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Eating Disorders Anonymous

2018.11.15 00:28 Eating Disorders Anonymous

A public subreddit for discussing the struggles of having an eating disorder. Much like an Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous group, we offer emotional support and harm reduction but no encouragement of furthering ED behaviors. This subreddit is not officially associated with the support group Eating Disorders Anonymous. We are not exclusive to or trying to “force” recovery on anyone.

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2010.04.19 07:06 FreeArticle /r/StudentLoans: Reddit's hub for advice, articles, and discussion about educational loans

/StudentLoans: Reddit's hub for advice, articles, and general discussion about getting and repaying student loans.

2024.06.09 14:14 Every-Sir-8595 How I Went from Writing Stories to Landing a Sponsor in 3 Weeks

Saas founders usually belong to one of the three categories - those who believe meticulously plan the every step of the product process incliding writing and exceuting the marketing tactis to T while the second type is those who trust their build instictins and pour their energies in the build and know people will come find 'em. Lastly, the third one who is like a jack of all trades - and keep trying a bit of everything in pitter patter method and chase the direction that works.
I conside myself the third type -> execute -> test -> learn ->repeat
Anyways , as part of my test and learn strategy - I started running a newsletter almost a month back - I know many of you are pros at this game but it took a helluva long time to figure out the structure /story /audience and of course who is going to read this damn thing - as I was mostly busy planning the tech aspects of the business than get bogged down by this big scary content pillar people talk about.
Anyways - reluctantly and with too much overthinking I started. It must have been well received as we got from 12% growth rate on week 1 to 152 % on week 3. Anyhow - I thought we just need to trudge along the old-fashioned way till I get to 4000 or more subs.
Little did I know that the email 'We want to sponsor your newsletter' will hit my inbox so early , make me spill my coffee and have me run up and down the corridor a few times.
Life has this funny way of coming full circle. I started my career as a freelance journo, writing stories for tech companies to luxury travel magazines, selling everything from software to dream destinations. it was a few fun years that allowed me to travel ( but importantly pay my bills ) while studying and allowed me a life of freedom before 'digital nomad' was a thing.
Now, years later, I'm back to where it all began, but with a twist. I'm writing stories again, but this time, it's all about the developments in AI space. diligently covering the tools that get posted on the website and adding my take to why people will love the features the founders promote, this also means i end up being one of the most free/freemium users for these tools, but what excites me are the stories behind the founders. so far I'm still looking for founders who will trust me enough to share their tales and things about what makes them tick.
Anyhow, cut to today. I've landed my first sponsor for 'Alternative AI ( and I'm beyond excited. It happened way sooner than I expected, and I can't help but lose my mind over it. This newsletter is growing so fast, and even through its 99% perspiration , I'm enjoying the little wins.
Here's to new beginnings and the wild ride ahead! 🚀✨
submitted by Every-Sir-8595 to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:12 Smooth-Housing1979 AITAH

Aitah for cheating on my wife when I thought she cheated on me?
I'm M57 and my wife, let's call her Jane for privacy reasons is F45. Jane and I had been married for twelve years, within our first year of being married we had two beautiful boys, twins, Jake and Sam.
Jane and I met at an annual work party during Christmas time. She was the new hire who didn't have many friends or anyone to talk to. I started paying her more attention, by the end of the night we hit things off pretty well. We started dating a month or two after, casual dating nothing more. It started getting more serious as time went on, one thing led to another and I was down on one knee and she said yes.
Jane grew up on the farms with her dad and brothers so we decided it would be nice to have the ceremony in one of her old barns. We did it up nicely with lights and decorations. I felt like the luckiest man alive. Soon came Jake and Sam. As we weren't expecting twins it was definitely a shock, nonetheless we loved them both. I felt like such a proud father, taking them on strolls in the pram to walks in the park, soon enough I was taking them to soccer games and movie theatres.
After about six years after our boys were born, I noticed a shift in Jane's mood. She no longer liked getting into it when the boys were asleep. She was never home, which was odd to the fact she worked less hours than me. She was always at a yoga class or a friends tea party. All these excuses she had made up made me feel like something more was going on.
I tried ignoring it and focusing on work, as the last thing I'd want it to be was cheating and breaking our family up. I didn't want to believe she could do such a thing. On November 1st, she told me she'd be home early, it was our anniversary. She had a day out with her friends in the local garden centre. I started getting worried when it hit 6pm. Who can look at plants and drink coffee for 9 hours? Not Jane, she gets bored of activities an hour or less in. I assumed maybe she's picking up a nice bottle of wine or something after, but the selection isn't big in the town we live, surely it wouldn't take her long.
I left her some calls, messages even sat on the front porch waiting for hours. It wasn't until Jake came out saying he had a nightmare to when I went back inside. I ended up falling asleep with Jake as I read him a bedtime story. The next morning when I woke up, Jane was in our bed, her clothes scattered all over the room like she was trying to play the floor is lava with her cashmere jumper and denim trousers.
Confused, as anyone would be, I headed to her side and gently shook her away. I'm not the sort of man to start arguments, nor do I like them. I'm not a fan of conflict. I felt as if accusing her of cheating was the worst thing I could ever possibly do. Yet I went ahead and asked her to which she declined and yelled at me for even thinking it.
I felt horrible about myself, like I had just lost her with that question. After that I started relying on work to get me by, it was something to distract my thoughts. Jane became more distant, even if she was home, she'd either be on her phone or the laptop, both to which she changed the passwords on. I'd never be the one to snoop at her phone. The only reason we had each other's phone passwords was for emergency, and well the laptop was actually mine for work. It was my at home computer when covid happened. I don't use it as much now, just a couple games online when I'm bored, yet Jane took it over, changed the passwords and reset the whole thing.
It didn't really matter to me as I never used it, it just made my stomach drop. What if she was hiding something from me? I felt guilty asking myself that question every time she did something odd. Whether it was telling me to sleep on the sofa or to work longer hours. There was a change in her and it wasn't just me that noticed it, Jake and Sam did too. They were too young to understand why mommy didn't want to hang out with them anymore.
I decided to stop trying with Jane, to focus my work hours on work, get a baby sitter for the weekdays and on weekends I'd always take my boys out to fancy restaurants and fun things they'd enjoy. Jane didnt like that. She didn't like it when Sam said the two of them prefer me.
It started an argument between Jane and I, the first conversation we had in months. She told me it was my fault, that she knew I was trying to be their favourite to get back at me.
I didn't know what she meant, infact I was done, our marriage was over, but I needed to salvage it for the kids. My parents divorced when I was ten. It's a horrible experience for anyone of any age. My dad acted like it was my fault. He'd always send me off to mom's house then when I come back he'd act like I wasn't even there. Mom however, tried winning my love with money. Buying me the latest xbox games, consoles, a new phone. Whatever it was, she got it for me. I never asked, never asked her for anything, she'd just show up and shove it in my face as she stood at the door to dad's house with me before passover.
I didn't want my boys feeling upset, angry, thinking its their fault, I needed to stay with Jane till they were old enough to be able to manage their emotions.
Then came along another woman. It had been three years since I asked Jane if she was cheating. For privacy reasons, I'll change her name. F50, her name was Lucy. She was our new neighbour, moved in with her elderly mother. I met her first in the local library as I was picking up some books for myself. She was there signing in for a book card. I introduced myself, told her she's welcome to the block, a formal and nice welcoming. I seen her every Thursday at the library, she'd either be writing, reading or just looking at the bookshelves. Over time we started having some conversations. She knew I was married with kids. The longer this friendship went on, I opened up to her about Jane and I. Something I hadn't told anyone.
She was really supportive, was really there for me. It was comforting to say the less. As time went on, we started hooking up, going on dates and seeing each other on days that weren't only Thursdays.
Lucy was a kindhearted person, she even had her mother take care of my kids for free on weekdays. I felt bad when she said she'd do it free of charge, that she missed when her kids were young. We made a deal, I'd cook her my famous pasta bolognase and she'd mind my kids. Occasionally Lucy would bring Sam and Jake out when her mother was feeling too tired. She'd bring them to the zoo, the ice rink or even out for a day of shopping. I really started to fall in love with her, I don't know if I should have felt guilty about her, having a wife. But I didn't. I felt as if our marriage was over without the documents to show.
Things were going good till one day I was in a rush for work, Lucy had the keys to my house, only for emergency. I would never of taken her home.
I told her to just go inside, the kids lunches are already packed and to just drive them to school. She did what I said however one thing neither of us expected was Jane to be home. As my wife answered the door, I couldn't even imagine what Lucy felt. She said she was the new baby sitter. When I came home that night, I dropped in some pastries to Lucy and her mother then headed home. Jane sat at the kitchen table, a portion of bolognase infront of her, untouched, steaming hot.
She didn't speak for minutes, it felt like hours. I knew I had to tell her, tell her everything.
I began with knowing she cheated on me, how it made me feel, the kids feel. She watched, with zero emotion on her face. Her hand swinging her wine glass around before she'd take a sip.
She laughed, and laughed. She didn't stop. Infact as she stood up, she threw the boiling hot plate at me, to which I had dodged.
She didn't cheat, infact there was a reason she was distant. My wife was graped numerous times in three days by her coworker. My best friend, M52, John. John had too became distant, I guess I thought he was busy.
I fell back, kneeling on the floor as I heard the kids waking up upstairs. My wife stood still, tears in her eyes as she yelled, how I cheated on her when she was graped.
I felt miserable, there's no work in the dictionary that could muster up how I genuinely felt in that moment. Jane and I filed for divorce two months later. She didn't want the boys. I took them. She wanted far from me, from this house. She moved in with her dad back at the farm while Lucy and her mother moved in with me and the boys.
submitted by Smooth-Housing1979 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:09 destinyraids24 Game keeps crashing please help

