Pregnancy safe tea

A safe, welcoming community for all pregnant people!

2009.04.20 19:43 A safe, welcoming community for all pregnant people!

A safer space for all pregnant people.

2011.05.25 04:04 Avalon81204 Taking the journey to parenthood together.

This group is for anyone trying for a baby! Come discuss fertility, sex, conception, and learn all about how your body works!

2010.11.27 19:56 hersheykiss7761 Baby Bumps

A place for pregnant redditors, those who have been pregnant, those who wish to be in the future, and anyone who supports them. Not the place for bump or ultrasound pics, sorry!

2024.06.10 04:35 ExternalAd4656 Rough start to pregnancy

Rushed to the ER this morning feeling absolutely awful. Turns out I have the flu and a UTI. I am worried and really hope everything will be okay for my baby. I am 5 weeks along. Was sent home with Tamaflu, Acetaminophen and Fosfomycin. They initially gave me a prescription for Sulfamethoxazole TMP DS which is NOT safe in pregnancy during the first trimester. I asked about it repeatedly at the ER when they handed me the first pill. Later, when my husband picked up the prescription once home, we noticed the bottle said “not to use if pregnant”. So we called and they changed me to Fosfomycin. I’m pretty angry about that but hope that one pill only will not do harm.
submitted by ExternalAd4656 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:19 Hellonemo123 HERPES OUTBREAK ADVICE FOR YOU - If you are someone looking for remedies with extremely painful Genital/Anal Herpes. Help is on the way dear!

This is a post to help anyone out there suffering from their first genital herpes or oral herpes breakout right now.
(Skip to the list section below if you're not bothered to read the background details!)
My partner had a cold sore on his nose and at the time we had no idea what it was so assumed it was nothing - maybe a skin irritation (I have never heard or seen a cold sore on the nose before). They say that HSV-1 can be spread from the face (orally) to the genitals of someone else but we did not even perform oral - so be mindful it can spread from the hands/fingers!
I had my first outbreak for 4 days without any treatment other than Sudocrem thinking it was a bacterial infection or BAD razor burn (couldn't see a doctor without paying an arm and a leg overseas and the first 2 days weren't so bad - just the first formation of blisters).
4 days later and after a 30-hour trip home with no treatment I was IN SO MUCH PAIN. Went straight to my doctor after I landed, she could tell immediately it was Herpes and put me on antiviral medication (Valaciclovir) and that was it. She said to get some rest and take some painkillers. I was in IMMENSE pain, no over-the-counter pain relief was working at this stage, and this was my first breakout (usually the worst). I had multiple gigantic sores and blisters around my public region and the top of my labia, spreading to my inner thighs and had around 50 mini ulcers all spreading around my anus. The stinging, burning and pain was so intense. The worst part was going to the bathroom. I could just bear the stinging pain from urinating but the other times I had I had a bowel movement... The pain was indescribable. I would cry, I almost threw up from the tearing sensation and at one point almost passed out. It felt like every time I needed to pass a bowel movement my anus was being cut open by glass.
At this point, I was struggling to walk. Every movement was painful. I went back to my doctor (my swap results confirmed it was HSV-1) and she recommended a numbing spray for my anus as I told her I am too scared to go the bathroom. She was no help at all. I did some research and within the first day of doing this I started healing, I really want to share this advice with anyone going through what I went through as I truly felt like it was the END of the world.
LIST SECTION: What you need
- Antiviral Medication
- Pure Vitamin E Oil
- Tea Tree Ointment
- Loose pants
- Pain killers (Ibuprofen is better than paracetamol)
  1. First off, start taking Antiviral Medication ASAP (do not wait days as the earlier you start the medication the less severe your outbreak is going to be). You will need to get an antiviral medication script from your doctor. Take Ibuprofen instead of paracetamol, only take the required dose, it will help with pain.
  2. Clean the area (have a shower or bath once a day using a natural gentle Tea Tree or similar wash). Tee Tree was a lifesaver. It naturally kills the virus. Do not touch or disrupt your skin, put the cleanser in the area above the outbreak and let the water wash the soap over the area, preparing twice or three times, or more (really try not to touch at all so you do not break the skin of the blisters/sores etc).
  3. DRY IT - Do not touch the area with your fingers (HSVP is very contagious, especially with broken blisters, any clear liquid coming out SPREADS the virus). Do not dry the area with a rough fabric material like a towel. I used soft tissues to PAT DRY the areas. GENTLY. Make sure all the areas are dried out.
(WHAT SAVED MY LIFE) Disclosure - do a rough skin test on your hand to make sure you do not have an allergic reaction or do not use these products if you know you have an allergy.
  1. USE PURE VITAMIN E OIL. I used gloves (you can use a Q-tip but gloves were easier and softer for application for me). Gently applying the Vitamin E oil to the breakout areas, I instantly felt relief, especially around my anus. Studies have shown Vitamin E oil is great for reducing the pain/itching and burning side of herpes.
  2. ON TOP of the Vitamin E Oil put a Tea Tree Ointment. Do not use or put PURE Tea Tree oil on your sores. It is very potent and can cause the skin to burn. You can mix pure tea tree oil with pure coconut oil if you want but do not mix it with Vasoline or anything like that as it won't work the same.
The ointment may burn a little at first but the natural properties of tea tree WILL kill the virus. I used a medicated tea tree gel for acne (by Thursday Plantation). Whatever tea tree ointment you use make sure it is natural and can be applied directly to the skin. The acne gel worked WONDERS and you do not need to apply a huge amount, just enough to cover each sore, I really was putting Vitamin E oil everywhere and just gently applying the tea tree loosely around the areas as well. Tea Tree is PURELY for external use. Do not put it inside of your vagina, penis or anus. I put mine on the external labia and external part of my anus.
  1. GENERAL TOILET USE - If you are having horrible, painful urination and bowel movements, do not WIPE the toilet paper across the sensitive areas. PAT the area to remove most of the water and then really soak a bunch of toilet paper and PAT the area with the wet toilet paper to clean it. Once the area is all wet but clean, PAY it dry and follow the process of Vitamin E Oil and Tea Tree Ointment again.
I re-applied the Vitamin E Oil and Tea Tree after every time I cleaned down there. You can also just top up every couple of hours.
  1. REST and LOOSE PANTS - If you are like me and can't even walk, don't. Limit your activity. Say you have the flu and stay in bed, movement can create friction and BREAK the skin. Also try and ditch underwear. Anything tight is not your friend right now. I wore really baggy loose pants and changed them daily. Underwear can suffocate the area, create sweat and stick to the healing sore, which hurts like a bitch to remove. If you do wear under, make it loose and 100 per cent cotton. Airing out the area = Healing.
  2. BOWEL MOVEMENTS - DO NOT TAKE MEDICATION TO STOP YOU FROM PASSING A bowel movement. It will be 50 thousand times worse and more painful. Take stool softeners. This was the worst part for me, honestly, you can't avoid the pain for a few days but breathe through it and get a numbing cream or spray to use if you are terrified. It will help when you feel yourself needing to go, put a numbing agent there and wait a few minutes. Clean your anus with the wet toilet paper (patting to clean and patting to dry). Apply the vitamin E and then the Tea Tree, this area will be RED RAW so it may sting (the tea tree) at first but really will help kill off the virus down there. DO NOT PUSH...
Once you kill the virus and it stops spreading air drying is really important - let the area breathe and keep it cool and dry, sweat and friction are no-nos.
  1. Take Probiotics. Herpes loves to feed on weak immune systems. Take a good probiotic and immune defence supplement. It might not help the pain or spread but it will help heal everything going on inside your body.
I didn't want to drink water so I could avoid going to the bathroom, don't do this. Keep hydrated, eat high-fibre foods and take care of yourself.
It has been 10 days since my breakout. The first 2/3 days were fine as the virus spread. The pain started on the 3rd/4th day and I started taking Anti Viral medication on day 4. Days 5 and 6 WERE THE WORST. On day 6 I started the oils, day 7 was painful but better, day 8 was much better ( I could pass a bowel movement without the intense pain) and by day 9 I felt so relieved, with barely any pain at all and today, day 10 I feel completely, normal and functional. I still have the scabs of the sores healing but had no pain anywhere.
My doctor said that I had one of the worst first breakouts she had ever seen and gave me 2 weeks to get better. Especially the sores around my anus, it felt like I had a permanent anal fissure, the doctor said the tears and ulcers could take up the 3 weeks to fully heal. AS IF.
If you are going through this I FEEL FOR YOU. I have had a broken foot, I have had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed, and I have been through some pain before but NOTHING like this. I wanted to write this post to put this advice out into the world. I don't want anyone to go through all that pain without knowing it can and it WILL go away! Especially if you are luckier than me and can start doing it all sooner.
There is a huge stigma around Herpes, when I found out I had it (not knowing which type) and knowing I got it from my partner I was in despair. I thought my partner had cheated (not knowing about the cold sore), he told me he had never had genital herpes and never touched anyone else (we have been together for 8 months but are in a long-distance relationship so only see each other every few months). I thought the virus might have been dormant in his system as it is more common for men to not show any symptoms or even have an outbreak in their lifetime. I was terrified as I did more research. I have a very weak immune system and was thinking about all the outbreaks I could have throughout my life, and how a future birth of a child might be dictated by this virus (can not have a vaginal birth if I have an outbreak), I felt gross and really angry at my partner and just upset it had happened.
Do not beat yourself up about what has happened. I am very lucky it is HSV-1 as HSV-2 is prone to have more outbreaks (and with my horrible immune system that would mean regularly for me). I feel for anyone who is going through that diagnosis. But please remember it will be fine. SO MANY people have herpes I can not tell you how normal it is.
Anyone who has ever had a cold sore has had herpes. Unfortunately, the stigma behind genital herpes is much worse. Take your time to process it however you can but it is not the end of the world I promise you. Medication is amazing at helping prevent symptoms and can even stop the spread from person to person. You are NOT gross and there is nothing wrong with you, you can still find love, still have children and live a completely normal life. Keep your immune system strong, (taking a probiotic once a day is good), engage in safe sex and be kind to yourself. Different people will react to this diagnosis in different ways, some people I have seen online have been so upset about it they have felt their life is over. If that is you, take a moment to take a step back, breathe and stay calm. So many people are in the same boat and we will ride the waves together. All the strength you need to get through this is provided to you, inside of yourself, by me and by others.
I wrote this post fairly quickly so sorry if there are any mistakes. Please feel free to comment or discuss anything you want to ask here, as I would love to help you and I'm sure there are so many others who would love to support you as well. You are not alone.
Good luck and please upvote this so it can be seen for people who need it in the future! It really did change the whole horrible process for me and I know it can help someone else out there.
Sending my love and prayers!!!
submitted by Hellonemo123 to Herpes [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:14 Warm-Bike6409 Fast labour

