Prefixes worksheets - 4th grade

project lead the way

2012.10.25 17:24 urukhai434 project lead the way

This subreddit is dedicated to a set of middle and high school courses created by [Project Lead the Way.](

2016.10.16 05:26 badon_ r/CoinEyeCandy: Beautiful coin photography (photos & videos) of rare and valuable collector coins

Coin eye candy is beautiful coin photography (photos and videos) of rare, valuable, and collectible coins, also known as premium quality coins or PQ coins. A secondary function of this subreddit is to gather sales information about the coins so they can serve as a price guide for exceptional coins. Enjoy!

2024.06.10 09:21 Late-Let-4221 How to gain weight efficiently as 21F ?

I am 4'8 and weigh just shy of 90lbs, I am 21F asian from Singapore and I've been quite active since early childhood doing some serious gymnastics and lately I've been going to gym to maintain cardio and being in shape and such.
But I've been told recently after some minor excercise injuries that I need to gain weight. I was told by a coach I paid for couple days that it would help to gain muscles in certain parts of my body and then mainly I was told by a doctor that as my weight I am more prone to spring injuries and even some illnesses and gaining couple pounds would help that.
This is all confusing to me because as you know beauty stadnards talk the exact opposite, 90lbs is rather ideal for me acording to BMI, then my athletic background also wants me to have strict diet - so I m used to that and having extremely low skin fat is just, idk I've done for years. But okay, if I want to get chubby and gain 10 lbs extra are there any good methods that don't require me to overeat? I eat twice a day skipping breakfast but both lunch and dinner are in my opinion quite hearty and of course sometimes there's a snack in between. I've never been prone to gain weight and between 2nd and 4th grade I was kinda force fed a lot to gain some muscles to be able to start doing uneven bars in gym, so maybe I have some supressed negative feelings about eating since then.
submitted by Late-Let-4221 to foodhacks [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:14 Marky55 (UPB) Slight rant since iz grades szn again

The grades for Math 54 were posted na earlier. I got everything set up, the sheets for grade computation, since im almost surviving UP. I saw my Final's exam grade na, 19/50. Mind you, I only needed 8 pts over 50 to pass the subject and I fucking did it!
I called my dad, to tell him the news. "Daddy, bagsak exam ko hehe pero nacompute ko na grade ko, 2.75" He responds snobbishly, "May exam ka pa bukas?" I replied, "Oo meron pa". I got pissed with the conversation, so I said bye na and dropped the call. I redialed him again to confront him.
I asked him, "Bakit? Galit ka ba?" and he said na he's not mad, and he's not happy either na ganon grades ko. And I got pissed and emotional, "Ano bang gusto mo? Nung una, tres lang ako sa Math 54, naghihilahod pa ako non, di ko alam kung papasa ako. Ngayon na papasa ako, TAS 2.75 PA HA, hindi tres, galit ka pa rin? Di kita maintindihan. Gusto mo wag ko nalang sabihin sayo grades ko?" and all that emotional father son shit.
I was pissed (if di pa halata). I strived for that. Mind u, na-shock ako sa calculus ng upb. As in nawindang. Sa math 53 kasi, we got 5 LE's, and I only passed the 4th and 5th LE. I was even crying to him noon, cos idk wtf to do. I luckily passed naman.
I'm heartbroken, with how he reacted. Like, di ba siya masaya? I passed, 2.75 pa! Ang hirap, sobra, but I'm enjoying.... which is a weird feeling. Cos, lahat nagcclick, like, the use of integration and derivation, 3d planes, everything is clicking in my head!!! And I also plan to take a masteral degree pag meron na here cos I love it so much.
Anw, I cried it out, while walking to sm and buying food. Habang bumibili ako, luhaan pa rin ako hshshshs. I've come to terms na, it's me, it's me who's learning. Not him. And I passed, which means I learned smth. And I got 2.75 not because I was aiming for 1.0, but because I was aiming to learn and make sense of everything. Plus, hindi siya yung nag-aral, ako. Like, wtf, biruin mo, I did it ALL ON MY OWN?!?!??! Like, GODDAMN.
Anw, I had to rant this out here cos I know some of y'all can relate, and, I live on my own. I have no one to cry to, to hug, nor to rant this too. Adjusting pa rin ako sa fact na I don't entirely need to rely on my father's approval. Buhay ko toh.
P.S. Pls dont hate on my father, I love him so so much. Sadyang conservative siya and I just have to accept na we always don't see eye to eye.
Any words of encouragement, advices, criticisms would be appreciated! Thanks to those that read it! (Get it? read it - reddit hihi)
submitted by Marky55 to peyups [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:13 Emergency-Bake2416 "Wait til 8th Grade" Phone Movement Was a Miserable Failure

So we live in a small rural community. We sent our kids to a hippy preschool. We know lots of hobby farm liberals, you know, people who went to good colleges and moved back to the land to have chickens and stuff. Everyone in this parent group agreed that they would wait as long as possible until giving their children smartphones. Many spoke of the "wait til 8th" movement - a "pledge empowers parents to rally together to delay giving children a smartphone until at least the end of 8th grade."
How's it going? My daughter is crying upstairs because she is the only child in 6th grade without a phone and she is dreading a field trip tomorrow because everyone but her will be staring at their phones during the 30-minute bus drive. Lots of these kids had phones in 4th grade.
We're giving up. Buying her a phone for a graduation present. She hasn't really done anything to earn one, nor does she obviously need one. We have a tablet with which she can text and participate in social media at home (but not everywhere she goes). But the peer pressure and FOMO is savage. We're not doing her any favors by continuing to resist. I wish some of our like-minded parents had held off, but they fell like dominoes.
submitted by Emergency-Bake2416 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:55 KookyParamedic2165 These I actually took when I was in the 4th grade on my moms phone idk why i was alone in the classroom though.

These I actually took when I was in the 4th grade on my moms phone idk why i was alone in the classroom though.
submitted by KookyParamedic2165 to LiminalSpace [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:01 Advanced_Dinner1549 Still haunted by my terrible childhood/teens as a 36 y/o f

I was isolated as a child/teen. I faced racism alone and did not have supportive/loving parents. It was so severe that I self harmed and attempted suicide multiples times. I don't know how to cope with it and looking for any advice/support from anyone who was able to overcome it.
I had an older half brother and sister that were 20+ years older. I grew up in my household as a single child. I was close with my family and hung out with friends everyday. Although I was not able to stay for dinner, attend sleepovers, or go on trips with friends I was still content. I was involved in activities such as violin, piano, and writing. I wasn't allowed to join sports although I desperately wanted to join basketball or softball. If i asked, it resulted in a fight. I found it weird that I did not have my own bedroom when friends came over and asked where my room was. I had slept in my parents bedroom up until 4th grade. One day I just started sleeping in the spare room which aggravated my parents. They assumed I wanted my own space to hide secrets from them. I still find this disturbing and strange to this day.
Junior Year
My mom began to lash out on me. I was expected to immediately shower, change into pajamas, and begin studying after school. I was not allowed to see friends or even speak to them on the phone. If i wasn't studying I was expected to clean. If I asked where the vacuum was, pass the salt, or even ask what the weather was I would get screamed at. I was told at a young age how stupid I was, not smart enough, ugly, too fat, and how my priorities were wrong that I don't need friends. They began to go through my belongings including my journal and trash. They threw out pictures of friends or anything they did not approve of. I cried everyday. My brother tried to help by taking me out of the house to see movies or go to the mall. Even that was a battle to convince them to go out with my brother. We would secretly bring a friend so I could spent some time with them out of school. Even under my brothers supervision we were timed. I was never out for more than 2-3 hours.I tried out for Cheerleading secretly and forged their signature to join. I was terrified to break the news that I had made the team. I was punished and even physically abused. I would try to cover the bruises by covering my face with my hair or buying cheap foundation. I had to lie and say that it would go against me if I quit the team. I went as far as printing a fake letter stating that if I quit the team it would go against my record. That was the only way they allowed me to stay on the team. I began cutting by the end of 7th grade. They were aware and ignored it.
High School - My darkest days
This was it for me. I was not allowed to join cheerleading again. No friends at all. A junior took interest in me and would call me after school. That was destroyed immediately and strict rules were set in place where I could not speak to any boys. They considered everyone an enemy. I would tell them I wanted a normal life like other students. They would scream and tell me not to compare myself to the way white people live. I began to fall behind in classes, I quit violin, and stopped taking care of myself. I had lost interest in everything that made me happy including writing, art, and music. Like a caged animal I started spiraling out. Drinking, partaking in sexual activities, experimenting with drugs, developing an eating disorder, and sneaking out of school. I was so isolated that the only way I could do all of this was by sneaking out of the house.
They loosened up in my junior year and let me see friends but they were never allowed at the house. Same rules applied where I could not attend sleepovers and be home by sundown. They were never happy with me seeing friends though. Sometimes I debated staying home instead of seeing friends to avoid an argument.
One evening my mom did the unthinkable - 3 friends came to pick me up from the house. A male was the driver. As she watched me get into the vehicle she ran outside screaming and then pretended to pass out. My dad ran outside to help her screaming at me that I did this to her. The ambulance came and she woke up crying and yelling "It's her fault, she's killing us!". My friends were mortified crying and scared. They drove off leaving me behind. My brother came and told me to flee. So I drove off and slept in my car that night. My family had convinced my brother that I was off to do crack (which i've never done). I was instructed to stay away from my brother's home and my niece/nephew. I was scared of everyone at this point and didn't know who to trust so I snuck in to get my dog and slept in my car for 4 nights. I skipped school as I was afraid what my friends thought. I returned home because I was starving with no food or water. No one talked to me for months. I also was suspended from school for skipping. I felt like public enemy #1 at this point.
Once they found marijuana it was the end for me. I was beaten, thrown to the ground and strangled. They called the police on me stating I was on drugs and hitting them. I was arrested and drug tested. Results were clean. I was brought to the courthouse where DCF spoke to me and told me my parents were willing to forgive me and take me home. In this moment I said I would not go home. What changed my mind was that they said I would be taken to a foster home where I would not be allowed to have contact with anyone including my brother and sister. I was ready to leave all my belongings behind if it meant getting away from my parents but it scared me that I would lose contact with my siblings. Ultimately I went home but my mom was not allowed to be in the house or contact me for 3 months.
My mom returned home and I thought things would be better. She had called everyone in my phone book and told my friends parents I was on drugs and confronted them for selling it to me. Some of the people in my phone book I wasn't even close with but they literally called EVERYONE. Ultimately every parent cut the cord with me along with their kids. Gossip spread and I was labeled the bad kid by parents and the snitch/traitor by all students. I was now labeled the crazy chink with the psycho parents. People would leave me hate messages telling me to go back to China even though i'm filipino. They told everyone in the family including other states/countries that I was a terrible teen who has a drug and alcohol addict. They went as far to say that I abuse them. It was my darkest time. I had no friends in a predominantly white neighborhood facing racism, parents who wanted to destroy my life, and now an entire family that hated me. They had accomplished their goal of isolating me and making everyone hate me. I was truly alone. To this day it haunts me.
Things became progressively worse. I was uncomfortable at school and at home. I did not feel safe anywhere. My suicidal thoughts grew stronger everyday. My weight plummeted to 88 lbs where I was still called fat. The only thing that kept me alive was my dog which they ended up placing in a shelter while I was at school. I cried holding a knife to my neck screaming that they had ripped everything away from me and that I would rather be dead. This was the only time they let me seek help. We went to 7 different therapists. Each one only lasted 2 sessions. 1st session was me alone. 2nd session would include my parents which always ended in the same result. Therapists telling them there was nothing wrong with me, that I needed to remain being social, avoid isolation, keep active/exercise, and that there needed to be better communication within the family. My parents never agreed with the end result and kept passing me around hoping to get a different answer. The answer they wanted is that it was all my fault and I was a bad person.
I was placed in a mental ward with other troubled teens when I tried to run away. They threw my in the car and had me put there. I was in and out after one night. I will never forget the people who worked there. They all agreed that I did not belong there and what happened was a mistake. They shed some light and told me that one day this was all be behind me and to move forward the best I can by flying under my parents radar.
I got 2 jobs as soon as I received my license. My parents were against me working. They said they provided me everything I needed and I didn't need to work. In a way I did it to spend as much time as I could away from my house and save money to move out. I also didn't want them to maintain leverage over me because they provide for me. This threw another wrench in our relationship as they saw it as time away from my studies and me disobeying their wishes. This also caused a problem as they did not want me to open a bank account which I needed to receive my paychecks. It's almost like they wanted me to remain co-dependent. Since I had been isolated for so long it was hard to develop relationships with my co-workers. I could not relate to them on many levels. I feel like I was the awkward one.
I ended up going to a Christian school my senior year due to bullying at school (including my old friends). Even teachers looked at me differently because everyone thought I was a terrible human in some way. One teacher actually approached me asking if I told my parents he sold me drugs (did my parents contact teachers too?). Moving to a Christian school ended up appeasing my parents but once I turned 18 I left the house for good.
In my 30s I still face mental and manipulative abuse. I am straight edge and try to live life normal. I've had terrible relationships which lasted longer than they should have. I stayed with them knowing if I didn't I would have to run back to my abusive parents. Ultimately I've had too and I was blamed for my ex boyfriends flaws. It was always my fault and not theirs even if they abused me. They always side with men. I have tried to talk to them but the result is always the same. Yelling and scapegoating. They will branch and change the subject stating "I am tired", "I fell today", "you are killing me", "you are ungrateful" "you are crazy". I became a psych RN to help people because I don’t want people who suffer with mental illness to go through it alone like I did.
Due to my past I have trouble socializing, a bad temper, trusting others, and expressing my feelings. I also still deal with body dysmorphia. I feel like I was robbed of any potential in life. To this day I wonder if my AP truly ever cared. What confuses me is that I was spoiled growing up but it was always used against me. I would've rather been poor and had friends/family.
Drugs I experimented with with as marijuana, molly, and ecstasy. I actually hated smoking and drinking. I did it as a way to riot against my parents and also FEEL something as I was so numb. In no way was I ever addicted.
submitted by Advanced_Dinner1549 to AsianParentStories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:58 hahahahyub-Case12 BS Chemistry - College of Science

