Free worksheets on masculine and feminine nouns

Medieval Scandinavia: A Resource for Scholars and Enthusiasts of Medieval Scandinavia

2015.02.24 18:55 Medieval Scandinavia: A Resource for Scholars and Enthusiasts of Medieval Scandinavia

This sub is meant for the exchange of ideas, resources and discussion between scholars and enthusiasts of Medieval Scandinavia covering linguistics, Old Norse language learning, literature, religion, folklore, history, archeology and a wide range of other scholarly disciplines. Feel free to contribute Modern Icelandic language learning materials and any other modern Scandinavian languages, as they are useful for this subject matter.

2021.02.16 08:01 TrendyWilliamsShow AutismInWomen

An Autistic Community that is centered around women, afabs, nb, queer, trans, and others that are not cis men. Let's discuss challenges, triumphs, interests, and everything in-between.

2013.01.16 09:36 trotsak Learning Russian with Russians

The collection of p4p best materials for fast and easy learning Russian language.

2024.05.15 18:52 BaraaBilalPal What is the difference between "este" (this), "ese" (that, close to the listener), and "aquel" (that, over there)?

Understanding "Este," "Ese," and "Aquel" in Spanish

When learning Spanish, one of the fundamental aspects to grasp is the use of demonstrative adjectives. These adjectives - "este," "ese," and "aquel" - are used to point out nouns and are akin to the English "this" and "that." However, Spanish adds an extra layer of specificity by indicating not only the proximity to the speaker but also to the listener.

1. Este (This)

"Este" (and its variants: "esta" for feminine singular, "estos" for masculine plural, and "estas" for feminine plural) is used to refer to something that is close to the speaker.

2. Ese (That, close to the listener)

"Ese" (with variants "esa," "esos," and "esas") is used for something that is closer to the listener but not necessarily close to the speaker. Think of it as indicating a mid-range distance.

3. Aquel (That, over there)

"Aquel" (along with "aquella," "aquellos," and "aquellas") is reserved for things that are far away from both the speaker and the listener. It emphasizes a greater distance.

Examples in Context

The appropriate use of "este," "ese," and "aquel" can improve your Spanish communication by making your descriptions more precise.

Practice with Pal

To solidify your understanding of "este," "ese," and "aquel," practice forming sentences and get instant feedback from Pal! Simply:
A. Go to to start.
B. Come up with a sentence using "este," "ese," or "aquel," and send it to Pal.
For example, you could write: "Esa casa es muy bonita." (That house [closer to the listener] is very pretty.)
C. Pal will check your sentence for any errors and provide corrections if needed. Continue the conversation with Pal to practice even more, and soon, you'll be using these demonstrative adjectives like a native! If you struggle to create a sentence, feel free to ask Pal for assistance.
By using Pal, you can ensure you’re practicing daily, catching mistakes early, and improving steadily. Happy learning!
submitted by BaraaBilalPal to PalLearnSpanish [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:52 BaraaBilalPal What is the difference between "todo" (everything) and "todos" (everyone/everything plural)?

Understanding the Difference Between "Todo" and "Todos" in Spanish

Whether you are just getting started with learning Spanish or have been practicing for a while, the distinction between "todo" and "todos" is essential for structuring sentences accurately. Here's a simple guide to help you understand the difference:

1. Todo (Everything)

"Todo" is a singular, masculine word that translates to "everything" in English. It's often used to generalize or refer to all things collectively.

2. Todos (Everyone/Everything Plural)

"Todos" is the plural form and can be used to mean "everyone" or "all" in the context of people or things.
Key Differences:

Additional Forms:

There are also feminine forms of these words: - Toda: Everything (singular, feminine) - Toda la comida está deliciosa. (All the food is delicious.) - Todas: Everyone/Everything (plural, feminine) - Todas están listas. (Everyone [all women] are ready.)

Practice Sentences:

  1. Completa todo el trabajo. (Complete all the work.)
  2. Habla con todos tus amigos. (Talk to all your friends.)

Practice with Pal

Practicing the correct use of "todo" and "todos" can be challenging, but with Pal, you can refine your skills effortlessly.
A. Go to to start.
B. Form a Sentence: - Try to come up with sentences using "todo" and "todos." For example, "Todo está claro" (Everything is clear) or "Todos están felices" (Everyone is happy).
C. Interaction: - Send your sentence to Pal on WhatsApp. If there are any mistakes, Pal will correct them and guide you towards the right phrasing. - Pal will encourage you to keep practicing by continuing the conversation and offering additional sentences and explanations.

Can’t think of a sentence?

No problem! You can simply ask Pal for examples by typing, “Show me examples of 'todo' and 'todos' in sentences.” This will give you a good start.
Using Pal is a fantastic way to make sure you are using the words correctly and to help you become fluent in Spanish. Dive in and give it a try!
Happy learning! 🌟
submitted by BaraaBilalPal to PalLearnSpanish [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:49 BaraaBilalPal How do you differentiate "bueno" (good) from "bien" (well) in Spanish?

How to Differentiate "Bueno" (Good) from "Bien" (Well) in Spanish

Understanding the difference between "bueno" and "bien" can be a little tricky for English speakers because both translate to "good" or "well". However, their usage depends on the context. Let's explore the distinctions:

Bueno (Good)

Bien (Well)

Key Tips for Remembering:

  1. Context Is Key: Use "bueno" or its variations to describe a noun directly.
  2. Modify Verbs/Adjectives: Use "bien" to describe how an action is performed or the state of something.

Common Mistakes:

By internalizing these tips, you can correctly choose between "bueno" and "bien" while forming sentences.

Practice with Pal

Are you ready to practice using "bueno" and "bien"? Improve your fluency with personalized, real-life conversation practice using Pal.
  1. Visit:
  2. Practice Sentence: Come up with a sentence using "bueno" or "bien" and send it to Pal. For example, you could try, "Esta comida es buena," or "El examen salió bien."
  3. Instant Feedback: Pal will correct your sentences if necessary and help you understand why, and you can continue the conversation to solidify your learning. If you're stuck, feel free to ask Pal to form sentences for you!
Keep practicing with Pal to become fluent and comfortable with these commonly confused words!
submitted by BaraaBilalPal to PalLearnSpanish [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:48 BaraaBilalPal How do you differentiate the use of "muy" (very) and "mucho" (a lot) in Spanish?

Understanding the Difference between "Muy" (Very) and "Mucho" (A Lot) in Spanish

When learning Spanish, one critical aspect is understanding how to use "muy" and "mucho" correctly. Both words translate to "very" or "a lot" in English but are used in different contexts. Here's a simple guide to help you master their usage.

1. How to Use "Muy"

"Muy" is equivalent to "very" in English and is used to modify adjectives and adverbs.

2. How to Use "Mucho" / "Mucha" / "Muchos" / "Muchas"

"Mucho" translates to "a lot," "much," or "many" and is used to modify nouns or verbs. It must agree in gender (masculine/feminine) and number (singulaplural) with the noun it modifies.
Quick Tip: "Muy" never changes its form, while "mucho" changes according to the gender and number of the noun it modifies.

Practice with Pal

Ready to put this knowledge into practice? Here's how Pal can help:
  1. Go to
  2. Think of a sentence where you would use "muy" or "mucho." For example, try to describe your daily routine, or something you do frequently.
  3. Send this sentence to Pal. For example:
    • "Estoy muy cansado porque trabajo mucho."
  4. Pal will correct you if there are any mistakes and encourage you to continue the conversation to practice and improve your skills. If you’re stuck, ask Pal to give you more examples or explanations.
Pal is your conversational partner that ensures you practice Spanish every day, helping you become fluent faster. Happy learning!
submitted by BaraaBilalPal to PalLearnSpanish [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:48 BaraaBilalPal How are definite and indefinite articles used in Spanish?

The Role of Definite and Indefinite Articles in Spanish: A Quick Guide

Learning how to use definite and indefinite articles in Spanish is essential for building correct and fluent sentences. These articles help specify whether you are referring to something specific or something more general.

Definite Articles

In Spanish, definite articles are equivalent to the English word "the." There are four types of definite articles, and they must agree in gender and number with the noun they modify:

Indefinite Articles

Indefinite articles are used when referring to an unspecified item or items, similar to "a," "an," or "some" in English. Spanish has four forms of indefinite articles:

Choosing the Right Article

Practice with Pal

Feeling confident about definite and indefinite articles? Now it's your turn to practice!
  1. Visit: Head over to
  2. Send a Sentence: Come up with a sentence using definite or indefinite articles and send it to Pal via WhatsApp. For example, "El gato está en la casa" or "Compré unas manzanas".
  3. Receive Feedback: Pal will correct you if there's anything wrong and provide the correct phrasing, helping you learn more effectively.
  4. Keep the Conversation Going: Continue chatting with Pal. If you're stuck, simply ask Pal for help, and you'll soon become fluent!
Happy learning with Pal!
submitted by BaraaBilalPal to PalLearnSpanish [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:45 BaraaBilalPal What are direct and indirect object pronouns in Spanish?

Understanding Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns in Spanish
When learning Spanish, understanding direct and indirect object pronouns is crucial for mastering the language. These pronouns are vital for replacing nouns and making sentences more concise and fluid. Let’s delve into their definitions, uses, and some examples to give you a clear understanding.

Direct Object Pronouns (Pronombres de objeto directo)

Direct object pronouns answer the question "what?" or "whom?" in relation to the verb. They replace the noun that directly receives the action of the verb.
Here are the direct object pronouns in Spanish:
Examples: 1. Original Sentence: María compra un regalo. With Direct Object Pronoun: María lo compra. (María buys it.)
  1. Original Sentence: Veo a Juan. With Direct Object Pronoun: Lo veo. (I see him.)