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User Avatar Expand user menu u/Warm-Bike6409 avatar Go to Warm-Bike6409 page u/Warm-Bike6409 5 min. ago Warm-Bike6409
First time mum fast labour Dear Redditers
I gave birth Alhamdulillah (thank God) on the 28th September which was my due date. I had so much anxiety during pregnancy (the one before was miscarriage). My anxiety was not nice at all, I at times couldn't distinguish things from reality and it took a lot of speaking to my friends crying for clarity and reassurance. May God bless them.
Due to my history of depression, I was referred to perinatal care and they were lovely and helpful.
I had so much love for my baby while in my tummy and especially after 2nd scan I fell in love even more. I was so so protective over my baby. From not eating certain foods to making sure I had good water intake to making sure I eat whenever I was hungry even early mornings I would force myself to wake up to eat thinking my baby has gone many hours without food. Sounds OCD I know but it was all out of love.
However, leading up to birth, I was awaiting signs of mucus plug, bloody show, pains etc. I had none of that. My water broke first. Followed by contractions. At first they were 5 to 10 mins apart maybe but when we got to hospital which is only 20 mins away, I was contracting more but didn't know. The midwife was telling my husband I'm downplaying it as they could see how I was contracting regularly in front of them.
Then I was taken in to be checked for my cervix dilation. Before that I went to do toilet as I had to pass bowel movements and suddenly upon wiping I saw so much blood which had me shook (turns out that was the show).
The when I got checked for my dilation while I was out on gas and air as the contractions became so frequent and stronger, I remember the midwife saying to my husband 'she's 6cm and yep I can see the baby's head' in my head I was shocked. I was still contracting and on gas and air I kept on tilting to the side of the bed cos it was so strong and frequent. I felt there was such a lack of build up.
The the rest was a blur for me. I was on gas and air in delivery room, and remember vaguely begging for epidural and also being told to hold my thighs (I would have thought they would provide stirrups as it is the 21st century) and they were also telling me not to scream or shout etc. They also were wanting me not to push only to realise I had dilated to 10cm and my body was doing it's thing! etc and being told to push etc and was trying to focus on ring of fire etc but can't remember much. Only afterwards I found out I didn't have gas and air during pushing stage because I was too out of it and wouldn't focus on pushing. Next thing I know my baby was put on me and I was so emotional I was like wow. Thank God.
I held my baby and baby was put on me for breastfeed too. I had my husband take some photos etc. We had the azaan recited by my husband in my baby's ear too etc. But I genuinely can't remember it properly and it makes me so sad.
Then I had to deliver my placenta and that was the worse part for me even birth didn't hurt like that. My legs were shaking a lot after birth so when the lady came for the placenta part I was like no pls I don't want it and she was like I have to do it now. I let her finally and I needed gas and air for this (actually they just gave it didn't ask or anything, j felt like they wanted to shut me up) as I felt like she shoved her hand in there looking for clots let's just say I felt traumatised after this. Then I had an injection to numb me for stitches so didn't feel a thing. This nurse I did not like at all as she made me feel rushed etc. Also, few months after my birth I had a debrief and the lady basically just said 'oh no that wouldn't have happened, it's most likely that she put her finger up into you womb but it felt as if though it was a hand because you'd just given birth and still sore down there) I still don't know who to trust, that lady or my gut instinct. But we will never know.
The another lovely nurse came and said she will help me shower but I refused as I felt so lightheaded I didn't want to do anything just sleep. She said she will give me toast and tea since I said I feel lightheaded.
I can't even remember holding my son for long at that time. I had my hubby help me eat toast and jam and tea as I wanted to regain some sugar rush to feel okay.
However I was still tired and I slept most in and out of sleep I was on the day.
I did however hold my baby and also used syringes to extract colustrum etc and attempted breastfeeding (couldn't get baby to latch) throughout the day too. But again, memory is very hazy and walking was painful (2nd degree tears and piles I had during pregnancy).
Also, the birth was fast, I think I completely skipped first stage of labour and basically all in total my birth was 3 hours 43mins.
Not being able to remember birth etc had made me really upset and I feel I didn't get to focus on skin to skin with my son and also didn't get to take the photos that I wanted with his welcome plaque and outfit I prepared so lovingly weeks before birth. Or even birth photos with umbilical cord and Nappies I didn't take and I know it seems silly but it was something I really wanted.
Days after i was discharged all these feelings have been hurting me to the point there were days I looked at my son and was crying because of how much I love him yet feeling like I am failing him because of being upset because of the way I gave birth and also because of being scared of my teeth pain and if its my fault and I'm so saddened at the fast birth especially since everyone keeps saying how lucky I am etc. I don't think I can explain that yes I'm lucky in terms of short labour but I'm saddened at being so out of it and also feeling like I didn't have time to process anything because it was that fast!
Please can you advice me on the feeling sad about the way I gave birth and will this feeling go of feeling guilty etc. I'm 8 months postpartum now and can hands on heart say I'd give birth to him again a million times over just for the feeling of getting to love him Alhamdulillah. And I feel so selfish even posting this as I feel people will laugh thinking I'm so ungrateful or can't take pain etc but honestly I hope it doesn't come across like that.
submitted by Warm-Bike6409 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:10 Vegetable_Echo_8142 Birth control pill question

I took my last pill before the placebo week last night. I had unprotected sex this morning, and was wanting to know if I’m safe from pregnancy or not, since it was less than 24 hours after I took it or should I get a plan b and play it safe?
submitted by Vegetable_Echo_8142 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:03 Warm-Bike6409 First time mum fast labour

