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2024.06.10 12:04 Wolfblaine How unmarried parents can ensure property and assets go to surviving parent and/or directly to the children

Hello. Louisiana resident. My children's father and I have always discussed keeping our properties and assets safe for the children but have not taken precautions to do so. We are unmarried and coparent, while also having property in our individual names. We normally pay expenses out of our individual accounts. We discussed that if anything were to happen to either of us (or both of us), we would like all property to go to the children and the assets (banks accounts, etc.) to go to the guardian or surviving parent. We are unsure how to navigate this besides getting and staying married, which we do not want. We also do not plan on marrying anyone else but are sure that this is not adequate protections for our stuff. Just an example of our situation, the children and I currently reside in a property in his name only and he is currently paying most of my bill expenses as I am going to school. (I assisted him through his degree in the same manner, we kind of took turns so we could provide for our kids better). His estranged mother has very oddly and suddenly reached out asking about the succession of his property and things in case of an accident for the sake of "keeping things within the family" even though his has two childrenThis is causing some anxiety because even though we do not want to marry each other, we still want things to be there for our children. It also raised questions about what were to happen if one of us is hospitilized and we do not have spouses, children of age, or trustworthy family members who would not immediately drain our accounts. It is not a lot of money but we come from proverty, worked hard for our kids and would like to ensure a safety net for each other and the kid's future. Is there any way to navigate this besides marriage for two people who share children and would like things to stay between us and the kids? The only steps we have taken, is that he has me as a beneficiary for his insurance plans and I am still serving tables currently, so I do not have an insurance plan in place yet but plan on adding him as mine.
submitted by Wolfblaine to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:35 yangy_lyy [AVAILABLE] Government and Not-for-Profit Accounting: Concepts and Practices by Michael H. Granof (9th edition)

[AVAILABLE] Government and Not-for-Profit Accounting: Concepts and Practices by Michael H. Granof (9th edition)
TITLE: Government and Not-for-Profit Accounting: Concepts and Practices AUTHOR: Michael H. Granof, Saleha B. Khumawala, Thad D. Calabrese EDITION: 9TH ED ISBN: 978-1-119-80389-8 (PBK) 978-1-119-80388-1 FORMAT: PDF (ORIGINAL)
  • NOTE: This is the ORIGINAL-PDF version with the SAME page numbers as the book version

Please feel free to DM / Discord /Telegram for a sample or more details :)

submitted by yangy_lyy to textbook_unlocks [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:54 JustBoatTrash Homeownership Costs in the US Jumped 26% Since Pandemic Began
The cost of owning a home in the US has increased 26% since 2020, as expenses including taxes, insurance and utilities all soared during a period of high inflation across the economy.
The average annual outlay for owning and maintaining a typical single-family home — not including mortgage payments — totaled $18,118 in March, the personal finance website Bankrate found. That works out to $1,510 a month more than four years earlier, when pandemic lockdowns began.
The calculation is based on Redfin’s March median sales price of $436,291.
“It was really eye-opening to see just how much it costs to maintain a home,” said Jeff Ostrowski, an analyst at Bankrate. “Until you own a house, it doesn’t dawn on you how much money you’re throwing into the house every month and year.”
In its analysis, Bankrate factored in property taxes, home insurance, energy costs, internet and cable bills, and 2% of the sales price for maintenance — expenses many buyers tend to underestimate.
Home maintenance accounted for the largest share of ownership costs in Bankrate’s findings, so states where purchase prices rose dramatically through the pandemic saw bigger percentage jumps in overall outlays. Property levies were the second-largest piece of the equation in high-tax states such as New Jersey and Connecticut. In others, energy bills came in second.
The past four years of inflation dealt the biggest blow to homeowners in Utah, where expenses surged 44%. Idaho was next at 39%, followed by Hawaii at 38%. Alaska and Texas saw the smallest increases, with costs rising 14%. Annual tallies varied widely, from $11,559 in Kentucky to $29,015 in Hawaii.
Ostrowski said the totals in some cases may be overstated, especially for owners of newly built homes that don’t need repairs, but that they’re still helpful for buyers to keep in mind.
“It’s certainly better to be over-prepared and have some extra money sitting in a high-yield savings account,” he said, “as opposed to under-prepared and scrambling.”
submitted by JustBoatTrash to REBubble [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:49 Comfortable_Bunch_99 BIR Registration for small-time online sellers extended till July 11/14.

Hello, everyone! I need your help to understand the adjustments I need to conform to, and the changes that came with BIR Registration for small--time online sellers like me.
To give you a background, I just opened a new Shopee account with plans to sell pre-loved items, stationery, clothes, and goodies! From my understanding, I need to do the following step-by-step procedure:
  1. Secure a TIN; this would mean the Personal TIN serves also as a Business TIN, and I will be receiving a CoR of it.
  2. Register my business at BIR by filling out a form called "BIR Form 1901" for individual/single proprietorship, while keeping in mind of the following documents I need to provide which is: •Valid ID •Proof of address (e.g., utility bills, etc.) •DTI Certificate (which can be obtained via online, aka: check DTI website and use BNRS to check if the preferred business name is available, then Register at DTI BNRS Portal + Registration Fee + received an e-certificate you can print out) •Sworn Declaration (to be notarized by BIR for the exemption in witholding tax)
  3. Record Keeping - please do enlighten me on how to manage and do this part • Sales invoices and receipts • Books of accounts (for sales and expenses) which we can either do manually (BIR Form 1905) or computerized?
  4. Fill tax returns and pay taxes. - please enlighten me on how to manage and do this part like, do I have to file a VAT or Percentage Tax returns, as well as Income Tax returns "quarterly"? Is it monthly or annually? What BIR Form is applicable in this situation?
submitted by Comfortable_Bunch_99 to ShopeePH [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:40 tossing-this-6232 I'm in therapy after my mother's emotional abuse of me, but I feel guilty for going no-contact.

Where do I even begin? Probably with: throwaway account because I don't need anybody in my life to see this. But maybe if I compile all of my thoughts in one place, I won't seem so crazy to myself. I will be using some jargon I learned in therapy, so if it seems like I'm doing that . . . I am. It's the only way I know how to speak about it now.
I'm the youngest child (28FTM) of three boys (32M, 30M). My parents (61F and 60M) are divorced now, for good reason, but I grew up with them together, and . . . it was miserable. I was the black sheep. Both of my brothers were ~*~Golden Children~*~, with all of the sparkles that accompany. One of them, the younger one, is on the spectrum. He was pretty coddled throughout his life, and even now, he lives at home. His situation is complicated, so I don't really want to speak to it much. I more want to speak to my own.
My mother displayed a lot of traits of narcissism while I was growing up, and she took out a lot of that on me. She was always judgmental and strict, but she also did a pretty good job of isolating the hell out of me and making sure I was sheltered. She'd micromanage my friendships while also making sure I wasn't in extracurriculars (which I desperately needed), and when my social awkwardness became apparently, she did nothing to help it. This was before I was even 12. There were other things going on - the molestation from my eldest brother, for one - that could've been prevented had she actually paid some fucking attention, but that was pretty much it until I was almost 13.
Depression, bay-bee. It hit hard. And with that depression came the anxiety, and things got really bad. With proper ammo, she had the ability to tell me - with reason? - that I was "a drama queen" or "way too sensitive" or "just needed to relax" or "was making a big deal out of nothing". And my anxiety was severe, and my trust in her was high. Of course it was going to be - I was her child. I heard her accusations so often that I just stopped questioning them. Even now, her gaslighting still sticks in my head. I've self-injured as a result of it. I've considered taking my own life over it (I am fine now). Even with all of the therapy, that shit? That shit stuck.
It continues from there. Any hobbies I had? Any aspirations? She ignored. I used to play music at school. I wasn't allowed to try violin - what I really wanted - but I was allowed a hand-me-down clarinet. I enjoyed it, but didn't know how to continue when I got into middle school. My mother didn't care and didn't help, so music was dropped. She couldn't take my drawing or writing from me at least, but even that she disdained, as it was all "too dark" and "why couldn't I just write ponies and unicorns and rainbows". She never read my work. Neither did my dad, though he offered - he was just always too busy. Meanwhile, they encouraged my eldest brother, who was just so talented - his art got him into AP Art, and into an Art Institute, and look at how proud they were - over something that he and I started, and were invested in, together. Simply put: when he did it, he was given gold stars and accolades and a parade. When I did it, I was at best ignored or at worst mocked.
I'm sure there's a lot I'm leaving out, but to be honest I wouldn't even know where to begin with the rest of it. It was just awful.
The first time I went no-contact was when I was 20. I had moved away for university in another country half a continent away, and it was easy to get her to turn over the last bills to me and to tell her not to contact me again. I did the same with my dad, even though I trusted him a lot more. Things were fine for a little while. I mean, my life was spiraling out of control, but at least it wasn't because of them directly. And then I lost the ability to work, I ended up with mental health services, and I got a diagnosis I desperately needed: ASD. I had autism, the same as my brother. I just was never diagnosed. I thought that maybe, maybe, that was why my mother had been so cold. I reinitiated contact with a vigor. But nothing changed. What's worse, she acted like the abuse never happened. When I cut her off again last year, she said she was "confused" and didn't understand. But I did.
I asked my therapist if abusive people ever learn to accept their abuse. In short - not generally. The cognitive dissonance is often too strong, and narcissists have to want to change for it to get better. I don't see either happening in the short- or long-term.
At this point, I've been dreaming about one or both parents every night for the last week. I just woke up from one of them, where my mom was giving me life advice, while at the same time being judgmental of the things going on in my own dream. It's exhausting, to wake up from those dreams and have to deal with the emotions. They've been easier to manage since I began HRT, because it turns out my brain really does work better on testosterone than without. Turns out a lot of my issues really were because of hormonal imbalance.
But I don't think I would be able to tell her that and convince her to care enough.
As for my brothers, both of them live at my dad's home. They have jobs. They have support. They see my mom once a week. They pay about the same amount for rent - if not less - than I do living in subsidized housing a country away. They get both parents and their love. And I get nothing.
I'm exhausted.
I'm seeing a therapist - a really good one - and I'm sure once I post this, I'll be sending this to them. They've been incredible, and I hope they'll be able to help me see through this mess. Their advice would probably be not to air out my dirty laundry in a public space, but to be honest, I'm too tired to care. It's the middle of the night. I've been needing to get this off my chest for so long, and I can't do it to anybody I know. I would hate to alienate them.
I guess the bright side is, at least I don't have to say that my mother got me to where I am today. My first solo exhibition of fine art is opening this week. And I did it all without her help. Moreover, I kept SOMETHING of value from my childhood. She never managed to take away my art, even though it was overshadowed by my can-do-no-wrong brother.
Anyways . . . kinda surprised I didn't cry while I was writing this. Maybe I'm getting better, slowly but surely. But right now it's definitely bad. I'm not exactly sure what I'll do. I have a doctor's appointment in the morning, so I guess I'll try to go back to bed. I'm sure I'll wake up to some lovely comments here when I get up again (take that as literally or figuratively as you want IG), but honestly, whether anybody responds or not, I just needed to get this off of my conscience and stop fucking fighting what I know is true.
My mom was abusive, and I don't want her in my life.
submitted by tossing-this-6232 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:39 EdWoodWoodWood Account restricted..