hello po ! I am an incoming BS Chem freshie po from ustshs, and sa nababasa ko po here sa reddit,, maganda daw po program ng ust sa chem pero isa po siya sa mga challenging na program sa college of science… since malapit na po enrollment, nagooverthink lang po if pano po setup sa bs chem kung sakali and gusto ko lang mag-ask sa BS Chem seniors here about the program. For context, stem student po ako here sa shs natin and i can say na sobra kong naenjoy chem namin kaya i chose to pursue bs chem in college.. tho my scores sa mga assessments sa genchem 2 are somewhat mid.. line of 9 naman po prelim and final grades ko throughout genchem 1 and 2 (91-95) pero my prelims and finals sa genchem 2 are ranging from 77-79% …. so main question ko po is, need ko po ba na sobrang galing and talino sa chem nung hs para po magthrive sa program na ‘to or sapat na po yung sikap, tiyaga, and enjoyment sa chem para po magthrive dito? (sobrang saya ko lang po kasi pag nag-aaral ng chem and sobrang gaan ng loob ko mag aral ng chem kahit sobrang hirap po ng inaaral) and may general questions lang din po ako about the program para po makapagprep din po me.
  1. full face to face po ba sa cos or hybrid po parang shs?
  2. pano po ang grading system? transmuted po ba or 0-based?
  3. may trans system or notes sharing po ba from senior years sa bs chem?
  4. May nag DDL po ba consistently from 1st to 4th year? may gumagraduate po ba ng latin honors?
  5. may mga biology-related electives po ba sa bs chem? (e.g. genbio, botany, zoology, anatomy)
  6. for seniors po na galing ustshs, nakatulong po ba yung training ng stem strand satin sa bs chem?
  7. pwede ko po ba mahingi course outline ng Principles of Chemistry Lec n Lab and Differential Calculus po for reference and para makapag-aral na din po me ngayong summer?
  8. anong books po usually ginagamit for chem, math, physics courses sa bs chem? gumagamit po ba kayo ng Chang and Overby 14th ed sa chem and Young and Freedman University Physics sa mga physics courses? What books po yung ginamit for differential calculus po?
  9. How does UST Chem differ po from ateneo, up, dlsu chem? ano pong strengths na inooffer ng ust chem program compared sa big 3?
  10. bakit po medyo mababa stats ng ust sa licensure exam sa mga recent boards sa chem?
  11. Pano niyo po namamaintain yung love and interest niyo sa chem? takot ko lang po kasi baka mawalan po ako ng interest sa chem pag humihirap na, gustong-gusto ko po talaga sa chem and pinagdadasal ko ng sobra na sana hanggang dulo mahalin ko parin chem kasi sobrang pinaglaban ko po to para lang makapasok sa program 🥹
ps. sorry po if madaming tanong, nakakaoverwhelm lang po kasi college HAHAHAHAHA ggraduate na po ako this 14 sa qpav and sana maging mabait sakin college life k,,, 😅🔫 thank you po !
submitted by hahahahyub-Case12 to Tomasino [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:55 Tattooedminimalist Ross PhD timeline?

Ross PhD timeline?
This has always bugged me a little bit. In season 1, Ross is supposedly 26. Yet he already has his PhD and is working at the museum. This would suggest that he did his entire masters and PhD in 4 years. Now, in the episode where people are doing it in front of his book (lol) he tells the doctoral student that he skipped 4th grade, so technically could he have graduated college at 21, thus giving him 5 years to do his PhD? Photos are from some light googling I did to try to help me figure this out 🤣 I’m sure I’m not the only one who has thought of this so apologies if this has been discussed before!
submitted by Tattooedminimalist to howyoudoin [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:48 Sufficient-Fudge-968 Post-Test Reflection

LR RC LG LR -- pretty ideal order if I do say so myself.
Manifesting that I did well on it, I know I did and I can't wait to open my score in a couple of weeks!
Was booted out of my test cause I forgot my LSAC log in (test nerves) but was thankfully able to continue my test although I was 30 min into my testing time. The proctor I got (online) after I was booted out was lowkey mean.
Anyway, First LR - answers popped out at me. Seemed to glare at me right through the screen. Enjoyed this section very much. RC - had the passages that began with the Pueblos... the third passage (the comparative one) tripped me up a bit. I had to take some educated guesses as time was running out. Nevertheless, I believe I did well. LG - has never been my strongest suit although it is the most learnable section. Flew through the first 2 games, looked at the third, said "hell nah" and proceeded to do the 4th. 4th was decent, went back to the third and made some reasonable inferences. LR - at this point, my brain felt wooshy. However, I persevered and I know I did well.
I pray I did as well or even better than I think. In God's name - AMEN!
This is also my first time taking the LSAT and I have not completed the writing portion (way too busy worrying about the rest), any tips/tricks? I heard it's not graded so I'm not superrr stressed about it.
Hope you all see a happy score in a few weeks, me included :-)
submitted by Sufficient-Fudge-968 to LSAT [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:01 PeachistheSuperstar Weekly Rewind Thread - Week of June 03 to June 09, 2024

Weekly Rewind Thread - Week of June 03 to June 09, 2024
Hello and welcome to Weekly Rewind Thread! Here is the past tense from June 03, 2024 to today.

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

Mario Kart Tour
  • Check the cup and race to get tokens as you collected for the Tokens Aplenty Event.
Super Mario Run
  • The mission of Super Mario Run with the Nintendo Account who is completed is reset:
    • Win 3 times in Toad Rally.

Tuesday, June 4th, 2024

Mario Kart Tour
  • Due to Coins Aplenty Event, check the cup and race to get 300 coins + your coins had been picked up.

Wednesday, June 5th, 2024

Mario Kart Tour
  • The 2nd half of the Princess Tour has begun with the following spotlights:
    • Daisy (Fairy)
    • Happy Ride
  • Pink Mii Racing Suit & Light-Blue Toad (Pit Crew) will be the spotlight for placing high in ranked cups, the Fire Rosalina Cup
  • Opened:
    • Tour Challenges 2

Thursday, June 6th, 2024

Last Day of School
  • Today is the last day of school here in Miami-Dade County, Florida. When are you in the last day of school, and where?
  • When you graduated, you advanced to:
    • 5th Grade to Middle School
    • 8th Grade to High School
    • 12th Grade to University/College
    • Advanced to a new job
    • K-8 to Academy
    • and more.

Friday, June 7th, 2024

Mario Kart Tour
  • The Mario vs. Luigi Tour is the next tour, so who will you choose? You cannot change it later, so vote below.
One more...
  • Here is the team members for this group:
Team Mario
Team Luigi

Saturday, June 8th, 2024

Mario Kart Tour
  • The Coin Aplenty Event is on the air so be sure to check the cup and race to get 300 coins bonus.
Super Mario Run
  • This weekend, Toad and Toadette is featured the spotlight right in the Super Bonus Game. Now you have the chance to get Topiaries, Normal Statues, and Gold Statues.

Sunday, June 9th, 2024

Mario Kart Tour
  • The Princess Tour is wrapping up. So we need to clear all cups to get a High-End Pipe.


