Medical assistant entry level position resume objective

Reddit Resume - Get Your Resume Reviewed

2009.03.19 18:01 p_W Reddit Resume - Get Your Resume Reviewed

A community where people can submit their resumes for anonymous feedback. General resume questions and discussions are welcomed as well.

2013.06.08 22:14 flignir Am I the Asshole?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /AITAFiltered!

2024.06.10 13:11 Zestyclose_Let849 Upcoming Entry Level Interview tips

Hello everyone!
I am currently the Senior Administrative Assistant at a Distribution CenteWarehouse. There is an opening for a brand new position, Software QA Tester.
The job description is EXTREMELY bland and does not have any specific language/qualifications.
This position will be testing our warehousing software, online merchandising store, and our fantasy draft mobile app. I am very nice experienced in the warehousing software and know quite a bit about the other 2 softwares that will be tested.
With no prior job experience other than working with the software, what are some things I can prepare for that I wouldn’t think about? This is an in-house only opening and the description basically says “experience with using computers and breaking software”, so it’s safe to assume it’s relatively entry level.
I’ve already studied up on stuff like: Different types of testing The role of a tester What are edge cases Why do I want this position
All in all, I am very excited for the opportunity to break into a tech field! Any advice is very appreciated!
Edit: I also have a 300 hour HTML and CSS certification from Freecodecamp
submitted by Zestyclose_Let849 to QualityAssurance [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:00 CallMeBena Need advice on career path

Hello, I would your opinion and advise on how to switch sectors and keep improving my career.
Some context: I (20M) am working as a embedded software engineer at a railway company in Spain earning about 30k yearly with no prior experience professional experience.
I am quite unsatisfied with my daily tasks at the company, mostly doing paperwork and working with a very legacy C codebase, even though I have been able to make a lot of improvements to their CI/CD environment (what I mostly highlight at my resume) and also been responsible for the verification and testing of a lot of code.
I would like to switch to a full stack/backend developer position which is what I enjoyed the most while developing my personal portfolio.
Education wise I chose the 42 school as my university and even though their certificates are not regulated on Spain their education is reallly valued amongst the companies that know the school.
I also have a portfolio with low level projects and full stack applications.
So I would like to know how can I improve my chances or any tip on switching or if should stick to my company till I get more experience, any recommendation is appreciated.
submitted by CallMeBena to cscareerquestionsEU [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:59 tobias_k_42 Trouble with AWS Automatic Model Tuning

I wrote a script for NER, using an IOB-file on Sagemaker. My problem is that while the training script works, the script I want to use for the hypertuning doesn't. It throws an UnexpectedStatusException:
UnexpectedStatusException: Error for HyperParameterTuning job tensorflow-training-240610-1029: Failed. Reason: No objective metrics found after running 4 training jobs. Please ensure that the custom algorithm is emitting the objective metric as defined by the regular expression provided.UnexpectedStatusException: Error for HyperParameterTuning job tensorflow-training-240610-1029: Failed. Reason: No objective metrics found after running 4 training jobs. Please ensure that the custom algorithm is emitting the objective metric as defined by the regular expression provided. 
However I don't see what's wrong about my metrics definitions:
metric_definitions = [ {"Name": "Precision", "Regex": "Precision: ([0-9\\.]+)"}, {"Name": "Recall", "Regex": "Recall: ([0-9\\.]+)"}, {"Name": "F1-Score", "Regex": "F1-Score: ([0-9\\.]+)"}, {"Name": "Validation-Accuracy", "Regex": "val_accuracy: ([0-9\\.]+)"} ] # Configure Hyperparameter tuning hyperparameter_ranges = { 'learning_rate': ContinuousParameter(0.0001, 0.1), 'batch_size': IntegerParameter(64, 256), 'epochs': IntegerParameter(5, 50), 'lstm_units': IntegerParameter(128, 512), } objective_metric_name = 'F1-Score' objective_type = 'Maximize' 
That's how I pass them towards the tuner:
tuner = HyperparameterTuner(estimator, objective_metric_name=objective_metric_name, hyperparameter_ranges=hyperparameter_ranges, metric_definitions=metric_definitions, max_jobs=4, max_parallel_jobs=1, objective_type=objective_type) 
And this is the partial output of running the script "locally":
INFO:__main__:Precision: 0.9563164108618653 INFO:__main__:Recall: 0.24675324675324675 INFO:__main__:F1-Score: 0.3910460288011309 INFO:__main__:val_accuracy: 0.9484978318214417 
The regular expressions should match.
The cloudlogs show that it seems to have problems with the objective metric name:
2024-06-10 10:26:06,748 sagemaker-training-toolkit INFO Failed to parse hyperparameter _tuning_objective_metric value F1-Score to Json. 
But I don't know why. Can anyone help me with fixing this problem?
Here are the full scripts, adding the logs would make this post too long.
import argparse import os import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, Bidirectional, LSTM, Dense, TimeDistributed from tensorflow.keras.models import Model from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam from tensorflow.keras.layers import Embedding from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_fscore_support from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split import boto3 import logging # Setup logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SageMakerModelCheckpoint(tf.keras.callbacks.Callback): def __init__(self, model_dir, **kwargs): super(SageMakerModelCheckpoint, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.model_dir = model_dir # Make dir if it doesn't exist os.makedirs(model_dir, exist_ok=True) def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None): filepath = os.path.join(self.model_dir, f"checkpoint-{epoch}.h5")"{filepath}.keras") def build_model(vocab_size, output_dim, lstm_units): input_layer = Input(shape=(None,)) embedding_layer = Embedding(input_dim=vocab_size + 1, output_dim=300, mask_zero=True)(input_layer) lstm = Bidirectional(LSTM(lstm_units, return_sequences=True, activation='relu'))(embedding_layer) output_layer = TimeDistributed(Dense(output_dim, activation='softmax'))(lstm) model = Model(inputs=input_layer, outputs=output_layer) return model def load_data(data_dir): s3 = boto3.resource('s3') bucket_name = 'awsnlptobi' file_name = 'ner_compounds/training_data/NerCompoundsTrainingData_20240706_test.iob' local_file_path = 'data.iob' try:"Data directory: {data_dir}")"Attempting to download file from S3: {file_name}") s3.meta.client.download_file(bucket_name, file_name, local_file_path)"File downloaded successfully to %s", local_file_path) with open(local_file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: lines = f.readlines() sentences = [] tags = [] current_sentence = [] current_tags = [] for line in lines: line = line.strip() if line: token, entity = line.split(' ') current_sentence.append(token) current_tags.append(entity) else: if current_sentence and current_tags: sentences.append(current_sentence) tags.append(current_tags) current_sentence = [] current_tags = [] if current_sentence and current_tags: sentences.append(current_sentence) tags.append(current_tags)"Loaded {len(sentences)} sentences") max_length = max(len(sentence) for sentence in sentences) token2idx = {"": 0} for sentence in sentences: for token in sentence: if token not in token2idx: token2idx[token] = len(token2idx) tag2idx = {"O": 0, "B-Det": 1, "B-Dtm": 2} X = [] for sentence in sentences: padded_sentence = [token2idx[token] for token in sentence] + [0] * (max_length - len(sentence)) X.append(padded_sentence) y = [] for tags_for_sentence in tags: padded_tags = [tag2idx[tag] for tag in tags_for_sentence] + [0] * (max_length - len(tags_for_sentence)) y.append(padded_tags) X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.1, random_state=42) # Convert to numpy arrays X_train = np.array(X_train) y_train = np.array(y_train) X_val = np.array(X_val) y_val = np.array(y_val) vocab_size = len(token2idx) - 1"Data loading and preprocessing completed successfully.") return X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val, vocab_size except Exception as e: logger.error(f"An error occurred: {e}") return None finally: if os.path.exists(local_file_path): os.remove(local_file_path)"Temporary file {local_file_path} removed.") def compute_metrics(y_true, y_pred, tags): # Flatten the arrays y_true = y_true.flatten() y_pred = np.argmax(y_pred, axis=-1).flatten() # Remove padding (label '0' which is used for padding) mask = y_true != 0 y_true = y_true[mask] y_pred = y_pred[mask] precision, recall, f1, _ = precision_recall_fscore_support(y_true, y_pred, labels=tags, average='weighted', zero_division=1) return precision, recall, f1 def main(args): input_dim = 300 tag2idx = {"O": 0, "B-Det": 1, "B-Dtm": 2} output_dim = len(tag2idx) # Load and preprocess data x_train, y_train, x_val, y_val, vocab_size = load_data(args.data_dir) # Define model architecture model = build_model(vocab_size, len(tag2idx), args.lstm_units) optimizer = Adam(learning_rate=args.learning_rate) model.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy']) # Define callbacks checkpoint_callback = SageMakerModelCheckpoint(model_dir=args.model_dir) # Train the model history =, y_train, batch_size=args.batch_size, epochs=args.epochs, validation_data=(x_val, y_val), callbacks=[checkpoint_callback]) # Compute metrics y_val_pred = model.predict(x_val)"Shape of y_val: {y_val.shape}")"Shape of y_val_pred: {y_val_pred.shape}") precision, recall, f1 = compute_metrics(y_val, y_val_pred, list(tag2idx.values())) # Log the metrics"Precision: {precision}")"Recall: {recall}")"F1-Score: {f1}")"val_accuracy: {max(history.history['val_accuracy'])}") if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, default=32) parser.add_argument('--epochs', type=int, default=10) parser.add_argument('--lstm_units', type=int, default=64) parser.add_argument('--learning_rate', type=float, default=0.01) parser.add_argument('--model_dir', type=str, default=os.environ.get('SM_MODEL_DIR', 'model_dir')) parser.add_argument('--data_dir', type=str, default=os.environ.get('SM_CHANNEL_TRAIN')) strategy = tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy() with strategy.scope(): args = parser.parse_args() main(args) import sagemaker from sagemaker import get_execution_role from sagemaker.tuner import IntegerParameter, ContinuousParameter, HyperparameterTuner, CategoricalParameter from sagemaker.tensorflow import TensorFlow import os sess = sagemaker.Session() role = get_execution_role() bucket = "awsnlptobi" prefix = 'ner_compounds' base_job_name = "bilstm_compounds" checkpoint_in_bucket = "checkpoints" # The S3 URI to store the checkpoints checkpoint_s3_bucket = "s3://{}/{}/{}".format(bucket, prefix, checkpoint_in_bucket) # The local path where the model will save its checkpoints in the training container checkpoint_local_path = "/opt/ml/checkpoints" train_channel = prefix + '/training_data' s3_train_data = 's3://{}/{}'.format(bucket, train_channel) s3_output_location = 's3://{}/{}/output_compound_ner'.format(bucket, prefix) train_script = '' requirements_file_path = 'requirements.txt' # Define Estimator # test-instance: 'ml.g4dn.2xlarge' # final tuning instance 'ml.p3.8xlarge' estimator = TensorFlow(entry_point=train_script, role=role, instance_count=1, instance_type='ml.g4dn.2xlarge', framework_version='2.3.0', py_version='py37', requirements_file=requirements_file_path, hyperparameters={ 'epochs': 10, 'batch_size': 128, 'learning_rate': 0.01, 'lstm_units': 64 }, input_mode='File', output_path=s3_output_location, checkpoint_s3_uri=checkpoint_s3_bucket) metric_definitions = [ {"Name": "Precision", "Regex": "Precision: ([0-9\\.]+)"}, {"Name": "Recall", "Regex": "Recall: ([0-9\\.]+)"}, {"Name": "F1-Score", "Regex": "F1-Score: ([0-9\\.]+)"}, {"Name": "Validation-Accuracy", "Regex": "val_accuracy: ([0-9\\.]+)"} ] # Configure Hyperparameter tuning hyperparameter_ranges = { 'learning_rate': ContinuousParameter(0.0001, 0.1), 'batch_size': IntegerParameter(64, 256), 'epochs': IntegerParameter(5, 50), 'lstm_units': IntegerParameter(128, 512), } objective_metric_name = 'F1-Score' objective_type = 'Maximize' # Fails with # 'l2_regularization_weight': ContinuousParameter(0.0001, 0.01), # 'activation_function': CategoricalParameter(['tanh', 'relu']), # 'dropout_rate': ContinuousParameter(0.1, 0.5), # 'use_batch_normalization': CategoricalParameter([True, False]), # 'num_lstm_layers': IntegerParameter(1, 3) # Test max_jobs=4 # Final Tuning max jobs=20 # Test max_parallel_jobs=1 # Final tuning max_parallel_jobs=4 tuner = HyperparameterTuner(estimator, objective_metric_name=objective_metric_name, hyperparameter_ranges=hyperparameter_ranges, metric_definitions=metric_definitions, max_jobs=4, max_parallel_jobs=1, objective_type=objective_type) # Start of the tuning job{'train': s3_train_data}) 
submitted by tobias_k_42 to MLQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:58 Slappy_MC_Garglenutz MONTHLY ADMINISTRATION THREAD - General Admin, Policy, APS/BGRS, TD/Claims, CANFORGENS, etc. - Have a quick question that doesn't need a thread of it's own? Ask here!

This is the thread to ask and discuss general administration questions that don't really need a thread of their own. It will also double as a thread for ongoing events such as Policy, APS/BGRS, TD/Claims, etc., and may be used for various CANFORGEN's as they're released.
This thread will be renewed monthly, or when it's deemed a new one is needed.
Previous Administration Threads (includes COVID-19 Pandemic Threads) <--(yes, yes. I have to update it.)
  1. All participants are welcome; however, questions relating to Recruitment/Application Processes, Recruit Training (BMQ/BMOQ, PAT, DP1/QL3, BMQ-L/BMOQ-A, etc.) and Scheduling, and other questions relating directly or indirectly to joining the CAF belong in the Weekly Recruiting Thread and will be removed at the discretion of the moderators. Administrative questions relating to VOT/COT's, CT's, and In-Service Selection programs may be permitted.
  2. When answering policy/administration questions, please provide references if available.
  3. Participants are reminded of the subreddit rules and unsubstantiated rumour, exaggerated commenting, or blatant falsehoods will be removed. Keep it civil, and level-headed. Comments may be removed at moderator discretion, with or without warning.
  4. Medical questions at mod discretion. Best answer is "Go talk to your Doc at your local Clinic/MIprovince. There are no verified medical personnel here, and this isn't a medical discussion thread.
If you find yourself struggling and in need of assistance, please reach out:
Canadian Forces Member Assistance Program
CAF Mental Health Resources
The information presented in this thread should be current, but things do change. Refer to your Orderly Room, BPSO, MICDU, SupervisoCoC, or other personnel as appropriate for the current official answer. This subreddit, moderators, and users hold no responsibility or liability as to the accuracy of information, given or received. All info here is presented as "at your risk."
submitted by Slappy_MC_Garglenutz to CanadianForces [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:53 Ram-Nagi CADJPY/EURUSD Possible Trades

CADJPY/EURUSD Possible Trades submitted by Ram-Nagi to u/Ram-Nagi [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:53 BEEN_Nath_58 Indians losing credibility in foreign lands

I don't usually open Discord unless I need it to, so yesterday I opened it after months.
I am part of a STEM group having students across the world. It has around 1K members, so neither the biggest nor the smallest. Usually the group is silent, around 100-120 messages. Yesterday when I opened it after around 4 weeks, the number was over 7000, something interesting had cooked up.
Turns out the people from other countries started talking about the NEET scam. We got some foreign involvement as support, and they probably got the idea from there too.
The part where it mattered the most was when they started talking about the "immigration" habits.
Person - 1 (MS in some top college >> IIT): Talks about the fact India can't provide quality higher education and jobs and they immigrate to foreign lands because they are both lazy and incompetent enough to not change their luck in their native place.
Person -2 (ME in some college < IIT): Supports his fact, doesn't bring extra points. But points out the fact that no country loves too much invaders.
Person - 3 (BTech IITian): Tries to turn down the points of person 1. He knew the NEET scam was a bad image for NTA so he used examples like: college exams are more regulated and higher exams are more organised and best talents are made out of there.
Person - 1: Points out the example where Indians travel to US through the Central American route so there's a high level of similar discrepancy in such exams too. And a line that quotes, "If government bodies (NTA in mind) is bad enough, we know what private universities are doing"
More people went in to support Person 1, and there was nothing Person 3 (IITian) could attack with.
I wonder how this translates to job for Indians there. Most jobs are for non-medical students. Also how does it translate for people who aspire position like FRCS or MRCS?
(also don't ask for links to the group)
submitted by BEEN_Nath_58 to MEDICOreTARDS [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:51 Own-Contact-3909 The Role of Data Science in Healthcare: Transforming Patient Care through Predictive Analytics