I carried out a transaction today which I do pretty much on a weekly basis - debit card credit from Wise to Revolut, currency exchange, send the money on. Revolut froze my account and asked for a statement for the account which the debit card's attached to, which they had within a few minutes.
The folk on text chat are entirely useless - lots of platitudes thanking me for my patience and understanding (I am neither patient nor understanding), plenty of resting assured that they're working with the relevant department and my issue is a top priority (which I'm pretty sure they're not and it isn't) but an absolute refusal to answer a simple question as to how long this'll take, even when asked to pick one from an hour, a day, a week and a month.
Enormously frustrating as this money's to pay bills, including some for this week's materials for an ongoing construction project.
If any of you fine folk out there have been through the same recently, I'd very much appreciate knowing how long it took to get matters resolved.
submitted by EdWoodWoodWood to Revolut [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:23 gkush3 [For Hire] Social Media Manager for Crypto Platform - $600+/month

We are seeking an experienced Social Media Manager to handle our Reddit and Twitter accounts. If you are passionate about the crypto space and have a knack for engaging online communities, we'd love to hear from you!
Role and Responsibilities:
How to Apply: Please DM your resume and previous social media work examples. Additionally, answer the following questions:
  1. What excites you most about the crypto space?
  2. How do you stay updated with the latest trends and news in the crypto world?
  3. Provide an example of how you have successfully engaged an online crypto community.
We look forward to hearing from you!
submitted by gkush3 to forhire [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:03 GiversBot /u/nocitysky [COMPLETED] was deleted from /r/borrow on 2024-06-10 (t3_p3vt1o up 1031.40 days, LONGTAIL, ACCOUNT DELETE/SHADOWBAN)

nocitysky deleted from /borrow

Active loans

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[REQ] ($80) - (#Richmond, Virginia, USA), ($110 by 8/25/2021) (Venmo, CashApp, Zelle)

Post contents

Hi! I am lowering my ask as I’ve taken care of my phone bill! Just asking for $80 to help float groceries until my next paycheck! I had an unexpected financial hit this month and will recover by next paycheck just everything is really really tight right now.
Will pay $110 8/25 - asking for Venmo or cash app only because currently right now I’m locked out of PayPal and having issues getting back into my PayPal account. Willing to show proof of employment and any other information you would like! I have great borrowing history!
submitted by GiversBot to borrowdeletes [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:02 GiversBot /u/nocitysky [REQ] was deleted from /r/borrow on 2024-06-10 (t3_p2o9a2 up 1033.38 days, LONGTAIL, ACCOUNT DELETE/SHADOWBAN)

nocitysky deleted from /borrow

Active loans

Quick search


[Req] ($180) - (#Richmond, Virginia, United States) ($210 by 8/26/2021) (Venmo if possible)

Post contents

Hey! It’s been a while since I’ve borrowed. Unexpected expenses has put me a little behind this month. I’m asking for $180 to help with my phone bill and groceries to float me until my next paycheck which will put me back on track!
Willing to show proof of employment etc!
Have a great borrowing history! Would ask to do Venmo please if possible. I am having a hard time getting back into my PayPal account. I’ve been locked out of it/trying to get it recovered.
Thank you!
submitted by GiversBot to borrowdeletes [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:39 spunchy M&B 2024 Lecture 7: Repos, Postponing Settlement

M&B 2024 Lecture 7: Repos, Postponing Settlement
For our schedule and links to other discussions, see the Money and Banking 2024 master post.
This is the discussion thread for Economics of Money and Banking Lecture 7: Repos, Postponing Settlement.
Repurchase agreements (repos or RP) are a form of collateralized money-market lending that can be used, just like the pre-2008 Fed Funds market, for covering payment deficits as well as funding longer-term positions. The mechanics of repo are that the borrower sells a security (e.g. a Treasury) for money at one price and promises to buy it back at a higher price at a pre-determined future date—often the next day. The security serves as collateral that the lender can keep if the borrower defaults.
A key difference between Fed Funds and repo markets is that Fed Funds operates only between parties (e.g. American commercial banks) who have deposit accounts at the Fed, whereas anyone with acceptable collateral can fund their positions (or lend) using repo.
Because repo borrowing requires a movement of collateral in the opposite direction, problems with the market for (and price of) the collateral can cause funding problems for repo borrowers. Due to changes in collateral quality, price, and availability, firms can become less able to borrow and less able to roll over their funding independently of anything to do with their own creditworthiness, interest rate changes, or their counterparties' general willingness to lend. Unsecured borrowing doesn't have this problem.

Part 1: FT: The impact of QE3

In hindsight, we know that QE3 didn't have any dire consequences. But to what extent did it achieve any of its desired positive effects? The first article points out that QE doesn't solve fiscal problems, but it might buy time by putting a floor on asset prices. Is it ever useful to put a floor on asset prices for a purpose other than "buying time"?
Bernanke and his supporters talked about credit easing (Fed lending) while his critics talked about quantitative easing (Fed Borrowing that expanded the reserve base), so reprising a largely irrelevant precrisis debate about the relative importance of the "credit channel" and the "money channel" in the transmission of monetary policy. Meanwhile, the fact that the Fed's balance sheet had expanded on both sides tells us that something else was going on. The Fed was moving the wholesale money market onto its own balance sheet, stepping in as dealer of last resort for the money market.
The Fed issues reserves (or other liabilities) when it increases its holding of assets, thereby expanding its balance sheet on both sides. It's interesting that QE originally emphasized the expansion of reserves. Today, we barely remember the term "credit easing." But we tend to think more about the asset side of the Fed's balance sheet, anyway.
In this framing, is QE buying time for "fiscal solutions," or is it propping up the money market (and capital market?) until the private dealer system can take back over again? Or maybe both?
The second article speaks more to the idea that people sometimes think of QE as what you go to when you "run out" of conventional monetary policy and can't lower interest rates anymore. Is QE a failure if it doesn't boost aggregate demand or promote inflation? To what extent were the different phases of QE even about trying to achieve either of these goals?

Part 2: Money Market Interest Rate Patterns

The repo rate was historically lower than the Fed Funds rate, but the repo rate was higher than Fed Funds at the time of the lecture in 2012. In this lecture, Mehrling puzzles over why this might be happening.
Today, most of the wholesale money market action is happening in the repo market—including slightly different versions of repo with different rules and procedures. The Fed Funds market, as we discussed last week, is largely an arbitrage market. Since 2008, banks with deposit accounts at the Fed generally haven't needed to borrow reserves from each other overnight. The third money-market rate, LIBOR, has largely been superseded by other rates. The final US dollar LIBOR panel report was June 30th, 2023.
That being said, there are still a variety of overnight interest rates to look at, the collection of which Zoltan Pozsar and Daniel Neilson call "the overnight rate complex."
The new benchmark rate, which takes the place of LIBOR, is the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR). It is an average of various repo rates.

Part 3: What is repo?

  • Here's a short blog post that describes repo in simple, clear terms: Repo from first principles by Daniel Neilson (November 30, 2021)
Neilson points out that the cash flows and cash IOUs are normally recorded on balance sheets, but the collateral flows and collateral IOUs normally aren't.
The above set of balance sheets shows two asset intermediations: one going in each direction. The first asset intermediation—the intermediation of the cash—is what we normally see. But there's a symmetrical intermediation where the lender holds collateral and promises to pay it back.
We can also refactor the exact same balance-sheet changes into an asset swap and an IOU swap.
Showing repo this way emphasizes that there's a trade that's going to be unwound. The IOU swap is a promise to unwind the original cash-collateral asset swap. The asset swap is the "initial sale" of the collateral and the IOU swap is the agreement that the original seller will repurchase the asset. Hence, we have a "sale and repurchase agreement."
A "fail" is what you call it when the lender "defaults" on returning the collateral to the borrower during the unwind step.
  • Here's a nice FAQ about repo by the International Capital Market Association: FAQ on Repo.
Repo can have different collateral requirements and is often divided into "general collateral" and "specific collateral." With general collateral repo, collateral can be substituted when the repo unwinds as long as it meets certain equivalency requirements. Specific collateral repo requires that the same exact collateral is returned when the repo unwinds.
A feature of repo emerged shortly after these lectures were filmed is that much of it is now centrally cleared. There are "clearinghouses" for repo called central counterparties (CCPs). In the U.S., the main repo CCP is the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation.
Tri-party repo is repo where a third party manages the collateral.
  • Here's a video where Susan McLaughlin of the New York Fed discusses the risks of tri-party repo where collateral management is outsourced to a third party.

Part 4: Repo in balance sheets

Below is the set of balance sheets that Perry draws on the board to show a security dealer who reverses in a security and then repos it out.
These balance sheets only book the repo loans themselves. They do not show the flow of money moving or the collateral side of things.
The money moves right to the left, and the collateral moves left to the right.
Here are some payment arrows that show the dealer repoing and reversing, including cash and collateral flows.
"Repo" tends to mean "borrowing on the repo market," whereas "reverse" tends to mean lending on the repo market. So the above balance sheets view the world from the perspective of the security dealer. His repo lending is called a "reverse," and his repo borrowing is called a "repo loan."
When the Fed "does repo" or "does reverse," they think about it from the perspective of the private dealer too. When the Fed "does repo," they are allowing the market (dealers) to borrow. When the Fed "does reverse," they are allowing the market to lend, or park their cash, at the Fed.

