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The Best and Worst of TikTok

2018.08.07 08:22 Awaake The Best and Worst of TikTok

A place to watch the best and worst videos from TikTok. Here you can find TikToks that are cringe-worthy, funny, wholesome, and more! We recommend sorting by flair to find the exact content you're looking for.

2019.10.22 07:36 jostler57 Pokemon GO Battle League

Pokemon GO Battle League

2024.06.09 21:29 Excel_Jesus Redemption for our customization horror story instance?

Here's the situation: my org went live with netsuite right before the pandemic. CFO at the time resigned two months prior to going live. An ERP Administrator started shortly after and did their best to hold things together. There was basically no competent finance/accounting team for two years after. Pretty much everyone touches netsuite at my org, whether for accounting, inventory operations, or data analytics.
During the course of 2020 to 2022, the ERP Administrator has basically customized our instance into a hole. Any form of request from any department resulted in a random custom field, custom script, or random workaround. Very little "saying no". It's truly a spiderweb. They had the best of intentions (and I love working with this individual), but there's basically been NO overall strategy or direction for ERP development (not to the fault of the admin). I'll also emphasize there's been no accounting/finance oversight of any of these customizations. Wrap this up with an overall bad implementation and it's been a nightmare.
The end result has been the following - Completely custom built online store that has many glitches. Often causes distribution of product for free when not intended (one time we lost $10k in a single distribution). I've written off $300k from invoices not supposed to billed from 2020-2022. It's been hard to quantify the overall impact as the data is so bad. - The ERP admin and CFO have basically built the netsuite social impact module from the ground up via customizations (long story). Think rebuilding the wheel, but our wheel is made of playdough and bubblegum. - Vast majority of inventory items set up with improper GL codes. Due to transaction history, it's not possible to change them without making new item codes (1000s of items). - Vast majority of items set up using standard costing for no logical reason. If you know, you know. - MANY of the customizations didn't consider any of the accounting GL impacts. This causes prior periods to be constantly adjusted when someone random does XYZ and it's been incredibly hard to track all this down. Every month there's some whacco material adjustment posted for a myriad of reasons (my favorite so far has been an item receipt necromancy edit causing irreversible $800k debit adjust to sales revenue 5 months ago). - I can't formally close accounting periods for months on end as many MANY non-accounting customizations were foundationally built on periods being open all year. - Some record types have been bastardized beyond usability. For example, we'll probably never be able to use purchase orders normally due to the customized workflows/solutions they were set up as. - Integrating any 3rd party system has been incredibly difficult due to the customizations and requires ridiculous amounts of workarounds. It took me months to properly integrate our AP system to a usable standpoint - a random undocumented UI script would cause 20-30% of bills to not sync. We still can't use the purchase order feature in the AP system (see above). - Incredibly hard to get good data out of netsuite. - Incredibly poor financial controls. Too many examples to share.
I've been able to sort of fix some of it, but there's truly too much for one person to do. Much stuff is so ingrained into the instance it's going to cost huge $$$ to fix. I've tried to raise these issues to management with limited success, but I think everyone here can understand how effective that has been.
I'm starting to think I should bounce. Thoughts?
submitted by Excel_Jesus to Netsuite [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:29 Spirit_of_Ecstasy I’m thinking of moving to Sioux Falls (from Chicago)

As the title indicates, I live in Chicago and I'm considering moving to a new city and state, trying to decide where would be best. I have this inexplicable gut feeling that Sioux Falls would satisfy my requirements and then some.
I'm a 31 year old teacher and have lived in the Midwest, the east coast, and Idaho. I moved back to Chicago and I love this city. There's a lot I could say about why I want to move, but I'll try to sum it up:
I'm afraid. Of climate change, civil unrest, political violence, civil war, income inequality, the drug epidemic, the loneliness epidemic, the surge of migrants, food shortages, nuclear war, and AI. The conditions are frighteningly right for some sort of global catastrophic event or chain of events. Impending doom, in other words.
Some of this fear is because these are legitimate causes for concern, and some of it is my naturally anxious and pessimistic personality.
Basically, I'm looking for a place to ride out, as safely and peacefully as I can, what may (or may not) be coming our way. I don't have faith right now in Chicago's (or many other cities') long-term safety and stability, which are by far my two highest priorities.
I'm not interested in a discussion about whether or not these things will actually happen. This would be an odd sub to ask that question in. I'm focused on whether Sioux Falls would be a "safe" or "smart" place to live given this particular set of concerns. So for the sake of my inquiry let's assume we don't recover from this tailspin, and uncertain, bad things are indeed headed our way (we all need to be more on the same page about how tenuous national and global stability is right now, and recognize and vocalize the unprecedented urgency of our situation).
I know I'm a textbook example of an over-panicked, fearful person expressing the same old fears every generation has. But tell me anyway, in your experience living there, do you think it's a pretty safe place from a stability- and climate-focused person? At this point, I don't need great outdoor experiences, a popping art scene, cute coffee shops or gourmet restaurants. Don't care about any of that. I want a place I can move to and just live more calmly, enjoyably, and peacefully.
Thank you in advance.
submitted by Spirit_of_Ecstasy to SiouxFalls [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:29 CenobiteKyler Scam Call About Jury Duty

Got a call from 808-529-3111 (labeled Honolulu City M) claiming I signed a certified summons, included in the summons was apparently sensitive information pertaining to the case. Long story short, “the officer” claimed I had two felony warrants and needed to post a $5k bail, take a signature authenticity test, or I faced jail time etc. When the call got to the $5k part I said to forward me this documentation and I will have an attorney look it over and respond after, they then hung up. Person knew both of my local addresses, which I assume isn’t that difficult to find, and also had police radio chatter on in the background. It was pretty convincing tbh, but I am aggressive and pretty stingy with money so I ended up being fine. But maybe warn older or more naive people in your life.
submitted by CenobiteKyler to Hawaii [link] [comments]


