Old man tube gay

GayBros: Keeping it Mild

2012.03.21 17:15 drumz0rz GayBros: Keeping it Mild

A place for those in the gay community to share photos of themselves, create friendships and enjoy the beauty of guys from all over the world. We welcome all who identify as "bros" including trans men and those who identify as bisexual. This is a Safe for Work community with strict guidelines.

2013.01.03 05:39 Because choices matter.

Risky Clicks the Subreddit

2021.04.07 03:18 Pacman 99

Pacman 99 is a 99 player PAC-MAN battle royale!

2024.06.10 05:38 brocciIi Looking for "We Are The Hearts" Kizumonogatari I AMV

I have found the old YouTube link for it, but it is no longer available :( There is a different remake uploaded by someone else on YouTube, which many people have commented on looking for it and I was wondering if anyone has a link or video of it? Thank you :)
submitted by brocciIi to araragi [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:36 Spiritual_Sun_1133 Is this trauma against men or am I a lesbian?

I’ve been doing the am I a lesbian or am I a bisexual dance for over a decade now. Tale as old as time.
I first started coming to terms with and realizing I liked women when I was 16 and it was highly traumatic because my family was very religious. I dated both men and women and then came to the conclusion I was bisexual at 19.
When I was 19 I met (we’ll call him John) and dated him throughout college and ended up marrying him very young.
The feelings I felt for John could probably be described as feelings of limerance. I felt like he was totally out of my league (he wasn’t) my self-esteem was so low and I felt so lucky he wanted to be with me. He cheated on me, deprioritized me and ended up emotionally and physcally abusing me in the marriage. Through all of that I was still so in love with him and couldn’t see my life without him. I was willing to sacrifice myself for him.
I thankfully divorced John in 2021. It was very traumatic and depressing for me but thankfully I was able to escape his abuse.
Following that, I met (we’ll call her Emma). She was the first person I dated after my ex. When I met her we had an immediate connection. I never felt so safe, loved, understood, cared for and taken care of as I did with her.
She was so thoughtful, and kind and my connection with her felt deeper after 2 weeks of knowing her than 6 years of being married to my husband. She showed me what it felt like to be loved, and SAFE. I’ve never felt as safe as I felt with her, even now.
It didn’t work out because I still had way too much trauma from my ex, and unfortunately, it ended due to me.
Flash forward and I am now dating another guy (we’ll call him Mark) we’ve almost been together 3 years. Mark is great. He is the most empathetic man I have ever met. When it comes to me and my feelings he has always been so patient and understanding.
The main area where we struggle is that I want more intimacy from him. Slower sex. Deeper conversations (that happen when we aren’t just drunk or high). Romance (This has been a huge issue).
He is great and loves me so much. I know he wants to be with me forever. I love him too but why am I always questioning if I am a lesbian?
He will look at me and say how beautiful I am. I think he is very attractive but not in the way I think a woman is attractive. A woman will stop me in my tracks with her beauty, like a piece of art.
Sometimes I feel that way with him. He smiles and I feel warm inside. He holds me and I feel safe. We kiss and have sex and I feel close to him. I enjoy sex! But I feel like emotionally something is missing and I will not be able to connect with him fully.
The way I connect with women emotionally just feels right and natural. There is no sense of fear, lack of trust or emotional distance.
Also… Mark and some members of my family have mentioned that it seems like I “hate men” and he has said it's kind of hurtful. I would say things like “all men ____”. I felt bad for this and stopped using that kind of language and re-evaluated my feelings.
But if I’m being honest with myself… I kind of do hate men. How many times has a man abused me? Disrespected my boundaries. Made me feel unsafe. Physically harm me. Sexually harm me. How many other women have dealt with this? How many young girls? I know it's “not all men” but even my kind and caring boyfriend will sometimes defend behaviors of men that I KNOW are more insidious than he realizes.
This post is all over the place. Does anyone have any thoughts?
Am I in denial? Or do I just have trauma around men?
Emma loved me immediately so effortlessly. As much as I care about Mark I feel like I am constantly teaching him and taking this mental load.
If anyone else is going through it I’d love to chat.
submitted by Spiritual_Sun_1133 to latebloomerlesbians [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:36 CleaSpeaks Tony D'Amato aka ZeroDarkTony of Los Angeles