Part 5: Comparison with Fed Funds

Only banks have access to the Fed Funds market. Anyone with collateral can borrow in the repo market. Anyone who wants collateral can lend in the repo market. Either way, your counterparty is usually going to be one of the big repo dealers.
Unlike the Fed Funds market, not everyone in the repo market has to know each other. Everyone just has to know a small number of dealers.
If the Fed Funds market is an overnight interbank market, we can think of the repo market as a market for overnight inter-corporate borrowing. And the corporations can include domestic financial institutions and even foreign banks that can't hold reserves directly with the Fed.

Part 6: Legal construction of repo

Repo is symmetrical in the sense that one party borrows money, and the other party borrows collateral. The borrower of money is the one who pays margin by selling the security at a haircut below its market price.
Stigum Figure 13.1 corresponds to the calculations that Mehrling makes on the blackboard.
The collateral's haircut determines how much a borrower can borrow against that collateral. By offering a single repo rate (interest rate) and quoting different haircuts on different forms of collateral, repo dealers can create a relatively homogeneous market out of heterogeneous components.

Part 7: Security dealers balance sheet

The Fed Funds market is primarily a broker market, whereas the repo market is primarily a dealer market.
In the table dealers are long Agency securities but short Treasuries, so they are picking up the spread but will lose money if that spread narrows.
"Operation Twist" is when the Fed was selling bills and buying bonds to drive down longer-term interest rates. This pushed the dealers to be long bills and short bonds.
Mehrling says the following in the lecture, which is worth trying to explain.
They're buying and they're selling bonds. But they are, at the same time, funding their longs—long positions—in the repo market . . . , and funding their short positions in the reverse market . . . .
He is emphasizing the symmetry between the cash and collateral mechanics in the repo instrument.
Having a long position in bonds means holding bonds as an asset. Having a short position in bonds means owing bonds as a liability.
If you hold bonds as an asset, you can repo them out to fund the holding of those bonds. The repo-ing of the bond may even be what lets you buy the bond in the first place.
You can similarly sell a bond by first reversing it in. If the counterparty to your reverse wants his collateral back, then you need to find a way to replace the collateral you sold.
There is a sense in which both repo (borrowing) and reverse (lending) create open funding positions that have to be rolled over. A repo is the borrowing of money with a bond as collateral, whereas a reverse is the borrowing of a bond with money as collateral.
For a repo, rolling over your funding means ensuring that people will keep lending you money against your bond.
For a reverse, rolling over your funding means ensuring that people will keep lending you the bond against your money.
Stigum makes clear however that reverses are a very desirable asset for dealers, and they do as much of them as they can, for the simple reason that they can repo out whatever they reverse in, and earn something on the spread.
In the lecture, Mehrling goes as far as to say that reverses are "monetary assets." People treat them as money. They are an alternative to deposit accounts. You might not be able to make demand payments with the money you've parked in reverse repo, but you can always make a payment the next day, when the repo is up for renewal.
When haircuts increase, it decreases the amount of funding a repo borrower can get for a given amount of collateral. This can create a funding gap on the balance sheet, forcing an entity to sell assets it can no longer fund. If people use those assets as repo collateral, that can drive haircuts up even further. This happened during the 2008 crisis with mortgage-backed securities that were being used as collateral in the repo market.

Part 8: Repo, modern finance, and the Fed

Here's what it looks like for the Fed to do repo.
It expands everyone's balance sheets.
Nowadays the Fed intervenes in this way only rarely, in the last few months mostly to test its ability to do reverse repo with the dealers, as a way of shrinking its balance sheet eventually.
Here's the Fed doing reverse repo.
It shrinks down the balance sheets of commercial banks, but the dealer's balance sheet and the Fed's balance sheet stay the same size.
The dealer has replaced his deposit in the bank with a reverse repo at the Fed. Through the reverse repo, the dealer has direct access to the Fed's balance sheet instead of having to go through the commercial banking system as an intermediary.
You can see that the reverse works to shift its liabilities from reserves (which are high powered money) to repo (which is less high powered, especially if it is term repo), and to shift the Fed’s counterparty from banks to dealers. Whether or not this is such a big deal is something we can talk about; the point right now to emphasize is understanding exactly how it all works.

Part 9: Interest rate spreads: before the crisis

Mehrling argues that we might expect the Fed Funds rate to be higher than the repo rate when the Fed wants to impose discipline. If we think of the repo rate as the market rate, the Fed wants to target a Fed Funds rate that's a little bit higher than the market rate.
I'm not entirely satisfied with this explanation. Why would anyone borrow Fed Funds when the repo rate is lower? Not enough collateral? And why would the Fed's actions to push around the Fed Funds rate not also push around the repo rate?

Part 10: Interest rate spreads: after the crisis

In 2012, Fed Funds rate was lower than the repo rate. This suggests that the Fed was trying to create elasticity. The goal would be for the Fed Funds target rate (policy rate) to pull down the repo rate (market rate) through arbitrage.
We can look at interest rate spreads as clues to help us identify disruptions in the money markets and deduce the incentives.
When spreads reverse, incentives reverse, and flows reverse.
With QE, the Fed directly tries to inject reserves into the system.
Please post any questions and comments below. We will have a one-hour live discussion of Lecture 7 and Lecture 8 on Monday, June 10th, at 2:00pm EDT.
submitted by spunchy to moneyview [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:29 Ok-Storm4478 What makes SoFi worth it?

I have used both SoFi and Wealthfront minimally. But with the entire issue of FDIC with WF I’m looking more into moving my funds back to SoFi. But everything I’ve been reading has been negative with people randomly getting their accounts frozen. Which obviously is a big concern for paying bills. I’ve also had negative experiences with support. But I like the interface. What keeps yall into using them despite the somewhat negative issues discussed on this sub! Maybe I just need some convincing.
submitted by Ok-Storm4478 to sofi [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:22 ReportsStack Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) Refrigerant Market Size, Growth & Statistics Report from 2024 to 2030

The global hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerants market is expected to witness a notable CAGR of around 3% from 2024 to 2030. This growth is primarily attributed to stringent global environmental regulations focused on safeguarding the ozone layer and addressing climate change concerns. International agreements like the Montreal Protocol have successfully phased out hazardous chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), resulting in a surge in demand for HFCs owing to their lower ozone depletion potential (ODP).
To know more about this study, request a free sample report @
Market Trends:
Shift Towards Low-GWP Alternatives: With increasing concerns about global warming potential (GWP), there is a noticeable trend towards the adoption of low-GWP alternatives to HFC refrigerants. This includes natural refrigerants such as hydrocarbons, ammonia, and carbon dioxide, as well as synthetic alternatives like hydrofluoroolefins (HFOs).
Regulatory Compliance and Phase-down Initiatives: Stringent regulations and phase-down initiatives imposed by international agreements, such as the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol, continue to shape the HFC refrigerant market. These regulations aim to reduce the production and consumption of high-GWP HFCs, driving the adoption of more environmentally friendly alternatives.
Growing Demand for Energy-Efficient Solutions: Energy efficiency remains a key focus in the refrigeration and air conditioning industry. Manufacturers and end-users are increasingly seeking energy-efficient refrigerants that not only comply with environmental regulations but also help reduce energy consumption and operating costs.
Expansion in HVACR Applications: The heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration (HVACR) sector accounts for a significant portion of HFC refrigerant demand. As the global demand for HVACR systems continues to rise, particularly in emerging economies, the HFC refrigerant market is expected to witness steady growth.
Technological Advancements in Refrigeration Systems: Ongoing advancements in refrigeration technology, including the development of more efficient and environmentally friendly equipment, are driving the demand for compatible HFC refrigerants. Innovations such as variable refrigerant flow (VRF) systems and heat pump technology are shaping the market landscape.
Market Opportunities:
The hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerant market presents significant opportunities for growth and innovation amidst evolving regulatory landscapes and increasing demand for environmentally sustainable solutions. With stringent regulations aiming to phase out high-GWP refrigerants, there is a growing demand for low-GWP alternatives, including HFOs, natural refrigerants, and low-GWP HFC blends. Manufacturers and suppliers have the opportunity to capitalize on this trend by investing in research and development of next-generation refrigerants that comply with regulatory requirements while offering improved energy efficiency and environmental performance. Additionally, the expanding HVACR sector, particularly in emerging economies, presents a ripe market for HFC refrigerants, as growing urbanization and industrialization drive the demand for air conditioning and refrigeration systems.
According to the recent report published by RC Market Analytics, the Global Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) Refrigerant Market is expected to provide sustainable growth opportunities during the forecast period from 2024 to 2030. This latest industry research study analyzes the hydrofluorocarbon refrigerant market by various product segments, applications, regions and countries while assessing regional performances of numerous leading market participants. The report offers a holistic view of the hydrofluorocarbon refrigerant industry encompassing numerous stakeholders including raw material suppliers, providers, distributors, consumers and government agencies, among others. Furthermore, the report includes detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis of the global market considering market history, product development, regional dynamics, competitive landscape, and key success factors (KSFs) in the industry.
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Geographically, the hydrofluorocarbon refrigerant market report comprises dedicated sections centering on the regional market revenue and trends. The hydrofluorocarbon refrigerant market has been segmented on the basis of geographic regions into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. Hydrofluorocarbon refrigerant market estimates have also been provided for the historical years 2020 to 2023 along with forecast for the period from 2024 - 2030.The report includes a deep-dive analysis of key countries including the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Germany, France, Italy, China, Japan, India, Australia, Mexico, Brazil and South Africa, among others. Thereby, the report identifies unique growth opportunities across the world based on trends occurring in various developed and developing economies.
The Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) Refrigerant Market Segmentation:

By Type:

By Application:

By Region:

Leading companies in the global hydrofluorocarbon refrigerant market include Honeywell, Chemours, Arkema, Daikin, and Mitsubishi Electric. These industry leaders are actively pursuing growth strategies such as market expansion, new investments, service innovations, and collaborative partnerships. By exploring new geographical territories through expansion and strategic acquisitions, they aim to leverage joint synergies and gain a competitive edge in the market.
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Key Questions Answered by Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) Refrigerant Market Report:
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2024.06.10 09:22 brock_smith_lwf What Are Finance Assignment Help Services and Their Pros and Cons?

