Graphic to make your name in cursive

Cooking on a Budget

2016.08.31 13:32 Cooking on a Budget

Budget-friendly recipes and related recipe discussions. Recipe posts must include the full recipe, not just a link to a video.

2010.10.19 03:43 Nope

Things that make you say "nope!"

2017.01.05 16:41 clouddevourer Supermodel cats

Very good looking, photogenic cats.

2024.06.10 19:31 imgonnadoit_ Should I get a second bengal instead?

Hi everyone! I have a 2 year old Bengal boy named Enzo (from a breeder) and he is such the sweetest little companion, and I knew how much he wanted a sibling. In February, I adopted a 4 month old Siamese mix named Romeo from the shelter and he is so sweet too! Very cuddley. However, we’ve had a number of issues. First one being that the two of them don’t really play THAT much. It seems that Romeo is just so much more interested in food than ANYTHING else. During mealtimes, I literally have to keep them in separate rooms or else Romeo will force his way into Enzo’s dish and eat ALL OF IT. Also, Romeo will jump onto the counters and eat anything on it. I think subconsciously I don’t cook as often anymore because I don’t want to deal with him. And if I put him in the bathroom, then he cries so loud the whole time and I can’t enjoy my cooking time anyway. When I give treats, Romeo forces his way ahead of Enzo and always steals Enzo’s treats. I was willing to overlook all of this and move past it, but last night I was giving Romeo a bath and he bit me so hard he left me with two large cuts and I had gloves on. If I didn’t, he would have tore my hand open. I’ve bathed him 2 other times since I had him, but he’s never hurt me like this before.
So, what I would like to do is return him to the shelter and get a Bengal female instead. In the end, I really want Enzo to be happy and I don’t know how if he is. He been pooping on my bed since we got Romeo, probably for territory reasons so I got another litter box and keep a tarp on the bed. I would overlook all of this if the two of them were the best of friends but they really aren’t. When I see them on the Furbo they usually are sitting in two completely different parts of the apartment. When they do play, it’s not for long and usually Romeo kind of runs away from Enzo every time. I’ve seen Enzo really play with other Bengals before so I know the type of enrichment he is capable of. So when Romeo bit me last night, everything came to the surface.
I’d love to get your opinion on my situation. I know the biting incident last night was intense so I’m not making any rash decisions until I feel 100% certain about which direction to go in.
submitted by imgonnadoit_ to bengalcats [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 19:28 PristinePlankton754 Women with close male friends: what is the issue

I actually completely understand the issue since i had the unfortunate experience of "befriending" (quotation marks because she ended up being one of the worst friends ive ever had) a girl who treated every male friend she had like they were dating, including my ex (Eye twitches) and men she knew were into her or at least had been in the past. But what about the normal women? I believe girls like her are making a bad name for the rest of us and should be put down. I grew up mostly befriending guys since i was a little weirdo who couldnt quite hack female friendship, so it's just what im used to. And since lots of the guys im friends with saw me through those weird little phases that lasted all the way into early high school, it's really clear that they still view me like they did back then. the only one of my guy friends who has ended up being into me has been a (now ex) best friend of mine i met AFTER i became reasonably attractive (i did end up dating him but i also had a girl best friend end up being into me and was involved with her for a brief and regrettable period of time so the two cancel out), all the other guys ive attracted were not my friends beforehand.
I do have four good female friends who i love and cherish and a bunch of other acquaintances but i honestly just have more fun with guys lots of the time. I also hate to pull the "girls are more drama" card since, until very recently, i believed it to be the opposite (lots of the guys i was friends with in high school would bitch out at each other over stupid stuff and then go back to normal whereas my girl friends would operate more reasonably) and i still think it depends highly on the individual. however, ever since that girl i mentioned at the beginning essentially terraformed my relationship with my ex because she was jealous of my friendship with her ex (even though she had a friendship that any outsider would think had romantic undertones with mine), ive been incredibly wary of girl friends. the drama with them is rarer in my experience since it's all about picking the right people to be friends with, but if you do stumble upon a landmine of a woman, theyre more likely to blow up your life than some of the overly dramatic guys i knew in high school who would cuss your friend group out because their football practice went badly and then be fine within the hour.
The activities my guy friends typically do for fun and the dynamic they share are just more appealing to me than the ones i typically find with girls. Honestly if i could go back to my birth and be a dude i probably would (not in a trans way since the most appealing things about being a guy to me are social and professional benefits that wouldnt be easily achievable as a trans man, and if i had to chop off my boobs id be sad). It's really that simple. And yet ive been getting to know this guy who halts the conversation every single time i mention a guy friend. If i were friends with my ex, that would be one thing, but we havent spoken in months and probably wont ever again. im not friends with any guys who have been into me or guys who i'd go for. I feel like i can really be myself around my male friends, and i dont ever feel like im treated differently just because im a girl. if i was dating someone and one of my guy friends was making them uncomfortable, id look into his behavior and distance myself from him if i felt that he was into me in any way. but if i start dating this guy im not going to abandon some of my closest friendships for him when they arent a threat to him at all, and i wouldnt make him give up his genuine female friendships for me either.
So Whats the big deal? am i being unreasonable? i get why many dudes initially see red when a girl has a lot of male friends but generally do they believe there to be any exceptions?
submitted by PristinePlankton754 to rspod [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 19:27 FavelicMustard I Received an Email to My Personal iCloud Account

I received an email to my personal email address yesterday and I am a bit scared. I’ve never used that email to sign up for anything.
The name of the sender is “Shame on you” with an email “” The subject line reads “You have been H A C K E D”
Here’s the exact message I was sent:
“Hello pervert, I've sent this message from your iCloud mаil.
I want to inform you about a very bad situation for you. However, you can benefit from it, if you will act wisеly.
Have you heard of Pegasus? This is a spyware program that installs on computers and smartphones and allows hackers to monitor the activity of device owners. It provides access to your webcam, messengers, emails, call records, etc. It works well on Android, iOS, and Windows. I guess, you already figured out where I’m getting at.
It’s been a few months since I installed it on all your dеviсеs because you were not quite choosy about what links to click on the intеrnеt. During this period, I’ve learned about all aspects of your private life, but оnе is of special significance to me.
I’ve recorded many videos of you jerking off to highly controversial роrn videos. Given that the “questionable” genre is almost always the same, I can conclude that you have sick реrvеrsiоn.
I doubt you’d want your friends, family and co-workers to know about it. However, I can do it in a few clicks.
Every number in your contact Iist will suddenly receive these vidеоs – on WhatsApp, on Telegram, on Instagram, on Facebook, on email – everywhere. It is going to be a tsunami that will sweep away everything in its path, and first of all, your fоrmеr life.
Don’t think of yourself as an innocent victim. No one knows where your реrvеrsiоn might lead in the future, so consider this a kind of deserved рunishmеnt to stop you.
I’m some kind of God who sees everything. However, don’t panic. As we know, God is merciful and forgiving, and so do I. But my mеrсy is not free.
Transfer 1000$ to my Litecoin (LTC) wallet: ltc1qnzg3qxs5h4nww9hyclvx7p6tvvt2x02pm8l0j6
Once I receive confirmation of the transaction, I will реrmanently delete all videos compromising you, uninstаll Pegasus from all of your devices, and disappear from your life. You can be sure – my benefit is only money. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be writing to you, but destroy your life without a word in a second.
I’ll be notified when you open my email, and from that moment you have exactly 48 hours to send the money. If cryptocurrencies are unchartered waters for you, don’t worry, it’s very simple. Just google “crypto exchange” or "buy Litecoin" and then it will be no harder than buying some useless stuff on Amazon.
I strongly warn you against the following: * Do not reply to this email. I've sent it from your iCloud mаil. * Do not contact the police. I have access to all your dеviсеs, and as soon as I find out you ran to the cops, videos will be published. * Don’t try to reset or destroy your dеviсеs. As I mentioned above: I’m monitoring all your activity, so you either agree to my terms or the vidеоs are рublished.
Also, don’t forget that cryptocurrencies are anonymous, so it’s impossible to identify me using the provided аddrеss.
Good luck, my perverted friend. I hope this is the last time we hear from each other. And some friendly advice: from now on, don’t be so careless about your online security.”
The interesting part to me is that he’s making it sound like I watch child porn or something. My laptop also does not have a webcam. But Pegasus does work on iPhones so maybe he installed it on here? Idk this all seems very sketchy. Has anyone else ever received a similar ransom email?
submitted by FavelicMustard to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 19:25 Marvelman1788 F.R.A.C.A.S Combat Mechanic tweaks for 5e

F.R.A.C.A.S v3

F.R.A.C.A.S TL;DR: Armor Class becomes a range between your AC and AC minus 10. Melee attacks do half damage if they are within that range. Players get a new set of reactions to block attacks, avoid damage and finish off nearly dead enemy's.
Formerly known as F.A.R.T.S we got a new name and the same predilection towards pointless acronyms.
Thus we now have the Fighting Reactions And Combat Advancements System or F.R.A.C.A.S for short!
This is my third round of playtested edits and clarifications for my 5e combat tweaks. I’m also introducing a stealth combat system I’ve had a lot of success with.
The extra damage applied using F.R.A.C.A.S creates some interesting implications for Stealth Combat. Hypothetically with a surprise round higher level PCs no longer need to rely on a binary chance of killing a single or multiple PCs in a single round and can more reliably eliminate lower Challenge Rating (CR) enemies given an additional round of combat. To better support the roleplay of a single killing blow though (and to give DM’s the ability to reuse some favorite ‘cannon fodder’ enemies experienced in tier 1-2 play) F.R.A.C.A.S also has some streamlined stealth rules.
Things F.R.A.C.A.S hopes to accomplish:
To accomplish this F.R.A.C.A.S is composed of two primary components:
Armor Class & Dodge Armor Class:
Monster F.R.A.C.A.S: DAC is calculated the same for enemies as it is for Player Characters simply subtract 10 from their listed AC.
Combat Using AC & DAC:
Defensive Reactions:
To compensate for the extra damage to Player Characters each round every PC gets a special reaction (in addition to their standard Reaction PHB 190) called a Defensive Reaction.
A Stealthy F.R.A.C.A.S:
Optional Rules:
submitted by Marvelman1788 to UnearthedArcana [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 19:24 Kaax_Itzam List of Fan-Made Submitted (To be continually updated)

This is a list contains all the fan-made stories posted on the Creepcast Sub-Reddit. This is meant for ease of access and review (original idea by u/Makijuiko2). I hope that it helps you too. I will try to update the list if a new version of a story come out. I will, of course, add new stories submitted to the Sub - as long as they are independent posts. Let me know if I have missed any!
I have taken it upon myself to give feedback to as many stories as I can, as quickly as I can. If I haven't given feedback on your story and you would like the feedback sooner rather than later then let me know and I will try to prioritise it.
Any help is very appreciated.
Note: This page will ~only~ contain stories that have been posted on this Sub as ~independent posts~. The only exceptions are those with different parts that are on separate Subs or alternative presentations of the story (audiobook, animation, etc.). If you have written or noticed a story that has these exceptions that hasn't been listed, then please let me know.
(Highly Rated) These stories have been well received on the Sub and this sub only (for the sake of ease and fairness). 25 upvotes or more.
(Visual) This story has visual media to accompany the text.
(Long) Self explanatory; stories that take a while to read (<30mins approx).
(Multi-Part) Story is split into multiple parts.
(NSFW) This story contains elements, imagery or writing, considered mature – this is usually made clear by the author.
(Parody) This story contains characters, locations or items directly referenced from episodes of Creepcast – as opposed to an original story.
(Poem) This story is written in poetic form.
(Short) Self explanatory; stories that consist of four (approx.) or less paragraphs.
(True Story) These stories are, by the author's admission, true – please correct if it is simply for dramatic effect.
(No Feedback) This story has not had any feedback given to the writer.
(Warning: example) This is a special tag that will include a warning that I make about the story that does not fit into any other category.



