1 year anniversary quotes for a boyfriend

Movie Quotes

2009.08.19 23:40 hungihungihippo Movie Quotes

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2013.08.05 00:00 DanyalEscaped Things that happened exactly 100 years ago

This subreddit was formed in late 2013 to document World War I, day by day as it developed. It covers social, political, military and cultural developments in combatant countries and noncombatants alike. Its particular emphasis is on pointing out the most striking similarities and differences from the problems humanity faces today.

2013.04.02 21:06 sbowtor Serendipitously Timed Video Graphics

A subreddit for gifs, videos, and images of humorous or randomly well-timed overlay graphics, preferably from live events. Please check that the submission fits the subreddit. Many submissions are more appropriate for /confusing_perspective, /juxtaposition, or other subreddits.

2024.06.09 21:28 No-Stomach6318 Beef Roast??

Beef Roast??
I know this is some cut of beef I shrink-wrapped & froze last year. My InstantPot Duo sous vides but you can only adjust temp by 5 degrees up or down. My men like beef rare so I am doing it at 130 degrees as 135 made the last one almost medium. Should I change the temp to 135 for the last hour or just sear it 10 or so minutes? Anyone have a better idea? I am still new to sous vide. I defrosted it first and it weighs 1 lb 8 ozs Please help the newbie.
submitted by No-Stomach6318 to sousvide [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:28 lacrimosa0255 how to stop being afraid of masculine traits?

I’m a detrans woman and during my detransition (1.5 years) I’ve been trying to be feminine. And sometimes I really like the way I look and how people treat me. However, when it comes to my relationship, I’m often confused, cuz quite often I wanna be more dominant (I’m married to another woman). Sometimes I look at masc women and think “do I wanna be her or do I wanna be WITH her?” I wish I could just always be either ONLY feminine or ONLY masculine, that would be much easier for me. Are there any lesbian women out there who feel the same? Like sometimes I’m super top and super masc, and sometimes it’s the opposite and I don’t know where the real and authentic me is… Maybe it’s because of my bpd? Maybe I’m just overthinking and it’s ok to be both fem and masc? Or am I just lying to myself?
submitted by lacrimosa0255 to detrans [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:28 Significant_Cap6124 Fast ACFT progression?

Tl;DR- looking to do much better in PT, but mainly up my ACFT score a lot this summer. Need better endurance for running. ACFT score is at bottom.
Im currently a cadet and will be commissioning in 2 years into the Army. Im not sure yet what I have my sights set on whether it be combat arms or something like military intelligence. But either way I dont want to be showing up to my unit as some bum LT who cant run for shit or do good at PT. And right now, quite frankly, I am not a PT stud or good at the ACFT, I have yet to get above a 475/600. I find I lack general strength that others have, and especially endurance for running. If I see the PT plan is a 5mi run I used to not show up, but I’ve gotten better about that last year. I have unlimited access to a gym this summer, but will be much more restricted when I get back to school as I dont have a car on campus.
Ive picked up all the TB books and read through almost all of them, just need to finish up GP. I was originally thinking “capacity from GP would be great, i get to train above and beyond whatever I may need” but in reality, as of now i dont need to be training for any sort of selection, i need to focus on my ACFT score and being able to run at a good pace.
Maybe someone here can offer me some insight on which program I should look more into, I like the look of operator. Or maybe I should look into MTI’s ACFT prep program?
My last ACFT scores were: MDL: 220lbs SPT: 7.8m HRP: 39 SDC: 1:45 Plank: 2:45 2-mile: 19min
Ty for any advice I appreciate it a lot.
submitted by Significant_Cap6124 to tacticalbarbell [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:28 bolieride The One Ring - Strider mode thoughts and questions

