Male castration

Men's Rights :: Advocating for the social and legal equality of men and boys since 2008

2008.03.19 17:17 Men's Rights :: Advocating for the social and legal equality of men and boys since 2008

At the most basic level, men's rights are the legal rights that are granted to men. However, any issue that pertains to men's relationship to society is also a topic suitable for this subreddit. Men's rights are influenced by the way men are perceived by others. WARNING: Some other subs have bots that will ban you if you post or comment here.

2008.12.28 07:46 Today I Learned (TIL)

You learn something new every day; what did you learn today? Submit interesting and specific facts about something that you just found out here.

2024.05.28 21:43 cranky_thornback To fix or not to fix?

Hi everyone,
My partner and I are getting a male stabij pup in the next few months, and we could not be more excited. We are getting our puppy through the Dutch Frisian Stabij society, which sends people on their puppy wait list a book about raising their dogs.
In the book, the society cautions STRONGLY against castration, and says that Stabij males especially become lethargic and their coats become gross.
I am from the US, which has a stray dog problem and where castration is the default. I also want to be able to take our boy to doggy daycare, and to not worry about him spreading his seed far and wide. My partner seems persuaded by the stabij society's arguments and is now saying he does not want the dog to be castrated.
Can you help settle this debate? Have you fixed or not fixed, and how is your dog doing?
Thanks, everyone!
submitted by cranky_thornback to stabyhoun [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 17:46 chaivalla6656 Are Factory Farmed Eggs Halal?

2. Also, by extension is it even halal to eat most animals that are sacrificed as halal if they are abused during their life?

3. And is the consumption of milk from cows who were artificially inseminated (raped) and then injected with hormones halal?

According to hadiths it is forbidden to kill an animal for any reason other than for consumption as food or in self defense if being attacked without provocation.
The egg industry in all parts of the world including Pakistan regularly kill male chicks in huge numbers because they are considered unnecessary.
Chickens are also kept in constrained closed dirty spaces which leads to diseases and death. This is also against hadiths regarding well-being of animals.
Due to this, is it only halal if eggs are sourced from chickens at home and small local farms?

“Anyone who kills a sparrow in vain, it will cry for help from God on the Resurrection day, saying, ‘O Lord! This person killed me in vain without gaining any benefit from it and denied me of eating insects and reptiles of the earth’.”

Bihar al-Anwar, 62/316


Protection of animals' physical health Harming, disabling, injuring, or cutting out the organs from any animal is strongly prohibited. Muslims may not cut the forelock, mane, or tail of a horse, because it is believed there is goodness in its forelock; its mane provides it warmth and it swats insects away with its tail.
Protection of animals' sexual health Muslims are not allowed to perform acts such as the interbreeding (as in inbreeding) of animals. Muhammad forbade people from castrating animals.
Preventing cruelty and maltreatment to animals Muslims are not allowed to harass and misuse animals, which includes snatching a leaf from an ant's mouth. Muslims have no right to brand animals, hamstring or crucify animals before killing, or burn animals even if they cause harm to humans. Humans should obtain animal meat by a swift slaughter and avoid cutting lengthwise. In Islamic slaughter, the spinal cord cannot be broken.
Avoiding punishment of animals Muslims cannot use any equipment that injures an animal, (i.e., beating them in a circus show, forcing them to carry heavy loads, or running at extreme speeds in races) even to train them. Exposure to sound is also regulated.
Providing food Muslims are obliged to provide food and water for any animal they see, even if the animal does not belong to them. In providing food and water considerations are the quality of the provisions and the amount of the provision based on the animal's condition and location.
Providing sanitation Animals' health must be respected, along with food, water, and shelter.
Providing medication In the event of illness, Muslims are expected to pay for the care and medication.
Providing dwelling From an Islamic view, the appropriate shelter for an animal has three characteristics:
  • Fits the animal's needs and they should not be placed in an unsanitary condition on the pretext that they do not understand.
  • Fits the physical needs of the animal and its health and protect it from cold and heat.
  • The dwelling of animals should not pollute the environment or spread disease to other organisms.
Respecting animal of status In Islam, the rights of animals are respected in both life[ and death. Animal bodies may never be used for malicious purposes.
submitted by chaivalla6656 to pakistan [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 11:00 AdWinter4333 Two cats, one is agressive

