Level g answer key for vocabulary workshop

AskPhilosophy: Philosophical questions and answers

2011.02.21 20:17 AskPhilosophy: Philosophical questions and answers

/askphilosophy aims to provide serious, well-researched answers to philosophical questions.

2013.06.10 21:14 What's everyone on about?

A subreddit to help you keep up to date with what's going on with reddit and other stuff.

2008.03.20 10:08 The Reddit Game

Welcome to /Game. --- Please read the post, but be aware that /Game is now EOL. Welcome to level 1. This is a puzzle game on Reddit, where each subreddit has a puzzle you need to solve. You are now on level 1. Coming up: /gamelevel2

2024.06.10 05:37 wisketeyefulsj92 Aeromir - A14 Weekly Options Strategy Workshop 2023 (Download)

Aeromir - A14 Weekly Options Strategy Workshop 2023 (Download)
Aeromir - A14 Weekly Options Strategy Workshop 2023

Aeromir - A14 Weekly Options Strategy Workshop 2023 Reviews: Is it worth it?

Looking to elevate your trading game? The Aeromir - A14 Weekly Options Strategy Workshop might be just what you need. This workshop is all about mastering a high-probability, market-neutral options strategy that's perfect for any account size. Let’s dive in and see what makes this workshop stand out!

What is the A14 Weekly Option Strategy?

The A14 Weekly Option Strategy is designed for traders who want consistent results without the stress of predicting market directions. It’s all about simplicity with high success rates. You'll learn to manage trades with straightforward entry and adjustment rules. Even better, the workshop covers advanced tactics to give your trading skills a serious boost.

Meet Amy Meissner

Amy Meissner, the brains behind the A14 Strategy, has a rich history in options trading. She started in the 90s and turned it into a full-time gig by 2006. Known for her steady and disciplined approach, Amy has a knack for making trading strategies that deliver year after year. Her experience and success make her the perfect guide for this workshop.

Real Results to Inspire You

Amy’s trading results are nothing short of spectacular. Starting with a modest account, she more than tripled her investment in just 15 months! That’s a 229% profit. Her continued success into 2023, where she doubled her money in the first half alone, proves that the A14 Strategy is not a fluke but a reliable method for consistent gains.

Why Choose the A14 Weekly Option Strategy?

Here’s why the A14 Strategy is a game-changer:
  • No need to pick market directions: Perfect for those who aren’t technical analysis experts.
  • Simple entries: Only a single order needed.
  • Low maintenance: No need to sit in front of the screen all day. Adjustments are simple and infrequent.
  • Adaptable tactics: The adjustment tactics learned can be applied to other strategies.
  • Advanced insights: The workshop covers advanced concepts to match any trading style.
  • Bonus classes: Including a session on compounding to really accelerate your success.

What You'll Get from the Workshop

The Aeromir - A14 Weekly Options Strategy Workshop offers detailed insights into the A14 Weekly BWB strategy. Here’s what you can expect:
  • Deep Dive into BWB Concepts: Understand the foundation of the strategy.
  • Rules and Guidelines: Clear instructions for entries, adjustments, and exits.
  • Advanced Techniques: Learn sophisticated entry, adjustment, and exit tactics.
  • Q&A Sessions: Get your questions answered in real-time.
  • Bonus Content: A special class on compounding gains with a handy spreadsheet to download.


The Aeromir - A14 Weekly Options Strategy Workshop is a comprehensive, well-structured program designed to help traders of all levels master a robust options strategy. With Amy Meissner's proven track record and the practical, easy-to-implement tactics taught in this workshop, you're set up for success. Ready to transform your trading journey? This workshop might be the key to unlocking your full potential. Happy trading!
submitted by wisketeyefulsj92 to TimeHacking [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:30 Arcwriter The Prey’s Same Old Story (Cassette beasts) - Ch 1.5

A fanfiction of “The Nature of Predators” by SpacePaladin15 https://www.reddit.com/HFY/comments/u19xpa/the_nature_of_predators/ As well as a crossover with “Cassette Beasts” by Bytten Studios
[So really quickly before we start, I apologize for there being such a long wait between last chapter and this one, I didn’t mean to abandon this concept for a second there but life got in the way. Not only that but I was trying to rework this a little but because I felt like it was leaning to into one fandom but not the other, and I didn’t want to just be posting Cassette Beasts fanfic’s with a sprinkling of NOP so in order to make up for my lack of posting and to get more NOP in this Cassette Beasts Fic, you get not one, but ***TWO* chapters today! One legitimate chapter, and one bonus chapter to help you get to know Rania better!]**
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Memory transcription subject: Rania, Venlil Exterminator, Citizen of Venlil Prime
Date [standardized human time]: July 1st, 2136
There were two known instances of predatory species achieving sentience in the galaxy.
The first were the Arxur, a reptilian predator race who've been stuck in a brutal war with us for generations. A race that has destroyed dozens of worlds and taken the lives and flesh of countless sapients over hundreds of races.
The second were the ones right in front of me, humans, their cruelty and blasphemous acts being limited only by the fact that they never reached space-faring technology. We elected to exterminate them before they could reach the same level as the Arxur. Luckily for us they seemingly destroyed themselves before we could even lift a claw.
I stood in front of a section in a museum that was a particular favorite of mine, “Pure Evil” made by a Venlil curator named Haysi… I pride myself as an Exterminator in knowing all there is to know about any predator, even ones that are extinct like these vile humans… Despite our history with the Arxur there is so little we know about sapient predators with a grand sample size of one alive race, and one extinct one. How they manage to create societies despite their aggressive infighting perplexes us. And while it may only be a coincidence that we encountered a second race, I personally think we should prepare in the worst case scenario of encountering a third race of predatory sapients. Especially now when Venlil Prime is so weak from the most recent Arxur raid… It helps me keep my mind off her…
Yet even still with this well put together exhibit I know for a fact that we only ever scratched the surface of this species. Some may think I’m crazy for wanting to know more about these monsters but I simply wish to see the problem from every angle. After all, if you said that the denizens of Venlil Prime were the exact same as the ones from Nishtal, or to Aafa simply because we’re all prey, you would offend any Venlil, Krakotl or Kolshian in the room. So what differences would there be in two predatory species?
This exhibit shows why this species was worse than the Arxur at least in my eyes, they had the ability to pretend to love, yet they beat those whom they faked affection with. They had loved their offspring, enough to know that killing the offspring of their enemies would be devastating…
A part of me wondered how their society worked? What their species worshiped… They clearly couldn’t understand devotion to another or to a higher power except in the ways it could benefit their bloodlust, They couldn’t comprehend artistry as that would require a higher level of empathy. and they couldn’t understand fighting against injustice as they were the injustice. There was one object of worship I knew they would share with the Arxur… [̷̮̐̒C̵̮̜͂̎͘O̵̻̒N̴̡̩͔͊̅Q̶̅ͅǓ̸͚̰̀̎E̵̥͈̬̍̋S̸̥̦̈͊̀T̵̲̟͑]̷̦̹͓͛
Just like the Arxur their only goal would have been to conquer new planets under their name… I shudder to think of what could have happened if they were to escape their prison of a planet before they wiped themselves out…
“S̷o̶ ̴t̷h̸i̸s̷ ̷i̶s̵ ̵w̷h̴a̷t̵ ̵p̸a̴s̴s̴e̶s̴ ̵f̵o̷r̵ ̶c̵o̶n̴q̸u̴e̶s̴t̶ ̸i̶n̸ ̷t̴h̴i̴s̸ ̷w̷o̶r̸l̸d̶?̸ ̴I̸’̸m̷ ̷d̷i̶s̶a̷p̴p̸o̴i̷n̷t̸e̸d̵…̴”̷
Ỉ̵̺ ̴͚͝t̶͇̊ṷ̵̽ṛ̴́n̶̡͠ė̴͓d̵̮̄ ̶̥̓á̴̜r̷͓̎o̶̢͝ů̷̥ñ̵̜d̷̥̾ ̴̺̔ä̷̹́n̸̦͋ď̶̙ ̵̠̿s̷̲͐à̷̞w̶͓̑ ̵̰̄a̶̤͗ ̸͇̆h̸̬̆ư̶͙m̶͕͑a̷͈͑n̶̯̈́ ̴̜͐w̵̫͐i̶̢̿t̵̯̏h̵͍̎ ̵̛͓â̷͜ ̸̡̽s̶̨̃t̴̲͒r̴̬͠ą̶̈́n̶̳͘ğ̵͕e̸͍͌ ̷͔͛h̷̪̍ē̴͇ä̸̡́d̸̢͋ ̷͉̊ì̶͈ṉ̴̈́ ̵̌ͅa̷̼̓ ̶̛͙r̵̞͗e̷͙̔d̸͔͝ ̷̞̾p̸͈͌e̷͓̓l̷̟̽t̷͖̊-̶̢͑
I turned around and saw my colleague Gilgar, a male Farsul, and part of the same exterminator guild that I worked at.
“W-What did you say?” I asked, gaining an intense feeling of Déjà vu.
Gilgar looked at me a little confused by my anxious demeanor, “I said ‘So this is what passes as fun during your free claw?’ like obviously I understand the devotion to the cause but you can stand to take a break sometimes.”
Gilgar noticed the aghast expression on my face… “…Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a predator…”
“I umm… I…” What was I just doing? “It's just… another annoying subordinate almost got me killed during an extermination attempt on a Shadestalker’s den. What are you even doing here?”
Gilgar put his paws together and his tone lowered, “Just checking up on my friend, I know you haven’t been doing well since-”
I stopped him mid sentence, “Don’t… don’t even say it…”
A look of shock appeared on Gilgar’s face before his ears lowered in shame, an awkward silence took place for about a minute before Gilgar put an arm around my shoulder and turned me away from the glass case of replicated human artifacts. “Tell you what, you and I go to that new bar that opened up and you can tell me all about it, I’ll even pay for you today.”
I looked back to the glass case I was looking at, replicas of their primitive weapons of war were displayed, I turned back to Gilgar with a happy ear flick. “P-paying for a Venlil’s drinks? Y-You must want to be in debt” I said in a nervous yet joking tone, knowing that he had once paid for both me and…
It might be good for me to do what we used to do before…
“-And then! T-That Spehking lunatic has the g-g-gall! …to ask me why I didn’t warn them about the possibility of the father coming back!” The words were flowing out of my mouth, unfiltered thanks to the alcohol. Both of us were sitting on stools discussing the latest blunder that one of my Apprentices made…
My friend was taking the drinks a lot harder than I was. “W-wait… hic! s-so that idiot disobeyed your direct orders and almost got the whole platoon killed? Why?”
“H-He accused me! His senior officer! T-That my methods were too predatory!” I scoffed at the idea, before taking another drink out of anger.
“T-To be fair… hic! I do sometimes get that vibe from your tactics!” Gilgar said with a clear aura of smugness as he took a sip. I playfully nudged him in his stool, almost causing him to tip over.
“Oh b-brahk off… I-It’s more efficient to take out the whole den at once… I-If we waited for the father to come back to the den with its catch we could have taken them all out in one go, thereby reducing the damage caused... I-I even positioned each of us so we could enclose them in a wall of flames… making sure they couldn’t run… But this guy just had to break formation, c-causing other inexperienced apprentices to panic, r-ruining my strategy and leading to the mother being alerted to our presence, and the father even coming back! T-That’s what you get when you trust a Yotul…”
Gilgar let out a laugh at that, “Right… T-That’s why you’re ranked as high as you are… did you at least manage to get the adults?”
My paw was shaking as I tried to finish my current glass, “O-of course I did! But the beast’s pup’s got away! N-no thanks to that primitive… W-we had to retreat because too many of us were injured so I’m gonna have to go back there with a new team to clean up the s-stragglers…”
I finished my glass and placed back on the counter with a light “Thunk”! “I-I swear, s-sometimes it feels like they’re giving me these inexperienced imbeciles just to screw with me… T-they dpon’t know how to follow orders and always feel the need to [̷͓̥̮̒͝Ŕ̵͇̬͂͑E̶̮͊B̷͔̽È̷͎̎L̵̠̒͊]̵̫͕̙̽́ against a higher authority…”
“A̵̙̒Ṉ̵̈D̵̢̒ ̵͖͘H̶̱̋E̴̍͜R̷̹͝Ẻ̷͔ ̸̫̐I̵̝̊ ̴̥͋W̵̭͝A̴͙̚S̶͙̚ ̷̭͝T̴̰̋H̵͖̿I̸͓͊Ǹ̷̯K̶̮͆I̵͍͋N̶̡̾G̵̠̏ ̵̖̓Ḫ̷͝U̸̠͑M̵̡̓A̴̝̚N̴͓̈S̸̠͘ ̸̤̾W̵͉̋E̶̛̺R̴̪̒E̸̱͝ ̸̯̒Ḅ̸̛A̷͚͛D̸̡̅…̴͓̓”̶͓̾
İ̴͚ ̶̩̀ẗ̸͚́u̸͈̾ř̶̻n̶̜͂ë̸̺d̸͖̽ ̵̜͋ț̶͛o̶͘͜w̵͍̒a̷̡̋r̵̨̽ḓ̷̐ ̸̭́G̶̰̅ȋ̴̘l̴̢̋ǵ̶͓a̵̩̋r̶͚͊ ̵̨̏š̵̺h̷͖̍o̶̝̚ṳ̵̂l̶̹̕d̸͈̕ ̶̛̥h̶͖̐ȃ̴͔v̵̧͌e̸̹͝ ̴̛̦b̵͈̎e̸̛̺e̸̯̾n̶̘͊ ̶̭͝ṡ̶͔i̷̘͝t̸̜́t̶̞͆i̶̦͆n̸̼̾g̵̫̊ ̶̡̿a̷͖̎n̵̖͐d̵͓̾ ̶͍̅s̸͉͝à̸̲w̷͖̕ ̴̘̑a̵̜̒ ̸̧̉h̵̡̃u̶̠͛m̸̖̾a̷̧͂n̴̗͂ ̸̹͆t̸͇̒h̶̡̓a̵̓͜t̵͉͐ ̷̣̉w̴͓̋á̸͎s̸͉̾ ̵͎̀p̴̢̓ü̴̝r̸͍̾e̵̘͐ ̷̤̂w̶͇̉h̸̘̅i̸͚̚t̸͚̀e̷̻̋ ̷̡̈́ạ̶̒ń̶ͅd̵͚̎ ̸̬̉l̷̩̋o̷̥͘o̴̩̒k̸̦͊e̸̫̎d̶͕͆ ̸̍ͅs̴̥͝h̶͔͆ǎ̸͍t̷͈̃t̶͈̅e̴͕̾r̴̨̄e̶͈̅d̷̲̐ ̶̟̈l̷̯̄ï̷̬k̷͖̈́e̵̱͗ ̴̱̔g̵͍̉l̵̹̚a̸̗̍s̸̳͘s̵̯͗
I turned toward Gilgar, Once again getting an insane taste of Déjà vu “Y-You with me bud?”
I snapped out of my trance, “S-sorry… what were you saying?”
“I was saying that I thought working with Krakotl was bad, here’s hoping that I never get paired with a primitive… You good?”
Brushing off what I thought I saw as the alcohol setting in, I got off the stool and tried to keep upright, “I-I think maybe we should stop for the night…” “Umm… y-yeah sure, hang on I’ll help walk you home…”
Once Gilgar paid the owner what we owed, we were walking home. Well… more like he was dragging me home.
“W-What happened to all that talk about the Venlil’s higher alcohol tolerance?” Gilgar teased me while I could barely stand, “I-I could have kept going all night!”
“O-Oh shut up…” I weakly shot back…
We both had a chuckle before it became silent and Gilgar broke it, “T-they’d be proud of you you know… Y-your sister…”
“D-Don’t talk to me about Varynn…” I growled back, the memory of receiving confirmation of… Oh Inatala…
Gilgar struggled to keep me upright, “I’m serious… she’d be proud that you were the one to take her place in the guild… you know for all the teasing she spoke highly of you…”
“I-I know…” That would probably be the part I missed the most… “…I-I don’t want to talk about her right now…”
I could tell Gilgar wanted to continue but stopped as he saw tears running down my cheek… “But… you know what, you’re right, it’s still fresh for you… I apologize…”
We both continued in awkward silence before Gilgar decided to change the subject… “You know… you spend all that time in the human’s exhibit at the museum, talking about learning from them in case a third predator species emerges, it got me wondering… What would you do if you were to ever actually meet a human?”
“Kill them…” I answered without hesitation, “Kill them and learn about possible allies they could have, and make sure that they’re gone too, because if I ever meet a human, that means they’re back from extinction, and I’m gonna make sure that th-ey s-tay ex-tin-c-t t-hi-s t-i-m-e….”
Once again I slowly woke up in a daze, my head throbbing like last time…
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submitted by Arcwriter to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:06 giovannitw Traderlion - Private Access Pro Webinars 2021-2022 (Download)

Traderlion - Private Access Pro Webinars 2021-2022 (Download)
Traderlion - Private Access Pro Webinars 2021-2022

Traderlion - Private Access Pro Webinars 2021-2022 Reviews: Is it worth it?

Are you a swing trader eager to level up your trading game? Look no further! Traderlion - Private Access Pro Webinars is your golden ticket to mastering the art of trading. This all-in-one trading solution is specifically designed to elevate your skills and confidence, making you a pro in no time. Let's dive into what makes this course a must-have for traders like you.

Transform Your Trading with Structured Approaches

One of the standout features of Traderlion - Private Access Pro Webinars is its structured approach to trading. It's like having a roadmap to success, guiding you every step of the way. No more guesswork or uncertainty—just clear, actionable strategies that you can apply immediately. You'll learn to identify optimal entry and exit points effortlessly, ensuring you make the most of every trade.

Master Price and Volume Setups

Ever wondered how the pros do it? The secret often lies in understanding price and volume setups. With Traderlion - Private Access Pro Webinars, you'll gain deep insights into these crucial aspects of trading. Imagine being able to spot trends quickly and capitalize on them before others even notice! This knowledge alone can significantly boost your trading performance and profitability.

Boost Your Trading Confidence

Confidence is key in trading. Traderlion - Private Access Pro Webinars is designed to bolster your confidence by providing you with the tools and knowledge you need to make informed decisions. No more second-guessing or hesitation—just confident, calculated moves that lead to consistent success. You'll find yourself approaching trades with a newfound sense of assurance.

Create a Comprehensive Trading Plan

A well-thought-out trading plan is essential for long-term success. With Private Access, you'll learn how to craft a comprehensive plan tailored to your unique trading style and goals. This isn't just about following a set of rules; it's about understanding the market dynamics and adapting your strategies accordingly. The course equips you with the expertise to develop and refine your plan for unwavering results.

Tailored for Swing and Position Traders

Whether you're a swing trader or a position trader, Traderlion - Private Access Pro Webinars has got you covered. The course content is specifically designed to meet the needs of traders who are ready to take their skills to the next level. It's not just about learning; it's about evolving as a trader and achieving consistent, long-term success.

Unwavering Support and Invaluable Resources

Traderlion - Private Access Pro Webinars isn't just a course; it's a community. You'll have access to invaluable resources and unwavering support from seasoned traders and like-minded individuals. This supportive environment is crucial for your growth and development as a trader. You'll never feel alone on your trading journey—there's always someone to guide you and answer your questions.

