How to list career aspirations when you want a new job

Type me pls

2024.05.29 10:14 Chemical_Angle_3816 Type me pls

Type me pls
• How old are you? What's your gender? Give
us a general description of yourself. I prevere kiting my age and gender private
• Is there a medical diagnosis that may impact your mental stability somehow?
I maybe have adhd but I'm not sure, but I don't think it has a big impact
• Describe your upbringing. Did it have any kind of religious or structured influence? How did you respond to it?
I'm in a religious family, but I'm still learning from that religion, and I'm not fully prepared to follow it. I need more time
• What do you do as a job or as a career (if you have one)? Do you like it? Why or why not?
I'm still a student and I'm studying economics and financials no i don't like school
• If you had to spend an entire weekend by yourself, how would you feel? Would you feel lonely or refreshed?
I will feel extremely refreshing and un peace. i would love to
• What kinds of activities do you prefer? Do you like, and are you good at sports? Do you enjoy any other outdoor or indoor activities?
I like doing martial arts
• How curious are you? Do you have more ideas than you can execute? What are your curiosities about? What are your ideas about - is it environmental or conceptual, and can you please elaborate?
I'm very curious about many things
I have many ideas, but it's mostly for fun. When I get an idea, I immediately know if I'm gonna execute it or just think about it for fun?
My ideas can be very simple and sometimes not at all the most of things I take an interest in
• Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be?
No, I'm a lone wolf But yes, I do think I make a good leader My leadership style would be pretty chill do what you want as long as result are coming I give everyone independent and care about people well being but I also strive to productive
• Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some form? Describe your activity?
I'm not coordinated at all. I often hit myself against something or hit something and accept break things
I like using my hands on many things Activities I do martial arts I like making jewelry even if I'm not the best at it, and I also like bow shooting
• Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particularly artistic but can appreciate art, please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer.
I like making paintings but I'm not really good at it but I still can enjoy other paintings and art I can enjoy all kinds of paintings and music I just don't like poetry
• What's your opinion about the past, present, and future? How do you deal with them?
Past = useless. You can't change anything at all, so it's better not to stay stuck in it. i would eventually forget everyone, but I do like history, and I can be nostalgic
Present = it can be fun and boring and annoying. Still, I think not enough people focus on it all the problem you need to solve are in the present and if you don't got problems then just enjoy I don't get people who will think about past mistakes or future problems when they is nothing to worry about in the present it almost give the impression that those people want to be miserable Short said not enough people think of the present in my opinion
Future = unpredictable intriguing, yet I prevere letting the future for the future whatever is happening is not my business right now
• How do you act when others request your help to do something (anything)? If you would decide to help them, why would you do so?
I would think of why they need my help and what I can do to help them
• Do you need logical consistency in your life?
Jes, it hurts my head when their is no logic
• How important is efficiency and productivity to you?
Very important, but self health comes first physically and mentally
• Do you control others, even if indirectly? How and why do you do that?
No, I don't control others even if I try. I am bad at it
• What are your hobbies? Why do you like them?
I already have described wat kinde of activities I like
• What is your learning style? What kind of learning environments do you struggle with most? Why do you like/struggle with these learning styles? Do you prefer classes involving memorization, logic, creativity, or your physical senses?
Very adaptive I can learn different things in different ways and learning style but my teacher say I should learn more my theories and I should also learn things more by heart still struggling on that part
• How good are you at strategizing? Do you easily break up projects into manageable tasks? Or do you have a tendency to wing projects and improvise as you go?
My strateging is bad as hell, and I'm more of an improviser
• What are your aspirations in life, professionally and personally?
Becoming rich and better at communication and better organizer
• What are your fears? What makes you uncomfortable? What do you hate? Why? Deadt pain exams test and school
• What do the "highs" in your life look like?
Having good grades and not too much work for school
• What do the "lows" in your life look like?
Having bad grades and much to do for school
• How attached are you to reality? Do you daydream often, or do you pay attention to what's around you? If you do daydream, are you aware of your surroundings while you do so?
99% of the time I daydream no I'm not aware but this last time I'm starting to daydream less and also be more aware of my senrrounding still need to go a long way to stop daydreaming to much and need to improve my focus on my surroundings
• Imagine you are alone in a blank, empty room. There is nothing for you to do and no one to talk to. What do you think about it?
I'm a prisoner?
No Then I probably rest enjoying the peace and silent
Yes Try to think of a way out try to find the door find no door try to call for help get on my phone if something answers explain the situation than wait for that person to come so i get on my phone playing games not capable to call for someone try to Hit the wall try to think of others way to get out don't find any give up realize I'm tired go to sleep a bit and try again when I wake up this wall can't resist me for ever i will get out one way or a other
• How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it?
The needed time some desicion I think longer other less time. Yes, I can change my mind if it's shown that my decision wasn't the right one. If not, I won't change it
• How long do you take to process your emotions? How important are emotions in your life?
Not long I don't have complex emotions I can deal with my emotions in a peaceful way and I know it's important for my mental well-being I now when I can express emotions and share them and I also know when i have to keep them for myself
• Do you ever catch yourself agreeing with others just to appease them and keep the conversation going? How often? Why?
I tend to agree with people who are right, or I'm too tired to start a debate/argument
• Do you break rules often? Do you think authority should be challenged or that they know better? If you do break rules, why?
I don't often break the rules authority should be challeng and but in their rights places cause to many of them are stupid idiots but it's not my responsibility do that I prevere to chill and I only break rules if I know their will be no consequences
submitted by Chemical_Angle_3816 to Jung_MBTI [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 10:11 Load_r We have to FINALLY talk about the long lasting damage KFP3 made to the franchise, and how that led to KFP4's development hell.

We were robbed. In more ways than one even.
And it surprises me how beyond just a few concepts an ideas, this part of Kung Fu Panda history remains so overlooked by the fandom and not as highly spoken about because I feel people aren't really giving it the attention it deserves given the issues it caused not just in the franchise as a whole BUT DreamWorks in general, and is something that forever changed the way they direct movies;
Let's talk Kung Fu Panda 3; An overhauled story that left the wrong lessons both within the franchise AND the studio, and for the looks of things it seems it won't get any better soon.
What do I mean by an overhauled story, and where do I come off with these claims?
The concepts art of the former draft for this movie, plus some tidbits share by executives and folks from within the creative team:
Kung Fu Panda 3 as a movie is a story literally cut in HALF; In characters, narrative, story and themeing. From my understanding what you got in the final movie IS what was always planned from former draft, however! There was so much more on top what we got that not only was it more thematically tied to the whole franchise, it was almost as nuanced and deep from a character perspective like the first two.
From what was said about original plans for the movie, the movie was meant to follow the footsteps of KFP2 in terms of tone and ambition; Instead of the movies getting thematically lighter to show the development of Po as a character, it seems former plans were to have the narrative of the series become slightly more grim and profound in themeing, perhaps to challenge Po as a character and hus unbreakable innocence against the harsh world ahead of him, THE Dragon Warrior meant to take after Oogway's legacy.
For this to happen they had a villain much more merciless, brutal and above anything Po had faced before when compared to Tai Lung who at most was a broken Kung Fu student or Shen who had just a fair enough grasp of Kung Fu mastery which he compensated with weapons and armies; No, no, no, no. Kai was meant to be a whole other type of beast.
Said to be planned to be less comedic driven, more feral, far more of an active threat, it does sound they were planning him to be the personification of walking doom, an omnipresent ghostly figure that brought death upon anything he faced with very little remorse, set to destroy anything and everything Oogway had left behind to a point death wasn't even an arbitrary action to impose fear, it was a means to an end. In former draft he straight up killed Mr. Ping, and in his confrontation with Po before them going to the Spiritual Realm he straight up BEATS HIM UP TO NEAR DEATH.
Kai was a shift in the franchise's narrative tone and a change to the status quo, Oogway's Brother in Arms! A threat far beyond an above anything Po had ever encounter, a restless undead whose dole purpose was to keep Oogway's legacy become a myth after history had forgotten about him.
It plays into the themeing of Kung Fu Panda 3. Kung Fu Panda 3 as a movie is a story about familiar bonds and self-discovery, learning your roots but also finding your own strength. Already Kai was the anti-thesis of that concept but it feels it was gonna be way more hammered in, on its former draft. His feeling of betrayal led him to find his own meaning in destroying the legacy of the closest thing he had as family, a memory from the past haunting the future because it had no meaning.
However, his quest for vengeance went too far. A little too far for DreamWorks; And that's for ONE other thing...
You see, this part is tricky and involves a lot of speculation, but is backed up by a lot of concept art about the former draft that when coupled with everything known about Kai and the aftermath of the production of that former draft, the pieces actually fit. Sadly, not for the right reasons.
Meanwhile Kung Fu Panda 3 as a story is a father-and-son focussed narrative, it seems that wasn't always gonna be the case or if it was, it's themeing was gonna be more ABROAD; Tackling familiar bonds from foster family, found family and the meaning of the concept as a whole. In the story we got the themeing was overhauled to fit Po and Li's list relationship and his they rediscover their family bond as Po tries to figure out who he is; But in the former draft it seems this aspects wasn't that big of a focus as it was only A THIRD of what the original tale was gonna be about.
From what I can gather from concept arts, one third was spent on Kai's slaughter to all of Oogway's legacy, one third was SURPRISINGLY gonna be about Po tapping into his list Panda roots, and the last third was gonna focus on a side story dedicated to TIGRESS;
Yep! That's right! It seems from concept art that Tigress was gonna have a much more prominent role in the movie since a couple of them show her in Panda Village BEFORE she has her encounter with Kai which IS still in the draft. She appears during Po's first welcome to the village, she's seen training and being observed by a few pandas, curious of her actions. It seems that a portion of the movie that included her was cut as a whole, and believe me you're not gonna like to hear what got cut because there is evidence of it IN THE FINAL PRODUCT that basically solidifies some of my thoughts.
For one: Kung Fu Panda 3 was a more romantic-oriented movie, to an extent.
Apparently, a cut running gag for the film was that Mei Mei's fixation of Po wasn't something that happened out of left-field, it was actually gonna have a reasoning. It seems they were arranged for marriage since birth, so a couple of concept ar show stuff such as a love palace if o recall correctly?? As well as Po being chased down to marriage by her. Pretty inconsequential things that got replaced in the final script by a directionless crush with no much after thought;
EXCEPT! That the former draft actually made use of Mei yin a more poetic albeit sad way, for her. During the movie, Mei Mei would catch hints Po's heart kind of belongs with Tigress, so a huge twist and redemption of her character is when she gives her wedding dress to Tigress without context of the emotional value it holds, from my understanding she only tells her "Po may like seeing her wear it" or along those lines. THIS, now this better justifies Mei Mei and makes her less of a joke with no pay-off, and more of a nuanced character by better justifying her in the story as a push and possible jab to TiPo possibly being a thing.
Other than that, there is a random panel in which Po explicitly calls Tigress a "Sexy Ninja", though it isn't random and I'll get there in a bit with further detail; Just understand the movie wanted to explore romance to a degree on top Kai looming around Panda Village...
Secondly: I don't think Lei Lei, Ray's Baby, was meant to be so inconsequential;
This is my boldest claim, but like Oogway once said, "there are no coincidences". This character TAUNTS ME because she feels like she should hold a deeper meaning in the story than what she appears to have, especially after Mei Mei was shown to be a joke with nuance in the former draft;
Tie me up, call me insane, but I think that Lei Lei's role is that we see on KFP3, find a maternal figure on Tigress AND be expanded upon. It just makes too much sense because IS RIGHT THERE in the movie and it leads NOWHERE but cute scenes of Tigress holding a Baby Panda as a taunt for shippers!
No! I refuse to be fooled, especially when the themeing of your movie is the meaning of "Family". I think part of the idea of taking Tigress to Panda Village and even going as far as to seemingly try to explore TiPo was for them to sort of hint at a possible future between them? Maybe have a certain character that opened the idea of something other than Kung Fu, like "Family", for Tigress?
This may be my craziest claim but I stand by it. You just don't make a character so inconsequential for looks in a movie where Tigress was gonna be heavily involved in Po's emotional growth in Panda Village.
In fact, giving the idea of family to Tigress in Panda Village makes sense because it would be the only peaceful place where she could explore something as conflicting like that, from a narrative stand-point; And at some point I feel the writers would want to move her forward as a person rather than a character, especially because...!
Thirdly: Mortality. You know how Mei Mei understood Po's heart belonged to Tigress? You should, you've seen that scene; Is when Tigress arrives to Panda Village in the final flick and Po receives her. Except in the draft it was gonna play differently and be far more brutal...
Kai would've attacked Tigress, maybe even ambush her, their confrontation was so intense that although Tigress made it out alive, she was left wounded and fainted in a state of near death. She could not climb up that mountain, PO had to be the one to carry her up there meanwhile he held her on his shoulder. It's seen in a concept art how as he climbs, he looks at the distance fully aware something is looming ready to get them all.
Apparently his worriness for Tigress was so intense that's how Mei Mei could tell she didn't had a chance.
Of course, Tigress survives and recovers but she likes an eye on battle; A permanent remainder of her mortality and the fact that even if she's a warrior she isn't unbreakable. If course, Po finds it amusing instead and refers to her in high key as a "Sexy Ninja". And this...!
Is where everything fell apart.
When Kung Fu Panda 2 released, one common complaint from parents was received: It was too dark for their children. Shen apparently scared kids, and the studio was met with negative reception from their biggest consumers and target audience, the children's market.
Originally, when KFP3 was still a draft the creatives had were following the once "6 written scripts" of the franchise, but when executives saw what their team was cooking in the kitchen they were met with HORROR at the sight of what was once planned for Tigress.
Not only was Po gonna get beat up to death, not only was Kai such a destructive monster, the thing that broke the glass was seeing Tigress, one of the franchise's most profitable characters (Not to mention with girls), wear an EYE-PATCH... THAT'S where everything went suth for this movie.
The creative team did the one sin a creative team should not do to a profitable kids' brand, lesser the marketability of a popular character through questionable design choices; And boy, did they not take that lightly!
Almost immediately the executives intervine demanding an overhaul (THE FINAL PRODUCT) which caused creative disputes between them and one of the directors whose name I sadly can't remember off the top of my head; The fight went for awhile until she was vetoed off of the project so executives could have it their way. They just couldn't risk making another movie that scared off the children and their parents' wallets!
They drew a line in everything that caused drastic changes to characters because they could not afford the marketability of the franchise, and in overhauling the story they made it from a dark story with a romantic-side plot into a father-and-son story, after changing Li from how he was portrayed in KFP2 to what he has been portrayed as since 3's release. They made the story mellower, they took out almost every single dark element, they downplayed Kai's performance, they avoided drastically changing Po's personality after being challenged by such monsters, and EVERYTHING Tigress was removed. They would NOT afford that risk.
Sounds awfully familiar?
It is an understatement to say that KFP3 was the exodus of his Dreamworks would treat this franchise moving forward after what they tried to do with Tigress left such a sour taste on them. "Luckily" for this movie it ended up being as enjoyable as it is because it was built off an already great former draft, so many of it's concepts, themes and plot points made it into the final film; They just got rid of the risky stuff.
But following products, and the handling of these characters wouldn't get that same luck...
Paws of Destiny and Dragon Knight, they lack the Furious Five on purpose, and opt to nerf AND soft reboot Po's personality because not only is that a much safer bet, they won't risk another KFP3 allowing creatives to get wild with their characters. At this point they understood the Kung Fu Panda brand sold itself since the characters were well known, so changing them beyond the market appeal wasn't ever again gonna be an option; New rules were set and a new direction to the franchise was born.
Those former "6 books of a solid narrative"? Retcon/possibly rewriten; Kung Fu Panda as a whole, in my honest opinion, had always has TWO protagonists although Po was the central one. In my opinion, KFP was as much Tigress' story as it was Po's, given how much importance and relevancy she held on the franchises' narrative, and how it was pretty entangled to Po's from a narrative stand-point; KFP3 Was supposed to be the next step in their character development, the next direction of their narrative, but the moment executives held effective their new direction by gate-keeping her character this narrative was then put in a questionable position in which it may not be relevant anymore.
Why won't Po ever mature? Because he loses his marketability towards kids.
Why won't KFP ever have profound and nuanced narratives? Too risky and too much money invested on writers. Settle for AI, and the villain of the week.
Why won't Po and Tigress get together? No can do, bud. Makes her less marketable to girls and we don't want that, plus the concept of love is antagonized in modern culture.
Why can't we have A FRICKING GOOD VILLAIN AGAIN? Think about the children.
AND THIS is how we got into KFP4; The after product of a company hellbent on change towards character, opting for safe scripts quick to produce and with an ensured market with general audience and especially kids. This is how we had a movie with s development so near insufferable from decisions, direction, tone deaf attention to feedback towards creative staff, very little though to character progression and narrative, over-simplification of characters and personalities, and story elements that ate pretty much inconsequential as a whole.
It is deliberately a bland story because they know IT'LL STILL SELL, and KFP5 will follow suit AND SELL, and so will KFP6 and the so called Furious Five (cashgrab) Spin-Off!
They won't even try again because they have already 4 products under their belt in which they've literally butchered the franchise and yet it is still going strong, and that fan complaint can only do do much when what they learned from KFP3 goes completely against the fan dissatisfaction with the final product. And guess?
As of we speak, the director of the 4th one is already painting the scenery, he's letting us know they already have a certain way of making these movies and they know they've been profitable since the 3rd so what are they gonna do? THEY ARE GOING TO DOUBLE-DOWN, AND HES MOST LIKELY TO REMAIN AT CHARGE TO PREVENT ANOTHER RISKY DIRECTOR.
Every news that comes out from the following sequels is far more dreadful than the other because, to me, it is a higher key version of what happened with KFP3 in which they're ensuring fans the narrative is in good hands only to brush off the fact they're butchering the franchise on purpose; And yet I'm amazed thus has been met with positive reception.
It'll only get worse, my dudes. Im sorry to be the bearer of bad need but we lost the moment KFP3 was overhauled. Already KFP4 sits as the highest grossing entry I'm the franchise so the executives' pride must be under the roof and it clearly won't be humbled by fans' complaints because they figured out their franchise, as is, is profitable by doing the bare minimum; And NOBODY was bringing up how they got away with it.
Hence why I made this. Maybe to hopefully bring some light and get the discussion going, because this has gone under-looked for way too long and need to be spoken about, especially under the current picture of mainstream animation in which creativity is being out on a back seat in favor of profit and marketability. Sucks to see the franchise run that same fate... Sigh
This needs to be spoken about, I felt it needed to be at least, because each passing day people are wondering how did we get here and nobody seemed to understand why;
This has been my state if the franchise.
submitted by Load_r to kungfupanda [link] [comments]

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submitted by forex4all to brokercomplaintalert [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 10:04 SmellyPersonality We both are not compatible and its okay (Long story with a important moral)

