Report nurse

Discussion of Vaccines

2009.10.12 14:40 Discussion of Vaccines

This subreddit is committed to answering questions about vaccines, as well as sharing news, scientific literature, and breakthroughs in vaccines.

2014.11.22 01:13 Bhmbl Pre-Physician Assistant

This is THE subreddit for all pre-physician assistant students seeking help with their applications. Please read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) before submitting questions. They can be accessed from the sidebar as well as the TOP menu bar. Check out the PAstudent subreddit once accepted and physicianassistant after graduation.

2009.10.18 21:53 davedavedavedavedave Nursing for nurses and by nurses for the care of all.


2024.06.10 04:46 latestatinursingexam Attention!!! Need help!! save this post ATI PROCTORED EXAMS ( comp,pharm,medsurg,peds,maternal ... hesi &teas exams
submitted by latestatinursingexam to NursingStudent [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:06 charlianp Verbally fired for misconduct but on paper was without cause. Lawyer wants to represent me on contingency and not sure if I should proceed?

I trusted the wrong person at work, someone I thought was a friend and a mental health advocate. A big lesson for me was not to trust co-workers too easily. I confided in this person about my plans to leave the job due to the intense anxiety and stress caused by a toxic manager who host monthly meetings to review all tiny errors in front of everyone. I also mentioned my plans to start a business with this coworker and the stress leave.
The job’s stress was overwhelming, if it wasn't I wouldn't had seek out. I decided to see a psychiatrist for a stress leave doctor's note since I was not okay for awhile. I shared this with my colleague because this person had done it before. Later, this individual asked me how my business plans were going, and I casually replied that I was working on it all day everyday, which was an exaggeration. There is currently no actual business and it is just in the talks.
I contacted HR about submitting a short-term disability claim which they keep records, and a week later, I was fired for misconduct. I suspect my colleague reported me, ensuring I get fired before I could go on stress leave. After 3 years at the company, I had both mental and physical health issues. I heard some pretty wild inappropriate things my ex coworkers had told me about the manager which made me scared of him. Additionally, the manager had openly told me he was transphobic, made me uncomfortable, especially since my god-brother is a trans woman. This company is a big support on LGBTQI+.
Although I had performance issues a few months prior due to long covid symptoms, I improved after being threatened with losing work privileges just before a vacation - it ruined my vacation because I did care about my job. Despite my improvements, the manager continued to accuse me of missing meetings on my days off. I received only two weeks' pay in lieu and a month of severance.
I consulted a lawyer who advised that the misconduct accusation was hard to prove and that I had a strong case. There were inconsistencies in the termination contract since there was no cause mentioned, and HR later confirmed also it was without cause. I have evidence of my intended stress leave from a nurse practitioner and was referred to a psychiatrist. The lawyer recommended asking for six months of pay, minimum $20,000, a reference letter, and an extension of health benefits for another six months. This aggressive approach seemed excessive, but the lawyer insisted I had a strong case and regardless, doesn't hurt to try. I was told large corporations rarely take such cases to court for minor misconduct, they don't want to go public, and judges don't like to waste time on something so small and would get mad at the companies for not settling with the dollar amount.
Now, I’m wondering if I should proceed with legal action or move on. I have no plans to return to this industry or work with these people again. I am also not sure if the lawyer is lacking experience.
submitted by charlianp to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:53 Juicy_J67 [M4F]

Jaxson Baize (Bi-zee) was always a very talented padawan for the Jedi order. He had quickly learned that he had a knack for the force and focused mainly on his force abilities for much of his training unlike his master Mace Windu who was more known for his dueling. He would always follow orders to the tee which made many older Jedi adore him for his loyalty. One day however towards the end of the war he accompanied his master on a mission to possibly "recruit" a new youngling Jaxson was interested his mother had abandoned him on the temple so he never knew how other younglings had come to the order he assumed the parents were happy to see their children become Jedi but his naive vision was soon crushed.He saw the almost deceptive and manipulilitave words of his master and it angered him as he took advantage of this simple farming family he quickly ignited one end of his emerald green double bladed light saber and told the family not to listen to a word his master said Mace was shocked as his padawan turned his blade to him. In the insuing fight Jaxson lost his right eye and left hand before being thrown off a cliff my his former master. Mace reported what had happened to the order believing his student dead but on the planet the mother of the young child who would have been taken looked for days finding Jason and nursing him back to health with the help of her husband.He stayed with the family for many years blossoming into a young man in his late 20s as the empire began to take hold of the galaxy he was raised by the family teaching his brother the ways of the force but he’d long since buried his lightsaber below the ranch vowing never to take it up again. That all changed when one day the inquisitors found him he was working on the very edge of the field when two of them arrived it was very clear it was him between his black hair and green eyes,sure he was taller now being around 6’2 but his distinct scar over his right cybernetic eye and his missing left hand were more than enough to confirm his identity he saw the ships flying over and turned to his brother telling him to run home to their parents and leave the ranch and not return as his brother ran he approached the ships landing he held them off as long as he could but was overpowered between the two inquisitors and the small force of stormtroopers the next thing he knew he woke up he recognized this cliff it was where he’d been thrown off all those years ago he looked over the grand inquisitor had shown up he held the lightsaber in one hand and his brother in the other and gave him a choice join or die that day his family survived but Jaxson would not see them for many years. He took up the blade and left with the inquisitors he toon one of the crystals and put it in the brothers hand whispering “watch over our family one day we’ll be reunited”
hey there i’m looking for an rp where an inquisitor is forced to face the demons he created as he learns his own emotions for an imperial or rebel your choice or heck ashoka would be appropriate given the time and age i’ve set up anything lol
submitted by Juicy_J67 to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:40 Beneficial-Injury603 First steps-A vent post.

I have been struggling a while now in my profession (Registered Nurse), for a lot of different reasons. The first reason started with the employer I spent most of my career at, I worked my way very quickly up the leadership chain where.
I was put in so many uncomfortable situations where I was asked to change time records for patients, cut corners, be in two places at once. etc. I couldn't bring myself to drink the Kool-Aid so I parted ways and considered leaving the field altogether- primarily after a major incident took place, for which there was no accountability or repercussions- at this point I began loosing sleep. I do want to point out I did report to CMS on a lot of these things, I used our ethics line as well. We did get surveyed, no findings, I'll never be able to express how angry this makes me.
I have always wanted to do my own thing, but I could never sell myself on any ONE idea. I've done a lot of research on a few different start up ideas. I have an insane interest in tech and would love to get into informatics, but its the end I can't make peace with. I don't want to work for anyone anymore, I don't need to be rich, I want to keep the lights on and feel ok about the work I'm doing.
New ideas that I've been wanting to get into are things with fellow veterans, maybe find some way to provide additional access to healthcare, contract with the VA or something? I would love to find a way to establish something that GENUINELY audits healthcare organizations. I just want to help people, work with nice people and punch my own clock and not feel so defeated and angry all of the time.
Anyway, I saw this post going one way and it doesn't even feel like it belongs here so I do apologize for wasting anyone's time.
submitted by Beneficial-Injury603 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:37 OkCryptographer9126 Do I have a case?