Mario Kart Tour
  • Updated:
    • Daily Selects
    • Daily Spotlights
  • Opened:
    • Today's Challenge (Closed when completed)
  • You can increases up by 150 exp points daily.
  • You can collect every coins daily of the following max:
    • 100 coins while waiting or in a Multiplayer Race.
    • 300 coins in a course without Gold Pass.
    • 600 coins in a course with Gold Pass.
  • The cup for the Multiplayer Race will changed every 13 minutes.
  • Today's rules for the Multiplayer Race & Battle is updated!
  • You can send Greeting Coins once daily and do not lose the coin. If someone send you the Greeting Coins, you receive 5 coins.
Super Mario Run
  • The ? block hit and it's appears for the following times:
    • ? Block hit, and it's appears for 4 hours.
    • Large ? Block hit, and it's appears for 6 hours
    • Mega ? Block hit, and it's appears for 8 hours.
  • The Bonus House is closed of the following times:
    • The Red Bonus House, which is used, is closed. We will open for 4 hours.
    • The Blue Bonus House, which is used, is closed. We will open for 6 hours
    • The Yellow Bonus House, which is used, is closed. We will open for 8 hours.
  • The # of Friendly Run is limited runs per day of the following World
    • Haven't cleared World 1 - one time
    • World 1 cleared - three times
    • World 2 cleared - five times
  • The mission of Super Mario Run with the Nintendo Account who is completed is reset:
    • Play Toad Rally.
Thanks for reading this thread. What are you playing this weekend? And what are your thoughts? Use this thread if you having fun with. Be sure to vote below for a limited time, so go quickly.
View Poll
submitted by PeachistheSuperstar to SuperPeachy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:25 HEATCHECK77 29 years (and 1 day) ago I had my surgery…

Recently discovered this community while googling for something and decided to join, this being the anniversary of my surgery I thought I’d make a quick post about my story (didn’t see anything in the sub rules about this kinda post - so forgive me if I over looked it.)
I was diagnosed young…4th grade if memory serves. I was given some ‘exercises’ to do (like standing as straight as I could against a wall for X amount of time for X amount of reps every day) but eventually kinda got away from that….by my middle school years it was getting noticeably worse so a doctor decided to put me on a treatment that was supposed to, essentially, motivate the muscles around the right side of my spine (I have a C shaped curve) and ‘push my spine back into alignment’ by having me sleep every night with 2 strategically placed electrodes pumping literal electric current into my body.
That didn’t end the way they thought it would. I stopped doing it after less than a year because of the gnarly blisteburn combo.
So, I just kinda stopped and carried on with my life. Until the summer before my senior of year of high school….
After a family trip to New England that included my dad surprising me with side trips to the basketball hall of fame and the baseball hall of fame I realized something was terribly terribly wrong - I would develop crippling shoulder pain after any amount of walking…it was obviously tied to the scoliosis. And after a trip to a specialist it was confirmed; I had the worst case of scoliosis he’d ever seen in a male and surgery was an absolute necessity (I asked him what would happen if I didn’t have surgery. His response? “The left side of your rib cage will slowly get more out of alignment and eventually drive itself into your heart and slowly kill you…” Well, when you put it that way, Doc….)
Anyway, 5 days after graduating high school I was rolled into the O.R. Here are some bullet point facts that bring my story to a close…
-Curve of spine prior to surgery; somewhere between 88 & 95 degrees to the right of center (I’d heard both. Sadly, I have neither my before or after x-rays. They were never digitized and were long since destroyed by the hospital my surgery was done at.)
-Curve of spine after surgery; Unsure...somewhere between 40 & 50 degrees is what they told me.
-Males do NOT get scoliosis as bad as I have it according to my surgeon and a couple other doctors I talked to over the years. I am, truly, a statistical anomaly in that regard.
-Height when they rolled me into the O.R.; 6'2”
-Height when they rolled me into recovery; 6'4"
(If I didn't have scoliosis I would be between 6'10" and 7'1" according to multiple doctors)
-Doctors literally tightened me up with a torque wrench when they were finishing the surgery (or so I'm told)
submitted by HEATCHECK77 to scoliosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 10:24 Big_Refuse4907 low grades in 12th and Btech (as of now ) and my life is falling apart

General Engineer Male
10th - 85.4 % , 9 cgpa 12th - 69 % , 7.26 cgpa ( best of five) UG - 6.2 cgpa ( after 4th sem )
i just feel like i have nothing in hand now and i wont be able to get any internship and for my future aspiration one of which is CAT ,
these grades are nothing to get into any tier 1 B-school
i seek some advice fellow CAT mates
submitted by Big_Refuse4907 to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 04:52 Vault32 I was in a strange “gifted” program in the early 80s. Looking for more information or answers.

The other day in ufos, someone had posted about their experiences as a child in an unusual ‘gifted’ program, and wondered if it was somehow tied to ufos, hybrid programs, remote viewing, mk ultra, or what.
At first read it would sound crazy. But it resonated with me, and suddenly I was thinking back on my own childhood and a gifted program I was in called “SPACE LAB” that I hadn’t thought about in almost 35 years. After adding my experiences to the mix I was told that maybe the folks in high strangeness should hear what I had to say, or point me toward similar tales so I could research and maybe sort out some childhood memories of my own. Seeing the posts about others who were grappling with memories of being in odd programs as children is reawakening some of mine that I had filed away.
…so below is a restructured repost if what I said at ufos:
I’m in my 40s now, but in the early 80s I lived in a very rural south Georgia town, attending a tiny elementary school that served K-6th grade. This was before magnet schools, or many of the other special activities or courses were available for kids who seemed… smarter or scoring above their age/class, I guess. “Gifted” was a word that was used a lot. And I hated it. I’m not bragging, but I was one of those kids. I heard it from all the adults in my school and home life. I’m a mess now, but at that point I guess I had a lot of promise and potential. But it was a lot of pressure, and I stopped caring for it once I reached high school.
I was reading books at two. By kindergarten I was well above my peers in reading, writing, abstract thought and getting into math and science. By first and second I was the kid that teachers called on to read books aloud to the class. I was finishing tests first and basically putting my head on the desk waiting for everyone else to finish. Creatively, I was drawing and crafting like mad, writing and illustrating my own stories. I was a walking encyclopedia of space and animal facts. Teachers loved me but could tell I was operating above my classmates and getting bored. I never really thought I was smarter than the other kids, I was just into learning, and enjoyed the whole process of absorbing and sharing information. People told me I was smart, but I always felt, isn’t this how everyone thinks?
Around first grade I think, I was sometimes pulled out of class where I was given hearing tests and read from word cards to sharpen some of my soft pronunciations. I don’t think I even had a hearing issue, but I did have a lisp that may have made them think I was hard of hearing. I had problems with Ls and Rs and some ‘ch’ words. It’s not that unusual. There were also vision tests where I’d look at a red spot, try to align spots, overlay pictures by crossing or uncrossing my eyes, identify odd symbols and other things that may or may not have been standard, idk.
But what was most unusual is at the same time, I was also introduced to a kind of special class called ‘Space Lab’, where I and some other ‘gifted’ kids (some I knew from my classes, and some that went to my school but weren’t in my class) would be pulled out of our normal class schedule to meet in the library, or sometimes go places, and do advanced learning, I guess? I don’t even remember how it began. It just suddenly started happening. I honestly don’t know if my parents were aware of it. More on that below.
Anyway, I felt so confused because sometimes I was getting pulled out of class for the speech, vision and hearing tests or lessons, along with kids who were physically or mentally disabled, and then another huge part of the day was spent doing extracurricular, or ‘above grade level’ stuff with the smart kids. So this was very confusing to my young ego at the time. Neither program was done daily, but once or twice a week, for a few years. The speech and sensory tests maybe lasted a year off and on but Space Lab lasted several.
It didn’t seem that weird at the time, but does now in retrospect. The weirdest thing is that I just don’t remember much in detail about it at all, with a few exceptions that are resurfacing. Some of those are below.
For years I kept telling myself that it was maybe just the rural school’s way of handling smart kids who were bright, but bored, as best they could with no real curricular means to skip kids ahead. We did some special field trips, sat around and talked about space, and science, and the environment (which was weird to do that early in the 80s, especially in that backwater Georgia town), did some advanced crafts, projects and science experiments, but the majority of my time there is a blank.
One thing I do remember..those old ‘psychic’ flash cards- the ones with circles, triangles, wavy lines, etc. I don’t exactly remember the teachers testing us with them, but I remember us being encouraged to playfully test each other with them. Later, I remember seeing that opening scene from ghostbusters and knowing exactly what they were. I also remember some of us sitting in silence, visualizing things we were asked to think about, and even, swear to god, trying to talk to each other with our mind. That part I can’t remember if we were instructed to do, or if we started doing it for fun. Other times we’d try guessing what the other was thinking. A word, or a picture. I do know sometimes we were separated around the room, at distance from each other, and others we were all at the same long tables. I also remember some crude cardboard box divider things that they had to kind of block out light and distractions while we did some of these ‘games’. And sound blocking headphones. A LOT. This is really starting to come back to me. I really remember having to close our eyes and being asked to visualize a lot.
We also did a lot of field trips during school hours that were totally unexpected. We were always back on time but I don’t remember knowing what days they might happen. I remember worrying for my mom and if she knew where I’d be going. I don’t remember bringing home permission slips for them. Some were to aquariums, parks, etc but some were to the local college or other office complex or building that we were told or assumed had some tie to science or something we were interested in (we were little nerds after all) or to go see how something was made, supposedly.
But yeah- the weird thing is I really don’t remember shit about those trips beyond that we went on them. My most clear memory of one is walking down a very modern brick hall that had built in planters and like, a mini ecosystem that smelled like pure nature. Automated misters for the plants, water pump waterfalls, that sort of thing - and I’m walking with my ‘space lab’ classmates and suddenly being embarrassed when one of my dad’s socks that had static clung inside my shorts fell out as we walked and I got teased about it. I couldn’t tell you what the place was or why we were there.
Other times weren’t even that detailed. I remember we’d take a van somewhere and be back before the end of the day. We didn’t take a bus because there were only maybe 6 or 7 of us.
I can bore you with details about pretty much any regular old field trip I went on with my regular schoolmates- movie theaters and what we saw, okeefenokee swamp and buying a rubber alligator, going to a local dairy and seeing milk get pasteurized, etc…but I don’t remember anything specific, interesting or exciting about ANY outings with ‘Space Lab’
But I’ve rambled enough, here are a few final points about the class, and me in general.
  • the program did not last beyond 4th or 5th grade
  • when it was over it was like it was never mentioned again. When I asked other kids about space lab to see if their schools had it, nobody knew wtf I was talking about. At my own school there was never an attempt to keep the program going, and afaik, no younger kids were ever brought in to replace us as we outgrew the class. I don’t know if we were, like, failures,, or if they lost funding, or the next years of kids just weren’t very bright or what. The fact that they had this special progressive class at all, during normal school hours, at such a small rural school in a super conservative, religious, ‘all American’ farm town, is really unusual in retrospect. As far as I know they never did anything like it again.
  • fwiw, our school also participated in fluoride mouthwash sessions, which even as a kid, creeped me out. I always felt like there was a sinister element about it. My friends and I often found ways to cheat it and pretend to be swishing.
  • there was no military base near our school. There was an old national guard setup at the small airport, and most adults worked at a local e factory making airplane engines, etc but that’s about as military as it got there.
  • my dad worked for FermiLab in the seventies but I don’t know much about his time there. It was before I was born. He’d never talk to me or my sisters what he did there, and I’m thinking NDAs were involved. but he got the job right after his service on a nuclear sub. He ended up dying after fighting skin cancers all over his body.
  • As for me, I was born after his stint at FermiLab and was apparently an accident from a vasectomy that ‘didn’t take’
  • the two teachers of ‘space lab’ were not from our school. I was told they were teachers from the nearby larger town but that was it. One nice, nerdy dark haired woman that behaved like a science teacher, and one very gruff older woman that acted like military or police. She was always just there and barely interacted with us. I can’t even remember their last names.
  • my fellow lab kids were all really intelligent sensitive and thoughtful, I had long friendships with several until I moved as a teen. I know maybe one on Facebook now who has been very successful in progressive politics in Georgia. The rest I’ve lost contact with, or rural GA life chewed them up and spat them out.
  • I continued to be on honor roll, win spelling bees, art and writing contests etc until about 8th grade- before I realized being a nerd was not cool in 90s high school and I became more of a slacker. Smart but lazy. I continued to draw and write and made it a freelance career for a while, but I shunned academics for the most part, even though I was able to score 1350 on the SAT without trying, I didn’t pursue a good college.
  • I have had supernatural events in my life. You can check my post history. Cloaked figures, strange ufos. Not a lot of them, just a couple really strong events. I’ve been able to really get ‘in synch’ with the universe at least two short times in my adult life, where it felt like I was predicting or even willing things to happen; but otherwise normal.
  • Most of my life I’ve suffered from tinnitus and sleep apnea issues, but am otherwise sane, and moderately healthy for my age.
All in all, I’m curious if anybody else had classes like this? I wonder if government might be able to get away with more child research in a small town at a school that really needed some extra money or something, then a larger city with more exposure and communication… But as I said, there wasn’t any military presence in that area of south GA at all.. I will say, watching the first season of stranger things brought back some old geeks, and not in the 80s nostalgia way.
What was I involved in? Why did it stop? And why don’t I remember much about it?
submitted by Vault32 to HighStrangeness [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 04:05 DisneyGirl000 How to get into the DOE with certification from another state?