Dear Redditers
I gave birth Alhamdulillah (thank God) on the 28th September which was my due date. I had so much anxiety during pregnancy (the one before was miscarriage). My anxiety was not nice at all, I at times couldn't distinguish things from reality and it took a lot of speaking to my friends crying for clarity and reassurance. May God bless them.
Due to my history of depression, I was referred to perinatal care and they were lovely and helpful.
I had so much love for my baby while in my tummy and especially after 2nd scan I fell in love even more. I was so so protective over my baby. From not eating certain foods to making sure I had good water intake to making sure I eat whenever I was hungry even early mornings I would force myself to wake up to eat thinking my baby has gone many hours without food. Sounds OCD I know but it was all out of love.
However, leading up to birth, I was awaiting signs of mucus plug, bloody show, pains etc. I had none of that. My water broke first. Followed by contractions. At first they were 5 to 10 mins apart maybe but when we got to hospital which is only 20 mins away, I was contracting more but didn't know. The midwife was telling my husband I'm downplaying it as they could see how I was contracting regularly in front of them.
Then I was taken in to be checked for my cervix dilation. Before that I went to do toilet as I had to pass bowel movements and suddenly upon wiping I saw so much blood which had me shook (turns out that was the show).
The when I got checked for my dilation while I was out on gas and air as the contractions became so frequent and stronger, I remember the midwife saying to my husband 'she's 6cm and yep I can see the baby's head' in my head I was shocked. I was still contracting and on gas and air I kept on tilting to the side of the bed cos it was so strong and frequent. I felt there was such a lack of build up.
The the rest was a blur for me. I was on gas and air in delivery room, and remember vaguely begging for epidural and also being told to hold my thighs (I would have thought they would provide stirrups as it is the 21st century) and they were also telling me not to scream or shout etc. They also were wanting me not to push only to realise I had dilated to 10cm and my body was doing it's thing! etc and being told to push etc and was trying to focus on ring of fire etc but can't remember much. Only afterwards I found out I didn't have gas and air during pushing stage because I was too out of it and wouldn't focus on pushing. Next thing I know my baby was put on me and I was so emotional I was like wow. Thank God.
I held my baby and baby was put on me for breastfeed too. I had my husband take some photos etc. We had the azaan recited by my husband in my baby's ear too etc. But I genuinely can't remember it properly and it makes me so sad.
Then I had to deliver my placenta and that was the worse part for me even birth didn't hurt like that. My legs were shaking a lot after birth so when the lady came for the placenta part I was like no pls I don't want it and she was like I have to do it now. I let her finally and I needed gas and air for this (actually they just gave it didn't ask or anything, j felt like they wanted to shut me up) as I felt like she shoved her hand in there looking for clots let's just say I felt traumatised after this. Then I had an injection to numb me for stitches so didn't feel a thing. This nurse I did not like at all as she made me feel rushed etc. Also, few months after my birth I had a debrief and the lady basically just said 'oh no that wouldn't have happened, it's most likely that she put her finger up into you womb but it felt as if though it was a hand because you'd just given birth and still sore down there) I still don't know who to trust, that lady or my gut instinct. But we will never know.
The another lovely nurse came and said she will help me shower but I refused as I felt so lightheaded I didn't want to do anything just sleep. She said she will give me toast and tea since I said I feel lightheaded.
I can't even remember holding my son for long at that time. I had my hubby help me eat toast and jam and tea as I wanted to regain some sugar rush to feel okay.
However I was still tired and I slept most in and out of sleep I was on the day.
I did however hold my baby and also used syringes to extract colustrum etc and attempted breastfeeding (couldn't get baby to latch) throughout the day too. But again, memory is very hazy and walking was painful (2nd degree tears and piles I had during pregnancy).
Also, the birth was fast, I think I completely skipped first stage of labour and basically all in total my birth was 3 hours 43mins.
Not being able to remember birth etc had made me really upset and I feel I didn't get to focus on skin to skin with my son and also didn't get to take the photos that I wanted with his welcome plaque and outfit I prepared so lovingly weeks before birth. Or even birth photos with umbilical cord and Nappies I didn't take and I know it seems silly but it was something I really wanted.
Days after i was discharged all these feelings have been hurting me to the point there were days I looked at my son and was crying because of how much I love him yet feeling like I am failing him because of being upset because of the way I gave birth and also because of being scared of my teeth pain and if its my fault and I'm so saddened at the fast birth especially since everyone keeps saying how lucky I am etc. I don't think I can explain that yes I'm lucky in terms of short labour but I'm saddened at being so out of it and also feeling like I didn't have time to process anything because it was that fast!
Please can you advice me on the feeling sad about the way I gave birth and will this feeling go of feeling guilty etc. I'm 8 months postpartum now and can hands on heart say I'd give birth to him again a million times over just for the feeling of getting to love him Alhamdulillah. And I feel so selfish even posting this as I feel people will laugh thinking I'm so ungrateful or can't take pain etc but honestly I hope it doesn't come across like that.
submitted by Warm-Bike6409 to u/Warm-Bike6409 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:29 LookingForTheGirl25 31 [M4F] Florida/USA - Looking for my person that I can spend the rest of my life with!

Hey there everyone, I never know how to start these, so I'm just going to jump right into it! My name is Austin, I'm 31 years old, and I live in Orlando, FL! 🌴
Here is me: 1 of 6
I'm on a journey to find that special someone who makes my heart skip a beat. I believe in creating a safe and nurturing emotional space in a relationship, where we can be vulnerable, open, and truly ourselves. Let's build something amazing together and have a ton of fun along the way. Whether it's sharing our deepest feelings or just laughing at YouTube videos and memes, I'm all in!
One of my life goals is to have a family and kids. If that's not your cup of tea, no worries – it's not for everyone, and I respect that. 😊
Here's a quick snapshot of the things I'm passionate about:
🍳 Cooking: I love whipping up delicious dishes, and I'm always up for trying new recipes. Let's cook up a storm together!
🎮 Video Games: I'm a gaming enthusiast and can't resist a good gaming session. Whether you're a fellow gamer or just curious to learn, I'd love to share the joystick with you.
📺 TV/Anime/Movies: I'm a big fan of all things screen-related, from binge-watching TV series to exploring the captivating worlds of anime and film.
🏋️‍♂️ Going to the gym or Batting Cages: Staying active is important to me, and I used to play baseball. I'd love a workout buddy or someone to join me at the batting cages.
🐱🐶 Playing with my cat and dog (Licorice and Wade): My furry friends are a big part of my life, and I hope you'll adore them as much as I do!
🎺 Playing my trumpet (recently started again from high school): I've picked up my trumpet again, and I'm eager to share some tunes with you. Maybe you can be my number one fan!
🎶 Music: If music could be a love language, it would be my top choice! I'm a massive music lover, and I'm always excited to share playlists and discuss our favorite artists. My musical taste is pretty diverse, but I particularly enjoy Rock, Metal, EDM, Punk, and Musicals.
If you're looking for a partner who's genuine, caring, and ready for a serious and fun relationship, let's chat and see if we click. I'm excited to get to know you, share experiences, and build a future together. Feel free to reach out, and let's start this adventure! 💫
submitted by LookingForTheGirl25 to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:29 LookingForTheGirl25 31 [M4F] Florida/USA - Looking for my person that I can spend the rest of my life with!

Hey there everyone, I never know how to start these, so I'm just going to jump right into it! My name is Austin, I'm 31 years old, and I live in Orlando, FL! 🌴
Here is me: 1 of 6
I'm on a journey to find that special someone who makes my heart skip a beat. I believe in creating a safe and nurturing emotional space in a relationship, where we can be vulnerable, open, and truly ourselves. Let's build something amazing together and have a ton of fun along the way. Whether it's sharing our deepest feelings or just laughing at YouTube videos and memes, I'm all in!
One of my life goals is to have a family and kids. If that's not your cup of tea, no worries – it's not for everyone, and I respect that. 😊
Here's a quick snapshot of the things I'm passionate about:
🍳 Cooking: I love whipping up delicious dishes, and I'm always up for trying new recipes. Let's cook up a storm together!
🎮 Video Games: I'm a gaming enthusiast and can't resist a good gaming session. Whether you're a fellow gamer or just curious to learn, I'd love to share the joystick with you.
📺 TV/Anime/Movies: I'm a big fan of all things screen-related, from binge-watching TV series to exploring the captivating worlds of anime and film.
🏋️‍♂️ Going to the gym or Batting Cages: Staying active is important to me, and I used to play baseball. I'd love a workout buddy or someone to join me at the batting cages.
🐱🐶 Playing with my cat and dog (Licorice and Wade): My furry friends are a big part of my life, and I hope you'll adore them as much as I do!
🎺 Playing my trumpet (recently started again from high school): I've picked up my trumpet again, and I'm eager to share some tunes with you. Maybe you can be my number one fan!
🎶 Music: If music could be a love language, it would be my top choice! I'm a massive music lover, and I'm always excited to share playlists and discuss our favorite artists. My musical taste is pretty diverse, but I particularly enjoy Rock, Metal, EDM, Punk, and Musicals.
If you're looking for a partner who's genuine, caring, and ready for a serious and fun relationship, let's chat and see if we click. I'm excited to get to know you, share experiences, and build a future together. Feel free to reach out, and let's start this adventure! 💫
submitted by LookingForTheGirl25 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:09 ElderLychen I just found out I’m pregnant but had a few drinks/a cigar this weekend???