I recently had a bone marrow biopsy. Prior to procedure I told every medical person I do not sedate well. I metabolize the medication quickly and will wake up mid procedure. The reminder was placed on the first page of my chart. Nurse place IV in arm to use for sedation. Before procedure radiology sedation nurse noted that IV catheter was kinked and they attempted to fix it. They stopped trying to check if IV worked when Doctor entered room for procedure. Nurse gave sedation. I felt nothing, not even the medicine entering my vein. I told nurse I received no meds. At that point doctor was numbing around my hip bone. I said very loudly, "I am not sedated". Nurse said it's probably because I have a tolerance to the meds. I have no tolerance because I do not take narcotics. Nurse finally told doctor there was an issue with IV. The doctor began to drill into me. I yelled as loud as I could "STOP"!! He didn't stop. I felt and heard the drill go into my hip bone. Again I yelled "STOP NOW!". He continued. He took three samples. I was totally wide awake. While in recovery I told recovery nurse what happened. She was furious. The performing doctor came in and said he was sorry. He said " I was almost halfway through the procedure when you said stop." He added, " I had to make the decision to stop and make you come back to try again or continue the procedure and get the samples." "I chose to continue". Even after I said STOP NOW. HE made the decision and I got tortured. As I was being discharged the doctor approached me again and apologized again and he said "the lab told me I put the 3rd sample in the wrong container. We will have see if they can get correct results." Meaning I might have to come back anyway. I made a report the next day to patient advocacy. The results? It was a miscommunication. I didn't hear or feel him drilling and he said he did stop. What I heard was the drill backing out of my hip. If that is true, how did he get three bone marrow samples? He LIED! I have had a history of medical procedures getting messed up. That is why I advocated and told everyone I wake up early from sedation. The Radiology sedation nurse kept telling me I had a tolerance. I tried to tell her it's not a tolerance but a high metabolism issue. She would not listen and would talk over me. This ordeal set off severe PTSD and panic in me. They would not STOP. The doctor changed his story three times. The procedure is CT guided So it shows by looking at the time stamps, he did not stop. I didn't have a medical procedure, I was tortured and treated inhumanely
Do I have any recourse? A lawsuit? Please help. I still shake, even as I write this, remembering the sound of the drill burrowing into my hip. And the pain as it popped through to bone marrow.
submitted by OkCryptographer9126 to Ask_Lawyers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:32 Significant_Read5930 HIRE ME( bridgitta#7144) MATHEMATICS//STATISTICS//CHEMISTRY And COMPSCIENCE

Looking for someone who can write high-quality, unique and engaging content for your course work in CHEMISTRY,PROGRAMMING, STATISTICS AND MATHEMATICS ? Look no further! You can reach me through:
Phone no: +44 7380 809343
Discord: Bridgitta
I offer a range of services at extremely affordable rate of $10 per page for all essays and research papers:
o Analytical Research Papers.
o Argumentative and Persuasive Research Papers.
o Dissertation Writing.
o Report Writing.
o Research Proposals.
o Literature Review.
o Essay Writing.
o Law Assignments.
o Nursing papers.
o History and Social sciences.
o Psychology.
o Nursing.
o Sociology.
For PROGRAMMING we offer the following services:
 Java and android programming.
 C and C++
 Front -end and web development: HTML, CSS $ JS.
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 Unlimited Free Revisions.
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 24/7 Service Delivery.
 Refunds policy applicable.
 50% deposit is made first and the rest after completion.
 Discount on all first orders and referrals.
submitted by Significant_Read5930 to PaidHomeworkHelp__ [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:31 Significant_Read5930 HIRE ME( bridgitta#7144) MATHEMATICS//STATISTICS//CHEMISTRY And COMPSCIENCE

Looking for someone who can write high-quality, unique and engaging content for your course work in CHEMISTRY,PROGRAMMING, STATISTICS AND MATHEMATICS ? Look no further! You can reach me through:
Phone no: +44 7380 809343
Discord: Bridgitta
I offer a range of services at extremely affordable rate of $10 per page for all essays and research papers:
o Analytical Research Papers.
o Argumentative and Persuasive Research Papers.
o Dissertation Writing.
o Report Writing.
o Research Proposals.
o Literature Review.
o Essay Writing.
o Law Assignments.
o Nursing papers.
o History and Social sciences.
o Psychology.
o Nursing.
o Sociology.
For PROGRAMMING we offer the following services:
 Java and android programming.
 C and C++
 Front -end and web development: HTML, CSS $ JS.
 Data bases; MySQL, Postgres SQL, SQLite & H2
 Python.
 Networking.
 Cyber security.
 Operating system: Linux, windows and Mac.
 PHP.
 All office packages.
Key features
 Turnitin report.
 Timely Delivery.
 Prompt Response.
 Unlimited Free Revisions.
 Reasonable Price.
 Top Quality Work.
 24/7 Service Delivery.
 Refunds policy applicable.
 50% deposit is made first and the rest after completion.
 Discount on all first orders and referrals.
submitted by Significant_Read5930 to examhelprz [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:30 Significant_Read5930 HIRE ME( bridgitta#7144) MATHEMATICS//STATISTICS//CHEMISTRY And COMPSCIENCE

Looking for someone who can write high-quality, unique and engaging content for your course work in CHEMISTRY,PROGRAMMING, STATISTICS AND MATHEMATICS ? Look no further! You can reach me through:
Phone no: +44 7380 809343
Discord: Bridgitta
I offer a range of services at extremely affordable rate of $10 per page for all essays and research papers:
o Analytical Research Papers.
o Argumentative and Persuasive Research Papers.
o Dissertation Writing.
o Report Writing.
o Research Proposals.
o Literature Review.
o Essay Writing.
o Law Assignments.
o Nursing papers.
o History and Social sciences.
o Psychology.
o Nursing.
o Sociology.
For PROGRAMMING we offer the following services:
 Java and android programming.
 C and C++
 Front -end and web development: HTML, CSS $ JS.
 Data bases; MySQL, Postgres SQL, SQLite & H2
 Python.
 Networking.
 Cyber security.
 Operating system: Linux, windows and Mac.
 PHP.
 All office packages.
Key features
 Turnitin report.
 Timely Delivery.
 Prompt Response.
 Unlimited Free Revisions.
 Reasonable Price.
 Top Quality Work.
 24/7 Service Delivery.
 Refunds policy applicable.
 50% deposit is made first and the rest after completion.
 Discount on all first orders and referrals.
submitted by Significant_Read5930 to examhelprs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:30 dustergrl Waiting.