Indirect Object Pronouns (Pronombres de objeto indirecto)

Indirect object pronouns answer the question "to whom?" or "for whom?" the action of the verb is performed. They replace the noun that indirectly receives the action of the verb.
Here are the indirect object pronouns in Spanish:
Examples: 1. Original Sentence: Yo doy el libro a María. With Indirect Object Pronoun: Yo le doy el libro. (I give the book to her.)
  1. Original Sentence: Ellos compran flores para su madre. With Indirect Object Pronoun: Ellos le compran flores. (They buy flowers for her.)

Combining Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns

When combined, the order usually follows a pattern: the indirect object pronoun comes before the direct object pronoun.
Examples: 1. Original Sentence: Juan da el libro a María. With Combined Pronouns: Juan se lo da. (Juan gives it to her.)
  1. Original Sentence: Ana envía la carta a nosotros. With Combined Pronouns: Ana nos la envía. (Ana sends it to us.)

Special Note:

When both pronouns start with the letter "l" (e.g., le and lo, le and la), the indirect object pronoun (le, les) changes to "se."
Examples: 1. Le lo doy changes to Se lo doy. 2. Les la traigo changes to Se la traigo.
Practice with Pal:
Learning pronouns can be tricky and requires plenty of practice. You can solidify your grasp by holding conversations and getting immediate feedback.

Ready to practice?

  1. Go to
  2. Come up with a sentence using direct or indirect object pronouns. For example: “I give the book to María” (using indirect object pronoun).
  3. Send your sentence to Pal. Pal will correct you if there are any mistakes and provide the right phrasing. Pal may also continue the conversation, helping you practice using these pronouns in various contexts.
  4. If you’re unsure or struggle to create a sentence, ask Pal for examples or explanations.
By practicing regularly with Pal, you'll develop a deeper understanding and become more confident using direct and indirect object pronouns in your everyday Spanish conversations. Happy learning!
submitted by BaraaBilalPal to PalLearnSpanish [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:28 PanHyridae Can I be both Non Binary and Masculine at the same time?

Hello! I've considered myself Non-Binary for about the past year now and I 100% prefer using they/them whenever possible. However, there are still times where I use He/Him (among family or co workers for example) and I still respond to it when called it accidentally as well. But something I still want to just understand and make sure, it's fine for me to call myself non binary while still being masculine/male, right? For context, I am a 26 year old black guy from the southern US. I still present masculine for safety reasons as well as just being a bit comfortable with a more "masculine but comfortable" approach to things along with keeping my beard, but I don't feel "male" all the time especially with how I grew up here in Alabama and have started to prefer They/Them pronouns most of the times as well as sometimes even more feminine clothing. However, I have found the term "demiboy" but that does not feel like it fits me at all since my situation is a bit more...odd I guess? I'm not sure how to put it all but I am still discovering myself and would just like for someone else to chime in on what I may be feeling! The overall reasoning for why I feel N/B is a little bit more complex and more than what I would like to get into in a post like this however.
And even if there is a term specifically for me, would just calling myself non-binary still be appropriate if I feel that's what matches most?
Thank you for any help! <3
submitted by PanHyridae to NonBinary [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:13 Jh0nPerez Spanish help for your Spanish test/exam. Get the best deal for your Spanish homework. Native expert in Spanish assignments with vouches (VPN available) Discord: jperez

Discord: jperez
Email: [](
Hola, ¿qué tal? My name is Jhon Pérez, a native Spanish tutor with over 10 years of experience in Spanish homework. I can help you with any type of Spanish assignments: exams, quizzes, tests, worksheets and essays.
I've done many accounts on VHL Central, McGraw Hill, Blackboard, Canvas, MyLabs, Cengage, Desire2Learn, ELEteca, Edgenuity, Contraseña, WileyPlus and more.
Besides being a native Spanish speaker, I have knowledge of vocabulary, functional grammar and the functions of all levels of Spanish (Beginners A1-A2, Intermediate B1-B2 and Advanced C1-C2.)
I can work with login, TeamViewer and screenshots. If you choose the latter I will make sure to be online at the agreed time to work with you (you send the screenshots and I send the answers.)
This is not an agency. It's just me, the Spanish tutor, so you don't have to pay double fees (one to the agency owner and another to the tutor.)
Unlike other Spanish tutors, I will provide you with safe, untraceable VPN connection to your closest location and follow your instruction(s) to deliver plagiarism-free Spanish papers.
For tight deadlines I can deliver the same day as long as I am contacted at least 4 hours before deadline.
My rates are pocket-friendly and flexible to fit your budget. You can use milestone payments or pay as you go.
Proof and vouches can be seen on my profile.
Send your prompt and get a quote today!
Email: [](
Discord: jperez
¡Nos vemos!
submitted by Jh0nPerez to HomeworkAider [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:12 Kind_Net_2042 The controversial truth about Mina and similar femininity gurus: Their teachings are designed to enrich themselves while ultimately ruining your lives

I have called Mina out on multiple occasions for changing her message to her own convenience at the expense of her audience. It still remains controversial for whatever reason. See related posts:
A common pattern is how she will say one thing to grow her audience and then turn around and switch things up on them and gaslight them about it. That's because the truth is that her teachings are inherently flawed. They are riddled with manipulated half-truths that appeal to your lower self.
These femininity gurus appeal to your most toxic traits and your own vanity to reel you in and then use it against you:
Mina explains that what the feminine brings is \"energetic\"
While this may sound nice on the surface, be careful consuming “femininity” content that teaches that what you contribute is “intangible” or “mysterious”… you are making it okay for her to be "feminine" to you and thus you are agreeing to be scammed. It's like what I said in this post: It's all a game to her, and she played us (many of us)... Everything you think she's teaching you how get from men, she is actually getting from YOU
Notice how she describes what the masculine brings versus what the feminine brings. You as her customer are literally her masculine. You are bringing the money while she is bringing the “honey”. The only person that really benefits from such teachings is the teacher. When most of her students actually carry this mindset into their other relationships, it does not work because most healthy people do not like entitled, selfish, or self-absorbed people- male or female. At best people will just avoid you, at worst you can actually attract high level predators. (Almost like what happened with the Tinder Swindler)
Mina can try to act like this is not what she teaches, but this hyper-entitled "I am a goddess" "i get paid to exist" mindset is literally the mindset she uses to attract her audience. Mina for example has expressed a clear aversion to housework. Mina from the beginning went out of her way to make it clear that her full provider also does bulk of the cooking and cleaning. She made it clear that his provision was not in exchange for house work or child care. That her sheer feminine energy in itself was enough.
This messaging was like porn for women. She was able to grow her audience like wildfire. She was able to sell her overpriced courses like hot cake.
Her teachings always seemed a little "unrealistic" to me, but I figured that I had too many "limiting beliefs". Clearly her teachings were working right? Look at all her testimonials? ....Well that right there is the catch.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Mina is NOT delivering for her clients. Even in this forum when people try to push back on my critiques of these teachings, rarely does anyone actually say "it worked for me". "I have a full provider who is happy to do all these things and I don't lift a finger". Most of it is just more along the lines of "I still believe this is possible" or "i believe this is how it should be"
Women in these spaces are very quick to call any man who doesn't fully align with Mina's model of a relationship "effeminate" or "broke" or a "loser". That may be true, but if most men or even a good proportion of men today are effeminate or broke, then how useful are these teachings anyway? That means that most women will not end up in the type of relationship that Mina is promoting. It doesn't matter if they spend $88,888 on her VIP coaching package. That is the cold hard truth.
So I guess that's why Mina changed her tune and at some point started telling us to be realistic started looking at "the data". The truth is that Mina's teachings do not add up. That is why she often contradicts herself.
She actually used to encourage women to wait to get married. She used to say that a a 24-year-old woman who had never lived alone or never held a job and jumped straight into marriage would be a "disaster". She actually even encouraged women to wait till their 30s to settle down. Mina used to teach women that providers come in stages. And she talked about a "king provider" stage that was around when a man was in his 40s and above.
But now she is telling girls to forget pursuing a serious degree that they can get a job in, and to forget pursuing a serious career. That they should put all their focus on getting married once they turn 22. She is pushing for an age gap which would make them marry men who are also in their 20s. What percentage of American men are ready to be full providers in their 20s?
Her teachings are all over the place. They are not grounded in reality. She doesn't care how many people she leads astray.
She doesn't know anything about "rotational dating". She never used it herself. She has pulled out a "blueprint" completely out of her behind that she herself didn't follow just so that she can sell books. She is a charlatan and it is so sad that women are taking anything she says seriously. Girls are basing major life decisions and even choosing their college majors based on the nonsense that comes out of Mina's mouth.
Mina's teachings are not designed to make sense. They are designed to make dollars. For herself. Millions of them. (Pun intended)
P.S. It's not even just her relationship content. I would caution against doing business with any trainee of Mina, sorry. I just know that a major selling point for her business and coaching courses is that she can help you "get paid to exist". It is really just a greedy ego trip. It's not about actually providing quality service to people. Maybe that is why one of them has recently gone out of her way to make it clear that she gives her all to her students.
submitted by Kind_Net_2042 to scammedByMinaIrfan [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:01 Jh0nPerez Spanish help for your Spanish test/exam. Get the best deal for your Spanish homework. Native expert in Spanish assignments with vouches (VPN available) Discord: jperez

Discord: jperez
Email: [](
Hola, ¿qué tal? My name is Jhon Pérez, a native Spanish tutor with over 10 years of experience in Spanish homework. I can help you with any type of Spanish assignments: exams, quizzes, tests, worksheets and essays.
I've done many accounts on VHL Central, McGraw Hill, Blackboard, Canvas, MyLabs, Cengage, Desire2Learn, ELEteca, Edgenuity, Contraseña, WileyPlus and more.
Besides being a native Spanish speaker, I have knowledge of vocabulary, functional grammar and the functions of all levels of Spanish (Beginners A1-A2, Intermediate B1-B2 and Advanced C1-C2.)
I can work with login, TeamViewer and screenshots. If you choose the latter I will make sure to be online at the agreed time to work with you (you send the screenshots and I send the answers.)
This is not an agency. It's just me, the Spanish tutor, so you don't have to pay double fees (one to the agency owner and another to the tutor.)
Unlike other Spanish tutors, I will provide you with safe, untraceable VPN connection to your closest location and follow your instruction(s) to deliver plagiarism-free Spanish papers.
For tight deadlines I can deliver the same day as long as I am contacted at least 4 hours before deadline.
My rates are pocket-friendly and flexible to fit your budget. You can use milestone payments or pay as you go.
Proof and vouches can be seen on my profile.
Send your prompt and get a quote today!
Email: [](
Discord: jperez
¡Nos vemos!
submitted by Jh0nPerez to ExamHelpers_Tutoring [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:48 blondieretriever Mixed feelings