So I am M (24) and I had a girlfriend G (24). Previously I had got broken up with by a girl who had BPD and learnt never to be the hero or the knight in shinning armour. This time I got broken up with because she wanted different things and I didn't fit into her future. I think its very important in a relationship to keep developing yourself and never fully devote yourself to someone. It sounds super obvious but at the time I started dating this girl I thought I was in a decent place to be able to make the correct decisions for myself. My mother passed away 4 years ago and Ive never really dealt with that grief and while her death was on my mind I was still in a relationship with my previous girl with BPD. I got broken up with and focused on myself for 6 months then decided I wanted to try something else with someone else. Met this girl on hinge and we hit it off pretty well. She was from Bangladesh and she if a very educated and has a strong strive for fulfilling Potential in ones self I thought this is great she will continue to grow and be her own person (Which is in fact fantastic) but I have been having some trouble mentally and had to eventually leave my job because of a problem with me leg.
So were together for 1 year 10 months to sum up really quickly. There were times that were tough, I had a problem with my leg at work and could no longer continue to do that job. She stuck by me for 9 months but also very pushy with studying or just getting me to work any job as long as I am doing something. I am not like that. Fortunately I am able to take my time and apply for things I want to do. We do not share a house together, we share no financials, we have no pets together, or kids. There was this constant need for her to push me and she tried to be very empathetic but I didnt always turn out that way. We spent A LOT of time together that I got lost in that and began feeling too comfortable with were I am in life. She however was stressing over various things such as: VISA to stay in Australia, Parents coming to meet her after 3 years of not seeing them, not being able to find a house to live at for a time, and not being able to find a job for a time as well. So she is a very tough woman. She's grown a lot over the last 1 year, I have grown content. I knew I needed to find a job or this woman would leave me so I started applying for everything that she sent me without even intaking any of the required work or work ethic (What I mean by this is I just applied for whatever she sent me while not even understanding what I want or where I wanted to go in life)
I was miserable but I was happy as long as I had her, again she kept growing and learning. There are multiple points of the relationship almost falling apart. First time she wanted to leave me because she just needed space and was overwhelmed with everything life was throwing at her. I wanted her to stay and reassure her that I am not one of those things that is getting in her way, she always had my support because what kind of person would I be if I just left her without supporting her. So she stayed with me, everything worked out for her VISA and she got a new job. I was still complacent, not understanding were I should go next.
Second point was she had a talk with me in October 2023 about how shes not happy with the way I am going, she thinks I should be just doing any sort of job but again I was being selective because I can, we aren't married, we dont own anything together and I am allowed to take my time (btw I know that you should never take too long to find something but I was applying and nothing was working out) so again I was not happy but I didn't wanna give up on us and was trying my best to find some work that she would be happy with.
I GOT A JOB YIPPIE... and I hate it. Its an office job, not enjoying the work and I just am straight up with her and say "I dont like it at all it just isnt me" she is very not happy and later that night around 6pm she calls me and well the break up. She came over and explained to me that all she is seeing is a cycle of "I wanna do this, I wanna do that" then said "I dont see a future with you in 5 years" and "You are just doing these jobs for me and not for yourself" and "You said its okay not to live up to potential and I've seen what my brother is like and I don't wanna be dating that" and more and more and more just terrible things that was just fantastic to hear. Even bought up something I couldnt control like my fathers debt that I have to take on when he dies. In addition throughout the relationship she always said she wasn't really empathetic and was raise in a tough house. After I loose my dignity and beg and plead she says "I am a bad girlfriend and I am just too impatient with you and we both clearly need different things in the relationship"
The date today is the 29th of MAY, she broke up with me on the 27th just after I finished work. Now do I regret this relationship... NO she is right and wrong at the same time and... so am I. MORAL OF THE STORY, continue to develop yourself in a relationship, try not to become one person, compromise when you can but also gain the wisdom to understand when to let go. She understood that we have two total separate views on life. Her parents would never approve of me and I couldnt expect her to leave her family for me. You might ask "Why would she date you in the first place?" the answer is, we are both still young, I am trying to figure out what I want out of a job, She is trying to figure out what she wants in a partner. I know I can make an excellent boyfriend but I need to do some real personal development and find a spark that makes me wanna wake up and live for myself. All these years have been a haze and I deeply regret bringing on someone like her into my nightmare of a brain but also... remember when its okay to give a helping hand, she thought she was helping me by trying to find me work but what I really needed was someone to talk to and who could communicate with me empathetically. We are totally two different people from two different cultures who were just never going to work. LEARN WHEN TO LET GO and LEARN HOW TO BE YOUSELF.
TLDR: We're two people who met and stuck together but ultimately weren't compatible.
submitted by SmellyPersonality to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 10:04 BGodInspired How Can the Return to Jerusalem and Rebuilding of the Temple Inspire Our Renewal Today?

The Return to Jerusalem and Rebuilding of the Temple: A Journey of Faith and Hope

Imagine being forced to leave your home, the place where you grew up, and the sanctuary where you worshipped God. That’s exactly what happened to the Israelites during the Babylonian captivity. Yet, amid despair, they found hope and the profound faith to rebuild their lives and their Temple. Let’s dive into their inspiring journey and discover the enduring lessons it holds for us today.

The Edict of Cyrus: A New Dawn

After decades of exile, the Israelites received astonishing news. In 538 BC, Cyrus, the king of Persia, issued a decree allowing them to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple of God (Ezra 1:1-4). This proclamation wasn’t just a royal edict; it was a fulfillment of prophetic promises:
“Thus says Cyrus king of Persia, ‘The Lord, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth, and he has charged me to build him a house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah’” (Ezra 1:2).
Can you imagine the joy that must have surged through the hearts of the exiled Israelites upon hearing this news? After years of longing and prayer, their dream was beginning to take shape.

Faith in Action: The Journey Back

The return to Jerusalem wasn’t an easy road. The journey spanned about 900 miles and took several months. Yet, the Israelites showcased tremendous faith, leaving behind the relative comfort of Babylon for an uncertain future in their ancestral homeland.
What does this teach us? Sometimes, faith requires stepping out of our comfort zones and trusting in God’s promises even when the path looks daunting. Reflect on your own life. Is there an area where you feel God is calling you out of your comfort zone?

Rebuilding the Temple: A Labor of Love

Upon reaching Jerusalem, the Israelites faced a city in ruins and started the colossal task of rebuilding the Temple. Zerubbabel, along with Jeshua the high priest, led this effort, laying the foundation with prayer and celebration (Ezra 3:10-11).
Despite facing significant opposition and hardships, the Israelites persisted. This episode reminds us that divine tasks often come with challenges, but perseverance, faith, and collective effort can overcome any obstacle. What challenges are you facing today? How can you lean on your faith and community to overcome them?

Renewal and Worship: Dedication of the Temple

After years of struggle, the Temple was finally completed and dedicated around 515 BC. Ezra 6:16 records, “And the children of Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the rest of the children of the captivity, kept the dedication of this house of God with joy.”
This is a powerful reminder of the joy that comes from faithful perseverance. When we dedicate our efforts and trust in God’s timing, we, too, can witness extraordinary outcomes.

Interactive Reflection: Your Rebuilding Story

Take a moment to reflect on your own life. Is there an area where you need to rebuild your faith, relationships, or perhaps even your career? What steps can you take to start this journey today? Remember, God’s promise to be with His people during their journey back to Jerusalem and the rebuilding of the Temple extends to you as well. He is with you every step of the way.

Conclusion: A Call to Share Your Journey

The story of the return to Jerusalem and the rebuilding of the Temple is not just an ancient narrative; it’s a timeless testament to faith, resilience, and divine fulfillment. Let it inspire you to tackle your own “rebuilding” projects with hope and trust in God’s promises.
Have you experienced a “rebuilding” phase in your life grounded in faith? Share your stories and thoughts in the comments below. Your journey could be the encouragement someone else needs today.
And don’t forget to share this article with friends and family who might find inspiration in this powerful biblical story.
In the spirit of 1 Chronicles 16:11, “Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!” Let’s encourage one another to keep rebuilding our lives on the foundation of faith.
Feel blessed, stay positive, and keep sharing the light!
If you want to want to research more Bible Answers on your own, please try our Bible Answers GPT. It’s easy to get lost in the interesting responses you’ll find… every search is like a new treasure hunt 🙂
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2024.05.29 10:03 Cstadler25 How do I become good enough?

I just feel worthless and not good enough and I don't know how to overcome it. Here are what's really bothering me and making me feel that way.
My LTR gf wanted us to get a new house, as she hates mine and it farish away from her. I saved, worked multiple jobs, had a 5 year plan and then COVID hit a d house prices quadrupled a d I don't make enough to ever afford a better house now. Everytime I look at her I just feel like a failure.
This caused me to try a separation period , where I met someone or thought I did but it turns out she just wanted hottebetter guys than me. She literally said you are good and handsome but your not as good as them. Now her and all her friends laugh at me and make me feel worth less as they are now basically flirting or hanging out with just about every guy I know but me and remind me constantly of much better they are than me.
At around the time all these guys replaced me my mom who I had moved in to take care of was told she only had 3 months left use to cancer. I gave up my life for the last year, literally learned all kinds of medical knowledge to try and help her and I failed. She still is gonna die.
I only had a small group of friends to begin with and most of them left me in the last year because in one or another I was not good enough for them. My couple friends all left because they all bought new houses and new toys and go on vacations and meanwhile I am still trying to save for a house and they got sick of me not being able to do all these fun things with them or having to host all the time as my house "is awful". They found new better richer couples and no longer reply to my texts.
I had a few other friends but because I was Soo busy taking care of mom they found other people to hang out with and now find me weird or not as cool as those people.
All of these have sent me into a hole I can't get out of. It doesn't matter what I do, it doesn't matter how hard I work, it doesn't matter that I lost all kinds of weight and new clothes I still always lose. I always am not good enough and I don't see any hope now. I just don't.
I have been put on antidepressants because I just can't get over this..I can't believe that I don't have anything of worth that people would want. I can't sleep cause I see those guys faces that replaced me. I can't look at my mom cause I just see my failure. I just don't want to do, everything I have tried I have failed at and it's getting tougher and tougher to keep trying . My whole life has felt like an uphill battle and I just want to reach one plateau, one time taste what it's like to be good enough for people, to be the only thing they need and want. I just don't see any way to make it happens anymore and I can no longer lie to myself and tell myself I am good enough when the whole world has made it apparent I am not.
submitted by Cstadler25 to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 10:00 createdjustforthis23 29/05/2024

It truly is just so chilly lately and I love it. I enjoy summery days too, I just prefer them few and far between and I like feeling cosy and rugged up as opposed to wanting to shed my skin for some relief.
It’s my honeys birthday :) I’m going to make a concerted effort to not be too much. I can’t be too much anyway from here but still. I wanted to send him an ubereats voucher for his dinner tonight but it turns out I can’t send it internationally :( It has to be the same currency. I also don’t have his bank account so I can’t just chuck some money in there either. I just want to make him feel special and loved and I thought that was a tiny yet cute gesture. Oh well. It’s his birthdaaaaay! I’m so happy he was born and became who he is and the fact he’s all mine
I’m struggling with my mood a bit recently. Or depression. Whatever you want to call it. I don’t like either word. But flat or empty doesn’t always cover it, just because I feel depressed doesn’t automatically equate to flat/grey/empty/numb/etc. They’re a specific feeling, I can be and feel depressed and not feel any of them - I can just feel detached from life, I guess. Idk. It’s hard to put into words, I’m sure I could find some writer who articulates it perfectly but even then, that’s their feeling, not mine. But I really like reading and hearing relatable feelings, I can feel alone a lot and hearing others feeling the same as me makes me feel less so. Truly Captain Obvious over here. But anyway. I’m struggling more again lately. The last few days. It’s not PMS related, it’s deeper than that. There’s a difference.
Truly anyone can have a podcast, can’t they? I’m listening to one now about book theories and they’re just talking over one another and being quite rude and dismissive and then I realise this is just content I disagree with but their theories have so many holes in them. SO MANY. It’s basically one hole with a flimsy fabric of theory around the outside. So now I’m hate listening because it’s making me grind my teeth and my eye twitch, but no one else has any podcasts about this and I wanna listen to some. It just sounds like they don’t even like each other? I felt so awkward for a lot of it. Also they’re so unprepared, like if you’re going to spout theories then a) know what you’re talking about b) back it up c) look for holes in it and point them out because that’s half the fun and d) you can’t base a theory off of something you don’t even know. Eg. One of them was talking about how X was Y’s dad but neither knew if X was even alive. Like… ? Also none of them are original theories which tbh I don’t care about, it’s just nice to have them condensed into an episode to listen to, but they were so rude and dismissive of the original poster or whatever several times, it made me feel quite uncomfy? So bizarre. I want to not like these books anymore. It’s not fun anymore, everyone’s so hateful and I was reading how people are literally sending death threats to one another because they disagree with their ship or whatever it’s called. Like here’s a thought, THEYRE FICTIONAL AND WHO CARES, GET OFF THE INTERNET AND CALM DOWN. Says me, all in caps, on the internet. I love irony. But so it’s just not an enjoyable fandom anymore which is a shame because I think it’s my first ever I’ve been a part of? And now it’s just… ruined. I also don’t like how divisive it all is, like if you love one character then you hate the other and things. Like here’s a thought everyone, each character is nuanced and is not perfect - stop expecting them to be. And stop bitching and moaning like jfc. So anyway it’s not very enjoyable anymore which is a shame but I’ll just enjoy the books themselves in private and wait til the next is released in presumably the next 8-10 business years. I also don’t have high expectations after the last book in her other series, it was terrible. So rushed and so… it was terrible. Enjoyable enough but I will never reread it, I’ll never reread that series full stop. We’ll never say never but I would be incredibly surprised if I did considering I didn’t like it at all and just read it because I’m a sucker fan girl and they all eventually link together so I kind of have to.
I hate computers and technology and all of it. And by that I mean it’s all excellent and amazing but I am cursed with it. I tried to switch my monitors and things around this morning to be better but now everything is just… wrong. Laggy.
Am I a bad person for considering applying for other roles purely for leverage with my own? Yes. I already know the answer to that. I’m open to working elsewhere, but I’m also not. I’m frustrated right now with what I get lumped with workwise but ultimately we have excellent benefits, I can wfh x3 days a week and my manager is super understanding of my… issues. I kind of want a new job elsewhere because I think it would force me out of my comfort zone, but also… Is that the best thing? I would normally say yes but some days I find everything so so difficult and taking on new processes, a new team, a new environment… it’s a lot. And I know I get very easily overwhelmed. And the fact I have more or less unlimited paid sick leave which tbh I don’t really utilise at all and easily use less than what I’m legislatively entitled to but it’s there. So I feel kind of stuck. And I also feel unsure. One part of me wants to be leading large nationwide change processes or being entirely responsible for project work, but the other part of me knows I’m probably not currently best equipped for that… issues wise. I’m sure I could, but I just struggle so much some days and what if that day I had 5+ redundancy meetings? Having a god awful day and then telling multiple people their role has been disestablished…? Being a part of that process is one thing and I’ve done that and it’s fine, it’s tough at times but fine, but to be actively responsible for the whole process? I just don’t really think I can handle that. Which holds me back. And also the delegation of work SUCKS. And I get stuck training and basically managing the junior team members because my manager can’t seem to do it. Which tbh is fair as she has a tonne on her plate but still, she had that all on her plate before becoming all of our manager so I mean… yknow. Sometimes I wonder if I could go people leadership route, a small part of me thinks I would be good at it, I can definitely listen and I definitely show compassion and patience with our junior members and I can delegate work out easily enough buuuut do I have the confidence to advocate for them? When it comes to pay/promotions? I’m not sure. I’d have every confidence in them but not in myself and if I have no confidence in myself it makes brig bold and pushing for something impossible, like impossible. So. I wouldn’t want to risk someone else’s progression because I’m a damn baby. So idk. So what doI do? I mean I don’t even want to specialise in ER, it’s too much. I want to get involved and build my experience and knowledge more and more, but it can be really tough. Even the other day I was talking to a young woman, younger than me, with cancer. Or rather she was telling me she’s now in remission and pregnant and I honestly couldn’t stop smiling it was such lovely news, but things like that, or an employee displaying shifts in behaviour and it being a result of domestic violence and then having to handle that or just the process of disestablishing roles aka making someone redundant, I guess there’s redeployment which would feel good but still. It’s an emotionally taxing side of HR that I’m unsure I could handle long term. I’m only thinking about this again this morning because I saw a job which does less than I do now getting around $10k more than I earn. Anyway I’ll just keep at it where I am a while longer. It’s probably better for me, right now anyway.
He showed me his recent favourite music last night, it’s one of my favourite favourite things. I tend to like/love majority of it, some I don’t but that’s fine like everyone has different tastes - I think it would be weird to like all of it. It baffles me how controlled his Spotify is, it makes mine look utterly manic… which tbh it is. I just get so.. something, and start making new playlists or adding new things or whatever it might be. Anyway I’m listening to some of the ones he sent me last night today.
He took basically half an hour to call me last night and I know he said he had been talking to his mum but it just felt… weird. And then he didn’t pick up his phone at midnight when I called to say happy birthday, he admittedly called back really quickly but idk. It made me feel uneasy. Like what’s he doing at midnight that he can’t pick up his phone? When I know he’s awake. I know I’m feeling weird about nothing, so it’s fine. It just felt… I don’t know. His sleeping patterns are slipping so quickly lately, it feels like it’s every two weeks not every month like it used to be, and it makes me wonder why. It makes me think things like he doesn’t have a weird sleeping pattern ever and he just uses it as a reason to avoid me because he’s with someone else and how would I know. I don’t think these thoughts are true, I don’t think he’s lying about it all, but it’s just a recurring thought lately. Ever since it became more frequent with less time in between. It’s fine. I know it’s fine. I know there’s nothing wrong, it’s just sometimes idk. I think it’s more fear and worry than anything relating to genuine belief and mistrust.
I love him a lot. A whole lot. The entire lot. I hope he’s having the best sleep with the sweetest dreams. Baby.
I really don’t feel well this afternoon. I feel vaguely crampy and tired but my mood has dropped significantly. I’m trying to perk back up so I don’t wreck his birthday though. It’s not just general it’s entirely work related. I feel like I need to cry and punch a wall and just throw my computer at the window but in a sad not angry way. I am fed up. And so many stupid questions. Like twice today I’ve had PEOPLE IN MY TEAM be like “what’s the link for this” like here’s an idea why don’t you go find it and use some fucking initiative. It’s just pure laziness. So I said you can find it on X and then didn’t help further because what the actual fuck. And it’s literally a link to the system login - how the fuck do they not know this. Which leads me to believe it’s pure laziness. Because they have f all cases either. Anyway I’m just lashing out because I’m frustrated and in a sad mood. Everything’s fine.
I love Jeff Buckley so much. Not all of his stuff, I could take or leave much of it tbh but some of his music… all time favourites. I wonder what my top five would be? I think: - lover you should’ve come over - Last goodbye - Forget her - Lilac wine - Nightmares by the sea I didn’t include hallelujah because that goes without saying, I much prefer it to Leonard Cohen’s one however I would really like to try give Leonard more of a go because mum loves him, I think she saw him live last time he was here, I was going to buy her tickets as a random present before she beat me to it - unless I’m confusing it with someone else? I don’t think so. Maybe. Or was it Nick Cave? Idk. I already like Nick Cave a whole lot, I had a big massive A2 poster of him on my wall as a teenager. Anyway. I also left out so real and grace and I know it’s over and mojo pin to some extent. And dream brother. Okay so the entire grace album + some extras. His only proper album :( anyway I love him and he soothes melancholic little heart and has for a long time. Since I was… 17. 16? Something.
I don’t click easily with people. I was thinking about that today because I felt more lonely than normal. I find it easy to be personable and friendly and all of that, but it’s rare that I feel at ease with someone and like I can somewhat be myself/not overthink into oblivion. And I don’t know why some people are different? It’s not a time thing either, because the people I find myself more at ease with I felt it more or less instantly, whereas I’ve been around the same people for YEARS and… nothing. Like M, I felt at ease with her from day one. K too a bit. Andy definitely. But other women at work? I’ve known them for years, spoken to them daily, I still feel uncomfortable and anxious and paralysed with them. Paralysed in the sense I can’t think of things to say, I can and do but it can be such stilted conversation. Even my own family members, my brother and his wife? Just like that. I don’t feel at all comfortable or anything. I know I naturally find it easier with talkative people, M and Andy for example - both could talk to a brick wall and either not notice or get it to talk back. I don’t mean the not notice in a negative way, I just mean… idk what I mean. It’s a good thing though. I just don’t find it easy. I know a lot of it is due to my social anxiety and the worry and all of that. I think it’s also that I don’t like surface level relationships, but I don’t tend to allow people in enough to get anything further than surface level. I can easily have those conversations, I just don’t really enjoy them. But it can be impossible to go further because I’m so closed off and I’m so riddled with anxiety over saying the wrong thing, unintentionally offending someone or showing how stupid I am that nothing happens. I also don’t like to talk that much, I do but in bursts, and I think that doesn’t help me either. I know I’m the problem. Another thing to add to my list of difficulties.
I wish I could just escape myself sometimes.
I’m due to start reading HP3 now, why don’t I feel psyched about it? I want to. Maybe when I get fully into it I will? I’ve been apprehensive about books in the past and went on to become obsessed and it become a part of my identity, if even for a short while. And if I know anything in life, it’s that HP fans tend to turn it into a personality trait. Maybe that’ll be me.
I don’t really want to journal anymore. I feel sad and it doesn’t tend to help me perk up and I need to force myself into being chirpy and perky and all those sorts of adjectives so I don’t ruin his day. My baby.
I ordered dinner - tofu stirfry with roti yummm - so I’ll have that, maybe start HP3 and then have a shower and then spend time with my honeybunny. Night night
submitted by createdjustforthis23 to u/createdjustforthis23 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:53 forex4all Scam Broker Reviews Scam Broker Reviews
In the fast-paced world of online trading, aspiring traders are constantly seeking opportunities to hone their skills, gain experience, and potentially turn their passion into a profitable career. Among the myriad of trading education platforms and prop firms, has carved a unique niche for itself, offering a comprehensive approach to trader development and support. In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the operations of TheFundedTraderProgram, examining its distinctive features, educational philosophy, and the potential benefits it offers to traders at various stages of their journey.

