Apa source cards

Cards for Redditors, by Redditors.

2011.02.08 08:10 thejellydude Cards for Redditors, by Redditors.

/custommagic is a subreddit for people to post their own custom M:tG cards. Please read our rules and try to keep it to constructive criticism only.

2011.09.10 16:28 PKMNTCGTrades

Trade Pokémon cards online with people all over the world by mail!

2010.04.25 06:33 jack2454 Yu-Gi-Oh!

The subreddit for the Yu-Gi-Oh! card game, video games, anime and manga.

2024.06.10 13:27 FrankHorrigan D88 Dumb Cantrips for Bad Wizards

D88 Roll Crappy Cantrip
11 Gore: Increase the level of violence of the next horrible thing that befalls a target creature.
12 Rowboat Cop: Lets you know if anybody steals your rowboat.
13 Fly: Summons one fly. You do not control it.
14 Run: The target creature begins running in place.
15 Chair Apparent: Makes one chair seem particularly important.
16 Anything: A random object magically apparates at the location of your choosing. You can not choose the object.
17 Browning: Makes a single object somewhat more brown.
18 Sort: Rearranges a collection of light objects into a pleasing order.
21 Stir: Casually stirs a the contents of a mug or pot.
22 Turd: Summons a turd to a visible location within 10'.
23 Hushroom: Makes the room a little quieter.
24 Do: The target creature's hair is made up into a new look. The outcome is totally random.
25 Banana: It is unclear what this spell does but it looks impressive when being cast.
26 Knock Knock: Emits a knocking sound from outside a nearby door.
27 Jazz Hands: Causes a target creature to wiggle their fingers excitedly.
28 Gezellig: Makes a room feel cozier, briefly.
31 Book: Randomly makes an appointment somewhere.
32 Chop Block: Places a knee-high invisible object behind a target creature's legs.
33 Shuffle: Subtly shuffles any deck of cards or stack of papers.
34 Bad Advice: Touch one creature and make them slightly worse at the next thing they do.
35 Respect: Targets must address you as Sir, Madam, or Your Honor for the next 10 minutes.
36 Far Side: Reverses the direction that a door opens.
37 Mage Foot: Sometimes you want the other extremity.
38 Weaken Chair: Makes one (1) chair weaker.
41 Fluffy: An annoying dog appears in a nearby doorway and begins to bark.
42 Mumble: The target may only mumble. Does not affect their ability to cast spells. Just the volume.
43 Big bird: Increases a bird's size by 50% for 1 hour. Not cumulative.
44 Firefly: Lights one nearby fly on fire.
45 Shame: Causes a creature to think about something embarrassing they've done.
46 Pasta: Fills a random creature in the room's pockets with wet, cooked spaghetti.
47 Pinch: Pinches a creature's skin. Kind of hurts a little bit.
48 Tenser's Gloating Disc: Refuses to carry anything whatsover, but for the spell's duration will provide a constant stream of self-aggrandizing,
51 Smelt it, Dealt it: Redirects the source of a nearby smell.
52 Tune: Aids another creature in singing or playing an instrument in key.
53 Stone Fall: The target creature falls much faster than normal.
54 Fuzz: Removes a creature's ability to read, temporarily.
55 Spin: Makes one object twirl gracefully.
56 Snuff: Extinguishes any nearby candles.
57 Damn Spot: Creates one indelible spot on a fabric or surface.
58 Chill Touch: Causes the next person you touch to relax, man.
61 Direct: Turns the spellcaster into a human compass. They become fully rigid with their right arm outstretched towards the north for 1d4 minutes.
62 Rake: Clears a small area of leaves and twigs.
63 Blurt: Small chance of causing a target creature to blurt out a random secret.
64 Smile: Does not cause another person to smile, but tricks others into thinking they're smiling.
65 Pluck: Removes one hair or splinter. Targeting an enemy’s nose hair will inflict 1 point of damage, perhaps also inducing tears.
66 Stagger: Causes the spellcaster to suddenly become unstable on their feet.
67 Don't: Generates a large floating hand with fingers together and palm out. It is ethereal and objects can pass through it.
68 Moisten: Not too wet, not too dry.
71 Lather: Lathers your face, or anyone else’s.
72 Befoul: Shit your own pants or someone else's -- you don't get to choose.
73 Stitch Fix: Fixes a stitch.
74 Ink: Signs or removes a signature from a document that you can see.
75 Squirt: Sends a weak stream of water at a foe of your choice.
76 Tpyo: Inserts one typo into a nearby nonmagical work.
77 Sad Violin: Audible only to you.
78 Rubber Ducky: Spawns a little yellow duck which doesn't speak but listens well.
81 Spare the Living: Gets a creature out of a boring conversation by creating a distraction.
82 Shine: Polishes any surface to a glimmer.
83 Earworm: Replays the last song you heard.
84 Mouse of Vengeance: A small, ineffective rodent appears to squeak your small, ineffective rage.
85 Goat cheese: Turns a single goat into edible cheese.
86 Rotgut: The bellyache of a lifetime for d4 minutes.
87 Expertise: Allows the spellcaster to bullshit as if they know something about a desired subject for 5 minutes.
88 Time Check: A far off clock tower chimes, announcing the hour.
submitted by FrankHorrigan to DnDHomebrew [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:51 AppicSoftwares28 How to create a payment gateway? Cost, benefits, use cases, challenges, opportunities

How to create a payment gateway? Cost, benefits, use cases, challenges, opportunities
A payment gateway is a vital component of e-commerce and digital transactions, enabling businesses to process payments securely and efficiently. It serves as the bridge between merchants and financial institutions, ensuring that payment data is transmitted securely. Creating a payment gateway involves a complex process that includes developing the necessary technology, ensuring compliance with security standards, and navigating regulatory requirements. This blog explores the steps involved in creating a payment gateway, the associated costs, benefits, use cases, challenges, and opportunities.
Steps to Create a Payment Gateway
  1. Market Research and Planning
  2. Regulatory Compliance and Licensing
  3. Technology Stack and Development
  4. Security Measures
  5. Integration with Banks and Payment Networks
  6. Testing and Quality Assurance
  7. User Experience and Interface Design
  8. Deployment and Maintenance
  9. Customer Support and Documentation

1. Market Research and Planning

Before embarking on the development of a payment gateway, comprehensive market research is essential. This involves understanding the needs of your target audience, analyzing competitors, and identifying potential market gaps. Key considerations include:
  • Target Market: Identify the specific industries or types of businesses your payment gateway will serve.
  • Competitor Analysis: Study existing payment gateways to understand their strengths, weaknesses, and unique selling points.
  • Feature Set: Determine the features and functionalities your payment gateway will offer, such as support for multiple payment methods, currency conversion, fraud detection, and recurring billing.

2. Regulatory Compliance and Licensing

Cost: $100,000 to $500,000
Compliance with regulatory standards is crucial for operating a payment gateway. This involves obtaining necessary licenses and adhering to regulations such as PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard), GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), and local financial regulations. Steps include:
  • Licensing: Apply for relevant licenses to operate as a payment service provider (PSP).
  • Compliance Audits: Conduct regular audits to ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations.
  • Legal Counsel: Engage legal experts to navigate the complex regulatory landscape and ensure compliance.

3. Technology Stack and Development

Cost: $500,000 to $1,500,000
Developing a robust and scalable payment gateway requires a solid technology stack and skilled development team. Key components include:
  • Core Development: Develop the core functionality of the payment gateway, including transaction processing, payment routing, and settlement.
  • APIs and SDKs: Create APIs and SDKs to enable seamless integration with merchants’ websites and applications.
  • Scalability: Ensure the infrastructure is scalable to handle high transaction volumes and peak loads.
  • Programming Languages: Common languages used include Java, Python, Ruby, and PHP.
  • Databases: Utilize secure and reliable databases such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, or MongoDB.

4. Security Measures

Cost: $200,000 to $500,000
Security is paramount in payment gateway development. Implementing robust security measures helps protect sensitive payment data and build trust with users. Key security measures include:
  • Encryption: Use strong encryption protocols (e.g., TLS/SSL) to secure data transmission.
  • Tokenization: Replace sensitive payment data with tokens to reduce the risk of data breaches.
  • Fraud Detection: Implement advanced fraud detection and prevention mechanisms, including machine learning algorithms.
  • Compliance with PCI DSS: Ensure compliance with PCI DSS requirements to protect cardholder data.

5. Integration with Banks and Payment Networks

Cost: $100,000 to $300,000
Integrating with banks and payment networks is essential for processing transactions. This involves:
  • Bank Partnerships: Establish relationships with acquiring banks to process payments.
  • Payment Network Integration: Integrate with major payment networks (e.g., Visa, MasterCard, American Express) to enable card transactions.
  • Alternative Payment Methods: Support additional payment methods such as digital wallets, ACH transfers, and cryptocurrency.