Soo this might sound kind of insane, so for a start I’ll already let you know that I have OCD and a ton of fear of signs from the universe and all that BS. But the fear that I feel is real and comes from real worries, so I thought that maybe talking to other trans guys can help me.
I came out as non binary last year and for a long while I thought that it was impossible for me to be a man, because I loved identifying as a lesbian, sapphic love, and overall I was kind of repulsed by the “male universe” as in the way that most cis men seem to think and act. But as I kept exploring my gender, I started to notice how much I really preferred he/him pronouns and how much ever since I was a kid I wanted to be a boy. Realizing I’m transmasc was something that set me free in a lot of ways, I feel like I can understand myself way better than before, I’m not afraid anymore of standing my ground and asking to be treated in the way I want, etc. Coming out as a guy made me happy in a lot of ways.
But these days I’ve been a bit worried because sometimes I dream that I suddenly start dressing and acting feminine and like it, but it almost feels like a drag thing. Now the weird part thats been messing me up: ever since I started having those dreams people around me seem to misgender so so so much more often, and not on purpose.
A friend of mine that never gets my name and prounouns wrong called me by my deadname yesterday, he immediately said “wait why did I call you that? I’m sorry idk whats gotten into me”, people been constantly calling me she and then correcting it right after, etc. I’m used to being misgendered by strangers, but my friends never had an issue adapting to me coming out.
I know this is kind of insane but a part of me is afraid that it’s all a sign for me to detransition or rethink my identity, somehow I always feel like people know of something about myself that I son’t even know about.
Have you ever had days where even the people who always got it right started to mess up? At the same time?
submitted by blondieretriever to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:34 Endure23 MOVEMENT is masculine. Sitting in traffic on a plush seat with air conditioning on is not. It’s not feminine either. It’s just inhuman, and it’s an embarrassment to the species.

No species is better suited for sustained movement. Carbrains are like big cats that have been raised in captivity and can only hunt for pre-prepared cat food.
submitted by Endure23 to fuckcars [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:23 very-original-user ثِتونج ځوېٓسِنہ ⟨th'Tundj Gwýsene⟩ — How Did We Get Here?


Gwýseneثِتونج ځوېٓسِنہ⟫ ⟨th'Tundj Gwýsene⟩ /θɛˈtund͡ʒ ˈʝyːzɛnɛ/ (or "the least Germanic Germanic language") is a Germanic language descendant from Old English spoken in Nabataea (modern-day Jordan, Sinai, and northwestern Saudi Arabia). It takes place in a timeline where the Anglo-Saxons get kicked out of Britain by the Celts, therefore they sail all the way to Nabataea (I pride myself on my realism here) and settle there. Most of them eventually convert to Islam, and, as a consequence, Arabic becomes elevated to the language of academia, nobility, and poetry.
"English" as we know it still survives in-timeline as Engliscbasically Middle English with some modifications — spoken as a minority language in southeastern Britain (or Pritani as the Celts call it in-world).
Gwýsene⟩ ⟪ځوېٓسِنہ⟫ is derived from ځوېٓسِن (Gwýsen) + ـہ- (-e, adjectival suffix), the former from Middle Gwýsene جِٔويسّمَن (ɣewissman), a fossilization of جِٔويسّ (ɣewiss, "Geuisse") + مُن (mon, "man"), from Old Gwýsene יוש מן (yws mn, yewisse monn), from Old English Ġewisse monn.
Tundj⟩ ⟪تونج⟫ is loaned from an Arabized pronunciation of Old Gwýsene תנג (tng, tunge) (from which descends the doublet ⟨Togg⟩ ⟪تُځّ⟫ /toɣ(ː)/, "tongue")
The Englisc exonym is ⟨Eizmenasisc⟩ /ɛjzmɛˈnaːsɪʃ/, From Brithonech (in-world Conlang) Euuzmenasech /ˈøʏzmə̃næsɛx/, from Middle French Yœssmanes /ˈjœssmanɛs/ (hence modern in-world French Yœssmanes /jœsman/ and Aquitanian (in-world) ⟨Yissmanes⟩ /ˈiːsmans/), from Middle (High) German \jewissmaneisch (hence modern in-world German *Jewissmännisch** /jəˌvɪsˈmɛnɪʃ/, Saxon Jewissmannisch /jɛˌvɪsˈma.nɪʃ/, and Hollandish Iweesmanis /iˈʋeːsmanɪs/), Ultimately from Middle Gwýsene جِٔويسّمَن (ɣewissman). Doublet of Englisc ⟨iwis mon⟩ /ɪˈwɪs mɔn/ + ⟨-isc⟩ /-ɪʃ/


Consonants Labial Dental Alveolar Post-Alveolar Palatal Velar
Nasal /m/ /n/
Plosive/Affricate /p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /t͡ʃ/ /d͡ʒ /k/ (/g/)²
Fricative /f/ /v/ /θ/ /ð/ /s/ /z/ /ʃ/ /ʒ (/ç/)³ (/ʝ/)³ /x/ /ɣ/
Tap/Trill /ɾ/ /r/
Approximant /w/ /ɹ/ (/l/)⁴ /j/ /ɫ/
Vowels Front Central Back
Close /i/ // /y/ // /u/¹ /
Near-Close (/ɪ/)⁵ (/ʏ/)⁵
Mid /e/ // /ø/ /øː/ /o/ //
Open-Mid (/ɛ/)⁵ (/ɐ/)⁵ (/ɔ/)⁵
Open /æ/ /æː/ /ɑ/ /ɑː/
  1. Nonnative phonemes
  2. allophone of /k/ inter-vocalically
  3. allophones of /x/ /ɣ/ near front vowels
  4. allophone of /ɫ/ when not near any back vowels and/or velar consonants.
  5. allophones in unstressed syllables
These are the phonemes of Standard Gwýsene, and, expectedly, they differ from dialect to dialect.
The Phonological evolution from Old English to Old Gwýsene are as follows:
From Old Gwýsene to Middle Gwýsene:
From Middle Gwýsene to Modern Gwýsene:
Gwýsene has 4 main dialect groupings:
1- Southern Dialects
Spoken around in-world Áglästrélz /ˈɑːɣɫɐˌstɾeːɫz/ [ˈɑːʁɫ(ə)ˌsd̥ɾeːɫz]. Speakers of these dialects tend to pronounce:
Regarded as the oldest dialect by Gwýsens as it encompasses the original "homeland" (if we don't count the Anglo-Saxons that is). They're also considered the most "posh", and the standard accent is loosely based on the southern dialects.
2- Central Dialects
Spoken around in-world Keü-Nüvátra /keʏ ˌnʏˈvɑːtɾɐ/ [kɛɨ ˌnɨˈvɒːtɾɐ]. Speakers of these dialects tend to pronounce:
Central Dialects are considered posh by northerners and westerners, but not by southerners.
3- Western Dialects
Spoken in in-world Ettúr /ɛtˈtuːɻ/ [ətˈtuːɽ]. Speakers of these dialects tend to pronounce:
4- Northern Dialects
Spoken in in-world Ämma̋n /ɐmˈmæːn/ [(ʕ)ɐmˈmæːn]. Speakers of these dialects tend to pronounce:
The differing analyses of the Old English sequences /xe͜o xæ͜ɑ/ & /je͜o jæ͜ɑ/ when the change from /e͜o æ͜ɑ/ to /iɔ̯ iɐ̯/ was taking place led to:
For example, Old English heofon & geofon evolved into:


Gýsene uses the Arabic script natively alongside a romanization
Since Gýsen use of the Nabataean & then Arabic script preceded the Persians by centuries, the Gýsen Arabic script differs quite a bit from the Indo-Persian system:
  1. Rasm: Gýsens writing in Nabataean (& carrying over to Arabic) tended to follow Aramaic & Hebrew convention for representing consonants, while the Persian convention was derived from the most similar sounding preexisting Arabic consonants, leading to drastic differences in pointing convention (i‘jām). As Islam spread, the 2 conventions spread in their respective halves of the Muslim World: The Indo-Persian-Derived Eastern convention, and the Gýsen-Derived Western convention:
(Loose) Consonant ↓ Western ↓ Eastern ↓
//v// پ و⟫ ǀ ⟪ڤ
//// ڝ چ
//p// ڢ پ
//f// ڧ ف
  1. Vowel Notation: The western convention has a definitive way of expressing vowels when diacritics are fully written, while in the eastern convention diacritics often serve dual-duty due to limitations of Arabic short vowel diacritics.
==Script keys==
Romanization ↓ Arabic ↓ Standard Phoneme ↓
ä ǀ a ◌َ /æ/ (stressed) ǀ /ɐ/ (unstressed)
e ◌ِ /e/ (stressed) ǀ /ɛ/ (unstressed)
o ◌ُ /o/ (stressed) ǀ /ɔ/ (unstressed)
ǀ ◌́ ◌ٓ /æː/ (standalone) ǀ /◌ː/ (coupled with other vowels)
a ا /ɑ/ (stressed) ǀ /ɐ/ (unstressed)
b ب /b/ ǀ /v/ (intervocalically)
g ځ /ɣ/ ǀ /ʝ/
d د /d/ ǀ /z/ (intervocalically)
h ھ /ç/
w ǀ u و /w/ (glide) ǀ /u/ (vocalic)
z ز /z/
ch خ /x/
t ¹ط /t/
y ǀ i ي /j/ (glide) ǀ /i/ (vocalic)
k ک /k/ ǀ /g/ (intervocalically)
l ل /ɫ/
m م /m/
n ن /n/
tj ڝ /t͡ʃ/
- ¹ع /Ø/ ǀ /◌ː/ (post-vocalically)
p ڢ /p/ ǀ /b/ (intervocalically)
s ¹ص /s/
k ¹ق /k/
r ر /ɾ/ ǀ /r/ (geminated) ǀ /ɹ/ (post-vocalically)
s س /s/ ǀ /z/ (intervocalically)
t ت /t/ ǀ /d/ (intervocalically)
y ې /y/ (stressed) ǀ /ʏ/ (unstressed)
f ڧ /f/ ǀ /v/ (intervocalically)
ö ۊ /ø/ (stressed) ǀ /œ/ (unstressed)
- ء ǀ ئـ initial vowel holder
v پ /v/
th ث /θ/ ǀ /ð/ (intervocalically)
tj ¹چ /t͡ʃ/
dj ¹ج /d͡ʒ/
dh ذ /ð/
j ¹ژ /ʒ/
sj ش /ʃ/
dh ¹ض /ð/
dh ¹ظ /ð/
g ¹غ /ɣ/ ǀ /ʝ/
v ¹ڤ /v/
a ǀ ä ²ـى /æ/ (stressed) ǀ /ɐ/ (unstressed)
e ²ـہ /e/ (stressed) ǀ /ɛ/ (unstressed)
'l- لٔـ /‿(ə)ɫ-/
th'- ثِـ /θɛ-/
  1. nonnative
  2. only occur word-finally