Hello all,
Thanks so much for being here. I (edit: 38f) have been spending a lot of time over the past few days just reading, waiting, and wondering.
I found a lump in my left breast and contacted my doctor mid-May; I honestly don’t know how long the lump has been there because my breasts are dense and always feel ropey. I got an appointment with my OB’s PA, who felt the lump and told me “I don’t know” after she was done with the exam. She told me not to lose sleep over it but she would order a mammogram and US just to be sure.
Her exam report says the following: breasts symmetric, no axillary adenopathy, and no skin or nipple changes. Left breast at 12 o’clock with lump approx 2cm x 2cm that is hard, smooth, and semi mobile.
I went for a mammogram on 6/5, my husband’s birthday. I got called back for an ultrasound, and was told that they saw thickening of my lymph nodes and recommended biopsy. They wanted to get me in ASAP, and through their own generosity (the US tech and radiologist, and the nurse) chose to do my biopsies over their lunch hour- which was shortly after my appointment, and it wasn’t even a biopsy day. I have previously had a breast abscess due to breastfeeding (same breast, different location) and been led in circles, so I was completely in awe over their generosity.
Mammogram: Breast Density: Extremely dense, which lowers the sensitivity of mammography
Focal asymmetry in the upper left breast at mid depth with architectural distortion. A triangle skin marker, which indicates site of palpable concern, overlies the focal asymmetry.
No suspicious mammographic findings in the right breast.
Ultrasound: Sonographic evaluation of the left breast at the 12 o'clock position, 5 cm from the nipple demonstrates an irregular hypoechoic mass with indistinct margins measuring 2.7 x 2.2 x 2.1 cm. Linear hypoechoic masslike area extends towards the nipple and measures up to 3 cm. Minimal peripheral vascularity.
Sonographic evaluation of the left axilla demonstrates a single thickened lymph node at approximately the 1 o'clock position, 12 cm from the nipple. Cortical thickness up to 0.5 cm. Fatty hilum is preserved. No abnormal vascularity.
  1. Irregular mass at the 12 o'clock position, 5 cm from the nipple in the left breast corresponding to a focal asymmetry. Finding is suspicious and ultrasound-guided biopsy is recommended.
  2. Single thickened left axillary lymph node. Recommend ultrasound-guided biopsy for further evaluation.
  3. No suspicious mammographic findings in the right breast.
BI-RADS Category: 4 - Suspicious Recommendations: Biopsy should be performed in the absence of clinical contraindication Laterality: Left
I received my lymph biopsy results on Friday, which were negative for carcinoma. I’m still waiting for the results of the breast biopsy, which makes me nervous as I would have expected both results within the same day. Hopefully I’ll get them tomorrow. I also have wound up sick with something nasty, which may account for the lymph node flareup.
Any words you have for me are appreciated. I’m sorry we’re all here and I’m sending you all the good vibes.
submitted by dustergrl to doihavebreastcancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:29 Significant_Read5930 HIRE ME( bridgitta#7144) MATHEMATICS//STATISTICS//CHEMISTRY And COMPSCIENCE

Looking for someone who can write high-quality, unique and engaging content for your course work in CHEMISTRY,PROGRAMMING, STATISTICS AND MATHEMATICS ? Look no further! You can reach me through:
Phone no: +44 7380 809343
Discord: Bridgitta
I offer a range of services at extremely affordable rate of $10 per page for all essays and research papers:
o Analytical Research Papers.
o Argumentative and Persuasive Research Papers.
o Dissertation Writing.
o Report Writing.
o Research Proposals.
o Literature Review.
o Essay Writing.
o Law Assignments.
o Nursing papers.
o History and Social sciences.
o Psychology.
o Nursing.
o Sociology.
For PROGRAMMING we offer the following services:
 Java and android programming.
 C and C++
 Front -end and web development: HTML, CSS $ JS.
 Data bases; MySQL, Postgres SQL, SQLite & H2
 Python.
 Networking.
 Cyber security.
 Operating system: Linux, windows and Mac.
 PHP.
 All office packages.
Key features
 Turnitin report.
 Timely Delivery.
 Prompt Response.
 Unlimited Free Revisions.
 Reasonable Price.
 Top Quality Work.
 24/7 Service Delivery.
 Refunds policy applicable.
 50% deposit is made first and the rest after completion.
 Discount on all first orders and referrals.
submitted by Significant_Read5930 to StudentHelper01 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:41 StudyBeneficial One of my mutuals posted a patient’s x-ray on her social media that showed their name and other personal information.

Hi all!
One of my old friends from school, who I am no longer close to, recently posted a picture of one of her patient’s x-rays to her social media. The image clearly showed the patient’s name, and she included what hospital she worked at in a location sticker.
I am not a healthcare worker, however I really find this blatant disregard of HIPAA gross and unnecessary. When I went to report her on the OCR portal, I found that I couldn’t file a report on behalf of someone else without legal authorization.
I was wondering if I should move forward with trying to report her or leave this whole situation alone. Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you in advance!
EDIT: After checking her linkedin, it turns out she’s actually a Medical Assistant, not a nurse. Sorry for any confusion!
submitted by StudyBeneficial to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:47 Public_Finding_28 Gossip / HIPAA Violation

This is probably going to sound very high school but please bear with me.
I had recently had a cosmetic procedure done at a clinic where my friend works. One of the attending nurse that works there, does not like me. Not am I too fond of them either but we have lots of mutuals. I had concerns about this nurse spreading news about my cosmetic surgery but my friend assured me that it would be a HIPAA violation and this nurse wouldnt do so.
Fast forward, I was talking to a mutual friend whom I had told about the procedure and they mentioned that that attending nurse had also told em about MY procedure. So now serves the question of how many other people did this nurse tell? Being that this is all “he said/she said” how can I file a report with no concrete proof?
submitted by Public_Finding_28 to hipaa [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:16 CovidCareGroup Long COVID and Suicide