Where do we even start here. 53 year old Anthony here lives in a studio apartment in Hollywood paid for by his mother. He SA'd his own daughter and manipulates women into sleeping with him and giving him money. Found a thing online about domestic violence against either his ex-wife or one of the girls he manipulated. His ex-wife and teenage daughter have restraining orders on him. He's not allowed any contact with them. He has a history of stalking, harasssing, bullying and threatening minors. Right now he's doing this to a teenage boy who never did anything to him. First he claimed this kid tried to run him off the road on a motorcycle then he chased him and said he hoped he got in an accident and then he as well as other people bum rushed him and tried to murk him. He's got a history of calling CPS on everyone and their mother and claiming he's a mandated reporter, he's not. Right now he's doing this to the young boy mentioned above and threatening to take his family's money as well as accusing family friends of grooming and touching him.
Many stories about how small he is and how inexperienced he is in the bedroom. Basically a one pump chump. He doesn't know his way around a woman's body.
He claims he was in a car wreck when he got jumped probably for his weird, gross obsession with minors and/or the fact that he makes up really disgusting rumors about everyone.
He claims he owns a penthouse in Hollywood and other properties, bikes, cars, vineyard in Tuscany, etc. All complete lies. He owns nothing and his rent and bills are in someone elses name.
Claims he has a squeaky clean record without providing any real proof. From a quick search I found the domestic violence charges, driving under the influence and bogus harassment charges he likes to file on people which quickly are dismissed due to lack of evidence.
One of his exes he threatened to off himself if she didn't give him $10K because "he was about to lose everything" but a post he made he was acting like he was borrowing money for a business thing. It was just so he didn't have to pay for certain things. He continues to harass her and make threats and still hasn't paid her back.
submitted by CleaSpeaks to arewedatingsameperson [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:36 over18forreal 1, 2

One two
submitted by over18forreal to u/over18forreal [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:35 FireBreathers Uhhhhhh Merch Leak???

submitted by FireBreathers to LudwigAhgren [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:34 Available-Cost-531 An adult sexted my 13 year old son. I’m going to report it. How long does it take for the police to do these types of investigations?

The title is pretty much what the entire post is about. I caught an adult sexting my son, this 50 year old man sent him nude photos (with his face in it, what an idiot) and luckily my son never sent any. I’m going to report it, but how long would it take for the police to find out who this person is? I don’t know how sexting investigations work, especially when it comes to minors. Would it take a week? 2 weeks? Months? Years? Is it just random? I want justice to be brought and I’m not really sure how to go about this. The only info I have of him is his face and first name
submitted by Available-Cost-531 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:32 Commercial_Squash_53 Feeling the call to ordained ministry but not necessarily making the cut

I’m a man, currently in his mid 20s, and ever since I had memory, I’ve felt that “inner voice” for the ordained ministry, especially the priesthood. There’s a big issue, if so to say. I’m gay and the current bishop’s stance on this matter is a big no on the ordination of LGBT individuals; it is not that he will refuse if your start discerning, he’ll simply overextend the process (in this diocese it takes a minimum of 7 years, up to 20 (!) in many cases)
What can I do besides praying and hoping for the best?
My diocese is not part of the US Episcopal church anymore, but we have very good relations with them.
Sorry for this but I don’t have anywhere else to turn or to ask an opinion about
submitted by Commercial_Squash_53 to Episcopalian [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:31 Zealousideal_Yam8306 The recent backlash on the Masters Shanghai crowd