Gýsen grammar is extremely divergent from the Germanic norm, having been brought about by extremely harsh standardization efforts by the ruling class while backed by academia & scholars. It's heavily influenced by Arabic — being the encompassing liturgical, academic, and aristocratic language during the Middle to Early Modern Gýsen periods.
\this entire segment will use the romanization only]) The Pronouns themselves have remained relatively true to their Germanic origins, apart from the entire set of Arabic 3rd person pronouns & the genitive enclitics. Gýsene still retains the Old English dual forms, but they're only used in formal writing:
1st Person Singular Dual Plural
Nominative ih // wi /wi/ wi /wi/
Accusative mih /miç/ án /ɑːn/ ós /oːs/
Standalone Genitive min /min/ ár /ɑːɣ/ ór /oːɹ/
Enclitic Genitive -min /-mɪn/ -ar /-ɐɣ/ -or /-ɔɹ/
2nd Person Singular Dual Plural
Nominative thách /θɑːx/ gi /ʝi/ gi /ʝi/
Accusative thih /θiç/ in /in/ iw /iw/
Standalone Genitive thin /θin/ ig // iwar /ˈiwɐɹ/
Enclitic Genitive -thin /-θɪn/ -ig /-ɪʝ/ -iwar /-ɪwɐɹ/
3rd Person Masculine Singular Dual Plural
Nominative chá /xɑː/ chama̋ /xɐˈmæː/ chám /xɑːm/
Accusative hin /çin/ chama̋ /xɐˈmæː/ chám /xɑːm/
Standalone Genitive his /çis/ chama̋ /xɐˈmæː/ chám /xɑːm/
Enclitic Genitive -his /-çɪs/ -chama /-xɐmɐ/ -cham /-xɐm/
3rd Person Feminine Singular Dual Plural
Nominative hi /çi/ chana̋ /xɐˈnæː/ chán /xɑːn/
Accusative hi /çi/ chana̋ /xɐˈnæː/ chán /xɑːn/
Standalone Genitive hir /çiɹ/ chana̋ /xɐˈnæː/ chán /xɑːn/
Enclitic Genitive -hir /-çɪɹ/ -chana /-xɐnɐ/ -chan /-xɐn/
Middle Gwýsene inherited the Old English nominal declension, but due to merging & reduction of (final) unstressed vowels, all endlings were dropped except for the accusative & dative plurals which were later generalized. Middle Gwýsene also dropped the neuter gender, merging it with the masculine & feminine genders based on endings
Regular Noun Declension Singular Plural
Masculine - -an /-ɐn/
Feminine - -as /-ɐs/
This has been standardized to all nouns, with some ablaut irregulars:
"Man" (man) ǀ "Bách" (book) Singular Plural
Masculine man /mɑn/ menan /ˈmenɐn/
Feminine bách /bɑːx/ bitjas /ˈbit͡ʃɐs/
...and some nouns retain colloquial plural forms more reminiscent of their Old English counterparts:
"Tjylz" (child) ǀ "Chänz" (hand) Singular (Standard) Plural (Common) Plural
Masculine tjylz /t͡ʃyɫz/ tjylzan /ˈt͡ʃyɫzɐn/ tjylro /ˈt͡ʃyɫɾɔ/
Feminine chänz /xænz/ chänzas /ˈxænzɐs/ chänza /ˈxænzɐ/
Gwýsene has two distinct methods of indicating possession dur to the dropping of the genitive case:
1. A loaned version of the Arabic construct state (present in the standard language, urban areas, and most of the Northern and Western dialects). the Arabic definite article (-الـ) was loaned with its use in the construct state into Late Early Modern Gwýsene as a separate "letter form" [-لٔـ] and prescribed by Grammarians ever since as a "genitive" maker. This method also assumes definiteness of the noun it's prefixed to; it must be prefixed to eneg ("any") for indefinite nouns.
Bách 'lgörel /bɑːχ‿ɫ̩ˈʝøɹɛɫ/ ("the boy's book")
bách 'l - görel book ɢᴇɴ.ᴅғ - boy 
2. Use of a prefixed fär (equivalent to English "of", cognate with English "for") (present in rural areas and is generally viewed as a rural or "Bedouin" feature). This method does not assume definiteness, and a definite article is required.
Bách färth'görel /bɑːχ ˌfɐɹðəˈʝøɹɛɫ/ ("the boy's book")
Bách fär - th' - görel book of - ᴅғ - boy 
Much like Nouns, adjectives decline for number and gender:
Regular Adjective Declension Singular Plural
Masculine - -an /-ɐn/
Feminine -e //* -as /-ɐs/
\due to its similarity with the common adjectival suffix* -e*, adjectives derived that way would not decline for gender in the singular*
Gwýsen verbs are the most mangled, both by Arabization and regular phonological development. Gwýsen word order is VSO. Due to pronouns coming after the verb, they merged with the preexisting endings and formed unique endings that were later generalized to standard verb declension (rendering Gwýsene a pro-drop language)
Present Verb Conjugation ---
Infinitive -en /-ɛn/
Present Participle -enz /-ɛnz/
Past Participle ge- -en /ʝɛ- -ɛn/
Singular Imperative -
Plural Imperative -on /-ɔn/
1ˢᵗ singular -i /-ɪ/
1ˢᵗ plural -swe /-swɛ/
2ⁿᵈ singular -tha /-θɐ/
2ⁿᵈ plural -gge /-ʝʝɛ/
3ʳᵈ singular masculine -scha /-sxɐ/
3ʳᵈ dual masculine -schama /-sxɐmɐ/
3ʳᵈ plural masculine -scham /-sxɐm/
3ʳᵈ singular feminine -sche /-sxɛ/
3ʳᵈ dual feminine -schana /-sxɐnɐ/
3ʳᵈ plural feminine -schan /-sxɐn/
the subjunctive is formed with a prefixed les- (if the verb is consonant-initial) or let- (if the verb is vowel-initial)
A consequence to the fusional suffixes, the preterite suffixes completely merged with the present ones, so weak verbs need an auxiliary to indicate simple past, which segways us to-
===Auxiliary Verbs===
Most auxiliaries have 2 conjugations: an auxiliary conjugation & a standalone conjugation:
Sőn ("to be") Conjugations Auxiliary Standalone
Singular Imperative ső /søː/ ső /søː/
Plural Imperative sőn /søːn/ sőn /søːn/
Singular Subjunctive ső /søː/ les-... /ɫɛs-../
Plural Subjunctive sőn /søːn/ les-... /ɫɛs-.../
1ˢᵗ singular ém /eːm/ émi /ˈeːmɪ/
1ˢᵗ plural synz synzwe /ˈsynzwɛ/
2ⁿᵈ singular érs /eːɹs/ értha /ˈérðɐ/
2ⁿᵈ plural synz /synz/ syngge /ˈsynʝ(ʝ)ɛ/
3ʳᵈ singular masculine ys /ys/ ysscha /ˈyssxɐ/
3ʳᵈ dual masculine synz /synz/ synzchama /ˈsynzxɐmɐ/
3ʳᵈ plural masculine synz /synz/ synzcham /ˈsynzxɐm/
3ʳᵈ singular feminine ys /ys/ yssche /ˈyssxɛ/
3ʳᵈ dual feminine synz /synz/ synzchana /ˈsynzxɐnɐ/
3ʳᵈ plural feminine synz /synz/ synzchan /ˈsynzxɐn/
There are 4 tense-related auxiliaries: Wesan (past auxiliary, "was"), Sőn (participle auxiliary, "be"), Bín (participle auxiliary, "be"), and Víden (future auxiliary, "will"):
Auxiliary Declensions Wesan ↓ Sőn ↓ Bín ↓ Víden ↓
1ˢᵗ singular wes /wes/ ém /eːm/ bí /biː/ va̋ /væː/
2ⁿᵈ singular wir /wiɹ/ érs /eːɹs/ bys /bys/ vés /veːs/
3ʳᵈ singular wes /wes/ ys /ys/ byth /byθ/ véth /veːθ/
dual/plural wiran /ˈwiɹɐn/ synz /synz/ bíth /biːθ/ va̋th /væːθ/
Singular Imperative wes /wes/ ső /søː/ bí /biː/ víz /viːz/
Plural Imperative weson /ˈwezɔn/ sőn /søːn/ bín /biːn/ vídon /ˈviːzɔn/
Singular Subjunctive wir /wiɹ/ ső /søː/ bí /biː/ víz /viːz/
Plural Subjunctive wiren /ˈwiɹɛn/ sőn /søːn/ bín /biːn/ víden /ˈviːzɛn/
===Stong Verbs===
Most of the strong classes remain in Gwýsene, albeit with completely unorthodox ablaut patterns. They've been resorted based on pattern that I've Grammarians have found. Strong verbs also never need the past auxiliary.
Type (Gwýsene) Corr. Type in Old English Present stem vowel Past singular stem vowel Past plural stem vowel Past participle stem vowel
I VII.c é /eː/ í /iː/ í /iː/ é /eː/
II IV e /e/ e /e/ i /i/ a /ɑ/
III.a I ý /yː/ a̋ /æː/ y /y/ y /y/
III.b III.a y /y/ ä /æ/ o /o/ o /o/
IV.a II.a í /iː/ í /iː/ o /o/ a /ɑ/
IV.b II.b a/á /ɑ(ː)/ í /iː/ o /o/ a /ɑ/
IV.c III.b é /eː/ é /eː/ o /o/ a /ɑ/
V.a VI ä /æ/ á /ɑː/ á /ɑː/ ä /æ/
V.b VII.a a̋ /æː/ i /i/ i /i/ a̋ /æː/
V.c VII.e á /ɑː/ í /iː/ í /iː/ á /ɑː/