Elevate Your Trading Game Today

In conclusion, Traderlion - Private Access Pro Webinars is an essential resource for any trader serious about enhancing their trading skills and confidence. With its structured approach, deep insights into price and volume setups, and comprehensive trading plan guidance, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the markets like a pro. Don't wait—elevate your trading game today with Traderlion - Private Access Pro Webinars!
So, what are you waiting for? Dive into Traderlion - Private Access Pro Webinars and discover the powerful trading ideas that can transform your trading journey. Get ready to boost your confidence and profit from simple yet effective strategies. Happy trading!
submitted by giovannitw to BoeStudying [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:48 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Fluance Record Players

Best Fluance Record Players

Introducing our collection of Fluance Record Players, designed to bring the warmth and nostalgia of vinyl music back into your home. In this roundup, we review and compare some of the most sought-after models from Fluance, examining their features, performance, and value for money. Whether you're a seasoned vinyl enthusiast or just starting your vinyl journey, our comprehensive guide has something for everyone. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the rich sound of your favorite records as we take you through the world of Fluance Record Players.

The Top 5 Best Fluance Record Players

  1. Fuse Vertical Vinyl Record Player with Bluetooth and FM Radio - The Fuse VERT Vertical Vinyl Record Player with an Audio Technica cartridge, Bluetooth, and FM radio offers exceptional sound quality, sleek design, and versatile functionality for an unbeatable vinyl listening experience.
  2. Stylish Modern Hide and Seek Bed-Chair - Experience the exceptional sound performance and seamless integration of the Fluance RT81 Elite Vinyl Turntable and Ai41 Powered 5" Stereo Bookshelf Speakers, perfect for vinyl enthusiasts, music lovers, and those seeking a premium audio setup.
  3. Fluance RT82 Reference Vinyl Turntable - Experience unparalleled vinyl playback with the Fluance Reference Turntable, featuring an Ortofon OM10 Cartridge for exceptional musical accuracy, precision motor control, and a solid wood plinth for vibration resistance.
  4. Fluance RT83 Hifi Vinyl Turntable for Purists - Experience pure, uncompressed vinyl music playback with the Fluance RT83 Reference Vinyl Turntable, featuring a precision motor, Ortofon 2M Red Cartridge, wood plinth, and balanced S-shaped tonearm for unmatched sound quality and visual appeal.
  5. Enhanced Audio Experience with Fluance Phono Preamp - Upgrade your turntable listening experience with the Fluance PA10 Phono Preamplifier for exceptional audio clarity and protected from electronic interference for a pure, immersive sound.
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🔗Fuse Vertical Vinyl Record Player with Bluetooth and FM Radio

I recently purchased the Fuse Vert Vertical Vinyl Record Player that comes with Bluetooth and FM radio, and boy, am I impressed! The sleek vertical design is perfect for my modern apartment, and it's a great conversation starter when friends come over.
One of the standout features of this record player is its ability to play 33-1/3, 45, & 78 vinyl records. The ceramic cartridge with a diamond needle delivers a rich mid-end and beautiful upper-range sound. The built-in FM radio, alarm clock, and Bluetooth connectivity make it a versatile device that can be used in different scenarios, like playing MP3s and tuning in to my favorite radio stations.
As for the cons, I did face some minor issues with the setup process. The instructions could have been more detailed, but with a little patience, I managed to get it up and running. Additionally, the internal speakers aren't as powerful as I would like, so if you're looking for premium sound quality, you might need to connect it to an external speaker system.
Overall, I'm extremely satisfied with the Fuse Vert Vertical Vinyl Record Player. Its unique design, combined with its versatile features, has made it a valuable addition to my home entertainment setup. If you're in the market for a stylish and functional record player, I highly recommend giving this one a try.

🔗Stylish Modern Hide and Seek Bed-Chair

Unpacking the Fluance RT81 Elite High Fidelity Vinyl Turntable and Ai41 Powered 5" Stereo Bookshelf Speakers was a delightful experience. The turntable comes with an integrated 90W amplifier, which promises a balanced sound with refined detail and clean, room-filling stereo sound. It's a pleasure to listen to my vinyl records on this turntable.
The turntable is packed with high-performance components, including an Audio Technica ATN95E diamond tipped stylus and rubbert mat. The S-type precision tone arm, along with the Texas Instruments preamp, ensures high fidelity sound in its truest form.
The Ai41 Powered Bookshelf Speakers are equally impressive. They boast neodymium magnet silk-dome tweeters and woven, glass fiber drivers that deliver detailed mids and deep natural bass. The DSP and integrated class D amplifier help produce a more balanced frequency response.
The beautifully-crafted wood cabinet not only looks stunning, but it also delivers precise, warm, and distortion-free sound. The simple audio setup makes it easy to switch between vinyl records and streaming music through Bluetooth.
One issue I faced was in fine-tuning the counterweight of the turntable. Though it was a bit challenging, especially for a beginner, the sound quality that the system produced made up for this minor inconvenience.
In summary, the Fluance RT81 Elite High Fidelity Vinyl Turntable and Ai41 Powered 5" Stereo Bookshelf Speakers offer a perfect blend of excellent sound quality and ease of use. This system has undoubtedly enhanced my musical experience.

🔗Fluance RT82 Reference Vinyl Turntable

I still remember the first time I set up my Fluance RT82 Reference High Fidelity Vinyl Turntable Record Player. The anticipation was palpable as I carefully assembled each piece, eager to experience the pure analog performance this turntable promised. From the moment I played my favorite vinyl album, I was blown away by the exceptional musical accuracy provided by the Ortofon OM10 Cartridge.
The precision playback with motor isolation and speed control truly made my records sound perfect at every play. I could easily distinguish even the slightest nuances in each song, making for an immersive listening experience. Furthermore, the solid wood plinth for superior resistance to vibrations added an extra layer of sturdiness and reliability.
However, one minor downside was the initial setup process. It required some patience and attention to detail in mounting the stylus and setting up the rubberized belt to the drive mechanism. Despite this small inconvenience, the overall ease of use and quality build of the Fluance RT82 made it worth every penny.
In conclusion, the Fluance RT82 Reference High Fidelity Vinyl Turntable Record Player is a must-have for any vinyl enthusiast seeking unparalleled sound quality, quality build, and ease of use. Highly recommended!

🔗Fluance RT83 Hifi Vinyl Turntable for Purists

Once upon a time, in the world of vinyl lovers, there was a magical device called the Fluance Reference Vinyl Turntable that brought joy and fantastic sound to its owner. This sophisticated device, with a sleek piano black finish, was more than just a record player, it was an experience.
As soon as I unboxed the turntable, I noticed its perfect balance of modern technology and classic aesthetics. The wood plinth, for instance, was not only a stunning visual feature but also a practical one, offering resistance to unwanted vibrations. The gold-plated RCA outputs and the beautifully crafted S-shaped tonearm also caught my eye.
The Ortofon 2M Red Cartridge was another highlight. It delivered dynamic sound, making every record feel like a brand new listening experience. The motor isolation and speed control took the sound to another level, ensuring that the music played perfectly with minimum rumble.
However, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. The assembly process was a bit challenging, with the mounting of the stylus and the belt to the drive mechanism. But with the help of the detailed instruction manual, I was able to get everything in place in no time.
In conclusion, the Fluance Reference Vinyl Turntable was more than what I expected. It's a perfect blend of performance, build quality, and visual appeal, making it worth every penny. If you're a vinyl enthusiast like me, this turntable is definitely worth your consideration.

🔗Enhanced Audio Experience with Fluance Phono Preamp

I recently had the opportunity to try out Fluance's PA10 High Fidelity Phono Preamp, and I must say, it has completely transformed my vinyl listening experience. As someone who owns a Fluance turntable, I was excited to pair it with this little device that promised to enhance its performance.
From the moment I plugged in the PA10, I noticed an immediate difference in sound quality. The music seemed to come alive, with each note hitting my ears with incredible clarity and detail. It felt like I was hearing my vinyl collection for the very first time!
One of the key features that impressed me most was the Subsonic Rumble Filtering. This filter rolls off low frequencies below 20Hz, which effectively reduces any unwanted rumble or feedback. I especially appreciated this feature when I was listening to tracks with heavy basslines - it made for a much smoother listening experience.
Another aspect that I really liked was the protective metal enclosure. Beyond its sleek wood exterior lies a shield against electronic interference and noise. This not only ensures optimal performance but also gives the device a sophisticated appearance.
However, one minor drawback I experienced was the lack of a user manual. While setting up the preamp was relatively straightforward, having some documentation would have been helpful for those who aren't as familiar with audio equipment.
Overall, I am thoroughly impressed with Fluance's PA10 Phono Preamp. Its ability to reproduce analog audio with incredible precision has taken my vinyl listening experience to new heights. If you're looking to elevate your turntable's performance, I highly recommend giving this preamp a try.

Buyer's Guide


Important Features to Consider

When choosing a Fluance record player, there are several features to consider that can greatly impact your listening experience:
  1. Belt-Drive vs. Direct-Drive: Belt-drive turntables often produce less vibration. This results in a smoother sound, but they may require more maintenance over time. Direct-drive turntables provide better speed consistency and instantaneous start-up, which makes them a popular choice among DJs.
  2. Phono Preamp: Some record players have a built-in phono preamp, while others do not. If your amplifier or receiver doesn't have a phono input, you'll need a turntable with a built-in preamp or an external one. If you decide to use an external preamp, make sure it's compatible with your turntable.
  3. Auto vs. Manual Start: Auto-start record players begin play automatically when the record is placed on the platter, providing convenience for users. However, manual-start models give you more control, and many audiophiles prefer this feature for its precision.

Factors to Consider Before Purchasing

Before purchasing a Fluance record player, consider the following factors:
  • Budget: Record players come in a variety of price ranges. Determine how much you're willing to spend and research options within your budget.
  • Sound Quality: The quality of sound depends on the turntable's components, including the cartridge, stylus, and tonearm. Do some research on these components to ensure a high-quality listening experience.
  • Dimensions and Weight: Depending on your available space, you may want to consider the size and weight of the record player. Compact models are available, but they may have fewer features or lower sound quality.


General Advice for Record Player Care

To prolong the life of your Fluance record player and maintain optimal sound quality, follow these tips:
  • Clean Your Records: Dirt and dust can accumulate on your vinyl records, affecting the sound quality. Use a record cleaning brush or spray to remove debris safely.
  • Store Your Records Properly: Store your vinyl collection vertically in record sleeves to prevent warping and damage from stacking.
  • Update Your Needle Regularly: The stylus, or needle, is the part of the turntable that makes contact with the record. Over time, it can become worn and affect the sound quality. Replace your needle as needed to maintain optimal performance.


Investing in a Fluance record player can result in a rich, immersive listening experience. By considering important features, factors, and general advice, you can make an informed decision when choosing the perfect record player for your needs.



What types of record players does Fluance offer?

Fluance offers a range of turntables designed to cater to various user preferences and budgets. Their models include the RT82, RT83, RT81, and others, each with unique features and specifications ensuring high-quality vinyl playback.


How do I choose the right record player for me?

To choose the right record player, consider factors such as your budget, the size and weight of the player, connectivity options (e. g. , USB, Bluetooth), and the quality of the sound output. Fluance's product range caters to a variety of needs, making it easier to find a model that suits your requirements.

What is the difference between the RT82 and RT83 models?

The main difference between the Fluance RT82 and RT83 models is the type of cartridge included. The RT83 features an Ortofon OM 20 cartridge, while the RT82 uses an Ortofon OM 5E cartridge. Additionally, the RT83's plinth is made of MDF wood, whereas the RT82's plinth comprises solid wood.

How do I clean my vinyl records?

To clean your vinyl records, follow these steps: * Choose a vinyl record cleaner suitable for delicate surfaces and LPs.
  • Apply the cleaner to the vinyl record, ensuring balanced coverage and even distribution.
  • Use a microfiber brush or cloth to gently buff the record and remove dirt and dust particles.
  • Allow the record to dry completely before storing it in its sleeve.

How can I connect my Fluance record player to a wireless speaker?

Fluance record players like the RT82 and RT83 offer USB connectivity, enabling you to connect to a wireless speaker or other devices. To do so, simply connect a USB-to-RCA cable from your record player to your wireless speaker's USB input, ensuring proper alignment and connection. Then, power on both devices and adjust their settings accordingly for seamless and high-quality audio streaming.

What is the warranty coverage for Fluance record players?

Fluance offers a comprehensive warranty on their products. The specific warranty period may vary depending on the model purchased but typically ranges from 1 to 2 years, covering defects in materials and workmanship. Some models also include an extended warranty upon registration through the Fluance website. For detailed warranty information, please refer to the user manual or contact Fluance customer support.
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submitted by ConsequenceSure3063 to u/ConsequenceSure3063 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:33 ayaaaaa___ Teachers of Reddit, what subjects do your students struggle with the most?

Hi everyone!!!
I am a student that is currently in the process of designing a game for students who are struggling. I am aiming for the game to be educational and effective, whilst of course still being engaging and fun. However, I'm not sure yet which subject I will be focusing on.
I would deeply appreciate it if you took a few minutes to answer a few questions for me, as it would really help me:
  1. What subjects do your students find the most difficult?
  2. Are there specific topics within those subjects that are particularly challenging?
  3. Have you noticed any common misconceptions or recurring problems?
  4. Are there any learning resources or methods that have been particularly effective in helping your students?
  5. What suggestions or ideas could I implement within a game to make it both educational and engaging?
  6. What age groups or grade levels do you teach, and do the struggles differ between them?
  7. Are there any specific learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, etc.) that your struggling students respond best to?
  8. What types of game mechanics (quizzes, puzzles, interactive stories, etc.) do you think would be most effective for reinforcing difficult concepts?
  9. How do you measure improvement and understanding in your students, and how might a game integrate similar assessments?
  10. Are there any technological tools or platforms that your students enjoy and engage with that could inspire features in the game?
  11. What motivational strategies do you use to encourage students who struggle, and how could these be incorporated into a game?
  12. Are there any particular themes or narratives that you think would captivate students' interest while learning challenging subjects?
  13. What type of gameplay and aesthetic styles do you think would appeal most to your students? (e.g., adventure, simulation, fantasy, realistic, etc.)
Your feedback will be extremely helpful in allowing me to create an effective and engaging game for students who do need that extra bit of help. Thank you so much for your time and insights!
submitted by ayaaaaa___ to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:54 DoctorDueDiligence Constructive Feedback on $KPTI? a Recap - why does Dr. DD write?

Hey TEAM, I was told that I should give MGMT more constructive feedback, I don't give advice but I do give my thoughts and a recap. I have tried to post, especially about runway, debt deals, and trial sites, thereby trial enrollment and readout. These warnings were not taken seriously, so we've seen three debt deals, two phase 3 trial delays by a year. Below you will see.

My Thoughts

Open Letter to CEO Richard Paulson
Open Letter to the Board
Open Letter to Chairman Barry Greene
12 sites 6 months after trial start - grave need to increase and accurately list for Clinical Trials (over half of sites were missing, which was corrected by an email I sent).
There was an increase in Trial sites (not as fast as I would have liked, and need better enrollment per site)
Warning of Topline to be delayed for SIENDO2 with PFS update at ASCO Plenary (this was later pushed back a year, which was further than I thought necessary - this was because of EU Assay Delay, and because
Department Goals
Cut costs and enroll SIENDO2 like the Company's future depends on it (11 months ago)
Tsunami Hypothesis
Actual Thesis
Predicting different moves
Dilution = killing highly shorted stock
Alternatives to dilution and how to stop the bleeding

Why do I write?

I truly believe that Selinexor is potentially best in class for at least 2 indications (EC WTp53 and MF). I am much more confident in EC than MF. With that being said I believe that patients, employees, and shareholders should be rewarded.
Dilution, a lack of financial discipline (like spending a large amount of money to hang out with a celebrity), lack of urgency, and accountability is the anti-thesis to that.
I actually care about these patients. I predicted EC Super Responder result 2 years ago that is just now maturing. I even talked about how the subset is partially hidden with topline, as they are less likely to progress and result in later super responders.
Now, I have had the same 3 points since I started writing 3 years ago.
First is Financial Discipline. This means running the company without depending on debt deals, warrants, ATMs. This is essentially inflation for shareholders - including employees.
Second is Urgency. Part of the Tsunami Hypothesis is that Phase 3 positive data will likely have the greatest effect on increasing share price as shorts try to push down. To get data, especially in indications with super responders (pMMR WTp53) means getting sites open, and getting sites enrolled. Trial delays can potentially lead to worse deals, loss of shareholder value, and difficulty reaching.
Third is Accountability. Spend money as if everything will be aired out. Don't waste money on celebrities, DEI, or lavish restaurants and trips. If you do not perform, and stock price suffers, then that should be reflected in your bonus. If you do not improve sales or if you revise guidance downward, it should be reflected in your pay. If you delay trials, your bonus should be cut for those months. Ultimately if you fail on multiple fronts, you should be replaced, as this affects the survivability of this company, that is already extremely high risk. Your number one duty is to the shareholders, and it should be reflected with gratitude for the responsibility entrusted to you.
If my posts seem more negative, it is because I believe there is a narrow window, and that even if there is a positive exit, that exit will not reflect true value to shareholders if it is continually diluted due to MGMT's decisions to extend runway by cutting costs. Additionally the best way to sell a company is to be in demand, that happens with Phase 3 results, more importantly that means getting to readouts.

My Allegiance is to the TEAM

If MGMT dislikes me for stating this, what am I to do? I believe it to be the truth, and my allegiance is with the patients, the employees, the retail stockholders, and institutional stockholders. MGMT would also benefit from this if they own signficant equity (not some on the board of directors), but the CEO was given over 480,000 shares this year alone! He also has over 1MM shares. That means for every dollar he raises share price then he will get an additional Million dollars in addition to his salary and his bonus.
I have no doubt that the CEO wishes for the stock price to be higher, but without sales, data, and interest from a buyer, it cannot happen. This is why getting sales, data, and thereby getting more interest for a potential buyout or partnership is imo the only way to make that happen.
I wrote about how SIENDO2 was the key in 2022, and that even without the trial site delays (EU Assay) that it would not read out 06/2024 (since delayed over a year) due to the super responders. I wrote about MF Phase 1 data and its potential.
I wrote 9 months ago that they were likely working on another debt deal because they didn't address runway (20% RIF a year and a half too late and too little).
Trust me, I would prefer if there was different MGMT because I saw what would happen (debt deal at low SP levels), so I wonder - did they see it? If they saw it, why did they not act to avoid it?
I cannot please everyone, nor will I try. I will present the information and appreciate everyone, even if they are against.