I've come across a lot of YouTube clips and general discussion on the recent Masters Shanghai crowd, especially after Gen G took home the trophy. The general consensus I've seen is that Brazil and China have been bad crowds, as they didn't cheer for the eventual winners. Using Shanghai as an example, people seemed to complain heavily that Gen G wasn't cheered for, the main reason being the political reasons that I won't explain here, but there are tons of articles covering this matter that a quick Google search will bring up. The main thing I wanted to discuss on this post is the matter of how 'hostile' crowds are viewed in valorant and maybe esports in general.
In traditional sports, hostile crowds are prevalent everywhere. For those NA folks, an example would be NBA rival teams won't cheer for their rivals and will cheer for the team they are playing against. Lakers fans right now are probably all supporting the mavs and not the Celtics in the current NBA finals. New York blasted Trae Young that 1 time the Hawks beat them to go to the Eastern Conference finals. And it gets worse when the home team is playing. In the 2011 NBA finals, when the Mavs beat the Heat in Miami, the stadium was silent, and many fans had already left their seats. Just google the YouTube video of the finals and during the final minutes of the game, and you can see the empty seats close to the courts. Those seats are some of the most expensive seats in the house, and fans who've probably saved up a few month's worth of salaries decided to leave early since their home team lost. Using NFL terms the whole country was rooting against the Chiefs this year in their run to the Super Bowl as well as the Niners (less but kind of the same). Baltimore was silent after the Chiefs beat them at home, and you can catch glimpses of the empty purple seats when the game just ended (so people left way before). Using football terms for the Europeans, its like asking for Arsenal fans to cheer Tottenham, Man united fans to cheer for city and Barca fans to cheer for Real Madrid. Football chants at least in the UK are brutal, targeting opposing teams players, managers etc. Valorant crowds are way better than those, I don't hear much booing and its just silent when the 'away' team wins (in brazil and shanghai)
So my question is why it is fine in traditional sports that home crowds can be so hostile and nobody complains about it, whilst in valorant, it is arguably less severe than what happens in the NBA, NFL, and Premier League, but everyone complains it's a bad crowd. I don't remember much about lock in in sao paulo as it was more than a year ago but I can imagine being a Brazilian and seeing your team fall short of a historic comeback when it was basically in the bag is heartbreaking. Did we expect Brazil to cheer on Germany when 7-2 happened in the 2014 world cup or did we expect the 2016 Warriors to cheer for the Cavs after blowing a 3-1 at home. I feel like those scenarios are very similar and can sympathise with the home crowds emotional distress.
China and Korea have a long-standing rivalry in esports dating back to the star craft 2 days and its probably the biggest rivalry in esports with LPL vs LCK. LCK dominated the LPL for years before the LPL started fighting back with worlds and MSI victories later on. This rivalry without the politics is pretty healthy with crowds being good when neutral, S7 worlds in China and S8 worlds in Korea saw a Korean team SSG being cheered in china and IG a Chinese team being cheered in Korea. However, when the teams are against each other its another story, S10 damwon, MSI 22 RNG and now MSI 24 Gen G. We have the so called Shanghai library and Busan library thanks to those events. Again what I'm trying to say is that its hard to cheer for the other team that beat your home team. Valorant in China actually has a big portion of its players coming in from the league, as similar shooters like Counter Strike are pretty unpopular in China. League on the other hand was huge until what T1 did to the LPL last worlds and with EDGs and BLGs good performance last year many league fans tried valorant. Therefore, it is safe to assume some portion of the LPL and LCK rivalry could and probably has carried over from league. But Gen G actually had Chinese fans until the political incident which makes the Celtics to China's lakers , the cowboys to China's eagles and the Liverpool To China's Everton. I know this paragraph has been quite hard to follow but what I'm essential trying to say is that they are a team playing in their rivals arena so they will never get cheered. I'm actually amazed at the fact they aren't getting booed.
I'm really curious to see others opinions on why hostile crowds bother them in valorant. As I've been a life long sports fan as well as esports fan, I can fully understand the hostile crowds since they are so common in traditional sports. Its part of the reason why higher seeds in the NBA get game 7 at home now and why AFC and NFC winners get 2 home games before the SuperBowl. It's also why in cup games in the premier league are played at Wembley to reduce the 'home field' advantage. Therefore I want to know why people are mad that China didn't cheer for Gen G and cheered for TH. To me I saw it basically as the current NBA finals but all games were being played in LA. Obviously the Mavs would get all the cheers so it was fine for me, Gen G get their home turf later this year so it was just another home and away game scenario. Why did brazil get so much hate for leaving the arena after fnatic denied the comeback, they did the same in the world cup after 7-2 and nobody said anything and even actually probably sympathised with them. The English probably had a worse reaction than any esports crowd after they lost the euros to Italy at home and I don't see much condemning them except for the racist hate comments made to their own players, not Italian players, their own players. I' not trying to say that valorant fans are soft or trying to stir up anything with hostile intent, I am genuinely looking for a constructive conversation to enlarge the scope of my view on this topic. Please tell me what bothered you with the Shanghai and Brazil incidents.
submitted by Zealousideal_Yam8306 to VALORANT [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:31 DrJohnsonTHC ‘White: Melody of Death’ (2011) is way better than I thought it’d be.