~A breath down my neck~ ~by~ u/Sufficient_While-102
Intro: A breath down my neck ( intro :
A predator admires his most recent prey.


~Backroad~ ~by~ u/Crowmudgeon
~Backroad - Google Docs~ – Audio version read by the author.
Beware driving at the roads at night, for you may well find yourself racing death itself.
~'Bit of a meme I made from a recently posted pic from here'~ ~by~ u/Prestigious_Low8243
~Bit of a meme I made from a recently posted pic from here :~
Familiar faces hit headlines as a deadly cult is crushed.
(Highly Rated)(Visual)(Parody)(Short)
~Borrasca: Eye To Eye~ u/Jade-the-Tiefling
Part 1:Borrasca: Eye To Eye. (Part 1) :
(Not read yet)
(Long)(Multi-Part)(Parody? more of a fan-fiction)(No Feedback)


~Carnival~ ~by~ u/Lucky_Burger
~The Carnival.docx - Google Drive~
A battle royal in a supernatural fairground; a fight for survival for some, entertainment for others.
~Chatterbox~ ~by~ u/Zodiac72826
Chatterbox (OC Short Horror Story) :
A green menace turns a rural backwater into chaos, and the rattle you need to listen out for, doesn't come from the snake.
~Chunks~ ~by~ u/SophistsLament
Chunks :
Jars of mysterious flesh buried like Coptic jars, but what or who do they come from? (True Story)
~Contract of Service~ ~by~ u/Geng4rrr
Contract of Service :
It pays to read the small print – who knows what web of exploitation you might fall into?


~The Day I Met Mr. Wellers~ ~by~ u/No-Figure-8676
~The Day I Met Mr. Wellers :~
(Not read yet)
(Parody)(No Feedback)
~Don't go to Nebraska~ ~by~ u/Y0u_G0t_Sum
Don’t go to Nebraska :
Perfect little families have perfect little skeletons in their closets.
~Doorbell Inside~ ~by~ u/we1rdtuesday
~Doorbell inside (true story) :~
The perfect holiday is ruined by a late-night anomaly.
(Visual)(True Story)
~Dr. Wellers Monster~ u/RedheadedRifleman
~Dr. Wellers Monster :~
(Not read yet)


~The Gentle Man~ ~by~ u/ednamold
~The Gentle Man :~
A mysterious, classy man is forced to face his most lurid secrets in this familiarly named 'club'.


~I found some notes from a detective about a case that has yet to be solved~ ~by~ u/ConfusionDry2084
I found some notes from a detective about a case that has yet to be solved :
(Not read yet)
(True Story apparently?)(No Feedback)
~I look at it in the reflection. It stares back.~ ~by~ u/Doomdweller
Part 1: I look at it in the reflection. It stares back. (I got really inspired and wrote a little something for no sleep) :
Part 2: I look at it in the reflection. I stares back. :
Part 3: I look at it in the reflection. It stares back. :
An imaginary friend becomes an unwanted presence, every polished surface a source of fear.
(Long)(Multi-Part)(Warning: By the writer's own admission, English is not their first language, however this makes some lines very hard to read)
~I think I picked up the wrong person~ ~by~ u/S-CSleepwalker
~I think I picked up the wrong person :~
What is more nerve racking: The thought of picking up a stranger, or picking up someone who isn't as much of a stranger as you thought?


~Leave~ ~by~ u/Mateba6
I got inspired to write a short story :
Unawareness is a prison.
~The Locust Man~ ~by~ u/Fun-Yogurtcloset521
Part 1: The Locust Man :
A group of friends, in their childish curiosity, explore the wilderness – the territory of a local legend.
(Long)(Multi-Part)(Warning: Reddit formatting has not be kind on this story, as such it is currently quite hard to read)


~Mr. Allsing's Tales~ ~by~ u/Banana_Firm
~Mr. Allsing's Tales - Google Docs~
(Not read yet) Anthology (Long)(No Feedback)(NSFW)
~Mr. Weller – A Short Story~ ~by~ u/AromaticCedar
~Mr. Weller - A Short Story :~
~(Not read yet)~
(Highly Rated)(Parody)(No Feedback)
~Mr. Weller's Clinic~ ~by~ u/otay007
Part 1: ~Mr. Weller’s Clinic :~
You can run, but sometimes we must all donate to destiny.
~The Mall Of Fears and Phobias~ ~by~ u/thelfgamer31
Vol. 1: ~The Mall Of Fears and Phobias Vol. 1 - thelfgamer31 - Wattpad~
This is a mall where you'll need to purchase your life with vigilance.


~The Night of The Blood Moon~ ~by~ u/4d5ACP
The Night of The Blood Moon :
Hunter becomes the hunted in this moonlit chase.


~The Poolhouse in Weinwick, Oregon~ ~by~ u/Open_Revolution_3855
~The Poolhouse in Weinwick, Oregon - Creepypasta~
(Not read yet) (Long)


~'Scary ass sleep paralysis'~ ~by~ u/Desperate_Big857
~Scary ass sleep paralysis :~
Sometimes the mind is scarier than the 'ass'.
(Short)(True Story)
~Shrine to the Centipede God~ ~by~ u/Kaax_Itzam
Shrine to the Centipede God :
Shrine to the Centipede God by Kai Barkla eBook Barnes & Noble® ( – ebook format
A tapping from a quiet underworld. A mural, cast from the subconscious of an irresistible myth.
(No Feedback)
~Somewhere creepy in Meatland...~ ~by~ u/LongjumpingCry7
Part 1: Somewhere creepy in Meatland… (Part I) :
(Not read yet)
~Sunny Smiles Daycare~ ~by~ u/Solupotsongana
Part 1: ~Sunny Smiles Daycare (pt. 1) :~
(Not read yet)
(Long)(Multi-Part)(No Feedback)


~Unnamed short story by u/Saggy_tits_omnomnom~ (thanks for making me write that)
Part 1: I'm in the process of writing a short novel figured yall might like this :
(Not read yet)
(Long)(Multi-Part)(No Feedback)


~'Weird Video I Found?'~ ~by~ u/TRexy225
Part 1: Weird Video That I Found? Pt 1 :
(Not read yet)
(Multi-Part)(Parody)(No Feedback)
~'When I was in high school I saw something I can't explain. Yesterday I returned to where it happened.' by a deleted user~
When I was in high school I saw something I can't explain. Yesterday I returned to where it happened. :
An unnerving memory forces a sombre return to the scene of the sighting.
submitted by Kaax_Itzam to creepcast [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 19:23 thenewsgear12 How to Troubleshoot Common Issues in Yandex Games?

How to Troubleshoot Common Issues in Yandex Games?
Yandex Games is a popular online gaming platform offering a wide range of casual games. While it’s generally smooth and reliable, users occasionally run into issues that can hinder their gaming experience. This guide will help you troubleshoot some of the most common problems encountered on Yandex Games, ensuring you get back to your favorite games quickly and without frustration.

Slow Loading Times

Check Your Internet Connection

One of the most common reasons for slow loading times in Yandex Games is a poor internet connection. Ensure your device is connected to a stable and fast network. You can do this by running a speed test on your internet connection. If your internet speed is below the recommended levels, try restarting your router or contacting your internet service provider for assistance.

Clear Browser Cache

Over time, your browser cache can become cluttered with old data, which can slow down the loading times of websites, including Yandex Games. Clearing your browser cache can help resolve this issue.
  • For Chrome: Go toSettings>Privacy and Security>Clear Browsing Data.
  • For Firefox: Go toOptions>Privacy & Security>Cookies and Site Data>Clear Data.

Disable Browser Extensions

Some browser extensions can interfere with the performance of Yandex Games. Try disabling any unnecessary extensions and see if the loading times improve.
  • For Chrome: Go toSettings>Extensionsand toggle off the extensions.
  • For Firefox: Go toAdd-ons>Extensionsand disable the extensions.

Game Not Loading

Ensure Browser Compatibility

Yandex Games works best on modern browsers. Make sure you are using an up-to-date version of a supported browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge. If you are using an outdated browser, consider updating it to the latest version.

Enable JavaScript

Yandex Games requires JavaScript to function properly. If JavaScript is disabled in your browser, games might not load at all. Ensure that JavaScript is enabled.
  • For Chrome: Go toSettings>Privacy and Security>Site Settings>JavaScriptand enable it.
  • For Firefox: Typeabout:configin the address bar, search forjavascript.enabled, and set it totrue.

Check for Browser Updates

Image Source: Yandex
Sometimes, an outdated browser version can cause compatibility issues. Ensure your browser is up-to-date to avoid such problems.
  • For Chrome: Go toSettings>About Chrome.
  • For Firefox: Go toOptions>General>Firefox Updates.

Game Crashes or Freezes

Update Graphics Drivers

Outdated graphics drivers can cause games to crash or freeze. Ensure your graphics drivers are up-to-date.
  • For Windows: Go toDevice Manager>Display Adapters, right-click your graphics card, and selectUpdate Driver.
  • For macOS: Go toSystem Preferences>Software Update.

Reduce In-Game Graphics Settings

Some Yandex Games might be too demanding for your current hardware setup. Lowering the in-game graphics settings can help stabilize performance and prevent crashes.

Close Background Applications

Running multiple applications simultaneously can consume a significant amount of your system’s resources, leading to game crashes. Close any unnecessary applications before playing Yandex Games.

Audio Issues

Check Volume Settings

If you’re experiencing no sound or distorted audio while playing Yandex Games, first check your device’s volume settings. Ensure the volume is turned up and not muted.

Update Audio Drivers

Outdated or corrupted audio drivers can cause sound issues. Make sure your audio drivers are up-to-date.
  • For Windows: Go toDevice Manager>Sound, Video, and Game Controllers, right-click your audio device, and selectUpdate Driver.
  • For macOS: Go toSystem Preferences>Software Update.

Disable Browser Audio Enhancements

Some browser audio enhancements can interfere with game sound. Try disabling any audio enhancements or equalizer settings within your browser.

Account and Login Problems

Reset Password

If you’re having trouble logging into your Yandex Games account, it might be due to an incorrect password. Use theForgot Passwordoption on the login page to reset your password.

Clear Cookies and Cache

Sometimes, login issues can be resolved by clearing your browser’s cookies and cache.
  • For Chrome: Go toSettings>Privacy and Security>Clear Browsing Data.
  • For Firefox: Go toOptions>Privacy & Security>Cookies and Site Data>Clear Data.

Check for Server Issues

Occasionally, Yandex Games might experience server downtime, which can prevent users from logging in. Check Yandex’s official social media channels or website for any announcements regarding server issues.

Game Performance Issues

Image Source: Yandex

Optimize Browser Performance

Ensure your browser is running at optimal performance by closing unnecessary tabs and extensions. Too many open tabs can slow down your browser and affect game performance on Yandex Games.

Use a Wired Connection

If possible, use a wired Ethernet connection instead of Wi-Fi. Wired connections are generally more stable and offer faster speeds, which can improve game performance.

Restart Your Device

Sometimes, a simple device restart can resolve performance issues. Restart your computer or mobile device to clear any temporary glitches.

Game Not Saving Progress

Enable Cookies

Yandex Games often use cookies to save game progress. Make sure cookies are enabled in your browser settings.
  • For Chrome: Go toSettings>Privacy and Security>Cookies and Other Site Data.
  • For Firefox: Go toOptions>Privacy & Security>Cookies and Site Data.

Check Storage Permissions

Some games might require additional permissions to save progress. Ensure your browser or device has the necessary permissions enabled.

Contact Game Support

If you’re still experiencing issues with game progress not being saved, reach out to Yandex Games support for further assistance. Provide them with detailed information about the problem for a quicker resolution.

Issues with In-Game Purchases

Verify Payment Method

If you’re having trouble making in-game purchases, ensure your payment method is valid and has sufficient funds. Double-check your payment information for any errors.

Check for Purchase Confirmation

After making a purchase, check for a confirmation email or receipt. If you haven’t received one, there might be an issue with the transaction. Contact Yandex Games support with your transaction details for assistance.