Hi all!! I just finished my first round with Strider Mode. I have run ToR 1e once for a group, and had the 2e books gathering dust; and since I have started solo'ing, I dusted them off and got down to business.
This post is longer than it probably needs to be, but I have lots of thoughts.
A quick side observation, my first rpg (aside from Lone Wolf and Choose your own Adventure books) was the Red Box DnD. I have read many rpg books in my numerous years. But ToR 2e (and I would included 1e) books seem far more obtuse than other games. Nothing is easy to find, the index is not worth flipping to and there is not really a distilled action summary. It is all written in a very verbose, long-winded prose. And maybe that was what they were going for, but it doesn't work on a game reference book.
So, when my Ranger went off on her quest from her patron, I hit my first "uhhhhh" moment. She needed to travel to remote village to see what the Shadow may have wanted from it. Here is how I did it:
This is how I ran the whole session. I enjoyed it and it worked, I am just not sure I was correct.
All in all it was a good experience, and start to this character's story. I have been running a solo AD&D 1e game with 6 characters and struggling for it to feel organic or like I had a story going. Maybe it was because I am a avid reader of Tolkien (well beyond LoTR or Hobbit), or maybe it was because it was one character but it worked more like I have started a story.
I am still struggling with the random tables, to define the scenario (action, aspect, focus in this game, Mythic and such for others). I am not great at it. I seem to have a block when doing it solo, but can do it better on the fly when I GM...go figure.
I really wished they had a cohesive rules summary in the book. It is just all over and hard to figure out what should be done and when. For instance, even on the loremaster screen it doesn't tell you what weary mechanically does...(1,2,3 are 0) In the combat section of the book it doesn't cover that part, it is back at the beginning of the book.
I did read the rules, but found more than once I ended the section and missed something pertinent, which as a good reader is frustrating!
I also desperately need a table of names. Names are so important in Middle Earth, and having to find the culture, then look through the names is bothersome. I spent a lot of time trying to name a town! There is nothing in the core to help me. Looking online for Tolkien name generators, well that is a rabbit hole.
So, it was a good time, but the book leaves a lot to be desired and makes it very difficult to run a smooth game.
submitted by bolieride to Solo_Roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:28 HootyHaHa_On_Twitter Arcade, Console, and DOS games all in one?

Sorry for the dramatic opening - I've had brain trauamaa, 4 contusions on the ol thinker, and coma / comatose back and forth for 3 1/2 weeks. My memory is FUBAR even years later. I apologize if I posted this. I searched and didn't find it, confessing my search and googlefu suck muffins too.
Now for the main question - I look at a lot of the emulator reviews on YouTube of these boxes you can buy from 40 dollars and up. They're the plug and play boxes you can use on your TV or PC.
I try to slow them down or pause on the menu as the youtuber reviews them. I can never figure out by watching or reading boards if:
Can these emulators emulate both PC games (as far back as DOS days), Arcade boxes, and consoles games all in one box?
I've read about DOSbox, RetroArch, MISTer FPGa, and Lions Oh My! I'm hoping for all of that in one box, minus the lion.
My dream box would be able to play:
Quartet arcade version
Every Mr. DO! game, I think there's 5
DOS games like Kings Quest saga, Space quest games and such
MDK1 which was only PC I think
Torrins Passage
Peter Pack Rat arcade version
Every Sega Master System game created (European SMS games included)
I guess a plug and play box could have the DOS games where you had to type out the commands, but it would do not good on a TV.
Sorry for the waste of time, still new to emulation even after all the years it's been around.
submitted by HootyHaHa_On_Twitter to emulator [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:28 Worried-Protection36 Imma bout to sound like a bitch for this

Have yall ever felt bad for shooting down an npc not like straight up turn off the game never play it again but ever think like “damn that deadass could’ve been my mom o just lit on fire” I know it’s weird but it’s something I just remembered and that happened like 1-2 years ago but popped in my head for no reason or actually just a reason I don’t want to give unless someone wants to hear it (also sorry on the lack of punctuation).
submitted by Worried-Protection36 to GTA [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:28 XNewguyonRedditx Am I asking too much?