If you haven’t heard of it, here’s a synopsis:
Each member of a failing K-pop group begins falling into horrible accidents after finding fame from a song that was discovered on an old grainy VHS tape of a mysterious unfinished music video. One of the members discovers the song is cursed, and tries to reveal the secret.
It’s not the most highly rated Korean horror movie out there, and it uses a lot of horror tropes that are played out.
But I don’t know man, something about it got me. It definitely scratched the Asian horror movie itch, and I was into it from start to finish. It’s predictable and doesn’t bring much new in terms of scares, but I think they do it all effectively. I’d have to say this is my horror movie guilty pleasure.
And that vocal booth scene? Terrifying.
submitted by DrJohnsonTHC to horror [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:31 melizzard4 Tear stains?

Tear stains?
One day I looked over at my puppy and thought she aged into an old man over night! I can’t figure out whats going on with her new dark face wrinkles 🤣. Is this how the face/fur develops as they get older (she just turned 6 months)? Or are those tear stains? Is it left over kibble dust from smashing her face in the slow feeder? I’ve tried cleaning with wipes but it don’t seem to help at all. Anyone have the answer? Thanks!
submitted by melizzard4 to BostonTerrier [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:30 LopsidedPhysics3094 08 1500 LS Suggestions

08 1500 LS Suggestions
Snagged this baby off an 87 year old man. Pretty old school interior but less than 49k miles on her. Body is good, frame is solid for the age, and the motor runs good. She was well cared for and actually not driven much since Covid. What would you suggest I do/ look out for other than new wheels/tires, tonneau cover, and oil change (done). First time truck owner and not looking to be a daily driver, just to be used in the winter and for truck things.
submitted by LopsidedPhysics3094 to Silverado [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:27 Octo_Kat Hey. If the site ever gets back working, let me know, okay thanks baiii!

Hey. If the site ever gets back working, let me know, okay thanks baiii! submitted by Octo_Kat to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:27 Greenhousebloom My old man turned 17 years this spring!

My old man turned 17 years this spring!
My favorite little buddy, Max. He has spent so much time worshiping the sun, that he has rusted. His once jet black coat is now brownish red in spots. Undercoat is grey, solidifying his grandpa status! (Supervised outdoor time in the front yard.)
submitted by Greenhousebloom to seniorkitties [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:26 mhollla Successful EP during 8-day work trip to Spain; here are the exhaustive details