6. Testing and Quality Assurance

Cost: $50,000 to $200,000
Thorough testing and quality assurance (QA) are critical to ensure the payment gateway functions correctly and securely. QA processes include:
  • Functional Testing: Verify that all features and functionalities work as intended.
  • Performance Testing: Test the gateway’s performance under various load conditions to ensure it can handle high transaction volumes.
  • Security Testing: Conduct penetration testing and vulnerability assessments to identify and mitigate security risks.

7. User Experience and Interface Design

Cost: $50,000 to $150,000
A user-friendly interface is essential for merchants and customers interacting with the payment gateway. Focus on:
  • Merchant Dashboard: Design an intuitive dashboard for merchants to manage transactions, view reports, and configure settings.
  • Customer Interface: Create a seamless and straightforward checkout experience for customers.
  • Mobile Compatibility: Ensure the interface is responsive and works well on mobile devices.

8. Deployment and Maintenance

Cost: $100,000 to $300,000 annually
Deploying the payment gateway involves setting up the infrastructure and launching the service. Ongoing maintenance is required to ensure smooth operation, including:
  • Server Hosting: Choose reliable hosting solutions (e.g., cloud providers like AWS, Google Cloud) to ensure uptime and scalability.
  • Monitoring: Implement monitoring tools to track performance, detect issues, and respond quickly.
  • Updates and Enhancements: Regularly update the gateway with new features, security patches, and performance improvements.

9. Customer Support and Documentation

Cost: $50,000 to $150,000 annually
Providing excellent customer support and comprehensive documentation is crucial for user satisfaction. This includes:
  • Support Team: Establish a dedicated support team to assist merchants with setup, troubleshooting, and inquiries.
  • Documentation: Create detailed documentation, guides, and tutorials to help users integrate and use the payment gateway effectively.

Benefits of Creating a Payment Gateway

  1. Revenue Generation
Creating a payment gateway can be a significant revenue source through transaction fees, subscription plans, and additional services.
  1. Enhanced Control
Owning a payment gateway allows businesses to customize features and functionalities to meet specific needs and provide a superior user experience.
  1. Brand Differentiation
Offering a proprietary payment gateway can differentiate your business from competitors and enhance brand loyalty.
  1. Data Insights
Operating a payment gateway provides valuable transaction data, enabling businesses to gain insights into customer behavior and optimize their services.

Use Cases of Payment Gateways

  1. E-commerce Platforms
Payment gateways enable e-commerce platforms to accept various payment methods, streamline checkout processes, and enhance security.
  1. Subscription Services
Businesses offering subscription services use payment gateways to automate recurring billing and manage subscriptions efficiently.
  1. Marketplaces
Online marketplaces integrate payment gateways to facilitate transactions between buyers and sellers, ensuring secure and smooth payments.
  1. Mobile Apps
Mobile apps across various industries (e.g., ride-sharing, food delivery, gaming) use payment gateways to process in-app purchases and payments seamlessly.

Challenges in Creating a Payment Gateway

  1. Regulatory Compliance
Navigating the complex regulatory landscape and ensuring ongoing compliance can be challenging and resource-intensive.
  1. Security Risks
Protecting sensitive payment data from cyber threats requires robust security measures and continuous monitoring.
  1. Technical Complexity
Developing and maintaining a payment gateway involves significant technical expertise and resources.
  1. Integration Issues
Ensuring seamless integration with various banks, payment networks, and third-party services can be complex and time-consuming.

Opportunities in the Payment Gateway Market

  1. Expansion into Emerging Markets
There is significant growth potential in emerging markets where digital payments are rapidly increasing.
  1. Innovative Payment Solutions
Developing innovative solutions such as cryptocurrency payments, biometric authentication, and AI-driven fraud detection can provide a competitive edge.
  1. Partnerships and Collaborations
Collaborating with fintech companies, banks, and technology providers can enhance the functionality and reach of your payment gateway.
  1. Value-Added Services
Offering value-added services such as analytics, financial reporting, and personalized recommendations can attract more users and increase revenue.


Appic Softwares stands out as a premier fintech development company, renowned for delivering cutting-edge RegTech solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of financial institutions. With their expertise in the latest technological advancements, Appic Softwares helps organizations navigate the complex regulatory landscape, ensuring they remain compliant and ahead of the curve.
Don’t wait to enhance your compliance operations. Contact us to implement robust RegTech solutions that drive efficiency, accuracy, and cost savings in your organization. Embrace the future of regulatory compliance today and secure your position as a leader in the financial services industry.
submitted by AppicSoftwares28 to u/AppicSoftwares28 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:38 womans_algorithm Can't find information on HUAWEI '4G Router 3 Pro' or '4G CPE3'

Hey all,
I am looking to buy second hand router to use with SIM card. I found the options, both mentioned in the title, for similar price.
I spend couple of hours searching for routers differences, but can't find any good source of info to compare the devices. They seem the same, but I fear maybe one of them is "less official/supported" than the other.
If anyone has any knowledge/experience on these 2 routers, please share.
submitted by womans_algorithm to HomeNetworking [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:26 SquiddArts Extreme Y shift issues only when using cura

Hi there, So, I have had my 3d Printer (Anycubic Vyper) for about a year now, and for most of that time I've been using cura with no problems. A few months ago it started behaving this weird way, where every layer seems to be shifted about a centimeter. I have no clue why this is happening. I made sure all the belts are sufficiently tightened, and when I use Bambu Studio to slice my models, it works perfectly fine (and also the print head moves a lot faster, but that's just the settings I guess?) The only way I've gotten a working model out of Cura in the past months was when using vase mode.
I tried reinstalling it, and even after fully resetting my PC and switching my OS to linux these issues remain. I'm at a complete loss and don't know how to fix it. I'd love to continue using Cura, since it runs natively on linux and is open source. If anyone could help me with this I'd be really grateful.
For more information: I'm using an Anycubic vyper I print my stuff using Octopring (Same issues arise when using an SD-card though) I print mainly with pla
submitted by SquiddArts to Cura [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:12 aleagio A night at the Blue Pinapple [Mizani 4]