Hello -
My wife (34f) and I (35m) have been butting heads recently. She’s a bit of a workaholic, and over the past year or so, I’ve felt very alone in our marriage. We barely hang out or see each other on a weekly basis, with the exception of ‘pizza Friday,’ where we’ll eat pizza and watch TV for a bit before she decides to continue working some more.
I’ve been asking for more protected time for us to spend with each other. Weekends are a crapshoot. She often works weekends, though there are times we go get to spend with each other which is fun and great. I just wish I could spend more time with her throughout the week and not have her work get in the way. I didn’t expect marriage to feel so lonely.
That describes issue #1. My other issue is that I’m a planner and she’s more of a “winging it” type. We’ve always found balance in the past. However, we’re renters without kids. I’ve been asking her to talk about our future. I’d like to work on family planning, finances, house-hunting, etc. However, she always gets defensive and says she doesn’t have bandwidth. It’s important to me to have a family, and she’s always known this.
I love her so much, but between the blurry future and loneliness, I’m feeling lost.
Additional context: we’re already in couples therapy which has sort of felt like it hasn’t been going anywhere for the past few months.
TL;DR - I want to spend more quality time with my wife, and I want us to have more conversations planning for our future together. Is that asking too much?
submitted by XNewguyonRedditx to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:28 wegwerfiiii My (21f) family dilemma is nauseating me

I'm heavily thinking about cutting off contact to my parents and they won't understand any of it.
I hate myself for causing them pain and making them sad. That thought kinda controlled my whole life regarding our relationship. I've always been too scared to stand up for myself because I knew I'd get them crying and blaming I don't love them anymore. That's my dad's response for anything I'm even trying to criticise. Both my parents are incredibly emotional and emotionally immature and being raised by them I'm not really better, though I really try to be.
But that's not the reason I'm thinking about at least reducing contact. I'll try to list the events to not make this ridiculously long.
Well now this is ridiculously long but I probably forgot a lot anyway. In summary they would totally deserve me cutting the contact. And I understand that, I really do. Yet my heart just can't comprehend and all I can think about is how sad they are gonna be. Additionally all my family essentially lives in one place. I only really care about my grandparents since I've lost interest in the rest with their shitty demeanor but it breaks me to think about never seeing my grandparents anymore. When I think about it I feel sick to my stomach but I'm determined to finally put myself first for once. I'm trying to write them a letter outlining all my reasoning but it's really hard and I feel like I'm just stepping on the same place without any progress. I hate this situation. If I'd tell them in person I'm 100% sure I'd break down crying as soon as they do and can't say a word so my only solution kinda is that letter.
Sorry this is all over the place :')
submitted by wegwerfiiii to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:28 Express_Glove1619 ostarine for women

hi, i am a female with an IUD in the UK who has been lifting for approximately 4 years and have hit a plateau with my gains. I am looking to start a low potency sarm with MK 2866 being my first steroid, my boyfriend is heavily into the gym and has ran test and RAD 140 so he has been a great source of knowledge for me. My main issue is finding a reputable supplier as the gym i go to doesn't supply Ostarine as well as researchem labs that my boyfriend has brought from in the past.
i will be starting on 5mg daily for 8 weeks max for my first cycle while taking NAC for liver support as well as cod liver oils and such for joint support as a preventative measure (i haven't read much about ostarine having too much of an effect on joint function but i prefer not to risk it)
i have also read up about slight GI issues in women on their first few weeks on Ostarine so also wondering if anyone knows anything to help this or if it is just something that needs to run its course.
Any advice and sources will be heavily appreciated
Thank you
submitted by Express_Glove1619 to Ostarine [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:27 catpooptv Written by Neil Gaiman: Just a few words in the comments section about this very unique (officially licensed) BATMAN comic book that was available in Monterrey, Neuvo Leon, Mexico for Free Comic Book Day in 2023