Arrested on January 12, 1979, I could not afford an attorney. The father of my ex, Kelli Wisbey, contacted a lawyer he knew, Bellingham attorney Dean Brett. Brett was a personal injury lawyer. He managed to get himself appointed by the County. As such, I was facing two murder counts represented by a personal injury lawyer. In ten months of representation, Brett DID NOT interview any State witness, DID NOT visit any alleged crime scene, DID NOT independently investigate the crime allegations against me (only accepted the word of police and the Prosecutor), DID NOT challenge any disputable alleged evidence, DID NOT investigate any of my "confessions," and WAS NOT present during six days of interrogations by Los Angeles area police while I was in custody in Bellingham, Washington.\_RCCTJai61S5iOmPlbrxcPgn?usp=sharing
submitted by amatteroftruth51 to u/amatteroftruth51 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:28 InitiativeBrief9014 Expecting no hot water for two weeks

Hi guys, so I’m a bit of a situation I bought a house back in 2022. Everything in the house is brand new, including the water heater. It seems as if the water heater decided to die even though it’s a brand new. Apparently my roommate knew who I rent a spare bedroom two and didn’t tell me the day that he noticed there wasn’t any hot water. I don’t fuck around with any of this kind of stuff. And I don’t waste peoples money. I called around to at three different agencies that day to get a plumber in the first canceled due to their whole staff, having Covid, which I believe is a lie because he overbooked himself. The second person canceled and openly admitted to overbooking himself. The third person showed took a deposit on the repair, but can’t do it for the next two weeks. Which I feel as though was a lie because he told me that he was going to go close on his house and couldn’t do a repair that day or a flush which I asked him if at least you could do the flush and didn’t. Now I’m absolutely pissed because I spent $455 to hold an appointment that I didn’t even get a little bit of what I wanted from it. The warranty on the heater was only for a year, so I’m wondering if I can go through the state of Maine’s implied warranty law or maines lemon law. I personally do not want to take a cold shower and it’s only right that I shouldn’t expect my roommate/tenant to either. I really wish he would’ve let me know the same day. Now I am considering buying a brand new heater and just having installed. I’ve spoken to at least 3 to 4 other people sense and think it’s unreasonable for the tank to have died. And most people don’t even do it once a year flush like they should, which I was doing. There was also a water main break in my town which I’m wondering if there was minerals added to the water I didn’t notice the water was slow to come on Monday night. Any suggestions on how I should proceed would be great. I would like the most ethical thing for my roommate and I because Tuesday will be a week. And I am very upset to have to wait until the 20th. I wouldn’t blame my roommate at all if he decided to withhold rent which is why I’m probably gonna give him a discount. If I knew how to plum it myself, I would.
submitted by InitiativeBrief9014 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:28 Librarian_vodka Could Knights Withstand the Island Zomb-ocalypse?

The premise is this: an isolated island is discovered by a technologically medieval level society who decide to create a secret military outpost there. It’s about the size of Sicily, and from what they can tell it is not currently inhibited by anyone, but there evidence it once was. It is lush with resources and game however so they are able to do quite well for themselves. They colonize it, build a couple of wooden forts, and begin a proper survey of it.
Unbeknownst to them there is a unique parasite infecting the freshwater hot springs that can be found throughout the island. You see where this is going. The thing is the parasite exists in two distinct stages, active and inactive. When inactive it exists in a dormant state, requiring warm temperatures to survive but otherwise able to essentially last forever. This is the primary vector for transmission because everyone has to drink, and inactive saliva is still riddled with them. It is activated by making contact with other active parasites in the form of fluid contamination. They shift into their active state, begin reproducing within the host, driving them into an insatiable hunger to meet the energy needs of the parasite colony.
It is a slow process but eventually the never ending hunger will drive people into a feral state, this is somewhat helped by the parasite but it isn’t an instant cannibalism switch. More like slow mental decline into a desperate state of animalistic survival. Once the transformation is complete, active infected will seek out the inactive, for whom they have a small radius of detection, in order to continue the process. They attack and eat anything they can find but will prioritize going after inactives when given the chance, specifically to bite and further infect. To this end they maintain a limited intelligence in order to stalk and surprise their prey, their bite to a non-infected person infects them all the same and skips the inactive phase. Other mammals can become infected but do not activate. This means practically every mammal shows up on an actives “radar” but humans are their preferred prey.
So this outpost gets infected, and nothing happens for a few years, until an explorer accidentally discovers a cave that houses a group of hibernating active infected. When deprived of calories for a long enough period of time they will sleep to conserve energy and “rise from the dead” when enough stimulus indicated viable pray is near by. So now that the process has restarted, how much of a chance do you think the people living on the island have in surviving?
Some further details of the situation: The forts have paths that lead to each other but are fairly scattered around the island. Each housing about 100 soldiers, some of whom have families, along with non-solider support systems like blacksmiths, hunters, and craftsmen. I want to say the surprise alone takes at least one fort which in turn alerts the others to prepare slightly. They have limited access to fresh gunpowder and weapons that can use them, and steel, and the kingdom that sent them will not let them leave in fear of the infection spreading. Anyone who makes it off the island is caught by the blockade and drowned. (They don’t know it but the parasite cannot survive in salt water like it does in fresh)
I take for granted that they could last for a little bit, and it is in that fight for survival that I want to write this tale. I have plenty of ideas but I would love to hear more. What do you think they would get up to in pursuit of surviving this seemingly hopeless situation?
Tldr: I just want knights to fight some zombies in a (more or less) grounded setting.
submitted by Librarian_vodka to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:28 southmplsrm4rent ROOMMATE WANTED -MPLS- AUGUST 1st- No Dogs/Cats - $600- before utilities (+$525 security deposit)