What I can say is that I really do love the science of this drug, and with the ASCO update showing 39.5+ months PFS for pMMR wtp53 EC with advanced and recurrent EC OS being about 36 months, that excites me. Some patients on therapy for over 4 years! I am hopeful that NCCN gives Selinexor a Category 1 indication by end of the month. I am glad to see many doctors appreciate the new ASCO data, and show excitement for it.
The Phase 1 MF updates, excites me. Especially since there seems to be mono therapy activity (rux low dose, or alternate agents).
The better adherence and side effect profile at a lower dosage across disease states, excites me.
I think we all want to see the Phase 3 data readouts, at least the MM and EC in early 2025. Myelofibrosis, depending on situation, maybe a CVR if bought.
If they submitted for AA for wtp53 EC, that would GREATLY excite me. I also think it would boost the stock significantly (which MGMT would then have to dilute to extend runway). It seems like MGMT hasn't done this so far and at least so far has not indicated they will. Maybe waiting for NCCN, but I would not wait, in fact I would have submitted last year with 03/2023 data given the poor efficacy of the only real alternative which is Lenvatinib + Pembrolizumab.
I appreciate all of you! Thank you!
Not Financial Advice,
Vis parata victoria
Dr. DD
Meme, comedy, fair use commentary, do your own DD
Link to Newsletter - free if you dig my posts!
submitted by DoctorDueDiligence to KPTI [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:50 Jetmohsli MacBook is stuck trying to post. Please help!

This is a 2019 Intel model MacBook pro 16 in, running Windows 10 on boot camp.
I've been working on a very important video editing project for the past 2 months. I was in the middle of doing my final render on premiere pro when I noticed that the battery was dying while it was still plugged in. Before I could try a different charger or outlet It died completely, and now it is stuck in a constant cycle of trying to boot and not being able to. The only thing that is happening is that the fan will start up really fast for half a second and then stop. Nothing comes up on the screen, no beeps or chimes at all. I have tried holding down all sorts of various combinations of keys along with the power button for various amounts of time. It seems like there are an unless amount of answers in that regard. I've tried the SMC reset, I've tried the NVRAM reset, I've tried safe mode, always the same result. Even without touching anything it is still trying to start up on its own. And it's unplugged right now. I opened up the back and tried to disconnect the battery to see if that might make a difference and it still continues to do the same thing. All research seems to point towards a kernel panic. I hope that is not a death knoll for my data and the system. This project is incredibly important to me on a personal level and it never occurred to me to even back it up because I was so close to being finished and the laptop was working great up until then. But if you feel the need to roast me for not backing anything up, go ahead anyways. I hope someone has a magic combination that I haven't tried yet or some way I can get it working. It's night time where I am right now otherwise I would be taking it to a shop. If I can't get it working tonight I will take it to one first thing in the morning. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
submitted by Jetmohsli to macbookpro [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:48 Jetmohsli My MacBook Pro will not post, is stuck trying over and over. Please help!

This is a 2019 Intel model MacBook pro 16 in, running Windows 10 on boot camp.
I've been working on a very important video editing project for the past 2 months. I was in the middle of doing my final render on premiere pro when I noticed that the battery was dying while it was still plugged in. Before I could try a different charger or outlet It died completely, and now it is stuck in a constant cycle of trying to boot and not being able to. The only thing that is happening is that the fan will start up really fast for half a second and then stop. Nothing comes up on the screen, no beeps or chimes at all. I have tried holding down all sorts of various combinations of keys along with the power button for various amounts of time. It seems like there are an unless amount of answers in that regard. I've tried the SMC reset, I've tried the NVRAM reset, I've tried safe mode, always the same result. Even without touching anything it is still trying to start up on its own. And it's unplugged right now. I opened up the back and tried to disconnect the battery to see if that might make a difference and it still continues to do the same thing. All research seems to point towards a kernel panic. I hope that is not a death knoll for my data and the system. This project is incredibly important to me on a personal level and it never occurred to me to even back it up because I was so close to being finished and the laptop was working great up until then. But if you feel the need to roast me for not backing anything up, go ahead anyways. I hope someone has a magic combination that I haven't tried yet or some way I can get it working. It's night time where I am right now otherwise I would be taking it to a shop. If I can't get it working tonight I will take it to one first thing in the morning. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
submitted by Jetmohsli to macbookrepair [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:46 Jetmohsli My MacBook is stuck in an endless bootloop. Nothing is working. Please help!

This is a 2019 Intel model MacBook pro 16 in, running Windows 10 on boot camp.
I've been working on a very important video editing project for the past 2 months. I was in the middle of doing my final render on premiere pro when I noticed that the battery was dying while it was still plugged in. Before I could try a different charger or outlet It died completely, and now it is stuck in a constant cycle of trying to boot and not being able to. The only thing that is happening is that the fan will start up really fast for half a second and then stop. Nothing comes up on the screen, no beeps or chimes at all. I have tried holding down all sorts of various combinations of keys along with the power button for various amounts of time. It seems like there are an unless amount of answers in that regard. I've tried the SMC reset, I've tried the NVRAM reset, I've tried safe mode, always the same result. Even without touching anything it is still trying to start up on its own. And it's unplugged right now. I opened up the back and tried to disconnect the battery to see if that might make a difference and it still continues to do the same thing. All research seems to point towards a kernel panic. I hope that is not a death knoll for my data and the system. This project is incredibly important to me on a personal level and it never occurred to me to even back it up because I was so close to being finished and the laptop was working great up until then. But if you feel the need to roast me for not backing anything up, go ahead anyways. I hope someone has a magic combination that I haven't tried yet or some way I can get it working. It's night time where I am right now otherwise I would be taking it to a shop. If I can't get it working tonight I will take it to one first thing in the morning. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
submitted by Jetmohsli to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:43 Jetmohsli My 2019 Intel MacBook is stuck in a booting loop, and I need help!

This is a 2019 Intel model MacBook pro 16 in, running Windows 10 on boot camp.
I've been working on a very important video editing project for the past 2 months. I was in the middle of doing my final render on premiere pro when I noticed that the battery was dying while it was still plugged in. Before I could try a different charger or outlet It died completely, and now it is stuck in a constant cycle of trying to boot and not being able to. The only thing that is happening is that the fan will start up really fast for half a second and then stop. Nothing comes up on the screen, no beeps or chimes at all. I have tried holding down all sorts of various combinations of keys along with the power button for various amounts of time. It seems like there are an unless amount of answers in that regard. I've tried the SMC reset, I've tried the NVRAM reset, I've tried safe mode, always the same result. Even without touching anything it is still trying to start up on its own. And it's unplugged right now. I opened up the back and tried to disconnect the battery to see if that might make a difference and it still continues to do the same thing. All research seems to point towards a kernel panic. I hope that is not a death knoll for my data and the system. This project is incredibly important to me on a personal level and it never occurred to me to even back it up because I was so close to being finished and the laptop was working great up until then. But if you feel the need to roast me for not backing anything up, go ahead anyways. I hope someone has a magic combination that I haven't tried yet or some way I can get it working. It's night time where I am right now otherwise I would be taking it to a shop. If I can't get it working tonight I will take it to one first thing in the morning. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
submitted by Jetmohsli to mac [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:32 AnyaGoblessed Where Are We Really From? Unpacking the Questions of Expat Living

After enduring four days of relentless headaches, courtesy of an unfortunate run-in between my head and my scooter’s handlebars, I finally relented and paid a visit to the doctor. The doctor had both good and bad news for me. The good news? My blood pressure was in perfect shape, and I walked away with two prescriptions and a vitamin B complex supplement, all for the grand total of $8.25 USD — without insurance, no less.
The bad news? It turns out I’m now contending with migraines — a condition that’s completely new to me, though not entirely foreign considering I’ve witnessed my sister endure similar pain and my mother struggle with a combination of migraines and cluster headaches. Despite the enlightening information I received at the clinic, I couldn’t help but feel apprehensive, especially when reflecting on the suffering my family members have experienced with this condition in the past.
Before heading home, I figured I’d pop into a nearby grocery store to stock up on essentials like green tea and milk, hoping to placate the migraine beast. The grocery shopping experience was uneventful — even somewhat enjoyable as I explored the aisles of a new branch. But when it came time to check out, the cashier unexpectedly threw me for a loop by asking where I was from to input into their computer. This question caught me off guard, as I had never been asked that in over a year of living in this country, not even at other locations of this very same grocery chain.
Slightly bewildered, I responded, “I live here.” Undeterred, the cashier pressed on, “But where are you from?” I repeated, “Here. I live here.” Still, she persisted, “But where are you from?” With a touch of frustration creeping into my voice, I clarified, “Here. I LIVE here.” This exchange left us both somewhat perplexed, as my understanding of ‘where I’m from’ is rooted in where I currently live and exist — not in the country where I was born, which lies a world away.
As I drove my scooter up the winding hills separating me from home, my mind lingered on the challenging question that had been posed to me: “Where am I from?” Realization dawned on me — this question is not easily answered. I am from the heart of America, where green hills roll into fields of wheat. I am from broken kingdoms and enduring fortresses.
My numerous failures define me far more than my few successes, yet I am also from a fierce determination to learn from those failures and seize every opportunity to live well and to be there for those I care for and can be present for. The land, the sea, and the sky all claim a part of me. This answer, while not a straightforward country, city, or state, encapsulates the complexity of my being. And so, I ask, where are we truly from?
Our fixation on surface-level attributes like place of origin or appearance often overshadows the more profound aspects of our identities. While these factors may have some bearing on our experiences, they are vastly outweighed by elements such as our character, values, growth, and future aspirations.
Emphasizing who we are, how we live and love, as well as our present and future trajectories, encourages a deeper understanding of ourselves and others. By acknowledging the complexity of our identities, we foster empathy and appreciation for diverse experiences, ultimately recognizing that our origin point is but one small piece of the puzzle that shapes our lives.
I’m reminded of Chelsea Effect’s “Stardust,” https://youtu.be/dKMxhVle6dc, which echoes the question: where are we, and from where did we come? We are stardust, the cosmic remnants of a boundless universe, living for a future that offers hope and solace. Guided by love, we traverse the vast expanse, seeking to ease the pain and struggles of our shared human experience.
In the end, it is this journey — the winding road, the rich tapestry of our past, and the ever-expanding universe that cradles us — that serves as our true home. Perhaps, then, the essence of “where we are” is not a fixed point in space or time, but rather a perpetual state of becoming, of growth, and of love.
#Expat #LivingAbroad #migraine
submitted by AnyaGoblessed to u/AnyaGoblessed [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:26 Sweet-Count2557 Best Brunch in Norfolk Va

Best Brunch in Norfolk Va
Best Brunch in Norfolk Va Are you on the hunt for the best brunch spots in Norfolk, VA? Look no further! We've done the research and compiled a list of the top-rated destinations in the area.From unique and adventurous flavors to classic brunch favorites with a twist, we have something for everyone. Join us on this culinary journey as we explore Four Eleven York, The Stockpot, Hair of the Dog, and many other brunch spots that are sure to delight your taste buds.Let's discover the best brunch spots Norfolk has to offer!Key TakeawaysFour Eleven York, The Stockpot, and Hair of the Dog are highly rated brunch spots in Norfolk, VA.The Rustic Spoon Pleasure House and Commune are brunch spots with limited information and no provided ratings.Four Eleven York, The Stockpot, Hair of the Dog, and several other brunch spots offer notable dishes that are unique and delicious.Blue Moon TapHouse is known for having the best brunch in Norfolk and offers pub fare, draft brews, live music, and rooftop seats.Top-rated Brunch Spots in Norfolk VaWe've narrowed down the top-rated brunch spots in Norfolk, VA based on taste, variety, service, atmosphere, affordability, and accessibility.One of the top spots is Four Eleven York, which offers a delightful brunch experience. With a perfect score for taste and variety, this place is sure to satisfy your cravings. The service is also highly rated, ensuring a pleasant dining experience. The atmosphere at Four Eleven York is cozy and inviting, adding to the overall enjoyment. While the affordability isn't the highest, it still offers good value for the quality of food and service received. In terms of accessibility, it's easily reachable for most visitors.Another standout brunch spot is The Stockpot. With a high rating for taste and variety, you can expect a range of delicious options to choose from. The service is also commendable, making your visit a memorable one. The atmosphere at The Stockpot is cozy and laid-back, perfect for a relaxing brunch. In terms of affordability, it's a great choice for those on a budget. Additionally, the accessibility is good, ensuring that everyone can enjoy a delightful brunch experience.Hidden Gem Brunch Places in Norfolk VaThere are a few hidden gem brunch places in Norfolk, VA that offer unique and delicious options to satisfy our cravings. When it comes to brunch in Norfolk, Virginia, these hidden gems provide a delightful culinary experience that's worth exploring.Here are two sub-lists that convey a deeper meaning for the audience:Brunch Spots with Limited Information:The Rustic Spoon Pleasure House: While ratings aren't provided, this spot offers a diverse menu with notable dishes like Shrimp & Grit Cake.Commune: Although ratings aren't available, Commune is known for its farm-to-table approach and seasonal dishes.Brunch Spots with Notable Dishes:The Rustic Spoon Pleasure House: Their Shrimp & Grit Cake is a standout dish that combines savory flavors and textures.Founders Inn Swan Terrace Grill: A must-try dish at this spot is their indulgent She Crab Bisque, perfect for seafood lovers.These hidden gem brunch places in Norfolk, VA offer a variety of options to cater to different tastes and preferences. Whether you're looking for a unique twist on familiar dishes or want to try new flavors, Norfolk has something to offer brunch enthusiasts.Must-Try Dishes at Norfolk's Brunch SpotsLet's indulge in the must-try dishes at Norfolk's brunch spots, like the oyster poboy at Four Eleven York and the She Crab Bisque at Founders Inn Swan Terrace Grill. Norfolk has a vibrant brunch scene with a variety of delicious options to satisfy any craving. Here are some notable dishes from popular brunch spots in the area:Brunch SpotNotable DishRatingFour Eleven YorkOyster Poboy5/5Founders Inn Swan Terrace GrillShe Crab BisqueNot AvailableThe Rustic Spoon Pleasure HouseShrimp & Grit CakeNot AvailableAt Four Eleven York, their oyster poboy is a must-try. This sandwich is filled with crispy fried oysters, tangy remoulade sauce, and fresh lettuce and tomato, all served on a soft and toasted baguette. It's a perfect combination of flavors and textures that will leave you craving more.If you're a seafood lover, the She Crab Bisque at Founders Inn Swan Terrace Grill is a must-try. This creamy soup is made with fresh crab meat, rich broth, and a hint of sherry. It's a decadent and indulgent dish that will warm your soul.The Rustic Spoon Pleasure House offers a unique dish called Shrimp & Grit Cake. This savory dish features plump shrimp served over a crispy grit cake, topped with a flavorful sauce. It's a delicious twist on a Southern classic that is sure to satisfy your taste buds.These are just a few of the must-try dishes at Norfolk's brunch spots. Whether you're in the mood for seafood, sandwiches, or something unique, these brunch spots have something for everyone. So, grab your friends and indulge in the deliciousness that Norfolk has to offer.Unique Brunch Experiences in Norfolk VaWe've discovered several unique brunch experiences in Norfolk, VA. One standout dish is the oyster poboy at Four Eleven York. This brunch spot offers a delightful combination of flavors with its crispy oysters, tangy remoulade sauce, and soft French bread.Another must-try dish is the Shrimp & Grit Cake at The Rustic Spoon Pleasure House. This dish features a savory grit cake topped with succulent shrimp and a flavorful sauce.When exploring the brunch scene in Norfolk, it's important to consider the ratings and reviews of each spot. Four Eleven York, for example, has received high marks for its taste and variety, as well as its inviting atmosphere. The Stockpot is another popular choice, known for its scratch-made fare and accommodating options for dietary restrictions. On the other hand, Hair of the Dog offers unique twists on soul food dishes, making it a favorite among brunch enthusiasts.For those seeking more information, there are several resources available. The Brunch Diners Guide highlights Four Eleven York, The Stockpot, and Hair of the Dog as top choices. Additionally, the guide 'Comparing Brunch Places: Which One Is Right For You?' provides detailed descriptions of these spots, helping readers make an informed decision. Lastly, the 'Frequently Asked Questions' section offers answers to common inquiries about brunch spots in Norfolk.With these unique brunch experiences and helpful resources, brunch-goers in Norfolk are sure to find the perfect spot to satisfy their cravings.Best Brunch Spots for Dietary Restrictions in Norfolk VaOne of the best brunch spots for dietary restrictions in Norfolk, VA is The Stockpot. This restaurant offers a variety of scratch-made fare to accommodate different dietary needs. Whether you're vegetarian, gluten-free, or have other specific dietary restrictions, The Stockpot has options for you. Their menu features dishes made with fresh, locally sourced ingredients, ensuring both quality and taste. From their flavorful salads and hearty grain bowls to their delicious vegan and vegetarian options, there's something for everyone at The Stockpot. The staff is knowledgeable about dietary restrictions and can provide guidance and recommendations to ensure you have a satisfying and enjoyable dining experience. With its cozy atmosphere and friendly service, The Stockpot is a top choice for those looking for a brunch spot that caters to their dietary needs.Transitioning into the subsequent section about popular brunch dishes in Norfolk, VA, there are several notable options to explore.Popular Brunch Dishes in Norfolk VaThe popular brunch dishes in Norfolk, VA offer a variety of delicious options to satisfy our cravings. Whether you're in the mood for unique and innovative dishes or classic comfort food with a twist, Norfolk has something for everyone.Here are some of the standout dishes that shouldn't be missed:Four Eleven York:Oyster Po'Boy: A delectable combination of crispy fried oysters, tangy remoulade sauce, and fresh lettuce and tomato on a toasted baguette.Zucchini Waffle: A savory waffle made with shredded zucchini, topped with a perfectly poached egg and drizzled with a zesty hollandaise sauce.The Stockpot:Scratch-made Fare: From fluffy buttermilk pancakes to creamy scrambled eggs, The Stockpot offers classic brunch favorites made from scratch using fresh, locally sourced ingredients.Dietary Restrictions: The Stockpot also caters to specific dietary restrictions, with options for gluten-free, vegetarian, and vegan brunch dishes.These brunch spots not only offer delicious food but also provide a memorable dining experience with their cozy atmospheres and attentive service. So, whether you're looking for a unique twist on familiar dishes or a brunch spot that caters to your specific dietary needs, Norfolk has it all.Insider's Guide to Brunching in Norfolk VaLet's explore the top-rated brunch spots in Norfolk, VA and discover the hidden gems for a delightful brunch experience. Norfolk offers a variety of brunch spots that cater to different tastes and preferences.Four Eleven York, known for its taste and variety, receives top ratings for its service, atmosphere, affordability, and accessibility. The Stockpot also stands out with its scratch-made fare and options for specific dietary restrictions. Hair of the Dog offers unique twists on familiar soul food dishes.Other notable brunch spots include The Rustic Spoon Pleasure House, Commune, Founders Inn Swan Terrace Grill, Canvas Social Cuisine, Omar's Carriage House, Freemason Abbey, Saltine, Cafe Milo, Stripers Waterside, dEgg Diner, No Frill Bar and Grill, Handsome Biscuit, Grain, and Capt. Groovys Grill and Raw Bar.Blue Moon TapHouse, known for having the best brunch in Norfolk, offers pub fare, draft brews, live music, and rooftop seats. This spacious bi-level pub with contemporary decor is definitely worth a visit.To help you make the best choice, the Brunch Diners Guide highlights Four Eleven York, The Stockpot, and Hair of the Dog, while the Comparing Brunch Places article describes the unique characteristics of these spots. If you have any questions, the Frequently Asked Questions section provides answers to common queries about brunch spots in Norfolk.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Brunch Spots in Norfolk That Offer Bottomless Mimosas or Drink Specials?Sure, there are brunch spots in Norfolk that offer bottomless mimosas or drink specials. These spots provide a great opportunity to enjoy a delicious meal while sipping on your favorite beverages.Whether you're in the mood for a classic mimosa or looking to try something new, you'll find options that cater to your preferences.Are Any of the Brunch Spots in Norfolk Pet-Friendly?Yes, some of the brunch spots in Norfolk are pet-friendly. They understand that our furry friends are part of the family and want to accommodate them.Whether it's outdoor seating or designated areas for pets, these brunch spots make it easy to bring your four-legged companions along.Can I Make Reservations at the Brunch Spots in Norfolk?Yes, you can make reservations at some of the brunch spots in Norfolk. While not all establishments may offer reservations, many popular brunch spots do accept them.It's always a good idea to call ahead and inquire about reservation options, as availability may vary. Making a reservation can help ensure that you have a table ready when you arrive, especially during busy brunch hours.Do Any of the Brunch Spots in Norfolk Offer Vegetarian or Vegan Options?Yes, some of the brunch spots in Norfolk offer vegetarian or vegan options.Four Eleven York, The Stockpot, and Hair of the Dog are known for their diverse menus that cater to different dietary preferences.Four Eleven York offers unique dishes like oyster poboy and zucchini waffle.The Stockpot provides scratch-made fare with options for specific dietary restrictions.Hair of the Dog offers unique twists on familiar soul food dishes.These spots ensure that there are delicious options for everyone, including vegetarians and vegans.Are There Any Brunch Spots in Norfolk That Have Outdoor Seating or Patio Areas?These spots are perfect for enjoying a leisurely meal in the fresh air.One popular brunch spot in Norfolk with outdoor seating is The Stockpot.They have a charming patio area where you can enjoy your brunch while taking in the sights and sounds of the city.Another great option is Commune.They have a spacious outdoor seating area that is perfect for brunching with friends or family.Their menu features delicious and creative dishes made with locally sourced ingredients.So, whether you're in the mood for a classic brunch or something a little more unique, Norfolk has plenty of options with outdoor seating.Make sure to check out these brunch spots and enjoy a lovely meal al fresco.ConclusionAfter exploring the top-rated brunch spots in Norfolk, VA, it's clear that this city is a brunch lover's paradise. From hidden gems to unique dining experiences, Norfolk offers a diverse range of options to satisfy any palate.Whether you're a foodie looking for adventurous flavors or someone with dietary restrictions seeking delicious options, there's a brunch spot for everyone.So, get ready to indulge in mouthwatering dishes and unforgettable brunch experiences in Norfolk, the ultimate brunch destination.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:09 mindkiller317 My experience at KICL (2014/15)