Disable Ad Blockers

Ad blockers and other browser extensions can sometimes interfere with in-game purchases. Disable these extensions and try making the purchase again.

Visual Glitches and Artifacts

Refresh the Page

Sometimes, visual glitches can be resolved by simply refreshing the page. PressF5or click the refresh button in your browser.

Update Browser and Graphics Drivers

Outdated browser versions and graphics drivers can cause visual glitches. Ensure both your browser and graphics drivers are up-to-date.

Adjust Display Settings

If you’re experiencing visual artifacts, try adjusting your display settings. Lower the resolution or change the refresh rate to see if it improves the visuals.

Multiplayer Connectivity Issues

Check Network Settings

For multiplayer games on Yandex Games, a stable internet connection is crucial. Ensure your network settings are optimized for gaming, with low latency and minimal packet loss.

Enable Port Forwarding

Some multiplayer games require specific ports to be open on your router. Check the game’s support page for port forwarding instructions and configure your router accordingly.

Use a VPN

If you’re experiencing connectivity issues, try using a VPN. A VPN can sometimes bypass network restrictions or improve connection stability.


Yandex Games provides a vast array of enjoyable games, but technical issues can occasionally disrupt your experience. By following these troubleshooting steps, you can resolve most common problems and get back to gaming. Whether it’s slow loading times, login troubles, or connectivity issues, these solutions will help you maintain a smooth and enjoyable experience on Yandex Games. Remember, for persistent problems, reaching out to Yandex Games support can provide additional assistance and ensure your issues are resolved efficiently. Happy gaming!Slow Loading Times

This article is originally published in The News Gear.

submitted by thenewsgear12 to u/thenewsgear12 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 19:22 Training_Street4372 Chronicles of Centralia 7 - An Elektric Romance 1/4

Memory Transcription Subject: Elek, male Yotul student
Date [standardized human time]: September 30, 2148
“Why did I do that?Why did I kiss him?I gave my word I’d wait, I’d take it slow, that I’d talk it over with Mother Meri and dads!What if he hated it?!What if he hates me!?Why isn’t he saying anything?!”, was all I could think as I followed Roman out to the lockers. I went to grab my satchel from mine, before remembering it was at home, then remembered Roman also had my personal pad in his, so I couldn’t even text Mother for advice.
I walked along with Roman, then I took a deep breath to calm myself like I was taught to before I could panic. Shifting my gait to bump into Roman’s side I asked, “Hey, Roman, what’s up? You haven’t said a thing since, you know, the end of class?”
We were through the door by the time Roman was talking about the shock of being kissed by me. “I can’t be that bad at it, I mean, I know my mouth is a different shape, but, like, I read up on it and prac*Memory Redacted by request of subject\*
I chuckled a bit, having wanted to put that bird in her place since the first day when she was too aggressive in the way she treated Roman after we moved in, then ignored everything about us yesterday. I’d envisioned *Memory Redacted by request of subject\* to her for that, but it would have been wrong. “Well, It got the bird to shut up, didn’t it?”, I said, having taken the opportunity at the end of class to shock her and get her to just stop for once.
“’The Bird’ has a name, you know.”, Kivik interjected, somehow having silently crept up behind us.
I jumped and spun around, coming nose to beak-tip with Kivik! The bird flapped her wings and scrabbled backward like I was about to bite her face off, “I might have.”, I thought, still so angry that someone would treat my Roman like she did. “How was she so quiet coming up behind us?!And that stealthy, I thought I was more aware of my surroundings?”
Roman began saying, “He doesn’t mean anything by it..”
“Oh no, not this time, my brother.”, I couldn’t help but think, “Sick and tired of letting people walk over you!Not back home and not here!” “The hell I don’t!”, I shouted at the Krakotl, “You’ve been a right shit to us today, you ignored the hell out of us all yesterday like you’re too good for us!”
Kivik looked all flustered as the Krakotl started stammering out, while flapping her wings in distress, “No, wait, you don’t unders-”
Hedivik came walking up, the very image of the Protector, as was the role his people had taken in the Federation. I let him push in between us, afraid I might lose my anger and I tried to listen to him. He was right, of course, we had all just met, this was school grounds, and I really didn’t want to get in trouble on the first full day of classes.
“But Hedi, I don’t hate them, I just.. I don’t..”, Kivik sighed, “I’m new to being around other species, I thought that was how Humans kidded around with each other. At least that’s the stuff my dad had recorded when he was around a bunch of them, like, when they were helping recover Nishtal. I didn’t mean anything by it.”
I glared around Hedivik as she was talking, then slowly let my features soften as she talked, breathing in and out and trying to let go of my anger. “So you weren’t being mean? You thought being an ass was normal?”, I asked, in as calm a tone as I could, all things being considered.
Roman sighed and started to move around the Gojid saying, “Kiv, can I call you Kiv? I forgive you. I know what it’s like, we’re all strangers here, we’re all getting used to each..”
This time, my perceptions didn’t betray me as this smaller Gojid kid, looking so much like Hedivik that they couldn’t be anything BUT related, came running up and launched himself at Roman! I couldn’t put myself in the way in time, and his impact knocked my Human brother to the ground on his rear!
Hedivik called the smaller kid Liah, was asking what he was doing there, at which point the kid let go of Roman and performed much the same maneuver to Antobo, our Venlil classmate?!
“I fell asleep in class!That’s the explanation!It has to be, this stuff just doesn’t happen outside my dreams!But if I’m asleep howcome I’m not the one that was in Roman’s arms?!”
Roman stood up and asked Hedivik, “You know him? Is he your brother?”
Hedi sighed and replied, “Y..yeah, that’s my twin brother, Liahkei. But where’s his..”
A hurried movement and the sound of claws on the sidewalk came from down the road, and a panting form ran into the grassy area on all fours.
Kivik gave a panicked squawk of, “ARXUR!”, before she dove behind Roman!
Before I even gave it any thought, I leaped in front of my Human brother, to act as his shield in case the Arxur attacked, ready to do anything to protect him! I wrapped my tail around Roman’s leg and held him behind me with my arms as I watched as the Arxur slowly stalked towards the Gojid kid and the Skalgan-Venlil kid.
“Arxur!what’s an Arxur doing here?Where did he come from?What do we do?Why isn’t Roman running?My but his thigh feels so nice through my tail!No!FOCUS!Daydream later!We should be running!But why does that guy look so familiar?Like I know him like I know he won’t hurt us?”, my thoughts blared themselves through my head in a jumble as I tried to make sense of the situation. “The fuck does Roman keep trying to get around me?Why won’t he and that stupid Kivik just run away?What does he think he can do against an Arxur even if he does seem familiar and not dangerous?Why is he so skinny hasn’t he been eating?Why do I care if he’s been eating?What is wrong with me?”
“W..w..w..we should run!”, I blurted out, while trying to push Roman backward, bumping him into Kivik as I kept overriding my instincts, kept telling myself of course we were in danger if Arxur, even a scrawny young(?) one, were here!
“Why the fuck do I think he’s young?!” Blared through my head, “How do I even know it’s a he?!”
I watched as the Gojid boy, Liahkei the Arxur and his brother called him, made some kind of gestures in response to the questions he asked him, and then climbed right into the Arxur’s arms!
Then Antobo just leaped at him and called him Issac and wrapped his arms around him?!
“What kind of a confusing blur of one of Momma Meri’s freaking telenovellas is my life turning into?!”
It was just all so confusing, watching and listening to the others, Hedi talking with Isaac, the larger Arxur gently petting the smaller Liah and Antobo.
“No, I mean we’re, uhm, we’re just really good friends, brothers even, ‘cause our families merged..”, I replied, when he called me Roman’s boyfriend! “OhIhopeIhopeIhope”
Antobo started headbutting Isaac’s chest, again, saying, “Beast! No teasing, I am still mad at you and our dads!”, after Isaac talked about how he..wished Ant felt that way about him, maybe?
Isaac kept talking, sounding hurt that Ant was mad at him while trying to deflect the ire onto their parents, then it came out the Skalgan-Venlil was upset that he’d let people know he was the governor’s son.
Kivik slowly moved around me and said, “So? My Mother is on the council, the representative of the Krakotl. Everyone else’s are, too.”
I blurted out, “What? Everyone?”, as everyone else out there just stared at her.
“This class is for the kids of representatives, to make it easier to protect us. At least that’s what my dad said. You didn’t know?”, Kivik responded.
My head kept being a chaotic vortex of emotions and thoughts, no one seeming able to take hold, leaving me confused and somewhat paralyzed. I knew that I had seen him somewhere before, “Who the heck is he, where do I..ALEX, Governor Snikis’ partner and friend and..shit!That’s where!The little news reports about adopting an Arxur!”
Isaac sighed and said, “Go ahead, laugh. It’s dad’s horrible idea of a joke and punishment.”, breaking me out of my thoughts, and causing me to look and see that he was talking to Roman.
Roman shook his(adorable) head and stated, “I’m not laughing. Punishment for what?”
Isaac rubbed the back of his head while muttering, “I..I got mad and broke my desk because Dad said I couldn’t visit Ant until his dad said so.”
I blinked in confusion, then looked to Kivik, who also seemed lost, then back over to Roman to ask, “Come on, what’s it say?”
Roman sighed and looked at Isaac, as if he were sorry, only to say, “It says ‘Emotional Support Arxur’.”
“Emotional support.. What’s that mean?”, asked Kivik?
“Uh, it’s..Humans have this.. Ok, uhm, since Humans don’t punish people for being different, well..”, Isaac was adorably(?) fumbling out.
“Animals. We have this thing where we train animals to be companions to help people with autism that causes them to have difficulties like anxiety or communication difficulties and many other things, too. That’s just totally inappropriate for your dad to have done.”, said my Roman.
Isaac sighed and said, “I told you, he’s got a horrible sense of humor, it’s probably got more than one meaning behind it. No one else was supposed to see it, anyway, I was supposed to stay inside until he could get the colony used to me being here.”
I frowned and was about to agree with Roman, it seemed somewhat humiliating, but I couldn't manage to get my thoughts organized enough to verbalize it before we got interrupted.
Teacher Maurava suddenly erupted from the school, hellbent on getting to Isaac, followed by Jahli’s robot suit screaming out something about the police having been called!
Before I knew what I was doing, I was moving with Roman, even as Hedi interspersed himself between Isaac and our teacher, bristling up his quills, showing off those protector instincts his people were famous for. We stood between Maurava and Hedivik, arms linked, and even Kivik seemed to have been moved, as she stood with us, one wing behind Roman’s back, and over my arm!
Roman began to talk and try and defend Isaac, “And if my Roman can’t do it, no one can!”, blared the thought through my head, as I imagined what it must feel like, touching those scales, like Antobo was doing, “Does he care about him like I do about Roman?”
Our Thafki and Zurulian classmates started to defend Isaac as well while I could hear the young Arxur boy urging Antobo and Liahkei to let him up until he did disentangle himself from them.
Hedivik lowered his quills, on command, and moved over to take Liahkei, then Roman pulled away from Kivik and me?! I didn’t want to let him go, but he moved over and coaxed Antobo into letting loose of Issac by telling him he wasn’t alone anymore?
“Ralsi, what fresh hell is my life becoming?I wanted Roman to myself!Is he mine, though?What if this is what he wants?But I wanted to be his!”, all began drowning out sound, even as I started to envi..
Memory Transcription paused and edited
“No no redact all that, all of this, nope, it’s too embarrassing! Holy shit I’d die if Roman saw any of those!”, screamed out Elek’s voice from the recording, an audio note someone probably forgot to remove, “Just blank all of that out!”
“Roger that, that’s why we do these reviews. Editors note, removing these timestamps, scrub it by subject’s request.”, stated an unfamiliar voice.
Memory Transcription resumes
I sighed and began to regretfully pull myself away from Roman as we arrived at our destination, our home, lifting my head from his chest and chasing the daydreams out of my head. I blinked for a moment as Isaac, having been teasing Antobo, leaped out of the vehicle and into the yard after telling his friend he’d have to catch him first?!
“OH! OH! Ok, everyone, help me get him! Get the Arxur!”, cried out Antobo as he jumped out after Isaac!
I couldn’t resist, of course, and jumped out after them, trying to catch the bigger boy! It was un-freaking-real how he kept dodging us! I’d leap for him, only for him to jump to the side instead! ***Fucking hells, this is it, this is exactly why they were so good at it, at being predators!***
It took time, it took effort, but we managed it, we got him down, and we had to cooperate to do it, but it felt good, laying on top of him, all of us giggling and resting.
It only took a few minutes until we all got up, and planned for another assault to get him. I watched and waited for an opening, as Ant leaped for one leg to headbutt, I leaped for the other, only for Isaac to pull it up, just out of my grasp! Kivik dive-bombed the Arxur boy, Koven grabbed for his tail, but it was Nassif, with Nemis on his back, who side-swiped him and knocked him over, for the Harchen boy to leap off of the bigger Fissan’s back and land on Isaac’s chest, then for everyone else to begin piling on!
I lay there, panting out, “This… this is fun.”, my cheek against the friendly Arxur belly, listening to him pant, with Antobo holding onto me and gasping a bit, saying, “We almost got him down, we’ll be the ones to get him next time!”
I slowly got up, once again, when everyone else did, although I somehow just wanted to stay there, he felt somehow… good? Right? I didn’t know.
“This time.”, I whispered to Ant and Kivik as we got ready. I watched as Koven, Nasif, and Nemis got ready for their play, again, and noted that Isaac was keeping an eye on the three of them as he got ready to run, again.A part of me thought that this was too close to playing ‘Exterminators’, and I felt a little bad about it, but it was too fun trying to catch Isaac to stop.
As everyone else got into position, I crafted a new plan, I wasn’t going to go for his other leg as Ant jumped for the first one, even if I thought I knew how he’d go, I knew he’d pull his leg up again, I was going to go higher.
Things went about as I figured, noting how he dodged the opposite direction this time, to throw Kivik off, and out of the way of Nassif, but he hadn’t planned for me, as I was already in motion, having figured he’d go the other way!
Isaac lifted his legs up, thinking my crouching was to leap for his legs, but no, I leaped up and forward, to swing my feet up, and impacted directly with his belly! I kicked forward, thinking I was being careful, but I kicked a little too hard, and he went down hard!
“OHSHITOHSHITOHSHIT!”, I thought to myself, as I scrabbled to crawl over to Isaac, barely slower than Ant, crying out, “Oh man I’m so sorry I thought I was being careful I got too excited!”
Isaac coughed out, “H… holy shit! That was nearly as bad as Ant headbutting me! And that was careful?! I knew Yotul legs were strong, but that’s something else!”
“Oh fuck, uh, I’ll go get Mom, she’ll know what to do!”, I said, then turned to run to the house.
Isaac grabbed my tail and said, “No, wait, I’m… I’m ok. Really.”
Kivik began hopping in a circle around Isaac while asking, “Are you sure you’re ok? That looked like it hurt!”
I frowned and said, “If… if you’re sure. I’ll just go check on Roman and the others while you recover. I saw them all go inside.”
Isaac nodded and said, “I’m sure. I’ll be ok, Kivik, Ant’s hit me that hard before.”Antobo whined and said, “I said I was sorry when I did it! It was that football thing Aunt Harmony likes, you’re supposed to ‘tackle’...”
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submitted by Training_Street4372 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 19:22 Formal_Resolution495 AITAH for asking for a break after my bf made a joke