ROOMMATE WANTED -MPLS- AUGUST 1st- No Dogs/Cats - $600- before utilities (+$525 security deposit)
Follow this CG link for pics:
Hey there, potential new roommate!
Check out the pics and email/dm me. Hope to start meeting suitable roommates ASAP.
ABOUT US: We are two chill dudes in our 30s looking for a clean, dependable, and compatible third roommate at our place smack dab in the middle of Central/Powderhorn neighborhood. We are liberal/progressive. We are accepting of all peoples. In so many words, sexist, racist, and anti-LGBTQ MAGA types need not apply.
Around the house we keep it pretty low key, are pretty busy with our own pursuit, try to keep a good work-social life balance, respect each other's space, keep things tidy, and don’t get on each other's nerves. We are not trying to have a huge party space but have the occasional get together here and there.
As you can see from the pictures provided, the available bedroom is spacious, well lit, has wood floors and a big closet. It’s on the main floor, near the kitchen and bathroom. Two of the three units are on the main floor, the third is downstairs. Sadly, our current roommate had a sudden medical/health crisis and has decided he needs to move back to Wisconsin to be with family. Like him, we hope to find a working, reliable, and friendly third person who can provide the same stability and steadiness to our home.
Above and beyond the available room, we have TONS of shared communal space. (Note: living room and dining room are fully furnished and we aren’t really interested in adding any new furniture to those shared spaces.) We have like a second outside home/hangout area in our huge garage, lots of great porch & patio space, a fire pit, plenty of storage space, and— for you garden enthusiasts — we run the vegetable garden and have a greenhouse.
Lease starts August 1st!
Other perks: *Very dependable and attentive landlord (You will need to go through a background check) *AC/Heating unit works great *Washer and Dryer on site (not coin-operated) *Off-street, back alley parking space *Walking distance to Powderhorn park, convenience stores, Lake St and Midtown Market *Right off the bikeways/easy access to bikelanes *Amazing neighbors in a safe neighborhood *Utilities/Internet split 3 ways
submitted by southmplsrm4rent to TWINCITIESHOUSING [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:27 Fitkari Biz Grow vs Biz First

Biz Grow vs Biz First
So i would like to thank members with suggesting IDFC WOW for up lifiting cibil through Secured FD route.
But currently short on FD route and thinking to use Business cards for same purpose.
So I'll be business purchase through the credit card and personal cc I'll take after upliftment in the society.
Whats the difference in Biz First vs Biz grow as
1) Rewards are similar like 2 for 150 And 1% for 100
2) lifestyle wise it's same rewards and 1% on both srcharge
Only the redeem value is 75 k vs 1L on grow
Which card to go with.
Based on my account of preferred banking these two are shown
submitted by Fitkari to CreditCardsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:26 reverthelp BASICS OF ISLAM : Questions & Answers

BASICS OF ISLAM : The revelation of Qur'an.Part2
The gradual revelation of the Qur'an prepared the people to accept and then live the virtues, excellent manners, and lofty aspirations it demanded. That so much was achieved in only 23 years is a miracle. Current campaigns to eradicate such a peripheral vice as smoking employ famous scholars, individuals, institutions, and the whole network of mass media—yet they still result in overall failure. If 20 fewer people die on the road per year after a campaign against alcohol, it is considered a great success. What the Prophet accomplished, at God's bidding, over 23 years far surpasses what all of humanity has managed to achieve since that time.
The Qur'an was revealed in stages so that its audience could understand, internalize, and apply its prohibitions, commands, and reforms. Revelation came when the need for guidance arose, without discouraging or grinding down morale: warning and condemnation preceded prohibition, appeal and exhortation preceded command. For instance, alcohol and other intoxicating drinks were prohibited in three or four stages; female infanticide in two stages; uniting warring tribes and building up a close-knit society based on brotherhood, thus raising the collective consciousness, in several stages. These difficult reforms were not gestured at or expressed in slogans—they were achieved.
Today, we design our projects according to past experience and future possibilities. Taking possible social and economic fluctuations into account, we make our plans flexible in order to leave room for any necessary modifications. Just like a young tree, the early Muslims grew slowly, adapting gradually to new conditions and thus developing naturally. Every day new people were coming into Islam. New Muslims were learning many things, gaining in Islamic consciousness, training themselves to act upon Islam, and thus becoming members of a society rather than separate individuals or mutually hostile clans. Their characters and personalities, their whole lives, were reshaped and reordered in accordance with Islamic precepts and the Qur'anic guidance.
Such was the magnitude of their spiritual, moral, intellectual, and even physical regeneration. This transformation was achieved through a balanced synthesis of worldly life and spiritual advancement, and it happened gradually, slowly yet continuously, and harmoniously.
submitted by reverthelp to RevertHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:25 avenirbold First Car Problems and Treatment at the Shop

First Car Problems and Treatment at the Shop
About a month ago, I bought my first car. A 2004 Honda Civic. Everything was fine when I took it on a test drive. A bit high on miles, but nothing out of the ordinary for someone’s daily driver. Mind you my car knowledge is a strong 5/10. Know the basic stuff & what to look for.
This week my car started to make this awful metal grinding sound. Not the high pitched squeal, but more of a two rough heavy pieces of metal rubbing against eachother when I brake. Aside from that, my steering wheels shakes so I knew I needed an alignment.
I took it in for an alignment and asked them to check the brakes while they were there.
They told me what was wrong & showed me (see videos), & quoted me. I asked them to give me a second and I had to make a call to see if I could get the money.
Imma be honest. I’m seriously the last person to cry in any situation. But hearing them talk about my car almost brought tears to my eyes.
After I turned around to make the call, a separate mechanic walked in who also looked at my car but I didn’t talk to, & thinking I didn’t speak spanish, they absolutely shat on my car.
He talked about how much of a piece of shit it was, how it shouldn’t even be driving, that they would pay whoever the owner was just to get rid of the car and get a a different one, how nothing works.
I have a pretty strong character & I would have popped off, but I was at too much of a breaking point & felt like my efforts to get this car were absolutely stepped & spat on.
I am posting on here to see if maybe I am exaggerating & here was right. This is what they said was wrong: Needed new suspension scissor arms thing, new brakes, new rotors, new lateral control arm, & an alignment. All for 600-650.
I took the car home simply bc I did not have the funds to even pay for the new rotors & brakes ($270).
Thanks yall
submitted by avenirbold to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:25 Amazing-Internal-222 517 3.9 School List Help