A Holistic Approach to Trader Education

At the core of TheFundedTraderProgram's operations lies its commitment to providing a holistic and immersive educational experience for its participants. Unlike many other trading education platforms that focus solely on technical analysis or a specific trading strategy, TheFundedTraderProgram adopts a multifaceted approach, recognizing that successful trading requires a well-rounded skill set and mindset.
The program's curriculum encompasses a wide range of topics, including market fundamentals, risk management, trading psychology, and the development of personalized trading strategies. Through a combination of interactive online courses, webinars, and one-on-one mentoring sessions, participants are guided through a structured learning process that aims to build a solid foundation of knowledge and practical skills.

Experienced Mentors and Personalized Guidance

One of the standout features of TheFundedTraderProgram is its team of experienced mentors who provide personalized guidance and support to participants. These mentors are not only skilled traders themselves but also possess the ability to effectively communicate their knowledge and insights to others.
Each participant in the program is assigned a dedicated mentor who works closely with them, offering individualized feedback, answering questions, and helping them navigate the challenges of the trading journey. This personalized approach ensures that traders receive the attention and support they need to develop their skills and overcome obstacles.
The mentors at TheFundedTraderProgram are committed to fostering a supportive and collaborative learning environment, encouraging participants to ask questions, share their experiences, and learn from one another. This sense of community and shared growth is a key aspect of the program's operations, creating a network of like-minded individuals who can support and motivate each other.

Simulated Trading Environment and Risk Management

To bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, TheFundedTraderProgram provides participants with access to a simulated trading environment. This virtual platform allows traders to practice their strategies, test their skills, and gain hands-on experience without risking real capital.
The simulated trading environment is designed to closely mirror real market conditions, including live data feeds, order execution, and realistic market dynamics. Participants can experiment with different trading approaches, refine their risk management techniques, and develop the confidence needed to navigate the markets effectively.
TheFundedTraderProgram places a strong emphasis on risk management, recognizing that the ability to manage and mitigate risk is crucial for long-term success in trading. The program's educational content and mentoring sessions dedicate significant attention to teaching participants how to properly assess risk, set appropriate stop-losses, and maintain a healthy risk-to-reward ratio in their trades.

Funded Trading Opportunities

For participants who demonstrate consistent profitability and risk management skills in the simulated trading environment, TheFundedTraderProgram offers the opportunity to graduate to funded trading accounts. These accounts provide traders with access to real capital, allowing them to apply their skills and knowledge in live market conditions.
The funded trading program operates on a profit-sharing model, where traders receive a percentage of the profits they generate while trading with the firm's capital. This arrangement aligns the interests of both the trader and the firm, incentivizing disciplined and responsible trading practices.
To qualify for a funded trading account, participants must meet specific performance criteria and adhere to the risk management guidelines set forth by TheFundedTraderProgram. This rigorous selection process ensures that only traders who have demonstrated their ability to trade consistently and manage risk effectively are entrusted with real capital.

Ongoing Support and Professional Development

TheFundedTraderProgram recognizes that the journey of a trader is a continuous process of learning and growth. As such, the program offers ongoing support and professional development opportunities to its participants, even after they have graduated to funded trading accounts.
Regular educational webinars, market analysis sessions, and access to a community of fellow traders provide a platform for continued learning and knowledge sharing. The program's mentors remain available to offer guidance and support, helping traders navigate the challenges and opportunities of the ever-changing market landscape.
TheFundedTraderProgram also encourages its participants to engage in self-reflection and performance analysis. By providing tools and resources for tracking trading metrics, journaling, and goal-setting, the program empowers traders to take ownership of their development and continuously strive for improvement.
TheFundedTraderProgram represents a unique and comprehensive approach to trader education and development. By offering a holistic curriculum, personalized mentoring, simulated trading environments, and funded trading opportunities, the program aims to equip aspiring traders with the knowledge, skills, and support they need to succeed in the competitive world of online trading.
The program's emphasis on risk management, ongoing support, and professional development sets it apart from other trading education platforms, providing a well-rounded and immersive learning experience. The commitment of its experienced mentors and the sense of community fostered among participants create a supportive and collaborative environment for growth.
However, it is important to note that trading is an inherently risky endeavor, and no program or platform can guarantee success or eliminate the possibility of losses. Aspiring traders should approach TheFundedTraderProgram, or any other trading education platform, with realistic expectations and a clear understanding of the challenges and uncertainties involved in trading.
Nonetheless, for individuals who are passionate about trading, willing to put in the time and effort to learn and grow, and committed to disciplined risk management, TheFundedTraderProgram offers a structured and supportive pathway to potentially turn their trading aspirations into a viable career.
As with any educational or financial decision, thorough research, due diligence, and an honest assessment of one's own goals, risk tolerance, and commitment are essential. By carefully evaluating the offerings and operations of TheFundedTraderProgram, aspiring traders can make an informed decision about whether this program aligns with their needs and aspirations in the dynamic world of online trading.
We reviewed TheFundedTraderProgram and concluded that it is a reliable platform that follows strict security and openness guidelines. But when one comes upon new websites and internet services, one must be alert. Scammers are always changing their strategies, hence your best line of protection is to be educated. Verify a website's validity before giving any personal or financial information.
Tell BrokerComplaintAlert right away if you see any unusual conduct or become a victim of fraud. By doing this, you not only move closer to getting justice for yourself but also shield others from being victims of con artists. Everybody can use the internet safer if we work together.

Got Scammed by CTE CAP? We Help Victims!

If you’ve fallen victim to TheFundedTraderProgram’s deceitful practices, don’t despair. Resources exist to help you recover your lost funds and hold these scammers accountable. Consider:
  • Reporting the scam to regulatory authorities: While TheFundedTraderProgram claims CySEC regulation, reporting them to the actual authority might expose their fraudulent claims.
  • Contacting a financial recovery specialist: Professionals with expertise in fraud cases can help track stolen funds and pursue legal action against the perpetrators.
  • Sharing your experience online: Publicly sharing your story can warn others and raise awareness about TheFundedTraderProgram’s predatory tactics.
Remember, by speaking up and seeking help, you can not only reclaim your lost funds but also contribute to shutting down this fraudulent operation and protecting others from falling victim to their schemes.
submitted by forex4all to brokercomplaintalert [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:43 CautiousLoudSpeech How I would’ve made episode 100 good

Okay, so episode 100 wasn’t great, and it’s kind of emblematic of the series’s overall problems as of late, but I think there were a lot of solid ideas that were poorly executed in the writing and some solid scenes and acting beats that made for a decent directorial debut for Daniel.
I like the idea of the episode being a “greatest hits” type thing looking back on the show’s history with callbacks and references to earlier seasons and recreations of iconic moments from those seasons. The four fields motif is such a cool idea. I don’t even mind the episode partially being a glorified clip show. With their budget restrictions, I can see it being necessary. Power Rangers did a similar thing with their 500th for budget reasons and still came out with a really good episode. Legacy Of Power is proof you can do a clip show creatively and effectively.
I think this episode should’ve leaned into that aspect more and focused entirely on Spencer and his relationship with the rest of the cast. The Miko case can take a back seat for an episode, and the Jordayla stuff is cute, but the surprise wedding thing is dumb. I would’ve just had her go all in on doing the wedding planning solo when she senses Jordan backing off from it and maybe trying to push up the date with the planners until Jordan finds out, and they have that super wholesome conversation at the end.
The dream sequence with Shawn is awesome. His return was a surprise to me. I wanted a little more creativity in the cinematography. Some color grading, dynamic lighting, maybe a dolly zoom. Asher’s dream sequence did this really well. There was a surreal atmosphere to it. Dream sequences are where you get to just go crazy as a writer and a director. No rules. No continuity. You get to freely explore your character and use any means to make the statement you wanna make about them.
The purpose of this dream is to highlight the pressure Spencer feels as a representative of his community in Crenshaw at this stage of his football career now that the NFL, his number one goal since episode one, is within arms reach, and his arc in the episode is going from that to realizing through Shawn that Crenshaw has been there for him throughout this journey as much as he’s been there for them, and that his community is an ally and asset to his dreams and not just a responsibility. (This could’ve made for some nice callbacks to Spencer’s arguments with Billy in season one about needing a way out and his community being a burden. Good excuse to use those clips too)
I would’ve started the episode “during the national championship”. Spencer takes a hit. He’s on the ground. Looks injured. Maybe even clutches the shoulder he got shot in. Then we get the scene with Shawn. Skip over the part where they both acknowledge they’re in a dream. I want maximum audience confusion at this point. Spencer is still in his GAU uniform when Shawn picks him up. We get the “don’t you got somewhere more important to be?” line from Shawn. Spencer says “what?” Close up shot on him. He’s wearing his pee wee uniform. Zoom out. Shawn is gone. Spencer looks behind him. We see that stampede of kids. He starts running. We can transition into the flashback of kid Spencer from season one running to the end zone, but this time, he keeps running because we film new footage of kid Spencer running from the other players which is shot from the side. This way we can hide that it’s not the same actor from season one. Transition to the same shot but with teen Spencer in his Beverly uniform, and then his Crenshaw uniform. It’s kinda like the Thor growing up scene from Love and Thunder. In each scene transition, he runs faster, and there’s fewer people behind him to visualize him running from his community which isn’t what he’s doing per se, but it’s what he’s afraid of doing.
He wakes up, and most of the episode is the same, sans the coop legal stuff. I’d also add in a Corey grave scene after the first three field scenes. In the original episode, Layla talks to coop at the Baker house which triggers the wedding stuff. In my version, I want a scene with her and Spencer at the Rose Bowl the night before the national championship. This is a callback and kind of a payoff to their Rose Bowl scene from season one. Let’s say Spencer asks her to come to the stadium with him after he visits the other fields so that he can get some more clarity on what he’s feeling. This is a platonic Spayla moment, not a romantic one. They’re still friends, and I hate that we don’t get to see them interact much anymore. She was the closest person to him at the start of his journey. Surely she can help him find some of the answers he needs.
She can be the first one to get him to open up about the weight of Crenshaw being on his shoulders going into this game. She can tell him how she didn’t really understand when they were together why he always carried that weight with him, especially when it came to football, but now that she has a club in Crenshaw and has spent time there and tried to build up the hip hop scene there and integrated herself into the community, she understands better what it means to him. We can flash back to their argument from just before the state championship game junior year. After that, she can ask him what the scariest thing he’s ever done is. He says jumping in front of the bullet to save Olivia. Then they have the same conversation Layla and Coop originally had which triggers the wedding stuff. If we have time for it, Spencer can try to apologize for how messy their breakup was, and she can tell him that it was a long time ago and that she’s already forgiven him. We never got to see that resolution between them, so this feels like a good place for it.
The second Billy Baker Field scene is the same except, after Chris says “you’re playing for all of us”, we flash back to Spencer’s division player of the year speech.
Before the game, I want a scene with Spencer and Jordan on the bus. Just a quick little scene of them hyping each other up and talking about how far they’ve come together. It’s an homage to their bus scene from the season one finale.
Asher playing in this game is a great payoff to an arc that was really poorly set up. Asher should’ve started wanting to play again at the end of season 5, trained during the one year time skip, and received a backup spot on the roster at the start of the season only to decide against playing because of Jaimie’s reservations. If that’s how they did it, you could change almost none of the Asher stuff in this episode, and it would’ve been great. Jaimie and AJ should be at the game with him, and when he walks out in full gear, she should be there to support his decision before he steps out onto the field. The injury fakeout was really poorly done. They’ve already done this scene better with Spencer at the jamboree game in season 2. It should’ve been a shot for shot remake of that scene.
The rest of the episode can be the exact same. I love that the final touchdown is an homage to Spencer and Jordan’s first touchdown but with the roles reversed, and everything after the game is good as is.
submitted by CautiousLoudSpeech to AllAmericanTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:43 holisticlife5500 Now You Too Can Book the Cheapest Flights

“Golden rules” about buying cheap flights, like booking domestic flights 57 days before the departure date, are no longer valid, as there has been a huge shift in the travel industry in what days were thought the cheapest to booking flights. If a study has not been conducted recently, or only one year ago, do not put too much faith in it; there’s no reason to worry about booking a flight far in advance. The stellar tips below are current.

Check airlines which don’t appear on 3rd party websites

One of the major weaknesses of Internet search engines is that they frequently will not display the flights of all airlines such as Southwest, Frontier, and Allegiant. To solve this problem, use a free resource like Wikipedia to learn which of these airlines operates a certain airport. Visit Wikipedia, go to their airport page, and search for a section called “Airlines and destinations.” You are advised to locate a list of each airline that flies to that airport as well as all the nonstop destinations that airport operates. So, once you become aware of any carriers which did not show up in your first searches, you could now look for flights straight on the airlines’ sites.

Search one-way & round-trip flights

Once upon a time the majority of round-trip flights were cheaper than booking two one-way airfare flights. That’s no longer the situation today. For instance, Southwest and Jetblue set their prices for their flights on a one-way basis; and a round-trip flight is only the sum of the 2 one-way rates. So, you’ll want to check one-way flight rates to ensure you buy the best round-trip deal by pairing two one-way flight tickets, probably on two different carriers.

Look for one seat at a time

There exists a virtually unknown quirk in how carriers price seats which could result in greater prices if searching for many passengers as opposed to a single ticket. Airlines put their inventory in fare classes, or called buckets, which are not always obviously visible to customers. For instance, there may be just three seats left in a fare bucket for $300 each, and the next higher bucket may be $400 for each ticket. But, if you happen to look for four seats, each one would end up falling into the $400 fare bucket.

Search alternate airports

At times the cost of a certain flight is extremely high that it could be a good idea to use your second or even third choice of airports. For instance, you perhaps are aware of the New York area’s 3 biggest airports: New York-JFK, Newark (EWR), and New York-LaGuardia. But did you know that Stewart (SWF), Westchester (HPN), and Long Island McArthur (ISP) are also in the region? Several airlines permit you to look for all airports in a region by just specifying the destination as the city itself rather than a certain airport. The ITA Matrix tool is also a great way to look for close by if you do not know the area too well, and Google Flights offers a “Nearby airports” option to assist in this search, too.

Don’t always travel direct

Being flexible with your route you’ll be flying is another way to find a cheap flight. For instance, at times it’s cheaper to travel to London and use a budget airline to Amsterdam instead of flying directly to Amsterdam from the actual departure city.
To utilize this approach, learn how much it costs to fly directly to the target destination. Next, open Google Flights, type in the destination’s details like country name to see the rates to nearby airports. If the difference happens to exceed $150 dollars, find out how much it actually is to fly from the 2nd airport to the main destination.

Leverage elite status

Although having elite status will not allow you to book flights at a discount, you still could use it to save money another way. But with elite status with the majority of airlines let you to standby for earlier flights or perform same-day verified flight modifications. This can permit you to buy a discounted airline flight at an awful time, only to modify it to the flight you really want but at no extra charge. Even without elite status, the charge to standby or make a same-day verified flight modification might be less than the airfare difference between the flight you truly want and the lowest option that day.

Use the correct credit card

The right credit card may very well provide you major savings on flight tickets in a number of various ways. For instance, The Platinum Card from American Express now offers 5x points on all airline bookings made directly with the carrier or with Amex travel, worth 10 cents each dollar spent, based on TPG’s recent valuations. That card in addition offers the International Airfare Program, providing cardholders discounts for premium class flights on certain airlines.

Search for free hotels and stopover tours

Whenever an airline imposes a lengthy layover because of its very tight schedule, the airline will usually offer a free STPC, or stopover paid by carrier, which can include a free tour or hotel room as well.

Don’t mind the myths

The initial and main fact to know whenever locating a cheap flight is there exists no magic trick for achieving this objective. There are however a ton of myths floating online about certain ways to seek cheap flights. Without doubt, you must have run into a lot of them while searching for the best flight deals.
Airline companies use advanced technology like computers and pricing algorithms for determining flight prices and offer deals based on various factors like time of the year, weather, time of day, passenger demand, fuel prices, competitor prices, and others. These myths and similar ones will lead you astray.

Be flexible in respect to your travel times & dates

Airline flight rates vary a lot depending on upcoming holidays, day of the week, and time of the year. August is a major month for flying to Europe, and plenty of people are planning to travel somewhere hot during winter or fly while the kids are taking a break from school.
In summation, if you’re traveling when everyone is also flying, then logically your flight price will be higher.

Flexibility is everything for cheap plane tickets & cheap flight deals

The more flexible you are, you’ll get better cheap flight deals you can book. Here’s a new way of doing things: Instead of deciding where to go next, choosing dates, and then searching for the cheap plane tickets to certain destinations on those particular dates, consider first selecting your destination and dates based on the best going deals available. By exercising greater flexibility where you travel and the specific dates you fly, you will have a far better opportunity to find cheaper airfare.

Book first, think later for cheap flight finder cancellation

Take complete advantage of the free 24-hour cancellation window while purchasing flights. Because of the Department of Transportation’s strict regulations, any cheap flight booked to or from the United States could be canceled without worry of incurring a penalty, for 24 hours after the flight’s reservation; it must be booked no less than one week before the flight’s departure. Yes, it’s a very good idea to use a cheap flight finder these days. What this means is that if you buy a flight and the ticket price drops within 24 hour window, you could cancel the original flight and purchase the new, less expensive one.
Warning: the 24-hour rule can only work for flights directly bought with the airline or with booking engines such as Priceline.

Set a price alert for all cheap flight tickets

You can choose emails or push notices to your cell phone which will tell you exactly when the flight you are interested in has increased or decreased in price. This may be a great way for getting the best possible price on all cheap flight tickets in the near future. You can do this on the majority of search travel sites and OTAs. Why miss out on potential easy savings? You can then always locate flight tickets cheap when you need them.

Buy in foreign currency to get cheap flight ticket

Because regular fliers travel abroad now and then, you could switch the currency on the airline’s website to determine if the price would be listed in other monies.
You can save big this way. For example, if an airline increased the flight price in US dollars but not in Indian rupee, you could book flights at half the price! But this may require altering either the location or language on the airline’s website; or you may change to the home country’s URL, where ticket prices are generally cheapest by searching in its local currency. This is how you can in fact find cheap flight ticket to wherever you like to travel.

