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2024.06.10 18:57 Parking-Bid8838 [WTB] TLR-7A ~$70

Looking to buy a TLR-7A from somebody for the Glock 19. Looking to pay around $70 for the TRL-7A
Also interested in other glock accessories/stuff yall got. I just know less about those so idk about a price point to put down.
I also have the following things to trade if any interest you:
1.) LV119 Plate Carrier Black (M)
Would want a little more than just just the TLR-7a for that trade, so if you can sweeten the deal that would help for me.
2.) AR 550 Steel Plates, Swimmers cut, all full anti-spalding coating - Multicurve AR 550 Swimmers Front plate - Single Curve AR 550 Back place - 2x AR550 side plates - medium swimmers Spartan Plate Carrier
3.) Three PMAG Gen 2 black (30rd), very good condition.
4.) My undying affection (poor to very-poor condition, expensive shipping)
submitted by Parking-Bid8838 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:52 alchemyblend Cooked eggs stuck on a bed comforter

Please help me make sense of this dream.
I'm in my bedroom and a spiritual guru is laying on my bed with the comforter over them. I'm sitting on the floor on the right side of the bed, and I notice cooked eggs stuck on the bed comforter. I ask the spiritual guru if he's eaten eggs, to which he responds 'no' - 'I have no idea why it's there' -- then suddenly a woman appears in the room. Black hair, average body built. I say 'excuse' me while I reach behind her to get something (which ends up being nothing) -- she smiles while I reach behind her. When she appeared in the room, she stands really close to me btw, which is why I have to reach over her.
By now, I signal everyone to start packing their stuff up and leave, which they happily comply. The spiritual guru and the woman are making small talk as they gather their stuff to leave. As I open the door to let them out, I notice that somehow two cats got into my apartment. An orange cat, and a grey cat. I kinda freak out (I don't like cats, they're disgusting to me) and I cautiously shoo them away, expecting them to scratch me, but they just look at without flinching. Just staring at me. I start thinking, 'I need to let these cats out, they're going to harm my pet turtles' but it seems I can't get them to leave. The spiritual guru and the woman just watch, and then I wake up.
Weird ass dream. For some context, I am about to launch a new business this month, and also, I have a court date relating to a propety I own that will seemingly decide my future, and the future of other apartment owners.
What could this mean? I know eggs symbolize new beginnings, but they were cooked, kinda scrambled but I could see the runny yolk, and it was stuck on the bed comforter.
Any insight would be helpful. Thanks
submitted by alchemyblend to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:50 RangerFrank Deathworld Commando: Reborn- Vol.7 Ch.208- Epilogue.

CoverVol.1PreviousNextMapsWiki+DiscordRoyal RoadWebNovelTapasKo-FiFandom/wiki
“You are falling asleep a lot these days, old man. You didn’t even notice I was here,” a voice called to me.
It is true; I am getting old, and fast. And damn, does it suck. If I knew getting old was this much of a pain in the joints, I think I might have been riskier on a few missions…
“Yeah…I’m old. That’s what old people do, right? Sleep? So why don’t you scram, little girl, and let this bag of bones rest,” I groaned at Artemis.
I couldn’t see her face, but I could sense her rolling her eyes at my back. “You know I wouldn’t be waking you if things weren’t important.”
Admittedly I perked up at that as I rolled over on my side and looked up at her. “Oh? Did they finally crack her?”
Artemis grinned at me. “Yeah, so go get armored up. We’ve got to look the part when we ruin her day.”
“Finally…took them too damn long,” I groaned as I sat up and stretched.
Naturally, everything inside of me popped, well, besides my new bionic arm and leg. If those popped, I would have a really bad time. Either way, I got up and made my way toward the armory. Getting my armor put on me was a long process that took over thirty minutes.
The machines were whirring, and the multiple engineers and attendants needed to operate them called out to each other, following the monotonous sequences. The hustle and bustle of it all had grown tiresome. I tried to stay out of armor whenever I could, but…being in a constant state of war made that nearly impossible, so I relished the time I did get…or what I had left, anyway.
Man, they made these custom suits using some fancy technology that was the culmination of hundreds of thousands of years worth of technology from multiple space-faring civilizations…couldn’t the process be a bit quicker?
Eventually, the attendant, a young Human engineer with a bright smile that I had seen around, handed me my shiny yellow helmet. I took it and tried to make my way out when he launched into a barrage of things I frankly didn’t understand. I understood a lot about my old suit, but ever since the tech got merged with other species, things just went way over my head.
Not only that, I felt myself getting more and more annoyed as I tuned out his enthusiastic regurgitation of the things recently upgraded on my suit. Had I just become an old foggy who hated the youth and their enthusiasm? I’m not sure to be honest. And I really didn’t like that.
I guess Humans aren’t meant to age this rapidly…. it really messes with my head and my damn body…maybe I’ll just go completely insane one of these days…
“Or maybe I’m already insane…” I muttered.
“What was that?” the young engineer asked me.
I pat him on the shoulder and smiled. “Nothing important. Thanks for the rundown, kid.”
“But wait, I wasn’t done—”
“Just mail me a report or something!” I chuckled as I walked out, making sure to grab a bolt pistol and some spare ammunition.
After all, what was the point of the armor if I didn’t have a gun? I almost felt naked without something on me. Which was worrisome, but out of all the things I could worry about in my life, that was pretty low on the list.
I checked my armored limbs with some stretches as I strode down the pastel-colored hallways. This station was built by the Elunari, so they used their plastic material, and I had to say it had grown on me. The bright colors were much more cheery and welcoming than the dull gray and black of most Human ships.
But after a moment, I reached the portion of the station that required me to show identification and go through a series of scanners and guards. It was another long process, but at least I understood the reason for it all. We couldn’t just let anyone back here.
“Five checkpoints later, and I’m finally here,” I groaned.
“Did you get lost on your way here?” Artemis snickered.
“No, the commander just has a lot of jazz in his step now,” Va’cot answered dryly.
“I believe you meant to say that he has a lot of ‘pep in his step’ Va'cot,” Apollo corrected.
Va'cot tilted her head. “What does having pep mean, and why would someone’s step have it? At least jazz is a form of music in which you could, therefore, have it in your step through—”
“Alright, we’ll be here all day, so let’s get this over with,” Hephaestus said with a clap, interrupting the young alien’s train of thought.
Artemis cracked her neck as she stood with her ear-to-ear grin. “Finally, after all these years, we get to see her squeal. I’m really looking forward to this.”
For most of us, this was the moment we had been waiting for. It took all these months to break up all the fail-safes inside of Doctor Octario. She had a literal bomb tucked inside of her. And if people went digging around inside of her or started seriously causing her harm, it would explode with enough force to level a house. Which was unnerving, considering if Artemis had hit her any harder back then, she would have just exploded and killed us all.
So months after her capture, the people doing whatever the thing they do finally nipped all the ends, cut the wires, and they must have disarmed the bomb. Artemis was pleased, and so was I. I signed up to either win this war or see Octario’s head on a spike. Whichever came first was good enough for me.
Or…that’s how it was at first…seeing what happened to Va’cot and her comrades…I wouldn’t mind taking down a few other bastards on my way out. Who knows? Maybe a large chunk of Humanity will join us once we get this information to the public.
We arrived at the sterile white doors that led to the medical section of the station, and with a quick identification check, the doors hissed open. Inside was a gaggle of white-coat doctors from various alien races moving about and mumbling to each other. The excitement in the room was palpable.
At the center was a familiar face that looked worse for wear but was just as beautiful as always. “It’s good to see you on this fine day, Doc.”
Doctor Suárez smiled as she ran a hand through her graying hair. “It’s a damn good day to see all of you here. Thanks for coming.”
Artemis snorted. “It better have been us. I think we deserve the first few kicks since we brought her here.”
Apollo nudged Artemis with his elbow. “Be thankful to the doctor for her hard work and decision to allow us to be the first ones here. There are many who covet this moment, you know.”
Artemis sighed as she nodded her head. “Yeah, yeah…thanks…Doc.”
Suárez smiled softly. “Of course, Artemis. I know you have been looking forward to this the most. And I’m just happy I get to keep my promise to all of you,” she said as she swept her arms toward the other side of the large room.
Beyond a locked door and a large pane of one-way glass was none other than Doctor Octario herself, strapped to a chair and blindfolded. She looked terrible, and that made me smile. Her hair was buzzed down, exposing all the fresh scars from cutting into her skull, and Father Time had kicked her in the stomach a few times for good measure.
She was the woman who essentially kidnapped us as children, experimented on us, worked most of us to death, killed our friends in the process, and forced us to become emotionless soldiers for Humanity to fight in a war we were already winning.
And, of course, authorized the hit on our most beloved Commander.
“So? Do we get to go in there and get a few hits in before we ask some questions?” Artemis asked as she licked her lips.
“Just don’t kill her or make her unable to speak, and you can do whatever you want,” Suárez said. “We’ll be watching from the other side.”
“Music to my ears…” Artemis said as she rolled her shoulders and opened the door to the cell.
The room was cold and deathly silent to the point we could hear each other’s breaths and the clangs of our usually silent armor.
“Finally come to—”
Doctor Octario’s words were cut short as Artemis kicked the metal chair with enough force to crush the legs, sending the old doctor to the ground with a moan of pain. In a fluid motion, Artemis ripped the blindfold up and hoisted Doctor Octario up into the air with a single hand around her throat.
“Remember me, asshole?” Artemis spat.
Octario glared down at Artemis and spat in her face. Artemis just let the spit drip down her forehead as she chuckled.
“Damn, it feels good to see you struggle. Do you remember the first time you injected me, and I cried over the needle?” Artemis asked.
“As if I would remember something so useless about a failed product,” Octario said through gritted teeth.
Artemis dropped Octario to her knees and gave her a firm backhand. Of course, at the minimum amount of strength. If Artemis or any one of us had put our full strength into it, that would have turned Octario’s head into a paste.
“Well, I do. I never forgot how you just didn’t give a damn. It really pisses me off just thinking about it,” Artemis growled. “So here’s a taste of your own medicine.”
Artemis flicked a knife out from her armor and sent it straight through Octario’s right shoulder from the top down. Octario let out a scream of pain as blood stained her white medical gown.
“You—you don’t care about any of this! You just want your petty reve—”
Artemis kicked Octario in the stomach and chuckled. “That’s right. I really don’t care about this war or anything like making Humanity pay for their sins. I signed up just to see you suffer and die a miserable death for what you did to the Commander and everyone else on Mars. That’s my only wish.”
“At this rate—you’ll kill me before it happens,” Octario said with a grin.
Why did she say it like that?
Artemis just looked down at her with a cold glare. “You see, the big wigs said we get to do whatever to you as long as you can talk and don’t die. And you trained us up really well, and I don’t miss…I think each of us can take a few toes and fingers before you pass out…maybe even an arm or leg if we get some supplies.”
“Wait, what is going to happen?” I questioned, stepping in front of Artemis.
Octario’s bloodied lips curled into a smile as she looked over to the glass wall, seemingly looking through it. “All of you are a group of fools. Do you really believe what you are doing is good? That you were taking some kind of moral high ground when they wanted us all dead?! Do you think that the Xeno scum would offer us any tears as the last Human withered away?! Well, do you?!” Octario shouted in anger.
In all my years, I had never seen Octario show such anger before. Her shouting seemed to bring silence to the room as she glared at the people from the other side.
“Of course, you don’t; how could you? You are just a bunch of self-serving pricks stroking your own egos because you think you are the good guys…they started it first, and they had everything planned to see it through to the end, even with galactic war. They got what they deserved and more. We should have finished the job when we had the chance,” Octario spat.
“And did you really believe that Humanity was disarming itself?! Has anyone in our history ever signed a peace treaty and done that?! Hahahah…as if you stood a chance,” Octario chuckled.
“That’s enough babbling from you, granny. Time to—”
“And all of you,” Octario growled, interrupting Artemis.
“A bunch of failures, some of my greatest regrets in life were giving you dredges a purpose more significant than yourselves. So how dare you bite the hand that made you. You are all nothing more than a group of traitorous dogs.”
Octario’s smile grew as Artemis picked her up again. “And what better way to put down a ragtag band of mutts than with some loyal ones? You see, I don’t make the same mistake twice. They wanted all of you a certain way after the first ones…but that didn’t need to happen the second time around.”
“Warning. Warning. Multiple warp jumps detected,” the alert system blared.
It’s impossible…we are deep in uninhabited space. They can’t just stumble upon us, even by accident. There’s no way they could find us—unless…the bomb wasn’t just a bomb…what if it did something else?
Doctor Suárez’s concerned voice came loud and clear over the speaker, “Come back immediately.”
Octario started cackling, “I hope you all die the dog’s death. You deserve it you mutts—”
A spray of red and white splattered across the room. Artemis pulverized Octario's head with a single punch.
“Artemis that—!”
“I don’t care. You can kill me later if you want. But there’s no way I’m about to risk dying when she is in my hands; sorry, Heimdall,” Artemis said as she let Octario’s headless corpse fall to the ground.
Damn…what’s done is done…
I led the way through the door as the doctors huddled around a console, heedless as to what happened. The console was split in two. One showed the outside of the space station as black and red ships glided through the void of space. It was a carrier strike group…not nearly enough to defeat the sizable naval army we had docked here. Just on a ship basis, we had dozens of battleships, and we outnumbered them twelve to one currently.
On the other side was a transmission of a Human man wearing an all-white officer’s uniform. “This is Federation Admiral Gallant hailing all vessels in this sector. I hereby order the non-negotiable and total surrender of all insurgent personnel in this region.”
“Doctor Suárez…what do we do?” a random doctor muttered.
Doctor Suárez pressed a button on the console as her voice rang out across the entire station. “Prepare for battle and evacuation. Warships move in and prepare for retreat after the station has jumped. The Federation is declaring war; strike first.”
“Understood, Ma’am. These bastards didn’t bring enough firepower to stop us here,” a voice answered over the network.
On the screen, the Human admiral furrowed his eyebrows at us. “Understood.”
“Warning. Warning. Multiple warp jumps detected.”
As our ship’s dark silhouettes covered the cameras, we all watched in horror as dozens upon dozens of warp points began to rip open the void of space. All of them were large enough. And we caught a glimpse of what must have been hundreds of Human vessels. I counted over a dozen battleships alone, peeking through the warp points. And…multiple dreadnoughts as well as supercarriers.
This was mankind’s armada…and they had arrived.
The screen flickered, and the former admiral was replaced with a more familiar figure. An older Human woman with graying hair, wearing a crisp white and gold uniform, stood proudly before us. It was Fleet Admiral Muller.
“With the power granted to me from the federation, I, Fleet Admiral Muller, hereby declare total war on all of the Coalition forces and any of her allies. May God have mercy on your souls and remember New Nevada.”
“We are leaving now,” I ordered.
Like the well-oiled machines we were created to be, we donned our helmets and grabbed SuĂĄrez. Priority one was extracting her. There was no Coalition without SuĂĄrez.
Moments after their declaration of war, the station was bombarded by multiple hits, shaking the entire structure violently. Thankfully, its shields held, and we sprinted down the halls toward the hangars. But there was never going to be enough time.
The station was too big. And the breachers of the navy were far too fast.
The station rocked, and the sounds of impacts rang out everywhere. The warning system blurred, “Warning, intruders. Warning, intruders.”
“Is there an armory on the way to the hangar?” Hephaestus asked as I picked up Suárez and started to sprint at full speed.
“No. We are fighting with what we have and what we are going to get. Get ready,” I said.
Gunfire bounced off the plastic hall, followed by the screams and shouts of people. A group of frantic engineers sprinted past as we watched the last reptilian alien fall to a blast of molten ammo. On the far side of the hall was a squad of black and blue armored soldiers. Their entire bodies were clad in a void-sealed armor meant for surviving the vacuum of space. These Void Breachers specialized in breaching enemy ships and fighting in close-quarters hallways.
I put SuĂĄrez down and behind us as the hellfire of molten buckshot from their shotguns flew down the hallway. To an average person, those superheated pellets would rip through armor and flesh with ease. But it was basically useless against us as the rounds harmlessly burned up against our shields.
Our bolt pistols thumped, and with each trigger pull, a Void Breacher was blown to smithereens. In a flash, we had eliminated half the squad. Once we closed the distance, we did quick work on the rest.
I punched the final soldier to death as a meaty metal-on-metal sound echoed, followed by a burst of gunfire. I quickly grabbed the corpse, and a second later, an impact rocked me, destroying the body and turning it into mist.
“Auto cannon! Take cover!” I ordered over our internal comms.
The heavy thuds of the autocannon ripped through the hallway. The exploding anti-armor rounds destroyed the station walls and exploded around us in sprays of hot shrapnel. We were stuck in the open, and our shields would not last against an autocannon for long.
But they have to reload eventually.
My shield whined and flashed away as the autocannon’s magazine hit the floor with a clang, and we sprang out. A hail of bolter fire smashed against our shields, but we stood firm. Artemis, Apollo, and I took aim and began separating the souls from the bodies of the breachers. The autocannon wielder was hiding behind a metal shield, but that didn’t matter.
Va’cot sprinted down the hall past us. In her hands glowed brightly two energy swords used by the Elunari elites. The blades of energy hummed to life, and she closed the distance, dodging bolter fire. The front breachers were sliced into pieces by her swords, and we pushed in directly behind her, finishing off the rest.
The large squad was put down in a matter of moments, but there was no respite. We quickly searched the bodies and armed ourselves with bolters and spare ammunition, as well as any grenades we could get a hold of. Hephaestus hoisted the autocannon, a weapon that usually required a three-man squad to operate with ease.
“Commander Heimdall, do you read me?”
I let out a happy sigh, “Kla’nu, it’s good to hear your voice. We have the doctor, and we are evacuating toward the eastern hangars.”
Kla’nu was the leader of a group of mixed elites. But he and most of his squad were Elunari Albinos.
“Perfect. We are in the section above you, according to the map. We are hitting heavy resistance, but we will meet you in the next stairwell in five minutes,” Kla’nu said.
“We’ll clear the stairs for you,” I said back to him. “You heard the man; let’s go rendezvous with them,” I ordered to the rest.
Now that we had made a connection, Kla’nu’s squad showed up directly on my helmet HUD. And sure enough, he was just a floor above us and quickly moving toward our destination. There was little resistance, and we now had a large group of civilians and soldiers tailing us to safety.
We had to go up regardless, and using the elevators was out of the question. The entire station was rocking, and it was only a matter of time before the shields busted and the entire thing was blown to pieces. And this was only mankind’s indirect fire, us and the bombs dropped by fighters. Our ships were holding off the armada…if a battleship or dreadnought made a direct hit…that would not be ideal.
Clearing the stairwell was always a pain and a risk, but it was clear of enemies; only cowering allies guarded by our soldiers were present. We stacked up against the door and flicked on our thermals. We could see straight through the walls, but it was all clear.
We burst through the door and fanned out, clearing the large corridor. The bulwark door had been dropped, and it was clear a breacher squad had plowed through the station and landed in the hallway on the other side of the door.
“Apollo, get the door open. Going around is going to take too much time. Artemis watch the stairs,” I ordered.
Heph and I watched the other sides of the corridor as Apollo fiddled with the console. I looked over my shoulder at the silent SuĂĄrez.
“You seem rather calm,” I mentioned.
Suárez smiled bitterly. “I must admit I’ve gotten used to all of this over the last decade or so. Rather strange, isn’t it?”
I shook my head. “No, not at all. Humans are pretty good at adapting. Isn’t that how we landed in this position in the first place?”
Suárez chuckled awkwardly. “I suppose you’re right…”
The bulwark door collapsed and opened. The other side of the hallway was dark, except for the few globs of fire burning from the gaping hole in the wall. We quickly moved into position while protecting SuĂĄrez and moved down the hall.
It was littered with debris, shell casings, and bodies. Scanners were pinging life forms in between us and Kla'nu’s squad, but as the sounds of plasma weapons reached us, the red blips of our enemies disappeared. Kla’nu was making quick work of them all.
However, there was a problem. A storm of bolter fire echoed in the halls as one of Kla’nu’s squad members died instantly. A group of new intruders had appeared from another corridor.
We were nearly on top of them, just a corridor away, when we were forced to stop. An enemy squad was fast approaching, and we waited for them to round the dark corner.
On the count of two, the second we saw movement, we opened fire. Our first volley of bolter fire tore two breachers apart, but the rest bounced harmlessly off a tall figure wearing red and black armor. It was undoubtedly a 3rd generation Death Commando.
Their immediate return fire was pinpoint and accurate. The bolter rounds slammed into my shield in a tight group and broke it, forcing it to recharge once more. Another Death Commando went wide with a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher. That thing would devastate us if it landed, but thankfully, that never came to pass.
The heavy thuds of the autocannon tore through the hallway. The rounds impacted and exploded, turning the Death Commando and his launcher into a fireball. The blast wave rolled past us, and the bulwark doors closed, but we immediately began to go on the move again because there was a huge problem.
Kla'nu’s squad was wiped out in the scant few minutes it took us to reach them, and the path to the hangar was the same way.
We pushed cautiously toward their last known location, but our pings came back negative for signs of life. We rounded the final corner and quickly crossed it so we could control both sides. The hallway was a dark mess of blood and soot, and sure enough, there was nothing living visible, even on thermals. It was as if their squad had been wiped away but an invi—
“Fire!” I ordered.
With no hesitation, my entire squad sprayed down the hallway, only for a hail to return back at us. Their firepower was overwhelming, nearly doubly ours, as well as the thuds of a heavy bolter. We were forced to hide behind what little cover the corners gave us as the people trailing behind us were ripped to shreds.
However, the invisible enemies’ return fire wasn’t mindless. They were firing in unison, allowing one group to reload while the other kept us pinned. And someone was running toward us at full speed.
In a lull, when one squad was reloading, I gave the order to return fire. What I saw shocked me to my core. In the darkness, illuminated by the flashes of bolter fire, were large red armored figures. Their blood-red visors silently gazed at us as they efficiently fired their weapons.
The thing was, they were all Death Commandos. That much was obvious. Yet, for some reason, they were all too big. There was no way there was a squad of the third generation that could get that large. All of them were the size…
Of the first generation.
My bolter rounds slammed into one of the two Death Commandos running toward us. The rounds impacted and exploded against their chest armor but only damaged it slightly. The large figures continued to sprint toward us, headless of the gunfire.
Then there was a gunshot from our side, followed by a scream.
A hail of bullets rained down from the way we came. Hephaestus held them off with autocannon fire. However, the air around Artemis shimmered, and another Death Commando stood over Artemis. She slumped against the ground, and the Death Commando was already in the middle of fighting Apollo.
The two engaged in hand-to-hand combat, but the difference was clear. The new and large Death Commandos were bigger, faster, and stronger than us.
Apollo was quickly overwhelmed, and his arm was broken in the process. But the second he fell to the ground, Hephaestus and I opened fire on the Death Commando. Bolter and cannon fire smacked against him and dropped him to the floor.
At the same time, we were forced to fight the two Death Commandos who pushed us down the hallway. I swung around and aimed for the first one’s legs.
My bolter rounds slammed into its knees, blowing them off. But like a damn zombie, the thing simply just got up and started firing its pistol at us. The second one rushed me, and Va’cot jumped in front of me to take charge. But to my surprise, a red energy blade burst out from the Death Commando’s gauntlet, and they began exchanging blows.
I covered Suárez with my body as the crawling Death Commando continued to shoot at us. We were running out of time and would be overwhelmed any moment as the group in the hallway rushed toward us. Va’cot was forced back, and one of her energy swords was destroyed.
She pulled her pistol, and so did the Death Commando. The two exchanged bursts of bolter rounds as a bolt round hit the back of the Death Commnado’s head. The commando staggered and Apollo sent another burst into his head, exploding it.
Artemis had stood up. She leaned against the wall and aimed down the hallway with the incoming Death Commandos. They sent a storm of bolter fire, but Artemis just let them bounce or explode against her shield and armor. With a single shot of her bolt rifle, she managed to hit the fire alarm, and with the second shot, she disabled the door control, dropping the bulwark and separating us from the incoming Death Commandos. Of course, that would only buy us a few moments, if that. Hephaestus mopped up the breachers on the other side, and we regrouped. We immediately began to run at full speed, picking SuĂĄrez up and slinging her over my shoulder.
“Artemis! Artemis, are you—Artemis…no…”
Suárez’s shouts of concern stopped as Artemis turned to face us. On my HUD, I could see Artemis’s health status, and it was bloody red. Her helmet and visor were cracked open with a splatter of blood and black soot. It was a miracle she even survived. She should have been dead…well, she already was.
The Ambrosia pumping into her veins was the only thing driving her forward.
The rest of us remained silent. We slowly and methodically pushed through the hallways, killing breachers and gathering survivors. Anyone who couldn’t keep up was left behind. We were short on time, and the station was about to succumb to Humanity’s warships. If we were surrounded and stranded at the station with no exfil, we were doomed.
We rounded another corner, and heavy weapons of plasma and bile launchers fired at us. “Yellow on yellow! Yellow!” I shouted, but our communications were now wholly jammed.
Thankfully, my voice carried, and the shots ceased. We ran over the pile of corpses and into a defense line of Zanton and Elunari guarding the hangar. Multiple warp-capable escape ships were waiting to be launched, and we quickly boarded them. Well, all of us but one.
“Artemis, please, we can—”
“No, Doc, sorry. You can’t. I’ll stay behind and cover everyone else until all the ships leave. Besides, my mission is complete. Make sure you send those bastards to hell for me,” Artemis said as she tossed her broken helmet off and onto the ground.
Her injury was gruesome. Half of her face was either burnt or ripped to shreds. Her skull and brain matter were exposed, and her skin and veins had taken on a sickly golden color. All I could do was walk forward and extend a hand to her.
“Thanks for sticking around, Makya,” I said.
She shook my hand. “Yeah…pissed that you lived longer than me, old man, but that’s just life.”
“Yeah. It was a good run,” I muttered.
Hephaestus and Apollo looked down at the ground as Artemis chuckled. “Try not to cry, you two. And keep the Doc and old man safe. If there really is an afterlife, I’m sure we will see each other again.”
“Yes…I’m sure we shall,” Apollo said solemnly.
“Kill them all, Artemis,” Hephaestus said with a nod.
Artemis turned and started to walk down the ramp as she waved, “Of course, that was my plane all along—huh?”
Artemis stopped, her head jolted up. She stared off into the distance, which was just the wall of the ship. Her one bloodshot eye went wide as an eerie yet genuine smile formed on the corner of her lips. She even let out a laugh I had never heard before as she smiled to herself.
“Well, at least I’m not alone in the end,” Artemis mumbled.
Artemis hobbled down the ramp, and it closed behind her for the last time. I’m not sure what to make of what she just did…did she see something? Or was it just her brain finally reaching its end? Who knows…I’ve heard people see weird things when they die.
“Those Death Commandos. What were they?” Apollo asked.
It was a question we already knew the answer to. It had to have been him…
“Loyal dogs…apparently.”


submitted by RangerFrank to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:50 vhdkjbb2 Another ddlc fanboy!