Hi, just wanted to reach out for school list help. MI resident
Stats: 517 MCAT, 3.9 cGPA, 3.85 sGPA, taking casper and preview this month
Clinical hours: 3500+ as CNA, MA, Care Taker
Volunteer: 500 nonclinical, 100 clinical
Research: 200> (very little ik), no pubs
Other nonclinical paid work: 400
Shadowing: 100 in person over multiple specialties
Tutoring: 100
2 Cool hobbies (one is most meaningful) and an artistic endeavor that had decent level of impact
Most experiences are a year or two long, nothing really seems like checking boxes
Current School List (25):
Mich State
Western Mich
Case Western
Jefferson Kimmel
Ohio State
Wright State
Rosalind Franklin
Penn State
Medical College of Wisconsin
I wanna stay close to home so most schools are in midwest, with some exceptions in northeast. Let me know if there are any I have no chance at and should remove and if there are some others I could add. Want to keep my list under 30 schools if possible. Also let me know if I forgot to include important info about my app lol. Thanks in advance guys!
submitted by Amazing-Internal-222 to premed [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:24 AdGloomy9798 exroommate hasn’t paid rent in months, left furniture as collateral, & is now a day away from deadline. what do I do??

cross posted w legal advice as well.
I kicked my roommate out because she hadn’t paid rent in months, & then i found out she lied to me about her entire identity. it’s important to note i’m 24f & autistic. a lot of this story is built upon the back of her lying to me? so for brevity sake im stating what I think is the most pertinent information for this. i wont get too deep into all the intricacies of the lies because they are big ones that im still unpacking in therapy, just looking for legal advice because im tapped on funds & would’ve sought an attorneys advice otherwise.
long story short, she avoided signing a lease or anything until after we moved in back in november because “life” kept getting in the way of her coming to the appointment for it. I learned my lesson here. I know I shouldn’t have let her move in without signing a sublease or getting a background check. she kept canceling our appt to get it signed, & eventually I became too overwhelmed with school that I forgot about it until I needed it. but I have all our financial agreement stuff in written form (text) im just not sure if that’s enough.
anyway, the apartment was in my name only. she paid sorta consistently. a day late here, a week late there. I was okay with it for the beginning because I am a student & had enough in savings from my loans to cover it in the beginning SO LONG as she paid me back. & she did. I also was working 35 hours a week on top of an 18 credit hour load, so i’m barely home save to sleep or eat. february is when she lost her job due to allegedly calling off & lying about it to her boss. (I only found that out after a coworker of hers reached out to me. my roommate was allegedly lying about me to people.) it’s important to note I didn’t know she lost her job. she didn’t tell me she got fired, instead said she was wanting to leave & was lowering her hours there while finding other work. I told her I just would like to be paid back on time & she said she would. spoiler, she didn’t.
in march we had a huge argument because she hadn’t paid me back for february rent or utilities & I had learned at that point a lot of her personal history that she had shared with me had been a lie. I looked into publicly available records about her & found out the following:
she comes clean about all of that during the confrontation in march. she cries, I cry, I thought all was getting resolved financially because she promised. (I roll my eyes now thinking about it) & she was enrolling herself in therapy. she pays me for the rent & utilities of february but not rent for march. she said she would get it to me with her next paycheck. I had some faith in her still because she was my friend or so I thought.
I also ended up enrolling in therapy shortly after this conversation bc it was traumatizing how much she lied to me.
regardless, i covered her half of rent during march & April, albeit very begrudgingly. i gave her extension after extension but started to look for another roommate during the end of april just in case she didn’t pay in may. the reason I did this is because I only had enough in savings to cover my portion of rent for june. obviously may came around & she didn’t pay, but she was able to go spend about $400 at the grocery store ?? & she also bought a new stanley cup (she had a collection & each one rubes around 48 usd) & a whole bunch of new make up, press on nails, toiletries such as shampoo & conditioner & three new candles!!
seeing her come home with all that that was my breaking point. I had been rationing off my food, my own toiletries, & my own “luxury” items just so I could afford to keep a roof over our heads.
so I found a new roommate very quickly, & got them ACTUALLY VETTED WITH BACKGROUND CHECK & CREDIT CHECK BY THE APARTMENT COMPLEX ITSELF. yes I learned from my mistake. no I will never repeat it again.
I told my ex roommate on May 6th, one week after she came home with all those new expensive items, that she needed to pay me all 3.453.35 that she owed me for rent/utilities or she would be kicked out. she asked me for an extension, she claimed she needed to May 10th to get her funds. I said no, she had already had two months & four full paycheck cycles to figure it out. she said she took out a personal loan & was waiting on it to be approved & deposited. I again reaffirmed that no, she could not stay here. I told her she had twenty minutes to pack up a bag but she needed to leave her furniture as collateral that she would pay me back. she agreed to this. all of this is in text form & I have her agreeing to it there. after she left, i told her she had thirty full days to pay me back or her items would be considered abandoned. thus, giving her an additional & final deadline. that deadline is Monday, June 10th, at 5 pm.
on June 3rd, after hearing nothing from her for weeks, she said she would pay me by the evening of the 7th. I told her that was fine, but if she didn’t pay then the original deadline of june 10th at 5 pm would still stand.
june 7th came & went. no payment. & june 10th is tomorrow. & idk what to do with her stuff or if I should give her more time?? i’m not sure how to proceed forward & wanna make sure i’m protected.
anyway, that’s the shortened version of it. any advice is welcome. I don’t need people telling me i’m stupid for the sublease thing bc I know & am well aware. I learned my lesson on that & my new roommate is on the lease & our financials are split evenly now so i’m good on that.
I just don’t know what to do with her items or even really,,,her.
submitted by AdGloomy9798 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:24 bcolvin1728 Zapdos Raid! Two people in person! Add 4269 3045 1437

submitted by bcolvin1728 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:23 Nagashiwa Interview with Sunemegamafy [10th anniversary special]