So, we have two cats and one is very agressive to the other and I am at loss how to solve it. Help!
The situation We are a family of two adults, a dog and two cats in an 80m2 apartment with a small (fenced(!)) balcony. Cats can orherwise not go outside.
We've had Mauno (11yo, male, castrate) for years. He is extremely social and cuddely. He has lost two friends recently and he was clearly suffering. There also is a small dog, but he does NOT care about cats and ignores the cats mostly. So to make Mauno feel good again, we decided to adopt another cat. This is Valpuri (2/3yo, female, sterilized, former street cat) she seemed to do really well with other cats previously, also fine with dogs and kids. We slowly introduced them and all seemed to be fine. Mauno immediately wanted to be close and cuddle with the new cat, but she was hesitant (of course) so we gave them time, slow inteoduction, nad as you can see in the picture it seemed to be fine.
What happened The cats escaped (shitty latch on a window. It's fixed, we were previously unaware) mauno was cought in a second (he was happy to cuddle) but Valpuri could noy be cought, bit us bad (antibiotics bad) and it took us a WHILE before we managed to get her back in the home (by herding her). After this it still seemed oke and then it started to get really bad. Valpuri (always clearly more feisty, Mauno is the softest boy) started to attack Mauno. First we thought it was play. Then we tried to distract them. Food is separate, separate cat litter boxes, own beds etc. But it just got bad. Mauno started peeing places and he was hiding. Se we separate them again. Now one of them is in a room anf the other can walk through the house. We give them same amounts of time. Cuddle with the cats, but they can not be in one space. Valpuri will stare and then just attack, like that. She hunts him down.
Otherwise she is a sweet cat! Comes for pets, nad the dog and her ignore each other (she sniffs him sometimes).
Now I need some actual advice on what to do. If i hvae to choose, Valpuri will get a new home, but we really do not want this. Does anyone have any advice on what to do? We are desparate!! Thanks for the help! And I'm sorry for the long post.
submitted by AdWinter4333 to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 09:50 Icicle-Fox-6443 If you believe in neutering pets, but not humans in specific cases at least, you'll always be a hypocrite in my eyes

When you talk about any kind of pet (beside birds, reptiles or fishes) on Reddit, people will always go: "spay and neuter", "geld him, it's pointless to own a stallion", "as Bob Barker said..."
What about humans? Why can't they be neutered? I'm not (only) talking about vasectomies or tubal ligations, but even what you call "neutering" like your beloved pets. I don't fully understand the obsession over surgically removing your animal's gonads; I get that there may be benefits, but firstly, excesses are bad, secondly, why do so many people who are oh so pro spaying or neutering just turn the other way when it comes to humans?
I understand that talking about basically neutering people might seem like a "thorny" topic, but I really think that thought morality has common bases, it's a very subjective and relative thing to apply. To make you understand my point of view, imagine someone locked up in jail for problems he caused due to his sex drive. Would you keep him that way in a cell while unable to get over his frustration? That would be inhumane at least to me, if you think that's the right thing to do, I think you have a very questionable idea of what's ethical. The better choice here seems to be to castrate and release him. This is also very similiar to the reason why people geld their male horses or other animals.
People also get hysterectomies and oopherectomies for medical reasons, and I think that's a good point to use when you argue with people who are totally against spaying or neutering, instead of parroting things such as: "They don't have sex for fun", "Unless you're a breeder, spay or neuter your pets", "A good stallion makes a great gelding", "As Bob Barker said, spay or neuter your pets". Find other arguements and make efforts to think on your own, because I think quoting Bob Barker or the "Good stallion = great gelding" thing may give the impression that you have no mind of your own.
Even neutering might have health issues:
• pets that are neutered might be more prone to ostheoporosys and other skeletal diseases;
• it's easier for them to gain weight uf not exercised;
• behavioural changes may bring some individuals to become more aggressive.
Another arguement I've had the opportunity to spot is "A person can find a good partner to have sex"/"That would ruin a person's sex life". You have to accept that sex drive isn't universally the same for every individual, so not everyone can normale get layed or have a sex life. The problem is that you often take only a handful of cases as examples to make this kind of arguements. What about asexual people or problematic people? Sex life isn't always important or even a thing.
I'm not against spaying or neutering, too many kittens or puppies get abandoned or killed by heartless people, but there must be a measure in anything: while this might make sense to some (I can't stand it to point it out once more), I'll never stop thinking it's hypocritical to go all: "Spay or neuter your pets, no matter what" and then turn a blind eye when it comes to humans, AKA who invented these surgeries.
Last but not least, another moderately common arguement is "Pets/animals aren't people, they should never be compared". I'm against this arguement because of my philisophy and studies about nature, it even contradicts the bond humans and animals have had since Pleistocene:
• humans are animals. They have roughly the same needs as other species;
• what makes you think so? It isn't the absolute truth, nothing is fully demonstrable;
• animals aren't objects and shouldn't be treated as such;
• coherently with my example above, morality cannot be applied in an universal way.
Since I explained my opinion with every point I could find, I think I shouldn't be attacked with strawman arguements like "Ohmygosh, eugenics!". I ask you to read my post carefully and have a civil discussion that can even compare different points of view, unlike many places on this platform. Echo chambers and some subreddits that are made to share only a point of view with no variations are for who alone is nobody.
Thank you if you'll read and comment!
submitted by Icicle-Fox-6443 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 17:13 N_taii Vet's diagnosis on malignant tumor too hasty?