Number Cardinal Ordinal Adverbial Multiplier
1 A̋n /æːn/ Föress /ˈføɹɛss/ Mer /meɹ/ A̋nfélz /ˈæːnˌveːɫz/
2 Twin /twin/ Áther /ˈɑːðɛɹ/ Merdén /mɛɹˈdeːn/ Twýfélz /ˈtyːˌveːɫz/
3 Thrý /θɾyː/ Thryzz /ˈθɾyzz/ Thrémra̋s /ˌθɾeːˈmɾæːs/ Thryfélz /ˈθɾyˌveːɫz/
4 Fíwar /ˈfiːwɐɹ/ Fíradh /ˈfiːɹɐð/ Fírmra̋s /ˌfiːɹˈmɾæːs/ Fíwarfélz /ˈfiːwɐɹˌveːɫz/
5 Fýf /fyːf/ Fýfedh /ˈfyːvɛð/ Fýfmra̋s /ˌfyːvˈmɾæːs/ Fýffélz /ˈfyːfˌfeːɫz/
6 Sysj /syʃ/ Sysjedh /ˈsyʃɛð/ Sysmra̋s /ˌsysˈmɾæːs/ Sysjfélz /ˈsyʃˌfeːɫz/
7 Sévan /ˈseːvɐn/ Sévadh /ˈseːvɐð/ Sévmra̋s /ˌseːvˈmɾæːs/ Sévanfélz /ˈseːvɐnˌveːɫz/
8 Éht /eːçt/ Éhtadh /ˈeːçtɐð/ Éhmra̋s /ˈeːçˈmɾæːs/ Éhtafélz /ˈeːçtɐˌveːɫz/
9 Nygan /ˈnyʝɐn/ Nygadh /ˈnyʝɐð/ Nygamra̋s /ˌnyʝɐˈmɾæːs/ Nyganfélz /ˈnyʝɐnˌveːɫz/
10 Tőn /tøːn/ Tődh /ˈtøːð/ Tőmra̋s /ˌtøːˈmɾæːs/ Tőnfélz /ˈtøːnˌveːɫz/
‎‫بېث نيٓھ ثِوېٓنتِر ڝِٓلز، پِٓث ڝۊٓمسخى ستارم سنِوى. ڝۊم وِثنَن خُٓمسمين وِٓرم، برآثَرمين. سَلٓم! ڝۊم ھېذ، سېځّ ءَنز شّيٓڧ، ڧرِس ءَنز درېھّ. بېثِّس خُطَّمين. ھِپّسوى وِتِر، ءَنز زۊٓثِن، ءَنز مِٓلخ، بېثِّس ڧِرش ءُٓسڧرى ثِکآ. ءوٓ، ءَنز براث وِٓرم!‬
Byth ních thʼwýnter tjélz, véth tjőmscha starm snewe. Tjöm withnän¹ chósmin wérm, bráthärmin². Säläm³! Tjöm hydh, sygg ænz ssjíf⁴ ⁶, fres⁵ änz dryhh⁶. Bytthes⁷ chottämin⁸. Hevvswe weter, änz zőthen⁹, änz mélch, býtthes fersj ósfrä¹⁰ thʼká. Ó, änz brath!
be.3.ꜱɢ.ᴘʀᴇꜱ near ᴅꜰ-winter cold , ꜰᴜᴛ.3.ꜱɢ come-3.ꜱɢ.ᴍᴀꜱᴄ storm snowy . come.ɪᴍᴘ.ꜱɢ in house-1.ꜱɢ.ɢᴇɴ.ᴄʟ warm , brother-1.ꜱɢ.ɢᴇɴ.ᴄʟ . Welcome ! come.ɪᴍᴘ.ꜱɢ hither , sing.ɪᴍᴘ.ꜱɢ and dance.ɪᴍᴘ.ꜱɢ , eat.ɪᴍᴘ.ꜱɢ and drink.ɪᴍᴘ.ꜱɢ . be.3.ꜱɢ.ᴘʀᴇꜱ-that plan-1.ꜱɢ.ɢᴇɴ.ᴄʟ . have-1.ᴘʟ water , and beer , and milk, be.3.ꜱɢ.ᴘʀᴇꜱ-that fresh from ᴅꜰ-cow . Oh , and soup !
/byθ niːç θə‿ˈyːnzɛɹ tʃeːɫz veːθ ˈtʃøːmsxɐ stɑɻm ˈsnewɛ/
/tʃøm wɪðˈnæn ˈxoːsˌmɪn weːɹm ˈbɾɑːðɐɹˌmɪn/
/sɐˈɫæm tʃøm çyð syʝʝ‿ɐnz ʃʃiːf fres‿ɐnz dɾyçç/
/ˈbyθθɛs ˈxottɐˌmɪn/
/ˈçevvswɛ ˈwedɛɹ ɐnz ˈzøːðɛn ɐnz meɫχ ˈbyθθɛs feɹʃ ˈoːsfrɐ θəˈkɑː/
/oː ɐnz bɾɑθ/
  1. the words for “in” and “on” merged to än, which was kept for “on”.‬
  2. Gwýsens tend to use “brother” as an informal form of address‬.
  3. Säläm is only used by Muslim Gwysens. Christian Gwysens prefer Pastos /pɐsˈtos/ (from Ancient Greek ‬ἀσπαστός).
  4. comes from Old English hlēapan.
  5. comes from old English fretan.
  6. Drykken & Ssjípan are within a class of verbs that have a differing imperative stems than the usual inflected stems due to sound changes. In this case the usual stems are Drykk- & Ssjíp-, while the imperatives are Dryhh & Ssjíf. In the central and Low Northern dialects this particular /k/ => /ç/ is not present, and the imperative stem is also Drykk.
  7. contracted from of Byth thäs (“that is”)‬.
  8. from Arabic خُطَّة.
  9. from Latin zȳthum.
  10. contraction of old English ūt fra (“out of”).
submitted by very-original-user to germlangs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:18 JmanVadr Hurt sound effects bugged?

Logged in this morning to get my daily KQ kills in, and noticed the getting hit sound effects on my character had suddenly switched from feminine to masculine sounds. Did this get bugged in the new update?
submitted by JmanVadr to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:42 NotEvenAnEngineer 21F

Heyy! I’m 21F, was raised Catholic and I was saved a bit over a year ago. I tried out a Baptist Church initially but I still prefer the unity of the Catholic Church, so I’ll be learning more about Catholicism
I’m a student and a powerlifter from Ontario. I come from a big family, I love baking and I’m still learning how to cook better. I’ve also been learning to lean into my femininity which has been fun!
I can be very awkward to talk to at first but after a bit it usually gets better, trust🤓
Man of God List: 1. Christian 2. Masculine 3. Strong prayer life 4. Wants to provide 5. Physically active 6. Wants a big family 7. Ambitious
Feel free to DM
submitted by NotEvenAnEngineer to ChristianDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:12 Nikntac I might need help. . .

I been going to my psychiatrist for a few months, and when I arrived I was wearing pink clothes and I had long dyed hair, we talked a bit and I told them that when I was younger I dressed up in my mother’s dresses and I wore makeup, and then they asked me on how I feel right now, I told them that I feel like a guy at this moment and always felt like one, but they pointed out how my clothes were pink and how my hair length was feminine, they also told me how it’s feminine to dye hair and how masculine people don’t do that, and afterwards, they told me that I might have a girl inside of me, and I got a bit confused about all of this, since, I never seen anything like this as feminine but, it’s true that I looked feminine in a way, and they told me that they saw my confusion, afterwards, when I began to leave they decided to recommend me a store that sells feminine clothes, I thanked them and waved goodbye, so right now I’m a bit confused, they didn’t outright called me trans, but, I feel like, they think that I actually might be trans because of my feminine clothes and behaviour, and right now I just feel confused, since i never saw myself that way before up until now, so I just wonder what are your guys opinion on this?
submitted by Nikntac to trans [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:33 Flaky-Elderberry-968 Elevate Your Style: Embracing the Versatility of Sleeveless Blouse Designs