Interview with Sunemegamafy [10th anniversary special]
Original post:
I want to Congratulate Sunemegamafy on their10th anniversary! Time goes by so fast. It is hard for me to believe that I have been following Sunemegamafy for 10 years now! I was really happy to see Sunemegamafy again on March 16th! The performance was really amazing!
Let’s start with how you would like to introduce Sunemegamafy to the readers who don’t know you yet.
Tomo: We’re a rock band with perfectly balanced songs that came together at the perfect time as each member was building his or her career.
Toru: A soulful rock band with a focus on intense yet tender songs.
Kenichi: A band full of passion and emotion.
Kyoushi: A four-person rock band.
Please introduce yourself.
Tomo: I am the reliable big brother who leads from the front as a vocalist.
Toru: I am a somewhat shy and troublesome guitar player.
Kenichi: I am a cheerful and sensitive bass player.
Kyoushi: I am a drummer with enlightenment.
Why did you decide to become a musician?
Tomo: I guess it’s the ultimate hobby that I found to be fun and that still continues to this day. So there is no particular reason.
Toru: When I was in high school, there was the so-called band boom. All my friends were in bands, so I started to play as well, 35 years have passed since then.
Kenichi: because of someone’s influence.
Kyoushi: There was no reason. Before I knew it, I was a drummer.
What are your thoughts on the celebration of your 10th anniversary?
Tomo: I don’t think we’ve moved as fast as we should have, but these 10 years have gone by so fast. To me it feels like we were just formed a few years ago.
Toru: I’m happy to be in a band that I can still hold on to at this age, and I’m grateful to the other members as well.
Kenichi: Time seems to have flown by so fast.
Kyoushi: I feel very happy about it.
Please tell us about the artists that have influenced you.
Tomo: Artists who have influenced my songwriting: The Cure、Echo & the Bunnymen、Bauhaus、Killing Joke、The Pop Group, Nine Inch Nails、KoЯn、BUCK-TICK. People who have influenced my singing: Koji Kikkawa, Kyosuke Himuro, Trent Reznor, Koji Tamaki, Yosui Inoue, Koji Miyamoto
Toru: REZY BeAT, U2, Aerosmith, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Poison, Slayer, GASTANK, etc.
Kenichi: Visual Kei and Anime songs.
Kyoushi: There are too many…
What is the reason for your choice of instrument?
Tomo: In the third year of junior high school, my classmates and I decided to form a band. We had already decided on a guitarist and a bassist, so I asked my other friend to play the drums while I sang. I forced him to be the drummer.(lol) And so I ended up being the vocalist.
Toru: When I was in high school, I had four friends that I hung out with almost every day and we decided to start a band, but none could play the guitar, so I ended up playing it.
Kenichi: Someone influenced me…
Kyoushi: Before I knew it, I was a drummer.
Please tell us how you started your musical career.
Tomo: Because I had a friend who played in a band with me in the third year of middle school. I think that’s when I started my musical career.
Toru: I started because I wanted popularity, but I wasn’t popular.
Kenichi: Someone influenced me…
Kyoushi: Before I knew it, I was a drummer.
What has been the greatest joy for you in your career as a musician?
Tomo: To be able to make music together with these members.
Toru: That I am able to put everything I’ve ever felt into music.
Kenichi: There have been so many things that have made me happy that I can’t decide which is the best one.
Kyoushi: I am very happy to be able to perform live on stage.
You’ve released two CDs and a music video in the last 10 years. Do you have any plans to record a new CD or release a new music video?
Tomo: We plan to release a new CD by the end of the year.
Toru: I like to create something soon.
Kenichi: That’s right…
Kyoushi: We start recording soon, right?
As Sunemegamafy, what is the secret to staying together for 10 years?
Tomo: The difference in our attitude is the same. So far, we are all doing it with a normal attitude.
Toru: As a musician, trust and exquisite distance
Kenichi: I think it’s our trust.
Kyoushi: The secret? I wonder what it would be.
In March 2020, a global pandemic broke out and the live concerts could not be held as planned, and a very frustrating period followed for a long time. What was your state of mind at that time?
Tomo: It’s a small world, but we were waiting for the time to come back to the stage. That’s how I felt.
Toru: I had the idea that I would be able to do it again, but I wasn’t sure if I would be able to do the kind of live performances that I liked, like getting into a frenzy and getting wild.
Kenichi: I thought it couldn’t be helped.
Kyoushi: I’m not looking back. My gaze is on the present time and the future.
I really like the positive and negative atmosphere in the lyrics. The songs sometimes start with a negative atmosphere but end on a positive note. Can you introduce our readers to your four favorite songs? Please tell us more about how the song was created in terms of lyrics and melody.
Tomo: 無常の風 (Mujou no kaze) I created the melody by playing the guitar and singing. The feeling of tempo, softness, silence and movement, I think that thanks to the members, it has become an essential song for Sunemegamafy. I wasn’t sure if I should write lyrics about my father and friends, about what actually happened to me, but Ken-chan, the bassist, told me to write as I wanted, so I was able to write as I wanted.
百折不撓 (Hyakusetsufuto) I gave it to the members with the rhythm and riff in mind, but the rhythm I thought would sound cool when Kyoshi played it fit perfectly, and I got carried away and added the melody. The lyrics were written during the coronavirus pandemic, so it’s about not giving up and getting back up. Overcoming difficulties! I guess that’s the lyrics.
わやくちゃWayakucha As the title of the song suggests, it’s a chaotic song (lol), but I wanted to make it an interesting song with a deliberate rhythm change, so I gave it to the members. The part where all the members have a chorus battle is also a highlight. The melody just started to come together and kicked in. The lyrics are about the chaos of the world.
にんげん (Ningen) I had the A and B parts for this song about 10 years ago, and it had been shelved for a long time, but when the band members listened to it, they liked it, and it became a masterpiece because of the love of the band members. I want people to experience it in a live show because it is a song that has a lot of room to grow. The lyrics are written in a positive way. It’s about living in the present and the end that will come one day.
Toru: I guess it’s ソノ先ノムコウヘ(Sono Saki no Mukou e) after all.
Kenichi: 陽のあたる場所 (Hinoatarubasho)
Kyoushi: 百折不撓 (Hyakusetsufuto)
More songs have been written in the last 10 years. Has your favorite song changed? [Before Tomo answered “道の先(Michi no saki)” Toru answered “ソノ先ノムコウヘ” and Ken said “陽のあたる場” and Kyoushi said “無常の風”]
Tomo: 百折不撓 (Hyakusetsufuto) It just feels so right when I sing it.
Toru: My favorite songs haven’t changed. But I have a special connection to all of them, so I have a different feeling for them than just liking them.
Kenichi: They haven’t changed, but they have grown.
Kyoushi: It hasn’t changed.
You’ve been involved in music for a long time. What is the biggest change in the music industry compared to the past?
Tomo: I go into the studio, write songs, rehearse and play live shows over and over again, so I am not really aware of the music industry.
Toru: The age range of musicians at venues.
Kenichi: It feels as if there are fewer younger bands?
Kyoushi: I wonder?
What is the most important thing if you play in a band?
Tomo: To make sure you are well prepared for a live show. But first of all, as a singer, you must have a passion for singing.
Toru: As I said in a previous interview, I try to put my feelings into the sound, but I’m only human, so I have ups and downs, but I try to keep my mind straight and keep performing.
Kenichi: To have fun doing it.
Kyoushi: Do the best you can that day.
Other than music, please tell us about your hobbies.
Tomo: Camping, drinking by the campfire.
Toru: Mahjong, pachinko, reading while bathing.
Kenichi: I’m about to take up several hobbies.
Kyoushi: Hobbies? What are my hobbies?
What is the most memorable event in Sunemegamafy’s activities?
Tomo: Personally, I was impressed that I was able to perform in my hometown (Sapporo) last year.
Toru: My goal is to make the 10th anniversary live on June 22, 2024 the most unforgettable live concert of all time.
Kenichi: Our first live show?
Kyoushi: Which live was it? I can’t remember…
Do you have any goals for your activities in the future?
Tomo: First of all, we want to perform energetically and passionately at the live shows scheduled to be held later this year.
Toru: I want to create exciting music with the current members as much as I can, and I want to strive for the moment when the sound played by human beings goes beyond music and becomes a prayer.
Kenichi: Just to have fun.
Kyoushi: To be interviewed for the 20th anniversary.
Finally, please give a message to our readers.
Tomo: See you at a live show. And experience it.
Toru: I hope you will experience a live performance at a live house. Let’s have fun!
Kenichi: Thank you for your continued support!
Kyoushi: Please come to our liveshow!
submitted by Nagashiwa to japanesemusic [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:23 FinnDool Nefertiti Neck Lift and what I’m experiencing.