About a week ago, my mother noticed a hard lump on my cat's neck that had apparently developed quite rapidly, and brought him to the vet to get it checked.
After looking and touching it for a while, he seemed to come to the conclusion that it was a malignant tumor, and that my cat might not make it by the time I come back home (currently in another country, scheduled to fly back around mid-September).
However, after doing some research online, I found that it shouldn't be possible to decide whether a tumor is malignant or not without proper analysis, which the vet did not do (as I said, only touching and looking). Is there a possibility he might be wrong, and that the tumor might be benign? Or are there some telltale signs that will give a malignant tumor away without needing lab analysis or bloodwork?
On the cat: he's about 15-16 years old (we got him young from people who weren't sure when he was born), stray, castrated male. Last week during examination, the vet noticed he'd lost some weight since his last appointment a few months prior, but there's nothing so far in my cat's behavior that seems to indicate he's suffering (besides some difficulty to move his head due to the lump). He's purring a lot (as usual), no apparent suffering, drinks quite often and eats at irregular intervals (although he was doing the same years ago).
Here are pictures of the lump on my cat's neck:
Thank you : )
submitted by N_taii to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 21:10 Aves667 Resident cat hates me after new kitten and it's breaking my heart

Hello, I need help. My best boy Ramses (7 male castrated) who used to love me to bits, he used to sleep with me every night cuddled, he used to sleep on me on the couch, talk to me and play with me has now become mean towards me since I got a new kitten (3 months old) 1 month ago.
He now growls at me when I go to pick him up, he bites me if I touch his belly or feet, something he never used to do. At the beginning he would jump on the bed to sleep, see the kitten, growl and leave. He now no longer sleeps on the bed unless I put him there but the minute he sees the kitten he growls and leaves. He doesn't cuddle me, he refuses to let me pet him.
His relationship with the kitten seems good though, he licks her, they play, he's very vocal towards her, they chase each other, kitten jumps on him and plays and he's never been mean or aggressive towards her. If she's laying on me and he comes by for cuddles he leaves.
We can't figure out if he's mad at me for the new kitten, he hated sharing my affection with the kitten or he doesn't want me giving affection to the kitten. He had an older brother his entire life and was alone last year after his brothers passing so he's used to having another cat in the house.
I'm worried this behaviour will never change and he will forever be mean and will hate me forever. What do I do?
submitted by Aves667 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 14:01 MariedButAvailable 10-year-old cat portraying 'heat'-like behaviour while castrated

So my 10-year-old male cat has been castrated since before we adopted him, but since this morning he has been behaving like in heat, according to my mother. He has urinated on this pet bed (which he has done before with this specific bed, probably because it still carries the smell of our previous animals). Besides from this, under our care he has not had any issues regarding potty training, although he has been rehomed a lot because he used to. We suspect that it might be something to do with his bladder, but of course we're not veterinarians, which is why I'm asking about possible causes of this behaviour on here. If any more information is needed, that could help with singling in on possible causes, please ask me to provide it. We are already planning on taking him to the vet, but it will not be possible to do so for the next two days, which is why I am asking it on here first. Thank you in advance AskVet !
submitted by MariedButAvailable to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 01:40 Sea-Nature5926 [Article] Laparoscopic Castration and Sterilization Techniques of the Male Dog
submitted by Sea-Nature5926 to Scholar [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 18:34 Independent-Spot-173 Stray rescue , advice or suggestions?

Stray rescue , advice or suggestions?
Hello! I rescued a little stray kitten last night outside a concert venue. I’m taking her to a local shelter to get her vaccinated and dewormed and eventually getting her spayed. She wouldn’t eat wet food so we gave her some dry kibble.
I’m giving her a quick bath later as she’s very crusty, though she has some sores around her skin. I was wondering if they looked familiar to any of you and how i could treat them. some look like bite marks while the one on her ear seems like a scrape.
also if anyone has any advice or tips for introducing her to my other cat, he is a male and also barely a year old, castrated.
name suggestions are also welcomed
submitted by Independent-Spot-173 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 10:38 Lieutenant_Peanut Need advice! Cat's weird sound

His voice sounds like usual, but time to time when he gives short and not loud "meow" it's sound like his throat is full of water and the sound doesn't come out
submitted by Lieutenant_Peanut to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 03:15 Astrid_Yen08 Please help me find a cnovel