Long COVID and Suicide
POST COVID SUICIDAL IDEATION COVID is tricky, and post COVID condition (aka long COVID or neuro COVID) is trickier.
Many followers report suicidal ideation even though they have never been depressed. This is related to neural inflammation which disrupts mood regulating (and other) hormone production and absorption. This is also what is causing the commonly reported symptoms of depression, anxiety, paranoia, insomnia and getting us stuck in chronic fight or flight.
To add to the issue, our inhibitions come from the frontal lobe of the brain which can also be affected by neural inflammation.
There are solutions, so don’t lose hope.
I am writing this on the 51st anniversary of my father’s suicide when I was just 9 years old. I can share with you that when there is a suicide, more is list than one life. Families fall apart as they grieve and ask themselves why you didn’t say anything. Children, especially male children, become more vulnerable to suicide risks because their number one role model chose that route, and the other parent and grandparents are lost in their grief unable to support the children in getting through this.
First and foremost, a safety plan is essential. If you or someone you know is at risk, talk about it!
Don’t dismiss comments about suicide as manipulation or attention seeking. It’s a cry for help.
If you are suicidal get to a Hopital or doctor, call 911, or get yourself to a place where there are others around you. But don’t give up!
Talk to a doctor about medication. There is evidence that antidepressants that help to rebalance hormones also help reduce neural inflammation. Think of this as a tool that you may need temporarily.
A natural option that has been clinically proven to reduce Long COVID symptoms including depression and anxiety isFormula C, available in some ling COVID clinics and select doctors, or to the public through Promedview.
Other option include counseling and some herbs like Saint John’s Wort and SAM•E.
You are not alone in this! Millions of people are going through similar challenges. Our community is here to help you get through this.
I am adding resources that can help you understand what is happening and help you figure out a plan.
-Nurse Laney
NEED SUPPORT? Promedview coaches and advocates can help you navigate your recovery. Learn more at

longcovidawareness #suicdeprevention #longcovidsuicide #neuralinflammation
submitted by CovidCareGroup to u/CovidCareGroup [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:42 Traditional-Eye-770 Negligent doctor help

So I work in healthcare, in the operating room. I don’t want to give too many details away because I still need to protect myself but I work in a high risk surgical specialty.
The surgeon I work with is harming people intentionally. Harming is a generous word actually, considering how many lives have been lost. I’m talking Netflix special harming.
He makes our for-profit hospital a LOT of money. I’ve reported him to the hospital, the medical board, joint commission. So have other nurses and techs. He’s “under investigation” but still practicing. His medical license is suspended but my hospital still hired him and pushed him through credentialing because of the case volume he brings with him. We have a case later tonight with a patient that’s too sick for the surgery but he wants to proceed against the advice of the other surgeon and anesthesiologist. This happens frequently. He physically assaulted a resident last week, he’s grabbed me by the arm, it’s out of control and the CEO refuses to fire him.
He needs to be stopped. I believe in karma, but waiting for karma also allows the chance of another patient losing their life. I know some people don’t believe in a “dark” practice but I think of it as justice/protection of the patients and staff involved.
I’ve considered binding, banishing, protection for patients and staff, but I don’t know if it will happen quick enough. I’m thinking exposure to the media might nudge the hospital board. I’ve reached out to the reporter that did the surgeon’s first expose and I’m working with him but finding sources takes a long time to verify. I’ll add that I’ve been practicing for over a decade now.
Help 🥲
submitted by Traditional-Eye-770 to witchcraft [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:41 Specific-Fishing58 ANMAC skills assessment for nurse

ANMAC skills assessment for nurse
Any nurse here who did the Modified skills with more than 1 ANZSCO code assessed by ANMAC?
I need to obtain points for PR with 5 years experience but there are 2 ANZSCO codes for it. How did you do yours?
My ANSCO codes are Aged care and Periop.
submitted by Specific-Fishing58 to AusVisa [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:25 Sariel007 He can be president but he can’t be a nurse: The jobs Trump can’t get with felony convictions Trump’s power and influence will help him avoid major hurdles facing millions of Americans with felony convictions trying to get back to work, Alex Woodward reports

He can be president but he can’t be a nurse: The jobs Trump can’t get with felony convictions Trump’s power and influence will help him avoid major hurdles facing millions of Americans with felony convictions trying to get back to work, Alex Woodward reports submitted by Sariel007 to NewsOfTheStupid [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:09 Sk0u7_86 ‘30 Years Later, Tamagotchi Player Discovers In-Game Secret’

As reported by 404 Media, a Tamagotchi player with the Discord handle rhubarb_pie posted a lengthy guide on how to unlock twin characters Moll and Lora in the Mothra-themed Tamagotchi, which debuted in Japan in 1997 as a tie-in product for the release of the Rebirth of Mothra II movie. Moll and Lora were exclusive to the Mothra Tamagotchi, and until rhubarb_pie’s post, were just NPC nurses who would heal your little guy whenever it got sick—unless you used a “battery glitch” to play as them.
Rhubarb_pie discovered how to unlock them naturally through gameplay. “The way to get them is extremely obscure so I am not at all surprised they were never found until now,” they wrote in a post in the “Tamatown Forum” Discord. “Looking at it now, this looks like a bad schoolyard video game urban legend. But it is real.” In order to do it, you’ll need to raise a character called “Mothra Leo” with no “care mistakes” (like allowing its hunger or happiness bar to hit zero and ignore their calls for attention/help for more than 15 minutes), keep it to a specific weight, and wait about 80 hours. When Mother Leo dies, it will lay an egg that contains the twins Moll and Lora.
Rhubarb_pie described the process as “absolutely brutal,” saying that it took “about three weeks” IRL to successfully birth the twins. But the prospect of discovering new playable characters has the Discord incredibly excited, even if it’ll take some serious work to unlock them. Rhubarb pie wrote: “This pretty much blows open all other Tama devices for possible other extremely-well-hidden secrets,” they said. “I think this is the first time there’s been an actual raisable character that is completely undocumented, its existence not even hinted at. Something Tama fans always thought was possible, whispered about in hushed tones, but dared not dream of…”
submitted by Sk0u7_86 to tamagotchi [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:06 Character-Musician87 Workmans Comp-Missouri

I have a job that is consideres occupational dieaease since I work manufacturing it is an RSI (repetitive stress injury) where I am constantly utilizing my wrist & arms. I had mild carpel tunnel issues for the firat 3-4 years as the work load was light & stretches & tylenol helped but when we got more people they increased the workload aggrevating it more until April of 2023 I reported the issue to my supervisor & he sent me to the company nurse whereas the company nurse made an appointment with the company doctor where I was evaluated & after the examination they determined it wasn't work related as my issue was effecting me outside my work. So I followed up with my doctor & explained the situation to them & they reffered me to a specialist & because a workmans comp wasn't initiated I can't see the specialist wothout the denial claim. I had to see the company doctor before anything was reported. Nevwd uses reddit before.
submitted by Character-Musician87 to WorkersComp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:25 woofybluelove Nurses - what's the best way to call out or shut down *those* nurses during report who nitpick and subtly belittle?