In today's competitive academic environment, students often face immense pressure to excel in their studies. This is particularly true in the field of finance, where the complexity and breadth of the subject can be overwhelming. Finance assignment help services have emerged as a popular solution for students seeking to manage their academic workload effectively. These services offer expert guidance, personalized tutoring, and comprehensive support for a wide range of finance-related assignments. In this article, we will explore the ins and outs of finance assignment help online, including its benefits and potential drawbacks.

What Are Finance Assignment Help Services?

Finance assignment help services are specialized platforms that provide assistance to students in completing their finance-related assignments. These services typically employ professionals with expertise in various areas of finance, such as accounting, investment analysis, financial modeling, and corporate finance. The goal of these services is to help students understand complex financial concepts, improve their academic performance, and ultimately achieve their educational goals.

Types of Services Offered

  1. Assignment Writing Assistance: This involves helping students with the actual writing of their assignments. Professionals guide students through the process of researching, structuring, and writing high-quality finance papers.
  2. Tutoring and Concept Clarification: Students can receive one-on-one tutoring sessions to gain a deeper understanding of specific financial concepts and theories.
  3. Project and Report Assistance: For more extensive projects and reports, these services provide detailed guidance on data analysis, financial modeling, and interpretation of results.
  4. Homework Help: Regular homework assignments can also be tackled with the help of experts, ensuring students keep up with their coursework.

Benefits of Finance Assignment Help Services

Improved Understanding of Finance Concepts

One of the primary benefits of using finance assignment help is the opportunity to gain a clearer and more comprehensive understanding of finance concepts. Many students struggle with topics like financial derivatives, capital budgeting, and portfolio management. Expert guidance can demystify these subjects, making them more accessible and understandable.

Enhanced Academic Performance

Students who utilize finance assignment help online often see a marked improvement in their grades. The personalized attention and tailored support provided by these services can help students produce higher-quality assignments, leading to better academic outcomes. This boost in performance can be particularly beneficial for students who are aiming for scholarships or looking to secure positions in competitive graduate programs.

Time Management and Stress Reduction

Managing multiple assignments, exams, and extracurricular activities can be challenging for students. Finance assignment help services offer a way to delegate some of this workload, allowing students to focus on other important aspects of their education and personal life. This can lead to reduced stress levels and a more balanced academic experience.

Access to Expert Knowledge

These services often employ professionals who have extensive experience and advanced degrees in finance. This means students can benefit from the expertise of individuals who are well-versed in the latest industry trends and academic research. Access to such a wealth of knowledge can be incredibly valuable, particularly for students who are considering a career in finance.

Drawbacks of Finance Assignment Help Services

Risk of Dependency

One of the major concerns with using finance assignment help is the potential for students to become overly reliant on external assistance. This dependency can hinder the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are essential for success in both academic and professional settings. It is important for students to strike a balance between seeking help and developing their own competencies.

Cost Considerations

High-quality finance assignment help online can be expensive, and not all students may be able to afford these services. The cost can vary depending on the complexity of the assignment, the level of expertise required, and the turnaround time. For students on a tight budget, the financial burden of these services can be a significant drawback.

How to Choose the Right Finance Assignment Help Service

When selecting a finance assignment help online service, there are several factors to consider to ensure you receive high-quality and reliable assistance.

Check Qualifications and Expertise

Look for services that employ professionals with advanced degrees and relevant experience in finance. Verify their credentials and ask for samples of their work to assess the quality of their assistance.

Read Reviews and Testimonials

Customer reviews and testimonials can provide valuable insights into the reliability and effectiveness of a service. Look for feedback from previous clients to gauge their level of satisfaction and the quality of support they received.

Evaluate Pricing and Services

Compare the pricing and services offered by different providers to find a solution that fits your budget and meets your needs. Be wary of services that offer prices that seem too good to be true, as they may compromise on quality.

Assess Customer Support

Good customer support is essential for resolving any issues or concerns you may have with your assignments. Choose a service that offers responsive and helpful customer support, available through various channels such as phone, email, or live chat.

Ensure Confidentiality and Security

Make sure the service you choose has robust privacy policies in place to protect your personal information and assignment details. This is crucial to maintain your academic integrity and avoid any potential breaches of confidentiality.


Finance assignment help services offer a valuable resource for students seeking to navigate the complexities of finance coursework. While these services provide numerous benefits, including improved understanding of finance concepts, enhanced academic performance, and better time management, they also come with potential drawbacks such as dependency, cost considerations, and ethical concerns. By carefully selecting a reputable service and using it responsibly, students can leverage the expertise of finance professionals to achieve their academic and career goals.
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2024.06.10 09:21 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Full XL Bed Frames

Best Full XL Bed Frames
Welcome to our roundup of the best Full XL Bed Frames available in the market! Our expert team has scoured through countless options to bring you the most durable, stylish, and comfortable bed frames that cater to your needs. In this article, we will explore the top contenders, discussing their features, benefits, and potential drawbacks, making it easier for you to choose the perfect Full XL Bed Frame for your home.

The Top 19 Best Full XL Bed Frames

  1. Heavy-Duty Adjustable Metal Bed Frame - Full XL - Get superior strength, durability, and convenience with Kings Brand Furniture's Heavy Duty Adjustable Metal Bed Frames, featuring rug rollers and locking wheels, ideal for Full XL, Twin, and Queen mattresses.
  2. Sturdy Adjustable Metal Bed Frame with Glide Legs - Get ultimate strength and durability with this heavy-duty 7-leg adjustable metal bed frame, suitable for Twin, Full, or Queen-sized mattresses, perfect for solid surfaces like wood or tile.
  3. Industrial Platform Bed with Charging Station & 2-Tier Storage Headboard - Upgrade your sleep experience with the Amerlife Full Size Bed Frame, featuring a charging station, 2-tier storage headboard, and a sturdy noise-free structure - perfect for a cozy, organized bedroom!
  4. Stylish Full Size Bed Frame with 4 Storage Drawers and Comfortable Backrest - Revolutionize your sleep experience with the Feonase Full Size Bed Frame, offering ample storage, convenient charging options, and a comfortable backrest in a stylish and sturdy design.
  5. XL Bed Frame in Black Metal - Discover the Simplie Fun S86 inMotion Silver Power Full XL Bed Frame, bringing elegant design and easy setup to your sleeping space with a sturdy metal construction and modern black finish.
  6. Stylish Full XL Metal Platform Bed Frame for Comfort and Storage - Experience a peaceful, clutter-free sleep with the LIJQCI 16 inch Full Size Bed Frame, featuring minimalist design, sturdy construction, and 14" storage clearance - no box spring needed!
  7. Sleek Full XL Adjustable Hybrid Storage Bed in Light Gray - Experience ultimate comfort and storage with this sleek, adjustable hybrid storage bed, featuring a plush premium hybrid mattress and a stunning light gray finish.
  8. Smart LED Wingback Bed Frame with 4 Sliding Storage Drawers - Illuminate and organize your room with this Full LED Bed Frame, complete with smart LED headboard, upholstered wingback design, and four convenient storage drawers for USB-charging devices, designed for maximum stability and up to 900lbs weight capacity.
  9. Beige & Gray Full Size Upholstered Platform Bed with Brick Pattern Headboard and 4 Drawers - Experience ultimate comfort and style with a full size upholstered platform bed, featuring a brick pattern headboard and 4 drawers, available in linen fabric and gray.
  10. Adjustable Heavy Duty Metal Bed Frame for Full XL Mattresses - Solid steel KB Designs Heavy Duty Metal Adjustable Bed Frame supports various mattress sizes while offering easy assembly and portability.
  11. Industrial Style Full Bed Frame with XL Storage Drawers - Discover an industrial-style full bed frame from Codesfir, featuring 4 XL storage drawers, noise-free construction, and easy installation — perfect for organized living and multiple decorating styles.
  12. Upgrade Your College Dorm Bed to a Comfortable Full XL - Transform your college dorm bed effortlessly with The College Converter – a quick-to-install, Full XL bed frame upgrade, adding over a foot of extra width for comfortable study, sleep, and relaxation.
  13. Easily Adjustable Full XL Metal Bed Frame - Black Finish, Convenient for Queen and Full Sizes - Experience ultimate comfort and versatility with the KB Designs 6-Leg Adjustable Metal Bed Frame, available in Twin, Full, Queen, and Full XL sizes, perfect for your customized sleeping arrangement.
  14. Luxury Adjustable Full XL Bed Base for Ultimate Comfort - Experience ultimate comfort and relaxation with the Linenspa Adjustable Bed Base, offering motorized incline head and foot adjustments for individualized sleep support and ease in setting up.
  15. Full XL Bed Frame with Easy Installation - The Simplie Fun S86 inMotion Silver Power Full XL Bed Frame offers a strong, durable base with a sleek black finish, perfect for your XL mattress needs, featuring a 54x80x6 dimensions and 5.5-star rating.
  16. Heavy-Duty Full XL Adjustable Metal Bed Frame - Experience unparalleled strength and durability with the Kings Brand 7-Leg Super Duty Adjustable Metal Bed Frame, perfect for Full XL mattresses and effortlessly movable with locking wheels.
  17. Space-Saving Full Size Platform Bed with Storage and Trundle - Experience the ultimate combination of luxury and practicality with this space-saving full bed frame, featuring 3 drawers, trundle bed, and built-in headboard storage with USB plugs, perfect for all ages and available in pine wood and MDF combination.
  18. Mantua Premium Platform Bed Base - Stylish & Durable Full XL Bed Frame - Experience ultimate comfort and style with the Mantua Premium Platform Bed Base - a sturdy, reliable frame that provides the perfect foundation for your mattress.
  19. Modern Full Size Upholstered Platform Bed with Storage Headboard and USB Charging - Upgrade your sleeping space with this Full Size Upholstered Platform Bed, featuring modern linen fabric, storage headboard, and convenient USB charging options – an ideal choice for tech-savvy homeowners.
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🔗Heavy-Duty Adjustable Metal Bed Frame - Full XL
I recently upgraded my bedroom furniture to Kings Brand Furniture's Heavy Duty Adjustable Metal Bed Frame, and I must say, it's been a game-changer. The bed's structure is unbelievably strong and durable, providing excellent support for my mattress and headboard. The most impressive part is the two locking wheels, making it easy to move around without any hassle.
Assembly was a breeze, and it only took me around 10 minutes to set it up. No additional tools were required, which made the entire process even more convenient. The steel frame looked elegant and complemented the look of my room perfectly. However, one downside was that the screws to attach the bed frame to the headboard were not included, which means I had to purchase them separately.
Overall, my experience with Kings Brand Furniture's Adjustable Metal Bed Frame has been nothing but satisfying. It's strong, stylish, and easy to maneuver, making it an excellent addition to my bedroom.