Nefertiti Neck Lift and what I’m experiencing.
Please read below for story. Is what I’m experiencing normal? Will this continue to get worse? Will this ease up and get better, or is this how it will be until it eventually wears off in however many months it will take? (The word “masseter” was never mentioned, so I don’t know if that’s what I got done. I also don’t know if what I’m describing can be considered as “side effects”.)
11 days ago I had a Nefertiti Neck Lift done. This entailed injections in my neck, lower face along my jawline, chin and just below the corners of my mouth near the bottom of my marionette lines. This was done to address noticeable sagging under my chin that’s most prominent on one side (I wouldn’t have done this if the “bad” side was like the “good” side). This is my first experience with “toxins”.
I was informed that I would feel the effects within the first two weeks. I was also told that the “weirdest” thing I might experience is feeling like I couldn’t swallow, but that would subside during the initial two-week period. Before I describe what I am experiencing I want to say that I have not felt anything different in my neck, or any feelings that I can’t swallow.
Nothing felt different until about 4 days ago when someone I was talking to said something funny and the bottom part of my face/mouth wouldn’t let me laugh normally. Symptoms have only been getting worse: First with the lower half of my face, and today it feels like I am losing the range of movement of my upper lip, but maybe that’s just because of its connection to my lower face.
This is affecting my speech: There are certain letters and words I can’t pronounce properly, so I sound like I have a speech impediment.
Some other things I can’t do normally/fully: Smile or laugh (these would normally be done with my mouth open and teeth showing, but now my lips need to be closed - see first photo), open my mouth wide enough to bite into a sandwich or eat anything that’s not almost flat (forget trying to eat a nice grilled burger on a bun 😢 - see second photo - I can’t even expose my bottom teeth at all), spit when brushing my teeth, rub my lips together after applying lip balm, stick my lower lip out (not that I need to do this, but I can’t, so it feels creepy), whistle (done at times to get the attention of the dogs), and I pray I don’t have to go to the dentist, because there’s no way I could voluntarily open my mouth wide enough.
Also, my lower face always got narrower from my ears to my chin, and now it’s more wide and square - to me I look and feel like I’m swollen in the “jowl area”.
I totally understood that this procedure was not going to fix my problem (surgery would be needed for that), but that this would be a temporary solution that would provide some improvement. Other than the changes mentioned above, I have to say that I do not yet see any improvement to the one thing I was hoping this would help - maybe it’s still too early for that.
In 10 days I’m scheduled for a 3-week follow-up to see how everything has “settled” and if there may need to be any adjustments. In the meantime, because the loss of mobility in my lower face has been getting worse every day, I’m starting to panic. Last night I was laying in bed unable to sleep, which may sound ridiculous.
I do want to add that the person who did the injections has been doing this for many, many years and is highly regarded in the field, so I feel 100% confident in the level of skill and competence, and do realize that every experience is not the same for every person. In other words, I think I’m being reasonable, but just need some reassurance or real-life feedback.
submitted by FinnDool to BotoxSupportCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:23 kittygurlcafe In a Situationship and Need Advice(F20)(M20)

I've (F20) been in a situationship with this guy(M20) for a good while now. Recently, we had "the talk" about where we are going with this. As you might expect, one of us wants more, and that's me. Before we had this talk again, we had kind of ended things because it seemed like we were on different pages.
We happened to be at the same place at the same time recently and started talking again, just casually at first. I asked him how he felt when we split up, and he said he was sad and thought about us. He mentioned he could see a future with us, which made me happy. He also said he wanted to be with me and that being together makes him happy.
So I asked him, "If you feel this way, why didn’t you ever ask me out?" His response was that he needed more time to figure himself out and get some of his stuff together. We ended up going back and forth, and he explained that it's hard for him to focus on multiple things when he's trying to build his career or get something off the ground. He said it wouldn't be fair to me because there might be times when I want to hang out or do something, and he wouldn't be able to give me his full attention.
He then asked me to give him two months to figure things out. But I'm worried. What happens after those two months? Will he be ready, or will I have wasted my time? Despite my concerns, I can tell he cares about me. Our recent conversation felt like the first time we were both completely honest about our feelings.
Currently, he's in Japan with family, but he still texts me, checks in, and lets me know what he's doing. He even asked out the things i wanted from there so he can get them for me. I genuinely feel that he cares about me, but I’m torn about what to do. I want to be with him, but not at the cost of myself.
He’s also opened up to me in ways he hasn't with others. I know he feels very safe and comfortable around me because he’s told me that. I’ve even seen him break down at the thought of losing me, which only confuses me more. Knowing he feels all that, why isn't the next step being taken?
I really want to be with this person, but I don't want to lose myself in the process. Can anyone give me advice?
TL;DR: I'm in a situationship with a guy who says he wants a future with me but isn't ready to commit yet because he needs time to figure himself out. He’s opened up to me more than anyone else and shows he cares, but I'm worried about waiting and not getting a clear commitment. Need advice on whether to give him the two months he's asking for or move on.
submitted by kittygurlcafe to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:22 JaiLSell Angry schizo rant about Sheila (the voices inside your head)