These examples all happened this AM giving report to this dayshift nurse - for context, this is a 1-story hospital M/S unit in BFE with 1:6 ratios of low acuity pts:
Told her GI was consulted, the pt should be seeing the gastroenterologist today or Monday. She goes "Not a gastroenterologist, you mean the GI doctor."
Pt came in with elevated trops and CP few days back, never any critical labs but I report the most recent trop level and that it has trended down to normal now. "What was his trop yesterday and admission?"
Pt here for syncope, threw them on 2L bc they desat at night but RA during the day. "He needs oxygen at night? So what do his lungs sound like?" IDK, maybe find your stethoscope you never seem to have and go do your assessment.
The most annoying part is she's twice my age and has less than half my experience, has only ever worked in this tiny hospital.
What can I say to basically get her to stop? I've tried, "It's in the chart" and she'll make me wait while she pulls it up on the computer. I don't want to be rude, but also having her "correct" me on things is getting old. Pt is on 60L 100% O2. "It's actually FiO2". -_-
Any tips for swift shutdown?
submitted by woofybluelove to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:10 DevoteeOfCittaDharma An 86-year-old grandma woke up after 20 days in a coma (苏醒)

Today, to save all sentient beings, I will learn from the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva to spread Dharma. I will convince sentient beings to practice Buddhism using my experiences. May Guan Yin Bodhisattva bless me and help me turn my propagation into merits and virtues. I hope my propagation can form positive connections with all sentient beings, transform the right ones extensively, and awaken more beings. I, not my fellow practitioners, will be responsible for my own karma!
Hello everyone! I am a Dharma practitioner Jinglian from Jiangsu Province, China. Now I’d like to share with you: My husband hit an 86-year-old grandmother on the road, causing her to fall. Guan Yin Bodhisattva mercifully blessed and protected the grandmother so she regained consciousness after 20 days in a coma. She was discharged 30 days later.
My husband's birthday is in January. In November 2019, 3 months later he would be 59 years old. On November 1, 2019, I dreamed that the portrait of Guan Yin Bodhisattva on the Buddhist altar was missing. However, it did not draw my attention to it at that time.
On November 4, 2019, after 5:00 pm, my husband was riding his electric bicycle and accidentally hit a grandmother who was walking on the road. He fell a heel, helmet fell in half, but his body was not seriously hurt, just a bit of skin on the face. The grandmother lay on the ground unconscious, with her mouth and nose bleeding. The situation was very critical. He immediately called the police and sent the grandmother to the County People's Hospital for emergency care.
Hospital examination report discovered that the grandmother's brain had become a mass like bean curd, paste, and had a hematoma. The doctor said: “The 86-year-old grandmother, because of her age, cannot undergo surgery;the grandmother may not wake up, and even if she wakes up, she will enter vegetable state (post-coma unresponsiveness).” He was scared and called me to tell me that the grandmother's situation was very dangerous. When I heard the news, I didn't panic because I knew Guan Yin Bodhisattva would bless me! I reassured my frightened husband not to worry too much. Bodhisattva would bless and wake up the old grandmother. My husband said, "Is it possible?" I said, "What is impossible?" Many cancer patients have been cured by practicing the 3 golden Buddhist practices. Why can't we? If we sincerely pray to Bodhisattva, we can definitely do it".
I had been practicing Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door for >2 years by then. As a devotee of the greatly compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva, I had witnessed too many miracles. In response to this, I made 3 vows to the Bodhisattva after offering incense:
  1. Gratitude to Guan Yin Bodhisattva, I have been a vegetarian for more than two years, and I will insist on being a vegetarian for life and not killing beings;
  2. Recite Xiao Zai Ji Xiang Shen Zhou and Cundi Dharani times 108 times respectively per day to my husband for a month, praying to Bodhisattva to help my husband resolve his grievances;
  3. Recite the Great Compassion Mantra 49 times a day to the grandmother for one month, praying Bodhisattva to bless her to wake up and recover soon.
The next day, I knelt in front of the Buddhist altar and made 2 additional vows:
  1. Repay my husband's karmic creditors 21 Little Houses;
  2. Repay my home's karmic creditors 21 Little Houses.
On November 9, fellow Buddhist practitioners who knew about my family's situation came to my house to help me set up a new Buddhist altar for Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door (before that, I only had a Guan Yin Bodhisattva portrait on Buddhist altar). I was really touched by the selfless dedication of the practitioners who are not my relatives but superior to relatives, and I was very grateful! I knelt down in front of the Bodhisattva and made the following vows:
  1. Be a vegetarian for the rest of my life;
  2. Observe the five precepts;
  3. Live an ascetic life;
  4. Devote myself to one Buddhist practice, and never quit.
During this period, whenever my husband and I visited the grandmother, I held her hand and talked to her. Although she didn't seem responsive at that time, I firmly believed that with Bodhisattva's blessing, she would wake up! Just as I chanted the Great Compassion Mantra for her, although she couldn't speak, I saw tears flowing from the corners of her eyes! This made me even more convinced that I must recite the sutra for her. I must do my best to make her wake up and reunite with her children as soon as possible!
Within a few days, the grandmother could move her hands. I understood in my heart that it was Bodhisattva's compassion that saved her.
After a few more days, the grandmother's eyes opened and she smiled at me. When the nurse saw that, the nurse said, "We give her an IV every day, but today she opened her eyes and smiled at you first. I can't believe that an 86-year-old person can recover so well in such a short time. This would not be possible without your sincerity and compassion!"
If one’s thoughts are sincere, the Buddha has a response. As long as we firmly have faith in Guan Yin Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva will surely bless us sentient beings.
On the 20th day of the grandmother's hospital admission, a miracle happened: she woke up! I was so moved that I couldn't stop tears from flowing down my face. It was so amazing. I was full of Dharma joy. I was so grateful for Bodhisattva's compassion, who answered every request and saved the grandmother and our family.