My game keeps crashing after trying all troubleshooting steps and even more steps beyond that
Ok yall I need some help. So I have tried absolutely everything to fix my crashes on Fortnite but nothing seems to help. I’ve gone through all of epics trouble shooting steps, I’ve redownloaded Fortnite, redownloaded my GPU drivers, I’ve wiped my entire computer and downloaded windows again on a completely new SSD, and I went and got a new power supply since that was the only thing in my pc that was lagging behind. It would run for about half a game now instead of crashing after trying to load into a match, but I still crash. If anyone can help please I’m open to anything. Here is my crash log as well
Log file open, 06/06/24 20:48:43 LogWindows: Enabling Tpause support LogPakFile: Initializing PakPlatformFile LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Engine/Programs/CrashReportClient/Content/Paks/CrashReportClient.pak attempting to mount. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Engine/Programs/CrashReportClient/Content/Paks/CrashReportClient.pak. LogPakFile: Display: Mounted Pak file '../../../Engine/Programs/CrashReportClient/Content/Paks/CrashReportClient.pak', mount point: '../../../Engine/' LogICUInternationalization: ICU TimeZone Detection - Raw Offset: -5:00, Platform Override: '' LogConfig: No local boot hotfix file found at: [C:/Users/capit/AppData/Local/CrashReportClient/Saved/PersistentDownloadDiHotfixForNextBoot.txt] LogInit: ExecutableName: CrashReportClient.exe LogInit: Build: ++Fortnite+Release-30.00-CL-33962396 LogInit: Platform=WindowsEditor LogInit: MachineId=d2feb9ca43b987a7f17e3f9c6cb441b4 LogInit: DeviceId= LogInit: Engine Version: 5.5.0-33962396+++Fortnite+Release-30.00 LogInit: Compatible Engine Version: 5.5.0-33962396+++Fortnite+Release-30.00 LogInit: Net CL: 33299130 LogInit: OS: Windows 11 (23H2) [10.0.22631.2861] (), CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700KF, GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 LogInit: Compiled (64-bit): May 29 2024 02:12:59 LogInit: Architecture: x64 LogInit: Compiled with Visual C++: 19.38.33130.00 LogInit: Build Configuration: Shipping LogInit: Branch Name: ++Fortnite+Release-30.00 LogInit: Command Line: "../../../Engine/Binaries/Win64/CrashReportClient.exe" "C:/Users/capit/AppData/Local/FortniteGame/Saved/Crashes/UECC-Windows-1BEB75294F7813FD42E110B67152CB8E_0001" -ImplicitSend -AppName=UE-FortniteGame -CrashGUID=UECC-Windows-1BEB75294F7813FD42E110B67152CB8E_0001 -DebugSymbols=......\Engine\Intermediate\Symbols LogInit: Base Directory: C:/Program Files/Epic Games/Fortnite/Engine/Binaries/Win64/ LogInit: Allocator: Mimalloc LogInit: Installed Engine Build: 1 LogInit: This binary is optimized with LTO: no, PGO: no, instrumented for PGO data collection: no LogInit: Presizing for max 100000 objects, including 0 objects not considered by GC. LogInit: Object subsystem initialized [2024.06.07-00.48.43:732][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ConsoleVariables] File [Engine] [2024.06.07-00.48.43:732][ 0]LogInit: Computer: JOSH [2024.06.07-00.48.43:732][ 0]LogInit: User: capit [2024.06.07-00.48.43:733][ 0]LogInit: CPU Page size=4096, Cores=12 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:733][ 0]LogInit: High frequency timer resolution =10.000000 MHz [2024.06.07-00.48.43:974][ 0]LogMemory: Memory total: Physical=31.8GB (32GB approx) Virtual=36.8GB [2024.06.07-00.48.43:974][ 0]LogMemory: Platform Memory Stats for WindowsEditor [2024.06.07-00.48.43:974][ 0]LogMemory: Process Physical Memory: 35.08 MB used, 35.69 MB peak [2024.06.07-00.48.43:974][ 0]LogMemory: Process Virtual Memory: 67.04 MB used, 67.04 MB peak [2024.06.07-00.48.43:974][ 0]LogMemory: Physical Memory: 12788.18 MB used, 19792.80 MB free, 32580.99 MB total [2024.06.07-00.48.43:974][ 0]LogMemory: Virtual Memory: 17217.33 MB used, 20483.66 MB free, 37700.99 MB total [2024.06.07-00.48.43:975][ 0]LogUObjectArray: 494 objects as part of root set at end of initial load. [2024.06.07-00.48.43:975][ 0]LogUObjectArray: CloseDisregardForGC: 0/0 objects in disregard for GC pool [2024.06.07-00.48.43:975][ 0]LogPaths: Warning: No paths for game localization data were specifed in the game configuration. [2024.06.07-00.48.43:975][ 0]LogInit: Using OS detected language (en-US). [2024.06.07-00.48.43:975][ 0]LogInit: Using OS detected locale (en-US). [2024.06.07-00.48.43:975][ 0]LogInit: Warning: No paths for engine localization data were specifed in the engine configuration. [2024.06.07-00.48.43:975][ 0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No localization for 'en-US' exists, so 'en' will be used for the language. [2024.06.07-00.48.43:975][ 0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No localization for 'en-US' exists, so 'en' will be used for the locale. [2024.06.07-00.48.43:976][ 0]LogInit: Using OS detected language (en-US). [2024.06.07-00.48.43:976][ 0]LogInit: Using OS detected locale (en-US). [2024.06.07-00.48.43:976][ 0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No localization for 'en-US' exists, so 'en' will be used for the language. [2024.06.07-00.48.43:976][ 0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No localization for 'en-US' exists, so 'en' will be used for the locale. [2024.06.07-00.48.43:976][ 0]LogPackageLocalizationCache: Processed 2 localized package path(s) for 1 prioritized culture(s) in 0.000061 seconds [2024.06.07-00.48.43:976][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: DepotName: //Fortnite/Release-30.00 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:976][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: BuiltFromCL: 33962396 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:976][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: EngineVersion: 5.5.0-33962396+++Fortnite+Release-30.00 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:976][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: BuildVersion: ++Fortnite+Release-30.00-CL-33962396 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: Using libcurl 8.4.0 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: - built for Windows [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: - supports SSL with OpenSSL/1.1.1t [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: - supports HTTP deflate (compression) using libz 1.3 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: - other features: [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: CURL_VERSION_SSL [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: CURL_VERSION_LIBZ [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: CURL_VERSION_IPV6 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: CURL_VERSION_ASYNCHDNS [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: CURL_VERSION_LARGEFILE [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: CurlRequestOptions (configurable via config and command line): [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: - bVerifyPeer = false - Libcurl will NOT verify peer certificate [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: - bUseHttpProxy = false - Libcurl will NOT use HTTP proxy [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: - bDontReuseConnections = false - Libcurl will reuse connections [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: - MaxHostConnections = 16 - Libcurl will limit the number of connections to a host [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: - LocalHostAddr = Default [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: - BufferSize = 65536 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: CreateHttpThread using FCurlHttpThread [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogAnalytics: Display: [CrashReporter.Dev] APIServer = AppVersion = ++Fortnite+Release-30.00-CL-33962396 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:986][ 0]CrashReportCoreLog: CrashReportClientVersion=1.0 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:986][ 0]CrashReportCoreLog: CrashReportReceiver disabled [2024.06.07-00.48.43:986][ 0]CrashReportCoreLog: DataRouterUrl: [2024.06.07-00.48.43:995][ 0]LogWindowsTextInputMethodSystem: Available input methods: [2024.06.07-00.48.43:995][ 0]LogWindowsTextInputMethodSystem: - English (United States) - (Keyboard). [2024.06.07-00.48.43:995][ 0]LogWindowsTextInputMethodSystem: Activated input method: English (United States) - (Keyboard). [2024.06.07-00.48.44:034][ 0]LogSlate: New Slate User Created. Platform User Id 0, User Index 0, Is Virtual User: 0 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:034][ 0]LogSlate: Slate User Registered. User Index 0, Is Virtual User: 0 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:066][ 0]LogSlate: Using FreeType 2.10.0 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:066][ 0]LogSlate: SlateFontServices - WITH_FREETYPE: 1, WITH_HARFBUZZ: 1 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:080][ 0]LogStandaloneRenderer: D3D11 adapters settings: [2024.06.07-00.48.44:080][ 0]LogStandaloneRenderer: D3D11 adapters: [2024.06.07-00.48.44:080][ 0]LogStandaloneRenderer: Testing D3D11 adapter: 0. Description: 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060'. VendorId: 10de. DeviceId: 2504. [2024.06.07-00.48.44:177][ 0]LogStandaloneRenderer: 0. 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060'. Feature level: 11_1 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:177][ 0]LogStandaloneRenderer: Testing D3D11 adapter: 1. Description: 'Microsoft Basic Render Driver'. VendorId: 1414. DeviceId: 008c. [2024.06.07-00.48.44:179][ 0]LogStandaloneRenderer: 1. 'Microsoft Basic Render Driver'. Feature level: 11_1 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:179][ 0]LogStandaloneRenderer: Skip adapter. [2024.06.07-00.48.44:179][ 0]LogStandaloneRenderer: Selected D3D11 Description: 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060'. VendorId: 10de. DeviceId: 2504. [2024.06.07-00.48.44:275][ 0]CrashReportCoreLog: Initial state = Unknown UploadState value [2024.06.07-00.48.44:275][ 0]CrashReportCoreLog: Initial state = Unknown UploadState value [2024.06.07-00.48.44:275][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: DepotName: //Fortnite/Release-30.00 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:275][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: BuiltFromCL: 33962396 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:275][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: EngineVersion: 5.5.0-33962396+++Fortnite+Release-30.00 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:275][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: BuildVersion: ++Fortnite+Release-30.00-CL-33962396 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:309][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: Successfully opened minidump: C:/Users/capit/AppData/Local/FortniteGame/Saved/Crashes/UECC-Windows-1BEB75294F7813FD42E110B67152CB8E_0001/UEMinidump.dmp [2024.06.07-00.48.44:309][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: Modules loaded: 160, unloaded: 0 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: Symbol paths [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: SRV*......\Engine\Intermediate\Symbols [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\FortniteGame\Binaries\Win64 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\FortniteGame\Binaries\ThirdParty\NVIDIA\NGX\Win64 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\Vorbis\Win64\VS2015 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\FortniteGame\Binaries\ThirdParty\NVIDIA\Win64 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\NVIDIA\NVaftermath\Win64 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\NVIDIA\GeForceNOW\Win64 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\Windows\XAudio2_9\x64 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\DbgHelp [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\FortniteGame\Binaries\ThirdParty\Discord\Win64 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\Ogg\Win64\
submitted by destinyraids24 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:08 Vast_Argument6658 Faild pregnact attempt caused his relapse ?

So i (f21) and (m25) have been trying for a baby its something we both really want and yesterday was another failed attempt at achiving that dream, after the news i needed something to distract myself (felt like i failed myself and also him) so i started making dinner, at some point i didnt wanna be alone becuase it hit me all a sudden.
So i went into our room, low and behold, caught with his pants down, he immediately said (rushed out more like) "i was looking at pictures if you" with knowing the lying any addict will do i of course didnt think he would tell the truth.
Anyways after the sight of him with his pants down I walked out the room fast, i couldnt stand the fight of him, jerking off in the other room while im crying in the kitchen about the loss of imaginary child i wanted? I think he knew i was at my limit so he followed me into the kitchen trying to lie his way out of it.
I know its not right to not communicate but i ignored him finished up making food. After eating dinner in silence i asked to see his phone, checking his chrome history, nothing (okay maybe he was telling the truth, feel abit of guilt) but later on he gave his phone so i could play games on it (my phone was on charge) i had a sneaky suspicion. Chrome is linked to google, so i thought if he deleted his history google would show me cause it saves searches.
This jackass was searching up "free only fans nudes" "onlyfans" "reddit best free onlyfans" i gave him his phone back and i think he could see i was seething cause he said "whats wrong?" I gave him a chance to be honest said "why dont you think what could of been on your phone to get this reaction out of me?" Got a usual addict reply of "nothing is on it"
Said a "why dont i just go live with my parents then cause you never wanna believe me" told him to go do it cause im not having his empty threats just cause he got caught.
Showed him the proof said "he got curious never saw anything so it wasnt bad" you searched for it quite heavily, thats still a problem. He always gets angry when i catch him too i know he feels guilty for it but i cant let him be the only one with feelings about it.
alot was said ended with the "i promise to try harder, i need your help when i mess up, i dont want to ruin this"
I cannot forgive this one, he did it the same hour i found out i wasnt pregnant with our child....... Then also deleting his history??? He did it because he knew it was wrong but didnt want me to see it. Im just tired of the lies ontop of lies.
Being with a PA is hard, it really crushes me i want him to be better.
submitted by Vast_Argument6658 to loveafterporn [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:05 Scott-Whittaker HOTAC custom ship classes

HOTAC custom ship classes
Hi guys, I'd like to introduce you to a little project I've been working on. I've played HOTAC a few times now, and it's always a blast, but while Josh and Sean and many other people in the community have developed a great system, there are a couple of things that I feel have some room for development.
The main issue I wanted to address is the ship upgrades. You start in an X-Wing or Y-Wing and at I3 you can pay a few points to upgrade to an A-Wing, B-Wing or HWK-290. The most obvious issue there is that there are a few more ships available in the Rebel faction that could reasonably be added. And less obviously, the B-Wing seems more like a cross-grade than an upgrade, the A-Wing seems like a downgrade, and the HWK is in a totally different class altogether.
While I have heard other people in the community commonly allow just about any other ship to be flown, it feels a little odd to have ships like the T-70 (a strictly better X-Wing), E-Wing (a way better X-Wing) and so-on. Why would you fly an X-wing when strictly better options are available?

The goal

So my goal was to increase the variety of ships that can be flown, filling diverse roles, and being at a similar power level. Something like different character classes and subclasses in an RPG. I hope you enjoy them and consider using them in a campaign!
Fortunately for me, Jim Bob over at has made an excellent resource to make custom cards at which I used to make these cards.
Let's start with a quick one that's not a ship configuration:
One of the issues I've noted with my HOTAC plays is that the squad leader almost never uses the coordinate action granted by the Squad Leader card because player actions are so valuable that it's rarely worth sacrificing your own action to give one to another player. This updated version effectively turns it into a linked action which is much more likely to get used. This could have additional limitations placed on it, but the simplicity is nice and making it red limits abuse a little.

The default configurations

Now let's take a look at the new configuration for the default X-Wing T-65:
This card is a representation of the standard T-65 X-Wing in the new configuration format. One of the things I realised while working on this project is that since the card designer allows the action bar to be customised, it gives us the opportunity to bake in standard configurations and titles into the card, allowing you to do away with additional cards. Servomotor S-Foils is a flippable card that represents the S-Foil wings being open or closed, and when closed grants you a boost action and focus to red boost linked action at the cost of reducing your primary attack.
So this card allows us to effectively incorporate the results into a single rule and action bar on one card. It's not 100% exactly the same, but it's close enough, and is in the spirit of the simplifications made in the official Standard Loadout cards.
There is nothing special to note about the default BTL-A4 Y-Wing card, except to notice the upgrade bar at the bottom. This is a handy way to show what upgrades can be added to each ship. I intend to colour them in groupings by Initiative/Level, but these are mostly following the HOTAC standard of all the upgrades to the left of the first Talent being always available; the first Talent at I3, the next slot at I4, another Talent at I5 and a Talent and Modification slot at I6.