🔗Sturdy Adjustable Metal Bed Frame with Glide Legs
After trying out the Heavy Duty Adjustable Metal Bed Frame, I was amazed at how effortless it was to set up in less than 10 minutes, with no additional tools required. The glides are great for hard surfaces like wood or tile floors. However, I wasn't a fan of the center support bar not working for twin size beds.
Overall, this sturdy and durable bed frame is an excellent addition to any home, especially if you aim for a solid structure and top-notch quality.

🔗Industrial Platform Bed with Charging Station & 2-Tier Storage Headboard
When I first laid eyes on the Amerlife full-sized industrial platform bed, I was immediately struck by its rustic brown color and sturdy structure. The heavy-duty slats exuded confidence, and the dark brown hue gave the bed an aesthetically pleasing charm.
One feature that stood out to me was the 2-tier storage headboard, which offered ample space to store items that you'd otherwise have to hunt for. The 12 inches of under-bed clearance was another impressive feature, providing enough room for easy access to stored items.
However, the noise-free rubber strip on each slat was a bit of a letdown. While it did its job of minimizing noise, I had hoped it would eliminate the sound altogether. Nonetheless, the convenience of the charging station integrated into the headboard made up for this small drawback.
In conclusion, the Amerlife full-sized industrial platform bed strikes a perfect balance between functionality and style. Its rustic brown color, sturdy structure, and built-in charging station make it a great choice for anyone looking to elevate their sleep experience.

🔗Stylish Full Size Bed Frame with 4 Storage Drawers and Comfortable Backrest
I was genuinely excited to try out the Feonase Full Size Bed Frame with all its bells and whistles. It's an all-in-one package where functionality meets style. The ample storage space of four drawers was perfect for my clutter and the lock on it ensured it stayed securely in place. Imagine my surprise when it also doubled as a charging station with 2 AC outlets, type-C, and USB ports right on the frame!
But wait, there's more. The ledge on top provided easy access to smaller items! And the frame is built to last, sturdy and stable. It made my bed feel like a rock, in the best way possible. The soft linen fabric and high-density sponge added a comfy touch, especially with the tall 26-inch backrest for ultimate comfort.
To top it off, it was a breeze to assemble. Clear instructions, easily labeled parts, and all the necessary tools were provided. It was a two-person job that only took 20 minutes! It was really user-friendly and that made my experience with this product seamless and hassle-free.

🔗XL Bed Frame in Black Metal
I recently came across the Simplie Fun S86 inMotion Silver Power Full XL Bed Frame, Base 54x80x6, and let me tell you, it definitely lived up to its name. As someone who's always in need of a bit of extra storage under my bed, this inMotion Silver Power model was a game-changer.
One thing that really stood out was the quality of the materials. Made mostly of metal, the bed frame felt sturdy and well-built. And, the black finish gave it a sleek and modern look that complemented my existing decor perfectly.
Setting it up was a bit of a challenge, but once it was assembled, it was incredibly smooth. The wheels made it super easy to move around, and the sturdy construction provided the stability I needed.
The one downside I found was the assembly guide. It could have been more clear and detailed, making the assembly process a bit less frustrating. But overall, the inMotion Silver Power Full XL Bed Frame is a reliable and practical choice for anyone in need of extra storage space under their bed.

🔗Stylish Full XL Metal Platform Bed Frame for Comfort and Storage
Imagine being in a cozy home with a minimalist metal bed frame standing tall in your master bedroom. No strings attached, just a black matte beauty, perfect for any type of headboard or mattress. You'll love its simple and elegant design which is great for those who believe "less is more. " This full size bed frame is not just a bed frame, but also a reliable 16 inches of storage clearance for your belongings, keeping your room decluttered.
But, as a reviewer who tried it, I stumbled upon some drawbacks. Sometimes the stability isn't as solid as promised, with the sturdy legs seemingly going for a trip. Also, the frame is not quite up to the 4500 lbs weight capacity it says it can support. Maybe it's the material difference, not steel steel as advertised, and not quite as sturdy as needed for such a heavy frame.
The assembly, they say, is straightforward and easy, but the task can sometimes be cumbersome due to a few missing hardware pieces. Lastly, the lack of leg protectors on the corners made moving into position a bit tricky, requiring some extra caution. In other words, a bed frame that could use some finesse—and the promise of an extra ton in the weight capacity should take this reviewer's concerns into account.

🔗Sleek Full XL Adjustable Hybrid Storage Bed in Light Gray
I recently spent a few weeks testing out the Full XL Standard Bed with Mattress from Homeroots, and I have to say, I was quite impressed. First off, the light gray color looks stunning in my bedroom, and it truly adds a modern, high-tech vibe to the space. The bed itself is quite spacious and comfortable, thanks to the 7-zone mattress and insulated support coil springs. I loved the fact that it comes with electronic controls to lift or recline, making it easier to find the perfect sleeping position.
However, there were a couple of things that could have been improved. For starters, the bed could have been higher, as I found myself craving a little more headroom. Also, the bed's overall weight made it a bit difficult to move around, especially when I needed to change the sheets. Despite these minor drawbacks, I must admit the Full XL Standard Bed with Mattress from Homeroots is a great investment for those looking to add both style and comfort to their sleeping space.

🔗Smart LED Wingback Bed Frame with 4 Sliding Storage Drawers
I recently got my hands on this stylish Full LED Bed Frame, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer in my bedroom. Firstly, the LED headboard is impressive! Millions of colors at my fingertips, and I love the music sync function. Not to mention, the built-in mic makes it fancy and perfect for setting the mood.
The contemporary wingback design is tasteful and adds a touch of elegance. The 100% upholstered premium linen fabric feels luxurious, and the hidden LED lights give an extra edge to the bed frame.
One of the things I appreciate the most is the convenience of the four storage drawers. They're huge and the perfect place to stash out-of-season clothing, linens, and pillows. And the LED bed frame's ability to charge phone and tablets is a bonus, making sure my devices are always charged and ready.
The assembly process was straightforward, and I appreciate the stable structure provided by the thickened hardwood slats. With 12 slats, it can hold up to 900lbs, and the sturdy frame makes it an excellent choice.
Overall, this Full LED Bed Frame has been an excellent addition to my daily life. Its combination of style, functionality, and convenience has made it a standout choice. I wholeheartedly recommend it!

🔗Beige & Gray Full Size Upholstered Platform Bed with Brick Pattern Headboard and 4 Drawers
Imagine walking into your bedroom and being greeted by a stunning and exquisite piece of furniture. That's exactly what you get with this Full Size Upholstered Platform Bed. It's not just furniture, it's a masterpiece that effortlessly transforms your room's appearance. The brick-patterned headboard is the perfect blend of contemporary chic and timeless elegance.
But it doesn't stop there. This bed is not just for looks, it's functional as well. The 4 drawers provide ample storage space, and they're designed in such a way that pulling them out or pushing them in is a breeze. They're perfect for tucking away clothes, blankets, and anything else you need to keep out of sight.
Despite its size and solidity, this bed is surprisingly easy to assemble. Even if you're not the most handy person, you'll find the hardware and instructions included will guide you through the process seamlessly.
As for the overall product dimensions, it measures 79.9 inches in length, 62.6 inches in width, and 39.7 inches in height. It weighs a substantial 146.73 pounds, which adds to its sturdiness. The bed boasts a weight capacity of 400 pounds, which makes it a great choice for heavier sleepers, and it can accommodate a recommended mattress thickness of 8 inches.
In terms of material, it's made of a combination of plywood, MDF, and linen. While these materials might not be the highest quality, they do the job well and are durable enough to last for years.
Lastly, it's worth mentioning the pictures provided are actual samples, so there might be some color variation depending on the lighting or display. But don't let that deter you from the overall beauty and quality of this Full Size Upholstered Platform Bed.

🔗Adjustable Heavy Duty Metal Bed Frame for Full XL Mattresses
I recently tried the KB Designs 7-leg adjustable bed frame and found it to be a practical and strong solution for fitting a variety of mattress sizes. The locking wheels make it easy to move, and its solid steel construction provides excellent support for both the mattress and the headboard.
The assembly process was straightforward and took no more than 10 minutes, requiring no additional tools. However, I did notice that the screws for attaching the bed frame to the headboard were not included, which was a slight inconvenience.
Overall, this bed frame is a reliable and adaptable option for both Queen and Twin mattress sizes, offering a combination of strength, durability, and ease of use.

🔗Industrial Style Full Bed Frame with XL Storage Drawers
Imagine coming home after a long day to find your room transformed, all thanks to Codesfir's Full Bed Frame. The industrial metal platform stands proudly, holding a queen bed frame that's as sturdy as it is stylish. It's like the bed was waiting for me.
First off, assembly was a breeze. Detailed instructions and numbered accessories made it feel like a puzzle, but a satisfying one at that. The bed frame, complete with its wooden headboard, fits seamlessly with the room's decor, whether it's rustic, contemporary, or industrial.
But the best part? The storage! Four large drawers, each big enough to accommodate clutter, have become my room's new best friend. They slide out smoothly, no fuss or struggle required. And the cherry on top? The bed is squeak-resistant, so it doesn't disturb my peace even during late-night fumbles. It's a perfect blend of comfort and practicality that I never knew I needed.