I'm moving to NYC next summer and want to continue teaching up there (for context I teach 4th grade with no extra endorsements at this time). I did complete a teacher certification program in my state, but I don't have a masters. I wanted to enroll in a graduate program once I get to NYC and hopefully teach at the same time. I would only have 2 years experience teaching in my current state so I can't just transfer my license over (I believe it has to be 5 years?).
What would be the best course of action in this case? I've read the DOE is notoriously competitive especially without a current masters - Would getting something like an ESL endorsement added to my current license give me a slight leg-up? Any help is appreciated!! :)
submitted by DisneyGirl000 to NYCTeachers [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 03:52 Quirky_Tutor_9824 first-gen latino bags MIT and others

Intended Major(s): cs or math or both
Standardized Testing
List the highest scores earned and all scores that were reported.
List all extracurricular involvements, including leadership roles, time commitments, major achievements, etc.
  1. Powerlifting - Started a team at my school for powerlifting during my Sophomore year. Got a lot of people into the sport and created a successful team. We went to nationals twice. Individually I am ranked pretty top 10 nationally in my weight class. Also offer coaching services online.
  2. Job - Been working at my parents restaurant since I was in 7th grade. I basically spend my entire weekends there. Over time I have learned the ins and outs of the place and I can manage the front of house by myself. Really improved my social and problem-solving skills.
  3. MITES Semester - Did this 'prestigious' summer program. Was not that interesting but took two classes through MIT and got to interview a professor for my science writing article.
  4. TA for head of CS Dept. - I grade papers and make resources like posters and slideshows for the class. I also made a website for my club 1st quarter, did leetcode 2nd quarter, soldered some projects 3rd quarter, basically nothing 4th quarter
  5. DJing - I just do this for fun. I make mixes in my room and I have played a couple of gigs for free.
  6. Physics Team - We would just do physics problems. We did F=ma two years but no one qualified.
  1. Powerlifting stuff (redacted regional and state placings, top 10 at hs nationals junior year (USAPL))
  2. Seal of Biliteracy
  3. Principal's Scholar all 8 semesters (glorified honor roll)
Letters of Recommendation
My recommenders all liked me but I'm sure the letters were nothing crazy. I did not choose anyone who overlooked the powerlifting team but got my coach from outside of school to write a letter for schools that would take it.
MIT: Rly good, talked for over an hour at a coffee shop. Talked about how the powerlifting community was very close-knit and I basically knew everyone bc I'm very social, then on the way out I saw someone I knew from powerlifting and dapped them up. I told my interviewer about the interaction in my thank you note, in case he didn't hear it.
Personal statement was about my powerlifting journey, which started with helping me get over health issues to me helping others improve their quality of life. Also showed my leadership and social skills in personal statement.
MIT essays were good, did RD instead of EA to really work on them (btw it doesn't matter if you apply EA or RD for MIT, they tell you in the MITES webinars)
Also my FUN form (February updates) was fire imo. Wrote about how I was starting to play lacrosse and was currently soldering an LED heart for my gf at the time.
Decisions (indicate ED/EA/REA/SCEA/RD)
Additional Information:
Just have fun in school. Do what YOU like. Be passionate.
submitted by Quirky_Tutor_9824 to collegeresults [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 03:19 Robotics_Moose Chance a guy for MIT and GaTech

Background info - I'm applying out of state for both colleges. Cost is not a concern as I have scholarship opportunities for both schools through my school district. I'll be applying to college my 3rd year of HS, as I feel prepared and ready to move onto the next level. I'll be referring to myself as a senior throughout this though.
Demographics - Male, White, Florida, Ok public high school that is brand new so classes and clubs are less plentiful
Test scores
ACT - 35 composite, 35 on all sections (retaking in September for hopefully a 36 on science and math)
SAT - 1490, 710 RW, 780 M (retook it in June, waiting on scores but I'm thinking 760 RW, 800 M)
Intended Major - Dual major in CS + Electrical engineering and minoring in math
GPA + Rank - 4.00 UW (my school's weighted GPA is weird and way too generous), I'm 5/400 something for the class of 2026, but would be probably top 10 for the class of 2025
Coursework - Probably 18 APs, 6 Honors, and 1 AICE (Florida class thats easier than Honors).
Freshman: Geometry Honors, Eng 1 Honors, Bio Honors, Foundations of Programming Honors, Spanish 2 Honors, AP Human (5), AICE Gen Paper Note: Freshman year was taken at a different high school because my new school wasn't built yet
Sophomore: AP Bio, APUSH, Alg 2 Honors, AP Chem, APES, AP Computer Science A, AP US Gov, AP Lang (Only one other sophomore took AP Chem, no other sophomores took AP lang, Computer Science A, Ap gov, or APUSH at my school) Doing AP Art History over the summer on online school
Senior year: AP Calc BC, AP Precalc, AP Lit, AP Physics 1, AP World or Euro (depending on availability), AP Macro+Micro, AP Cybersecurity Pilot, and AP Stats, AP Pysch
Awards - I'm sorry if these don't exactly fall under awards, but I was a big part of my team winning these awards
*Robotics team won a big award at Worlds in 9th grade
*2 Science Department Awards at my school
*1 Math Department Award at my school
*Robotics team was the best rookie robotics team my sophomore year in our region (Judges choice)
*Scholarbowl (like quizbowl) district winning team 9th grade
*Academic World Quest team placing 3rd and 4th
ECs: For some activities, my years is inclusive of next year as I'm continuing them.
*-FTC robotics (2 years). I was robot captain both years, head programmer and driver. I helped and helping mentor our future programmers and everyone else on the team.
*-FLL robotics (1 year). I was in charge of tying everything on the robotics side together and played a big part in our core values world winning.
*-Scholarbowl (3 years). I was the founder and president my sophomore and senior years.
*-Academic World Quest (3 years). Like I said, we placed both years in the top 5 despite problems. I was/am the secretary for 2 years.
*-Mu Alpha Theta (3 years). I was treasurer my sophomore year, and will be running for Vice President or Co-President. I placed around 30-50 for all solo tests in Alg 2 and Geometry.
*-Coding club (2 years). I will create it next year and I did it my freshman year.
*-Chess club (2 years). I will help lead it next year in an officer position and I was in it my freshman year. I placed top 5 in the 3 tournaments done through the club my freshman year.
*-Debate club (3 years). I helped lead it my sophomore year and will be a captain my senior year.
*-Pickleball Club (2 years). I will be an officer next year.
*-MUN (2 years). I'll have participated in 4-5 MUNs by the time I'll apply. Hopefully winning 1 of them, but I haven't won anything yet.
*-NHS (1 year).
*-Volunteering (200+ hours). I've been a STEM camp counselor for 3 years, helping in 10 different camps throughout the summer and school year.
*-Tutoring (30 hours). I tutored a girl at another school in Calc AB my sophomore year. I can ask her for her grade and AP test later in the summer.
*-Pinball (5 years). I've played in a pinball league for 5 years, as well as the occasional tournament. I placed top 8 in one tournament that has 100+ attendees.
*-DECA (1 year)
*Georgia Tech
*University of Michigan
*Carnegie Mellon
*University of Central Florida
*University of Florida
LORs: I can get strong LORs from my APUSH teacher, Calc and Alg 2 teacher, robotics coach, and Chem teacher.
Essays: I feel like I write in a style that these schools would appreciate. I don't care if if it is what they want though, I am myself and won't change it to go to any school even MIT. But my essays will be strong when I write them.
Extra stuff - I'm going to be studying Linear Algebra, Variational Calculus, drone manufacturing, and AI over the summer by myself and I'll see where it takes me. I might also do hackathons, MUN competitions, and maybe tech certifications too.
Thoughts: I'm confident on GT (which is my second pick). I just visited and got a great vibe with the campus and feel like its a great fit and my academics match what they are looking for. I'm in love with the makerspaces that they showed off and really attracts me to GT. I visited MIT too and loved it. I feel underprepared for MIT and scared of my chances but I'm hopeful that my uniqueness in an early grad and focus on STEM shines in that admissions process. I won't change who I am though, so if I'm denied from MIT, I'll take it as not a good fit in which case its good they denied me. I'm not too worried about the other schools since GT and MIT are my main focal points.
I'm so sorry if I was wordy on my ECs, I just think they need some explaining since Florida schools are weird and my stuff is weird too (no one probably even knows what punball is lol)
Edit: Mobile formatting sucks
submitted by Robotics_Moose to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 01:10 mme13 Progression of your "daily driver" horns?