Sign up for an airline’s travel rewards credit card for cheap flight booking

One of the smartest ways to take full advantage from travel credit cards is to use the hefty sign-up bonuses. For example, if you sign up for a new travel card when the airline is offering unusually high quantity of bonus miles, you could score yourself literally thousands of dollars worth of reward points by just opening the card.
Although several of these travel cards could have higher annual fees, a big sign-up bonus may amount for months or even years worth of cheap flight booking for you and your whole family.

The cheapest day to book flights

Even though you might see great deals flashing on your computer screen for international airfare three to six months out, if you are flying during peak times, or perhaps your plans are not very flexible, it’s smart to begin searching sooner. The cheapest day to book flights actually evades many flyers.
This does not automatically mean you ought to purchase tickets when hitting the 6-month window; hold on till you book cheap flights online. And, just ignore the old advice that travel experts often repeat regarding booking the cheapest flights at 3:00 a.m. on Tuesday; that used to be true but now airfare prices are updated often and great deals could pop up any given moment when least expected. So, now you can secure a flight cheap most of the time.

Utilize momondo to book cheap flight air tickets

Upon finding what you imagine to be the cheapest flight wherever, try searching on Momondo; it will search dozens of OTAs; bear in mind that it may not display the cheapest fares seen on large OTAs and Google Flights. But you got a greater chance to find cheap air tickets sooner this way. Otherwise, only one cheap air ticket may be attained, if tried another manner. Now you too can enjoy when you book cheap flight tickets when you need them.

Fly cheap during the low season

Have you ever scanned flight prices from the USA to Europe’s insanely popular cities in August? Surpassing quite easily $1000.00, they can frighten seasoned and expert travelers alike.
But are those the same ticket prices in February? So, fly cheap from major hubs in USA to Europe, you could often locate roundtrip flights throughout the winter months for less than $400 or even $300!

Fly basic economy for cheap air flights

A basic economy flight ticket could save you money, if you do not require checked luggage or advance seat selection. Pay only for what you need. In theory, you’ll achieve cheap air flights via this option.

Enroll in the airline’s loyalty program for cheap airfare

If you fly one particular airline often, join its loyalty program in order to earn points each time you go anywhere. Then, you can redeem such points for upgrades or cheap airfare in the future. If you accumulate enough miles and achieve a considerable status with the airline, you might receive free upgrades. Now, you can take fuller advantage of cheap air fare whenever you require it.

Skiplag to discover hidden-city cheap airfares & last minute flights

Hidden-city ticketing happens by booking a flight to a place beyond your final destination, and then end your flight on the layover city. This could help you in getting cheap airfares as well as best last minute flights to most destinations. Think about it: can you imagine a better, more creative way to book cheap air fares while searching the Internet?

Prolong your layovers for cheapest flight tickets

Sometimes only by extending a layover a few days in another city in-between, you can score cheapest flight tickets to your original destination. In conclusion, more often than not, you’ll usually find the cheapest flight ticket by following this method consistently. Why not? A lot of people are discovering that they are by accident getting the cheapest flight via the extended layovers.

Don’t overlook sales for cheapest flight booking

Airlines are frequently offering amazing deals which you may jump on fast enough and save yourself hundreds of dollars on your next flight. Sign up for your favorite airline’s newsletter to be on top of their latest flight deals. This is yet another way to know about the cheapest flight booking that becomes available whenever.

Focus on going across the ocean for cheap fly tickets

If you are thinking to visit a distant location, it could be less expensive to book one ticket to the main hub, and then a second ticket from there to your final destination. For example, if you wish to fly to Alhambra, Spain, it’s probably cheaper to book one roundtrip flight from your home to Madrid and a second roundtrip ticket from Madrid to Alhambra than it would be to buy a ticket to Alhambra on one itinerary. In essence, you’ll end up with cheap fly tickets by following the above example.

Don’t overlook destinations with low cost carriers to get cheapest flights

Carriers such as Frontier, AirTran, and Southwest all drive down airfares along their routes. So, it may be quite wise to travel a bit longer to a larger airport with low-cost carriers, because even major carriers flights will most likely be cheaper. Using this method regularly, you are more likely to find the cheapest flights to most if not all your destinations. Why not take advantage of low cost flights whenever possible?

Avoid Friday, Sunday flights, & traditional air travel days

This may mean going away before and returning later than usual, or even flying exactly on the holiday. Pelletier, the air travel specialist, says you can save up to 50% by simply flying Christmas Eve or Day. She said: “We saved $300 per ticket around Thanksgiving for our family of four by flying out the Saturday before Thanksgiving and coming back the Saturday after. Not everyone can swing that with their work schedules, so my advice is to leave Thanksgiving day and return on Saturday for cheaper fares.”

Begin with a reputable flight search engine to find cheapest international flights

While searching for a flight, the initial thing you will wish to do is determine which airlines run a certain route and get an estimated price on the biggest carriers. Opposed to individually visiting all of these airlines’ sites, begin by looking for a website which will provide results from many airlines and different combinations of carriers. You may end up with the cheapest international flights this way. So, you could start with Expedia or another such as Orbitz, Hotwire, Travelocity, and Cheap Tickets. Do not ignore Google Flights, which, though a very powerful search engine, know that it’s not a booking platform and can’t buy a flight ticket there. This is how you could find cheapest flights to many popular locations.

Be flexible where you go to book discount flights

If for some reason or another you cannot be flexible with the time factor of your flight, then try to be flexible with your destinations. It’s ideal to be both. However, you still can save a lot of money and book discount flights by being flexible with either factor.
You don’t have to conduct manual searches, going city by city and day by day. Websites such as Google Flights, Skyscanner, and Momondo provide explore tools and permit you to add your nearest airport and see a world map with all the possible flights on it. This helps you to quickly compare many destinations with no need to brainstorm each potential option.

Fly budget airlines/carriers

Many years ago, you were generally stuck flying with traditional costly airlines. That’s not true anymore. Budget airlines today service both short and medium-haul routes all over the world.
For example, AirAsia provides incredible cheap flight deals around Australia and Asia for less than $150 dollars! Indian and Middle Eastern air carriers sell cheap flight tickets throughout Africa and the subcontinent.

Book early: how to find the cheapest flights

You can discover how to find the cheapest flights by booking early. Although flight rates continue climbing the nearer you get to departure, there exists a great spot along the way when airline companies start to reduce or increase flight prices based on demand. Do not wait till the last moment but do not book too far in advance. The ideal time to buy your flight ticket is about 2 to 3 months prior to your departure, or even about 5 months prior if you’re flying there in their peak season.
submitted by holisticlife5500 to u/holisticlife5500 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:40 Tiff_AstronautForU Least schools applied yet 66.7% accepted: Kpop fangirl got T50 5-year undergrad and master offer

Intended Major(s): Business/Finance/Econ
Standardized Testing
List the highest scores earned and all scores that were reported.
List all extracurricular involvements, including leadership roles, time commitments, major achievements, etc.
Copy pasted from Common App
List all awards and honors submitted on your application.
  1. International Certificate of Education with Distinction
  2. Common European Framework of Reference for Languages(CEFR) Diploma of Studies in French Language B1
  3. National Economics Challenge China 2022 National Top Scoring Individual Bronze Award
Letters of Recommendation
(Briefly describe relationships with your recommenders and estimated rating.)
Maths Teacher- 7/10 Counselor - 8/10 English Teacher - 8/10
Interviews Not even a single one.
(Briefly reflect on the quality of your writing, time spent, and topic of main personal statement.)
Common App Essay: family background with no English speaking people, childhood of first-gen student, experienced gender prejudice in the community(with examples), process of overcoming above challenges
Decisions (indicate ED/EA/REA/SCEA/RD)
Waitlists: None
Rejections: Tufts (ED1)
Withdrawals: Boston University, Babson College, George Washington University, Rutgers University
Additional Information:
You don't need to be perfect to get into your dream school. Think of what you want to get out of university and what the school wants. Does it match? If no, don't try to fit in. Be yourself, show yourself. Be confident. Yall gonna have a satisfying career even without university. I was astonished when I received the 5-year undergrad and master offer when not even a single person in my family speaks English or has attended a proper high school fully.
submitted by Tiff_AstronautForU to collegeresults [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:34 homemoving123 Why You Should Hire a Professional Home Moving Company in the UK

Why You Should Hire a Professional Home Moving Company in the UK
Moving can be a stressful and daunting task, but it doesn't have to be! Hiring a professional home moving company in the UK can make all the difference. From expert packing and handling to timely delivery
  • The benefits of hiring a professional home moving company
Relocation is such a process that can be fulfilling socially and physically hectic at the same time. It is a new beginning of a new life for you but this job entails a lot of planning, organizing and even hard work. Therefore, in order to facilitate the process and reduce the amount of stress involved, one should consider hiring professional home moving bureau.
Here are some of the top benefits of entrusting your move to a reputable and experienced moving company: Here are some of the top benefits of entrusting your move to a reputable and experienced moving company:
  1. Saves time and effort
The first advantage associated with hiring a home moving company is that it is time saving since you will be relieved from the task of having to move on your own. The physical work of packing your belongings, loading them on a truck, driving from your current locality to the new one, offloading and unpacking if you have to do it yourself can sometimes take several days or even weeks. Woburn professional moving companies have the skills, equipment, and employees required to achieve these tasks in one day.
  1. Ensures safety
This means even when you want to move some furniture or delicate items on your own, it becomes risky and may be stressful to your body. Movers know how to correctly pick items and tools needed such as dolly's, straps or ramps that make the moving process safe and without damages.
  1. Insurance coverage
The professional moving companies also cover your items in case they experience any damages while in the process of moving. This implies that if any piece that was brought in gets destroyed or misplaced during transit due to their carelessness or negligence, then the loss incurred will be recovered from them.
  1. Proper packing materials
Learn the basics of packing to ensure proper techniques that with will help to organize an efficient move. Skills that may be observed in a professional moving company include packing valuable items such as fragile items in bubble wrapped paper and other superior quality papers and boxes compared to using newspapers and old boxes
submitted by homemoving123 to u/homemoving123 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:28 Cultural-Show9603 Am I wrong for having a grudge against my father?

Hii!! I (19F) have a difficult relationship with my father (66M), one that is my main source of anxiety in my own house (thanks god is only that). I have grudge agaisnt him for things he did in the past, but when I say why I have grudges, people tell me I'm a spoiled daughter and should value him more. I came here to ask if I'm indeed a spoiled daughter or is normal my feelings...
The things I have grudges are: - Since I was a child I was a reaaaally shy and sensitive girl, having a lot of problems to make friends and with being bullied. My mother always knew something wrong was happening inside school, but everyone told her she was crazy because I refused to tell the true. One of the persons who refused to believe my mother was my father, supporting the idea of me staying in this school even after I confessed I was being bullied
All of this was behind my mother's back, and my father told me that if I told on him it would be my fault if the family broke up 💀
I have to say that yes, he did change, and everything was better between them and they even had my little brother, but that doesn't make the revelation of this secret a before and after for my life. The man who seemed to me to be the perfect father and who "rightly" made me feel like an idiot in the end was in his past someone who was sexist and manipulative. It was all a lie.
Ah, and his family was perrrrfect and never did something wrong 🤓☝️. Now I was really divided because this is OBIOUSLY something really biased.
After all this shit, on every family dispute, my mother in secret tells me to support her while my father in secret tells me to support his truth, and I feel in the middle of a crossfire.
There is more shit that I want to say but this is the most important. Rereading everything I see I forgot to add the positive things, because my father isn't all negative after all. - He never hit me or insult me, only yelled at me. - He was always on time to take me to and from school. - Giving me incentives like a chocolate bar or iced coffee when he knows I'm stressed about college. - He always tries to get me the best movile, tablet, pc... - Even if he wanted me to be a doctor to make his childhood dream come true, he also knew the independence that a career like this could give me and wanted me to live wealthy on the future. - Before this marriage, he had a previous one where my big sister was born, and he wasn't the best father with her because of his job. When he married my mother he decided to change his job so he could create a new family where he would be present. He loves my sister and knows he did bad, so he didn't want to repeat his mistakes. - He changed for my mother. Still there are toxic traits and dynamics between them, but if it's true my mother's version of the secret, the change was spectacular.
Sorry for the long post. I needed perspective :(
submitted by Cultural-Show9603 to FamilyIssues [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:28 FotiaStorm My psycho aunt kicks me out because she truly believes I'm a vindictive sociopath.

TL;DR I lived over a year with my Aunt, was hell, got kicked out during covid.
So this will be a bit long as there is alot to unpack here so ill start with a bit of background on me. I am currently a 26 year old female, this took place mostly when I was 21-22. I should also say, I am not a sociopath, I do have mental issues which I'll briefly explain in a moment, but none of these issues is being a Sociopath.
Before this story I had a very strong relationship with both my aunt and uncle. I had been living with my parents but they were moving to a new state and I at the time didn't want to leave my life behind. So my aunt and uncle offered me to move in, originally no rent required or any expectations of me.
This seemed like a great idea, I could grow to be my own person and start healing from some really bad experiences I had prior, a story for another day there. However i really had absolutely no idea just how bad this would turn out for me.
The first few months were great, I got a new job nearby at a grocery store. I got myself a therapist for my mental issues, short list for context. I had developed a severe depression at a young age and had a history of attempted self deletion and self harm, i have a severe anxiety which is now worse today, PTSD, and three I was born with, Dyslexia, ADHD and Autism. Despite all of these i was starting to actually function as a normal member of society thanks to my therapist.
For the first time in my life i actually began to feel good about myself, i wasn't judged on my clothes, i wasn't judged on my eating habits and i wasn't judged on doing my art projects or my gaming. I even got myself a tattoo of a roaring tiger turning into a dagger on my shoulder. Its still awesome today.
Then it happened, I apparently broke the water filter on the fridge, so like the responsible adult I was trying to be i offered to pay for it, and I did. Then bought myself a filter water bottle so i didn't break the fridge filter again. Now i wouldn't know this until months later but apparently this was taken as me being spiteful. How is this spiteful you may ask, your guess is as good as mine.
Then a few weeks later my little sister spent three days with me at my aunts place, i took care of her and everything was fine i went to work on the last day and came home to chaos. So im still not entirely sure what exactly happened, but the microwave, which was in perfect condition before work, was broken in a strange way. The glass on the microwave door was... shattered? Im not entirely sure how to describe it, but it looked as if someone tried to break the microwave door off the microwave. Not something my at the time 14 year old sister had the strength to do, but she was being blamed.
So here I am trying to be responsible and just solve the issue by offering to pay for a new microwave as I knew it wasn't my sister, but someone had to fix this issue and I felt it was my responsibility to protect my sister. So i bought a new microwave, leading into this next issue.
My aunt said i spent too much money and offered to help me save. The original deal was i give her 400$ a month and she puts it away for savings. I was stupid and young thinking no way my family would screw me so I didn't get this in writing. I never saw this "savings" as she used all of my money. But hey this may be half of my monthly money but at least im not having to buy my own food and hygiene products.
I was so wrong, two weeks later I wasn't allowed to eat their food or expect them to buy my shampoo and body wash. Well thats no big deal, I surely make enough and the money im giving my aunt will be for moving out once i find a place. I did not make enough in between paying my therapist, my phone bill, my rent and trying to buy my own food i was broke.
Then my aunt would request me to bring home groceries with the promise to pay me back, then never did. Heres an example, one day my aunt asked that I bring her home an entire lemon pepper rotisserie chicken, that about 10$, I only made 10$ an hour. So i buy it, bring it home and stand there waiting for my money as she start eating it right there, i was appalled by what she said "no you cant have any, this is my food. Go away."
Eventually I ate maybe once every three days and my therapy sessions weren't working as my therapist began claiming I was just over dramatic when I talked about how useless I was beginning to feel. Eventually found out my therapist and aunt were close and they talk about me alot, my therapist even telling my aunt everything I said in therapy.
Then covid started and this is when it got worse. My aunt claimed I was a sociopath, what was her evidence you ask. I didn't yawn when other people yawned. Suddenly any small mistake I made was "a vindictive attack". Forgot to throw away a ramen wraper, "I left it there out of spit". Don't rotate my laundry at the exact moment the cycle ends, "I'm purposely in the way so she cant do her laundry". God forbid i leave my adult toy on my bed in my closed room. "You are a woman! You dont need Satisfaction from anything but a man!" That was a huge incident that really screwed me up.
She also had a habit of opening my mail and reading it, trying to push me off to random guys when they dragged me to bars and casino's. I don't like going to either im not a big drinker and I hate gambling. Lets not forget what happened when i told her I was Bi.
"You are either born straight or you are born gay, and you were born straight, being bisexual is a perversion! If you ever date a woman I will disown you!"
So naturally my Girlfriends were kept secret. By October 2020 my aunt claimed she couldn't deal with me anymore and kicked me out, so i moved to my parents as i had no money because she never gave me that "savings" money. My aunt then disowned me after she kicked me out, at first I was distraught as I truly had no idea what I had done so wrong living with her.
An unfortunate side effect of Autism is you truly dont understand why people react the way they do, and most people don't care enough to take the extra time to talk to us. We are also unfortunately easy to manipulate and break apart. That year I spent with my aunt was meant to build me up, instead it did alot of damage to me mentally. Oh and I dont trust therapists anymore.
To this day I still haven't talked to my aunt and I now always make sure there is a contract made for anything involving money, family or not. To this day, my aunt still belives I'm a Vindictive Sociopath and that she was a saint for dealing with me for so long.
submitted by FotiaStorm to AmITheJerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:24 Slayers_Picks UFC 302 Fight Predictions! (TL;DR)