🔗Upgrade Your College Dorm Bed to a Comfortable Full XL
As a college student, I was always in search for more space in my small dorm room. The Yak About It The College Converter is a game changer for your Twin XL bed. Adding over a foot of extra width, this product makes your bed feel like a world of comfort - perfect for studying, relaxing, or catching up on sleep.
One of the best features is the quick and easy installation process - no tools needed! The College Converter attaches to your existing frame using hook and loop straps. It's just like having a new bed without any hassle. However, be mindful to bring the right size bedding for your upgraded frame.
While it may take up a bit more room in your dorm, the added comfort is worth it. The College Converter truly transforms your living space and helps make your college experience a bit more cozy.

🔗Easily Adjustable Full XL Metal Bed Frame - Black Finish, Convenient for Queen and Full Sizes
I've recently tried the KB Designs 6-leg adjustable metal bed frame for my queen-sized bed, and I have to say, it has made a huge difference in the comfort and stability of my sleeping setup. The bed frame is easily extendable to fit twin, full, and queen sizes, with two center support legs holding it up. The high-tensile steel construction, leg brace, and steel axles ensure a sturdy foundation for my headboard and mattress, making me feel secure and well-supported during the night.
The four caster wheels offer easy convenience, allowing me to move the bed frame around with ease. Additionally, the bed frame comes with rug rollers and locking wheels, making it perfectly suitable for various carpet types. The sleek black finish adds an elegant touch to my bedroom decor as well. Overall, I highly recommend the KB Designs 6-leg adjustable metal bed frame for those seeking a durable and stylish foundation for their mattress.

🔗Luxury Adjustable Full XL Bed Base for Ultimate Comfort
The Linenspa Adjustable Bed Base has been a game-changer in my bedroom setup. I was initially skeptical about the assembly process, but it took me no more than 30 minutes to have it ready for use. The setup was as simple as unfolding the base, screwing on the legs, plugging it in, and laying down my mattress.
The bed base features independent head and foot incline, allowing me to find the perfect position for a comfortable sleep or simply elevate my legs for a cozy movie night. The wired remote is ultra-quiet, ensuring I don't disturb my partner while making adjustments.
As someone who values durability, I appreciate the sturdy steel construction and the fact that the product only weighs 11 inches off the ground. It fits perfectly in my standard bed frame and is compatible with any Linenspa or 14-inch mattress.
However, I do wish the Linenspa Adjustable Bed Base came with an option for a remote control with a wider range, as sometimes I find myself sitting up or reclining in bed but unable to reach the bed base. Also, the wired remote can be a bit of a hassle if you want to make changes without getting out of bed.
Overall, the Linenspa Adjustable Bed Base has greatly enhanced my sleep experience and has become an essential part of my bedroom furniture. It's the perfect addition for anyone looking to optimize their sleep comfort.

Buyer's Guide

Full XL bed frames are an excellent choice for those seeking a comfortable and spacious sleep environment. This guide will provide you with important features to consider when purchasing a full XL bed frame. We will also offer some general advice and considerations to ensure you make the best decision for your needs.

Size and Weight Capacity
The first consideration when purchasing a full XL bed frame is size and weight capacity. Full XL bed frames are designed to accommodate a larger mattress than a standard full mattress, providing more sleeping space. Be mindful of the overall dimensions, including the height of the bed frame, to ensure it fits in your bedroom. Additionally, consider the weight capacity of the bed frame to ensure it can support your mattress and any additional items.

Material and Construction

When choosing a full XL bed frame, consider the materials and construction. Steel and wood are the most common materials used. Steel bed frames typically offer more durability, while wood bed frames provide a more traditional look. Metal bed frames are often more affordable, but wood bed frames may require more maintenance. Ensure the bed frame has sturdy legs and a solid base to maintain stability and support the mattress.

Assembly and Installation

Another important factor to consider is the ease of assembly and installation. Most full XL bed frames require some assembly, but the process can vary depending on the specific model. Look for bed frames with clear assembly instructions and tools provided. Additionally, consider whether the bed frame comes with wheels for easy mobility or requires permanent installation.

Adjustability and Comfort

For enhanced comfort and customization, seek a full XL bed frame with adjustable features. This can include adjustable height or tilt options, which can help to alleviate back pain or improve air circulation. When considering comfort, ensure that the bed frame provides ample support for your mattress and offers a stable, level surface for a restful night's sleep.

Maintenance and Replacement Parts

Lastly, consider maintenance and replacement parts when shopping for a full XL bed frame. Some manufacturers provide lifetime warranties or easy access to replacement parts. This can save you time and money in the long run, as bed frames are designed to last for years.
When purchasing a full XL bed frame, consider size and weight capacity, material and construction, assembly and installation, adjustability and comfort, and maintenance and replacement parts. By evaluating these factors, you can find a high-quality, long-lasting full XL bed frame that meets your needs and provides a comfortable, relaxing sleep environment.


What are Full XL Bed Frames?

Full XL Bed Frames are a type of bed frame that is designed to accommodate a larger mattress than a standard full size bed. These bed frames typically measure 54 inches wide and 75 inches long, providing ample space for a comfortable night's sleep.

Why should I consider purchasing a Full XL Bed Frame?

If you're looking to upgrade your bedroom experience with a more spacious and comfortable sleeping area, a Full XL Bed Frame could be the perfect choice. These bed frames are ideal for larger mattresses and can provide a more inviting and restful space for those who are tall or prefer a bit more wiggle room while they sleep.

What are the benefits of using a Full XL Bed Frame?

  • Additional space for larger mattresses, making sleeping more comfortable for taller individuals or those who prefer a spacious sleep area.
  • A variety of styles and materials available to match your room's decor and personal preferences.
  • Durability and stability, ensuring a sturdy foundation for a comfortable and safe night's sleep.
  • Optional storage solutions, such as headboards or footboards with built-in shelving or drawers, to help maximize space and organization in your bedroom.

What materials are Full XL Bed Frames available in?

Full XL Bed Frames can be found in a variety of materials, including wood, metal, and even a combination of the two. Wood bed frames are often available in solid wood, engineered wood, or veneer options, while metal frames may feature chromed or brushed steel, black or silver painted finishes, or even a mix of both.

What is the difference between Full and Full XL bed frames?

While both Full and Full XL bed frames share the same length of 75 inches, their width differs. A Full bed frame measures 54 inches wide, while a Full XL bed frame is typically 54 inches wide but has an additional 6 inches of width, making it 60 inches in total. This added width is what makes the Full XL bed frame more suitable for larger mattresses and taller individuals.

What are some popular styles of Full XL Bed Frames?

Popular styles of Full XL Bed Frames include traditional, contemporary, industrial, and sleek minimalist designs. These styles vary in materials used, such as wood, metal, or a combination of both, as well as in features like headboard height and storage options.

Are Full XL Bed Frames expensive?

The cost of a Full XL Bed Frame can vary depending on factors such as material, style, and additional features like storage solutions. However, with the wide variety of options available, there are budget-friendly Full XL Bed Frames available that offer a comfortable and spacious sleeping area without breaking the bank.

Do Full XL Bed Frames require special mattresses?

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submitted by ConsequenceSure3063 to u/ConsequenceSure3063 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:20 Lopsided_Border_6766 Equitable division of assets

The situation is spouse A worked hard and was the primary care taker of the children, including managing and paying for full time child care, school events, health care, etc. Spouse A was financially responsible and saved well, investments 401k etc.
Spouse B also worked full time but liked to shop. Spouse B frequently opened new credit cards and accumulated debt and didn’t pay it. Spouse B bought new cars frequently without consent or discussion with spouse. Spouse B did not save any money. Spouse B did not help manage or pay for childcare nor care for the kids on days off of work.
The spouses realized their differences and split accounts years ago and managed finances separately there on out, paid on bills, car phone etc.
At divorce, in an equitable division state, is spouse A now forced to give up a significant part of the savings they worked hard for, while spouse B was being lazy and shopping?
submitted by Lopsided_Border_6766 to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:20 rosaryrave hire me to do your tasks + selling contents for funds. more info below :>

hi! i’m a 21 year old female living independently and supporting myself. unfortunately my income isn’t as stable and i am needing of funds, especially as my rent is due in a few days.
here are the things I offer:
online services: * canva editing/layouting (powerpoint, infographics, logos, posters, invitations) * cute cartoon-style drawings (can send plenty of samples of my works) * virtual gf/companion * accountability buddy * nudes/nsfw contents (no face reveal) (can send blurred samples & legit check) * if you need help in something particular, let me know and we can discuss!
irl services: * dog and cat sitter (qc area) * shopping/grocerry errands (qc area)
can send screenshots of past transactions or any proof of eligibility <3
prices depends may vary according according to complexity :)
i don’t do nsfw meetups/vc
if this post doesn’t strike any interest for you, feel free to ignore. if interested, feel free to dm. thank you <3
submitted by rosaryrave to phclassifieds [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:18 TerraTorment Being a transgender Red State Refugee. My experience of moving from Jacksonville Florida to Chicago Illinois

I moved from Florida to Illinois nine years ago as of today. That was before things got bad but I could see the writing on the wall. I had a relationship on the internet which turned out to be abusive and financially exploitative but while I escaped, it at least got me out of Florida.
One huge obstacle was the differences between the economies. I got paid wages that were in proportion to Florida's cost of living, Chicago's cost of living is much higher and my savings did not go very far. Another obstacle was professional licensing. I was a teacher in Florida. I was closeted and did not want to be in the closet anymore. Getting my license moved to another state was enough of a hassle with my limited money that I wound up just changing careers entirely, a process that took years. I went back to school for a masters in accounting and had to take on a lot of student debt.
Chicago is not friendly to car owners. It's not that big of a problem if you have lived there for years but transitioning from being a car owner to using transit was costly. I could not afford both my car payment and rent and I owed more on my car than what is was worth. Chicago also aggressively tickets with red light camera and byzantine parking enforcement because there honestly is not enough parking for everyone to have a car. I actually agree with this policy in theory as we should be discouraging car dependency but the transition was not something I could do at the snap of a finger when I moved without huge costs. This was not helped by the aforementioned evil ex putting a dent in my car during a temper tantrum. My car got voluntarily repossessed.
Changing my name resulted in the credit reporting bureaus splitting my file. They think I am two separate people. This is a nuisance that would take an inordinate amount of time to correct and wouldn't be favorable to me anyway.
Finally, there were tax concerns. Florida has no state income tax for individuals while Illinois does. There were some problems filing my state taxes because I was a new resident and did not have an address. I was homeless the second year I was there. Unbeknownst to me my filing had gotten rejected and I got audited by Illinois state auditors. This was before I became an accountant. I owed a huge tax bill to Illinois for income I made in Florida during the 2015 tax year. Because there is no state income tax in Florida I could receive no credit for other state taxes paid. The money was not pulled out of my account because I didn't live in Illinois yet.
The blue states do not make it easy for internal refugees. The high housing costs and high taxes that punish you for moving from a low tax, low wage state are a problem. It's nice that they are "tolerant" but that needs to extend to economics as well.
I say this not to discourage anyone but consider reaching out to the local community for assistance in getting you started and for those of us already in relatively safe states, we should be doing more to help people get established and on their feet. I helped someone earlier this year.
submitted by TerraTorment to trans [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:14 Disastrous_Top3008 Switching to "in trade" on Trade Me