Got a new main horn recently and I was reminiscing on all the horns that have been my "daily drivers" over the years. Mine are:
Yamaha student model, 4th grade-12th grade
Accent TR781 - 12th grade until 5th year of college
Yamaha 6310ZS for about four months
Geneva Oldroyd Cardinal for about 9 months
1959 Olds Recording for a little over 4 years
And I just got my second Yamaha 6310ZS a couple months ago, which is the current daily driver. Really expecting this one to stick for a long time (though, to be fair, I thought pretty much all of those would be the last horn I'd ever buy). Of them, the only ones I still have are the Accent, Olds Recording, and current 6310. What do your progressions look like?
submitted by mme13 to trumpet [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 00:28 Zyulnk The title was "the worst day of my life" or something - but googling it gives me nothing

I acquired the book at presumably the children's section at my local library, which is pretty big and has lots of good reads. I read it when I was around 9, or two years before covid, so it was probably around a 4th-6th grade reading level as I have always been a massive bookworm and read a bit ahead of my peers. That's probably why I remember it being somewhat depressing for little me, though I can't recall in the slightest what could have made me though that; such details are lost in the fog of my pre-covid memory. Even though I liked the plot, I remember it making me feel a bit...queasy; again I forgot what specifically but bad things happened to the main characters which were way out of prepubescent me's comfort zone! The main characters were all schoolchildren, middle schoolers if I had to guess. I think there was a little bit of a fight or somebody stepping on glass, because blood was shed near the climax. There were bullies, and themes of animal abuse, which is probably what made me so uncomfortable anyways. The cover was a dark blue sky, with several stereotypical woodland creatures in the foreground grazing on grass, adorned with mellow dark green trees in the background. I'm half sure there was a deer and a rabbit among the creatures. It was realistic fiction, perhaps in the way that Frindle or Hatchet could theoretically happen (though it would be very unlikely); or at least that's how I remember it felt at the time.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Zyulnk to whatsthatbook [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:34 BasicallyClean The Absolutely Bizarre Scorecards of MMA Judge Dave Tirelli - Part 2.

So picture this:
It's Saturday. I was watching UFC 302 but I missed Lima vs. Raposo live.
I'm coming back home after procuring an alcoholic beverage. I lay my phone down as I'm carrying the beverage, and the phone dings.
One of you ratfucks sends me a message. No context, no photo, I have no idea what's going on.
The message read: "Bah gawd that's Dave Tirelli's music."
See, when I wrote that article about Dave Tirelli four years ago, I didn't really proofread it. I didn't really try to polish it up and make it easy to read. I didn't really put a ton of effort into it.
I used to write and make video and written pieces for the subreddit off and on, but that one I just threw together. I just thought it was so totally comical that somebody could be this incompetent or outwardly corrupt, or both.
I didn't put it in the article, but internally from what I remember, I just sort of hoped "maybe this was the only guy they could get to judge during Covid in May 2020" and sent it out into the Redditverse.
If you haven't read it or missed Part 1 when TheBaltimoron reposted it on Saturday, you can find it here.
I sort of just figured after all that, he'd not get any more major assignments after how terrible his cards were and we'd all forget about it. After all, the UFC was the only sport really going at that time. Surely all the athletic commissions noticed.
The son-of-a-bitch is STILL getting major cards.
And they're just as bizarre as they've ever been.
There's going to be a bunch of tables below. You can skip this section now, and come back up to refer to it if you're not sure what part of a table means:
Media Scores For = Number of Media Members Who Scored the Fight for X Fighter Per
Fan Win Percentage = Percentage of Fans Who Scored the Fight for X Fighter per If the numbers do not add up to 100%, some voters ruled a 10-10 draw unless otherwise noted.
Tirelli Score = Tirelli's Final Scorecard
Rounds Tirelli Scored For = Dave, if you're reading this and having trouble figuring out what this means, this box has the rounds you gave that fighter, separated by a comma.
Fans With Same Result = This box represents the amount of fans who had the same result as Dave. Note, they may have scored rounds differently but arrived at the same final score. This metric should not be viewed as the amount of fans who had the same scorecard as that number would almost certainly be something even less.
Some fights won't have striking stats and some won't have great fan data. Some fights may have misleading stats or big moments that changed rounds/fights that aren't reflected in the data. That said, the point is to show a repeated history of being detached from reality, not a myopic view of one specific fight.
While there are many fights where I remember him scoring a round weirdly, I am only going to include fights with decent evidence to support the overall theme.
In short, this is not an exhaustive list of all of his insane scorecards.
But it is a pretty good one.
Let us pick up where we left off from part 1.
1. Bellator 252 - Yaroslav Amosov def. Logan Storley
November 12th, 2020
Tirelli scores it 29-28 for Storley.
Fighter Media Scores For Fan Win Percentage Tirelli Score Rounds Tirelli Scored For Fans With Same Result
Amosov 6 74.7 28 1
Storley 1 21.3 29 2, 3 20.0%
Now, Tirelli turns in a 29-28 for Sorley, which is not his most bizarre card he's ever turned in, but that's not saying a whole lot. The point of deviation from fans and media, was the 2nd round.
Fighter Round Two Fan Percentage For Tirelli Scored For
Amosov 85.3%
Storley 12.0% 😎
This means, that no more than 12% of fans could have possibly had Tirelli's exact card. He's less accurate than a UFC troll. We're off to a rippin' start.
2. Bellator 260 - Bobby King def. Nick Newell
June 11th, 2021
Tirelli scores it 29-28 for Newell.
There were only five fan scorecards submitted on, and only one media scorecard. I don't have stats from the fight either. There's just not enough data.

So lets look at the one media scorecard and the other two judges vs Tirelli:

Judge King Newell
Judge Dave Hagen 30 27
Judge Michael Murtha 30 27
SevereMMA's Sean Sheehan 30 27
Judge Dave Tirelli 28 29 😎
Boys, we are just getting started. Buckle up.
3. UFC 268 - Dustin Jacoby def. John Allan
November 6th, 2021
Tirelli scores the 3rd round for Allan.
Fighter Media Scores For Fan Win Percentage Tirelli Score Rounds Tirelli Scored For Fans With Same Result
Jacoby 14 97.1 29 1,2 8.8%
Allan 1 2.9 28 3
Tirelli scored the fight correctly for Jacoby but with the wrong card because he had a stroke in the 3rd round:
Fighter Round Three Fan Percentage For Significant Strikes Takedowns/Ground Strikes Tirelli Scored For
Jacoby 97.1 48 0
Allan 2.9 27 0 😎
Source 2
Yeah. No idea.
4. UFC on ESPN 42: Clay Guida def. Scott Holtzman
December 03, 2022
Tirelli scores it 29-28 Holtzman.
Fighter Media Scores For Fan Win Percentage Tirelli Score Rounds Tirelli Scored For Fans With Same Result
Guida 17 80 28 3
Holtzman 0 20 29 1, 2 13.8%
You just never know when he's gonna strike. This time, it was in the 2nd round:
Round Two Fan Percentage For Significant Strikes (Total) Takedowns Control Time Tirelli Scored For
Guida 84.6 17 (29) 2 of 8 2:55
Holtzman 15.4 22 (32) 0 0:01 😎
Source 2
This inspired comments from da bois:
How can anyone give that to Holtzman?
Split??? pretty clear 2-1 Guida
Surprised that one of the judges gave Holtzman the 3rd round for a split decision but glad Guida won that after the continued sequence-altering fence grabs.
5. UFC on ESPN+ 89: Marc Diakiese def. Kaue Fernandes
November 4th, 2023
Tirelli scores it 29-28 Fernandes.
Fighter Media Scores For Fan Win Percentage Tirelli Score Rounds Tirelli Scored For Fans With Same Result
Fernandes 1 17.4% 29 1, 2
Diakiese 12 82.6% 28 3 17.4%
Round one was a swing round. Tirelli deviates on the 2nd round:
Fighter Round Two Fan Percentage For Significant Strikes (Total) Takedowns Control Time Tirelli Scored For
Fernandes 21.7% 10 (20) 0 0 😎
Diakiese 78.3% 4 (16) 1 of 4 2:50
Source 2
One thing to remember is that ground strikes not rated as often as significant strikes compared to strikes landed at distance. As a result they are more often counted as "total" but not "significant".
As a result, the stats are a little misleading here - Diakiese dominated this round and the fan voting and other judges show it. But I did want to provide the statistics for full transparency, even if they are misleading.
Here's what the ratfucks thought:
The judge making this a split decision just hooked me for the rest of the night.
Yeah I was half paying attention thinking diakese had this easy. Where the fuck did split come from
man that was boring also how the fuck was that a split decision????
6. UFC 302: Andre Lima def. Mitch Raposo
June 01, 2024
Tirelli scores it 29-28 Raposo.
Fighter Media Scores For Fan Win Percentage Tirelli Score Rounds Tirelli Scored For Fans With Same Result
Raposo 0 2.7% 29 1, 2
Lima 14 97.3% 28 3 1.3%
One of his worst stinkers so far. Not only did he give Round 1 to Raposo:
Round One Fan Percentage For Significant Strikes (Total) Takedowns Control Time Tirelli Scored For
Raposo 2.6% 7 (7) 0 0 😎
Lima 97.3% 17 (17) 0 0
Source 1
Source 2
He also gave him Round 2:
Fighter Round Two Fan Percentage For Significant Strikes (Total) Takedowns Control Time Tirelli Scored For
Raposo 17.3% 8 (8) 0 0:09 😎
Lima 82.7% 13 (13) 0 0
Source 1
Source 2
But if one absolutely dogshit card isn't enough, Dave's your man. The man can go all night.
The man can go TWICE in one night.
7. UFC 302: Sean Strickland def. Paulo Costa
June 01, 2024
Tirelli scores it 49-46 Costa.
Fighter Media Scores For Fan Win Percentage Tirelli Score Rounds Tirelli Scored For Fans With Same Result
Costa 0 4.7% 49 1, 2, 3, 4 Unknown
Strickland 24 94.9% 46 5
That's right - this scorecard is so bizarre, we can't actually tell if any fans at all ended with 49-46 Costa, because it's not listed in the top five as a possibility in the data on MMADecisions.
I'm tired of making these fucking charts. You guys get it. It was insane and we all saw it.
You guys had many, many thoughts:
What in the fuck was that 4-1 Costa scorecard!?
Worst scorecards ever tonight, the judge who scored it 49-46 Costa needs to be fired.
Legit one of the worst scorecards I’ve ever seen
He needs to be investigated and prosecuted for bet rigging, cancelled for incompetence is the bare minimum.
No incompetence can explain this. I suspect malice.
49-46 Costa might be the single most heinous card I've ever seen
He thought Costa was Strickland 😂
Enough of this shit.
How is it, that a rando on Reddit spotted this four years ago, and you guys can't figure it out?
Athletic commissions, your job is to protect fighters. Do your fucking job. It's already bad enough that fighters have "win bonuses" anyway. Your lack of doing your job could cost these guys their livelihoods.
I've reviewed this in depth if you can't tell. I have a question for the athletic commissions.
Don't you guys at the respective commissions all find it strange that he can go months to a year with totally normal cards, and then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, it's like he's never seen the sport before? And be completely normal in the next fight, making really good decisions on razor thin rounds?
In the 6 fights where Tirelli went split decision in this article and I have media data, he was 2 for 76 against the media. Meaning, out of 76 media votes, they may have had a different card, but agreed with his winner twice out of seventy-six attempts.
Is it that Dave Tirelli is the only person on planet Earth sporatically capable of understanding who won a fight, OR is it just that if you graded him vs. the media over these 6 fights, he would be DEAD LAST in accuracy?
Whats Occam's razor have to say about this?
Since the commissions don't appear to watch to actually watch MMA, maybe they watch baseball. So, lets present the numbers in a different way.
Expressed as a batting average, arguably the hardest thing to do in pro sports, Tirelli is hitting .026 in his controversial decisions listed just here in part 2.
That makes him over SIX TIMES WORSE than the worst hitting performance over one season in Major League Baseball history. He's six times worse than the worst guy of all time, at the hardest feat in sports. Please, tell me more about how "hard" this job is.
So here you go. Here's your evidence, over two articles now, that shows, unequivocally, that he is either grossly incompetent or completely corrupt.
And Dana White was wrong.
He doesn't need to judge lower shows. He does not need a license. Not now, not ever. I've already done the hard work for you. Fighters don't deserve this. Fans don't deserve this. Promotions don't deserve this. Bettors don't deserve this. Coaches don't deserve this. Advertisers don't deserve it. The networks investing in the product of MMA don't deserve this.
None of them deserve Tirelli's incompetence.
But you know whose incompetence they really don't deserve? Yours - athletic commissions. Because you're asleep at the wheel with absolutely no signs of consciousness.
Pull his damn license.
Or do I need to do that for you too?
submitted by BasicallyClean to MMA [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:29 Wide_Entrepreneur928 Health & Happiness - My Journey With A Glioblastoma Diagnosis