A girl from modern world transmigrated into a novel, the settings of the novel are developing China(it's like 1980s where press have freedom of speech) where martial arts is prominent. The character she transmigrated into is the male lead's cannon fodder daughter.
FL – she didn't know if she died when she transmigrated, the day she transmigrated, the brat OG owner did smth to her new step-mom so her father threw her to Europe to study and FL spent 1 year there, to calm down, before going back to China. She have a young marshal(?) as a fiance (arranged marriage) and she first met him at a restau the day she came back from Europe. FL is strong, willful and a spoiled princess by her father as she's an only child and their family is rich and influential. FL in modern world enjoys archery as a hobby.
ML – iirc he's a young marshal, the day he 1st met FL, he's with his 2 friends joking around about getting girls to accompany them to dine, let the girls sing for them etc. then FL heard them then raised an eyebrow at him and he became honest immediately and abandoned his friends to accompany FL and her company (this is their first official meeting). ML is strong, willful and kinda crazy but he do spoil FL by taking her on his crazy adventures as a young marshal and letting her hit him.
ML & FL can be considered as partners-in-crime, one of their adventures is them dressing as poor people from the mountains to infiltrate a casino to get info about someone and they wrecked havoc in that casino.
OG ML – FL's father, have 7 wives but his first wife, FL's mother is dead, FL is an only child cause he castrated himself after FL's birth, won't say anything anymore aside from he's a good father to her.
OG FL – FL's ex-bestfriend/classmate, same age as FL, they broke up after she hooked up with FL's father and betrayed FL. A bitch.
Aside from OG FL, FL's step-mothers are all amazing.
At the end of the novel, there's a twist about FL's real identity that her father knew before her.
After browsing 360/540 of romance tag in a certain website just to find this novel, I'm about to go crazy so please help me (T.T)
submitted by Astrid_Yen08 to noveltranslations [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:12 lawrensu339 Cookbook Authors - Identity and Status

Edit: Minor spoilers marked REDACTED for those who haven't read the Patreon chapters. Apparently there's a rule.
So we've seen the names of most of the authors, as listed below:
  1. unknown
  2. Porthus (male, High Elf) (likely alive)
  4. Tipid (male, Crest) (alive)
  5. Everly (female, [REDACTED]) ([REDACTED])
  6. Milk (female, [REDACTED]) ([REDACTED])
  7. Volteeg ([REDACTED]) ([REDACTED])
  8. Justice Light ([REDACTED]) ([REDACTED])
  9. Rosetta (female, Crest) (alive)
  10. York (male, possibly a Vesper) (status unknown)
  11. Ikicha (castrated male, Yenk) (status unknown)
  12. Batbilge (no information)
  13. Allister (no information)
  14. Priestly (no information) (likely dead)
  15. Sinjin (no information) (likely dead)
  16. Herot (female, unknown species) (status unknown)
  17. Azin (no information)
  18. Ossie (no information)
  19. Coolie (male, unknown species) (dead)
  20. Forkith (male, Urgyle) (possibly alive)
  21. Tin (no information)
  22. Drakea (male, Bune) (dead)
  23. unknown
  24. Rickard (male, unknown species) (status unknown)
  25. Carl (male, Human turned Primal) (alive, so far).
The only authors we don't yet know the names for are the first (likely for plot reasons) and the 23rd. Seven authors have only a name identified, and an additional four authors are identified by gender but not species.
Approximately seven authors are still alive, and seven have been identified as dead or likely dead, leaving eleven with status still unknown. (If I'm missing a piece of information, please let me know and I will edit the list.)
Who do you think the remaining authors are, and what happened to them?
submitted by lawrensu339 to DungeonCrawlerCarl [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 01:15 guiltyofnothing “I’m a prolific member of the community who is widely respected and verified at 5’4 I have multiple posts with hundreds of upvotes, widely supported by the mods and cherished here.” A user in /r/shortguys rails against tall men in the sub

The Context

/shortguys is a sub for, well, short guys to discuss “all aspects of height, heightism, and how it affects us in all areas of life.”
A user posts a text post decrying tall people who come into the sub offering sympathy to shorter men as insincere.
His post in full is below:
Can we all stop praising the tall pieces of shit that come here pretending to care?
This sub always mocks /short for simping tall guys, but without fail, every week there’s at least one person claiming to be tall posting a wall of text apologizing or pretending to understand or care about what we go through.
Honestly, who are these people confusing? They have literally zero reason to care about what deal with. Even if they did, there’s nothing they can do. Ironically enough, this is one topic they can talk about and slits and normies still won’t care. They'll continue to see us as subhuman and treat us accordingly, while the tall pos will continue to reap their undeserved social benefits.
The post isn’t well received by all, with some tall user chiming in to defend their participation in the sub and things escalate from there.