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Unleash Your Creativity: The Allure of Fancy Blouse Designs
Fashion is a form of self-expression, and fancy blouse designs provide the perfect canvas for unleashing your creativity. Whether you're drawn to intricate lace details, bold prints, or shimmering embellishments, fancy blouse designs allow you to make a statement that is uniquely yours.
From bohemian-inspired peasant blouses to sleek and modern crop tops, there's a fancy blouse design to suit every personality and occasion. Pair a floral-print blouse with a high-waisted skirt for a feminine and romantic look, or opt for a sequined top to add a touch of glamour to your evening ensemble. The possibilities are endless when it comes to fancy blouse designs.
Luxe and Exclusive: The Essence of Designer Blouses
For those who crave luxury and exclusivity, designer blouse offer an unparalleled level of craftsmanship and sophistication. From renowned fashion houses to emerging designers, the world of designer blouses is a testament to the artistry and creativity that defines haute couture.
Designer blouses are more than just clothing; they're wearable works of art that showcase the finest fabrics, intricate embellishments, and impeccable tailoring. Whether you're attending a red carpet event or a VIP gala, a designer blouse is sure to make you stand out from the crowd and exude confidence and elegance.
Conclusion: Elevate Your Wardrobe with Sleeveless Blouse Designs
In conclusion, sleeveless blouse designs offer endless possibilities for fashion enthusiasts looking to elevate their style game. Whether you prefer the convenience of readymade blouses, the creativity of fancy designs, or the luxury of designer creations, there's a sleeveless blouse design to suit every taste and occasion. So why wait? Embrace the versatility of sleeveless blouses and elevate your wardrobe to new heights of sophistication and style.
submitted by Flaky-Elderberry-968 to u/Flaky-Elderberry-968 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:31 Current_Weird_1363 Elevate Your Style: Unveiling the Finest Crepe Lehenga Designs for Every Occasion

Elevate Your Style: Unveiling the Finest Crepe Lehenga Designs for Every Occasion
Elevate Your Style: Unveiling the Finest Crepe Lehenga Designs for Every Occasion
As a fashion enthusiast, I've always been captivated by the timeless elegance and versatility of crepe lehenga designs. These exquisite ensembles have the power to transform any occasion, from grand celebrations to intimate gatherings, into a sartorial masterpiece. In this article, I'll delve into the world of crepe lehenga designs, exploring their versatility, popular styles, and how to incorporate them seamlessly into your wardrobe.
Elevate Your Style: Unveiling the Finest Crepe Lehenga Designs for Every Occasion

As a fashion enthusiast, I've always been captivated by the timeless elegance and versatility of crepe lehenga designs. These exquisite ensembles have the power to transform any occasion, from grand celebrations to intimate gatherings, into a sartorial masterpiece. In this article, I'll delve into the world of crepe lehenga designs, exploring their versatility, popular styles, and how to incorporate them seamlessly into your wardrobe.
Elevate Your Style: Unveiling the Finest Crepe Lehenga Designs for Every Occasion

As a fashion enthusiast, I've always been captivated by the timeless elegance and versatility of crepe lehenga designs. These exquisite ensembles have the power to transform any occasion, from grand celebrations to intimate gatherings, into a sartorial masterpiece. In this article, I'll delve into the world of crepe lehenga designs, exploring their versatility, popular styles, and how to incorporate them seamlessly into your wardrobe.
As a fashion enthusiast, I've always been captivated by the timeless elegance and versatility of crepe lehenga designs. These exquisite ensembles have the power to transform any occasion, from grand celebrations to intimate gatherings, into a sartorial masterpiece. In this article, I'll delve into the world of crepe lehenga designs, exploring their versatility, popular styles, and how to incorporate them seamlessly into your wardrobe.

The Versatility of Crepe Lehenga Designs
Crepe lehengas are a true testament to the fusion of traditional and contemporary fashion. Crafted from the luxurious and lightweight crepe fabric, these garments offer unparalleled comfort and elegance. The versatility of crepe lehenga designs lies in their ability to be dressed up or down, making them suitable for a wide range of occasions.

Occasions to Wear Crepe Lehenga Designs
Crepe lehenga designs are the epitome of elegance, and they can be effortlessly incorporated into various celebrations and events. Whether you're attending a grand wedding, an opulent Diwali party, or a sophisticated cocktail soiree, a well-chosen crepe lehenga can elevate your style and make you the center of attention.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Crepe Lehenga Designs
When selecting the perfect crepe lehenga, there are several factors to consider. Firstly, it's important to assess the occasion and the desired level of formality. Secondly, consider your personal style and body type to ensure a flattering fit. Finally, take into account the color palette and embellishments that best complement your complexion and aesthetic preferences.

Popular Styles and Patterns in Crepe Lehenga Designs
Crepe lehenga designs come in a vast array of styles and patterns, each with its own unique charm. From classic solid-colored crepe lehengas to intricate embroidered designs, there's a crepe lehenga to suit every sartorial taste. Some popular styles include:

Floral Crepe Lehenga Designs: Elegant and feminine, floral crepe lehenga designs exude a timeless charm.
Embroidered Crepe Lehenga Designs: Adorned with intricate embroidery, these crepe lehengas are a true feast for the eyes.
Printed Crepe Lehenga Designs: Bold and eye-catching, printed crepe lehenga designs make a statement.
Metallic Crepe Lehenga Designs: Shimmering and glamorous, metallic crepe lehengas are perfect for special occasions.
Styling Tips for Wearing Crepe Lehenga Designs
Mastering the art of styling a crepe lehenga can elevate your overall look. Start by selecting the right blouse design to complement the lehenga. Opt for a sleek and fitted blouse to balance the voluminous nature of the lehenga. Accessorize with statement jewelry, such as chunky necklaces or ornate earrings, to add a touch of elegance. Complete the ensemble with a pair of comfortable yet stylish heels or embellished juttis.

Where to Buy High-Quality Crepe Lehenga Designs
When it comes to sourcing high-quality crepe lehenga designs, it's essential to explore reputable online and offline stores. Look for established brands that are known for their exceptional craftsmanship and attention to detail. Additionally, you can explore curated collections from renowned designers or visit local boutiques to discover unique and one-of-a-kind crepe lehenga options.

Customizing Crepe Lehenga Designs to Your Preferences
If you're looking to truly personalize your crepe lehenga, consider the option of customization. Many designers and boutiques offer bespoke services, allowing you to collaborate on the design, choose the fabric, and even incorporate your desired embellishments. This personalized approach ensures that your crepe lehenga is a reflection of your individual style and preferences.

Maintenance and Care for Crepe Lehenga Designs
Proper care and maintenance are crucial for preserving the longevity and vibrancy of your crepe lehenga designs. Gently hand-wash or dry-clean your crepe lehenga, avoiding harsh detergents or machine washing. Store your crepe lehenga in a cool, dry place, and consider using acid-free tissue paper to maintain the shape and prevent creasing.

Crepe lehenga designs are a true testament to the timeless elegance and versatility of Indian fashion. From grand celebrations to intimate gatherings, these exquisite ensembles have the power to elevate your style and make a lasting impression. By understanding the factors to consider, exploring popular styles, and mastering the art of styling, you can effortlessly incorporate crepe lehenga designs into your wardrobe and truly shine.

Elevate your style with our exquisite collection of crepe lehenga designs. Explore our wide range of options and find the perfect ensemble to make a lasting impression at your next special event. Shop now and unlock the secrets of effortless elegance.
As a fashion enthusiast, I've always been captivated by the timeless elegance and versatility of crepe lehenga designs. These exquisite ensembles have the power to transform any occasion, from grand celebrations to intimate gatherings, into a sartorial masterpiece. In this article, I'll delve into the world of crepe lehenga designs, exploring their versatility, popular styles, and how to incorporate them seamlessly into your wardrobe.

The Versatility of Crepe Lehenga Designs
Crepe lehengas are a true testament to the fusion of traditional and contemporary fashion. Crafted from the luxurious and lightweight crepe fabric, these garments offer unparalleled comfort and elegance. The versatility of crepe lehenga designs lies in their ability to be dressed up or down, making them suitable for a wide range of occasions.

Occasions to Wear Crepe Lehenga Designs
Crepe lehenga designs are the epitome of elegance, and they can be effortlessly incorporated into various celebrations and events. Whether you're attending a grand wedding, an opulent Diwali party, or a sophisticated cocktail soiree, a well-chosen crepe lehenga can elevate your style and make you the center of attention.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Crepe Lehenga Designs
When selecting the perfect crepe lehenga, there are several factors to consider. Firstly, it's important to assess the occasion and the desired level of formality. Secondly, consider your personal style and body type to ensure a flattering fit. Finally, take into account the color palette and embellishments that best complement your complexion and aesthetic preferences.

Popular Styles and Patterns in Crepe Lehenga Designs
Crepe lehenga designs come in a vast array of styles and patterns, each with its own unique charm. From classic solid-colored crepe lehengas to intricate embroidered designs, there's a crepe lehenga to suit every sartorial taste. Some popular styles include:

Floral Crepe Lehenga Designs: Elegant and feminine, floral crepe lehenga designs exude a timeless charm.
Embroidered Crepe Lehenga Designs: Adorned with intricate embroidery, these crepe lehengas are a true feast for the eyes.
Printed Crepe Lehenga Designs: Bold and eye-catching, printed crepe lehenga designs make a statement.
Metallic Crepe Lehenga Designs: Shimmering and glamorous, metallic crepe lehengas are perfect for special occasions.
Styling Tips for Wearing Crepe Lehenga Designs
Mastering the art of styling a crepe lehenga can elevate your overall look. Start by selecting the right blouse design to complement the lehenga. Opt for a sleek and fitted blouse to balance the voluminous nature of the lehenga. Accessorize with statement jewelry, such as chunky necklaces or ornate earrings, to add a touch of elegance. Complete the ensemble with a pair of comfortable yet stylish heels or embellished juttis.

Where to Buy High-Quality Crepe Lehenga Designs
When it comes to sourcing high-quality crepe lehenga designs, it's essential to explore reputable online and offline stores. Look for established brands that are known for their exceptional craftsmanship and attention to detail. Additionally, you can explore curated collections from renowned designers or visit local boutiques to discover unique and one-of-a-kind crepe lehenga options.

