely changed since season 2 and the group is played great here and much more human like.
  7. S7 Ep 2 Well- what helps this episode is the last episode before it having a dark tone. This instead has a more uplifting one with the king and with Carol and Morgan being a great pair. The Kingdom seems to be a good community and seeing how Carol tries to smooth talk the king and how he tells whays her bullshit is an amazing scene.
  8. S10 Ep 22 Heres Negan- We realize he was a kinda lousy husband that wasn't really too good to becoming a really supportive husband who cares deeply for his wife Lucille. The story before showed a lot of Negan and how he is and I love Lucille as a character from this episode trying to do whats best for Negan.
  9. S4 Ep 8 Too Far gone- Honestly this IS the best episode, but I am bias so I had to put my own personal favorite above it not to say this isn't right behind it easily. Too far gone is what feels like a season finale but isn't. The Governors first encounter should've been this and I'm glad we got to see it unfold great. Rick has a great speech in it about not being too far gone yet and the Governor killing Hershel to start the best battle of the series. The Governors death feels fitting and the ending was sad and amazing.
Before I get to this last one I wanted to say a thank you in advance to whomever reads this as I really had a hard time making this and spending a lot of time to do this isn't easy. And remember this last episode is my very own person opinion entirely and in no way is it the best of the series definitively, without any furthermore, lets end this.
  1. Season 3 Episode 15 This Sorrowful Life- Now what makes this episode so great to me? Well I'm totally biased towards the actor and the character in the show Merle Dixon. I could watch Merle all day which is what they episode feels like with the perfect duo of Michonne and Merle on their way to the governor. It has some of the most perfect comedy in the episode as well as having the best sacrifice redemption arc and ending. This episode made me laugh, smile, cry and more. There will never be a time when I ever change my opinion about this episode in existence.
Again another huge thanks to everyone and I hope this will satisfy everyones needs... Now I'ma go watch S3 Ep 15 Legit.
submitted by TonyTony1287 to TonysRandomness [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:01 International-Bus423 Reaching out to mutual extended family? (Aunts & uncles etc)

I've been fully no-contact with both of my parents for a few years now.
Both of my parents come from huge families. 7-8 siblings (my aunts & uncles) and literally 50+ cousins all up, on both sides.
We were never super close with any of our relatives but would go to their houses occasionally for big family gatherings when I was a kid/teen/young adult.
Some of my Aunts & Uncles are actually really lovely, welcoming people. I just haven't seen them in a long time.
I have thought about getting in touch with some of them to catch up
Obviously reaching out to any relatives opens up a huge can of worms, on a variety of levels. How do I explain the no contact? Do I?
I also don't trust that it's safe to contact even the 'seemingly' safe ones, I'm sure it would get back to my parents eventually.
Some of my dad's siblings are very close with him, others not at all (some have gone low/no contact themselves)
Same with my mum's family but even more complicated. The aunts & uncles all have their issues with eachother, but I have cousins on that side who are cool people.
It sucks so hard barely having a family. And also knowing that there is more family out there, but none of them are a part of my life either.
Just for fun, I'm also currently going through a separation and my husband's family have distanced themselves as a result (I've known them for 17 years).
It feels like I'm losing a family all over again
Has anyone else navigated something similar? Any advice appreciated
submitted by International-Bus423 to EstrangedAdultKids [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:01 West_Organization202 The power of cognitive distortions - Why people with social anxiety struggle to overcome their negative thinking and the 4 step process that will finally help you think in a much healthier way.

Hi guys.
Today I want to talk a bit about cognitive distortions.
I started exploring this idea with my therapist last week and it has been really eye opening. My therapist explained cognitive distortions are errors in thinking - they are both exaggerated and unhelpful thoughts that lead to a lot of unnecessary suffering and misery if left unchecked. Itā€™s a common problem, especially in people with social anxiety disorder.
To properly tackle cognitive distortions we first have to accept one simple truth - the brain is an incredibly unreliable piece of machinery and produces opinions rather than facts. Not only that but its opinions are often negative because that is the way it has evolved. In hunter gatherer days the brain had to be extra cautious because there was a lot at stake if you slipped up - you had to constantly anticipate whether there was a saber tooth tiger was around the corner, or whether the berries you picked up were going to poison you to death. But now, even though our environment is a lot safer, we still hold on to our cautious brains which often limits how openly we interact with the world.
So learning to spot the cognitive distortions (the overly pessimistic thoughts) produced by the overly cautious brain is crucial if you ever wish to start living a fulfilling life. Cognitive distortions drain your energy, tank your mood and restrict your behaviour (make your reserved, shy and withdrawn from others). To solve all these problems you need to build up the habit of calling out cognitive distortions so they lose their power over you.
So I want to teach you how to call out cognitive distortions before they spiral out of control. Here is my 4 step process.
Step 1 - Learn the vocabulary
You canā€™t solve a problem you donā€™t understand so having a clear definition of the different types cognitive distortions is super important.
Here are the common ones that trip most people up
A) Thinking in Extremes - This includes catastrophisation and all or nothing thinking This is when you have a thought that just spirals to the worst place possible. For example, if you have a job interview and think..oh Iā€™m nervous, Iā€™m going to screw up so badlyā€¦.then Iā€™m not going to get the jobā€¦then Iā€™m going to have to go back to looking for a job and I probably wonā€™t find anything ahhhh!. The mind goes to worst case scenario and you will likely notice yourself getting more and more anxious.
B) Premature judgements - Jumping to conclusions about someone based on one thing they said or did that might have triggered you. For example, I often get uncomfortable when people mention travelling because as a result of my anxiety I just havenā€™t spent much time exploring the world. I discovered in therapy I paint travellers in a bad light and assume we arenā€™t going to be compatible. We often end up assigning people harsh labels and avoid them as a result even though perhaps that havenā€™t actually done anything objectively wrong.
C) Overgeneralisation - Making sweeping statements based on very limited data. For example, going out to a party and not really vibing with anyone and coming home and thinking ā€˜ā€™Oh I just canā€™t make any friendsā€¦Iā€™m completely unlikeableā€™ā€™
D) Mind reading - Thinking you know what other people are thinking. In reality none of us can mind read, itā€™s literally impossible.
E) Emotional reasoning - Thinking something must be true because there is so much emotion behind it. For example, when youā€™re so anxious you pretty much think everyone doesnā€™t like you.
F) Personalising - Putting all the blame on yourself rather than appreciating there are always variables outside your control that have influenced the situation in some way.
G) Disqualifying the positive - Only seeing the bad in a situation rather than appreciating the positive. Iā€™ve come to realise there is always a bright side or silver lining if you look hard enough but itā€™s very difficult to do when your thought process is clouded by negative emotions.
Start by learning these common cognitive distortions, even just knowing what they are is a huge step forward because it will help your brain to call them out more often in every day situations.
Step 2 - Regularly remind yourself of the following mantras - ā€˜ā€™I might be wrongā€™ā€™ / ā€˜ā€™I donā€™t know who I amā€™ā€™
The phrase ā€˜I might be wrongā€™ā€™ acknowledges a very powerful truth - that not every thought that pops into our head is true. The phrase ā€˜ā€™I donā€™t know who I amā€™ā€™ allows us to try new things with an open mind.
Now a days people are very pro positive affirmations and having confidence in ā€˜ā€™knowing yourselfā€™ā€™ but to be honest if you are overly negative then literally the best thing you can do for yourself is to always take a moment to admit ā€œI might be wrongā€™ā€™ and ā€˜ā€™I donā€™t know who I amā€™ā€™.
These phrases remind us to be open minded and try new things. I also like to remind myself of the quote from James Clearā€™s book atomic habits which is that ā€˜ā€™my current methods have got my my current resultsā€™ā€™ so If I want to see any sort of change in my life, I need to start shaking things up.
Step 3 - Call out cognitive distortions
So think of the next part like a game - Whenever you have a thought that is making you feel bad, see if you can call out the type of cognitive distortion at play.
I was actually watching the movie Bullet train where the main character, an assassin named ā€˜ā€™Ladybugā€™ā€™, played by the wonderful Brad Pitt, s hired to retrieve a briefcase full of cash on a Japanese bullet trains whilst fending off assaults from other assassins who are also in pursuit of the case. Itā€™s a stressful circumstance for ā€˜ā€™Ladybugā€™ā€™ to say the least but throughout the movie he is verbalising his unhelpful thoughts and reaction to the situation e.g. whenever he gets angry, judgemental, cynical etc he asks himself ā€˜ā€™What would my therapist say right now?ā€™ā€™
I thought this was a fascinating character trait and as a result ā€˜ā€™Ladybugā€™ā€™ comes across as a lot more endearing because we as the audience can clearly see he has self awareness, is open minded and is trying to be a better personā€¦something which is very rare in the modern age .
Iā€™ve also started doing this in my own life - since learning about cognitive distortions, Iā€™ve started to spot them all the time. Usually I think something like ā€˜ā€™Oh there I am catatrophising againā€¦thatā€™s not really fair or realistic, and as a result I feel a lot less stressed and negative. Simply calling out the absurdity of the negative thought process makes it lose its power.
Step 4 - Take a step back and look at the situation objectively.
Finally, try to also question whether your thought is based on absolute fact or subjective interpretation. The issue with anxiety is it can colour how you perceive a situation. In an anxious state you brain is naturally going to see the world in a more threatening and scary way which means you will interpret what people say or do in a negative light.
The most objective information we have in a social situation is people literally telling us how they feel - If someone outright says they donā€™t like you, then thatā€™s pretty clear and itā€™s probably best you move on, but the rest is interpretation. We are trying to make sense of someoneā€™s body language, behaviour and tone of voice - if someone doesnā€™t talk to you that much then a lot of us might assume they donā€™t like us, but in reality they might also be anxious, shy or insecure themselves. Or they might be busy and stressed and therefore not making much of an effort to talk to others.
So until someone makes a specific comment about you, be aware your perception of them is merely based on your interpretation and they may also be struggling to open up.
In summary, You have to learn how to read yourself if you are ever going to make progress. In the field of psychiatry, this kind of self awareness into how you mind can play tricks on you is referred to as having ā€˜ā€™Insightā€™ā€™, and it is well known that patients with good insight are the ones who end up doing much better. I think we could all do with having better insight and it starts with regularly calling out and challenging the unhelpful thoughts that often go unchecked in our heads.
Hope this helps!
submitted by West_Organization202 to SocialAnxietyOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:00 West_Organization202 The power of cognitive distortions - Why people with social anxiety struggle to overcome their negative thinking and the 4 step process that will finally help you think in a much healthier way.