First of all, this is not a "pirata" or pirated book. This is an officially licensed Batman comic book. This poem written by Neil Gaiman was originally published, only in prose form without illustrations, by DC Comics in 'Detective Comics: 80 Years of Batman, The Deluxe Edition' in 2019. Gaiman's literary agency, Writers House of New York City, gave Baltazar Cárdenas license permission to use this poem to help promote Free Comic Book Day and literacy in Mexico. This makes this edition a very rare (only a little over 100 copies were printed) and unique collectable.
For those who are not too familiar with Balta (Baltazar Cárdenas), he is a writer and artist that lives in Monterrey, Neuvo Leon, Mexico and is the co-creator of the wonderful lucha libre adventure character El Lobo Blanco, as well as Proyecto Mitril, and Maullidos en la Noche. He is the writer for Tinta Negra, Termidor9, Necronos, and his original character Atomik Cat.
Cárdenas is also currently working as a writer for comic book publisher Antarctic Press in the U.S. on titles such as Southern Gothic, Penguina, and Tomorrow Girl. In issue #2 of Tomorrow Girl Cárdenas teamed up Tomorrow Girl with his original creation Atomik Cat! This is the first official intercompany crossover between comic book characters from Mexico and the U.S. Atomik Cat #1 was released in 2004 by Estudio Cygnus in Mexico
In a bit of a news exclusive I asked Cárdenas if he was planning on releasing any new El Lobo Blanco comics in the near future. He told me that he is working on one now called 'Luchadora!' It is a crossover with Tomorrow Girl from Antarctic Press and it will introduce a new character: Winter Wolf, the granddaughter of El Lobo Blanco. That will come out in 2024. Already can't wait to read it!
submitted by catpooptv to neilgaiman [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:27 BerryCultural5290 Verification against the EU law living together proof

Hey! So me and my partner have applied for the verification against the EU law and got a letter from IND yesterday. He is a student here. It says that I must provide the BRP number as a proof of living with my boyfriend in the Netherlands. However, I just came there a month ago and did the fingerprints and left back home to await the decision. (We have lived together in a foreign country for a year and I have attached proof when we applied). He currently rents a room in NL and there is no opportunity for me to register there bc he has roommates. Does anyone has similar experience or tips on how to proceed? Cause I’m frustrated.
submitted by BerryCultural5290 to Netherlands [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:27 Internal-Fox3384 Pupillage changes

Hi! So I’m a recent law graduate with a 2:1 from an RG uni. I’m taking the year out to get some money (massive financial barrier before going to the BPTC) and some experience. This is what I’ve got a plan to do:
Completed 2 mini pupillages, but intend to complete 4-5. Got another one in the works.
OCD charity volunteer.
Court duty volunteer - Liasing with people in court/helping them out when they aren’t sure what’s happening/legal jargon.
Citizens advice witness volunteer.
2nd year of uni got a scholarship for achievement through good academics and being from an area of low social progression.
SolidariTee volunteer - refugee crisis.
I intend to complete an internship with the Immigration Advisory Service, should be pretty much sorted by tomorrow!! As I didn’t do immigration law at university I’ve been doing my own research and just got a couple of certificates in asylum-seekers and s.4 appeals etc for online courses.
Hoping to get some legal experience throughout this year, I.e paralegal etc!
I’ve also applied for the PASS temple scheme.
I know I need more mooting experience, I’ve attended mooting and advocacy workshops but I’m hoping when I go back to do the BPTC I’ll get more chances there!!
Thanks so much everyone, I’m really determined but also a natural worrier so this is constantly on my mind right now! ❤️
submitted by Internal-Fox3384 to uklaw [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:27 Significant_Oil_8808 is confronting ex a good idea?

I dated a guy for three years. A year ago, he moved to the US, and six months ago, I also moved here. However, he became unresponsive and ghosted me a couple of times. We had a solid relationship for 1.5 years and even lived together during that time. He used to talk to other women and flirt, and when I confronted him, he accused me of not understanding a joke.
After he moved to the US, he "casually sexted" (his words) another woman and sent me the screenshot for validation. I told him I wanted to break up, but he convinced me that he would change and things would get better. He stopped talking to her after that incident. Recently, he said he wanted to break up because he wanted the flexibility to ask others out, but at the same time, he claimed he loves me and misses me.
We recently met, and I found out he's on a couple of dating sites and flirts with other women while shamelessly saying that he still loves me and wants to sleep with me. I want to tell him to stop ruining my mental peace.
Should I tell him or not?
submitted by Significant_Oil_8808 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:27 testinghail Acne teaches you insane patience (6 months b/a)