Customizing Crepe Lehenga Designs to Your Preferences
If you're looking to truly personalize your crepe lehenga, consider the option of customization. Many designers and boutiques offer bespoke services, allowing you to collaborate on the design, choose the fabric, and even incorporate your desired embellishments. This personalized approach ensures that your crepe lehenga is a reflection of your individual style and preferences.

Maintenance and Care for Crepe Lehenga Designs
Proper care and maintenance are crucial for preserving the longevity and vibrancy of your crepe lehenga designs. Gently hand-wash or dry-clean your crepe lehenga, avoiding harsh detergents or machine washing. Store your crepe lehenga in a cool, dry place, and consider using acid-free tissue paper to maintain the shape and prevent creasing.

Crepe lehenga designs are a true testament to the timeless elegance and versatility of Indian fashion. From grand celebrations to intimate gatherings, these exquisite ensembles have the power to elevate your style and make a lasting impression. By understanding the factors to consider, exploring popular styles, and mastering the art of styling, you can effortlessly incorporate crepe lehenga designs into your wardrobe and truly shine.

Elevate your style with our exquisite collection of crepe lehenga designs. Explore our wide range of options and find the perfect ensemble to make a lasting impression at your next special event. Shop now and unlock the secrets of effortless elegance.
As a fashion enthusiast, I've always been captivated by the timeless elegance and versatility of crepe lehenga designs. These exquisite ensembles have the power to transform any occasion, from grand celebrations to intimate gatherings, into a sartorial masterpiece. In this article, I'll delve into the world of crepe lehenga designs, exploring their versatility, popular styles, and how to incorporate them seamlessly into your wardrobe.

The Versatility of Crepe Lehenga Designs
Crepe lehengas are a true testament to the fusion of traditional and contemporary fashion. Crafted from the luxurious and lightweight crepe fabric, these garments offer unparalleled comfort and elegance. The versatility of crepe lehenga designs lies in their ability to be dressed up or down, making them suitable for a wide range of occasions.

Occasions to Wear Crepe Lehenga Designs
Crepe lehenga designs are the epitome of elegance, and they can be effortlessly incorporated into various celebrations and events. Whether you're attending a grand wedding, an opulent Diwali party, or a sophisticated cocktail soiree, a well-chosen crepe lehenga can elevate your style and make you the center of attention.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Crepe Lehenga Designs
When selecting the perfect crepe lehenga, there are several factors to consider. Firstly, it's important to assess the occasion and the desired level of formality. Secondly, consider your personal style and body type to ensure a flattering fit. Finally, take into account the color palette and embellishments that best complement your complexion and aesthetic preferences.

Popular Styles and Patterns in Crepe Lehenga Designs
Crepe lehenga designs come in a vast array of styles and patterns, each with its own unique charm. From classic solid-colored crepe lehengas to intricate embroidered designs, there's a crepe lehenga to suit every sartorial taste. Some popular styles include:

Floral Crepe Lehenga Designs: Elegant and feminine, floral crepe lehenga designs exude a timeless charm.
Embroidered Crepe Lehenga Designs: Adorned with intricate embroidery, these crepe lehengas are a true feast for the eyes.
Printed Crepe Lehenga Designs: Bold and eye-catching, printed crepe lehenga designs make a statement.
Metallic Crepe Lehenga Designs: Shimmering and glamorous, metallic crepe lehengas are perfect for special occasions.
Styling Tips for Wearing Crepe Lehenga Designs
Mastering the art of styling a crepe lehenga can elevate your overall look. Start by selecting the right blouse design to complement the lehenga. Opt for a sleek and fitted blouse to balance the voluminous nature of the lehenga. Accessorize with statement jewelry, such as chunky necklaces or ornate earrings, to add a touch of elegance. Complete the ensemble with a pair of comfortable yet stylish heels or embellished juttis.

Where to Buy High-Quality Crepe Lehenga Designs
When it comes to sourcing high-quality crepe lehenga designs, it's essential to explore reputable online and offline stores. Look for established brands that are known for their exceptional craftsmanship and attention to detail. Additionally, you can explore curated collections from renowned designers or visit local boutiques to discover unique and one-of-a-kind crepe lehenga options.

Customizing Crepe Lehenga Designs to Your Preferences
If you're looking to truly personalize your crepe lehenga, consider the option of customization. Many designers and boutiques offer bespoke services, allowing you to collaborate on the design, choose the fabric, and even incorporate your desired embellishments. This personalized approach ensures that your crepe lehenga is a reflection of your individual style and preferences.

Maintenance and Care for Crepe Lehenga Designs
Proper care and maintenance are crucial for preserving the longevity and vibrancy of your crepe lehenga designs. Gently hand-wash or dry-clean your crepe lehenga, avoiding harsh detergents or machine washing. Store your crepe lehenga in a cool, dry place, and consider using acid-free tissue paper to maintain the shape and prevent creasing.

Crepe lehenga designs are a true testament to the timeless elegance and versatility of Indian fashion. From grand celebrations to intimate gatherings, these exquisite ensembles have the power to elevate your style and make a lasting impression. By understanding the factors to consider, exploring popular styles, and mastering the art of styling, you can effortlessly incorporate crepe lehenga designs into your wardrobe and truly shine.

Elevate your style with our exquisite collection of crepe lehenga designs. Explore our wide range of options and find the perfect ensemble to make a lasting impression at your next special event. Shop now and unlock the secrets of effortless elegance.
Crepe Lehenga Designs
Crepe lehengas are a true testament to the fusion of traditional and contemporary fashion. Crafted from the luxurious and lightweight crepe fabric, these garments offer unparalleled comfort and elegance. The versatility of crepe lehenga designs lies in their ability to be dressed up or down, making them suitable for a wide range of occasions.

Occasions to Wear Crepe Lehenga Designs

Crepe lehenga designs are the epitome of elegance, and they can be effortlessly incorporated into various celebrations and events. Whether you're attending a grand wedding, an opulent Diwali party, or a sophisticated cocktail soiree, a well-chosen crepe lehenga can elevate your style and make you the center of attention.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Crepe Lehenga Designs

When selecting the perfect crepe lehenga, there are several factors to consider. Firstly, it's important to assess the occasion and the desired level of formality. Secondly, consider your personal style and body type to ensure a flattering fit. Finally, take into account the color palette and embellishments that best complement your complexion and aesthetic preferences.

Popular Styles and Patterns in Crepe Lehenga Designs

Crepe lehenga designs come in a vast array of styles and patterns, each with its own unique charm. From classic solid-colored crepe lehengas to intricate embroidered designs, there's a crepe lehenga to suit every sartorial taste. Some popular styles include:
  1. Floral Crepe Lehenga Designs: Elegant and feminine, floral crepe lehenga designs exude a timeless charm.
  2. Embroidered Crepe Lehenga Designs: Adorned with intricate embroidery, these crepe lehengas are a true feast for the eyes.
  3. Printed Crepe Lehenga Designs: Bold and eye-catching, printed crepe lehenga designs make a statement.
  4. Metallic Crepe Lehenga Designs: Shimmering and glamorous, metallic crepe lehengas are perfect for special occasions.

Styling Tips for Wearing Crepe Lehenga Designs

Mastering the art of styling a crepe lehenga can elevate your overall look. Start by selecting the right blouse design to complement the lehenga. Opt for a sleek and fitted blouse to balance the voluminous nature of the lehenga. Accessorize with statement jewelry, such as chunky necklaces or ornate earrings, to add a touch of elegance. Complete the ensemble with a pair of comfortable yet stylish heels or embellished juttis.

Where to Buy High-Quality Crepe Lehenga Designs

When it comes to sourcing high-quality crepe lehenga designs, it's essential to explore reputable online and offline stores. Look for established brands that are known for their exceptional craftsmanship and attention to detail. Additionally, you can explore curated collections from renowned designers or visit local boutiques to discover unique and one-of-a-kind crepe lehenga options.

Customizing Crepe Lehenga Designs to Your Preferences

If you're looking to truly personalize your crepe lehenga, consider the option of customization. Many designers and boutiques offer bespoke services, allowing you to collaborate on the design, choose the fabric, and even incorporate your desired embellishments. This personalized approach ensures that your crepe lehenga is a reflection of your individual style and preferences.

Maintenance and Care for Crepe Lehenga Designs

Proper care and maintenance are crucial for preserving the longevity and vibrancy of your crepe lehenga designs. Gently hand-wash or dry-clean your crepe lehenga, avoiding harsh detergents or machine washing. Store your crepe lehenga in a cool, dry place, and consider using acid-free tissue paper to maintain the shape and prevent creasing.



Crepe lehenga designs are a true testament to the timeless elegance and versatility of Indian fashion. From grand celebrations to intimate gatherings, these exquisite ensembles have the power to elevate your style and make a lasting impression. By understanding the factors to consider, exploring popular styles, and mastering the art of styling, you can effortlessly incorporate crepe lehenga designs into your wardrobe and truly shine.
Elevate your style with our exquisite collection of crepe lehenga designs. Explore our wide range of options and find the perfect ensemble to make a lasting impression at your next special event. Shop now and unlock the secrets of effortless elegance.As a fashion enthusiast, I've always been captivated by the timeless elegance and versatility of crepe lehenga designs. These exquisite ensembles have the power to transform any occasion, from grand celebrations to intimate gatherings, into a sartorial masterpiece. In this article, I'll delve into the world of crepe lehenga designs, exploring their versatility, popular styles, and how to incorporate them seamlessly into your wardrobe.

The Versatility of Crepe Lehenga Designs

Crepe lehengas are a true testament to the fusion of traditional and contemporary fashion. Crafted from the luxurious and lightweight crepe fabric, these garments offer unparalleled comfort and elegance. The versatility of crepe lehenga designs lies in their ability to be dressed up or down, making them suitable for a wide range of occasions.