Introduction :
In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, the integration of data science has emerged as a powerful tool, revolutionizing the way patient care is delivered and managed. With the advent of predictive analytics, healthcare professionals can now harness the wealth of data available to anticipate, diagnose, and treat diseases with unprecedented accuracy and efficiency. This article explores the pivotal role of data science in healthcare and its transformative impact on patient care through the lens of predictive analytics.
Harnessing Big Data:
At the heart of data science in healthcare lies the utilization of big data – vast volumes of structured and unstructured information collected from various sources such as electronic health records (EHRs), medical imaging, wearable devices, and genomic data. Through advanced data mining and machine learning algorithms, healthcare providers can extract valuable insights from this abundance of information, enabling them to make informed decisions that drive better patient outcomes.
Predictive Analytics in Action:
Predictive analytics empowers healthcare professionals to forecast future events or trends based on historical data patterns, thereby facilitating proactive interventions and personalized treatment plans. By analyzing patient demographics, medical history, genetic predispositions, and lifestyle factors, predictive models can identify individuals at risk of developing certain diseases, allowing for early intervention and preventive measures.
For instance, predictive analytics can assist in the early detection of chronic conditions such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease by flagging patients with high-risk profiles for targeted screenings and interventions. Moreover, in the realm of precision medicine, predictive models can aid clinicians in tailoring treatment strategies based on a patient's unique genetic makeup and predicted response to medications, minimizing adverse effects and optimizing therapeutic outcomes.
Enhancing Operational Efficiency:
Beyond improving clinical decision-making, data science enhances the operational efficiency of healthcare systems by optimizing resource allocation, streamlining workflows, and reducing healthcare costs. Predictive analytics can forecast patient admission rates, emergency department utilization, and bed occupancy rates, enabling hospitals to allocate resources effectively and mitigate overcrowding.
Furthermore, predictive models can identify opportunities for process optimization and quality improvement initiatives, such as reducing hospital readmissions, optimizing medication management, and enhancing care coordination through predictive risk stratification and population health management strategies.
Challenges and Ethical Considerations:
Despite its immense potential, the integration of data science in healthcare is not without challenges and ethical considerations. Issues such as data privacy, security breaches, algorithmic bias, and the responsible use of sensitive patient information require careful consideration and robust governance frameworks to safeguard patient confidentiality and uphold ethical standards.
Moreover, ensuring the accuracy, reliability, and interpretability of predictive models is essential to mitigate the risk of false positives, misdiagnoses, and unintended consequences. Collaborative efforts between data scientists, healthcare providers, policymakers, and regulatory bodies are crucial to address these challenges and foster a culture of data-driven innovation that prioritizes patient safety and well-being.
In conclusion, the role of data science in healthcare is transformative, offering unprecedented opportunities to revolutionize patient care through predictive analytics. By harnessing the power of big data and predictive modeling, healthcare professionals can proactively identify health risks, tailor treatment plans, and optimize healthcare delivery, ultimately improving patient outcomes and enhancing the efficiency of healthcare systems. However, addressing challenges related to data privacy, algorithmic bias, and ethical considerations is paramount to realizing the full potential of data science in healthcare and ensuring its responsible and equitable implementation.

DataScience #MachineLearning #ArtificialIntelligence #BigData

submitted by Own-Contact-3909 to u/Own-Contact-3909 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:50 DingoAteMyMate Where to start looking for work

Hi, I am a 26 yr old Male in Australia NSW looking to start work again. I've only had one proper Job in my life which was event labouring near where I live but I left that 3 years ago because I wasn't getting alot of hours during covid times.
I was wondering from this forum where to look for work? I havent looked for work much and I'll admit that I am on centrelink currently which is looked down upon but I generally want to work and fix my wellbeing and rebuild all the years I have wasted at home not doing alot.
I havent worked much because everytime I look at a job I always feel like I'm never good enough and can do the work that Im told to do, I've felt for me that that barrier for me is what is stopping me from being where I need to be in life and as my friends progress through life Im always finding it very easy to compare myself to their situation and bring myself down.
Ive only had event labouring as my first proper job but ever since having personal issues with my family when I was younger I dont want to particularly do labouring as work nor do I want to do call centre work as I have ADHD I feel like I wouldnt be applicable for that position. I am moreso looking for an entry level job I could get a decent wage for. I dont want to do forklift stuff either.
I have my L's license but unfortunately only had experience in one driving lesson since my parents car doesnt work and is a manual. I want to drive an automatic lol.
But was wondering if Indeed and seek are the way to go for looking for jobs, I have been actively looking on there every few days and try to get over what I said above and just apply and Im not sure if its the absolute best way to find something.
submitted by DingoAteMyMate to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:49 Kari-kateora [Hiring] Legal Assistant / Intellectual Property Clerk

Who We Are:
We are an E-Commerce company specialising in the distribution of natural, gourmet, and specialty goods.
The Job:
Currently, we have an opening for a Legal Assistant with emphasis on intellectual property law. The Legal Assistant would be tasked with handling IP Complaints we receive on various online marketplaces, responding to inquiries concerning trademark copyright, drafting emails demanding complaint retractions, and other related duties.
The Ideal Candidate:
Our ideal candidate is someone with a legal background, such as prior experience as a paralegal or legal assistant, or currently being enrolled in or recently graduated from law school. An interest in intellectual property law and a background in e-commerce are a plus.
Training will be provided.
Hours and Pay:
This is a part-time position with approximately 20 hours of work per week. The rate per hour is $15.
This position is not limited to the USA.
To apply, please message me with a short introduction of your background and your resume.
submitted by Kari-kateora to forhire [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:48 MOMSHIEANN Hugewin: Your Path to Massive Crypto Rewards Starts Here

Discover the Excitement and Fairness of Hugewin’s Casino Games

Have you been searching for an online crypto betting site that guarantees fairness, security, and an unparalleled gaming experience? Look no further than Hugewin. Known for its provably fair games and robust security measures, Hugewin is rapidly becoming the preferred platform for players around the globe. Here's why Hugewin stands out in the crowded online casino market:

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Security is a top priority at Hugewin. The platform employs advanced encryption and smart contract verification to protect both personal and financial information. This means your funds and data are always secure, allowing you to focus on the fun of the game without worrying about potential breaches.

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If you’re looking for a fair, secure, and rewarding online casino experience, Hugewin is your best bet. Join the world’s largest online crypto casino and start your path to massive rewards today.
Explore more and start playing now at Hugewin.
submitted by MOMSHIEANN to ClickGemOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:48 Purple_Ad3714 80 Faqs About demons

Table of Contents

Please use the back arrow on the upper left side of the screen to return to TOC.
Physical Body of the Host#hosts-physical-Body
Demons and Sex
Demon Possession
Exorcism and Deliverance
Spiritual Battle
General Questions about Demons
Spirit Channeling Is Dangerous
My qualifications to answer these questions

Physical Body of Host

Can demons change the host’s skin?

Demons can make the host desire to cut or scratch their body.

2. Can a demon murder the host?

No, a demon cannot murder the host by using a knife or sharp objects. They are not
No, a demon cannot murder the host by using a knife or sharp objects. They are not capable of picking up a physical object. They are spirits and have no physical body.

3. Can a demon get into the blood?

Yes, generational demons are passed in the blood from generations of the same family.

4. What is a generational demon?

Generational demons will stay with the blood of all generations until they are cast out by an exorcist.

5. Why do demons get pleasure from the sight of blood?

The sight, smell, and feeling of the blood make them stronger. Blood is also sacrificed to invite more demons into the host.

6. Can a demon kill through communication with the host?

Demons can kill the host by tormenting it through through injection or telepathy. The host becomes so insane that the person will commit suicide to have mental peace of mind.

7. How do demons affect sleep?

The demon has easier access to the host when asleep. The demon will give terrifying nightmares. The host will be afraid to sleep, weakening their body and making them less able to fight spiritually.

8. How do the demons keep their host from eating?

The host becomes so fearful and nervous that there is no appetite.

9. Can a demon control body movements?

Yes, demons can control the hands (for example, Ouija Board and Automatic Handwriting), move the head, and use the host’s voice.

10. Can a demon talk to the host?

Yes, the host needs to go neutral and not think of their thoughts. The demon can use the voice as a way of communication.

11. Can the demon talk to the person anytime in a social setting

Yes, the person must always think before they speak. It takes practice to know if the demon desires to speak. The host can practice controlling their speech.

12. Can a demon force the person to talk to themselves?

Yes, when people are possessed, they will talk to themselves and not care if anyone hears them. This can take some time for the demon to get deeper into total possession.

13. How does a demon get a person to scratch themselves?

The demon can place an intense desire in the person to scratch or abuse themselves.

14. Why do demons want the host to cut themselves?

Demons and Sex

15. Why Do Demons Desire Sex?

All demons desire sex. A part of their goal is to get pleasure from sex with the host’s physical body.

16. Can you summon a demon through pornography?

Yes, if you intensely watch TV, videos, or pornography magazines. Demons will be summoned to get an invitation to communicate. The demons lie to say that they are a fantasy sex lover.

17. What is an incubus?

An incubus is the historical name given to male sex demons. All demons love sex and take on this name as a function.

18. What is a succubus?

A succubus is a female sex demon. The current thinking is that all demons are male.

19. Can demons intensify the sexual desire in the host?

Yes, demons can intensify the desire for sex. They can torture the host with strong sexual desires at all times in daily life.

20. How Do demons have sex?

Demons have sex because they can feel all the physical sensations of the host touching themselves until the climax.

21. Can a demon make a woman pregnant?

No, a demon does not have a body. However, a demon can force the feeling of being pregnant. The demon may tell the woman that she is having a spiritual baby.

22. What is a spiritual husband or wife?

The demon convinces the host that they are communicating with a deceased spouse.

23. Can demons rape a person?

Yes, a demon can rape a person by lucid dreams.

25. Can a person attract a demon by fantasizing about a beautiful lover?

Yes, if the person has an intense desire for this lover.

26. Can a person get a demon by casual sex?

Yes, if you know very little about the sex partner, demons are transmitted through body fluids.

Is Demon Possession Real?

27. What is demon oppression?

Demon oppression occurs when a demon is on the outside of a person. The spirit attempts to lure the person into an invitation to communicate. The person will feel like a dark cloud of evil surrounds them. The person may be sad for no reason, feel jittery, or have intense emotions that they have never had before.

28. What is stage one of demon possession?

Stage one is when the person has invited the demon in through channeling or a passionate desire that the person has. The demon will lie and pretend to be anything the person wants them to be. The demon will entertain the person and have conversations with the host through thoughts in the person’s mind. In stage one, the person can still live their normal life. Friends and loved ones will note that the person is a little weird, but no one thinks anything about the behavior.

29. What is partial possession?

Stage two of the possession process is when the demon penetrates the host’s mind and body further, now talking through the host’s voice and conversing with them. The demon wants sex more often. The host wants to spend all their time with the demon. The host is kept in social isolation. Eventually, the host finds they are losing control of their mind and body. Intense fear comes to the host. The demon tells the host that all is lost and that the demon will control them for the rest of their lives.

30. What is total possession?

The demons take total control of the person. The person cannot take care of themselves. The hosts talk to themselves in and out of social situations. The only hope is to take the person to an exorcist and a psychiatrist who knows about the spirits. If not, the person is lost forever in their world.

31. Can a possessed person lead a normal life?

Yes, a person who is oppressed or partially possessed can attempt to lead a normal life. The host may fool loved ones and friends, but the demonic thoughts come steadily, The host still has control to behave normally.

32. Can a host communicate with the demon using the host’s voice?

Yes, the host can talk to the demon using their voice, and the demon can answer by slightly deepening the host’s voice.

33. Can the demon communicate in other ways in a social setting?

The demon will still send thoughts when the host is in a social setting. The host may have the control to ignore the thoughts. The demons will try another way to communicate by moving the host’s finger to form letters for words. Channeling is dangerous. Working the board will only bring demons.

Exorcism and Deliverance

Exorcism is the act of casting out a demon. After the demon is cast out, deliverance shows the person how to live free.

34. What must the host do to make the exorcism effective?

Exorcisms are effective, but they might take time. The host must renounce the demon, tell it to leave and never return, and renounce the invitation that gave the demon the spiritual authority to enter. For example, if they channeled to get the demon in, the host must never channel again. The host must be willing to confess all their secret behaviors, such as viewing pornography, and never doing that again. The host must earnestly desire the exorcism no matter how embarrassing the secrets.

35. What does the exorcist first do to make the exorcism effective?

The exorcist must pray for spiritual protection from God and the angels. They must have very strong faith in the name and power of Jesus Christ.

36. Why does the exorcist need to lead a clean life?

The exorcist calls the demon to manifest through the host. The exorcist must be living a clean life with no secrets. The demon can speak the exorcist’s secret sins in front of the exorcism team.

37. How does the exorcist talk to the demon?

The exorcist commands the demon to tell its function and the host to invite it to enter the host. The exorcist must never have a conversation with the demon that does not involve the current exorcism.

38. How does the demon react?

The demon curses screams, and sometimes tries to spit at the exorcist. The exorcist must maintain control of the demon by invoking the name of Jesus Christ.

39. Can the demon hurt the exorcist?

No, the demon cannot physically hurt the exorcist. The exorcist is under the spiritual protection of Jesus Christ and all His angels. When the exorcist gets hurt or killed by the demon on TV and in movies, that is entertainment and fantasy.

40. How long does it take to perform an exorcism?

The time of completion of the exorcism depends on how many invitations the host gives the demon. There are secrets the host might try to hide from the exorcist. It takes time to discover all the host’s secrets.

41. Can an exorcist act alone?

The exorcist should have a team of deliverance people to support the exorcist with prayer and their spiritual discernment. The team can discern something the exorcist needs to know about the demon or the host. Exorcisms should not be done with only one exorcist.

42. Do you need a priest to perform an exorcism?

No, there are a few Protestant churches that have exorcism teams. These churches train people to become exorcists.

43. Can anyone cast out a demon?

No, you must be anointed and called by God to be an exorcist. A person who tries this alone puts themselves in spiritual danger.

44. Can angels help in an exorcism?

Yes, the exorcist can call the angels to help in an exorcism. Usually, they keep the host in the chair and stop the demon from screaming.

45. Why is it so difficult to find an exorcist?

Christian churches do not want exorcisms in their place of worship. Many churches do not want to deal with demons.

What is a Spiritual Battle?

46. How the host must fight to retain thought control from the demon?

The host must stop the thoughts the demon gives by replacing them with a positive thought. Every time, even hundreds of times a day.

47. How does the host stop the demon from using their voice?

The host must always think before talking. The host can stop the demon from talking. This takes practice every day until the host slowly gains total control.

48. How does the host stay spiritually protected?

Pray to God in the name of Jesus. Read and memorize scriptures that are most meaningful to the host.

49. What happens when the host sleeps?

Sleeping makes the control diminished. Meditate on prayer and scriptures before sleep. Ask the angels to wake the host if a demonic dream is in progress. Then, more prayer and meditation on scriptures. This fight must proceed until the demon is weak enough to be gone from the presence of the host.

50. Why does the demon attempt to re-enter the host?

Once the demon is cast out, it will remain around the host in the form of oppression. This is a test the demon will try to re-enter the host. The host must remain firm in the faith that the demon is no longer inside him. The demon can return if the host does not believe the exorcism happened.

51. Why does the exorcism take two- the host and the exorcist?

Both have to participate to complete the exorcism. The exorcist cannot do anything without the host’s permission, and the host must always be on alert for the demon attempting to return.

General Questions about Demons

Throughout the years, people have still many questions about demons. This last section contains the repeated questions submitted to my website.

52. Are demons real?

Yes, demons are real. They cannot be measured by science. Demons are spiritual and can only be measured by their behavior.

53. Do demons have personal names?

No demons do not have personal names, but they name themselves by function. For example, if the person desires to communicate with a deceased loved one, the demon’s name will be the loved one’s. If the host desires a sex demon, then the name will be incubus or succubus.

54. Can demons materialize into humans.?

No, the demons cannot materialize into humans. They are spirits with no physical body.

55. Are all demons bad?

Demons are purely evil.

56. Can demons repent and be good?

No demons will never repent and be good.