The upgrade configurations

All of these configurations are considered more or less equivalent in power level, so they all cost the same. They are worth more than 5 points, but 5 points is what HOTAC uses, so that's what I'm going with for now.
Let's look a the Y-Wings:
Y-Wing Corsair configuration card
Y-Wings are already start strong and really don't need much of a boost if any. You can play the whole campaign in a default Y-Wing and not feel like you're missing out. But the Rebel Alliance has many shady connections and scoundrels in its rogues gallery, so as you'll see there is a lot of Scummy representation in the fleet.
This is a very simple config that allows Scum faction upgrades and adds an Illicit slot.
Y-Wing Heavy Bomber configuration
While the Y-Wing is most often depicted as a slow heavy dogfighter, its main role is as a bomber and torpedo carrier capable of posing a threat to capital ships. This config makes the painful choice to lose that staple turret slot to load up on ordinance, adding an extra bomb and Torpedo slot.
Those torpedo slots can also be used as Missile slots, giving you access to any ordinance available. The now useless Rotate Turret action has been removed, and the Reload action is now white, and red Reloads are now linked actions.
Finally, if you're like me and do more damage to yourself with bombs than to the enemy, you've got 2 charges to spend to prevent damage from your own bomb or flying over an obstacle.
That's it for the Y-Wings. Let's take a look at the X-Wings!
X-Wing Partisan Renegade configuration
OK you probably saw this one coming from what I said about the Corsair Y-Wing. Like the Corsair, this simply adds an Illicit slot and the ability to equip Scum upgrades. Moving on!
X-Wing Endor Refit configuration
This one is inspired by the standard loadout X-Wings from the Battle over Endor scenario pack. The action bar and abilities come straight off those cards. The action bar is slightly better (gaining a Roll to red Focus linked action).
The Locked S-Foils does more or less the same thing as what I did with my reinterpretation of Servomotor S-Foils, even simpler in wording, but more of a nerf in practice since the deplete token affects ordinance, not just a primary attack, and will trigger after performing any boost, not just one performed in your action phase.
But it gains It's a Trap!, giving re-rolls for running with the pack. It also gains a Missile slot which is very nice.
X-Wing Prototype T-70 configuration
How do add a ship that is a strict upgrade of an existing ship without making the other versions redundant? In this case the answer is both to improve the other ships (as above) while lowering the new ship a little to the same level.
But not by much. This is a T-70 without the free shield and Tech slot. It gets the integrated config treatment, the T-70 dial, and Cannon slot. And because it's a "prototype", you can be justified using a T-65 or T-70 model as you prefer.
X-Wing Prototype E-Wing configuration
This one needed more of a compromise to balance. It gains the E-Wing dial and action bar, but keeps the X-Wing stat line. It gains the System slot, but not the Tech slot. Most importantly it loses the I3 Talent slot, making a long term ability sacrifice for that sweet dial and full action bar.
I didn't think the E-Wing's version of Experimental Scanners made sense in this prototype craft as printed, so I made it a 2-time use ability - which is actually better than the original's limitation of being unable to acquire locks at range 1 which is something you are likely to want to do with a linked lock off a reposition.
So it's kind of its own thing, not just a watered down E-Wing. And again, being a prototype, you are justified in using whatever model you prefer. In my case I'm not a fan of the E-Wing model, and prefer to use a 3D printed BSG Raptor that I've painted in various liveries.
B-Wing Endor Refit configuration card
This is another config pretty much lifted from the Battle over Endor pack. It only has a single Cannon slot, but gains a Missile and Device slot. It has the action bar from the Endor standard loadout B-WIngs, and the It's a Trap! ability that promotes running in packs.
B-Wing B6 Blade Wing Prototype
This is basically the default HOTAC B-Wing with the integrated configuration treatment for the ability and action bar. B6 Blade Wing Prototype is a title that in the standard game is currently only available to Hera in the B-WIng, and it adds a Gunner slot. So you get one with this configuration too!
A-Wing RZ-2 Prototype
The A-wing was the toughest configuration to develop. A-Wings are fast and agile, and get an extra Talent slot compared to other ships. By the time you get them to a fully upgraded I6 you can have 5 shields and a number of defensive abilities that makes up for their initial fragility. But the problem is keeping them alive until you get there. Talents, shields and levelling up are all very expensive, and if you get shot down those expensive upgrades can be lost.
In addition to the inherent fragility, the A-Wing doesn't have much firepower aside from a single missile slot, and not much in the way of slot variety aside from the Talents. All of which makes A-Wings a tough sell compared to some of the other ships.
To try and address the survivability issue, I added the Fast target ability which allows you to take a strain token to gain an evade token after executing a speed 3-5 manoeuvre. So you trade a defence dice for one attack for a guaranteed evade. If you don't need to spend it on the first defence roll you have it for later, and you or a teammate might have an ability to remove the strain token before you get attacked. You can use the ability while stressed, and still get your action.
It's not as good as the TIE Defender's Full throttle ability, but maybe it's good enough. Maybe I should just add that ability instead. Either way Jukeing A-Wings will likely be a thing.
As for Vectored Thrusters vs Vectored Cannons I say why not both? At first I was thinking to make them a double-sided config that you can flip in the system phase like S-Foils. Then I remembered I did away with those, and rewrote it so both abilities are always active and you can choose which to use by flipping a recurring charge.
I also gave them the Tech slot I took off the E-Wing. Is it enough? I don't know. Nobody wants to fly A-Wings around here. If you try it out, let me know!
HWK-290 Mouldy Crow configuration card
Talk about an embarrassment of riches. The HWK-290 has all the things. With the Mouldy Crow title it's basically an X-Wing that has an additional turret, an interesting action bar, a stop manoeuvre, and all the fun slots, including Crew. It's kind of a lot, and a bit too good comparatively.
So I figured since there should only be one Mouldy Crow, there really should be 2 viable HWK builds, one of which is Mouldy Crow which is more attack focussed, and another more support oriented one.
So Mouldy Crow first. The only tweaks here really are to remove one Modification slot, and replacing the System slot with a Gunner. Yes, I added a gunner. Since you're already taking Perceptive Copilot you might as well combo that with Bistan for a double tap.
OK as a nerf, that's a fail, but for fun, it's a win. Nobody is making you take the combo. You have options.
Moving on!
HWK-290 Smuggler's Refit config card
It's a Scummy HWK. Compared to Mouldy Crow, your Jam action becomes white, you lose the Gunner and gain a second Crew along with two Illicit slots. Not much else to say about this.
Here's another quick one:
ARC-170 Republic Veteran configuration card
Seems fine to add more or less as-is. Compared to the Y-Wing, it exchanges the turret for an extra attack die and rear arc. It gains a shield, but is a slightly bigger target. It has no Device or Illicit slots, but can equip Republic upgrades and pilot abilities. It's the only ship here that has access to Republic upgrades.
Sheathipede Support Shuttle configuration card
This is the ship I felt least confident about, next to the A-Wing. The HWK-290s are pretty great, but I wanted to add one more support option. The problem is that the U-Wing is a bit too much, and the Sheathipede and Attack Shuttle don't have much to offer with their standard slots and action bars.
The only way I could raise the ship to a similar level was to just keep the stat line and just make stuff up. It's intended to be a dedicated support ship, and because of it's smooth modern looking body I decided to give it a high-tech sub-theme.
The base concept I basically lifted from the Resistance Y-Wing in that it has a bunch of slots that can add actions to the action bar, and if you perform an action granted by an upgrade, you also get a linked white calculate. And the default action bar comes with Focus, Coordinate into Calculate, Jam into Calculate, and red Barrel Roll and Boost.
The upgrade slots include an Astromech, 2 Crew, 2 Tech and the standard 3 Mods and 3 Talents.
It seems decent enough, and not overpowered. It's certainly unique enough to make it a real consideration for players drawn to support ships. But I wonder if it will be looked down upon for being so far away from the standard version of the ship.
And now last, but certainly not least is maybe my crazy A-Wing alternative:
What's a harder sell than an A-Wing? How about an A-Wing with no shields that wants to joust?
Apart from the ability to equip Scum upgrades and pilot abilities this is pretty much just a vanilla Fang fighter with upgrade slots similar to the A-Wing. What really sets it apart though is the approach to survivability. Instead of adding in defensive abilities to help keep it alive, instead the focus is on making the consequences to being destroyed less costly, encouraging fearless engagement with the enemy like a true Mandalorian.
At first I was thinking to add an ability along the lines of "When you make an ejection roll, you may change one result to a blank". To thematically justify this, I was thinking that the pilot could be wearing a Mandalorian armoured flight suit, able to weather the vacuum of space until rescued.
And then I remembered the Mandalorian Super Commandos upgrade, which placed a little cardboard chit representing a team of Mandalorians that could move around the board and shoot things and generally get in the way. And I had my answer.
Mandalorian Pilot remote card
Here are the associated rules:
This remote can only be deployed when the pilot's ship is destroyed. An ejection roll is only performed if this remote is destroyed, or it is docked with another ship that gets destroyed.
To deploy, place using the 1 bank template out the front or rear guides of the destroyed ship.
When docked with another ship you may make this remote's attack from that ship's rear arc as a bonus attack.
So if the Fang gets destroyed, the pilot will deploy, and can slowly fly around the board making small attacks until it can grapple on to a friendly ship and escape.
And that's it so far. All of these cards are freshly designed and un-tested (we are going to use them in the campaign we just started). I'm sure there will be some tweaks here and there.
If you try them out let me know what you think. I'm interested in your thoughts and opinions regardless. It's been a ton of work, I hope you enjoy it.
Cheers, Scott
submitted by Scott-Whittaker to HotAC [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:05 Heavy_Efficiency_107 Ukrainian art collector scam?

So my parents just got a weird e-mail It talks about a ukrainian guy fighting In the war and wanting to move to my country with his family. He claims to be a 18th century ukrainian art collector and he want to flee with his money (approximately €550,000) hidden in a art piece. He's explaining how the process would go. He'd use the red cross to move his art piece full of cash and because the red cross is transporting it, it wouldn't get seized by any kind of customs and when it arrives at my adress he and his family will move to our country and end up giving us 10% of the money and buy our car ( btw he contacted my parents on a online car selling platform)
For those interested here's the bottom half of the email he send :
I will make a beneficiary of one of my antiques and use this means to hide my money in the box and you will receive it as a beneficiary. Don't worry it's risk free, i will explain more as soon as you respond.
I know you will be thinking how, I would send money to someone I don't know, I know you, because I found you from your advertisement on the site and I know that you are a real and genuine person, so I am not afraid and moreover i do not have any choice but to do this. The banks are not working so it's impossible to move this money out of Ukraine especially in times like this so this is the best opportunity for me to do this and I have to move my family to the Netherlands as soon as you receive this funds. I'll give you the breakdown of how this is going to happen once I get a response from you. I will offer you 10% of this funds for your help and also buy your car.
I am looking forward to your response. Best regards, Isai Bogomazov.
For some reason couldn't copy the full e-mail sorry about that.
What type of scam is this Thank you for reading this and have a wonderful day!
submitted by Heavy_Efficiency_107 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:03 gil_p Little rant about tdarr

I thought it might be a good idea to clean up/normalize a bit my video files so i god a new (well not soo new) GPU and tried out tdarr. Set up a flow; all looked good so lets start.
First thing was i noticed the node was using the iGPU instead of the GPU - so whats wrong? The flow did seem alright and could transcode with the GPU on the system...
Turned out tdarr prefers to use its own ffmpeg (when not otherwise configured). And NVECC wasnt included there. Is it weird to think it might be a good idea to check PATH instead of using a "local" version?
I wanted to try tdarr out a bit first - check if everything were up to date and stuff - so i ended with "copy to directory", result being "Final working file is still in the transcode cache, not allowed:". I mean if i have a flow and every step is successful and I just left the last step, then shouldnt that be considered a successful run? I mean if i d tell him to just transcode in its cache to keep my system busy and clean up again afterwards, then this wouldnt make any sense, but i dont see why this shouldnt be allowed (yes, i found "move to directory" in the meantime). (And ofc the "fail" reason is not seeable in the "Failed transcode overview).Besides: if there are strictly defined allowed end states then why on earth dont you run a simple validation on the flow when saving (or selecting)?
On top of that (i know i might have screwed up in some cases), the user running the services only has read access for some directories-> "Location not writeable:...". Here again: Would it be so hard to check if you even need write access beforehand?
Then the payment: I dont mind paying for a useful application - but subscription? Really? For whats basically a gui for ffmpeg/handbrake? I wouldnt also mind to have a "free" version and a "paid" version, but why on earth wouldnt you just remove the paid stuff instead of placing those big placeholder above the workload graphs?
From time to time i lose connection to the webgui - and of course it seems trying to reconnect in the background or doing nothing at all (maybe show a taostr?) is not possible. Nope the site just reloads when one maybe take a look at a report - that is already loaded).
Didnt even get the android app to connect (but i assume this is just another paid feature - why on earth would you need an account to connect to a local instance otherwise?).
Sry for ranting here - i wouldnt mind getting recommendation for alternatives to tdarr. Heard from unmantic, but didnt try that out yet.
submitted by gil_p to HomeServer [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:02 Born_Onion_3071 Thoughts on Different Aspects in This Zombie Survival Game

Hello to those who are reading this! My team and I would like to get some more opinions from a wider range of people who we've decided to come on here and ask a few questions on a game that we've been creating for the past year or so. Here are some details about the game itself:
Title: Echoes of Silence
Genre: Post-apocalyptic survival, Action-Adventure
Platform: PC, PlayStation, Xbox
Perspective: Third-Person Perspective with an Over-the-Shoulder Angle
Art Style: Realistic
Setting: A diverse post-apocalyptic environment with urban decay, wilderness, and small towns
Target Audience: Mature (17+), fans of survival, narrative-driven games
"Echoes of Silence" is set in a world ravaged by the Vardent Plague, a mysterious and deadly virus that has decimated the population and left society in ruins. Players take on the role of Amara, a resilient 16-year-old track athlete, as she navigates this dangerous new world in search of safety and answers. The game focuses on Amara's journey of survival, the relationships she builds, and the moral dilemmas she faces along the way.
Key Features
  1. Narrative Depth and Player Choice
  1. Survival Mechanics
  1. Dynamic World and Environmental Storytelling
  1. Realistic and Engaging Combat and Stealth
  1. Companionship and Relationship Building
  1. Immersive Audio-Visual Experience
  1. Replayability and Exploration
"Echoes of Silence" aims to deliver a deeply immersive and emotional post-apocalyptic survival experience. With a focus on narrative depth, dynamic relationships, realistic survival mechanics, and engaging gameplay elements like farming, the game provides a rich and varied world for players to explore and survive in. Through careful decision-making and resource management, players will navigate the challenges of a world forever changed by the Vardent Plague, shaping their own story of resilience and hope.