Part two, that made me a little upset and told him he was mean he got defensive and asked where he was mean exactly, i told him at the end of the call and after he said “i wasn’t mean, its a fact, normal (my name) wouldn’t get offended, she would know its a joke, don’t let your vagina control you” that pissed me off and i told him to just go since he was making it worse, he had the audacity to laugh and say whatever? I texted him hours later asking for a break he got defensive and started yelling and saying stuff i brushed him off then he tried to apologize but i kept my foot down. For context this happens everytime, everytime i open up he either leaves me on seen or get angry and starts yelling and swearing for no reason, this is like the first time he has ever even tried to comfort me, so aitah for wanting to take a break off this relationship? Iam happy to give yall more context if needed. Update, we talked and we got in a very heated argument i got mad and said “well you just wasted your 4 year relationship over some childish behavior” and stopped responding, he kept texting and calling and asking if that meant we were over, i said yes, we fought again and i felt bad, i feel like hes guilt tripping me but iam not sure, i apologized for saying i wanted to break up but hes still mad, what should i do?
submitted by Formal_Resolution495 to u/Formal_Resolution495 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 19:20 landababy defamation laws in canada -- is this libel/slander?

hey. i just recently rented a room where the landlord is living with the tenants. it's a nightmare and no one should have to deal with this piece of shit without knowing what they're getting into. i'd like to post the following explanation to the classifieds website he is posting this room on, and i'd like to know if any of this is considered slander. RENTAL 2 AVOID if you're a serious student or a person who respects themselves, don't move into ****. I am a clean, responsible individual. the landlord lives there and my second night there i realized things are NOT like he said they would be he'll tell you quiet hours are 11pm-7am. this does not apply to him. loud music/videos on phone/bumping around ALL hours of the night (small house). when asked about it he'll blame airplanes. he will also lie by omission about his untrained neurotic dog who WILL whine anxiously and loudly outside your door morning AND night for long periods of time. if you play music to cover it up he'll ask you to turn it down (even at 11am and even when it can't even be heard in the stairwell) laundry hours for tenants are 11am-11pm Monday and Thursday. Don't be surprised if you go downstairs 11am Monday and find him doing his laundry till 3pm. As well, all laundry you CAN do takes 2x as long because you have to use the dryer twice. he'll tell you he has own his bathroom and you're only sharing the bathroom with one other person. he 100% uses the shared bathroom every morning and will 100% put his dirty towels + clothes in your hamper even after you've printed your name in big black letters on all sides. one time he put his towel ON TOP of mine even though the other hook was free. there is constant communication and commentary. i had to wear headphones in all the shared areas just to get some peace and privacy. if you ask him, after 8 or 9 interactions in, say, a week and a half, to text you his concerns instead, he'll tell you you're unreasonable and imply that you are not an adult. when it inevitably doesn't work out he will pressure you to leave immediately by "generously" offering you your rent back 3 times after you tell him you can't leave till the end of the month. when you again tell him that you cannot leave yet and that he is making you feel threatened, he will remind you how generous of an offer it was (3x) the kitchen sink clogs and takes upwards of 15 minutes to drain. if you make food, do dishes, and go upstairs to eat he WILL take a picture of the sink, send it to you, and ask you clean it & respect his house more. this was after i asked him to leave me alone about such trivialities. From what he has told me it seems to me that he's had a lot of people come and go through here. I wasn't going to do this but NO ONE SHOULD HAVE TO WASTE THEIR TIME AND MONEY MOVING INTO THIS PROPERTY WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT THEY'RE GETTING INTO
submitted by landababy to legal [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 19:19 NewsEvening7421 75 Reasons Why the Trinity Doesn't Exist.