57. Can demons stay until the host dies?

Yes, the demon can stay for the lifetime of the host. The demons will leave only when cast out by an exorcist.

58. Can a demon murder a person?

No, a demon cannot murder a person. Unlike the movies and TV, demons do not throw knives and sharp objects to kill their host.

59. Can a demon cause the host to commit suicide?

Yes, the demon can make the host so horrified by thought injection and nightmares,. The host feels there is no hope to regain their freedom.

60. Should a person fear demons?

A person should never fear demons. Demon gets stronger when fear is present.

61. Why do demons want to possess people?

Demons are comfortable inside a human body. They call the human body their home.

62. Can a mental health professional help a demon-possessed person?

There are a few mental health professionals that know about the effects of demons. Most of the time, they do not believe in demons. The mental health professionals will over-prescribe medications that result in the hosts being too drugged to fight a spiritual battle. The medications can help soothe the mind if not too potent.

63. How can a friend or loved one help a demon-possessed person?

The possessed person needs support. Help them eat balanced meals and sleep for a normal time. Tell them you will help them find a mental health professional. If the medications do not help, then find an exorcist. The possessed person may not agree to the help. No one can force a possessed person to seek help, and the exorcism will not work without the host’s approval.

64. If you don’t believe in demons, will that keep the demon away?

All people have the common grace of God that protects them if they believe in demons or not. The people are safe if they do not invite a spirit to communicate.

65. Why does God permit a person to be possessed?

God never forces a person’s free choice. If a person crosses the spiritual line, then God does not interfere. God will permit an exorcism if the possessed person requests one.

76. Where do demons live on earth?

Demons roam the earth until they find a human body to inhabit.

67. Is there anything fun in having a demon?

Sometimes, demons will pretend to be fun. An example is having a sex demon. The host may have fun at first until the demon begins the possession process.

68. Why are most people afraid to admit they have a demon?

People fear being called weird, strange, crazy, or just their imagination. These names hurt the host because the host knows no one will believe them.

69. Can a possessed person lead a normal life?

An oppressed or partially possessed person can still lead a normal life. The person still has the majority of control over demonic thoughts, and they can still stop the demon from speaking and moving their body.

70. How do you know if you have a demon?

If you invite a demon in for communication, then you will be in the stages of demon possession

72. How do most mental health professionals deal with the demon-possessed?

The majority of mental health professionals do not believe in demons. They will give strong medications that make the host unable to do spiritual warfare. If the medications do not help, the next step should be an exorcist.

73. Can you have sex with a ghost?

No, no one can have sex with ghosts. Ghosts have no bodies and want to be left alone. The spirit is a demon and not a ghost.

74. Can demons jump from one person to another?

Demons must be invited in by the person. They cannot arbitrarily jump from person to person.

75. Do negative emotions invite demons?

Yes, extreme negative emotions can invite demons. Forgiveness for the hurt will keep a demon away.

76. How do demons affect the family of the host?

The family and friends become anxious because the host is not behaving normally. The family becomes more anxious every day

77. Why do demons hate people?

Demons hate people because they hate human life. Demons do not want people to be comfortable and have a physical body because all they can do is wander on Earth or be sent to hell.

78. How does a demon talk to its host?

A demon can communicate thoughts using the host’s voice, channeling tools, automatic handwriting, and more.

79. How many demons can live in a person?

Usually, there is more than one. Sometimes, there are legions (thousands)

80. When can the host talk to their family and friends about their demons?

The host must be careful about who he tells about the demon. The person must be spiritually sensitive. The host risks being called weird, crazy, and seriously mentally ill.

Additional FAQs About Demons

Why Is Spirit Channeling Dangerous?

81. Why is the Ouija Board Dangerous?

The Ouija Board is sold as a toy. Many people think the toy is harmless—just a game. The Board is the easiest way to summon a demon. Put fingers on the planchette and watch them move to the letters on the board. The invitation to communicate gives the demon a right to begin the possession process. The demon pretends to be a deceased loved one or whoever the host desires.

82. Why is Automatic Handwriting Dangerous?

Automatic handwriting occurs when a person holds a pen on a blank paper and requests the spirit (demon) to use their hands to write messages. The demon moves the host’s hands.

83. Why is spellcasting dangerous?

Casting spells are usually done by witches at the request of a person who desires to force a victim to bend to their request. There is no other spirit that wants control over a person. Three people are involved: the witch, the person requesting the spell, and the victim. All are at the risk of becoming demon-possessed.
Many more channeling tools entice a person to pursue the spirits. The problem is that all the spirits are demons, and demons are purely evil.

My qualifications to answer these questions

As a teenager, I was very spiritually curious. I was waiting to begin my first year in college, and I thought all the spirits were good. The Ouija Board is the channeling tool used to contact the demon. It took four years to get the demon out of me completely. This was a terrifying trip to hell.
About ten years after the exorcism, I desired to help others who are enduring demon-possession. I trained at a Christian church and became a lead exorcist with an exorcism team for support. I worked as an exorcist for twelve years.
Professional education can help a person understand demons to a certain extent. Unfortunately, intellectual knowledge is limited. Personal experience gave me the answer to all these questions.
I will be adding more questions and answers in the future. There is still more to write. Readers, stay spiritually safe. Do not play with the spirits.
Table of Contents
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Physical Body of the Host#hosts-physical-Body
Demons and Sex
Demon Possession
Exorcism and Deliverance
Spiritual Battle
General Questions about Demons
Spirit Channeling Is Dangerous
My qualifications to answer these questions

Physical Body of Host

Can demons change the host’s skin?

Demons can make the host desire to cut or scratch their body.

2. Can a demon murder the host?

No, a demon cannot murder the host by using a knife or sharp objects. They are not
No, a demon cannot murder the host by using a knife or sharp objects. They are not capable of picking up a physical object. They are spirits and have no physical body.

3. Can a demon get into the blood?

Yes, generational demons are passed in the blood from generations of the same family.

4. What is a generational demon?

Generational demons will stay with the blood of all generations until they are cast out by an exorcist.

5. Why do demons get pleasure from the sight of blood?

The sight, smell, and feeling of the blood make them stronger. Blood is also sacrificed to invite more demons into the host.

6. Can a demon kill through communication with the host?

Demons can kill the host by tormenting it through through injection or telepathy. The host becomes so insane that the person will commit suicide to have mental peace of mind.

7. How do demons affect sleep?

The demon has easier access to the host when asleep. The demon will give terrifying nightmares. The host will be afraid to sleep, weakening their body and making them less able to fight spiritually.

8. How do the demons keep their host from eating?

The host becomes so fearful and nervous that there is no appetite.

9. Can a demon control body movements?

Yes, demons can control the hands (for example, Ouija Board and Automatic Handwriting), move the head, and use the host’s voice.

10. Can a demon talk to the host?

Yes, the host needs to go neutral and not think of their thoughts. The demon can use the voice as a way of communication.

11. Can the demon talk to the person anytime in a social setting

Yes, the person must always think before they speak. It takes practice to know if the demon desires to speak. The host can practice controlling their speech.

12. Can a demon force the person to talk to themselves?

Yes, when people are possessed, they will talk to themselves and not care if anyone hears them. This can take some time for the demon to get deeper into total possession.

13. How does a demon get a person to scratch themselves?

The demon can place an intense desire in the person to scratch or abuse themselves.

14. Why do demons want the host to cut themselves?

Demons and Sex

15. Why Do Demons Desire Sex?

All demons desire sex. A part of their goal is to get pleasure from sex with the host’s physical body.

16. Can you summon a demon through pornography?

Yes, if you intensely watch TV, videos, or pornography magazines. Demons will be summoned to get an invitation to communicate. The demons lie to say that they are a fantasy sex lover.

17. What is an incubus?

An incubus is the historical name given to male sex demons. All demons love sex and take on this name as a function.

18. What is a succubus?

A succubus is a female sex demon. The current thinking is that all demons are male.

19. Can demons intensify the sexual desire in the host?

Yes, demons can intensify the desire for sex. They can torture the host with strong sexual desires at all times in daily life.

20. How Do demons have sex?

Demons have sex because they can feel all the physical sensations of the host touching themselves until the climax.

21. Can a demon make a woman pregnant?

No, a demon does not have a body. However, a demon can force the feeling of being pregnant. The demon may tell the woman that she is having a spiritual baby.

22. What is a spiritual husband or wife?

The demon convinces the host that they are communicating with a deceased spouse.

23. Can demons rape a person?

Yes, a demon can rape a person by lucid dreams.

25. Can a person attract a demon by fantasizing about a beautiful lover?

Yes, if the person has an intense desire for this lover.

26. Can a person get a demon by casual sex?

Yes, if you know very little about the sex partner, demons are transmitted through body fluids.

Is Demon Possession Real?

27. What is demon oppression?

Demon oppression occurs when a demon is on the outside of a person. The spirit attempts to lure the person into an invitation to communicate. The person will feel like a dark cloud of evil surrounds them. The person may be sad for no reason, feel jittery, or have intense emotions that they have never had before.

28. What is stage one of demon possession?

Stage one is when the person has invited the demon in through channeling or a passionate desire that the person has. The demon will lie and pretend to be anything the person wants them to be. The demon will entertain the person and have conversations with the host through thoughts in the person’s mind. In stage one, the person can still live their normal life. Friends and loved ones will note that the person is a little weird, but no one thinks anything about the behavior.

29. What is partial possession?

Stage two of the possession process is when the demon penetrates the host’s mind and body further, now talking through the host’s voice and conversing with them. The demon wants sex more often. The host wants to spend all their time with the demon. The host is kept in social isolation. Eventually, the host finds they are losing control of their mind and body. Intense fear comes to the host. The demon tells the host that all is lost and that the demon will control them for the rest of their lives.

30. What is total possession?

The demons take total control of the person. The person cannot take care of themselves. The hosts talk to themselves in and out of social situations. The only hope is to take the person to an exorcist and a psychiatrist who knows about the spirits. If not, the person is lost forever in their world.

31. Can a possessed person lead a normal life?

Yes, a person who is oppressed or partially possessed can attempt to lead a normal life. The host may fool loved ones and friends, but the demonic thoughts come steadily, The host still has control to behave normally.

32. Can a host communicate with the demon using the host’s voice?

Yes, the host can talk to the demon using their voice, and the demon can answer by slightly deepening the host’s voice.

33. Can the demon communicate in other ways in a social setting?

The demon will still send thoughts when the host is in a social setting. The host may have the control to ignore the thoughts. The demons will try another way to communicate by moving the host’s finger to form letters for words. Channeling is dangerous. Working the board will only bring demons.

Exorcism and Deliverance

Exorcism is the act of casting out a demon. After the demon is cast out, deliverance shows the person how to live free.

34. What must the host do to make the exorcism effective?

Exorcisms are effective, but they might take time. The host must renounce the demon, tell it to leave and never return, and renounce the invitation that gave the demon the spiritual authority to enter. For example, if they channeled to get the demon in, the host must never channel again. The host must be willing to confess all their secret behaviors, such as viewing pornography, and never doing that again. The host must earnestly desire the exorcism no matter how embarrassing the secrets.

35. What does the exorcist first do to make the exorcism effective?

The exorcist must pray for spiritual protection from God and the angels. They must have very strong faith in the name and power of Jesus Christ.

36. Why does the exorcist need to lead a clean life?

The exorcist calls the demon to manifest through the host. The exorcist must be living a clean life with no secrets. The demon can speak the exorcist’s secret sins in front of the exorcism team.

37. How does the exorcist talk to the demon?

The exorcist commands the demon to tell its function and the host to invite it to enter the host. The exorcist must never have a conversation with the demon that does not involve the current exorcism.

38. How does the demon react?

The demon curses screams, and sometimes tries to spit at the exorcist. The exorcist must maintain control of the demon by invoking the name of Jesus Christ.

39. Can the demon hurt the exorcist?

No, the demon cannot physically hurt the exorcist. The exorcist is under the spiritual protection of Jesus Christ and all His angels. When the exorcist gets hurt or killed by the demon on TV and in movies, that is entertainment and fantasy.

40. How long does it take to perform an exorcism?

The time of completion of the exorcism depends on how many invitations the host gives the demon. There are secrets the host might try to hide from the exorcist. It takes time to discover all the host’s secrets.

41. Can an exorcist act alone?

The exorcist should have a team of deliverance people to support the exorcist with prayer and their spiritual discernment. The team can discern something the exorcist needs to know about the demon or the host. Exorcisms should not be done with only one exorcist.

42. Do you need a priest to perform an exorcism?

No, there are a few Protestant churches that have exorcism teams. These churches train people to become exorcists.

43. Can anyone cast out a demon?

No, you must be anointed and called by God to be an exorcist. A person who tries this alone puts themselves in spiritual danger.

44. Can angels help in an exorcism?

Yes, the exorcist can call the angels to help in an exorcism. Usually, they keep the host in the chair and stop the demon from screaming.

45. Why is it so difficult to find an exorcist?

Christian churches do not want exorcisms in their place of worship. Many churches do not want to deal with demons.

What is a Spiritual Battle?

46. How the host must fight to retain thought control from the demon?

The host must stop the thoughts the demon gives by replacing them with a positive thought. Every time, even hundreds of times a day.

47. How does the host stop the demon from using their voice?

The host must always think before talking. The host can stop the demon from talking. This takes practice every day until the host slowly gains total control.

48. How does the host stay spiritually protected?

Pray to God in the name of Jesus. Read and memorize scriptures that are most meaningful to the host.

49. What happens when the host sleeps?

Sleeping makes the control diminished. Meditate on prayer and scriptures before sleep. Ask the angels to wake the host if a demonic dream is in progress. Then, more prayer and meditation on scriptures. This fight must proceed until the demon is weak enough to be gone from the presence of the host.

50. Why does the demon attempt to re-enter the host?

Once the demon is cast out, it will remain around the host in the form of oppression. This is a test the demon will try to re-enter the host. The host must remain firm in the faith that the demon is no longer inside him. The demon can return if the host does not believe the exorcism happened.

51. Why does the exorcism take two- the host and the exorcist?

Both have to participate to complete the exorcism. The exorcist cannot do anything without the host’s permission, and the host must always be on alert for the demon attempting to return.

General Questions about Demons

Throughout the years, people have still many questions about demons. This last section contains the repeated questions submitted to my website.

52. Are demons real?

Yes, demons are real. They cannot be measured by science. Demons are spiritual and can only be measured by their behavior.

53. Do demons have personal names?

No demons do not have personal names, but they name themselves by function. For example, if the person desires to communicate with a deceased loved one, the demon’s name will be the loved one’s. If the host desires a sex demon, then the name will be incubus or succubus.

54. Can demons materialize into humans.?

No, the demons cannot materialize into humans. They are spirits with no physical body.

55. Are all demons bad?

Demons are purely evil.

56. Can demons repent and be good?

No demons will never repent and be good.

57. Can demons stay until the host dies?

Yes, the demon can stay for the lifetime of the host. The demons will leave only when cast out by an exorcist.

58. Can a demon murder a person?

No, a demon cannot murder a person. Unlike the movies and TV, demons do not throw knives and sharp objects to kill their host.

59. Can a demon cause the host to commit suicide?

Yes, the demon can make the host so horrified by thought injection and nightmares,. The host feels there is no hope to regain their freedom.

60. Should a person fear demons?

A person should never fear demons. Demon gets stronger when fear is present.

61. Why do demons want to possess people?

Demons are comfortable inside a human body. They call the human body their home.

62. Can a mental health professional help a demon-possessed person?

There are a few mental health professionals that know about the effects of demons. Most of the time, they do not believe in demons. The mental health professionals will over-prescribe medications that result in the hosts being too drugged to fight a spiritual battle. The medications can help soothe the mind if not too potent.

63. How can a friend or loved one help a demon-possessed person?

The possessed person needs support. Help them eat balanced meals and sleep for a normal time. Tell them you will help them find a mental health professional. If the medications do not help, then find an exorcist. The possessed person may not agree to the help. No one can force a possessed person to seek help, and the exorcism will not work without the host’s approval.

64. If you don’t believe in demons, will that keep the demon away?

All people have the common grace of God that protects them if they believe in demons or not. The people are safe if they do not invite a spirit to communicate.

65. Why does God permit a person to be possessed?

God never forces a person’s free choice. If a person crosses the spiritual line, then God does not interfere. God will permit an exorcism if the possessed person requests one.