A night at the Blue Pinapple [Mizani 4]
Lord Neberius was over the moons with the green quarto in his hands. He licked his lips after every entry he read, tasting each imaginary dish listed. He was tormented by indecision, flipping the pages back and forth, alternating frowns of doubt with the wide-open eyes of illumination.After a long internal deliberation, Lord Neberius decided on the Blue Pineapple: probably the more outlandish and expensive establishment of all.
Lord Aspis's selected list of Mizanian Taverns and Inns.
The Blue Pineapple.
Riparian Street (near the river port's south docks). South Eastern Gnome cuisine. The establishment shines for its magical ambiance and exotic dishes. The surprising sweet-and-sour flavors and unpredictable meats are not for all palates but worth the adventure. The exquisite yet enigmatic cutlery matches the uncooperative yet efficient staff. Sophisticated and wealthy clientele.
The place was almost on the other side of the city, near the eastern gate. We take a convoluted route to get there since the Lord took impromptu detours every time he saw something interesting: a plant on a window, a curio shop, the sound of a bard rehearsing. The viscount was in a chatty mood: he told me he was in the Principality Capital when a crate of pineapples arrived for the prince's ninth birthday. The fruits descended the ship like a royal delegation, sitting in silk pillows, escorted by guards between wings of curious. He was a kid, this was 30 years ago, and people are more apathetic these days. But he always saw food as something exciting, a window to the world, a source of emotions and knowledge not so different from a book. He was lucky to attend the birthday party and taste it, and it tasted terrific, he pointed out. Apparently, Lord Neberius and Prince Elector Zotor are friends, like actual friends, not just acquaintances, allies, or distant relatives, as I imagine most aristocrats' relationships are. When the viscountess died, the Prince sent a gold pineapple figurine to Lord Neberius to accompany his condolences.
Thanks to the meandering walk, we reached the tavern at dusk. The outside was unremarkably dull and plain as the nearby docks, but that only accentuated the marvel that waited for us on the inside. The walls were covered in golden tiling, and pillars of potted plants reached the high ceiling. But, most impressive of all, the lighting was literally magical: the whole salon was bathing in sunlight, and even if we could see the night falling outside the window, the light coming in was bright as day. I was speechless. The idea of someone casting a quite complex illusion, probably for hours, to make a tavern look nice seemed so alien to me. I know Uxalian wizards use mechanisms and clockwork to ease such complex magical tasks, but still, it seemed so weird to me that an arcanist, probably with a decade or more of training, would spend most of his day doing such frivolous magic.
The waitress clip-clopped on her clogs to greet us with a fake smile and a bored expression, indifferent to our amazement. She made us sit on some pillows in a nook and started to enumerate the daily dishes in a droning litany. I translated the best I could but half of the words had no meaning to me, it seemed she was pulling my leg with nonsense words. "Banana"? "Papaya"? "Dodo"? They all sounded like the first words of a babbling baby. Lord Neberius cut to the chase and asked for a selection of dishes, chef's discretion, as long there was something with pineapple and something fried. The waitress's smile was now sincere and satisfied, but the satisfaction you see in your chess opponent when you blunder.
While we waited we glanced at the other diners and all were indeed sophisticated: there were two "regular" tables, one with six humans wearing white (our guess was tea merchant from the unison); the other with a mixed company of two bearded humans and a Tengu (clearly some scholars). In the other nooks and the short benches near the walls all well-dressed parties of gnomes, the only exception of an elven couple on a romantic outing. While the viscount tried to guess what the others were eating, with Bazim nodding along, I was mesmerized by the chandeliers that, on a more careful look, revealed complicated mechanisms running inside them.
The first course arrived quickly. It was a jellyfish salad with sesame seeds and little cubes of pickled fruits. It was cold served in a bowl, with a side plate of mysterious pastry balls, covered in sesame as well. Our puzzlement grew when we were given a U-shaped tong and a spoon with a pointed end as cutlery. The drink was a jug of orange wine, not because of the color but of the ingredient: wine made out of oranges. The Waitress thoughtfully left us a little jar of mustard, supposing that we would love a little spicy kick, but disappeared before we could ask how anything... worked. Every time we attempted to deal with the food we heard a rustling, a little couch, and a clink of silverware, something that made us stop and lift our heads, only to see the gnomes guests eyeing us and trying to instruct us with minimal nods. When Bazim tried to eat the ball whole using his hands a gnome woman intervened, friendly but exasperated, explaining the etiquette. While the salad is cold, the sesame ball is scorching hot on the inside and must be "deflated" piercing a hole with the pointy end of the spoon. The rest is eaten using the tongs, that she showed us how to use. The spoon is for the leftover condiment in the bowl. She waited to see if we were compliant with the instructions and then moved back to her nook. The dish was a clash of texture and temperature: the jellyfish was crunchy yet rubbery, acidic yet sweet, refreshing (due to much cilantro) yet spicy. The pastry ball had a similar counterpoint, with the frail crust hiding a creamy core.
Lord Neberius gestured towards the woman and her companions, two other gnome ladies, inviting them to join us. They politely refused, until they saw our main course, then they had to come to our rescue. The dish was a trio of fried insects: locusts, ants in rice, and quite massive dream spiders. The silverware looked like a surgeon's tool kit, with scissors, a hooked spoon, a normal spoon, some long skewers twisted like corkscrews, a fork with two very wide prongs, and another with two very narrow prongs. A tray of colorful sauces and a pile of paper-thin pancakes arrived as well. The gnome lady, Adina, and her two friends, Bilen and Kokeb, showed us the workings before we made a fool of ourselves. You use the large fork to stab the spider in the abdomen and the thorax, then use the scissors to cut the two parts. The abdomen is then picked up using a pancake to cover the finger. You put the sauces on the pancakes first, if you want any. You can then either do the same with the thorax or use the narrow spoon-hook to scoop out the meat on the plate, using the narrow fork to eat it. You use the pancake method to eat the locust and the ants as well, but first, they have to be put on the plate. The locusts must be taken with the skewer, and you can add a screw motion to avoid an unelegant stabbing. The spoon is for the rice and ants (at least that was easy).
Lord Neberius ordered a round of something stronger to offer our helpful guests and after a round of another fruit wine (plums?), the three women became more friendly and talkative. They were seamstress, celebrating the end (and payment) of an important commission, the dresses for the Pasha family (the Pasha is the gnomish equivalent of the Archduke). They had a lot of backhanded compliments for my outfits, praising (while also mocking) my alchemy satchel. They pointed me to some shops in the bazaar, dwarves are good with leather. And If I wanted to give some life to some pretty but out-of-fashion dress (like the one I was wearing) I should go to them, they can embroider something nice. Lord Neberius was more interested in fashion than me and amused the gnomes pantomiming his ideal outfit for a gala (I'm not sure if they were laughing at him or with him). I took advantage of the distraction to clean my plate putting some locusts in my bag: they were very tasty but the feeling of the little legs in my mouth was unsettling.
We were served a grilled pineapple with an herb liquor as a last course. Delicious as promised, I must say. The Viscount was ready to go on all night long: the gnome ladies were all delighted by his attempt at communication, a bard was singing and games of cards were afoot. But the Dream Spider kicked in: we were not made present that the dream spiders have mild psychotropic effects, specifically a shift in color perception. Yellow became green, blue became purple, and red became a swirling iridescence. The dizziness of the alcohol surged tenfold and Bazim ran out to throw up. Me and the Viscount were swaying our heads gazing at everything with incredulity.
The waitress suggested we take some fresh air, and maybe go for a walk, a long walk home, for example. Lord Neberius was willing to stay, encouraged by the gnomes eager to see us make fools of ourselves (I imagined) but seeing my shaken face and hearing the distraught sounds coming for Bazim outside, he thought it was better to leave. The waitress handed the Lord a small piece of paper with the bill and he left on the table a pile of gold coins high enough to sustain a farmer for half a year.
We stumbled out of the local and recovered Bazim, ashamed and full of guilt leaning on a dock's wall. The night was purple and moonless but some windows were still bright green, reflecting in the teal waters of the canals. I suggested we drank some tonics I was bringing with me from such occasions, but the simple incantation to activate them made my stomach churn, and I joined Bazim in his shame. If we were in the empire I would have been fired or worse, but here my disgusting actions were met with a laugh. Lord Neberius chained arms with us and dragged us to the Xenodochium.
Before going to bed I gave the locusts to a rainbow kitty snooping from outside the window. He ate them voraciously and I could swear it meowed "Thank you".
submitted by aleagio to codexinversus [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:12 External-Jellyfish72 Puregold nasa atin ang Panalo mechanics

Puregold nasa atin ang Panalo mechanics
Get ready to enjoy an evening of Pure Music and Gold Vibes sa #PuregoldNasaAtinAngPanalo Thanksgiving Concert ⭐️
Catch @SB19Official, @BINI_ph , @plojiflowg199x with special performance from @sunkissed_lola on July 12!
Secure your spot! Here’s how to get your tickets!
More time to plan your grocery shopping at Puregold Qi! And make sure, Aling Puring or PERKS card member ka to get a ticket! 🛒
Source via Puregold X
Parang ang hassle naman ng mechanics ni ninang puregold.
submitted by External-Jellyfish72 to sb19 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:36 Exciting_Lychee_2233 Bloodtide Orb

submitted by Exciting_Lychee_2233 to custommagic [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:17 BrainstormBot ⟳ 6 apps added, 74 updated at f-droid.org

⟳ f-droid.org from Thu, 06 Jun 2024 12:39:17 GMT updated on Mon, 10 Jun 2024 08:50:53 GMT contains 4435 apps.
Added (6)
Updated (74)
submitted by BrainstormBot to FDroidUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:56 noahhill1 My take on The Watcher from Slay the Spire as a commander.

submitted by noahhill1 to custommagic [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:28 Substantial-Stop-865 first ever pc

please help me build my very first pc, i’ve already found the parts that i like but im not sure if it’s enough for what i want to do (stream + game) ill list it after the questions.
i might also get someone to build it for me because the motherboard i chose and the cpu arent like completely compatible i think it needs a bios update + so that i only have to go to 1 team/person if ever something goes wrong with my pc (after sales service). and i also haven’t built a pc myself but ive watched a ton of videos and i have my dad to help out (hes a computer engineer) so idkk if we should build it ourselves or have someone to build it for us? i was thinking of trb (the rig builders) because i heard they have good aftersales service, but please lmk if you know any because they’re more on the expensive side 😭.
TOTAL: ₱71,852
note: i dont think i need an AIO but it looks really good and air coolers are kind of an eyesore for me 😰 also u might have noticed i am relying heavily on datablitz, it’s because they have the cheapest parts i could find but im a bit skeptical about their after sales service so please lmk if you know any better local vendors
edit: format
submitted by Substantial-Stop-865 to buildapcforme [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:17 TeenageAngst1991 American consumer credit is tapped out and growth is off the table

American consumer credit is tapped out and growth is off the table



What is consumer credit and why should I care?