I really hope she can tracks the worst fuckin cancer of her life that doesn't come back to me because she's not fuckin real so when she dies it's just meaningless and that mean nothing and it doesn't come back to anything because she means nothing to God. I hope she gets violently raped in the most horrible way possible. And I hope that b**** just lays there and sweat and tears and lying in our own feces and piss because she's too sick to get up well she never gets up That's all she does is sit there so yeah she just going to lay there and cry and cry and cry and bage bage and bage. I hope she gets the worst cancer so I can live my life and hang out with people when I want without her stopping me and making everything so goddamn complicated I hope she gets f****** cancer I hope she gets f****** cancer I hope she dies and I hope she dies I'm miserable death as a whole bunch of other cancer patients live their life and they beat it unlike her she she doesn't live and they find a cure for cancer the day she dies and she's the only one that never gets cured. And she stays dead and all the other cancer patients are happy. Has Sheila die from cancer and she goes to hell and burns forever. No other person deserves to get that disease but her. She deserves to die a miserable fuckin death. I want to cut her anus wide open with a machete. And then get two black men to f*** her in her anus so it hurts like hell because there's a big slash on her anus. And I hope she lays there and cries and screams and begs them to stop. I hope she goes through horrific pain and there's nothing she can do about it. I am tired of her controlling you and everybody in my life. I hope she dies from the worst fuckin disease. I'm tired of never having weed and everybody being a fagget. And I swear to God if I don't f****** smoke today I'm going to f****** murder someone and I swear to God I will.
submitted by JaiLSell to copypasta [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:22 No_Application5075 Why are my friends doing this?

I'm actually so mad at my friends
So basically like two weeks ago I wanted to hang out with my friends so we all decided to hang out in this mall. My mum drove me to the station to get there and turns out apparently someone cancelled and no one is going anymore. The person thst cancelled didn't even tell me that they cancelled so I have to go home not even 10 min after I got to the station.
The next two days while I was at work my friends made plans to go out to the mall without me knowing. They told me was bc I was sick (I actually was sick ) but when I told my friend what was the actual reason he just said he just wanted it to be just them. I got so pissed at them and told them to invite me next time.
Not even the next week all my friends went to the city together while I was at work. I told them hey why didn't I know about this and they said they been planning this for a long time now.
These are also my closest friends I don't get why they didn't invite me.
submitted by No_Application5075 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:22 PlasticPadraigh Under what conditions do Known Traveler Numbers not carry over to flight reservations?

Last year, a friend used his skymiles to buy me a domestic (USA) flight on delta. I got on delta's website, typed my TSA precheck number into the reservation, and had two other people double-check it to make sure I typed in the correct number (I'm paranoid like that). I went through the proper check-in procedure and all that, but when I got the airport I still had to go through regular security. Apparently my precheck just didn't carry over. I guess this is simply how it works when one person uses their skymiles to buy a flight for another person.
So now I'm worried because I used my Hawaiian miles to book a flight on jetblue for my wife and I. I'm concerned that TSA precheck might not carry over because I used miles from a partner airline. This could be another weirdly specific situation in which the KTA doesn't carry over. We won't know if it's a problem until we check in and see if the KTAs are on our boarding passes. If they're not, that will leave us only 24 hours to straighten it out. And we both hate going through security.
Have any of you run into something like this before, in which you paid for precheck or a similar program but it just didn't work because of some specific, unexpected fluke?
Thanks in advance.. but please, don't bother responding with some vague reassurance about what should happen. You'd be wasting your time. I'd really prefer to hear from people who have run into this sort of thing themselves. Thank you for understanding.
submitted by PlasticPadraigh to travel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:22 Objective-Soup-7603 Help please

I (F22) and my boyfriend (m21) have been dating now for a little under a year and have just started hitting the actual relationship stage. Today he called me when I was running a yard sale at my parents house and I was in the middle of a conversation but called him back as soon as the person left which was about a minute later. I looked and saw that he was about to head into work so I called him back and he said "why didn't you pick up the first time" in a very anger like tone. I told him I did not appreciate him opening the conversation with that and finally put my foot down because we tend to have an issue of him calling when I asked him to send me a text first especially when it's in the middle of the day when I'm working or in classes. He says he shouldn't have to do that. It makes him feel like he's second in the relationship. he told me he would like me to pick up the first time and I told him that that's not fair because I have things going on. Not to get into it, but I essentially just became homeless and I had to move all of my belongings out of my place within two days and had virtually no help. (he offered, but I didn't want him to take time off of work to help.) It was a very stressful last week and he knew that I would be doing this. I yelled at him and I don't normally yell at all so I feel really bad but I feel like my boundaries are constantly being pushed and I'm always having to put myself second what do I do?
submitted by Objective-Soup-7603 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:21 NinjaSquid9 Osprey Stratos 24 L vs. Osprey Manta 24 L Comparison (2024)