On the 30th day of her hospital admission, she was discharged! The caregiver saw the change in her and exclaimed it was awesome. At such an old age and with such serious injuries, she woke up and was discharged from the hospital in 1 month. This is a miracle! Without Bodhisattva's compassionate rescue, the grandmother would have had a different outcome that none of us wanted.
On November 30, the grandmother's son negotiated with my husband to deal with the aftermath. As I recited 2 sets of Guan Yin Citta Emergency Code during the negotiations, I prayed that Bodhisattva would bless and allow the problem to be resolved smoothly and successfully. There was no unpleasantness between the two parties during the negotiation process. In the end, both parties reached a consensus and my family paid the other party ¥91,000 in CYN. Compassionate Bodhisattva turned a big problem into a small one. Once again, I was moved to tears.
In this traffic accident, Bodhisattva not only saved the grandmother's life, but also saved my husband‘s spiritual life. Previously, he was against studying Buddhism and reciting Buddhist scriptures. Through this incident, he changed his original attitude. In addition to listening to Master Lu's enlightenment and lectures on Buddhism in Plain Terms, he recites the holy name of the Bodhisattva. I know this is all due to Bodhisattva's compassionate blessing! The only way I could afford the Bodhisattva is to cultivate well and keep cultivating!
Four years have passed and the grandmother is still alive today. Every time I passed by her house, I saw clothes drying and lights on, and I was deeply touched. If I hadn't encountered such an excellent Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door, if it weren't for the compassionate help of fellow practitioners, how sad the grandmother's family would be if something happened to her. My husband and I would have suffered for the rest of our lives. The fates of our two families would not be as peaceful as now. I am infinitely grateful to Guan Yin Bodhisattva for saving our two families.
Now that we have listened to the rarely heard Dharma teachings, we must cherish this affinity with the Buddha. The only way to change our destiny is to practise Buddhism and recite Buddhist scriptures. The terrible fate in the past will become good after studying Buddhism, and the good fate in the past will become better after studying Buddhism. If one person practices Buddhism, the whole family will be blessed!
I vow: I will not forget the salvation of Bodhisattva and the teachings of Master Lu, study Buddhism well, practice Buddhism truly and practically, do more merits and virtues, awaken more sentient beings, respect my teacher and his teachings, devote myself to one Buddhist practice, and never quit! Introduce such good Dharma to more sentient beings, so that more sentient beings can benefit from studying Buddhism and be free from suffering and gain happiness! Only then will we be worthy of the Bodhisattva's kindness! Buddha's powers are unlimited, and only those who believe in Buddha will be saved! I am grateful to all the boundless compassionate fellow practitioners who have introduced me to Buddhism and helped me learn Buddhism. This has allowed me to encounter such a wonderful Dharma Door. I hope that all sentient beings who read or hear what I have shared will not hesitate to take up Buddhist scriptures and learn to recite them!
My deepest gratitude to Namo Sakyamuni Buddha!
My deepest gratitude to the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva!
My deepest gratitude to all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas from ten directions and three periods of time!
My deepest gratitude to the Dharma protectors!
My deepest gratitude to the selfless and beloved Master Jun Hong Lu!
If there is anything that is not rational or in line with the truth in the presentation, I’d like to seek forgiveness from the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva, all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, Dharma protectors, and Master Jun Hong Lu. I’d also like to seek forgiveness from my fellow Buddhist practitioners.
I, not my fellow practitioners, will be responsible for my own karma!
Buddhist Practitioner: Zhu, Gratitude and Namaste!
Received: 2020-01-11
Posted: 2023-03-27
Translator: Frank
Statement by translator
1 Story was translated by meaning, not word by word. If there is anything that is not rational or in line with the true meaning of the Chinese version, I’d like to seek forgiveness from the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva, all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, Dharma protectors and Master Jun Hong Lu.
2 Author Zhu was interviewed by Frank during translation for the detailed information.
It would be greatly appreciated if you would forward this presentation to all sentient beings you know, sick or healthy. You will accumulate immeasurable merits and virtues. Saving a life is more meritorious than building a seven-floor pagoda!
Would you like to change your destiny?
We will show you how to do the Five Golden Buddhist Practices of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door: (1) making vows, (2) reciting Buddhist scriptures (sutras and mantras), (3) performing life liberation, (4) reading Buddhism in Plain Terms, and (5) repenting. You will personally witness how you and your family can achieve physical and mental stability, relief from illness and grievances, wisdom growth, academic progress, career advancement, and family happiness through Dharma. It’s free of charge.
Buddhist practitioner: Lily
Email: [](
WeChat: HanJing20210820
  1. 感恩观世音菩萨,我已经吃全素两年多了,一定会坚持终身吃全素,不杀生;
  2. 给我先生每天念《消灾吉祥神咒》和《解结咒》各108遍,念一个月,求菩萨妈妈帮我先生化解怨结;
  3. 给老奶奶每天念49遍《大悲咒》,念一个月,求菩萨妈妈保佑老奶奶能早日醒过来康复。
1. 给我先生的要经者,烧送21张小房子;
2. 给我家房子的要经者,烧送21张小房子。
  1. 终生吃全素;
  2. 守五戒;
  3. 清修;
  4. 一门精进,永不退转!
2020-01-11 收到
2023-03-27 发布
Disclaimer of Liability:
The contents of the presentation and answers, including text, images, and other information obtained from Dharma practitioners, are provided strictly for reference purposes. Due to the unique nature of individual karma, results similar to those experienced by the authors may not be replicated. The experiences and advice shared should not be construed as medical advice or a diagnosis.
In the event of an emergency, it is crucial to promptly contact your doctor or emergency services by dialing 911. Relying on any information found in the answers is done solely at your own risk. The translator and answerer bear no responsibility for the consequences. By using or misusing the contents, you accept liability for any personal injury, including death. It is imperative to exercise caution and seek professional medical guidance for health-related concerns.
submitted by DevoteeOfCittaDharma to CittaPureLand [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:10 LogicalOccasion2021 I NEED HELP