75 questions:
Where in the Holy Scriptures does it say that God is a trinity?
Where in the Bible are the terms "God the Son" or "God the Holy Spirit" found?
Was Jesus wrong when He declared that His Father is "the only true God" (John 17:3)?
Why does God say in the First Instruction of the Decalogue "thou shalt have no other gods before me" (Exodus 20:3) if the Godhead is actually the plural of three gods?
Did Jesus agree with the proclamation, "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one" (Deuteronomy 6:4; compare Mark 12:28-34)?
Did Jesus misrepresent the relationship between Him and God when He declared, "My Father is greater than I" (John 14:28)? How is it possible that the Father is greater among the "co-equal" members of the trinity?
How could the apostle Paul declare that "God is the head of Christ" (1 Corinthians 11:3) if they are equal members of the trinity?
Did the apostle Paul agree that there is only one God (Romans 3:30)?
Why does Paul make a unique distinction when he speaks of "the king eternal, incorruptible, invisible, the only wise God" (1 Timothy 1:17), if there are three co-eternal gods?
Was the apostle Paul wrong when he declared that "there is one God the Father, from whom are all things... and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things are..." (1 Corinthians 8:6)?
Did the apostle James perhaps believe in more than one God (James 2:19)?
Why does Jude distinguish between "the only Lord [Despotos in Greek, master or owner in the absolute sense, one who has complete jurisdiction over all things] God, and our Lord [Greek Kyrios] Jesus Christ" (Jude 1:4)?
How is it that Paul states that there is "one Lord [Jesus]... and one God and Father of all, who is over all" (Ephesians 4:4-6), if in fact there are three co-equal gods?
Did God misrepresent his "co-equal" and "co-eternal colleague" of the "trinity" when he announced after Jesus' baptism, "This is my beloved Son" (Matthew 3:17)?
Did God once again misinform Jesus' disciples about His real identity on the Mount of Transfiguration when He repeated "This is my beloved Son" (Matthew 17:5)?
Did Peter misidentify Jesus when he declared, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God" (Matthew 16:13-17; compare John 6:69) or did he receive confirmation that it was from the Father? Why did he not recognize Jesus as "the second face of the Godhead"?
Why did Paul in his first sermon, right after his conversion, "preach Christ, that he is the Son of God" (Acts 9:20)? Shouldn't he have said that he was "a member of the divine trinity"?
Was Martha wrong when she confessed: "You are the Christ, the Son of God, the one who is to come into the world" (John 11:27)?
Why did the accusation of the Jewish leaders and priests against Jesus stick only to His presentation as "Son of God" and "Christ/Messiah" (Matthew 26:63; Luke 22:67, 70; John 19:7), if He ever was anything suggested for himself that he is a "god", "another face of the deity" etc.?
Did Philip misrepresent the gospel to the Ethiopian courtier when he finally made a confession of faith: "I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God" (Acts 8:37)?
Why did God need to give the Son "life in himself" (John 5:26) if the Son is actually the "second co-eternal face of the Godhead" who has always had it?
How is it that even the demons (fallen angels) knew that Jesus was the "Son of God" (Matthew 8:29)? Could those who once dwelt in the presence of God be misinformed?
If God is "triune" (3 in 1 and 1 in 3), does this mean that: i) he sent himself into the world; ii) died to reconcile the world to himself; iii) resurrected himself; iv) exalted himself to Heaven; c) he prays and intercedes before himself in Heaven; vi) that he is the only mediator between man and himself; vii) that he is invisible and yet seen; viii) that God is omnipotent but still stronger than angels; ix) that God is omniscient but did not know the day of his return; x) that He is as great as His Father but that the Father is greater than Him; xi) that He is equal with the Father but He is still the Father; xii) that the Son is of the same age as the Father; xiii) that he is the Son who has a Father and God who does not have a Father; xiv) that he is the begotten Son and the unbegotten God; xv) that he is truly God and truly man; xvi) that he came out of his own accord; xvii) gave force to himself; xviii) thanked himself; xix) bore witness to himself; xx) returned to himself; xxi) to sit on the right side of himself; xxii) that he is his own Father and his own Son; xxiii) that he left Heaven and yet was there all the time…
Why is the Son of God called "the image of the invisible God" (Ephesians 1:15; Hebrews 1:3) if He is actually another co-eternal and co-equal god?
Why is Jesus called "the firstborn before all creation" (Colossians 1:15) if he is "co-eternal" co-equal God with the Father and the Holy Spirit?
How is it that Jesus Christ is the "only-begotten" (monogenes = only-begotten) of the Father (John 1:14; 1:18; 3:16; 3:18; 1 John 4:9) if he is a "co-eternal" member of the trinity ?
How and why the Son (Jesus Christ) always and without exception receives authorization from the Father and is instructed or appointed by God the Father (John 5:22; Matthew 28:18; John 8:28, 42; Hebrews 1:6, etc.) if he himself is a co-eternal and co-equal equal god?
Why does John mention only God and the Word when he talks about creation (John 1:1-3, 14)?
How is it that Paul lists only two divine beings who were involved in creation (Ephesians 3:9; Colossians 1:15-16; Hebrews 1:1-2)?
Why do the letters of Paul, Peter and John always say that grace and peace come only from the Father and the Son (Romans 1:7; 1 Corinthians 1:3; 2 Corinthians 1:2; Galatians 1:3; Ephesians 1:2; Philippians 1:2; 2 Thessalonians 1:2; Titus 1:3. Peter 1:2; 2 John 1:3)?
Why did Jesus completely leave out the Holy Spirit when he declared that eternal life depends on knowing God and Him (John 17:3)?
Who forged the text in 1 John 5:7, the section known as the Comma Johanneum, and why? Is it because of supporting the dogma of the trinity that does not exist in the Holy Scriptures?
Because Peter preached on Pentecost, just ten days after Christ's last instructions before His ascension to Heaven (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 1:2-3), that "everyone... be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ" (Acts 2: 38), does this mean that he had already "forgotten" the triune baptismal formula, that his inspiration under which he preached was not valid, or that this formula in Matthew's Gospel was forged in the 4th century, just like (scientifically proven) Comma Johanneum (1 John 5:7)?
How is it that in the New Testament there is not a single recorded example of someone being baptized "in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit", but only in the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38; Acts 8:12; Acts 8:16 ; Acts 10:48; Acts 22:3; 1 Corinthians 3:27)?
Why does the Bible never teach us to love, worship or pray to the Holy Spirit?
Jesus declares that only the Son has seen the Father (John 6:46; Luke 10:22). How can the Holy Spirit be a literal being without ever seeing the Father?
Why did the apostle John leave out the Holy Spirit when he says that "our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ" (1 John 1:3)?
How is it that the Bible only talks about the thrones of the Father and the Son, but never mentions the throne of the Holy Spirit?
Why did the Father never talk to the Holy Spirit?
Why did Jesus never talk to the Holy Spirit?
Why did the Holy Spirit never speak to Jesus?
Why did the Holy Spirit never speak to the Father?
Why did the Holy Spirit manifest in the form of a dove at Jesus' baptism (Matthew 3:16) if he is God himself? Wouldn't that be a direct violation of God's Instruction forbidding idolatry and depicting the Deity with material things (Exodus 20:4; Deuteronomy 4:15-19)?
Why does Paul say that there is only one Spirit (Ephesians 4:4), while the Bible speaks of "the Spirit of God", "the Spirit of Christ" (Romans 8:9), "the Spirit of the Lord"? Is it a separate being or the Spirit about which the whole Holy Scripture speaks: "God... sent the Spirit of His Son" (Galatians 4:6); the spirit through which the Father and the Son dwell in the faithful (John 14:23; Ephesians 2:18; Galatians 2:20; Philippians 1:19; 1 Peter 1:11)?
How many "holy spirits" are there if the dogma of the trinity is correct?
How is it that about the "day or hour" of Christ's second coming "no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father" (Mark 13:32)? Why was the Holy Spirit not mentioned as an equal God who would also have to know this?
Why does Scripture call those who deny the literal Father and Son "antichrists" (1 John 2:22-23; Jude 1:4)?
How is it that the Son of God is the only being who knows the Father (Luke 10:22)?
How is it that the Father and the Son are the only divine beings that one can hate (John 15:23-24)?
How is it that only two beings are involved in mediating for us if, according to the doctrine of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit is the mediator: "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus" (1 Timothy 2:5) ?
Why is it explicitly stated in the same verse (1 Timothy 2:5) that there is "only one God" and why is Jesus not even called a "God-man"?
Why "salvation (we owe) to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb" (Revelation 7:10)? Does the Holy Spirit have no merit?
If Jesus Christ is one of the three co-eternal gods, how could he die on the cross and testify for himself that he "was dead" (Revelation 1:18), if we know that God is the only immortal (1 Timothy 6:16) ?
How is it that in the divine revelation Stephen saw in Heaven only "the Son of man standing at the right hand of God" (Acts 7:56)? Where did the third member go?
How is it that we will only be "heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ" (Romans 8:17)? Where is the third one?
Why does not the Holy Spirit testify about Christ, but only the Father who sent him (John 8:18)?
Why does Jesus say "believe in God, believe also in me" (John 14:1) if there is another god we should believe in?
Why does John associate faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, with gaining eternal life (John 20:31; 1 John 5:10-12) if God is actually a trinity of three co-eternal gods?
Why does John say that he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God overcomes the world (1 John 5:5)?
Why is the seal on the foreheads of the 144,000 from Revelation 14:1 the seal of God the Father and not the seal of the Trinity?
Why do the saved in Heaven say that "salvation (owes) to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb" (Revelation 7:10)? How come they don't know about the "third person of God" and thank him too?
Why is there no Holy Spirit in the "kingdom of Christ and God" (Ephesians 5:5)?
Why is it that after the realization of the Salvation Plan there is no Holy Spirit on God's throne again, but the throne is only God's and the Lamb's / Christ's (Revelation 22:1)?
Why will the Son "submit to God" after the realization of the Plan of Salvation if he is co-equal with God (1 Corinthians 15:27,28)?
Why do we honor only the Father and the Son (John 5:23)?
Why does the apostle James say of himself that he is "a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ" (James 1:1)? Does he refuse to serve the third?
Why does Jesus emphasize that he is in unity only with the Father (John 10:30) if there is a "triune God"?
Why did Jesus promise the disciples and Christians in all the following centuries that he "will not leave us" (John 14:18) and that he will be "always with us, until the end of this age" (Matthew 28:20) if the Holy Spirit as a separate will he be the one who performs the work of conviction, consolation, etc.?
How is it that the Spirit of truth does not speak of himself, but it is the Father who tells him what to say, and that "He" is Christ (John 8:28; 12:49; 14:10, 24 and 16:13)?
How is it that throughout the entire Bible, God the Father is always the Source and the highest Authority from whom everything comes, and the Son is God's divine channel, through whom everything is (John 12:49; John 14:10; John 14:24, John 8:28) , whether in physical or spiritual manifestation, if there are three co-equal equal gods (the third is actually nowhere to be found, while with the mentioned two there is obviously a clear hierarchy and a domain of action that never changes)?
Who actually raised Jesus from the grave, if God is triune (see: Acts 2:24; 2:32; 3:15; 4:10; 5:30; 10:40; 13:30,33,34,37; 17:24; 1 Corinthians 15:14; Ephesians 1:20; 1 Thessalonians 1:10; 1 Peter 1:21)?
How is it that Jesus Christ after his ascension and assumption of authority in Heaven (Matthew 28:18) needed God the Father to give him a revelation (Revelation 1:1) if he himself is an equal omniscient god?
If Jesus is co-eternal God with the Father, why did he tell Mary Magdalene that he was returning "to his God and your God" (John 20:17)?
Why does Jesus call his Father "my God" three times in Revelation 3:12? Is there only one true God in Heaven or perhaps a hierarchy of lower and higher gods? How does this fit into the dogma of a "trinity" and three "co-eternal" and "co-equal" beings?
If the Father and the Son are clearly not part of a "trinity", then why do you believe in the trinity?
submitted by NewsEvening7421 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 19:18 xtic94 25 [M4F] #Online #Italy - Looking for new friends!

Hi everyone!
My name is Nicholas, I'm 25, and I live in Italy. I'm a master's student in Management in Milan. Although I've finished all my exams, I'm back in my hometown in southern Italy, waiting to start an internship (if a company accepts me, hopefully...). So, I have a lot of free time lately, and I'd like to make new friends!
I have a messed up sleep schedule, so don't worry if you're not in my timezone. I studied English, Spanish, and French in high school, so I can speak those languages too if you prefer!
I'm 178 cm (or 5'10") with blue eyes and brown hair. Now, let's talk more specifically about me and my passions:
I hope I've caught your interest, so I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
submitted by xtic94 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 19:17 rrrreeeeeeeeee Hot Slut of the Day - Oregon Rodeo Bull bounces from boring event

We've all been there. You're at an event, you circle the crowd, people are dressed like trash, the music makes you want to take sharp scissors to your ear drum... BEEN THERE.
This weekend a bull named 'Party Bus' (I would love to take credit for making that name up...but it's true...and it's perfect) jumped a fence at an Oregon rodeo trying to bounce out of a party he had no interest in staying at.
Hilarity ensued when, Bus, as his friends know him, tried to squeeze out a side exit, past women in Trump hats and Carrie Underwood bejeweled tour t-shirts. Before heading home, Bus thought 'lemme stop and grab a soda and fries'. It's highly likely that Bus was side-eyed with that 'the last thing you need is fries' kinda look because he tossed some dude into the air like he was Mary Tyler Moore's baret (if you know, you know) and made his way into the parking lot to grab an Uber.
Bus got into more shenanigans in the parking lot before the po-po arrived to end the fun and placed him into custody. JUSTICE FOR PARTY BUS is a message that unites us all.
submitted by rrrreeeeeeeeee to DListedCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 19:17 Jake_Stack808 Pyoneer: Automatically convert Excel to Python Scripts for your data pipelines

Pyoneer: Automatically convert Excel to Python Scripts for your data pipelines
I built a python framework to help data engineers turn Excel files (psuedo software) into real-software Python. Ideally, Pyoneer helps you automate your manual Excel processes. You can try it today here:
How it works:
  1. You upload an Excel file
  2. We statically parse the Excel file and build a dependency graph of all the cells, tables, formulas, and pivots.
  3. We do a graph traversal, and translate nodes as we hit them. We use OpenAI APIs to translate formulas. There’s a bunch of extra work here — because even with the best prompt engineering a fella like me can do, OpenAI sucks at translating formulas (primarily because it doesn’t know what datatypes its dealing with). We augment this translation with a mapping from ranges to variable names and types, which in our experience can improve the percentage of correctly translatable formulas by about 5x.
  4. We generate test cases for our translations as well, to make sure the Python process matches your Excel process.
  5. We give you back a Jupyter notebook that contains the code we generated.
If there are pieces of the Excel we can’t translate successfully (complex formulas, or pivot tables currently), then we leave them as a TODO in the code. This makes it easy for you to hop in and continue finishing the script.
Who is this for:
Data engineers and developers who know Python, primarily! Pyoneer might be useful if:
  1. You’ve got an Excel file you’re looking to move to Python (usually for speed, size, or maintenance reasons).
  2. There’s enough logic contained in the notebook that it’s going to be a hassle for you to just rewrite it from scratch.
  3. Or you don’t know the logic that is in the Excel workbook well since you didn’t write it in the first place :)
Post translation, even if Pyoneer doesn't nail it perfectly or translate all the formulas, you'll be able to pop into the notebook and continue cleaning up the TODOs / finish writing the formulas.
What the Alpha launch supports:
Launched early! Currently we’re focused on supporting:
  1. Any number of sheets, with any reference structure between them.
  2. Cells that translate as variables directly. We’ll translate the formulas to Python code that has the same result, or else we’ll generate a TODO letting you know we failed translating this cell.
  3. Tables that translate as Pandas dataframes. We support at most one table per sheet, at the tables must be contiguous. If the formulas in a column are consistent, then we will try and translate this as a single pandas statement.
We do not support: pivot tables or complex formulas. When we fail to translate these, we generate TODO statements. We also don’t support graphs or macros - and you won’t see these reflected in the output at all currently.
Why we built this:
We built an open source tool called Mito. It’s been a good journey since then - we’ve scaled revenue and to over 2k Github stars. But fundamentally, Mito is a tool that’s useful for Excel users who wanted to start writing Python code more effectively.
We wanted to take another stab at the Excel -> Python pain point that was more developer focused - that helped developers that have to translate Excel files into Python do this much more quickly. Hence, Pyoneer!
submitted by Jake_Stack808 to dataengineering [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 19:17 xxknowledge [Offer] First Form! :-) [US to US]

This is my first time making a Google form for this sub. If I did something incorrect, please let me know lol
Let's celebrate my move into my new house! :-) I have a variety of cards, postcards, and homemade cards I'd love to send out. No specific amount. I'll close when I get enough responses.
  1. Fill out this form here
  2. In the form, name your theme OR I will go with my ✨ intuition ✨
  3. Comment on this post once filled out
  4. Must be willing to post a thank you in the sub
  5. EXTRA; comment emojis that describe your aesthetic
I hope I did this right lol
submitted by xxknowledge to RandomActsofCards [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 19:16 MaestroBots 5 Common Challenges of De-Fi Trading (PART 2)

If you’re thinking about trading or are a new trader, here are some common risks to be aware of. Learn how you can reduce your risk. You are reading Part 2, check out Part 1 here.