Hi, so I’m an already VERY paranoid person and I need to know what to do cause all I can find on google is how you shouldn’t drink during pregnancy at all. My husband and I have been kinda trying to get pregnant. I say kinda cause it’s been more of a “if it happens, great” kinda scenario until we can get into an actual house rather than our apartment, then we were going to start serious. Well surprise, I just took two tests that both say I’m pregnant!
Now here’s where the freaking out comes in. We visited his parents this weekend and I had four beers (Landshark if it matters?) and maybe 1/3 of a cigar. I didn’t have my period all of May but all the tests I took came back negative. I hadn’t had it in June but the test I took at the beginning of the month came back negative. I took the test today on a whim cause I had a bunch of baby TikTok’s popping up on my feed and was just seeing babies everywhere and both came back positive.
The question is, have I put my baby in danger? What should I do? My family has a history of getting pregnant but not staying pregnant if you catch my drift, so I want to do everything I can to keep the baby safe and healthy. I’ve already planned to call my OB first thing in the morning to get an appointment but I guess I’m hoping for some peace of mind here?
Folo: we’re going on vacation with his family on two weeks and all we’ve talked about is drinking, so there’s no way I can hide this from them for super long. But when is too early to let people know?
submitted by ElderLychen to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:41 Puzzleheaded_Pen209 I had sex with my ex's best friend

I (26F) slept with my ex's best friend in my ex's house. I did not think this was going to affect my ex the way it did and I have to fill you all in for why I felt like this was okay to do.
First of all, my ex and I got together back in October and were together for 3 months. He broke up with me out of the blue and ghosted me. For a week I wasn't sure what was going on and then finally he said he didn't have time for a relationship. I felt blind sighted by this and was a wreck for a month. I really did love him and was so confused how sudden this came about.
Months pass and we still followed each other on Instagram but I'd try and ignore so I blocked him. Eventually I was like you know what I don't think I want to block him any more and I kid you not the day I unblock him he responds to one of my stories which surprises me. We start talking and he updates me about his life and I'm a bit more reserved with what I'd like to tell him about mine due to him dumping me and ghosting me.
He would text me throughout the week and call me which I answered. He updated me about the girls he was talking to, the new job he has, the house he bought etc etc. I didn't feel jealous, I have my own life and am very content with it, but I was confused as to why he wanted to talk to me all of a sudden. Truthfully I felt like he was almost boasting about his life now that I'm out of it. I told him this and it caught him off guard and he said he wanted to foster a friendship with me. I was open for this because I did miss him and would love to have him around in my life in some way. He also wanted to reiterate that he broke up with me because he couldn't focus on a relationship. I told him I understood. He also shared with me his anxieties and fears and I felt like a kind of friend-therapist which I was okay with. I like how people feel like they can come to me and vent and feel safe opening up.
He would text me throughout the week randomly, call me on the weekends at night (I was typically asleep and would see the calls after), and just give me a lot of attention. Again, I know he was trying to foster a friendship but also couldn't comprehend the need to talk to me regularly. I told my friends this and they were equally confused and couldn't understand his angle either. I also want to point out that he also spoke to me about the girls on his roster and how he really likes this one girl and I'd give him advice about this. Just trying to help him out! Really at this point I felt like I was being a friend. And I was very okay with it and excited to be a part of him sharing his love life with me. I love a good tea!
Anyways, Friday night comes around and I'm celebrating my friends birthday downtown. He texts me at like 10pm and we start talking and he says his best friend is in town and they want to hangout. I invite him over and he and his friend mob with me and my friends from bar to warehouse party. My ex and I walked over to get drinks and he said he sees me almost like a little sister and that it feels good to be friends with me. In that moment he verbalized how he felt towards me and that made me finally feel satisfied that yes we have reached the point of friendship where were just homies.
We get back to his place and his friend is staying in his roommates room (who left for the weekend). My ex falls asleep and me and his friend are on the couch talking and having really deep discussions about life. I definitely grew fond of him and there was more mental chemistry than I had expected. He started feeling my leg and I pulled away. I told him thats probably not a good idea and that I wouldn't want to get in the way of his and my ex's friendship. His friend said that it wouldn't and that he knows it wouldn't bother my ex. Mind you, they're best friends and I thought well if they're best friends he would know how my ex would feel better than me. He came up with reasons for why my ex was allowing for this to happen and I followed that and we ended up smashing in his roommates bed. 10 minutes in my ex goes to the door and yells "both of you need to get the fuck out of my house now." I was shocked and got my shit together and my ex said "you're not a good friend" to his best friend and his best friend replied that my ex had done way worse things to him. They mentioned some girls names and I immediately thought that the sex with me some sort of retaliation.
I leave the house and my ex calls me begging me for a reason as to why I did it. I have to preface that I didn't think this was going to upset him. I thought we had reached a level of friendship where he wouldn't care who I had sex with, especially after being told he sees me as a little sister. He kept saying "you don't fuck your ex's best friend" and that got through to me. He said I have no common sense and I just started crying because I guess I don't. I didn't mean to hurt him to this degree. I didn't mean to hurt him at all. I feel like his best friend lied to me and I was dumb to follow through with it/ ignore how I felt that maybe it wasn't a good idea. But his friend built up a case for me and I ignored my own gut feeling. I told my friend this and she said in a way he coerced me with fake justifications that he knew of bc he's his "best friend". I do take accountability though for my actions.
He told me he's going to beat up his best friend so that this doesn't happen again. His friend is understanding of this and I guess this is what that friend group does to show respect or whatever. My ex told me that he hopes this sends a message. He then said that he genuinely hates me and despises me. I've been feeling like shit the whole weekend and beating myself up. Our relationship is for sure ruined and I'm assuming its ruined between him and his best friend too. But also....his best friend kinda sucks.
I'm really here just venting. But if anyone wants to share how they felt about this or give me advice for the future that would be great. I now know not to fuck my ex's best friend. I'm just trying to be a better person everyday and I really hate it when I make people upset without meaning to.
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Pen209 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:09 Mommy_E_ Should I reach out to my daughter's father other baby's mother, Even though they have no idea my daughter even exists?!

Honestly, I've been contemplating reaching out to my baby daddy's 1st baby mom because I think it is only right that my daughter even though she's only 1 gets a chance to meet her older sister! so they know she exists!
okay, let me back up! I dated my daughter's sperm donor for 4.5 long and gruesome years, he was a textbook grandiose narcissist literally in every way, besides the feeling of my internal flame and light being snuffed out I chalked everything up to that being his personality and I tried my best to cope because he was sweet at times until I decided that I didn't want to have him bring chaos into my life anymore I learned what a narcissist was and that I was in an abusive relationship, ie; him hitting me and giving me back eyes, him going to jail, constantly lying and cheating, using meth and other substances and constantly fighting and selling sex for money) we broke up on 8/2/2022, I had to call the police because he put his hands on me again in front of his daughter, after his daughter and I went to grab some food for breakfast from the supermarket and I forgot to leave the back door open and I took the keys on accident, thinking he would need more time at the gym.
I have to add his daughter and I had a beautiful relationship. We would go and pick her up on his weekends and she would spend 95% of the time with me, while he was out doing god knows what! we both came to love each other very much her she would call me on Facetime just to talk and only listened to me when I told her to do stuff and not to him because we had built respect and mutual trust. She knew she was safe with me and It was one of the reasons I stayed in that relationship so long to make sure she would be alright and no one would ever try to hurt her because my sperm doner would bring her to addicts' houses and just around shady men and women and trans women as well.
After the incident about two weeks later, I found out I was expecting my daughter. I told him right away and he came with lots of different pregnancy tests to my apartment and he was so disrespectful towards me saying there was no possible way he could even be the father and stuff like that! I decided to lie and told him I got my period and moving forward going no contact would be the best for my mental health and pregnancy. I saw him a total of twice during my pregnancy, Maybe it was the hormones and the fact that his daughter and I and the other baby's mom had a positive and friendly relationship makes me think that maybe I could reach out to see if she would even reciprocate to talk to me since he does not claim my daughter, or had NOT told his family about her even though she looks just like him!
so recently I was scrolling on my IG and he had put up a story saying that he was going back to jail and that he was fighting to see his first daughter! I am not going to lie I was happy as hell and it just feels like a prime opportunity to maybe reach out to her so that my daughter gets to meet her big sister, I've written so many letters but I never dare to send them even though we live not even 15 minutes away from each other, I don't want to ambush or push my daughter on to anyone she is happy and stable and my current boyfriend and his family are so loving and protective of her!
Anyway, would I be opening a Pandora's box by reaching out to her or should I mind my business and continue essentially living my life without any of these people?
I tried to find her on Facebook many times over this past year and a half with no success, the only information I have for sure is the home address I just so happen to remember from pick-ups and drop-offs and I'm not even sure if she is currently living there so there's that as well! Reddit family, what the heck should I do?
submitted by Mommy_E_ to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:36 Aware_Manner_3019 Should I be worried?