I hope you're all doing well!
This is a fantastic event, and I had such a fun time writing about it. Although, I gotta say, a break is nice here and there, but getting back into the writing groove is tough lol, so if my writing is subpar here, expect it to be a bit better next week as my brain slowly switches back to writing mode!
(c) - Champ
D/DWCS - Debut/Dana Whites' Contender Series
FLS - Fight Lose Streak
FWS - Fight Win Streak
NS - No Streak
(#x) - Rank in division
x/3 - Confidence Levels
Lets go!
Andre Lima (8-0-0, 8 FWS) v Mitch Raposo (D) (9-1-0, 4 FWS)
Striking: Despite the power of Raposo being a bit of a threat, I do think from a technical standpoint that Lima should be able to see a lot of the predictable attacks from Raposo coming, since Raposo’s best attack, which he uses very often, is his wide right during a two to three punch sequence, so as long as Lima avoids that and retaliates accordingly with his own boxing, we should be able to see Lima be the more effective striker.
Wrestling/Grappling: I don’t think either fighter wrestles when they fight, I mean, the footage I have seen from Raposo has mostly been him using his striking, and the same could very much be said about Lima. So, I call it a tie here, maybe?
Cardio: Lima is the one who is coming into this fight off a full camp in preparation for two other opponents who dropped out, and whilst a sudden change in opponent sucks because gameplans change, that cardio and conditioning work that has been done will still shine.
Prediction: Lima via KO R2 (1/3)
Women’s Bantamweight
Joselyne Edwards (+210) (13-5-0, NS) v Ailin Perez (-265) (9-2-0, 2 FWS)
Striking: I mean, considering this fight is between a striker and a grappler, I have to give the striking advantage to Edwards here, she is the longer fighter, she does have the power and the technique to make this a little bit tricky for Perez to close in and get that takedown she very much needs, but I don’t exactly rate Edwards’ striking to be particularly high in any regard.
Wrestling/Grappling: This is Perez’ bread and butter, she uses her wrestling almost exclusively when she fights, and the moment she is in a very strong top position, that’s when you typically see her let her hands go and land some solid ground and pound.
Cardio: I have criticised Edwards’ cardio in my main write up, she is a 1.5 round fighter at best and I do think that if Perez is the one to execute her takedowns effectively and with vicious amounts of activity on top, we will only see that fatigue appear sooner. Perez probably has the default advantage also given her style is practically to wrestle, and you need to have a good gas tank to do all that.
Prediction: Perez via KO R3 (2/3)
Mickey Gall (+225) (7-5-0, 2 FLS) v Bassil Hafez (-290) (8-4-1, NS)
Striking: I mean, this is a contentious one because on one hand Hafez has the power advantage, he was wild but he made it gritty against JDM in his debut, but is wildness enough on the feet to deal with Gall who, despite being away for two years, could be coming back looking like a brand new fighter? I am leaning on Gall being the more effective striker here, but it’s a bit of an unclear one due to that time away.
Wrestling/Grappling: This is a clash between a good BJJ fighter in Gall and an excellent wrestler in Hafez… and since Gall has dreadful takedown defence, sitting pretty at 36%, I cannot help but think Hafez has the advantage here. There is a possibility that Gall, using his height and reach advantage, could lock in a guillotine submission as a counter to one of Hafez’s takedowns, so if you want to sprinkle something on Gall winning this one by submission, i wouldn’t blame you, but I think the wrestling output from Hafez is enough to nullify a lot of the submission threat, as long as that guillotine is not locked in tight.
Cardio: I know there is talk about Hafez having bad cardio when he fought JDM, but I think he was stylistically backed into a corner. His main style is wrestling yet he faced JDM on short notice, and I mean, JDM’s takedown defence is legit.
Prediction: Hafez via UD (1/3)
Niko Price (+210) (15-7-0, 2 FLS) v Alex Morono (-260) (24-9-0, NS)
Striking: This is an interesting one because both have their little tendencies… Morono is a bit unorthodox with the way he strikes, he has an awkward stance, he plods forward and his leg is often exposed which I can see Price attacking very often during this fight, but Morono’s quick one two is pretty fascinating to watch, it comes from a slightly higher angle, shoulder height instead of chest height almost, and that could make it hard for Price to get a read on things. It’s pretty even here to be honest.
Wrestling/Grappling: If we are talking about straight grappling, Morono has a massive advantage here, although we don’t normally see Morono control his opponent enough to wrestle them to the ground, so I think his grappling is situational for the most part, instead of an active style he uses, if that makes sense?
Cardio: Pretty even here to be honest, although Morono has shown to be fairly good in three round fights, fighting at a relatively high pace, although he does wilt from time to time, that could just be his style, conservation in the last rounds and such. Price has great cardio too, he has ridiculously good output but I just don’t know if that output is going to be there when that one-two from Morono is going to be a bit problematic. 50/50 here.
Prediction: Morono via UD (1/3)
Phil Rowe (+135) (10-4-0, NS) v Jake Matthews (-165) (19-7-0, NS)
Striking: Rowe has the clear reach advantage in this fight, he uses his reach well, using awesome straight one-two combinations and stance switches, but the thing that makes this most interesting is that Matthews has a boxing style of weaving into range, and it’s in the pocket where Rowe doesn’t strike as well as he normally does at range, and I just see Matthews landing his strongest punches from that pocket position, just off the weave and angle change. Both fighters have very, very good striking, but the one with the advantage depends on the position of the fighters.
Wrestling/Grappling: Matthews built his career off wrestling, he’s got a very strong wrestling base, and whilst he doesn’t use it as much as he should these days, it is still very much a skill that he could pull out and surprise Rowe with. Slight advantage goes to Matthews, and it’s only slight due to how little he wrestles these days.
Cardio: Man, both are really durable fighters who can take a fight to the distance and still look fresh, it’s a tough one to decide who is better, so it’s a tie here.
Prediction: Matthews via UD (1/3)
Grant Dawson (#15) (-320) (20-2-1, NS) v Joe Solecki (+250) (13-4-0, NS)
Striking: Dawson probably has the advantage here, but since both fighters have such a focus on wrestling and grappling, it’s a bit hard to be confident in saying that Dawson has the better striking. I do know that Solecki doesn’t strike that much, and Dawson has shown to have decent boxing, so there’s that at least.
Wrestling/Grappling: I like Solecki’s BJJ, he’s very, very good on the ground, but BJJ is only good if you can catch someone in a submission, its ineffective until it is effective and I don’t think Dawson is going to let Solecki set up Submissions without a lot of resistance. So, it’s a battle of wrestling versus grappling here in my opinion, and its pretty damn close, I still think Dawson is going to control Solecki for most of the fight, but Solecki could pull off a funky little sub off his back.
Cardio: I don’t think this one matters a whole lot here, Dawson usually thrives in long fights, he’s great at grinding out his opponents on the ground, and since he is probably going to be in top position for most of the fight, I do think he can wear Solecki down here. So, Dawson probably has the advantage here.
Prediction: Dawson via UD (2/3)
Roman Kopylov (-135) (12-3-0, NS) v Cesar Almeida (+115) (5-0-0, 5 FWS)
Striking: This is going to first and foremost be a fantastic stand up bout, Kopylov is insanely quick with his southpaw powerside attacks, his straight left is a danger to almost anyone, but the problem that I see him facing is the fact he tends to be too hittable at times, I mean, if Fremd can smack around Kopylov a bit, what can Almeida do? Almeida is a very high level kickboxer who has a brilliant left hook (as well as practically every other attack a kickboxer might use, including leg kicks), and I only highlight the left hook because Kopylov leaves that right hand a bit out from a proper shell position, so I can’t help but think that left hook is going to be a dangerous weapon for Kopylov to deal with. Almeida has the better striking here, only due to his credentials though.
Wrestling/Grappling: I mean, Kopylov is a multiple time Sambo champion, so I do think he has the ability to mix it up and make it interesting for Almeida, but Almeida himself has decent takedown defence and grappling defence, so it kind of almost negates each other, but still, the longer the fight takes place on the ground, the better it is for Kopylov here. Slight advantage to Kopylov.
Cardio: Tough one to decide, but Kopylov is pretty good at fighting in the second and third round, whereas Almeida might be good in the second or third, but there’s not quite enough fights to where I can say that comfortably. 50/50 here.
Prediction: Almeida via KO R2 (1/3)
Main Card
Randy Brown (-155) (18-5-0, 2 FWS) v Elizeu Zaleski (+130) (24-7-1, 1D/2FWS)
Striking: It’s a bit of a battle of range and power here, Brown has the reach advantage to glide on the outside and let his hands go a bit more comfortably, but he is also quite good at mixing in teeps and leg kicks, so he’s quite dynamic at range. Zaleski is very, very good at making this a gritty fight, if he can close the range he can certainly land cleanly against Brown because Browns best defence is his distance management, so Zaleski’s best chance at a clean punch is to enter the pocket and fire away. It’s a bit of a 50/50 but given the reach advantage of Brown I think he has the very slight advantage here.
Wrestling/Grappling: I know Brown doesn’t wrestle a lot, but it could really play into his favour in this fight, just to mix it up a bit. I haven’t exactly seen Zaleski look for takedowns a whole lot, he’s mostly a striker but quite adaptable on the ground, so the advantage here is also a 50/50 as its situational.
Cardio: I know that Zaleski is getting up there in age, but he still holds up well in distance fights. Brown has great cardio too and he’s good at maintaining a high pace of activity, especially at distance. My only concern is if he gets his legs chewed up by Zaleski’s kicks, that might seriously sap his tank a bit. Maybe a 50/50 here.
Prediction: Brown via UD (1/3)
Jailton Almeida (#6) (-300) (20-3-0, NS) v Alexandr Romanov (#14) (+240) (17-2-0, NS)
Striking: Almeida probably has better striking than Romanov, but its only very slight since he focuses a lot on his wrestling pressure and grappling.
Wrestling/Grappling: I can go back and forth about this one for quite some time, but you’re here for the plain and simples, not the fluff, so to put it bluntly, Almeida has much better aggressive wrestling than Romanov has defensive wrestling (outwrestled by Espino), I believe that Almeida also has that BJJ that will help him control Romanov on the ground.
Cardio: Almeida has decent cardio, he might be a bit lay and pray-ish but he’s great at pressuring his opponent and sapping their cardio quicker than he saps his own cardio, so I got Almeida having the better gas tank here.
Prediction: Almeida via UD (1/3)
Kevin Holland (-250) (25-11-0, 2 FLS) v Michal Oleksiejczuk (+200) (19-7-0, NS)
Striking: Holland has a wide range of attacks that he uses, although he is mostly known for his sharp long boxing, and its that long striking which could be most problematic for Oleksiejczuk. Holland is also moving up to 185 again so we might see some more impactful shots since he will be less depleted during fight day.
Wrestling/Grappling: Holland used to be a grappler, he has quite a few submissions under his belt, and it is proven that Oleksiejczuk is not good at all on the ground, so if Holland was to wrestle in this fight, he would be the far superior grappler. I mean, most of Oleksiejczuks losses have been from submission, so it just makes sense to me that Holland would be a lot better than Oleksiejczuk on the ground.
Cardio: You cannot count out Hollands cardio here, the dudes a bundle of endless energy. He is built for durability, he took severe punishment when he fought Thompson and MVP and still stood tall and hung in there. That’s not just a show of “heart”, that’s a well conditioned fighter.
Prediction: Holland via KO R2 (2/3)
Co-Main Event
Sean Strickland (#2) (-205) (28-6-0, NS) v Paulo Costa (#8) (+170) (14-3-0, NS)
Striking: It’s a story of two styles here, Strickland has an excellent jab cross, his boxing fundamentals are his strongest assets as a striker, he doesn’t stray from the ordinary too much, everything is clean, maybe a bit repetitive, but that striking, alongside his forward pressure, has resulted in some slick victories on his behalf. Costa on the other hand is the exact opposite. Big movements, big actions, massive power, that’s Costa in a few words, he is chaotic and is able to disrupt the pattern of Strickland, and if he looks good enough to the judges despite the strikes being a bit ineffective, then he could very well get the nod.
Wrestling/Grappling: I don’t think i’ve ever seen Strickland wrestle. I mean, he trains out of Xtreme Couture so he certainly should have some wrestling under his belt, but he doesn’t exactly use it a lot. Same as Costa, Costa is mostly a striker so he tends to avoid a lot of grappling situations as much as possible. I don’t think either fighter has an advantage in grappling here.
Cardio: Strickland doesn’t look any different in the 5th than he does in the first, so I think Strickland has the far better cardio, and Costa tends to throw big attacks early which saps the gas tank a bit. So, Strickland has the better cardio here.
Prediction: Strickland via UD (1/3)
Main Event
Lightweight Championship Bout
Islam Makhachev (c) (-480) (25-1-0, 13 FWS) v Dustin Poirier (#5) (+360) (30-8-0, NS)
Striking: There is little doubt that when it comes to technique and timing, Poirier is at a ridiculously high level. He holds all the cards when the fight takes place on the feet, all he needs to contend with is the wild power and speed of Makhachev, but Makhachev mostly uses his power and speed to close the distance and raise the guard of his opponents, making those takedowns a bit easier. I cannot wait to see if Poirier lands that fight ending left or right hook.
Wrestling/Grappling: This is all Makhachev, and whilst you might argue that Poirier has great grappling, I think it’s a bit basic in comparison to Makhachevs, and if you know Makhachev, he prepares for the best his opponent can ever do, I think he trains to overestimate everything his opponent has to offer, so as soon as the fight hits the ground, expect Makhachev to thrive.
Cardio: Both have reasonably good cardio to be honest, but there’s something special about Makhachev, he is so full on and fights at such a nasty pace throughout all 3-5 rounds that his opponent can barely keep up with him… He only wilted once before, and that was against Volkanovski, late into the 5th round, in that very first fight, that’s stupendously impressive.
Prediction: Makhachev via Sub R2 (2/3)
Primary Parlay - Price/Morono o2.5 or GTD + Dawson/Solecki o2.5 or GTD + Almeida/Kopylov ITD + Makhachev/Poirier ITD
Secondary Parlay - Price/Morono o2.5 or GTD + Almeida/Romanov R3 Starts Yes + Strickland/Costa o2.5 + Makhachev/Poirier u3.5 or ITD
Locks: Perez (optional), Dawson, Almeida, Holland and Makhachev.
Alt Bets: Kopylov Points, Zaleski KO/Points, Costa KO/Points, Poirier KO R1 2 or 3 (combo rounds)
Prediction Accuracy for 2024: 64.3%
If you would like to donate and support me, as this is my only income, please do so via Paypal. All write ups are free, donations are insanely optional!
if you wish to keep in contact with me or follow me on twitter, my twitter handle is @Slayer_Tip, and my Discord is Slayertip#7013.
Lets have a fun and friendly discussion down below about this weekends card!
I hope you all have an amazing day, look after yourselves, and enjoy this awesome event!
submitted by Slayers_Picks to MMAbetting [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:22 Edchart Master Your Data Skills with Power BI Certification: Your Path to Becoming a Data Analyst

Master Your Data Skills with Power BI Certification: Your Path to Becoming a Data Analyst

Edchart certification: Enhance your career with globally recognized credentials

Edchart Certification

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Master your Data Skills with the Power BI Certificate: Your Path to Become a Data Analyst

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Visit Edchart’s Certification Page for more information and to see the complete list of courses that we offer.
submitted by Edchart to Edchart [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:19 ArmyofSpies Cardano Rumor Rundown May 29, 2024

Hey Everyone!
Let’s go….
Newly Covered Today:
  1. Sorry, Dragon. A senator from the least populated state in the union just deeply wounded your entire agenda in one day.
  2. Very interesting! Fallout from the Dragon's failure in the Senate vote?
  3. Wow! Is this shit actually happening? If it is, we have the Senate SAB 121 beatdown to thank for this HUGE shift in policy.
  4. The anti-crypto betas might be trying to strike back with opposition to Fit 21.
  5. Looks like the message is only "strong opposition" as opposed to "don't you dare vote for this crypto bullshit".
  6. The US state government rush to crypto has begun.
  7. This is what we wanna see: states competing to host us.
  8. Don't know anything about the project, but this is a pretty decent sized raise.
  9. A huge thank you is due to Lummis and Gillibrand for pushing so hard for crypto in the Senate.
  10. McHenry on pushing Fit21 crypto legislation forward.
  11. The DOJ is talking about "MEV" and "fraud" in this indictment. Shocked I tell you! Shocked!
  12. Schumer knows they're at a pivotal moment vs. Warren and the White House.
  13. Senate Dems are trying to find a fix for the White House being. Having to veto the will of your own party's senators wouldn't be a good look in an election year.
  14. Which one of you was this?
  15. Why Cardano? Because:
  16. it should be.
  17. The English translation of what's coming out of the Dutch Tornado Cash case is brutal.
  18. Paul Ryan is talking about stablecoins as a solution to help treasury auctions?
  19. Epic community note about TPS in blockchains.
  20. Apparently, Cardano's biggest competitor is inflationary again.
  21. Mr. T pities the fools in banking who are gonna get wrecked by Commercial Real Estate.
  22. Nothing to see here!
  23. It's easy to forget there are only a few "decentralized" blockchains bigger than Cardano.
  24. Development on Kraken's SEC battle.
  25. Thank you non-octogenarian members of Congress. No surprise to see our crypto ally Torres in there.
  26. White House threatens veto of House Bill repealing SAB121.
  27. The White House is wild for doing this in an election year.
  28. Why is it happening? Because the White House economic staff is answering to the Dragon, not the guy who needs to win re-election as President.
  29. McHenry on SAB121.
  30. House bill to repeal SAB121 passes with the support of 21 Democrats even after the White House veto threat. This is huge. Now on to the Senate.
  31. Doom on Hydra!
  32. Dragon also taking heat on her reaction to the FDIC scandal.
  33. People are still massively sleeping on typescript in the ecosystem, totally separate from the addition of regulatorily compliant privacy.
  34. Grewal getting spicy in his retort to Gensler double talk.
  35. Lubin on the SEC crackdown and MetaMask Wells Notice.
  36. Robinhood received a Wells Notice. They're definitely trying to cover all the big on-ramps.
  37. Politico article on the SeC and crypto.
  38. Druckenmiller on how easy this could have been.
  39. Fairly accurate.
  40. Did someone say airdrop? Wait…what about the tokenomics?
  41. Why Haskell? Ask Anduril.
  42. The dirty little secret of Cardano’s main competitors?
  43. The first treasury buy-back since 2002?!? So the treasuries are removed in exchange for more fiat being issued into the ecosystem. Definitely doesn’t sound like the start of things that look like QE under a new name.
  44. Look at the difference 150 bps makes.
  45. What Biden’s guy wishes he said (of course with the nuance that actual physical printing…not what we’re worried about here…is done by Bureau of Engraving & Printing of Treasury).
  46. Set “Apply Thresholding” to “None” to see the real numbers.
  47. Not gonna lie. This is pretty fire from Sen. Lummis.
  48. Three different non-BTC crypto ETFs are now listed on Hong Kong. Progress!
  49. Grayscale is basically the worst ex ever. Getting our stuff out of their place has been painful and seems to never end.
  50. Consensys has sued the SEC seeking clarity around Ethereum and securities laws.
  51. Biden: Long-term capital gains to 44.6% + unrealized gains tax! Crypto: No thanks.
  52. Damn…they want CZ to get three years!
  53. Pragma: a new Cardano members based organization! Initial focus to be on Aiken and Amaru (a second client for Cardano…which we need).
  54. I think we all knew this was coming at some point for Tron.
  55. The SEC attorneys who were on Debt Box have exited the SEC.
  56. Kennedy is talking about putting the US Government budget on the blockchain. Dude may be predicting the future. But, how far out is it?
  57. We made it! Halving complete![](
  58. Damn! Kennedy is embracing the ChazHosk endorsement!
  59. So close, but yet so far!
  60. Once again, we are the best blockchain.
  61. Hong Kong ETFs, you say?!?
  62. As predicted when the investigation was revealed and Uniswap Labs took synthetics off their front end, the SEC has dropped a Wells Notice on Uniswap.
  63. A full suit against Uniswap is only a matter of time given the current composition of the Gensler led Commission.
  64. The founder of Uniswap on their willingness to fight the upcoming battle with the SEC.
  65. It's definitely a little crazy given the recent ruling on Coinbase Wallet not being a broker. But, this is the result of an agenda, not fair and impartial treatment.
  66. Ouch! Hotter than expected CPI for April.
  67. So-called "super core" inflation (no shelter, energy, or food costs) is even hotter.
  68. Cardano's biggest competitor can't even decide what its issuance rate should be.
  69. People are sleeping so hard on how much demographics are going to affect economies over the next few decades. Wild decisions will be made in attempts to remedy these problems.
  70. Even Chairman Ryan sees the severity of the problem.
  71. This shows all the biggest depopulation trends.
  72. Operation Chokepoint 2.0 continues, apparently!
  73. Weird that it hurts so little when you know they're on the descent.
  74. No private liability for secondary trading on exchanges.
  75. No matter how much people will obsess over various wild-niche-bullshit things, the real story over this cycle will (as always) just be this:
Previously covered, but still interesting:
  1. Not to worry: the on/off function of a large Cardano competitor is still functioning as usual.
  2. bitcoin mining is an emergency now....okay. Makes perfect sense.
  3. ..and as expected, their reaction is censorship.
  4. Pretty much what happened.
  5. Watching Deaton challenge for the Dragon's seat is going to be some incredible fun.
  6. Definitely no bias built into Big Tech AI! These MFers can't be trusted.
  7. This one could end up addressing some interesting questions around government intervention in...basically just computation.
  8. 2020: "Binance is unstoppable." 2024:
  9. Very telling that it's just becoming clear to them that "crypto is here to stay".
  10. Maybe..crypto is just dreaming. But, it would send a shockwave through DC if Deaton won!
  11. Arthur Hayes with the unabashed Cardano hate. Why? Because it's valued???
  12. Yep. The KYCing of self-custodied wallets is upon us.
  13. Still ranked crazy high in the brand intimacy rankings.
  14. What do we have here?
  15. We haven't seen this before.
  16. The crystal ball not looking good for an ETH ETF approval in May.
  17. At least one candidate is with us.
  18. The Dubai police are using the Cardano blockchain?
  19. The truth will out...
  20. Vechain is posting about Cardano and Charles.
  21. We're still doing this CFTC vs. SEC thing?
  22. Welcome to the show of magic, mystery, and sorcery where I, the GREAT VALDINO, will turn Ethereum into Cardano before your very eyes!
  23. And then the ETH Foundation warrant canary vanished. Interesting move in an election year. They really don't put any respeck on the name of our voting power.
  24. Unsurprisingly, a16z seems to disagree with any assertion by the SEC that ETH (in it's new proof-of-stake form) is a security.
  25. 2024 is not going well for SEC litigation.
  26. Oh okay...Japanese stagflation after 17 years of lowezero/negative interest rates. Yeah, sounds like everything's fine.
~Army of Spies
submitted by ArmyofSpies to cardano [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:18 Dear_Initiative_8285 I think I’m in love with my best friend and there’s literally nothing I can do about it