The Drama:

Someone has a take, which leads to a slapfight and demands for others to kneel:
I only praise tall guys if they castrate themselves
They deserve to pass their genes on more than us manlets sadly
Bro why you under every comment sucking off tall dudes lol, just go to tall atp
You’re pathetic. Get a fucking grip.
Tall dudes usually have higher grip strength so even if I did get a “grip”, a tall guy could just effortlessly overpower me like what alphas do to betas
Can we ban this guy already?
For what? Plus I’m taller than you and you’re being rude
What a fucking loser lol. Everyone point and laugh at this guy
Laugh at what? A 5’3 guy being aggressive to a member of this sub? I have an inch on him and he’s mad. Jesus.
“You have an inch on him”… and? Are you trying to imply you’re superior to him because of that? You’re on a forum for short men. He is a protected class here. You are actually inferior to HIM here, because he’s shorter.
And I can say that because I have an inch on you, so you need to shut the fuck up and obey me. Cuck bitch.
You’re pathetic.
What are you crying about? I literally have an inch on you and you’re mad. Jesus.
I wear size 14 shoe, for all intents and purposes I have a tall man frame. You probably don’t even carry the tall genetics like I do
For all intents and purposes I am taller than you, bitch. Kneel.
Haha okay buddy. Cope more.
I’m a legit 5’4 barefoot evening. You’re probably a 5’5 morning in air forces coper
“Cope more”
I’m taller than you. You are inferior to me. Kneel.
Mods can we buy this guy? He’s prob not even 5’5
mods should ban me for posting exactly the same stuff you’re posting? And acting like you do? 😂
Yeah but I’m a prolific member of the community who is widely respected and verified at 5’4”
I have multiple posts with hundreds of upvotes, widely supported by the mods and cherished here.
You’re a nobody, and probably 6ft 5 instead of 5ft 5 and just lying to put down short kings.
“Prolific member of the community” that repeatedly tries to humiliate men shorter than him and constantly puts down short men in general by calling them betas. Lol. I don’t respect you at all and neither do the hordes of people who downvoted your posts😂
Why would I put myself down you fucking idiot?
Most of my stuff is satire , with some truth mixed in.
“Satire” lol no it isn’t, you’re some shitty 4chan troll pretending to be short as a psy-op
One user takes issue with OOP:
Yeah you literally told me to eat shit and fuck off yesterday. But has it ever crossed your mind that some of „us“ care bc there‘s a fair share of people in our lives that mean a lot to us, who also happen to be short? Yes, I am unable to comprehend your circumstances and where you‘re coming from so I don’t have any right to tell you to fix your attitude. Still, stop making it look like every and any sympathy towards a group of people that one doesn‘t belong to is fake. As if caring about social injustice was so damn absurd.
It looks fake, because of all the virtue signaling that is going on. If you really want to empathize with the group, then why not spread the message and try to help short men in a genuine way. Otherwise, nothing gets done.
I get that and I understand that it kind of looks like that most of the time. Of course standing up for short guys shouldn’t be limited to reddit, where you actually get feedback (or praise) for your words. It means nothing if it isn’t an attitude that you apply to your everyday life and in conversations with others, regardless of the presence of someone actually affected. I‘m also open to input as to how I can do better!
How you can do better?
Start by getting the fuck off this board. You don’t belong and you are unwanted.
I am able to accept that you and some others see it like that. However, me posting on this subreddit is in accordance with the rules. „While everyone of all heights are welcome to post in this subreddit, your posts and comments must be respectful of short guys. Denying the existence of heightism, using anecdotes to undermine the experiences of short men/ scientific studies, and humble-bragging about your height (or your partner's height) will result in a ban.“
I really don’t care whether the rules say you’re allowed to be here or not - even though you are concern trolling and violating the rules anyway (Rule 8).
The point is you disgust the vast majority of people here, your presence is unwanted, and the right thing to do would be to fuck off. If you don’t want to do that, don’t pretend like you give a shit about the people here or “helping” them.
Feel free to prove your remark about me concern trolling. When did I do that? Apparently you just not buying it makes me a troll.
And I‘d certainly leave for good if a majority of members in this group made it clear that I am not welcome to be here. But that has not been the case so far. It‘s kinda unfair to suggest that I don‘t care at all, just because I‘m unwilling to submit to the demand of a singular member, who believes I shouldn‘t be here.
Your every reply is downvoted below zero. Take the hint and fuck off.
How about you tell me in an objective way what your concern with me participating in this subreddit is, since I can’t recall having displayed heightism or disrespectful commentary here or elsewhere on reddit. Also, based on my previous interactions, what you just said isn‘t even true. Simply telling me to fuck off or implying I‘m a troll without any clues does not at all help me understand why I am not supposed to be here.
The objective reason you shouldn’t be here is that you aren’t welcome, and the empirical proof is that all your posts are downvoted into the negatives.
Other than that, you are a concern troll who is only here for social brownie points. Your input is worthless and in no way improves the quality of life of short men, the people who this board is for. Your kind have a board - go there and talk to them about their heightism. I’m sick of idiots who don’t belong polluting this space with their fake ass “concern” and digital hand wringing that accomplishes nothing.
If you REALLY gave a fuck, you’d be confronting heightists on other boards instead of looking for pats on the back from short men here. Fuck off
The mere fact that you decide to display your height as 6ft2 in a flair and not leave it blank tells me more about your intentions then billions of your empty comments.
Without white sympathizers, blacks would have never gotten equal rights.
Without male sympathizers, women would have never been allowed to vote.
Without straight people taking their side, gays would have never gotten mainstream acceptance.