Hi, My name is Lisa. I was involved in a car crash back in September of 2022, which totalled my Tahoe and left me with some serious injuries, that I still suffer from til this day. I was traveling South on highway 17, had just passed Hog Heaven Restaurant. It's a 45 mph speed limit through there so I always set my cruise control, which probably saved my life. I was traveling in the left lane, there were two cars ahead of me. Something told me to get over in the right lane, "that little voice", so I checked my blindspot and was going to get into the right lane. The two vehicles were a good ways up ahead but I just had a weird feeling. As soon as I checked my blind spot and seen it was clear, I put my signal light on and the small SUV had hit their brakes so hard they'd came to almost a complete stop because the car ahead of them suddenly, I guess saw that little cut through road that doesn't have a safe lane to get over in, it's just a small cut through in the median and it's right past the 60 mph sign. The little car that made a suddenly ILLEGAL U-TURN, hadn't use any signal light!!! I saw them swoop on in that cut through road to go back north!! I was so shocked but I knew I could get over, so I used my brakes and sterred right to get over so I wouldn't hit that car that was in front of me that had to suddenly stop so they wouldn't hit that car!! I almost got over and in control but the back end of my Tahoe fishtailed and when my right back tire made contact with the grass it jerked me backwards into a spin and over in the ditch and flipped over!! People stopped but I was so disoriented and scared because they were trying to get me out because they said gas was leaking and could catch on fire!! I told them I'd just filled up at Walmart station and I've always been terrified of burning up in a fire!! A guy pulled me through the windshield. I was bye myself and scared, the trooper on duty that day never came because he was actually called to another reck. The paperwork said that he'd actually gotten there 4 hours later because there was 3 or 4 recks that day!! I'm grateful to be alive but this is going to be on my insurance for a while. I live on a fixed income and it's very expensive each month now. If there is anyone who remembers this accident, anyone who saw what happened, please let me know, I was driving a green Chevrolet Tahoe.The officer had first reported my car stolen and the driver fled the scene of the accident in which days later when I discovered the report, I had to go through extreme circumstances to get that straightened out with them and my insurance company. The trooper must not have even checked with 911 or anything because EMS came and took me to Grand Stand Regional. When I got there to the emergency room, they were so nervous and upset because they were expecting a medivac to come and bring patients from another car crash! They were trying to put the dye in my IV so they could tell if I had internal injuries. The dye ran down my arm onto the floor! Another nurse came and tried again, actually stuck me several times. Anyway they finally got it in and they said I had nothing broken. But later , a year later, My primary doctor ordered an MRI and discovered that I had , had broken ribs. So I've really been through a lot!! If there's anyone that knows anything at all about this please contact me. My name is Lisa Childers Powell on Facebook, please send me a message or hopefully I can remember to check back on this page, I suffered a severe head concussion and still suffering memory loss even after all of this time. I wished some of those people would've talked to me and given me their names or contact information. Especially the car that was ahead of me, I was so scared that I could've killed or hurt them badly. Thank God they were safe and although I've been hurt seriously, I am still alive and Trying to piece my life back together ❤️ Thank You
submitted by LogicalOccasion2021 to LisaP [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:44 Many-Barber6989 (LONG) Are Males really Inferior & Unhelpful Reproduction-Wise?