Hi Everyone, later this month I will be 7 years out of my Glioblastoma diagnosis. I was 30 years old when I was diagnosed and am 37 years old now. Over the last 6+ years, I have been put in contact with many people battling the same diagnosis and decided to create a Word document titled "Health & Happiness", which details all of the things I have incorporated into my healing journey. Everyone is different and I am simply sharing what has worked for me. Neither me or my wife are in the medical field however we have spent a lot of time researching things to integrate into my day-to-day life which we believe are keeping me healthy. For the first 5 years of my journey I received MRI's every 8 weeks; now that I am more than 5 years out I get MRI's every 12 weeks. Below is a copy and paste of the document:
*Below there are some discount codes that I have not affiliation with and found them through IG or marketing emails and they might be outdated*
My Neurosurgeon:
Dr. Mitchel Berger - UCSF
My Neuro Oncologist:
Dr. Timothy Cloughesy - UCLA
My Naturopathic Doctor:
· Christian Gonzalez, ND
o Check out his podcast, “Heal Thy Self” – This podcast has been life-changing for my wife and I. It has provided us with assurance about the path that we have been on to keep me healthy and has opened our eyes to so many things that we thought were “good” and “healthy” when in fact we were grossly misled to a technique called “Green Washing” that a lot of companies and products use in their marketing efforts.
· Below are two links where you can find a ND in your area.
o Naturopath Oncologist Database -
o General Naturopath Doctor Database -
CBD/THC Extracts - Cancer Protocols:
· I went through CT's full 90 day protocol back in 2017 in conjunction with radiation and chemo (Temodar). I am on CT's "maintenance" program and have been since I finished the 90 day protocol.
§ The article above is from Forbes magazine on Constance and how she got started.
Books and Documentaries:
· Radical Remission. This book was the first book I read when I was diagnosed and gave me knowledge and motivation to not look at my diagnosis as a death sentence. One of the most powerful cancer books I have read and I highly recommend it for anyone that has cancer or knows someone that has cancer. 😊
· What the Health: Netflix
· Heal: Netflix
o Here are a couple ‘extras’ from “Heal” that we found very powerful and inspiring.


o The Documentary “Heal”, did so well they wrote a book as well.
· The Game Changers – A documentary on Netflix.
· Forks Over Knives - Netflix
· Cowspiracy – Netflix
· The China Study – Book outlining the most comprehensive study done on nutrition, and the links the standard American diet has to all types of diseases including cancer.
· Being In Balance - Book
· You The Healer – Book
· The Power of Now – Book
· The Celestine Prophecy – Book
· How Not To Die – Book
· The Truth About Cancer – Documentary

Supplements I am taking:
· Maca Root
· Vitamin B12
· Gaia – “Liver Health”
· Bladderwrack & Sea Moss
o We purchase these from-
· Mushroom Supplements: Chaga, Turkey Tail, Maitake, Reishi, Cordyceps & Lion’s Mane (Real Mushrooms is the company we use.) See video and article below about the health benefits of mushrooms.
o Paul Stamets is the CEO of Host Defense and his mother was diagnosed with Stage Four Breast Cancer. He gives a lot of credit to her remission from the mushroom supplements. has a 10% off first time order. We order from though due to their sales and free shipping.
· Agaricus Mushroom – I take it at night with my Essiac Tea (See Below)
· Kelp
· Vitamin D3
· Graviola/Soursop – (can be taken as a supplement or in Tea form)
· Ashwagandha –Benefits and study links below. In the first link below, each number found in the article is a hyper link showcasing different studies that have been conducted proving the benefits listed.
· Vitamin B2
· Boswellia (Frankincense)
· Melatonin
· CoQ10
[· X-R Shield by LifeExtension – My ND prescribed me to take these 5 days prior to air travel, during travel and 5 days after air travel. When flying, you’re exposed to high amounts of radiation and this supplement helps to protect cell DNA damage]()
· Chaparral
o We purchase these from-
· Liposomal Glutathione – Quicksilver Scientific
· NAC (N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, Free-Form)
· Co-E1 NADH
· Probiotic – Klaire Labs, Ther-Biotic Complete
· Life Cykel Mushroom Tinctures
o Discount code: 0DCB4626
o Chaga, Turkey Tail, Reishi, Lions Maine, Cordyceps, Shitake
o All of the above mushrooms are harnessed in Kakadu Plum juice which is the most Vitamin C dense fruit in the world.
· We get most of our supplements from . They have sales all the time and free 2-day shipping.

· Senna Tea - I drank this on the nights I took Temodar (Chemo) to prevent constipation, it's a lot easier on your body than any OTC medication.
· Essiac Tea - I drink 4 oz. of this every night before bed. People who have defeated cancer give a lot of credit to Essiac Tea.
o We purchase it in loose leaf form from
· Moringa
· Dandelion
· Teas with Turmeric
[· Pique Tea – Organic, ceremonial grade, triple screened for heavy metals, mold toxins and pesticides. This is the only tea that we have been able to find that has a triple screening process for heavy metals. “Organic” does not mean free of heavy metals.]()
o Discount Code: GREENFIELD 15% off!

Other things I do:
· Meditation – Every day for 20 minute – I started off with the app called “Headspace” other people use “Calm”. Its personal preference.
o I am looking into taking a TM class (Transcendental Meditation) and will let you know once I do.
[· Minimizing EMF exposure as much as possible]()
o Sleeping with our phones in airplane mode and away from us, ideally in another room
o Turning off Wi-Fi at night, and even when not in use
o Covering Wi-Fi router and Digital Electricity Meter (outside of house) with EMF guards
§ These can be found here:
o Keeping cell phones away from our bodies as much as possible
o Not using anything wireless near our heads. This includes cell phones (always talk on speaker phone or a wired ear pod connection), air pods or any type of Bluetooth headphones, this includes Bluetooth in the car.
o Hardwiring my office so there is no need for Wi-Fi.
· When we fly, we have these blankets that we wrap around our body. This company has a lot of great products that protect you from EMF exposure.
· We also wear these when we fly, they are a company out of Australia
o This is what we have: RS EMF radiation protection hood, blocking RF, EMF- Brian Coat
· Here is another company that is popular, we were not aware of it at the time of buying the other products above.
· Positive attitude and mindset in everything I do- link below to article explaining how thoughts can benefit or hinder your body
· Eliminate as much stress as I possibly can from my everyday life
· Be present in my mind
· Yoga
· Spin
· Writing down 3 things that I am grateful for each night before bed
· Using Frankincense oil on my feet and pillow, every night, before bed
· Morning Routine: Body Scan Meditation, Drink a liter of water when you wake up (Your body is most dehydrated after a full night’s sleep), stretch or some type of quick 10 minute workout to get your body moving in the morning, “I Am” affirmations (I will usually do this right after I finish my morning stretching, I will typically say 5-10 things out loud to myself, for example (I am healthy, I am a loving husband, I am kind, etc…), statements of gratitude (I will mix this in with my “I Am” affirmations, for example, I am grateful for my bed, I am grateful for my home, I am grateful to have access to organic produce, etc…) I try to focus on this that I have in my life instead of things that I want, rubbing a 1-2 drops of any organic essential oil that you like in your hands in the morning and taking 4-5 deep breaths with your hands over your mouth and nose (this is very helpful in awakening your sensory functions), lastly, I listen to music when getting ready for work in the morning. Soft music in the morning taps into the creative side of your brain and research has shown that individuals that listen to soft music in the morning are more creative and productive throughout the day than those who don’t.
· Taking a walk every day to get fresh air and disconnect, normally with the dogs J
· Circuit Training
· Acupuncture / Energy Healing
· Energy Healer – Steve Montoya – Let me know if you would like his contact info. He travels all over the world healing people. He is in the LA/OC area once a quarter or so.
· Keeping my body warm at all times. We learned from Traditional Chinese Medicine, that keeping the body warm protects the kidneys, which means all of the other organs can do their job and the body can heal. Also, just for example, when you have a fever, it’s your body’s way of protecting all of your vital organs so that they can do their job, as well as preventing any proliferation of bacteria and viruses.
· John of God – Brazil. Lauren’s cousin went down to visit him during the 4th quarter of 2018 and took a head shot of myself as well as a two-page letter sharing my story. He is a spiritual healer that helped a young man get to a state of meditation where his brain tumor shrunk to nothing. He sent back two bottles of Herbs (Ground Up Passion Flower Leaves – Actual Name: Passiflora) for me to take. There is a large portion about him in the book “Radical Remission” and he is featured in “Heal” as well.
· I brush my teeth with my less dominant hand once a day and then with my dominant hand the other two times.
o This helps stimulate parts of the brain that are not in use often. You can do this with many things, brushing your hair, using your less dominant foot in sports, washing your body with soap while showering.
· Drinking and eating out of glass vs. plastic. It’s having an effect on both men and women’s endocrine systems (hormones, fertility, etc…)
· This may sound like something so simple but it’s quite challenging: When moving/changing physical positions I am always present. For example, every time I sit, I tell myself I am sitting, every time I stand to walk, I tell myself I am standing. This helps me to bring my mind into a present state and focus less on the future or past.
o This was a recommendation during one of my guided meditations.
· Laughing, loving and hugging every day. This was a big take away for Lauren and I from reading the book Radical Remission. It’s important to laugh every day, love every day and receive and give hugs to people every day. I know, I know, it sounds crazy but it has worked on other folks, we practice it every day. We try to watch more comedies if we are going to watch a movie on the weekend, an easy way to incorporate laughter into your life.
· We recently added air purifiers into our home. I also have one in my office. We purchased the Molekule, but through research we found that the Air Doctor is another good option (and I believe also a little less expensive). Here is a discount code for $100 off a Molekule: MetroMD100
· IR Sauna (Infrared Saunas)
o These are great for detoxifying the body, especially after air travel. I go to Perspire ( here in Orange County.
· Epsom Salt Baths – Especially after air or any long car travel as well.
· Grounding/Earthing – Walk around barefoot on your backyard grass or anywhere there is a plot of “Earth”. Feel the grass between your toes or if you are at the beach, be aware of the sand between your toes. We are all energy and Earth contains energy, manifest the energy from the Earth into your body for increased healing, awareness, presence and mindfulness. I do this for about 10-15 minutes.
· Cold Showers (as cold as the shower can get) every morning and Ice Plunges. Look up the “Wim Hof Method”