1. High Transaction Fees:

During network congestion, transaction fees (especially on Ethereum) can skyrocket, making trading expensive and eroding profits.
Consider trading during off-peak hours when network congestion is lower. Use layer-2 solutions or alternative blockchains with lower fees. Plan and batch transactions to minimize the impact of fees.
Maestro Bots currently offers trading on 8 chains - Ethereum, Solana, Binance Smart Chain, Base, Ton, Metis, Avalanche and Arbitrum.

2. Security Risks:

Traders may face security risks such as phishing attacks, private key management issues, and malicious actors. Ensuring the security of wallets and private keys is crucial.
When you generate a wallet with Maestro we recommend you write down your PK with pen and paper and delete it from the chat. Maestro will never store, track or ask you for your PKs. And our support team will never DM first. Our integration of HoudiniSwap further enhances security when sending and receiving funds. Read more about that here.

3. Complexity and User Error:

Trading can be complex and difficult for beginners to navigate. Mistakes in transactions, incorrect settings, and misunderstanding of protocol mechanisms can lead to significant financial losses​.
Maestro makes crypto trading easier. Maestro offers a user-friendly interface, a comprehensive manual, youtube tutorials and a 24/7 support team to help you out. The bot itself also offers settings to automatically help reduce risk/error.

4. Liquidity Risks:

Some DeFi protocols have low liquidity, leading to slippage during trades and difficulty in exiting positions without significantly impacting the market price.Low liquidity can also make it challenging to quickly liquidate assets in response to market movements.
Check the liquidity of pools before trading. Set slippage tolerance levels to avoid unfavorable trades.
With Maestro Bots your slippage tolerance is 10% slippage by default, but you can change it accordingly. Using extremely high slippage values is dangerous, especially on 0 tax and low tax tokens, since you can get frontrun by MEV bots, so please use a suitable value, or utilize Smart Slippage.
Maestro’s Smart Slippage overrides your slippage and automatically adjusts it based on the token's taxes and your price impact. It is very convenient for quick swaps and casual call channel sniping, as it can protect you from frontrunning bots.

5. Counterparty Risk:

Even though DeFi aims to eliminate intermediaries, there is still counterparty risk in lending and borrowing protocols. Borrowers might default on their loans, or the value of collateral might drop significantly, impacting lenders .
Mitigate risk by regularly monitoring the value of collateral and be prepared to act if it drops.
While DeFi trading offers many opportunities, it also comes with a range of risks that traders must carefully manage. Maestro Bots can help you and make trading easier and reduce your risk.
Try Maestro Bots today:
This article is not financial advice, always do your own research (DYOR).
submitted by MaestroBots to MaestroBots [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 19:15 MrFurdles FH5 Legends

FH5 Legends
Hey fellow racers! I am here to announce an ongoing project that will change the way we play FH5!
The goal is to have a progression system inspired by Asphalt 9 (without any mindless grinding for those who play that game, also, no RNG pack openings, you can rest assured), that will be focused on acquiring blueprints for cars to slowly build your garage. Here are the different ways you'll be able to unlock and upgrade your cars :
  • Career (with a base roster of cars that you'll be able to use for a good amount of other events)
  • Special Events (each will be focused on one car, requiring you to own several more common/slower cars to unlock said featured car! I also may make special liveries for some special events that you'll be able to apply once you finish the event fully, no promises.)
  • Car Hunts (events that again, focus on one single car but require much less support cars. Featured cars will be useful for special events!)
  • Starway Events : Unlock and upgrade a selection of 6 cars to unlock and star up the featured starway car to the same level till it is fully maxed!
  • Championships : Use the featured car and use it to get a chance to win it's key at the end of said event!
  • Class Cups : Use a car from a certain class and beat race times to get multiple blueprints for tons of cars with the same class!
  • More to come! Still brainstorming ideas and feel free to propose some for those who know Asphalt 9 well!
You'll have events based off each series since launch date to make it as similar as seasons from A9!
IMPORTANT : This won't be any 3rd party software that will be used to play with this progression system. I'm not a tech guy and thus, you'll have to use excel to manage your garage, check pdf files to see all featured events. Though I am more than capable of making graphic assets to make this experience as enjoyable as I can. Though this means that :
  • Any DLC car / pack will have its own event and said capack will not be used for any other events to avoid needing DLC cars to unlock free cars.
  • Anything you do, you'll have to keep track of yourself.
  • You'll have to trust the progression system and when you unlock a car in your excel garage, you'll have to buy the car from the autoshow yourself. And you'll have to restrict yourself not to get every car, every upgrade from the start.
  • Since you'll be unlocking all cars in the game, you'll have to use a 3rd party program or "cheat" I suppose to make all cars visible in the autoshow and also make them free (unless you have already 1k million in your bank ofc)
I hope I covered everything that was important to tell and I hope that you are interested in such huge project. I'm a lone "developer" (if you can call someone that only makes excel files, graphic design, pdfs) and it takes quite a long time to make such projects... It's far from being finished and I know some of you know I already started doing the same thing for FH4. I still plan on doing the same thing for FH4 but I felt more motivated to work on FH5 Legends and finish it before FH4 Legends. I deeply apologize for leaving FH4 to the side for now, I hope I can work on it after FH5 Legends is done.
Here bellow, you have screenshots of what blueprints and the garage will look like!!!
submitted by MrFurdles to ForzaHorizon [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 19:15 Joser_7625 PMCC 4th Watch: A Cult in Christ's Clothing

Below are 10 points to help you consider if your church is cult-like (or on its way there) (taken from: https://eitan.baarticles/christian-cults/ )