Should I be worried?
Had unprotected sex 1 day before my period then took a plan b. Should I still be worried?
I desperately need advice from the ladies here. Me and my boyfriend has unprotected sex about 1 day before my period was set to begin. He pulled out well before he came and even dried off beforehand. Just to be safe I took a plan b pill the next day. My period is now 5 days late. I’ve also been dealing with some spotting and cramping 4 days after sex, but everything in reading online says this is way too early for pregnancy symptoms. I’m just so confused. I’m gonna test on the 2 week mark. But what are my chances of being pregnant right now? Low? High? Please help.
submitted by Aware_Manner_3019 to Periods [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:21 rydenshep To further dive into my (highly unlikely) theory from the other night..

So something that kind of clicked for me, especially after typing out my theory and my continued playthroughs, is the “house” after you complete all the sequences.
This further supports my (highly unlikely, but maybe not so crazy now that I think more about it) theory about her being in a simulation.
Specifically the possibility that Astra wants her to go through the simulation and essentially go through messed up exposure therapy and not be cleared to go on a solo deep space expedition mission until Selene’s mind creates a “normal” planet. One clear and sound of things created and rooted from her psychological traumas and fears.
Potential evidence of this, is the house. After you finish all the house sequences, it’s just.. kind of a house. A rock house of the sorts. And when you compare it to the structures of the Sentients and the Severed, it’s not even remotely close to any of their structures. If anything, it’s some straight-up caveman shit. Nowhere else on Atropos do we see a building/structure quite like this one.
If Atropos in and of itself was completely real, and the house was an illusion, the structure left behind should simply be gone (and replaced by foliage or empty space), or one that resembles Sentient/Severed architecture (things we see plenty of in Derelict Citadel, or even the rest of B1/B4).
To me, this means Selene has processed that trauma, and safely tucked it away in long term memory, where it belongs. She has dealt with it, processed it, and it no longer eats away at her. (If you are familiar with EMDR therapy, I’m describing that concept. If you’re not, think of the movie Inside Out lol.)
Another detail I recently noticed was a bunch of Sentient statues with their stomachs missing. I haven’t paid too much attention in other biomes, but I’ve seen a lot in B3 particularly. In the Tower of Sisyphus, we pick up a scout log that with almost total certainty talks about Selene getting an abortion. It seems that she does this so she can join Astra and have zero obligations holding her back (and that the pregnancy was an accident).
I wonder if there is some deeply rooted subconscious guilt, and that’s where those statues with the stomachs missing stem from.
Anyways, thanks again for reading another story rant. Would love to hear your thoughts and ideas, too! Link to my original theory in the second paragraph. :)
submitted by rydenshep to Returnal [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:21 Unfair_Bid_8095 Need advice: Should I ask my mom to go on birth control? If so, how?

Me (15 f) and my bf (16 m) have been sexually active for about 4 months, and dating for 6 months. We had been using condoms every time we had sex. However, this past month, we have been using the pull out method, as it feels better for both of us with no condom and we have been dating for a decent amount of time. We have talked about me going on birth control and I am pretty positive I want to go on it. Me and my mom have previously had talks about sex and she always says that she wants me to come to her before/when I have sex for the first time, however I have been too scared to tell her that I am sexually active. Now that I want to go on birth control, I know that if I do I have to have a conversation with her about it. She is pretty reasonable and as she has told me before she wants me to come to her but would prefer that I start having sex later than sooner, so I am a little worried at how she will react. Any advice on how I should approach the situation? I feel that it is better that I would be safe than risk pregnancy at such a young age, and I hope she would be understanding, but i'm just not sure.
submitted by Unfair_Bid_8095 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:17 Fit-Masterpiece109 Harvesting roadside chamomile

Hello, I recently went foraging for native German chamomile plants that supposedly grow around here (KY). Unfortunately, I've been hiking for miles in farmland and around creeks but only found it growing right beside the road. The road in question is small and isn't very busy at all, with maybe fifteen or so cars passing a day. Still, I grabbed what I could and placed the plants in a pot with fresh soil from my yard. I want to use them for tea but I'm concerned about the residue/toxins from vehicle emissions. Is it possible for them to eventually excrete said toxins and become safe to ingest now that they're a safe distance from the road and in different soil, or should I look elsewhere for more plants? Thanks!!
submitted by Fit-Masterpiece109 to foraging [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:52 Super-College2794 Thanks to an inexperienced server…

After a harrowing but TG safe drive to a sushi restaurant to meet my SO for dinner, I arrived before her, got to the table stressed with adrenaline still pumping from the drive. In other words the exact feeling that makes you say “I need a drink”. The server comes to the table asks if I would like anything to drink. I said let me have a hot sake, he says well it’s still happy hour and we have $2 beers, would you like a beer? I said no, I’m not much of a beer drinker, I’ll have a large hot sake. He said with a smile are you sure you don’t want a beer, they’re only $2? I said you know what? I’ll have hot green tea. I shouldn’t be drinking anyway, I’m driving. He said no problem Sir! Off he went and then I thought is this really an inexperienced server or a guardian Angel? I already made up my mind that I was going to get a sake but rather than just taking my order, he tried to sell me a much cheaper beverage giving me a moment that seemed like an eternity, starting to feel the guilt, then thinking I really don’t want to have to reset my counter I was able to rethink a bad decision. Not quite sure what was at work in this moment but whatever it was I am now on day 13 and will make it through another weekend. I wish I had some great advice for everyone but what I can tell you is how happy I am that I did not have that drink and sometimes you just need to focus on that. Stay strong my friends! IWNDWYT!!
submitted by Super-College2794 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:44 Tasty-Performance275 what’s your ear ache taylor song??

hey guys! what’s the taylor song that makes you want to rip your ears off?? mine would probably have to be:
submitted by Tasty-Performance275 to swiftiecirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:09 Remarkable-Let-6873 anxiety and acu

Anxiety and Acu treatment
After several chemical pregnancies, I’m undergoing an intensive treatment with a fertility specialized traditional Chinese medicine practitioner. I’m waiting for blood work to confirm pregnancy. Even if positive, miscarriage is always a possibility.
Im tackling anxiety issues. Before starting working with this current professional, I had gone to an acupuncturist, just for anxiety. I had a chemical pregnancy after the acu session, after one night of abdominal pain that had started by and during that session. I never went back of course and was devastated. CO on my birthday - you know how crappy it is.
The current pro I’m working with is fantastic. The mix of herbs and prenatal acu seems efficient. Still, I’ve ptsd from my previous experience.
Last week I tested positive. We’re now doing acu to prevent miscarriage. After my last acu session I wasn’t feeling that good and had abdominal pressures (not pain). The acu was only in the legs btw. Of course I’ve been freaking out for the past 24h. No bleeding, no acute pain, just a little light pressures from time to time. Professional confident treatment is safe.
How do you deal with that type of ptsd? Anyone had acu against miscarriage and everything went well?
I don’t want to miscarry again; at the same time I don’t want to miscarry because I don’t do treatment because of my ptsd issue.
submitted by Remarkable-Let-6873 to CautiousBB [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:49 Ok_Economics_4620 Missed my period 2 weeks now im scared.