Another ddlc fanboy! submitted by vhdkjbb2 to FridayNightFunkin [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:49 LinnetteAlissa Etiquette Question: Asking hairstylist for color formula

Hi everyone! I have a question about etiquette because I really value my hairstylist and don't want to offend her!
I've been seeing my hairstylist, who is a curl specialist, since 2022 for my cuts and color. She's fantastic and always booked out about three months in advance, so I make my appointments well ahead of time. Even though I recently moved to a different state, I still return regularly to town for work and continue to visit her for my hair needs.
However, I need root touch-ups every 6-8 weeks, which is becoming challenging with the distance. Would it be rude to ask her for my base color formula so I can have someone local do just my roots? I would still go to her for my full highlights and curly cuts!
Thanks for your advice!
submitted by LinnetteAlissa to Hair [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:49 anonymous-5000 25 [M4F] Netherlands/Europe - Looking for something real? A deep connection? Friendship? A potential long or short term relationship?

Hello, I am currently an international student in the country looking for find a short term or long term partner. I’ve been single by choice for a long time mostly due to me wanting to work on myself and feeling too busy and due to personal stuff you will learn later. While I’m not perfect I’ve really worked on myself a lot during this period and am ready to full open up my heart to someone again for a deep bond. Just want to preface I hope you live nearby as I really don’t want to do long distance anymore it’s too hard and painful for me.
In this post I really just want to paint a complete picture of who I am so someone hopefully sees this and feels we will really click with the type described here and respond. That’s why I’m positing here I just feel I have the potential to form a really tight bond with someone I meet online completely unlike I would in person. I really want someone I can be entirely open and honest with and I want my partner to do the same. I really crave and want the deepest form of intimacy possible with someone special.
Looks: I am including this first because I do think physical attraction is important. I am 193cm (6’4) and have dark brown hair which is medium length style. I have blue eyes and some facial hair but I always keep it well trimmed so it’s like a very well groomed very short beard. I always make sure it’s groomed. I also have clear skin almost all the time which is lucky. I’m thin but quite muscular I do go to the gym 5 days a week as part it my routine and lift and I do think it shows as I have some bulk in my arms and legs. I also can bench quite a decent amount(about 100kg for 4 reps). I have wide shoulders pretty flat stomach still fairly large arms and legs.
I really do feel I have a very unique sense of fashion which I’m further developing and getting better each year I personally do think I am pretty good looking. I like to wear tighter dress pants with a belt of different colors usually all black or darker and a tighter shirt that’s plain with dress shoes and some jewelry like a watch, rings and wrist chain. Usually I like to wear things a bit on the tighter side. I have been cold approached a few times by women which I understand is pretty rare talking to my guy friends and have found women I meet online are more enthusiastic when they see how I look. Just anecdtoal evidence
Personality: My mbti is INTP I can be an ambivert and really social at times. At my uni and at parties I know a lot of people and I even enjoy going to them occasionally but at the end of the day no matter how much forced exposure therapy I do I am a reserved and quite, stoic and thoughtful person. I am a decent conversationalist but sometimes too much socializing with large groups and crowds exhausts me and I spend a lot of time alone at the end of the day. I also prefer to have space and to do my workouts alone.
I am pretty sure I also have adhd. It isn’t so bad and I can manage I am almost done with my master and will be fine but it’s worth mentioning. I’ve found I also get on really well with other people who also have adhd? My love language is physical touch and hopefully I can find someone with the same?
Where I am from what’s my plan?: I am from the United States. I didn’t include that until now because id rather be judged as an individual than where I am from. People usually aren’t able to guess where I am from unless I tell them and I’d prefer it to stay that way. I feel I am my own person with my own unique thoughts and sense of fashion. In many ways I feel I don’t fit in where I grew up.
My plan is to finish my masters in psychology in a few months and then get the 1 year job finders visa. During that time I’ll work on the side while spending a lot of effort looking for a real job that can support me. I am currently in the a2/b1 Dutch class and I am completely committed to taking courses all the way up to c1 no matter what. I also have every intention to try to stay in this country if possible though I am open to living elsewhere. I’ve been to quite a few places in Europe and there are some I like a lot.
Hobbies/sport: Honestly, I feel like I don’t have any strong hobbies bc I am always just jumping aroind to different things. In my free time I like watching random informational videos about politics, geography and history. I also like watching streams and people playing video games. My main sport is lifting. I wouldn’t say I’m a gym rat but I am at the gym 5 days a week mainly to keep progressing and because it makes me feel good. It’s also true that my bench is quite high and I’m also stronger than most people at the gym in my legs. I don’t like to brag but I do think my numbers are in the top 1% of gym goers.
What I am looking for + what I can give: I don’t care where you are from or who you are. I just hope that we have some things in common. Would be nice if you also like going to the gym sometimes? Maybe your mbti is similar to INTP? If you read this and feel like we will click we will get on very well. I don’t really have a type physically as long as you are not overweight I will find you attractive most likely. I am quite into fitness (dw I still eat unhealthy pretty often I just care about my weight and physical activity mostly) so I’m hoping you care a little about it too. My type varies a lot. I have a thing for brown eyes but honestly I don’t really care at the end of the day.
In return I find when I deeply connect with someone I’m incredibly loyal, and I would do anything for that person. I love everything about that person physically and emotionally. I also don’t believe in double standards and I can promise you I’ll always care about my appearance and fitness even as I get older. I will never allow myself to get fat as a personal thing for myself and I know this won’t happen because at one point in my life for the first time ever I got a bit overweight and went on a diet and lost 20kg in 3 months.
If you clicked with anything here feel free to send me a message. Since I think physical attraction is important after a few messages I’ll send you some pictures of myself and you the same. If the attraction isn’t there that’s ok! We can be friends and please don’t take it personally it just means we have different types! Maybe I’ll hear from you soon?
submitted by anonymous-5000 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:48 LawyerVet36 The Rest Of Saturday

I realize this is really long and don't blame anyone if you want to skip parts. A lot happened after the morning got derailed. Some good, some that didn't feel so good, but no one else was assaulted and no more family drama hit on Saturday, I'll save what happened Sunday for my post about Sunday - which was a pretty interesting day but the post shouldn't be as long as this day's was...
*** Saturday Continued **\*
I figured we all needed a break from the day’s drama and asked Mark and Sam if they could stay and have lunch with us. Both agreed, Mark said he wanted to go over the security plan that John was putting together, and Sam didn’t want to leave Emily just yet.
I remembered that right after Emily was born, Sam would hold her at every family gathering, staring at her and playing with her little hands. Even though it had been 17 years since she’d last seen Emily, she is still protective of her.
Rather than eat at the conference table, we went to a fairly new gourmet burger place nearby. I asked John to join us at the table for lunch, and he reluctantly agreed. I had seen Mark on the phone on the way over, and by the time we got there, a police car was parked out front.
Emily called her mom on the way to eat and confirmed that she was out and home. She told her mom about her summer job and let her know she’d hopefully see her later today, but that she might spend the night at a friend’s place again. Debbie asked her to find out if I minded if she came by later today or tomorrow. Emily covered her phone with her hand and relayed the question. I told Emily to let her know that one of us would call her, and if we couldn’t meet this weekend, we definitely would on Monday.
I heard Emily tell her mom she might be working tomorrow too and realized that she was right. Things were moving quickly, and I doubted we’d be sitting around relaxing anytime soon.
We got to the restaurant and walked in. The servers pulled a couple of tables together since, even though there were only five of us, both Mark and John took up a lot of room. I noticed that both of them took seats facing the door. We ordered drinks and took a couple of minutes to go over the menu before I asked John to share his plans.
“Well, given the messages and the fact that someone has already been hurt, I think we’re going to want to make some immediate improvements to the security. I’ve already sent messages to our security team to be prepared to install alarms and cameras at both properties; they’ll be on-site tomorrow at the latest. I’ll need complete access to both buildings.”
I remembered that I still needed to get keys from JA, I’d had some exploring to do. The three-story building was constructed sometime around the turn of the century (last century, not this one) and had seen a variety of uses in its 100+ year history. It sat on a corner lot downtown and extended a good bit of the way down the block. Several of the businesses that occupied the first floor had been there for decades, supporting multiple generations of residents. When the downtown was dying in the 70s and 80s, a lot of the occupants moved out, with only the retail offices remaining open, and even those barely made it through those times.
Like most of the buildings back then, it was deep, around 70 feet from the front of the building on Main Street to the alley in back, it was also significantly longer than most, with 100 feet of Main Street frontage and 70 feet on the side street. It acted as an anchor for the downtown for decades. In addition to the retail spaces on the first floor and my office, there was also a bar and restaurant that catered to the professionals in the area and the weekend crowd. I’m not a big drinker, but it was convenient to have a spot to go when I wanted to relax at the end of the day.
The corner of the building housed the lobby and opened to the hallway dividing the storefronts from the storage areas behind them. There was an elevator going up to the second and third floors, although a keycard was required to get to go to the top floor. The staircase was right next to the elevators, which I chose to use the elevator ninety percent of the time.
Once you got to the second floor there was a small lobby with doors heading off in three different directions. One was to my apartment, one directly across from mine, which I assume was a mirror of my space, and then a set of double oak doors going to the backside of the building.
When Joe built the apartment space out he left the wood beams and exposed interior brickwork. A series of tall, evenly spaced windows dominated one wall, letting in a ton of light. The floor plan essentially consists of a great room that houses a kitchen, utility room with washer and dryer, my bedroom and bathroom (which are both quite large), a study, a half bath, and a second bedroom and full bath.
I never measured it, but I think it’s easily 1800 square feet of space with a mostly open floor plan and a ton of light. For a single guy, it feels massive, and the great room lets Charlie and Cooper hang around without it ever feeling crowded (the bed is another story). On the rare occasion I invite anyone up, they’re amazed by the space, having had no idea it was even here.
“We’ll be installing cameras in all common areas and along the rooflines. On Monday or Tuesday, we’ll upgrade the security for lobby access. There is already keycard access on the elevator, but we need to make some changes to limit access to the second floor now as well.
Joe’s place is a little more complex, we’ll be getting upgraded internet installed and a network of wired cameras around the property. We’ll also be installing perimeter motion sensors in the woods. It’s not feasible to cover the acreage with cameras this quickly, but we can at least ensure no one enters the property without us knowing. Finally, remotely deployed drones will be ready to put eyes wherever we don’t have cameras in the event of a motion alert.”
Good lord, I thought… This is going to be at least $50K by the time we get done, and I bet I don’t even get to play with the drones.
“We’ll get copies of the surveys and look at fencing options…” That immediately grabbed my attention. “No fences!” I quickly said. “I’m sorry, John, I know that might make the most sense, but we’re going to have to do this without fences.”
“Understood. Are you okay with a low wall on the road frontage and gates for the driveways? I really need to have some way of controlling vehicle traffic; it will create a safer environment for you and the protection team.”
John’s delivery of a gentle reminder that this wasn’t just about me, that life was going to be different, was needed. I nodded. “Of course, thanks, John. I’d like to preserve the woods as I’ve always known them if we can, but not at a risk to your team. Let me know if we get to that point.”
John nodded. “I appreciate that, it’s our job to find the balance between your security and your happiness.” He paused before continuing, “We’ll go ahead and get work on the system designs for both buildings. We’ll need you or someone from the firm on-site when we’re doing the interior work.”
“One last thing, we’ll be providing you with a GPS tracker and panic button. It can be worn around your neck. We can do the same thing with a smartwatch, but we’d prefer you to also carry the tracker if you don’t have any objections.”
“That’s fine,” I said. “I’ll call JA to get the other keys to my place today, but let’s make Joe’s house the priority since it’s been broken into twice now.“ Emily looked uncomfortable again, but I winked at her, and that made her smile a little bit.
“You good with all this, Mark?” I asked.
“Yep, I just wanted to know what the plan was, and to get John to pay for my lunch since he’s landed himself this fat contract,” Mark said, laughing.
John laughed back and said, “Done! But I’ll take you to lunch anytime, I can always write it off as a recruiting expense. You know I pay a lot better than the city!”
Sam had been quiet the entire time, taking it all in. I asked her what she was thinking, and she just said, “Oh, nothing, we can talk about it later.” I didn’t love that answer. I knew this was already a lot and was afraid it was getting to be too much. I nodded and forced a smile that I was sure didn’t meet my eyes.
I turned to Emily and asked her how her first day had gone so far. She was quick to respond, “It hasn’t been dull!” She had a smile on her face that DID meet her eyes. I couldn’t help but think that the younger you are, the more you’re likely to find things like this exciting, since life hadn’t quite gotten exciting enough on its own. At least I knew I could count on some enthusiasm over what was sure to be an interesting summer.
The rest of lunch was small talk, with Mark and John catching up and Emily telling Sam about school and asking what it was like to leave the valley and live on the West Coast. I just sat and enjoyed my burger as much as I could.
Emily ordered a milkshake to go while the rest of us finished our burgers. John, true to his word, paid the check, and we all walked back to my office. The girls headed into the conference room, but Mark held me back.
“Thanks for an interesting day so far, Alex. You know this really wasn’t what I was expecting when we met for breakfast,” Mark laughed as I was trying to figure out what to say. “I’m pulling your leg; this is going to make for an interesting summer.”
My head snapped around to look at him. “I was JUST thinking that!”
We both laughed for a second before he got serious again.
“Look, keep your eyes open and your head on a swivel. I know Michael is your brother, but he’s not a good guy. He’s been on and off our radar for a while. Your dad has gotten him out of trouble way more often than he deserved. Michael hasn’t gotten smarter with age.” Mark paused for a second. “Don’t underestimate him or his kids.”
I had forgotten about my nephews. Mark was right—they were worse than Michael. With them, there was no pretense of even trying to stay on the right side of the law. If they somehow got pulled into this, that was a whole 'nother level of trouble. I thanked him for reminding me and told him I’d mention it to John and get him to pull their background reports.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m having their arrest records pulled and sent over. It will save him filing a FOIA request, and I can fill him in on some of my experiences with them,” Mark said.
I couldn’t help but wonder just how much trouble they were causing the community, but I decided to get with John later and get a better idea of who we might be dealing with, if Michael did in fact drag them into the situation, or if he already had.
“Thanks again, Mark. I owe you big time. I’ll hit you up a little later and tell you how it goes with Sam.” Mark turned and said goodbye to Emily, Sam, and John, shaking John’s hand as he stepped away, telling him to look for an email shortly.
I asked John if we had anything else to cover, and he said no, that he’d be posted in the lobby of my office.
Turning to Emily, I asked her to get all the notes together on the calls, particularly the client calls. We’d be following up with clients on Monday. I wouldn’t be taking on any more cases or clients for the foreseeable future, so I’d need to get some names for Emily to start referring people to when they called in.
I stepped into my office to call JA about keys, and Sam walked in behind me, closing the door. “Uh oh,” I thought. I leaned up against my desk, bracing for what was coming. She asked me how I was doing, and I was honest. I told her it was a lot to deal with right now, that the breaking and entering and attack on the guard was a complete shock. This is basically how I remember the conversation that followed:
“I know, Alex. You realize this isn’t going to get easier anytime soon? For God’s sake, we just spent the last hour detailing security measures for multiple properties and discussing likely threats to your safety. All that and you haven’t even started dealing with the actual estate and the responsibilities that will come with it,” Sam said with a mix of exasperation and sympathy.
I figured it was time to tell Sam about the other part of the will: the establishment of the Community Foundation and the Russell Family Trust, both of which would be my responsibility to oversee—a total of $50 million in funds to manage, disperse, and direct. I explained Joe’s vision, as much as I understood it without diving into the journals, and told her I’d probably have to get started on the groundwork in the next week or so.
Sam’s eyes widened. “Fuck Alex, Joe really must have thought you could leap tall buildings with everything he’s put on you without any warning.”
Privately, I agreed. I still didn’t understand why Joe handled things this way, but I wasn’t ready to condemn him either. I needed time and perspective to better understand his plan.
“Alex,” Sam started and paused. (“This isn’t good,” flashed through my brain.) “I’m so glad we reconnected, and I feel like so many of the feelings we had for each other when we were younger are still there,” (“Here comes the but,”) “but I don’t see how we can do a new relationship justice with all you’ve got going on.”
“Well, this sucks,” I thought, but I knew she was right. This was going to be enough of a transition without trying to also navigate a serious, committed relationship. I'm honestly glad we had this conversation now as opposed to a month from now.
She continued, “I spent the last 18 years grinding it out in school, residency, and a fellowship to get to this point. I’m committed to my career, and even though I think there is room for an ‘us,’ I don’t think there is room for an ‘us,’ a bodyguard,” (I hated that word) “a family feud, enemies, a foundation, a trust, a complex estate to understand, and a substantial business to manage.”
“I’m not sure there is room for all that in your life, even without trying to build a new relationship. You’re going to need all the friends and support you can get.” As usual, she was right. I didn’t like it, and I wouldn’t have said it myself, but I knew she wasn’t wrong.
“I’d like to be part of that support, and for us to get to know each other as friends again, without the expectations of a romantic relationship. I want to be there for you while you’re building this new life. I want to be your friend first and I want you to be mine. I’m going to need support some days too. I’m basically new in town after 18 years away, and my job isn’t always a cakewalk. There are going to be days that I need a whiskey after work, and you’ve got a great bar downstairs.” Her smile made me feel better about the situation as she continued.
“So, here’s my proposal. Let’s start this as friends, just like we did in elementary school. We’ll be there for each other and know we can talk about anything we need to. We can have a drink, and we can spend time together without expectations of anything more than just friendship.”
“If we’re meant to be together, it will work out that way. If not, then we can at least be godparents for each other’s kids someday.” She looked like she was finished, and a little anxious as she waited for my response.
Sam was more mature than I was when we were in high school, and nothing had changed in the 18 years since.
“I know you’re right, Sam. If it weren’t for this situation, I’d have all the bandwidth in the world for ‘us,’ but as it is, I realize something is going to suffer if we try and do this now. All of this, including us, is too important to risk doing any of it half-assed.”
I could see how relieved she was, and honestly, I felt it a little bit too, like a pressure I didn’t even realize was there had been lifted. I relaxed a little and hugged her. As soon as I did, I knew this was the right thing to do; I just felt it.
With over a week’s worth of hindsight, I know now that our feelings for each other from high school had never been properly resolved. Trying to restart a relationship based on stolen kisses in the hall between classes and exploring what romance meant in the back seat of a car by the river was a bad idea. We had made promises to each other back then before we even knew what those promises meant. Maybe we were destined to be together, but if so, we’d find out as the people we are now, not the kids we used to be.
“So, does this mean I might see you out on dates?” I asked.
“Yep, and I might see you on them too, although I think it’s more likely I’ll see you than you’ll see me. I’m not going to be looking for anyone. I think this move, my new job, and being your friend is going to take up a lot of my time. However, if I think it would be fun to go out with someone and I’ve got time to do so, I will. You need to do the same thing.”
I nodded again. There was no point in arguing; she was still right.
“One more thing, I’m going to be spending time with Emily. She’s going through a lot; it’s not my place to go into details. She promised she’d share with you when she’s ready. Here’s what you do need to know: she needs your friendship, she’s excited about this job, and she’s more than capable of being a good ‘junior assistant.’”
At this point, Sam fixed me with that stare of hers. “Also, she needs a place to stay for a few weeks. DO NOT ask me why, or her, for that matter. I haven’t seen your place, do you have room for a 19-year-old, well-behaved young lady that was editor of the school paper, president of the debate club, and one-tenth of a point away from being valedictorian?”
“Holy crap,” I thought. With friends like Sam, I might just find myself taking direction as much as I’m making decisions.
“She’s welcome to stay with me. I’ll probably end up at Joe’s place some nights anyway. Do you want to check out the apartment and tell me what you think?” I asked. "I'm probably going to need to get her a bed, and maybe some furniture."
“Not the reason I thought I’d be going to your apartment for the first time, but sure. Let me see if it’s any better than these offices,” she said.
“Ouch, that hurts!” I laughed. “Ok, give me a minute to call JA and tell him I need keys ASAP for the rest of this building, and then we’ll head up.”
I called JA and told him what was going on. He already knew about the attack on the guard, of course, and evidently, John had also contacted him and told him we needed to get into the rest of the building to install security systems. He said a courier was meeting someone at his office and picking up the master keys.
“Alex, there is more to that building than you know. I was going to go over this with you when we met on Monday, but it doesn’t really matter, and under the circumstances, it’s more important to get this done. Everything on the second and third floors is part of your uncle’s estate. I’ll explain it all later. I hope you find it as interesting as he did.” I thanked him, and we hung up.
“Ok, let’s head up to check out the apartment. There is a courier on his way with the keys to the rest of the building, so we might get to see more than just the apartment if you have time.”
“Sounds good. I do have some things to do later, but I’m good for now. Let’s see your man cave.”
Leaving the office, I stuck my head in the conference room and told Emily we were heading upstairs for a minute and to keep working. I asked if I had had any more calls, and she said just more of the same—that she’d taken messages and told people that you’d call back when you had time. If it was a client, she told them someone would call them Monday. She said she was working on a schedule based on 20-minute calls.
I told her to begin scheduling calls at 8:00 and to cut them off at 10:30, that we’d be opening the office early so we could close before noon and then get as much done at JA’s office as possible next week. Closing the door to the conference room behind me, Sam and I walked out to the lobby where I let John know the the courier was going to be coming with the keys shortly and thanked him for calling JA.
Sam and I took the stairs up and I opened the door to the apartment. I could tell it wasn’t what Sam had been expecting. “This is amazing! How big is this place?”
“I really don’t know, I think it feels larger than it is because the only walls are around the bedrooms, the study, the utility room, and the bathrooms.”
Sam stuck her head in the second bedroom “This will be fine as soon as you empty it out. She’ll need to get a bed, bedroom furniture, TV, etc. You’ll also need towels for her bathroom.”
Opening my refrigerator she did a quick inventory, I had 4 beers, a leftover pizza, some eggs, milk, yogurt, and a carton of OJ. Thinking about it, I wouldn’t recommend drinking the milk but I kept that to myself. “You need actual food here. Give her a card and tell her to go shopping, I’ll give her a list of the basics. After opening a couple more cabinets she shook her head “Never mind, I’ll take her shopping myself, you apparently only have one plate and it looks like you stole your glasses from the bar downstairs!”
For the record: I did NOT steal them. I once mentioned to the manager that I liked how heavy they were and how nice they looked and she gave me a set since I eat there regularly.
“Also, you might be able to do 100% of your cooking in a single skillet, but she won’t.”
That wasn’t fair either, I have a small pot I used to make soup. One skillet, one pot, who needs more than that??
Her cursory inventory complete she put her hands on her hips and scanned the apartment once more. “Just give me a card, I’ll handle everything. If we run out of room on your card I’ll take care of it and you can just pay me back.” She saw me flinch and said to me with a serious tone.
“Alex, you don’t have to be reckless with your money but aren’t going to fly under the radar like Joe did. Hell, he asked you to run a foundation, which means raising money and schmoozing. You might as well start getting used to the new normal.” She paused until I nodded in agreement “Do you have a particular style of decor you like or don’t like?”
“I like things clean and modern with a little bit of a nod to history, but usually I just let “cheap” win.”
Well, brace yourself. You can have clean and modern but cheap isn’t going to cut it. Especially if I’m going to put my name on it. I’ll try and keep it under $25K but no promises, this dorm furniture is going to go. You have the nicest apartment in the area. Let’s make sure we do it justice.”
I felt my eye twitch, $25K??? I hadn’t paid that much for a car until I finally splurged on my truck. Reaching into my pocket I pulled out my card and handed it to Sam who had a mischievous smile.
“Oh good, I love shopping with other people’s money.” She pulled out her phone and took a series of pictures, panoramas, and videos as she paced off the space to get a rough idea of the dimensions.
“Ok, I’ve seen enough. I’ll try to have a bed here by tonight, If not Emily can sleep on the sofa. I’m going to steal her for the rest of the day today and probably tomorrow if you’re ok with it?”
“Uh, sure. She can take the phone with her and just make sure she stays on top of the calls.”
Sam tucked the card in her pocket. “Great, she may also need a couple of work outfits. Is there any furniture that’s sentimental?”
I looked around, my eyes fell on photos of friends from the military, a folded flag, a shadow box, and a few keepsakes. Sam’s smile softened and she laid her hand on my arm. “Don’t worry Alex, it’s still your place, I’ll honor your friends and your past. We’re not getting rid of you or them. I promise you’ll love it.”
“Oh my gosh, I almost forgot your bedroom. Let’s take a quick look in there.” I pointed to a large hanging barn door. Sam walked over and slid it open. Stepping inside. She took one look at the to the master bedroom and bath and turned around, closing the door behind her as she walked back into the great room. “Forget it, no way it’s going to be under $25K, everything in this place has to go.”
“Sam, I didn’t spend $3000 on all the furniture and stuff in here, I don’t see how it can cost $25,000 to replace it.”
Sam laughed, “Oh, you’ll see, don’t you worry. Do you have a preference for mattress firmness?”
I don’t think I’ve ever even bothered to try different mattresses but I remembered staying on some that I thought were too soft. “Firm, I guess?” Sam nodded and went back to the list she’d been making on her phone.
About that time the door rang, John had sent the courier up. I thanked him for bringing it so quickly on a Saturday and signed for the envelope.
It contained several access cards and half a dozen keys. I asked Sam if she needed anything else. She said she was all so we left the apartment and I started trying keys across the hall. The second one I tried unlocked the door. Swinging it open I saw a mirror image of my apartment, maybe a little larger since this side of the building extended further down the street from the corner. It was unfurnished but gleaming new appliances could be seen in the kitchen and the same open floor plan, uncluttered by thrift store furniture.
Seeing the empty space made remember the possibilities I thought existed before I filled my apartment up with a mix of hand-me-downs and consignment finds. I found myself looking forward to seeing the space when Sam got done.
We wandered around for another minute or two, checking out the view from the windows and commenting on what a great location this was before leaving and locking the door behind us.
That left the double doors and the third floor. I knew Sam was hoping to get Emily settled in to a bed tonight so I decided to save that for another time.
Checking my phone, I saw it was nearly 2:00. We’d been poking around for over half an hour and Emily was just sitting downstairs waiting. “Oh boy, we’d better get downstairs. Did you want to take Emily shopping still?”
“Absolutely, and you need to see if actually wants to stay with you for a while. Let’s go talk to her.”
We took the stairs back down and went into my office. Emily was just getting off the phone, looking annoyed when we walked in.
“Everything ok?” I asked.
“Oh, it’s nothing really, just calls from people wanting to talk to you about borrowing money, making investments, or asking for donations. You also got calls from people we’re not related to.”
Sam and I both laughed. I told her we’d catch up on messages later but that I wanted to talk to her about where she was staying. She evidently had plans to stay a friend’s place for a while until she figured things out.
“I have another option, if you’re interested. I have a second bedroom upstairs if you’d like to stay here. You’ll have a lot more privacy and be right above your work. I’ll be splitting my time between here and Joe’s place for a while, so you’ll probably have the apartment to yourself occasionally.” I thought for a second, “Only rule is no more than three friends over at a time. Five is a party.”
“Oh my God! Really? That would be amazing, and that means I can have all my friends over at the same time! I go for quality over quantity!”
Sam grabbed her purse off the table. “Then that settles it, but you and I have some shopping to do. Let’s go – we need to get you a bed and some bedroom furniture plus Alex lives like he’s in a college dorm. We may not get everything done today, but we can get a start.” Emily grabbed her bag and they left before 2:30, waving goodbye and promising to call when they were on the way back.
I realized then that for the first time since the reading I was alone. No one was expecting me to call. I didn’t have to be somewhere in an hour. It was just me… well, me, two dogs, and John, but mostly just me.
I went upstairs with the dogs following behind. Grabbing a beer out of the fridge, I cleared out the extra bedroom to make room for Emily. I mostly used it to store my kayak, bicycle, and other sports stuff. Those all found their way into the great room, with the exception of the kayak, which I moved into the study.
With the bedroom empty, along with my beer, I grabbed the dogs’ leashes, and we went downstairs to go for a walk. Groups of folks were strolling the downtown sidewalks, checking out the shops and stopping into the beer and wine bars that had popped up over the last few years. Charlie and Cooper got plenty of pets as we strolled, and I finally had time to clear my head.
Eventually, I stopped at a wine bar where a guy was playing acoustic guitar, covering Simon & Garfunkel and doing a pretty good job of it. Sitting on the patio for the next couple of hours, I chatted with several friends that walked up to offer condolences or just say hi, while the pups soaked up all the attention they wanted.
It was almost 6 pm when my phone rang. It was Sam, letting me know they were on their way back and would be there in about thirty minutes with new beds for both Emily and me, along with furniture for Emily’s room. She said she didn’t see anything appropriate for my room but wanted to go ahead and replace the mattress.
I asked if I needed to do anything to get ready, and she assured me that all I needed to do was open the door. She mentioned that two guys in a delivery truck were going to take care of everything. I was shocked that she had pulled this off so fast and asked her how she did it.
“Evidently, when a last-minute sale for over $8,000 comes through the door at the end of the day on a Saturday, you find a way to make the delivery,” she replied.
Now, I was shocked for a different reason, but I just thanked her for arranging everything and said I’d meet them back there.
We had an easy walk back to the apartment. I got there about 15 minutes before they said they’d arrive. I had stripped the bed and pulled out new sheets to remake it when Sam and Emily came in the front door.
Sam checked to confirm that the second bedroom was empty and saw me setting out sheets. 'What are those for?' she asked. I told her I figured I should put fresh sheets on the new mattress.
'Look, Alex, just do me a favor: grab all the sheets in the house and bring them out here, then go downstairs and have a drink and dinner. Emily and I are going to order in; we’ll take care of everything else.' She paused and thought before finishing, 'We might join you for dessert, but we’re going to be busy around here for a while.”
I laughed; I’m sharp enough to know when I’m not wanted. Grabbing my tablet, I walked downstairs and told John I was going to eat around the corner. I asked him if he thought the girls were okay here by themselves, and he said he’d given a panic button to Emily earlier that afternoon when they left. He’d be right around the corner with me in the unlikely event they needed anything.
I walked out the door and turned right; just a few steps was all it took to put me at the front door of The Sluice. Stepping inside, I was greeted by the familiar warm glow of vintage-style lighting reflecting off the copper ceilings twelve feet overhead. The long, polished wooden bar stretches across one side of the room, backed by an array of mirrors and stained glass that date back to the early days of the building. The bar itself is a masterpiece, made from rich, dark wood said to have been milled from black walnut cut in the valley over 100 years ago. It had been meticulously restored to its former glory. Behind the bar, shelves stocked with an impressive selection of spirits and wines create a dazzling display of colors and shapes.
All around the restaurant were tasteful nods to the period when gold mining was the focus of our community. Rustic wooden beams and exposed brick walls provide a sturdy and authentic backdrop, while vintage mining tools like pickaxes, sluice boxes, and gold pans are artfully displayed throughout the space. I’ve been down here many times as folks new to the area ask about the theme, unaware of the gold rush that took place here long before the one in California.
I moved to the bar where I ordered a local lager and flipped open the menu, not for any good reason, I already knew what I was going to order. The bartender, Emma, brought my lager over, and I ordered their 12 oz New York strip medium rare, choosing that over their prime rib only because I wanted to give the girls all the time they needed, and prime rib would come out too quickly.
By the time I finished dinner, it was nearly 8 pm, John had left and been replace by Craig. I texted Sam and asked if I could come back up. She said only if I brought chocolate cake. That sounded reasonable, so I ordered three slices and ice cream to go, paid the check, and finished my beer while waiting for the deserts to come out. Less than ten minutes later I was climbing the stairs back to my apartment, cake and ice cream in hand.
Walking inside, I could hear the dryer running and noticed that both girls were in my bedroom. Up against the wall, they were making up a king-size bed. I’d never had anything larger than a queen, and the size difference was striking.
Seeing me walk in, they excitedly instructed me to lie down and tell them what I thought. Sinking onto the mattress, I said I’d never felt anything like it before. It was by far the most comfortable mattress I’d ever felt. Both were excited to hear that, and frankly, I would have been happy to lie down and sleep, but Emily wanted me to see her room.
I forced myself to get up and follow them. I must have underestimated the size of the room because Sam had elected to go with a king-size bed in here as well, and it easily accommodated the large mattress. The bed frame, dresser, nightstand, and floor mirror all had a Scandinavian feel and were done in white.
A desk with a glass top and rolling chair was up against a wall, and a comfortable reading chair sat in the adjacent corner. Pulling everything together was a light-colored rug with rose tones (in the days since Emily moved in, I once called it pink and was corrected). The bed hadn’t been made yet, but a white comforter sat on top of the mattress.
I was in awe. It had been less than five hours, and at least one room in my apartment now looked like a home. Both girls must have been able to read my expression because I got a big hug and thank you from Emily, who was clearly happy to see my approval, and a warm smile from Sam.
Going to the kitchen to retrieve the cake and ice cream, I realized that not only did I not have dishes, but I also didn’t have a proper place for three people to sit, just a small table that I’d eat at if I wasn’t eating on the sofa.
To be honest, I could have paid to properly furnish my apartment when I moved in. My law practice was doing quite well for a one-man show, between it and my benefits from the military, I had saved up a considerable nest egg for someone my age. I once again thought to myself that I couldn’t wait to see what the rest of the place would look like when they were done.
The girls ended up sitting on the sofa to eat, while I took the only recliner, and we used the to-go containers as bowls. They talked about all the things they had seen and made plans to go back out the next day. Sam suggested that in the morning, since there was no food in the house, Emily and I go to breakfast and then make a run to Emily’s place to pick up some more clothes. She had only packed for a weekend at her friend’s house.
Sam told Emily she’d come back around noon to pick her up and drive back to the city to see if they could find everything else Sam wanted to replace my current furniture.
Sam asked if I’d have time to get the grocery shopping done if she made a list. I assured her that I could handle it and that there would be food in the house by the time they got back.
About that time, the buzzer went off on the dryer. Emily’s new sheets were ready to go on the bed, and they went to grab them.
I picked up the now-empty “dishes” and threw them away. Grabbing the dogs’ leashes, I took them outside one last time, saying hi to Craig as I walked Cooper and Charlie across the street to the square.
The sidewalks were still full, with the after-dinner crowd moving from bar to bar, and the square was well-lit and lively. It was nice to see the downtown so full of life. When I was in high school, it was relatively dead by 6 pm.
When I got back upstairs, Emily’s bed had been made, and Sam was gathering her things to go. “I’ll see you both tomorrow around noon. I’ll bring your list, Alex.” Sam gave Alex and I both a hug before heading downstairs. It was well after 9 o’clock, which normally wouldn’t be the end of a night for me, but I was dead tired.
I told Emily she was welcome to stay up but that I was going to bed and asked her to turn off the lights when she finally decided to turn in.
She ran over and hugged me. “Thank you for everything, Alex. I really didn’t know what I was going to do. You have no idea what this means to me.” I hugged her back and told her this summer was going to be a real adventure for both of us.
I realized that I was glad she was there, not just because I wanted to help her out but because having her there would push me to leave a routine that had become way too comfortable. Having someone around also meant I wouldn’t spend every evening alone, worrying about how I was going to handle what Joe had put in front of me.
Seeing me heading to bed, Cooper jumped up to follow me. I noticed that Charlie stayed on the sofa where he had been lying next to Emily. I figured he’d follow later if he wanted to and left the door cracked for him to slide through later and got ready for bed.
Once again, it had been a crazy day. I was recapping it in my head as I lay down on my new bed.
The last thing I remember was thinking, “this is the most comfortable mattress I’ve ever slept on.”
In hindsight, the next day (Sunday), was a great day. There were some complications and some fallout from Saturday but overall I think it was the best day since Joe died. I'm working on journaling it now and cleaning it up to post it. Thanks for your continued interest in what's been going on.
submitted by LawyerVet36 to InTheValley [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:48 apondalifa [RATE ANNOUNCEMENT] 90s Warp Rate