The texts in bold italic are my own words.
1. An Overly Strong Charismatic Leader A common feature of Christian cults is the presence of a powerful, charismatic leader(/s) who is seen as the ultimate authority within the group. These leaders often claim to possess unique spiritual insight, divine revelation, or even prophetic powers. Then, they demand unquestioning obedience from their followers, presenting their teachings as the supreme (if not only) path to salvation.
Isn't this obvious within the 4th Watch? 4th Watchers claim that they have a living apostle named Arsenio T. Ferriol who guides the church and his interpretation of the scriptures must be the only one followed and taught. Members also exaggerate in praising the apostle and his family and we can also see how they live lavish lives while the members are having a difficult time both in living and serving the cult. It is also important to note that Arsenio has connections with the elect or higher ups in the Filipino society.
"For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." - Matthew 24:24
2. Thought Control Christian cults often employ thought control techniques to manipulate their members, discouraging critical thinking and promoting a black-and-white worldview. Members are indoctrinated with specific dogmas, and in some cases, mentaly attacked or abused to suppress dissenting opinions.
A key element of thought control in Christian cults is discouraging members from exploring foreign doctrines and theologies or studying the history and development of their own beliefs. By limiting members’ exposure to alternative viewpoints and historical context, the cult maintains a tight grip on its followers’ understanding of faith, ensuring that the group’s doctrines remain unchallenged.
This strict belief system often includes the idea that all non-members are doomed to eternal damnation, further solidifying the “us-versus-them” mentality. By cultivating a fear of outsiders and other belief systems, the cult creates an environment in which members become increasingly reliant on the group for guidance and support, making it difficult for them to question the cult’s teachings or consider alternative perspectives.
Apostle Arsenio T. Ferriol is a good manipulator of minds. One of the central doctrines of the 4th Watch is the imminence of the Second Coming of Christ and "rapture", a doctrine where those who live and accepted Christ as their savior and followed the teachings of the 4th Watch will be suddenly taken along with the apostle in heaven in the blink of an eye. Its members fear when the rapture will occur which the apostle said would occur during his lifetime and ministry. But what happened? On May 19, 2024, the apostle suddenly passed away and no rapture occurred.
“However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows." - Matthew 24:36
3. Isolation from Friends and Family Christian cults frequently encourage members to sever ties with friends, family, or any other external influences. By isolating members from their support networks, cult leaders can more easily control and manipulate them. This process might involve members relocating to a secluded compound or withdrawing from social activities with non-members.
Those who give their bodies as living sacrifices to the iglesia or church leave their families and work without being paid in institutions governed by the 4th Watch such as Maranatha Christian Academy, National Christian Life College, or perhaps study as "Bible Students" where they get to know the doctrines of the church and once they graduate, would preach the word and invite more members to the cult. Even in the educational facade of the cult called Maranatha Christian Academy, those who study there regardless of religion experience this seclusion or withdrawing from social activities with non members in the form of "spiritual retreats" where they go to a secluded place and learn customs regularly done by the cult such as "morning devotion".
"Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment." - Proverbs 18:1
4. Exploitation Christian cult members are often required to make substantial financial contributions or, in extreme cases, hand over all their assets to the group. This can include tithes, donations, or fees for participating in various rituals and ceremonies. This, however, can also be an exploitation of time and energy. Sometimes, members may be encouraged or coerced into taking on debt to further fund the cult’s activities.
Now this is the trademark of the 4th Watch based on my observations. Most 4th watchers are encouraged or even obliged to pay the tithes plus love offerings and special offerings. I've seen this in MCA where all the students are encouraged to pay numerous fees for extracurricular activities including a "thanksgiving" offering during a special worship service before the school year officially ends. Its leader and bishops are very eloquent in obliging members to give more than what they have during offertory messages in the divine worship service. One example I won't forget is when a certain bishop told the congregation that "binigay daw ni apostol hindi lang ang ikapu kung hindi ang lahat ng meron siya sa Panginoon." Since the apostle is overly charismatic to the point that people would follow whatever he said or did, they would also no doubt give abundantly to gain a good reputation within the church and encourage others to do the same.
"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." - 2 Corinthians 9:6-8
5. Forcing Commitment Christian cults frequently demand members to demonstrate perfect devotion to group activities, such as attending meetings, participating in rituals, or performing tasks for the leader. Those who fail to attend often enough are considered “falling from faith” or “weak believers,” which the others must “pray for” and “encourage” them to be more committed. This, of course, causes great mental distress by means of spiritual and emotional manipulation.
Based on my observations, most members of the 4th watch are required to attend whatever activities or gawain the cult would come up such as conventions, divine worship, morning devotion, evangelistic services, paghahayo, birthdays of the leaders or elders, medical missions etc. Those who fail to attend are said to be weak believers and are prayed upon so they'll be more committed in carrying out the cult's orders.
6. Authoritarian Structure More extreme Christian cults are typically characterized by a rigid hierarchy, with the leader at the top and members below. This hierarchy is often enforced through intimidation and coercion, ensuring that members conform to the group’s expectations and obey the leader’s commands. In cults, public humiliation can be a common tactic used to control and manipulate members who are deemed “sinners.” This may involve forcing individuals to publicly expose and confess their perceived transgressions, as well as to repent in front of the group. This process can be deeply humiliating and emotionally damaging for the person involved, as it often involves gossip, intense shaming and degradation.
Such public confessions and repentance can serve multiple purposes within the cult. First, they help to maintain the authority of the cult leader by reinforcing the idea that they have the power to judge and punish those who fail to meet the group’s expectations. Second, they create an atmosphere of fear among the members, deterring them from questioning or defying the cult’s teachings. Lastly, they can serve to break down an individual’s sense of self-worth and autonomy, making them more susceptible to the cult’s control and influence.
The 4th Watch cult perfectly fits in this characteristic of a cult like church. The leader, his family and senior pastors are living lavish lives with better seats, accomodations and outfits during church gatherings or events while those who are ordinary or new members live horrible lives. And whatever the apostle and elders say, the bible students or any member of the cult who is not a presbyter, minister, Ferriol or pastor must obey without ifs or buts. It's also worthy to mention the grand entrance procession the apostle, his family and elders make during regular or special Sunday divine worship services, a sign that they have authority and those below them must submit and see them as high and mighty leaders. They also get special attention even if a song dedicated to God called "Kabanalbanalan" is being sung. Think: some members of the congregation especially those near the aisle take pictures of the entering leaders or even applaud them, while the choir sings the introductory worship song. It's like God has been robbed of His Glory in that service.
Not to mention an incident I read from this subreddit where a certain person did not pay much in the offering and he was disparaged by the other members of the church for not giving much. Plus another member who gave all his salary during the offertory which made him gain a special mention by the pastor during the worship service.
“I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. “You shall have no other gods before me." - Exodus 20:1
7. Us-versus-Them Mentality Christian cults frequently cultivate an “us-versus-them” mentality among their members, instilling a belief that their group possesses unique enlightenment and the one true theology, while outsiders are deemed misguided or even evil. Members may be encouraged to view others as “fake believers” or “Christians in name only, lacking genuine rebirth.” This mindset promotes an unhealthy dependence on the group, isolating members from external influences and reinforcing the cult’s authority.
By fostering such a divisive mentality, the cult manipulates its members into remaining loyal and compliant, as questioning the group’s teachings or practices could be perceived as betrayal or spiritual failure. This insularity not only makes it challenging for members to critically evaluate the group’s doctrines but also hinders their ability to form meaningful relationships with those outside the group.
Cults, including Christian ones, often resort to demonizing the outside world as a means of easily controlling and manipulating their members. By portraying non-members and external influences as inherently evil, dangerous, or morally corrupt, the cult fosters a sense of fear and mistrust towards those outside the group. This tactic serves to strengthen the cult’s hold over its members, as they come to view the group as a safe haven and the only source of truth and salvation. One example of an “us-versus-them” mentality applied to a doctrine is some versions of Calvinism’s Total Inability, which asserts that people are born evil, no longer possessing any trace of the image of God in them.
The apostle and his followers claim that the PMCC 4th Watch is the only true church in the end times while the rest are false so they must conduct "home free crusades" or paghahayo where they do street preaching or members invite non-4th watcher family members and friends to join the church. There are even reports of 4th watch pastors or members verbally attacking other religions or Christian sects claiming that they are cults.
"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world." - 1 John 4:1
8. Strict Rules and Regulations Christian cults usually impose strict rules and regulations on their members, dictating everything from how they should (or shouldn’t) wear on their bodies, people they should (or shouldn’t) be in a personal relationship with (sometimes, against their will- like in an abusive marriage). Breaking these rules can result in severe punishment, both mental and emotional. In the case of families, then discipline will most likely include physical/corporal punishments as well, especially for little children. This, as well, will be done in the name of God, which of course, goes against the Bible (Exodus 20:7).
Cults may punish those they consider “sinners” severely, in God’s name, to maintain control and ensure adherence to the group’s beliefs and norms. These punishments can take various forms, such as public humiliation, isolation, shunning or emotional manipulation. By enforcing strict consequences for perceived transgressions, cult leaders create an environment of fear and obedience, making it more difficult for members to question or challenge the group’s teachings. This punitive approach can exacerbate the harmful effects of cult dynamics on individuals, as it further isolates members from outside support networks and erodes their sense of self-worth and autonomy.
"Bawal manood ng sine." - Apostle Arsenio Ferriol. This is one of the ridiculous rules I've seen made by the apostle but I am pretty sure there are more. I've even heard from someone who once studied in MCA that those who attend spiritual retreat camps must wake up early for morning devotion or else they'll be punished if they oversleep.
9. Lack of Transparency
Lack of transparency is a common characteristic of cults, as they often strive to maintain a positive image to the outside world while hiding internal issues and wrongdoings. In an effort to avoid embarrassment and maintain control, cult leaders may cover up illegal activities or unethical behavior within the community, such as sexual abuse. By sweeping these transgressions under the carpet, they prevent the outside world from learning about the group’s darker side, thereby preserving their carefully crafted facade.
This lack of transparency and accountability can have severe consequences for the victims of abuse, who may be silenced or even pressured to forgive their abusers without seeing any real justice. Offenders, on the other hand, may continue to exploit and harm others without facing any consequences for their actions. This dangerous environment perpetuates the cycle of abuse and manipulation within the cult, as members remain trapped in a system that prioritizes the group’s image over the well-being and safety of individuals.
I've read stories of PMCC4W pastors and MCA teachers who are guilty of sexual abuses or pedophilia and yet nothing happened and even the cult promoted these sexual offenders into a higher office within the church or put them in a different locale. (Former 4th watchers correct me if I'm wrong please) And about the said issues told by some former 4th watchers, the authorities in the cult prefer to keep silent and not bring up about these topics instead of confessing them.
"Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy." - Proverbs 28:13
10. Fear of Leaving Christian cults often fail to understand what God’s grace really is (a loving and protective father vs. an abuser who’s willing to spare your life), which is a central tenet of the Gospel. Grace is the unmerited favor and love that God extends to all people, irrespective of their actions or worthiness. In a healthy understanding of Christianity, God’s grace is meant to inspire believers to lead a life of love, compassion, and spiritual growth. However, in Christian cults, the focus often shifts from grace to strict rules, fear, and judgment. These groups may downplay or ignore the concept of God’s grace, instead using fear of divine punishment to manipulate and control their members. As a result, followers may develop a distorted understanding of their faith, one that lacks the hope, forgiveness, and transformation that God’s grace offers. This failure to recognize and embrace grace can contribute to the toxic environment within such cults and hinder the spiritual development of their members.
Sadly, Christian cults often instill a deep-seated fear in members about the consequences of leaving the group. This fear can manifest in various ways, such as the threat of eternal damnation, social ostracism, or in some extreme cases- physical harm. As a result, members may feel trapped within the cult, unable to escape even if they recognize the group’s harmful nature.
I believe those who dare to leave the PMCC4W are faced with threats of eternal damnation from their locales' respective ministers or ostracism from fellow cult members who they had shared a bond with during their time within the iglesia. (Former 4th watchers can expound on this. Your comments and thoughts are well appreciated.)
So that's all I have to report about this cult based on my observations. It is clear that the 4th Watch is guilty of these cultic characteristics. It's time for its members to think if they're really in a sacred space where God's love and grace can be felt or if they're being controlled in mind, body and soul by an ambitious, cunning and condescending cult leader.
submitted by Joser_7625 to ExKultoPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 19:14 319065890 Navigating difficult relationship with your own mother while pregnant. What’s your story?

Anyone else have a tortured relationship with their mom?
My story, the abridged version: My mom is an emotional terrorist. She has been for as long as I can remember. Growing up, you’d swear my name was “dog” or “pig” with how easily it rolled off her tongue in my direction. She ruled with an iron fist (or belt, rather). I could do no right and it almost always ended up with me getting (TW: child abuse) the ever loving shit best out of me with a belt, a shoe, her bare hands, or a hot pot off the stove. Meanwhile, my brother who was actually the troublemaker got off Scot-free. His punishment was often watching me get beaten in his place. I left home, and the state, the first chance I could at 18.
Now I live 2000 miles away. She’s replaced physical abuse with pure emotional abuse and manipulation. For whatever reason (cultural reasons + conditioning, honestly), I’ve never been able to cut ties. No matter how much therapy I’ve gone through, she is ever-present. She says whatever she wants from “your husband doesn’t love you, he’s using you for money” because my spouse doesn’t call her to shoot the shit to “the reason you can’t get pregnant is because you don’t pray/go to church” when I was undergoing fertility treatment for unexplained infertility. Then if I repeat back what she just said 10 seconds ago, she’ll tell me I’m a liar and she never said those things. It’s insane. She’s insane.
We got into a huge fight recently over her lying about something. When I called her out, suddenly I’m being screamed at for having the nerve to suggest she could be dishonest. I lost it. I became enraged. After the fact I was so upset and disappointed with myself for allowing myself to get so upset while pregnant. I haven’t spoken with her in weeks as a result. I spoke with a cousin who wanted to serve as a mediator and when he repeated to me the same lies from my conversation with my mother, I feel like it solidified for me that I want and need to wash my hands of her. She will never change. And I cannot subject my baby to her or how she makes me feel.
Still, I can’t help but feel guilty. Like I’m the reason she won’t be in her grandchild’s life. It crushes me that because of who she chooses to be, I’m deprived of a healthy mother daughter relationship, especially during this crucial time in my life.
Anyone else have experience with a shitty parent and/or closing the door on a relationship with a shitty parent during pregnancy?
submitted by 319065890 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 19:14 ohgodmarvin Trip Report - Val Grande National Park

Where: Val Grande National Park
When: 07/06/2024 - 09/06/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY) - 3 Days
Distance: ~35 KM/22 Miles. ~2200 Mts elevation gain.
Conditions: Mostly cloudy/light rain with occasional bursts of sunlight. Highs of 30 Dec Celsius and lows of 10 Degree Celsius.
Lighterpack: (Total pack weight - 11.8 KGs including food + water and excluding worn weight. I know, it's not ultralight).
Pictures -
Useful Pre-Trip Information or Overview:
Day 1 - Malesco to Le Fornaci - 10.13 KM/670 Mts Elevation gain
Traveled the previous night by a bus to Lugano and then a train to Malesco(this train ride is super cute btw). Barely got any sleep. So, decided to take the first day easy. Most of the path on this day was a mix of well laid out paths and asphalt. So, relatively easy. Reached a place named Le Fornaci and found a nice place to camp. Camping is officially forbidden here but is tolerated if you pitch tent after 7:00 PM and follow LNT. Note that camping is allowed within the national park boundaries if you pitch your tent past 5:00 PM. The reason it's forbidden at Le Fornaci is because we are still outside the national park boundaries. Lots of sunshine on this day and I could recharge my power bank to full capacity with the solar panel. Sadly, this was the last sunny day of the hike.
Day 2 - Le Fornaci to Alpe Serena - ~14 KM/1100 Mts Elevation gain
This is the best part of the hike. You first hike up to Bivouac Scaredi which is located on a mountain pass. The view at the mountain pass is spectacular with the Val Grand national park opening up in front of you and the 4000 Mts tall Swiss peaks visible in the far distance. After that, you descend to the valley floor and pass through quiet beech forests dotted with abandoned settlements. It was surreal hiking through ancient stone huts knowing that entire families had lived there for hundreds of years. You cross numerous streams and there are even crystal clear pools where you can get into the water if you are feeling adventurous(look out for flash floods if it's raining heavily though).
I was originally planning to complete the hike in 4 days. But on the second day, it dawned on me that if I did this hike in 4 days, I would arrive at camp sites every day by about 1 PM and would have to kill time till 5:00 PM before pitching the tent. The 4th day weather was predicted to be pretty bad(heavy rain). So, made the decision to complete the trip in 3 days instead of 4. The original plan was to hike to a place called La Piana which has a couple of unguarded huts and a ranger station. There is ample space to camp there but since I had decided to cut the trip short by a day, I decided to hike further to Alpe Gabbio and then on to Alpe Serena(both are abandoned settlements). Passed a lot of good camping spots at La Piana and Alpe Gabbio which I came to regret later. Finally reached Alpe Serena by 7:00 PM.
I was under the impression that since Alpe Serena was an abandoned settlement, it would be easy to find a place to pitch the tent. Nope, that was a bad assumption. The place was overgrown and there was not a lot of flat ground for the tent. It also started to rain, so pitched the tent on a bumpy bit of ground on grass. Did not get good sleep that night. On the other hand, the place was incredible with a waterfall visible in the distance and the place was ringed on all sides by huge granite peaks. Frankly, if I had reached the spot earlier and if it was sunny, this place would have been a spectacular place to camp.
Note: Right after Alpe Gabbio, the path is not super well marked and you need to keep a careful eye on the trail and constantly look out for cairns to keep to the trail.
Day 3 - Alpe Serena to Premosello Chiovenda - 10.39 Kms/434 Mts Elevation gain
Last day of the trek. Got up super early and decided to skip breakfast(another mistake) so that I could finish the hike early since there was a thunderstorm predicted for the afternoon. Hiked up to a mountain pass and started the long descent(1500 Mts) down to the valley. The first part of the descent was good but it soon became a grind after I hit an asphalt road. Reached Premosello Chiovenda by 2:00 PM just in the nick of time. The heavens opened up just as I found a nice cafe and ordered coffee and snacks.
Gear Notes
Gear that worked out well
Gear that did not work well
Let me know if anyone has questions about Val Grande, happy to answer them!
submitted by ohgodmarvin to Ultralight [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 19:13 DanTechMedia ArkGartha - ASA PvE / PvP Cluster Modded