I'm 16 and I am usually regular with my cycle, but recently there has been a change. I have missed my period for about 2 weeks now and I am having a pregnancy scare..? We use protection everytime and he changes it out if he feels it's not safe and pulls out with protection on. I don't know if there is a way I am pregnant but also ive been hit with pretty big news. My mom told me I might be moving to a new state (obviously hit me hard bc duh) and we got into an argument and she didn't talk to me for days which caused me to stress and cry a lot more than I do within a span of 3 months. Apparently stress can be a contributing factor to a skipped/late period. I've had sore breasts and white discharge and some cramps which are usually what I get when im about to have my monthly.. but it also sucks because they are also pregnancy symptoms. Am I just going crazy?
submitted by Ok_Economics_4620 to amipregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:40 FancyFireDrake Yang in the Lostbelts Arc 2: Training and Talks

Between Esdeath and Ivan, for a while things hadnt looked all that promising regarding the groups plan to save the Lostbelt. But as the blizzard stopped, the thing that made life so harsh and survival the most important aspect of all, Ivan had proven himself to be surprisingly amicable.
The Yagas lifestyle, brutal and loveless as it was, was no longer needed in a world that could be warm. And with the Box (Yang still was pondering the proper name for the device) in place after the Lostbelts Tree was destroyed... their world was for now at least safe. Comfortably stabilized and in stasis until Yang could get off this planet and plant them on a proper world.
So the trio departed for the next target, this time by a matter of logic and reason. The various Lostbelts had been marked on the walkie talkie like apparatus Yang received with various redacted information. Suppsoedly to be revealed as they progressed. It made her wonder what kind of game this was supposed to be but any information could be useful. Each Lostbelt had different ranks of danger, with Russia being the lowest.
In accordance with the danger rating, their next location would be Scandinavia. A land where Ragnarok never proceeded as it was supposed to, with a Mother Goddess fused with Scathach as its Lostbelt King. And its Jumper being... annoyingly hidden. Supposedly this Jack Slash (Corax immediately wanted to kill him no debate involved after she learned of his name... something about Worms?), had talked Surtr into attempting to end all the world instead of only the age of gods.
Skadi was at least much more approachable than Ivan, greeting them like a mother would. Horrific circumstances regarding humanity in this Lostbelt aside, who had to routinely be feed to Giants at young ages, Skadi was elated to hear they could help, defeat Surtr and put an end to the Giant threat. She had guaranteed them her full support in every endeavor.
It was nice to have a proper room in Skadis Palace instead of having to hide out in a cave. All things considered things were looking up, even if a harsh fight was on the horizon. And what better thing to do than train? So she had done just that with Taiyang for the last couple hours. Corax mentioned wanting to discuss... something with a certain Mother Goddess...
Yang wiped away some sweat of her brow, drinking some of the warm tea the Lostbelt King had provided. She honestly hoped the next Lostbelts would be warmer this cold was getting annoying.
As they recovered some of their energy... Yang felt compelled to ask. "Say... how did you meet Corax?"
Tai coughed, having been drinking water at the time of the question being asked- his mind somewhat frantically pondered an excuse that would keep his extradimensional paramour’s secret.
“Well… she found me, after I joined back up with the survivors from my Remnant she came to visit our Citadel and we started talking”
Yang leaned back with an amused smile. "Really? She just popped in and felt like chatting? Well... I suppose thats how I met her and Sephiroth in Animal Crossing but still... What did you talk about? Anything in particular?"
“Well… she gave me a Symbiote- a piece of Quil it’s what helps me use this arm Flowey gave me without losing my sanity or just straight up dying.”
He looks over at her.
“Are you wondering who she is under the mask? She told me that she knew a counterpart of mine and wanted to meet me because of it, I took her to meet Pietro if you remember him? Your friend Penny’s father?”
So thats how she did it. Yang couldnt help but thank the masked woman mentally. Actions like that were an easy way to get in Yangs own good graces. Shed have to voice her thanks to the woman some time.
"Mister Polendina?" the huntress pondered the name. "I heard of him. Ive known what he looks like from studying Remnant but... I never actually got to meet mine. Last ive seen of Penny was when Pyrrha tore her apart on accident and I never left Patch before... you know." Yang gave an awkward shrug, quickly trying to change the topic. "He seems like a cool guy. Would love to know what he thinks of my tech. As for Corax..."
She clicked her tongue contemplating. "I guess... im just curious cause I cant really get a read on her. Why shes here or doing all this. My best GUESS is that maybe she is projecting some of her trauma and trying to make amends... and fuck me if that isnt a running theme in our group." she let out a small sympathetic chuckle.
"I wouldnt rip the mask of her face or something. She needs to deal with her shit on her own time. Just... curious for sure now how her RWBY visit went."
“Yeah… I don’t know the whole story as well, I don’t know how she met Sepiroth or any of the details after the fact- I just know Remnant went… badly for her to say the least and that she cares about you a lot.”
Tai smiled a little sadly.
“She can be such a gray blur sometimes can’t she?”
That made Yang blink. She... maybe figured something like that after hearing Corax voice in her head back when she took Sephiroths challenge. But to hear that this masked stranger cared about her... why? That was the question currently on Yangs mind.
What could she have done to deserve Corax care?
All she could tell for sure was that Taiyang seemed to care about her as well. Good grief what a Trio they made. Their little 'Neo Chaldea'. Misery loves company?
"...Good way to put it." she said with a small mirrored smile. "You probably know her better than I do and if she is a blur to you, she may as well be mist to me. But well... I suppose we just have to wait until she comes out with her own baggage and lend a shoulder for her when she needs it." Yang decided, unaware just what kind of promise she was making.
....Suddenly she felt like chuckling. "You know its weird... the way she acts... it kind of feels familiar. Or well not familiar but like... something I imagined someone to act LIKE..."
“Raven right? What you always hoped she’d be like when you found her back on Remnant? She reminds me of Ray sometimes too… they’re similar people in a lot of ways”
Yangs expression looked blank for a moment, Taiyangs comparison ringing true. "Yeah I think so. When I first learned that a 'Bandit' gave birth to me... I kinda thought of an 'edgy badass who takes no shit but could teach you cool stuff'. Guess thats what a brain of a 5 year old comes up with." she said distinctively... removed. The same kind of emotion and passion one would give towards describing the specific color of grass.
"Corax... oddly fits this idea I had in my brain I suppose. But considering Corax is around and Raven isnt... I fail to see any similarities." she stated neutrally and matter of factly.
“Yeah… I know what you mean”
Taiyang’s voice sounded… sad, he wished Yang had had the chance to get to know Raven back on Remnant, back before all the Ozpin shit.
‘Sorry Corax you’ve got your work cut out for you…’
Trying to lighten the mood Tai nudges Yang-
“She’s a badass though right? I never wanted to use a sword before what she did in the last Lostbelt now I’m wondering if she’ll give me lessons”
And all but immediately the passion and emotion was back in Yangs face. Gone the utter lack of care about Raven... replaced by what Corax had become.
"You can say that again! Shes treating space like it was paper. I don't think I ever saw someone THAT good with a sword its frankly absurd. I'm honestly surprised Ivan lasted as long as he did." she said with a heartfelt laugh... and admiration in her voice.
A golden blade appeared in her hand, brimming with the power of Ea and Rhongomyniad. "I ended up picking up on sword fighting when I saw just so many Items in Jumpchain not just fitting a brawler fighting style alone. Feels like a waste to deny myself of them entirely. But I am the first to admit that I still feel like a complete novice. You think shed be up to give me some training?"
“Well no harm in asking is there? Even if that doesn’t work out the two of us could train?”
Yang gave a small smile in return. "Sounds good to me."
"Honestly I don't really understand the issue here. You weren't there to fulfill your duties as a mother but now you are here. So what is your problem?" Skadi asked in a remote and secure corner of the Palace the woman standing in front of her... said womans mask in her hand and clutched so tightly her knuckles went white.
"The PROBLEM is that it took me until Remnant literally went to Hell to figure out I have *issues*. The problem is that it took me facing and killing the objectively worst mother in the Omniverse to even THINK about actually being a mother. The problem is that I can not even look at Yang without wanting to vomit out of sheer guilt." Raven said in exasperation. She had the absolutely foolish spur of the moment Idea to turn to a Mother Goddess for advice on her predicament... but it was increasingly looking questionable how smart that idea was.
Skadi hummed in thought. "True... this Ragyo woman really put shame on the role of mother. But you did good in ensuring she can no longer do harm. And I do not think simple absence means you are as bad as her."
"Its not just that I am bad its that I am the worst possible option at the latest time imaginable. I had my chance twice over, once when I had her and left and once again when Summer died. Summer Rose is her real mother and she COULD be that figure in her life. Now she has Aziza who is basically Summer but a cosmic level Pharaoh."
"You are getting too hung up on the idea of motherhood as some sort of competition." Skadi argued, a frustrating amount of compassion on her face. "But such bonds are not easily summarized or put on a ranking. All one can do for sure is love and be there for them. Do you love Yang."
"...Yes. It... took me a while to admit that but I do love her."
"And are you there for her now?"
"...Its not that I-"
"Are you there for her NOW?" Skadi insisted and raven sighed. "I mean... I think so."
"Than that alone means you have what is necessary to be a good mother. As long as you have these two virtues I would never judge you my child."
What in the world was it with people around her being so understanding? Seriously a part of her still wanted Tai to spit on her face when she first met him. It was frustrating in a very complicated way.
"I didnt exactly... HAVE those for a long time. Me and my brother... the tribe wasnt exactly the kind of environment where you make close bonds. I never really had a mother myself and just was too... afraid. Of Ozpins War. Of Salem. Of... caring. So when I had the chance I didnt try."
Skadi just continued to wear a gentle smile. "And yet your Semblance, this power rooted in your soul, manifests as a connection and gate to your loved ones. I believe your Soul is trying to tell you something raven. Something you yourself cant yet see... but I do and Taiyang does and I am sure if you let her Yang would see it as well."
Raven bit the inside of her cheek, brain furiously trying to voice counterarguments. "Skadi."
"Please call me mom."
...Right. Mother Goddess. "...'Mom'... what if it is just too late?"
"It never is too late to show someone you love them. Just as it is never to early to stop with fetishizing ones own sadness."
"But she doesnt CARE about me. And honestly that should be a good thing! Wouldnt I just be selfish if I make her deal with something she put behind her?"
"The woman she moved past is not the woman in front of me today isnt she? You allowed yourself to change Raven and dove into the unknown to be there for her. Mask or no Mask hiding your identity that is NOT something a coward could do." and just like that, raven found herself pulled into a hug, eyes widening from the sudden embrace.
"My child... you are so much braver and stronger than you think you are. I KNOW you will get over this and I can not wait for the day I get to see the both of you act like mother and daughter should."
...Such a notion fell somewhere between pipe dream and insanity for Ravens current mind. But being hugged by a woman that just radiated comfort... she couldnt bring herself to speak these words.
submitted by FancyFireDrake to JumpChain [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:35 Aware_Manner_3019 Should I be worried?