The reason we are providing you with some mechanics in the game is that we wish for you to critique it as you see fit. Many designs are still in process and we're (still) going through the debate about how some of the characters could look, so we apologize for the lack of visual evidence. One major question that we see fit to ask is: What features would you like to see in the companion (Shadow) mechanics to make them more useful and emotionally engaging? (due to Shadow being considered a "main character" and players will be seeing and interacting with him a lot). If you wish for more detail on certain key details, Amara, or even minor details, feel free to ask. :)
submitted by Born_Onion_3071 to gamedev [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:01 Mystech_Master Does this show have an issue with when it shows background characters?

This is something I've noticed and it really bugs me.
My first instance of noticing this was asking "Why doesn't Charlie have a royal staff assisting with the Hotel instead of just Vaggie?" At first I came up with a fanon answer of "Lucifer thinks the Hotel is stupid and isn't going to waste resources on it" and yet Charlie is offering free room and board to its residents so they'd need the dough for that. And Lucifer's far more kind attitude towards Charlie in the show doesn't seem like he'd be stingy. Then maybe I thought it was a thing where Hell only respects individual power so having a bunch of servants would make you seem weak w/o them but there are plenty of things that contradict that.
The next thing I noticed is how many scenes we've got of Hell's streets being empty/quiet, or the chaos is just very minor. This can make it sometimes hard to see Hell as...well Hell. Charlie going through the streets in her Happy Day in Hell song I think is the best showing of this Hell and its chaos. But then we get scenes like Alastor and Zestial walking down the street to Carmine Industries (where most of the issues just come from the guys panicking over Zestial) and Angel and Husk outside the bar (before the guy blows up a window and the mobsters attack them after Loser, Baby).
Speaking of Carmine Industries, you would think that this is a major corporation with thousands of employees, yet every time we see them, either the building or out in the field, we ONLY see Carmilla and her daughters. We NEVER see any other employees.
This last one is something that some people have brought up before. How come no one else was at the gates of Heaven when Charlie and Vaggie arrived? People will ask "Did no one good die and go to Heaven during the time Charlie and Vaggie arrived to when the Welcome to Heaven song ended?"
The show clearly has a bunch of background characters so it isn't AFRAID to show them. Its just its weird how it picks and chooses when to show them.
submitted by Mystech_Master to HazbinHotel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:01 John_Swift1 PASSED PMP

Hi and thank you to all of you - your posts, comments, insights played a huge part in my success today as I passed my PMP exam with AT in all the domains.
I want to give it back to this community by sharing my own preparation and exam experience. Please do not compare this to your own preparation as I feel everyone has their own perception of 'comfort' and 'confidence' when it comes to exam preparations.
5 years in the construction industry/management consulting - managing capital projects. This helped me a little bit in familiarizing with Traditional concepts of the exam during my preparation. I am currently in a position where I am supporting PMO service to a client, which again helped a little bit. I had little to no knowledge of Agile before preparing for this exam.
Study Resource and Tips:
  1. Andrew Ramdayal's (AR) Udemy Course - Most of my knowledge for the PMP exam content came from this course. I went through the course at 1x, 1.25x, 1.5x depending upon my level of comfort of the topic. I took notes as needed. I do not recommend printing Andrew's resource sheets that he has tagged with his course items/chapters as I felt most of it can be covered using your own hand-written notes (or atleast I know I learn faster that way). His Mindset Videos are EXCELLENT. Highly Recommend.
  2. Andrew Ramdayal's TIA Simualtor - Bought this after I was done with AR's Udemy course to test out my knowledge. In all honestly, these simulators are great for preparations and I would highly recommend taking these mocks tests.
  3. PMI Study Hall - Bought this because of all the reddit posts/comments recommending the Study Hall mock tests. I absolutely recommend this. If there was anything that came close to the real exam it was the Study Hall Mock Test. This prepared me the most for D-Day from a exam question type/length/wording perspective.
  4. 200 Agile Questions PMP Questions and Answers by David McLachlan - Great resource. Once you have finished Agile section on AR's Udemy Course (or any other instructor's course) - I'd recommend watching this video at 1.5x to revise your Agile knowledge and understanding. In all fairness, I only watched upto 170 questions and I believe there are some really really great questions in his videos.
  5. PMBOK VI Edition and Agile Knowledge Book - I read the books once. Did it significantly improve my understanding? - No.
Study Routine and Mock Scores:
I was studying everyday (I planned it out on Excel and tried to stick with it mostly) with a full time job that required anywhere from 40-50 hours/week commitment. On weekends, I studied for over 6 hours easily.
Started watching AR's videos on Oct 12, 2022
Finished watching AR's videos on Oct 21, 2022
Took AR's Course Exam on Oct 22, 2022 - Score 85%
For the next week - Oct 23 - Oct28
TIA Mock 1 - 69%
TIA Mock 2 - 69%
TIA Mock 3 - 77%
TIA Mock 4 - 86%
TIA Mock 5 - 80%
TIA Mock 6 - 75%
Kept revising some key concepts from my handwritten notes.
Oct 29, 2022
Study Hall Mock 1 - 73% (Moderate - All Correct, Difficult - Mostly Correct, Expert - Got only a couple correct)
Didn't take the 2nd mock test.
Took 2 Study Hall Mini Quizzes - Scored 33% and 57%
Oct 30, 2022 - Nov 2, 2022
Was at a client location, so could barely revise anything and only watched David McLachlan's 200 Agile Questions and AR's Mindset Videos whenever I could.
Nov 3, 2022 - D-Day! Woke up with a mild headache as I flew redeye back home to take the exam. [O DO NOT RECOMMEND TRAVELLING OR ANY BIG TIRING ACTIVITY THE DAY BEFORE]
Reached the testing center 40 mins before the exam, they allowed me to start the exam before the time, I just wanted to get it over it at this point. Started the exam, felt like I was taking the Study Hall mock test to be honest. The first 60 questions I dont think I had much difficulty with. The 60-120 is where I struggled and 120-180 was probably the easiest. Finished the exam with 30 mins remaining.
0 questions on SPI/CPI/EV calculation
0 questions on Org Structure
0 questions on Risk Management/Response Type (Avoid, Accept, Transfer, Mitigate)
0 questions on network diagram/float calculations
0 questions on conflict resolutions (smoothing, withdrawing,............)
A ton of questions on Agile Situations (Mindset id the key!)
2 drag and drops - 1 on agile roles and 1 on - parkinson's law, student syndrome (took me by surprise, had no idea and I completely guessed it)
8 - multiple choice questions (choose 2, choose 3)
Exam and General Tips:
  1. Time Management is the key here. I marked on the sheet of paper that they gave, the time I was finishing up the 60 questions mark. This always kept me in check with time remaining and how many questions have I completed/remaining and what my velocity (see what I did there ;]) should look like for the rest of the exam. The timer starts at 230 and countdown till you reach Q60 and then the screen to review your first 60 questions comes on, the timer DOESNT STOP while you are reviewing so manage time accordingly if you have a ton of questions to review (hopefully not). Then you get a break for 10 mins. Your exam starts at Q61 and so does the timer from where you left it. Q120 - same review screen, the timer is still going on while you review and then you get another break for 10 mins. The exam then starts at Q121 and goes upto Q180, you get to review your last section.
  2. Please utilize the breaks during the exam. It really helped me to just step out, drink water, eat a cookie, use the restroom. Do whatever helps you remain calm.
  3. Please hold yourself accountable to a study plan and stick to it. This will help you oriented towards taking the exam in a given timeframe and will set you up for success.
  4. I don't think memorizing the 49 process will do you any good. Understanding the process, its inputs, its tools and the output is way more valuable and important than just remembering the processes. I remember all 49 by heart (I did it just for the sake of it but realized it was redundant as I was getting the grasp of how different process interact anyway) and it didn't really help anywhere today on the exam.
  5. Watch the AR mindset videos. Watch the AR mindset videos. Watch the AR mindset videos.
  6. Review ALL the questions you get incorrect on TIA, Study Hall or whatever mock exam you end up taking. It is essential to understand the WHY? behind the correct answer and almost everytime the correct answer had something to do with mindset. This will help you fill any gaps in your understanding.
Good luck to all of you! I hope each and everyone of you succeed. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
#pmp #projectmanagement #project
submitted by John_Swift1 to pmpcommunity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:59 SirAlexH Big Finish Podcast Notes/Misc. Doctor Who News Round-up: 09/06/2024

Getting out of bed is proving difficult, I love my heated blanket. Also I hate that DW airs on Saturdays in Australia. Saturday is my busy day, I’m too tired to watch it, have to avoid spoilers for essentially two days before I get a weekend to enjoy it. GDI BBC, I initially liked the new airing times because it worked out for me until I got a new job! Life = Piss, etc. Also, watched Furiosa. I still think Fury Road was better, but bloody hell it was fun.Now to watch Rogue.
Oh and The War Master.
Sales: Weekly Deals: Blake’s 7: Up to 60% (Not 70 surely) Off!; Big Finish Bookclub: Blake’s 7 Classic Adventures - : 2.5. The Devil’s Advocate; New Series Offers: New Who (or First New Who?) Offers.
What CD’s are Out of Print This Week?:: The Avengers: The Lost Episodes Series 6
Fifteen Minute Drama Tease: The Fourth Doctor Adventures: Metamorphosis.
Interview/Production Interviews: The Fourth Doctor Adventures: Metamorphosis; Star Cops: Blood Moon: Devis
Randomoid Selectotron: BUCKUP: The Companion Chronicles: 7.3 Project: Nirvana.
Big Finish Release Date Schedule:
The Fourth Doctor Adventures: Series 13 - Metamorphosis: 11/06/2024 Dark Gallifrey: Morbius - Pt. 3: 20/06/2024 The Seventh Doctor Adventures: The Last Adventure Pt. 2 - 25/06/2024 Torchwood Soho: Restoration: 27/06/2024
What Big Finish I was listening too today: No Big Finish, but Google Podcasts is ending in the next couple of weeks and I need a new Podcast App. Considering I have premium subscriptions I need an app that works with those. Any help?
Random Tangents:
submitted by SirAlexH to gallifrey [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:58 ripanimems These block characters are big strong

These block characters are big strong


NB. If I made a mistake, feel free to correct me. It's been a while since I've played the game


In the vast world of Minecraft, there are 3 main realms, namely the Overworld, an Earth like realm calculated to be several times larger than our own Earth, and possibly being infinite in size, where all of us began to chop our down our first tree, the Nether, where magma seas flow on endlessly and fire burns for eternity, and the End, where all players' journeys come to an end. But in Story mode, things get a lot crazier.
The portal network is an almost realm between realms like dimension. It connects several tens to possibly hundreds of Worlds, with each World having their own day and night cycles as well as celestial bodies, which means that each World is its own Universe.
Beyond these realms lies a dimension that holds what was, is, and will be. A dimension that holds all of Romeo's monstrosities. A dimension shown to have near uncountable stars. A realm held together by the Admin's neigh infinite power. It's name is Terminal space.


MCSM has a multiple feats that can get certain characters and entities in the verse to as low as building and city block level, to Infinite realm destroying, Goku-like, Universe busting levels of power.

BUILDING to CITY BLOCK level feats include, but are not limited to:

Ghast fireball explosions, Charged creeper explosions, The Giant Enderman, Prismarine Collosi as well as the Smaller Wither storm ripping apart buildings with ease, and Romeo/the admin saying "Boop!" And instantly lighting an entire city ablaze


•Romeo/the admin moving the moon in seconds with relative ease.
•Romeo/the admin covering the entire Minecraft world with bedrock, which if we lowball the world to being only around 5 times the size of Earth, is around moon to small planet level.


•Kinetic energy of Romeo/the Admin moving the sun in seconds.
•The destruction of terminal space caused by Romeo/the Admin losing his powers

UNIVERSAL level feats:

•The Wither storm creating a dark atmosphere that covered the entire infinite World and being stated to having the ability to gradually destroy everything
•The same admin feat of covering the entire world with bedrock can be said to be a uni+ feat if we take the World as infinite in size. The Admins are the ones who created the World, as in the Overworld, the Nether, and everything else.

SPEED feats:

Speed wise, the verse truly is lacking, but it can get insane depending on interpretation. The slowest the verse can get is being average human level (pretty obvious why), and the fastest the verse can get is FTL~MFTL+ via Romeo moving the sun and moon in seconds, and possibly even Infinite speed if we take the World as being infinite in size.