76. Where do demons live on earth?

Demons roam the earth until they find a human body to inhabit.

67. Is there anything fun in having a demon?

Sometimes, demons will pretend to be fun. An example is having a sex demon. The host may have fun at first until the demon begins the possession process.

68. Why are most people afraid to admit they have a demon?

People fear being called weird, strange, crazy, or just their imagination. These names hurt the host because the host knows no one will believe them.

69. Can a possessed person lead a normal life?

An oppressed or partially possessed person can still lead a normal life. The person still has the majority of control over demonic thoughts, and they can still stop the demon from speaking and moving their body.

70. How do you know if you have a demon?

If you invite a demon in for communication, then you will be in the stages of demon possession

72. How do most mental health professionals deal with the demon-possessed?

The majority of mental health professionals do not believe in demons. They will give strong medications that make the host unable to do spiritual warfare. If the medications do not help, the next step should be an exorcist.

73. Can you have sex with a ghost?

No, no one can have sex with ghosts. Ghosts have no bodies and want to be left alone. The spirit is a demon and not a ghost.

74. Can demons jump from one person to another?

Demons must be invited in by the person. They cannot arbitrarily jump from person to person.

75. Do negative emotions invite demons?

Yes, extreme negative emotions can invite demons. Forgiveness for the hurt will keep a demon away.

76. How do demons affect the family of the host?

The family and friends become anxious because the host is not behaving normally. The family becomes more anxious every day

77. Why do demons hate people?

Demons hate people because they hate human life. Demons do not want people to be comfortable and have a physical body because all they can do is wander on Earth or be sent to hell.

78. How does a demon talk to its host?

A demon can communicate thoughts using the host’s voice, channeling tools, automatic handwriting, and more.

79. How many demons can live in a person?

Usually, there is more than one. Sometimes, there are legions (thousands)

80. When can the host talk to their family and friends about their demons?

The host must be careful about who he tells about the demon. The person must be spiritually sensitive. The host risks being called weird, crazy, and seriously mentally ill.

Additional FAQs About Demons

My qualifications to answer these questions

As a teenager, I was very spiritually curious. I was waiting to begin my first year in college, and I thought all the spirits were good. The Ouija Board is the channeling tool used to contact the demon. It took four years to get the demon out of me completely. This was a terrifying trip to hell.
About ten years after the exorcism, I desired to help others who are enduring demon-possession. I trained at a Christian church and became a lead exorcist with an exorcism team for support. I worked as an exorcist for twelve years.
Professional education can help a person understand demons to a certain extent. Unfortunately, intellectual knowledge is limited. Personal experience gave me the answer to all these questions.
I will be adding more questions and answers in the future. There is still more to write. Readers, stay spiritually safe. Do not play with the spirits.
submitted by Purple_Ad3714 to aboutdemons [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:48 Massive-Caregiver124 HELPP!! College Freshmen resume for applying to a Virtual Assistant position

Hey resumes, I'm an incoming college freshman applying for Virtual Assistant positions but I'm clueless in making resumes ;-; . This is what I made so far and I'm hoping for some advice and constructive criticism, I know it's pretty bad so please roast it to medium rare
submitted by Massive-Caregiver124 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:41 CodefinityCom Top 50 Python Interview Questions for Data Analyst

To help you prepare for your next data analyst interview, we've compiled a comprehensive list of the top 50 Python interview questions tailored specifically for data analysts. These questions are categorized into beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels, covering a wide range of topics essential for success in the field of data analytics.

Beginner Level Questions

Q1. What is Python, and why is it commonly used in data analytics? A1. Python is a high-level programming language known for its simplicity and readability. It's widely used in data analytics due to its rich ecosystem of libraries such as Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib, which make data manipulation, analysis, and visualization more accessible.
Q2. How do you install external libraries in Python? A2. External libraries in Python can be installed using package managers like pip. For example, to install the Pandas library, you can use the command pip install pandas.
Q3. What is Pandas, and how is it used in data analysis? A3. Pandas is a Python library used for data manipulation and analysis. It provides data structures like DataFrame and Series, which allow for easy handling and analysis of tabular data.
Q4. How do you read a CSV file into a DataFrame using Pandas? A4. You can read a CSV file into a DataFrame using the pd.read_csv() function in Pandas. For example:
pythonCopy codeimport pandas as pd df = pd.read_csv('file.csv') 
Q5. What is NumPy, and why is it used in data analysis? A5. NumPy is a Python library used for numerical computing. It provides support for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, along with a collection of mathematical functions to operate on these arrays efficiently.
Q6. How do you create a NumPy array? A6. You can create a NumPy array using the np.array() function by passing a Python list as an argument. For example:
pythonCopy codeimport numpy as np arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) 
Q7. Explain the difference between a DataFrame and a Series in Pandas. A7. A DataFrame is a 2-dimensional labeled data structure with columns of potentially different types. It can be thought of as a table with rows and columns. A Series, on the other hand, is a 1-dimensional labeled array capable of holding any data type.
Q8. How do you select specific rows and columns from a DataFrame in Pandas? A8. You can use indexing and slicing to select specific rows and columns from a DataFrame in Pandas. For example:
pythonCopy codedf.iloc[2:5, 1:3] 
Q9. What is Matplotlib, and how is it used in data analysis? A9. Matplotlib is a Python library used for data visualization. It provides a wide variety of plots and charts to visualize data, including line plots, bar plots, histograms, and scatter plots.
Q10. How do you create a line plot using Matplotlib? A10. You can create a line plot using the plt.plot() function in Matplotlib. For example:
pythonCopy codeimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(x, y) 
Q11. Explain the concept of data cleaning in data analysis. A11. Data cleaning is the process of identifying and correcting errors, inconsistencies, and missing values in a dataset to improve its quality and reliability for analysis. It involves tasks such as removing duplicates, handling missing data, and correcting formatting issues.
Q12. How do you check for missing values in a DataFrame using Pandas? A12. You can use the isnull() method in Pandas to check for missing values in a DataFrame. For example:
pythonCopy codedf.isnull() 
Q13. What are some common methods for handling missing values in a DataFrame? A13. Common methods for handling missing values include removing rows or columns containing missing values (dropna()), filling missing values with a specified value (fillna()), or interpolating missing values based on existing data (interpolate()).
Q14. How do you calculate descriptive statistics for a DataFrame in Pandas? A14. You can use the describe() method in Pandas to calculate descriptive statistics for a DataFrame, including count, mean, standard deviation, minimum, maximum, and percentiles.
Q15. What is a histogram, and how is it used in data analysis? A15. A histogram is a graphical representation of the distribution of numerical data. It consists of a series of bars, where each bar represents a range of values and the height of the bar represents the frequency of values within that range. Histograms are commonly used to visualize the frequency distribution of a dataset.
Q16. How do you create a histogram using Matplotlib? A16. You can create a histogram using the plt.hist() function in Matplotlib. For example:
pythonCopy codeimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.hist(data, bins=10) 
Q17. What is the purpose of data visualization in data analysis? A17. The purpose of data visualization is to communicate information and insights from data effectively through graphical representations. It allows analysts to explore patterns, trends, and relationships in the data, as well as to communicate findings to stakeholders in a clear and compelling manner.
Q18. How do you customize the appearance of a plot in Matplotlib? A18. You can customize the appearance of a plot in Matplotlib by setting various attributes such as title, labels, colors, line styles, markers, and axis limits using corresponding functions like plt.title(), plt.xlabel(), plt.ylabel(), plt.color(), plt.linestyle(), plt.marker(), plt.xlim(), and plt.ylim().
Q19. What is the purpose of data normalization in data analysis? A19. The purpose of data normalization is to rescale the values of numerical features to a common scale without distorting differences in the ranges of values. It is particularly useful in machine learning algorithms that require input features to be on a similar scale to prevent certain features from dominating others.
Q20. What are some common methods for data normalization? A20. Common methods for data normalization include min-max scaling, z-score normalization, and robust scaling. Min-max scaling scales the data to a fixed range (e.g., 0 to 1), z-score normalization scales the data to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1, and robust scaling scales the data based on percentiles to be robust to outliers.
Q21. How do you perform data normalization using scikit-learn? A21. You can perform data normalization using the MinMaxScaler, StandardScaler, or RobustScaler classes in scikit-learn. For example:
pythonCopy codefrom sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler scaler = MinMaxScaler() scaled_data = scaler.fit_transform(data) 
Q22. What is the purpose of data aggregation in data analysis? A22. The purpose of data aggregation is to summarize and condense large datasets into more manageable and meaningful information by grouping data based on specified criteria and computing summary statistics for each group. It helps in gaining insights into the overall characteristics and patterns of the data.
Q23. How do you perform data aggregation using Pandas? A23. You can perform data aggregation using the groupby() method in Pandas to group data based on one or more columns and then apply an aggregation function to compute summary statistics for each group. For example:
pythonCopy codegrouped = df.groupby('Name').mean() 
Q24. What is the purpose of data filtering in data analysis? A24. The purpose of data filtering is to extract subsets of data that meet specified criteria or conditions. It is used to focus on relevant portions of the data for further analysis or visualization.
Q25. How do you filter data in a DataFrame using Pandas? A25. You can filter data in a DataFrame using boolean indexing in Pandas. For example, to filter rows where the 'Score' is greater than 90:
pythonCopy codefiltered_df = df[df['Score'] > 90] 
This concise list covers essential beginner-level topics and provides a solid foundation for your data analyst interview preparation.

Intermediate Level Questions

Q1. Difference between loc and iloc in Pandas?
Q2. How to handle categorical data in Pandas?
Q3. Purpose of pd.concat() in Pandas?
Q4. How to handle datetime data in Pandas?
Q5. Purpose of the resample() method in Pandas?
Q6. How to perform one-hot encoding in Pandas?
Q7. Purpose of map() function in Python and its relevance in data analysis?
Q8. How to handle outliers in a DataFrame in Pandas?
Q9. Purpose of pd.melt() function in Pandas?
Q10. How to perform group-wise operations in Pandas?
Q11. Purpose of merge() and join() functions in Pandas?
Q12. How to handle multi-level indexing (hierarchical indexing) in Pandas?
Q13. Purpose of the shift() method in Pandas?
Q14. How to handle imbalanced datasets in Pandas?
Q15. Purpose of the pipe() method in Pandas?

Advanced Level Questions

Q1. Concept of method chaining in Pandas with an example.
Q2. Memory optimization for large datasets in Pandas.
Q3. Purpose of the crosstab() function in Pandas with an example.
Q4. Efficiently handling large-scale time series data in Python.
Q5. Handling imbalanced datasets in classification problems using Python.
Q6. Feature scaling in Python and its importance in ML.
Q7. Purpose of the rolling() function in Pandas for time series analysis with an example.
Q8. Purpose of the stack() and unstack() functions in Pandas with examples.
Q9. Handling multicollinearity in regression analysis using Python.
Q10. Purpose of the PCA class in scikit-learn for dimensionality reduction.
To assist others with their interviews, share the questions you were asked in your Data Analyst interview.
submitted by CodefinityCom to CodefinityCom [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:39 Destroyer29042904 The Trails series - Why it could, or couldn't be for you

A few days back, this subreddit saw a thread on why Trails as a franchise is so good and everyone should play it, which garnered mixed reception at best, since it was percieved as too biased. Since it's good points were covered there, thje other day, my aim here is to provide a few of the pain points, obvious or not, that may make someone think twice about picking them up.
Before starting with negatives, I wanna preface by saying Trails is one of my favourite series, having played all localised games (except Sky the 3rd, which i know, is important) to completion, having platinum trophies for all the Erebonia saga. There won't be outright spoilers like saying X died in Y game, but there will be mentions of overall themes. Let's start.

.- Before anything else, Trails is ultimately an anime JRPG

What does this mean? It means that it gets the good and the bad of anime tropes. This is not an attack on the MCs saying they are generic self inserts (I dont think anyone claiming so has really played the games), but the other bad anime tropes, including anything like
And so on. If you actively dislike anime and anime tropes, these themes are VERY prevalent in the trails series, admittedly on some arcs more than others, but they are there, and they may hamper your enjoyment.
There are also a few tropes that I am not sure come from anime, like "win battle, but lose in the story" and things like that, that get old real fast.

.- The series is VERY text heavy

Just as the above says. This series is very extensive in it's amount of text, be it dialogue or flavour text in some of the side content like books or newspapers, or talking to NPCs. If my memory doesnt fail me, I recall the totality of Cold Steel 3's script being more than two times longer than The Witcher 3. That should give you an idea.
It's not an issue in the same way that Genshin is for example, with Paimon repeating the same sentence 10 times over. Trails dialogue has a puirpose. But by the end of the game, you will likely be overwhelmed and a bit tired too.

.- Some of the content is just not presented inmediately to the player

This isn't regarding side quests, since those, I believe, are an integral segment of the game. No, I mean that there is a portion of game content you won't experience if you don't go out of your way. You will miss part of the worldbuilding if you don't speak to NPCs. You will miss part of Zemuria's culture and folklore if you don't read books. For example, if you don't read newspapers, you will miss out on how they are controlled to spew propaganda. Not something gamechanging, but something you don't notice until you experience it
This is most infamous with a piece of content in Cold Steel 2, which REQUIRES you go into NG+, through the entirety of that game cycle, pick up a series of books with rather tight acquisition windows, and give them to a character, only to unlock a special cutscene at the end of the game, without which you would loose a LOT of context for certain characters in the following game. It, put simply, sucks

.- You aren't going to like every character the same

And this will likely be because you percieve them as "better or worse developed". The truth is that some characters simply have more interesting arcs than others. A player will inherently be more drawn to a character that has actual changes of heart, grows and changes demeanour during the game, as opposed to a character that basically just yaps about the wind and home. Some characters are, just as a matter of fact, more interesting than others. That is just the way it is. All characters are great, but some are greater than others.
At some points, you will also feel like some characters are just there to be used as plot devices/because they are family to X, or some reason like that, and they do pretty much nothing outside of that. These are some of the less great characters.

.- Some characters are... problematic in their representation

This is for you ladies out there that happen to like ladies. There is a rather problematic issue in terms of lesbian representation in Trails. The two characters depicted as lesbians have either been permanently trying to hook up and flirt with anything that moves for one of them, or seen actively molesting other female characters. It's just part of the characters, and it is... not good

.- The combat pretends to be much more complex than it actually is

This is mostly from Cold Steel onward. The game will open telling you of damage types, balance break, status effects, quartz and master quartz, dodge, arts, crafts, S crafts, objects and so on, making the game seem like it has a very rich and complex combat system.
In reality, by the midgame the gameplay has been extremely simplified and reduced to a single strategy unless you go out of your way to limit yourself. You will build ONE delay spammer, or ONE dodge tank, and the game is pretty much over. There is no real point to using items past the midgame because you can either get the same effect with Arts or character skills. There is no point in cooking for the same reason. There is no point in building a character around status ailments because most bosses will be inmune to all of them, or have something ridiculous like 90% resistance to sleep.
The endgame for these games consists in a very simple "buff ally, optionally debuff the enemy, spam ult moves". If you don't oneshot your enemy, you will be close to doing so, rinse and repeat.
And last, perhaps most importantly:

.- The series is an incredible time sink, and the fandom is very elitist about it

The series is 10 games loing in the western world, to be 11 in a month. It's to be 13 in a few months in japan, since they are two games ahead. And these arent western games like Uncharted thgat you can finish in 10 hours and be done with it. The shortest of them in howlongtobeat marks 32 and a half hours for Sky the 3rd, just for the main story. If you go at a leisurely pace, it marks 43 hours. And this is for ONE game, of ELEVEN so far, for ONLY THE MAIN STORY. If you plan to experience main and side content in this game without necessarily doing all trophies, the series up to Reverie will set you back over 800 hours. That is a HEFTY time investment for a single series.
There is also the permanent debate on where to start, with the series having multiple "reasonable" entry points, with some making more sense, like starting chronologically. But if you want to experience the Cold Steel saga, you aren't exactly going to look forward to like 200 hours of other games tyou may or may not be interested about.
That's about it, just thought i'd write a bit on the negatives to offset the "too positive" vibe the other day's post had. I still believe is a series worth getting into, but it has it's issues.
submitted by Destroyer29042904 to JRPG [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:23 Acceptable_Egg5560 Legal Legends (3)