· For the past 6+ years we have followed a whole food plant-based diet (vegan without the junk food). Cancer cells feed off of Glucose (Sugar) firstly, but can also utilize glutamate as a second source of fuel (which is in all animal protein, land and sea). I have also cut out all artificial sugars from my diet. Dairy is also extremely inflammatory for your body and has been linked to cancer in many research studies.
· White Carbs and Gluten - We have eliminated these from our diet as much as we possibly can. Even for people who do not have a ‘gluten intolerance,’ gluten is very hard on the body’s digestive system. Excessive consumption can lead to a leaky gut, which causes toxins to seep out of the digestive tract into the body/blood making it hard for your immune system to work at its peak. Also, most gluten products have high levels of glyphosate, which they’ve linked to cancer. Glyphosate acts like an antibiotic to your gut (not in a good way), wiping out all of the beneficial gut flora which are there to keep your immune system working efficiently.
· Alkaline Foods and Water - Cancer cells cannot grow in an alkaline environment; we drink water with a PH level of 9.5. We recently invested in a Kangen water machine for our home. A level of 7 PH is balanced and anything below 7 is acidic. Cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment. Things that make your body acidic are alcohol, dairy, meat, processed and artificial sugars and gluten.
· I drink warm lemon water with apple cider vinegar every morning, which also helps alkalize the body and keep stomach acid levels at a great pH for food absorption.
· We practice intermittent fasting, which allows the body to not worry about processing food for a large portion of the day but rather allow its immune system to be working at its peak ability. We started out by only eating from 12 PM - 8 PM and are working toward 12 PM - 6 PM. Intermittent fasting is really important when taking Temodar (or any chemotherapy). It allows the body to protect the healthy cells while targeting cancer cells. There is so much research showing the benefits of intermittent fasting for cancer patients.
· This is a really interesting article citing a lot of different sources regarding a plant-based diet and fighting/preventing cancer:

Other Things to Research:
· Dr. Sebi – He is the doctor who put a full-page ad in the NY Post and was sued to take it down. When he went to his court hearing the judge asked him if he could prove that he healed anyone, and he furnished 70 patients of his that were healed by his treatment and the Judge declared “not guilty” on all the charges that were brought against him by the State of New York.
o The link below is a quick rundown of his life. I believe the pharmaceutical companies were heavily involved with his death in while he was imprisoned in Honduras.
· Radiation Stickers for your cell phone and laptop:
· We also try to use the ‘cleanest’ hygiene products we can find. There are many harmful chemicals in our everyday toothpastes, shampoos, deodorants, etc. Chemicals to avoid in hygiene products below:
o Shampoo – Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, basically any ‘sulfate,’ Parabens, Sodium Benzoate. Brands that we like are: 100% Pure, Acure, Alaffia
o Toothpaste – Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, basically any ‘sulfate’, fluoride, triclosan, DEA, Propylene Glycol, Microbeads. One of the worst toothpaste brands out there is Colgate. We use Himalaya Botanique & Nature’s Gate as well as Dr. Bronner’s All-In-One toothpaste.
o Deodorant – Aluminum, Parabens, Triclosan, DEA, Propylene Glycol. We have been testing out natural deodorants for years and our favorite (although not vegan) is from a company called Primally Pure. We’ve also started to use a brand called Joyous Organics with clean (and minimal) ingredients.
o A great website to reference for beauty product ingredients and their safety is
§ Skin Deep Database – This is where you will find clean products to put on your body.

· The Clean Fifteen and Dirty Dozen
o The EWG, each year, comes out with an updated list of produce that we should be buying organic 100% of the time (Dirty Dozen), especially people like you and I who have had cancer. The Clean fifteen can be purchased conventionally if you can’t find them in an organic form and conventional is the only option

· The link below is a good read on Monsanto’s Glyphosate and the timeline for removal in home use:
These are things that we have done and have found to be successful so far with my body, and hopefully, they are helpful for you as well. I have also included some images below that show how damaging the effects of Wi-Fi radiation (and all of the radiation coming from electronics) can be.
submitted by Wide_Entrepreneur928 to glioblastoma [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:14 packmanwiscy r/NFL Top 100 Players of the 2023 Season - #100-91

Welcome to The 100-91 Reveal for the NFL Top 100 Players of the 2023 Season!

Players whose average rank landed them in places 100-91 are on this portion of the list revealed today. Players are associated with the team they finished playing for at the end of the 2023 season
Below you will see some write-ups from the community summarizing the players’ 2023 season and why they were among the best in 2023. Stats for each player are included below. Additionally, their ranks from previous years are available for y’all to see


Link to more detailed writeup on our methodology
And without further ado, here are the players ranked 100-91 in the NFL Top 100 Players of the 2023 Season!

#100 - Stefon Diggs - Buffalo Bills - Wide Receiver

Previous Ranks
2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
22 38 10 74 N/A N/A N/A N/A​
Written by: u/BlackTieClip
Following yet another offseason of cryptic tweets and drama, Stefon Diggs showed up from the onset of the 2023 season as red hot as the lasers he was catching off the arm of Josh Allen - making it clear he came to play and leave everything out on the field. However, 2023 was a tale of two Diggs’ - and that's not a reference to Stefon's brother, Trevon, who unfortunately was out for the season prior to their two teams facing off in week 15.
Through the first 6 games of the year, Stefon Diggs was averaging 8 catches, 104 Yards, and nearly a touchdown per game. During that time, the Bills passing offense funneled the ball through Diggs and relied on his ability to make plays all over the field to remain productive. Diggs answered the call and delivered the type of results we've come to expect of him, however just like the team itself, Diggs’ season would fall off pretty harshly following the team's week 6 match up against the Giants. In the 11 remaining games of the season, he failed to produce a single 100-yard outing and would only catch 3 more total touchdowns on the year. It's important to acknowledge that the Bills as a whole struggled offensively between weeks 5 and 10, directly leading to Offensive Coordinator Ken Dorsey's firing after Buffalo’s week 10, 24-22, loss to Denver - a game in which Diggs only caught 3 passes for a total of 34 yards.
Once Joe Brady stepped in as Interim Coordinator, the Bills offense began healing as a result of changes made to their strategy, changes which resulted in a more balanced attack that trusted the run game and prioritized spreading passes around to a wider selection of targets in the air. This shift meant Diggs was on the field less, in addition to receiving less targets when he was out there running routes. The impact of this change is most plainly obvious when comparing Diggs’ stats from weeks 1-8 to 9-16. While this adjustment ultimately worked out in Buffalo's favor (they would close out the last 7 games of the year with a 6-1 record), it did drive an unfortunate statistical drop for Diggs. Diggs would still flash his elite hands and skills often enough to finish the season respectively though, earning a spot in the pro-bowl as well as finishing #13 in total receiving yards and #7 in total receptions. Tragically, what he will probably be remembered most for this past year (at least in the minds of Bills Mafia) will be the ugly, game-altering drop he had late in the Divisional round matchup against Kansas City.
Throughout 2023 there were all manner of rumors on whether Diggs was playing through an undisclosed injury or experiencing a falling out with the organization, true or not, it would be foolish to claim that Diggs isn't still a premier pass catcher in the NFL. Now a Houston Texan, Stefon Diggs will serve as another weapon for C.J. Stroud to take advantage of in 2024. Assuming he doesn't destroy the culture in Houston by manifesting into some sort of target-hoovering diva-demon like all the tired sports media personalities predict, expect the former Bills Captain to be a key contributor for the Texans next year.