Acne teaches you insane patience (6 months b/a)
Acne teaches you insane patience (6 months later)
Going from never having acne as a teenager, to making mistakes that caused tremendous acne for the last year or so, with all the trials and routines, 3 things that I have learnt to tell myself:
1) Don’t expect instant results. What works for others might not work for you, but even if does, it takes time. I got myself into this mess partially due to learning how to shave my very minute facial hair on Instagram. My perfectly okay skin broke out like a volcano, and I learnt my lesson
2) sometimes less is more. My skin hit a plateau at some point with all my serums and creams. I needed to give my skin a break, as hard as it was, in order for me to see improvement.
3) My skin still isn’t perfect, but it doesn’t have to be, and I don’t have to stop living in the meantime. There was a time when I avoided all social events hoping I’ll do it when “my skin is back to itself”. I was missing out on good time and guess what, I found a great fucking guy when my skin was at its worst, 6 months ago.
Just a happy post to tell myself to keep at it, let my skin do it’s thing :)
submitted by testinghail to acne [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:27 android_pancake Poors don't have a choice

Poors don't have a choice submitted by android_pancake to clevercomebacks [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:26 Sine_Fine_Belli Biden must win

Biden must win submitted by Sine_Fine_Belli to DarkBRANDON [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:26 OppositeSort61 Advice for hiking/trekking in Sichaun & Yunnan

I will be going to China in October and November of this year and am looking for some information on trekking. I live in switzerland and love "real" hiking, i.e. no chinese tourism style stairs and hordes of tourists. After a lot of research it seems like the areas around Shangri La, Kangding, Yading and Yubeng offer the best hiking? I was really keen on going to the Zhilam Hostel and doing the Kanding - Gongga 5 day hike with overnight in the Gongga monastery, mentioned on their site : https://zhilamhostel.com/minyak-konka-tours/ . Unfortunately it seems the hostel is closed. Would anyone advise as to how easy it is to organise a good guide for this, and whether it's best to do in advance? Any chance there are any other great hostels or homestays like the Zhilam?
Then I was interested in doing the longer kora around Yading rather than the 1-2 day variation most seem to do. I read a blog post that mentioned people running out of food and thought it might be best to do this guided too, but can't find much online - any comments on how easily and how far in advance I could try to find a guide for this e.g. in Daocheng? Or even better, a contact? unfortunately, zero mandarin.
yubeng seems easy enough to do day hikes on our own. Shangri la I would also be keen for suggestions other than the tiger leaping gorge.
Thanks so much in advance!!
submitted by OppositeSort61 to travel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:26 steponfkre How to deal with senior co-worker that is not a seasoned programmer and takes offense to critisim?

I have a colleague that comes from a operations background then changed to back-end a couple years ago. He does many mistakes which i would see In a junior, but not In a senior. Recently it’s starting to become a problem.
He makes very over complicated solutions to problems like not using the db/sql to do unique checks but rather In the code, not joining entities rather querying several times or fetching all items then filtrering instead of using SQL to filter. Many of these mistakes has made our application very slow and i have had to fix many issues. He also dosent unit test, write anything in his PRs etc. The rest of the team does all of this to some extent. We have a new colleague recently which seems to be losing his mind working with him
The issues is that this senior guy has built much of the product and has almost all the domain knowledge. I have too after working here for a while, so i challenge his opinions and have improved the code as significantly. It was a mess when I started. He dosen’t like it, to the point of becoming angry/passive aggressive everytime we make several comments on his PR. He still wants to code in this unorganised way, creating unnecessary dependencies so on. We have talked about it many many times, but he doesn’t seem to understand. It improves for maybe 1 week, then he starts doing the same again. It’s unsustainable, but not so bad I would go to my manager about it. Other colleagues are frontend or TMs which does not like confrontation.
Any advice?
submitted by steponfkre to cscareerquestionsEU [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:26 Gloomy-Bit1496 I feel no desire to eat AMA

im not depressed. i may have an eating disorder. i used to be super hungry during the beginning of going to the gym 2.5 years ago, and cutting was quite hard. now, i can easily eat 1000 calories under my maintenence while still having coca cola, pizza and donuts. for example. yesterday i ate a split decision breakfast from ihop, half a slice of pizza, 1 garlic knot, and 2 bites of fettucini alfredo and went to bed almost full. im currently on a cut and have lost about 5.5 non waterweight pounds in 3 weeks. AMA
submitted by Gloomy-Bit1496 to AMA [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:25 Aggravating_Elk_1525 Anyone here been taking Zoloft for 10 years or longer? What is your experience?