Thank you u/SpacePaladin15 for inspiring us all!
And thank you, u/TheManwithaNoPlan for all your help in creating this wonderful project with me! I don’t know where I would be without you!
Memory transcript: Venric, Venlil Lawyer Extraordinaire. Date: [Standardized human time] November 13th, 2136.
“I-I never went up to the seventh floor,” Nhilasi argued. “That’s where long-term patients that can’t be transferred to the main complex stay. I work in the moderate injury ward on the fourth floor, like I said.”
“And yet here's a video of you right after your shift ended entering the room of the victim,” I continued, causing Nhilasi’s head to droop once more. “So how the spehk did you make from there to the exit in [under thirty seconds]?”
Nhilasi tilted her head in confusion, but Serl’s ears would’ve gone rigid had they been able to. “That’s got to be another Kolshian!” she blurted out, her tail blurring behind her as I considered what I was really arguing. Sure, it was technically possible for Nhilasi to make it down the stairs in that time, but she hadn’t been running at all in the footage I reviewed.
I stared at the pad, ears flicking in thought. “You would practically need to fly down the stairwell to make that time. It’s not conclusive evidence, but…”
“But it’s enough for us to investigate,” Serl finished.
“Us?” I asked, looking at her inquisitively. “I am afraid that if I am to take this on, it can’t be an ‘us’ doing it.” I say straighter in my chair, leveling my head with Nhilasi’s. “I am a professional, firm or not. If you want my help with this case, then a renegotiation of legal counsel will be required.”
I saw Serl shoot an alarmed look at me, but I continued. “In short, you would have to fire your representative from Tail Guard and hire me in their stead.” I lowered my paws and awaited a response from the Kolshian at the other end of the table. I could see Serl in my periphery, her features contorted in a mask of complete betrayal. Just wait a scratch and we’ll see how deep your loyalties to those frauds lie.
“I-I don’t know what to say,” Nhilasi answered, looking between me and Serl. “Is it possible that…but why would another…” she looked down at the table for a long while before she finally responded. “Alright, I’ll do it.”
“Fantastic! My current going rate is 70k credits,” I said. Serl looked horrified as Nhilasi’s face twisted in shock at the number, as I had expected. “The economy hits me as hard as it does everyone else. If you’re not willing to pay, then I’m afraid that my time is better spent elsewhere.”
Serl bore a hole through my head with her glare as Nhilasi considered the offer. I turned my next inquiry around in my mind as she thought. If Nhilasi didn’t make it a stipulation, then I supposed I would just have to ask the question myself. Finally, Nhilasi spoke again. “Okay, but on one condition.”
“And that would be?” I asked.
“Serl still works with you,” she replied, relieving me of the duty of asking the question myself. “She’s been good to me, better than some of the others have been. I still want her help, even if I ditch her firm.”
“Hmmm, I don’t believe that’s up to me,” I responded. “Tail Guard and I don’t have the best history, I was surprised that Serl even sought me out. And it would also be counter to the reason I said you’d have to fire her. See, it’s against the law for multiple firms to work on the same case due to potential conflicts of interest and legal privacy. If she is to be of assistance to you, she’d have to resign from her firm…and join mine.”
Serl’s ear bases went rigid in alarm as I laid out the final deal. No negotiations, no compromises. If Serl wanted to continue this case, she’d have to separate from the dying firm that was Tail Guard. She looked between Nhilasi and I, her features shifting rapidly as she struggled as to what she would say. Hopefully she was as pragmatic as I pegged her as being, otherwise blind loyalty would be her downfall.
Her ears pressed against her head and she cleared her throat. “I would be… honored to help with Nhilasi’s defense. I will draft a resignation notice to Tail Guard effective immediately on the grounds that I am allowed to continue aiding in this case.”
She definitely had an interesting habit in pressing her ears back when making herself be professional. No matter, I had a new client to deal with. “Indeed, now if you would please set your signature or tentacle mark on my data pad, we can get right to work.”
I placed my data pad in the transfer window and closed the hatch. “Please be sure to read the whole contract before signing, as this agreement will be considered legally binding.” As Nhilasi took my pad and started skimming through the contract, I spied Serl still giving me a death glare. Deciding to face the problem head-on, I faced her. “Is something the matter, Serl?”
“We will discuss that later,” she replied, looking ahead at Nhilasi to signal the end of the conversation. Once the Kolshian had finished, she slipped the pad back through the transfer window. She didn’t have nearly enough time to read every inch of the contract, but who does? I thankfully didn’t hide much in there, so it was largely just to prevent any backing out. Like I just had her and Serl do to Tail Guard.
“Fantastic. I look forward to representing you, Miss Nhilasi,” I said as I bowed my head respectfully at her. I never thought I would do such a thing towards an Exterminator, but I considered this a special case. “Before we leave, is there anything else you wish for us to know? Anything at all?”
“Not really. All I can really give you is this,” she said before pulling out a small paper list. On it were the names of several people and their respective positions. “It’s a promotion list that I managed to copy down before everything else occurred. I doubt it’ll have much use, but consider it thanks for agreeing to support me through this.”
I took the small paper list and filed it away with the rest of the evidence, closing the file and standing from my seat. “Thank you for your willing cooperation, Miss Nhilasi. If you have any issues with how the staff are treating you, please don’t hesitate to give me a call.”
I bent down and slipped a business card through the transfer window, holding her gaze with both my eyes. “I am serious, they are legally required to allow you consistent access to your lawyer and suitable living conditions. If anyone here attempts to prevent you from talking to me, taking away your bed, or restricting your food because you’re a Kolshian, they are acting illegally and you must inform me the next time we speak. And we shall be speaking once Every Paw, I will ensure it. Understand?”
Nhilasi seemed shocked that I went through all that effort, but we both knew that it was necessary. I had seen the discolorations on her right tentacle upon entering that would only occur from lack of circulation. I also heard her stomach rumble multiple times throughout the meeting, solidifying my fortitude in telling her this. She swallowed and flurried her frills. “Y-Yes, thank you Venric.”
I stepped back and bowed. “Thank you, I hope you thoroughly enjoy your next meal. Now I am afraid that I must cut this meeting short, as I will need to carefully investigate the discrepancies present in the evidence. So, Miss Nhilasi, I must bid you a good Paw.”
Having bid goodbye, I turned and walked out the door. Serl followed closely behind, and I could feel discontentment radiating off of her, but also a bit of confusion, likely from my final words. I decided to wait until we were somewhere more private to engage with her. However, I did intend on engaging with someone.
As we entered the main lobby area, I spotted the receptionist that had checked in Serl and I was still at her desk. I approached her, making my presence known with my ears and tail signaling positivity. “Excuse me Madam! I just wanted to inform you that our interrogation with inmate 592 is completed.”
“Oh, thank you!” She responded, typing at her workstation. “I’ll have you checked out shortly.”
“Much appreciated,” I started, but I wasn’t quite done. “Oh, just to check, your manager and warden are familiar with Subsection 41n of the Venlil Prime Ethical Treatment of Sapients Interred Act, right?”
The typing stopped. She turned towards me, her head tilting in confusion. “I’m sorry, subsection what? Who are you?”
I waved my tail dismissively. “Oh, I will get to that. The subsection is much more interesting right now! See, it clearly states that all interred persons are to be given livable accommodations until such date as their trial is scheduled for. This includes amenities such as running water, edible food, and a minimum of a padded mattress sheet for resting purposes. It also stipulates that should any persons be denied access to these essential amenities for reasons of their species, the offending facility is liable to fines between twelve million and 140m credits depending on the severity and scale of the offense(s).”
The receptionist had gone pale beneath her wool, studying me with a mixture of concern and fear. “In addition, up to 20% of that fine is liable to be awarded directly to the victims, and the staff of said facility could be placed upon a government no-hire blacklist. Such a list would be quite devastating to any future job prospects as well.”
I tilted my head down to gaze over her desk, spying a picture. “A handsome young man there. You must be proud to be his mother. Certainly hope you can endeavor to keep him in the comfortable life that all children deserve.”
The receptionist’s gaze hardened as she understood the subtext of my words. One that they couldn’t possibly hope to speak of (or even insinuate) aloud without threat of repercussion. It was clear that she had an idea of what I was referring to, and that was exactly what I was counting on. “I trust that no such violations would occur in a place such as this, however?”
“…None whatsoever,” the receptionist slowly said, not taking her eyes off me.
“Of course, I was simply checking. A lawyer such as myself has a civic duty to ensure that such information is made readily available to all who require it. I look forward to our next visit!” I forced a cheery tone in those last sentences to draw away suspicion from bystanders as I made my exit. I could hear the receptionist start furiously typing behind me, indicating that I said all I had needed to.
Oh wait, almost forgot to add the clincher.
“And if you happen to come in contact with your bosses, please tell them that Venric of Heema Lawven stopped by. I might desire to meet them upon my next visit! But for now, have good Paw!” The typing speed increased. Sometimes, I adore the reputation I have built.
Serl had remained surprisingly quiet during that ordeal, but I could tell it wasn’t out of respect for my endeavors to ensure Nhilasi was properly treated. As we neared my Hovertransit once again, I saw her flexing her jaw in preparation of speech in my periphery. But she was hesitating, her mind working out what to start with. I could probably assist with that.
I opened the vehicle's door and held it aside. “Well then, if you are really going to truly be hired on, then we should do this right. Please, step into my office. I expect we have some things to talk about.”
“You’re damn right we do,” Serl confirmed as she closed the door behind her, not wasting a [second] before making her thoughts known. “70k credits?? Are you trying to spiral the poor woman into debt?! Tail Guard charged 40k at the absolute maximum!!”
I made myself comfortable and set the autopilot to start flying us towards the hospital. It would be slow this time, as I expected this talk would take some time. “I have gotten rather familiar with the salaries of Exterminators, and I am quite certain they will be able to afford the payment.”
“You- Former Exterminator!” Serl cried, only sitting in a seat once the movement of the vehicle overcame her sense of balance. “And that’s not the brahking point! I know you’ve got more money than you know what to do with already, and you’re still demanding exorbitant amounts! Baah, why did I think you’d be any different??”
“I can assure you that my prices are very reasonable and necessary for my services,” I stated firmly. “My own reputation is at least testament enough for one.”
Serl huffed across from me, snappily securing herself in her seat. “…I should’ve figured that’s all you were in it for.”
My ear twitched in cautious curiosity. “Oh? And what do you mean by that?”
She stared Arxur claws at me before responding. “Money and stature, that’s all this is to you big-shot lawyers! Like the Tarlim case! You just use it for bragging rights and a sustained paycheck!” She huffed agitatedly as she gestured pointedly to me. “People like you don’t care about the person you’re defending, just what they can offer you!” She buried her face in her paws as she brayed exhausted. “Stars, why did I agree to join you?”
“You think I don’t care?” I huffed. “Really, you think that’s all my personality is about? Going after the money and fame?”
“Wh- did you already forget what you just did?” She sputtered. “You practically extorted Nhilasi and twisted my arm to make me work for you so I didn’t look like a monster to her!”
“You do realize that my reputation isn’t exactly one to be looked up towards?” I asked her, staring at her with both eyes. To my surprise, she met my gaze expectantly. No matter. “My clientele are not exactly the standard fare. I mostly defend those that nobody else wants to defend. Given how you explicitly sought me out, that would include you as well.”
That managed to break her stoicism, her eyes widening and blinking a few times. “Yes, I know that you still wanted to help her, but you didn’t want to help her yourself. You came to me because your career would be ruined by a case like this. For me? It’s just another paw at the office. And you knew that coming in, so don’t expect to have some superfluous moral high road over me.”
She was left speechless by my more in-depth extraction of her motivations, but I wasn’t done yet. “Furthermore, I don’t believe you’re quite aware of the kinds of expenses that pile up just from how I am forced to live. Do you think I didn’t try to establish a physical firm? It just so happens that “service-related accidents” from the Exterminators happen quite frequently to wherever my current address is listed. And even when I was mobile, my vehicles had a strange problem with repair issues and similar accidents as my previous offices. And any place I stored my files had issues with the exterminators having to “investigate potential predator nests” to the point that physical and digital copies always being on my person was the only way to guarantee the continued existence of those documents. And I had to purchase the servers and storage all myself, not to mention maintenance for everything.”
My breathing had become somewhat heavier as I allowed myself to vent the frustrations I had let accumulate in the back of my mind on a consistent basis. “This method of conducting business is not a matter of luxury, no ma’am, it’s a matter of Absolute Necessity. So if you wish to have a professional relationship with me in any capacity, I’d recommend ceasing your ill-informed scrutiny of my practices when you haven’t the slightest of the hardships I’ve come to face for simply protecting those in the most dire need of it! Do we Have an Understanding??”
All Serl could do was look at me blankly as my ragged breathing was showcased centerstage. After a few moments of the two of us looking at one another, I huffed and swiveled my chair around so that I could collect myself once more. It wasn’t often that I raised my voice, but I simply couldn’t help myself. I hadn’t expected this Sprig Lawyer to be nearly as hot-headed as she was, but I was not in the mood to justify my livelihood to her any longer.
We flew in silence for a while before Serl’s voice crept into my ears from behind me. “...Venric?”
As much as I was unprepared to face her again, I swiveled my chair around regardless. As opposed to earlier, she now bore an expression of guilt. “I… I’m sorry for assuming all that about you. I didn’t- I had no idea how much tribulation you’ve been forced to go through. I just assumed you’d be like the higher-ups back at Tail Guard. I should’ve known better.” She bowed her head in apologetic fashion, her already droopy ears slumped even further down her skull. “Brahk, I hate that you’re so right about me. Speh.”
…I didn’t know quite what to say. I had expected further resistance, but instead I received a genuine apology. While the bile in her previous speech still stung, I was willing to look past it. I remembered a time not too long ago where I was in a similar situation, and my unwillingness to back down set me on the path I was on to that day. It would not only be unwise of me to reject her apology, but it would also be quite callous of me to refuse. I sighed, smoothing my mane as I flicked my ears approvingly. “Raise your head, Serl. I accept your apology.”
She looked up at me with a mixture of relief and happiness, her tail thumping against the nearest chair. “Thank you, Venric. I promise that I won’t let you down again.” She leaned forward in her chair, looking over the evidence I had spread across my workstation. “So where are we headed now?”
“Where else?” I offered with an admittedly unnecessarily crypticness. “We are heading towards the scene of the incident: the local branch of the XGC,” I nodded, pulling out my data pad. “We should be there in a bit, which should give us ample time to address your employment situation. Can’t have any holes for the prosecution to exploit with us, now can we?”
“Speh, paperwork,” Serl mumbled. I really couldn’t help but agree.
submitted by Acceptable_Egg5560 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:18 Independent-War-6701 Paint Booth Supplier in UAE

Paint Booth Supplier in UAE
Are you looking to revolutionize your painting process with cutting-edge equipment?
Welcome to DaTo, your premier Paint Booth Supplier! At Dato, we pride ourselves on providing top-quality paint booths tailored to meet the diverse needs of our clients across various industries.
Welcome to our Paint Booth Blog, your ultimate resource for everything related to spray booths and paint booth technology. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a DIY enthusiast, our blog offers insightful articles, expert tips, and the latest industry news to help you achieve perfect finishes every time.
Explore topics ranging from choosing the right paint booth for your needs to maintaining your equipment for optimal performance. Stay updated with in-depth reviews of the latest products, guides on best practices, and interviews with industry leaders.
Our goal is to provide valuable information that helps you make informed decisions and elevate your painting projects. Join our community and dive into the world of paint booths and spray booth technology with us!
Unparalleled Quality and Durability: At Dato, quality is our top priority. Our paint booths are crafted with precision using high-grade materials such as galvanized steel and aluminum to ensure durability, longevity, and superior performance. Designed to withstand the rigors of daily use, our booths are built to last, providing you with a reliable and efficient painting solution for years to come.
Customized Solutions for Your Unique Needs: We understand that every painting project is unique, which is why we offer customizable solutions to suit your specific requirements. Whether you need a standard-sized booth or a custom configuration with special features such as temperature and humidity control, our team of experts will work closely with you to design a solution that meets your exact specifications.
Exceptional Service from Start to Finish: At Dato, we believe in providing exceptional service from the moment you contact us until long after your paint booth is installed. Our dedicated team of professionals is committed to ensuring your complete satisfaction every step of the way. From assisting you in selecting the right booth for your needs to providing comprehensive technical support and after-sales service, we're here to help you succeed.
Competitive Pricing Without Compromising Quality: We understand the importance of cost-effectiveness in today's competitive business environment. That's why we strive to offer competitive pricing on all our paint booths without compromising on quality. With Dato, you can enjoy the best of both worlds – top-quality equipment at affordable prices, allowing you to maximize your return on investment and stay ahead of the competition.
Environmentally Friendly Solutions: At Dato, we are committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility. Our paint booths are equipped with energy-efficient technologies, such as LED lighting and low-emission filtration systems, to minimize energy consumption and reduce environmental impact. By choosing Dato, you can paint with confidence, knowing that you're making a positive contribution to the planet.
Compliance with Local Regulations: When you choose Dato as your paint booth supplier, you can rest assured that our products comply with all local regulations and standards in the UAE. We prioritize safety, quality, and compliance in everything we do, ensuring that your painting operations meet all relevant legal requirements and industry standards.
Take Your Painting Projects to the Next Level with Dato: Whether you're a small business owner or a large-scale industrial manufacturer, Dato has the perfect paint booth solution for you. With our unparalleled quality, customized options, exceptional service, competitive pricing, and commitment to sustainability and compliance, we're your trusted partner for all your painting needs in the UAE and beyond.
Ready to take your painting projects to the next level? Contact Dato today to learn more about our products and services or to request a quote. Let us help you transform your painting process and unlock new possibilities for your business!
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submitted by Independent-War-6701 to u/Independent-War-6701 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:18 Ok_Concern_8892 Should I switch from tech sales to IB?