Hi everyone, I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this but I couldn't think of anywhere else. I have recently done a huge clearout of my attic and storage and have been selling old stuff on Trade Me. It should be noted it's A LOT of stuff, hundreds if not thousands of clothing items. Since I started this clearout, some members of my extended family have apparently been inspired to also declutter, and have been giving me their old clothes to get rid of for them. They know I am selling it, but they don't profit (they said they would've sent it to the clothing bins anyway so they don't care). Although it's not technically a business, there is a fairly consistent stream of items coming to me that I am listing. I have been considering switching my account to "in trade" on Trade Me. I should also note that a lot of these clothes are name brand and designer, so are selling for quite a bit, and I will need to start paying tax on the sales anyway. The website itself only seems to show the benefits of doing so, so I am just wondering if any of you are aware of any downsides to doing this? Should I wait until I hit the GST amount and switch to in trade? Or are there no real downsides other than tax, and I should just do it now? Thank you!
PS: I am a stay at home mum at the moment and have recently had various unexpected bills as well as the mortgage rate increase come my way, so the main reason I am doing this, and my family are helping me out, is because it's a way to make money during naps and bedtime as we can't afford daycare. I am also not on maternity leave, so it's not like I have a set amount coming in every week. This has allowed us to be able to afford swimming lessons etc.
Edit: The reason I ask is because I got an email from Trade Me saying I may be an "in trade" seller. Although I'm not selling brand new items or buying to sell, is there a consequence for me ignoring this email?
submitted by Disastrous_Top3008 to newzealand [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:11 Financial-Silver-869 Quickbooks developer account

hey - We are facing issues with Quickbooks online. I want to test an API in the developer account but it lacks proper sample data. I.E. Sandbox is lacking A/R, A/P / Cashflow / Transaction level details on the Location and classes
What is the best practice to set up an elaborate and complete demo environment? Is there a paid managed service for this?
submitted by Financial-Silver-869 to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:07 RequirementVarious72 Pilar Waterworks, CSFP

Pilar Waterworks, CSFP
Pa-rant lang pls. Family of 8 kami. walang swimming pool (of any kind).
Ang consumption namin weekly laba ng 3 tao, yung iba nagpapalaundry sa labas, ligo daily, hugas ng pinggan.
ANONG PWEDENG GAWIN?? palaging "good meter" ang sinasabi ng collector nila ng bayad
submitted by RequirementVarious72 to Pampanga [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:02 Yimir_ B1672 - Blue Carbon (Interagency Working Group) Bill - Second Reading