Howdy, indieheads! Welcome to the 90s Warp Rate, the biggest, bleepiest collection of classic electronica this side of the Atlantic! I’m your host, Warp-alifa, and with my ravey co-host u/WaneLietoc, we’ve prepared to bring you the best rave rate of British golden age drum & bass, bleep, and IDM electronic listening music that acid can buy!

Hold on! What’s a rate?

Once a month, this subreddit plays a game called a “rate” where a host (myself and u/WaneLietoc) select a collection of albums (and bonus songs) for everyone to score on a scale of 1-10, with a single 11 & a 0 available as well. Ballots of these scores are submitted, and then over “reveal” weekend, the host(s) take the averages of the songs and eliminate them from worst to best, giving one song out of all the albums the top spot, and declaring the album where that song is from the coveted “rate winner.”
Our sister subreddit popheads has a Guide to Rates Video that can give you a broad overview of rates (please note our reveal process is thread-based instead of video chat rooms). And here's recent examples of a rate announcement and a rate reveal.

Cool! Are there any other rates happening right now?

Yes! The Brazil Classics Rate is currently ongoing, with ballots due June 21st! Check out more info about it here.

Cool! How do I participate in the Warp Rate?

Simply fill out the ballot by the due date and submit it to me through the link below! You may also use the playlists to help you keep track of what and where you’re listening to everything.


Backup Pastebin Ballot

BALLOTS DUE: July 16th

REVEAL WEEKEND: July 19th - 21st


Apple Music

Main Rate

1) Who and what is Warp?
There’s a label guide to be written here one day, so we’ll try to keep it short. Warp Records was born in 1989 as something of an evolution of a Sheffield sound that had been developing for 15 prior years as 80s dance/rave scene in Sheffield was finally reaching a place of maturation: DJs displayed a wide knowledge base, mixing older rare groove/funk/disco into new abstract electronic minimalism arriving on import from Detroit & Chicago; sounds that crossed racial divides. Meanwhile, luminaries like Cabaret Voltaire, ABC, the Human League, and Heaven 17, all were Sheffield-based pioneers in electronic pop that also happened to have ties to the FON complex, a place where Rob Gordon was cooking up and devising the “bleep” techno sound. By 1989, an opportunity had presented itself to Gordon, partnering with Steve Beckett and Rob Mitchell to found Warp as both a record store and a pioneering label with an MO in exploring emerging homegrown electronic sounds that could tear up a Saturday night in the abandoned warehouses across the Northern UK.
It was almost Warped, but no one could understand it through the phone lines really. Also, Warp could stand for We Are Reasonable People. Cheeky Brits!
2) So What Did Warp’s 90s Look Like? Is there a definitive Warp Sound?
You could broadly characterize Warp’s 90s into 3 distinctive parts:
Needless to say, Warp’s pivot out of singles, towards singular artists on the outside of “scenes” quickly established itself as the flagship electronic independent label of its time, and is still the label where many of today’s most cherished alternative acts call home. In the mainline rate, we’ll focus on the highs of the Blech Era and meet a few of the most legendary acts to ever sport the little purple globe, exploring their most enduring works.

Aphex Twin - Richard D. James Album (1997) (WARP 43)

The poster child of IDM (so much so that he derided the term), RDJ has built his legacy on going against every little grain he comes across, passing through techno, acid house, rave, ambient, drum & bass, breakbeat, and everything in between. In the process, he became the court jester of electronic dance, a stinky little ginger prankster with a tank living in a bank vault that happened to be one of the most prolific producers ever pressed to wax, Richard David James has gone by many monikers-- Polygon Window, The Dice Man, Caustic Window, user18081971, Four Tet (rumored), Burial (also rumored)-- yet everyone knows the name Aphex Twin.
No one could keep up with Richard in the 90s, not even his best mate Luke Vibert! His sincere acts of trolling repeatedly manifested itself into compilations of analog electronic listening music that he also reveled in rarely giving easy, definitive answers to. Even if he despised his inadvertent celebrity status, the legend of the 1990s Richard D James was an extravagant, decadent one, whose face sprawled forth from every direction. The self-titled-by-proxy Richard D. James Album, with its menacing grin and simplistic title, is but one of a plethora of AFX projects that could have been chosen for this rate; yet with its childlike sense of wonder and bouncing beats, it’s an easy selection for old fans and newcomers alike.
It may even be his most personal work yet. He’d done a portrait for a cover, left track names as anagrams or references to Cornwall, even brought out a new edition of Calx, but the RDJ album happened to feature one major upgrade for Richard hiding in the reflection of his eye: a computer! That’s right, Richard was making the leap to the digital age for breakbeat innovation. He’d long been an analog purist, but after releasing Squarepusher’s debut Feed Me Weird Things, Richard had a new friend, one who he would be locked in a sonic arms race with for the rest of the decade, and a new direction towards something jungle-adjacent, but manic of its own accord.
Note: we will be using the American CD release for this rate, which included the Girl/Boy EP as an addendum–minus the remixes. This edition is not on normal streaming in full.
  1. 4
  2. Cornish Acid
  3. Peek 82454201
  4. Fingerbib
  5. Carn Marth
  6. To Cure A Weakling Child
  7. Goon Gumpas
  8. Yellow Calx
  9. Girl/Boy Song
  10. Logan Rock Witch
  11. Milk Man
  12. Inkey$
  13. Beetles

Autechre - Tri Repetae (1995) (WARP 38)

This is when we knew it was really on. Gloriously driven by the kick drum swing of hip-hop while also beginning to dissolve in their new acid computer bath, Tri Repetae is the first full album where Sean and Rob let their hearts and brains fully merge with the gear.
-Sasha Frere-Jones, the Shfl’s (very good!) guide to IDM
There’s a joke in the office, that the Autechre duo always say the next album’s going to be ‘much more hiphop’
-Ian Anderson of the Designers Republic (Autechre’s album cover designers)
I thought I might give them boys another go....Would be the third time of trying, if we count the initial back-in-the-day listening. Got rid of nearly all the CDs years ago - where shall I start? Tips, playlists, beginner's guide to , all very much welcomed. Bear in mind, though, my entrenched position is 1/ no grooves 2/ no tunes 3/ no discernible emotions or even moods.... so evidence proffered to the contrary is unlikely to be persuasive... Much more likely to be swayed by extremes of abstraction.... absolute unhuman inhospitable uninhabitable inclemency... the kind of unreachable alienness gestured at in the devastating denouement to Stanislaw Lem's Fiasco...I do remember being quite impressed by Confield, for instance...Did I quite-like Oversteps? Thing is, I can't remember. And that is the main issue, I just find their stuff resolutely evades memory. There's no element in it, on any level, that sticks. I mean, come on. Who hasn't got better things to do than this?
- Simon Reynolds, continuing to be frustrated by Autechre as of October 19, 2023
I remember, like, doing Tri Rep and it was literally like: ‘Right, we’re just going to do loops, and that’s it’. And it’s going to be that, and they’re going to be incrementally changing. And it was very much about it being looped. I was really thinking about that a lot at the time, that I’m going to loop this more than I should, it’s going to go on longer than it should. But it’s going to be just about tolerable, just within the kind of boundary of what’s acceptable in terms of how long things are going on for and how much repetition there is…I mean, basically we still sit in there arsing around with drum machines and keyboards, we’re not doing anything technically amazing and flash. We’re just REALLY into it.”
- Sean Booth, keeping his feet on the ground in an Interview with Droid (2023) + for Rob Young’s Warp: Labels Unlimited (2006)
By 1995 Autechre wanted out of the industry; they were shit at signing CDs and hated doing interviews. The duo had come to Warp with hardcore electro cuts in ‘91 that were passed on, returning months later with tracks “a bit like LFO but they’ve got better beats”. Warp was amused, edging one cut after another out of them until debut Incunabula was curated as a result. Amber took things in a more decidedly ambient exploration, but neither release quite reflected the promise "The Egg" on the Artificial Intelligence compilation, "Basscadet" on Incunabula, nor the Garbage EP were trafficking in. Tri Repetae was to be their escape vessel.
Very few musicians from the last century were ever able to build the type of devoted cult following that the Manchester-based duo of Sean Booth and Rob Brown have accumulated over 30 years; even fewer have done so while consistently scouting the deepest regions of dance music until it was rendered into some kind of jam-based synthetic utopia. Tri Repetae, their third full-length album from Warp, locates the pair at a pivotal moment in their development. One where the technology was finally at the point Autechre’s love of Street Sounds electro could be hyper-charged while also still playing to a composeNew Music bent the duo was seeing themselves in a lineage belonging to.
It’s straight up an album of loops, ones fully grown into cool, synthetic worlds. It is hip hop but in a way that is beyond the after-image of a break-dancer, an actual moving 'n' grooving human, toeing the line between human and machine, and pushing electronica into a new era of methodical mechanics and pulsing glitch textures. It sounds like music Wall-E and EVE have RAD sex to. It is 70 minutes and Autechre politely requests you listen to it on analog vinyl (the cassette is disposable information & the CD is incomplete without surface noise) AND in the dark; if applicable.
NOTE: this album is a real bizarre one. If the quoteboard makes anything clear, there is SOMETHING to this release, but also it may sound like a brick to you. Deadass. Play around with it. Have fun. Don’t remain motionless!
  1. Dael
  2. Clipper
  3. Leterel
  4. Rotar
  5. Stud
  6. Eutow
  7. C/Path
  8. Gnit
  9. Overand
  10. Rsdio

Boards of Canada - Music Has the Right to Children (1998) (WARP 55)

We grew up in the 70s, a time of great paranoia about science, a paranoia which comes across in the science fiction of that era, in books as well as films. It’s this paranoia, this pessimism, this fear of science, which can be found in our music along with other influences. When we were growing up in the 70s, the view of the future shown in TV and films was very dark, very powerful.
After hearing a tape of their work. Sean Booth of Autechre hipped Warp to a pair of enigmatic, nostalgic, brothers, Michael Sanderson and Marcus Eoin. The duo had been working south of Edinburgh in part of a free ranging collective of artist friends since the 80s, Hexagon Sun, that was holding outdoor music and art events. Proto-Boards of Canada music, alongside children’s song records and tapes mixed and reversed over the top were in the mix, complete with kaleidoscopic imagery. But such events had slowed over the 90s as the collective dwindled and insularity became key to the brothers’ work for the Skam label.
With their ARG-album announcements, hidden occult messages, and exquisite production, it’s no wonder why BoC have developed such a rabid following, and an even wider scope of influence in the decades since. The recurring themes of nature and man, memory and nostalgia, wonder and fear of the unknown, all accumulate seamlessly on their Warp debut, Music Has the Right to Children. Flipping fluidly between slinky downtempo and wobbling ambient, while always keeping an underlying adoration to 90s boom bap hip-hop instrumentals, this turquoise-tinted record was another zap from where 90s music was zipping towards. To say it has wowed and inspired generations of listeners would be an understatement, as much as it has become something of a sacred text… an essential bliss out.
Note: we will be using the original UK release for this rate, which did not include the track “Happy Cycling” as found on streaming now.
  1. Wildlife Analysis
  2. An Eagle in Your Mind
  3. The Colour of the Fire
  4. Telephasic Workshop
  5. Triangles & Rhombuses
  6. Sixtyten
  7. Turquoise Hexagon Sun
  8. Kaini Industries
  9. Bocuma
  10. Roygbiv
  11. Rue the Whirl
  12. Aquarius
  13. Olson
  14. Pete Standing Alone
  15. Smokes Quantity
  16. Open the Light
  17. One Very Important Thought

Squarepusher - Hard Normal Daddy (1997) (WARP 50)

Indeed there have been questions about an act in which Warp is currently investing its future; solo performer Squarepusher, described respectfully as “Weather Report on 78”... Going between us, from 95-97, was really like a conversation. It wasn't like we were trying to better each other; or at least if it was we never came out in the open about it. We were just like, ‘Oh yeah man, that’s wicked’, and then turn up the next week with a DAT: ‘Check this out’. But it was brilliant.
- Tom Jenkinson (Squarepusher) on his friendship with Richard D James during 1995-1997
Tom Jenkinson’s discography is an eclectic, mind-twisting journey through the heart and soul of frantically rhythmic dance music. Spanning almost 30 years, the Squarepusher moniker has explored everything from acid and drill, jungle and techno, hard breaks and flash-- all while maintaining a distinctly human touch to the easier-said-than-done prospect of making drums go “brrrr.” All the while, he’s eschewed a scene or collective. “The idea of being part of a movement isn’t particularly exciting to me, unfortunately,” he said back in 1998.
But before all that, Tom just wanted to release a purple sleeve on Warp. He was a raver that knew his jungle breaks and was cooking up tunes back in the 92-93 heyday when he was 17. He was well on his way to a purple sleeve by 1995, when RDJ helped him curate dozens of cuts into Feed Me Weird Things, a harmonious blending of melodic hooks with technical bravado, for Rephelx. It would kick off the great Squarepusher v Aphex Twin (v Autechre) “make the freakiest shit you can” arms race of the late 90s. The RDJ album fired back at the speed Squarepusher pushed. Chiastic Slide offered an alternate freak mode glitch hop swing. Hard Normal Daddy, Jenkinson’s debut LP on Warp in the spring of ‘97 and hot off the heels of the singularly brilliant purple sleeve Port Rhombus EP, may have been the real achievement of Warp’s 90s run.
Armed with a fake Fender Jazz bass and a “totally outdated” Akai S950 sampler, Jenkinson aimed for something singular. Both a love letter to his local rave scene, as much as an attempt to perfect and enshrine his Weather Report jazz fusion worship into the hardcore continuum, Hard Normal Daddy carries a sense of personalization akin to a bildungsroman. This is Squarepusher the Underdog cementing his own wicked legacy as yet another progressive pioneer in the landscape of alternative electronica.
  1. Coopers World
  2. Beep Street
  3. Rustic Raver
  4. Anirog D9
  5. Chin Hippy
  6. Papalon
  7. E8 Boogie
  8. Fat Controller
  9. Vic Acid
  10. Male Pill Part 13
  11. Rat/P’s + Q’s
  12. Rebus

Bonus Rate (Optional)

Warp had over 71 albums and 128 singles released across 1989-1999. We could be here for DAYS rating cuts! So, we came up with something reasonable. Our bonus rate includes an absolute bevy of Warp classics, examining the varied eras and aesthetics. From the heaviest of dance tunes to the most blissful of comedown tracks fit for a spliff. Oh, and wicked spins on kitschy rave! Want to float peacefully around the orbital space station? Or dive into the deep end of bleep techno? This bonus rate has a little something for everyone, and perhaps a new obsession or two to follow.
  1. B12 - ”Telefone 529”
  2. The Black Dog - ”End of Time”
  3. Broadcast - ”Echo’s Answer”
  4. Drexciya - ”Black Sea”
  5. F.U.S.E. - ”Substance Abuse”
  6. Richard H. Kirk - ”World War Three”
  7. Kenny Larkin - ”Tedra”
  8. LFO - ”We Are Back”
  9. Max Tundra - ”Children at Play”
  10. Nightmares on Wax - ”Mega Donutz”
  11. Plone - ”Plock”
  12. Seefeel - ”Fracture”
  13. Speedy J - ”Beam Me Up!”
  14. Tricky Disco - ”Tricky Disco”
  15. Two Lone Swordsmen - ”The Big Clapper”



Songs - THIS IS CORRECT (single space after colon):
Milk Man: 7
You may also and are generally encouraged to leave comments with your scores!
Milk Man: 7 thank you Mrs. Milk Man but I prefer non-dairy alternatives
Milk Man 7 thank you Mrs. Milk Man but I prefer non-dairy alternatives
Milk Man - 7 thank you Mrs. Milk Man but I prefer non-dairy alternatives
Milk Man: 7: thank you Mrs. Milk Man but I prefer non-dairy alternatives
Milk Man: (7) thank you Mrs. Milk Man but I prefer non-dairy alternatives
Milk Man: thank you Mrs. Milk Man but I prefer non-dairy alternatives 7
Albums: You can also comment on the complete albums by adding a colon after the album name and then your comment, like so:
Album: Music Has the Right to Children Wow! This is just like the time when I had the opportunity to serve as a juror in a censorship or so-called obscenity case, where the same people who would stop me from listening to Boards of Canada complained about a book and even a tv program, and I defended my constitutionally protected rights!
(If you don't follow the format, I'll probably still accept your ballot, but you have to write me a 1000-word essay WITH SOURCES on why Drexciya is the most important techno act of all time.)
Did a lot of copy and pasting here (including the following list of users), so thank you to all the raters of old: daswef2; u/vapourlomo; u/roseisonlineagain; u/DolphLundgrensArms; u/R_E_S_I_G_N_E_D; u/stansymash; u/ClocktowerMaria; u/aerocom; u/themilkeyedmender; u/greencaptain; u/Crankeedoo; u/dirdbub; u/ThatParanoidPenguin; u/tedcruzcontrol; u/kappyko; u/FuckUpSomeCommasYeah; u/LazyDayLullaby; u/SRTViper; u/Whatsanillinois; u/NFLFreak98; u/freav; u/freeofblasphemy; u/kvothetyron, u/RatesNorman; u/aPenumbra; u/idontreallycare4; u/p-u-n-k_girl; u/luigijon3; u/WaneLietoc; u/dream_fighter2018; u/darjeelingdarkroast (RIP); u/smuckles; u/PiperIBarelyKnowHer; u/welcome2thejam; u/imrlynotonreddit; u/kvothetyrion; u/thedoctordances1940; u/b_o_g_o (of the BogoLomo Rate Collective); u/MCK_OH; u/TiltControls; u/chug-a-lug-donna; u/TakeOnMeByA-ha; u/indie_fan_; u/bilbodabag, u/zenits, u/saison_Marguerite, and tons of people on popheads.