Can't believe it was ten years ago now, but here is a writeup about my time at KICL on the Kyoto University of Art campus in 2014/15. This is from an old comment that I posted a few years back, but it's just to get things started off here.
Feel free to add your own thoughts on the school. I'm certain it's changed since then, so it would be nice to hear from other recent students.
TLDR: Overall, it was fine. Heavy emphasis on JLPT. Heavy course load. Nice students and capable teachers.
I went to KICL from 2014-2015 for three semesters. Overall, it was a good experience and I learned much more than I could have in a more traditional, slow language class. By the end, I passed N3 and my written Japanese was quite good for my level. Of course, I forgot all the writing now and can't handwrite anything since all I do is type or text now. I also work in English and my home life is in English, so my speaking is still weak after all these years. However, I have a solid grammatical and mechanical foundation from my time at KICL that I am thankful for. If I expanded my vocab and actually spoke more, I know that I could still excel based on what I learned there.
KICL focuses on reading, kanji, technical listening, and some writing (in the context of memorizing kanji usage) at the expense of speaking, realistic listening, and everyday skills. This is simply the reality of focusing too heavily on the JLPT. Regardless, you will learn a fuckton of Japanese if you apply yourself.
Everyone (except for one gruff teacher with a beard - you'll know him immediately) was very nice. I had a few great teachers and some just good ones. Although it is essentially a JLPT mill like most language schools here, I learned enough Japanese for daily life, and I still feel like I learned some technical grammar points and vocab that most students studying in other places never got around to.
That being said, there were a few problems. They move you through class levels very fast if you have even a hint of competency. They wanted me to jump from 1A to 2A when there is a 2B class in between that introduces new grammar and kanji and stuff. I asked why I can't proceed to that one and how I'll learn that stuff otherwise, and their answer was "you'll just absorb it later." I ended up doing 1A, 2A, and then 2A again instead of moving on. That was my choice because I wanted to really learn the material. Looking back, perhaps it was a mistake, but I think it was best for my study style. They thought I was nuts to do that.
There is a ton of kanji and the material moves very fast. I wasn't a fan of the intermediate book they use, especially since the consensus is to use another popular one in all other school. The one KICL used (New Approach) is super technical and not practical.
You will need to spend a few hours nightly on homework and extra study. 80% of the students there are Taiwanese and they take the coursework extremely seriously. It was a shock for the American and European students to see how hardcore they were. I always thought I was a good student but they blew me out of the water.
A big downside to the Taiwanese presence in KICL is that they can understand most of the kanji already and have a familiarity of how to study and learn kanji effectively. The rest of us struggled to keep up. The Taiwanese can easily pass a reading test by skimming the kanji for basic understanding. Be prepared to step up your kanji game.
KICL exists to get those Taiwanese students to N2 JLPT in two years. Many of them make it in 1.5 years if they already had some basic Japanese knowledge from high school or college. KICL knows how to teach to the JLPT very well, but for someone like me who simply wanted to learn Japanese for everyday life here, it wasn't the best match. I still learned a ton - and forgot most of it by now - and it was an excellent foundation that was more rigorous than other schools. I got a bit burned out in the final semester and was busy with work, so my study time shrank and I got more lax with things. I wish I hadn't done this, but I was a good 10 years older than most students there and I was living in a different reality than when I used to be a student.
There are "clubs" in the afternoon a few days a week at KICL (maybe they've changed it since then). Kanji calligraphy was "required" for western students first semester, but I dropped it after a month because it was just too frustrating for me to try to get my kanji perfect. I'm not an artist and it was killing me. They understood. The other clubs were like business Japanese and stuff for higher level students.
A few times a semester they do "cultural" stuff like going to a craft workshop. It was fun, but a bit touristy and felt like a kids' field trip. I didn't mind that stuff, but the sports day thing in fall was just totally not my scene. THAT felt like we were elementary kids. I know they were trying to give us an authentic school experience, but I would have rather been studying. The group film projects and mandatory assemblies were similarly childish, and extremely Japanese in their structure and requirements. No changing that. I constantly was saying "I'd rather be studying."
There are plenty of opportunities to socialize with the Japanese art school students, but don't expect that to go exactly as you expect. They are doing their own stuff and most of them don't want to be there anyway.
Overall, it's going to be a great experience for most people. Just know your goals when you start and - once you've settled in and are comfortable - let your teachers know what your personal targets are. If you're not there to grind out JLPT, they will understand. I was able to skip some afternoon classes in my last semester when I explained that I had to work (I was starting my own business here at the time) and that advanced JLPT prep class just wasn't for me. They begrudgingly let me skip.
The teachers and students were wonderful, and it was nice to mix with so many international students in the classes. It was well worth the money - and I imagine even more so if I had actually gone full focus and really applied myself 110%!
submitted by mindkiller317 to KyotoStudents [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:50 GriffinGalang [PMVJC] [2024-02] [Poll Results] Clinical research article distribution, critical reading instructions, case presentation

Good morning.
The poll for the second round of the PinoyMed Virtual Journal Club has closed. The clinical research article for discussion is
Priya G L, Dhibar DP, Saroch A, Sharma N, Sharma V, Verma N, Chaluvashetty SB, Prakash A, Kaur H. Efficacy of empirical ciprofloxacin or cefixime plus metronidazole therapy for the treatment of liver abscess: A randomized control clinical trial. Sci Rep. 2024;14(1):11430. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-59607-1

Reading the clinical research article

Please find a quiet moment to read the article. Typically, it should take no more than 15 minutes. Your reading of the article should not be the same as the way you read a novel. Your reading must be directive.
There are four basic questions that you need to consider. The order of the questions is important.
  1. 1. Is the basic study design valid?
  2. 2. Was this well-designed study methodologically sound?
  3. 3. What are the results of this well-designed and methodologically sound study?
  4. 4. Do the results of this well-designed and methodologically sound study help my patient?
You will note that the previous questions build into subsequent ones. This means that if you find that a study is designed poorly (question 1), there is no need to continue reading. If the study is well-designed (question 1) but not methodologically sound, then there is no need to continue reading.
There are a series of sub-questions under each of the basic questions. Consider each one in turn as you read the clinical research article. After each question, decide whether you would answer YES, NO, or CAN'T TELL.

Questions for critical review

The full list of questions that you need to consider is as follows
  1. Is the basic study design valid?
a. Did the study address a clearly focused research question?
CONSIDER: Was the study designed to assess the outcomes of an intervention? Is the research question ‘focused’ in terms of the population studied, intervention given, comparator chosen, and outcomes measured?
b. Was the assignment of participants to interventions randomised?
CONSIDER: How was randomisation carried out? Was the method appropriate? Was randomisation sufficient to eliminate systematic bias? Was the allocation sequence concealed from investigators and participants?
c. Were all participants who entered the study accounted for at its conclusion?
CONSIDER: Were losses to follow-up and exclusions after randomisation accounted for? Were participants analysed in the study groups to which they were randomised (intention-to-treat analysis)? Was the study stopped early? If so, what was the reason?
  1. Was this well-designed study methodologically sound?
d. Were the participants ‘blind’ to the intervention they were given? Were the investigators ‘blind’ to the intervention they were giving to participants? Were the people assessing/analysing outcome/s ‘blinded’?
e. Were the study groups similar at the start of the randomised controlled trial?
CONSIDER: Were the baseline characteristics of each study group (e.g. age, sex, socio-economic group) clearly set out? Were there any differences between the study groups that could affect the outcome/s?
f. Apart from the experimental intervention, did each study group receive the same level of care (that is, were they treated equally)?
CONSIDER: Was there a clearly defined study protocol? If any additional interventions were given (e.g. tests or treatments), were they similar between the study groups? Were the follow-up intervals the same for each study group?
  1. What are the results of this well-designed and methodologically sound study?
g. Were the effects of intervention reported comprehensively?
CONSIDER: Was a power calculation undertaken? What outcomes were measured, and were they clearly specified? How were the results expressed? For binary outcomes, were relative and absolute effects reported? Were the results reported for each outcome in each study group at each follow-up interval? Was there any missing or incomplete data? Was there differential drop-out between the study groups that could affect the results? Were potential sources of bias identified? Which statistical tests were used? Were p values reported?
h. Was the precision of the estimate of the intervention or treatment effect reported?
CONSIDER: Were confidence intervals (CIs) reported?
i. Do the benefits of the experimental intervention outweigh the harms and costs?
CONSIDER: What was the size of the intervention or treatment effect? Were harms or unintended effects reported for each study group? Was a cost-effectiveness analysis undertaken? (Cost-effectiveness analysis allows a comparison to be made between different interventions used in the care of the same condition or problem.)
  1. Do the results of this well-designed and methodologically sound study help my patient?
j. Can the results be applied to your local population/in your context?
CONSIDER: Are the study participants similar to the people in your care? Would any differences between your population and the study participants alter the outcomes reported in the study? Are the outcomes important to your population? Are there any outcomes you would have wanted information on that have not been studied or reported? Are there any limitations of the study that would affect your decision?
k. Would the experimental intervention provide greater value to the people in your care than any of the existing interventions?
CONSIDER: What resources are needed to introduce this intervention taking into account time, finances, and skills development or training needs? Are you able to disinvest resources in one or more existing interventions in order to be able to re-invest in the new intervention?

Patient case and clinical question

As you read, please consider how the clinical research article can be used in the case of this patient. The clinical question is,
Could this patient have benefited from a course of oral antibiotics? If so, what benefits and harms should he expect?

Clinical Case Report: Liver Abscess in a 47-Year-Old Male


A 47-year-old male presented with severe abdominal pain, fever, and jaundice. Clinical evaluation, imaging, and laboratory tests confirmed the diagnosis of a liver abscess. This case highlights the critical presentation of liver abscess and underscores the importance of timely diagnosis and intervention in improving patient outcomes.


Liver abscesses are localized collections of pus within the liver, typically caused by bacterial, fungal, or parasitic infections. They are associated with significant morbidity and mortality if not promptly treated. This report describes the presentation, diagnosis, and management of a 47-year-old male with a liver abscess.

Patient Description

The patient is a 47-year-old male with a past medical history significant for type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension. He presented to the emergency department with a five-day history of severe right upper quadrant abdominal pain, high-grade fever, chills, and jaundice. He also reported nausea, vomiting, and a general sense of malaise.

History and Symptoms

The patient stated that the abdominal pain began insidiously but progressively worsened, becoming sharp and constant. He denied any history of recent travel, trauma, or known liver disease. His diabetes had been poorly controlled, with his last hemoglobin A1c recorded at 9.2%. He was compliant with his antihypertensive medications but admitted to inconsistent use of his diabetic medications.

Physical Examination

On examination, the patient appeared acutely ill and was diaphoretic. His vital signs were as follows: temperature 39.5°C, heart rate 110 beats per minute, respiratory rate 24 breaths per minute, blood pressure 140/85 mmHg, and oxygen saturation of 94% on room air.
Abdominal Examination:
Other Systems:

Laboratory and Diagnostic Investigations



The clinical presentation, laboratory results, and imaging findings confirmed the diagnosis of a liver abscess.


The patient was admitted for close monitoring and management.
Percutaneous drainage of the abscess was performed under ultrasound guidance, yielding approximately 100 mL of purulent material. The fluid was sent for microbiological analysis to guide targeted antibiotic therapy.
Intravenous fluids were administered to maintain hydration and haemodynamic stability.
Blood glucose levels were closely monitored and managed with insulin.
Pain and fever were managed with acetaminophen and opioids as needed.

Clinical Question

Could this patient benefit from a course of oral antibiotics? If so, what benefits and harms should he expect?

Release of the critical analysis

The critical analysis of the clinical research article will be released on Monday 17 June.
submitted by GriffinGalang to pinoymed [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:42 Sweet-Count2557 How To Travel With A 5 Year Old?