This is something that might seem clear cut at first but trust me there’s outside circumstances that make it tricky. I (24F) have known my best friend (24F, let’s call her Gene) since undergrad. We were randomly assigned roommates and basically hit it off right away. Because we went to a pretty liberal arts-y school, we talked about sexuality pretty early. She was openly queer and had a little experience dating, while I was very confused and had no experience with anything. Anyways we got along like we’d been lifelong friends. She showed me her hometown, I showed her mine, we cooked for each other, I confided in my dreams of grad school and she told me about wanting to help kids. I can truly say I’ve never felt more seen or valued than when I’m with her and I’m pretty sure she would say the same. I’m confident about this because in March of 2020 I had a horrible cold (not covid) and while the world was preparing to fall apart and I was stuck on the couch with a fever she told me she’d had a crush on me for the two years we’d lived together. I was pretty out of it so I kind of just went “oh lol cool. Flattered. Sorry if I lead you on and you’re my best friend.”
This is where things start to get sticky. I definitely was more than flattered, but I’m not really a person who’s completely in tune with their emotions. Half the time I bury them so deep I don’t notice they’re there, especially anything romantic. My parents got divorced when I was young, and I didn’t really have any other relationships to look to as a kid. My grandparents were divorced, even my great grand parents were divorced, and my mom and dad didn’t really enter any other model relationships the rest of my childhood. Then, during my sophomore year of undergrad, I found out my mom was the married neighbor’s mistress. Up until that point my mom had been my rock, and this completely shattered my relationship with her. That was quickly followed by an announcement that she would be selling my childhood home and moving out of the country to be with her married boyfriend. This was all starting to happening when Gene told me how she felt in 2019, so obviously I was not in a place where I could know if I felt the same let alone tell her if I did. Covid happens, we move out of the dorms and get an apartment together, we never have a problem all throughout quarantine (I mean, disagreements but nothing major). Sometime in 2021 I think Gene and I had a little night of drinking at home and watching stupid movies and I don’t know how the conversation turned to her feelings for me but we ended up talking about it again. Her words were something like “I just hope that if anything good comes from this, it’s that you’ll know people want to love you” which was a major insecurity at the time. I asked if she still had feelings for me and she said “I don’t not”. She cried, I couldn’t. Time passes, we graduate, she gets a job right away helping kids, I get into my dream grad school and start the semester after graduating undergrad. Small problem, the school is in my home state. Which is across the country from where Gene had just gotten a job. So I move back and honestly just started sobbing as soon as the moving van pulled out. I lived alone for a year and missed her the whole time, lived with a roommate for a year and missed her the whole time, graduated with a masters in a field that basically ties me to my home state and I know I’ll miss her every second I’m here. We’ve seen each other for weekend trips and I went back to visit her one summer, and each time we’re together it feels like we just click back into place and we both cry when it’s time to go to the airport. We text almost constantly, love to do digital watch parties, and I can say with full confidence we’re still best friends. Except you might have noticed that maybe, possibly, potentially, my feelings also go a bit deeper and probably always did.
We both live in different states, we both have careers in different states. Gene’s family is close to her, my family is close to me. So what good would come from telling her how I feel? I know she’s been trying to date and I don’t want my weird delayed confession to make her feel like she can’t talk to me about that part of her life (even though yes obviously it makes me almost pathetically jealous but Gene has a tough time talking about that stuff with people and I don’t want her to feel like I can’t be a person for her to go to). If she still happens to have the same feelings now she did years ago, there’s still nothing we could do. Neither of us could move until a year from now, and I’ve seen firsthand the damage moving for a significant other does to not only the two involved, but the people around them. It would be easier for her to move than me, but I’d hate that I took her away from her family and life to move to a state where she knows me and no one else. I’d hate that some little part of her would resent me for dragging her out here, but the industry I literally just got a masters degree for doesn’t exist outside the city I’m currently in. But most likely, if I told Gene, absolutely nothing would happen. Because apparently that is the standard I’ve set.
TLDR: My best friend and I have been dancing around each other for six years but our lives keep us as physically far apart as possible, also I have emotional issues.
submitted by Dear_Initiative_8285 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:16 Luna_Kitsune_1994 Would I be the A-hole to no longer allow my Trans sister into my house ever again

TLDR: My sister who I have supported ever since she came out as trans and before that as non-binary came to my house, with only two weeks to prepare for two extra people. She came to my house with her dog she barely controlled. Was inconsiderate of the small space of our house and made it impossible for movement without her dog attacking mine and my partners ankles. She left trash and dishes in the area she was taking up. And made rude comments about my insecurities to one of my partners behind my back.
For some backstory
I (30F) have always loved all of my siblings. I'm my Father's 4th child and my Mother's 2nd child. My Dad has three children from a previous marriage before my Mom. My Mother had a child when she was 17 and gave my older brother who I know nothing about, up for adoption. Also (important later) each pregnancy my Mother went through she had gained a lot of weight. She also gained a lot of weight while trying to be on birth control. Pregnancy, birth control and hormones did nothing for body images for the women of my Mom's side of the family.
When I was six and my Mom was pregnant with my youngest sister (23F) We will call her E. My Mom and Dad got a divorce. For the first few years E, myself and J (28 F trans sister.) were all on good terms. That is until one summer when my Dad was visiting us. E, J, and I were all swimming and having child play competitions. I won the swimming race followed closely by J. I turned around to see E floating as if lifeless. I recognized the danger and swam out to get her and get her out of the water. E was only 3 years old at the time. She has nearly drowned to death, but my quick actions and thinking saved her life. We immediately called My Mom to tell her what happened and she cut the visit with my Dad short to take E to the hospital to make sure there was no further damage. Since then. My Mom became really protective of E and instead of praising my efforts I'm saving my baby sister, she tore me down for not being more vigilant since my Dad was so irresponsible.
Now mind you my Dad was in the area where E was drowning but was further away than I was to react. And when he reached us he helped pull E out of the water. This is when my Mom started to start degrading our Dad to our faces. She spoke I'll of our Dad constantly and be J was once male and looked a lot like our Dad. J had once shared the name of our Dad letter by letter. our Mom would compare her to our Dad in the most nastiest of ways and tell her that she would never amount to anything in her life. And when I started yelling at my Mom for the nasty way she was treating J. J started her transition at a early age. It was small at first when she came out and told the entirety of Moms side of the family that she wanted her name to be different than what it was and because it was what My Mom wanted originally, J was no longer the target of much of our Mom's wrath. So E and J started to grow closer together because they were more accepted by our Mother than I was.
See in my My Mom's and her parents eyes, I was a problem child. And I needed to behave set and set an example to my younger two siblings. She wanted me to cut contact with my Dad and anyone related to him, but I love my Dad and his side of the family more than anyone on my Mom's side. So I remained in constant contact with them. This angered my Mom. And she started to physically, mentally, emotionally abuse me. This led J and E to believe I was a bad person and when their birthday came up. And I say birthday, because J and E were born on the same exact day, just 5 years apart. Anyway they would gang up on me to make me feel bad about myself. Due to this behavior not only from my two younger siblings and Mom, but my Mom's side of the family, I began struggling mentally and emotionally for a very, very long time. Struggling with self image issues, people pleasing and misguided actions to try and please everyone around me. I never felt good enough. And I started to dress in ways that would get attention on me. To try to be seen and heard. Only to be told that as a 14 year old virgin that I looked like I was 6 months pregnant, because of how my belly developed when I hit puberty. After that I struggled to eat. And when I did eat it wasn't very much. However, when I didn't do what my Mother wanted me to do she would find news ways to punish me one of them was not allowing me to eat for 3 days straight. And the only reason that stopped was because my Dad's side of the family knew of my struggles and when I ate 3 plates of food they knew something was seriously wrong and asked me about it. And they threatened to remove me from the home if it ever happened again. Things got worse from there. I'm not going to go into anymore detail.
Skip forward to when I was 18. I started dating a highschool sweetheart of mine again. We had broken up in highschool because he had insulted one of best friends at that time. Only for her to burn bridges with me later down the road. Anyway after I had turned 19 he proposed to me. And we got married the day before I turned 20. So this was 10 years ago. Well when I married him I wasn't aware of the horrors that I gotten myself into. To not go into detail. He was extremely abusive and caused me to lose my daughter four days after Christmas day of 2015. When the doctors removed my daughter from my womb (six months along at this time.) She had a different complexion of skin than myself and my husband. She was much darker than either of us. And that is when I realized that during some naughty scenes that I thought was my husband trying to bring spice to the relationship, was actually h selling me for profit. Then what the doctors told me next pulled me out of my Epiphany of what I just realized, and caused me to spiral into the deepest depression I had ever been in. They told me that the abuse my Ex put me through caused my daughters face to cave in. After that I left my Ex husband and divorced him.
After 7 years of a shitty and abusive life after the horrible still birth of my daughter. Filled with 14 miscarriages. I have decided to get a change of scenery and moved states. Shortly after I did. I met my now Wifey (34F) and my Hubby (37M). For context. Hubby and Wifey are already married to each other. And six months prior to meeting me, Wifey had just lost her own baby through miscarriage due to medical malpractice. When I came into the state that I currently live in. I was immediately introduced to Hubby and Wifey. After the course of the month Hubby, Wifey and I all started to get to one another. And I liked them instantly. They had me on track to getting a new job, going to college, and encouraging me to be me without the fear of judgement. This made me feel safe and secure with them. Aomth after meeting them we all 3 decided to be in a relationship together. And before we had done anything remotely intimate, we ALL agreed out of respect for one another to all get checked for STD's. We all came out clean and we decided to start and intimate relationship. 6 months after being in the relationship. I find out that I am pregnant. And it was rough. Like really rough. My mornings sickness had me running to the toilet every ten minutes. Then I started to swell severely. Then I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Then I was showing multiple signs of preeclampsia. Unfortunately with me not being aware of the symptoms of preeclampsia I brushes of said symptoms as normal things that I would go through on a regular basis. This lead me to being so worn out I had to leave work half way through my shifts a lot. I went to work everyday that I was scheduled. Until the day that I went in for my final appointment with my OBGYN, before W (1 M) was born. All that day all I could think about was that my son had to get out and that something was wrong. The following day my son was born healthy and did not spend a single second in the NICU. And two days later after C-section I was ready to go home.
Then ended up having to go back to the hospital two days later, because I was having severe pain in my chest that would not go away. And got worse over the course of those two days. When we went back. I told them that I was just there for a C-section and that I was preeclamptic during my pregnancy and was having chest pain. They immediately took me back and began hooking my up to multiple monitors and started me on a bag of Magnesium Sulfate. Only for them to tell me that if I had ignored the pain and not come in that I would have most likely died within the next two days or so. After they saw that was no longer in need of magnesium they sent me home with a prescription to help manage my blood pressure.
Well now onto the Main story This past week was W's first birthday and several months ago we had planned for only my Dad to come up for the occasion and W is his first grandchild let alone Grandson of his that will know my Dad as Grandpa. Well less than a month ago. J, who has finally made her full transition to being female two years ago, ended up saying that she needed to leave state and had already made plans before this to move in with our Dad this summer. Well J ended up moving in with my Dad about a week before he was going to come to the state I am in for his Grandson's first birthday. And J wanted to come. So I said yes. Now to be clear I love my sister J with all my heart, but she's a pain in my ass at times. This time was no exception, but she crossed too many boundaries.
1 I told J that if she was bringing her dog to bring a kennel with her. She did not and did not tell my Dad or anyone that she did not bring a kennel. Due to her dog having SEVERE separation anxiety. I sighed and let it go.
2 My bigger dog is super protective of my home and my son. And due to this I did everything I could to keep her happy and calm and away from J and her dog to prevent any serious issues from happening.
3 I gave J the option to sleep on a mattress that Wifey was willing to give up for the time being. To sleep on it either in my son's room or the living room. Telling her that she would have to make room every morning for people to maneuver of she chose the living room. She chose the living room
With these three things set in place verbally. I expected her to follow the rules. Now you may be wondering where my Dad was. Well. See Wifey has her own space she calls her office, because it was where is was working from when she had a job. We have two memory foam mattresses that were there before I was and a regular spring mattress. We had finally put the spring mattress on a bed frame after sleeping on top of two full size mattress and the spring mattress. So we put the two extra mattresses in Wifey's office on top of the little couch that spread into a full size bed. I took one mattress for J and left the other in the office of Wifey. And that was where my Dad slept and Wifey left her office to my Dad for the 4 days they were here. Now my Dad is a kind loving person, but this visit he seemed stressed and did not look too well. Unlike last year. This was concerning to me, Wifey and Hubby.
While my Dad stayed in Wifey's office, J was out in the living room taking up all the space in it. She had brought her comfort items. Two really huge stuffed animals one being a unicorn and the other being a peep stuffy. While J was here she only moved the Mattress twice. Her dog was going up to my bigger dogs kennel and barking at my bigger dog cause my bigger dog to get aggravated. I told J to get her dog under control. J did not and the behavior of J's dog continued. J also constantly left trash lying around and refused to use the same bowl twice that we provided for her dog and brought out the small glass one, even though there bowls already provided. We have water bottles that we told J and my Dad that were W's emergency water supply as our Landlord has a habit of turning off water at random to work on the aquifer as we run on well water. J drank the water bottles that were meant for W's emergency supply.
While J was holding her Nephew for the first time J's dog was trying bite my son. And J set my son aside and attended to his dog and my son nearly fell from the couch, but thankfully I was right there and prevented that from happening.
While J was here she ignored that her dog was biting at our ankles and I told J and her dog that if her dog did it one more time I was going to smack it for attacking. J rolled her eyes and if it weren't a big deal for the way her dog was behaving. So the next time J's dog bit me. I barely even tapped it and the dog went ballistic as if I was killing the damn thing and J did nothing.
J also left our front door open multiple times and I told her that if she didn't start closing the door and we lost one of our cats due to it I was going to be pissed. As we have lost a cat due to people going 75 MPH down the 35 MPH road just outside our front door. J did not listen and thankfully our cats remained hidden in the house away from the devil dog that belongs to my sister.
Now I have been working on a lot of issues that held me back from keeping a clean home. And I have made a lot of progress. When J was here all that progress was thrown out the window as I see J doing the exact same things I was working to correct. She did not ever pick up any mess her dog made unless I specifically told J to do it. And then yell at her to do it an hour later. And then she immediately did it.
Now I have always been supportive of my sister J since she came out as non binary before she came out as trans and continued to support her. I had given her skirts, taught how to shave. So while she staying here. I gave her a dress that I knew would look good on her and meant a lot to me. And I taught her how to do her makeup on her.
Then yesterday, the day after my sister J and Dad left. Hubby had told me about something that was being said about me. J had told Hubby that I had gained a lot of weight since moving states and that I was turning to my Mom. And that my Mom had over ate due to her emotions. Which I know did not count for much of her weight gain. Basically insuating that I did not gain my weight due to pregnancy.
This whole experience was so infuriating. And I want to support my sister, so I contacted my older sibling and them what I should do. Only to learn that my Older Sibling cut ties with J, because of how badly J was shit talking me.
For some context
1 I have absolutely done everything I could to help support J in her transition. From clothes to makeup to shoes.
2 I have gone out of my way to defend J from anyone including our Mother from the negative and hurtful things that were being said about J being Trans.
3 I went out of my to do my best to accommodate J when she was here for only a few days.
4 I gave her a dress that meant a lot to me, because it was beautiful on her.
All of this to have get after her for not obeying the ground rules of our house, to disregard any mess her damn dog left. For her to leave the door wide open for more than a few seconds. And for her to allow her dog to try and attack my Son only for J to set my son aside and tend to her dog and leave my son in danger. After she knew all the struggles I went through to finally carry a healthy child.
So would I be the A hole to refuse my Trans sister entry intoy home ever again?
submitted by Luna_Kitsune_1994 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:14 Significant-Tower146 Best 45-70 Scopes

Best 45-70 Scopes
Let's take a closer look at the world of 45-70 scopes - the ultimate accessory for your firearm that will elevate your shooting experience to new heights. Our expert roundup covers the top-rated models in the market, diving into their features, accuracy, and overall performance. Get ready to be impressed as we showcase the best 45-70 scopes that deliver exceptional precision, durability, and value for your money.