Ballots are DUE JULY 16TH

Reveal Weekend July 19th - 21st

Thank you for reading, and we hope you enjoy the rate!
submitted by apondalifa to indieheads [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:46 ppoppo33 Prometheans are wearing 80s disco pants

Prometheans are wearing 80s disco pants
I want the beefy bulked up muscular clay boys back! These skinny fellas that look like theyre about to have a dance off in a 80a disco with those pants on arent cutting it for me.
I also think for readability and clarity the older prometheans had a way better silhoulette. I feel like these new ones could blend too much in with regular army
submitted by ppoppo33 to AgeofMythology [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:46 nahimavegan (Selling) Huge List Of 1100+ Movies! Lots Of New And Rare Titles!

**Prices firm, but I take off $1.00 for every $10 spent (multiple items)*\*
**I accept PayPal, Venmo, & Cashapp*\*
**Codes are always split/dual portion where applicable, & have no DMI*\*
**Only redeem the portion you pay for!*\*
Birds of Prey HD/MA $3.5
Scoob! HD/MA $3.5
Superman Red Son HD/MA $4
Wonder Woman: Bloodlines HD/MA $3.5
New additions
2000s 10-Film Bundle (The Departed 4K, I Am Legend 4K, Pan's Labyrinth 4K, The Hangover 4K, A History of Violence HD, Best in Show HD, A.I. Artificial Intelligence HD, Mystic River HD, Ocean's Eleven HD, Letters from Iwo Jima HD) HD/MA $30
48 Hrs HD/VU $6
65 HD/MA $4.5 or SD/MA $2.5
80 for Brady HD/VU $5
976-Evil HD/MA $5.5
A24 Horror 5-Film Set (X, Green Room, Hereditary, It Comes at Night, Witch) HD/VU $13.5
A Dog's Way Home HD/MA $3
A League of Their Own 4K/MA $5.5
A Monster Calls HD/MA $3
A Most Violent Year HD/VU $4.5
A Quiet Place Pt 2 4K/VU $5.5
A Simple Favor HD/VU $4
About Time HD/MA or IT $3.5
Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter HD/MA $3.5
Addams Family '19 4K/IT $4.5
Adventures of Tintin HD/VU or IT $3
Afflicted HD/MA $4
Aliens 4K/MA $6.5
Almost Famous 4K/VU $5
American Psycho 4K/VU $5.5
Angels & Demons 4K/MA $6
Anyone But You HD/MA $7
Aquaman & the Lost Kingdom HD/MA $6.5
Armageddon Time HD/MA $4.5
Arrow Complete Series HD/VU $45
As Good as it Gets 4K/MA $6
Atlantis Milo's Return HD/MA $5 or HD/GP $4.5
Avatar The Way of Water HD/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $4
Back to the Future Trilogy HD/MA $10
Bad Boys 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Bad Boys 2 HD/MA $4
Bad Guys HD/MA $4.5
Bad Moms HD/MA $3
Baggage Claim HD/MA $3.5
Bambi HD/MA $4
Banshees of Inisherin HD/GP $3.5
Barbie HD/MA $6
Barbie Rock 'n Royals HD/MA or IT $3
Battle for Terra HD/VU $4.5
Beast HD/MA $4.5
Beguiled HD/IT $3
Beyond Re-Animator HD/VU $4
Big Chill 4K/MA $5.5
Big Eyes HD/VU $4
Billy Lynn’s Long Half Time Walk HD/MA $4
Black Adam 4K/MA $5.5
Black Hawk Down 4K/MA $6
Black Phone HD/MA $4
Blockers HD/MA $3.5
Blood Father HD/VU $3
Bloodshot HD/MA $4
Blue Bayou HD/MA $4.5
Bob Marley One Love HD/MA $9
Body Double 4K/MA $5.5
Boogeyman HD/MA $5
Book Club Next Chapter HD/MA $5
Book of Life HD/MA $3.5
Broken City HD/MA $3.5
Broken Hearts Gallery HD/VU $4.5
Bros HD/MA $4.5
Bullet Train 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Burrowers HD/VU $4
Call Jane HD/VU $4.5
Cannibal Cabin 4K/VU $5
Casino 4K/MA $5.5
Chappie HD/MA $3
Charlie's Angels '00 4K/MA $5.5
Charlie's Angels '19 HD/MA $4
Cheech & Chong's Up in Smoke HD/VU $3.5
Christmas Classics 4-Film Set (Miracle on 34th Street '94, A Christmas Carol '84, Home Alone, Jingle all the Way) HD/MA $12
Cinderella '15 HD/MA $3.5
Cinderella '50 HD/MA $4.5
Cobweb 4K/VU $7
Cocaine Bear HD/MA $5
Colossal HD/VU or IT $4
Conan the Barbarian '11 4K/VU $5.5
Contagion 4K/MA $6.5
Creature from the Black Lagoon '54 HD/MA $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
Creed 3 4K/MA $6.5
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 4K/MA $6
Crow 4K/VU $5.5
The Cornetto Trilogy (Shaun, Fuzz, World's) 4K/MA $15
Counselor HD/MA $4
Da Vinci Code 4K/MA $6
Dagon HD/VU $4
Dark Skies HD/VU $3.5
DCU All Star Superman 4K/MA $6.5
Dear David 4K/VU $6
Dear White People HD/VU $3.5
Den of Thieves HD/IT $3
Departed 4K/MA $6.5
Devil's Workshop 4K/VU $5.5
Devil's Workshop HD/VU $4.5
Devotion 4K/VU $6 or HD/VU $4.5
Diary of the Dead HD/VU $4
Dig 4K/VU $5.5
Dirty Grandpa (Thea & Unr) HD/VU or IT $3.5
District 9 / Elysium Bundle HD/MA $7.5
Dora & the Lost City of Gold HD/VU $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
Dracula Untold HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Dragon Blade HD/VU $3.5
Dr. Strangelove 4K/MA $5
Dragonheart 5-Film Set HD/MA $13
Dreamland HD/VU $4.5
Dream Scenario HD/VU $6.5
Drive HD/MA $4
Dumb Money HD/MA $6
Dune Part 2 4K/MA $10 or HD/MA $8.5
Easy Rider 4K/MA $6
Elemental HD/MA $6
Emperor HD/VU $3.5
Equalizer 3 HD/MA $5.5
Escape Plan HD/VU $2.5
Escape Plan 2 HD/VU $2.5
Everything Everywhere All At Once 4K/VU $5
Evil Dead '13 4K/MA $5.5
Evil Dead Rise 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $4.5
Evil Under The Sun HD/VU $4
Exorcist '73 (2-cuts) 4K/MA $6.5
Exorcist Believer 4K/MA $7 or HD/MA $5.5
Expendables 1-3 Set 4K/MA $10 or HD/VU $7
Expendables 1-4 Set 4K/VU $15 or HD/VU $11
F9 The Fast Saga (Thea & Ext) HD/MA $4
Fall 4K/VU $6 or HD/VU $4.5
Fast & the Furious 10-film Set 4K/MA $30 or HD/MA $22
Fast X 4K/MA $6.5 or HD/MA $5
Feast (Unr) HD/VU $4
Fifth Element 4K/MA $5.5
Fifty Shades 6-Cut Set (Thea & Unr) HD/MA $12
First Purge HD/MA $3.5
First Wive's Club HD/VU $4
Five Nights at Freddy's HD/MA $6
Fool's Paradise HD/VU $5.5
Force of Nature '20 HD/VU $3.5
Forger HD/VU $3
Forrest Gump HD/VU $4
Freeheld HD/VU $4
Friday the 13th Pt 2 HD/VU $3.5
Friendsgiving HD/VU $4
Front Runner HD/MA $4
Frozen '10 HD/VU $4
Funny Girl 4K/MA $5.5
Gandhi 4K/MA $5.5
Gateway 4K/VU $5.5
Gattaca 4K/MA $6
Ghostbusters Afterlife HD/MA $4
Ghoulies Go To College HD/VU $3.5
Gladiator 4K/VU $5.5
Glory 4K/MA $6
Godfather 3 Coda HD/VU $4
Gone Girl HD/MA $4
Good Boys HD/MA $3.5
Good House 4K/VU $5.5
Goodnight Mommy HD/VU $4
Goosebumps 2 HD/MA $3
Gran Turismo 4K/MA $7 or HD/MA $5.5
Grease Trilogy HD/VU or IT $9
Green Knight 4K/VU $5
Green Room HD/VU $4
Groundhog Day 4K/MA $5.5
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner 4K/MA $6
Hail, Caesar! HD/VU or IT $2.5
Hammett HD/VU $4
Halloween Curse of Michael Myers HD/VU $4
Halloween Ends HD/MA $4.5
Halloween H20 HD/VU $4
Halloween Kills (Ext) HD/MA $4.5
Halloween Resurrection HD/VU $4
Harriet 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $4.5
Haunting '99 HD/VU $4
Hex 4K/VU $5.5
High Tension HD/VU $4.5
Hell Fest HD/VU $3.5
Hellbenders HD/VU $4
Hellraiser: Judgment HD/VU $4
Home Alone 1 & 2 Set HD/MA $6.5
Hook 4K/MA $6
Hot Tub Time Machine 2 HD/VU $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
Hotel Transylvania 2 HD/MA $3.5
How to Train Your Dragon HD/MA $4
How to Train Your Dragon Hidden World HD/MA $3.5
Hundred-Foot Journey HD/MA or IT $3.5
Hunger Games 4-Film Set 4K/VU $15
The Hunger Games Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes 4K/VU $7.5 or HD/VU $6
Hurricane Heist HD/VU $3.5
Hustlers 4K/IT $4.5
Ice Age Continental Drift HD/MA $3
I, Frankenstein HD/VU or IT $3
I Saw the Light HD/MA $4
Ice Age HD/MA $3.5
Identity Thief HD/IT $3.5
If Beale Street Could Talk HD/MA $4
Imaginary HD/VU $8.5
Indiana Jones & the Dial of Destiny HD/MA $6
Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade HD/VU $4 or 4K/IT $4.5
Inhabitant HD/VU $4.5
Insidious 4K/MA $5.5
Insidious The Last Key HD/MA $3.5
Insidious Red Door HD/MA $5
Iron Claw HD/VU $6
It Comes at Night HD/MA $4
Jackie Brown HD/VU $4
Jerry Maguire 4K/MA $6
Jesus Revolution HD/VU $4.5
Jigsaw HD/VU $3.5
John Wick 4 4K/VU $6.5
John Wick 4-Film Collection HD/VU $13
Journey to Bethlehem HD/MA $5.5
Jumanji '95 4K/MA $6
Jungle Book '67 HD/MA $4
Jurassic World 6-film Set HD/MA $18
Jurassic World Dominion (Thea & Ext) 4K/MA $6.5 or HD/MA $5
Kandahar HD/MA $5.5
Kill Bill Vol 2 HD/VU $4.5
Killing Them Softly HD/VU $3.5
Kiss the Girls 4K/VU $6
Knights of the Zodiac HD/MA $5
Kramer vs Kramer 4K/MA $6
Kung Fu Panda 3 HD/MA $3.5
Kung Fu Panda 4 HD/MA $9.5
Last Action Hero 4K/MA $5.5
Last Christmas HD/MA $4.5
Last Night in Soho 4K/MA $5.5
Last Voyage of the Demeter HD/MA $5.5
Lawless HD/VU $4
Leap! HD/VU $3.5
Leprechaun 8-Film Set HD/VU $15
Liar Liar HD/MA or IT $4
Licorice Pizza 4K/IT $5
Little Mermaid '23 HD/MA $5
Long Shot HD/VU $4
Lorax HD/MA or IT $3.5
Lost Boys 4K/MA $6
Love Again SD/MA $2.5
Lucky Number Slevin HD/VU $4.5
M3GAN (Thea & Unr) HD/MA $5
Ma '19 HD/MA $4
Madame Web HD/MA $7.5
Mamma Mia Here We Go Again HD/MA $3
Manchester by the Sea HD/VU $4
Manodrome HD/VU $5
Marsh King's Daughter 4K/VU $5.5
Martyrs HD/VU $4.5
May HD/VU $4
Maze Runner Death Cure HD/MA $4
Maze Runner Scorch Trials HD/MA $3.5
Mean Girls '24 HD/VU $8.5
Meg 2 4K/MA $7
Memories of Murder 4K/MA $6.5
Menu HD/GP $3.5
Meryl Streep 8-Film Set HD/MA $22
MIB International HD/MA $4
Mickey's Christmas Carol HD/MA $4
Midnight Meat Train (Unr) HD/VU $4
Migration HD/MA $6
Mike & Dave Need Wedding Dates HD/MA $3
Miller's Girl 4K/VU $8
Miracle on 34th Street HD/MA $4
Missing HD/MA $5
Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning Pt 1 4K/VU $7.5 or HD/VU $6
Mist 4K/VU $6.5
Mitchells vs the Machines HD/MA $4.5
Moms' Night Out HD/MA $3.5
Monster High Electrified HD/MA or IT $2.5
Moonfall 4K/VU $4.5
Moonrise Kingdom HD/MA $4
Mortal Kombat Legends Cage Match HD/MA $5.5
Mr. Holmes HD/VU $3.5
Mulan '98 HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 HD/MA $3
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 HD/MA $5.5
My Girl 4K/MA $6
National Champions 4K/IT $5
New Mutants HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Night at the Museum Secret of the Tomb HD/MA $3
Night Swim HD/MA $7
Night Train to Lisbon HD/VU $4
No Good Deed HD/MA $3
No Hard Feelings HD/MA $5.5
Nope 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $4.5
Notting Hill HD/MA $4
Nun 2 HD/MA $5.5
Ocean's Trilogy 4K/MA $16
Old 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $4.5
Official Secrets HD/VU $4
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood 4K/MA $5.5
Oppenheimer HD/MA $6
Other Side of the Door HD/MA $4
Out Of The Blue HD/VU $4
Overlord 4K/VU or IT $4.5
ParaNorman HD/IT $4
Parental Guidance HD/MA $2.5
Parents HD/VU $4
Parasite 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Paw Patrol Mighty Movie HD/VU $5.5
Penguins of Madagascar HD/MA $3
Pet Sematary Bloodlines HD/VU $5.5
Peter Pan Return to Neverland HD/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $4
Philadelphia 4K/MA $5.5
Pinocchio '40 HD/MA $4
Pitch Perfect 3 4K/MA $5
Pixels HD/MA $3
Plane 4K/VU $5.5
Poor Things HD/MA $6.5
Pope's Exorcist HD/MA $5
Prey for the Devil 4K/VU $5.5
Priscilla HD/VU $6
Punch-Drunk Love 4K/MA $6.5
Purge 4-Film Set HD/MA $12
Queen & Slim HD/MA $4
Quick & the Dead '95 4K/MA $6
Rambo First Blood HD/VU $4
Rambo First Blood Pt 2 HD/VU $4
Real Genius 4K/MA $5.5
Red Rocket HD/VU $4
Red Sparrow HD/MA $3.5
Renfield HD/MA $5.5
Requin HD/VU $4.5
Resident Evil Welcome to Raccoon City HD/MA $4
Rise of the Planet of the Apes HD/MA $4
Riverdale Complete Series HD/VU $45
Robin Hood '73 HD/MA $4
Rocky Horror Picture Show HD/MA $4
Rosemary's Baby 4K/VU $6.5
Rhythm Section HD/VU $3.5
Ruby Gilman Teenage Kraken HD/MA $5.5
Rudy (Dir Cut) 4K/MA $6.5
Rudy 4K/MA $6
Run Lola Run 4K/MA $6.5
Saint Maud HD/VU $4
Samurai Jack Complete Series HD/VU $40
Saw 8-film Set (Unr except Jigsaw) HD/VU $20
Secret Life of Walter Mitty HD/MA $3.5
Shaun the Sheep HD/VU $3.5
Shrek 6-Film Set (1-4, Musical, Puss in Boots) HD/MA $19
Skiptrace HD/VU $3.5
Scorpion King 4 HD/MA or IT $2.5
Scorpion King 4-Film Set (1, 3, 4, Book of Souls) HD/MA $12
Scream 3 4K/VU $5.5
Scream 5 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Scream 6 4K/VU $7 or HD/VU $5.5
Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel HD/MA $3.5
Sharktopus HD/VU $3.5
Shaun of the Dead HD/MA $4
Shazam 2-film Set HD/MA $8
Shazam Fury of the Gods 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $4.5
She Said HD/MA $4.5
She's the Man HD/VU $3.5
Sin City HD/VU $4
Silent Night '23 HD/VU $5.5
Silver Linings Playbook HD/VU $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Sixteen Candles HD/MA $3.5 or HD/IT $3.5
Sleepless in Seattle 4K/MA $6
Smile HD/VU $4.5
Social Network 4K/MA $6
Sometimes They Come Back...Again HD/VU $4
Sometimes They Come Back...For More HD/VU $3.5
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 4K/VU $5.5
Spartacus 4K/IT $4
Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse 4K/MA $7 or HD/MA $5.5
Split 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Spoiler Alert HD/MA $5
Spotlight HD/MA or IT $3
Spy (Unr) HD/MA $3
Star Wars A New Hope HD/MA $4
Starship Troopers 4K/MA $6
Step Brothers 4K/MA $6.5
Stillwater HD/MA $4
Studio 666 HD/MA $5
Sum of All Fears 4K/VU $5
Supercell HD/VU $4.5
Super Mario Bros Movie 4K/MA $6.5 or HD/MA $5
Superfly HD/MA $4
Suspiria (2018) HD/VU $4
T2 Trainspotting 4K/MA $6
Talk to Me 4K/VU $6
Talladega Nights 4K/MA $6.5
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Out of the Shadows HD/VU $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
Thanksgiving 4K/MA $7
The Bay HD/VU $4
The Color Purple '23 4K/MA $7.5 or HD/MA $6
The Creator HD/MA $6
The Descent (Unr) HD/VU $4.5
The Last Dragon 4K/MA $5.5
The Marvels HD/MA $6.5
The Natural 4K/MA $6
The Other Guys 4K/MA $6
The Professional (Ext) 4K/MA $6
The Space Between Us HD/MA $4
The Sting HD/MA $3.5
The Super '17 HD/VU $4
The Words (Thea & Ext) HD/MA $4
Ticket to Paradise HD/MA $4.5
Titanic 4K/VU or IT $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Top Gun Maverick HD/VU $4
Toy Story 3 HD/MA $4
Trading Places 4K/VU $6
Transformers Rise of the Beasts 4K/MA $7 or HD/VU $5.5
Trolls 3-Film Collection HD/MA $12
Trolls Band Together HD/MA $6.5
Umma HD/MA $4.5
Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent 4K/VU $5
Underwater HD/MA $4.5
Unfriended HD/MA $4
Universal Monsters 4-Film Set 4K/MA $17
V for Vendetta 4K/MA $6.5
Vanilla Sky HD/VU $5.5
Varsity Blues 4K/VU $6
Velvet Goldmine HD/VU $4.5
Venture Bros Radiant is the Blood of the Baboon Heart HD/MA $5.5
Violent Night HD/MA $5
Walking Dead Season 9 HD/VU $7
Watchmen Ultimate Cut 4K/MA $7.5
Waxwork 2 HD/VU $3.5
Welcome to Marwen HD/MA $4.5
Welcome to Monster High HD/MA or IT $3
Whiplash 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $4.5
White House Down HD/MA $3.5
Whitney Houston I Wanna Dance w/ Somebody HD/MA $4
Wicker Man 4K/VU $5.5
Wind River HD/VU $4
Wish HD/MA $6.5
Witch HD/VU $3.5
Woman King 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $4
Woman Walks Ahead HD/VU $4
Wonka HD/MA $7
You're Next HD/VU $3.5
X-Men 1-4 Set SD/MA $7.5
X-Men Trilogy (X-Men, X2, Last Stand) HD/MA $11.5
Young Guns 4K/VU $5.5
Zombieland Double Tap HD/MA $4
All other movies (A-Z)
10 Cloverfield Lane HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
101 Dalmatians '61 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
13 Hours HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
14 Blades HD/VU $3.5
1917 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
2 Guns 4K/MA $4 or HD/MA or IT $2.5
21 Jump Street HD/MA $3
22 Jump Street HD/MA $3.5
3 Extremes HD/VU $4
3 From Hell (Unr) 4K/VU $4 or HD/VU $2.5
3:10 to Yuma 4K/VU $5
31 HD/VU $2.5
47 Meters Down HD/VU or IT $3.5
47 Meters Down Uncaged 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
47 Ronin HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
600 Miles HD/VU $3.5
71 HD/VU $3.5
A Christmas Story 4K/MA $6
A Dog's Purpose HD/IT $3
A Good Day to Die Hard (Ext) HD/VU $2.5
A Journal For Jordan HD/MA $4
A Quiet Place HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
A Walk Among the Tombstones HD/IT $3.5
A Wrinkle in Time HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
A.C.O.D. HD/IT $3.5
Abominable 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
About Last Night HD/MA $3
Ad Astra 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Adaptation 4K/MA $6
Adverse 4K/VU $5
After Earth HD/MA $3
Aftermath HD/VU $3
Air Force One 4K/MA $6
Aladdin ‘19 HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Aladdin ‘92 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Alien HD/MA $4
Alien Covenant HD/MA $2.5
Alfred Hitchcock 4-Film Set Vol 1 4K/MA $18
Alfred Hitchcock 5-Film Set Vol 2 4K/MA $21
Alien 6-film Set HD/MA $16
Alita Battle Angel 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
All Eyez on Me HD/VU or IT $3
All is Lost HD/VU $3.5
All the Money in the World HD/MA $3.5
Allied HD/VU or IT $3.5
Amazing Spider-Man 2 HD/MA $3.5 or SD/MA $1.5
Amazing Spider-Man HD/MA $3.5 or SD/MA $1.5
American Assassin 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
American Hustle HD/MA $3.5
American Ultra HD/VU or IT $4
American Underdog 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Anatomy of a Murder 4K/MA $5
Anchorman 2 HD/VU or IT $2.5
Angel Has Fallen 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Angel Heart 4K/VU $5.5
Angel of Mine 4K/VU $5.5
Angry Birds Movie HD/MA $3.5
Anna Karenina HD/IT $3.5
Annie ‘14 HD/MA $3.5
Annihilation HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Antebellum 4K/VU $5
Antlers HD/GP $3
Ant-Man & the Wasp HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Ant-Man HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Apache Junction HD/VU $3.5
Apollo 13 4K/MA or IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Arctic HD/MA $4
Arrival HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Art of Self-Defense HD/MA $4
Assassination Nation HD/MA $3.5
Assassin's Creed HD/MA $3
Assignment HD/VU $4
Atomic Blonde 4K/IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
August Osage County HD/VU $3
Avengers Age of Ultron HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Avengers Endgame HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Avengers Infinity War 4K/MA $4 or HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Baby Driver HD/MA $4
Backdraft 4K/MA or IT $5.5
Bad Grandpa HD/VU or IT $2.5
Bad Words HD/MA or IT $3
Barb & Star go to Vista Del Mar HD/VU $4
Barbie & Her Sisters in the Great Puppy Adventure HD/IT $3.5
Bart Got a Room HD/VU $4
Battle Royale HD/VU $4.5
Battleship 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Beauty & the Beast ‘17 HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Beauty & the Beast ‘91 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Bedknobs & Broomsticks HD/GP $3.5
Before I Fall HD/VU or IT $3.5
Begin Again HD/VU $3.5
Beiruit HD/MA $3.5
Belly 4K/VU $5.5
Ben-Hur ‘16 HD/VU $3.5
Between Worlds HD/VU $3.5
Big Hero 6 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Big Lebowski 4K/MA or IT $5.5
Big Short HD/VU $3.5
Big Wedding HD/VU or IT $3
Billy Elliot HD/MA or IT $4
Birdman HD/MA $4
Black & Blue HD/MA $4
Black Christmas '19 HD/MA $4.5
Black Panther 4K/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $2.5
Black Panther Wakanda Forever HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
BlackKklansman HD/MA $4.5
Blacklight HD/MA $4
Black Widow HD/GP $3
Blackhat HD/IT $3.5
Blair Witch Project ‘99 HD/VU $4
Bleeding Steel HD/VU $3.5
Blindspotting 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Blood Money ‘17 HD/VU $3.5
Blood Ties HD/VU $3.5
Blue Jasmine HD/MA $3.5
Blue Ruin HD/VU $4
Blues Brothers HD/MA $4 or 4K/IT $4.5
Bob's Burgers Movie HD/GP $3
Body Cam HD/VU $4
Bohemian Rhapsody 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Bombshell 4K/VU $5
Book of Life HD/MA $3.5
Boss Baby HD/MA $2.5
Bourne Identity 4K/IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Bourne Legacy HD/VU $2 or 4K/IT $2.5
Bourne Supremacy HD/MA $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
Bourne Ultimatum 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Boy ‘16 HD/IT $3.5
Boy & the World HD/IT $3.5
Braven HD/VU $4
Breakfast Club HD/MA or IT $4
Breakthrough HD/MA $3
Brian Banks HD/MA $3
Bridge of Spies HD/GP $3.5
Brothers Bloom HD/VU $4.5
Bumblebee 4K/VU or IT $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Butler HD/VU $3
Cabin in the Woods HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Cake HD/MA $4
Call of Wild 4K/MA $4.5 or HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Calvary HD/MA $4
Candyman '20 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $4.5
Candyman 3 HD/VU $4
Captain America Civil War HD/GP $2.5
Captain America First Avenger HD/GP $3.5
Captain America Winter Soldier HD/GP $3.5
Captain Marvel 4K/MA $4 or HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Captain Phillips HD/MA $3.5
Captain Underpants First Epic Movie HD/MA $2.5
Carol HD/VU $4
Cars 3 HD/GP $2.5
Casablanca 4K/MA $5.5
Case for Christ HD/MA or IT $2.5
Casper HD/IT $4
Celebrating Mickey HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Chaos Walking 4K/VU $5
Chappaquiddick HD/VU $4
Chasing Mavericks HD/MA $3.5
Chicago HD/VU $4
Child 44 HD/VU $4
Children ‘08 HD/VU $4
Christopher Robin HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Clerks 3 4K/VU $4.5
Clifford the Big Red Dog HD/VU $4
Cloverfield 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Coco HD/GP $2.5
Cold Pursuit 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Collection HD/VU $3.5
Collide ‘17 HD/VU or IT $2.5
Colma The Musical HD/VU $4
Colombiana (Unr) HD/MA $4
Colony 4K/VU $5
Come & Find Me HD/VU $4
Commuter 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Company of Heroes HD/MA $4
Conspirator HD/VU $4
Contraband HD/IT $3
Contractor HD/VU $4.5
Cooler HD/VU $4
Cool Hand Luke 4K/MA $5.5
Cooties HD/VU $4
Cotton Club Encore 4K/VU $5.5
Countdown ‘16 HD/VU $3.5
Courier 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Craft Legacy HD/MA $4.5
Criminal HD/VU or IT $3
Croods HD/VU $3.5
Cruella HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Crypto 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Daddy's Home HD/VU or IT $2.5
Daddy's Home 2 HD/VU or IT $3
Damsel HD/VU $4.5
Dangerous 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Danny Collins HD/IT $3.5
Dark Crimes HD/VU $4
Darkest Minds HD/MA $4
Dark Places HD/VU $4
Dark Tower HD/MA $3.5
Darkest Hour ‘17 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes HD/MA $3.5
Deadpool 2 (w/Super Duper Cut) HD/MA $4
Deadpool HD/MA $2.5
Death of Me HD/VU $4
Death on the Nile HD/GP $3
Death Wish '18 HD/VU $3
Deepwater Horizon HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Deliver Us From Evil HD/MA $3.5
Dentist 2-Film Set HD/VU $7
Despicable Me 2 HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Despicable Me 3 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Despicable Me 4K/MA or IT $4.5
Detroit HD/MA $3.5
Devil Inside HD/VU $3.5
Devil's Due HD/MA $3.5
Die Hard HD/MA $3.5
Die Hard 5-film Set HD/MA $18
Die in a Gunfight 4K/VU $5
Dirty Dancing 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Disney Animated Short Films Set HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Disneynature Monkey Kingdom HD/MA $3
Django Unchained HD/VU $3
Doctor Strange HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Dolittle HD/MA $3.5
Dom Hemingway HD/MA $3.5
Don Verdean HD/VU $4.5
Doorman HD/VU $3.5
Doors 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Downsizing HD/VU $2 or 4K/IT $2.5