TW: nursing, oversupply
TL;DR: lots of planning, careful packing, and increasing comfort with pumping in public made it possible to pump and maintain my supply while away from my baby for 8 days, and despite annoying Spanish policies I made it back home with all the milk!
I just got back from a work trip to Spain and wanted to share my experience in case it's helpful for anyone else. I planned for this EXTENSIVELY and, other than some stomach problems keeping me from partaking too much of the actual work-related events, it went well. First, some background - my baby had just turned 3mo. We mostly nurse but I had started pumping early on when he was in the NICU, and kept pumping so my husband could do a bottle at night and in the morning.
This trip was on my radar since before he was born, so I also purposefully cultivated somewhat of an oversupply with a goal of having 200oz frozen by the time I left, so he could continue to get breastmilk while I was gone. (He has a disease of the colon and it's particularly important that he have breastmilk; otherwise I would have been fine with him having partial or mostly formula). In the end, I was so fortunate (this time! I wasn't able to breastfeed my first at all!) and had about 400oz frozen when I left. 200oz seemed like a huge number when he was 1mo and I was pumping 5-10oz a day (and giving two bottles) but I did the math and knew it was possible even if I only had a few ounces leftover each day.
Once it looked like my stash would be okay, I started thinking about the logistics of pumping while traveling. Here's my packing list:
I had to buy several things for this trip (dishwashing stuff, pump bag, cooler backpack) but will use most of it when I start working in the office soon.
In addition to the packing, I was planning. I contacted the workshop organizers and asked for a place to pump, and asked both them and the hotel about the availability of a fridge/freezer. Also, once we got the schedule, I put it into my calendar and scheduled 8ppd. I DID NOT FOLLOW THIS SCHEDULE but it was an important exercise, I think. The travel day was INSANE and if I hadn't had a plan there's no way I would have pumped as much as I did. I scheduled 8ppd with a goal of doing 7, and assuming that, based on the magic number chart, 6 or even 5 would be okay for me.
I also requested permission from my employer to fly business class because I needed to pump, and they agreed. This was so helpful, honestly - gave me access to really nice lounges during the layovers (more below) and I felt totally comfortable pumping in my little pod on the long flight. Plus, as a mother to a 3mo I was not interested in sacrificing sleep while traveling for work!
Okay now here's what this looked like, especially on the travel days:
During the workshop, I froze bags in the conference center freezer and had staff freeze some in the hotel. The hotel was definitely not as good; they put them in there themselves and they were not at all flat.
this is how the milk was frozen at the hotel . . .
The trip home was a bit easier in some ways and a bit more complicated in others, because I had to do it in two parts. I packed my cooler backpack full of all the frozen milk.
all my milk finally frozen flat!
I seriously can't believe how well it all went. I pumped 50 times over nearly 8 days - in planes, trains, cars, while walking - and produced 265oz (over two gallons!), and all of the milk made it home! But basically I learned that EP requires so much mental and physical energy, and all of you who do it day in and day out are the real MVPs!
submitted by mhollla to ExclusivelyPumping [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:24 umekoangel Happy pride month 🏳️‍🌈☺️

Happy pride month 🏳️‍🌈☺️ submitted by umekoangel to lgbt [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:24 ftmfish Nobody good to talk to about male privilege and disclosure at work

My cis gay friend thinks I should disclose that I'm trans at work to "break the glass ceiling," and says "nobody cares that you're trans," meanwhile he can't wrap his head around how I deal with misogyny when I out myself, vs when he outs himself as gay he's still seen as a cis man and given certain respects that I would not be given. His time in the military was largely don't ask don't tell so what does he know.
Then I also can't discuss this with any non-cis male friends because I'm just saying "I don't wanna out myself at work because then I lose the respect of being seen as a man" when meanwhile they don't have that option.
Many trans men I discuss this with seem afraid of accepting male privilege in the first place.
The whole thing makes me feel like I have nobody to frankly discuss this with. It's not the prettiest subject but it's a fact of life in our society.
submitted by ftmfish to FTMMen [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:24 throwaway_f1lo My trans friend isn't trans, she is trying too hard to feel included In a group, and found aid in being trans. I want to help her get better from depression.