Different people use different metrics to determine whether the economy and/or the market is doing well. People use jobs numbers, inflation, the misery index, GDP growth, gas prices, shipping volume, etc. I use consumer credit, specifically the G.19 Consumer Credit Outstanding survey done monthly by the Federal Reserve. The reason is that the entire American economy sans public spending (which is laid out by congressional budgets ahead of time and already factored into total market valuations) eventually trickles down to what the average Joe goes out and buys. Yes, even AI and all the hype around that eventually comes down to "how can we use this to sell people stuff".
Consumer spending drives market growth. Consumers spend beyond their means on a regular basis through the use of credit. This credit can be revolving, like credit cards, or nonrevolving, like home equity lines of credit (HELOC) or auto loans. The pulse of the consumer's financial health is the rate of growth of their revolving credit balance. A typical yearly cycle will see rising and falling credit balances with an average annual growth rate of about 5%. However, since 2020 this cycle has been anything but typical.
In 2020, credit card balances dropped through the floor as Americans made the prudent decision to pay off their credit cards with the money from the government stimulus checks. This was followed by 2021 seeing a rapid increase in credit card spending, which economists were not concerned about as this was a "correction" back to previous debt and spending levels. The issue was that inflation was now beginning to outpace the rising wages people experienced during the pandemic, and in 2022 we saw an eye-watering 15% increase in revolving credit balances year over year. Keep in mind, the average yearly increase is 3-6%. This was primarily driven by inflation, as people were being forced to use credit cards to pay bills or for necessities. In 2023 we saw another 8.8% growth in revolving debt year over year, meaning this was on top of the previous 15% growth in debt from the previous year. This is likely due to the sticky inflation around core expenses like food, cars, housing, etc.
This trend did not appear to be slowing down in Q1 2024 either. In January we saw a 7.5% YoY increase, and February another double-digit 10.7% increase. However, in March, growth of revolving debt is only 1.5%, and for April, the most recent number, revolving debt has actually gone down by -0.4%. What's going on? Did people suddenly stop charging on their credit cards? At first I thought this could be due to people using their tax returns to pay off their debts, but this data is seasonally adjusted, meaning the only way that could be the case is if people did not pay their credit card balances off with last year's tax return but this year they are. That would also imply that people are more financially sound this year than they were in 2023. Personally, I do not believe that is true, and I believe the motor vehicle loans prove this.

What do cars have to do with credit cards?

Motor vehicle loans reflect an American's largest consumer good. Growth in these loans for the past 3 years has been enormous as supply shocks, high interest rates, and lots of consumer demand drove prices of new and used cars up. But if we look at outstanding motor vehicle loans for Q1 2024 we see they've actually gone down compared to Q4 of 2023. What happened? Why would people stop buying cars in Q1, the time of year when people get a big down payment in the form of a tax return? Could people just be paying off their auto loans too?
One thing you have to understand about the mentality of the American consumer is they do not know how to not spend money. The Becky Index illustrates this better than probably anything else. To quote a bible, "No amount of economic or political turmoil will keep women from their fake eyelashes." In 2020, people paid off debt with a windfall from the government because they had nothing to spend it on, they were locked inside their homes. Now, we have vacations to go on, cars to buy, expensive toys to flex, we as a consumer demographic will spend money compulsively, because at the bottom of our terrified souls the thing we fear most is for others to think we are struggling, or worse, poor.

If consumers always spend money, why did they stop spending money?

They didn't.
When a delinquent loan becomes uncollectable, it is passed to a collections agency. The bank that held the loan then considers it a "charge-off" which is no longer a collectable debt, and thus it is removed from the numbers visible in the G.19 statistic. It is my hypothesis that consumers are still spending money on their credit cards and are still buying cars, but we have reached an inflection point where any increase in consumer debt through spending is countered by unpaid debts going to collections somewhere else. Consumers will spend money until they can't and what's happening is they literally can't. They have run out of credit and we are beginning to see the collections outpace new spending on the credit card and motor vehicle loans. Loan forgiveness and/or write-offs are inherently deflationary as they remove money from circulation via a contraction of the money multiplier.
With the exception of Gen Z, credit card delinquency hasn't been this high since the great recession. You may also notice that this balance percentage lines up pretty well with the numbers for January and February revolving debt growth. Other interesting graphs are Transition into Serious Delinquency (90+) for Auto Loans by Age, and Auto Loan Originations by Age. All these signs, in my opinion, point to a tapped out American consumer, and without more consumer spending, growth is off the table.

What's going to happen?

No idea. People love to say that nothing will happen before the election, but we went from 9.8% revolving consumer credit growth to nothing in 1 month. Bear markets tend to happen fast and they tend to happen after a particularly bullish run, especially a bullish run that isn't based on any fundamentals and is highly speculative. I have no solid idea how bad a recession or market crash this is gonna be, or even if it will happen, I mean hell we've kicked the can this long. However, if I gaze into my crystal ball, this is what I see: Q2 earnings from consumer driven companies will likely be a little tepid. Not catastrophic, remember, people are still spending money, but down-ish. However, earnings reports are mostly about the outlook for the next quarter and remainder of the year. I would expect these companies to begin moving their expected earnings down for Q3 and end of year. Assuming the election theory holds true, the market will probably continue its bull run into November, after which I would expect all hell to break loose in Q1. However, I'm about 60/40 on before or after the election, and my 60% is on the September Bear coming out of its cave particularly hungry. There might be a slight pop around election time as the speculation cools down, but it will be a dead cat bounce. Unfortunately, I'm an amateur economist and not a financial expert, so I don't know the best instruments to capitalize on this information, however I am leaning towards volatility plays moreso than puts, since the market tends to go apeshit before it crashes.


Consumers are defaulting on debt as fast as they're spending and it's stalling out growth. No growth = no higher profits = boom goes the speculation bubble.
submitted by TeenageAngst1991 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:12 turqoisetea Does this build have any flaws and is it good for the 803 euro price mark? I plan on running Beamng with

Component Selection Price
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Motherboard Gigabyte B450M K Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard €60.00
Memory Corsair Vengeance LPX 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-3600 CL18 Memory €77.90
Storage Kingston NV2 500 GB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive €41.90
Video Card MSI VENTUS 2X BLACK OC GeForce RTX 4060 8 GB Video Card €302.95
Case Deepcool MATREXX 30 MicroATX Mini Tower Case €45.90
Power Supply MSI MAG A550BN 550 W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply €59.90
submitted by turqoisetea to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:05 Right_Trick_5848 [H] 60-70% Most Payments [W] Amazon GC UK/DE/FR/ES Steam Wallet: Any UK/GBP: Most Gift Cards e.g ASDA, Argos, Tesco, Currys, John Lewis etc ...

***My Impersonators (DO NOT TRADE WITH): Right-Trick-5848, righttick_5848 Note the misspellings, note the dash "-" instead of the underscore "_", always verify it is me in PMs
Amazon DE Germany, FR France, ES Spain @ 60%
Razergold Global/USA @ 65%
Steam: Any currency @ 60%
UK: Amazon, Asda, Currys, Argos, Tesco, Sainsburys, Morrisons, John Lewis, Love2Shop, One4all, Justeat, Wickes, Ikea, Screwfix, Deliveroo, Ubereats, Cex, Uber, Game, TKMaxx, Whsmiths, M&S, Marks and Spencer etc @ 60-70%
UK other cards but at lower rates: ASOS,Accessorize,Adidas,Aer Lingus,Airbnb,Allsaints,American Golf,Apple Itunes,Ask Italian,B&Q,Beaverbooks,Bella Italia,Bonus Bonds,Boohoo,Boots,Boux Avenue,Bunnings,Burberry,Cafe Rouge,Caffe Nero,Claires,Clarks,Coast,Compliment Vouchers,Compliments Experience Days,Coop,Costa Coffee,Dining Out,EE,Ernest Jones,Espa,Everyman Cinema,Experience Days,Fat Face,Flannels,Foot Locker,Fortnum & Mason,Frankies & Bennys,Gap,Giffgaff,Goldsmiths,Google Play,H&M,H.Samuel,HMV,Halfords,Harrods,Harvey Nichols,Hollister,Hotel Chocolat,House of Fraser,Jack Wills,Jd Sports,Karen Millen,LMG Jewellery,Lakeland,Lasiguanas,Leisure Vouchers,Liberty,Mamas & Papas,Mango,Matalan,Michael Cors,Miller & Carter,Monsoon,Moss Bros,Nandos,National Book Tokens,National Rail,Netflix,New Look,Next,Nike,Nintendo,Now TV,O2,Odeon,Pandora,Paul Smith,Pets at home,Pizza Express,Pizza Hut,Play Store,Playstation PSN,Prezzo,Primark,Quiz Clothing,Red Letter Days,Restaurant Choice,River Island,Selfridges,Signet Connect,Spafinder,Sports Direct,Spotify,Sunglass Hut,Superdry,Swarovski,Sweaty Betty,Ted Baker,The Body Shop,The Jockey Club,The Range,The White Company,Theatre Tokens,Thomas Pink,Three,Ticketmaster,Trailfinders,Tui,Turtle Bay,UGG Australia,Victoria Secret,Virgin,Virgin Experience Days,Vue Cinema,Waterstones,Wh Smith,WhSmith,Xbox Microsoft,Zara
Star.bucks: Any currency @ 50%
Rates are for paypal G&S, if paypal F&F then 5% less, if anything else then 10% less.
If no proof of source of gift card or low value then 5% less
My confirmed trades pinned in my profile (plus GCX registered "Experienced trader")
can pay by transferwise, paypal, skrill, revolut, most crypto listed on binance, ethereum eth, litecoin ltc, bitcoin btc.
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2024.06.10 10:05 Right_Trick_5848 [H] 60-70% Most Payments [W] Amazon GC UK/DE/FR/ES Razer Gold UK/GBP: Most UK Gift Cards e.g ASDA, Argos, Tesco, Currys, John Lewis etc ...