You actually want to improve things for short men? Biting at the only people that can actually make a difference out of pure spite certainly won't help. Tall men are the only ones that can call out heightist behavior and actually be taken seriously. It's not fair, but when you look at history, that's just how it is. NO GROUP of disadvantaged people get traction on their own without support from the opposing team.
So live spitefully if you want. But you're only wallowing in the misery and actively perpetuating heightism by doing so.
Wow, where do I even begin with this stupid ass, self-important bullshit?
First of all, “blacks” can and have obtained equal rights without “white sympathizers” - examples include Haiti and literally every African democracy on earth, you stupid fuck.
Not even going to bother addressing women and homosexuals, because your post is ignoring the inconvenient (for you) fact that whites, men and straights were the reason the other groups didn’t have rights in the first place. You fucking moron. You don’t get to take credit for “helping” to solve a problem you created in the first place. I only have a problem because fuckface parasites like you have privileges you didn’t earn. It’s your fault there’s a problem in the first place. You don’t get credit for “helping” to solve the problem. It’s your moral and ethical responsibility to do it while shutting your fucking mouth and not expecting a cookie and a pat on the back for it. Otherwise, fuck off.
And to be clear - talls like you aren’t the social majority. “Short” people are the global AND local majority everywhere on earth. The majority does not “need” the minority. Black people in America weren’t able to single-handedly secure their rights because they were and are less than 15% of the population. Talls like you are in the 6th percentile. You are not needed for short men to stop being oppressed.
First of all, “blacks” can and have obtained equal rights without “white sympathizers” - examples include Haiti and literally every African democracy on earth, you stupid fuck.
First, I was obviously talking about the civil rights movement in America. Of course Black countries have rights for blacks because... they are all already black? Haiti gained their rights on their own, correct. By overthrowing and brutally murdering the fuck out of their French oppressors, which sounds about like what you would like to do, judging by this unhinged reply, which brings me to my second point: Jesus, you need to calm down.
whites, men and straights were the reason the other groups didn’t have rights in the first place
Yup. World isn't fair. And you know what? They needed sympathizers to fix it. And it got fixed as a direct result of those sympathizers. Without them, guess what? Nothing would have changed.
You fucking moron.
Calm down.
You don’t get to take credit for “helping” to solve a problem you created in the first place. I only have a problem because fuckface parasites like you have privileges you didn’t earn. It’s your fault there’s a problem in the first place. You don’t get credit for “helping” to solve the problem. It’s your moral and ethical responsibility to do it while shutting your fucking mouth and not expecting a cookie and a pat on the back for it.
When, in my post, did I ask for a cookie? All I asked is that you don't lose your mind like a raving lunatic and spit in the face of someone trying to right the wrong you are so spiteful about. Common courtesy =/= I want your eternal gratitude for saving you from my tyranny.
Otherwise, fuck off.
Seriously, what's your problem?
And to be clear - talls like you aren’t the social majority. “Short” people are the global AND local majority everywhere on earth. The majority does not “need” the minority. Black people in America weren’t able to single-handedly secure their rights because they were and are less than 15% of the population. Talls like you are in the 6th percentile. You are not needed for short men to stop being oppressed.
Us being a minority has nothing to do with whether or not we are required to stop heightism. In this case, the majority absolutely does need the minority, because otherwise women would already be taking your complaints seriously. How else are you going to stop heightism if no one is going to listen to your problems? There is literally no other viable way other than genociding everyone taller than you.
A discussion of another’s sexuality ensues:
Anyone else find it kind of attractive tho or is that just me 😂😂
Definitely just you, but this post of yours tells me enough about your mindset
I don’t mean it in a gay way, I’m not gay. I’m just thinking it’s likely.
When you’re out about and a guy 2-3x your size looks down on you, you don’t get that tingling feeling?
You need to have an honest convo with yourself about your sexuality lol
“I’m not gay” proceeds to say the gayest shit I’ve seen all week 😂😂
How’s it gay?
It’s natural if you see an animal bigger than you, you submit either for dominance reasons (because in nature you wouldn’t want to get killed / eaten) or mating reasons (wanting to take / experience their genes)
I’m actually gay and even I don’t feel that way.
Oh idk then, yeah I’m not gay but sometimes when a tall guy stands behind me I get that tingle
“That tingle” is the gayest shit I’ve ever read lmao, sounds like you getting a boner bro
You literally called it attractive lmao
A tall person chimes in, and is shouted down:
Hi I'm 6'4. I'm not apologizing for my height at all. I didn't choose it anymore than you did. Also we don't see you as subhuman, and really don't care about your height, at least not nearly as much as you do. We can sympathize, but obviously not empathize. But you personally, seem really angry. Like wow dude. If you wake up like this you're gonna have a shitty day no matter your height. You can't change your height, just your attitude.
Hi I’m 5’5”. Get the fuck off my board, you piece of shit.
You're such a bad ass on the Internet. 😁
Have a great day tiger.
Wow, just like you, huh dipshit? Fuck you very much.
Hahahahaha stay classy homie 😂
Will you give up sex forever to put your "sympathy" in action not just lame words.
How would that help anyone? Would you cut off a hand to sympathize with the handless?
And I really only sympathize with not being able to reach stuff. Other than that, I see you as an equal.
How would that help anyone?
Straight women will consider short guys as sexual males. You guys have lived in enough privilege.
Would you cut off a hand to sympathize with the handless?
If I experienced equivalent privilege as a tall guy.
Other than that, I see you as an equal.
Denial of privilege is very common among gifted scums who come here pretending to have a soul
I guess stay angry then, kinda seems like that's what makes you happy.
Privileged's suffering makes me happy
Sounds like you've got life figured out then. Enjoy.