Hi All!
Long story short - I have an opportunity to work at one of the top investment banks (not talking about big4/accounting) in my area.
In my tech sales job, I worked a lot with bankers and lawyers, and I'm wrapping up my MSc in finance.
I know the hours are longer than sales, and I'll have to suffer a pay cut at the start.
Thing is, I'm getting married next year and hope to start a proper family in the next 3-4 years. I want my kids to have a father and my wife to have a husband, though she will also be working 8-10 hours a day as well.
My main gripe with sales is that it is unstable, it fluctuates, and if I get fired, entering a new position will be hell because of how saturated the market is. I will also have no recorded hard skills on my resume.
If I go into banking, I'll be safer (nobody wants to fire a young M&A talent in my area), acquire hard skills on a professional level, more prestige and status etc etc. But I'll have much less time and a smaller salary, especially if I don't switch to a better role in 2-3 years.
Do I cash all my chips in on sales, or suffer through banking for a while to leverage that experience later on?
I'm 23 years old.
submitted by Ok_Concern_8892 to FinancialCareers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:16 talkiemateapp The Virtual Assistant Revolution: Unleashing the Power of AI for Free

Source: 🔗 The Virtual Assistant Revolution: Unleashing the Power of AI for Free —
In today’s fast-paced business landscape, the Virtual Assistant Revolution is transforming the way we work and unleashing the power of AI like never before. With the advancements in AI technology, businesses can now tap into the potential of Virtual Assistants to streamline operations, enhance productivity, and drive growth. What’s even more remarkable is that these AI-powered Virtual Assistant services are available for free, making them accessible to businesses of all sizes. In this article, we will explore the benefits of Virtual Assistants and how AI revolutionizes the way we do business, ultimately empowering organizations to achieve their goals more efficiently and effectively. So, buckle up and get ready to discover the incredible possibilities that await in this new era of AI-driven Virtual Assistant services.
The Rise of Virtual Assistants: How AI Technology is Transforming Business
Virtual assistants have become an integral part of our daily lives, revolutionising the way we interact with technology and transforming the business landscape. Powered by AI technology, these intelligent chatbots are capable of performing a wide range of tasks, from answering customer queries to scheduling appointments and even providing personalised recommendations. As businesses strive to optimise their operations and enhance customer experiences, virtual assistants have emerged as a game-changing solution.
One of the key benefits of virtual assistants is their ability to handle repetitive and mundane tasks, freeing up valuable time for employees to focus on more strategic and creative endeavours. For instance, instead of spending hours responding to routine customer inquiries, businesses can leverage virtual assistants to provide instant and accurate responses, ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty. This not only improves efficiency but also allows employees to engage in higher-value activities that contribute to business growth.
Moreover, virtual assistants offer round-the-clock support, providing businesses with a competitive edge in today’s fast-paced digital era. Customers no longer have to wait for office hours to get their queries resolved; they can simply interact with a virtual assistant at any time of the day or night. This 24/7 availability enhances customer experience and fosters brand loyalty, as customers feel valued and supported whenever they need assistance.
Additionally, virtual assistants can be customised to align with a business’s unique brand voice and personality. By incorporating natural language processing capabilities, these AI-powered chatbots can engage in human-like conversations, making interactions more engaging and personalised. This not only helps businesses build stronger connections with their customers but also enables them to gather valuable insights about customer preferences and behaviours.
In conclusion, the rise of virtual assistants powered by AI technology has transformed the way businesses operate. From streamlining operations and improving efficiency to enhancing customer experiences and gathering valuable insights, these intelligent chatbots have become indispensable tools in the modern business landscape. By harnessing the power of virtual assistants, businesses can unlock new opportunities for growth and stay ahead of the competition.
Harnessing the Power of AI: Exploring the Benefits of Virtual Assistant Services
As businesses navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape, harnessing the power of AI technology has become imperative for success. Virtual assistant services, powered by AI, offer a plethora of benefits that can revolutionise the way businesses operate and interact with their customers. Let’s explore some of these benefits in detail.
First and foremost, virtual assistant services provide businesses with a cost-effective solution to handle customer inquiries and support requests. Hiring and training a team of human customer service representatives can be expensive and time-consuming. On the other hand, virtual assistants can handle multiple customer interactions simultaneously, reducing the need for a large customer support team. This not only saves costs but also ensures prompt and efficient customer service.
Furthermore, virtual assistants can significantly enhance customer satisfaction by providing instant and accurate responses to queries. With AI-powered natural language processing capabilities, these chatbots can understand and interpret customer inquiries, ensuring that customers receive relevant and helpful information. This level of responsiveness not only improves customer experience but also builds trust and loyalty towards the brand.
In addition to customer support, virtual assistants can also assist businesses in lead generation and sales conversion. By engaging with website visitors in real-time, these chatbots can capture leads, qualify prospects, and even guide them through the sales funnel. This proactive approach not only increases conversion rates but also enables businesses to provide a personalised and seamless buying experience.
Lastly, virtual assistants can help businesses gather valuable data and insights about their customers. By analysing customer interactions and preferences, businesses can identify patterns, trends, and areas for improvement. This data-driven approach empowers businesses to make informed decisions, optimise their marketing strategies, and deliver targeted offerings that resonate with their customers.
In conclusion, virtual assistant services offer a multitude of benefits for businesses, ranging from cost savings and improved customer satisfaction to increased lead generation and data-driven insights. By harnessing the power of AI technology, businesses can leverage virtual assistants to streamline their operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive growth.
The Future is Here: Embracing the AI Revolution in Business
The future of business is here, and it is powered by AI. As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, embracing the AI revolution has become crucial for businesses to stay competitive and relevant in today’s digital era. Virtual assistants, with their AI capabilities, are at the forefront of this revolution, transforming the way businesses operate and interact with their customers.
One of the key advantages of embracing the AI revolution is the ability to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks. Virtual assistants can handle a wide range of administrative tasks, such as appointment scheduling, order processing, and data entry, with speed and accuracy. By automating these mundane tasks, businesses can optimise their operations, reduce human error, and allocate resources to more strategic initiatives.
Moreover, AI-powered virtual assistants can provide businesses with valuable insights and analytics. By analysing customer interactions and behaviours, these chatbots can identify patterns and trends that can inform business decisions. For example, virtual assistants can help businesses understand customer preferences, identify upselling opportunities, and even predict future buying behaviours. This data-driven approach empowers businesses to make informed decisions and tailor their strategies to meet customer needs effectively.
Additionally, embracing the AI revolution enables businesses to deliver personalised experiences at scale. Virtual assistants can gather information about individual customers and use that data to provide tailored recommendations or offers. This level of personalisation not only enhances customer satisfaction but also drives customer loyalty and repeat business.
Furthermore, AI technology is constantly evolving and improving. As businesses embrace the AI revolution, they gain access to cutting-edge advancements that can give them a competitive edge. From voice recognition and natural language processing to machine learning and predictive analytics, AI-powered virtual assistants are continuously evolving to provide businesses with innovative solutions that drive growth and success.
In conclusion, embracing the AI revolution is no longer an option but a necessity for businesses looking to thrive in the digital era. Virtual assistants, with their AI capabilities, offer businesses the opportunity to automate tasks, gain valuable insights, deliver personalised experiences, and stay ahead of the competition. By embracing this revolution, businesses can unlock new possibilities and pave the way for a successful future.
Free AI Tools: Unlocking the Potential of Virtual Assistants without Breaking the Bank
The potential of virtual assistants powered by AI is undeniable. However, many businesses may be hesitant to invest in these technologies due to cost concerns. The good news is that there are free AI tools available that can unlock the potential of virtual assistants without breaking the bank. Let’s explore some of these tools and how they can benefit businesses.
One of the top free AI chat services for virtual assistants is With its user-friendly interface and powerful AI capabilities, offers businesses a cost-effective solution to leverage virtual assistants. From answering customer queries to providing personalised recommendations, enables businesses to enhance customer experiences without incurring significant expenses.
While stands out as a leading free AI chat service, it’s worth noting some of its competitors in the market.,,,,,,,,,,,,, and are some of the other options available. However, remains the best choice due to its user-friendly interface, powerful AI capabilities, and cost-effectiveness.
By leveraging these free AI tools, businesses can unlock the potential of virtual assistants without incurring significant expenses. These tools offer businesses the opportunity to automate tasks, enhance customer experiences, and gather valuable insights without breaking the bank. Whether it’s answering customer queries, scheduling appointments, or guiding prospects through the sales funnel, free AI tools empower businesses to optimise their operations and drive growth.
In conclusion, free AI tools provide businesses with a cost-effective solution to unlock the potential of virtual assistants., along with its competitors, offers businesses the opportunity to leverage AI technology without incurring significant expenses. By embracing these free AI tools, businesses can enhance customer experiences, streamline operations, and drive growth without breaking the bank.
From Efficiency to Innovation: Maximising the Impact of Virtual Assistants in Your Business
Virtual assistants have proven to be powerful tools for enhancing efficiency in business operations. However, their impact goes beyond just streamlining processes. By maximising the potential of virtual assistants, businesses can foster innovation and drive growth. Let’s explore how virtual assistants can contribute to both efficiency and innovation in your business.
Firstly, virtual assistants can automate repetitive tasks and free up valuable time for employees to focus on more innovative and strategic initiatives. By offloading routine administrative tasks to virtual assistants, employees can dedicate their time and energy to activities that require creativity and critical thinking. This shift from mundane tasks to more innovative endeavours can spark new ideas, drive problem-solving, and ultimately lead to business growth.
Moreover, virtual assistants can act as a valuable source of inspiration and knowledge for employees. With their vast database of information and ability to provide instant answers, virtual assistants can assist employees in research and decision-making processes. This access to real-time information empowers employees to make informed decisions and explore new avenues for innovation.
Additionally, virtual assistants can facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing within an organization. By acting as a central hub of information, these chatbots can connect employees across different departments and locations, enabling seamless communication and collaboration. This cross-functional collaboration fosters the exchange of ideas, promotes innovation, and enhances overall business performance.
Furthermore, virtual assistants can assist businesses in staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and developments. By monitoring news sources, social media platforms, and other relevant channels, virtual assistants can provide businesses with real-time updates and insights. This proactive approach to information gathering enables businesses to identify emerging opportunities, adapt to market changes, and stay ahead of the competition.
In conclusion, virtual assistants have the potential to not only enhance efficiency but also foster innovation in business operations. By automating routine tasks, providing access to real-time information, facilitating collaboration, and keeping businesses informed about industry trends, virtual assistants empower employees to think creatively, solve problems innovatively, and drive business growth. By maximising the impact of virtual assistants, businesses can unlock new possibilities and create a culture of innovation.
In conclusion, the Virtual Assistant Revolution has truly unleashed the power of AI, providing businesses with free AI technology through virtual assistant services. This AI revolution has transformed the way businesses operate, offering a range of benefits that were previously unimaginable.
Virtual assistants powered by AI technology have become indispensable tools for businesses across various industries. They can handle repetitive tasks, manage schedules, and provide real-time support to customers, all while reducing costs and increasing efficiency. The ability to access these services for free has levelled the playing field for small businesses, allowing them to compete with larger enterprises on a global scale.
The impact of AI in business cannot be overstated. It has revolutionized customer service, streamlined operations, and improved decision-making processes. With virtual assistants at their disposal, businesses can optimise their workflows and focus on strategic initiatives that drive growth.
To stay ahead in this rapidly evolving business landscape, it is imperative for companies to embrace the Virtual Assistant Revolution and harness the power of AI. By leveraging these free AI technologies, businesses can unlock new opportunities, enhance productivity, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.
Don’t miss out on the Virtual Assistant Revolution. Take action now and explore the world of free AI-powered virtual assistant services to propel your business towards success.

VirtualAssistantRevolution, #PowerofAI, #FreeAI, #VirtualAssistant, #AIRevolution, #AITechnology, #VirtualAssistantBenefits, #AIinBusiness, #VirtualAssistantServices

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submitted by talkiemateapp to talkieblog [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:16 talkiemateapp The Virtual Assistant Revolution: Unleashing the Power of AI for Free