***My Impersonators (DO NOT TRADE WITH): Right-Trick-5848, righttick_5848 Note the misspellings, note the dash "-" instead of the underscore "_", always verify it is me in PMs
Amazon DE Germany, FR France, ES Spain @ 60%
Razergold Global/USA @ 65%
Steam: Any currency @ 60%
UK: Amazon, Asda, Currys, Argos, Tesco, Sainsburys, Morrisons, John Lewis, Love2Shop, One4all, Justeat, Wickes, Ikea, Screwfix, Deliveroo, Ubereats, Cex, Uber, Game, TKMaxx, Whsmiths, M&S, Marks and Spencer etc @ 60-70%
UK other cards but at lower rates: ASOS,Accessorize,Adidas,Aer Lingus,Airbnb,Allsaints,American Golf,Apple Itunes,Ask Italian,B&Q,Beaverbooks,Bella Italia,Bonus Bonds,Boohoo,Boots,Boux Avenue,Bunnings,Burberry,Cafe Rouge,Caffe Nero,Claires,Clarks,Coast,Compliment Vouchers,Compliments Experience Days,Coop,Costa Coffee,Dining Out,EE,Ernest Jones,Espa,Everyman Cinema,Experience Days,Fat Face,Flannels,Foot Locker,Fortnum & Mason,Frankies & Bennys,Gap,Giffgaff,Goldsmiths,Google Play,H&M,H.Samuel,HMV,Halfords,Harrods,Harvey Nichols,Hollister,Hotel Chocolat,House of Fraser,Jack Wills,Jd Sports,Karen Millen,LMG Jewellery,Lakeland,Lasiguanas,Leisure Vouchers,Liberty,Mamas & Papas,Mango,Matalan,Michael Cors,Miller & Carter,Monsoon,Moss Bros,Nandos,National Book Tokens,National Rail,Netflix,New Look,Next,Nike,Nintendo,Now TV,O2,Odeon,Pandora,Paul Smith,Pets at home,Pizza Express,Pizza Hut,Play Store,Playstation PSN,Prezzo,Primark,Quiz Clothing,Red Letter Days,Restaurant Choice,River Island,Selfridges,Signet Connect,Spafinder,Sports Direct,Spotify,Sunglass Hut,Superdry,Swarovski,Sweaty Betty,Ted Baker,The Body Shop,The Jockey Club,The Range,The White Company,Theatre Tokens,Thomas Pink,Three,Ticketmaster,Trailfinders,Tui,Turtle Bay,UGG Australia,Victoria Secret,Virgin,Virgin Experience Days,Vue Cinema,Waterstones,Wh Smith,WhSmith,Xbox Microsoft,Zara
Star.bucks: Any currency @ 50%
Rates are for paypal G&S, if paypal F&F then 5% less, if anything else then 10% less.
If no proof of source of gift card or low value then 5% less
My confirmed trades pinned in my profile (plus GCX registered "Experienced trader")
can pay by transferwise, paypal, skrill, revolut, most crypto listed on binance, ethereum eth, litecoin ltc, bitcoin btc.
gift codes one 4 all tk maxx
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2024.06.10 09:37 Eager_Question Love Languages (46)

Note: Thank you to u/Thirsha_42, u/tulpacat1, and u/Giant_Acroyear for their invaluable help in editing this chapter and making me feel less hopeless in general. Short one this time, but there should be a longer one up soon.
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Memory transcription subject: Veroth, Former Arxur Farmer at Greatmoon Farms
Date [standardized human time]: December 8th, 2136
Shathel kept talking as the meat thawed on the counter, thin ice crystals dripping down onto the cutting board. I tightened my grip on my cleaver, and glanced around for my whetstone as my son stared at him. Vrith put his arm on Verazel’s shoulder, and his two companions watched in silence.
"I believe Chief Hunter Isif grows readier for the Resistance every day that passes,” he told us all with a smile. My body tensed at the mention of that murderer's name. I didn’t know they would collaborate with that monster. The one he’d bragged about working for, while he held a sword to Nazla’s throat.
“Soon, something will snap, and we can join our forces with the entirety of his–and now Shaza's–sector. The abolition of the Dominion will be a reality if we play our cards well. I am here to ensure we do."
I found my whetstone, poured water on it, and tried to focus on the angle of the blade.
“Are you sure about that?” Vrith asked. “Isif had a chance to side with us mere days ago, and refused it.”
I remained silent, watching the edge of the blade move carefully back and forth on my whetstone. Perhaps Vrith was being diplomatic, as Verazel had told me to be in preparation for their arrival. I pressed my teeth together in an attempt to keep silent.
"There have been some setbacks, but do not be misled by them,” he said, waving Vrith’s objection off.
“Do we have to work with a fanatic like that?” One of Vrith’s companions asked. Presumably the more intelligent of the two.
“He only did what he had to, in order to ensure Betterment did not cast its gaze too sharply upon him."
I could not stop my mouth in time, rage building within me.
"Yes, he didn't want to murder my daughter, of course," I spat, ready to rip out his throat. Shathel faltered, looking at me with an unreadable expression. I hardly cared about dissidents in principle, or about what games Isif might play with the other Chief Hunters and Prophet-Descendants. They could kill the entire Senate inside my lounge if they wanted. Ideally, they could kill Isif too. Or bring him to me, so I could have the pleasure of rending him limb from limb. He redirected his argument. "...Well, yes. I told Nazla that little stunt of hers was foolish. The Resistance survives because it bides its time, and—"
I did not allow him to finish the thought. With a strength I rarely summoned, I launched myself over the counter. I landed against his shoulder, shoving his whole body down. In a heartbeat, he was flat against the ground, one arm trapped under his torso, the other pinned down by my left claw. My legs pressed against his back, my weight too much for him to bear. Before he could say anything else, I pressed my knife’s edge to his throat, his carotid artery pulsing against it. All others froze around us.
I pressed his forearm down at just the right angle. Any brusque movement and he would just dislocate his elbow. Maybe his shoulder, if he got creative. He struggled to uselessly move his legs under me, spasming like a fish plucked from the water, his tail flailing in all directions while his head flinched away from my blade.
I placed my mouth right next to his ear and whispered, "utter my daughter's name with anything but praise in your tongue again, and I will cut it out and wear it."
All were silent for a long moment, but there was no contest, no way for him to turn it around. I was simply bigger, heavier, and armed. A defective farmer had just threatened to mutilate one of their leaders, and not a single one moved to his aid.
"...Agreed," he eventually croaked out. I removed the knife and stood away from him. He rubbed his neck for a moment with the back of his hand, and stretched the shoulder I'd almost dislocated.
"I thought you said your uncle was a farmer," said Vrith’s other companion. The one who had not spoken against cooperating with Isif.
"He is," my nephew said, looking at me with newfound respect. "Has forty years of dismembering Venlil to his name."
I heard a few scoffs from the group.
"Forty-five" I corrected. I was younger than Verazel when I started. They found that funny for some reason.
Shathel cleared his throat. "My point was that the Resistance works best in dark corners. Something Betterment and those educated through its paths are less than skilled at. Thankfully, our human friends are much better versed in the area of espionage, and thus among them I have found an ally."
I scoffed. "Oh, is this your friend you bragged about at the banquet?”
He laughed. "Oh no! Not at all. My dear friend Andes is a scientist. He could not lie if he wished to, and he would never wish to. He is soft. Weak. How do they say? Cute. My ally is the man who interrogated me. He worked with Andes, but is more vicious than any Betterment officer I ever met. He can turn it on and off. Be whatever he thinks you need to see, to act in his interest.”
"Good," My nephew said. “And you're in regular contact with him?”
“Regular enough,” Shathel said, sparing me a glance. “They call him Olivier.” Vrith nodded, again, then turned to me. “So the plan is to use your farm as a base for the Resistance, which will soon gain a lot of support, if Shathel is right about the… direction things are going.”
I gripped my knife and stepped closer to the meat to begin. It was always pleasant to admire my own handiwork, the marbling was particularly exquisite for this one.
“We will arrange for Giznel to visit it under the illusion of getting to eat the last of your cattle. We will try to use Shathel’s contact to see if human meat technology can provide a sample.”
“There is no need. We have a few dozen frozen corpses in the basement,” I said. I’d been saving them for hard times. Verazel preferred tilfish. Something about their faces.
My nephew smiled. “Even better, then. We will invite him in, and my father will do the butchering when the time comes.”
I found it odd to think about how Veralith would come home only after I had left, to butcher cattle we no longer bred. It was unpleasant enough that I sought a distraction.
“Will you provide half of the funds for a large merchant ship?” I asked, thinking back to my original plan.
“Oh, don’t worry about that. You can leave tomorrow, use of the farm is payment enough,” Vrith said. “We’ve already contacted one of our most prolific smugglers. Most of her experience has been in taking people to our hidden bases, but I’m certain she’ll manage when it comes to the humans.”
Once the limbs were well-arranged, I moved on to some more precise cuts. Verazel took out the plates, silently placing them next to me so I could begin the distribution. Given the size of the crowd, I decided on thin slices. My Venlil were well fed, but they were still smaller than an Arxur, ideally a meal for three and not a large crowd of seven. Not that I was very interested in feeding Shathel my product.
Vrith got a leg, a fore shank and a rack of ribs, as did his more thoughtful companion. The other one got shoulders and loins. I cut the tenderloin, breast and flap, but had no appetite to eat it and knew Verazel wouldn’t eat it either, so they sat there until Vrith’s rebel companion came to ask for more, and then I tossed them her way.
Shathel came to the counter, dipping his snout out once he got to it.
“...May I…” he looked at the carcass, mouth watering. “...I put Nazla’s personal effects in storage before her trial. Would you like me to send them to you?”
I nodded. We were silent for a moment, and I decided to give him the heart, liver and kidneys, which he devoured immediately. It made me wonder about Vrith, who was still eating his ribs. How did the Resistance get food? How was he so strong, and less famished than a Betterment Captain?
My son spent the whole night scanning our books. Most of them were already in the digital collection, but eighty books out of three hundred were still enough to last many hours after sunset. Vrith helped, and later helped scan the covers of those who didn't have them in digital form.
He flipped through one of the volumes, admiring the engravings. “These pre-Betterment books are a treasure, Uncle. I shall take good care of them.”
“Good,” I said, tightly packing our blankets inside of the incubators to save space. I went to Nazla’s room, but could not bring myself to touch anything. As though by some miracle, she could return one day and would like it all undisturbed. “See to it nobody enters the sun-facing room.”
“I shall block the door with a bookcase, for our time here.”
I nodded. She always hated when we moved her things.
The night gave way to day, and we stood outside our home for what we knew to be the last time. Everything we could carry was in suitcases, boxes, or incubation chambers. Verazel insisted we did not need to bring my incubators, because Captain Shathel had told him humans would not like it. That the apes saw cattle not as “pets”, but as fellow people. It seemed ridiculous to me, but even then, they might adopt them and raise them as their own. There should still be use in producing them, then. I could hardly believe that he would take Shathel’s words over mine. I should have slit that snake’s throat when I had the chance. My skills were the only tool at our disposal, and we would have to make use of them somehow. Better to have the tools and not need them, than need them and not have them.
Vrith’s smuggler arrived on a ship large as a carrier for fighters, with a dozen modules haphazardly attached, and additional propulsion on its “wings” for added speed. There was no doubt in my mind that this was a smuggler’s ship, designed for speed and cargo over all other needs.
The air around us swirled as it landed, then settled into a gentle breeze. The ramp slid down, and our pilot stepped out of the ship.
The years had gifted her new scars, but she was as lovely as ever, her tail just as powerful, her claws just as sharp. She looked as strong as she had the day I met her, perhaps stronger. My eyes became glued to her, my heart indecisive on whether to beat faster or stop altogether. I stared, immobile.
Verazel was the first to speak. “Thank you for escorting us to the humans. I am Verazel, and my father is Veroth.”
“...Yes, I know,” Isath said. I noticed for the first time that, while I had been busy staring at her, she had been staring at him. Has she ever seen her son before? I wondered. Perhaps in one of our commercials. Almost certainly not in person. Verazel had set foot outside the farm perhaps a dozen times in his life, never for more than a day.
She smiled, and dipped her snout. “I’m very happy to meet you, Verazel. You look like a fine young man.”
“Thank you,” he said. “May I carry our luggage onto your ship?”
“Of course. Your rooms should have plenty of space,” she said, “I’ve marked the doors with a red claw, and whatever does not fit can go into the empty storage compartment, second door on the left in the main hallway.”
For years I had imagined Isath’s arrival back on the farm. I never imagined her first words to Verazel would include directions. “Isath, you are–”
“I’m sure we have much to discuss!” she said, her voice loud enough to startle me. “You have always enjoyed talking… We can do so on the way.”
I did not understand why she interrupted me, but I decided to simply grab my luggage, and follow after my son.
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2024.06.10 09:33 Practical_Cycle_7871 Old Used vs New Laptops