Hi guys.
Today I want to talk a bit about cognitive distortions.
I started exploring this idea with my therapist last week and it has been really eye opening. My therapist explained cognitive distortions are errors in thinking - they are both exaggerated and unhelpful thoughts that lead to a lot of unnecessary suffering and misery if left unchecked. Itā€™s a common problem, especially in people with social anxiety disorder.
To properly tackle cognitive distortions we first have to accept one simple truth - the brain is an incredibly unreliable piece of machinery and produces opinions rather than facts. Not only that but its opinions are often negative because that is the way it has evolved. In hunter gatherer days the brain had to be extra cautious because there was a lot at stake if you slipped up - you had to constantly anticipate whether there was a saber tooth tiger was around the corner, or whether the berries you picked up were going to poison you to death. But now, even though our environment is a lot safer, we still hold on to our cautious brains which often limits how openly we interact with the world.
So learning to spot the cognitive distortions (the overly pessimistic thoughts) produced by the overly cautious brain is crucial if you ever wish to start living a fulfilling life. Cognitive distortions drain your energy, tank your mood and restrict your behaviour (make your reserved, shy and withdrawn from others). To solve all these problems you need to build up the habit of calling out cognitive distortions so they lose their power over you.
So I want to teach you how to call out cognitive distortions before they spiral out of control. Here is my 4 step process.
Step 1 - Learn the vocabulary
You canā€™t solve a problem you donā€™t understand so having a clear definition of the different types cognitive distortions is super important.
Here are the common ones that trip most people up
A) Thinking in Extremes - This includes catastrophisation and all or nothing thinking This is when you have a thought that just spirals to the worst place possible. For example, if you have a job interview and think..oh Iā€™m nervous, Iā€™m going to screw up so badlyā€¦.then Iā€™m not going to get the jobā€¦then Iā€™m going to have to go back to looking for a job and I probably wonā€™t find anything ahhhh!. The mind goes to worst case scenario and you will likely notice yourself getting more and more anxious.
B) Premature judgements - Jumping to conclusions about someone based on one thing they said or did that might have triggered you. For example, I often get uncomfortable when people mention travelling because as a result of my anxiety I just havenā€™t spent much time exploring the world. I discovered in therapy I paint travellers in a bad light and assume we arenā€™t going to be compatible. We often end up assigning people harsh labels and avoid them as a result even though perhaps that havenā€™t actually done anything objectively wrong.
C) Overgeneralisation - Making sweeping statements based on very limited data. For example, going out to a party and not really vibing with anyone and coming home and thinking ā€˜ā€™Oh I just canā€™t make any friendsā€¦Iā€™m completely unlikeableā€™ā€™
D) Mind reading - Thinking you know what other people are thinking. In reality none of us can mind read, itā€™s literally impossible.
E) Emotional reasoning - Thinking something must be true because there is so much emotion behind it. For example, when youā€™re so anxious you pretty much think everyone doesnā€™t like you.
F) Personalising - Putting all the blame on yourself rather than appreciating there are always variables outside your control that have influenced the situation in some way.
G) Disqualifying the positive - Only seeing the bad in a situation rather than appreciating the positive. Iā€™ve come to realise there is always a bright side or silver lining if you look hard enough but itā€™s very difficult to do when your thought process is clouded by negative emotions.
Start by learning these common cognitive distortions, even just knowing what they are is a huge step forward because it will help your brain to call them out more often in every day situations.
Step 2 - Regularly remind yourself of the following mantras - ā€˜ā€™I might be wrongā€™ā€™ / ā€˜ā€™I donā€™t know who I amā€™ā€™
The phrase ā€˜I might be wrongā€™ā€™ acknowledges a very powerful truth - that not every thought that pops into our head is true. The phrase ā€˜ā€™I donā€™t know who I amā€™ā€™ allows us to try new things with an open mind.
Now a days people are very pro positive affirmations and having confidence in ā€˜ā€™knowing yourselfā€™ā€™ but to be honest if you are overly negative then literally the best thing you can do for yourself is to always take a moment to admit ā€œI might be wrongā€™ā€™ and ā€˜ā€™I donā€™t know who I amā€™ā€™.
These phrases remind us to be open minded and try new things. I also like to remind myself of the quote from James Clearā€™s book atomic habits which is that ā€˜ā€™my current methods have got my my current resultsā€™ā€™ so If I want to see any sort of change in my life, I need to start shaking things up.
Step 3 - Call out cognitive distortions
So think of the next part like a game - Whenever you have a thought that is making you feel bad, see if you can call out the type of cognitive distortion at play.
I was actually watching the movie Bullet train where the main character, an assassin named ā€˜ā€™Ladybugā€™ā€™, played by the wonderful Brad Pitt, s hired to retrieve a briefcase full of cash on a Japanese bullet trains whilst fending off assaults from other assassins who are also in pursuit of the case. Itā€™s a stressful circumstance for ā€˜ā€™Ladybugā€™ā€™ to say the least but throughout the movie he is verbalising his unhelpful thoughts and reaction to the situation e.g. whenever he gets angry, judgemental, cynical etc he asks himself ā€˜ā€™What would my therapist say right now?ā€™ā€™
I thought this was a fascinating character trait and as a result ā€˜ā€™Ladybugā€™ā€™ comes across as a lot more endearing because we as the audience can clearly see he has self awareness, is open minded and is trying to be a better personā€¦something which is very rare in the modern age .
Iā€™ve also started doing this in my own life - since learning about cognitive distortions, Iā€™ve started to spot them all the time. Usually I think something like ā€˜ā€™Oh there I am catatrophising againā€¦thatā€™s not really fair or realistic, and as a result I feel a lot less stressed and negative. Simply calling out the absurdity of the negative thought process makes it lose its power.
Step 4 - Take a step back and look at the situation objectively.
Finally, try to also question whether your thought is based on absolute fact or subjective interpretation. The issue with anxiety is it can colour how you perceive a situation. In an anxious state you brain is naturally going to see the world in a more threatening and scary way which means you will interpret what people say or do in a negative light.
The most objective information we have in a social situation is people literally telling us how they feel - If someone outright says they donā€™t like you, then thatā€™s pretty clear and itā€™s probably best you move on, but the rest is interpretation. We are trying to make sense of someoneā€™s body language, behaviour and tone of voice - if someone doesnā€™t talk to you that much then a lot of us might assume they donā€™t like us, but in reality they might also be anxious, shy or insecure themselves. Or they might be busy and stressed and therefore not making much of an effort to talk to others.
So until someone makes a specific comment about you, be aware your perception of them is merely based on your interpretation and they may also be struggling to open up.
In summary, You have to learn how to read yourself if you are ever going to make progress. In the field of psychiatry, this kind of self awareness into how you mind can play tricks on you is referred to as having ā€˜ā€™Insightā€™ā€™, and it is well known that patients with good insight are the ones who end up doing much better. I think we could all do with having better insight and it starts with regularly calling out and challenging the unhelpful thoughts that often go unchecked in our heads.
Hope this helps!
submitted by West_Organization202 to socialskills [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:59 dermateacleanse Derma Tea: Review of Derma Tea, an All-Natural Drink for Fast Weight Loss (Philippines)


Derma Tea is an all-natural beverage that can speed up your metabolism and help you achieve your body-shaping goals. The cocoa-flavored powder does double duty: it gives you the energy you need to build muscle and it helps you control your hunger. Not only is it well-liked in the Philippines, but it's also available for a reasonable price on the official website. People have reported losing as much as 10 kg in just one month after using Derma Tea, according to the reviews and comments posted on online discussion groups. The testimonials do not appear to contain any complaints about potential contraindications.

What is Derma Tea?

Made only with all-natural components, Derma Tea is a beverage that boosts metabolism and expedites fat burning. Due to its solubility, the powder can easily induce feelings of fullness and satisfaction. Muscle building is just one of the many benefits you'll reap from this program, which also increases your energy and improves your overall physical performance. A copy can be obtained on the official website. On a frequent basis, the manufacturer will provide steep discounts. Derma Tea is a great option for active cleaning and weight loss, according to nutritionists who are professionals in the industry.

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Derma Tea: A Variety of Views

In only four weeks, I was able to shed nine kilograms of fat off my stomach, buttocks, and thighs with the help of Derma Tea. I bought it after seeing how it helped a close friend of mine get in shape. Trustworthy and providing energy, the product is worth every penny. Using the product's official website, you can get it for a much lower price. The 34-year-old Aurora Gonzalez of Buenos Aires;
There are a lot of dietary supplements out there, but the organic slimming solution is up there with the best of them. It energizes and tones the body, and it lets you do the things you love, which helps you build muscle. About 1.5 months ago, I had my first encounter with Derma Tea. Indulge in the delectable cocoa flavor that will tantalize your taste buds while you shed pounds and boost your health! Mar del Plata native Maeve Ruiz, 30 years old;
I really think you should drink this healthy beverage. It is one of the greatest solutions available right now for active fat-burning and weight loss. A fresh beginning awaits you as you watch the circumference of your thighs, buttocks, and stomach gradually shrink. Fat forty-year-old Isabella;

Where to Buy Derma Tea and How Much Does It Cost in the Philippines

You may be sure that you will know where to buy Derma Tea at a reasonable price if you acquire it from the official website. The producer also often offers discounts for Derma Tea in various nations, and the licensed website offers equal prices for all of the Philippines.

Unwanted Effects

There have been no documented complaints regarding the known negative effects or contraindications of Derma Tea. Everyone, regardless of age, gender, or physical type, can use the product because it is all-natural. It can remove toxins and impurities from the body and soothe any skin problems or illnesses we may be experiencing. Derma Tea is not only safe, but it also successfully reduces body weight and visceral fat deposits by 95%, according to nutritionists who are specialists in the industry.


submitted by dermateacleanse to u/dermateacleanse [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:59 Valid_Duck I finally said no to my mother

Here's just a bit of context regarding my relationship with my mum before I get into what's happened in my life that's turned my life upside down. My mum was fine when I was a kid but she completely changed during my teen years. She constantly makes me out to be the bad guy, that I'm selfish and everything else under the sun. She's financially and psychologically abused me for years and years to the point where I'm still living with her and my dad and I'm on the brink of turning 30. I have depression, anxiety, OCD and undiagnosed ADHD if that matters at all.
Ok so here's what happened. On Saturday night, I went to a party with some friends and my boyfriend and spent the night over at his place. Before I left my house that night, my mum was extremely against me going because she's been putting so much pressure on me regarding her work. She was breaking down, saying she was going to have a heart attack and that it would be my fault if we lost the house, among other things that made me feel terrible. Her job has been very technology based ever since Covid and she always says she will need to learn all of it herself but she never does.
So I told her that I was going to the party anyway because I needed to. I never get out of the house anymore because of her, and I haven't been to a party in forever, so I was super excited. She made me promise to come home on Sunday by 11am, which I was against, but she wouldn't let me off the hook if I didn't agree. So, I said I would, even though I didn't want to go home and deal with her constant manipulative bullshit.
So when 11am passed on Sunday, I just didn't contact her to say I was on my way home because I felt so exhausted from constantly living up to her expectations of me. She reminds me very often that I owe it to her because she gave me life and that she's provided me with everything I could have possibly wanted in life, which means I need to help her with things that aren't even my responsibility. She needs to stop relying on me to help her with her job. If I don't help her, she could lose her job and the house, and that toxic pressure is all on me. It isn't fair. Why do I have to suffer because of my parents' mistakes? This isn't the life I wanted for myself.
So I didn't contact her all day on Sunday until she called me around 6pm, worried I'd been murdered or that something bad had happened to me. I feel terrible that I made her worry and that I didn't let her know, but I knew if I called, her expectations would have been crushing for me to come home, even though I didn't want to. I was just trying to take a break from the survival mode I'm constantly finding myself in whenever I'm with her and at home. That's just not a life, you know?
When she called, I pretty much told her everything: that I wasn't capable of coming home to help her and that I just couldn't mentally do it anymore. I can't live with the pressure that if I don't help her, then the whole world crashes around me. That pressure really messes with your head and has made me experience negative feelings towards myself, and it just isn't okay anymore. I can't do this anymore. So, I said no for the first time in my life to her and I stuck by it throughout the whole phone call. It was incredibly hard, and she did her best to manipulate me, calling me every name possible to get me to doubt my choice and myself. She cried and said this was the worst thing I could have ever done to her.
Her words were so damn hard to hear even though I've always been at her constant beck and call until now. Yet, here I am, saying no for the first time and putting myself first. It feels so conflicting. I feel so guilty for causing her pain, but honestly, my life is not happy when she's around. All I've ever wanted to do is get away from the influence of my mum and live my life on my terms. This is a big step for me. I'm at my boyfriend's house, and I've been here since. He gave me the support I needed, and God knows if I had to do it alone, I wouldn't have been able to go through with it.
I've been struggling with the guilt of what I've done and I've been feeling miserable all the time now, but I hope I can eventually get to the point where I can look back on this and be proud of myself for saying no even though it was the hardest thing I've ever done.
I'd love to hear any support or similar situations you guys might be in. It's hard talking with friends and for them to really not understand what you're going through. So it'll help to get some perspective on this situation I've been dealing with, with people who actually get it. Thank you all in advance and I hope everything I've said makes sense. It's been really hard to put down my words, let alone make sense of them.
submitted by Valid_Duck to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:57 Bigbrain637 #### it