How To Travel With A 5 Year Old?
How To Travel With A 5 Year Old?
Traveling with a 5 year old isn't easy. It can be both daunting and overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be! So How To Travel With A 5 Year Old?
With the right tips and tricks, you can make traveling with your little one an exciting adventure they won't soon forget. As parents who've traveled around the world with our children since birth, we know how difficult (and rewarding!) this experience can be. We'd like to share what we've learned about family travel – specifically when it comes to traveling with a 5-year-old – so that you too can create memories to last a lifetime.
The juxtaposition of exhaustion from planning every detail versus exhilaration from seeing new places through the eyes of a child is something all families should experience. The challenge lies in finding ways to balance these two opposing forces while keeping everyone safe and happy along the way. Being prepared for anything will go far towards ensuring your well-being as well as making sure your kiddo has the best time possible during your travels.
We'll offer up advice on everything from packing lists and snacks to entertainment options that are sure to keep them busy no matter where you're going or how long you plan on being gone. Whether you're taking a short road trip across town or exploring international destinations by plane, train, or boat - there's lots of information here that will help ease any worries and leave more room for fun! So let's get started…
Preparing For The Trip
Traveling with kids can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. Planning ahead is key for any successful family vacation and will help ensure that everyone has an enjoyable time. When planning a trip with a five-year-old, there are several important things you should consider to make the experience as stress-free and fun as possible.
Before your departure, research your destination so you know what activities or attractions would best suit your child's age and interests. This will give you ideas of where to go and what to do while traveling with your little one. You may even want to look into kid-friendly restaurants or other accommodations available at your destination. It’s also wise to pack plenty of snacks and drinks, as well as toys or books they like - this way they won’t get bored during long car rides or plane trips!
Finally, when preparing for the journey, don’t forget about safety – both on land and in water. Make sure all necessary paperwork such as passports or birth certificates is up-to-date before the trip begins! Be sure to bring along appropriate swimwear (for swimming pools/beaches) and life jackets if necessary - especially if visiting oceans or lakes. Taking these precautionary steps will ensure that both parents and children feel comfortable throughout their travels together!
Choosing The Right Destination
When planning a trip with your 5-year-old, choosing the right destination is key. It's important to consider what activities they'll enjoy and whether they’re suitable for their age. To ensure everyone has an enjoyable time, think about destinations that have plenty of attractions tailored specifically toward kids. If you choose wisely, it could be one of the most memorable trips ever!
One way to select the perfect location is by looking at travel reviews from families who've already been there. They can provide detailed insights into how accommodating different places are for young children. Reading these will help you make more informed decisions on which sites are worth visiting and where to stay. This can save you lots of hassle when traveling with a 5 year old in tow!
It's also wise to research if any museums or other educational facilities offer special programs for kids. These typically involve interactive stories told through playtime activities such as puppet shows, crafts, and games. Learning about history in this manner can really capture a child's imagination- and yours too! Allowing them to explore a new place while having fun makes getting away even more worthwhile.
No matter where you decide to go, just remember that creating amazing family memories should always come first! A well-thought-out plan combined with carefree moments spent together will guarantee unforgettable experiences along the way - something both parents and children alike will treasure forever.
Packing Essentials For A 5-Year-Old
Traveling with a 5-year-old can seem like an intimidating task, but it doesn't have to be. With the right packing essentials and planning ahead of time, you can make sure your mini traveler stays happy throughout the journey.
The first thing to consider is comfort — remember that even if you're only traveling for a short period of time, kids still need their creature comforts from home. Here's what should always go in your little one's bag:
A favorite stuffed animal or blanket
A change of clothes
Snacks tailored to their tastes
Something fun (like books or games) to keep them occupied during long trips
TipsBuy a new Toy, especially for the trip, and revealed it just after Boarding the aircraft to gain 30 minutes of distraction during the most stressful phase of the flight.
It's also important not to forget about yourself! Make sure you bring items for your own comfort too so that you won't be distracted by discomfort while on the road. This will help ensure a smooth trip overall and make sure everyone enjoys themselves.At the end of the day, travel with a 5-year-old requires planning, patience, and understanding – three things that every family needs when hitting the open road together. With these tips in mind and some extra preparation before embarking on your adventure, even the most novice traveler will find success when exploring as a family unit.
Keeping Kids Occupied During Travel
Traveling with a 5-year-old can be an adventure - and it brings its own unique challenges. One of the biggest ones involves how to keep them occupied during travel, whether that's in a car or on a plane. Thankfully, there are some great strategies you can use to ensure your child stays entertained while they're en route to their destination.
ActivitySupplies NeededColoring/Activity BooksCrayons/Markers / Stickers/StampsStorytelling GamesPaper & Pencils for Drawing PicturesWord Puzzles & QuizzesNotepad for Writing Answers Down
To start off, coloring books, activity books, stickers, stamps, and crayons or markers provide hours of fun for kids (and parents!) alike. Additionally, storytelling games like playing "I Spy" or creating stories together can be very enjoyable not only for children but also for adults who may find themselves reminiscing about their own childhood days. Even something as simple as word puzzles or quizzes can help pass the time quickly - all you need is a notepad and pencil to write down any answers!
When traveling with small children, it’s important to remember that everyone has different needs when it comes to entertainment. Some may prefer more active activities such as drawing pictures or building block towers while others might enjoy quieter pursuits such as reading books or listening to audiobooks. Regardless of what type of activity works best for your family dynamic, the goal should always be to make sure everyone is having a positive experience overall. Taking into account these tips will make traveling with a 5 year old much smoother and more enjoyable!
Tips For Long Road Trips
Long road trips with a five-year-old can be an adventure, but it also requires some planning. Here are some tips to keep your family's journey smooth and enjoyable for everyone involved:
Pack plenty of snacks, drinks, and activities that will keep them entertained during the drive.
Take frequent breaks along the way - stops at parks or rest areas allow them to stretch their legs and get out all that extra energy.
Bring books, coloring pages, or other activities they can use in the car if you're stuck in traffic or waiting times. It'll help pass the time more quickly!
Invest in a tablet loaded with movies, TV shows, or educational games they can play while on the go. This helps make long drives much less stressful for both parent and child alike.
Have fun together - sing songs, tell stories, and create memories as you travel down the highway together!
Remember to take it slow when possible too; there’s no need to rush through any part of this precious experience with your little one. Give yourself permission to savor every moment of quality time spent bonding with each other—you won't regret it! To ensure a stress-free journey from start to finish, bring everything you need so that those inevitable bumps in the road don't turn into major detours from your destination.
Staying Healthy And Safe On Vacation
It's like packing for the ultimate game of survival: you want to make sure your family has everything they need to remain healthy and safe during their travels. Taking a vacation with kids can be an adventure, but it can also bring stress if you don't plan ahead. Here are some tips on how to keep your little ones in good health while away from home:
Pre-Vacation Planning During Vacation Post-Vacation CareGet immunizations up-to-dateBring hand sanitizer & wipesCheck for bed bug bites after returning homePack medications & medical suppliesClean hotel room upon arrivalThrow away used items that may carry germs (towels, pillows)Research any special vaccinations needed at the destinationKeep hydratingWash clothes when back homeVisit a doctor before departureAvoid public pools/lakes without supervisionWatch out for signs of jet lag
Preparation is key! Before leaving, make sure all necessary vaccines or boosters are taken care of - especially if traveling abroad - as well as gather any essential medicines or medical supplies needed. This includes sunscreen and insect repellent – two must-haves when exploring new places! Doing research on what kind of illnesses might be found in certain areas will help inform the kinds of precautions you should take too. Once you arrive at your destination, ensure that everyone washes their hands regularly and uses hand sanitizer often; this is particularly important when visiting unfamiliar places such as museums or amusement parks. It’s also wise to clean surfaces in the hotel room immediately following check-in; many people forget about this step which can lead to bacteria accumulating over time. Lastly, staying hydrated throughout the trip is paramount because dehydration can quickly put a damper on fun activities planned for each day.
When returning from vacation, pay attention to those telltale signs of illness caused by exposure to different environments such as joint pain, fever, rash or stomach issues. Additionally, inspect all luggage carefully upon arriving back home since bed bugs have become increasingly common among travelers these days - yikes! Throw away any items that were used while traveling and wash all clothing pieces thoroughly once inside the house again– no one wants unwanted visitors tagging along post-vacation! Finally, due to possible changes in sleeping patterns experienced while flying between time zones, parents should be mindful of potential side effects associated with jet lag so kids get enough rest until they're adjusted again.
Staying safe and healthy on vacation doesn’t require much effort considering there are plenty of resources available online plus accredited travel agents who specialize in family trips – use them! Knowing what vigilance steps to take prior to departure pays off because nothing beats having peace of mind knowing that everyone stays comfortable and protected during their journey together.
Dealing With Jet Lag
Traveling with a 5 year old can be an exciting experience, but it's not without its challenges. Jet lag is one of them! It doesn't have to ruin your trip though - here are some tips for helping your family cope:
Start adjusting their sleep schedule in the days leading up to your departure. This will make it easier when you arrive at your destination.
Once you’re there, let your little one take short naps during the day and keep them active during the daylight hours as much as possible. This can also help adjust their body clock more quickly.
Avoid sugary snacks or caffeine right before bedtime, which can disrupt their sleep cycle.
By following these simple steps, your kiddo should start feeling better soon after landing in their new time zone. With patience and understanding from everyone involved, jetlag won’t prevent you from having an amazing adventure together!
Making Kids Feel At Home Away From Home
Ah, the joys of traveling with a 5 year old. No matter how much we plan and prepare for our family trip, there's no denying that it can be quite daunting! But let me tell you: if you put in the effort to make sure they feel at home away from home, your little one will thank you later - and so will you!
First things first: pack some familiar items from their bedroom or playroom. This may include favorite toys, books, and blankets - whatever makes them comfortable and helps them settle into unfamiliar surroundings. We often forget about the mundane but necessary things such as nightlights and sound machines too; these are invaluable when it comes to soothing children who don't sleep well on holiday. Don't forget to encourage them to bring along any special souvenirs they've collected over the years too; nothing says 'I'm home' like being surrounded by cherished keepsakes.
Next up are activities: look into what attractions are available nearby that cater specifically towards young travelers – chances are, they'll love exploring new places just as much as adults do (maybe even more!). Activities should be age-appropriate yet still fun enough to keep kids entertained throughout the day. Scheduling regular meals together also ensures everyone stays happy during meal times and builds an atmosphere of familiarity within your group dynamic; something which always feels comforting after a long day out sightseeing.
In short? Traveling with a 5 year old doesn't have to be scary; all it takes is a little bit of planning ahead to ensure that your child knows where they stand in this new place - making sure they feel welcomed, safe, and secure before anything else. With this kind of preparation, your whole family should enjoy a wonderful holiday experience!
Exploring The Local Area With Kids
Once you've arrived at your destination and made the kids feel comfortable in their new environment, it's time to explore! Traveling with a five-year-old can be daunting if you don't know where to start - but fear not. Here are some great tips for exploring the local area with kids:
First of all, plan ahead. Research kid-friendly attractions nearby such as parks or museums before leaving home so that you have an idea of what activities are available once you arrive. Make sure to check opening times and any restrictions on age limits, entry fees, etc., so that everyone is prepared once they hit the ground running.
Secondly, make it fun! Kids learn best when they're having fun - so why not turn your exploration into a game? Set small challenges like finding certain landmarks or collecting interesting items along the way; this will help keep them engaged while also teaching them about their surroundings. Finally, take plenty of breaks throughout the day. Letting your five-year-old rest and refuel regularly will ensure that they stay energized for the whole adventure!
Exploring the local area doesn't have to be stressful; with a little bit of planning and some creative ideas, there's no limit to how much fun you can have together! So take a deep breath and get ready for an unforgettable experience – one that both parent and child won't soon forget.
Building Memories Together On Vacation
Taking a trip with your five-year-old is an exciting adventure that can create lasting memories. It's the perfect time to explore new places and experiences together. To make sure you have a successful vacation, there are some tips for ensuring a great experience for both of you:
First, plan activities ahead of time. Make sure they're age-appropriate and include something each of you will enjoy doing. Don’t forget to research local attractions — museums, theme parks, zoos, etc. — in advance so your child has plenty of options once you arrive at your destination. Consider booking tickets or making reservations beforehand as well; it'll save you from long lines later!
Second, involve your child in the planning process. Let them help choose where to go and what sights to see on the way there. This allows them to take ownership of their vacation and also builds excitement leading up to departure day. Plus, when kids know what to expect each day they feel more secure and engaged throughout the trip.
Finally, be flexible during travel days and while out exploring new places together. Leave room in the schedule for spontaneity since anything can happen when traveling with children — especially young ones! And remember that small moments often become treasured memories down the road — like stopping for ice cream after dinner or taking a detour just because it looks interesting — so don't be afraid to embrace unexpected surprises along the way!
Planning Age-Appropriate Activities
Traveling with a five-year-old can be both rewarding and challenging. Before you go on your family vacation, research age-appropriate activities that will keep your little one engaged while also sparking curiosity in new places. Here are some tips for planning an itinerary full of fun activities for the whole family!
First, plan activities based on what interests your child. For example, if they're into dinosaurs, search for attractions like museums or parks where they'll get to learn about them. Or if they love animals, look for zoos or farms nearby. This way you can make sure everyone enjoys themselves without compromising on quality time together as a family.
Second, consider the physical aspect of activities when choosing things to do on vacation. Five-year-olds have boundless energy and need outlets for it - so opt for things like hiking trails, swimming pools, or playgrounds where they can burn off some steam in a safe environment. You could even plan days at amusement parks or waterparks where they'll explore games and rides tailored specifically to kids their age.
Finally, invest in experiences over material objects during vacations with children this age. That means making memories through interactive exhibits rather than buying souvenirs that may just end up collecting dust at home later on down the road. Your little one will appreciate being able to relive the excitement of these adventures years after the trip has come to an end!
Navigating Different Time Zones
Navigating different time zones within a 5 year old can be tricky, but it doesn't have to ruin your travel experience. The key is to make sure you understand how the time zone shifts will affect them and plan accordingly. First and foremost, try to stay on the same schedule as much as possible throughout your travels. This means that if you are in an area where daylight savings changes occur frequently during the summer months, you should pass this information on to your child so they know when their body clock needs to adjust for these changes.
Second, keep track of what day it is wherever you are - even if it's not the same date at home! Keeping track of which days we had traveled through was a great way for my daughter to recognize our progress while away from home; she felt more connected by knowing just exactly where we were. This gave her security that she won’t get lost or left behind somewhere along the journey – especially important since kids tend to feel insecure in unfamiliar surroundings. It also made her curious about all things new and exciting around us!
Finally, try breaking up long flights into smaller segments whenever possible. If there's no other option than taking a direct flight then break it up mentally by doing activities together like reading books, playing games or watching movies (especially age-appropriate ones!). Explaining the concept of flying across multiple time zones helped her understand why sometimes we arrive at our destination earlier than expected and reassured her that everything else would eventually fall back into place. With a little knowledge and preparation ahead of your trip, navigating different time zones with a 5 year old can be done seamlessly and enhance everyone's overall experience greatly!
Documenting Your Journey Through Photos And Videos
Preserving precious memories of your travels with a five-year-old is easy. With the right tools and techniques, you can document your journey in photos and videos that will last for years to come.
First off, be sure to pack enough memory cards and extra batteries so you’ll never miss an opportunity to capture special moments throughout your trip. This might seem like an obvious tip, but it’s worth repeating! Making sure you have plenty of space available on your camera or phone ensures that each moment is documented without worrying about running out of storage.
Next up – practice patience while shooting pictures and videos with your child. You won't get those perfect shots every time, but don't despair – take lots of different angles and perspectives when capturing images with kids involved; this way you can pick and choose which ones turn out best. Taking the time to place yourself low down at their level often gives the most natural results as well – plus it helps create more meaningful connections between parent and child during photo-taking sessions!
Capture candid memories too – not just posed family portraits! Focus on everyday life experiences along the way: conversations being had around meals, funny faces they make while exploring new places, or even small details like footprints in sand or sunsets reflecting off the water. These small details are what make all the difference when documenting a story from start to finish - these little glimpses into daily life become lasting reminders of how far we've traveled together as a family.
Finding Kid-Friendly Accommodations
When traveling with a 5-year-old, finding the right accommodation can make all the difference. You want to be sure that your little one is comfortable and safe during your trip. Fortunately, there are plenty of kid-friendly accommodations available to choose from.
The first option you may consider is a hotel or resort that caters specifically to families with young children. These establishments typically offer larger rooms equipped with cribs and other amenities for kids such as play areas, swimming pools, and game rooms. Many also provide special activities like arts and crafts classes just for kids, making it easy for parents to relax while their children stay entertained.
Another great way to ensure a family-friendly experience is by booking a Vacation rental. With thousands of properties listed across most major cities in the world, you’re likely to find something suitable for your needs. Not only do these rentals usually come fully furnished but many owners will even supply helpful extras like toys, books, games, and more to keep your child engaged throughout your stay. Plus they often have access to communal spaces where you can meet other travelers who share similar interests - perfect if you're looking for some travel companionship!
Wherever you decide to stay on your next vacation with the kids, remember that having fun together is what matters most! A good night's rest and quality time spent exploring new places makes memories that last a lifetime - so go ahead and get out there!
Post-Vacation Reflection
Traveling with a five-year-old is both an adventure and a challenge, but the rewards are great. Now that our holiday has come to an end, there's much to reflect on about our experience.
The first thing we've realized is that preparation is key for any successful family vacation. We spent time researching destinations, discussing expectations, and packing everything from books to snacks before departure. This helped us avoid surprises during our trip and gave us peace of mind.
We also learned the importance of planning activities in advance. Knowing what activities were available near where we stayed meant no stressful moments trying to figure out what to do next; all we had to do was find something suitable for everyone, including our 5 year old!
As parents, it was wonderful seeing how excited and engaged our daughter became during this journey. She experienced new places, foods, and cultures alongside us - all while broadening her horizons. It made us realize that travel should be a regular part of family life if possible - so it’s already time to start thinking about our next destination!
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is The Best Way To Keep My 5 Year Old Entertained During A Flight?
Traveling with a five-year-old can be quite a challenge! You want your little one to have an enjoyable experience, but being stuck on a plane for hours isn't always fun. So how do you ensure that your trip is pleasant and entertaining? The answer lies in finding the best way to keep your five-year-old entertained during a flight.
When it comes to keeping a five-year-old occupied midair, there are lots of great ideas out there! From coloring books and puzzles to podcasts and movies, there’s no shortage of options. One thing I highly recommend is making sure they bring their own backpack full of goodies. This will give them something to explore while also providing them with the opportunity to choose what activities they'd like to participate in throughout the journey.
Another important tip when traveling with children is planning ahead. Try researching different games or activities that might work well during long flights so you're prepared before take off. If possible, download some shows or games onto your device - this will help avoid any buffering issues due to spotty internet connection. Additionally, break up the time by having snack breaks or walking around if allowed on board – anything that keeps them engaged and stimulated during those long hours of travel!
It's key to remember that every child is unique and may require different kinds of activities depending on their age group and interests. With proper preparation and creative thinking, though, parents can make flying with their kids as stress-free as possible; allowing everyone involved to truly enjoy the adventure together!
How Can I Keep My 5 Year Old Safe When Visiting A New Destination?
When travelling to a new destination, safety is of utmost importance for any family. For those with young children, this means being extra vigilant and taking steps to ensure their child's safety in an unfamiliar place. When it comes to five-year-olds, parents must be particularly mindful about the risks associated with visiting a new location - from simple things like crossing roads safely to more complex challenges such as communicating language barriers. But there are ways that families can protect their kids while still enjoying their holiday experience.
One way to make sure your 5 year old is safe during travel is by researching the destination ahead of time. Make sure you know the local customs and laws so you can do all you can to prevent any potential hazards they may encounter at your chosen destination. Talk to your child before leaving home and explain what kind of behaviour is expected when out and about in public, especially if you’re going somewhere where English isn't widely spoken. It’s also important to stay aware of your surroundings – always keep a close eye on your little one or designate someone else who will look after them whilst you explore other areas.
For added peace of mind, check whether the hotels or accommodation options have age restrictions for each room type that would apply to your child; some places don't allow unaccompanied minors under certain ages into specific rooms or facilities – not only for legal reasons but for practical ones too (such as pool access). You should also take into consideration how far away attractions are from where you're staying - long journeys could become tiring very quickly! The last thing anyone wants is an exhausted 5 year old running around in unfamiliar territory! Ultimately, planning ahead and doing research can save stress throughout the journey and help create lasting memories that everyone can treasure forever.
By following these simple tips, families with young children will feel safer venturing off into unknown lands together knowing they have taken every precaution necessary – allowing both adults and kids alike to have fun without worrying about unnecessary danger looming over them like a cloud!
What Are Some Tips For Preventing Jet Lag In A 5 Year Old?
Traveling with young kids can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it comes with its own set of challenges. A big one is dealing with jet lag in a 5 year old. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your family travel adventures:
Have them adjust their sleep schedule before traveling by going to bed 15 minutes earlier each night for 6-7 days prior to departure.
During the flight, have them wear loose clothes and encourage naps if possible. Give them snacks throughout the day that are high in protein such as nuts or hummus instead of sugar filled treats like candy bars.
Try not to plan too many activities when you first arrive at your destination; allow everyone time for rest so they can acclimate more easily to the new environment.
These strategies will help ensure that your little ones - and you! - don't suffer from jet lag while on vacation. You'll want your family trip to be fun, memorable, and stress free so follow these tips and make sure your whole crew arrives feeling rested and ready for adventure. Keeping up with these guidelines will also provide parents with peace of mind knowing their children are well taken care of during long trips. With all this in mind, you're now equipped to tackle jet lag head-on!
What Should I Do If My 5 Year Old Gets Homesick When Traveling?
Traveling with children can be a challenge, and when kids are young it’s especially difficult. For parents that have to travel with a 5 year old, dealing with homesickness may be one of the biggest obstacles they face. Fortunately, there are ways to manage this inevitable emotion so your child has an enjoyable trip!
First off, it's important to remember that homesickness is normal and expected –everyone experiences it at some point in their lives and it doesn't mean anything is wrong. To help make sure your little one feels comfortable while on vacation, here are four tips:
Comfort objects: Pack something from home like a stuffed animal or blanket that will remind them of home and provide comfort during unfamiliar situations.
Talk about home: Letting your child talk about what they miss back home will often reduce feelings of being overwhelmed by everything new around them.
Keep routines consistent: If possible try to keep as many familiar routines intact (bedtime stories for example) as these moments of familiarity can go a long way in helping your child feel more secure away from home.
Show patience and understanding: Homesickness usually passes quickly if you pay attention to how your child is feeling without overreacting or worrying too much yourself; they should sense that you understand their emotional needs before any other concerns come into play.
It’s also helpful to plan activities ahead of time such as museums, parks, playgrounds etc., and involve your 5 year old when planning out the itinerary so they have something exciting to look forward to each day - this will take their mind off missing home for awhile! Be sure not to overwhelm them however; having too many attractions packed into one day could result in exhaustion which won't do anyone any favors!
At the end of the day though, sometimes all it takes is a hug from mom or dad (or both!) for those feelings of homesickness to disappear completely- no matter where you are in the world! With just a bit of extra preparation, traveling with your five year old should still be full of fun memories rather than ones filled with sadness due to being away from home.
What Are Some Activities I Can Do With My 5 Year Old That Are Both Age-Appropriate And Fun?
Traveling with a 5 year old can be both an exciting and challenging experience. To ensure that the journey is enjoyable for everyone, it’s important to plan activities that are both age-appropriate and fun for your young traveler. So what kind of activities should you do?
Take nature walks – A great way to get outside and explore! Nature walks provide lots of opportunities for learning about the environment, spotting wildlife, and discovering new things. Plus, they're easy on the budget too. Pack some snacks or even a lunch so you can make a day out of it.
Visit museums - A visit to a museum can be an educational adventure full of discovery and exploration. Many museums offer interactive exhibits tailored specifically towards children which makes them ideal places to spend quality time together while learning something new. You may even find special programs geared toward younger kids like story times or craft classes.
Check out local attractions - Whether it's going on a ride at an amusement park or exploring a nearby landmark such as a cave or aquarium, there's no shortage of interesting things to do in most cities around the world. The best part is many attractions offer discounts or free admission days making them more affordable than ever before. And don't forget all those photo ops along the way!
No matter where life takes you and your little one, there are plenty of ways to keep them entertained while also having meaningful experiences during your travels together. From nature walks to visiting local attractions, these activities will let your child discover their world in an age-appropriate manner without sacrificing any fun!
Traveling with a five year old can be daunting, but it doesn't have to be. With just a bit of planning and organization, you can make the experience both safe and fun for your little one! From selecting age-appropriate activities to finding ways to prevent jet lag, there are plenty of strategies that will ensure your family vacation is nothing short of amazing – so incredible you'll think time itself stopped as soon as you stepped off the plane.
The best part about traveling with kids? Seeing their eyes light up when they try something new or discover a place for the first time. It's truly magical! And if your five year old does get homesick or overwhelmed during your travels, don't forget: from unexpected detours on the way home to packing extra snacks in case of emergencies, being prepared is key for any parent who wants an unforgettable adventure.
So what are you waiting for? Grab your suitcase and pack those bags – it's time to show your adventurous little traveler how exciting the world outside can be! After all, life is too short not to explore…so let’s go see what this big beautiful planet has in store!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:39 Treasure_Island99 [Online][DCC][Sundays 2-6 PST] DM looking for party members in a player driven, homebrew campaign.