The Flairs:

submitted by guiltyofnothing to SubredditDrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 23:17 Dry-Company-5122 Is it testosterone related or behavioural?

Hey all.. would really appreciate some advice pretty please.
I have 2 male chi’s - brothers; nearly 4 years old. Ones as soft as a brush.. the other is super anxious / nervous, and has been since I picked him (and his brother) up at 12 weeks old. That said, he also acts like Billy-Big-Balls and goes absolutely nuts if he spies other dogs, cats, and even birds just sitting on our garden wall. His softer sibling then follows his lead, and so it goes round in circles.
I did take them to training classes early on, and I’d say his tolerance improved; but only in terms of the overall distance that’s acceptable for other animals to be before he loses his cool.
This makes walks incredibly stressful, and also trying to work from home in work calls, as he continuously kicks off if he hears / sees things outside the house.
I’m worried that he’s overcompensating for his nerves. Perhaps something happened to him as a new born, and that having him neutered might make him worse.. though I also wonder if perhaps his test levels are on the high side, which can also lead to anxiety and aggression.
Does anyone have experience of chemical castration as a starting point? I wondered if this might be a good approach to see if it helps or not before committing. If it makes him worse, ar least it wears off.
I have spoken with 2 different vets, but have had conflicting views. Would appreciate any feedback 😊
submitted by Dry-Company-5122 to reactivedogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 16:39 Top-Statistician-140 Does your penis size vary with your testosterone level on a particular day?

So I just came across this image on Twitter (yes I know. I know) that shows a diagram of the male reproductive system before and after castration and there was a noticeable size difference in the size of the penis. Now I know the testicle makes the body's testosterone (or most of it anyways) , so can this shrink in size be attributed to the fact that there is now less testosterone being produced , or is it something else entirely?
submitted by Top-Statistician-140 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:51 ViljarM0ew Older cat recently started marking inside after living with kitten for 10 months

I have a 4 year old female cat (spayed) who in the last few months has started marking everywhere in the house and has totally changed personality after I got a new kitten last summer. (male, castrated)I did the reccomended slow introduction for a couple of weeks in separate floors of the house, room swap etc..
The kitten got comfortable immediatly and was very excited about the other cat, seemingly not bothered by her constant rejection. Eventually after about a month the female warmed up enough that I felt comfortable with them sharing the house unsupervised. She has definatley never been friends with the kitten, but grudgingly accepted its presence. They both ate togheter, stayed in the same rooms and slept in my bed throughout the winter season and everything seemed okay for a while.
On a few occasions the older female peed outside the litter box, but usually in the same two places. This was often if the litter boxe(s) was messy, or one time when I had to buy a different type of litter which she didnt like
As the weather got warmer she started going outside again more, and now she mostly spends time at my neighbor house (my ex inlaws 🤣). Initially I was okay with it as she had a place to go "relax", but they eventually they started letting her sleep there as well, which Im not sure how to feel about... According to them her behavior is perfectly normal and relaxed at their house.
Her behavior has gotten a lot worse after this and she usually only comes home a few times a day for food, then she is gone again. Almost everyday I find pee on new walls or items around the house, and she basically peed directly at me once. I have watched her use the litter box, so Im pretty sure its due to terrotorial behavior and not a medical issue. She is clearly more agitated when the kitten is nearby.
If I approach her she often hisses or growls at me. She seems to relax a bit if I force her to stay inside for like a day, then she eventually can seek me for snuggles or sleep next to me, but the next day its the same all over again.
What I have tried: Pheromone spray and diffusers Regularly cleaning litter boxes (I only have 2, but they mostly go outside during the warmer months) Cleaning the places she has marked, but she usually find new places
Any suggestions on what to do here? Should I get her checked at the vet for medical issues? Force her to stay inside and try to do a reintroduction? It will be a bit difficult to do I think as the cats are very used to go outside as they please
submitted by ViljarM0ew to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:38 Aromatic_File_5256 Oda got inspired by the story of every male non-castrated outdoor cat (roof fight at 3am and all)