Once upon a time there was a lovely princess. But she had an enchantment upon her of a fearful sort, which could only be broken by Love's first kiss. She was locked away in a castle guarded by a terrible fire breathing dragon. Many brave knights had attempted to free her from this dreadful prison, but none prevailed. She waited in the dragon's keep in the highest room of the tallest tower for her true love and true love's first kiss. Like that's ever going to happen. What a loony. Shrek Beware Stay out I think he's in here. All right. Lets get it! Hold on. Do you know what that thing can do to you? Yeah. He'll groan into your bones for his brains. Well actually that would be a giant. Now Ogres, huh, they are much worse. They'll make a soup from your freshly peeled skin. They'll chew your livers, squeeze the jelly from your eyes. Actually, it's quite good on toast. Back, back beast, back! I warned you! Right. This is the part, where you run away. Yeah! And stay out. Wanted. Fairytale creatures. Right, this one is full. Take it away. Give me that. Your fine days are over. -25 pieces of silver for the witch. Next. -Come on. Sit down there! And be quiet! This cage is so small. You wouldn't turn me in. I'll never be stubborn again. I can change. Please, give me another chance. Z Oh, shut up! Next. What do we got? This little wooden puppet. I'm not a puppet, I'm a real boy. Five shillings for the possessed toy. Take it away. No! Please, don't let them do it! Next. What do you got? Well, I've got a talking donkey! Right. Well that's good for ten schillings, if you can prove it. Oh, go ahead fella. Well? He's just a li..., just a little nervous. He's really quite a chatterbox. You boneheaded donkey! That's it. I have heard enough. Guards! No, no, he talks, he does! I can talk. I love to talk. I've talked to... Get her out of my sight! -No, no, I swear! Hey, I can fly. -He can fly! -He can fly! He can talk! -That's right, fool! Now I'm a flying, talking donkey! You might have seen house fly, maybe even a superfly. But I bet you ain't never seen a donkey fly! Seize him! Get him! This way! Hurry! You there. Ogre. -I. By the order of lord Farquaad. I am authorized to place you both under arrest. And transport you to designated resettlement facility. Oh really? You and what army? Can I say something to you? Listen, you were really, really something, back there. Incredible. Are you talking to... ...me? Yes, I was talking to you. Can I just tell you that you were really great back there with those guards. They thought that was all over there. And then you showed up and BAM. There was tripping on over themselves like babes in the woods. That really made me feel good to see that. Oh, that's great. Really. Man, it's good to be free. Now, why don't you go celebrate your freedom with your own friends? But I... I don't have any friends. And I'm not going out there by myself. Hey wait a minute. I have a great idea... I'll stick with you. You and me in green fighting machine. Together we'll scare the spin if anybody crosses us. Oh, a, that was really scary. Maybe you don't mine me saying. If that don't work, your breath will certainly do the job done, 'cause... you definitively need some tic-tac or something, 'cause your breath stinks! Man you've ??? my note! Just like the time... ...and then I ate some rotten berries. Man I had some strong gases leaking out of my but that day. Why are you following me? I'll tell you why. 'Cause I'm all alone, there is no one here, beside me. My problems have all gone. There's no one to derive me. But you got to have free ... -Stop singing! Well, it's no wonder, you don't have any friends. Wow! Only a true friend would be that truly honest. Listen! Little donkey. Take a look at me! What am I? A... ...really tall? No! I'm an Ogre. You know, grab your torch and pitchforks. Doesn't that bother you? Nope. Really? -Really really. Oh? Man, I like you. What's your name? A..., Shrek. Shrek?! But do you know, what I like about you, Shrek? You've got that kind of: "I don't care what nobody thinks of me" thing. I like that, I respect that, Shrek. You're all right. Uh, look at that. Who would wanna live in a place like that? That would be my home. Oh, it is lovely. Just beautiful. You know you're quite a decorator. It's amazing what you did with such a modest budget. I like that boulder. That is a nice boulder. I guess, you don't entertain much, do you? I like my privacy. You know I do to. That's another thing, we have in common. Like I hate it when you got somebody in your face. You try to give them a hint and they won't leave. And then there's that big occurred silence, you know? Can I stay with you? -What? Can I stay with you, please. Of course! -Really? No. -Please! I don't want to go back there. You don't how is like to be concerned like a freak. Well..., maybe you do. But that's why we have to stick together! You got to let me stay! Please! Please! OK, OK. -But one night only. -Huh, thank you! A, what are you do... No! This is going to be fun. We can stay up late, swap the manly stories. And in
the morning... I'm making waffles. Where do I sleep? Outside! Oh, a, I guess that's cool. You know, I don't know you and you don't know me... ... so I guess, outside is best for me. Here I go. Good night. I do like that half door. I'm a donkey all alone outside. Sit by myself outside, I guess. I'm all alone, there's no one here beside me. -I thought, I told you to stay outside. -I am outside. Well James. This is far from the farm, but what choice do we have? It's not... What a lovely bed. -Got you! I found some cheese. Awful stuff. -Is that you Gordon? -How did you know? Enough! What are you doing in my house? Oh, no, no, no... Death prods off the table! Where would we supposed to put her. The bed's taken. What? I live in a swamp. I've put up signs. I'm a terrifying Ogre! What do I have to do, to get a little privacy? Oh, no! No, no! What are you doing in my swamp? All right, get out of here. All of you. Move it! Come on, let's go. And hurry up, hurry up. No, no, not there. Not there! Hey don't look at me. I didn't invite them. Oh gosh, no one invited us. -What? We were forced to come here. -By who? Lord Farquaad. He ??? All right. Who knows where this Farquaad guy is? Oh I do. I know where he is. Does anyone else know where to find him? -Anyone at all? -Me. -Anyone? Oh pick me, I know! Me, me. Ok, fine. Attention all fairy tale things! Do not get comfortable. Your welcome is officially warned up. In fact. I'm gonna see this guy Farquaad right now and get all off my land and back where you came from. You. You're coming with me. All right. That's what I like to hear, man. Shrek and Donkey, two stubborn friends off on a world and big city adventure. I love it. I'm on road again. Sing with me Shrek! I'm on road again... What did I say about singing? -Can I whistle? -No. -Well, can I hummer? -All right. That's enough. He's ready to talk. Run, run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me. I'm the gingerbread man. You monster. I'm not a monster here. You are. You and the rest of that fairytale trash, poisoning my perfect world. -Now tell me! Where are the others? -Eat me. I've tried to be fair to you, creatures. Now my patience has reached its end! -Tell me! Or I'll... -No, no, not the buttons. Not gumdrop buttons. All right! Who's hiding them? Ok, I'll tell you. -Do you know the muffin-man? -The muffin-man? -The muffin-man. -Yes, I know the muffin-man. Who lives on Proully lane? -Well, she's married to the muffin-man. -The muffin-man! -The muffin-man! -She's married to the muffin-man. My lord! We found it. Well then, what are you waiting for? Bring it in. Magic mirror. Don't tell him anything! Evening. Mirror, mirror on the wall. Is this not the most perfect kingdom of them all? Well, technically, you're not a king. A..., felonious. -You were saying. -What I mean is a... ...you're not a king, yet. But you can become one. All you have to do, is marry a princess. Go on. So, just sit back and relax my lord, because it's time for you to meet today's eligible bachelorettes. And here they are. Bachelorette number one is a mentally abused shading from a kingdom far, far away. She likes sushi and hottubbing anytime. Her hobbies include cooking and cleaning for two evil sisters. Please welcome... Cinderella. Bachelorette number two is a kemp wearing girl from a land of fantasy. Although she lives with seven other man, she is not easy. Just kiss hers dead frozen lips and find out what a live wife she is. Come on. Give it up for... Show-white. And last but certainly not least. Bachelorette number three is a fire-breathing ????, dragon guarded castle, surrounded by a hot boiling lava. But don't let that cool you off. She's a loaded pistol who likes Pina Coladas and getting cut in the rain. Yours for the rescuing, Princess Fiona. So will it be, bachelorette number one? Bachelorette number two? Or bachelorette number three? -Two... -Three! -Two! One. No, no, no. Three. Pick number three my lord. Ok, ok. Number three. Lord Farquaad. You've chosen... princess Fiona. She's nice. Fiona. She's perfect. All I have to do is just find someone... But I probably should mention little thing that happens at night... -I'll do it! -Yes, but after sunset... Silence! I will make this princess Fiona my queen. And Duloc will finally have the perfect king! Captain! Assemble your finest man. We're going to have a tournament! That's it, that's, right there, that's Duloc. I've told you I'll find it. So. That must be lord Farquaad's castle. Aha, that's the place. Do you think maybe he's compensating for something. Hey, hey wait up Shrek! -Hey, you! -No, no! Wait a second. Look, I'm not gonna eat you. I just... It's quiet. Too quiet. Where is everybody? Hey look at this. Wow! -Let's do that again. -No. no. All right. You're going the right way for smack bottom. Sorry about that. That champion should have the honor, no, no... ...the privilege to go forth and rescue the lovely princess Fiona from the fireing keep of the dragon. If for any reason the winner is unsuccessful, the first
runner up will take his place. And so on, and so forth. Some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. Applause. Let the tournament begin. What is that? Ugh, it's hideous. Oh, that's not very nice. It's just a donkey. Indeed. Knights! New plan. The one, who kills the Ogre, will be named champion. How about him. Oh, hey. Now, come on. Can't we just settle this over a pint? No? All right then. Come on. Hey Shrek! Let me, let me! The chair! Give him the chair! Thank you. Thank you, very much. I'm here until Thursday. Try the wheel! Shall I give the order sir? No. I have a better idea. People of Duloc. I give you our champion! What? Congratulation, Ogre. You've won the honor of embarking on a great and noble quest. Quest? I'm already on a quest. A quest to get my swamp back! -Your swamp? -Yeah, my swamp! Where you dumped those fairytale creatures. Indeed. All right Ogre, I'll make you a deal. Go on this quest for me and I'll give you your swamp back. Exactly the way it was? Down to the last slime covered toast tool. -And the squatters? -As good as gone. What kind of quest? Ok, let me get this straight! We gonna go find the dragon and rescue a princess just so Farquaad will give you back the swamp, which you only don't have, 'cause he filled it with full of freaks on the first place. -Is that about right? -You know what? Maybe there is a good reason, donkeys shouldn't talk. I don't get it Shrek. Why didn't you just pull some old Ogre stuff on them? You know, ??? . Grab his bones to make you brave. You know the whole Ogre trick. Oh, you know what. Maybe I could have decapitated entire village and put their heads on plate. Got a knife, cut open their spleens and drink their fluids. Does that sound good to you? A, no, not really, no. For your information, there is a lot more to Ogres than people think. -Example. -Example? OK, A-a-m, Ogres are like onions. -They stink? -Yes, no. -O, they make you cry. -No. Oh, you leave them out on the sun and they get all brown and start ??? little wild hairs? No! Layers! Onions have layers. Ogres have layers. Onions have layers. You get it? We both have layers. O, you both have layers. You know not everybody likes onions. Cake! Everybody loves cakes. Cakes have layers. I don't care what everyone likes. Ogres are not like cakes. You know what else everyone likes? Paffe. Have you ever met a person and you say: "Hey, let's get some paffe" and they say I don't like paffe. Paffe is delicious. No! You tensed, irritating, miniature peace of barden. Ogres are like onions. End of story. Bye, bye. See you lather. Paffe is maybe the most delicious thing on the whole damn planet. You know I think I've preferred your humming. Do you have a tissue or something, 'cause I'm making a mess. Just the word paffe has made me start slimying Why, Shrek, did you do that? Man you got to warn somebody before you just crack one off. My mouth was opened and everything. Believe me donkey, if it was me, you'd be dead. It's brimstone. We must be getting close. Yeah, right, brimstone. Don't be talking ??? brimstone. I know what I smell and ??? no brimstone. And they don't come of stone neither. Sure it's big enough, but look at the location. Oh, Shrek, remember when you said that Ogres have layers? Oh, yeah. Well, I have a confession to make. Donkeys don't have layers. We wear ??? sleeves. Wait a second. Donkeys don't have sleeves. -You know what I mean. -Oh, you can't tell me you're afraid of highs. No, I'm just a little uncomfortable of being on a rickety bridge over boiling lake of lava! Come on donkey, I'm right here beside you. Ok? For emotional support. We'll just hackle this thing together one little baby step after time. -Really? -Really really. Ok. That makes me feel so much better. Just keep moving and don't look down. Don't look down, don't look down. Shrek! I'm looking down! I can't do this. Just let me off right now, please. -But you're already half way. -Yeah, but I know that half is safe. Ok, fine. I don't have time for this. You go back. Shrek, no, wait. Don't do that! Oh, I'm sorry. Do what? -Oh. This? -Yes, that! Yes, yes. Do it. OK. -No, Shrek! -I'm doing it. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. Shrek, I'm gonna die. That will do Donkey, that will do. Cool. So where is this fire breathing pain in the neck anyway? Inside. Waiting for us to rescue her. I was talking about the dragon Shrek. -Are you afraid? -No, but shhhhh. Oh, good. Me neither. Because there's nothing wrong with being afraid. Here's a..., something responsible of the situation. Not to mention dangerous situation. And there's dragon that breathes fire. I'm sure he's meaner than a cow or anything, but they're scare. You know what I mean. I'm sure he's heavier than a cow... Donkey. Two things. Ok? Shut, up. Now go over there and see if you can find any stairs. Stairs? I thought we were looking for the princess. The princess will be up the stairs in the highest room in the tallest tower. What makes you think she'll be there? I read it
in a book once. Cool. You handle the dragon, I'll handle the stairs. Oh, I'll find those stairs. I'll ???. That's right. Those stairs won't know which way they go. The drafting stairs, ??? Don't mess with me. I'm the stair master. I'm master of the stairs. I wish I had a stair right here right here now, I'd step all over it. Well, at least we know where the princess is. -But where is the... -Dragon! Donkey, look out! Got you. Oh, what large teeth you have. I mean, white sparkling teeth. You probably hear this all the time from your food, but you must bleach yourself, because that is one dashing smile you got there. And do I detect the hint of minty freshness? And you know what else? You're a girl dragon. Oh, sure. I mean 'course you're a girl dragon, 'cause you're just ricking the feminine beauty out. What's the matter with you? Do you have something in your eye? Man, I'd really love to stay, but you know I'm a asthmatic and I don't know if we would worked out. You'd be blowing smoke and stuff. Shrek! No, Shrek! Shrek! -Wake up! -What? Are you princess Fiona? I am. Awaiting a knight so bold as to rescue me. Oh, that's nice. Now let's go. But wait, sir knight. This be our first meeting. Should not be wonderful, romantic moment? Yeah. Sorry lady there's no time. Hey, what are you doing? You know, you should sweep me out of my feet. Out through the window and down the rope by to your valued steed. You've had a lot of time to plan this, haven't you? Uh-um. But we have to sing through this moment. You can residing of a poem to me. A ballad, a sonnet, a libretti. Or something. I don't think so. Well, can I at least know a name of my champion? Shrek. So, Shrek. I pray that you take this favor as a token of my gratitude. Thanks. -You didn't slay the dragon? -It's not my job to do this. Now, come on! But this isn't right. ??? That's what all the other knights did. Yeah. Right before they burst in the flame. That's not the point. Wait. Where are you going? Exit is over there. Well, I have to save my ass. What kind of knight are you? One of a kind. ...rush into a physical relationship. I'm not that emotionally ready for commitment of a this magnitude. That was the word I was looking for. Magnitude. Hey, that is unwanted physical contact. Hey, what are you doing? Ok, ok, let's just back up a little and take this one step at the time. I mean, we really should get to know each other first, you know what am I saying. As friends, maybe even as ??? Hey don't do that. That's my tail. That's ma personal tail. And you're going to tear it off.... Oh, no. No! -It talks?! -Yeah. It's getting to shut up, that's a trick. Ok, you two. Head for the exit. I'll take care of the dragon. Ruuuuun! You did it. You rescued me. Amizing, you're wonderful. You're a ... ...a little unorthodox I admit, but by deed is great and by heart is pure. I'm entirely in your debt. And where would a brave knight be without his noble steed. I hope you heard that. She called me a noble steed. She thinks I'm a steed. The battle is won. You may remove your helmet good sir knight. -Aah, no. -Why not? I have helmet hair. Please. I wouldst look upon the face of my rescuer. Oh, no, you wouldn't, dust. But, how will you kiss me? What? That wasn't in a job description. -Maybe it's a perk? -No. It's destiny. You must know how it goes. A princess locked in a tower and besieged by a dragon is rescued by a brave knight. And then they share true love's first kiss. With Shrek? You think, wait... ...you think Shrek is your true love? Well, yes. You think that Shrek is your true love. What is so funny? Let's just say, I'm not your type, ok? Of course you are. You're my rescuer. Now, now remove your helmet. Look. I really don't think this is a good idea. -Just take off the helmet. -I'm not going to. -Take it off! -No! -Now! -Ok, easy. As you command your highness. You're an Ogre. Oh, you were expecting Prince Charming. Well, yes, actually. Oh no. This is all wrong. You're not supposed to be an Ogre. Princess, I was sent to rescue you by lord Farquaad, ok? He's the one, who wants to marry you. Well, then why didn't he come to rescue me? Good question. You should ask him that, when we get there. But I have to be rescued by my true love. Not by some Ogre and his pet. Well so much for noble steed. Look princess. You're not making my job any easier. Well I'm sorry, but your job is not my problem. You can tell lord Farquaad that if he wants to rescue me properly, I'll be waiting for him right here. Hey, I'm no ones messenger boy, all right? -I'm a delivery boy. -You wouldn't dare. -You coming donkey? -Put me down! Yeah, I'm right behind you. Put me down or you will suffer the consequences. This is not dignified. Put me down. Ok, here's another question. Let's say that a woman 'digged' you, but you don't really like her, that way. Now, how you let her down real easy, so her feelings aren't hurt? But you don't get burned to a crisp neither. How do you do this? Just tell her, she's not your true love. Everyone knows it what happens when you