Hey people, I've made this throwaway because my friend also uses reddit and is probably on this sub so I'm not goind into details about my own identity for this reasons, but your help you be very very needed. Sorry for the big text but context is very much needed.
Forgive me if this may sound prejudiced because it 100% isn't. For real. The thing is, the subject is very delicate and I know you only be able to see the context behind this as good as my writing is, English is my second language so please me patient with me.
I just want to help my best friend.
I'm cis, bi, 24. I get it. I do. I fully and utterly support everyone, this is why I'm here. But I need some help.
I have a friend (24) that is going through his transition phase, M>F. We are friends since 5th grade, so a looong time ago. She always was a shy person, introspective. Highly smart, excellent student, does a very hard STEM field subject for college. But never had friend outside of our friendgroup. She has depression, and it's only gotten worse over the years. Please, read this as a friend very much thinking about the safety and well being of my beloved best friend.
Around 2020 my friend went to another city because of college. She was always was a quieter person, only letting herself "out" around me and other 3 friends (very small friendgroup). She didn't make any friends on college to this day, let alone in 2020. She lives alone, only playing WoW with some randoms. She has 1 online friend there but isn't a good example (drugs, alcohol and lives off doing odd jobs and couchsurfing on friends houses). She started mentioning she was non binary around 2021, before that there was nothing. No mentioning, not talking about LGBTQIA+ in any shape or form aside from the occasional "big pride subject" that happened or something.
I have a pretty good radar for all the letters but I never expected anything coming from her. Like, not at ALL. The only sign of something that around the middle of 2020, she said to me she was also bi but ok, all of my friend group was at that point.
I know, everybody is different. But you know what is NEVER doing anything regarding trans? Not any subject, gay parade, LGBTQIA+ clubs or bars, anything. 0. She always was a "nerdy guy". I don't want this to sound wrong because in my country we are very direct with this stuff so please forgive me if this may sound prejudiced.
The thing here is, I don't think she is really trans. She is just going for it because she feels included. Neither my SO, or other people in our friendgroup. We know, it's HER choice. We are not calling her him anymore, since she told us about. We don't call her the same way we did back then.
But something is... off. You know, when someone is trans, they are trans, you know what I mean? She isn't. She may be non binary on the more "feminine side" but I think she is using the Flag as a coping mechanism. To the depression. Because she feels included. The online game community she is a part of, makes her feel good and included, with like-minded individuals but as everyobody knows, games for better or for worst, only goes so far. When real life hits, you need some people on your side.
She can't blend in with the nerds, athletes, car people, bikes, boats, sewing, tapestry, woodwork or any other hobbies or sport, so she finds herself in the LGBTQIA+. Not something wrong persay but I fear she will regret. Her transition period went to 0 trans stuff to almost 100% around 5 months. I have other 2 trans friends. They took YEARS. And other thing, manly, they had phases. And we as a friends and other acquaintances, we knew. We knew it was a matter of time to them become who they where ment to be.
But my friend? She started taking meds and hormones TWO WEEKS after the decision. What makes me uncomfortable about this whole situation is that she is behaving like a teenager. Like a 13 year old that started the rebel/pick me up girl phase. Everytime we are as a friendgroup (everybody with their SO, some of which are girls) we see that she feels dislocated. Because she can't stay with the boys but she can't stay with the girls, so she is just there. Her boyfriend (cis, bi) stay with everyone, jokes around and stuff. She gets jealous if he gets NEAR a gf of one of my friends. If she sees the girls talking about "girl stuff" she startd throwing tantrums and behaving like a teenager, being a drama queen so her boyfriend goes flying to her, because she can't participate in the conversation (every girl in the group tries to talk to her, included her but she doesn't say a word) She is forcing her voice to be thinner, softer. She doesn't dresses like a girl, behaves like a girl or anything. She says and sends me the clothes that she buys but when we are with friends (in house) or in a mall or something, she doesn't wear them. Never. No even makeup.
I think she is doing it too fast. And I think she isn't trans for real.
Again, sorry I'd someone feels triggered by this. Sorry mods if anyone of you think this is against the rules. I just want to help my friend.
She is trying too hard and is hurting herself in the process.
submitted by throwaway_f1lo to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:23 umekoangel Happy pride month y'all 🏳️‍🌈💜☺️

Happy pride month y'all 🏳️‍🌈💜☺️ submitted by umekoangel to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:22 throwaway_f1lo How can I make my friend feel more included and loved? (Real question)