Downton Abbey A New Era HD/MA $4
Downton Abbey The Movie HD/MA $3.5
Draft Day HD/IT $3.5
Dragged Across Concrete HD/VU $3.5
Dragonslayer 4K/VU $5.5
Dream a Little Dream HD/VU $4
Dreamkatcher HD/VU $4
Dreamworks 10-Film HD/MA $25
Dredd 4K/VU $4 or HD/VU $2.5
Dying of the Light HD/VU $2.5
E.T. Extra Terrestrial 4K/MA or IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Early Man 4K/VU $5.5
Earth Girls are Easy HD/VU $4
Eddie the Eagle HD/MA $4
Edge of Seventeen HD/IT $3
Edward Scissorhands HD/MA $3.5
El Chicano HD/MA $4
Elysium HD/MA $3.5
Emoji Movie HD/MA $3
Empire of Light HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Empire State HD/VU $3
Enough Said HD/MA $3.5
Enter the Dragon 4K/MA $6
Epic HD/MA $3
Equalizer HD/MA $3.5
Equalizer 2 HD/MA $3.5
Escape From Planet Earth HD/VU $3
Eternals HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Everest HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Everything Must Go HD/VU $4
Evil Dead 2 HD/VU $3.5
Ex Machina HD/VU $3
Exodus Gods & Kings HD/MA $3.5
Expired 4K/VU $4.5
Fair Game (Dir) HD/VU $4
Fantastic Four ‘15 HD/MA $4
Fast & Furious 4 4K/MA $5
Fast & the Furious 8-film Set HD/MA $17
Fast & the Furious 9-film Set HD/MA $19
Fast Color 4K/VU $5.5
Fatale ‘20 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Fatherhood HD/MA $4
Fault in Our Stars HD/MA $3.5
Fear of Rain 4K/VU $5.5
Fences HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Ferdinand HD/MA $3.5
Field of Dreams 4K/MA or IT $5.5
Fifty Shades Darker (Unr) HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Fifty Shades Freed HD/MA $4
Fifty Shades of Grey (Unr) 4K/MA or IT $4
Finding Dory HD/GP $2
Finding Nemo HD/GP $3.5
Finest Hours HD/GP $3
Firm 4K/VU $6
First Man 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Flashback ‘20 HD/VU $4
Flight HD/VU or IT $3
Florence Foster Jenkins HD/VU or IT $3
Footloose ‘11 HD/IT $3
Forbidden Kingdom HD/VU $4.5
Ford v Ferrari HD/MA $4
Forest HD/IT $3.5
Forever My Girl HD/IT $3
Fortress HD/VU $3.5
Fortress Sniper's Eye HD/VU $3.5
Fox & the Hound 2 HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Foxcatcher HD/MA $4
Frank & Lola HD/VU or IT $3
Free Guy HD/GP $3
French Dispatch HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Friday the 13th 4K/VU $5.5
From Here to Eternity 4K/MA $5.5
Frozen (Sing-Along) HD/MA $2 or HD/GP $1.5
Frozen HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Frozen 2 HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Frozen Ground ‘13 HD/VU $3.5
Fury HD/MA $3.5
Future World HD/VU $3.5
G.I. Joe Retaliation HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Gambit ‘12 HD/MA $4
Gambler HD/VU or IT $3
Gamer 4K/VU $5.5
Gemini Man 4K/VU or IT $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Get Out 4K/MA or IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Ghost in the Shell ‘17 HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Ghost in the Shell ‘95 4K/VU $5
Ghost Team One HD/VU or IT $3.5
Ghostbusters ‘84 HD/MA $3.5
Ghostbusters (Thea & Ext) ‘16 HD/MA $3
Ghostbusters 2 HD/MA $3.5
Gifted HD/MA $3
Girl on Train HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Girl w/ All Gifts HD/VU $4
Giver HD/VU $3.5
Glass Castle 4K/VU $5.5
Glass HD/MA $4
God Bless The Broken Road HD/VU $3.5
God's Not Dead 2 HD/MA or IT $2.5
God's Not Dead 3 HD/MA $3
Gods of Egypt HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Gold ‘16 HD/VU $2.5
Good Dinosaur HD/GP $2.5
Good Kill HD/VU or IT $3.5
Grease 2 HD/VU $3.5
Great Wall 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Greatest Showman HD/MA $3.5
Green Book HD/MA $4
Grey HD/VU or IT $3
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 1 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Guilt Trip HD/VU or IT $3
Gunman HD/MA or IT $3
Guns of Navarone 4K/MA $5.5
Hacksaw Ridge 4K/VU or IT $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Halloween ‘18 HD/MA $3
Hammer of the Gods HD/VU $2
Hannibal S.1 HD/VU $5
Hansel & Gretel Witch Hunters (Unr) HD/VU or IT $3
Hard Luck Love Song 4K/VU $5.5
Hard Target 2 HD/IT $1.5
Hardcore Henry HD/VU or IT $3.5
Hate U Give HD/MA $4
Hateful Eight HD/VU $3.5
Heat (Director's Cut) ‘95 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Heaven is for Real HD/MA $3.5
Hercules ‘14 HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Here Comes the Boom HD/MA $3.5
Hereditary HD/VU $3.5
Hidden Figures HD/MA $3
High Note HD/MA $4
Highlander 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Hitchcock '12 HD/MA $4
Hitman Agent 47 HD/MA $3
Hitman's Bodyguard HD/VU $3.5
Hocus Pocus HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Home HD/MA $3
Home Again HD/MA $3
Home Alone 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Homefront HD/MA or IT $3
Homesman HD/VU $3
Honey 2 HD/VU $3
Hostiles 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Hotel Transylvania 3 HD/MA $3.5
Hot Fuzz HD/VU $4
Hotel Mumbai HD/MA $4
Hours ‘13 HD/VU $4
House of 1000 Corpses HD/VU $4
House of Gucci 4K/IT $5.5
House w/ a Clock in Its Walls sHD/MA $4
How to Train Your Dragon 2 HD/MA $2.5
Hugo HD/VU $3
Hunt for Red October 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Huntsman Winter's War (Ext) HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
I Can Only Imagine HD/VU $3.5
I Feel Pretty HD/IT $2
Ides of March HD/MA $4
I Know What You Did Last Summer 4K/MA $5.5
Imitation Game HD/VU $3
In Secret ‘14 HD/VU $4.5
In the Blood HD/VU $4
Incredibles 2 HD/GP $3
Independence Day ‘96 HD/MA $4
Independence Day Resurgence HD/MA $2.5
Indiana Jones & the Raiders of the Lost Ark 4K/VU or IT $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom 4K/VU or IT $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Indignation HD/VU $4
Indivisible HD/MA $3.5
Inferno HD/MA $3
Initiation 4K/VU $5
Initiation HD/VU $3.5
Internship HD/MA $3
Interstellar 4K/VU or IT $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Interview HD/MA $3.5
Into the Woods HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Invisible Man '20 HD/MA $3.5
Invisible Man ‘33 HD/MA $3.5
Iron Man 3 HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Iron Man & Hulk Heroes United HD/GP $3.5
Iron Mask ‘19 HD/VU $4.5
It Follows HD/VU $3.5
It's a Wonderful Life HD/VU $3
Jack & Jill HD/MA $3.5
Jack Reacher 4K/IT $4.5
Jack Reacher Never Go Back HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit 4K/IT $4 or HD/VU $2.5
Jacob's Ladder HD/VU $4
Jane Got a Gun HD/VU $4
Jason Bourne HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Jesus Music HD/VU $3.5
Jexi HD/VU $3.5
Jobs HD/MA or IT $3.5
Joe HD/VU $3.5
Joe Kidd HD/IT $4
John Wick 1 & 2 Bundle HD/VU $4
John Wick 3 Parabellum 4K/VU $4.5
John Wick Chapter 2 HD/VU $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
John Wick HD/VU $2 or 4K/IT $2.5
John Wick Trilogy 4K/VU $13 or HD/VU (#3 4K) $9 or all HD/VU $8
Journey to the West Conquering the Demons HD/VU $3.5
Joy HD/MA $3
Judy 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Juliet, Naked 4K/VU $5.5
Jumanji Welcome To The Jungle HD/MA $2.5
Jungle Book ‘16 4K/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $2.5
Jungle Cruise HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Jurassic Park 3 HD/VU $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
Jurassic Park 4K/MA or IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Jurassic World 5-film Set HD/MA $14
Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom 4K/MA $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Kama Sutra HD/VU $4
Kick-Ass 2 HD/MA $3.5
Kid ‘19 HD/VU $3.5
Kid Who Would Be King 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Kill Zone ‘05 HD/VU $4.5
Killer Elite HD/IT $3
Killing Gunther HD/VU $4
Kin ‘18 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
King Kong ‘05 4K/MA or IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
King of Staten Island HD/MA $4
King's Man HD/GP $3.5
Kingsman The Golden Circle HD/MA $3
Kingsman The Secret Service HD/MA $3.5
Knives Out HD/VU $3.5 s Knowing 4K/VU $5.5
La La Land HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Labor Day HD/VU or IT $3
Lady Macbeth HD/VU $4.5
Lady of the Manor 4K/VU $5
Lair of White Worm HD/VU $4.5
Lake Mungo HD/VU $4
Lara Croft Tomb Raider 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Last Dragon HD/MA $4.5
Last Duel HD/GP $3.5
Last Exorcism HD/VU $4
Last Knights HD/VU $3.5
Last Man ‘19 HD/VU $4
Last Vegas HD/VU $3
Last Witch Hunter 4K/IT $3.5
Lawrence of Arabia 4K/MA $5.5
Legends of Oz Dorothy's Return HD/MA $3.5
Leprechaun 7-film Set HD/VU $12
Let's be Cops HD/MA $3.5
Let Him Go HD/MA $4
Life ‘17 HD/MA $3.5
Life of Crime HD/VU $3.5
Life of Pi 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA or IT $3.5
Light of My Life HD/IT $3.5
Lightyear HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Like a Boss HD/VU $3.5
Lilo & Stitch 2 HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Lion HD/VU $4
Lion King ‘19 4K/MA $4 or HD/GP $2
Lion King ‘94 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Little HD/MA $3.5
Little Mermaid ‘89 HD/MA $4
Live Free or Die Hard HD/MA $4
Locked Down 4K/MA $5.5
Logan HD/MA $3
Logan Lucky HD/MA $3.5 or /IT $4
Lone Ranger HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Lone Survivor HD/VU $2.5
Longest Week HD/VU $3.5
Looper HD/MA $3.5
Lord of War 4K/VU $5.5
Lords of Salem HD/VU $4
Lost World Jurassic Park HD/MA $3.5
Love & Mercy HD/VU $3.5
Love the Coopers HD/VU or IT $4
Love, Simon HD/MA $3.5
Loving HD/VU or IT $3.5
Luca HD/GP $3
Lucy 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Lyle, Lyle Crocodile HD/MA $4.5
Madagascar 3 HD/MA $3
Magic Mike's Last Dance HD/MA $4.5
Magnificent Seven ‘16 HD/VU $3
Maleficent HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Maleficent Mistress of Evil HD/GP $2.5
Man Who Fell To Earth ‘76 4K/VU $5
Man Who Shot Liberty Vance 4K/VU $5.5
Marauders HD/VU $3.5
Marksman HD/MA $4
Martian HD/MA $3.5
Mary Poppins ‘64 HD/MA $3.5 or ‘64 HD/GP $3
Mary Poppins Returns 4K/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $2.5
Mask of Zorro 4K/MA $6
Mauritanian 4K/IT $5
Max Steel HD/IT $3
Maze Runner HD/MA $3.5
McKenna Shoots for the Stars HD/IT $2
Meatballs HD/VU $4
Memory HD/MA $3.5
Men HD/VU $4
Men in Black 3 HD/MA $3
Men in Black 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
MI-5 Spooks '15 HD/VU $4
Mickey & Minnie 10 Classic Shorts HD/GP $4.5
Mid-Century 4K/VU $5
Midnight in the Switchgrass 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Midway 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Mile 22 HD/IT $3
Million Dollar Arm HD/GP $2.5
MindGamers HD/MA or IT $3.5
Minions 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Miracles from Heaven HD/MA $3.5
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children HD/MA $3
Mission Impossible 3 4K/VU $5
Mission Impossible 6-film Set HD/VU $17 or 4K/IT $20
Mommy HD/VU $4
Moneyball HD/MA $3
Monster High Electrified HD/IT $2.5
Monster Hunter HD/MA $3.5
Money Monster HD/MA $3.5
Monster Trucks HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Monsters University HD/GP $3
Monuments Men HD/MA $3.5
Moon 4K/MA $5.5
Morbius HD/MA $4
Morgan HD/MA $4
Mortal Engines 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Mortal HD/VU $4
Mortal Instruments City of Bones HD/MA $3
Mortdecai HD/VU $3.5
Mountain Between Us HD/MA $2.5
Mr. Peabody & Sherman HD/MA $3
Mulan ‘20 4K/MA $4.5 or ‘20 HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Mummy ‘17 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Mummy ‘99 HD/MA $3.5
Mummy 4-Film Set (Mummy 1-3, Scorpion King) HD/MA $12
Mummy Trilogy 4K/MA or IT $14 or HD/MA $9 4K/IT
Muppets Most Wanted HD/GP $3
Murder on the Orient Express HD/MA $3.5
My All American HD/MA or IT $3.5
My Best Friend is a Vampire HD/VU $4
Nebraska HD/VU $3
Need for Speed HD/GP $3.5
Needle in a Timestack 4K/VU $5.5
Nerve HD/VU $3.5
News of the World HD/MA $4
Night at the Museum Trilogy HD/MA $11
Night House HD/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $4
Nightmare Alley HD/GP $3.5
Nightmare Before Christmas 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
No Time to Die 4K/IT $4.5
Noah HD/VU or IT $2.5
Non-Stop HD/VU or IT $3
Norm of the North HD/VU $2.5
Nostalgia ‘18 HD/MA $3.5
Now You See Me 2 4K/IT $4
Now You See Me HD/VU $2.5 or SD/VU $1
Nutcracker & Four Realms HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Oblivion 4K/MA or IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Occupation ‘18 HD/VU $3.5
Occupation Rainfall HD/VU $4
Office Christmas Party 4K/IT $3.5
Olaf's Frozen Adventure HD/GP $3
Oliver! 4K/MA $5
On Chesil Beach HD/MA $4.5
One Ranger HD/VU $4.5
Onward HD/GP $2.5
Open Water 2 Adrift HD/VU $4
Open Water HD/VU $4
Operation Avalanche HD/VU $4
Ouija HD/MA or IT $3.5
Our Kind of Traitor HD/MA $4
Outlander S.1 Vol 1 HD/VU $5
Overboard ‘18 HD/VU $3.5
Oz the Great & Powerful HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Pacific Rim Uprising HD/MA $4
Paddington HD/VU $3.5
Pain & Gain HD/VU or IT $3.5
Paper Towns HD/MA $3
Paradise Highway 4K/VU $5
Paranormal Activity 3 (Ext) HD/VU or IT $3
Paranormal Activity Ghost Dimension (Unr) HD/VU or IT $3.5
Paranormal Activity HD/VU $4
Paranormal Activity The Marked Ones HD/VU or IT $3.5
Passengers HD/MA $3.5
Patriot Games 4K/VU $5
Patriot's Day HD/VU $3
Paul Apostle of Christ HD/MA $3
Peanuts Movie HD/MA $3
Penelope HD/VU $4.5
Peppermint HD/IT $3.5
Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters HD/MA $3
Perks of Being a Wallflower HD/VU or IT $3 or SD/VU or IT $1
Pet Sematary ‘19 HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Pet Sematary ‘89 HD/VU $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
Peter Rabbit HD/MA $3.5
Pete's Dragon ‘16 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Phantom Thread HD/MA $4
Philomena HD/VU $2.5
Pirates of the Caribbean 5 HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Pitch Perfect 2 4K/MA $4 or HD/MA $2.5
Pitch Perfect HD/MA $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Pixar Short Films Set Vol. 3 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Planes Fire & Rescue HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Planes HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Planes, Trains & Automobiles 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Playing w/ Fire HD/VU or IT $2.5
Poltergeist ‘82 4K/MA $5.5
Poltergeist (Ext) ‘15 HD/MA $4
Pompeii HD/MA $3.5
Power Rangers ‘17 HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Predator ‘18 HD/MA $3
Predator ‘87 HD/MA $4
Pride & Prejudice & Zombies HD/MA $3.5
Primal HD/VU $3.5
Promise HD/MA or IT $3.5
Proud Mary HD/MA $3.5
Psycho 4K/MA $5
Pulp Fiction HD/VU $4
Punisher War Zone 4K/VU $5.5
Purge Anarchy HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Purge Election Year HD/MA $3.5
Purge 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3 or
Push 4K/VU $6
Quarry 4K/VU $5
Quartet HD/VU $4
Queen of Katwe HD/GP $2.5
Quiet Ones HD/VU $3.5
Rambo ‘08 HD/VU $4
Rambo 5-film Set HD/VU $18
Rambo Last Blood 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Ran ‘85 4K/VU $5.5
Raya & the Last Dragon HD/MA $3.5
Rear Window 4K/IT $3.5
Rebel Without a Cause 4K/MA $5.5
Reclaim HD/VU $3.5
Redline ‘10 HD/VU $4.5
Reign of Assassins HD/VU $4.5
Replicant ‘01 HD/VU $3.5
Replicas HD/VU $3.5
Rescuers Down Under HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Rescuers HD/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $4
Reservoir Dogs HD/VU $4
Resident Evil Retribution 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Retaliation ‘17 HD/VU $4
Revenant 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Ricki & the Flash HD/MA $3
Riddick (Unr) HD/VU or IT $3
Ride Like a Girl HD/VU $4
Right At Your Door HD/VU $4
Right One 4K/VU $5.5
Rio 2 (Sing-Along) HD/MA $3
Riot HD/VU or IT $3
Risen HD/MA $3
Rob Zombie Trilogy (3 From Hell, House of 1000 Corpses, Devil's Rejects) HD/VU $8
Robin Hood ‘18 HD/VU $3
Robocop ‘14 HD/VU $2.5
Rocketman ‘19 HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Roman J. Israel Esq HD/MA $3
Ron's Gone Wrong HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Room '15 HD/VU $3.5
Rough Night 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Run The Race HD/MA $3
Runner Runner HD/MA $3.5
Rush HD/IT $3
Safe HD/VU or IT $2.5
Same Kind of Different As Me HD/VU or IT $3
Samson HD/MA $3.5
Santa Clause HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Santa Clause 2 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Santa Clause 3 HD/GP $2.5
Sapphires HD/VU $4
Sausage Party HD/MA $3.5
Saving Mr. Banks HD/GP $3
Saw (Unr) 4K/VU $4.5
Saw 7-film Set (Unr) HD/VU $16
Saw HD/VU $3
Scarface HD/MA $4 or 4K/IT $4.5
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 4K/VU $4.5
Schindler's List 4K/MA or IT $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Scream '96 HD/VU $3.5
Scream Trilogy HD/VU $11
Secret Garden ‘20 4K/VU or IT $5.5
Secret in Their Eyes HD/VU or IT $3
Secret Life of Pets 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
See No Evil 2 HD/VU $3.5
Serenity ‘05 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Seriously Red HD/VU $4
Sex Tape HD/MA $3.5
Shallows HD/MA $3.5
Shang-Chi Legend of the Ten Rings HD/GP $3
Shape of Water HD/MA $3.5
Sherlock Gnomes HD/IT $2.5
Shivers HD/VU $4
Show Dogs HD/MA $3.5
Sicario HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Sicario Day of the Soldado HD/MA $4
Sicario, Wind River, Hell or High Water HD/VU $7.5
Side Effects HD/IT $3.5
Silencing HD/VU $4
Silent Night, Deadly Night 3-Film Set (3-5) HD/VU $7.5
Silk Road 4K/VU $5
Sing ‘16 HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Sing Street HD/VU $4
Sinister HD/VU $3
Skeleton Twins HD/VU $4
Skyfall HD/VU $2.5
Skyscraper 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Sleeping Beauty ‘59 HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Sleepy Hollow 4K/VU $6.5
Smokey & the Bandit HD/MA $3.5
Smokin' Aces 4K/MA $5.5
Smurfs The Lost Village HD/MA or IT $3
Snitch 4K/IT $3 or HD/VU $2.5 or SD/VU or IT $1
Snow White & the Huntsman (Ext) 4K/VU or IT $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs ‘37 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Snowden HD/MA or IT $3.5
Snowpiercer HD/VU $4.5
Solo A Star Wars Story HD/GP $3
Son of God HD/MA $3
Sonic the Hedgehog 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Soul HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Source Code 4K/VU $5.5
Southpaw HD/VU $3
Spectre HD/VU $3.5
Spider-Man 2 (Thea & Ext) HD/MA $4.5
Spider-Man 3 HD/MA $3.5
Spider-Man 4-Cut Set (Spider-Man 2 w/ Thea & Ext) HD/MA $11.5
Spider-Man Far From Home HD/MA $3
Spider-Man Homecoming HD/MA $2.5
Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse HD/MA $4.5
Spider-Man No Way Home HD/MA $4 or SD/MA $2
Spies in Disguise HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Spinning Man HD/VU $4
Spiral 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Spontaneous HD/VU $4.5
Spy Who Dumped Me 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
St. Vincent HD/VU $3
Stand Up Guys HD/VU $3.5
Star Trek '09 4K/VU or IT $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Star Trek 1-6 4K/VU $25
Star Trek 3 Search for Spock 4K/VU $5
Star Trek Beyond HD/VU $3
Star Trek Into Darkness HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Star Trek The Motion Picture ‘79 4K/VU $5
Steel Dawn HD/VU $3.5
Still Alice HD/MA $4
Straight Outta Compton (Unr) HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Strange World HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Suburbicon HD/VU $3 or /IT $3.5
Super 8 4K/VU or IT $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Sword in the Stone HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Taken 2 HD/MA $3.5
Taken 3 (Unr) HD/MA $3.5
Tangled HD/GP $3.5
Ted (Unr) HD/MA or IT $2.5
Teen Spirit ‘19 HD/MA $4
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ‘14 4K/VU or IT $4.5 or HD/VU $2.5
Terminator 2 Judgment Day (Special) HD/VU $4.5
Terminator 2 Judgment Day 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Terminator Genisys HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Texas Chainsaw ‘13 HD/VU $3.5
Thanks for Sharing HD/VU $4
The Heat HD/MA $3
The Impossible HD/VU $3.5
Think Like a Dog 4K/VU $5
This is the End HD/MA $3.5
Thor Dark World HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Thor Love & Thunder HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Thor Ragnarok HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri HD/MA $3.5
To Kill a Mockingbird HD/MA $3.5
Toll HD/VU $4.5
Tomorrowland HD/GP $3
Top Gun ‘86 HD/VU $3.5
Total Recall ‘90 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Touched w/ Fire HD/VU $4.5
Toy Story HD/GP $3.5
Toy Story 4 4K/MA $4 or HD/GP $2
Training Day 4K/MA $5.5
Transformers Age of Extinction HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Transformers Dark of the Moon 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Transformers The Last Knight 4K/VU or IT $4 or HD/VU $2.5
Trust ‘16 HD/VU $4
Tulip Fever HD/VU $4
Tumbledown HD/VU $4
Turbo HD/MA $3
Turning HD/MA $4
Ugly Dolls 4K/VU or IT $5.5
Unbreakable HD/GP $3.5
Uncharted HD/MA $4
Uncle Drew HD/VU $3.5
Underworld Awakening HD/MA $3
Underworld Blood Wars HD/MA $3
Untouchables 4K/VU $5.5
Us ‘19 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Valerian & the City of a Thousand Planets HD/VU $3.5
Vampire Academy HD/VU $3.5
Vanishing ‘18 HD/VU $4
Venom 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Victoria & Abdul HD/MA $4
Virtuoso 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Vivo HD/MA $4.5
Voices ‘14 HD/VU $4
Voyagers 4K/VU $5
Walk HD/MA $3.5
Wall '17 HD/VU $4
War for the Planet of the Apes HD/MA $3
War of the Worlds ‘53 4K/VU $5.5
War on Everyone HD/VU $4
Warcraft 4K/IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Warhunt 4K/VU $4.5
Warning HD/VU $4
Watch HD/MA or IT $3.5
Wayne's World HD/VU $4.5
We Die Young HD/VU $3.5
Weekend HD/VU $4
Werewolf The Beast Among Us (Unr) HD/MA or IT $3.5
West Side Story 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
What We Did on our Holiday HD/VU $4
When the Game Stands Tall HD/MA $3
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot HD/VU or IT $3
Why Him? HD/MA $3
Widows HD/MA $3.5
Wild Card HD/VU $3
Willow HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Wilson HD/MA $3.5
Winchester HD/VU $3.5
Winnie the Pooh Springtime w/ Roo HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Wolf Hound 4K/VU $4.5
Wolf of Wall Street 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU or IT $3.5
Wolverine (Unr) (w/Thea) HD/MA $3.5
Woman in Gold HD/VU $3.5
Won't Back Down HD/MA $3.5
Woodlawn HD/MA or IT $3.5
Wraith HD/VU $4
X-Men Apocalypse HD/MA $3
X-Men Days of Future Past HD/MA $3
XXX Return of Xander Cage HD/VU $2 or 4K/IT $2.5
Z for Zachariah HD/VU $4
Zero Dark Thirty HD/MA $3.5
Zeros & Ones HD/VU $4
Zootopia HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
submitted by nahimavegan to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:46 floatinglynx WIBTAH if i told my father that my mother revealed to me the secret that they had been keeping from me my whole life?