Hello Adventurers!
I am looking for 4-5 players for a new homebrew DCC campaign.

Campaign Overview:

The players begin as a band of local commoners embarking on an opportunistic first quest for riches. Those who survive and still have the stomach to continue on a life of adventure will go on to risk their lives against strange and terrible monsters, wield dangerous and unpredictable arcane magic, perform mighty feats of arms, make pacts with dubious extra-planar entities, and more over the course of the campaign.
The campaign will begin with a level 0 funnel. At the end of the funnel each player will choose 1 surviving character of theirs to advance to level 1 and continue with as their PC. At this point the party will have a few quest hooks and the focus will be on the emergent, player-driven narrative. I'm very open minded about where the party takes the game. I plan on wrapping this campaign up at level 5.

Game Details:

  • Day and Time: Sundays 2-6pm PST.
  • Frequency: Weekly.
  • Level Range: 0-5
  • Races / Classes: The 7 core classes/races, plus the 9 classes/races from the Crawl! zine: Bard, Dwarf Priest, Elven Rogue, Gnome, Halfing Burglar, Halfling Champion, Paladin, Ranger, and Orc.
  • Optional Rules: Lankhmar Fleeting Luck, Adventuring & Exploration supplemental rules.
  • Tools: Camera and microphone are both required.
  • Platforms: Discord for voice and video. Google docs or form fillable PDFs for character sheets (TBD). Talespire is the VTT we will be using. NOTE: I own enough seats for everyone. You will not need to purchase TaleSpire to play in this campaign. You will need to be able to install and run the software though.
  • Character Creation: Players will pick a block of 4 level 0 commoners from a pool of 4 character blocks. These characters can be whichever race you choose. When your character advances to level 1 you can swap 2 of their stats, which will be enough to make any class / race viable. Once your character hits level 1 you can worry about filling out their back story.
  • Character Advancement: XP based. XP will be awarded for defeating monsters, recovering non-magical treasure, and for successfully navigating high-stakes social encounters.
  • Session 0: There will be a session 0. Everyone can get to know each other, level 0 commoners can be chosen, the party can go over tentative plans for their characters, handouts can be distributed, questions can be answered, we can make sure the tools and platforms are working well for everyone, and start the campaign all on the same page.

About Me:

My name is JC (34, he/him)and I'm an inexperienced GM putting together my first campaign. I've run a few DCC 1 shots and a couple of homebrew short 5e adventures (2-5 sessions). My first exposure to TTRPGs was dabbling in 3.5 when I was a kid. I started playing 5e about 2.5 years ago and began trying out other systems and GMing shortly thereafter.

GMing Style:

I enjoy the OSR and trad styles of play. My favorite thing about trad games are the potential for more complex narratives and deeper character customization. My favorite things about OSR games are that creativity is highly encouraged and rewarded, emergent storytelling, and decisions feel much more meaningful when the stakes are consistently so high.
I like for the 3 pillars of roleplay, exploration, and tactical play to all be well represented. Some sessions will have a balanced mix of all 3 elements, others will focus heavily on 1. It will all depend on the party's course of action.
I generally stick to the RAW/RAI as best I can. OSR-style creative problem solving is highly encouraged. If you pitch me an idea on how to solve a problem, I'll always hear you out, and if I don't allow it, I'll explain why. Consistency with rules and rulings is key.
I roll all attacks, damage, and saves that the PCs would be aware of in the open. I do not fudge those kinds of rolls. My monsters know what they are doing and my bandits want to make it home alive. That being said, I am always the party's #1 fan. I want the party to succeed against the odds and see their ambitions fulfilled, but sometimes thats not how the dice shake out. I do strive a reasonable amount of balance. There is also nothing wrong with trying to circumvent an encounter, or attempting a social solution. If all else fails, retreat is an option too!
Character backstory exists primarily to inform roleplay and secondarily to provide material for potential plot hooks. The events and decisions that happen at the table are the most meaningful part of the character's story.
I prepare situations for the party the react to and interact with and allow the story to emerge instead of trying to create a specific story.

What I Am Looking For:

  • Players must be 18 or older.
  • You do not need to be an expert on all of the rules, but I will expect you to have a firm grasp on what is relevant to your character.
  • Active, engaged players. This table is not a good fit for players with the audience member playstyle.
  • Punctual and reliable players. Everyone should consistently be ready to begin playing at the scheduled time. Cancellations should be made as far in advance as possible. I prefer the whole party be in attendance every session, but we will play as long as at least 3 players are in attendance. If you have difficulty showing up on time, or the need to frequently cancel this game is not a good fit.
  • Team players. If you are familiar with playing to lift or have read Monte Cook's Your Best Game Ever, I highly encourage you to apply.
  • Respectful and inclusive players.

How To Apply:

Fill out this Google form. I know its on the longer side, but its important to intentionally build a table were the players and campaign are all a strong fit.
If you are applying as an existing party of 4-5 players that has a different day and time that works for you, I may have the flexibility to accommodate your group.
submitted by Treasure_Island99 to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:32 Calmdownblake Recently Passed EPPP

Recently Passed EPPP
Hello! I was in the process of listing my EPPP study materials for sale and realized I had not even shared my passing experience. So, I thought I’d share! It gave me so much encouragement to read the experience of others so here is mine:
I passed the EPPP on the first try back in March. I only needed a 450 to pass in my state at the master’s level, but I made a 522 on my first try! I purchased the AATBS 9 month study package with the practice exams, section quizzes, domain quizzes, written study materials, audio lectures, and the live workshops. The written materials are very dense and I had trouble getting through them so it helped to switch up what study resources I was using. Facebook has some neat study groups including groups that meet weekly via video calls to study together. Quizlet has tons of study sets for EPPP terms as well! Hand-writing my notes and practicing “teaching” difficult topics to others were helpful strategies.
Testing strategies are also beneficial. Mainly, don’t change your answer unless you realize you’ve misread the questions/answers, or remembered additional information. I was missing many questions early on due to my tendency to doubt my initial responses. Some tips include covering up the answer options to see if you can come up with the answer on your own, or at least recall some information about the topic. There will be unfamiliar questions and answer options. Eliminate the ones that are obviously incorrect. On the exam, you should be able to strike-through options, highlight, and make notes. You can also request a white board to make notes on.
I made it a point to study every day even if it was only for 10 minutes. This is because I had trouble maintaining consistency throughout the 9 months I studied. I really buckled down during the last 3 months.
If testing accommodations are needed, get started as soon as you can. This can be a lengthy process. It took me about 3 months to get approved for accommodations (extra time) due to a medical condition.
For managing testing anxiety, deep breathing, positive affirmations, and having a positive support system were essential. I also took a practice exam at the testing center for about $80-$90 and it was so worth it just to walk through the motions of testing center procedures.
I had been scoring in the 60s on the AATBS practice exams and scored a 63 on the SEPPO taken at the testing center. I didn’t expect to do so well on my first try! Wishing everyone here the best of luck. You got this!!! Do your best!
TL;DR Recently passed the EPPP in March using the AATBS study package. The written materials are very dense so it was helpful to study different methods (audio lectures, flashcards, etc). Research effective testing strategies. Other study resources include online study groups, Quizlet, and practice exams at the testing center. Stay consistent with your studies. Request accommodations if needed. Manage testing anxiety the best you can. Wishing you the best of luck!
Happy to answer any other questions about my experience.
submitted by Calmdownblake to ClinicalPsychology [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:47 nomorerix 30[M4F] Minneapolis, Minnesota - Asian American looking for someone to go on adventures with

Hi there! I'm a 30-year-old, 5"5 Asian-American living in the Twin Cities, looking for someone to share everyday adventures with. I've been in the area for a few years, but still exploring the area.
I'm seeking a low-key, no-pressure friendship with someone who enjoys simple things like grabbing boba or trying new restaurants (let's split the bill!). You must be employed or actively seeking employment. Not currently looking for serious relationships or marriage.
About me:
Here are some things we can do together!
Let's get to know each other! Tell me about you and what you liked about my post. To prove you read this far, please fully answer the following below (otherwise I won't respond).
I will also be in #France #Paris later this summer if you're there too!
Hope to hear from you.
submitted by nomorerix to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:58 DiamondVoid149404 The Alphaverse Part 2