The verse is around High Planetary level with human level speed, low balled, Multi solar system level with Supersonic reaction speeds as a mid ball, and High universal to low 4D with MFTL+ to infinite speed as a high ball. In other words, these Block Bois are big stronk
submitted by ripanimems to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:57 BariraLP I think that deep down everyone respect a person if they´re being completely honest, no matter if it hurts someone´s opinion or makes the person sound "rude"

Tomorrow i will try something new, i will attempt to be as completely honest with other people as i can, because i want to be myself. I just watched a youtube video about Marcus Aurelius which inspired me to do this. I am tired of trying to change my personality to fit for what opother people want me to be, this mindset ends today. I will take the risk if it offends someone at work or whatever, atleast i am being honest and expressing my honesty to other, i´m not letting others think for me. I am a free man.
submitted by BariraLP to CasualConversation [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:56 destinyraids24 My game keeps crashing after trying all troubleshooting steps and even more steps beyond that

Ok yall I need some help. So I have tried absolutely everything to fix my crashes on Fortnite but nothing seems to help. I’ve gone through all of epics trouble shooting steps, I’ve redownloaded Fortnite, redownloaded my GPU drivers, I’ve wiped my entire computer and downloaded windows again on a completely new SSD, and I went and got a new power supply since that was the only thing in my pc that was lagging behind. It would run for about half a game now instead of crashing after trying to load into a match, but I still crash. If anyone can help please I’m open to anything. Here is my crash log as well
Log file open, 06/06/24 20:48:43 LogWindows: Enabling Tpause support LogPakFile: Initializing PakPlatformFile LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Engine/Programs/CrashReportClient/Content/Paks/CrashReportClient.pak attempting to mount. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Engine/Programs/CrashReportClient/Content/Paks/CrashReportClient.pak. LogPakFile: Display: Mounted Pak file '../../../Engine/Programs/CrashReportClient/Content/Paks/CrashReportClient.pak', mount point: '../../../Engine/' LogICUInternationalization: ICU TimeZone Detection - Raw Offset: -5:00, Platform Override: '' LogConfig: No local boot hotfix file found at: [C:/Users/capit/AppData/Local/CrashReportClient/Saved/PersistentDownloadDiHotfixForNextBoot.txt] LogInit: ExecutableName: CrashReportClient.exe LogInit: Build: ++Fortnite+Release-30.00-CL-33962396 LogInit: Platform=WindowsEditor LogInit: MachineId=d2feb9ca43b987a7f17e3f9c6cb441b4 LogInit: DeviceId= LogInit: Engine Version: 5.5.0-33962396+++Fortnite+Release-30.00 LogInit: Compatible Engine Version: 5.5.0-33962396+++Fortnite+Release-30.00 LogInit: Net CL: 33299130 LogInit: OS: Windows 11 (23H2) [10.0.22631.2861] (), CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700KF, GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 LogInit: Compiled (64-bit): May 29 2024 02:12:59 LogInit: Architecture: x64 LogInit: Compiled with Visual C++: 19.38.33130.00 LogInit: Build Configuration: Shipping LogInit: Branch Name: ++Fortnite+Release-30.00 LogInit: Command Line: "../../../Engine/Binaries/Win64/CrashReportClient.exe" "C:/Users/capit/AppData/Local/FortniteGame/Saved/Crashes/UECC-Windows-1BEB75294F7813FD42E110B67152CB8E_0001" -ImplicitSend -AppName=UE-FortniteGame -CrashGUID=UECC-Windows-1BEB75294F7813FD42E110B67152CB8E_0001 -DebugSymbols=......\Engine\Intermediate\Symbols LogInit: Base Directory: C:/Program Files/Epic Games/Fortnite/Engine/Binaries/Win64/ LogInit: Allocator: Mimalloc LogInit: Installed Engine Build: 1 LogInit: This binary is optimized with LTO: no, PGO: no, instrumented for PGO data collection: no LogInit: Presizing for max 100000 objects, including 0 objects not considered by GC. LogInit: Object subsystem initialized [2024.06.07-00.48.43:732][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ConsoleVariables] File [Engine] [2024.06.07-00.48.43:732][ 0]LogInit: Computer: JOSH [2024.06.07-00.48.43:732][ 0]LogInit: User: capit [2024.06.07-00.48.43:733][ 0]LogInit: CPU Page size=4096, Cores=12 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:733][ 0]LogInit: High frequency timer resolution =10.000000 MHz [2024.06.07-00.48.43:974][ 0]LogMemory: Memory total: Physical=31.8GB (32GB approx) Virtual=36.8GB [2024.06.07-00.48.43:974][ 0]LogMemory: Platform Memory Stats for WindowsEditor [2024.06.07-00.48.43:974][ 0]LogMemory: Process Physical Memory: 35.08 MB used, 35.69 MB peak [2024.06.07-00.48.43:974][ 0]LogMemory: Process Virtual Memory: 67.04 MB used, 67.04 MB peak [2024.06.07-00.48.43:974][ 0]LogMemory: Physical Memory: 12788.18 MB used, 19792.80 MB free, 32580.99 MB total [2024.06.07-00.48.43:974][ 0]LogMemory: Virtual Memory: 17217.33 MB used, 20483.66 MB free, 37700.99 MB total [2024.06.07-00.48.43:975][ 0]LogUObjectArray: 494 objects as part of root set at end of initial load. [2024.06.07-00.48.43:975][ 0]LogUObjectArray: CloseDisregardForGC: 0/0 objects in disregard for GC pool [2024.06.07-00.48.43:975][ 0]LogPaths: Warning: No paths for game localization data were specifed in the game configuration. [2024.06.07-00.48.43:975][ 0]LogInit: Using OS detected language (en-US). [2024.06.07-00.48.43:975][ 0]LogInit: Using OS detected locale (en-US). [2024.06.07-00.48.43:975][ 0]LogInit: Warning: No paths for engine localization data were specifed in the engine configuration. [2024.06.07-00.48.43:975][ 0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No localization for 'en-US' exists, so 'en' will be used for the language. [2024.06.07-00.48.43:975][ 0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No localization for 'en-US' exists, so 'en' will be used for the locale. [2024.06.07-00.48.43:976][ 0]LogInit: Using OS detected language (en-US). [2024.06.07-00.48.43:976][ 0]LogInit: Using OS detected locale (en-US). [2024.06.07-00.48.43:976][ 0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No localization for 'en-US' exists, so 'en' will be used for the language. [2024.06.07-00.48.43:976][ 0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No localization for 'en-US' exists, so 'en' will be used for the locale. [2024.06.07-00.48.43:976][ 0]LogPackageLocalizationCache: Processed 2 localized package path(s) for 1 prioritized culture(s) in 0.000061 seconds [2024.06.07-00.48.43:976][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: DepotName: //Fortnite/Release-30.00 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:976][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: BuiltFromCL: 33962396 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:976][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: EngineVersion: 5.5.0-33962396+++Fortnite+Release-30.00 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:976][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: BuildVersion: ++Fortnite+Release-30.00-CL-33962396 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: Using libcurl 8.4.0 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: - built for Windows [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: - supports SSL with OpenSSL/1.1.1t [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: - supports HTTP deflate (compression) using libz 1.3 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: - other features: [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: CURL_VERSION_SSL [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: CURL_VERSION_LIBZ [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: CURL_VERSION_IPV6 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: CURL_VERSION_ASYNCHDNS [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: CURL_VERSION_LARGEFILE [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: CurlRequestOptions (configurable via config and command line): [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: - bVerifyPeer = false - Libcurl will NOT verify peer certificate [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: - bUseHttpProxy = false - Libcurl will NOT use HTTP proxy [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: - bDontReuseConnections = false - Libcurl will reuse connections [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: - MaxHostConnections = 16 - Libcurl will limit the number of connections to a host [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: - LocalHostAddr = Default [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: - BufferSize = 65536 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogInit: CreateHttpThread using FCurlHttpThread [2024.06.07-00.48.43:984][ 0]LogAnalytics: Display: [CrashReporter.Dev] APIServer = AppVersion = ++Fortnite+Release-30.00-CL-33962396 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:986][ 0]CrashReportCoreLog: CrashReportClientVersion=1.0 [2024.06.07-00.48.43:986][ 0]CrashReportCoreLog: CrashReportReceiver disabled [2024.06.07-00.48.43:986][ 0]CrashReportCoreLog: DataRouterUrl: [2024.06.07-00.48.43:995][ 0]LogWindowsTextInputMethodSystem: Available input methods: [2024.06.07-00.48.43:995][ 0]LogWindowsTextInputMethodSystem: - English (United States) - (Keyboard). [2024.06.07-00.48.43:995][ 0]LogWindowsTextInputMethodSystem: Activated input method: English (United States) - (Keyboard). [2024.06.07-00.48.44:034][ 0]LogSlate: New Slate User Created. Platform User Id 0, User Index 0, Is Virtual User: 0 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:034][ 0]LogSlate: Slate User Registered. User Index 0, Is Virtual User: 0 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:066][ 0]LogSlate: Using FreeType 2.10.0 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:066][ 0]LogSlate: SlateFontServices - WITH_FREETYPE: 1, WITH_HARFBUZZ: 1 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:080][ 0]LogStandaloneRenderer: D3D11 adapters settings: [2024.06.07-00.48.44:080][ 0]LogStandaloneRenderer: D3D11 adapters: [2024.06.07-00.48.44:080][ 0]LogStandaloneRenderer: Testing D3D11 adapter: 0. Description: 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060'. VendorId: 10de. DeviceId: 2504. [2024.06.07-00.48.44:177][ 0]LogStandaloneRenderer: 0. 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060'. Feature level: 11_1 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:177][ 0]LogStandaloneRenderer: Testing D3D11 adapter: 1. Description: 'Microsoft Basic Render Driver'. VendorId: 1414. DeviceId: 008c. [2024.06.07-00.48.44:179][ 0]LogStandaloneRenderer: 1. 'Microsoft Basic Render Driver'. Feature level: 11_1 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:179][ 0]LogStandaloneRenderer: Skip adapter. [2024.06.07-00.48.44:179][ 0]LogStandaloneRenderer: Selected D3D11 Description: 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060'. VendorId: 10de. DeviceId: 2504. [2024.06.07-00.48.44:275][ 0]CrashReportCoreLog: Initial state = Unknown UploadState value [2024.06.07-00.48.44:275][ 0]CrashReportCoreLog: Initial state = Unknown UploadState value [2024.06.07-00.48.44:275][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: DepotName: //Fortnite/Release-30.00 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:275][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: BuiltFromCL: 33962396 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:275][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: EngineVersion: 5.5.0-33962396+++Fortnite+Release-30.00 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:275][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: BuildVersion: ++Fortnite+Release-30.00-CL-33962396 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:309][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: Successfully opened minidump: C:/Users/capit/AppData/Local/FortniteGame/Saved/Crashes/UECC-Windows-1BEB75294F7813FD42E110B67152CB8E_0001/UEMinidump.dmp [2024.06.07-00.48.44:309][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: Modules loaded: 160, unloaded: 0 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: Symbol paths [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: SRV*......\Engine\Intermediate\Symbols [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\FortniteGame\Binaries\Win64 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\FortniteGame\Binaries\ThirdParty\NVIDIA\NGX\Win64 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\Vorbis\Win64\VS2015 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\FortniteGame\Binaries\ThirdParty\NVIDIA\Win64 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\NVIDIA\NVaftermath\Win64 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\NVIDIA\GeForceNOW\Win64 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\Windows\XAudio2_9\x64 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\DbgHelp [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\FortniteGame\Binaries\ThirdParty\Discord\Win64 [2024.06.07-00.48.44:315][ 0]LogCrashDebugHelper: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\Ogg\Win64\
submitted by destinyraids24 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:53 Stian0lfson I '26m' felt a little jealous about my girlfriend '23F' going out with some of her friends and meeting a male friend I didn't know, after telling her how I felt she became very angry , was I wrong to express my feelings to her ?

I '26m' felt a little jealous about my girlfriend '23F' going out with some of her friends and meeting a male friend I didn't know , when she noticed I was annoyed I told her and now she has gotten very cold with me , I didn't start an argument I just explained I was feeling a little jealous about this and said that she would have been jealous too if roles were reversed,
we started to talk about it then she hung up the phone and wouldn't take for me for like 30 minutes after , she later called me and we talked about this and resolved the issue , She explained things to me and we agreed that maybe she should have gave me more information about the hangout and that I should be more trusting of her in the future
1 day later she is barely answering texts , telling me she is not free to talk , and just obviously annoyed, this has somewhat become a pattern ,
whenever I express anything that contradicts what she wants she accuses me of pulling her down and ruining her good mood , she tells me that she gets pissed and doesn't want to talk to me for that time , and I always end up being the one asking for forgiveness
I love her a lot and she tells me she understands that this behavior of hers is not always correct, but whenever this happens it just makes me feels sad because I hate seeing her unhappy ,
I just feel a little tired now because whenever this happens it just feels like she is trying to punish me for being honest about my feelings and desires , and I feel that I need to be careful what I say to her .
submitted by Stian0lfson to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:48 1029Dash 35M Have you ever been placed in handcuffs/leg cuffs ?

We have almost all experienced it,we have a friendship with a person we have met via Reddit and are chatting for days on end and they all of sudden, one of us decides to ghost the other. Well how about we try something different and not ghost.
I kinda suck a describing myself, other than saying I have love handles and a beard. I currently work fulltime as banker spending half the time in the office and the other half working from home. In my spare time i have the usual hobbies (watching TV, going to the gym, and cooking). However I am also a third degree black belt and I like to build legos and read as stress relief. If your up it feel free to send me a message?
submitted by 1029Dash to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:46 Realist_real8484 Am I wrong for wanting to put a lock on the fridge to keep my boyfriend’s disrespectful son and caravan of friends from eating all the food and drinking all the beverages?