Source: 🔗 The Virtual Assistant Revolution: Unleashing the Power of AI for Free —
In today’s fast-paced business landscape, the Virtual Assistant Revolution is transforming the way we work and unleashing the power of AI like never before. With the advancements in AI technology, businesses can now tap into the potential of Virtual Assistants to streamline operations, enhance productivity, and drive growth. What’s even more remarkable is that these AI-powered Virtual Assistant services are available for free, making them accessible to businesses of all sizes. In this article, we will explore the benefits of Virtual Assistants and how AI revolutionizes the way we do business, ultimately empowering organizations to achieve their goals more efficiently and effectively. So, buckle up and get ready to discover the incredible possibilities that await in this new era of AI-driven Virtual Assistant services.
The Rise of Virtual Assistants: How AI Technology is Transforming Business
Virtual assistants have become an integral part of our daily lives, revolutionising the way we interact with technology and transforming the business landscape. Powered by AI technology, these intelligent chatbots are capable of performing a wide range of tasks, from answering customer queries to scheduling appointments and even providing personalised recommendations. As businesses strive to optimise their operations and enhance customer experiences, virtual assistants have emerged as a game-changing solution.
One of the key benefits of virtual assistants is their ability to handle repetitive and mundane tasks, freeing up valuable time for employees to focus on more strategic and creative endeavours. For instance, instead of spending hours responding to routine customer inquiries, businesses can leverage virtual assistants to provide instant and accurate responses, ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty. This not only improves efficiency but also allows employees to engage in higher-value activities that contribute to business growth.
Moreover, virtual assistants offer round-the-clock support, providing businesses with a competitive edge in today’s fast-paced digital era. Customers no longer have to wait for office hours to get their queries resolved; they can simply interact with a virtual assistant at any time of the day or night. This 24/7 availability enhances customer experience and fosters brand loyalty, as customers feel valued and supported whenever they need assistance.
Additionally, virtual assistants can be customised to align with a business’s unique brand voice and personality. By incorporating natural language processing capabilities, these AI-powered chatbots can engage in human-like conversations, making interactions more engaging and personalised. This not only helps businesses build stronger connections with their customers but also enables them to gather valuable insights about customer preferences and behaviours.
In conclusion, the rise of virtual assistants powered by AI technology has transformed the way businesses operate. From streamlining operations and improving efficiency to enhancing customer experiences and gathering valuable insights, these intelligent chatbots have become indispensable tools in the modern business landscape. By harnessing the power of virtual assistants, businesses can unlock new opportunities for growth and stay ahead of the competition.
Harnessing the Power of AI: Exploring the Benefits of Virtual Assistant Services
As businesses navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape, harnessing the power of AI technology has become imperative for success. Virtual assistant services, powered by AI, offer a plethora of benefits that can revolutionise the way businesses operate and interact with their customers. Let’s explore some of these benefits in detail.
First and foremost, virtual assistant services provide businesses with a cost-effective solution to handle customer inquiries and support requests. Hiring and training a team of human customer service representatives can be expensive and time-consuming. On the other hand, virtual assistants can handle multiple customer interactions simultaneously, reducing the need for a large customer support team. This not only saves costs but also ensures prompt and efficient customer service.
Furthermore, virtual assistants can significantly enhance customer satisfaction by providing instant and accurate responses to queries. With AI-powered natural language processing capabilities, these chatbots can understand and interpret customer inquiries, ensuring that customers receive relevant and helpful information. This level of responsiveness not only improves customer experience but also builds trust and loyalty towards the brand.
In addition to customer support, virtual assistants can also assist businesses in lead generation and sales conversion. By engaging with website visitors in real-time, these chatbots can capture leads, qualify prospects, and even guide them through the sales funnel. This proactive approach not only increases conversion rates but also enables businesses to provide a personalised and seamless buying experience.
Lastly, virtual assistants can help businesses gather valuable data and insights about their customers. By analysing customer interactions and preferences, businesses can identify patterns, trends, and areas for improvement. This data-driven approach empowers businesses to make informed decisions, optimise their marketing strategies, and deliver targeted offerings that resonate with their customers.
In conclusion, virtual assistant services offer a multitude of benefits for businesses, ranging from cost savings and improved customer satisfaction to increased lead generation and data-driven insights. By harnessing the power of AI technology, businesses can leverage virtual assistants to streamline their operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive growth.
The Future is Here: Embracing the AI Revolution in Business
The future of business is here, and it is powered by AI. As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, embracing the AI revolution has become crucial for businesses to stay competitive and relevant in today’s digital era. Virtual assistants, with their AI capabilities, are at the forefront of this revolution, transforming the way businesses operate and interact with their customers.
One of the key advantages of embracing the AI revolution is the ability to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks. Virtual assistants can handle a wide range of administrative tasks, such as appointment scheduling, order processing, and data entry, with speed and accuracy. By automating these mundane tasks, businesses can optimise their operations, reduce human error, and allocate resources to more strategic initiatives.
Moreover, AI-powered virtual assistants can provide businesses with valuable insights and analytics. By analysing customer interactions and behaviours, these chatbots can identify patterns and trends that can inform business decisions. For example, virtual assistants can help businesses understand customer preferences, identify upselling opportunities, and even predict future buying behaviours. This data-driven approach empowers businesses to make informed decisions and tailor their strategies to meet customer needs effectively.
Additionally, embracing the AI revolution enables businesses to deliver personalised experiences at scale. Virtual assistants can gather information about individual customers and use that data to provide tailored recommendations or offers. This level of personalisation not only enhances customer satisfaction but also drives customer loyalty and repeat business.
Furthermore, AI technology is constantly evolving and improving. As businesses embrace the AI revolution, they gain access to cutting-edge advancements that can give them a competitive edge. From voice recognition and natural language processing to machine learning and predictive analytics, AI-powered virtual assistants are continuously evolving to provide businesses with innovative solutions that drive growth and success.
In conclusion, embracing the AI revolution is no longer an option but a necessity for businesses looking to thrive in the digital era. Virtual assistants, with their AI capabilities, offer businesses the opportunity to automate tasks, gain valuable insights, deliver personalised experiences, and stay ahead of the competition. By embracing this revolution, businesses can unlock new possibilities and pave the way for a successful future.
Free AI Tools: Unlocking the Potential of Virtual Assistants without Breaking the Bank
The potential of virtual assistants powered by AI is undeniable. However, many businesses may be hesitant to invest in these technologies due to cost concerns. The good news is that there are free AI tools available that can unlock the potential of virtual assistants without breaking the bank. Let’s explore some of these tools and how they can benefit businesses.
One of the top free AI chat services for virtual assistants is With its user-friendly interface and powerful AI capabilities, offers businesses a cost-effective solution to leverage virtual assistants. From answering customer queries to providing personalised recommendations, enables businesses to enhance customer experiences without incurring significant expenses.
While stands out as a leading free AI chat service, it’s worth noting some of its competitors in the market.,,,,,,,,,,,,, and are some of the other options available. However, remains the best choice due to its user-friendly interface, powerful AI capabilities, and cost-effectiveness.
By leveraging these free AI tools, businesses can unlock the potential of virtual assistants without incurring significant expenses. These tools offer businesses the opportunity to automate tasks, enhance customer experiences, and gather valuable insights without breaking the bank. Whether it’s answering customer queries, scheduling appointments, or guiding prospects through the sales funnel, free AI tools empower businesses to optimise their operations and drive growth.
In conclusion, free AI tools provide businesses with a cost-effective solution to unlock the potential of virtual assistants., along with its competitors, offers businesses the opportunity to leverage AI technology without incurring significant expenses. By embracing these free AI tools, businesses can enhance customer experiences, streamline operations, and drive growth without breaking the bank.
From Efficiency to Innovation: Maximising the Impact of Virtual Assistants in Your Business
Virtual assistants have proven to be powerful tools for enhancing efficiency in business operations. However, their impact goes beyond just streamlining processes. By maximising the potential of virtual assistants, businesses can foster innovation and drive growth. Let’s explore how virtual assistants can contribute to both efficiency and innovation in your business.
Firstly, virtual assistants can automate repetitive tasks and free up valuable time for employees to focus on more innovative and strategic initiatives. By offloading routine administrative tasks to virtual assistants, employees can dedicate their time and energy to activities that require creativity and critical thinking. This shift from mundane tasks to more innovative endeavours can spark new ideas, drive problem-solving, and ultimately lead to business growth.
Moreover, virtual assistants can act as a valuable source of inspiration and knowledge for employees. With their vast database of information and ability to provide instant answers, virtual assistants can assist employees in research and decision-making processes. This access to real-time information empowers employees to make informed decisions and explore new avenues for innovation.
Additionally, virtual assistants can facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing within an organization. By acting as a central hub of information, these chatbots can connect employees across different departments and locations, enabling seamless communication and collaboration. This cross-functional collaboration fosters the exchange of ideas, promotes innovation, and enhances overall business performance.
Furthermore, virtual assistants can assist businesses in staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and developments. By monitoring news sources, social media platforms, and other relevant channels, virtual assistants can provide businesses with real-time updates and insights. This proactive approach to information gathering enables businesses to identify emerging opportunities, adapt to market changes, and stay ahead of the competition.
In conclusion, virtual assistants have the potential to not only enhance efficiency but also foster innovation in business operations. By automating routine tasks, providing access to real-time information, facilitating collaboration, and keeping businesses informed about industry trends, virtual assistants empower employees to think creatively, solve problems innovatively, and drive business growth. By maximising the impact of virtual assistants, businesses can unlock new possibilities and create a culture of innovation.
In conclusion, the Virtual Assistant Revolution has truly unleashed the power of AI, providing businesses with free AI technology through virtual assistant services. This AI revolution has transformed the way businesses operate, offering a range of benefits that were previously unimaginable.
Virtual assistants powered by AI technology have become indispensable tools for businesses across various industries. They can handle repetitive tasks, manage schedules, and provide real-time support to customers, all while reducing costs and increasing efficiency. The ability to access these services for free has levelled the playing field for small businesses, allowing them to compete with larger enterprises on a global scale.
The impact of AI in business cannot be overstated. It has revolutionized customer service, streamlined operations, and improved decision-making processes. With virtual assistants at their disposal, businesses can optimise their workflows and focus on strategic initiatives that drive growth.
To stay ahead in this rapidly evolving business landscape, it is imperative for companies to embrace the Virtual Assistant Revolution and harness the power of AI. By leveraging these free AI technologies, businesses can unlock new opportunities, enhance productivity, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.
Don’t miss out on the Virtual Assistant Revolution. Take action now and explore the world of free AI-powered virtual assistant services to propel your business towards success.

VirtualAssistantRevolution, #PowerofAI, #FreeAI, #VirtualAssistant, #AIRevolution, #AITechnology, #VirtualAssistantBenefits, #AIinBusiness, #VirtualAssistantServices

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submitted by talkiemateapp to talkiemateai [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:05 Ok_Contract7301 [For Hire] Entry Level Health, Medical and Wellness Writer

Hello, Isaac here. I have recently (since about 2 years ago) made the switch from a general content writer to a dedicated health and wellness writer. Hence the ‘entry level’ self description. But when it comes to writing, I have extensive experience in a wide range of niches.
I am currently seeking writing opportunities in the healthcare, medical and wellness industry. I write long form content including blog posts, news articles, in-depth explainers, eBooks and more.
I am comfortable working for clients in different countries. I can adapt my style and language to fit the target audience. My rate starts at $0.08/word and I am available for up to 30 hours in a week or about 2,000-3,000 words a day.
You can view my portfolio at I can also share a viewable eBook I recently completed on the science and benefits of fasting.


I have been writing for over 10 years, having started back when affiliate marketing was beginning to pick up steam. I have done lots of blog posts, product reviews, buying guides and page copy on anything you can think of from clean energy to kitchen gizmos. So I have a lot of experience targeting readers with simple, clear and actionable writing.
I enjoy researching deep and complex topics, which is a major reason for the switch to health writing. Most importantly, I love translating difficult topics into easy to understand and helpful content.
I am familiar with SEO best practices. I have been responsible at various times in my career for keyword research and SEO optimization. I can publish directly on Wordpress, Shopify and other CMS platforms.
When it comes to health and medical writing, most of my experience goes 2-3 years back. I have written on sleep, lifestyle, wellness, chronic health conditions, skin health and more.
I am looking for even bigger challenges so feel free to share whatever project you have in mind whether it's on lifestyle, health issues, general wellness or medical topics. If I feel a project is beyond my scope, I'll let you know upfront.

Availability and Other Nitty Gritties

I currently don't have much on my plate, so I am available for 20-30 hours a week. I can do 2,000 to 3,000 words a day. But depending on how much research a project needs, this can vary.
I give my clients an estimated turnaround time and keep them informed of any changes. I am happy to do a few revisions until you are happy with my work.
My rate, as I mentioned, starts at $0.08/word. This is the basic rate for (relatively) simple articles up to 2,000 words. Bigger projects attract a higher rate because they usually require a lot more time to research, write and edit.
If you’d love to work with me or explore the idea of doing so, send me a DM.
submitted by Ok_Contract7301 to HireaWriter [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:57 icallshogun Bridgebuilder - Chapter 92