find... Hey! The sooner we get to Duloc, the better. Oh, yeah. You gonna love it there princess. It's beautiful. And what of my groom to be, lord Farquaad. What's he like? Well, let me put it this way, princess. Men of Farquaad's stature are in short supply. Oh no, Shrek. There are those who think little of him. Stop it. Stop it, both of you. You know, you're just jealous that you can never measure up to a great ruler like lord Farquaad. Yeah. Well maybe you're right princess. But I'd like you do that measuring when you see him tomorrow Tomorrow? It will take that long? -Shouldn't we stop to make camp? -No. That would take longer. We can keep going. But there are robbers in the woods. Whoa, time out Shrek. Camp is definitely something that sounds good. Hey. Come on. I'm scarier than anything we're gonna see in this forest. I need to find somewhere to camp, now! Hey, over here. Shrek, we can do better than that. Now, I don't think this is decent for princess. No, no, it's perfect. It just needs a few homey touches. Homey touches? Like what? A door. Well, gentleman I'll be d..., good night. Do you want me to come in and read you a bedtime story, 'cause I will... I said good night! Shrek! What are you doing? I just..., you know... Oh, come on, I was just kidding. And that one, that's Throwback. The only Ogre to ever spit over three wheat fields. Right. Yeah. Hey, can you tell my future form these stars? Well, the stars don't tell the future, Donkey. They tell stories. Look. There's Blodna, the "Flatulent" You can guess what he is famous for. All right. Now I know you're making this up. No. Look. There he is and there's the group of hunters running away from his stag. Man, there ain't nothing, but a bunch of little dots. You know donkey, sometimes things are more than they appear. Forget it. Hey Shrek. What are you gonna do when we get our swamp back, anyway? -Our swamp? -You know. When we're through rescuing the princess and all that stuff. We? Donkey, there is no we. There's no our. There's just me and my swamp. And the first thing I'm gonna do, is build a ten foot wall around my land. You cut me deep Shrek, you cut me real deep just now. You know, what I think? I think this whole wall thing is just a way to keep somebody out. No, do you think? -Are you hiding something? -Never mind Donkey. Oh, this is another one of those onion things, isn't it? No. This is one of those drop it and leave it alone things. -Why don't you want to talk about it? -Why do you want to talk about it? -Oh, Why you block? -I'm not blocking. -Oh yes you are. -Donkey, I'm warning you. -Who are you trying to keep out? Just tell me that Shrek. Who? Everyone, ok? -Oh, now we're getting somewhere. -Oh, for 'the love of pit'. Hey, what's your problem Shrek? What do you got against the whole world anyway? Look. I'm not the one with the problem, ok? It's the world that seems to have a problem with me. People take one look at me and go: AAA... Help! Run! A big stupid ugly Ogre. They judge me, before they even know me. That's why I'm better off alone. You know what? When we met, I didn't think you're just a big stupid, ugly Ogre. Yeah, I know. So, a... Are there any donkeys up there? Well, there's a Cabby. The small and annoying. Ok, ok. I see him, now. Big shining one, right there. That one, over there? That's the moon. Again. Show me again. Mirror, mirror, show her to me. Show me the princess. Perfect. Yeah. You know I like like that. Oh come on baby... -Donkey. Wake up. -What? -Wake up. Morning. How do you like your eggs? -Good morning princess. -What's all this about? You know, we kind of got of to a bad start yesterday and I wanted to make it up to you. I mean, after all, you did rescue me. Thanks. Well, eat up. We've got a big day ahead of us. -Shrek! -What? It's a compliment. Better out than in I always say. But that's no way to behave in front of a princess. -Thanks. -She's as nasty as you are. You know. You're not exactly what I've expected. Well, maybe you shouldn't judge people before you get to know them. Princess! What are you doing? ???mon shery, for I am your saviour. And I am rescuing you from this green...beast. Hey! That's my princess. Go find your own. Please, monster. Can't you see I'm a little busy here? Look, pal. I don't know who you think you are. Oh, of course. How rude that was. Please, let me introduce myself. Oh marry men! Man, that was annoying. Oh, you little... Shall we? ???all the forin??? Whoa, hold on, now. Where did that come from? -What? -That. Back there. That was amazing. Where did you learn that? Well, when one lives alone one has to learn these things in case there's a... There is an arrow in your butt. What? Oh, would you look at that. Oh, no... This is all my fault. I'm so sorry. -What's wrong? -Shrek's hurt. -Shrek's hurt? Shrek's hurt! -Oh, no. Shrek's going to die. -Donkey, I'm ok. You can't do this to me Shrek. I'm too young for you to die. Keep your legs elevated. Turn your head ???. -Does anyone
know how to handle... -Donkey! Calm down. If you want to help Shrek, run into woods and find me a blue flower with red thorns. Blue flower, red thorns. Ok, I'm on it. Blue flower, red thorns. Blue flower, red thorns. Don't die Shrek. And if you see a long tunnel, stay away from the light! -Donkey! -Oh, yeah. Right. Blue flower, red thorns. Blue flower, red thorns. -What are the flowers for? -For getting rid of the Donkey. Now, you hold still and I'll yank this thing out. -Hey! Easy with the yanking. -I'm sorry, but it has to come out. No, no. It's tender. What you're doing here is the opposite... -Don't move. -Ok, look. Time out. -Would you... Ok. What do you propose we do? Blue flower, red thorns. Blue flower, red thorns. Blue flower, red thorns. This would be so much easier if I wasn't colorblind. Blue flower, red thorns. Blue flower, red thorns. Hold on, Shrek. I'm coming! Not good. Ok, ok, I can lose it. It's just about it. Nothing happened. We were just a... Look if you want to be alone, all you had to do is ask, ok? Oh, come on. That's the last thing on my mind. The princess here was just... Au! Hey, what's that? Is that... There it is, princess. -Your future awaits you. -That's Duloc? Yeah. I know. You'll shrink things lord Farquaad is compensating for something, which I think needs, he has a I guess we better move on. Sure, but Shrek... -I'm worried about Donkey. -What? I mean. Look at him. He doesn't look so good. -What are you talking about? I'm fine. -Well, that's what they always say. And the next thing you know you're on your back. -Dead! -You know she's right. You look awful. -Do you want to sit down? -You know, I'll make you up some tea. Well, I won't say nothing, but I've got this twinge in my neck. And if I turn my neck like this, look. Au, see? -He's hungry. I'll find us some dinner. -I'll get the firewood. Hey, where are you going? Oh man, I can't feel my thumbs. I don't have any thumbs!!! I think I need a hug. This is good. This is really good. -What is this? -Wheat rat. -Rotisserie style. -No kidding. -Oh, this is delicious. -Well, they also great in stews. Now, I don't mean to brag, but I make a mean wheat rat stew. I guess I'll be dining a little different late tomorrow night. Maybe you can come visit me in the swamp sometime. I'll cook all kinds of stuff for you. Swamp toast, soup fish, eye tartar. You name it. I'd like that. -Ah... , princess? -Yes, Shrek? I'm a.... I was wondering. Are you... a... Are you gonna eat that? Man, isn't this romantic. Just look at that sunset. Sunset?! Oh, no. It's late. It's very late. -What? -Wait a minute. I see what's going on here. You're afraid of the dark. Aren't you? Yes, yes. That's it. That's, I'm terrified. You know I'll better go inside. But don't feel bad, princess. I used to be afraid of the dark too. Until... Hey, no, wait. I'm still afraid of the dark. -Good night. -Good night. Ahh. Now I really see what's going on here. Oh, what are you talking about. Hey I don't wanna even hear. Look, I'm an animal and I got instincts. And I know that you two are digging on each other. I can feel it. Oh, you're crazy. I'm just bringing her back to Farquaad. Oh, come on, Shrek. Wake up and smell the fairemones. Just go in there and tell her how you feel. There's nothing to tell. Besides, even if I did tell her that... well you know. I'm not saying that I do, 'cause I don't. She's a princess and I'm... ...an Ogre. Yeah, an Ogre. -Hey, where are you going? -To get more firewood. Princess. Princess Fiona? Princess, where are you? Princess? It's very spooky in here and are we playing little games. -No, no. -Help! Shrek! Shrek! -No. -Shrek! -It's ok. It's ok. -What did you do with the princess? -Donkey, shhh. I'm the princess. -It's me, in this body. -Oh my god. You ate the princess. -Can you hear me? -Donkey! Listen, keep breathing. I'll get you out of there! Shrek! Shrek! Shrek! This is me. Princess? What happened to you? You're a... different. -I'm ugly, ok? -Yeah. Was it something that you ate? 'Cause I told Shrek those rats were a bad idea. -You are what you eat, I say. -No. I've been this way as long as I can remember. What do you mean? Look, I've never seen you like this before. It only happens when the sun goes down. By night one way, by day another. This shall be the norm until you find true love's first kiss. Then, take love's true form... -Oh, that's beautiful. I didn't know you wrote poetry. -It's the spell. When I was a little girl, a witch cast a spell on me. Every night I become this. This horrible ugly beast. I was placed in a tower to await the day when my true love would rescue me. That's why I have to marry lord Farquaad tomorrow, before the sun sets and he sees me, like this? All right, all right. Calm down. Look, it's not that bad. You're not that ugly. Wait, wait, I'll not lie, you are ugly. But you only look like this at night. Shrek's ugly 24/7. But Donkey, I'm a princess. And this is not how a princess is meant to look. Princess. How about if you don't marry Farquaad? I have to. Only my true love's kiss can brake the spell. But you know,
you're kind of an Ogre. And Shrek... Well you've got a lot in common. Shrek? Princess, I... How is it going first of all? Good? Good for me to. I'm ok. I saw this flower and thought of you because it's pretty. And, well, I don't really like it, but I thought you may like it, because you're pretty. But I like you anyway. A.... I'm in trouble. Ok, here we go. Who could ever love a piece so hideous and ugly? Princess and ugly don't go together. That's why I can't stay here with Shrek, but only chance to live happily ever after is to marry my true love. Don't you see, Donkey? That's just how it has to be. It's the only way to break the spell. Well, at least you've got tell Shrek the truth. No, no. You can't breathe the word. No one must ever know. What's the point of being unable to talk? You got to keep secrets. Promise you won't tell. Promise! You know, before this is over, I'm going to need whole lot of serious therapies. All right, all right. I won't tell him. But you should. Look at my eye twitching. I tell him, I tell him not. I tell him. I tell him not. I tell him! Shrek! Shrek! There's something I want ... Shrek. Are you all right? Perfect. Never been better. I... There's something I have to tell you. You don't have to tell me anything, princess. I heard enough last night. -You've heard what I said? -Every word. I thought you'd understand? Oh, I understand! Like you said, who could love a hideous, ugly beast! -I thought that wouldn't matter to you. -Yeah, well, it does. Ah, right on time. Princess. I brought you a little something. What I missed? What I missed? -Princess Fiona. -As promised. Now hand it over. Very well, Ogre. The deed to your swamp. Cleared out as agreed. Take it and go. Before I change my mind. Forgive me princess for startling you, but you startled me. For I've never seen such a radiant beauty before. -I am lord Farquaad. -Lord Farquaad? Oh, no, no... forgive me my lord for I was just saying short... farewell. Oh. That is so sweet. You don't have to raise good manners on the Ogre. -It's not like it has feelings. -No. You're right. It doesn't. Princess Fiona, beautiful fair flawless Fiona, I ask your hand in marriage. Will you be the perfect bride for the perfect groom? Lord Farquaad, I accept. Nothing would make... Excellent! I'll start the plans for tomorrow we wedd... No! I mean I... Why wait? Let's get married today. Before sunset. Oh, anxious are we? You're right. The sooner, the better. There's so much to do. There is the camera, the cake, the band, the guests... Captain! Round up some guests. Farewell Ogre. Shrek, what are you doing? You let her get away. -Yeah, so what. -Shrek. There's something about her that you don't know. -I talked to her last night. She's... -Yeah I know you talked to her last night. You're great pal, aren't you? Now, if you two are such good friend, why didn't you follow her home? -Shrek. I want to go with you. -I told you, didn't I? You're not coming home with me. I live alone. My swamp, me and nobody else! Understand? Nobody! Especially useless, pathetic, annoying, talking donkeys! -But. I thought... -Yeah. You know what? You thought wrong. Shrek. Donkey? What are you doing? I was thinking of all the people, you would recognize a wall when you see one. Well, yeah. But the wall supposed to go around my swamp. Not through it. It is around your half. See? That's your half and this is my half. Oh, your half? Yes, my half. I helped rescue the princess. I did half the work. I get half the booty. Now hand me that big old rock, the one that looks like your head -Back off! -No. You back off! -This is my swamp. -Our swamp. -Let go, Donkey! -You let go! -Stubborn jackass. -Smelly Ogre. Fine! Hey, hey, come back here. I'm not through with you, yet. -Well, I'm through with you! -Well, you know. You were always me, me, me. Well, guess what? Now it's my turn! So you just shut up and pay attention! You are mean to me, you insult me, you don't appreciate anything that I do! You're always pushing me around or pushing me away. Oh, yeah? Well, if I treated you so bad, how come you came back? Because that's what friend do. They forgive each other! Oh, yeah. You're right Donkey. I forgive you for stabbing me in the back! You're so wrapped up in layers, onion boy. You're afraid of your own feelings. -Go away. -See? There you are, doing it again. Just like you did it to Fiona. And all she ever do, was like you. Maybe even love you. Love me? She said I was ugly! A hideous creature. -I heard that you two were talking. -She wasn't talking about you. She was talking about... ...somebody else. She wasn't talking about me? Well then, who was she talking about? No way, I'm not saying anything. You won't listen to me, right? Right? -Donkey. -No! Ok, look. I'm sorry, all right? I'm sorry. I guess I am just a big stupid, ugly Ogre. Can you forgive me? -Hey, that's the friends are for, right? -Right. -Friends? -Friends. So? What did Fiona said about me? Why are you asking me for? Why don't you just go ask her. The wedding! We'll never make it in
submitted by Bigbrain637 to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:56 pleaseh3lpme24 is my (21m) girlfriend (20f) too jealous?