A little background my boyfriend’s son moved in with us and has not had one night at home without either his girlfriend or multiple friends over. His friends are rude and don’t say hi, or make conversation. In the beginning I would try to make small talk only to hear them talking about me in a negative manner in his room. So I don’t even bother. They eat and drink everything I buy, even crabbing multiple drinks on the way out. I buy sodas, teas, juices, lemonades, bottle water, lemonade. I like to have a large selection. I also buy all the food. The problem is at the end of the month money is tight and what would be more than a month supply is diminished and they will buy food for themselves only- take out- whatever for themselves. They never offer to cook anything or get anything for my boyfriend or I. I think he is such a disrespectful little shit and my boyfriend feels bad for not having been there for his son growing up so he puts up with this blatant disrespect. I have tried to talk to my boyfriend, his son and it goes no where. His son just lies to me saying he didn’t eat it, when obviously there is no one else it could be. He doesn’t clean or do anything. He has tried to cause so many fights between my boyfriend and I by making up things said and done. I’ve learned not to trust him or give him any consideration. It sucks, I hate this because I would like to have some kind of relationship with him but he is a little asshole and I find myself just resenting him. Our AC went out and AZ heat makes driving around unbearable. He will not let my husband or I borrow his car but will let these free loading friends drive it around. He was suppose to pay 1/3 of the rent every month and hasn’t. He doesn’t buy anything for the house. I don’t want him here- I’m pregnant now and it’s just not the type of environment I’m willing to bring a child into. I keep saying this disrespect will not be tolerated or allowed with this new baby. My boyfriend for the most part avoids any conflict. He also avoids addressing any of my concerns, until he blatantly disrespects my boyfriend and he is forced too. It’s awful we go days without talking to him and it sucks- this is not the home I want. However since I buy the grocery’s, and household items. I’m done. So I want to put a lock on the fridge and the cabinets, including laundry soap and even bathroom cabinets. My boyfriend thinks I’m being petty, but I don’t know what else to do. He has been talked to in depth and he says he understands and gets what I’m saying but nothing changes. Also our AC just went out so this sorry it’s not available bs regarding using his car has tipped me over the edge. He actually told me to take public transportation to my OB appointment because it was about 40 min in the car during the hottest part of the day (mind you he was home the whole time) but his girlfriend might want to go shopping when she gets there. I’m over it. I’m on this lease and I want to throw him and his caravan of rude friends out of my house. Obviously I can’t do this so I want to lock the fridge. Am I being petty what would you all do. Please understand I have tried to everything I can possibly think of to connect with him and he is an angry kid and I get it, he had it rough growing up. But I’m tired of being walked on and disrespected: am I the asshole.
submitted by Realist_real8484 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:42 maghraby12 Theory on the one piece

Please read this before continuing
Here it is mentioned that in the mysterious cities of gold, ‘shanks’ gives Esteban an amulet that turns out to be a key and that key in onepiece could be the strawhat. I thought what if the key isnt the strawhat but the devil fruit luffy ate, except shanks didnt give it to him in the same sense. What if the onepiece is an advanced powered machine/geaequipment and this electric powered piece of technology is very powerful, perhaps world changing powerful (not necessarily a weapon kind of powerful but just that its impact on the world would be signifcant). The one piece of tech thats been passed down from the ancient kingdom (other than the ancient weapons/ giant robot) and maybe somehow it can only be used by someone elastic or someone that has nika’s devil fruit. Roger was too early as nika didnt show up yet when he arrived and laughed because at the end of the day a DF was needed.
I honestly dont know if this theory holds up or not but i enjoyed reading that post along with these two
And thought maybe I would continue building on them, if you have any ideas or additions feel free to comment as i want to discuss these theories.
submitted by maghraby12 to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:41 dani26795 [FIFA 07] World Wide League 07 Week 3 Day 6 (6th-4th Divisions)