Had unprotected sex 1 day before my period then took a plan b. Should I still be worried?
I desperately need advice from the ladies here. Me and my boyfriend has unprotected sex about 1 day before my period was set to begin. He pulled out well before he came and even dried off beforehand. Just to be safe I took a plan b pill the next day. My period is now 5 days late. I’ve also been dealing with some spotting and cramping 4 days after sex, but everything in reading online says this is way too early for pregnancy symptoms. I’m just so confused. I’m gonna test on the 2 week mark. But what are my chances of being pregnant right now? Low? High? Please help.
submitted by Aware_Manner_3019 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:27 11velociraptors Something has been eating our local wildlife. Last night, I finally found out what.

They found just enough of my best friend's body to mark him down as dead, not missing. The rest of his family wasn't as lucky. They found pieces of Wyatt, Emily, and Alice Forrester—teeth strewn across the parents' bed, strands of the girl's hair caught in the latch of her bedroom window—but there supposedly wasn't enough evidence to determine whether the rest of the family was dead or alive.
After the discovery, my town entered an unofficial, unspoken lockdown. Any peace of mind gained from Fred's arrest was shattered by the realization that, even if he was guilty of grave robbing and killing animals, there were far worse criminals operating in our community. I talked a big game in my last post, saying that I'd put down whatever entity I'd unleashed like some kind of wannabe ghostbuster. In reality, all I did for days was sit in my room, imagining the terror and pain Liam must have felt in his final moments. I submitted an application to visit Fred through the county jail's website, but it took a while to get approved.
Just over a week ago, I received an unexpected visit from Liam's girlfriend, Eleanor. When I answered her knock at my door, she instantly pulled me into a hug and burst into tears, so I figured, despite the two of us not being close, she'd come to commiserate over our shared loss. Not sure what else to do, I invited her inside.
In some ways, it was nice to have someone else who felt the same pain that I did, but in others, seeing her cry just made me feel guilty. She'd come all this way to confide in me, not knowing the role I played in her boyfriend's death. At one point my grandma came in from her garden and made Eleanor some tea, which helped calm her down a little.
It occurred to me that if I was supposed to be investigating the thing that killed Liam, Eleanor might be a good place to start. As gently as I could, I asked her if she'd noticed anything strange about Liam before the discovery.
She shook her head and told me: "He was the same as ever. I just can't see Liam or the rest of his family having any enemies. His parents owned a bakery—that's like the most innocuous job ever. And Alice, I mean, she was only twelve. The only person I might've suspected was your creepy boss. But he was already in jail by that night."
After a minute of silence, she sighed, saying, "That asshole is real bad news. I practically begged Liam not to take that job. We hardly ever disagreed on anything, but we fought about that stupid job all the time." Eleanor started tearing up, so I refrained from asking any follow-up questions. When she composed herself again, she set the teacup down and excused herself, so I walked her out to her car.
I didn't think much about it at the time, but when Eleanor talked about Fred, she seemed really upset. A lot of people in my town have long been wary of Fred, but Eleanor seemed particularly bitter, like there was a painful history between them. Who knows, maybe I'm not the only one who witnessed him messing with dead bodies. I'll have to ask her more the next time I see her.
Before I made it back inside the house, my grandparents appeared on the porch, dressed for an outing. My granddad let me know they were going to The Home Depot for a new raccoon trap, since apparently there was an issue with our current one. He said, "Every morning I find food everywhere and an open trap door. Either the thing's broken or the coyotes have grown opposable thumbs."
After that, they left me alone with the unpleasant notion that something other than coyotes had gotten into the trap. I walked to the edge of our front yard to investigate, and sure enough, the trap door was open and the dog food we used as bait was scattered all over the grass. It looked like someone had reached an arm inside just to knock over the dog food bowl, and yet when I looked closely, I saw a small clump of fur caught in a bottom corner. At some point, there had been an animal in that trap, but something else had opened the door for it. Whether they had done so out of compassion or because they wanted the trapped animal for themselves, I didn't know. I did know that after a week of doing nothing, I finally had a plan.
I spent most of last Saturday gathering supplies, hitting up most of the hunting and camping stores in our small town. My itinerary included four traps in total: two for raccoons; one for mice and other, smaller animals; and one bear trap. I also bought dog food and peanut butter to bait the raccoon and mice traps accordingly. Finally, I bought a pack of four trail cameras. All together, I spent so much that I practically blew through all the money I'd earned at Sundae Central, but I was hoping that it would be worth it.
On Sunday, I set up the traps. My grandparent's house, like all the others on this side of our street, borders a canyon. We've got a nice plot—a huge fenceless yard, at the edge of which sits a greenhouse that my granddad built for my grandma's 50th birthday. Beyond the flat portion of the backyard is a long, gradual decline to the arroyo below, not quite sheer enough to be called a cliff, but too steep and full of trees and boulders to do anything with.
I set up the first trail camera to point to the newly-replaced raccoon trap in the front yard, dedicating the area as Site A. Next, I placed the mouse trap next to the greenhouse, propped up the second trail camera against one of the greenhouse's shelves, and designated it as Site B. I set up the remaining raccoon traps at sites C and D, which lay right at the bottom of the hill and at the very edge of our property respectively. The bear trap, for the time being, I kept in reserve.
Nothing happened on Monday night. I stayed up late, watching the trail cams on my laptop, until I got bored and fell asleep. The following morning, I watched the sped-up recordings, and was both relieved and disappointed to see that nothing had paid the traps a visit.
Site B caught a mouse on Tuesday night. It crawled into the trap near the greenhouse at around 3 AM, but nothing else came to investigate. I released it into the woods the next day. The Site D camera caught something moving in the distance just before dawn, but the trail cam's night vision quality is so bad that I have no idea what it was. From the way the brush swayed in its wake, though, it was something big.
Wednesday night was when things started to get weird. At around midnight, I was sitting at my desk. I've been asked to speak at Liam's funeral, so I was fruitlessly attempting to draft a speech when I looked up at my computer screen to check the cameras. Clicking through the four feeds, I saw that the trap at Site C had caught an opossum. I full-screened the Site C feed and watched the animal scurry around inside the trap for a while. I sat there for a long time. When an hour passed and nothing else happened, I was ready to throw in the towel on the whole stupid operation and just go to bed.
And then, all of a sudden, the trap door slid open.
The opossum was still huddled in the back corner of the cage; the door seemed to have opened all on its own. Cautiously, the creature approached the exit, slowly making its way out of the metal cage. It took a few steps out into the night, and then it stilled. Its head turned to the side, its glowing eyes fixed on something that I couldn't see. I squinted at the video feed. For a moment, I thought I saw depressions in the grass, like something was walking next to the trap.
I blinked, and the opossum disappeared.
I've played back that footage so many times now, and I just can't make sense of what I saw. One second, the creature was standing there in the grass, and the next, it was simply gone. The next morning, when I investigated the area, I saw no trace of the opossum or any other animal. For reasons I still can't comprehend, the thing that's been taking our local wildlife isn't showing up on my cameras.
I focused my efforts on Site C. On Thursday evening, just before dusk, I swapped the dog food in the raccoon trap in favor of a slab of bloody, raw meat I'd bought from the butcher. I also hauled the bear trap down the hill and set it up in front of the raccoon trap, chaining it to a large tree and disguising it as best I could with leaves and dirt. Finally, I sprayed some bear and raccoon repellant around the surrounding area. I've never used a steel-jawed trap on an animal before—I've only ever used humane, catch-and-release-style traps for pest control and I'd like to keep it that way. It was my hope that the repellant would deter the animals from getting too close.