Hey people, I've made this throwaway because my friend also uses reddit and is probably on this sub so I'm not goind into details about my own identity for this reasons, but your help you be very very needed. Sorry for the big text but context is very much needed.
Forgive me if this may sound prejudiced because it 100% isn't. For real. The thing is, the subject is very delicate and I know you only be able to see the context behind this as good as my writing is, English is my second language so please me patient with me.
I just want to help my best friend.
I'm cis, bi, 24. I get it. I do. I fully and utterly support everyone, this is why I'm here. But I need some help.
I have a friend (24) that is going through his transition phase, M>F. We are friends since 5th grade, so a looong time ago. She always was a shy person, introspective. Highly smart, excellent student, does a very hard STEM field subject for college. But never had friend outside of our friendgroup. She has depression, and it's only gotten worse over the years. Please, read this as a friend very much thinking about the safety and well being of my beloved best friend.
Around 2020 my friend went to another city because of college. She was always was a quieter person, only letting herself "out" around me and other 3 friends (very small friendgroup). She didn't make any friends on college to this day, let alone in 2020. She lives alone, only playing WoW with some randoms. She has 1 online friend there but isn't a good example (drugs, alcohol and lives off doing odd jobs and couchsurfing on friends houses). She started mentioning she was non binary around 2021, before that there was nothing. No mentioning, not talking about LGBTQIA+ in any shape or form aside from the occasional "big pride subject" that happened or something.
I have a pretty good radar for all the letters but I never expected anything coming from her. Like, not at ALL. The only sign of something that around the middle of 2020, she said to me she was also bi but ok, all of my friend group was at that point.
I know, everybody is different. But you know what is NEVER doing anything regarding trans? Not any subject, gay parade, LGBTQIA+ clubs or bars, anything. 0. She always was a "nerdy guy". I don't want this to sound wrong because in my country we are very direct with this stuff so please forgive me if this may sound prejudiced.
The thing here is, I don't think she is really trans. She is just going for it because she feels included. Neither my SO, or other people in our friendgroup. We know, it's HER choice. We are not calling her him anymore, since she told us about. We don't call her the same way we did back then.
But something is... off. You know, when someone is trans, they are trans, you know what I mean? She isn't. She may be non binary on the more "feminine side" but I think she is using the Flag as a coping mechanism. To the depression. Because she feels included. The online game community she is a part of, makes her feel good and included, with like-minded individuals but as everyobody knows, games for better or for worst, only goes so far. When real life hits, you need some people on your side.
She can't blend in with the nerds, athletes, car people, bikes, boats, sewing, tapestry, woodwork or any other hobbies or sport, so she finds herself in the LGBTQIA+. Not something wrong persay but I fear she will regret. Her transition period went to 0 trans stuff to almost 100% around 5 months. I have other 2 trans friends. They took YEARS. And other thing, manly, they had phases. And we as a friends and other acquaintances, we knew. We knew it was a matter of time to them become who they where ment to be.
But my friend? She started taking meds and hormones TWO WEEKS after the decision. What makes me uncomfortable about this whole situation is that she is behaving like a teenager. Like a 13 year old that started the rebel/pick me up girl phase. Everytime we are as a friendgroup (everybody with their SO, some of which are girls) we see that she feels dislocated. Because she can't stay with the boys but she can't stay with the girls, so she is just there. Her boyfriend (cis, bi) stay with everyone, jokes around and stuff. She gets jealous if he gets NEAR a gf of one of my friends. If she sees the girls talking about "girl stuff" she startd throwing tantrums and behaving like a teenager, being a drama queen so her boyfriend goes flying to her, because she can't participate in the conversation (every girl in the group tries to talk to her, included her but she doesn't say a word) She is forcing her voice to be thinner, softer. She doesn't dresses like a girl, behaves like a girl or anything. She says and sends me the clothes that she buys but when we are with friends (in house) or in a mall or something, she doesn't wear them. Never. No even makeup.
I think she is doing it too fast. And I think she isn't trans for real.
Again, sorry I'd someone feels triggered by this. Sorry mods if anyone of you think this is against the rules. I just want to help my friend.
She is trying too hard and is hurting herself in the process.
submitted by throwaway_f1lo to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:20 tdcoda1 Family Was In Denial For Years About My Grandmother, Now Doing It Again With My Grandfather.