Hey, hey, fellow survivors! Get ready to ascend to new heights with us! We're a sharp, savvy crew, enjoying some epic PvP and PvE action in the world of ASA! With our daily active admins and moderators, new players can count on friendly assistance whenever needed. Our servers are open to everyone and are cross-platform compatible!
Step into our digital campground, where the fire's always crackling, and the stories are as wild as the dinos we tame! Whether you're a seasoned survivor or you're just setting foot on the island for the first time, you'll find a warm welcome waiting for you here in our Discord server!
So pull up a log, grab your s'mores, toss your worries into the bonfire, and join our Discord! 🏕️ 🔥 🦖

➤ The Island PvP - Wiped: 2/13/24
➤ Scorched Earth PvP - Wiped: 4/1/24
➤ The Center PvP - Wiped: 6/4/24
➤ The Island PvE
➤ Scorched Earth PvE
➤ The Center PvE
➤ More to come when released!

How to join:
➤ From the "JOIN GAME" screen, make sure you're on the "UNOFFICIAL" tab
➤ Check the "SHOW PLAYER SERVERS" checkbox
➤ Search for "ArkGartha"

PvP Server Names:
➤ ArkGartha - PvP - TheIsland - 3XP / 5H / 6T / 8B - Wiped: 2/13/24
➤ ArkGartha - PvP - Scorched Earth - 3XP / 5H / 6T / 8B - Wiped: 4/1/24
➤ ArkGartha - PvP - The Center - 3XP / 5H / 6T / 8B - Wiped: 6/4/24

PvE Server Names:
➤ ArkGartha - PvE - TheIsland - 3XP / 3H / 8T / 30B
➤ ArkGartha - PvE - Scorched Earth - 3XP / 3H / 8T / 30B
➤ ArkGartha - PvE - The Center - 3XP / 3H / 8T / 30B

Super Spyglass Plus Custom Dino Levels
TG Stacking Mod 1000-50 Automated Ark
PvP Scoreboard Utilities Plus
Custom Dino Levels Pelayori's Cryo Storage
QoL+ Death Recovery Mod
Solo Farm Mod TG Stacking Mod 1000-50
Snow Owls Upgrade Station
Cliff Platforms Super Spyglass Plus
Flame Arrows Net Projectile
MarniiMods Hairstyles Arkitect Structures Remastered
Klinger Additional Rustic Building Dino Mindwipe
Improved Egg Incubator (CrossPlay)
Shiny! Dinos Ascended
Foundation Ceilings
MarniiMods Hairstyles

submitted by DanTechMedia to playarkservers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 19:13 DanTechMedia ArkGartha - ASA PvE / PvP Cluster Modded

Hey, hey, fellow survivors! Get ready to ascend to new heights with us! We're a sharp, savvy crew, enjoying some epic PvP and PvE action in the world of ASA! With our daily active admins and moderators, new players can count on friendly assistance whenever needed. Our servers are open to everyone and are cross-platform compatible!
Step into our digital campground, where the fire's always crackling, and the stories are as wild as the dinos we tame! Whether you're a seasoned survivor or you're just setting foot on the island for the first time, you'll find a warm welcome waiting for you here in our Discord server!
So pull up a log, grab your s'mores, toss your worries into the bonfire, and join our Discord! 🏕️ 🔥 🦖

➤ The Island PvP - Wiped: 2/13/24
➤ Scorched Earth PvP - Wiped: 4/1/24
➤ The Center PvP - Wiped: 6/4/24
➤ The Island PvE
➤ Scorched Earth PvE
➤ The Center PvE
➤ More to come when released!

How to join:
➤ From the "JOIN GAME" screen, make sure you're on the "UNOFFICIAL" tab
➤ Check the "SHOW PLAYER SERVERS" checkbox
➤ Search for "ArkGartha"

PvP Server Names:
➤ ArkGartha - PvP - TheIsland - 3XP / 5H / 6T / 8B - Wiped: 2/13/24
➤ ArkGartha - PvP - Scorched Earth - 3XP / 5H / 6T / 8B - Wiped: 4/1/24
➤ ArkGartha - PvP - The Center - 3XP / 5H / 6T / 8B - Wiped: 6/4/24

PvE Server Names:
➤ ArkGartha - PvE - TheIsland - 3XP / 3H / 8T / 30B
➤ ArkGartha - PvE - Scorched Earth - 3XP / 3H / 8T / 30B
➤ ArkGartha - PvE - The Center - 3XP / 3H / 8T / 30B

Super Spyglass Plus Custom Dino Levels
TG Stacking Mod 1000-50 Automated Ark
PvP Scoreboard Utilities Plus
Custom Dino Levels Pelayori's Cryo Storage
QoL+ Death Recovery Mod
Solo Farm Mod TG Stacking Mod 1000-50
Snow Owls Upgrade Station
Cliff Platforms Super Spyglass Plus
Flame Arrows Net Projectile
MarniiMods Hairstyles Arkitect Structures Remastered
Klinger Additional Rustic Building Dino Mindwipe
Improved Egg Incubator (CrossPlay)
Shiny! Dinos Ascended
Foundation Ceilings
MarniiMods Hairstyles

submitted by DanTechMedia to ARKServers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 19:13 StevedeG I wrote down notes on Lux vs Nitty during my 3rd and 4th rewatches

This is my first time doing this for a battle lol. It was during my 3rd and 4th rewatch, which were my 1st and 2nd sober rewatches lol.
I got Lux winning 2-1, 2nd and 3rd. I can see giving Nitty the 3rd if you value the angling and haymaker punching, but on paper, I got Lux taking that 3rd off rapping and stage presence.
My notes aren't just the fire bars. Overall, in my notes, I got a LOT of places where I put "Great Rapping" for Lux [which is something I love to see; i.e. cadences, rapid-fire multis from slick wordplay, etc.]
For Rum, my notes reference him getting into a lot of bags that we don't usually know him for. In the 1st, we see Rum:
And in the 3rd we see some nice angling by Rum [Offset/Culture, RICO, Mama Payne, Down Low-ded], but the angles aren't drawn out. They're sharp and to the point. Similarly, we see some nice Nitty-esque punching by Lux in the 3rd (Sonic, El Chapo, Nail Tech), so show Lux can do his style too. Interesting that they both had Life bars, and Nail Tech bars.
In my notes specifically:

For this cream everything go in an icebox, once I got the Scoop it was Rum Raisin
Sent to me to/Centimeter do a number, Ruler, Don't measure up
[Wal Mart scheme]
Like Eddie and Martin, I don't see the Bars, but How many times we gotta hear about a Gun Line, Boss? [4th rewatch to fully catch]!!!
[1]You Just rap when your choppers chop!
Rapping leading up to Truck scheme
[1]"F the numbers, an alien can't show God a New Miracle/Numerical"!!!!!
Natural Born Killa Whaling on some Farm Raised Tilapia
You just Big Punches and Haymakers, I'm that too, plus the Body Work and Combinations
Photo galleries when we picture you sliding
Michael Jackson pics, Before and After, you blackin but pale in comparison [Flow Pocket]

[Lux Pocket]
Back to do Work, Chiropractor
[1]Noose/News for you, kick to cheekick the chair
[Good Rapping]Fly overloaded, like Aaliyah Jet
[1]Birthday Candle, putting on for ages
[1]I done really Lost *****s, all I got left is stare at their photo on the wall, the Large Picture!!!
[1]Body loaded like a mule, you gon get this work, in person!
[1]Gotta dress up but still can't hold it down, like Marilyn Monroe!
[1]Massage Therapist, a tension seekeattention seeker! [Great performance to sell the bar]
[1]People confusing Shadow Boxing with Air Strikes!
Switch Carriers phone scheme
[The Jabs were nicer than the Overhand]
[1]Nice crowd control/Rebuttal when Lux's man was talking
[1]Rum watered down, still got Loaded
[1]Only function in his mind, like Ray's Boom Boom Room!!!!

[1]Ain't ever been a Harder Way/Hardaway to get Pennies!
All the shit they be making you go through, Rum gotta be short for Rummage hahahahaha
The Twork impersonation angle
AI Generated/Imitation scheme [great rapping up to and including]
[1]Sticks is Drumming, you're just playing, banging for a play thing, How'd I miss the Cymbals?!
Gave you bands for Roc, when it kick off, you just bassing.
[1]Let's get abducted!!!
Great fucking rapping [flat bed in Harlem Hospital]
[1]Bobsled teams, when they go to slide they write together [flow pocket too]
Tea/CrumpetsBlend in with the Production
Server get wiped/Program ain't running
[1]Flipping names but can't flip no money [high energy pocket]

Murda on Cam, it is what it is [These 2nd flips on punches really hitting]
[1]Acting like the Gray Matter, let me give you a piece of my mind
[1]Worcestershire sauce, can't even say what's at stake [I REALLY wanna hear Smack say this bar lol]
Peel Loaded with Iron, Supplement
Good flow pockets in this round
Surveillance footage, just praying they don't Rewind and find there's more to find
Avid Diva Guns Snug Mood Doom!
Same either way [not just [1] SKS at Eye Level]
[1]Full Sets in Jail/Sets and Gel, Nail Tech
[1]Talk Dirty, ain't had a hot line yet
[1] "It's in my molecules to get atom", you make up everything
Most of the random name flipping is here (V12, Healthy)
Fuck Lux, he said Pop Back, how he gon have to stand on that

We from the original Smack Chapter, you @ Rapper (rapping)
I put symmetry to the imagery, you draw the line, I'm out front like Widow's Peak
Punch Heavy Pocket (Sonic, El Chapo, Nail Tech, Gin Aside)
Flow Pocket
Clinch the series vs on the sideline sucking their teeth, clenching
GREAT fucking rapping
How they gon keep you locked in when you ain't in a key position?
[1] I tell Smack what I need per mission!!!
[1] They lined you like a folded picture
[1]Tell Hustle to Hold her Liquor!!
[1][Gave him his flowers/flow pocket] A Rose'll get you Parked for Frontin!!
Rum Nitty Brung Henny (flow pocket)
[1]Shit gets thick we gon shake like Ovaltine
[1]Like the **** I Whip before you, these the Carfax

Angling 3rd with nice rapping
[1]Don't keep that same energy, Off Set, when he fathered the Culture!!!
[1]You'd have thought a Harlem ***** who's Paid in Full like Ace, would've saved him from that Rico!
Never seen you in the same room as your son, like Mama Payne
[A lot of the usual Nitty type of punching in this round]
[1]Shall I proceed, Bronny James (sneaky punch pocket)
Black Panther went out on that Stage 4, Chadwick Boseman
Human Cannonball punch
Only reason you kept the File is bc you wanted to be Down Low-ded
[1]Everything healthy spilling out, like a cornucopia lol
[1]Workout routine like Lux too, pull up at the stop light!!!
When it comes to the Rooftop, I got the Juice, I ain't even gon hold you
submitted by StevedeG to rapbattles [link] [comments]