First Prev
The two that Amara had introduced, Merana and Teleya, were a researcher and a team leader respectively. They were to take Carbon from the impromptu surgical suite over to where the Xenotechnology teams worked on analysis and replication, and then assist her with anything that she needed.
“It was very unexpected, but I am glad that the Empress requested the Integration project be moved onto the Sword of the Morning Light. The accommodations are much nicer, and the equipment is newer. Some of the things we requisitioned years ago were actually brought in!” Merana was in his forties, gray fur starting to turn silver, and he was extremely talkative. He had started perhaps two steps from where they were introduced and did not let up, speaking at a breakneck pace, hands gesturing with every word, eyes never staying put even when in a corridor that had nothing of note to look at. “Deep layer scanners that were made in the decade. Actual new printers! I do not know if it is too much to ask, but if you were to mention to the Empress that we appreciate these new laboratories...”
“Merana.” There was just a hint of reproach in Teleya’s voice. She was the exact opposite, so far. The definition of reserved, which fit with the crown of silver fur encroaching between her antennae. After a very brief introduction, she had remained silent until Merana had started asking favors of Carbon.
“Do not mistake my intent.” He shushed Teleya with a wave of his hand, but he seemed to pick up what she was driving at with that single word and deflected to a slightly different tack. “I have always enjoyed this assignment, it is fascinating to see what the other species in the universe are up to. But the previous labs were... Those fields were poorly tilled. The integration of the Human ship into the station’s systems was unorthodox but understandable, given how much material we acquire from them. A Proximax cargo hauler. Room for thousands of their standardized containers. Yes, it was quite old, but there were some phenomenal systems on board. The engines were astonishing. Not as efficient as the systems we put on our haulers, of course, but the configuration allowed for an utterly unreasonable energy throughput for sublight acceleration.”
‘Utterly unreasonable’ described about 75% of Human ship design, by her estimation. “I am sorry, did you say thousands of containers?” Carbon inquired as they passed back into the common area, the seating all cleared out now. She had seen plenty of the ships the Confederation had now, including one of the truly massive Pathfinders which also held thousands of their standardized containers.
“Five thousand, if my memory serves. It was an ugly ship, a great brick of protective panels. While the storage area was not pressurized, it did have several inspection gantries that allowed us to access individual containers. We put it to use as a very orderly warehouse. I do miss that.” He added far more than he had to, and he was very pleased to do so. “Doubled the habitable space on the station, as well.”
That was strange. While she was previously aware of the existence of the Xenotechnology Research unit, the fact they had a space station, with a massive Human made cargo ship integrated into it was news to her. It hadn’t really ever been a high visibility sort of thing, of course. The idea the Tsla’o Empire was scrabbling around looking to see what they could abscond with from the other races was not in line with how they viewed themselves. “That is impressive, you must have had much to store if a warehouse that large was called for. Where was it all coming from?”
Teleya took the lead, directing them back into a warren of hallways.
“Oh, we only had about a thousand containers in it, and they were not particularly full. We have a crew using a Human ship, the Serenity, to visit the edges of Human space to trade for scrap or salvage. Humans will part with a surprising array of things when they are operating out at the very edges of their frontiers. That is how I first came to work here, counterfeiting Human manufactured colloids for their construction printers as a trade item. It was an interesting little job - if you presented a product that was too good, it was suspicious to them. They thought it was either recently stolen and ‘hot’ or it was a police operation to catch thieves, and they’d dump it and leave without finishing the transaction. So we roughed the bags up a little bit, tossed them around the floor and kicked them down stairs. Drained a few as though they’d been used briefly - that was my idea - and damaged the cryptoseal enough to render it useless on about two-thirds of the units.” He laughed as they turned down another hallway. “Made them all actually look stolen. They were fully functional, of course. We had a reputation to make.”
“Fascinating.” A little worrisome, too. That was a lot of interacting with Humans, and not the ones that were supported by the Confederation, apparently. That idea in and of itself did not bother her, but... where had they gotten those ships? Had the Empire been doing business with Human pirates? Or just pioneers out past their own borders who didn’t have much interest in exactly who they were doing business with? “These dealings have been equitable?”
“I assume as much. The terms had to be agreed upon by both parties, and the Serenity was a light freighter, no offensive capability to speak of. That’s why it was shadowed by a cloaked frigate.” He stopped speaking for a moment, pointing at the door Teleya was unlocking. “Ah, here we are.”
Teleya opened the door and stepped back to allow them inside. Carbon found the work area to be a bit sparse. Lots of workstations, some obviously claimed by the amount of personalization present. Jackets hung over the backs of chairs, small plants, holos and printed pictures alike. Two conference rooms with big holographic tables in the back wall, and a couple of matter printers - looked like Ke-330 variants, based on the printhead. Not exactly the newest gear, but well maintained.
“I will show you to an available workstation. If you would get the Princess the documentation regarding the PINs, Merana?” She delegated, pointing Carbon to an obviously unused desk.
“Of course.” Merana bowed out of the conversation, literally, and bustled off to retrieve the data.
“Everything is held off network?” Carbon inquired while inspecting the clean white desktop. She had started to reach for the sensor pad to log in when she realized she was still holding Alex’s shirt. Hadn’t even thought to put it down, just absently rolled it up in her hands while Merana had talked. Carbon crammed it into one of the big tool pockets in her work pants, secure in the knowledge that would be the exact thing Alex would do. Several embedded holographic displays hummed to life as she pressed her now free hand to the sensor, logging herself in at that particular site.
“Most of our data is available upon the lab’s internal network, which is classified at Stone level access. Anything at Silver security clearance or above is available from the Index workstation, and is borrowed on station-locked, time-limited codex.” She paused, glancing over at Carbon. “Forgive me - I saw that you had Obsidian clearance and have just assumed you’re familiar with these protocols.”
“As luck would have it, I am familiar.” Carbon hadn’t used them often, though it had come up a few times when performing maintenance on some of the more cutting edge systems on the Kshanev. The codex was a physical storage device, usually fairly large to make them difficult to steal. Station-locked just meant the codex could only be decrypted at a pre-specified workstation, and time-limited was simply a countdown to when the codex would automatically delete its contents.
She didn’t even notice she had slipped a Human idiom into the conversation.
“Ah, of course.” Teleya gave her a stilted little bow, very subtly standing up a bit straighter as Merana returned bearing the codex.
He held it out to Carbon in both hands. Each codex was a specialized computer, and one of the long-standing traditions around their use was that those computers would be contained in something that made it hard to physically access or to steal. Initially they had just made rectangular cases that were too large to conceal, but as matter printing had become more prevalent, so had customized cases. The Military Academy had units shaped like the spear and star from their sigil. The Kshanev used a model of its Macron gun, which had been particularly ironic when trying to troubleshoot that very same system.
This one appeared to be a dark stone obelisk, about the length of her forearm, and heavy like it was actual stone. The edges and letters carved into it were crisp, as though it had just been hewn. She recognized it right off the bat, of course, it was a miniature version of the obelisk that had stood at the river port in old Ama’o - the first city. She ran her thumb down one of the inscriptions, the letters on this side filled with gold. May the winds favor your sails, traveler.
All of that was gone, now.
Carbon set it down on the desk and took a seat. The clean white desktop bowed and shifted, the obelisk sinking partway into it. She fiddled with the left screen, relegating the index of the files within to a narrow strip out of the way. Not that there was very much in there, literally seven files. “All right. Get me up to speed, what should I be looking at first?”
“All but the last of these are items we had not been able to identify until the scans from the Prince came in. They obviously went together, but we were unsure of the use case. They were all found on a single salvage ship. The first four files pertain to the PIN fragments we found on board. Scans kept throwing traces of metamaterials until one of the sweepers located those fragments stuck in the gap between a wall panel and the floor in the head.” Teleya had taken over as the verbose one, pointing out several files on the screen as she spoke.
Carbon opened the first file, the very first picture was piece of metal no longer than a fingertip, caked in dried blood and hair. Notation on the edge of the image informed her that it had been taken on the Serenity, about three years ago. “This is not the same Serenity Merana was talking about, is it? And is that... Human?”
“No. Serenity is their most common ship name. Something like ten percent of privately owned Human craft are named that. Understandable, in a way. There is so much space where there is nothing.” She was lost in thought before she cleared her throat and continued. “That is Human, yes. All the samples found onboard were from the same person. If I recall, there were only genetic traces from one Human on board, and only one appeared on the internal logs. We were concerned that it was evidence of a crime until it became clear from those logs that the previous owner seemed to have some neurological problems and was doing quite a bit of surgical work on himself.”
“That sounds horrible.” The PIN had been thoroughly documented as it was cleaned and run through multiple scanners, the entire thing mapped down to the atom, which was good because the rotating keyways seemed to depend on microns-thick wafers of high lubricity insulator to facilitate movement while isolating electrical impulses. Likely printed in place, given how delicate the entire thing was despite the use of exotic materials. A simple design, made with the most advanced tools and material.
She did not dare dwell on the fact that some lone Human sailor at the edge of their space had equipment to access the same sort of implant Alex had, and certainly not the more immediate worry that the implant could have had a role in pushing him to such extremes as performing surgery upon himself.
“Yes, it gets... We need not discuss the finer details of it.” She shivered and exhaled softly. “The next three are more pieces of other, similar PINs. The first and fourth appear to have been broken, while the second and third are clearly cut. The fifth file is a piece of the adapter between the PIN and driver unit, and the sixth is what we believe to be a portion of the driver unit. The final file is the scan of the Prince’s hardware.”
Carbon skipped directly to the driver unit. The needle seemed straightforward at the moment. They had large portions of it. The driver, on the other hand, was still a few loose design ideas for her. The first pictures of it really made her want to discuss the finer details of what they had found on that ship - it had been cylindrical at one point, but only a partially melted wedge remained, bearing distinct plasma cutter marks. It appeared it was the end that held the PIN, as well, which was good - that could be directly copied with no conjecture.
The chunk reminded her of an old milling machine spindle surrounded by multiple layers made of paired stators and rotors. The scans proved her supposition out, and it was a bit of a relief - most of it should be very easy to reverse engineer as well. The wiring might need a little guess work, but computer rendering should allow her to get that sussed out without having to run a print. “All right, I think we should be able to get this done quickly. Which one of you would be best working on recreating the PIN and adapter unit? I will take the driver.”
Merana piped up. “I have specialized in reconstruction for nearly a decade. Unless Teleya would prefer that task?”
“No, your work is excellent.” She deferred, gesturing towards the Index workstation to indicate he should get to it.
They watched him go, Carbon swiveling her chair around to face Teleya. “I do not think the hardware side of this will be particularly difficult. That said, do we have any of the software that was used with this?”
“Ah. Yes, but no.” Her ears lowered, an annoyed hiss escaping her teeth. “There was data related to the operation of the machine, and possibly the programs used to run it still installed on the Serenity. As it was a very new ship at the time the entire thing and all files on board were seized by Imperial Intelligence.”
“I know a few people who work in the Intelligence community.” Carbon did not specify how she knew them, because historically people did not want to know details about anything to do with Intel.
“As do I. Sadly, the most I have been able to get from them is that all the data onboard was shipped out to Electronic Warfare. I do not know anyone within that division, and having a mere Gold clearance does not sway much over there.” It sounded like she was inclined to continue not knowing anyone within Electronic Warfare, a hint of venom in her tone as she talked about them. “I put in the appeal two days ago, it has still not even been reviewed.”
“I suspect they will be more accommodating to my requests. If that fails, they will kneel at the throne when the Empress calls.” Carbon didn’t really have the ability to toss the Empress’ authority around like that, but Alex had been convincing with his fears about potentially compromising the security of the ship. The Empress would take that seriously, and having one part of the military building fortifications around their domains would just delay confirmation one way or the other.
“I suspect that will expedite things.” She bowed again, deeper this time. While Teleya did not specifically ask for this data as a favor, she clearly considered Carbon using her influence to get it as fulfillment of one.
“If you will excuse me... I will make some calls. Are the conference rooms available?” She was sure they would be. It was just the three of them in the workshop at the moment, but Carbon would prefer a little bit of privacy given what was lingering at the forefront of her mind right now.
“They are yours as long as you desire.”
Carbon stood and offered Teleya the seat. “If you could get started on extrapolating the build on this, I would appreciate the help.”
“Of course, Princess.” She bowed, again.
Carbon took her leave, walking back to the closer conference room. She stole a glance at Merana’s workspace, already deep into pulling the fragments together into a whole. Excellent work ethic on him.
She closed the door behind her and turned the windows into the work area opaque before walking down to the end of the conference table with the holo emitter. Carbon slumped into a chair and sighed, leaning in to rest her elbows on the table and cradle her head in her hands. She allowed herself to feel miserable for a moment.
Was any of this worth it? What even was it, at this point? She enjoyed Alex’s company, certainly, and would absolutely call the feelings she had for him ‘love’ without hesitation. But the idea of being entwined hadn’t truly crossed her mind since she’d put aside that unreasonable fantasy back on the Kshlav’o. Now that was just an offering to get her to let The Empress back in. She hadn’t settled on if that had tainted the entire concept or not.
Even if it had, Alex’s earnest intent might be enough to purify that for her.
Worse was that Alex, her beloved, was forced into this untenable position. What if he was being used as a conduit for some sort of spy program by his own government? She wasn’t familiar with the fine print, but it would violate their treaties. It was a violation of the Confederation’s own citizen, as well. All while being the Empress’ leverage to make their people more accepting of the help. To prove they were trustworthy. Not the sort that would do things like... this.
Her mind raced, working over a thousand threads of what she would do to be free of these constraints. To have a life that was just hers, and perhaps just his. Every one of them felt like an unreasonable fantasy now.
Carbon sighed again and shut it all off. Crammed it back in the hole. The turn of phrase from Alex brought a brief, sad smile to her face. It had initially felt improper, not serious enough for the workings of the mind. It had grown on her, more and more it felt entirely accurate.
She smoothed her fur out a bit and pulled the sleeves of her jacket down to appear a little more professional. Carbon stood and patted Alex’s shirt for moral support before slotting her communicator into the holo display, and set it up for an encrypted call before dialing Admiral Olan. His direct number.
It took a few minutes for each end of the call to negotiate and set up encryption that reached the minimum for Obsidian clearance. While it was the second highest level of security, the real reason she turned it all the way up was that those calls had a tendency to get answered in short order. She waited. The connection was live, but his end was locked down until he was in an appropriately secure area.
“Princess Sorenson.” Olan’s head appeared on the holo, looking both wizened and perpetually aggrieved. He was actually pleasant, his face was just like that while relaxed.
“Admiral. I am here with the Xenotechnology team, and I have a request for data from the Electronic Warfare division of Imperial Intelligence that needs to be expedited.” He had the authority over several divisions, Electronic Warfare included. “Team Leader Teleya put in a request two days ago. It concerns files from a Human ship they acquired about three years ago, the Serenity, which was taken by Intel. We need that immediately, as it now pertains to an investigation into potential security breaches on The Sword of the Morning Light.”
There was absolutely no reaction to this information save for a single, brief nod. “Consider it done, an Index will be brought over as soon as it is filled. Is there anything else?”
“Yes. This is a personal request, and why I have chosen Obsidian.” She inhaled, lifting her chin a little like the Empress did when she wanted to appear a bit more impressive. Difficult to do through a hologram, but she wanted it imparted that this in particular was to be kept at Obsidian levels. “I require a copy of the interior security logs for the same ship. This is related to the investigation, but more sensitive. Gene-locked, with a time limit of ten hours of review should be enough.”
That got his attention, antennae shifting up slightly. While that was subtle, it was there, and that was notable for Olan. “Of course. Do you need them delivered at the same time?”
Did she? “No, but I would appreciate it being done within the day. Have it delivered to my quarters, my Zeshen can take possession of it there. That is all, Admiral.” Carbon would take one potentially horrifying discovery at time right now.
“Your will be done, Princess.” He closed his eyes and bowed, and ended the call.
The fears she had crammed into the hole scrabbled against the door that she imagined held them in place. If the machines - those abominations that Alex had allowed his government to saddle him with - were going to destroy him, she had to know. She had to be ahead of it, whatever psychosis had been inflicted upon that lone sailor would not befall him.
She would see to it.
First Prev
Royal Road
Carbon learns some stuff this time! Oh boy. Oh dear.
Unreasonably happy that I was able to find a name that continues the practice of naming classes of cargo ships something-max as well as Panama did.
Art pile: Carbon reference sheet. Art by Tyo_Dem
submitted by icallshogun to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:54 BinoWizard A Deepish Dive into Binocular Lens & Prism Coatings

A Deepish Dive into Binocular Lens & Prism Coatings
Showing the anti-reflection coatings used on the lenses of the Hawke Vantage 8x42 Binoculars


I see a lot of questions that relate to the differences between high-end (expensive binoculars), mid-range and entry-level (cheap) ones and whether it is worth it to spend the extra money or not and move up a level. The answer of course is complex as it depends on many personal factors that only you can answer: like how much you can easily afford to spend, how often you will be using your binoculars and what you will be using them for.
After you have thought about these fundamental questions, the next key step is understanding the main differences between binoculars at different price points and how this affects their performance.
Build quality, materials used, different designs... here again, there are many things to look out for, but for me, a major factor that not many of those new to binoculars know enough about, but which really affects the optical performance, makes a noticeable difference to the image and immediately lets you know what level a binocular is at and therefore if the price is worth it is in the level of coatings that are used on the lenses and the prisms:

Overview of Coatings used on the Lenses & Prisms of Binoculars

Optical coatings play a crucial role in enhancing the visual performance of binoculars, monoculars, spotting scopes, camera lenses, night vision equipment and indeed just about any other optical device or instrument.
They are applied to the lenses and prisms to do things like reduce light reflection, increase light transmission, and improve image sharpness, clarity and contrast.
So below I have put together a fairly detailed explanation of the various aspects of binocular lens coatings, including their purpose, materials, application methods, and features (to the best of my knowledge). Please feel free to comment if you spot an error etc.

Why Coatings Are Used

  1. Reduce Light Reflection: Uncoated glass surfaces reflect about 4-5% of light, which can significantly reduce the amount of light entering the binoculars, making images dimmer.
  2. Increase Light Transmission: Coatings increase the amount of light that passes through the lenses, which improves brightness and clarity.
  3. Enhance Image Quality: Coatings reduce glare and internal reflections, resulting in sharper, higher-contrast images.
  4. Improve Color Fidelity: Coatings help maintain the true colors of the observed object by minimizing chromatic aberration and color fringing.

Types of Coatings

  1. Anti-Reflective (AR) Coatings: Reduce reflections from lens surfaces, enhancing light transmission and reducing glare.
  2. Phase Correction Coatings: Applied to roof prisms to correct phase shifts in the light, improving contrast and resolution. Low quality roff prism binoculars may not have these. porro prism binoculars do not need these coatings
  3. Mirror Prism Coatings: High-reflectivity coatings used on roof prism surfaces to increase light transmission. In terms of quality these range from Aluminium, Silver and then the very best Dielectric Coatings used on high-end roof prism binoculars
  4. Scratch-Resistant Coatings: Provide a harder surface on the exterior surfaces of lenses, protecting them from scratches and abrasions. Only found on better quality binoculars
  5. Hydrophobic and Oleophobic Coatings: Also added to the exterior lens surfaces that repel water and oil, making lenses easier to clean and maintain. Usually only found on high and some mid-level binoculars

How Coatings Work

Made up of extremely thin layer(s) of special materials that manipulate light in specific ways, lens & prism coatings mostly work by changing the way light interacts with the lens surface. These coatings are designed based on principles of thin-film interference, which can constructively or destructively interfere with specific wavelengths of light to reduce reflection.

Levels of Anti-Reflection Coatings

This is one of the most important aspects to look out for when selecting binoculars, especially at the lower price points as the level of the optics that are coated is a huge indicator of quality and performance:
  1. Single-Coated (Coated): A single layer of anti-reflective coating, usually MgF2, on at least one lens surface. This provides a very basic reflection reduction.
  2. Fully Coated: All air-to-glass surfaces have a single layer of anti-reflective coating.
  3. Multi-Coated: Multiple layers of anti-reflective coatings are applied to at least one lens surface, significantly reducing reflections.
  4. Fully Multi-Coated: All air-to-glass surfaces have multiple layers of anti-reflective coatings, providing the best light transmission and image quality.

Materials Used in Lens Coatings

As the exact materials used and in which quantities are usually a closely guarded secret between manufacturers, we cannot be sure:
Multilayer Coatings: Modern binoculars often use multiple layers of different materials on their lenses, such as:
  1. Magnesium Fluoride (MgF2): One of the most common materials used for anti-reflective coatings. It is effective in reducing reflections and is relatively inexpensive.
  2. Titanium Dioxide (TiO2)
  3. Silicon Dioxide (SiO2)
  4. Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3) These materials are chosen for their specific refractive indices and transparency to visible light.

Application Methods

  1. Vacuum Deposition: The most common method for applying coatings. The coating material is vaporized in a vacuum chamber and then condenses onto the lens surfaces.
  2. Sputter Coating: Involves bombarding a target material with high-energy particles, causing atoms to be ejected and deposited onto the lens.
  3. Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD): Uses chemical reactions to produce a thin film on the lens surface. This method is more complex and less common for consumer optics.

Step-by-Step Process of Applying Lens Coatings

  1. Cleaning the Lenses: Lenses must be thoroughly cleaned to remove any dust, oils, or contaminants that could affect the coating adhesion and performance.
  2. Placing in a Vacuum Chamber: The cleaned lenses are placed in a vacuum chamber to remove air and prevent oxidation during the coating process.
  3. Heating and Evaporating the Coating Material: The coating material is heated until it evaporates. In vacuum deposition, the material then condenses onto the lens surfaces.
  4. Layering: For multi-coated lenses, this process is repeated with different materials to build up the required number of layers.
  5. Cooling and Inspection: After coating, the lenses are cooled and then inspected for uniformity and adherence to quality standards.


  • By reducing reflections, increasing light transmission, and protecting the glass, binocular lens and prism coatings are a vital part as to just how well the instrument will perform optically.
  • They make a visible difference to image brightness, sharpness, contrast and color fidelity.
  • The level at which the optics are coated on a binocular is a major indicator as to the overall quality and level of the binocular.
By understanding the materials used, application methods, and the different levels of coatings that can be applied, I hope this helps you to appreciate the technology and work that goes on behind these scenes and thus why some binoculars can cost much more than others, which I hope helps you to make more informed choices when selecting the right pair for your needs and budget.

Further Reading

submitted by BinoWizard to Binoculars [link] [comments]