I stayed up the entirety of Thursday night for nothing. No animals graced the trail cam feed, nor did any monsters.
Friday night was similarly slow. I spent so many lonely hours struggling to write my speech and staring at grainy trail cam footage. Maybe I was going a little crazy from my self-imposed isolation, but I kept thinking I saw something moving in the background of Site D.
Last night was when everything went to hell. The slab of meat had been so thoroughly ravaged by flies that I swapped it out for a new one on Saturday evening. Then, I returned to my room to wait. At 3 in the morning, long after my grandparents had gone to sleep, something in the Site C camera caught my eye. Movement in the brush. Depressions in the grass, so slight I never would've seen them if I wasn't looking for them. I held my breath …
And then the bear trap snapped shut.
I stood up from my desk, ecstatic that I'd finally caught my prey and terrified that I'd finally have to confront it. With shaking hands, I quickly tied my shoes and fitted a headlamp over my forehead. As I prepared to leave, the bear trap thrashed around on my screen, presumably as whatever entity it held fought for escape. The last thing I grabbed before I jogged into the night was my granddad's rifle from his gun safe.
Once outside, I made my way towards the bottom of the hill. The weight of the gun in my hand gave me some reassurance as I descended, but I was still more scared than I'd like to admit. Eventually, I drew close enough to the trap to hear the clink of the metal chain. I clicked on my headlamp to see what I'd caught.
There was a woman sitting on the ground, her back towards me. Her hair was blonde, her frame was thin, and she wore a black dress similar to the one I'd seen on the woman outside of Sundae Central. The sight of that dress made my heart sink—instantly, I knew that I was dealing with more than one enemy.
The woman turned around to look at the source of the light, and as she did so, she released her leg. She'd been holding her trapped foot up to her mouth with both hands, and from the look of the gaping wound below her calf, she'd been trying to bite through her leg to free herself. The sight of all that gore made me sick to my stomach. When she saw me, she rose to her feet, though how she could possibly stand in such a state I couldn't fathom.
I pointed the rifle at her. Her lips and chin were completely stained with blood, but I could get a good look at the rest of her face—at her reddish-brown eyes and straight nose, at her freckles and pale skin. Unlike the dark haired woman I'd seen before Liam's death, this woman seemed more corporeal. There was none of the dizzying, distorted effect I'd gotten from looking at the other woman for too long. This woman also seemed younger. She shouldn't possibly have been older than 25.
"What are you?" I asked. She didn't respond, nor did she move at all. Blood dripped off of her chin and pooled on the forest floor beneath her.
"What are you doing in my town?" No response but an unblinking stare and an apathetic expression. I asked her a few more questions, though what exactly I said I can't remember, before finally asking her about Liam.
"My best friend was murdered two weeks ago, for no reason at all. Did you kill him? Did your friend?"
At that, the woman lowered her gaze. Her lips parted, revealing two sets of teeth—a row of normal, human teeth in front, and a row of jagged, shark-like teeth behind them.
"I didn't kill him, but I'm sorry he had to die." Her voice was surprisingly soft, but her words were difficult to make out. It seemed difficult, almost painful, to talk around so many teeth.
"What do you mean 'had to die'?"
"He interfered. He saw too much. And now so have you." Her tone carried no malice and her expression looked almost remorseful. I kept the rifle trained on her, but I took a few steps forward, studying her face. I noticed that she had two beauty marks, one under her left eye and one above her left eyebrow. The weird thing is, I'm pretty sure I've seen a girl with those exact birthmarks before. In fact, the longer I looked at her the more familiar she seemed, but I couldn't for the life of me put my finger on where I'd seen her before.
"Do I know you from somewhere?" I asked her, and she looked surprised.
"I don't …" She started, and then trailed off. She turned away from me, peering intently into the dark woods. I heard something faint, like boughs snapping in the distance, and a familiar feeling settled in my gut. I felt like I was back in the car outside Sundae Central, face to face with the thing that would eventually kill my best friend. Whatever I'd seen that night, I got the sense that it was approaching.
The blonde woman looked back towards me. "You should go," she said, and I didn't have to be told twice. I took one last look at her, trying to take in every detail of her face, and then I turned around and ran for my house.
By the time I was halfway up the hill, I was certain that I was being followed. I could feel a presence behind me, yet I heard no one: no heavy breathing, no snapping of twigs underfoot. Figuring that I couldn't hear my pursuer because they were too far behind me, I risked a glance backwards and failed to stop the scream that escaped me.
Less than five feet behind me was the dark haired woman I'd seen outside the ice cream shop. I have no idea how she got so close behind me without making a sound. Though I only caught the briefest glimpse of her face, I saw that her lips were torn at the corners, allowing her to open her mouth unnaturally wide. Like the blonde girl I'd spoken to, this woman's mouth was cluttered with a double-row of jagged teeth. Figuring I could run faster without my rifle, I threw my it at the woman and put everything I could into that final sprint towards my house.
I didn't stop or look behind me until I was inside with the door shut and locked. I couldn't believe I'd made it in one piece. Hurrying to the back window, I looked out across the backyard and saw, at the very edge of the property, the faint shape of the dark-haired woman. She was perfectly still, staring in the direction of the greenhouse, though at what exactly I'm still not sure. After a few minutes, she turned around and disappeared past the treeline. Her long, black dress swayed around her ankles and made her look like she was floating instead of walking on two feet.
The recording from Site C ended abruptly after I left the scene. When I returned to the scene in the daylight this morning, I found the camera in pieces at the base of the tree it was once hanging on. I also found that the bear trap itself was nowhere in sight. The chain I had used to tie it to a nearby tree was now connected to nothing, leaving me to wonder if the dark-haired woman bit clean through the metal links in order to free her friend.
It's Sunday now, and while I'm in desperate need of some sleep, I wanted to make sure I wrote everything down before I forgot all the details. Though I've learned a lot from my experiment, every new revelation has resulted in more questions. I know that I'm dealing with more than one creature, but I don't know what they are or what they want. I know that Liam was killed for "interfering", but with what exactly I have no clue. The blonde woman's face is still fresh in my mind; maybe I should draw a sketch or something before I go to sleep. She seems so very familiar, and I feel like if I figure out where I've seen her before, I might be one step closer to unraveling this whole fucked-up mystery. I also finally got cleared to visit Fred this week, so hopefully he'll shed some light on what we're dealing with.
Until then, I just have to pray that no sharp-toothed women kill me in my sleep for "seeing too much." I hate that they know where I live now, and that I have no clue how many of them there are. Whatever the case, I'm going to do my best to get to the bottom of it, and try to keep you all updated as I do.
Wish me luck.
submitted by 11velociraptors to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:04 Aware_Manner_3019 Had unprotected sex 2 days before my period then took a plan b. Should I still be worried?

I desperately need advice from the ladies here. Me and my boyfriend has unprotected sex about 2 days before my period was set to begin. He pulled out well before he came and even dried off beforehand. Just to be safe I took a plan b pill the next day. My period is now 5 days late. I’ve also been dealing with some spotting and cramping 4 days after sex, but everything in reading online says this is way too early for pregnancy symptoms. I’m just so confused. I’m gonna test on the 2 week mark. But what are my chances of being pregnant right now? Low? High? Please help.
submitted by Aware_Manner_3019 to Advice [link] [comments]