I've seen a lot of people asking about the differences between the Stratos and the Manta. I too was having trouble deciding between them / comparing them, so I got my hands on them and tried them out. Hopefully this helps others make a decision as well.
Note: This post is specifically going to be comparing the Manta 24 L and the Stratos 24 L only.
At the time of this post, the Manta is $200 and the Stratos is $180. The Manta comes with $50 worth of water bladder. Buying the same water bladder (the 2.5 L LT) separately for the Stratos makes the configuration $230.
Additionally, using Osprey's website to sort by Backsystems > "AirSpeed" does not show Manta as an option. I think this is a bug on their website. When the only filter condition is "BackSystems: AirSpeed", the Stratos (along with others) shows up but the Manta does not. As far as I know, the Manta has not been discontinued.
The Manta I looked at was made in February 2024, and the Stratos was made in December 2023. They are both the current / latest version of the backpack.
When you buy from Amazon, make sure you check when your backpack was made (black label on the inside of the biggest pocket). Amazon does not differentiate between the product years and has sold previous year's versions (like that had the button + elastic ladder system instead of the current plastic ladder system) recently. Watch out for this.
Expert Opinions
Before comparing their specifics, I want to include this: I talked with someone at REI extensively about the two bags. He said he'd been working at REI helping people find hiking backpacks for decades and that he always recommends buying the backpack that doesn't come with a water bladder and to buy both items separately instead. He told me that in order for a company to keep their water-bladder-included backpacks (Manta) similarly priced to their water-bladder-not-included backpacks (Stratos), that the companies used lower quality materials, cut corners, and generally made the water-bladder-included backpacks lower quality. Because of this, his personal strong option was to go for the Stratos over the Manta.
In contrast, after studying these backpacks carefully and thoroughly, I came to the exact opposite conclusion: I chose the Manta over the Stratos.
The Specifics
Here is every difference I found between the two. Please let me know if I missed anything. To keep things more concise, I will use "S" to denote Stratos 24 L and "M" to denote Manta 24 L. I am not talking about sizes!
Load Lifters
H20 Port
Shoulder Straps
Waist Belt
Rain Cover Pocket
Total Pockets
Compression Straps (upper)
Compression Straps (lower)
Water Bottle Pockets
BackSystem / AirSpeed
Over all, the Manta is the clear winner to me over the Stratos. Better pockets, more organization, more versatile, and faster access to gear.
The Stratos, despite not being a dedicated water bladder backpack weirdly seems slightly better in terms of how the water bladder hangs and how the tube goes through the bag. I had a hard time getting the tube out of the way of the bladder on the Manta, while the tube lays flush on the Stratos and doesn't twist. The Stratos bladder hangs lower than the Manta which might be why, but that probably makes the load distribution on the Manta better.
The Stratos trampoline mesh felt more breathable with the larger holes, though this may be just the style of the specific one I tried. I am awaiting Osprey's reply on the topic.
The Stratos shoulder straps felt softer, but also were undeniably more comfortable with the towards-you facing material wrapping around both edges of the strap. This may be minor or end up not mattering after use, this is just my perspective. I am also waiting Osprey's reply to this topic.
I think if you're planning on not using a water bladder / don't need to access your stuff often and you prioritize maximum comfort, Stratos might have a slight edge.
Manta feels more premium, more thoughtfully designed, and is absolutely more user-friendly. The difference in quality of organization is significant. I also like that the Manta's colors seem more uniform.
submitted by NinjaSquid9 to hiking [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:21 PhoenixMori 38 [M4F] Washington DC - Super honest stoner artist seeks friendly flirting partner

Hey reddit! I'm a 38 year old latin guy from Washington DC. Honesty is the best policy so I'll make it known now that I'm not looking for platonic friends, I'm looking for a romantic partner. Buckle up, because I'm about to unveil why I may or may not be the right partner for you in a classic listicle style that all you youngin's love.
About Me:
You'll never believe number 6!
  1. I'm a bit of a stoner. It's true, your boy loves himself some marijuana. (In fact, I did a 25mg edible earlier) I endeavor to never let it take over my life, but it aids a lot in #2 on this list. I'm also not a stranger to the very occasional mushroom trip.
  2. I'm a true creative. Left to my own devices in an empty room, I would constantly create new things. Whether that be drawing, writings, photography, music or stoner ideas. It's my true nature to be a creative and to stifle that part of myself makes me pretty sad. Fortunately, I get to create on a daily basis. which brings me to..
  3. I have the kindest heart. I see life through rose colored glasses, some may say. I just believe in the good in people. I think most people are good and those that are bad are redeemable. Whether someone is ultra religious, a different political affiliation, good, bad, ugly, whatever...I believe in getting to know them for myself and making my own decision of them. As a friend I always stick by my friends, no matter what. Friends in my life are friends for life, even if we lose touch. There is a downside to all's that sometimes people take advantage of me. I don't care. When confronted with the choice to be loving or to be cruel or apathetic, I will always choose loving.
  4. I make people laugh. Comedy and jokes have always been a part of me. Maybe it's the fact that I'm a middle child and craved attention or the fact that I grew up in a city where I had to be quick on my feet, but I love to make people laugh. This is best done in person but there can be humor over the internet too. :)
  5. I don't take myself too seriously. I'm a talented person in my field and it's important for me to let go of my ego. There isn't a single person that I can't learn from and at my best I'm always open to listen to people's opinions of me or my creative work.
  6. I see beauty in everyone, including you. If you hadn't guessed by now, I'm a photographer. I'm into portraits and I value my connection with people one-on-one and I think that's what makes me a talented portrait photographer. I often hear people talk about the things they hate about themselves but try to reflect to them their true beauty. The beauty that was always there and that they need to be reconnected to.
  7. I'm culturally Latino. My parents are from El Salvador, but I was born and raised in DC. I have the experience of being born into a family of immigrants and understand the duality of living in two different worlds. While Spanish was my first language, it is not what I consider to be my native tongue. While I understand all Spanish, all my Spanish is food related.
  8. I've done the self work. It's true. I'm not a man that punches walls, gets drunk and cries, will cheat on you, lie to you or a myriad of other things that toxic people do. I am not without faults, of course, but I have worked my demons out for the most part. I'm very self-aware and open to criticism and change.
  9. I'm honest 99.5% of the time. Anyone professing to be honest 100% of the time is a liar. Ask me directly and I'll tell you my last big lie.
  10. I know where I want to be in life. I'm close to getting there too. I've been at it for 13 years now and I feel that success is imminent. Will you be a part of it?
So what are you waiting for? Dust off that old keyboard, pound away at a few keys, and get ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure brought to you by (as they said in my day) the world wide web.
P.S - I'm 6'2. I should've started with that.
submitted by PhoenixMori to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]