Occasions to Wear Crepe Lehenga Designs

Crepe lehenga designs are the epitome of elegance, and they can be effortlessly incorporated into various celebrations and events. Whether you're attending a grand wedding, an opulent Diwali party, or a sophisticated cocktail soiree, a well-chosen crepe lehenga can elevate your style and make you the center of attention.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Crepe Lehenga Designs

When selecting the perfect crepe lehenga, there are several factors to consider. Firstly, it's important to assess the occasion and the desired level of formality. Secondly, consider your personal style and body type to ensure a flattering fit. Finally, take into account the color palette and embellishments that best complement your complexion and aesthetic preferences.

Popular Styles and Patterns in Crepe Lehenga Designs

Crepe lehenga designs come in a vast array of styles and patterns, each with its own unique charm. From classic solid-colored crepe lehengas to intricate embroidered designs, there's a crepe lehenga to suit every sartorial taste. Some popular styles include:
  1. Floral Crepe Lehenga Designs: Elegant and feminine, floral crepe lehenga designs exude a timeless charm.
  2. Embroidered Crepe Lehenga Designs: Adorned with intricate embroidery, these crepe lehengas are a true feast for the eyes.
  3. Printed Crepe Lehenga Designs: Bold and eye-catching, printed crepe lehenga designs make a statement.
  4. Metallic Crepe Lehenga Designs: Shimmering and glamorous, metallic crepe lehengas are perfect for special occasions.

Styling Tips for Wearing Crepe Lehenga Designs

Mastering the art of styling a crepe lehenga can elevate your overall look. Start by selecting the right blouse design to complement the lehenga. Opt for a sleek and fitted blouse to balance the voluminous nature of the lehenga. Accessorize with statement jewelry, such as chunky necklaces or ornate earrings, to add a touch of elegance. Complete the ensemble with a pair of comfortable yet stylish heels or embellished juttis.

Where to Buy High-Quality Crepe Lehenga Designs

When it comes to sourcing high-quality crepe lehenga designs, it's essential to explore reputable online and offline stores. Look for established brands that are known for their exceptional craftsmanship and attention to detail. Additionally, you can explore curated collections from renowned designers or visit local boutiques to discover unique and one-of-a-kind crepe lehenga options.

Customizing Crepe Lehenga Designs to Your Preferences

If you're looking to truly personalize your crepe lehenga, consider the option of customization. Many designers and boutiques offer bespoke services, allowing you to collaborate on the design, choose the fabric, and even incorporate your desired embellishments. This personalized approach ensures that your crepe lehenga is a reflection of your individual style and preferences.

Maintenance and Care for Crepe Lehenga Designs

Proper care and maintenance are crucial for preserving the longevity and vibrancy of your crepe lehenga designs. Gently hand-wash or dry-clean your crepe lehenga, avoiding harsh detergents or machine washing. Store your crepe lehenga in a cool, dry place, and consider using acid-free tissue paper to maintain the shape and prevent creasing.



Crepe lehenga designs are a true testament to the timeless elegance and versatility of Indian fashion. From grand celebrations to intimate gatherings, these exquisite ensembles have the power to elevate your style and make a lasting impression. By understanding the factors to consider, exploring popular styles, and mastering the art of styling, you can effortlessly incorporate crepe lehenga designs into your wardrobe and truly shine.
submitted by Current_Weird_1363 to mydeardesign [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:25 ViFlowers Context & Disclaimers

I may write YOU but that's just my style. A little personal branding.
The YOU can be singular or collective. We both know YOU know who you are. And WE know what the conversation we are having is and means.
It's actually pretty cool when you remove that pesky mindfuck element.
And as some of my favs like to say we all carry feminine and masculine energies. If I say he/she I'm just talking about energy. Feel free to take what resonates and leave the rest. If it doesn't fit you it's not your story Thanks to that YOU 😘🥰✨️
Plus she's hot in that Rachel Maddow way that always kinda got me 😏
submitted by ViFlowers to u/ViFlowers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:20 Few_Pickle_8438 AP Statistics Review Resources

Hello everyone! I've created a board of resources for AP Physics 1 where you can review specific topics, find worksheets, flashcards, and much more. Everything is completely free and you don't have to log in. Here is the link: . Please leave your feedback by messaging me or liking specific resources. Hope this helps, good luck on your exam!
submitted by Few_Pickle_8438 to AP_Physics [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:14 MatchAppropriate1281 Do you think I am trans ?

Am I trans ?
I'm a 20-year-old AMAB (I don't give myself a gender because honestly, I don't even know if I'm really a "man").
I've been asking myself this question for about 1 week and I don't know why, it tortures my mind to have and get an answer.
The question popped into my head like that, one day, when I had just woken up. I read articles about it, started asking around. And all this has greatly interested me.
I'm asking myself this question because I think I may have hit on one of the problems I have in my life, but as I have other specificities, I wonder if it's not just me trying to find a justification for my feelings.
To explain: I have ADHD (diagnosed very young), I have anxiety disorders and I'm also depressed, with a huge lack of self-confidence, so I naturally tend to think that maybe that's why I'm asking myself the question rather than myself, because I see it as a "solution" to "assuming my personality"?
So to find out if this is indeed gender dysphoria or just a sign of my low self-esteem (or maybe the two are related).
The "for" signs:
-I've always been different since I was little. Probably related to my neurodivergence, but that needs to be stressed.
-I'm not particularly attached to my gender. I've always seen myself as more of an entity or a person than a gender. It's borderline if I don't pay attention to the fact that I have a male body.
-I had a lot more girl friends than boy friends when I was young, and I liked them a lot. We used to play a lot together.
-Interest in romance at a young age or stereotypically "feminine" traits such as empathy, kindness, etc. I've always been more valued than my gender. I've always been more valued by my girl friends than my boy friends, who used to make fun of me because I was bad at sports or because I was "weird" (well, that could be attributed to neurodivergence).
-My family used to make fun of me because I wasn't "masculine" enough and I wasn't the male cliché.
-I appreciate "feminine" aesthetics much more than masculine ones. I love to see beautiful women's clothing and how it's made.
-I don't see love the same way my friends do. I have no sexual desire (I'm asexual) and I still see it as a kind of intense spiritual connection.
-When I see heterosexual romances, it disgusts me because they're usually ultra-stereotyped and clichéd. Queer romances excite me much more. And especially lesbian romances.
-I'll say it again: I love the "feminine" aesthetic: fushia colors, pink everywhere, etc. I like to dress in different clothes. I like to dress eccentrically.
-I take the button test (I'd change sex if I could).
-I'm indifferent to my body. It's just "fat" to me (depersonalization).
-Lately, since I've been asking myself this question, I've been dropping a lot of unintentional undertones related to transidentity.
-I play a "hyper-masculine" character who is a caricature of man in his most "primitive" instincts when no one is home to mock those same instincts. I feel like I'm forcing myself to be masculine. I also feel like I also mock myself for being a "insecure man" and a "man" basically.
-I'm a bit ashamed to admit this one, but I'm hypersensitive to being seen as feminine (probably because I've been put down about it since childhood). But it's at a stage where it's ridiculous (I've refused to see films because they were too "girly"... only to see them on the sly when no one sees me). I feel like I'm constantly repressing myself. I fear people thinking I’m not my gender (I was raised in an conservative house) and hating myself, but at the same time, I hate myself for not being able to just be proud of what I like and what I am. I think it’s because I just learned to hate what I am when if I accepted it, I wouldn’t be so triggered of being called "girly".
-I've had a conflict in my head between an "empathetic" version and a "hypermasculine over the top" version for about 4 years.
-Remember when I used to talk about a special romantic bond? I've always had this kind of bond with female fictional characters who have all these qualities, and I envy them for it. Especially the one about the samaritans.
-I feel that being a man will make me unhappy in the future because it will impose things on me that I don't want.
-being trans doesn’t really afraid me, it’s more the consequence and social repercussions that makes me anxious.
Now, the arguments against:
-I'm indifferent to my body, It doesn’t feel weird to have a penis even if I find it not really esthetic, I don't mind being seen as a man, even if since I had that thought about being maybe a trans, I've been embarrassed by being associated with the one. But before that, I didn't care.
-I have interests that are also stereotypically male (history/video games/philosophy/political science/computers/etc.).
-I've never wondered about that recently. I don't have gender dysphoria. It's just that I feel like I'm repressing my feminine side.
-I'm afraid of being a woman. People are ALL going to judge me, and I'll get imposter syndrome. But normally, you're supposed to be proud to express yourself as such.
-I have stereotypically masculine traits. Not a lot, but there are some: competition, wanting to be disciplined and so on.
-I like to make vulgar jokes or behave like a male cliché (I'm also putting this here because it can also be a "against" sign).
-I enjoy interacting with my male friends. I like to play into their sarcasm.
-Maybe it's just a sign of low self-esteem.
-I've only asked myself this question recently.
-I haven't felt any body dysfunction and my body seems to like testosterone.
-I behave too much like a "man" for my taste.
I apologize if this sounds a bit misogynistic or misandrist or cliché, but I wanted to be as authentic as possible in my description.
Thank you in advance for your response. I look forward to reading your opinions on it.
submitted by MatchAppropriate1281 to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:14 Sad-Advertising7832 Difference masculine and feminine pisces!

I have grown to perceive feminine and masculine nature of pisces differently. In but strictly taking about genes but rather about the divine masculine and feminine and I would really like to know what the community things about it, what is your perception, what had been your experiences regarding it.
According to my experience, feels like they're is a fundamental difference, both front sensitive, intertwined with the fabric on existence, loving, caring and seeing victimizing at times.
Tough it feels like the masculine is the active force and feminine the passive one. Again not sexist. Just the action and prosection, movement and breaking down on paradigms lies in the masculine. The feminine feels to be the depository of consciousness, the deeper healer and forgiver. Acceptance and awareness on a profound level, more intense than any other sign.
In other words the masculine initiated change, the feminine makes it stick.
What have been your experiences, what are your thoughts?
submitted by Sad-Advertising7832 to piscesastrology [link] [comments]