I don't fucking get it. Why am I the only one who seems capable of accepting these situations?
My grandmother first started showing signs of dementia in 2018. I brought it up to my family repeatedly. They all blew me off and said, "It's just normal old age."
It wasn't until she started getting bad around 2021 that they accepted it. She died several months ago.
My grandfather has been showing early signs for about a year now. Since my grandmother's death, he has slipped even further.
They are all denying it again with him. I just don't get it.
My grandfather had one of the biggest issues I've witnessed so far today. He knew I was coming by after I got out of work, but I was running late. I walked into his house, and yelled "Hello" as I came in. He responded from the living room, "Oh you're back, do you know where tdcoda1 is? I know he's out of work."
I walked into the room and he goes, "Oh it's you, I thought it was your grandmother coming in from outside."
He was sitting in his chair with one eye opened and one completely closed. I thought he was having a stroke or something.
I went up to him and asked him to asked if he was ok, and told him that Nana is dead.
That kind of jolted him and he recovered and blew me off. Got out of his chair and got up to make lunch. He had both eyes open, was moving like normal, and speaking clearly. So I didn't take him to the hospital or anything (I checked in a few hours later and he was fine).
He's been having memory slip ups, doing/saying odd things at times for nearly a year now, like I mentioned.
I called my mother about today, and texted my brother about it. My mother blows me off and says, "I've never seen him like that, I don't know what to tell you."
My brother texts me back, "That doesn't make sense, he was fine when I saw him a couple days ago." A little while later I call my aunt about it, and she blows it off too saying, "I'm sure he's fine."
What the fuck is wrong with these people.
This is a 92 year old man, who lives alone, still drives a car, who is obviously starting to show signs of impairment.
And they just BLOW IT OFF.
We just went through this for YEARS with my grandmother, and now they want to be in denial again.
submitted by tdcoda1 to dementia [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:18 ClassicStats Man I got too many videos to watch to catch up

Man, this ain't even really like a complaining thing besides one thing maybe just knowing if I do get back into the game it's gonna be alot. It's like I'm writing in a journal public and want opinions.
I dropped the game at the beginning of Season of the Witch, and before them I took a break from the game from Shadowkeep to Lightfall. So two big breaks and seasons I've missed.
And I know I got like 10+ hours of shit I gotta watch on YouTube that's just gonna make me go crazy lmao. I missed so many seasons, and all of them have story related cutscenes, and so much dialogue I missed out on. I wish I could play them myself.
I heard Season of the Witch and Wish is very connected from Lightfall to Final Shape so if I do wanna get back into it, I'm gonna have to watch those seasons and alllll the seasons I missed between Shadowkeep and Lightfall.
Ain't complaining besides a person dream of mine is to replay all the seasonal stories, but it's literally holding be back from getting back into the game.
submitted by ClassicStats to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:18 cozyporcelain Cancer men 🥹 please tell me why

So I’m FWB with a Cancer man, until today. I’m a Scorpio woman.
For context, I had a Cancer boyfriend for 7 years, and another one for a year, they’re my absolute favorite.
This Cancer man, we went on three dates, amazing, compatible, decided to be FWB given his firefighting schedule.
Last time I saw him was a month ago. He disappeared off the grid. (I should include Venus in Gemini, we all know. Lol)
He texts me today wanting to see me. We fuck. It’s explosive. He comes on so strong.
Afterwards I start massaging him with oils, I am a massage therapist side job, and talking about life asking questions and wanting to connect after a month of being apart. I asked him if “there was anything that happened within the last month that he’d like to talk about” while I was working a huge knot out of his back.
He gets extremely upset and said he’s “amazing” and his life is “perfect” and “nothing has happened in the last month” and said I’m “bulldozing” him.
It devolved from here and I left. He walked me out and called me an “old washed up hag” on the way out because he was so mad (Aries Moon Rising Libra)
I cried all the way home because I felt so misunderstood. All I asked him to do, was to open up. I said you have so many walls up and I just want to know you.
And unfortunately I will never get to. Why Cancer men, why.
submitted by cozyporcelain to astrologymemes [link] [comments]