Old Used vs New Laptops
I am going to Uni soon and need a laptop to study, and want to spend between $500-$800 AUD ($330-$530 USD) on a laptop.
I mainly want something reliable with good battery, and would love to be able to play basic games on the go, like Football Manager and Zomboid.
I am torn between buying a new or old laptop. There are a few old business laptops locally on Facebook (see photo) or I could go for something like the ASUS viviobook Go: https://www.centrecom.com.au/asus-vivobook-go-15-e1504f-156-fhd-ryzen-5-16gb-ram-512gb-laptop-mixed-black?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwyJqzBhBaEiwAWDRJVFdMDltuIIr_p1XV6rECC1GCh6DGkS44Y8qFKtogzh-AaCVnkfWdnBoCNXoQAvD_BwE
Are graphics cards like the one in the photo better than modern processes like the Viviobook?
Any advice on new vs used, or any recommendations about what laptop to get would be really appreciated. I have a gaming PC so doesn't have to be good at gaming, would just be a bonus as I said.
Thanks so much on advance!
submitted by Practical_Cycle_7871 to laptops [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:26 Sweet-Count2557 Il Pastaio Restaurant in Beverly Hills,CA,United States

Il Pastaio Restaurant in Beverly Hills,CA,United States
Il Pastaio Restaurant in Beverly Hills,CA,United States
Experience Authentic Italian Cuisine at Il Pastaio: A Culinary Delight in Beverly Hills, CA
Price Level: $$ - $$$
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Cuisines of Il Pastaio in Beverly Hills,CA,United States
Il Pastaio Restaurant is a culinary haven for Italian cuisine enthusiasts, offering a delightful array of dishes that will transport your taste buds straight to Italy. From classic pasta dishes like spaghetti carbonara and lasagna to mouthwatering pizzas topped with fresh ingredients, this restaurant truly captures the essence of Italian flavors. What sets Il Pastaio apart is its commitment to catering to various dietary preferences. With a wide range of vegetarian-friendly options, vegans and gluten-free diners can also indulge in the deliciousness. Whether you're a die-hard pasta lover or someone with dietary restrictions, Il Pastaio has something to satisfy every palate.
Features of Il Pastaio in Beverly Hills,CA,United States
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Menu of Il Pastaio in Beverly Hills,CA,United States
Location of Il Pastaio in Beverly Hills,CA,United States
Contact of Il Pastaio in Beverly Hills,CA,United States
+1 310-205-5444
400 N Canon Dr, Beverly Hills, CA 90210-4820
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:25 geordie-in-oz $100 Referral Code

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submitted by geordie-in-oz to beermoneyAus [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:03 Stage-Piercing727 Best Fujifilm Camera Cases

Best Fujifilm Camera Cases

Are you a proud owner of a Fujifilm camera, looking for the perfect case to protect it? Look no further! In this comprehensive product round-up, we've researched and compiled a list of the best Fujifilm camera cases available in the market today. From stylish leather cases to durable, weather-resistant options, we've got you covered. Read on to discover the perfect companion for your precious camera.
In this article, we've thoroughly researched and reviewed a variety of Fujifilm camera cases, ensuring that our recommendations cater to different budgets, preferences, and photography needs. So, whether you're an enthusiastic traveler or a professional photographer, we've got the perfect case to keep your camera safe and sound. Stay tuned to find out which Fujifilm camera cases made it to our top list!

The Top 8 Best Fujifilm Camera Cases

  1. MegaGear Fujifilm X-T30, X-T20, X-T10 Ever Ready Leather Camera Half Case with Strap - Exquisite, tailored leather camera half case for Fujifilm X-T30, X-T20, X-T10, enhancing protection, accessibility, and style for photographers on the go.
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🔗MegaGear Fujifilm X-T30, X-T20, X-T10 Ever Ready Leather Camera Half Case with Strap

I recently got my hands on the MegaGear Leather Camera Half Case and Strap for my Fujifilm X-T30, and I must say, it's been a game-changer. This premium leather case provides not only style but also function, making my photography trips a breeze. The soft internal fabric keeps my camera protected from dust and scratches, without weighing down the bag.
One of the key highlights of this case is its 'Ever Ready' design. I can access all the peripheral ports, card slots, buttons, and battery without removing the case, which makes tripod installation super quick. In addition, the stylish leather design adds a touch of elegance, whether I'm a beginner or a professional. Plus, the strap is sturdy and easy to adjust, making it perfect for travel and outdoor use.
However, I did face some minor inconveniences. The leather material can be slightly difficult to clean sometimes, and the fit might be slightly tight for some users. Overall, the MegaGear Leather Camera Half Case and Strap is a solid choice for protecting your Fujifilm X-T30. I would recommend it for any photographer looking for a balance between style, function, and durability.