Paradox, Viciate, and Lorenzo continued on their descent into the castle to the Well of Wisdom. A sacred place bestowed on the Alphaverse since its creation. A well that possess the most valuable wisdom from across the Megaverse. Paradox had his group stop in one of the chambers for he assumed his prisoners will be awaking from the poison soon. He then had his chains wrap around King Alexander, Venessa, Cross, Tray, Selena, Malissa, Lucrest, Leoped, and Phonix. Viciate deployed several drones that aimed their weapons at the chained prisoners with Paradox standing resolute holding the Matrix of Eternity in his hands. The prisoners eventually woke up one by one and were greeted by crude words and jeers directed towards them. The chains that bound them prevented them from utilizing their powers to break their bonds and even if they did, the bullets from the drones will prove extremely lethal to their weakened state. Paradox ordered the prisoners to be placed in a line on their knees as he snapped his fingers which summoned imps and more infernal warriors to act as guards. King Alexander, "You can't restore the Matrix in the Well of Wisdom, it will shred you to pieces." Paradox smugly, "Maybe, but that's why I'll have each of you go in for me and see who can withstand the Well." Malissa, "He's going to sacrifice us! Where is Joan? Did she escape?" Paradox, "Oh I believe Tray knows the answer to that." Everyone turned wondering where Tray could be until he finally spoke, the others were shock at his new appearance for he appeared otherworldly to them. Tray did not lift his eyes towards the group, but rather hung his head low. Paradox's eyes beamed with sadistic delight as he spoke, "I guess one can say your sister is now very OPEN MINDED!" It took a few seconds for this joke to register in the minds of the prisoners, but when it did, all of them violently shook the chains in order to be free. "Go ahead use all your powers to break those chains, it only transfers your power levels into my soul. Lockjaw was right, all of you are complete fools in underestimating these accursed chains!"
He grabbed Phonix as his victim but stopped when what seemed to be an earthquake began to shake the foundations of the castle. The earthquake only intensified the longer it went, Venessa, "Does anyone else hear bass boosted music?" In a spectacular explosion of dazzling lights and rifts across space and time, Diamond's glowing body appeared in a giant hole in one of the castle's walls while blaring Hit Me Baby One More Time. Everyone was left speechless when they saw Diamond, believing it to be a ghost. "PARADOX!!!!!" In terror Paradox began to back away, "Impossible, I scarred you for life! HOW ARE YOU EVEN STRONGER THAN BEFORE?!" "It is not for you to know the circumstances that brought me here before you today. Regardless I am back. AND THIS TIME THERE IS NO POWER IN THE MEGAVERSE OR THE NETHERWORLD THAT IS GOING TO STOP ME!" Paradox ordered Lorenzo, Viciate, and the rest of his minions to dispose of Diamond as he journeys deeper to the Well of Wisdom. Viciate used his powers to generate clones of his allies as he slowly approached Diamond. Observing this, Diamond began to smile, "How about I even those odds." After finishing his sentence, 20 identical clones of Diamond manifested themselves behind him. Unlike other clones or copies, these 20 were able to act independently as a collective hive mind. The original Diamond attacked Viciate head on while the duplicates attacked the other clones and others attempted to free the prisoners. Viciate attempted in drawing his sword to strike Diamond in an exposed position, but Diamond's intense senses was able to prevent Viciate from using his sword. In a matter of seconds, Diamond punched Viciate to a bloody mess before leaving him stuck on one of the walls.
His abilities alerted him of several imps closing on his position, and in a swift motion, Diamond created a new Sword of Light, which was far longer and sharper to simultaneously decapitate all of the imps that circled around him. While watching all of this unfold before her very eyes, Selena could not help but smile at seeing Diamond restored to his former self, "He's back." A clone of Diamond randomly appeared next to her, "Nice to know I'm no longer on house arrest." The clone was able to free Selena from her chains and started to free the rest of the prisoners. After freeing them, he gave the group a new set of orders, "I may not know all of you, but focus your abilities in taking down those devilish warriors over there. I'll handle Paradox." The clone soon vanished alongside the other copies leaving only the original Diamond left. Just when Diamond started to follow Paradox's trail, Lorenzo used his acidic whip to suspend Diamond in place. Lorenzo was successful in his attack and used this advantage to expel fatal toxins into Diamond's lungs. "Ugh. Dude, you got some serious oral hygiene problems. Here take a mint!" Lorenzo's mouth was open due to him being stunned seeing his foe unphased with his lethal toxin. The supposed mint landed on his tongue, which resulted in a strong electrical shock being sent all over his body causing him to black out. "Nice whip though, I'm for real going to take this for my collection." Diamond bent over and collected the whip before resuming on his mission to destroy Paradox. Paradox was nearly at the entrance of the Well, but felt his body frozen in place, no matter how hard he tried to move. He finally realized he was frozen by Diamond's soul manipulation, yet when he made this realization, Diamond was already floating horizontally whispering into Paradox's audio receptor, "I think I am going to show off my newfound abilities."
Paradox tried to slice Diamond with a chain along his back, but Diamond vanished before he could land a hit. He reappeared behind him and with a simple flick, Diamond sent Paradox crashing through the castle's walls and ceilings. Paradox regained his stance as he morphed into Astros as he stopped a punch from Diamond which sent shockwaves, shattering any neighboring glass. Paradox kicked Diamond at his shin before hitting him with brute force across his face. He summersaulted backwards a few yards as he morphed into the Ice King. He then summoned several frozen daggers and sharp projectiles as he sent them flying towards Diamond at light speed. Diamond noticed the projectiles flying towards him as he achieved speeds that made time around him slow down several seconds. It was if things were occurring to him at a quarter speed, so with a wave of his arm, he took control of the projectiles and had them float around him before resuming time and sending them back to Paradox. Paradox moaned loudly as the projectiles lodged themselves in tight crevasses of his body and interfering with some of the vital mechanisms. The two teleported away from the castle into the depths of the grand city where they continued their battle. Paradox changed into Shen the disgraced Shogun as he desperately tried to slice off Diamond's limbs and head. Diamond casually dodged each attack with ease he summoned the Sword of Light which has grown longer and sharper to reflect his reunion with the Light. The two blades collided with each other, but Paradox was no match for Diamond's swordsman skills.
Diamond noticed Paradox's right arm malfunctioning from one of the ice projectiles and taking advantage of this weakness, he punched Paradox repeatedly in the chest before kicking him to the floor. He then created a revolver from his nanites and fired four bullets consecutively into his weak spot. He knew his bullets succeeded in wounding his opponent, for the sound of loose air began to hiss from broken wires and Paradox's arm glitching by morphing into many different appearances before changing back to its default appearance. Diamond smiled smugly as he released that Paradox was truly terrified in that moment, "Where has your self-confidence gone? Are those appearances not making you comfortable in your mechanical body?" "SHUT UP!" Paradox then changed into Mecha-Diamond as he was able to grab Diamond by his throat and threw him into multiple buildings. The two eventually landed on top of a commuter train before Diamond could free himself. Diamond sliced his opponent's arm to free himself and used his thrusters to fly backwards as he observed Paradox's body shifting gears to re-forge the missing arm. While in the form of Mecha-Diamond, Paradox had four mechanical tentacles grow out of him, which resulted in Diamond activating his suit to grow tentacles of his own. The two opponents had their tentacles wrap around each other as they fired their blasters at each other. Diamond tried to create two clones of himself, but Paradox's tentacles grabbed him and tossed him into one of the train carts as the civilians screamed in terror. He gradually regained consciousness as he prepared to find Paradox, but for a long minute, he could not sense Paradox. It was not until a lady screamed of a large spider approaching them from the other end when Diamond released it is Paradox crawling on all fours with great speed. Paradox shifted back to full height in a most grotesque fashion as his body spun in different ways before his head shifted back to its normal size. Diamond yelled at the passengers to run to the other cart as he dealt with Paradox. While the passengers fled, two extra mechanical arms began to form on Paradox's appearance of Mecha-Diamond as all four of arms ignited red plasma blades. "Attack Diamond!" The four arms began to spin in opposite directions of his body in quick movements as he rapidly approached Diamond that it was impossible to strike him above or behind.
Confused on what his next move should be, Diamond noticed parts of Paradox's chest plate were loose as it was glitching in and out. Out of options, Diamond swung at Paradox which he swiftly blocked with the four blades, but Diamond was able to have his nanotech grow on Paradox's arms as he then had the nanites send an electric shock on the foreign host, which granted him an opening in tearing off the chest plate and firing two blasts from his repulsers into Paradox's chest. This stunned Paradox as Diamond charged at him and began to tear all the vital wires, buttons, and controls that operated Paradox's mechanical body. Paradox's voice box became affected as it began to shift into different tones and voices as he tried to speak, "No, I will.....not.....be bested a.....second......time." Paradox was able to gain control of his arms as he threw Diamond out of the train cart out into the city's skyline. Diamond was able to shoot a grapple around Paradox's legs as he pulled both of them out into the air as his body began to glow golden with pure Light. Paradox descended towards him with chains around his body as he prepared to strike fatal blows on Diamond's body. Diamond closed his eyes as he extended his right arm while having his fingers form a finger gun. He whispered silently with firm conviction, "Through the power of Heaven's Light all things are possible......grant me the power to send this foul demon of a man back to the infernal depths where he belongs." Diamond then fired a large blast of pure Light towards Paradox as his enemy screamed in anger, "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" The power caused from this blast was so strong and hot that it started to melt the metal on Paradox's body and causing any remaining circuits to fry.
Diamond floated towards the ground as he stared at a ball of fire fall towards the ground as it created a large crater. He stepped forward and saw Paradox's mangled body as his soul still held possession of it. Paradox was still able to manipulate his body to change into whoever he chooses, and as a last resort he changed to Diamond's mother. "Trevor.......how could you do this.....to me......your own mother.......after all your father and I have done for you this is how you repay us?" "Quit your bull you pathetic character of a soul. If I had the power to judge you in the afterlife, I would create a separate place for sadistic manipulators such as yourself so all you scoundrels can do nothing more than hurt yourselves for your sins!" Diamond then used his power to lift Paradox in the air and was about to crush his body and seal his soul permanently, but as he did so a blazing portal appeared as a pitch-black arm reached out and snatched Paradox before Diamond had time to react. Dumbfounded, Diamond de-activated his suit and left his Light form in order to process what happened. Realizing there was nothing else to do he traveled back to the castle. When he arrived, he saw how the group of heroes easily defeated all of the devilish creatures and were tossing all the dead bodies into a giant pile. Only one thing concerned him, the fact Lorenzo and Viciate's bodies were both missing from the battle. He reasoned they managed to escape, but with the injuries they sustained, it would be a long while before they would show themselves again. After making this assumption, Diamond's family greeted him with open arms and hugs, yet even Diamond did not recognize Tray's new body. Tray had to explain his entire story again to Diamond so he would understand why he looked like "A living glowstick." Hearing Tray's story about Joan made Diamond sorrowful and offered to help in making sure Joan's body receives a proper burial. King Alexander and Diamond hastily organized the funeral and gave Joan's family time to grieve and remember their youngest member that was stolen from them.
While the mourners were conversing with themselves, the king wanted to lead Diamond through the many rooms and wings of the enchanting castle. He wanted to show Diamond the inner secrets and history of this castle, so he very discretely led him down a flight of stairs into an older section of the castle where even most of the king's court were not allowed to enter. The two stepped through two enormous emerald doors and continued on through the darkness. The king ignited a turquoise flame from his hands and led Diamond to a large wall. King Alexander, "Stare at these murals Diamond. Notice the story they tell." Diamond stared at the murals and paintings on the wall trying to understand the history behind them. He saw what appeared to be angels directing two races. To the right were humans with their leader baring a resemblance to Alexander with folded hands in prayer as their eyes gazed at the Heavenly specters, in addition it appeared that swords and shields were descending towards them. To the left were the ancient race of Enders who also had their gaze towards Heaven, but descending towards their hands were scrolls with quills, signifying their role to write and document. At the front of the line of Enders stood none other than Ranfus, although significantly younger. Diamond continued down the wall as the next scene involved the leaders of the humans and enders being coronated with the two leaders' hands being locked in agreement. The next scene depicted what was either a battle or war where many humans and enders were dead, brough to their demise by rebellious humans. It depicted how after the battle Ranfus took the remaining enders away to a place that could supervise the entire Megaverse free from human interaction. The last scene showed the battle worn king of the humans siting on his throne with a tear in his left eye, while his right side remained stoic. His left arm pointed downwards to a decree while his right arm pointed upwards with a grand castle and city floating in the palm of his hand. "The Enders used to dwell with you?" "Indeed, for you see, the king in those murals is actually my great-grandfather. Time goes by very slowly for us here, not only that but we tend to live for thousands of years. Originally, after the first man and woman were created and fell into sin, we were created in the aftermath of that event. We bear the same weaknesses as other humans after the fall, but we were created to protect the Enders, who would document the shifting tide of Creation across the Megaverse. Our special duty connected us more in tune with the messengers of Heaven and we strived to live up to our mission of acting as the second example for the Megaverse, the Main Omniverse being the first. Yet, a few of the humans of my great-grandfather's time were seduced by the powers of evil for the many fallen angels, now turned demons, preyed upon their fallen status and sparked division between human and ender. Eventually a genocide broke out where rogue humans wanted the power of the Enders to themselves and would slaughter anyone who opposed them. My great-grandfather and Ranfus ultimately triumphed, but the damage had been done for the Enders no longer trusted us and collectively agreed humans everywhere were unpredictable and destructive. Ranfus left this Omniverse with the survivors of his race, thus leaving us as the sole inhabitants of this realm. From the ashes of the old kingdom, my great-grandfather led the creation of a new one as you can see here, but the reason why his left side is sad is the fact he did not kill the leaders of the rebellion. He did not want to take their lives, so instead he banished them to the wildness of the Megaverse. After casting them out of this Omniverse, he placed a ban where no one will be able to enter or leave. Using his divine gifts, he was able to practically make it seem like this Omniverse was erased and could not be discoverable unless him or another king wills its borders to open up once again."
"And what happened to the exiled ones?" "Most of them died across the Megaverse but their main leader, Mek'el continued following the path of evil and grew stronger in the powers of darkness. This granted him an unnatural talent of cheating death, but when an event in Omniverse 63,745 occurred when that Omniverse's Celestial had an offspring with that Omniverse's name for an angel, Mek'el sensed the potential of such an offspring." "Hold on, that's the Omniverse the Megaverse Council and I had named Evangelion. Yeah, those creatures they call angels are definitely not real angels, but you mean to tell me that this Mek'el influenced The Devourer?" "No, Mek'el BECAME The Devourer. He transferred his soul into the newborn soul of the deadly offspring, completely fusing with the new soul. In response to this, my great-grandfather on his deathbed, ordered my grandfather to create a device that could end Mek'el once and for all. That device was the Matrix of Eternity. It was hastily crafted before my grandfather sent it to Omniverse 63,745 hoping it could destroy Mek'el there. Unfortunately, it did not fulfill its original purpose due to Mek'el fully becoming The Devourer and traveled across the Megaverse eating the Core of whatever Omniverse he entered. His travels would take a long time to reach his next destination, but nothing could stop him. The Matrix continued to grow with wisdom in Omniverse 63,745 before an apparition of an Ender ordered a singular person to send the Matrix in the direction of the Main Omniverse. Eventually, the Matrix landed in your Omniverse, but was kept hidden for a long time with only glimpses and rumors of such a treasure of untold power being passed on from dimension to dimension. Finally at last, you found it in 2021 just as The Devourer arrived in your Omniverse. Little did you know, but upon his defeat when you unleashed the power of the Matrix, it sent shockwaves across the Megaverse. Myself along with my people celebrated when we felt the destruction of The Devourer, finally knowing a dark piece of our history has been put to rest." "When I traveled to Omniverse 63,745 last summer, it was promoted that they created the Matrix of Eternity." "Their leaders simply changed the story and wiped our part out of their history books, for the select few who told you it was their ancestors that created it are not at fault. For they too believe this error, this is simply a mistake on their ancestor's part and nothing more. Come along now, let's head back up a few stairs back to where there was an intersection, there is more I need to show you."
The king led Diamond to a room with many floating orbs that had different colors symbolizing a different Omniverse. "I am aware that you and the Megaverse Council have a broad idea to all the soldiers at the disposal of our enemy. But I want to show you some specific souls that are.......unique. The person known as The Ageless managed to recruit several corrupted versions of the strongest beings in your Omniverse's hierarchy. Among them consist of a fallen Omniversal Tribunal, Protectors, Insanity Trio, Bad Time Trio, many alternate timeline versions of you, and other powerful individuals from the Megaverse. The Ageless and Demonic Council calls this elite group the Bad End Friends. King Alexander brings forth an orb that displays the souls of those fallen humans. This reveals the true thoughts of their soul and what their soul really says." Diamond leaned forward to hear the cries of their souls and was surprised to hear their souls cry out in unison. "We just wanted to heal but now our nightmares are real, and we'll never wake up for we're torn apart! We want freedom! Freedom! Freedom!" Diamond could not believe what he heard, for it caused him to step back to avoid their cries. "Secondly, I want to briefly touch on the Ageless' story. Thousands of years ago lived a man born with unnatural gifts, he could enter into violent places and leave with minor bruises. He was able to kill the celestials in his world with his mere hands and crude weapons. Yet, he was not satisfied, he wanted more power and more entities to kill, for he enjoyed the bloodlust. This led to him being sought out by the fallen Seraphim now named Black Hat. He offered him more power and an entire place beyond his imagination to live the rest of his days as a butcher. The man agreed and henceforth became an unwavering servant directly to Black Hat. Eventually, he earned a reputation by parading himself as a savior wearing polished white and gold armor, in order to win the trust of many defenders who protected their native Omniverse. Once he won their complete trust and learned their secrets and fears, it would be too late for that Omniverse. For it would be a matter of time before complete carnage would be unleashed on all the helpless souls in that Omniverse. Thus, he was given the title Harbinger of the End.......a human who is an undisputed champion in gladiator battles with a mind to match his muscles.......a man always youthful, laughing at the hands of time........The Ageless."
"The last thing I want to reveal to you is the location of our enemy's base. The Megaverse Council has discovered it and that is Omniverse 6,666,666. That Omniverse had so many events that ran parallel with your Omniverse it was almost an exact copy. However, before your Omniverse was assaulted by Black Hat's forces in 2021, they won a resounding battle in that Omniverse. Everything that could have gone wrong in that final battle, did indeed go wrong." King Alexander used his powers to generate a vision of that fateful day. The scene pans to a bloodied and defeated Diamond with a shattered Sword of the Omniverse with Black Hat towering over him. The two listened intently when Black Hat spoke, "The Initiative has fallen. Its members......lost. You have been deceived......betrayed.........purged." The vision hovers over countless bodies of Initiative members that had died in the battle with some of their corpses disfigured and mutilated they were unidentifiable. "I can feel you are scared of judgement day. You led millions of souls to their grave. Your lukewarm faith shaken due to your pleas and petitions being ignored. So, I offer you a choice. Join us and postpone the judgement day, have all the pleasures of the world handed back to you, and avoid living the life as a failure!" The defeated Diamond raised his teary eyes and spoke, "I......accept!" The crowd around him chuckled as Black Hat stepped away with Alastor taking his place, "It's a deal!" The defeated Diamond shook his hand and became controlled and a vessel for Alastor until his original body could be restored. After this moment a large echo of thunder echoes across the battlefield with a bright light shining in the distance. The Ageless, "What is that?" Black Hat, "The veil of the Main Omniverse has been lifted. We are no longer kept out! We must seize this opportunity before it's too late." Ageless remain here with Alastor's vessel." "Why?" "If things go sour for me and my forces in the Main Omniverse, I want us to still have a strong foothold here in the Megaverse. This Omniverse will be perfect. I will be taking half of our forces with me." "What of the few people who survived this battle, should I find them and use them as prisoners and entertainment?" Black Hat had a sadistic smile, "There are no survivors!" The vision then played the sounds of screams with Diamond begging Alexander to end the vision. "That's enough! I cannot watch nor listen to this vision anymore! Please end this nightmare!"
Alexander ended the vision as the two were brought back to reality. Alexander spoke with sympathy to Diamond, "I did not show you that vision to torture you. I revealed it, because you need to understand exactly what to expect from our enemy and take deep root in your faith." "Why did the pleas and petitions of that Diamond go unanswered?" "Truthfully, that Diamond did not pray for deliverance, he instead wanted more glory and praise. When he was in public and prayed, it was for show, and he was not sincere in the words he said. Even at the last moment, he received a message from Heaven begging him to repent from his prideful ways and deliverance would come. Yet, in that last moment, he refused with his soul saying no it has to be my way and I do not want to change the life I am living and that's final. It was his fault no Heavenly aid came, now he has no one else to blame other than himself for his misdeeds and wickedness." Diamond's body had a series of goosebumps when King Alexander finished speaking. He always wondered what would have happened in the final battle for his Omniverse if there was no intervention, now he wished for this catastrophic example to leave his mind.
After this event, King Alexander led Diamond to a sacred place called the Veil of the Celestial Plane to speak with his angelic friends. Along the way, King Alexander explained to Diamond the difference between True Balance and Perfection. How True Balance is the perfect imperfect form of Perfection, because as mortal creatures that are finite with flaws no person alive can reach True Perfection. He explained how demons fear True Balance and how the demons only focus on temporal goals not eternal, for all that awaits them in eternity is eternal punishment. (This is a footnote, because at the end of this post in the comment section I will share the entire conversation in greater detail, for some reason the Sub-Reddit automatic rules count it as a rating post no matter how hard I rephrased the dialogue. Very weird that happened because it never happened before, but hopefully I will be able to share that conversation in full under this post, because it took a lot of effort in composing the dialogue.)
Filled with courage and zeal from their conversation, Diamond entered into the Veil and soon found himself in a vast empty white plain where numerous figures of light floated around him before manifesting themselves as angelic beings. He observed how each of the nine choirs of angels were present. "The Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels, and Angels. All present here at this very moment." A Seraphim spoke up, "Why do you wish to commune with us?" "I am here seeking advice from my Heavenly friends in these trying times. I'm sure all of you are very much aware and can sense in the Celestial Cosmic Plane that the forces of evil are growing ever so powerful. I can feel it within my being that soon a final confrontation may happen." Saint Michael the Archangel, "You already possess all that you need. You know the prayers for deliverance and aid. Furthermore, you know how your enemy thinks." "With all due respect, this time it is different. Different than the way it was for the fate of the Main Omnvierse. This....is the fate of the Megaverse....of everything that had exist, currently exists and will exist. Please there must be some advice all of you may be able to bestow upon me." A Virtue floated towards Diamond's soul to speak, "These particular demons feast on fear, chaos, and revenge. They want nothing more than to see the righteous fall, yet their common weakness is the sin of pride." Uriel intervened, "Pride, that ancient sin which was the sole root that led a third of our former brothers and sisters into disobedience. Fully rejecting the True Love of the Father and willingly following the arrogance of the fallen light bearer, who now brings darkness and death to everyone." Azrael quickly followed up with Uriel's statement, "When they fell from grace, they still retained their position and powers. Now with their leaders nearly having their bodies restored before their fall, through the power of The Seed, they are more of a threat to the Natural Order."
Diamond came to a sudden realization, "With Cloaked Shadow having control of the Dark and shadows in general, does that mean he was a Power before he fell?" The choirs nodded as Diamond responded with his hands near his mouth deep in thought. "I see, well if pride is their weakness than surely arrogance is a key factor in their personalities. Perhaps if the Matrix of Eternity is re-loaded with the knowledge accessible from the Alphaverse, it could overwhelm them." A Cherub, "Yes! The knowledge from the Alphaverse can restore the Matrix and used to harm the demons!" Saint Gabriel the Archangel, "Do not be afraid in this next step in your journey, Trevor. Since the fall of man, the Devil and his minions have actively been at war with mankind, searching for ways to snatch souls from Heaven. Yet, in the history of not only the Megaverse, but your own world, you know that God conquers all, even in the darkest times. From the persecution of the early Christians under the rule of the Mad Emperor Nero, deadly heresies, scandals, political and religious wars, the French Revolution, Napoleon Wars, Russian Revolution, Mexican Revolution, World Wars, down to the present. The demons worked through man to not only bring ruin to the face of the Earth, but to attack the Church. However, both the Earth and the Church have endured and will continue to endure until the end of time when God will come in all His splendor and glory and reward the just while punishing the wicked. For they will receive their reward." A Throne, "There is one more thing that will surely turn the tide of the war, but only as a last resort." Diamond, "What is it? Please share." A Seraphim, "The hypothesis of you being able to fuse with your friends Ben Tennyson and Xavier is true. If Xavier is fully in tune with his scarab and enter into his phase known as Sacred and Tennyson into Alien X, you three will become the singular most powerful entity in the entire Megaverse." Saint Michael the Archangel, "Be warned for this should only be used as a complete last resort. For there can be no going back when you three become a singular entity. There might be potential for you three to separate from this final form, but if there is, it will be certain death for no mortal can yield that much power. Arise young warrior, take courage, and have total faith on the Lord, He will hear your prayers. Remember we are at your side and every warrior in the final battle will have their guardian angel with them at all times."
The Heavenly beings once again became balls of bright light, which slowly blinded Diamond before he awoke from his vision back in his own body just before the Veil of the Celestial Plane. King Alexander stared at Diamond before helping him to his feet. Diamond, "I know what I must do. I must re-load the Matrix in the Well of the Megaverse." Alexander, "That's suicide. For you to be exposed to so much power and knowledge, it will vaporize you." "Believe me, it will work. Just help me recover the pieces of the Matrix and I will reforge it with the nanotech from my suit." Diamond sprinted with great haste through all the flights of stairs Alexander had them take, back to where the pieces of the Matrix laid. He had Alexander hold the pieces together in their proper position as the nanotech from his suit crawled around the broken pieces and fused the Matrix back together again. During this time the other heroes caught up to Diamond and Alexander and decided to watch as Diamond would enter the Well of the Megaverse. King Alexander led the group to the entrance of the Well where everyone wished him good luck. Diamond transformed into his Light form and entered the Well. This form allowed him to withstand the pressure around him as he opened the Matrix to collect wisdom from all corners of the Megaverse both the good and bad. When he did this, thousands of images and lifetimes flashed in his mind causing him to scream, in order to avoid his mind from overloading he constantly switched to different forms and phases every 30 seconds. Everyone waited anxiously outside after hearing Diamond's screams and began to fear for the worst, but just when their hope wavered, a silhouette started to walk towards them. From the depths of the Well emerged Diamond holding the restored Matrix of Eternity firmly in his right hand. King Alexander, "Welcome back Diamond!" "Thanks. With the Matrix restored and the new alliance your Omniverse has made with the Megaverse Council, hope for our victory has reached an all-time high." The heroes only stayed for a few more hours at the Alphaverse before returning back to the base of the Megaverse Council. Upon arrival, the Council members were stunned to see the return of their leader, and with swift orders, Diamond once again regained leadership of the Megaverse Council.
In a desolate place with abandoned buildings in Omniverse 3. "Volxi, can you head downstairs into our storage to bring some refreshment to our party?" "You got it sis!" Volxi entered into one of the chambers to find a spare stash of spiked beverages but was startled when she heard a voice echo in the darkness. "Time's running out Vol." She leaned over to view where the voice was coming from until her eyes landed on a glowing dark green warrior. She gasped as she recognized it was her old friend from Omniverse 8. "Cayden what happened to you?" "That name no longer has any meaning for me." "You look so different. Your skin is green and your eyes black. You look like......" "A ghost? Phantom? Condemned Soul?! Truly a miserable fate I have fallen into. Given a body constantly degenerating and repairing itself, allowing me to phase between matter but how painful it is feeling my cells destroy themselves before regenerating and repeating the process all over again." "Is this a dream?" "No." "I thought not, if it was there would be something to replenish my throat." Cayden hands Volxi a bottle. "Thanks mate. I still have a cup on me. Here it's on the house." Cayden took a long sip before speaking. "We haven't seen each other since the destruction of your people's original home. A lot has happened since then. Last year a terrible event plagued the Megaverse and I tried to stop it. I made my own device that enabled me to visit other Omniverses. I could sense something sinister causing many Omniverses to die. I took my weapons and went to who I thought was responsible. That man was so strong and talented, he mortally wounded me without taking our fight seriously. I thought at that moment when I laid dying that I would give anything to get a second chance at life. To see my friends and family again. My requests were answered by a figure in black business attire and a top hat."
Volxi groaned for she knew who he was referring to while Cayden continued on with his speech. "I accepted his offer and became what you see before you. The only part that was positive is in our contract, I managed to still own partial control of my soul. Perhaps it is through this partial ownership that causes me to experience great pains and desperately seek liberation." "And you came back to your friend for aid huh?" "No, I came as a messenger." Volxi stared at him with concern. "You struck a deal with him too, Volxi. A deal before your home, the ninth Omniverse was destroyed, causing you and all the survivors to wander throughout the Megaverse." "I forgot all about that deal. It can't happen this soon, he did not even stay true to his promise." "Is that really a surprise?" "DANG IT! Alright I'll wager my way out of it. I always do." "You can't talk to yourself out of this one!" "How long do I have Cayden?" Cayden stepped close to Volxi where he was only a few inches away from her face. "That name has no meaning for me, I'm The Shameful now. You have only a few hours. He will send his terrible leviathan to drag you, your sister, and this entire Omniverse along with you! Already his army sets their eyes on this world, drawn by ravenous hunger, by the one who bears the crimson scar." The Shameful laid his hand on a piece of Volxi's face that was not covered by cybernetics. "Make peace with your losses and may it only be a swift end and not a contract of servitude. Alas, he always comes to collect what is his." In that moment The Shameful vanished from her sight and without a moment to lose, she started running back upstairs into the settlement screaming for everyone to pack their things and prepare to leave. Her sister, Val stopped her, "Did you fall down the stairs giving you that slash across your face? What's coming after us?" Volxi stared deep into her sister's soul, "We need to run as far as we can and get our people to safety before it's too late." From a few hundred yards away The Ageless stood waiting for the perfect time to strike with Maestro Zorro summoning the nightmarish Leviathan.
submitted by DiamondVoid149404 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:53 FewWillingness1081 SaaS Startup Tips: How do SaaS companies find customers in 2024?