The Top 19 Best 45-70 Scopes

  1. Leupold Gold Ring 12-40x60mm HD Folded Light Path Spotting Scope - The Leupold Gold Ring 12-40x60mm HD Spotting Scope offers superior image quality with a compact, lightweight design, making it an ideal choice for avid outdoor enthusiasts seeking advanced optical performance.
  2. TruGlo Crossbow Scope with Unisex Camo Design - Upgrade your crossbow performance with TruGlo's rangefinding, trajectory compensating 4x32 scope, featuring shock-resistant durability, generously long eye relief, and advanced optics under the camouflage finish—perfect for unisex use.
  3. High-Quality 25-75x70 Spotting Scope with Phone Adapter - Enhance your outdoor experiences with the SVBONY 3X Spotting Scope, featuring a 25-75x70 magnification and waterproof design, perfect for hunting, target shooting, and stargazing.
  4. Leupold VX-SS Spotting Scope 20-60x80mm: Compact, High-Performance Scope for Precise Adjustments and Magnification - Experience exceptional magnification and crisp resolution with the lightweight Leupold VXSS 20-60x80mm Gold Ring T-MOA Spotting Scope, featuring a folding light path design, impact reticle, and long eye relief for ultimate convenience and durability.
  5. Premium Spotting Scope with Folded Light Path Technology and 100% Waterproof Construction - Experience unmatched image quality and portability with the Leupold Gold Ring 12-40x60mm HD Spotting Scope, featuring a prism-less Folded Light Path, Extra Low Dispersion Optical System, and 100% waterproof and fog proof construction.
  6. Advanced 15-45x60 FDE T Series Scope with ED Prime Glass and Mil-Hash Reticle - Experience sharp, colorful, and waterproof visibility with the Mil-Hash reticle-equipped Bushnell T Series FDE scope, perfect for 350 Legend rifles.
  7. UHD Spotting Scope with Apochromatic Lens System and Advanced Fully Multi-Coated Lenses - The Athlon Optics Ares G2 UHD 20-60x85 Spotting Scope delivers unparalleled clarity and precision, making it the perfect choice for birding enthusiasts and precision shooters alike.
  8. High-Quality Argon Optics Argos HD Spotting Scope with Advanced Multi-Coated Lenses and Durable Rubber Armor - The Athlon Optics Argos HD 20-60x85 Spotting Scope offers fantastic optical clarity, brightness, and durability, making it a top choice for avid hunters and nature enthusiasts.
  9. Celestron TrailSeeker 65 Spotting Scope - Compact and Versatile - Discover the thrilling world of outdoor observations with Celestron TrailSeeker 65, featuring XLT fully multi-coated optics and a dual focus mechanism, delivering top-quality, high-contrast images with ease.
  10. Celestron TrailSeeker 80 Spotting Scope: Portable, High-Performance Optics for Outdoor Exploration - The Celestron TrailSeeker 80 Spotting Scope provides high-quality images with its proprietary XLT fully multi-coated optics, allowing users to easily fine-tune focus and enjoy a versatile zoom range in a compact, lightweight package.
  11. Celestron 70mm Travel Scope with All Coated Glass Optics - Celestron 21035 70mm Travel Scope delivers vibrant, detailed images with its all-coated glass optical elements and easy-to-set-up altazimuth mount, perfect for exploring the night sky.
  12. UHD 20-60x85 Athlon Spotting Scope: High-Performance 45 Degree Angle Scope for 500 Yard Viewing - Experience stunning color accuracy, unparalleled clarity, and exceptional contrast with the Athlon Spotting Scope Ares G2 20-60x85 UHD 45-degree. Perfect for long-distance viewing enthusiasts and precision shooters alike!
  13. Leupold SX-2 Alpine HD - Versatile Spotting Scope with Exceptional Performance - The Leupold SX-2 Alpine HD 20-60x 80mm Angled Spotting Scope is a durable and waterproof choice for all-day glassing, with a generous field of view and Leupold's Twilight Max Light Management System for optimal performance in low light conditions.
  14. Celestron Travel Scope 70mm Telescope: Portable and Easy to Use - Experience clear, high-quality views on the go with the Celestron Travel Scope 70mm Refractor Telescope Kit, boasting a portable design perfect for both astronomical and terrestrial use.
  15. National Geographic Refracting Telescope for Stellar Views - The National Geographic 70mm Refracting Telescope offers rich field views, allowing you to explore the night sky and capture stunning landscape imagery through its 90-degree diagonal eyepiece.
  16. Professional Canon Telephoto Zoom Lens for Excellent Image Quality - Capture stunning, high-resolution images with the Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L USM Lens, a professional-grade telephoto zoom lens equipped with the L-series quality and user-friendly features.
  17. TrailSeeker 100 Spotting Scope: Versatile & High-Performance 22-67x Magnification Optic - Capture the perfect moment with the Celestron TrailSeeker 100, featuring a 22-67x zoom eyepiece and optimized optical capabilities, for unparalleled performance in any weather condition.
  18. Fullum Folded 45" Newtonian Telescope for Astro Observations - Unleash your stargazing potential with the Optiques Fullum Folded Newtonian 45", featuring stunning resolving power and a stellar limiting magnitude of 17.99, all wrapped in a 4000mm focal length and f/3.5 focal ratio for unprecedented magnification.
  19. Orion Observer II 70mm Altazimuth Refractor Telescope Kit: Enhanced Stargazing Experience - The Orion Observer II 70mm Altazimuth Refractor Telescope Kit is an impressive upgrade from 60mm telescopes, offering better resolution, a larger aperture, and more value-packed accessories for enhanced stargazing experience.
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🔗Leupold Gold Ring 12-40x60mm HD Folded Light Path Spotting Scope
I recently got my hands on the Leupold Gold Ring 12-40x60mm HD Spotting Scope, and I must say it's a game-changer! This little powerhouse boasts an Extra Low Dispersion Optical System, which maximizes color fidelity and contrast. It provides an incredible image across a wide field of view, all with best-in-class eye relief for easy viewing with or without eyeglasses.
One feature that really stood out for me was the Folded Light Path (FLP) system. Instead of using prisms, this system employs mirrors to compress a long optical path into half its length, making the scope incredibly compact and portable.
Another highlight is its magnesium housing. This lightweight material packs a serious punch when it comes to durability, making it ideal for rough outdoor conditions. And don't even get me started on the 100% waterproof and fog proof capabilities - this thing can brave any weather!
However, one issue I encountered was with the focus knob. It's extremely stiff and doesn't change smoothly as you adjust the magnification. It took me quite a few tries to get used to it. Additionally, there's no diopter adjustment, but the good eye relief somewhat compensates for that.
Despite these minor drawbacks, I've been thoroughly impressed by the Leupold Gold Ring HD Spotting Scope. Its top-notch optical performance combined with its rugged construction makes it a strong contender in the realm of spotting scopes. If you're in the market for one, this could be an excellent investment.

🔗TruGlo Crossbow Scope with Unisex Camo Design
I've recently had the chance to try out the TruGlo 4x32 Rangefinding/Trajectory Compensating Crossbow Scope, a nifty piece of equipment for enthusiastic crossbow users like me. The scope's main highlight was its ability to find the range and calculate the correct trajectory for my crossbow bolts. In my experience, this feature proved to be quite handy in my local archery range, particularly for those days when the wind and temperature were unstable.
One of the things that stood out to me was the scope's robustness. It was designed to handle the harsh conditions of the outdoors, as evidenced by the sturdy aluminum body and the shock-resistant construction. This scope also offered a generous 4-inch eye relief, a feature that helped protect my eyes during those blustery hunting sessions.
The scope's lenses were fully-coated, making them highly resistant to glare, a common concern for crossbow users shooting in low-light conditions. Additionally, the durable leavespring for windage and elevation adjustments were a welcomed bonus, allowing me to finetune my shots with ease.
On the downside, one of the screws on the scope rings was stripped, a minor issue that wasn't a deal-breaker. I also discovered that the scope wasn't rated specifically for a particular crossbow speed. To achieve optimal accuracy, I had to adjust the scope manually, which was a bit tricky and time-consuming.
Regardless of these minor downsides, the TruGlo 4x32 Rangefinding/Trajectory Compensating Crossbow Scope proved to be an essential piece of equipment in my hunting arsenal. Its ease of use, durable construction, and helpful features make it an excellent choice for anyone seeking to upgrade their crossbow hunting experience.

🔗High-Quality 25-75x70 Spotting Scope with Phone Adapter

In my pursuit of a new spotting scope that could enhance my wildlife viewing and target shooting experiences, I stumbled upon the SVBONY SV28 Spotting Scopes. From the moment I opened the package, I was impressed by its sleek exterior and sturdy construction.
One feature that stood out to me was its range of magnification capabilities - the SV28 allowed me to adjust the magnification according to my target distance, providing crystal clear image quality. The lens was exceptionally sharp, making it perfect for both target shooting and observing nature. Another aspect I appreciated was the ease of focus adjustment, ensuring that every detail was visible no matter the distance.
However, I have to say that the tripod that came with the unit seemed a bit lackluster compared to my usual tripod. I ended up using my own sturdier tripod, but it was still nice to have the option included in the package. Additionally, while the phone adapter was a nice addition, I felt it could have been more user-friendly.
Overall, the SVBONY SV28 Spotting Scopes exceeded my expectations, offering outstanding clarity and exceptional value for its price. Though there were a few minor quibbles, I would definitely recommend it to others in search of a reliable, affordable spotting scope for their outdoor adventures.

🔗Leupold VX-SS Spotting Scope 20-60x80mm: Compact, High-Performance Scope for Precise Adjustments and Magnification
Recently, I had the chance to try out the Leupold GR 20-60x80mm Shadow Gray spotting scope, and let me tell you, it was quite a sight to behold. Whether you're on the hunt for distance or just looking for that perfect view, this scope delivers.
One of the standout features for me was its exceptional magnification. With a range of 20-60x, I could really zoom in on some far off details and still maintain a clear, crisp image. Plus, the folded light path system made it all the more impressive - just look at that compact design!
However, it wasn't all smooth sailing. A couple times, I found myself struggling with some of the finer adjustments - but that might just be because my hands aren't as steady as they used to be.
And of course, I appreciate the durable construction. With its waterproof, fog-resistant, and shock-proof build, you can trust that this scope will hold up no matter what kind of weather or conditions it faces.
There's just so much to love about this scope - from the impeccable clarity to the user-friendly controls. If you're in the market for a spotting scope, I'd definitely recommend giving this one a try.

🔗Premium Spotting Scope with Folded Light Path Technology and 100% Waterproof Construction
During a recent trip to the mountains, I had the chance to put Leupold's Gold Ring 12-40x60mm HD Spotting Scope to the test. While the gray housing looked sleek, it was the scope's impressive durability that truly stood out. I had read that Leupold had implemented a proprietary nitrogen fill process to ensure a 100% waterproof and fog-proof performance. I eagerly put the scope to the test, by inadvertently dipping it into a small stream. To my delight, it continued to function flawlessly, proving the effectiveness of this innovative feature.
A few days later, I took the scope to a nearby wildlife preserve to spot endangered birds in their natural habitat. The scope's impressive magnification was an absolute game-changer. It allowed me to observe the delicate intricacies of these fascinating creatures, from the texture of their feathers to their unique flight patterns. The extra low dispersion optical system played a pivotal role in delivering stunningly vivid and bright colors, contributing to an overall remarkable viewing experience.
The tripod-ready feature also proved to be quite practical in my adventure, as it enabled me to easily stabilize the scope for extended periods of time, even under challenging conditions. The prism-less folding light path, which uses mirrors to compress the long optical system, was another standout feature. It significantly reduced the scope's weight and made it more compact, making it convenient to carry anywhere.
Although the price of this Gold Ring scope is significantly higher than most other brands, it's worth every penny. Its remarkable performance ensures that it remains a valuable addition to my gear, even amidst the vast competition in the market. With a plethora of customizable settings, the scope serves as an unparalleled guide for spotting and tracking game, be it for hunting or observational purposes. While the Leupold 20x60x80 Gold Ring might seem expensive, the extraordinary visual performance it delivers makes it truly worth the investment.

🔗Advanced 15-45x60 FDE T Series Scope with ED Prime Glass and Mil-Hash Reticle
I've been using this Bushnell T spotting scope in my outdoor activities, and it's been quite the experience. The Mil-Hash reticle works seamlessly with the Mil-Base riflescope reticle, making zeroing a breeze. The scope has a heavy-duty, militaristic feel with a rubberized coating. The Picatinny rail mounts are a nice touch, and they're also compatible with a red dot sight for added accuracy.
The optical clarity is what one can expect at this price point, but it does the job well enough. The lens caps make it a breeze to protect the glass from dust, debris, and other environmental conditions. The only issue I had with the front lens cap is the lack of a lanyard attachment, making it easily misplaced.
The case, on the other hand, left me concerned about Bushnell's overall quality. The Velcro stitching on the lens flap failed on the first day, and the scope case seems too small for the scope. The magnification setting ring could use some improvement as well, but overall, it's an acceptable addition.
Despite these minor drawbacks, the scope has proven to be durable and holds up well under rough outdoor conditions. Its compact design and easy-to-handle eyepiece make it a top choice for avid spotters. With a solid construction, good image quality, and an attractive price point, this Bushnell T series spotting scope is worth considering for your next outdoor adventure.

🔗UHD Spotting Scope with Apochromatic Lens System and Advanced Fully Multi-Coated Lenses
In the world of optics, the Athlon Optics Ares G2 UHD 20-60x85 Straight Spotting Scope has made a name for itself. It's not just for the birders spotting variances in plumage from far away or for the precision shooters who aim for targets at 1,000 yards, the scope's extra-low dispersion glass provides vivid clarity and resolution in a full-size spotting scope.
Athlon has cleverly designed it to be lightweight although strong, making it comfortable to carry and use for long periods. The aluminum alloy chassis adds to its strength without making it too heavy. With its twist-up eye-cup, it allows you to set the eyecup to the perfect eye relief for your eyes, ensuring a comfortable viewing experience.
Its ESP Dielectric Coating gives you an advantage in viewing with an image that has little or no chromatic fringe for the clearest and sharpest image. The UHD Glass in the lens helps in converging refracting colors into one focus point, producing greater contrast, sharpness, and color definition.
Reflecting over 99% of the light to your eyes, the scope brings you a clear, bright image and accurate color reproduction, thanks to the BaK4 Prisms coupled with advanced fully multi-coated lenses. It produces perfect brightness and color across the entire light spectrum, making viewing under different lighting conditions a breeze.
And when it comes to durability, the scope doesn't disappoint. It comes with an extra protective layer coating that keeps the exterior of the lens free from dirt and scratches. It's also Argon Purged and Waterproof, ensuring weatherproof performance even in harsh conditions. Purging allows for better waterproofing/fogging, making sure your scope doesn't fog up when you switch environments.
Overall, it's a joy to use this spotting scope. It's not just about viewing in high detail but also the ease it offers in using it. You won't be disappointed with its performance and features.

🔗High-Quality Argon Optics Argos HD Spotting Scope with Advanced Multi-Coated Lenses and Durable Rubber Armor

The Athlon Optics Argos HD 20-60x85 spotting scope captured my attention with its high-grade Argon gas and BaK4 Prisms, which deliver a fog-free experience and impressive image clarity. I was particularly impressed with the advanced fully multi-coated lenses that reflect more light, giving me sharper and brighter images. The composite chassis not only provides strength but is also much lighter than I had anticipated.
One feature that stood out in my experience was the twist-up eye-cup, allowing me to easily adjust the eye relief to suit my own comfort. In addition, the argon purged and waterproof design provided an added layer of protection during my outdoor adventures.
While I was largely satisfied with this spotting scope, I did encounter a couple of downsides. Occasionally, the image seemed slightly blurry when zoomed in at max power, though this was less of an issue overall. Additionally, some users reported difficulties with perfect focus, a challenge I experienced myself but found manageable with some adjustment.
Overall, I believe the Athlon Optics Argos HD spotting scope offers a solid balance of performance and affordability, making it a worthwhile choice for outdoor enthusiasts seeking quality optics without breaking the bank.

🔗Celestron TrailSeeker 65 Spotting Scope - Compact and Versatile
As someone who spends a lot of time birdwatching, I was eager to try out the Celestron TrailSeeker 65 spotting scope. With its 45-degree eyepiece, it offered a great balance between magnification and field of view, making it perfect for observing birds in their natural habitat.
One of the standout features of this spotting scope is its fully multi-coated XLT optics, which deliver crisp, high contrast images. It made a huge difference in the clarity and sharpness of the images I was able to see through the scope. The dual focus mechanism was also a game-changer, allowing me to quickly home in on my subject before finely tuning the image.
However, there were a few drawbacks I noticed while using the TrailSeeker 65. The scope's waterproofing seemed to slightly impact the clarity of the image, causing some distortion around the edges. Additionally, the tripod adaptability could have been improved, as I found it quite challenging to adjust the scope on uneven terrain.
Overall, the Celestron TrailSeeker 65 spotting scope was a great investment for someone looking for a solid, easy-to-carry scope that delivers great performance. While it may not be perfect for everyone, I certainly recommend it to those in search of a top-notch birdwatching tool.

🔗Celestron TrailSeeker 80 Spotting Scope: Portable, High-Performance Optics for Outdoor Exploration
The Celestron TrailSeeker 80 spotting scope has been my go-to tool for spotting birds and capturing stunning images of nature. Its 80mm objective lens allows plenty of light to reach the prism and fully multi-coated XLT optics ensure crisp, high contrast images. The 45-degree eyepiece provides a wider field of view, perfect for bird watching and landscape photography.
One of the features that stood out to me is the dual focus mechanism. It's incredibly easy to quickly focus on a subject and then fine-tune the image using the course and fine adjustments. Plus, the rotating tripod mount allows for a full 360-degree view, which is particularly useful for landscape photography and bird watching.
The TrailSeeker 80 is also a breeze to carry around, thanks to its compact size and lightweight construction. I love that it has an objective lens diameter of 80mm, which lets in plenty of light while keeping the overall size of the scope to a minimum.
Of course, no product is perfect and I did notice a couple of minor drawbacks. The focus ring is slightly off-center, which is something I wish Celestron could have addressed. Additionally, the protective nylon case isn't the most sophisticated, but it does the job.
Overall, the Celestron TrailSeeker 80 spotting scope has exceeded my expectations. Its performance and ease of use make it a must-have for both amateur and professional bird watchers and nature photographers.

🔗Celestron 70mm Travel Scope with All Coated Glass Optics
The Celestron 21035 70mm Travel Scope is the perfect companion for those who love the night sky and want to explore it without breaking the bank. As an experienced astronomer, I've had my fair share of scopes, and I must say, this one exceeded all my expectations.
The scope's all coated glass optical elements allow for clear, crisp images that make it a delight to observe the backyard birds or the vast expanse of the night sky. The smooth functioning altazimuth mount makes pointing to objects a breeze, and the preassembled aluminum full-size photographic tripod adds to the convenience of setting up the scope quickly.
However, the 20mm eyepiece does have a narrower field of view, which may be a downside for some, but the scope's overall performance more than compensates for it. The tripod may be flimsy for some, but its lightweight design is perfect for travel and outdoor activities.
In conclusion, the Celestron Travel Scope 70 is a fantastic choice for those who want an affordable, portable, and high-quality telescope that offers excellent views by day and amazing performance under the stars. Its compact size, lightweight design, and detailed instructions make it a great option for both beginners and experienced astronomers alike.

🔗UHD 20-60x85 Athlon Spotting Scope: High-Performance 45 Degree Angle Scope for 500 Yard Viewing

The Athlon Spotting Scope Ares G2 20-60x85 UHD 45 Degree has been a game changer in my bird watching routine. With its 20-60x magnification, I can spot even the smallest feather details from a great distance. The UHD glass provides stunning color and contrast, making it effortless to distinguish between different species.
The ESP dielectric coating ensures that the image is crystal clear, with minimal chromatic fringe. The BaK4 prisms and advanced fully multi-coated lenses make the view even brighter and sharper, creating a truly immersive experience. I also appreciate the aluminum alloy chassis that provides both strength and lightweight portability.
The twist-up eye-cup allows me to set the perfect eye relief, and the extra protective layer coating keeps the lens safe from dirt and scratches. Overall, the Ares G2 is a fantastic addition to my bird watching gear, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a top-quality spotting scope.

🔗Leupold SX-2 Alpine HD - Versatile Spotting Scope with Exceptional Performance

I recently had the chance to put the Leupold SX-2 Alpine HD 20-60x80 Angled Spotting Scope to the test, and I must say, it performed exceptionally well. As someone who spends a lot of time outdoors, I appreciated the scope's ruggedness and 100% waterproof and fogproof design.
One of the standout features for me was the oversized eyepiece, which allowed for comfortable all-day glassing. The Twilight Max Light Management System also proved to be a game-changer, as it helped me see more in less light while reducing glare. Whether I was at the range or heading out for a big game hunt, the SX-2 Alpine HD made my experience all the more enjoyable.
However, there were a couple of downsides I encountered. The end caps for the eyepiece and end lens cap were a bit of a hassle, as they tended to come off rather easily. I would have appreciated some sort of protective cover for these delicate parts. Additionally, the scope is a bit on the heavy side, which can be a drawback for those planning to take it on extended backpacking trips.
Overall, the Leupold SX-2 Alpine HD 20-60x80 Angled Spotting Scope is a solid choice for anyone looking for an affordable, high-quality spotting scope. While there are a few areas that could use some improvement, the pros definitely outweigh the cons in my experience.

🔗Celestron Travel Scope 70mm Telescope: Portable and Easy to Use
The Celestron Travel Scope 70 is a compact and portable telescope designed for astronomical and terrestrial use. Its refractor-style optical tube assembly has a decent aperture for gathering light and producing a moderate magnification potential. The included photo-style alt-az pan/tilt head allows for smooth movement and easy set up, while the preassembled aluminum tripod provides stability on a variety of surfaces. The kit also comes with two eyepieces offering 20x and 40x magnifications, as well as an erecting prism for use as a conventional spotting scope. Everything fits into the included canvas backpack for ultimate portability.
My experience using the Celestron Travel Scope 70 was quite enjoyable. The compact design made it easy to take with me on outdoor adventures, and the quick set up time meant I could start observing the night sky or terrestrial objects in no time. I found the lightweight yet sturdy materials used in the construction to be a nice touch, ensuring stability without adding excess weight.
One feature that stood out to me was the ease of use – the telescope and tripod fit perfectly inside the included backpack, and setting it up required minimal effort. However, the limited magnification options might not be suitable for those seeking more intense stargazing experiences.
Overall, the Celestron Travel Scope 70 is a convenient and efficient telescope for those looking for a portable, easy-to-use option. Its compact design and decent performance make it a great choice for both beginners and experienced stargazers alike.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to choosing the right 45-70 scope, there are several factors to consider. This buyer's guide will provide you with the necessary information to make an informed decision.