🔗Fujifilm X-T10/X-T20 Slim Leather Camera Case and Strap - Dark Brown

I've recently started using the MegaGear Ever Ready Leather Camera Case for my Fujifilm X-T10, and I must say, it has been quite an experience. The dark brown color is elegant and adds a touch of sophistication to my camera setup. It's made of a high-quality PU leather, which is not only sustainable but also incredibly easy to clean and maintain.
The soft internal padding provides excellent protection against scratches, dust, damage, and shock. I love how quick and easy it is to access the battery compartment through the bottom opening of the case. Plus, the Ever Ready design allows me to attach the tripod in just a few seconds - a feature that comes in handy during my photography sessions.
However, I have faced a couple of issues with this case. The snaps on the bottom are a bit too close to the tripod mount, making it difficult to attach my tripod without removing the case. Additionally, the snaps holding the top to the bottom were extremely tight, making it challenging to remove the case.
Overall, the MegaGear Ever Ready Leather Camera Case is a visually appealing choice for those looking to protect their Fujifilm X-T10 or X-T20 cameras and 16-50mm or 18-55mm lenses. Although there are some design flaws, the high-quality material, effective protection, and quick access to the battery compartment make it worth considering.

🔗Top Grain Leather Camera Case for FUJIFILM X-T200

I recently got my hands on the MegaGear Fujifilm X-T200 Ever Ready Top Grain Leather Camera Half Case in black, and I must say, I'm quite impressed. The first thing that caught my eye was its sleek design. The leather case feels incredibly sturdy and well-made, which was important to me as I take my camera on outdoor trips quite frequently.
One highlight of this case is its snug fit around the camera body. It's not too tight nor too loose, ensuring enhanced protection against scratches and damage. Another feature I appreciate is the easy tripod installation. It made shooting in different perspectives so much easier without having to remove the camera from the case.
However, there's one minor downside. The cotton/polyester lining, although effective at preventing scratches, can sometimes trap dust. But overall, I'm thoroughly satisfied with its performance. It's rugged enough to handle the rigors of travel, while also adding a touch of classic charm to my photography equipment.
In terms of user reviews, most people seem to agree that this product offers great value for its price point. They applaud its durability, visual appeal, and craftsmanship. So, if you're searching for a high-quality leather half case for your Fujifilm X-T200, I'd highly recommend giving this one a try.

🔗MegaGear Ultra-Light Neoprene Case for Fujifilm XF10

I recently got my hands on the MegaGear Ultra-Light Neoprene Camera Case for my Fujifilm XF10, and I must say, it's been a game-changer for me. This sleek black case offers remarkable protection against bumps, scratches, dust, and even moisture, making it perfect for my adventurous photography trips.
One of the standout features of this case is its lightweight, flexible neoprene material. It's incredibly easy to store and doesn't take up a lot of space, making it an ideal companion for on-the-go photography sessions. I also appreciate the padded interior, which provides an added layer of protection to my beloved camera.
However, there's one downside that I've noticed with this case. The hook-and-loop closure isn't the most secure, which sometimes causes the case to accidentally open while I'm on the move. But overall, I'm really happy with this purchase, and it's definitely worth considering if you're in the market for a high-quality, lightweight camera case for your Fujifilm XF10.

🔗Fujifilm FinePix Super-Zoom Camera Case (Black)

I recently got my hands on the Fujifilm FinePix Super-Zoom V-Shaped Digital Camera Case (Black), and I must say, it's been a game-changer when it comes to protecting my beloved camera. This sleek and stylish case not only looks great but also provides optimal protection. The nylon body and rugged rubberized bottom keep my camera secure, no matter what I put it through.
One of the first things I noticed about this case was how comfortable it felt on my shoulder, thanks to the included shoulder strap. It's perfect for those days when I'm out exploring or attending events – my camera is always within easy reach.
Now, I'm not going to lie, there are a few minor drawbacks. The material can be quite slippery, so I have to be careful not to drop it. And while the design is visually appealing, it doesn't provide the most comprehensive coverage for my camera.
All in all, I'm quite happy with my purchase of the Fujifilm FinePix Super-Zoom V-Shaped Digital Camera Case (Black). It's not only stylish but also provides ample protection for my camera. If you're in the market for a new camera case, I'd definitely recommend giving this one a try!

🔗Ultra-Light Neoprene Fujifilm X100T/F/S Camera Case with Carabiner - Gray (MG1095)

As an avid traveler with a penchant for documenting my adventures through the lens of my trusty Fujifilm X100F, I always sought a camera case that would offer optimal protection while maintaining a sleek and compact design. The MegaGear Ultra-Light Neoprene Camera Case has become the perfect travel companion.
It's crafted from high-quality neoprene, making it incredibly durable and resilient against the elements. The soft yet sturdy material is lightweight and compact, making it easy to stow in my backpack or clip onto my belt with the included carabiner, ensuring it's always readily accessible.
One of my previous camera bags had rough interiors that would cause irritating scratches on my camera, but this MegaGear case has a padded interior to shield it from potential damage. Its moisture-resistant properties also give me peace of mind, knowing that my camera will remain safe even in unexpected rain.
However, one small issue arises when I use this case with a UV filter attached to my lens, as it becomes a snugger fit. Nonetheless, the slight inconvenience pales in comparison to the robust protection it provides for my beloved camera.
Overall, the MegaGear Ultra-Light Neoprene Camera Case has been a reliable and stylish accessory, perfectly tailored to the needs of discerning photographers like myself who are always on the go.

🔗Protective Genuine Leather Camera Case for Fujifilm X100F

My Fujifilm X100F ever looks so dashing with the MegaGear Ever Ready Leather Half Case and Strap! This black beauty not only makes my camera look stylish but also offers a non-slip texture for a more comfortable grip. The half case is handcrafted from high-quality genuine leather, which ensures excellent durability and protection against scratches, damage, and shock.
One of my favorite features is the ever-ready design - an opening for my camera's tripod socket and a snap closure door for easy access to the battery compartment. This makes shooting on the go seamless, without the need to remove the half case. A matching shoulder strap is also included for added convenience.
Though it doesn't support a tripod directly, I appreciate the functionality and quality this case offers. The MegaGear Ever Ready Leather Half Case and Strap not only enhances my photography experience but also makes it feel even more special. If you want to protect your Fujifilm X100F while adding a touch of class, this is your go-to accessory.

🔗Stylish, Dust-resistant Leather Camera Case Compatible with Fujifilm X-T30, X-T20, X-T10 and 15-50 or 18-55mm Lenses, Dark Brown

I recently picked up the MegaGear Fujifilm X-T30/X-T20/X-T10 camera case and strap set in a rich dark brown color. As a photography enthusiast, I sought a case that would be both stylish and functional to protect my camera from daily wear and tear. The top and bottom design of this case really stood out to me, offering versatile protection without hindering tripod usage.
The first thing I noticed was the high-quality stitching and leather-like material which adds a touch of elegance to my camera setup. The suede-like interior provides extra protection by cushioning my camera, while remaining gentle on its surface. Plus, it's made of sustainable polyurethane, reflecting my desire for eco-friendly products.
One feature I really appreciated was the easy access to the battery compartment. It made changing batteries on-the-go a breeze. Another highlight was the built-in tripod mounting screw, which allowed seamless integration with my tripod.
However, there are a couple of minor drawbacks. The case is quite snug initially, but it's expected to loosen up over time. Additionally, I'm not sure whether the strap's durability will hold up over extended use.
All in all, I'm quite satisfied with this camera case and strap set. It provides excellent protection and style, while also being compatible with some key functional features of my camera.

Buyer's Guide

Important Features to Look for in Fujifilm Camera Cases

When choosing a case for your Fujifilm camera, there are several important features that you should look for:
  • Protection: One of the primary purposes of a camera case is to protect your camera from scratches, drops, and other damage. Look for cases made from durable materials such as polycarbonate or neoprene.
  • Compatibility: Ensure that the case you choose is specifically designed for your model of Fujifilm camera. This will help ensure a secure fit and optimal protection.
  • Snug Fit: A well-fitting case will prevent your camera from moving around or getting damaged during transportation. Look for cases with adjustable straps or padding to achieve a snug fit.
  • Accessibility: If you use your camera frequently, choose a case with easy access to your camera's buttons and lenses. This will allow you to quickly capture moments without fumbling with your camera case.

Considerations for Choosing the Right Fujifilm Camera Case

Before making your final decision, consider these factors:
  • Travel or Everyday Use: If you plan to use your Fujifilm camera primarily for travel, opt for a lightweight, compact case with additional storage options for extra batteries and memory cards. For everyday use, a more robust case that offers greater protection may be more appropriate.
  • Your Budget: Fujifilm camera cases range in price, so determine how much you are willing to spend before starting your search. Remember that quality cases may have a higher upfront cost but can save you money in the long run by protecting your camera from damage.
  • Style and Personal Preference: While functionality is crucial, you may also want to choose a case that reflects your personal style or complements the design of your Fujifilm camera.

General Advice for Using Fujifilm Camera Cases

Once you have chosen the perfect Fujifilm camera case, follow these simple tips to ensure maximum protection and longevity:
  1. Clean your camera case regularly to remove dirt and debris that could cause scratches or damage to your camera.
  2. Inspect your case periodically for signs of wear and tear, such as frayed straps or damaged zippers, and replace any worn parts as needed.
  3. When not in use, keep your camera and its case in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures to prevent damage from heat or moisture.
  4. Consider using a lens cap or protective filter to further safeguard your camera's lenses from scratches or damage.