As someone who has always had a base layer of anxiety I recently started getting in my head about my anxiety and mental health which has caused some pretty bad episodes of anxiety. My wife (never needed something like zoloft) and mother in law (has been on it for years now) are both pushing me to try Zoloft.
My only real worry is that it will work great for 1,2, even 5 years but then end up leaving me in a spot much worse than I currently am. Sometimes I will go weeks or even months without a bad anxiety episode. Maybe I don't need to be on this?
submitted by Aggravating_Elk_1525 to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:25 MentallyNotReyt Ignored totally by MIL

Hi All,
I'm really struggling emotionally with the whole situation. I've been through my fair share of struggles in life but this one is really kicking me down. I apologise for the length in advance!
I've been with my partner for 4 years, though we were best friends for years before this.
Before we were together, my partner's mother would actively encourage him to pursue me and was overall very positive. He would always share with me that his family could be "toxic", stories about how they often revolved around starting drama with one another etc. I'm fully aware that my partner was very honest with me and I shouldn't be shocked whatsoever, if I'm honest myself, I think I was quite naive and wanted to think positively about the situation.
The issues began once he moved in with me, I already had a place big enough that suited both of us, he has a WFH role so location wasn't an issue and ultimately, we were both happy with the situation. He is from a city around 30 minutes away, so not terribly far, just for context.
The moment we decided, she switched from being "friendly", to cold but not towards me, towards my partner more so. She hurried along the date of us moving in together as she wanted to "get rid" of his belongings as she had already made plans to turn his room into a study and would frequently repeat to him, "if it doesn't work out, you aren't coming back here."
This is where it really started to devolve.
My partner found himself separating himself from her as every conversation was met with animosity. Every call, visit, text would be littered with comments about his appearance, the town we live in, that we have cats, his career, everything you could think of, she had an insult for it. It was incessant. When he would push back on these comments, she would tell him, "I don't know where you've got that idea from, it's in your head, I don't have a problem with either of you." She has cartoonishy scoffed about my family, my upbringing, my tattoos etc. It's even gone as far when he was working away for a few days (a few cities over) she was texting us BOTH at the same time trying to cause drama, essentially trying to make out that we were lying about what we were doing, i.e, that he wasn't in his hotel room, I wasn't at home etc, even though we had literally had a video call five minutes before she tried pulling this stunt.
This behaviour has continued and escalated for years now, she will make random, strange comments such as, "well, you haven't bought a house yet so you're in debt", minimised my partner's past depression by saying, "He can't have been depressed when he was a teenager, I always bought him designer clothing, he had everything" and yes, I can't believe that's an actual quote either lol. They actively avoid any opportunities to visit them, have made no effort to get to know my family, they won't visit us at all - the closest she's got is standing in our car park and wouldn't even look at me directly. Makes constant digs about my partner spending time with my mum or siblings, she somehow seems to believe we spent all of our time with my family even though we both have incredibly busy jobs and barely have enough to see anyone half of the time!
We are now at the point of planning our wedding.
Despite all the bad, my partner still wants his family present and it's always been his dream to have his father as his best man. His father has never behaved the same as his mother towards us but he has never made any attempt to resolve any of it either.
When we got engaged, they ignored the announcement completely. We tried to reach out to them personally but it was ignored consistently but it got to the point where we had to announce it via a group chat. The first time my partner was able to speak with his mother, her response was, "yeah, I expected it." When my partner tried to engage further, she kept repeating, "You do what's best for you, it's not my life" is this weird, demeaning tone.
Since then, my partner has attempted to discuss the wedding further multiple times. His mother does not address it at all and his father will immediately change the subject to asking about my partner's job. They won't even provide us with their address to send invitations, it's just all met with silence. My partner is devastated, he tried to bring up the subject of his dad being his best man and that one day in the not so distant future, they'll have grandchildren around, all of which again - No response, simply a deflated, "yeah, yeah."
I know I should be above all of this, that it shouldn't upset me but it really is stressing me out beyond belief. Seeing my partner so upset is heartbreaking, he will go around in his head and sometimes I'll find him having a cry and asking me, "what have I done?"
And I have no answer. We, by no means, are perfect people. We are respectful, responsible, have a healthy relationship and keep out of any drama as much as humanly possible.
And I wonder, is that why? Because we refuse to be like them and play mind games and get involved with petty feuds?
His mother has treated her brother's wives the exact same way and they've been in their marriages for 15+ years. Always ostracised them, would call around other family members starting drama and lies about them, just basically attempted to make their lives as difficult as possible for the crime of... Marrying into the family, I guess?
My partner says she's always been disrespectful about his ex girlfriends too. Commenting about their appearance or weight, referring to them as, "that thing you're dating" etc.
I've come across toxic MILs before but in my experience, only those who have obsessed over their "little boys" and took all their anger out on the women. This is almost all directed towards my partner, I get a portion of it sure but he's her main target.
I don't know what to do or how to process it all. I do feel very overwhelmed and again, I know I should just rise above it etc but it does break me every now and then. I don't tend to be a hateful person but I find myself resenting them totally, even the idea of being near them makes my skin crawl. I think it's unfathomably cruel that they're treating my partner this way, they won't even be direct and address it, which bothers me more. It comes across to me like her way of keeping "control" is by making him question everything, I truly believe that's why she won't just tell him what her problem is.
submitted by MentallyNotReyt to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:25 Genesis6669 I feel like I was used and discarded like trash.