Scope Magnification

The magnification of a scope is a vital factor that affects its performance. For 45-70 scopes, you'll want to consider a magnification range of at least 3-9x. This will provide a suitable range for most hunting scenarios while maintaining a decent field of view.

Objective Lens Size

A larger objective lens size will allow more light to enter the scope, improving its low-light performance. For 45-70 scopes, consider a minimum objective lens size of 44mm. However, also keep in mind that a larger lens might add additional weight to the scope.

Reticle Style

Different reticle styles are designed for various shooting scenarios. Consider factors like the terrain where you'll be hunting and your shooting distance when choosing a reticle style. MOA and MRAD reticles are popular choices for 45-70 scopes.

Durability and Waterproofing

A good 45-70 scope should be durable and able to withstand harsh outdoor conditions. Ensure the scope is waterproof and fog-proof for optimal performance in various environments.

Eye Relief and Focus

Eye relief and focus ensure a comfortable shooting experience. Adequate eye relief reduces the chances of accidental scope strikes, while a focus adjustment makes it easy to correct for any vision issues.

Battery Life and Controls

For scopes with illuminated reticles, battery life is an essential factor. A scope with a longer battery life will minimize the need for frequent battery replacements. Additionally, well-designed controls make it easy to adjust brightness levels.

Size and Weight

The size and weight of a 45-70 scope should be considered, especially when planning to carry it for an extended period. Look for a balance between size, weight, and functionality.

Brand Reputation and Warranty

Choose a scope from a reputable brand known for its excellent products and customer service. Additionally, a good warranty ensures you're covered in case of any manufacturing defects or issues.


Always set a budget for your 45-70 scope. This will help narrow down your options and ensure you're not overspending on unnecessary features.


What is the purpose of 45-70 scopes for firearms?

45-70 scopes are designed for hunting with a. 45-70 Government rifle. They offer enhanced accuracy, speed, and ease of use compared to traditional iron sights.

How do 45-70 scopes differ from other scopes?

45-70 scopes are specifically designed for the power and trajectory of the. 45-70 cartridge. They have longer eye relief than other scopes, which is essential when shooting high-powered rifles.

What makes a good quality 45-70 scope?

A good 45-70 scope should have a clear, high-quality optic with multiple magnification options to suit different shooting distances. It should also be rugged, waterproof, and shock-resistant to withstand the harsh conditions of hunting.

What is the ideal magnification for a 45-70 scope?

The ideal magnification for a 45-70 scope is 1.5x to 9x. This allows for fast, accurate shooting at closer ranges and adequate magnification for long-range shots.

What are the best 45-70 scopes on the market?

Some of the best 45-70 scopes available are:
  • Leupold VX-2 3-9x40mm Rifle Scope
  • Vortex Optics Viper 3-9x40mm PA Rifle Scope
  • Bushnell Trophy TRS-25 2.5x36mm Rifle Scope
  • Trijicon AccuPoint 50 OBSD Riflescope

How do I mount a 45-70 scope on my rifle?

Mounting a 45-70 scope on your rifle requires you to attach the scope rings and bases to your rifle's action. Consult your scope's manual or a professional gunsmith to ensure a proper fit and secure mounting.

Are there any accessories I should consider when purchasing a 45-70 scope?

While not necessary, some accessories you may want to consider with your 45-70 scope include:
  • Scope covers to protect the scope from sun, dust, and moisture
  • Scope rings to ensure a secure and accurate mounting
  • Mounting bases for a custom fit to your rifle
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submitted by Significant-Tower146 to u/Significant-Tower146 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:13 SupremeKingUltima I just finished the Anime and this is how i rank the sisters Part 2

Not gonna lie i was somewhat surprised to find such varying replies on how i ranked the sisters and with much pushing from the comments and myself I’ve finally managed to find some time to give out my reasons. Now without further delay let’s get started.
5: Itsuki Nakano
When we were first introduced to the red head i had HUGE expectations being an avid believer in the “first girl gets the ship” Trope, throughout season 1 i watched her relationship with futaro grow quite a bit.. Sure they had a couple altercations here and there but hey.. She literarily came over to his home and if that doesn’t spell “SHIP SAILED” then i don’t know what would.. At least that’s what i thought. Here comes season 2 and for some reason Itsuki is way more docile and noticeably much different than she was when we first met her. At first i thought she was just shy/nervous but as the season continued and her sisters began to also grow there relationship with Futaro and she didn’t i began to wonder if she just saw him as a friend of something, Because while all her other sisters were trynna GET THAT BAG, she pretty much didn’t do shit, and here’s what sealed the deal; On that one episode where all the sisters disguised themselves as Itsuki each trying to proclaim there love for him.. During the final moments of that episode there was a scene where an “Itsuki” tackled Futaro into an “Accidental” kiss. I fully believed it was the real itsuki and was somewhat elated that i could actually confirm that she still liked him and didn’t just see him as a friend. But who would have guess that it was FUCKING YOTSUBA.
  1. MIKU Nakano
Miku is our little introverted beauty who loves Futaro-Kun very very much. Considering that most dudes who watch romance anime are single af and are also usually introverted (Literally 80% of Anime fans) Lol, Ya’ll soaked up the cutie like a sponge,.. Because what guy wouldn’t want a lovable little cinnamon roll with a great personality they can dominate…
(Did i touch a nerve?) and if i’m not wrong she probably has the second-highest fanbase within the sisters. I’ll be honest with you, all jokes aside i actually don’t have any criticisms about Miku but simply put, compared to the other girls on the rest of this list in terms of writing, dialogue, on screen moments, etc.. she simply falls behind.
Siiiiiiiiiiiiighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I hate, i hate, i hate, i hate, i hate, i hate, i hate, i hate, i hate, i hate, i hate, i hate, i hate, i hate , i hate Yotsuba. Fortunately i am capable of looking past my emotions and seeing the Truth. Now there’s 2 types of Yotsuba = Before you know her past & After you know her past. Subject A (Season 1 - Late Season 2 Yotsuba); I always saw her as a ditzy airhead who i had no doubt in my mind was gonna lose because why would futaro pick her? She’s quite literarily a dumbass.. Impulsive and is the total opposite of the type of woman Futaro would ever choose to be with. (Retroactively speaking) AND THEN.. Subject B (True Yotsuba) When shit finally hit the fan we got to see her for her true self.. Yotsuba was the first to gain an identity of her own, the first to try to be different, the first to find love, the first who wanted to receive praises from her mother unique to her. And over time it wore down on her mental faculties.. No one really cared about her efforts and she began to give into her intrusive thoughts regressing into a being much lower than her original self. I would rather not YAP more than i need to because you’ve watched the Anime too and given her backstory in accordance to Futaro i can without a doubt tell you that this girl deserves it.. She deserves to be happy, she deserved to end up with Futaro more than any of her sisters. (Btw before learning of her backstory she was DEAD LAST on my list LMAO).
Nino is what Miku WISHES she was: Confident, fine asf, popular, resilient, heck Nino is basically Backstory Yotsuba if she had some real back bone. She literarily confessed to Futaro right to his face cause she’s that GAL. Literarily since she was introduced you could feel that Aura right from the screen, a tsundere who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to GET IT. She keeps talking her shit and FUCKING DOES IT. Narratively speaking she knocks Itsuka, Miku and Yotsuba (Without backstory) out of the PARK.
Imagine yourself in my shoes for a moment; you just got done watching this Anime and your on tiktok searching up some edits of the anime cause that’s where Anime fanbases are really lurking.. You scroll, and scroll, and scroll, and scroll, and scroll some more.. Where the fuck is Ichika? (Imagine my surprise learning that majority of the fandom hates her.. -_-)
When she was first introduced i wasn’t too impressed and used to make jokes about how “They gave her ass the lesbian haircut”.. Then here comes her interactions with Futaro. Right from the start we can see that she’s fundamentally different than the rest of the quins, she’s more independent and mature than her sisters much a this being very paramount during the festival scene in season 1 where we find out she’s an actress (and i shit you not with the way the plot was going i actually thought she got herself in a porno because it literarily went from the characters at first thinking she was a Model, and then when it was mentioned that she was an actress and video i was like “Ichika you wouldn’t..would you?” The suspense was choking tf outta me.) Ps: At that time in season 1 we the viewers never knew she was the oldest or youngest quin..)
Then there was when she was locked inside the barn/warehouse with Futaro that she was falling in love because her heart wouldn’t stop beating rapidly.. Such scenes and development led to Futaro falling asleep in her laps in another episode a premise the anime wasn’t shy about repeating with Ichika on another episode acting out a short film in the bakery Futaro worked at where after some events after she fell asleep while being in his embrace.. (A level of intimacy never replicated by ANY of the other sisters) and this was when i officially started rooting for them. As more episodes began to pass one after the other i realized she had a charisma unmatched by her fellow quins.. She could read people, talk to people with very noticeable intelligent qualities and i could tell she wasn’t one of the generic rom girls. Now it has come to my attention that one of the reasons she’s disliked is because folks thinks she’s selfish and bad person and the thing is they take the one BAD she’s done and use it to justify her whole character. First of all because she and her sisters moved out of there original home Ichika because she had a job at the time began to fund their living expenses. it even got so bad that she began pulling out of her savings to take care of herself and he sisters while still fantasizing about wanting to take care of Futaro as well, stating that she doesn’t care if they got together and he doesn’t have a job because she was going to take care of him.
(OP’S, if a drop-dead gorgeous girl like Ichika wants you so much that she’s willing to do all this, you had better be sucking her toes every night if she asks you to.. And I’m being so fucking serious right now). Next we have those who hate her because she cheated and disguised herself as Miku to go meet Futaro. I’m not gonna deny that what she did was wrong but are you gonna tell me that when you saw a nice gal that you really really wanted you didn’t don the finest of your garments and try your hardest to spit the fire’st game the world has ever seen? Not to mention that it was NINO.. yes the one who ya’ll seem to think could do no wrong who proclaimed to Ichika that although the loves her sisters she was going to step over them to make sure Futaro chose her. (This scene plays out while they were in the Onsen) Such proclamations is what prompted Ichika to shift into high gear to claim what she wanted. (As far as i’m concerned Ichika should’ve ended up with Futaro.. Fuck Yotsuba bitch ass).
These are my reasons for my ranking!! XDD
submitted by SupremeKingUltima to 5ToubunNoHanayome [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:08 Remote_Speed_3736 It feels like there’s no one who understands.

This is going to be long, but I’ll try to make it short.
This young woman that I used to call my best friend, I’ve just realized is a narcissist.
We share over 200 of the same friends. I met her 5 years ago. But we got really close over the last year. A group of 4 of us, were really closed and talked daily. I would consider myself the glue to the friendships because I always planned gatherings, planned parties at my home. I always included their SOs and their children in these events too.
There were a lot of red flags, but I ignored them because I wanted to see the good. We had similar interest and I enjoyed her company. She said all the kindest things and always made it seem like she heard me. But she also always thought everyone wanted/obsessed/jealous of her, had burned through jobs, friends, relationships, family, nothing ever was her fault, she was so difficult to talk to in the sense that she never wanted to hear what she didn’t want to here, she never put her kids first, always on dates- sleeping with men- staying out all night, she talked trash about our other friends and was always mad at someone for something dumb, she always bragged about things (even weird shit like a guy hitting on her at the gas station), she had a lot of double standards- like one set of rules for her and another for others.
So at the end of last month, I was on a 2 week vacay to Europe. She got upset because I would be there on her birthday. So I planned a special celebration for when I got home. So I would get home on Tuesday then fly to Houston from VA on Friday to attend a concert with her and then fly back Sunday. I really went out of my way to make this happen. While I was in Europe, I wished her a hbd their time and va time. She tells me her bf forgot her bday and our other two friends didn’t plan anything for her. Come to find out our other 2 friends did plan something for her and she cancelled on them and went out with her bf. So lies. For sympathy?
So fast forward to Sunday, the flight home. They are auctioning people off our 1p flight home for a 400$ voucher because the flight is overbooked. She wants to do that. I tell her I can’t, I need to get home. I have 4 dogs, my ex was watching them and he had just watched them while I was in Europe for 2 weeks (so I felt bad), it was my time with my kid (I missed her, I was just gone for two weeks, and I didn’t have meds for the flight. I take Xanax prior to flights and I had taken it already cause I thought we were getting on this 1pm flight and I don’t have more. I take it for anxiety secondary to IBS. She’s visibly upset. She accuses me of lying. Saying that my bf is with my dogs and I lied about his work schedule. I said no, I know his schedule. My ex is at my house and my other obligations and lack of meds still exist. She’s calls me grumpy. I tell her that she can stay but I can’t. She is visibly angry. I tell her, go ahead and see what the catch is. She does, they say that the next flight is at 11p. She tells me this and says she can’t do that because she has to work at 4a and we wouldn’t be home till 4a. So I think everything’s fine. Nope, wrong. Gives me the silent treatment on the way home.
Fast forward to Wednesday, everything has been back to normal. I invited her to go to FL with me in July. My bf, myself and my daughter would be going and I invited her and her daughter. My bf and I would be paying for everything. I only asked that she cover her plane ticket, which was 163$. She asked if her bf of 3 months could go, I thought it was weird cause I’m paying for everything. I just wanted her kid to go to the beach this summer and have a good time. So I say yes, he can come. She then asked again about the cost of the flight and I tell her 163$ per person. She flys off the handle and starts saying I’m not paying that. And starts saying I exclude her bf from everything and I treat her an him like an inconvenience. I was like what??? I wouldn’t have said yes if he was an inconvenience. And he was invited to Houston and she said she just wanted to go with me. Anyways, this continues over and over- she’s not paying, I treat them xyz way. I apologize over and over and I attempt to clear any misunderstanding.
She starts calling me names. Insist I sent her concert tickets for 6 concerts that I paid for. I tell her no, I paid for them, they’re not yours. I invited you to come. She says no you gifted them to me. I say they’re in my account, I paid for them, they’re mine. She tells me she had told her daughter she could go to the concert that was Friday. I feel bad cause I don’t want her daughter let down, so I send the ticket.
Thursday comes, her daughter’s bday. We had plans to go to get bracelets and dinner as the entire friend group and our kids. She says, cancel the reservations we aren’t going. So I do. But I had gifts and a cake. So I tell her that I’m just going to drop it off at her home. I do, along with a Mother’s Day card, gift and flowers for her.
Friday comes, I go to the concert. The ushers sit me on the other side of her, her daughter sees me and waves. She has an extra seat at her table, so she invites me to sit. Everything’s fine. She asks what I got her daughter for her bday party tomorrow- I show her, she says it’s cute. (So I’m thinking everything is fine).
Saturday comes, I take my daughter and her friend to the party. Her daughter and mine, and her friend hang out at my home and have sleepovers a lot. I get to the trampoline park where the party is at and I text her, “parties are stressful, do you need anything before we come in?” She responds, I would appreciate it if you didn’t come. I said, omg, what? I have two kids going to a party they were invited to. I never thought you would uninvite kids. They’re not involved. She said, idc, don’t sit with me. I said, that’s fine, I’ll sit elsewhere, can the kids sit with you. She said no. I said, okay, can my kid give yours this gift she just picked for her at the store? She said no.
I told the kids, she isn’t feeling well, so you guys need to sit with me. You can play with the bday girl, but don’t sit at her table- she’s overwhelmed.
She then blocks me on text. Then text friend A messages me saying “why did you say that I said Narc friend makes disgusting comments?” I was like what? What are you talking about? She said, “sure, say what you want about me” I said “ no I never said anything about you”
(Narc friend once told me that you can blackmail someone by changing the name on text- so you can change things to look like someone said something but it be someone else/another number but you see the name as who you want to blackmail. So a fabricated text thread to hurt someone by making it look like you’re talking behind their back)
She then told friend B that I said my bf was beating me and that I was cheating on him. That isn’t true.
Friend B told my bf, saying if she was him she would want to know. He didn’t believe her.
Narc friend has her bf text me- call me names and then say never talk to me again. I never replied. He’s a nice guy. It didn’t make sense. I’ve let him stay at my home several times. Even borrow my car. Spend time with my family.
The narc friend texted my bf telling him that she has proof that I’m stalking her. (That’s the most foul accusation ever.) She said I show up at her house (no I don’t, I went once to give her gifts and I told her I was doing it). She said I asked her husband (yes she has a bf and a husband) for information. (No, I didn’t. He said to me at our kids soccer, “I went to bed early, narc friend is a lot. I said I don’t understand what’s going on but we’re not talking about this, I dont want you involved. The total opposite of trying to get info.) She said I crossed the line talking to her at the concert. She said I approached her kid (no, I did not, her kid came running to me at the party when she spotted me. She screamed my name, hugged and kissed me. I started crying, she kissed the tears on my face. She asked me why I was sad? I said it’s adult stuff, worry about kid stuff, it’s your bday).
She texted my bf and said tell her to leave all of us alone. Friend A and B already made their choice. Or I’ll show her things she doesn’t want you to know. Friend A and I are fine. But friend B betrayed me with the cheating lie.
I sent her, narc friend an email (cause she’s blocked me) asking her to please stop using the term stalking that she knows that it’s untruthful and it’s slander and disgusting.
I said, all of these things you said to my bf are untrue. It needs to stop. All of these places have cameras and witnesses.
She messaged me back and said, I will get a restraining order and you won’t be able to go to your kids soccer games. (I had signed her kid up in the first place, even paid for it and found her birth certificate bc narc friend was too lazy to look for it. She also has only ever gone to 1 game.)
I said you keep asking me to leave you alone. But you keep perpetuating these events. Talking about me. Texting my bf and my friends. Making up lies. Having people text me to bully me. If you leave me alone then all of everything would stop, it makes zero sense.
She said, I’m not going to tell you one more time. I didn’t respond.
Then friend B text my bf and insinuated that I’m mentally ill and need help. I messaged back and said, I’m fine, thanks for asking. I’m not going to be responding to any of you anymore. Please stop. I’m not defending myself any longer. You know all of this has been lies. I have no more apologies for things I haven’t done wrong. Thank you.
The following week at soccer. Her kid bullied mine everyday. Saying, “our moms aren’t friends anymore, so neither are we, and I’m not going to talk to you” and everytime my kid would be talking to someone- her kid would say shut up, no one cares. So her kid is being brainwashed to be involved. Narc friend came to the final game and bullied more kids.
We have a mutual friend who she used to be close to, I wanted some closure that I wasn’t crazy. So I asked her why they had a falling out? She described a very similar situation. She asked me not to tell her over and over because she didn’t want to be involved and endure her wrath.
I’ve received screenshots from people of her;
Asking them to help make fake fb post and text to frame me for cheating on my bf.
That she brought me plan b because I’m pregnant with some other guys baby.
That I stole 5k in donations from her. (I actually gave her 5k that I raised for her).
That I was trying to make her pay for the whole fl vacay and I went ape shit when she wouldn’t.
That she’s been giving me thousands for months and supporting me.
All of this couldn’t be further from the truth. And thankfully people recognize that it’s not my character and are letting me know. I haven’t reached out or responded in two weeks but it still won’t stop.
She went and got tattoos with my friends on Sunday. Then again today. I haven’t told everyone what’s going on. So they don’t know to stay away. But she’s doing it to get to me.
The amount I have done for her and her family. And my other friends is astronomical. I would have to type an entire new post to list that out. So I won’t, just know I am extremely giving and caring.
I feel so stupid and used. She was talking about me behind my back the entire friendship. I’m so hurt. And I have no recourse for what to do because she does not care obviously. I just want the lies and rumors to stop.
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