i have always had female friends since i was little and i also have an amazing girlfriend. i respect them and love them which is why im here for advise.
i have had a close group of friends for a long time, 2 of them being female. itā€™s 3 guys 2 girls and i would do anything for all of them. recently, one of the girls went travelling for 9 months and sheā€™s coming back next week. she asked if she can stay over my house one night when sheā€™s back - have a ā€œsiblings nightā€ as well called it when we were 14/15/16 but it would only be us as the other 3 are busy. i have a spare room that she can stay in if she doesnā€™t want the living room. my girlfriend hates the idea even though ive known them a lot longer than ive known her. my girlfriend and my 2 female friends clash heads sometimes because of personalities. my girlfriend is jealous of both of them and of other girls when iā€™m in a social setting with new women whether that be for work or other occasions as well as when im also out with some of my guy friends.
i postponed the stay over my house out of respect but i said i will sleep on it and come up with a solution and compromise. but im worried it will hinder me doing things with my friends especially the females who i dont want to lose
submitted by pleaseh3lpme24 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:55 sameed_a how to use brainstorming to improve creativity?

Once upon a time, after a long and grueling day at work, a nightly ritual ensued. I'd sit by my rustic fireplace, a cup of hot cocoa in hand, and dive into the depths of my mind, searching for an idea, a spark, anything that could fuel my creativity. But one night, I found myself stuck in a barren desert of thoughts. I felt like I was running an intellectual marathon against myself, and I was losing.
After several frustrating attempts, I decided to try something different. I had read somewhere that brainstorming could be a powerful tool to stimulate creativity, so, on a whim, I decided to give it a shot. I realized that if my own thoughts were blocking my path to innovation, maybe I should invite others to share my journey.
Cut to next day, I gathered a diverse group of individuals - the silent nerdy guy from the next cubicle, the seemingly indifferent HR lady, the office 'know-it-all' and even my boss. I told them about my problem and proposed a brainstorming session. There was skepticism, of course, but they agreed.
We started by laying the ground rules- respect for all ideas, no criticism, as wild as possible. Then, we dove in.
At first, it was a pool of silence, but then, slowly, ideas started being thrown around. Some were absolutely ridiculous, but some, some were just brilliant. The nerdy guy, with his technical knowledge, gave us a new perspective on the problem. The HR lady, empathetic as always, reminded us to consider the human element in our solution. Our boss, surprisingly, brought forward some creative ideas that never would have crossed my mind.
A couple of hours of this and suddenly, my desert of ideas was bubbling with springs of creativity. It was as if we'd opened a floodgate! Different perspectives, ideas connecting, pieces falling in place. It was magical!
And since that day, I've used brainstorming as my secret weapon for any creativity block. It has not only helped me with problem-solving in my personal and professional life but also made me understand the power of collaboration.
P.S. Now, this might seem like a dramatized account straight out of an inspiring office movie. Trust me, it's not. Just a metaphor to demonstrate the mental model of brainstorming and its potential to boost creativity. After all, who doesn't love a good story?
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:52 Federal_Citron2790 [OC] DnD Beginner problem's

As a new Dungeon Master (DM), I started my journey with Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) for my birthday in March 2024. With no one to show us the ropes, my friends and I dove in headfirst, completely clueless but excited.
To give you an idea of who I am, Iā€™m the kind of person who gets really into new hobbies. I throw myself into learning and doing everything I can, even if it means a lot of solo effort and planning.
The first big challenge I faced was session planning. Creating storylines, balancing encounters, and managing all the game mechanics were a lot to handle, but I was passionate about making it work.
Then came the player cancellations. At first, it was just a few missed sessions, but it started to happen more often. And then, some of my friends seemed to lose interest altogether. I get itā€”D&D isnā€™t for everyone. Not every friend is going to be into the same things. But it was frustrating when they kept cancelling without a straightforward reason.
I kept pushing through, planning every session and asking everyone if they wanted to play. But getting turned down for the third or fourth time in a row was tough. It felt like they could just tell me if they werenā€™t interested instead of making me chase them.
So, I decided to change my approach. Instead of constantly asking my friends to play, I decided to wait and let them come to me if they were interested. This shift took a lot of pressure off me.
In the meantime, I found an online group to play with. Itā€™s been great to connect with people who are just as excited about D&D as I am.
But I still wonder how to handle the situation with my friends. How do I navigate their lack of commitment and interest without causing friction? Should I just accept that D&D might not be our thing as a group and enjoy it with others who are more enthusiastic?
I'm open to any advice on how to deal with this. How do other DMs handle players who are lazy or not that interested? It feels like a balancing act between maintaining friendships and pursuing a hobby I found to Love over the past month's.
submitted by Federal_Citron2790 to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:48 Purple_Ad3714 80 Faqs About demons

Table of Contents

Please use the back arrow on the upper left side of the screen to return to TOC.
Physical Body of the Host#hosts-physical-Body
Demons and Sex
Demon Possession
Exorcism and Deliverance
Spiritual Battle
General Questions about Demons
Spirit Channeling Is Dangerous
My qualifications to answer these questions

Physical Body of Host

Can demons change the hostā€™s skin?

Demons can make the host desire to cut or scratch their body.

2. Can a demon murder the host?

No, a demon cannot murder the host by using a knife or sharp objects. They are not
No, a demon cannot murder the host by using a knife or sharp objects. They are not capable of picking up a physical object. They are spirits and have no physical body.

3. Can a demon get into the blood?

Yes, generational demons are passed in the blood from generations of the same family.

4. What is a generational demon?

Generational demons will stay with the blood of all generations until they are cast out by an exorcist.

5. Why do demons get pleasure from the sight of blood?

The sight, smell, and feeling of the blood make them stronger. Blood is also sacrificed to invite more demons into the host.

6. Can a demon kill through communication with the host?

Demons can kill the host by tormenting it through through injection or telepathy. The host becomes so insane that the person will commit suicide to have mental peace of mind.

7. How do demons affect sleep?

The demon has easier access to the host when asleep. The demon will give terrifying nightmares. The host will be afraid to sleep, weakening their body and making them less able to fight spiritually.

8. How do the demons keep their host from eating?

The host becomes so fearful and nervous that there is no appetite.

9. Can a demon control body movements?

Yes, demons can control the hands (for example, Ouija Board and Automatic Handwriting), move the head, and use the hostā€™s voice.

10. Can a demon talk to the host?

Yes, the host needs to go neutral and not think of their thoughts. The demon can use the voice as a way of communication.

11. Can the demon talk to the person anytime in a social setting

Yes, the person must always think before they speak. It takes practice to know if the demon desires to speak. The host can practice controlling their speech.

12. Can a demon force the person to talk to themselves?

Yes, when people are possessed, they will talk to themselves and not care if anyone hears them. This can take some time for the demon to get deeper into total possession.

13. How does a demon get a person to scratch themselves?

The demon can place an intense desire in the person to scratch or abuse themselves.

14. Why do demons want the host to cut themselves?

Demons and Sex

15. Why Do Demons Desire Sex?

All demons desire sex. A part of their goal is to get pleasure from sex with the hostā€™s physical body.

16. Can you summon a demon through pornography?

Yes, if you intensely watch TV, videos, or pornography magazines. Demons will be summoned to get an invitation to communicate. The demons lie to say that they are a fantasy sex lover.

17. What is an incubus?

An incubus is the historical name given to male sex demons. All demons love sex and take on this name as a function.

18. What is a succubus?

A succubus is a female sex demon. The current thinking is that all demons are male.

19. Can demons intensify the sexual desire in the host?

Yes, demons can intensify the desire for sex. They can torture the host with strong sexual desires at all times in daily life.

20. How Do demons have sex?

Demons have sex because they can feel all the physical sensations of the host touching themselves until the climax.

21. Can a demon make a woman pregnant?

No, a demon does not have a body. However, a demon can force the feeling of being pregnant. The demon may tell the woman that she is having a spiritual baby.

22. What is a spiritual husband or wife?

The demon convinces the host that they are communicating with a deceased spouse.

23. Can demons rape a person?

Yes, a demon can rape a person by lucid dreams.

25. Can a person attract a demon by fantasizing about a beautiful lover?

Yes, if the person has an intense desire for this lover.

26. Can a person get a demon by casual sex?

Yes, if you know very little about the sex partner, demons are transmitted through body fluids.

Is Demon Possession Real?

27. What is demon oppression?

Demon oppression occurs when a demon is on the outside of a person. The spirit attempts to lure the person into an invitation to communicate. The person will feel like a dark cloud of evil surrounds them. The person may be sad for no reason, feel jittery, or have intense emotions that they have never had before.

28. What is stage one of demon possession?

Stage one is when the person has invited the demon in through channeling or a passionate desire that the person has. The demon will lie and pretend to be anything the person wants them to be. The demon will entertain the person and have conversations with the host through thoughts in the personā€™s mind. In stage one, the person can still live their normal life. Friends and loved ones will note that the person is a little weird, but no one thinks anything about the behavior.

29. What is partial possession?

Stage two of the possession process is when the demon penetrates the hostā€™s mind and body further, now talking through the hostā€™s voice and conversing with them. The demon wants sex more often. The host wants to spend all their time with the demon. The host is kept in social isolation. Eventually, the host finds they are losing control of their mind and body. Intense fear comes to the host. The demon tells the host that all is lost and that the demon will control them for the rest of their lives.

30. What is total possession?

The demons take total control of the person. The person cannot take care of themselves. The hosts talk to themselves in and out of social situations. The only hope is to take the person to an exorcist and a psychiatrist who knows about the spirits. If not, the person is lost forever in their world.

31. Can a possessed person lead a normal life?

Yes, a person who is oppressed or partially possessed can attempt to lead a normal life. The host may fool loved ones and friends, but the demonic thoughts come steadily, The host still has control to behave normally.

32. Can a host communicate with the demon using the hostā€™s voice?

Yes, the host can talk to the demon using their voice, and the demon can answer by slightly deepening the hostā€™s voice.