Yeah yeah, an old saying, reproduction isn't the purpose of life and doesn't determine value, but let me explain...
So, I am a 16 Year Old, who was introduced to ""feminism"" somewhere in 2022 (I think), thanks to a friend of mine. It turns out, this was actually Mysandry, in the sense that he shared how some of these "feminists" were trying to get rid of men in reproduction, one example being the "fact" that their vaginas will evolve into penises and clone themselves, except that would probably make them hermaphrodites and should happen with men too...
Nonetheless, I was "invested", since this gave me an idea about the two sexes (which would be used for a fictional piece in the end, just with a bit of spiece from our Universe, lol), since I am quite the brain stormer, not bragging or narcissism, I just come up with a lot ideas in general. But as time went on, I started to suffer from overthoughts and the amount of information I've found, including myths like "We were all Female", "Females came before Males", "Women have stronger legs", "You're Genetically Superior and Flawless due to XX", "Men are the weaker sex", "You were inside your Mother who was inside your Grandmother", "Inteligence is Mother Only", among other things, although that last one wasn't as common though). There are still fools, especially on Quora, who believe that all embryos start out as females, and just look at some individuals on that site like Anonymous04, horrors! I also tried to ask ChatGPT, but it's pretty much declining and INFURIATING! SO MANY WRONG ANSWERS! SOMETIMES IT'S OUTRIGHT LAZY!
These moments got soooo BAD, that I: -concerned my parents -made my dad think I was... drugged (since I acted blank when I was working with him once) -wasted my school-off week by overthinking -replied to many answers that ANNOYED me (arguably still do, and embarrassed myself, perhaps) -kept talking to my online friends-couldn't change the topic and basically made it my entire personality or routine for like the past few weeks (maybe even months!) -had an existencial crisis, outbursts, screaming, $u!c!d@l thoughts, etc. -and evenbecame skeptical and "mad" at God (yes, and screw off with the atheism)
Needless to say... It's quite complicated with me and I could go in-depth a lot more, but I managed to recover from most issues. However, before I settle things up, I need to settle one more thing, and that is reproduction. As far as we know, both Males & Females exist to reproduce genetically diverse offsprings, the only difference is their investments, Females for Offspring Support & Males for Competition or Attraction.
While I've noted and saved many things to read later on (like Seminal Fluids doing much more than just transfering Sperm Cells), I am still a bit concerned, stressed and annoyed, cause it just feels like females are the more favored sex in like existence (oversimplication to say it like that, really), and so, I'd like to ask some few things... Although I am definitely gonna give a lot due to overthinking and concerns:
1.Nucleous: So, as far as we know, both Ovum & Sperm Nuclei fuse to form a Zygote, a new life. Both parents guide the development of the child's characteristics and functions, however, APPERANTLY Ovum Cells have been illustrated to have a 'Nucleous' in their 'Nucleus', and turns out this is some sh!t that Zygotes "apperantly need". It's from this jackshit article from 2008:\~:text=Sperm%20have%20no%20nucleoli%2C%20so,oocyte%20for%20its%20nucleolar%20beginnings. But allas, does this really make sense? No other information has been found or mentioned anywhere else. There's the "Germinal Vesicle" (Nucleus) and the "Germinal Spot" (Nuclelous), but apperantly when the Ovum goes through M II or however it was, the Germinal Vesicle breaks down and dissolves/mixes with the Cytoplasm or so. So is the Germinal Spot the actual Nucleus, and the "Germinal Vesicle" is just one of the ""expensive ingredients"" of the Ovum? Sperm Cells apperantly have Nuclear Vascoles, are those influencal?
2.Cytoplasm: Upon researching more and talking to some Chat Bots (for thes sake of sanity... or INsanity), does the Cytoplasm actually create and give rise to our cells and tissues or is that an outdaded misunderstanding, and it's main & actual function is to SUPPORT the development of the cells created by both parents? ChatGPT has also said that it also gives Building Blocks, Energy, Cell Growth & Differentiation or some confusing crap, but are those words actually referring to the processes of the Zygote's more stable and rapid growth? Is it true that this Cytoplasm is the Cytoplasm in our cells, or since it decreases, is it easily replaced by the production of our cells (combination of mom and dad, as we know)?
3.Organelles: Cytoplasmic components that are apart of the Cytoplasm' support, but again, are those organelles still the same as those in our cells? Shouldn't they decrease like the Cytoplasm and be created by our cells again since (and I am using Google Searches, cuz yes): ---Ribosomes apperantly originate from our Nucleo-lus? ---Lysosomes are formed by the fusion of transport vesciles budded from the trans Golgi network with endosomes ---Endosomes form by the inagination of the plasma membrance and are trigger by the activation of cell surface receptors ---Golgi Bodies originate from the endoplasmic reticulum ---The endoplasmic reticulum originates from the outer membrance of the nuclear envelop during cell division and among other things, but is Mitochondria the only organelle that manages to stay in by it's high number and self reproduction? Is Mitochondria like 90% of the Ovum's organelles hopefully thinking and the other organelles are a small amount compared to the Mitochondria?
4.Cytoskeleton: Apperantly, that is also a thing and it's not an organelle, but apperantly it also has evolved from prokaryotic cytomotive filaments. Even then, Sperm Cells apperantly have a highly specialized cytoskeletal organization or cytoskeletal proteins (like actin, tubulin and spectrin), so?...
5.RNA: Do we inherit more RNA from mom due to the freaking egg, or is it irrelevant because it is transient as the embryo starts to produce it's own RNA and proteins? But ChatGPT has also said this crap: "This maternal RNA helps to jump-start the developmental processes until the Zygote's own genome can take over". It has been said that Sperm has "vanishingly small" amount of RNA compared to the Ovum, but then there have been studies that Non-Coding RNA or so can influence Embryo Development or that Sperm delivers a complex population of RNAs to the Oocyte. Based on a Google Research, I've found this: "6871 proteins have been identified and reported in Sperm, 1376 in the Oocyte and 1300 in the Blastocyst. With a deeper analysis of the sperm proteome, 103 proteins with known roles in the processes of fertilization and 93 with roles in early embryo development have been identified." Can the RNA in seminal fluids/plasma be influential or inherited too? Isn't RNA small?
  1. Is most of our makeup matrilineal and are we therefore more related, connected or like our mothers???!!
  2. Epi-Genetics: Is it true that epi-genetics tend to favor mothers more? ChatFuckingGPT has said that RNA can influence certain aspects of cellular function and gene expression, and that pregnancy and even nursing can cause genes to be expressed or some sh!t, but aren't there studies that say that Mammals are more like their fathers (even if outdaded) and that the sex determination & even seminal fluids can cause gene expression too? Do mothers give us more gene expressions? Are we more like our mothers because of the gene expressions? Or are these outdaded myths?!
8.Paternal Genetic Speciality: If we happen to inherit the mtDNA from Mom, is there anything genetically special about fathers? I know that children inherit more mutations from their Fathers, which would be variable and probably lead to gene expression & epigenetics, but what else can this bring? Even if these mutations can be harmful or neutral, could they be repurposed and changed for future generations? Is there anything unique about inheriting more mutations from Dad? I have heard that male reproductive genes (including expression or specific function) also evolve faster than any other type of gene, including female reproductive genes. How does this help? However, if the Mitochondria Genome is said to evolve faster than the Nuclear Genome or something among those lines, does this abandon the special features of fathers and most mutations don't come from dad, OR as I decided to copy from a helper of mine: The percentage of mitochondrial DNA in the cells is2.5% of total cellular DNA1% of total cellular DNA10% of total cellular DNANone of the above ( There's also this, but I think it's quite the manipulation since every mitochondria is still a copy of each other, right?
9.Paternal Contributions: It has been depicted and said that only the head of the Sperm gets delivered, but apperantly there are articles that say that this is also a misconception that the entire sperm enters the egg, with the assumptions being that the Paternal MtDNA not being transmitted, but apperantly, the Sperm Mitochondria actually enters the egg but needs to be destroyed to prevent issues like the Mitochondrial diseases. With this in mind though, what else does the Sperm contribute to the embryo? Centrioles, Centrosomes & the Microtubule System & Microspindle-... Apperatus needed for mitosis? are done by the Sperm too, and it also brings the Chemical Signal for the Egg to activate it's metabolism and complete meiosis? Does this chemical also do anything like give calcuim to the Egg or anything else too? If the entire sperm enters the egg, what else could it bring to the embryonic development? Can there be any paternal contributions to milk like the Y chromosome presence in women bodyparts due to boy pregnancy and the high estrogen, prolactin & a bit of progestertone in seminal fluids? Are there more Sperm components and organelles that we can't easily observe? Is it possible that the absorbtion of all Sperm Cells can benefit the cells of females if the tail has more than 1000 proteins? Does the Journey, Agility, Adapatations, Variability, Motility & Penentration of the Sperm influence the Nucleus (therefore Embryo) in any way? What about the penentrations of multiple sperms (even if they won't enter or mege with the egg)? Or am I just fantasing, and reality is cruel? What about the chromatin condensation sperm? Are sperm cells, and therefore males, just doomed to be not helpful and more limted?...
10.Male Investment: We know that Males invest time into various behaviors, but how exactly does this help the species? Do they optimize & improve their genes? Do they evolve new traits? Do they mutate more? Are males a great investment for evolution or adaptability? Anything else unique? If more females than males have reproduced, does that mean that males are inferior or not helpful and that nature prefers females more? If males and sperm cells are simpler, does that mean they are inferior, disadvantaged or not special? Do non-reproducing males still help with something (assuming they haven't died)? Do you need to almost always (excluding species like Orange Cats and Calico Cats) have a 50/50 amount of both sexes so you don't cause genetic problems even if fewer males will pass on their genes?
That's all I really have to say, I probably sound like I am being dramatic, impulsive and immature, but I really have been overthinking and so, I'd like if some help could be given. This sure was long, but I think I might have given something interesting and such. I thought this could be used as a last resort to settle this before I grow up more. I hope I didn't seem bad or anything like that. I am just in a "scared and confused" situation from the amount of stuff I've seen. ChatGPT really isn't good when it comes to mental health, lol
submitted by Many-Barber6989 to malementalhealth [link] [comments]