Investing in a high-quality Fujifilm camera case is essential for protecting your valuable camera. By considering important features, factors, and general advice, you can find the perfect case to suit your needs and keep your camera safe during travel or everyday use.


1. Why do I need a camera case for my Fujifilm camera?

A camera case provides protection and portability for your Fujifilm camera. It helps prevent scratches, dents, and other damage that might occur during travel, storage, or daily use. Additionally, a case makes it easier to carry your camera with you wherever you go.

2. What types of Fujifilm camera cases are available?

There are various types of Fujifilm camera cases available, including shoulder bags, holsters, and backpacks. Each type offers different levels of protection and convenience, depending on your needs and preferences.

3. How do I choose the right camera case for my Fujifilm camera?

Consider factors such as your camera model, lens compatibility, protection level, ease of access, and personal style when selecting a camera case. Make sure the case fits your camera and lens securely without obstructing any controls or ports.


4. Can I use a third-party camera case for my Fujifilm camera?

While some third-party camera cases may fit Fujifilm cameras, it is recommended to use cases specifically designed for Fujifilm cameras to ensure proper fit and protection. Be sure to check compatibility with your camera model before purchasing a third-party case.

5. How do I know if my camera case provides enough protection for my Fujifilm camera?

Look for features such as padded compartments, shock-absorbing materials, and secure closures to ensure that your camera case offers adequate protection. Consider reading customer reviews or consulting with a camera expert to help determine the level of protection you need.

6. How do I clean and maintain my Fujifilm camera case?

To clean your camera case, use a soft, damp cloth and gently wipe the exterior. Avoid getting moisture inside the case, as this may damage your camera. Periodically check the case for signs of wear or damage, and replace it if necessary to maintain optimal protection for your Fujifilm camera.

7. Are Fujifilm camera cases waterproof?

Some Fujifilm camera cases offer water-resistant or waterproof features, which can help protect your camera from minor splashes and light rain. However, not all cases are designed with these features, so be sure to check the product specifications before purchasing.

8. How can I ensure that my camera case is secure while traveling?

Choose a camera case with secure closures, such as zippers or buckles, to help keep your camera safe during travel. Additionally, consider using a lock or security strap for added protection when transporting your camera in public spaces or crowded areas.

9. Can I store my camera accessories in the same case as my Fujifilm camera?

Many Fujifilm camera cases have multiple compartments and dividers, allowing you to store camera accessories such as lenses, batteries, memory cards, and tripods alongside your camera. Choose a case with enough storage capacity and organization options for your specific needs.

10. How do I pack my Fujifilm camera in its case for optimal protection during travel?

Before placing your camera in its case, remove any camera accessories or cables that could potentially scratch the camera body. Secure any loose parts, like lens caps or battery doors, to prevent them from getting lost. Place your camera into the case, making sure it is cushioned by padded compartments or dividers to minimize movement during travel.
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submitted by Stage-Piercing727 to u/Stage-Piercing727 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:10 AllFam Ojer Axonil Deepest Might replacement affect bug

Ojer Axonil Deepest Might replacement affect bug
The Ojer Axonil replacement affect is not activating from multiple red sources. Particularly any cards that have (Pay X to deal X damage cards).
Unless I’m understanding this incorrectly, you should be able to use a spell like [Torch Breath] which costs x and one red to deal damage = to x. If you cast the spell for a total of two mana when Ojer is out, it should do damage equal to Ojer power despite only paying the bare minimum for the spell.
I’ve tested this interaction when spending 0,1,2,and 3 mana. It will consistently not see or interact with Ojer Axonil. Attached is a screenshot I have of this exact bug occurring.
As you can see, I have Ojer Axonil out, which is buffed to have seven power and toughness. I then casted Torch breath for colorless and one red mana. Targeting ratadrabrik of the turbot I then payed the (2) ward cost. The affect resolved and I only dealt one damage. Unless I’m missing some obscure interaction that I’m overlooking, then I should have been able to kill the opponents commander.
submitted by AllFam to MTGArenaPro [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:06 ilikewatch10 Scam website bbqstoreuk.com

Trying to source a hard to find part for my Weber bbq and finding it out of stock everywhere.
Eventually found it in stock and very cheap at bbqstoreuk.com.
The website didn't feel quite right to me, so I set up a virtual debit card and transferred just enough money to cover the purchase (£27 GBP) onto the card. At check out I was asked to open my banking app to verify the purchase, the request asked me to approve a request for 1660 SGD (Singapore Dollars), which is about £964 GBP.
submitted by ilikewatch10 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:03 desrosierss I got fired from my job and was never told why.

for context, you can see my previous post
TLDR: I was a waitress at a hibachi restaurant for three weeks, two of which I was training. I then got texted by my manager who fired me over text with zero explanation today.
I posted a few weeks ago in this subreddit about how I feel I’m being mistreated by my manager who treated me differently due to my autism. And no, I don’t mean in the “accommodation” way, I mean as in she found ways to call me an idiot without outright saying it.
Every day I came in she had something new to say to me and nitpicked my behavior and made me so anxious to even go into work. She also sported favoritism with a teenager (who is the same age as her son may I add) who could do whatever she wanted, including ignoring customers and giving bad service, so she could hang out with the manager all day.
Today, my final day and my third week of working there. Now, every day I would make some sort of small mistake that could easily be fixed in the computer. My mistakes would be different every day yet she would claim “I told you this a thousand times” when no had informed me. My training week was a disaster and the server who trained me the best, using hands on “throw to the sharks” type of training which is what I said to begin with that is the best way I learned. I learned most of what we did at the job because of him. He was very kind to me as well.
But it seemed since day one, I assume cause I didn’t treat the manager like a queen, but a person deserving of politeness and professionalism, she did not like me. I believe she only hired me because the owner was my regular customer at my previous job, who told me to come to his job.
Yesterday, I was yelled at for doing a customer request. We have plastic cups and he requested glass, we have chilled glasses for beer so I gave the gentlemen at the table those glasses. I had done this before and no one corrected me, but my manager came up to me to yell at me about how we don’t use glasses. I told her “he asked me to” that I was just obeying his request. She huffed, saying “Fine just finish it since you already started.” Because of this, with my nerves wracking my hands shook and the beer overflowed . She then told me that he wouldn’t want it anymore and that I have to pay for the beer since it was wasted. I explained to the table I couldn’t do this anymore cause I got in trouble and they were confused and upset. My manager was already rude to them prior. Because ? I assume because they were talkative towards me… I don’t know.
Then, today, I got in trouble and was accused of stealing a customers credit card. I’ve never stolen money in my entire life, nor have I ever lost someone’s card before. When I set the ticket book that contained the man’s card on her desk, she snapped again and told me “I’ll cash it out but I’m not putting it up for you.” I responded annoyed with the fact “there’s a card in there. It has to be paid for.” (Note: she never taught me how to use the cash register and claimed she would eventually) Apparently there was a whole in the ticket book that the card was accidentally placed into. Now for the next ten minutes we all searched for this man’s cards but no one found it until after he left. The man was very understanding and even still tipped me with a different card after I apologized. And after my manager made a slick comment about how “our servers are supposed to pay attention, to stop things like this from happening. Or you know, someone stealing.”
She watched the cameras for the next two hours with her teen girl favorite to figure out what happened. Eventually the card was found and it was inside the ticket book all along but I was still blamed for it!
Later on this day I was so nervous due to this that I convinced myself I fucked up a customers order on the computer which I didn’t even. I asked a coworker if she could ask the manager to fix it and she told the manager while I walked in that I was too nervous/scared to tell her. My manager replied “as she should be.”
And then, I was sent home once the side of the restaurant I was on closed down. I thought other than the card thing today, I did good. I pushed myself to believe that I won’t always be the new guy and eventually another new person will get the negative attention. That I won’t be treated as subhuman anymore.
But after I left I got a text where she told me I was fired. I asked why but she never answered.
I’ve never been fired before and ever hours later of processing this I still have no idea what I did wrong. Small mistakes like the computer (which I wasn’t trained well on) and I guess thinking as a restaurant were allowed the use glass cups if a customer requests it. But for working there for only three weeks I still don’t know. It feels really early to give up on an employee. I’m also upset because I was very friendly with the owner when he was MY customer and when I confronted him that I was worried about my job as I was threatened with being fired, he told me I had nothing to worry about. And then he lets her fire me.
I’ve been told it’s their loss, that I never had a customer complaint while working there. And that she just hated me for some unknown reason.
I still don’t know what I did wrong. Was I too autistic? Was it because I didn’t treat her like royalty and just as a person above me? Did I somehow reject the clique and was punished for it? But also, I was hired at the same time as a different girl and she was never treated (from the time I was there) like me. She was treated like a human and with kindness.
Why didn’t I deserve that same treatment?
submitted by desrosierss to autism [link] [comments]