I ended my 3-year relationship with my ex 3 months ago, and recently found out that 11 days later she started dating a college friend. This has made me feel like these past years meant nothing to her and I was discarded like trash.
The first 2 years of our relationship were wonderful. But by the end of the second year, the relationship started to deteriorate, and we eventually broke up. We said our goodbyes, cried a lot, and I wrote a letter thanking her for everything.
The day after, she asked me to get back together, saying she wanted to fix things, and I agreed. The issue is, in that last year, our relationship became more hidden. In the beginning, we were still trying to fix things and regain trust, so it was normal. But after a few months, when we regained that passion, she didn't want to introduce me as her boyfriend to her family or friends again. We shared everything like a couple and loved each other very much, but to her friends, I didn’t exist.
Because of this, there were many times I ended up arguing with her about it. But she always gave the excuse that she didn't want to think about the relationship at that moment and wanted to focus on her studies, and I believed her because I loved her very much. So, in that last year, only I posted photos of us, still presented myself as in a relationship to my friends and family, while it seemed I didn’t exist in her social circle. Even so, I didn't care because everything seemed to be going well.
Until the beginning of this year when she started to distance herself from me out of nowhere, became cold towards me, and every time I tried to talk to resolve things, we ended up fighting, and she would distance herself even more. But I kept fighting, continued giving gifts and flowers in an attempt to rekindle our passion, but it seemed useless.
Then one day, I tried to resolve things one last time, and she suddenly said she was feeling confused about the relationship and didn't see a future with me. After that, we broke up.
Recently, I discovered that 11 DAYS after the breakup, she publicly declared a serious relationship on social media with a college friend. And not only that, she started posting several photos and dedicating songs to him, something she didn't do with me in the past year. When I confronted her about this and asked if she cheated on me, I was blocked.
This completely destroyed me.
This made me feel like I was being used until she found someone better.
It made it seem like everything she said to me this past year was a lie.
It made it seem like these last 3 years meant nothing to her.
After that, I lost all the respect and affection I still had for her. She is dead to me.
submitted by Genesis6669 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]