SaaS Startup Tips: How do SaaS companies find customers in 2024?

How are both B2B SaaS and B2C SaaS companies finding clients?

There's never been a better time than now to start a SaaS startup. Whether you intend to focus on the B2B space or B2C, SaaS companies are experiencing extreme customer success. The sheer amount of companies that existed before the pandemic, compared to now is outsized and growing at an amazing scale. Many companies changed their work model, enabling millions of workers to work from home. In order for this to be successful at scale, requires technology to fundamentally support the many workers and their ever-evolving task lists.
Customer success is the primary ingredient for the success of many SaaS startups in 2024. By helping their clients achieve their business goals, customers have been more likely to stay loyal to their favorite SaaS products as they grow and succeed.
At the core of every SaaS business strategy, 3 key points stand out:
  1. Customer Retention
  2. Customer Engagement
  3. Customer Satisfaction
Harnessing these three areas helps you build a strong and durable customer base.

Customer success at the forefront of your SaaS company

For B2B & B2C SaaS startups, the customer success departments have evolved from simply handling tickets to collecting and analyzing customer feedback in an effort to optimize the customer experience. This doesn't need to be something reserved for the larger players in the space. As an early-stage SaaS you want your customers to spread the word to their friends and colleagues, about their experience, so going above and beyond is a must! Let's put this idea as a fundamental requirement, and the next set of activities will help you to scale your products at lightning speed!

Stop struggling to get initial users for your SaaS product

Why is Reddit ranking so high in Google Searches? Saas
I [will] make a strong argument that we often cannot see the solution to our problems because we are too close to the problems to see our surroundings in the first place. The more you've optimized and automated your SaaS, the more you realize that there's less to do, up to a certain point. The next thing you typically pivot focus to is growth through marketing or advertising. So you start to post in DigitalMarketing, socialmedia, and marketing for ideas on how to perform outreach, enhance your seo, and even dabble in PPC. If you're lucky, you'll begin to see that there are issues with basic things, because members of Reddit will happily point them out to you.
If you haven't already seen this post, it's a good thread, and I recommend you check it out. The OP reveals some reasons why their product is struggling to gain traction. The community on Reddit is fantastic for providing insights as to what can be useful. Especially in communities such as SaaS, while others sometimes are not so forgiving (cough, cough, Entrepreneur).
Most of us SaaS founders don't actually have the luxury of spending time doing this. It's very much a make-it-or-break-it type scenario. Those of you who feel this way will certainly appreciate the next few bullet points that I will provide that should help you to begin generating traffic to your SaaS landing page [immediately].
  1. Find the subreddit or community (Reddit, Linkedin, Facebook, Slack, Quora, X (Twitter) that you think aligns with your product niche.
  2. Answer every question that you believe aligns with your target consumer, such as the "How-to's", or "Why's" that appear in the "Best", "Hot", and "New" tabs. Browse through each and every single tab.
  3. Post only if you think what you have to add is immensely utilitarian, otherwise, spend time engaging through comments, and providing resources, links, and sources to any material you share.
  4. Make sure your profile is optimized, because if you [do] provide any information that stands out, both happy and unhappy users will pounce on your profile to find anything that they can use to their advantage (be ready for the trolls).
  5. Check your analytics. You'd be surprised to realize that some posts (that you don't create) will get thousands of views. A small percentage of viewers will then roll into your website to see what you have to offer, for their own reasons.
If 1,000 people visited your website from this tactic, consider that maybe 50 - 100 of them might actually be your customers, maybe even smaller. The better the offering on your landing page, the more likely you'll even get sign-ups for your SaaS with free trial periods, or free offerings!
Repeat this every day, and you're now generating 10,000 - 20,000 (or more) potential clients to your website daily. Some days will be great, others not so great, but you've found a method that now works, and is proven!

Leveraging social media (organically) to scale your SaaS

I like to break social media platforms into 2 categories:
  1. Literature-driven communities:
    1. Reddit
    2. Quora
    3. Linkedin
    4. X (Twitter)
    5. Slack
  2. Social Media Apps:
    1. Instagram
    2. Tiktok
    3. Pinterest
    4. X (Twitter)
Yes, I purposefully placed "X" in both categories because it had a great mix of both content types, and was originally based on small "tweets", but now it provides a lot more media, and I find myself spending less time reading.
Literature-driven communities are apps that you're potential SaaS customers have to stop and read, to find something interesting, even on mobile. While the "social media apps" are full of videos, and media fighting to hook your attention. This rapid-scrolling behavior is conducive to "doom-scrolling", making it much harder to capture the eye of your potential customers.
I would recommend investing more time into "Literature-driven platforms", as I think you'll get far more engagement without the need to sell your soul for likes, and followers. In fact, I only have about 100 followers on Reddit at this time, yet I still managed to gain 50,000,000+ views on my content in May 2024.
Also, here's another great Reddit Post about finding customers for your B2B SaaS.

Opening up to friends, family, and colleagues as early customers

As you launch your product you're typically stuck in a paradoxical situation of needing to convince new clients with testimonials from previous clients. It's not easy to convert potential users without any data or feedback. It's much easier to do this when you have traction, but that's now always the case for a new SaaS founder.
Here are a few methods you can use to attract clients of your product early, in exchange for much-needed testimonials and referrals:
  1. Offer your product to your "inner circle". This includes friends, family, colleagues, connections on Linkedin, or members of your social club.
  2. Give discounts, and extended trial periods. It may cost you next to nothing to give your product out to testers, but having received a testimony repays you 100-fold!
  3. Run surveys on Survey Monkey, or Usertesting.com - Not only will you get structured feedback from prospective users, but some of these testers might be willing to stay on, and use your product for an extended period.
  4. Offer lifetime deals to early adopters. This may not be very fun, but it's a real opportunity to start bringing in revenue, validating certain functions and capabilities, and again, creating testimonials that you can use to convince new clients that your service works.
Consider this your beta trial (B2B SaaS) period. B2B SaaS founders typically will leverage their existing network at the beginning due to a high likelihood that they have some level of corporate experience (at least I hope!) going into their new venture. To get started, all you need is a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), which represents the leanest version of your app idea. Customer feedback will significantly add value to the long-term outlook of your product at this stage.

Using analytics to optimize your sales funnel

How to build a SaaS sales funnel
This next section is dedicated to BareMetrics, who inspired many of the lists that you'll see.
First, let's talk about what a SaaS sales funnel actually is, according to BareMetrics:
"In sales and marketing, the “funnel” refers to the process of qualifying leads and converting them to customers. You pour in leads at the widest part at the top of the sales funnel. As you work on converting them through the sales process, the funnel narrows. The bottom of the funnel is where your hottest qualified leads pour into your business as customers.
The traditional sales funnel is broken down into a few stages as leads engage with your brand:
Awareness: This is where your prospects become aware of your product and your brand. They’re just learning who you are, what you do, and that they have a problem you can solve.
Discovery: This is the phase where prospective leads are doing some initial research, narrowing down the products and services that can help them solve their issue.
Evaluation: In this phase, prospects are conducting more serious evaluations, weighing the pros and cons of making a purchase, as well as comparing you to your competitors.
Intent: This is the final phase of the funnel before a purchase is made. Logic, numbers, and value-driven communication are the keys to making that final persuasive push.
Purchase: This is where leads have ultimately decided that your brand meets their needs. They then join the ranks of your paying customers! Your work isn’t done, though: You still need to help them through the welcome and onboarding phase.
For your SaaS business, you have one key additional stage you need to consider: retention. Unlike other retail businesses, you don’t just want your customers to make a one-time purchase. You have to continue persuading them of your continued value each month. In this phase, you can also use the insights you gather about the customer and their behavior to upsell with features that meet their specific needs (and, in turn, increase your average revenue per user)."
Beautifully written (in my opinion). Retention also deserves much of your focus here as a SaaS entrepreneur. You have to convince customers month-over-month that you're not only maintaining quality, but the product has a roadmap for improvement. The use case that attracts initial customers doesn't necessarily guarantee that they will keep coming back. You're going to have to keep an ear out for what they are saying, and use as many opportunities as you can to understand what their needs are. I did something like this on Reddit within the dating app space.

Learn which metrics you should be tracking to optimize your SaaS sales funnel

Hubspot CAC Recovery Chart - SaaS companies
Hubspot has a great write-up about 15 metrics that you should be tracking. Here they are (below):
  1. Customer Churn
  2. Revenue Churn
  3. Customer Lifetime Value
  4. Customer Acquisition Cost
  5. Months to Recover CAC
  6. CAC: LTV Ratio
  7. Customer Engagement Score
  8. Qualified Marketing Traffic
  9. Leads by Lifecycle Stage
  10. Lead-to-Customer Rate
  11. Customer Health Score
Every SaaS startup is different, and what they use to track overall growth and retention varies from company to company. Generally, most experts can agree that at a minimum, if you're team is focusing on optimization, these items should be reviewed every day, if not weekly within your organization.

What tools you should be using to optimize your SaaS sales funnel

Best analytics dashboard for my SaaS product - Mixpanel
My favorite tools for tracking data throughout your sales funnel are as follows:
  1. Unbounce / LeadPages - Landing page tracking and optimization
  2. Hotjar.com / Inspectlet
  3. Mixpanel.com / Google Analytics
  4. Squarespace.com / Wix / Webflow
  5. Stripe.com / Square / Braintree
  6. Mailchimp.com / Hubspot / Constant Contact
I also included some variants in this list. Notice that I did not include any ad platforms here. I know many marketing agencies would kill me, but it's not a necessary tool. Most of us have been taught to spend money on ads, to start tracking users to your platform, but if you're not generating at least 10,000 monthly visitors to your website organically (today), then you should take the organic route. Here's a resource on how to start getting clients for your SaaS startup. Only when you've exhausted all other ways of generating organic traffic, you should invest in advertising.
For me, it may be worth it to bring in another resource, who can guarantee me organic traffic with proven strategies, than pay for a PPC campaign, full of bot clicks from bot farms!

Create comparison content with competitors

Just recently I found a thread in SaaS talking about their journey with SEO. After 6 months of implementation, their strategy now brings in passive sales, due to their commitment to content creation. Many SaaS founders are admitting that creating "comparison content" with competitors is a great way to leverage a larger brand's presence in the SERP space. I highly recommend you invest in creating feature matrices detailing where, why, and how you stand out from other competitors on the market.

What you should do after you've gained thousands of new customers

Let's do a short recap to identify how we've gotten here.
  1. We officially launched our SaaS
  2. We invited our inner circle of friends, family, and colleagues as initial testers of our B2C SaaS, and leveraged our professional network for B2B SaaS.
  3. We offered discounts, trials, or lifetime deals in exchange for feedback and testimonials.
  4. We've highlighted initial success stories as case studies on our SaaS brand website, to help us convince new clients
  5. We've set up a sales funnel (feedback loop) to track conversion success at every core inflection point using top tools like Mixpanel, Unbounce, and Stripe.
  6. We're implementing organic social media strategies that drive 10,000+ visitors to our SaaS landing page every month, which helps us optimize our sales funnel (5).
  7. We've invested in a customer retention strategy, equal to our outreach strategy. Tools such as Mailchimp (newsletters), and SMS marketing (Twilio.com) work well here.
  8. We've exhausted growth, and need to further 10x our user base. Now's a great time to consider influencer marketing, affiliate marketing, or paid ads.
The decision to invest in a team or organic social media assets to continue growth, or take the path of investing in ad campaigns for growth really depends on where you see yourself in 2 - 3 years. Some people want to build a SaaS product that helps them live a simpler life, assisting in an exit from the traditional corporate 9 - 5 pm. Others desire to take the VC route, raise funds, and scale to extraordinary heights, eventually going public through an IPO.
No matter what your decision is, none of this can happen without achieving success in steps 1 - 8. For some SaaS founders, they will achieve every point mentioned within 6 months, while others might take 6 years. A good example of this slow and steady approach is Mailchimp of course!

Getting customers for your SaaS is easier than you think

This article will single-handedly provide you with the links and resources needed to build a customer base within your first 6-months of launch. Within 2 - 3 months you could even exceed the 1,000 user mark. For some 100 customers is also great, it just depends on who you're targeting (B2B vs. B2C). Make sure to focus on customer success, get those testimonials, and establish dominance by giving your loyal clients a bespoke experience!
If you found this article helpful and are ready to continue executing, feel free to grab a copy of our book The Growth Checklist. It's the only book around that guarantees growth within 30 days, or we'll fully refund you the value of the book. If you've already purchased a copy, and are struggling to execute upon any strategies, you can simply book a meeting with me here.

Find us on your favorite platforms

We also wrote this article, along with other similar ones on the following platforms:
  1. Linkedin
  2. Reddit
  3. The Growth Blog (24 Hour Designs)
  4. Quora
  5. Medium
Follow us on whichever platform you prefer!
Thank you so much for reading.
submitted by FewWillingness1081 to u/FewWillingness1081 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:44 GodofWar1234 How important is Thailand to the U.S. strategy in the Asia-Pacific region?

IMO I like to think that Thailand is a critical ally. Already a designated major non-NATO US ally, in any potential new conflict with China, I think Thailand would/should play a key role in any U.S. strategy in the Indo-Pacific region.
Seeing as China has managed to develop warm relations with both Laos and Cambodia (and Myanmar too to an extent IIRC) and has a vested interest in controlling Southeast Asia, it only makes sense to harden our alliance with Thailand. To put it mildly, Thailand has always had historically rough relations with its neighbors, especially with Myanmar and Cambodia (e.g. Myanmar and Thailand historically fought several wars against one another, conquering each other’s territory and imprisoning/displacing each others populations. Doesn’t help that Burma burned down and looted Ayutthaya in 1767, a traumatic event in Thai history).
Compared to the other mainland Southeast Asian nations, Thailand is an already developed nation and therefore has the economic base to support itself w/o completely going to China.
In mainland Southeast Asia, it appears as though Thailand and Vietnam are the only stable nations left. Myanmar has effectively collapsed on itself due to the ethnic civil war while Laos and Cambodia has a ton of Chinese influence.
Thailand’s geography also lends itself strategic value, seeing as it can help reinforce any U.S. defensive positions providing overwatch over the Strait of Malacca and the Bay of Bengal. If Thailand can coordinate with Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and India, it can limit the reach of the PLAN, forcing them to be contained at least to China’s east coast. If Laos and Cambodia do anything, Thailand could help by keeping the two nations occupied on the Indochinese Peninsula. Seeing as Vietnam is having a shift of wind blowing towards the US, I don’t see why Thailand can’t be held to the same status so that two U.S. allies in mainland SE Asia can help close in on China.
The problems I see with this approach however are these:
Personally if I had my way, US-Thai relations would be tremendously better and they would be an ally on the level of Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, and Australia. Thailand would be a strong, stable democracy and solid U.S. ally firmly in our camp, allowing us to have a reliable foothold in Southeast Asia. We would also have military bases there to box in China and defend both U.S. and Thai interests. But that’s just me and wishful thinking.
submitted by GodofWar1234 to IRstudies [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:18 Agile-Net7735 🛠️ My Review of the 12 Pack Garage Hooks Heavy Duty – Ultimate Storage Solution! 🏠

Link to Hooks: https://www.amazon.com/Daughter-Birthday-Boyfriend-Valentines-Christmas/dp/B0BYMLWMJR?pd_rd_w=TmUWr&content-id=amzn1.sym.7379aab7-0dd8-4729-b0b5-2074f1cb413d&pf_rd_p=7379aab7-0dd8-4729-b0b5-2074f1cb413d&pf_rd_r=4K78K0715NZ188MWMMFE&pd_rd_wg=wEQ5G&pd_rd_r=0ce266b4-236f-4e7a-9854-6df376b940c7&pd_rd_i=B0C8HL56NY&th=1&linkCode=ll1&tag=vorrto-20&linkId=570f929a4f980675479219a2f5f9c9c6&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl
Hey ,
I recently got my hands on the 12 Pack Garage Hooks Heavy Duty, and I wanted to share my thoughts on this game-changing garage storage solution. If you're like me and constantly battling clutter in your garage, these hooks might be exactly what you need.

Why I Chose These Garage Hooks

After struggling with finding a good storage system for my power tools, ladders, bikes, and other equipment, I decided to try out these garage hooks based on their strong reviews and versatility.

Key Features

  1. Heavy-Duty Construction: Made from sturdy steel, these hooks can handle some serious weight without bending or breaking.
  2. Variety of Sizes: The pack includes hooks of different sizes to accommodate a wide range of items.
  3. Easy Installation: Comes with all the necessary hardware for quick and easy wall mounting.
  4. Versatile Use: Perfect for organizing everything from power tools and ladders to bikes and ropes.
  5. Space-Saving: Helps free up floor space, making my garage much more organized and accessible.

My Experience

I've been using these garage hooks for a couple of weeks now, and here’s what I’ve found:
Overall, I’m extremely satisfied with the 12 Pack Garage Hooks Heavy Duty. They’ve transformed my cluttered garage into a well-organized space where everything is easily accessible. If you’re looking for a reliable and versatile storage solution, I highly recommend these hooks.
Feel free to ask any questions or share your own storage solutions!
Would love to hear how others are organizing their garages or any other cool DIY storage hacks!

#garagestorage #DIY #organization #heavy-dutyhooks #toolstorage #bikestorage #garageorganization

submitted by Agile-Net7735 to AmazonFC [link] [comments]
