Whittiest sayings

Does anyone else find themselves isolatinging more the older they get?

2023.06.17 21:00 ozelot_lagoon Does anyone else find themselves isolatinging more the older they get?

Hey you all! First of all, I hope everyone is having a great Saturday!
I (a 21 year old female) am normally a pretty active person and depend on physical activity and nature very much. I could just spend the whole day outside, even by myself, since I am an introverted Person. Nonetheless , getting to know people and occasionally spending time with friends brings me much joy as well.
In the last few months I’ve noticed that I back up from social interactions and stay home more and more. Whenever my friends are calling me to hang out I most of the time say no or agree and cancel on them afterwards. I shy back from human interactions at work (i‘m a waitress), heavily depending on my mood: could be the whittiest waitress one day and the most awkward server the other.
I am even texting a man I‘ve recently met, but whenever he wants to meet up, I just cancel and feel like just ending the contact to him completely.
The isolation is so bad, I unlearn communication skills & norms and phrasing words when talking to people.
Does anyone/has anyone experience(d) something similar? I think it‘s pretty obvious how to get out of this state but I am hoping for an exchange :) maybe some of you want to talk about their experience and just get something off their chests.
submitted by ozelot_lagoon to lonely [link] [comments]