33. Can the demon communicate in other ways in a social setting?

The demon will still send thoughts when the host is in a social setting. The host may have the control to ignore the thoughts. The demons will try another way to communicate by moving the hostā€™s finger to form letters for words. Channeling is dangerous. Working the board will only bring demons.

Exorcism and Deliverance

Exorcism is the act of casting out a demon. After the demon is cast out, deliverance shows the person how to live free.

34. What must the host do to make the exorcism effective?

Exorcisms are effective, but they might take time. The host must renounce the demon, tell it to leave and never return, and renounce the invitation that gave the demon the spiritual authority to enter. For example, if they channeled to get the demon in, the host must never channel again. The host must be willing to confess all their secret behaviors, such as viewing pornography, and never doing that again. The host must earnestly desire the exorcism no matter how embarrassing the secrets.

35. What does the exorcist first do to make the exorcism effective?

The exorcist must pray for spiritual protection from God and the angels. They must have very strong faith in the name and power of Jesus Christ.

36. Why does the exorcist need to lead a clean life?

The exorcist calls the demon to manifest through the host. The exorcist must be living a clean life with no secrets. The demon can speak the exorcistā€™s secret sins in front of the exorcism team.

37. How does the exorcist talk to the demon?

The exorcist commands the demon to tell its function and the host to invite it to enter the host. The exorcist must never have a conversation with the demon that does not involve the current exorcism.

38. How does the demon react?

The demon curses screams, and sometimes tries to spit at the exorcist. The exorcist must maintain control of the demon by invoking the name of Jesus Christ.

39. Can the demon hurt the exorcist?

No, the demon cannot physically hurt the exorcist. The exorcist is under the spiritual protection of Jesus Christ and all His angels. When the exorcist gets hurt or killed by the demon on TV and in movies, that is entertainment and fantasy.

40. How long does it take to perform an exorcism?

The time of completion of the exorcism depends on how many invitations the host gives the demon. There are secrets the host might try to hide from the exorcist. It takes time to discover all the hostā€™s secrets.

41. Can an exorcist act alone?

The exorcist should have a team of deliverance people to support the exorcist with prayer and their spiritual discernment. The team can discern something the exorcist needs to know about the demon or the host. Exorcisms should not be done with only one exorcist.

42. Do you need a priest to perform an exorcism?

No, there are a few Protestant churches that have exorcism teams. These churches train people to become exorcists.

43. Can anyone cast out a demon?

No, you must be anointed and called by God to be an exorcist. A person who tries this alone puts themselves in spiritual danger.

44. Can angels help in an exorcism?

Yes, the exorcist can call the angels to help in an exorcism. Usually, they keep the host in the chair and stop the demon from screaming.

45. Why is it so difficult to find an exorcist?

Christian churches do not want exorcisms in their place of worship. Many churches do not want to deal with demons.

What is a Spiritual Battle?

46. How the host must fight to retain thought control from the demon?

The host must stop the thoughts the demon gives by replacing them with a positive thought. Every time, even hundreds of times a day.

47. How does the host stop the demon from using their voice?

The host must always think before talking. The host can stop the demon from talking. This takes practice every day until the host slowly gains total control.

48. How does the host stay spiritually protected?

Pray to God in the name of Jesus. Read and memorize scriptures that are most meaningful to the host.

49. What happens when the host sleeps?

Sleeping makes the control diminished. Meditate on prayer and scriptures before sleep. Ask the angels to wake the host if a demonic dream is in progress. Then, more prayer and meditation on scriptures. This fight must proceed until the demon is weak enough to be gone from the presence of the host.

50. Why does the demon attempt to re-enter the host?

Once the demon is cast out, it will remain around the host in the form of oppression. This is a test the demon will try to re-enter the host. The host must remain firm in the faith that the demon is no longer inside him. The demon can return if the host does not believe the exorcism happened.

51. Why does the exorcism take two- the host and the exorcist?

Both have to participate to complete the exorcism. The exorcist cannot do anything without the hostā€™s permission, and the host must always be on alert for the demon attempting to return.

General Questions about Demons

Throughout the years, people have still many questions about demons. This last section contains the repeated questions submitted to my website.

52. Are demons real?

Yes, demons are real. They cannot be measured by science. Demons are spiritual and can only be measured by their behavior.

53. Do demons have personal names?

No demons do not have personal names, but they name themselves by function. For example, if the person desires to communicate with a deceased loved one, the demonā€™s name will be the loved oneā€™s. If the host desires a sex demon, then the name will be incubus or succubus.

54. Can demons materialize into humans.?

No, the demons cannot materialize into humans. They are spirits with no physical body.

55. Are all demons bad?

Demons are purely evil.

56. Can demons repent and be good?

No demons will never repent and be good.

57. Can demons stay until the host dies?

Yes, the demon can stay for the lifetime of the host. The demons will leave only when cast out by an exorcist.

58. Can a demon murder a person?

No, a demon cannot murder a person. Unlike the movies and TV, demons do not throw knives and sharp objects to kill their host.

59. Can a demon cause the host to commit suicide?

Yes, the demon can make the host so horrified by thought injection and nightmares,. The host feels there is no hope to regain their freedom.

60. Should a person fear demons?

A person should never fear demons. Demon gets stronger when fear is present.

61. Why do demons want to possess people?

Demons are comfortable inside a human body. They call the human body their home.

62. Can a mental health professional help a demon-possessed person?

There are a few mental health professionals that know about the effects of demons. Most of the time, they do not believe in demons. The mental health professionals will over-prescribe medications that result in the hosts being too drugged to fight a spiritual battle. The medications can help soothe the mind if not too potent.

63. How can a friend or loved one help a demon-possessed person?

The possessed person needs support. Help them eat balanced meals and sleep for a normal time. Tell them you will help them find a mental health professional. If the medications do not help, then find an exorcist. The possessed person may not agree to the help. No one can force a possessed person to seek help, and the exorcism will not work without the hostā€™s approval.

64. If you donā€™t believe in demons, will that keep the demon away?

All people have the common grace of God that protects them if they believe in demons or not. The people are safe if they do not invite a spirit to communicate.

65. Why does God permit a person to be possessed?

God never forces a personā€™s free choice. If a person crosses the spiritual line, then God does not interfere. God will permit an exorcism if the possessed person requests one.

76. Where do demons live on earth?

Demons roam the earth until they find a human body to inhabit.

67. Is there anything fun in having a demon?

Sometimes, demons will pretend to be fun. An example is having a sex demon. The host may have fun at first until the demon begins the possession process.

68. Why are most people afraid to admit they have a demon?

People fear being called weird, strange, crazy, or just their imagination. These names hurt the host because the host knows no one will believe them.

69. Can a possessed person lead a normal life?

An oppressed or partially possessed person can still lead a normal life. The person still has the majority of control over demonic thoughts, and they can still stop the demon from speaking and moving their body.

70. How do you know if you have a demon?

If you invite a demon in for communication, then you will be in the stages of demon possession

72. How do most mental health professionals deal with the demon-possessed?

The majority of mental health professionals do not believe in demons. They will give strong medications that make the host unable to do spiritual warfare. If the medications do not help, the next step should be an exorcist.

73. Can you have sex with a ghost?

No, no one can have sex with ghosts. Ghosts have no bodies and want to be left alone. The spirit is a demon and not a ghost.

74. Can demons jump from one person to another?

Demons must be invited in by the person. They cannot arbitrarily jump from person to person.

75. Do negative emotions invite demons?

Yes, extreme negative emotions can invite demons. Forgiveness for the hurt will keep a demon away.

76. How do demons affect the family of the host?

The family and friends become anxious because the host is not behaving normally. The family becomes more anxious every day

77. Why do demons hate people?

Demons hate people because they hate human life. Demons do not want people to be comfortable and have a physical body because all they can do is wander on Earth or be sent to hell.

78. How does a demon talk to its host?

A demon can communicate thoughts using the hostā€™s voice, channeling tools, automatic handwriting, and more.

79. How many demons can live in a person?

Usually, there is more than one. Sometimes, there are legions (thousands)

80. When can the host talk to their family and friends about their demons?

The host must be careful about who he tells about the demon. The person must be spiritually sensitive. The host risks being called weird, crazy, and seriously mentally ill.

Additional FAQs About Demons

Why Is Spirit Channeling Dangerous?

81. Why is the Ouija Board Dangerous?

The Ouija Board is sold as a toy. Many people think the toy is harmlessā€”just a game. The Board is the easiest way to summon a demon. Put fingers on the planchette and watch them move to the letters on the board. The invitation to communicate gives the demon a right to begin the possession process. The demon pretends to be a deceased loved one or whoever the host desires.

82. Why is Automatic Handwriting Dangerous?

Automatic handwriting occurs when a person holds a pen on a blank paper and requests the spirit (demon) to use their hands to write messages. The demon moves the hostā€™s hands.

83. Why is spellcasting dangerous?

Casting spells are usually done by witches at the request of a person who desires to force a victim to bend to their request. There is no other spirit that wants control over a person. Three people are involved: the witch, the person requesting the spell, and the victim. All are at the risk of becoming demon-possessed.
Many more channeling tools entice a person to pursue the spirits. The problem is that all the spirits are demons, and demons are purely evil.

My qualifications to answer these questions

As a teenager, I was very spiritually curious. I was waiting to begin my first year in college, and I thought all the spirits were good. The Ouija Board is the channeling tool used to contact the demon. It took four years to get the demon out of me completely. This was a terrifying trip to hell.
About ten years after the exorcism, I desired to help others who are enduring demon-possession. I trained at a Christian church and became a lead exorcist with an exorcism team for support. I worked as an exorcist for twelve years.
Professional education can help a person understand demons to a certain extent. Unfortunately, intellectual knowledge is limited. Personal experience gave me the answer to all these questions.
I will be adding more questions and answers in the future. There is still more to write. Readers, stay spiritually safe. Do not play with the spirits.
Table of Contents
Please use the back arrow on the upper left side of the screen to return to TOC.
Physical Body of the Host#hosts-physical-Body
Demons and Sex
Demon Possession
Exorcism and Deliverance
Spiritual Battle
General Questions about Demons
Spirit Channeling Is Dangerous
My qualifications to answer these questions

Physical Body of Host

Can demons change the hostā€™s skin?

Demons can make the host desire to cut or scratch their body.

2. Can a demon murder the host?

No, a demon cannot murder the host by using a knife or sharp objects. They are not
No, a demon cannot murder the host by using a knife or sharp objects. They are not capable of picking up a physical object. They are spirits and have no physical body.

3. Can a demon get into the blood?

Yes, generational demons are passed in the blood from generations of the same family.

4. What is a generational demon?

Generational demons will stay with the blood of all generations until they are cast out by an exorcist.

5. Why do demons get pleasure from the sight of blood?

The sight, smell, and feeling of the blood make them stronger. Blood is also sacrificed to invite more demons into the host.

6. Can a demon kill through communication with the host?

Demons can kill the host by tormenting it through through injection or telepathy. The host becomes so insane that the person will commit suicide to have mental peace of mind.

7. How do demons affect sleep?

The demon has easier access to the host when asleep. The demon will give terrifying nightmares. The host will be afraid to sleep, weakening their body and making them less able to fight spiritually.

8. How do the demons keep their host from eating?

The host becomes so fearful and nervous that there is no appetite.

9. Can a demon control body movements?

Yes, demons can control the hands (for example, Ouija Board and Automatic Handwriting), move the head, and use the hostā€™s voice.

10. Can a demon talk to the host?

Yes, the host needs to go neutral and not think of their thoughts. The demon can use the voice as a way of communication.

11. Can the demon talk to the person anytime in a social setting

Yes, the person must always think before they speak. It takes practice to know if the demon desires to speak. The host can practice controlling their speech.

12. Can a demon force the person to talk to themselves?

Yes, when people are possessed, they will talk to themselves and not care if anyone hears them. This can take some time for the demon to get deeper into total possession.

13. How does a demon get a person to scratch themselves?

The demon can place an intense desire in the person to scratch or abuse themselves.

14. Why do demons want the host to cut themselves?

Demons and Sex

15. Why Do Demons Desire Sex?

All demons desire sex. A part of their goal is to get pleasure from sex with the hostā€™s physical body.

16. Can you summon a demon through pornography?

Yes, if you intensely watch TV, videos, or pornography magazines. Demons will be summoned to get an invitation to communicate. The demons lie to say that they are a fantasy sex lover.

17. What is an incubus?

An incubus is the historical name given to male sex demons. All demons love sex and take on this name as a function.

18. What is a succubus?

A succubus is a female sex demon. The current thinking is that all demons are male.

19. Can demons intensify the sexual desire in the host?

Yes, demons can intensify the desire for sex. They can torture the host with strong sexual desires at all times in daily life.

20. How Do demons have sex?

Demons have sex because they can feel all the physical sensations of the host touching themselves until the climax.

21. Can a demon make a woman pregnant?

No, a demon does not have a body. However, a demon can force the feeling of being pregnant. The demon may tell the woman that she is having a spiritual baby.

22. What is a spiritual husband or wife?

The demon convinces the host that they are communicating with a deceased spouse.

23. Can demons rape a person?

Yes, a demon can rape a person by lucid dreams.

25. Can a person attract a demon by fantasizing about a beautiful lover?

Yes, if the person has an intense desire for this lover.