This is going to be long, so buckle up...
My (20F) mother (59F) revealed a big family secret that has been kept from me all my life about my father's (64M) past family.
Before this, I already had a complicated relationship with my parents. They grew up in the USSR, so they have an old mindset, i.e., they are racist and homophobic (I am bisexual). Especially my father. He has anger issues and if anyone dares to mention something slightly political around him, he will go off on a loud tangent about how "the n words" should go back to where they came from & gay people are disgusting. Also, due to said anger issues, he would often explode at me for small mistakes, and he really loved using the good ol' belt, with all of his might, to punish me, not only for the small mistakes, but also for standing up for what i believe in. From years & years of trying to talk some sense into him, I have given up, because he is the most stubborn person I know, with a huge ego, and he thinks that he is always right, yet if you manage to say something that cuts him on a personal level, he will shut down and give you the silent treatment - basically, he acts like a huge, spoiled, bratty baby.
This, however, is not the only thing that has put a strain on my relationship with my father.
We live in a really small flat. When you walk in, there is a small corridor with a door on the right leading to the bathroom. Then at the end of the corridor you turn right - straight ahead is the kitchen, on the left is the living room where my parents sleep (they have a couch-bed) and then, on the other side, is a door that leads to my room. So if I had to go to the kitchen or to the toilet, I would need to go through the living room, aka my parents bedroom at night.
One night, when I was a little, I wanted to go to the toilet but when I woke up, I saw that there was a light from the TV coming through the door, however, there was no sound. I got curious and I creeped up to the door to see what was going on. The setup is - if I crack my door open a little bit, then I can see what's going on on the TV. So I did, and I caught my father watching porn. And not just any porn, but Asian porn, which, remember, he is racist, but not only towards black people, but also towards Asians, yet he fetishizes Asian women, which is something that I did not need to know, not ever, but as a child especially.
At that time, I did not know that watching porn is quite normal, even if you're in a marriage, so I thought that my father was doing something wrong. One day, I got the courage to tell my mother about this, and she brushed me off. Not only that, but I later came to find out that she had told him that I had seen that he was watching porn. So now he knew that I knew, and from then on out, when I need to go the bathroom or drink a glass of water at night, and I see the TV light peeking through the door cracks, yet no sound, I have to make sure that I make extra noise so that he can hear me get up & have time to turn it off, because I really do not want to walk into him watching that.
Around that same time is when the begining of this story took place.
But that's for a bit later...
At this point in my life I am studying in a university abroad, away from my family, which has been amazing, I feel so much better than in that toxic household. However, I have not gone no contact, because I am still financially dependent on them, as well as if I cut them off, I would also need to cut off a part of my family that I actually love, due to them being in constant contact, so that is, unfortunately, not an option.
Anyway, I came back to my country for three weeks during Xmas, which I had mixed feelings about, because I didn't really want to be around my parents, but I still wanted to see the part of my family that I actually like, as well as my friends. That was overshadowed by my mothers confession...
I arrived back in my home country at around 23:00 o'clock, my parents picked me up from the airport and we arrived home close to midnight.
I lived in a small town, where there are mostly apartment buildings with no places to park your car, except on the streets, so there is a big garage complex with security where most people put their cars. And so after we arrived, my father went to the garage complex to leave the car there, and then he would walk back home. During that small time-frame my mom would say something that would flip my life upside down.
That's a bit dramatic to be honest... or not, I can't really tell, since I usually don't know how to process my emotions correctly.
Moving on...
As soon as my father left, my mother turned to me and said "I need to tell you something, sit down". I obviosly got nervous, because my mom never talks to me this serious. Never, ever.
Then she dropped the bomb...
"Your father and I have been divorced for over 6 years."
Seriously. This is how she wanted to start this off. No slow build up, no nothing. Just straight up "we're divorced".
That, however, wasn't even the big secret, no, not at all. It all started to unravel as she started explaining to me why they got divorced.
So, basically, what she told me is that they got divorced because my father's ex-wife is going after his assets, which he doesn't have a lot of in genersl, so if his debt to her couldn't get paid off by taking his assets, they would take my mothers, since they were married. That's why they divorced.
Now believe it or not, this whole thing started over a damn tractor. My father had bought a tractor while he was married to his ex-wife, and, you know, they're expensive, but before the divorce, he had sold it and his ex-wife didn't like that, so she sued him for the money of the sold tractor. First time - he won, but she appealed the verdict. Next time my dad did not have a lawyer and he was representing himself. That time his anger issues and temper got him into trouble, because he raised his voice towards the judge, which she didn't like. That's why that time his ex-wife won and now he owes her money.
The whole previous wife saga didn't surprise me really, as I already knew about this ex-wife and his previous family due to my distant relative telling me about it around that time that I caught my dad watching porn.
I don't remember exactly how it happened, but I think I had met her on my way to the store, and she just asked me if I knew about my dad's previous marriage, and that I have siblings...
I was like "What the fuck is she on about?"
AND it was out of nowhere.
I was so confused.
A couple of months after that I had finally gathered the strength to ask my dad about this, which was quite difficult because of the whole "I know what he's watching at night & he knows that I know" thing, and I in general didn't really want to talk to him much after that. But I asked him, and he told me that yes, he was married before, but the children are not his, but from his ex's previous marriage, so they are not my siblings. And I believed him...
Yet now my mother was standing in front of me, over a decade later, and telling me that that relative was telling the truth and that my father fucking lied to me about them not being his kids.
So far, the new information is that my parents are divorced, my dad's ex-wife is trying to get money from him, and that I have half-siblings that are around 20 years older than me.
All of that told in 10 minutes.
Not only do I have siblings, but they were looking for me and trying to meet me when I was a kid, at least my half-sister.
Back in the day, we had this social media site that was kind of like Facebook, but not really. My half-sister apparently had reached out to my mother and asked to meet with me, however, my mother refused.
I had asked my mother about why would my dad lie about this, and she told me that they do not recognise him as their father, so he does not recognise them as his children either, which, knowing my father, I understand why they would say that.
Now, all that I know about them is that I have a half-sister and a half-brother.
The reason my mother told me about this is because police are looking for my father on behalf of his ex-wife to get the money that he owes her from him. And my mother, while I was here, wanted to make sure that I knew what was going on in case police were knocking on the damn door and asking if my father was there, xo that I would know how to reply, and say no, that I haven't seen him in years.
What the actual fuck is my life.
All of that knowledge was put on me in the first hour of getting back to my home country & I still had to be there for three more weeks, during which I could barely look my father in the eye.
My mother told me the day before my flight back that she's going to tell him that I know, however, it has been months since then & she still hasn't.
Now, it wouldn't really be a problem keeping my mouth shut about this, but my father, ironically, over these last few months, while on video call, would always mention that lying is bad, family's should never keep secrets from one another and etc. In those moments, it took everything in me not to just yell out that I know that he lied to me all those years ago, just to spite his fragile, yet huge ego. It's so annoying to see him preach about things that he himself doesn't follow, so it's itching to get out of me.
I also don't know how to process the information that I have half-siblings that are 20 years older than me. I don't know if I want to find them & hear their side of the story or not. My first year at uni is coming to an end, so I am starting to have more free time & I have more & more feelings surfacing about this & which i don't know what to do about.
I am just confused.
submitted by floatinglynx to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:46 Wise-Temperature1677 I had a hair transplant 5 days ago. I can see some of black scrabs has hair coming out of it and some of them dont. Why is that? Normal?

submitted by Wise-Temperature1677 to HairTransplants [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:45 ElenaSunshineMag Healthy breakfast #35: Delicious homemade recipes with broccoli

Broccoli cabbage in its composition contains a large amount of vegetable protein, fiber, amino acids, minerals, and the most powerful vitamin – vitamin C. Of course, in addition to it, cabbage contains other vitamins: B1, B2, B5, B6, PP, E, K, and provitamin A.
Cabbage is recommended by nutritionists, including in the diet for those who lose weight intensively. In large quantities, vitamin C and minerals activate metabolism. Thanks to them, the body burns fats. Cabbage vegetable protein saturates well and for a long time, helps to recover after training.
Fiber cleanses the intestines, which relieves flatulence, slims, and improves skin health. Frequent consumption of broccoli dishes helps to remove excess fluid from the tissues. The body receives a general recovery.
Broccoli Microgreens:
"This study provides critical insights into the potential for broccoli microgreens to provide a dense source of minerals that can be grown with a small ecological footprint by individuals in a distributed agricultural model. Microgreen production could also diversify the average diet, as broccoli is only one of many nutrient-rich microgreens that can be easily produced and consumed by individuals. Therefore, with proper education of the general public and subsequent action, microgreen production and consumption represents a viable mechanism for diversifying food production systems, which is necessary for increasing societal resilience to environmental changes that threaten long industrial food chains."(1)
#1.Broccoli in sour cream and garlic sauce
Broccoli in the sauce is a light, healthy, and very tasty vegetable dish in a hurry. It's amazing how a small amount of sour cream and garlic transforms and reveals the taste of broccoli. Juicy and fragrant green cabbage inflorescences in a delicate white sauce with a pleasant garlic aroma are a harmonious combination.
Ingredients for 2 servings: Broccoli 14.11oz Sour cream with a fat content of 20 % 3 tablespoons Garlic (large) 1 clove Butter 2 tablespoons Salt to taste Ground black pepper to taste
Cooking time 15 minutes
Prepare the necessary ingredients. Divide the broccoli into medium-sized inflorescences. In a saucepan or saucepan, boil 4 cups of water, and salt it (1 teaspoon). Put the broccoli in boiling water. Blanch the cabbage over medium heat for 2 minutes.
Discard the broccoli in a colander and leave the water to drain. Now prepare the sour cream sauce. To do this, melt a piece of butter in a frying pan. Add sour cream to the butter. Stir and let the sour cream disperse in the oil.
Peel the garlic and pass it through a press into a frying pan. Season the resulting sauce with salt and pepper (a pinch at a time). Stir and heat the sauce for 1 minute.
In the finished sauce, transfer the broccoli inflorescences. Stir so that the sauce permeates all the inflorescences. Warm the dish under the lid for another 1 minute.
Broccoli in sour cream and garlic sauce is ready. Serve broccoli as a separate dish or as a side dish. Bon Appetit!
#2. Broccoli, fried in a frying pan
Forget about steamed watery broccoli. Try just frying broccoli in a frying pan, and you will definitely add this dish to your permanent menu.
Ingredients for 4 servings: Broccoli cabbage 28.22oz Olive oil 2 tablespoons Salt to taste Ground black pepper to taste Water 3 tablespoons
Cooking time 15 minutes
Broccoli cabbage is divided into inflorescences. Cut the inflorescences into pieces, and cut the stems into thin slices.
Pour oil into a frying pan, and heat it well over medium heat.
Put the chopped broccoli stalks in a frying pan and fry, without stirring, for 2 minutes.
Then pour in the broccoli inflorescences, and mix. Fry, without stirring, until lightly golden, 1-2 minutes. Add salt and pepper to the water, and mix until the salt dissolves. Pour water with salt and pepper into a frying pan, cover with a lid, and simmer broccoli for 2 minutes.
Remove the lid and cook the broccoli until the liquid evaporates for another 2 minutes. Bon Appetit!
#3. Broccoli baked cheese and sour cream sauce
Everyone knows that broccoli is a healthy vegetable that needs to be included in your diet as often as possible. Today we will prepare a simple but delicious dish - bake broccoli in the oven with a sauce of cheese and sour cream.
During baking, cabbage, soaked in sour cream and cheese sauce, retains its juiciness and acquires creamy notes. And the melted cheese forms an appetizing crust on the surface of the green inflorescences.
Ingredients for 2 servings: Broccoli (fresh or frozen) 14.11oz Sour cream with a fat content of 15 % 3.53oz Hard cheese 3.53oz Ground coriander to taste Salt to taste Ground black pepper to taste Butter (for greasing the mold) 1 tablespoon
Cooking time 25 minutes
Prepare the necessary ingredients. Of course, it is better to give preference to fresh cabbage, but frozen broccoli will come to the rescue out of season. If you use fresh broccoli, first disassemble it into inflorescences and rinse. Turn on the oven to preheat to 392F.
In a saucepan, boil 4 cups of water, add salt to it, and lower the broccoli inflorescences into boiling water. Bring the water to a boil, boil the frozen broccoli for 1 minute, then discard in a colander. (Cook fresh broccoli for 3-4 minutes.)
To prepare the cheese-sour cream sauce, grate the hard cheese on a fine grater and put it in a bowl. Add sour cream to the grated cheese.
Add salt, ground black pepper, and ground coriander (or other spices and seasonings to your liking). Stir until smooth. Grease the baking dish with butter.
Put the broccoli in the prepared form. Spread the sour cream and cheese mass over the broccoli inflorescences as evenly as possible.
Bake the broccoli in a preheated 392F oven for 10 minutes. The dish is ready. Serve broccoli baked with cheese and sour cream sauce to the table hot for breakfast. Bon Appetit!
(1) - US National Library of Medicine; Broccoli Microgreens: A Mineral-Rich Crop That Can Diversify Food Systems. Carolyn F. Weber.
submitted by ElenaSunshineMag to u/ElenaSunshineMag [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:45 mybarberhatesme Hair is kinda flat and quite fine…any tips on celebrities with similar hair for inspiration? Looking to get it cut, want to go shorter (then last photo) any tips on styles i should try to get more volume?

Hair is kinda flat and quite fine…any tips on celebrities with similar hair for inspiration? Looking to get it cut, want to go shorter (then last photo) any tips on styles i should try to get more volume?
Last photo is my hair now, its quite flat and sticks to the sides. Idk if I’d look good with a messy fringe or not, but any tips on good celebrity inspiration/ new styles to try?
submitted by mybarberhatesme to Hair [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:43 crazyray1321 MIL is a pure dick

First of all hey Charlotte I love that you are the potato Queen. Funny because my daughter is sometimes referred to as the carrot princess I actually have a baby pick of he wearing a carrot crown made from a real carrot.
Now back to MIL. When I got engaged to ex MIL got very involved with the planning. Start with when picking a date which was January she complained because she wanted us to get married in the summer. MIL 0 me and ex 1. Then as we were arranging other things like venues I didn't really know much about wedding receptions so wasn't to bothered with that to much. And we got married in church In street I grew up in and attended since I was 2 years old. No problems there. But when it came to the timing of the ceremony we had a meeting with the minister of the church and the ex's parents and well the time got changed an hour earlier as they were concerned about it being too late. (Had we stuck to the original time it would not have been raining.) Now MIL won that argument. Now I got to decide on the colour theme and that was fine lilac/lavender was the main colour of my choice. Now when we went to choose flowers for the bouquet I wanted my favourite flower in the bouquet with some purple colour flowers but MIL said no you can't have them flowers and ended up choosing them for me I was so upset but kept my mouth shut. The button whole flowers she sorted for the grooms men and best man and ex had a plant that I was elergic to to the point that I had been standing next to ex most of the wedding to the point that his button whole had been rubbing against my shoulder and collar bone and had broken out in hives in that area to the point I had to use my hair and vale to cover the rash for pictures. Photographer I had always wanted a friends anti who was so nice and lovely to be the photographer but when I said who MIL said no I have already arranged a photographer who was some random photographer I never even met. After a massive argument with her and another argument with ex they finally let me have my choice. Now the wedding dress she always wished for a daughter and it was her decision to stop trying after 2 children my ex is youngest so he is MIL baby boy who could never do anything wrong.
So to be polite and humour her I let her get a couple of dresses for me too try all absolutely horrible and didn't suit me and way too big. I was under weight back then. And she had chosen ones that were 3 sizes to big.
I ended up going with my dad to a bridal shop and found exactly the dress I was imagining it was perfect also got shoes and a vale and a tiara i was so beautiful.
Now I had a flower girl who was 7 years old at the time and her parents had offered to get her dress I just told them the colour theme and they chosen 1 which went so well with all the bridal party. My brides maids and maid of honour all had dresses of which I had designed personally and they were specially made from the material I brought for the person to make. They also looked amazing.
Now the wedding went well no drama at the ceremony then we went to the reception and had to tell the DJ on the spot the song we wanted for our first dance not anyone's fault just had to change the DJ last minute because other DJ was a male Karen and wanted the FIL to be his personal taxi on the day of the wedding. 2 years later after taking legal action managed to get the money back that we had paid not whole amount just first half of total price.
Then towards the end of the night as people started to head home BIL had ago at me for forgetting my house keys in order to get home to my room after. So I was sat in tears while my dad and maid of Honour who was also my older Sister went to go pick them up.
Now wedding aside I move on to our life after honeymoon. I had to now adjust to married life and my IL's which was hard for me as I am Autistic and struggle with change. So every Sunday afternoon was spent at MIL's for Sunday dinner.
Of which was always awkward because even though I was kind and trying to be nice to her I knew that she never liked me.
When my son was born she was always trying to tell us how to raise him she still does but I don't listen to her anymore. Now my son had always not eaten very much from the day he was born. He was just not a big eater. Which is fine by me because I was the same when I was a teenager. And he would eat when he was hungry and he wasn't under weight but it did mean that he didn't need snacks I between meals. And so when ever MIL was around despite me telling her multiple times she would still give him snacks between meals and then moan at him when he didn't eat his main meals. She still has ago at him with food now forcing him to finish his plate even when he was clearly full. Which has lead to him having issues with food. He is 10 and I am so angry with her for it. When he sees her and they are sat for a meal and he takes up to 2 hours to eat anyway. But if he is eating to slow she will grab the fork and scoop some food up and shove it in his mouth. He has actually developed Anxiety over this. Now my daughter well she is my little star she can read the atmosphere in the room and pic up on people's emotions and will actually start to help out and to make it better for everyone so that she is trying to keep everyone happy and so she will eat at a sensible pace. She has so much compassion from such a young age.
Then there is the issue with Ex would always take MIL side over me and that has lead to a few fights over the years.
Now when we first moved into our house together rented not own by us. I had a massive argument with MIL that I ALMOST hit her with a wooden Spoon. But managed to hit the kitchen work top instead. Anyone who knows me know I hate upsetting people and I almost never lash out or hit anyone, it take ALOT to make me angry.
When it came to choosing a school for my Children to go to MIL had already decided which school in the area was the best for them. But she couldn't sign them up for a school because she is only their Grandparent and I was the one who got all the forms Emailed to me so noone but me could do it. Now I had already decided what school they were going to attend because I knew the schools in the area and so I chose one.
She is now trying to but in with what school my son will go to next when he leaves this school at the end of next school year.
But again it is down to me to decide and Honestly I am considering home schooling him.
Now we fast forward to last year when I had my last mental breakdown and (for context MIL and FIL own the property and is the landlord of the house me, ex and children were living in.) I was staying at my Yonger sisters flat just around the road from where we lived while I got myself sorted and decided whether I wad going to permanently leave him but then now I hadn't made any decision at the time but she got the Tenancy agreement changed so that I was no longer on it with know notice or communication to me until after it was done which was illegal. Then a week later had the locks changed so I could no longer access the property without there permission. Which had left me homeless and I was unable to drop my children back to my Ex and get them indoors out of the cold when ex was late getting back from whatever he was doing while I had the children. So we would have to stand in the drive way in all weather till he got back even though we had agreed on a time in which they would be dropped back. I don't drive so we couldn't sit and wait in a car.
Now on the days when I would drop the children back to MIL's, I would be confronted and put on the spot forcing me to change agreements about when or where I could have the children. ex told MIL something and she called me a lier infront of the children and then my son was asking questions about liers.
She has conviscated phones I had got them because it was a way they could talk to me when they were not with me then refused to return them to me saying she was going to sell them. Infront of the Children to the point the children were begging me to get the phones back. They had safety features and set up for them to be age appropriate for them and also had time limits. And they loved it infact they are better on their phones than I am with my phone. I threatened to report her to the police for stolen property. And mu son was egging me on to have her arrested.
So that's my crazy MIL story.
submitted by crazyray1321 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:43 AceMcCo My 13 year old PPG

I'm not good at drawing so I'll describe them.
Blossom usually wears brown dress shoes, white knee high socks, a black skirt with pink polka dots and a pink shirt. She has long hair and is often seen with books. Her other outfits are black tennis shoes, blue jeans, and a pink long sleeved shirt she wears in the fall or when not at school.
Bubbles wears a lot of dresses most of them being blue, she tends to wear heals. For her more casual outfit she might wear a large blue sweater, some shorts, and her slippers.
Buttercup wears gree and white tennis shoes, green kake shorts, a black T-shirt with a green stripe on it, and a green skull hair pin. She doesn't have formal attire except for a few skirts she only wears on picture day.
submitted by AceMcCo to powerpuffgirls [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:41 Lakechristar Recently watched Mommie Dearest for the first time in years and the resemblance to SW is uncanny

Even the cutting of the girl's hair and only one toy allowed.
submitted by Lakechristar to WattsFree4All [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:41 Salviaplath_666 Dorchester Jane Doe (2005) BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS

Dorchester Jane Doe (2005) BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS
reconstruction by Greg Mahoney
alternate reconstruction by Greg Mahoney
2005 sketch
On Friday, October 14th, 2005, the skeletal remains of a woman were found in the chimney of an apartment complex in the Meeting House Hill section of Dorchester, a neighborhood in Boston, Massachusetts. They were discovered by a chimney sweep who was there to clean the basement chimney and fix a problem with the heating. The chimney was originally utilized as an incinerator in the 1960s, but since then was no longer in use and had been blocked by an air conditioning unit. The chimney sweep originally thought the decedent’s remains were a tree branch, which were hidden behind a piece of particle board and other debris at the bottom of the basement chimney.
Investigators believe that the decedent had been in the chimney since 2002. This is because between January of 2002 and January of 2005, an access door to the basement building was usually left unlocked. Whoever had hidden the woman there knew of that. They also would have known that the chimney was no longer in use, and thought it would have been a good hiding spot. Investigators think that a tenant, an employee of the apartment complex, or somebody involved with either of those two groups would have known about this space.
The decedent was between the ages of 25 and 35 years old. She was believed to have been born between 1965-1980. Her height was between 4 ft 11 in and 5 ft 5 in tall. Her weight was not easily estimated due to her remains being skeletal at the time of discovery. However, she was described as having a small or medium build. The decedent had quite a wide postmortem interval, between 3 months and 5 years. Her cause of death is presumed to be a homicide. The decedent had long dark brown to black hair that was possibly dyed a reddish-brown color. There was no evidence of any broken bones or fractures. Due to grooves in her hips, there is evidence that she had given birth to at least one child during her life.
The decedent was missing her molars, had lost her back lower teeth and her front lower teeth were present. She also had a partial upper denture plate that was described as “very unique”. It was made to hold three teeth, but only two were present. It is believed that the plate, which was acrylic, was meant to replace a metal plate that she had previously worn. These beliefs are due to certain grooves observed on her remaining teeth. A dental expert ascertained that the style and construction of the plate indicated that it was made either in the United States or in the Caribbean by a Haitian or Jamaican dentist, and possibly originated from the black market.
When the decedent was found, she was wearing “Cherokee Denim” brand stretch pants (size 12A), “Jolie Intimates” beige panties (size M) and white socks. She also had red plastic fingernails.
An extensive examination conducted by an anthropologist found that she was of mixed ethnicity, with strong Caucasian genetics. She may or may not have appeared to be Caucasian through her skin color or other phenotypic traits. She may have also identified as another race or ethnicity. This means that she could be Caucasian, Hispanic, Black, Asian or a mix of any of these races/ethnicities.
18 years onward, this is where the case stands today. Thank you so much for giving the Dorchester Jane Doe (2005) a moment of your day.
Unidentified Awareness Wiki)
Doe Network
submitted by Salviaplath_666 to gratefuldoe [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:41 KestrelGirl Scent Is Relative, Part 9: I Want A Flower Garden And My Nose Disagrees

Wow, I have one heck of a backlog to post here. My last post was mostly dedicated to scents my friend got for himself, so this time, have a wall of my own personal try-ons.
Alkemia Aelfscyne (An otherworldly enchantment of luminescent white amber, meadowsweet, wood hyacinth, lonicera [honeysuckle], woodbine, sweetfern, cashmeran wood and delicate green tea.)
  • What I smell: It’s undeniably mainstream. I can pick up green/clean and woody notes alongside the floral sickly-sweetness. I think my trouble with these more abstract scents is that I can make no mental associations with them beyond “this smells like [store with a lot of perfume].”
  • What he smells: “Oh wow. This reminds me of one thing and one thing only. Lipton Brisk. It’s overly lemony, fake iced tea.”
  • Author’s note: “I saw a review of this one where someone said this scent made them horny.” “This doesn’t make me horny, just thirsty. Which is not horny in this case.”
Alkemia Ecstasies of Light (The lustrous glow of white amber infused with pear blossoms, white figs, gorse flowers, winter honeysuckle, and osmanthus.)
  • What I smell: Yup, that’s also mainstream. As a case in point of my previous statement, this scent smells like Sephora and maybe also Play-Doh. It’s sweeter than Ecstasies and I definitely notice the fig.
  • What he smells: “Okay, that’s less mainstream to me… never mind. Only slightly less mainstream. Fits the profile but I’m getting a sweetness that might not be in that type of thing. Is there fruit in here?”
Alkemia Fireflies in the Garden (A balmy summer evening redolent with honeysuckle, buttonbush, summersweet and Holboellia blossoms floating on green waves of fresh cut clovergrass.)
  • What I smell: Florals and…. Is this one of those mystery Jelly Belly beans? Because the grass in the vial is reminiscent of earwax! On my skin, however, it mercifully calms down; what remains is a sugary sweet and fruity blend of florals (probably the Holboellia, apparently that smells like cantaloupe). It’s a bit sweet for me.
  • What he smells: “Wow. That is STRONG. That one actually feels more mainstream to me than some of the ones you figured were mainstream! It’s like a flower bomb went off – I couldn’t tell you what.”
Alkemia Midnight Garden (A lunar intoxication of night-flowering white flowers – tuberose, lily, honeysuckle, gardenia, and moonflower.)
  • What I smell: Yesss. Gorgeous florals.
  • What he smells: He got something vegetal out of the vial, but on my skin, “Oh yeah, that’s florals.”
Alkemia Novella (A cozy afternoon of curled up in a favorite chair - delicately spiced Lavender de Provence, steaming Earl Gray tea, and tattered old paperback books.)
  • What I smell: Paper. A lot of paper. Oh dear. Rather like newsprint.
  • What he smells: “Well, you told me that if I got a vegetal note I wouldn’t be far off this time, but wow, this smacked me in the face with it. That’s all I’m getting. It’s like a vegetable garden. That is the most strongly vegetal thing you’ve gotten!”
  • Author’s note: Argh.
Alkemia Silken Tent (Candied angelica, chrysanthemums, white flowering nardo [honeysuckle], clove flowers, jasmine-scented rice pudding, blonde caramel, infused with golden amber.) Tested previously but now I’m trying the spray.
  • What I smell: While wet, “okay, this is mainstream, but like, friendly mainstream. Wait… this is doing something weird.” I’m frankly not sure what I’m smelling, but it’s not what I got out of the oil sample. The oil sample reminded me a lot of Poesie Madar (pleasant florals and rice pudding) but this is like a gentler mainstream perfume. I can only guess that I’m getting mainly amber and chrysanthemum. To my annoyance, the spray is still skin-hugging and it only lasted about two hours. Which is an improvement from 15 minutes, but damn.
  • What he smells: “I’m getting more flowers, but there’s also… is there citrus in here? I’m getting something lemony. Idunno, passionfruit or something that doesn’t smell as strongly, but is still a (tangy) fruit.” After reading off the notes, he could recognize the chrysanthemum.
BPAL Dorian (This blend is an artful deception: a sweet gilded blossom lying over a twisted and corrupted core. A Victorian fougere with three pale musks and dark, sugared vanilla tea.)
Note: We have no idea if this was Dorian or a mix of things due to the rollerball, but it was labeled as a sniffie of Dorian, so.
  • What I smell: It’s just kinda…. Plant? I dunno. It might be unexpectedly bitter tea or just the fougere base. A little more wear time brought out some bergamot, and something sweet – hard to tell whether vanilla, floral, or both.
  • What he smells: “I’m getting mostly… it’s almost like NA Elephant on a Penny Farthing.” (Which is a dark chocolate donut. I think it might be more like Olympic Orchids Seattle Chocolate.)
  • Author’s note: I have to admit, it’s definitely easy to read whatever we’re smelling as dark chocolate. The ensuing conversation with fellow indie enjoyers resulted in everyone being quite baffled at that impression.
BPAL Vanilla, Champaca, and Gardenia
  • What I smell: It’s what it says on the tin. Beautiful.
  • What he smells: “Oh wow, that’s strong.” “Flowers!” “Yeah.”
Fantome Olwyn (Magnolias, plush white lilies, night-blooming jasmine, and gardenias over rich, buttery vanilla, myrrh, benzoin, and a hint of orange blossom.)
  • What I smell: Heck of a floral in the bottle, but mellows out on my skin. I think I’m amping the myrrh with a side of white floral creaminess, because it’s not very sweet.
  • What he smells: “I’m not sure if I’m getting menthol or alcohol, but there’s a cooling effect from this. Kinda… reminds me of the water of a clear lagoon?” I think he’s mistaking the floral creaminess for something else, but he likes it.
Little Book Eater Cleopatra (rosemary, jasmine, goat’s milk, honey, myrrh, and frankincense)
  • What I smell: Resins? Rosemary? Pretty faint and tough to figure out to me.
  • What he smells: “Yeah, I wouldn’t be able to identify any of these, but it’s floral.” Okay, so there’s hedione I’m not smelling :(
Little Book Eater Emily Dickinson (honey, vanilla, wildflowers, and sandalwood)
  • What I smell: Vitamins? It’s powdery. Oh dear.
  • What he smells: “Yeah, I can’t put my finger on it, but I can tell this isn’t supposed to be what it smells like.”
Little Book Eater Matilda Wormwood (candied lavender, honey, cake batter, orange, and vanilla)
  • What I smell: Vanilla cake in the bottle, butter cookie out of the bottle.
  • What he smells: “Cinnamon-y baked goods?”
Luvmilk Lofty Castle (Candied lavender, fresh honey, puffs of cotton candy, and raw sugar.)
  • What I smell: Sugary, cotton-candy-y, there might be some honey in there. On my skin there’s something bitter coming out that I guess is medicinal lavender. It calmed down after a few minutes though, and now I think I’ll enjoy its sheer sugariness more when it’s warmer.
  • What he smells: “Ooh, this is sweet and cozy. I like it. There’s more complexity than just sugar though… cinnamon? Vanilla?” On my skin: “Yeah, there’s some medicinal lavender in there that might also be Vicks Vaporub.”
Nemat Jasmine (single note)
  • What I smell: Oh my, that’s a first. That is some stanky jasmine. I was starting to wonder if my nose was just being kind to me and sparing me from indoles – I’ve tried jasmine from about five other houses at this point and either I’ve been anosmic, they’re generally pleasant, or there’s something else wrong with the note.
  • What he smells: “I’ve smelled this before but can’t figure out what flower it is. It almost punched me in the face. Is that just straight marigolds?” (he does not like marigolds, but they aren’t indolic.) After some explanation of different types of jasmine: “Oh. OH. Yeah, it’s cat piss.”
Nemat Mogra (Indian jasmine single note)
  • What I smell: Much more pleasant than the other Nemat jasmine, but I suspect there is still some potential to go stanky.
  • What he smells: “What is this? Well, it’s a flower, but yeah, idk.”
Nocturne Alchemy Honeysuckle Crystalline (Egyptian Honeysuckle, Blue European Honeysuckle, White Japanese Honeysuckle crystal, and Egyptian Vanilla (Crystalline).)
  • What I smell: Well, while this was more floral in the vial, all I’m getting on my hand is… green. Like crushed leaves. Also, this has particularly poor longevity on me. It was basically gone within an hour.
  • What he smells: “Okay, yeah. Darker flowers than [Pikake Moonstone] but very similar.”
Nocturne Alchemy Pikake Moonstone (Hawaiian pikake flowers, gardenia essence accord, jasmine, Moonstone absolute, vanilla bean milk, Bastet’s Amber absolute, and eNVie saphir.)
  • What I smell: Floral in the vial… Why am I only getting the resinous base notes on my skin?
  • What he smells: “Wow, yeah. Very floral. I’m gonna get this wrong, but maybe rose? [close but no cigar.] Gardenia? [yup!] Maybe some chrysanthemum? [ok you have a point]”
Nocturne Alchemy Rosewater Whipped Honey Bee (Rosewater, whipped orange blossom honey, Pink Sugar dust accord, Bastet’s Musk, and vanilla bean.)
  • What I smell: It’s what it says on the tin. Rose and honey in the vial.
  • What he smells: “That’s an Arnold Palmer.”
Nocturne Alchemy Sugar Bunny (Sugar, rice milk, Bastet’s Tahitian Vanilla Ice Cream accord, vanilla bean, drizzle of caramelized Pink Sugar accord, and horchata spices.)
  • What I smell: Overly sugary caramel. Ruh roh.
  • What he smells: “Pine straw. Wait, no. Yeah, it’s like the detritus under a pine tree, which means I might be getting a bit of mulch, which means I might be getting a bit of poop.”
  • Author’s note: Hey, quick question, WTF?
Nocturne Alchemy Tonka Bean Honey Bee (Orange blossom honey, Venezuelan tonka bean absolute, caramelized white tobacco leaf essence, and coumarin.)
  • What I smell: Tobacco. It’s not strong but it’s enough to turn me off.
  • What he smells: “Eh, yeah, something faintly floral.”
  • Author’s note: This one is on me for not realizing there was tobacco in here before I picked it up in a destash sampler.
Nocturne Alchemy Vanilla Marshmallow Honey Bee (Vanilla bean cordial, marshmallow crème, orange blossom honey, bergamot essence, Madagascar anise essence, vanilla crème, vanilla sugar, and vanilla-amber essence accord.)
  • What I smell: It’s a straight sugar bomb.
  • What he smells: “It’s not as strong as the other NAs, but I’m mostly picking up fruit.”
  • Author's note: You can probably tell at this point that NA and my skin are not getting along.
Nui Cobalt At Your Command (Pistachio creme, coriander, black cardamom, and humid ylang flower.)
  • What I smell: Whoa. Heady floral spicy fancy soap. Poofed into thankfully unsoapy but still undesirable cilantro once it hit my skin, maybe with a little ylang left to keep the fanciness. Note to self: it might just be NCD’s version of ylang, or the combo with the coriander, but now that I have a scent where I can actually pick it out of the mix I’m not loving it.
  • What he smells: “That smells like honeydew! God, that reminds me that I haven’t had honeydew in a million years.” You know, he’s got a point. “The pistachio creme probably turned it into melon.”
  • Author’s note: While I have an appallingly low hit rate with NCD, I did have a reason to try them again: my friend and I both got 5ml bottles of one of my few hits, Dendrophilia. That’s a scent I really want to start layering more often, especially with super-sweet scents.
Nui Cobalt Subspace (Warm almond milk, dewy blue lotus, labdanum, gardenia, driftwood, and porcelain musk.)
  • What I smell: Soapier than I’d like in the vial, but I get all those sweeter notes. I can’t really comprehend this one. Poofed into something vaguely green once it hit my skin, with a bit of gardenia showing up later.
  • What he smells: “If you put a gun to my head I’d say it smells like some kind of sauce simmering on a stove, with a background floral note I can’t identify.”
  • Author’s note: Continued from my thoughts on At Your Command, I have to admit I was pretty disappointed in both scents. It’s not just my low hit rate with the house, it’s that the combos just aren’t interesting enough for what they represent. You don’t just make a whole kink-themed collection and then have probably all the sub scents be clean skin with some kind of twist. Given the general agreement with this sentiment, perhaps BPAL’s Lupercalia and Shunga scents have set a high bar. (My friend got a sniffie of one because he thought it was funny, but outside of that we haven’t tried any yet.)
Osmofolia Lilas (Wet spring dew, purple lilacs, and velvet musk.)
  • What I smell: Pretty weak but it’s definitely lilac! Alas, when I put it on, it was all indoles all the time. The hedione is dead. Long live the hedione.
  • What he smells: “I’m getting something green, but in a good way, not a tomato leaf way. But this is faint enough that I feel like I need to stick it up my nose.” *looks at notes* “Oh!”
Poesie Cybele (orange blossom, creamy almond, burning resins, a lion’s mane warmed in the sun, shimmering hints of honey)
  • What I smell: Well, that’s unfortunate. It took a bit to make itself clear, but I’m getting burnt plastic. This isn’t the first Poesie scent where I’ve gotten plastic, but this has nothing in common with the other ones… so I’m stumped.
  • What he smells: “That smells… very resin-y to me. Almost like, museum-old, rather than old-person old.” After describing: “I almost said orange, but backed off because I thought I was wrong!”
Poesie Hina (an intoxicating tiare flower soliflore)
  • What I smell: Perfect. It’s like my Tahitian gardenia shampoo but with some greenness in there that rounds it out.
  • What he smells: “Oh, now I’m picking up a grassy side of this.”
Poesie Nectar (the sweet scent of honeysuckle blossoms - honeyed, intoxicating, irresistible)
  • What I smell: Like Honeysuckle Crystalline, this is beautiful in the vial and then it’s grass with a little sugar behind it on my skin. It’s also much fainter than it has any right to be on my skin - argh. However, after some time, it does round out into a nicer combination of these two aspects of the smell of honeysuckle.
  • What he smells: “Floral sweet. This reminds me of…. purple flowers for some reason.”
submitted by KestrelGirl to Indiemakeupandmore [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:40 apricotapril I got ghosted by a regular, but I have his apartment key

I know the cut and dry answer as to what I should do with the key is to just message him again and get it back to him, but I also wanted to vent a little so this isn’t entirely a question.
Me and this dog were doing daily walks every week day for MONTHS. Even while his owner got a work related injury and was off work for almost a month, meaning we interacted nearly every day of that time period. We got to know each other quite well and they even gave me permission to use their apartments pool any time I wanted. I was even fond of the apartments maintenance worker that I saw every day on our walks. None of this compares to the bond I made with the dog though, he was such a sweet boy.
I had a family wedding to go to at the end of May which I told all of my weekly clients about 2 months prior. I only needed 1 week day off, a Friday, as the wedding was a 7 hour car drive away so we needed to make the journey a day before. This particular client asked me to remind him a few times as we approached the Friday so he could make other arrangements which I did. The Sunday before, I reminded him for the last time. No response. Messaged him again Monday before our walk is supposed to start to see if everything was okay and he told me to take the whole week off.
When I get back from the trip, I message him again on that Sunday since he hadn’t booked the upcoming week yet. He informed me that he was trying to save some money and to take another week off, but he’d want me to start again the following week. That following week rolls around and I hear nothing. He never responded to my last message to him.
This whole situation makes me so sad, and I feel like it’s my fault for requesting the one day off. I feel so horribly that I lost my very favorite client. He always left me reviews and tips.
Anyways, I do still have his apartment key and I need to return it. I’m nervous for this but I know it’s necessary. He’s very paranoid so it will have to be face to face, he wouldn’t leave his key under the mat when we first started our walks.
submitted by apricotapril to RoverPetSitting [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:39 Titaniatic Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x7FF7446A5858 SkyrimSE.exe+0CD5858 mov edx, [r8+0x10]