Oda got inspired by the story of every male non-castrated outdoor cat (roof fight at 3am and all) submitted by Aromatic_File_5256 to MemePiece [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:00 Nostal_GG Did you get a different cat after being castrated? (Male cats)

I want to know if my cat will stop being the cat that I have known for 2 years and be completely different which would make me very sad.
submitted by Nostal_GG to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:51 digitalmonkeyYT When will we start treating Nazism as it is: an explicitly pedophilic ideology? (screenshots related)

When will we start treating Nazism as it is: an explicitly pedophilic ideology? (screenshots related)
I know this isn't 100% BtB-related, but I think this is a very very important discussion to have that society doesn't want to.
Context: those screenshots are from the comments section of a Matt Bender video where he reacts to Nick Fuentes saying the age of consent should be lowered to save the white race. Nearly every comment was either attacking Bender in some way, or defending pedophilia.
People care so much about fake pedo conspiracies, but when shit like the nazi pedophile ring come to light?: nothing, because nobody except a small group of leftists want to challenge genocidal child molesters.
I wouldn't be surprised by how many "save the children" types would be willing to give up their own preteen daughters if it meant "saving the white race" instead.
I'm fuckng tired of liberals standing in the way of dealing with nazis for the sake of "civility" and defending literal active predators because "we can rehabilitate some of them." MLK was right.
submitted by digitalmonkeyYT to behindthebastards [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:12 LifeguardComplex3134 What are the benefits of neutering a male dog?

Okay so I've already asked the benefits of spaying a female, but I want to know the benefits of neutering a male dog cuz I do know it's a little different besides the fact that it prevents reproduction, I have both genders of dog a year old female and a 7-month-old male, I've already got a appointment for the female to be spayed I'm going to wait until the male is a little over a year old I would also like to get him a canine vasectomy instead of a complete castration, (you can Google about the canine vasectomy) I'm really just asking these questions because I am generally curious and the groups I'm a part of that talk about canine health are mainly dead
submitted by LifeguardComplex3134 to OpenDogTraining [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:09 Organic_Finger9499 Our cat is showing signs of fleas infestation and my family currently have no budget to get him checked up by the vet

Good day I'm a new member of this sub, does anyone know the current condition of our cat whose currently losing hair with scabs when it falls. It is also notable that the infected part feels itchy for him due to frequent scratching. I also noticed that the times that he scratch his ears became more frequent. It all started when he accidentally got out of our house after his recovery and got into a fight with a cat with noticeable bald spots. I'm hoping for anyone to give any insights that can help us buy the proper medication for our boy for better and sooner recovery. The reason why we can't take him to the vet is because we already spent the money last month since he was confined in the animal clinic and we also got a total of 6 medications which is the main reason we ran out of budget to take him to the vet this time.
Species: Domestic Cat Age: 7yrs old/ turning 8 yrs old this June 19 Sex/Neutur status: Male - Not castrated Breed: Mongrel Cat Body weight: around 3-4 kilograms History: previously got gallbladder stones and has low creatinine levels but is already treated. Clinical signs: Itchiness in the infested areas and notable frequent ear scratching. Duration: almost a week General location: a clean neighborhood but has a lot of stray cats. Links to any test results, x rays, vet report that you have: None
submitted by Organic_Finger9499 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 19:07 bogus_lyss Castration?

I have a 3 1/2 month old pygmy male who needs to be castrated. I made an appt at the vet and they're doing castration by banding. I'm seeing so many different opinions on banding vs surgical castration at this age, and I'm kind of at a loss. He is a pet and I don't want him to suffer, and I keep reading studies about banding older sheep and goats and how painful it is for them. Also, banding isn't a 100% guarantee they lose all swimmers. I really need him to not impregnate his sister.
I asked my vet about surgical castration and he said the risk is too high. Seems odd, but obviously I'm not a vet.
(Pictured is Willard and his sister, Loretta)
submitted by bogus_lyss to goats [link] [comments]