26. Can a person get a demon by casual sex?

Yes, if you know very little about the sex partner, demons are transmitted through body fluids.

Is Demon Possession Real?

27. What is demon oppression?

Demon oppression occurs when a demon is on the outside of a person. The spirit attempts to lure the person into an invitation to communicate. The person will feel like a dark cloud of evil surrounds them. The person may be sad for no reason, feel jittery, or have intense emotions that they have never had before.

28. What is stage one of demon possession?

Stage one is when the person has invited the demon in through channeling or a passionate desire that the person has. The demon will lie and pretend to be anything the person wants them to be. The demon will entertain the person and have conversations with the host through thoughts in the personā€™s mind. In stage one, the person can still live their normal life. Friends and loved ones will note that the person is a little weird, but no one thinks anything about the behavior.

29. What is partial possession?

Stage two of the possession process is when the demon penetrates the hostā€™s mind and body further, now talking through the hostā€™s voice and conversing with them. The demon wants sex more often. The host wants to spend all their time with the demon. The host is kept in social isolation. Eventually, the host finds they are losing control of their mind and body. Intense fear comes to the host. The demon tells the host that all is lost and that the demon will control them for the rest of their lives.

30. What is total possession?

The demons take total control of the person. The person cannot take care of themselves. The hosts talk to themselves in and out of social situations. The only hope is to take the person to an exorcist and a psychiatrist who knows about the spirits. If not, the person is lost forever in their world.

31. Can a possessed person lead a normal life?

Yes, a person who is oppressed or partially possessed can attempt to lead a normal life. The host may fool loved ones and friends, but the demonic thoughts come steadily, The host still has control to behave normally.

32. Can a host communicate with the demon using the hostā€™s voice?

Yes, the host can talk to the demon using their voice, and the demon can answer by slightly deepening the hostā€™s voice.

33. Can the demon communicate in other ways in a social setting?

The demon will still send thoughts when the host is in a social setting. The host may have the control to ignore the thoughts. The demons will try another way to communicate by moving the hostā€™s finger to form letters for words. Channeling is dangerous. Working the board will only bring demons.

Exorcism and Deliverance

Exorcism is the act of casting out a demon. After the demon is cast out, deliverance shows the person how to live free.

34. What must the host do to make the exorcism effective?

Exorcisms are effective, but they might take time. The host must renounce the demon, tell it to leave and never return, and renounce the invitation that gave the demon the spiritual authority to enter. For example, if they channeled to get the demon in, the host must never channel again. The host must be willing to confess all their secret behaviors, such as viewing pornography, and never doing that again. The host must earnestly desire the exorcism no matter how embarrassing the secrets.

35. What does the exorcist first do to make the exorcism effective?

The exorcist must pray for spiritual protection from God and the angels. They must have very strong faith in the name and power of Jesus Christ.

36. Why does the exorcist need to lead a clean life?

The exorcist calls the demon to manifest through the host. The exorcist must be living a clean life with no secrets. The demon can speak the exorcistā€™s secret sins in front of the exorcism team.

37. How does the exorcist talk to the demon?

The exorcist commands the demon to tell its function and the host to invite it to enter the host. The exorcist must never have a conversation with the demon that does not involve the current exorcism.

38. How does the demon react?

The demon curses screams, and sometimes tries to spit at the exorcist. The exorcist must maintain control of the demon by invoking the name of Jesus Christ.

39. Can the demon hurt the exorcist?

No, the demon cannot physically hurt the exorcist. The exorcist is under the spiritual protection of Jesus Christ and all His angels. When the exorcist gets hurt or killed by the demon on TV and in movies, that is entertainment and fantasy.

40. How long does it take to perform an exorcism?

The time of completion of the exorcism depends on how many invitations the host gives the demon. There are secrets the host might try to hide from the exorcist. It takes time to discover all the hostā€™s secrets.

41. Can an exorcist act alone?

The exorcist should have a team of deliverance people to support the exorcist with prayer and their spiritual discernment. The team can discern something the exorcist needs to know about the demon or the host. Exorcisms should not be done with only one exorcist.

42. Do you need a priest to perform an exorcism?

No, there are a few Protestant churches that have exorcism teams. These churches train people to become exorcists.

43. Can anyone cast out a demon?

No, you must be anointed and called by God to be an exorcist. A person who tries this alone puts themselves in spiritual danger.

44. Can angels help in an exorcism?

Yes, the exorcist can call the angels to help in an exorcism. Usually, they keep the host in the chair and stop the demon from screaming.

45. Why is it so difficult to find an exorcist?

Christian churches do not want exorcisms in their place of worship. Many churches do not want to deal with demons.

What is a Spiritual Battle?

46. How the host must fight to retain thought control from the demon?

The host must stop the thoughts the demon gives by replacing them with a positive thought. Every time, even hundreds of times a day.

47. How does the host stop the demon from using their voice?

The host must always think before talking. The host can stop the demon from talking. This takes practice every day until the host slowly gains total control.

48. How does the host stay spiritually protected?

Pray to God in the name of Jesus. Read and memorize scriptures that are most meaningful to the host.

49. What happens when the host sleeps?

Sleeping makes the control diminished. Meditate on prayer and scriptures before sleep. Ask the angels to wake the host if a demonic dream is in progress. Then, more prayer and meditation on scriptures. This fight must proceed until the demon is weak enough to be gone from the presence of the host.

50. Why does the demon attempt to re-enter the host?

Once the demon is cast out, it will remain around the host in the form of oppression. This is a test the demon will try to re-enter the host. The host must remain firm in the faith that the demon is no longer inside him. The demon can return if the host does not believe the exorcism happened.

51. Why does the exorcism take two- the host and the exorcist?

Both have to participate to complete the exorcism. The exorcist cannot do anything without the hostā€™s permission, and the host must always be on alert for the demon attempting to return.

General Questions about Demons

Throughout the years, people have still many questions about demons. This last section contains the repeated questions submitted to my website.

52. Are demons real?

Yes, demons are real. They cannot be measured by science. Demons are spiritual and can only be measured by their behavior.

53. Do demons have personal names?

No demons do not have personal names, but they name themselves by function. For example, if the person desires to communicate with a deceased loved one, the demonā€™s name will be the loved oneā€™s. If the host desires a sex demon, then the name will be incubus or succubus.

54. Can demons materialize into humans.?

No, the demons cannot materialize into humans. They are spirits with no physical body.

55. Are all demons bad?

Demons are purely evil.

56. Can demons repent and be good?

No demons will never repent and be good.

57. Can demons stay until the host dies?

Yes, the demon can stay for the lifetime of the host. The demons will leave only when cast out by an exorcist.

58. Can a demon murder a person?

No, a demon cannot murder a person. Unlike the movies and TV, demons do not throw knives and sharp objects to kill their host.

59. Can a demon cause the host to commit suicide?

Yes, the demon can make the host so horrified by thought injection and nightmares,. The host feels there is no hope to regain their freedom.

60. Should a person fear demons?

A person should never fear demons. Demon gets stronger when fear is present.

61. Why do demons want to possess people?

Demons are comfortable inside a human body. They call the human body their home.

62. Can a mental health professional help a demon-possessed person?

There are a few mental health professionals that know about the effects of demons. Most of the time, they do not believe in demons. The mental health professionals will over-prescribe medications that result in the hosts being too drugged to fight a spiritual battle. The medications can help soothe the mind if not too potent.

63. How can a friend or loved one help a demon-possessed person?

The possessed person needs support. Help them eat balanced meals and sleep for a normal time. Tell them you will help them find a mental health professional. If the medications do not help, then find an exorcist. The possessed person may not agree to the help. No one can force a possessed person to seek help, and the exorcism will not work without the hostā€™s approval.

64. If you donā€™t believe in demons, will that keep the demon away?

All people have the common grace of God that protects them if they believe in demons or not. The people are safe if they do not invite a spirit to communicate.

65. Why does God permit a person to be possessed?

God never forces a personā€™s free choice. If a person crosses the spiritual line, then God does not interfere. God will permit an exorcism if the possessed person requests one.

76. Where do demons live on earth?

Demons roam the earth until they find a human body to inhabit.

67. Is there anything fun in having a demon?

Sometimes, demons will pretend to be fun. An example is having a sex demon. The host may have fun at first until the demon begins the possession process.

68. Why are most people afraid to admit they have a demon?

People fear being called weird, strange, crazy, or just their imagination. These names hurt the host because the host knows no one will believe them.

69. Can a possessed person lead a normal life?

An oppressed or partially possessed person can still lead a normal life. The person still has the majority of control over demonic thoughts, and they can still stop the demon from speaking and moving their body.

70. How do you know if you have a demon?

If you invite a demon in for communication, then you will be in the stages of demon possession

72. How do most mental health professionals deal with the demon-possessed?

The majority of mental health professionals do not believe in demons. They will give strong medications that make the host unable to do spiritual warfare. If the medications do not help, the next step should be an exorcist.

73. Can you have sex with a ghost?

No, no one can have sex with ghosts. Ghosts have no bodies and want to be left alone. The spirit is a demon and not a ghost.

74. Can demons jump from one person to another?

Demons must be invited in by the person. They cannot arbitrarily jump from person to person.

75. Do negative emotions invite demons?

Yes, extreme negative emotions can invite demons. Forgiveness for the hurt will keep a demon away.

76. How do demons affect the family of the host?

The family and friends become anxious because the host is not behaving normally. The family becomes more anxious every day

77. Why do demons hate people?

Demons hate people because they hate human life. Demons do not want people to be comfortable and have a physical body because all they can do is wander on Earth or be sent to hell.

78. How does a demon talk to its host?

A demon can communicate thoughts using the hostā€™s voice, channeling tools, automatic handwriting, and more.

79. How many demons can live in a person?

Usually, there is more than one. Sometimes, there are legions (thousands)

80. When can the host talk to their family and friends about their demons?

The host must be careful about who he tells about the demon. The person must be spiritually sensitive. The host risks being called weird, crazy, and seriously mentally ill.

Additional FAQs About Demons

My qualifications to answer these questions

As a teenager, I was very spiritually curious. I was waiting to begin my first year in college, and I thought all the spirits were good. The Ouija Board is the channeling tool used to contact the demon. It took four years to get the demon out of me completely. This was a terrifying trip to hell.
About ten years after the exorcism, I desired to help others who are enduring demon-possession. I trained at a Christian church and became a lead exorcist with an exorcism team for support. I worked as an exorcist for twelve years.
Professional education can help a person understand demons to a certain extent. Unfortunately, intellectual knowledge is limited. Personal experience gave me the answer to all these questions.
I will be adding more questions and answers in the future. There is still more to write. Readers, stay spiritually safe. Do not play with the spirits.
submitted by Purple_Ad3714 to aboutdemons [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:47 Luckmaster142 What video game quote you LOVE to use on a daily basis?

submitted by Luckmaster142 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:47 snabelbjorn Casual console gamer review after a couple of weeks

Hello all!
tl;dr I'm terrible at this, but I'm still having lots fun!
I am not your typical FPS PvP-er. I like some FPS (like Halo, Ghost Recon, and Battlefield) but I play them for the story, not the multiplayer. I find FPSPVP it to sweaty and to be honest, I am not good. I play most game on story mode, it's how I like my gaming, chill af.
But a couple of weeks ago, in a weak moment, I decided to try XDefiant. And oh boy I'm having fun! I still suck, mind you (WLR 0,7, KRD 0,4) but I just love the feel of the game. I know the lore of the factions, I recognise the feel of the locations, and the weapons have a nice oumph!
I'm not even bothered by the bad netcode. I mean, if they want the game to survive they have to change it, right? But for now I just know that I will die after getting to safety behind the corner.
If I could change a few things for a more enjoyable experience it would be ( I think some are changing already?):
See you around!
PS: I am sorry if I am ever on you team, I will most likely be the worst player on the team, but I'm having fun so I can't stop myself from playing. At least I will place mines, release spiderbots and push the objective if it helps.
submitted by snabelbjorn to XDefiant [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:43 Clear_Basis1 Iā€™m losing my dog after losing my mum 2 years ago

My baby angel is 13 years old and suddenly got sick last night. She is currently having blood transfusion - the doctor says her condition is critical and we could expect the worst due to her old age.
The same thing happened to me with my mum 2 years ago when she suddenly got sick and passed.
I thought the days were only getting better as I am progressing through my healing journey...
But no, now I am losing yet another love of my lifeā€¦ I am put back to the startā€¦ not even at zero but negative because now I wonā€™t even have those tiny paws to hold whenever I thought I wouldnā€™t be able to go onā€¦
Iā€™m left with nothingā€¦ I also broke up with my boyfriend who was one of my pillars a year ago. I wasnā€™t even healed from the breakup nor my dear mumā€™s passing yet, now Iā€™m losing my babyā€¦
I know this, it will be my very last loss - ever. But I just donā€™t see any light now. If lives are so fragile, I donā€™t know if mine is any more robust to go through all of thisā€¦. alone. Itā€™s not that I need someone to help shoulder or alleviate the gravitation (no one can, canā€™t they), I just need things to go back to how they wereā€¦.
(I donā€™t have a father, only my twin sister whom Iā€™m not particularly close to, and some best friends - but friends are friendsā€¦)
I donā€™t think Iā€™ll make itā€¦
submitted by Clear_Basis1 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:40 Alternative_Fan_2397 Am I being stupid for reconsidering my decision on leaving my bpd ex?