Following the previous post here’s a recap of the 6th day from the 3rd week of the "World Wide League 07" project (full playlist of it can be found here).
Some notes:
You can find descriptions of each division as well as the teams participating in them on the Week 1 posts previously submitted in this subreddit.
Every time you see a team with their name in bold, it's a team of which every match will be recorded.
For ordering the leaderboard table, I simply use whatever the game displays (when there are full ties, it simply orders the teams at random) and then do some correlation since once the week of matches is done, the first match of the next week happens automatically offscreen.
6th Division (Morning)
The results of the 11 matches from this division’s 3rd week were the following:
Hearts 1-1 Reggina
Atalanta 3-1 Rangers
AS Nancy 1-0 Brøndby IF
Cruz Azul 0-1 Sheffield Utd
Real Betis 2-0 Sochaux
Cruzeiro 2-1 Nantes
RC Santander 0-6 Reading
Tarragona 2-1 Toulouse
Hannover 96 0-1 Corinthians
FC København 2-1 West Brom
Palmeiras 1-0 Birmingham
Now for a short description of the 8 recorded matches and their facts (stats and events):
Match 2: Atalanta vs Rangers
Quite simply, the home team outclassed their opponents for most of the match, being gifted the initial goal and then building upon it. The away team did manage to score a goal of their own, but it was far too late to make any difference.
Atalanta Stats Rangers
2+1=3 Goals 0+1=1
6+4=10 Shots 5+5=10
4+3=7 On Target 2+4=6
17+22=39 Tackles 8+19=27
1+1=2 Fouls 1+0=1
0+0=0 Bookings 0+0=0
1+0=1 Corners 0+2=2
0+0=0 Offsides 0+0=0
65%->65% Passing 71%->71%
48%->45% Possession 52%->55%
66%->70% Accuracy 40%->60%
Atalanta Events Rangers
Goal (Ventola) '37
Goal (Ventola) '44
Sub (Zampagna->Soncin) '57 Sub (Buffel->Boyd)
Goal (Soncin) '59
'86 Goal (Prso)
Match 3: AS Nancy vs Brøndby IF
Despite the away team's several chances, it was the home team and their one shot on target that resulted in the only goal of the match.
AS Nancy Stats Brøndby IF
1+0=1 Goals 0+0=0
3+2=5 Shots 6+7=13
1+0=1 On Target 3+1=4
10+9=19 Tackles 11+20=31
2+0=2 Fouls 0+0=0
0+0=0 Bookings 0+0=0
0+0=0 Corners 2+0=2
0+0=0 Offsides 0+1=1
71%->67% Passing 67%->67%
50%->49% Possession 50%->51%
33%->20% Accuracy 50%->30%
AS Nancy Events Brøndby IF
Goal (Dosunmu) '13
Sub (Duchemin->Brison) '61 Sub (Rasmussen->Peguero)
Match 4: Cruz Azul vs Sheffield Utd
Poor shooting overall, and the only goal of the game had some help from the home keeper's inaction to a close-range shot.
Cruz Azul Stats Sheffield Utd
0+0=0 Goals 0+1=1
3+4=7 Shots 7+5=12
1+1=2 On Target 1+1=2
22+18=40 Tackles 12+17=29
2+0=2 Fouls 1+1=2
0+0=0 Bookings 0+0=0
0+0=0 Corners 1+1=2
0+1=1 Offsides 0+0=0
68%->68% Passing 77%->74%
50%->48% Possession 50%->52%
33%->28% Accuracy 14%->16%
Cruz Azul Events Sheffield Utd
Sub (Carmona->Dominguez) '59
'65 Sub (Davis->Sommeil)
'66 Goal (Hulse)
Match 5: Real Betis vs Sochaux
Not very accurate shooting, but the home team took full advantage of 2 very easy chances to achieve victory.
Real Betis Stats Sochaux
0+2=2 Goals 0+0=0
5+7=12 Shots 4+2=6
0+3=3 On Target 3+1=4
20+20=40 Tackles 17+11=28
1+0=1 Fouls 0+1=1
0+0=0 Bookings 0+0=0
0+0=0 Corners 2+0=2
2+1=3 Offsides 0+0=0
68%->71% Passing 68%->71%
59%->53% Possession 41%->47%
0%->25% Accuracy 75%->66%
Real Betis Events Sochaux
Goal (Robert) '49
Sub (Maldonado->Miguel Ángel) '81 Sub (Séne->Isabey)
Goal (Robert) '85
Match 6: Cruzeiro vs Nantes
After the home team took the lead in the 1st half, the away team equalized with a very silly goal, but just as the match was closing to an end the home team managed to score again and take the win.
Cruzeiro Stats Nantes
1+1=2 Goals 0+1=1
4+2=6 Shots 3+6=9
3+1=4 On Target 1+2=3
14+10=24 Tackles 11+21=32
0+1=1 Fouls 0+0=0
0+0=0 Bookings 0+0=0
0+0=0 Corners 0+0=0
0+0=0 Offsides 1+1=2
69%->67% Passing 70%->71%
44%->43% Possession 56%->57%
75%->66% Accuracy 33%->33%
Cruzeiro Events Nantes
Goal (Carlinhos Bala) '14
'74 Goal (Diallo)
Goal (Élber) '85
Match 7: RC Santander vs Reading
The biggest blowout of the season so far, it was an absolute massacre from the moment one of the home team's defenders got red carded, and the visitors showed no mercy.
RC Santander Stats Reading
0+0=0 Goals 4+2=6
3+3=6 Shots 7+5=12
0+2=2 On Target 5+3=8
17+8=25 Tackles 22+18=40
1+0=1 Fouls 0+1=1
1+0=1 Bookings 0+0=0
2+1=3 Corners 0+1=1
0+0=0 Offsides 1+1=2
67%->68% Passing 66%->66%
56%->55% Possession 44%->45%
0%->33% Accuracy 71%->66%
RC Santander Events Reading
'14 Goal (Doyle)
Red (Álvarez) '33
'36 Goal (Doyle)
'39 Goal (Doyle)
'45+1 Goal (Doyle)
'55 Sub (Harper->Gunnarsson)
'78 Goal (Kitson)
'88 Goal (Kitson)
Match 8: Tarragona vs Toulouse
Plenty of easy goals on the 1st half, though the goalkeepers were in good form for the rest of the match.
Tarragona Stats Toulouse
2+0=2 Goals 1+0=1
8+5=13 Shots 9+5=14
7+2=9 On Target 5+1=6
16+18=34 Tackles 18+16=34
1+1=2 Fouls 1+1=2
0+1=1 Bookings 0+0=0
2+=2 Corners 2+0=2
0+1=1 Offsides 0+0=0
64%->62% Passing 69%->70%
40%->42% Possession 60%->58%
87%->69% Accuracy 55%->42%
Tarragona Events Toulouse
Goal (Portillo) '6
'21 Goal (Emana)
Goal (Abel Buades) '32
Yellow (Merino) '53 Sub (Mathieu->Ebondo)
Sub (Merino->Generelo) '84
Match 9: Hannover 96 vs Corinthians
Away team took the lead with a nice goal and the only reason there were no more goals were 2 good goalkeepers and defences making use of offside traps.
Hannover 96 Stats Corinthians
0+0=0 Goals 1+0=1
8+6=14 Shots 9+5=14
1+2=3 On Target 3+3=6
16+20=36 Tackles 15+18=33
0+2=2 Fouls 1+1=2
0+1=1 Bookings 0+0=0
1+1=2 Corners 1+1=2
1+1=2 Offsides 1+1=2
72%->67% Passing 73%->70%
53%->53% Possession 47%->47%
12%->21% Accuracy 33%->42%
Hannover 96 Events Corinthians
'31 Goal (Tevez)
'53 Sub (Nilmar->Rafael Moura)
Yellow (Cherundolo) '65
With all that in mind, the leaderboard after this division’s 3rd week of matches is as follows:
1(↑2) Reading 3 3 0 0 9 1 8 9
2(=) Palmeiras 3 3 0 0 5 2 3 9
3(↑1) Corinthians 3 2 1 0 6 2 4 7
4(↑4) Tarragona 3 2 1 0 4 1 3 7
5(↓4) Toulouse 3 2 0 1 6 4 2 6
6(↑4) Real Betis 3 2 0 1 4 2 2 6
7(↑7) Atalanta 3 1 2 0 5 3 2 5
8(↑5) AS Nancy 3 1 2 0 3 2 1 5
9(↓4) Brøndby IF 3 1 1 1 5 4 1 4
10(↓3) Nantes 3 1 1 1 4 3 1 4
11(↓5) Rangers 3 1 1 1 5 5 0 4
12(↑5) Sheffield Utd 3 1 1 1 2 3 -1 4
13(↑5) FC København 3 1 1 1 3 5 -2 4
14(↓5) West Brom 3 1 0 2 4 4 0 3
15(=) Reggina 3 0 3 0 3 3 0 3
16(↑4) Cruzeiro 3 1 0 2 4 6 -2 3
17(↓6) Hannover 96 3 1 0 2 2 4 -2 3
18(↓6) Cruz Azul 3 0 2 1 4 5 -1 2
19(↑2) Hearts 3 0 1 2 3 6 -3 1
20(↓4) Birmingham 3 0 1 2 1 4 -3 1
21(↑1) Sochaux 3 0 0 3 1 6 -5 0
22(↓3) RC Santander 3 0 0 3 1 9 -8 0
5th Division (Afternoon)
The results of the 11 matches from this division’s 3rd week were the following:
VfL Bochum 1-1 Trabzonspor
Mainz 0-0 Nice
Anderlecht 2-0 Livorno
Empoli 1-0 R. Sociedad
Getafe 0-1 Wigan Athletic
Feyenoord 1-2 Rec. Huelva
Fluminense 0-2 Panathinaikos
Toluca 0-3 Siena
Brugge 2-0 RCD Mallorca
Guadalajara 1-2 Santos
Monterrey 1-4 Besiktas JK
Now for a short description of the 8 recorded matches and their facts (stats and events):
Match 2: Mainz vs Nice
Despite many attempts, neither team managed to create a good enough chance to score througout the entire match.
Mainz Stats Nice
0+0=0 Goals 0+0=0
5+5=10 Shots 7+4=11
1+1=2 On Target 1+1=2
16+14=30 Tackles 20+12=32
0+2=2 Fouls 2+0=2
0+0=0 Bookings 1+0=1
0+1=1 Corners 1+0=1
1+0=1 Offsides 0+1=1
69%->65% Passing 67%->69%
49%->47% Possession 51%->53%
20%->20% Accuracy 14 %->%
Mainz Events Nice
'38 Red (Echouafni)
Sub (Rose->Pekovic) '59
'60 Sub (Balmont->Ederson)
Match 3: Anderlecht vs Livorno
The home team took advantage of a poor defense from their opponents to score twice, and losing a player didn't affect this lead, as the away team was still unable to shoot accurately enough.
Anderlecht Stats Livorno
1+1=2 Goals 0+0=0
8+4=12 Shots 6+6=12
4+2=6 On Target 1+2=3
15+21=36 Tackles 12+18=30
1+2=3 Fouls 3+2=5
0+1=1 Bookings 0+0=0
0+0=0 Corners 1+0=1
2+0=2 Offsides 0+2=2
69%->67% Passing 67%->73%
52%->48% Possession 48%->52%
50%->50% Accuracy 16%->25%
Anderlecht Events Livorno
Goal (Frutos) '17
Goal (Frutos) '49
Sub (Juhász->De Man) '66
Red (Deschacht) '69
'75 Sub (Grandoni->Pavan)
Match 4: Empoli vs R. Sociedad
The home team kept trying and trying but nothing seemed to work to get past the away keeper, until a big opportunity near the end of the match finally gave them what they were looking for.
Empoli Stats R. Sociedad
0+1=1 Goals 0+0=0
8+10=18 Shots 2+3=5
4+4=8 On Target 1+1=2
17+14=31 Tackles 15+11=26
0+1=1 Fouls 1+1=2
0+0=0 Bookings 0+0=0
0+2=2 Corners 0+0=0
0+1=1 Offsides 0+1=1
69%->70% Passing 65%->69%
53%->52% Possession 47%->48%
50%->44% Accuracy 50%->40%
Empoli Events R. Sociedad
Sub (Almirón->Ascoli) '52
'65 Sub (Gerardo->Garrido)
Goal (Vannucchi) '89
Match 5: Getafe vs Wigan Athletic
It was a close match, but in the end the away team was the only one that managed to find their way to the back of the net.
Getafe Stats Wigan Athletic
0+0=0 Goals 1+0=1
7+4=11 Shots 6+5=11
5+0=5 On Target 3+1=4
15+20=35 Tackles 17+19=36
0+2=2 Fouls 4+0=4
0+0=0 Bookings 1+0=1
0+0=0 Corners 1+0=1
0+0=0 Offsides 0+0=0
62%->66% Passing 67%->64%
51%->53% Possession 49%->47%
71%->45% Accuracy 50%->36%
Getafe Events Wigan Athletic
'27 Goal (Valencia)
'34 Yellow (Baines)
Sub (Manu->Jajá Coelho) '61
'80 Sub (Baines->McMillan)
Match 6: Feyenoord vs Rec. Huelva
After a goalless 1st half, the away team finally took the lead after the goalkeeper left too much of the goal uncovered, then the home team responded by equalizing in a rather bumpy moment between players. However the away team had the last laugh as they scored again and took the win.
Feyenoord Stats Rec. Huelva
0+1=1 Goals 0+2=2
6+5=11 Shots 3+7=10
1+4=5 On Target 1+4=5
15+17=32 Tackles 12+19=31
2+2=4 Fouls 2+0=2
1+0=1 Bookings 1+0=1
1+0=1 Corners 2+0=2
1+0=1 Offsides 1+0=1
64%->71% Passing 68%->70%
46%->50% Possession 54%->50%
16%->45% Accuracy 33%->50%
Feyenoord Events Rec. Huelva
'38 Yellow (E. Moya)
Yellow (Lucius) '39
Sub (Lucius->De Ceulaer) '58
'61 Goal (Cazorla)
'61 Sub (Cheli->Barber)
Goal (Huysegems) '65
'75 Goal (Ik. Uche)
Match 7: Fluminense vs Panathinaikos
The away team can owe big part of their victory in this match to their goalkeeper, who just kept on making saves and denying any chance of recovery to their opponents.
Fluminense Stats Panathinaikos
0+0=0 Goals 1+1=2
8+=14 Shots 4+=11
4+4=8 On Target 3+4=7
12+11=23 Tackles 13+18=31
0+1=1 Fouls 2+1=3
0+0=0 Bookings 0+1=1
4+3=7 Corners 2+1=3
0+0=0 Offsides 0+0=0
70%->71% Passing 68%->66%
47%->56% Possession 53%->44%
50%->57% Accuracy 75%->63%
Fluminense Events Panathinaikos
'29 Goal (Papadopoulos)
Sub (Lenny->C. Pitbull) '52
'56 Goal (Salpigidis)
'71 Sub (Victor->Nilsson)
'90+3 Yellow (Salpigidis)
Match 8: Toluca vs Siena
Away team had a bunch of luck to score their first 2 goals, while their opponents were unable to make anything work overall, and they were dealt a final stab right at the end.
Toluca Stats Siena
0+0=0 Goals 2+1=3
2+8=10 Shots 7+4=11
1+5=6 On Target 4+3=7
13+15=28 Tackles 17+17=34
2+2=4 Fouls 1+2=3
0+1=1 Bookings 0+0=0
0+1=1 Corners 0+1=1
1+0=1 Offsides 1+1=2
75%->72% Passing 74%->70%
54%->54% Possession 46%->46%
50%->60% Accuracy 57%->63%
Toluca Events Siena
'24 Goal (Bogdani)
'43 Goal (Bogdani)
'72 Sub (Chiesa->Frick)
Yellow (Da Silva) '90+1
'90+2 Goal (Frick)
Match 9: Brugge vs RCD Mallorca
A match with plenty of saves in which the home team took an early lead that the visitors couldn't manage to equalize back, and a great goal in the 2nd half sentenced the match in favor of the former.
Brugge Stats RCD Mallorca
1+1=2 Goals 0+0=0
5+7=12 Shots 4+4=8
2+3=5 On Target 3+2=5
14+24=38 Tackles 17+16=33
0+1=1 Fouls 1+1=2
0+0=0 Bookings 1+0=1
1+2=3 Corners 1+2=3
0+0=0 Offsides 0+0=0
72%->69% Passing 73%->70%
40%->43% Possession 60%->57%
40%->41% Accuracy 75%->62%
Brugge Events RCD Mallorca
Goal (Ibrahim) '3
'31 Yellow (Pereyra)
'57 Sub (Piscu->Jordi)
Sub (Daerden->Leko) '59
Goal (Vermant) '76
With all that in mind, the leaderboard after this division’s 3rd week of matches is as follows:
1(↑4) Besiktas JK 3 2 1 0 7 2 5 7
2(↑6) Wigan Athletic 3 2 1 0 2 0 2 7
3(↑8) Panathinaikos 3 2 0 1 4 1 3 6
4(↓3) Getafe 3 2 0 1 6 4 2 6
5(↑9) Siena 3 2 0 1 6 5 1 6
6(↑7) Anderlecht 3 2 0 1 5 4 1 6
7(↑5) Empoli 3 2 0 1 4 3 1 6
8(↓6) Guadalajara 3 2 0 1 4 3 1 6
9(↓6) Monterrey 3 2 0 1 3 4 -1 6
10(↓6) Mainz 3 1 2 0 6 3 3 5
11(↓5) Trabzonspor 3 1 2 0 4 3 1 5
12(↓3) Nice 3 1 1 1 5 2 3 4
13(↑4) Rec. Huelva 3 1 1 1 2 2 0 4
14(↓7) RCD Mallorca 3 1 1 1 1 2 -1 4
15(↓5) Feyenoord 3 1 0 2 5 5 0 3
16(↑4) Brugge 3 1 0 2 3 3 0 3
17(↑5) Santos 3 1 0 2 2 4 -2 3
18(↑1) VfL Bochum 3 0 2 1 2 6 -4 2
19(↓4) R. Sociedad 3 0 1 2 3 5 -2 1
20(↓4) Toluca 3 0 1 2 0 4 -4 1
21(↓3) Livorno 3 0 1 2 2 7 -5 1
22(↓1) Fluminense 3 0 0 3 1 5 -4 0
4th Division (Night)
The results of the 11 matches from this division’s 3rd week were the following:
Auxerre 1-2 F.C. Porto
América 0-0 Le Mans UC 72
Cagliari 0-1 Udinese
AZ Alkmaar 0-1 Aston Villa
Monchengladbach 2-0 Rennes
Tigres 2-0 PSV Eindhoven
Parma 3-2 FC Nürnberg
Ein. Frankfurt 0-0 Levante
Sporting Lisbon 1-1 Dep. La Coruna
Arm. Bielefeld 2-0 ES Troyes AC
Benfica 0-1 RC Celta Vigo
Now for a short description of the 8 recorded matches and their facts (stats and events):
Match 2: América vs Le Mans UC 72
Pretty boring match with barely any chance created. The only interesting bit was the home goalkeeper saving 2 free kicks in a very similar manner during the 2nd half.
América Stats Le Mans UC 72
0+0=0 Goals 0+0=0
2+3=5 Shots 6+6=12
1+0=1 On Target 0+2=2
15+12=27 Tackles 11+15=26
0+2=2 Fouls 1+0=1
0+0=0 Bookings 0+0=0
0+0=0 Corners 0+0=0
1+0=1 Offsides 1+1=2
59%->67% Passing 76%->72%
43%->47% Possession 57%->53%
50%->20% Accuracy 0%->16%
América Events Le Mans UC 72
'56 Sub (Grafite->Bangoura)
Sub (Cabañas->N. Cuevas) '68
Match 3: Cagliari vs Udinese
Away team scored the only goal of the match despite having many less chances, as the home team was simply too wasteful.
Cagliari Stats Udinese
0+0=0 Goals 1+0=1
5+10=15 Shots 3+3=6
2+4=6 On Target 2+0=2
19+17=36 Tackles 16+15=31
2+2=4 Fouls 1+1=2
0+0=0 Bookings 0+1=1
1+0=1 Corners 0+0=0
0+0=0 Offsides 0+0=0
68%->70% Passing 60%->59%
57%->59% Possession 43%->41%
40%->40% Accuracy 66%->33%
Cagliari Events Udinese
'36 Goal (Iaquinta)
'51 Sub (Obodo->Pinzi)
Sub (Esposito->Conticchio) '53
'66 Yellow (Pinzi)
Match 4: AZ Alkmaar vs Aston Villa
Apart from the one goal (which was pretty silly), there were no other serious chances as most shots were simply too weak to bother the goalkeepers.
AZ Alkmaar Stats
0+0=0 Goals
4+3=7 Shots
0+1=1 On Target
15+15=30 Tackles
0+1=1 Fouls
0+0=0 Bookings
0+0=0 Corners
0+0=0 Offsides
69%->68% Passing
57%->55% Possession
0%->14% Accuracy
AZ Alkmaar Events Aston Villa
'22 Goal (McCann)
Sub (Luirink->Opdam) '53
'75 Sub (Baros->Moore)
Match 5: Monchengladbach vs Rennes
Home team was superior with their chance taking on the 1st half, while the visitors were marred with terrible shooting. The 2nd half was rather uneventful overall.
Monchengladbach Stats Rennes
2+0=2 Goals 0+0=0
7+1=8 Shots 6+5=11
6+0=6 On Target 2+0=2
14+17=31 Tackles 24+24=48
1+0=1 Fouls 0+0=0
0+0=0 Bookings 0+0=0
2+0=2 Corners 1+=1
0+0=0 Offsides 1+1=2
68%->67% Passing 70%->69%
49%->54% Possession 51%->46%
85%->75% Accuracy 33%->18%
Monchengladbach Events Rennes
Goal (Neuville) '18
Goal (Insúa) '25
Sub (Polanski->El-Fakiri) '63 Sub (Utaka->Briand)
Match 6: Tigres vs PSV Eindhoven
The home team took good care of their initial chances to go to half-time with a 2 goal lead which stood still for the remainder of the game.
Tigres Stats PSV Eindhoven
2+0=2 Goals 0+0=0
5+1=6 Shots 2+2=4
4+0=4 On Target 1+1=2
10+14=24 Tackles 10+25=35
3+1=4 Fouls 0+1=1
0+1=1 Bookings 0+1=1
0+0=0 Corners 0+1=1
0+1=1 Offsides 0+0=0
62%->66% Passing 69%->65%
48%->51% Possession 52%->49%
80%->66% Accuracy 50%->50%
Tigres Events PSV Eindhoven
Goal (Zárate) '7
Goal (Zárate) '38
Sub (Balderas->Ramírez) '54
'55 Yellow (Ball)
Yellow (Chamagol) '66
'81 Sub (Farfán->Väyrynen)
Match 7: Parma vs FC Nürnberg
The home team started strong with 2 goals in the first 10 minutes of the match. The visitors cut the gap just before half-time and then drew level in the 2nd half, but their opponents didn't let that stand and scored the winning goal in the closing stages.
Parma Stats FC Nürnberg
2+1=3 Goals 1+1=2
4+4=8 Shots 5+3=8
3+3=6 On Target 3+1=4
13+27=40 Tackles 24+22=46
1+0=1 Fouls 0+0=0
0+0=0 Bookings 0+0=0
1+0=1 Corners 1+0=1
1+2=3 Offsides 0+0=0
67%->67% Passing 63%->66%
55%->50% Possession 45%->50%
75%->75% Accuracy 60%->50%
Parma Events FC Nürnberg
Goal (Morfeo) '9
Goal (Budan) '11
'45+1 Goal (Schroth)
Sub (Budan->Muslimovic) '56 Sub (Wolf->Paulus)
'59 Goal (Vittek)
Goal (Kutuzov) '84
Match 8: Ein. Frankfurt vs Levante
A goalless match mainly thanks to the home goalkeeper's several saves throughout the game.
Ein. Frankfurt Stats Levante
0+0=0 Goals 0+0=0
4+8=12 Shots 7+1=8
0+3=3 On Target 6+1=7
12+15=27 Tackles 16+20=36
0+0=0 Fouls 0+3=3
0+0=0 Bookings 0+0=0
0+0=0 Corners 4+0=4
0+0=0 Offsides 0+0=0
75%->76% Passing 69%->71%
51%->52% Possession 49%->48%
0%->25% Accuracy 85%->87%
Ein. Frankfurt Events Levante
'52 Sub (Carmelo->Ettien)
Sub (Fink->Preuß) '65
Match 9: Sporting Lisbon vs Dep. La Coruna
Home team took an early lead thanks to a rebound goal, but said lead was lost in the 2nd half during a chaotic cornet where a striker from the visiting team ended up with the goal in front of an almost empty goal.
Sporting Lisbon Stats Dep. La Coruna
1+0=1 Goals 0+1=1
4+6=10 Shots 6+6=12
3+3=6 On Target 2+2=4
17+27=44 Tackles 18+19=37
0+1=1 Fouls 0+0=0
0+0=0 Bookings 0+0=0
0+0=0 Corners 0+3=3
0+0=0 Offsides 0+0=0
65%->65% Passing 81%->77%
50%->45% Possession 50%->55%
75%->60% Accuracy 33%->33%
Sporting Lisbon Events Dep. La Coruna
Goal (Djaló) '10
'63 Sub (Arizmendi->Verdú)
'64 Goal (Bodipo)
Sub (Abel->Miguel Garcia) '67
With all that in mind, the leaderboard after this division’s 3rd week of matches is as follows:
1(=) Aston Villa 3 3 0 0 8 0 8 9
2(=) Monchengladbach 3 3 0 0 8 2 6 9
3(=) Dep. La Coruna 3 2 1 0 5 1 4 7
4(↑3) Tigres 3 2 1 0 4 1 3 7
5(↑3) Udinese 3 2 0 1 6 3 3 6
6(↑3) F.C. Porto 3 2 0 1 7 5 2 6
7(↓3) FC Nürnberg 3 2 0 1 6 4 2 6
8(↑5) Parma 3 2 0 1 5 4 1 6
9(↓3) América 3 1 2 0 3 2 1 5
10(↑5) RC Celta Vigo 3 1 2 0 1 0 1 5
11(↓1) Levante 3 1 1 1 4 3 1 4
12(↓7) ES Troyes AC 3 1 1 1 2 2 0 4
13(↓1) Ein. Frankfurt 3 1 1 1 2 2 0 4
14(=) Sporting Lisbon 3 1 1 1 5 6 -1 4
15(↓4) PSV Eindhoven 3 1 0 2 3 5 -2 3
16(↑4) Arm. Bielefeld 3 1 0 2 2 4 -2 3
17(↓1) Auxerre 3 0 2 1 1 2 -1 2
18(↓1) AZ Alkmaar 3 0 1 2 2 4 -2 1
19(↑3) Le Mans UC 72 3 0 1 2 0 9 -9 1
20(↓2) Rennes 3 0 0 3 0 4 -4 0
21(↓2) Benfica 3 0 0 3 0 5 -5 0
22(↓1) Cagliari 3 0 0 3 1 7 -6 0
Last but not least, here’s a highlights video of Week 3 Day 6, a compilation of the best goals, saves and fails from the 24 matches that were recorded.
Next post will be a recap of Week 3 Day 7 on Monday 17th.
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2024.06.09 13:40 PinkSwallowLove What are my chances of graduating from college debt free? (Rhode Island)