Skyrim SSE v1.6.1170 CrashLoggerSSE v1-14-1-0 May 18 2024 23:00:58 Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x7FF7446A5858 SkyrimSE.exe+0CD5858mov edx, [r8+0x10] SYSTEM SPECS: OS: Microsoft Windows 11 Pro v10.0.22631 CPU: GenuineIntel 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-11400H @ 2.70GHz GPU #1: Nvidia GA107M [GeForce RTX 3050 Ti Mobile] GPU #2: Intel TigerLake-H GT1 [UHD Graphics] GPU #3: Microsoft Basic Render Driver PHYSICAL MEMORY: 8.52 GB/15.78 GB GPU MEMORY: 0.55/3.29 GB Detected Virtual Machine: Thread Expert (100%) PROBABLE CALL STACK: [0] 0x7FF7446A5858 SkyrimSE.exe+0CD5858 -> 68551+0xC8mov edx, [r8+0x10] [1] 0x7FF7442E4120 SkyrimSE.exe+0914120 -> 51503+0x110test al, al [2] 0x7FF7449745DA SkyrimSE.exe+0FA45DA -> 82082+0x63Amov rbx, rax [3] 0x7FF744011A2B SkyrimSE.exe+0641A2B -> 36549+0x3ABmov rcx, [0x00007FF745AC8958] [4] 0x7FF74400E9C3 SkyrimSE.exe+063E9C3 -> 36544+0x53xor eax, eax [5] 0x7FF744F0BB8E SkyrimSE.exe+153BB8E -> 109636+0x106mov ebx, eax [6] 0x7FF9DB60257D KERNEL32.DLL+001257D [7] 0x7FF9DBDEAA48 ntdll.dll+005AA48 REGISTERS: RAX 0x0 (size_t) [0] RCX 0x2 (size_t) [2] RDX 0x29 (size_t) [41] RBX 0x151AA99E700 (void*) RSP 0x1A146FFA70 (void*) RBP 0x7FF746B578D0 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+31878D0add [rax], al) RSI 0x0 (size_t) [0] RDI 0x151F5984B48 (void*) R8 0x2 (size_t) [2] R9 0x151F5980BC0 (void*) R10 0x7FF9C1640000 (void*) R11 0x1A146FF880 (void*) R12 0x0 (size_t) [0] R13 0x7FF746B2CFC0 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+315CFC0cmp eax, 0x152323A) R14 0x7FF746B9C5A0 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+31CC5A0cwde) R15 0x0 (size_t) [0] STACK: [RSP+0 ] 0x1A146FFAB8 (void*) [RSP+8 ] 0x1526738BCB0 (CursorMenu*) [RSP+10 ] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+18 ] 0x7FF7446A5613 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+0CD5613dec [rbp+0x118]) [RSP+20 ] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE (size_t) [uint: 18446744073709551614 int: -2] [RSP+28 ] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+30 ] 0xFFFFFFFF (size_t) [4294967295] [RSP+38 ] 0x151FFFFFFFF (void*) [RSP+40 ] 0x7FF746C61CB0 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+3291CB0sub [rbx+0x151AA9A], al) [RSP+48 ] 0x151A30A71A0 (void*) [RSP+50 ] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+58 ] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+60 ] 0x1526738BCB0 (CursorMenu*) [RSP+68 ] 0x7FF7442E4120 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+0914120test al, al) [RSP+70 ] 0x46 (size_t) [70] [RSP+78 ] 0x768 (size_t) [1896] [RSP+80 ] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+88 ] 0x768 (size_t) [1896] [RSP+90 ] 0x1A00000001 (size_t) [111669149697] [RSP+98 ] 0x7FF700000000 (size_t) [140698833649664] [RSP+A0 ] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE (size_t) [uint: 18446744073709551614 int: -2] [RSP+A8 ] 0x7FF746B2CFD0 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+315CFD0) [RSP+B0 ] 0x7FF746B2CEB0 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+315CEB0add [rax], al) [RSP+B8 ] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+C0 ] 0x2 (size_t) [2] [RSP+C8 ] 0x7FF7449745DA (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+0FA45DAmov rbx, rax) [RSP+D0 ] 0x46 (size_t) [70] [RSP+D8 ] 0x1526738BCB0 (CursorMenu*) [RSP+E0 ] 0x151AA9570C0 (void*) [RSP+E8 ] 0x1A146FFC40 (void*) [RSP+F0 ] 0xFFFFFFFF00000004 (size_t) [uint: 18446744069414584324 int: -4294967292] [RSP+F8 ] 0x8 (size_t) [8] [RSP+100] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+108] 0x7FF7442E4010 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+0914010push rsi) [RSP+110] 0x200000000 (size_t) [8589934592] [RSP+118] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+120] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+128] 0x6774396E6774396E (size_t) [7454646429549869422] [RSP+130] 0x2 (size_t) [2] [RSP+138] 0x7FF746B2CFD0 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+315CFD0) [RSP+140] 0x7FF746C61C90 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+3291C90call 0x00007FF79870B0CB) [RSP+148] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+150] 0x7FF746C61CB0 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+3291CB0sub [rbx+0x151AA9A], al) [RSP+158] 0x7FF746C61CB0 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+3291CB0sub [rbx+0x151AA9A], al) [RSP+160] 0x7FF746C61910 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+3291910add [rax], al) [RSP+168] 0x7FF743B7F2D6 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+01AF2D6inc [rdi+0x378]) [RSP+170] 0x7FF746C61C90 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+3291C90call 0x00007FF79870B0CB) [RSP+178] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+180] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+188] 0x7FF743FEBC3E (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+061BC3Emov rbx, [rsp+0x30]) [RSP+190] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE (size_t) [uint: 18446744073709551614 int: -2] [RSP+198] 0x15231F96A10 (BSUIMessageData*) [RSP+1A0] 0x7FF746B611F8 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+31911F8call 0x00007FF79860A633) [RSP+1A8] 0x151A30A7908 (char*) "F" [RSP+1B0] 0x7FF746B2D008 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+315D008rol byte ptr [rax], 0x00) [RSP+1B8] 0x151A30A71A0 (void*) [RSP+1C0] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+1C8] 0x7FF7442E4010 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+0914010push rsi) [RSP+1D0] 0x1 (size_t) [1] [RSP+1D8] 0x1 (size_t) [1] [RSP+1E0] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE (size_t) [uint: 18446744073709551614 int: -2] [RSP+1E8] 0x152480C23E0 (FaderMenu*) [RSP+1F0] 0x7FF745138160 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+1768160sbb bh, cl) [RSP+1F8] 0x7FF746B2CFC0 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+315CFC0cmp eax, 0x152323A) [RSP+200] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+208] 0x7FF744313E68 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+0943E68cmp byte ptr [0x00007FF746B7EED3], 0x00) [RSP+210] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+218] 0x1A146FFD00 (void*) [RSP+220] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+228] 0x7FF700000001 (size_t) [140698833649665] [RSP+230] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE (size_t) [uint: 18446744073709551614 int: -2] [RSP+238] 0x7FF746C618B0 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+32918B0rol byte ptr [rax], 0x00) [RSP+240] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE (size_t) [uint: 18446744073709551614 int: -2] [RSP+248] 0x7FF7442B2973 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+08E2973nop) [RSP+250] 0x2 (size_t) [2] [RSP+258] 0x7FF743B8CC94 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+01BCC94test al, al) [RSP+260] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+268] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+270] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+278] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+280] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+288] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+290] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+298] 0xA (size_t) [10] [RSP+2A0] 0x1A146FFDB9 (void*) [RSP+2A8] 0x7FF744011A2B (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+0641A2Bmov rcx, [0x00007FF745AC8958]) [RSP+2B0] 0x7FF746B2CEB0 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+315CEB0add [rax], al) [RSP+2B8] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+2C0] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+2C8] 0x7FF900000000 (size_t) [140707423584256] [RSP+2D0] 0x15100000000 (size_t) [1447403978752] [RSP+2D8] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+2E0] 0x1A00000000 (size_t) [111669149696] [RSP+2E8] 0x1A00000000 (size_t) [111669149696] [RSP+2F0] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+2F8] 0x7FF900000000 (size_t) [140707423584256] [RSP+300] 0x1A00000000 (size_t) [111669149696] [RSP+308] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+310] 0x1A146FFD00 (void*) [RSP+318] 0x1A146FFDD0 (void*) [RSP+320] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE (size_t) [uint: 18446744073709551614 int: -2] [RSP+328] 0x7FF99825D58D (void* -> skse64_1_6_1170.dll+009D58Dadd rsp, 0x38) [RSP+330] 0x7FF745372BE8 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+19A2BE8adc [rcx+0x7FF74469], ah) [RSP+338] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+340] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+348] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+350] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+358] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+360] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+368] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE (size_t) [uint: 18446744073709551614 int: -2] [RSP+370] 0xC000004F10 (size_t) [824633741072] [RSP+378] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+380] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+388] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+390] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+398] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+3A0] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+3A8] 0x7FF74400E9C3 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+063E9C3xor eax, eax) [RSP+3B0] 0x1A00000002 (size_t) [111669149698] [RSP+3B8] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+3C0] 0xA (size_t) [10] [RSP+3C8] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+3D0] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+3D8] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+3E0] 0xA (size_t) [10] [RSP+3E8] 0x7FF9D966F0C0 (void* -> ucrtbase.dll+00FF0C0) [RSP+3F0] 0x151A30BE3F0 (void*) [RSP+3F8] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+400] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+408] 0x7FF9D959585C (void* -> ucrtbase.dll+002585Ctest eax, eax) [RSP+410] 0x151A30AA56F (char*) """ [RSP+418] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+420] 0x1A146FFE38 (void*) [RSP+428] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+430] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+438] 0x7FF744F0BB8E (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+153BB8Emov ebx, eax) [RSP+440] 0xA (size_t) [10] [RSP+448] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+450] 0x7FF74720D310 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+383D310call 0x00007FF74720D315) [RSP+458] 0x1A144D5000 (void*) [RSP+460] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+468] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+470] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+478] 0x7FF9DB60257D (void* -> KERNEL32.DLL+001257Dmov ecx, eax) [RSP+480] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+488] 0x7FF988744B60 (void* -> usvfs_x64.dll+0084B60push rbx) [RSP+490] 0x1 (size_t) [1] [RSP+498] 0x1 (size_t) [1] [RSP+4A0] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+4A8] 0x7FF9DBDEAA48 (void* -> ntdll.dll+005AA48jmp 0x00007FF9DBDEAA69) [RSP+4B0] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+4B8] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+4C0] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+4C8] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+4D0] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+4D8] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+4E0] 0xA977CC6500000000 (size_t) [uint: 12211453648802152448 int: -6235290424907399168] [RSP+4E8] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+4F0] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+4F8] 0x7FF9D97ECBB0 (void* -> KERNELBASE.dll+015CBB0mov [rsp+0x10], rbx) [RSP+500] 0x1A146FE540 (void*) [RSP+508] 0xCB80483EA80003FF (size_t) [uint: 14663799820662080511 int: -3782944253047471105] [RSP+510] 0x7FF9700907D5 (size_t) [140709303224277] [RSP+518] 0x1A146FE540 (void*) [RSP+520] 0x7FF9DBDEAA20 (void* -> ntdll.dll+005AA20sub rsp, 0x78) [RSP+528] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+530] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+538] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+540] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+548] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+550] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+558] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+560] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+568] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+570] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+578] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+580] 0x0 (size_t) [0] [RSP+588] 0x0 (size_t) [0] MODULES: XINPUT1_3.dll 0x000000400000 X3DAudio1_7.dll 0x000074F00000 wintrust.dll 0x0151F85A0000 SkyrimSE.exe 0x7FF7439D0000 nvwgf2umx.dll 0x7FF92E010000 nvgpucomp64.dll 0x7FF935300000 steamclient64.dll 0x7FF937130000 ResampleDmo.DLL 0x7FF94BD40000 DSOUND.DLL 0x7FF94BE00000 XAudio2_7.dll 0x7FF9580C0000 nvldumdx.dll 0x7FF958150000 gameoverlayrenderer64.dll 0x7FF958220000 wheeler.dll 0x7FF9583C0000 TrueDirectionalMovement.dll 0x7FF9585B0000 skee64.dll 0x7FF958680000 SmoothCam.dll 0x7FF95A4F0000 TheNewGentleman.dll 0x7FF95AA10000 SCAR.dll 0x7FF95AB30000 RecursionFPSFix.dll 0x7FF95AD00000 valhallaCombat.dll 0x7FF95B530000 QuickLootRE.dll 0x7FF95BB50000 Precision.dll 0x7FF95BCA0000 SSEDisplayTweaks.dll 0x7FF95EF30000 SimpleBeheading.dll 0x7FF95F240000 po3_SpellPerkItemDistributor.dll 0x7FF95F6B0000 SimpleDualSheath.dll 0x7FF966A90000 po3_Tweaks.dll 0x7FF984330000 po3_PapyrusExtender.dll 0x7FF984430000 po3_SplashesOfStorms.dll 0x7FF984EB0000 po3_MoonMod.dll 0x7FF985120000 po3_LockVariations.dll 0x7FF9851D0000 po3_KeywordItemDistributor.dll 0x7FF985280000 po3_FEC.dll 0x7FF985CD0000 po3_BaseObjectSwapper.dll 0x7FF985DF0000 po3_AnimObjectSwapper.dll 0x7FF985F40000 oxygenMeter2.dll 0x7FF985FF0000 MoreInformativeConsole.dll 0x7FF986230000 MergeMapper.dll 0x7FF9864E0000 MCMHelper.dll 0x7FF9865C0000 JContainers64.dll 0x7FF9866A0000 nvspcap64.dll 0x7FF986980000 InfinityUI.dll 0x7FF9872A0000 CrashLogger.dll 0x7FF987410000 CompassNavigationOverhaul.dll 0x7FF9876E0000 BetterThirdPersonSelection.dll 0x7FF9878B0000 AnimationMotionRevolution.dll 0x7FF987DA0000 SSMT_Fix.dll 0x7FF9881A0000 ShowPlayerInMenus.dll 0x7FF9882E0000 usvfs_x64.dll 0x7FF9886C0000 dmenu.dll 0x7FF989430000 BehaviorDataInjector.dll 0x7FF989E30000 ScrambledBugs.dll 0x7FF98A370000 PayloadInterpreter.dll 0x7FF98A670000 PauseAfterLoadUnscripted.dll 0x7FF98AB40000 PairedAnimationImprovements.dll 0x7FF98AC60000 TK_Dodge_RE.dll 0x7FF98C230000 PassiveWeaponEnchantmentRecharging.dll 0x7FF98D2E0000 OneClickPowerAttack.dll 0x7FF98D340000 mfgfix.dll 0x7FF98D450000 MaxsuIFrame.dll 0x7FF98D570000 MCO.dll 0x7FF98ED20000 cbp.dll 0x7FF98FF30000 EngineFixes.dll 0x7FF9900D0000 tier0_s64.dll 0x7FF9901E0000 InventoryInjector.dll 0x7FF991D10000 DynamicAnimationReplacer.dll 0x7FF991E50000 ClassicSprintingRedone.dll 0x7FF992690000 NvMessageBus.dll 0x7FF992720000 DtryKeyUtil.dll 0x7FF992EC0000 FixNotesForSkyUI.dll 0x7FF993080000 CameraShake.dll 0x7FF997F40000 skse64_1_6_1170.dll 0x7FF9981C0000 KeyboardShortcutsFix.dll 0x7FF99C1F0000 BetterJumpingSE.dll 0x7FF99C480000 AnimationQueueFix.dll 0x7FF99C660000 AchievementsModsEnabler.dll 0x7FF9A7910000 dbgcore.DLL 0x7FF9B4810000 OneCoreCommonProxyStub.dll 0x7FF9B6AC0000 vstdlib_s64.dll 0x7FF9B9D20000 webio.dll 0x7FF9BC4C0000 xinput1_4.dll 0x7FF9BF460000 tbbmalloc.dll 0x7FF9BF480000 MPR.dll 0x7FF9C00E0000 Windows.UI.dll 0x7FF9C0E10000 VCRUNTIME140_1.dll 0x7FF9C15A0000 MSVCP140.dll 0x7FF9C15B0000 VCRUNTIME140.dll 0x7FF9C1640000 winmmbase.dll 0x7FF9C1660000 igc64.dll 0x7FF9C2380000 textinputframework.dll 0x7FF9C6320000 AUDIOSES.DLL 0x7FF9C6650000 inputhost.dll 0x7FF9C7C00000 bink2w64.dll 0x7FF9C7EA0000 igdgmm64.dll 0x7FF9CA430000 IntelControlLib.dll 0x7FF9CA850000 tbb.dll 0x7FF9CABA0000 _SplashScreen.dll 0x7FF9CAD20000 ControlLib.dll 0x7FF9CAED0000 igd10iumd64.dll 0x7FF9CB660000 dbghelp.dll 0x7FF9CD610000 OneCoreUAPCommonProxyStub.dll 0x7FF9CEC00000 KeyboardShortcutsFixLoader.dll 0x7FF9CF5E0000 AchievementsModsEnablerLoader.dll 0x7FF9CF780000 CoreUIComponents.dll 0x7FF9D04B0000 DINPUT8.dll 0x7FF9D0B60000 steam_api64.dll 0x7FF9D0C80000 MSVCP140_ATOMIC_WAIT.dll 0x7FF9D17A0000 MMDevApi.dll 0x7FF9D18B0000 rasadhlp.dll 0x7FF9D1D30000 drvstore.dll 0x7FF9D2020000 cryptnet.dll 0x7FF9D21D0000 VERSION.dll 0x7FF9D2250000 msdmo.dll 0x7FF9D2340000 SMP-NPC crash fix.dll 0x7FF9D2350000 WINMM.dll 0x7FF9D2B20000 directxdatabasehelper.dll 0x7FF9D2D60000 avrt.dll 0x7FF9D2E10000 WINHTTP.dll 0x7FF9D3BB0000 d3dx9_42.dll 0x7FF9D3D40000 D3DCOMPILER_47.dll 0x7FF9D4980000 WindowsCodecs.dll 0x7FF9D4D70000 d3d11.dll 0x7FF9D57A0000 dcomp.dll 0x7FF9D5A00000 CoreMessaging.dll 0x7FF9D6100000 apphelp.dll 0x7FF9D6440000 uxtheme.dll 0x7FF9D6540000 dxgi.dll 0x7FF9D66B0000 dwmapi.dll 0x7FF9D67C0000 WINNSI.DLL 0x7FF9D67F0000 dxcore.dll 0x7FF9D6830000 resourcepolicyclient.dll 0x7FF9D6BB0000 wintypes.dll 0x7FF9D6EC0000 0x7FF9D7000000 HID.DLL 0x7FF9D7900000 IPHLPAPI.DLL 0x7FF9D7BD0000 DNSAPI.dll 0x7FF9D7C40000 UMPDC.dll 0x7FF9D7F10000 POWRPROF.dll 0x7FF9D7F30000 Secur32.dll 0x7FF9D7FA0000 rsaenh.dll 0x7FF9D8120000 kernel.appcore.dll 0x7FF9D81C0000 ntmarta.dll 0x7FF9D81E0000 SSPICLI.DLL 0x7FF9D8420000 MSWSOCK.dll 0x7FF9D8630000 CRYPTSP.dll 0x7FF9D8890000 CRYPTBASE.DLL 0x7FF9D88B0000 wldp.dll 0x7FF9D8940000 NTASN1.dll 0x7FF9D89F0000 ncrypt.dll 0x7FF9D8A30000 msasn1.dll 0x7FF9D8D40000 devobj.dll 0x7FF9D8D60000 CFGMGR32.dll 0x7FF9D8D90000 profapi.dll 0x7FF9D8FE0000 win32u.dll 0x7FF9D90B0000 CRYPT32.dll 0x7FF9D90E0000 bcrypt.dll 0x7FF9D9250000 gdi32full.dll 0x7FF9D9340000 msvcp_win.dll 0x7FF9D9460000 ucrtbase.dll 0x7FF9D9570000 KERNELBASE.dll 0x7FF9D9690000 bcryptPrimitives.dll 0x7FF9D9A40000 msvcrt.dll 0x7FF9D9AC0000 SHLWAPI.dll 0x7FF9D9B70000 imagehlp.dll 0x7FF9D9BD0000 MSCTF.dll 0x7FF9D9BF0000 SHCORE.dll 0x7FF9DA010000 clbcatq.dll 0x7FF9DA110000 WS2_32.dll 0x7FF9DA1C0000 GDI32.dll 0x7FF9DA250000 SHELL32.dll 0x7FF9DA280000 ADVAPI32.dll 0x7FF9DAB00000 combase.dll 0x7FF9DABC0000 SETUPAPI.dll 0x7FF9DAF50000 USER32.dll 0x7FF9DB3D0000 KERNEL32.DLL 0x7FF9DB5F0000 OLEAUT32.dll 0x7FF9DB6C0000 ole32.dll 0x7FF9DB800000 RPCRT4.dll 0x7FF9DB9B0000 IMM32.DLL 0x7FF9DBAD0000 PSAPI.DLL 0x7FF9DBB10000 sechost.dll 0x7FF9DBBB0000 NSI.dll 0x7FF9DBCB0000 ntdll.dll 0x7FF9DBD90000 SKSE PLUGINS: _SplashScreen.dll v1.0.1 AchievementsModsEnablerLoader.dll v1.3 AnimationMotionRevolution.dll AnimationQueueFix.dll v1.0.1 BehaviorDataInjector.dll v0.1.3 BetterJumpingSE.dll BetterThirdPersonSelection.dll v1 CameraShake.dll v1 cbp.dll ClassicSprintingRedone.dll v2.3.1 CompassNavigationOverhaul.dll CrashLogger.dll v1.14.1 dmenu.dll v1 DtryKeyUtil.dll v0.0.2 DynamicAnimationReplacer.dll v1.1.3 EngineFixes.dll v6.1.1 FixNotesForSkyUI.dll v1.2.6 InfinityUI.dll InventoryInjector.dll v1.1 JContainers64.dll v4.2.9 KeyboardShortcutsFixLoader.dll v1 MaxsuIFrame.dll v1.0.6 MCMHelper.dll v1.5 MCO.dll v1 MergeMapper.dll v1.5 mfgfix.dll v1.6.1 MoreInformativeConsole.dll v1.1 OneClickPowerAttack.dll v1 oxygenMeter2.dll v1.0.7.1 PairedAnimationImprovements.dll v1.0.2 PassiveWeaponEnchantmentRecharging.dll v1 PauseAfterLoadUnscripted.dll v1.2 PayloadInterpreter.dll v1 po3_AnimObjectSwapper.dll v1.1.0.1 po3_BaseObjectSwapper.dll v3.0.3.1 po3_FEC.dll v5.1.0.1 po3_KeywordItemDistributor.dll v3.4.0.1 po3_LockVariations.dll v3.1.0.1 po3_MoonMod.dll v2.0.2.1 po3_PapyrusExtender.dll v5.6.1.1 po3_SpellPerkItemDistributor.dll v7.1.3.1 po3_SplashesOfStorms.dll v1.3.0.1 po3_Tweaks.dll v1.10.0.1 Precision.dll v2.0.4 QuickLootRE.dll v2.15 RecursionFPSFix.dll v1.1 SCAR.dll v1.0.6 ScrambledBugs.dll ShowPlayerInMenus.dll v2.0.2 SimpleBeheading.dll v1.0.2 SimpleDualSheath.dll v1.5.7 skee64.dll SmoothCam.dll SMP-NPC crash fix.dll SSEDisplayTweaks.dll v0.5.16 SSMT_Fix.dll v1.1.2 TheNewGentleman.dll v3.0.2 TK_Dodge_RE.dll TrueDirectionalMovement.dll v2.2.5 valhallaCombat.dll v1 wheeler.dll v1 PLUGINS: Light: 67Regular: 96Total: 163 [ 0] Skyrim.esm [ 1] Update.esm [ 2] Dawnguard.esm [ 3] HearthFires.esm [ 4] Dragonborn.esm [ 5] ccBGSSSE001-Fish.esm [ 6] ccBGSSSE025-AdvDSGS.esm [ 7] Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp [ 8] Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm [ 9] LegacyoftheDragonborn.esm [ A] Wyrmstooth.esp [ B] Smooth Weapon.esm [ C] ApachiiHairMales.esm [ D] SkyUI_SE.esp [ E] Mortal Enemies.esp [ F] Obsidian Weathers.esp [10] SMIM-SE-Merged-NoRiftenRopes-NoSolitudeRopes.esp [11] SkyHUD.esp [12] JKs Skyrim.esp [13] Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp [14] Embers XD.esp [15] SeranaDialogAddon.esp [16] Immersive Encounters.esp [17] Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp [18] AMB Glass Variants Lore.esp [19] Apothecary.esp [1A] Odin - Skyrim Magic Overhaul.esp [1B] EldenSkyrim.esp [1C] EldenSkyrim_RimSkills.esp [1D] The Need Of Voice.esp [1E] ForcefulTongue.esp [1F] Point The Way.esp [20] SkyrimsUniqueTreasures.esp [21] DisenchantEverything - LOTD.esp [22] DisenchantEverything - USSEP.esp [23] DisenchantEverything - Legendary.esp [24] ArteFake.esp [25] aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp [26] Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim.esp [27] VioLens SE.esp [28] Attack_DXP.esp [29] Tomebound.esp [2A] Arcanum.esp [2B] Auto Unequip Ammo.esp [2C] Backshields.esp [2D] BarenziahQuestMarkers.esp [2E] Beards.esp [2F] better black market.esp [30] BlendedRoads.esp [31] Collygon - Niohoggr Warpaints.esp [32] CompanionsTweaks.esp [33] Critical Hit.esp [34] Customizable Camera.esp [35] dD - Easy Lift Bodies and Objects.esp [36] dD-No Spinning Death Animation.esp [37] Differently Ebony.esp [38] DiverseDragonsCollectionSE.esp [39] Dr_Bandolier.esp [3A] DSerArcheryGameplayOverhaul.esp [3B] Kingsglaive.esp [3C] Dual Wield Parrying_SKSE.esp [3D] Fixed body collision.esp [3E] imp_helm_legend.esp [3F] Hoodless Dragon Priest Masks - REPLACER.esp [40] ImmersiveInteractions.esp [41] JaxonzEnhGrab.esp [42] JS Armored Circlets SE.esp [43] KS Hairdo's.esp [44] Lore Weapon Expansion.esp [45] Paragliding.esp [46] RaceMenu.esp [47] RaceMenuPlugin.esp [48] RichMerchantsSkyrim_x10.esp [49] Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp [4A] SmoothCam.esp [4B] SprintSlide.esp [4C] StendarrPaladinArmor.esp [4D] TheEyesOfBeauty.esp [4E] Thuum.esp [4F] Tomebound - Ordinator Patch.esp [50] True Scholar.esp [51] UIExtensions.esp [52] USSEP & The Need Of Voice Patch.esp [53] ValhallaCombat.esp [54] Vortikais Dragon Aspect - Magic and Shout Buffs.esp [55] WM Flora Fixes.esp [56] XPMSE.esp [57] RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp [58] Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp [59] Convenient Horses.esp [5A] Imperious - Races of Skyrim.esp [5B] Vokrii - Minimalistic Perks of Skyrim.esp [5C] Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp [5D] Better Vampires.esp [5E] Tomebound - Better Vampires Patch.esp [5F] Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp [FE: 0] ccQDRSSE001-SurvivalMode.esl [FE: 1] ccBGSSSE037-Curios.esl [FE: 2] _ResourcePack.esl [FE: 3] 1NGarmor.esl [FE: 4] 1Dwemer.esl [FE: 5] 1Markynaz.esl [FE: 6] 1SilverArmor.esl [FE: 7] 1AtmoranBattleaxe.esl [FE: 8] 1DustAdeptArmor.esl [FE: 9] EquipmentStateCopy&Rename.esl [FE: A] EVGAnimatedTraversal.esl [FE: B] Expressive Facegen Morphs.esl [FE: C] OCPA.esl [FE: D] SCSI-ACTbfco-Main.esp [FE: E] TheNewGentleman.esp [FE: F] Particle Patch for ENB.esp [FE: 10] AllMakerStonesPermanent.esp [FE: 11] TrueDirectionalMovement.esp [FE: 12] Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp [FE: 13] MCMHelper.esp [FE: 14] Bandit Lines Expansion.esp [FE: 15] BeastHHBB.esp [FE: 16] BetterThirdPersonSelection.esp [FE: 17] Disable Turn Animation.esp [FE: 18] DragonCombatDialogue.esp [FE: 19] Dynamic Activation Key.esp [FE: 1A] Dynamic Things Alternative.esp [FE: 1B] DynamicBlockHit.esp [FE: 1C] EldenWarAshForMCO.esp [FE: 1D] EldenWarAshPack1.esp [FE: 1E] EldenWarAshPack2.esp [FE: 1F] Embers XD - Fire Magick Add-On.esp [FE: 20] FEC.esp [FE: 21] Fire Cooks Food.esp [FE: 22] GLZ-InformedMailDelivery.esp [FE: 23] Headhunter - Bounties Redone.esp [FE: 24] Headhunter - Leveled Rewards.esp [FE: 25] Here to Help.esp [FE: 26] HIMBO.esp [FE: 27] I4IconAddon.esp [FE: 28] Keytrace.esp [FE: 29] KeyTraceForEldenRim.esp [FE: 2A] MCO - First Person Patch.esp [FE: 2B] MoonsAndStars.esp [FE: 2C] DBM_JKSkyrim_Patch.esp [FE: 2D] PassiveWeaponEnchantmentRecharging.esp [FE: 2E] Precision.esp [FE: 2F] ReadTheRoom.esp [FE: 30] RimImpactOfMob.esp [FE: 31] RimImpactOfPlayer.esp [FE: 32] scar-adxp-patch.esp [FE: 33] Scorching of Skeevers.esp [FE: 34] SCSI-BfcoEldenPatch.esp [FE: 35] DBM_SUT_Patch.esp [FE: 36] DBM_Wyrmstooth_Patch.esp [FE: 37] Shadow of Skyrim.esp [FE: 38] Sharpen Other Swords II.esp [FE: 39] ShowPlayerInMenus.esp [FE: 3A] Smooth Animation.esp [FE: 3B] SmoothJumpINISettings.esp [FE: 3C] soskeleton.esp [FE: 3D] Store Quest Items.esp [FE: 3E] Thundering Shouts.esp [FE: 3F] DBM_SMIM_Patch.esp [FE: 40] CBBE.esp [FE: 41] Ordinator - No Timed Block.esp [FE: 42] Vokriinator.esp 
submitted by Titaniatic to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:39 Many-Clerk1182 Need some advice!

Has anyone used bremod hair color? The one with the green packaging. first time ko lng po kasing magcolor ng hair ko and saktong sakto na walang pasok, na-temp kami ng kaibigan ko.
Napabili po agad kami (yung blue po agad yung ginamit namin, hindi po kami gumamit ng bleach or any products that can lighten our black hair) and dahil excited kami ginamit agad namin ng hindi nagsesearch, tsaka lng kami nag-search kung kailan tapos na kami mag-kulay😭
Naglagay po kuna kamo sa mid-length nung buhok namin tas nagintay ng 40 or 35 mins something tas next po yung roots tas 25 mins po siya
And sobrang disappointing po ng result niya, halos hindi po siya makita at blue po yung ginamit namin pero naging green siya (dark green na d mo makita)😭
After po niyan, d pa din nawawala yung pagkablue ng tubig once na maligo ako... Minsan pa nga nagii-stain siya sa damit ko kapag d ako nagpatuloy ng buhok.
Tas napag-isipan ko na manood ng tutorial, nakta kong gumagamit sila ng Dust (I think nagpapa-lighten siya ng hair, bale parang siya yung magsisilbing bleach kasi ayoko po talagang nagpa-bleach especially DIY lng po to)
Ayon, niyaya ko nanaman yung friend ko tas bumili kami at ginamit namin yung Dust. Mas Nag-lighten yung hair ko tas kitang kita na yung pagka-green niya which is good, nagustohan ko pa nga siya eh parang ayaw ko nang magpa-blue:')
Tas dito po 1 hr ko siyang binabad tas 25 mins nung sa roots naman, ok lng naman yun diba?
Mga ilang days din before akong mag-blue which is today po, pinagpahinga ko lng yung hair ko😔 Makapal po kasi yung hair ko and nakabutterfly cut ako na hanggang balikat yung haba niya.
Medyo nakikita na po yung pagka-blue niya pero not sure pa po kung gano katingkad yung kulay nya once na lumabas ako or matutukan siya ng araw.
Dito po hindi kona po pinaghiwalay yung root tas yung mid-length nung buhok ko 1 hr po yung ginawa ko😭
Yan na po yung story time, sa Question and Answer portion naman po.
Ask ko lng po if how many days po siya bago mag-fade? Tas kung nagii-stain po ba siya sa damit nyo kapag lumabas ka ng bahay na medyo basa yung buhok? Hindi po kasi talaga ako marunong mag-intay 😭 Kapag po ba naliligo kayo, nagiging blue or nagii-stain po ba yung water? Is it normal po ba? Tas semi-permanent po ba yung bremod? Tas kapag po ba nagfade yung hair ko, babalik po ba to sa natural hair color ko? Hindi naman po masisira yung hair ko kasi kung ano ano nang nilagay ko dito, right? Tas how to maintain po yung blue color niya? naging midnight blue siya, bet ko po siya kasi d ako mahilig sa sobrang vibrant na color. Tas yung sa oras po ng pagbabad ko, ok lng naman po yon, dba? Medyo kinabahan lng po kasi sabi nila 30 to 40 mins po yung certain minutes before po mag-rinse ng hair.
Ps. Sorry ang daming tanong, hopefully may sumagot. Wala akong kakilala hairdresser so dito na lng po hehe
submitted by Many-Clerk1182 to u/Many-Clerk1182 [link] [comments]