I (21M) recently broke up with my ex (19M) who suffers with bpd. I have such conflicting, back and forth feelings about the situation. It was an extreme rollercoaster relationship, characterised by very high highs and very low lows. When we were good it was so good. We had so much in common personality wise, had so much physical attraction to eachother and had so much chemistry in every way. He showed me so much love and affection and always told me good things about myself. We have similar interests also. However the bad parts of the relationship have caused me to have trust issues and built up resentment. My ex was in active addiction throughout most of our relationship. Before I knew it was an addiction I thought he smoked just for fun. I had to remind him not to smoke while in my presence because it made me feel like he didnā€™t enjoy my company sober. He didnā€™t understand that it seemed rude until I went further in depth. However once I knew how it was I was okay with him smoking to eat, sleep or when he wasnā€™t with me if it helped him in doing those things. On numerous occasions he would lie to me about being sober, he would sneak a smoke if I had went to the bathroom or he would be high when I arrived to see him, before dates or on the way to nights out. He also told my friends that he did this behind my back. The constant lying really broke my trust for him. I didnā€™t enjoy being in his presence when he was high as he was a different person than he usually is. He would be zoned out and would ignore me when I talked about issues or give me halfass responses. He also called me controlling for having these boundaries in place (even tho I was very lenient and adjusted them for his sake) and would express how he would feel guilt for doing it in any of the ways I let him. He also wouldnā€™t understand why I lost my trust and would get annoyed at me for being stuck on the past. He told me I havenā€™t gave him praise for ā€œgetting soberā€ but I found out he was using when he wasnā€™t with me, which is fine but that meant he wasnā€™t sober. He would also take his frustrations out on me while going through withdrawls. Multiple times he went through the withdrawls and stopped, but then would start using again randomly. Also in arguments he would belittle me and call me insulting and degrading names or say he hates me. When I told him to stop he would say ā€œI say how I feel at the timeā€. There was emotionally abusive tendencies and manipulation. Especially when I brought up issues, he would say ā€œif Iā€™m so bad just leaveā€ and would threaten breakups and push me away, but when I didnā€™t fight he would say how itā€™s so easy for me and I donā€™t even put up a fight or say Iā€™m horrible for throwing it away. There was also a lot of criticisms to my character and held me to unrealistic standards about how I should treat him even though he didnā€™t even do those things himself. He would also say how Iā€™ve gone quiet and Iā€™m so boring and depressing to be around, but wouldnā€™t understand why. One of his friends also said to him I shouldā€™ve never went back to him when he lifted his fist at me one time. Itā€™s hard because he didnā€™t take much accountability for months but eventually did, and took accountability for everything once I left, said I didnā€™t deserve any of it and said he would change and get help. I want to believe it so bad but heā€™s made so many empty promises or else said he canā€™t change certain aspects or said change doesnā€™t happen overnight, so how is he now so adamant that he will change. Itā€™s just not ideal that I was taken for granted and it took for him to lose me to realise how I deserve to be treated. I canā€™t tell if weā€™re soul tied or trauma bonded. Iā€™m not perfect either but I do take people into consideration before doing or saying something that could possibly hurt them. I miss him so much and havenā€™t stopped from the moment I left and feel so undesirable to everyone else. He was the first person to show me love but also hurt me so badly so I feel lost. He said to me he is going to rehab and is going to get help, he was in therapy but hadnā€™t been diagnosed for bpd yet, Iā€™m trying to get into therapy too but the wait list is weeks long and idk what to do with myself. The drugs stopped but the talking down etc didnā€™t, so I feel like sometimes Iā€™m stuck on the past and I want to make things right so bad but Iā€™m scared
submitted by Alternative_Fan_2397 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:38 Imjustken1 Changes for North Game

The bye couldnā€™t have come at a better time. This team needs time off to reflect on the bullshit theyā€™ve served up, and then start thinking about what kind of football club they want to be. I think there needs to be some mouth guards at the next training.
I canā€™t help but feel this group has completely lost its identity. Gone is our ruthlessness and high pressure game, gone is our contested beasts game, gone is any form of continuity and togetherness, gone is our defensive structure. We look eerily similar to the 2019 team, who just let other teams walk through us time and time again, without creating much going forward.
Iā€™m as flat and as pissed off as the next supporter about what weā€™ve seen from this team, but looking past that for now, and I want to brainstorm some changes they could make during the bye for the north game.
Firstly the forward line needs a shake up urgently. Petty can go down back or to the VFL, assuming Lever still wonā€™t be available. Trac likely out, so comes out for Jefferson, and Turner comes out for Luker Kentfield. I know both are unproven at AFL level, but whatā€™s the harm? Two out and out forwards who can surely provide a better return than 1 behind, especially against the worst defence in the comp. McAdam in for Chandler, heā€™s been poor for a while now, I know McAdam has been poor as well but worth giving him a shot with a different forward mix. I donā€™t really know what kind of player Laurie is? But fuck him he can come out for Tholstrop. Kid looks hungry, worth giving him a string of games and seeing what he can do. Surely provides more than Laurie
Midfield Trac likely out, I think itā€™s time to give Rivers a proper run in the middle, see what he can do. If I ever see Billings put on a Melbourne jersey again Iā€™m going to lose it, Taj needs to come in for that Saints reject. Iā€™d even be interested to see more of Salem through the middle, or even rotate on the wing. We could use his kick going I50.
Defense A defensive unit of May, Petty (or Tomlinson), McDonald, Judd, Taj, Howes, Salem/Rivers, Bowie. I think theyā€™ve been torched by the oppo without Lever, however it also doesnā€™t help when theyā€™re bombarded and have no cover ahead of them.
Lastly if we donā€™t stop using an average ruckman as a forward coach we are not going to change. Stafford needs to be the first to go. What has he done to help improve the goal kicking. What has he done to improve the forward structure? They look toothless and lost
I donā€™t think any of these changes will actually be made but Iā€™d love to see some axe swinging
submitted by Imjustken1 to melbournefc [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:38 Lovemonster5 Is my ex boyfriend manipulating me or trying to use me?

Our relationship was 5 months long and I enjoyed the relationship we argued about 4 times max we were always laughing, we agreed on almost everything, we always had something to talk about and it was honestly very lovely from my perspective .
So basically my ex boyfriend broke up with me in January. The whole day everything was fine between us we were on a call and I asked him to talk to me till I fell asleep I was asleep for a few hours then I saw the call ended and he send me a text and it was a breakup text.
The break up text consist of him saying he just wants to focus on himself and he enjoyed our relationship and talked about what a great girl I am and how I will always have a special place in his heart and stuff like that.
I didn't reply to the break up text and just deleted his number and our pictures together and stuff cried a bit to my friends then moved on. The next day he text me trying to check up on me I don't reply, a day later he trying to talk to me again and sends multiple text so I send one replying back very short text saying that I'm doing great, he sent a few text after that I didn't reply or read them, a day later he text me again I never open the text and delete his number again, a day later he text me again but deleted the message so idk.
About a month later a repost comes on my tik tok fyp and it looks like his account but not the account I know. I open the account and decided to be a bit nosey and I see he is reposting things about having a girlfriend so I basically just blocked the account. For the past few months I have just been focusing on myself lost a bit of weight, got new hobbies, got a pet and some other changes.
I'm rarely on Instagram but when I opened my insta I saw that he message me saying he misses me and wants me to come home. But I only saw the text 2 weeks after he sent it. I reply saying I thought he needed time to himself but in a rude way, he send a text back didn't see it till a few days later, I reply again saying something rude, he sends a short paragraph saying he wants to end things in good term or things don't have to end at all I left him on read, about a week later I realized I'm into dark bdsm and I enjoy being submissive and subservient with a few other kinks that not a lot of poeple where I'm from enjoy and I don't enjoy online relationships and I thought back to our relationship and it was lovely so I decided to reply telling him he can call me because he knows I don't enjoy texting, he replys saying he will after his granny's funeral and stuff is sorted out and he has free time, I reply saying forry for his lose and he tried to continue the convo and I just left him on seen. 2 weeks go by and I forgot he was even supposed to call me till I had a dream about talking to him then I woke up and it was 11 something the next day I see that he called me at 1 am that was creepy as hell. I call him back in the afternoon at 1pm but he doesn't pick up and calls me back around 7-8 pm.
The conversation started with him saying sorry about breaking up with me and i was a bit to clingy and he should have talked about it with me instead of leaving. I did ask him if he dated anyone since we broke up and he said yes but he broke up with her because she switched up and I said I didn't wanna be a rebound and he said they broke up a while ago before he texted me and the reason he texted me is because he missed me, my voice and our conversation and a few other things about our relationship and for the past few months he has thought about me often. I decided to be straight forward and ask him what he wants does he wanna get back together, a situationship and he replied saying he doesn't wanna end up in a relationship again cause he doesn't wanna hurt me but he also doesn't want a situation. So I asked him if he just wanted fun and he basically said he just wanted to talk to me but be more then friends because we are way passed that. I asked him what does he mean by fun and he basically said just talking to me and getting to see me and anything else I wanna doo. I said I will think about it and said bye.
But idk what he means by fun cause In our relationship we never did anything sexual I let him listen to me play with myself a few times on a call but he never saw me naked or anything. The most we did was peck kiss and cuddle..
Idk what to do about this situation cause I do kinda miss the relationship but I also feel like my judgment is clouded. And he might just want to use me for intertainmint till he gets bored again
I'm sorry if I'm a bad story teller šŸ¤
submitted by Lovemonster5 to Manipulation [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:38 ZeUnoroginalUserName Q n A, cuz why not :`

Q n A, cuz why not :`
I'm bored.
Any questions can be asked, and their info is just below this. It's not the full info because i'm don't feel like typing as essay right now ,:`
Everything here is Undertale-like, but with a bit of my take in making the AU.
CatNap and DogDay - "Determination ā¤ļø" Hoppy Hopscotch - "Bravery šŸ§”" KickinChicken - "Justice šŸ’›" PickyPiggy - "Kindness šŸ’š" Bobby BearHug - "Integrity šŸ’™" CraftyCorn - "Patience šŸ’™"(frick, no light color) Bubba Bubbaphant - "Perseverance šŸ’œ"
(White glows means they're 'dead' btw. And what that means is that their "soul" isn't purely replaced)
(CatNap) Your typical genocide soul. He's quite sarcastic and mean sometimes, especially to DogDay when he's doing something wrong, though he still cares for him. He doesn't know who the Prototype is, if he was even real...
(DogDay) Your timid, pacifist soul. He's quite good at being a leader, but since he's all alone he doesn't know what to do, he's quite lost when he has no one to talk with...
(Hoppy Hopscotch) Your average, fighter-styled, bravery soul. She's quite sassy and brags about herself about anything when it comes to talking smack about someone. She dislikes how KickinChicken's always so cocky and has a big ego JUST to prove someone wrong, atleast she doesn't take her mocking o the next level.
(KickinChicken) Your mediocre, cowboy-like, justice soul. He's quite cocky and has quite an ego whenever he wants to prove someone wrong. He dislikes Hoppy Hopscotch's brags about herself, really wanting to just shoot her with his gun, if it was real one and not a toy one ofcourse...
(PickyPiggy) Your local, chef-dressed, kindness soul. She's quite funny and entertaining to be around. She never really fights, and the only time she does is when her food is ruined by other monsters, but that's quite a rare situation. Hope it doesn't happen...
(Bobby BearHug) Your professional dancing soul. Despite her being dead, she mostly retains her enthusiastic and happy, dancing self. She really loves seeing the other souls bicker about, eavesdropping on their little argument like the little mischief she is...
(CraftyCorn) Your patient and caring soul. She really loves her art and dedicates everything to complete it. Her patience is unmatched from what the other monsters have talked about, like "a yoga teacher opening their third eye". Like PickyPiggy, she never really fights and her anger levels are quote low, but when her art is destroyed or ruined, well... let's just say something bad happens...
(Bubba Bubbaphant) Your smart, well-informed, perseverance soul. He's quite a vital soul when it comes to knowing the attacks of monsters. Too bad he was alone when he was adventuring the underground (everyone did). He can be quite stern and serious about anything, even if it was a joke or a funny situation.
(I ain't readin' allat!)
I'll be answering as such questions as I can with drawing since I'll be answering via drawing.

smilingcritters #qna #smilingcrittersau #UnderCritters

submitted by ZeUnoroginalUserName to PoppyPlaytime [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:34 AsherDBD Base still misssinggg

5thth post about it in the span of almost 3 years. Iā€™ve contacted support directly MULTIPLE times. Iā€™ve Spent so much stuff on the base and a lot of time. I havenā€™t played as much since i found an empty plot. I Really loved the game and have played it long before base building was even a thing. But i donā€™t plan on actually returning until something happens. 7 months later my friends base also disappeared. Please do something, this game was genuinely one of my favourite games iā€™ve ever played. But if i spend a long time on stuff just to lose it and get not help from support, No thanks.
submitted by AsherDBD to GenerationZeroGame [link] [comments]