I am currently 24 years old, low income, living in a homeless shelter. I live in Rhode Island whereas all of my family lives in California. My family will not be contributing a penny towards my education (though for personal reasons, I prefer it this way anyway). I am considered independent on the FAFSA.
I am enrolled to study at Bristol Community College (BCC) in Fall River, Massachusetts. I will be commuting. This will be my first semester, starting in September. Although I am a Rhode Island resident and I actively and exclusively live in Rhode Island, I was fortunate enough to qualify for the New England Regional Student Program’s tuition reciprocity agreement, meaning I pay the in state tuition rate for BCC.
As a Rhode Island resident, naturally, I did not qualify for any state level aid from MA but I did qualify for the maximum amount of the federal Pell Grant award of $7,395 to be disbursed semesterly. I did the math and the Pell Grant will basically be enough to cover all the tuition and fees of BCC as long as I take no more than 15 credits worth of courses per semester.
My bigger concern is what is going to happen when I transfer.
I would like to transfer to either Rhode Island College (RIC) or the University of Rhode Island (URI) after I finish my gen ed at BCC. I am leaning towards RIC because tuition is somewhat low at around $10,000 per year. Again, as an RI resident, I would qualify for both in state tuition, state level aid and federal aid for RIC and URI.
Another reason I am leaning towards RIC is because it has a transfer articulation agreement with BCC, so as long as I take all the required courses, all my credits are guaranteed to transfer. Plus, I am picking my classes mindfully so that it adheres to the transfer articulation agreement.
Now, let’s say I transfer to RIC. With the Pell Grant (I know it can be subject to change but for simplicity’s sake, let’s say it remains the same), the tuition would then get knocked down to $2,605 per year. Would state aid be enough to cover this difference? And what about other expenses like textbooks?
I work as a janitor at the shelter where I live but I don’t get too many hours (usually between 10 to 25 hours per week) but it does allow me to essentially create my own schedule, like what days I want to work and start time. This flexibility will be particularly helpful when I start my classes come September. In any case, should I give up the unparalleled flexibility of this job for a job that gives me more hours so I can pay for college? Should I also turn to merit aid? Will this be enough? Will I realistically be able to pull off college debt free?
submitted by PinkSwallowLove to college [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:38 cleansedbytheblood The False Helper System: The reality of alters and the spirit of mind control

If you've been pursuing deliverance, you may have heard the term alters and wondered what they are. Put simply, alters are false helpers that we have created to deal with traumas and life in general. How do we create alters? Through an evil spirit called the spirit of mind control, or the octopus spirit. This spirit "helps" us by giving us the power to create alters.
When people go through trauma, especially childhood trauma, they can develop severe mental health problems like PTSD or BPD. Trauma can break our psyche and destroy our natural ability to cope with the problems and issues of life. The evil spirit of mind control wants to help us with that. It does this by giving us the ability to compartmentalize the trauma and push it away from us by creating alters. This is what an alter is, which is a false helper that stands between us and the trauma and keeps it from hurting us. The more alters you create, the more dependent you become on a system to do life. Instead of relying on God, you rely on your system to handle all of lifes issues, even creating alters on the fly to help you with a myriad of situations.
You could look at alters like a spiritual AI program that is operating in the background and managing a trauma or problem by compartmentalizing it for you. When something threatens to bring it to the surface, like a trigger from a person or situation, that false helper arises to "protect" you. You may notice this effect when you feel threatened, that something that is different from you rises up inside of you and defends you. Or when you are dealing with a problem or with stress, that you go into a different mode which feels automated. In this mode or separate track you aren't totally in control and the emotions you feel are often harsh and uncomfortable, but it will get the job done. Some people have multiple of these going on at the same time, some for work, some for relationships, some for making decisions, etc. This is what I call the False Helper System.
What this looks like depends on the person and the traumas involved. An alter can be like wearing a different suit of clothes, or a different mindset, all the way up to a full fledged alternative personality that you interact with in an internal world. Whatever this may look like, it boils down to being a system of false helpers that you use to manage your life. You may be doing this completely unconsciously but the end result is that you aren't ever able to heal or move on from your problems because you are have compartmentalized them and blocked them out, suppressing memories and relying on a system to manage all of it.
This is often why deliverances get to a certain point and stop. That is because while you may have dealt with the sins and curses you haven't addressed the system you created. You are still relying on something other than God to do life which traps you in a web you can never get out of. You may even love and cherish your alters and not want to get rid of them because they keep you company and make you feel better. This is just happiness in slavery because using the alters keeps you enslaved to the spirit of mind control. The alters are his pawns that he uses to control your mind, which is the ultimate goal of this spirit. He uses them to lock you into cycles of sin, guilt, pain, depression, anxiety, fear and torment.
Alters are not a good thing, and they are bent toward evil. If they are conscious they do not want the person to be free of them and they will lie, manipulate, distort, or even work directly with the devil to maintain control. They are also open doors for every kind of evil spirit. A deliverance that doesn't deal with the false helper system will leave open doors for demons to come back in.
So how do you deal with this confusing problem? Number one, by repenting of receiving help from, and being in agreement with the spirit of mind control. Repenting of using the power of this spirit to create alters and managing your life through the false helper system you created. Only then as the head and not the tail can you take authority over the alters, dismiss them and give them to Jesus to be taken away. Relying on anything other than God is idolatry, so you will need to repent of the pride of self reliance and the idolatry of it. Ultimately, creating alters is rebellion against God and that is the sin of witchcraft according to 1 Samuel 15:23.
Get alone with the LORD and pray for Him to reveal the alters you have been depending upon in your life. Think about times of stress and difficulties where you may notice the switching taking place. Write down all of the alters that have been revealed by name, like the work alter, the decision making alter, etc. They may even have their own names, or take your name in a different form. Like if your name is Jim you may have a child alter named "little Jim". Catalogue all of these alters and then come before the LORD with this prayer:
Heavenly Father, I come before your throne in a time of need according to Hebrews 4:16. I admit that I have created a system of control that relies on false helpers to manage my life. I repent of this sin of self-reliance, idolatry and witchcraft. I renounce the spirit of mind control that I gained this power from, and I repent of using this power to create alters. I bring a wall of the blood of Jesus between me and the spirit of mind control and I divorce it in the spiritual realm and serve it an eviction notice. I take authority over the spirit of mind control according to Luke 10:19 and I now command you to leave me immediately, you wicked spirit of mind control, and I sever all of your tentacles from my life and being and cast them away from me in Jesus name. Go to the pit now and never return in Jesus name. I now bind and break the power of mind control over my life in Jesus name.
I now invite the true HELPER, the Holy Spirit, to now take control of my mind and give me the mind of Christ according to 1 Corinthians 2:16. With the authority of Jesus Christ and the blood of Jesus I now dismiss every alter from service and take back the part of my soul they have occupied. As the head and not the tail, I command every alter personality to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior as I have, and I turn them over to Jesus now for Him to deal with how He sees fit. I break the power of the false helper system over my life and my reliance upon it. Lord GOD cleanse me of all of the effects of these alters on my body, soul and spirit by the blood of Jesus.
I ask now for Jesus to fully inhabit my body as His holy temple, filling every room and chamber of my body with His blood and Spirit. I release every buried memory and trauma to Jesus. I ask Jesus to come personally into every suppressed memory, taking away its power over me and the pain and trauma of it, and to heal my mind completely of all fragmentation. I ask Jesus to unite my heart to fear His name according to Psalm 86:11. Please heal me of all of the effects of fear, anxiety and trauma has had over my life, in Jesus name.
This is a good prayer to get started but often these things are in layers and we have to pursue deliverance long term to get totally free. Changing from relying upon a system to relying upon God isn't easy, but God is here to guide us through that process by His indwelling Spirit through whom God has promised to quicken our mortal bodies in Romans 8:11. Please post testimonies and questions in the comments.
2 Corinthians 3:1 Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty
John 8:36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
1 John 1:7 But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.
2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
Ephesians 2:12 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ
submitted by cleansedbytheblood to Deliverance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:36 1Halz How to get clang lsp working correctly for embedded projects

So I am trying to figure out how to correctly setup clang lsp for embedded projects.
The issue I'm facing is that even with the compile_commands.json created and clang finding it, I still get some errors, even though the project builds just fine.
I set up a project using platformio core tools cli. This is my platformio.ini
[env:seeed_xiao_esp32c3] platform = espressif32 board = seeed_xiao_esp32c3 framework = espidf [default] build_flags=-Isrc -Ilib 
This is the current very basic code:
#include "esp_log.h" #include "esp_system.h" #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include  static const char *TAG = "main"; void app_main(void) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Hello, ESP32-C3"); while (1) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Running..."); vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(1000)); } } 
I get this error Expected ')' 9:3:4 clang expected and some other errors concerning the includes.
Any help / tips are very appreciated.
If relevant: I'm using neovim and this is the relevant lsp setup:
-- configure clangd lsp lspconfig["clangd"].setup({ cmd = { "clangd", "--background-index", "--suggest-missing-includes" }, filetypes = { "c", "cpp", "objc", "objcpp" }, root_dir = function() return vim.loop.cwd() end, capabilities = capabilities, on_attach = on_attach, handlers = { ["textDocument/publishDiagnostics"] = vim.lsp.with(vim.lsp.diagnostic.on_publish_diagnostics, { virtual_text = true, signs = true, underline = true, update_in_insert = false, }), }, -- This is assuming you have a standard location for compile_commands.json -- Adjust if it's located elsewhere init_options = { compilationDatabaseDirectory = "build", }, }) 
submitted by 1Halz to embedded [link] [comments]