B1672 - Blue Carbon (Interagency Working Group) Bill - Second Reading

Amend the Equality Act 2010 to replace the protected characteristic of marriage and civil partnership with a new protected characteristic of relationship status; to extend excluded discrimination protections to relationship status; to remove certain exceptions to discrimination law; and for connected purposes.
Bᴇ ɪᴛ ᴇɴᴀᴄᴛᴇᴅ by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:—
Section 1: Definitions
For the purposes of this Act, the following definitions apply —
(1) Coastal Blue Carbon Ecosystems —
(a) The term “coastal blue carbon ecosystems” means vegetated coastal habitats, including mangroves, tidal marshes, seagrasses, kelp forests, and other tidal, freshwater, or salt-water wetlands, that have the ability to sequester carbon from the atmosphere, accumulate carbon in biomass for years to decades, and store carbon in soils for centuries to millennia. (b) The term “coastal blue carbon ecosystems” includes autochthonous carbon and allochthonous carbon.
(2) The term “Interagency Working Group” means the Interagency Working Group on Coastal Blue Carbon established under Section 2(1).
Section 2: Interagency working group on coastal Blue Carbon
(1) The Secretary of State shall establish an interagency working group, to be known as the “Interagency Working Group on Coastal Blue Carbon”.
(2) The Interagency Working Group shall be comprised of senior representatives from—
(a) the Environment Agency; (b) the Marine Management Organisation; (c) Natural England; (d) the Office for Environmental Protection; (e) the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science; (f) the Maritime and Coastguard Agency; (g) the Geospatial Commission; (h) the UK Investment Bank;
(3) The Secretary of State may set regulations, subject to negative procedure, to amend the representative agencies within subsection (2).
(4) The Interagency Working Group functions shall include but not be limited to —
(a) oversee the development, updates, and maintenance of a national map and inventory of coastal blue carbon ecosystems, including habitat types, with a regional focus in analysis that is usable for local-level conservation, planning, and restoration; (b) develop a strategic assessment of the biophysical, chemical, social, statutory, regulatory, and economic impediments to conservation and restoration of coastal blue carbon ecosystems, including the vulnerability of coastal blue carbon ecosystems to climate impacts, such as sea-level rise and ocean and coastal acidification, and other environmental and human stressors; (c) develop a national strategy for foundational science necessary to study, synthesise, and evaluate the effects of climate change and environmental and human stressors on sequestration rates and capabilities of coastal blue carbon ecosystems conservation, with input from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; (d) establish national conservation and restoration priorities for coastal blue carbon ecosystems, including an assessment of Federal funding being used for conservation and restoration efforts; (e) ensure the continuity, use, and interoperability of data assets, including data assets available through the Geospatial Commission; and (f) assess legal authorities in effect as of the date of the enactment of this Act to conserve and restore coastal blue carbon ecosystems.
Section 3: Strategic Plan and Parliamentary Submissions
(1) No later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Interagency Working Group shall submit to Parliament a report containing the following:
(a) A summary of any public funded research, monitoring, conservation, and restoration activities relating to coastal blue carbon ecosystems, including— (i) the budget for each such activity; and (ii) a description of the progress made by each such activity in advancing the national priorities. (b) An assessment of biophysical, chemical, social, statutory, regulatory, and economic impediments to conservation and restoration of coastal blue carbon ecosystems, including the vulnerability of coastal blue carbon ecosystems to climate impacts, such as sea-level rise and ocean and coastal acidification, and other environmental and human stressors.
(2) The Interagency Working Group shall create a strategic plan for public investments in basic research, development, demonstration, long-term monitoring and stewardship, and deployment of coastal blue carbon ecosystem projects for the 5-year period beginning on the date on which the first fiscal year after the date on which the report is submitted under subsection (1) begins.
(3) The plan required by subsection (2) shall—
(a) include an assessment of the use of Federal programs existing as of the date of the enactment of this Act to conserve and restore coastal blue carbon ecosystems; and (b) identify any additional authorities or programs that may be needed to conserve and restore such ecosystems.
(4) The Interagency Working Group shall—
(a) on a date that is no later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act and not earlier than the date on which the report required by subsection (1) is submitted, submit to Parliament the strategic plan required by subsection (2); and (b) submit a revised version of such a plan no less frequently than once every 5 years thereafter.
(5) No later than 90 days before the date on which the strategic plan or any revised version of such plan is submitted, the Interagency Working Group shall—
(a) publish such plan to be publicly available; and (b) provide an opportunity for submission of public comments for a period of not less than 60 days.
Section 4: Map and Inventory of coastal blue carbon Ecosystems
(1) The Interagency Working Group, utilising the Geospatial Commission systems, shall produce, update, and maintain a national-level map and inventory of coastal blue carbon ecosystems, including—
(a) the types of habitats and species in such ecosystems; (b) the condition of such habitats, including whether a habitat is degraded, drained, eutrophic, or tidally restricted; (c) the type of public or private ownership and any protected status of such ecosystems; (d) the size of such ecosystems; (e) the salinity boundaries of such ecosystems; (f) the tidal boundaries of such ecosystems; (g) an assessment of carbon sequestration potential, methane production, and net greenhouse gas reductions with respect to such ecosystems, including consideration of— (i) quantification; (ii) verifiability; (iii) comparison to a historical baseline as available; and (iv) permanence of those benefits; (h) an assessment of co-benefits of ecosystem and carbon sequestration; (i) the potential for landward migration as a result of sea level rise; (j) any upstream restrictions detrimental to the watershed process and conditions such as dams, dikes, levees, and other water management practices; (k) the conversion of such ecosystems to other land uses and the cause of such conversion; and (l) a depiction of the effects of climate change, including sea level rise, environmental stressors, and human stressors on the sequestration rate, carbon storage, and potential of such ecosystems.
(2) In carrying out subsection (a), the Interagency Working Group shall—
(a) incorporate, to the extent practicable, existing data, as determined on the date of the enactment of this Act, collected through public funded research by a public agency and peer-reviewed published works; (b) engage regional experts, public agencies, and additional data and information resources in order to accurately account for regional differences in coastal blue carbon ecosystems.
(3) The Interagency Working Group shall use the national map and inventory produced under subsection (1)—
(a) to assess the carbon sequestration potential of different coastal blue carbon ecosystems and account for any regional differences; (b) to assess and quantify emissions from degraded and destroyed coastal blue carbon ecosystems; (c) to develop regional assessments in partnership with, or to provide technical assistance to— (i) regional and local government agencies; and (ii) regional information coordination bodies (d) to assess degraded coastal blue carbon ecosystems and the potential for restoration of such ecosystems, including developing scenario modelling to identify vulnerable land areas and living shorelines where management, conservation, and restoration efforts should be focused; (e) to produce predictions relating to coastal blue carbon ecosystems and carbon sequestration rates in the context of climate change, environmental stressors, and human stressors; and (f) to inform the creation of the annual Inventory of UK Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks.
Section 5: Restoration and conservation of coastal blue carbon ecosystems
(1) The Secretary of State shall—
(a) lead the Interagency Working Group in implementing the strategic plan; (b) coordinate monitoring and research efforts among public agencies in cooperation with local governments, academic institutions, international partners, and nongovernmental organisations; (c) in coordination with the Interagency Working Group, and as informed by the report under section 3(e)(1), identify— (i) national conservation and restoration priorities for coastal blue carbon ecosystems that would produce the highest rate of carbon sequestration and greatest ecosystem benefits, such as flood protection, soil and beach retention, erosion reduction, biodiversity, water purification, and nutrient cycling, in the context of other environmental stressors and climate change; and (ii) ways to improve coordination and to prevent unnecessary duplication of effort among public agencies and departments with respect to research on coastal blue carbon ecosystems through existing and new coastal management networks; and (d) in coordination with local governments and coastal stakeholders, develop integrated pilot programs to restore degraded coastal blue carbon ecosystems in accordance with subsection (b).
(2) In carrying out subsection (1)(d), the Secretary of State shall establish one or more integrated national pilot programs that—
(a) further develop— (i) best management practices, including design criteria and performance functions for restoration of coastal blue carbon ecosystems; (ii) nature-based adaptation strategies; (iii) restoration areas that intersect with built environments as green-gray infrastructure projects; (iv) management practices for landward progression, migration, or loss of coastal blue carbon ecosystems; (v) best management practices to account for latitudinal biogeographic factors; and (vi) best management practices for restoration of hypersaline coastal ecosystems and estuarine ecosystems; and (b) identify potential barriers to restoration management efforts.
(3) The Secretary of State shall ensure that pilot programs under Subsection (2) cover geographically, socioeconomically, and ecologically diverse locations with—
(a) significant ecological, economic, and social benefits, such as flood protection, soil and beach retention, erosion reduction, biodiversity, water purification, and nutrient cycling to reduce hypoxic conditions; and (b) maximum potential for greenhouse gas emission reduction, taking into account— (i) quantification; (ii) verifiability; (iii) additionality, as compared to an appropriate historical baseline determined by the Interagency Working Group; and (iv) permanence of those benefits.
(4) The Secretary of State shall—
(a) establish a procedure via regulation for reviewing applications for pilot programs under Subsection (2); (b) encourage applications from minority serving institutions; and (c) consider proposals from institutions that may not have adequate resources.
(5) The Secretary of State shall ensure, through consultation with the Interagency Working Group, that the goals and metrics for pilot programs under Subsection (2) are communicated to the appropriate authorities, coastal stakeholders, resource managers, academia, and the general public.
(6) The Secretary of State shall coordinate with—
(a) relevant public agencies and departments specified under section 2(2) to prevent unnecessary duplication of effort among such agencies and departments with respect to restoration programs; and (b) relevant public authorities and local government entities.
(7) In carrying out pilot programs under Subsection (2), the Secretary of State shall give priority to proposed eligible restoration activities that would—
(a) result in long-term sequestration of carbon stored in coastal and marine environments; (b) conserve key habitats for fish, wildlife, and the maintenance of biodiversity; (c) provide coastal protection from storms, flooding, and land-based pollution; (d) restore optimal salinities and chlorophyll levels in estuarine and coastal environments or lead to other improvements to water quality; and (e) conserve coastal resources of national, historical, and cultural significance.
(8) Any project performed under a pilot program under subsection (2) shall be conducted within the territorial boundaries of the United Kingdom.
Section 6: Coastal Carbon Database
(1) The Interagency Working Group, in coordination with the Secretary of State shall —
(a) provide for the long-term stewardship of, and access to, data relating to coastal blue carbon ecosystems and national mapping, by supporting the maintenance of a Coastal Carbon Database; (b) process, store, archive, provide access to, and incorporate (to the extent practicable) all data relating to coastal carbon collected through publicly funded research by a public agency, an academic institution, or another relevant entity; (d) ensure that existing global and national data assets, as determined on the date of the enactment of this Act, are incorporated into the Coastal Carbon Database, to the greatest extent practicable; (e) establish best practices for sharing coastal carbon data with local and national governments, coastal stakeholders, resource managers, and academia; (f) work to disseminate the data available through the Coastal Carbon Database to the greatest extent practicable; and (g) develop digital tools and resources to support the public use of the Coastal Carbon Database.
Section 7: Assessments Of Carbon Dioxide Storage In Deep Seafloor Environments And Of Coastal Carbon Markets
(1) No later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Interagency Working Group shall seek to enter into an agreement with the relevant research and academic institutions to conduct—
(a) a comprehensive assessment of— (ii) the long-term effects of containment of carbon dioxide in a deep seafloor environment on marine ecosystems; (iii) the socioeconomic effects of such containment on existing ocean users and communities; and (iv) the integrity of existing storage technologies, as determined on the date of the enactment of this Act; (b) a comprehensive assessment of pathways, methods, and technologies able to directly remove carbon dioxide from the oceans by the removal of dissolved carbon dioxide from seawater through engineered or inorganic processes, including filters, membranes, phase change systems, or other technological pathways; and (c) a comprehensive assessment of the viability of using coastal macroalgae cultivation and sustainable coastal wetlands management and restoration for carbon sequestration, which shall consider— (i) environmental and socioeconomic effects on coastal communities; (ii) durability and cost per ton of carbon dioxide sequestered using coastal macroalgae cultivation and sustainable coastal wetlands management in a variety of regions of the United Kingdom; (iii) research, data, resource management, monitoring, reporting, life cycle assessment, and verification improvements necessary to develop a carbon market around coastal macroalgae cultivation and sustainable coastal wetlands management or restoration; and (iv) relevant successes and failures of carbon markets in agriculture, forestry, and wetlands and how such successes and failures might apply to a future coastal carbon market.
Section 8: Extent, Commencement and Title
(1) This Act shall be known as the ‘Blue Carbon (Interagency Working Group) Act’
(2) This Act shall commence exactly 3 months from when it receives Royal Assent.
(3) This Act shall extend to the United Kingdom.
This Bill was submitted by The Right Honourable Dame u/Waffel-lol LT CMG GCMG, Leader of His Majesty’s Official Opposition, on behalf of the 39th Official Opposition.
Inspired Documents
Blue Carbon
Opening Speech:
Deputy Speaker,
The fight against climate change is one of upmost importance. As the Liberal Democrats have been leaders on sustainable development and supporting environmentally conscious policies, we are proud to be presenting the following Bill to the House. It is our duty as stewards of this planet to act decisively and collaboratively. This Bill is a critical piece of legislation aimed at harnessing the power of our coastal ecosystems to combat climate change.
Coastal blue carbon ecosystems, such as mangroves, tidal marshes, seagrasses, and kelp forests, play an invaluable role in sequestering carbon from the atmosphere, storing it for centuries, and providing essential benefits like flood protection, erosion control, and biodiversity support. However, these ecosystems are under threat from rising sea levels, pollution, and human activity. Our Bill proposes the establishment of an Interagency Working Group on Coastal Blue Carbon, comprising senior representatives from key environmental and marine agencies. This group will be tasked with developing a comprehensive national strategy for the conservation and restoration of our coastal blue carbon ecosystems. They will oversee the creation of a national map and inventory of these vital habitats, assess the impediments to their preservation, and identify national conservation and restoration priorities.
Importantly, our Bill calls for the development of integrated pilot programs to restore degraded coastal blue carbon ecosystems, focusing on areas with the highest potential for carbon sequestration and ecosystem benefits. Furthermore, it mandates the creation of a Coastal Carbon Database to ensure long-term management, recording and updating of data and support public access to vital information building off the necessary infrastructure and work we achieved with our Geospatial Commission established through the Geospatial Data Act.
This Bill is not just about environmental stewardship; it is about ensuring the resilience and sustainability of our coastal communities and the broader environment. It is why we urge the House to vote in favour of this Bill as we take a significant step towards mitigating the impacts of climate change, protecting our natural heritage, and securing a healthier future for generations to come.
Lords may debate and submit amendments until the 12th of June at 10pm BST.
submitted by Yimir_ to MHOL [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:01 AutoModerator Portfolio, Case Study, and Resume Feedback — 10 Jun, 2024 - 16 Jun, 2024

Please use this thread to give and receive feedback on portfolios, resumes, and other job hunting assets. Also use this thread for discussion about what makes an effective case study, tools for creating a portfolio, or resume formatting.
Case studies of speculative redesigns produced only for for a portfolio should be posted to this thread. Only designs created on the job by working UX designers can be posted for feedback in the main sub.
Posting a portfolio or case study: This is not a portfolio showcase or job hunting thread. Top-level comments that do not include requests for feedback may be removed. When asking for feedback, please be as detailed as possible by 1) providing context, 2) being specific about what you want feedback on, and 3) stating what kind of feedback you are NOT looking for:
Example 1
I’m 4 years into my career as a UX designer, and I’m hoping to level up to senior in the next 6 months either through a promotion or by getting a new job.
Looking for feedback on:
Does the research I provide demonstrate enough depth and my design thinking as well as it should?
NOT looking for feedback on:
Aesthetic choices like colors or font choices.
Example 2
I’ve been trying to take more of a leadership role in my projects over the past year, so I’m hoping that my projects reflect that.
Looking for feedback on:
This case study is about how I worked with a new engineering team to build a CRM from scratch. What are your takeaways about the role that I played in this project?
NOT looking for feedback on:
Any of the pages outside of my case studies.
Posting a resume: If you'd like your resume to remain anonymous, be sure to remove personal information like your name, phone number, email address, external links, and the names of employers and institutions you've attended. Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, etc. links may unintentionally reveal your personal information, so we suggest posting your resume to an account with no identifying information, like Imgur.
Giving feedback: Be sure to give feedback based on best practices, your own experience in the job market, and/or actual research. Provide the reasoning behind your comments as well. Opinions are fine, but experience and research-backed advice are what we should all be aiming for.
This thread is posted each Monday at midnight PST. Previous Portfolio, Resume, and Case Study Feedback threads can be found here.
submitted by AutoModerator to UXDesign [link] [comments]