#99 - Lavonte David - Tampa Bay Buccaneers - Off-Ball Linebacker

Previous Ranks
2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
60 95 43 76 N/A 35 N/A 99 27 11 N/A​
Written by: u/Ronon_Dex
After flirting with retirement and leaving Tampa Bay last offseason, Lavonte David stuck around for another year as a Buccaneer - year 12 (and soon to be year 13). And it paid off, yet again, as David stayed the impactful, complete LB he has been for over a decade.
Playing 956 (98%) defensive snaps, David was impactful across the board, recording 99 tackles (134 combined per pfr) with a 5.7% missed tackle rate, 4.5 sacks with 19 total pressures on only 76 pass rush opportunities, 5 forced incompletions and 1.1 yards per cover snap, and a ridiculous 61 run stops and 17 TFLs. His coverage stats took a bit of a dip from the past, but he was still solid while being incredibly impactful against the run. He's smart - see here how he diagnoses quickly, and beats the blocker to the spot before sticking the TE for a loss. He's exceptional at slithering through OLs - see here and here how he uses his speed and awareness to split through holes in the line and finish the play before it can start. Despite being 33, he's still really fast - if you're late on rotating in pass protection, he's already past you and sacking the QB. And he's always had a nose for the football.
David has been one of my favorite players of the 2010s and it will be sad to see him go. Few LBs are as complete as Lavonte has been for his career - he can do everything you want from an offball LB. Given that he's likely to retire pretty soon, this might be the last time he appears on this list, so I'm gonna break the rules a bit. Lavonte has always stood out statistically in two ways, by forcing fumbles and TFLs. As for FFs, the only LB with more is Cornelius Bennett, who was somewhat of a hybrid rushbacke4-3 OLB. Which means that among true off ball LBs, nobody has forced more fumbles than Lavonte David (tbf only tracked reliably since 1993). Similarly, I've never seen a player as adept at slicing through blockers to make a TFL. He has 160 career TFLs, 9th all time. No other offball LB is in the top 20, and only 4 other LBs have even 100. We might as well start giving out the "Lavonte David award" to whoever leads LBs in TFLs.
Put him in the HOF, cowards.

#98 - Bradley Chubb - Miami Dolphins - EDGE Rusher

Previous Ranks
2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A​
Written by: u/cnvas_home
One word has followed Chubb throughout his career: Dynamic. Coming into his second year in a Dolphins jersey off a five-year, $110 million contract extension (recently restructured in the wake of injury)—Chubb managed to arguably elevate to higher levels of said dynamic play than even in previous seasons that saw him earn Pro Bowl recognition.
In 16 games this season, Chubb managed to thrive in a defense that utilized its front 7 in unconventional manners. Of the 837 snaps Chubb played: 36% of snaps against the rush, 57% against the pass, and 7% in pass coverage (top 20 in EDGE coverage snaps…over a dozen in the slot). Amongst his position, Chubb posted a top 10 pass rush win rate per ESPN along with top 15 pass rush and top 5 coverage grades per PFF respectively. This showed with 11 sacks, 73 total tackles, 44 hurries, and 6 forced fumbles (t-1st in NFL) over the season.
Chubb has an uphill battle going into the next season with a torn ACL acquired in Week 17 against the Ravens. Still in the prime of his career and a leader within the locker room, Chubb certainly seeks to return to this level of form as soon as possible. There's a lot of money on the table for him.

#97 - Kolton Miller - Las Vegas Raiders - Offensive Tackle

Previous Ranks
2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A​
Written by: u/ExpirjTec
Offensive tackles have always been highly sought after for one important reason; to keep their franchise quarterback healthy. Miller had a slightly different objective; keep Jimmy Garoppolo handsome, it's fine if he misses the season since he was far from a franchise quarterback; but Miller excelled, allowing the least pressures (only 16 pressures per PFF, compared to 18 for Tyron Smith and Trent Williams) out of any premier tackle. While he missed a few games due to a shoulder injury, Miller put in enough work to prove he's a top 100 player in the league.
Always one of the more underappreciated OTs in the league, Miller's impact was best felt by his absence; in the first missed game of his career, Jets defenders got to Aidan O'Connell several times, and the rest of the offensive line just looked flimsy.
Combining agile, quick footwork with enough armpower to seal off some of the biggest men in the NFL, Miller quietly dominated opposing pass rushers, and #74 could even scale multiple levels on the run to help his team generate big plays. Even when it didn't seem like there was much worth fighting for, Miller never gave up hope.

#96 - Dion Dawkins - Buffalo Bills - Offensive Tackle

Previous Ranks
2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A​
Written by: u/Man_0n_F1re
The shnowman cracks the top 100 this year after a dominating performance in the trenches all season long. While offensive line play can be hard to parse and judge, Dawkins ranked 4th in the league among OTs in pass rush win rate at 93% and only allowed 1 sack. The 30-year-old from New Jersey (famously the home of the Giants and Jets) also provided numerous rare O-line highlights, such as the absolute shnowplow of a block he delivered against the Cowboys’ Damone Clark. His arguably career-best season also saw him named to the Pro Bowl for the third straight year.
The Bills shook up their skill positions on offense this off-season, but the core of the offensive line remains largely the same, and Dawkins will certainly be a leader of the unit. This off-season he signed a 3-year, $60.5 million extension, making him one of the highest-paid offensive linemen in the league. He has played in at least 15 games each season of his career so far, and Buffalo is clearly banking on his production to continue as the rest of the offense takes a new shape.
This year, Dawkins was also Buffalo's nominee for the Walter Payton Man of the Year award, due in large part to his foundation Dion's Dreamers, which provides mentoring services to troubled youth. Dawkins has become highly involved in the Buffalo community since being drafted in the 2nd round in 2017.

#95 - James Cook - Buffalo Bills - Running Back

Previous Ranks
Written by: u/packmanwiscy
Being a running back in Josh Allen’s offense is a bit tricky. Allen is virtually a one-man offense, willing to not only sling the rock deep but also bruise out some yards on the ground for himself. For most of Allen’s tenure in Buffalo, Bills running backs haven’t been the most productive, failing to produce a single season with more than 1,100 scrimmage yards. When Buffalo selected James Cook in the 2nd round of the draft last year, they sought to give Allen a workhorse back that could efficiently eat touches and take the load off of Allen just a bit. After a timeshare in the first year, the Bills let Devin Singletary walk and gave Cook the lead back role, and he did not disappoint.
James Cook is a true modern running back. His lightning quick acceleration allows him to hit holes hard and bounce outside if they’re plugged. He’s not the biggest or strongest back, but he can still shrug off arm tackles and churn for extra yards. Pass catching out of the backfield is a key part of his game as well, for a running back he’s very proficient at route running, catching the ball in stride, and running after the catch. He does everything you want out of a running back in the 2020’s NFL, and he rewarded the Bills with the 6th most scrimmage yards in the league. He’ll have to do quite a bit to pass his brother in career stats, but this season was a great start.

#94 - Elgton Jenkins - Green Bay Packers - Offensive Guard

Previous Ranks
2022 2021 2020 2019
N/A N/A 77 N/A​
Key Stat:
Written by: u/Letsgomountaineers5
One of the most powerful and positionally versatile offensive linemen in the NFL, Elgton Jenkins’ value to, and dominance on, the Packers OL has more than earned him his place on this list. Elgton is the engine that makes the Packers' run game go. Whether it be trapping, wrapping, or pulling to lead, Elgton is the Packers’ most-pulled lineman and their best (and one of THE best in the league) elevator to the second level on inside zone and duo run plays. Finally able to hunker down and stay, more or less, in the same position for a full season, Elgton was the driving influence on the Packers finishing top 10 in yards per attempt and top half in overall rushing offense, even while being near the bottom of the NFL in called run plays. It has yet to be mentioned how great he was in pass protection this year, as well. With a younger QB who at times held the ball a bit too long, Elgton allowed 0 sacks and had one of the lowest pressure rates allowed in football.
As mentioned before, Elgton is a dominant player in the run game because of the power he executes his blocks. His main weakness throughout his career has been his feet and ability to play in space, but this year he was tasked with reaching, trapping, and pulling to lead more than ever before. And as demonstrated here, he excelled in that role. The Packers were at their best when Jenkins was tasked with doubling and elevating or climbing to the second level immediately. Here, he displaces the LOS, comes off the 3T, and gets to the backer to create a lane for the back to follow into the endzone. In this example, the player engaged with the LT does not cross the LT’s face, so he quickly climbs to backer and creates a cut back lane for the back to gain 6-7 yards. As you can see, much of what the Packers did in the run game centered around 74, and he delivered time and time again.
In the pass game, Elgton used his strong anchor and well-timed striking to shut down every interior defensive lineman he faced. 0 sacks allowed, an absurdly low 4.4% pressure rate allowed, and the sheer dominance he displayed on tape has led many experts to call him a top 3 pass protecting guard in all of football. This is probably his biggest area of growth once making it to the NFL, as he always had the power in his lower half, but has improved his base and hand placement to truly stonewall any bull rushes he faces. And if you try and get cute by swimming or, god forbid, knowing your beat and jumping to swat the ball. Well, you will probably end up on your ass. He rose to the highest levels of competition, repeatedly shutting down (three examples there) the likes of Aaron Donald on a game-by-game basis.
Overall, Elgton Jenkins continues to push the established elite at the guard position, and with continued technical improvement, he looks to rise even higher on this list next season.

#93 - Will Anderson Jr - Houston Texans - EDGE Rusher

Previous Ranks
Written by:u/ExpirjTec
Will Anderson. What a full grown manderson. Only a rookie, but already the most electric pass rusher we've had since JJ Watt. His early season stats didn't quite show it, but since week 1 he's performed at a high rate already producing one of the top pressure rates in the league and opening up opportunities for the rest of the banderson. In four months, people went from criticizing Demeco and Caserio for trading a supposedly massive draft haul to Arizona for Anderson to realizing the incredible positive impact that the trade had. All according to planderson.
In his first season, Anderson showcased great pass rush ability, always working his way into the pocket, stuffed the run effectively, and even blocked a field goal; WAJ Swat, amirite? In fact, Lil Jon is rumored to be working on a song called "Turn Down for Wanderson", Daniels music video and all. JJ Watt is one of the all-time greats, but are the Terminator-Megawatt comparisons valid? Can Area 51 stand on the same ground as the Milkman?
(Yes, those are all real nicknames.)
Anderson's rookie year compares nicely with JJ’s , both on stat sheets and the eye test, and both got even better as the year went on; WAJ also walked away with the DROY award (though he didn't have to compete with Von Miller and... Aldon Smith?) Will he follow the same trajectory as JJ? In fact, he doesn't need to. It's fine if he doesn't. We don't need the greatest defensive end of the century, because Will Anderson is already damn good, does his job, and is certain to improve even further. Maybe he'll end with a gold jacket in Canton, maybe he won't, but we don't need that. What expectations we do have of him, he's easily exceeding, and on his current trajectory -- whether JJ-like or not -- he'll continue to exceed them for a long, long, time.

#92 - Deebo Samuel - San Francisco 49ers - Wide Receiver

Previous Ranks
2022 2021 2020 2019
N/A 10 N/A N/A​
Written by: u/scmsf49
Deebo Samuel's 2023 season saw him compile 1117 total yards and 12 total touchdowns in 15 games (though that 15 includes a weird injured decoy game with 0 targets, a game with 9 snaps, and a quarter in a meaningless week 18). The best metric to summarize the impact that he has on the team: the 49ers were 11-1 when Deebo played more than 33% of snaps in a game and 1-4 when he did not.
8.8 yards after the catch per reception ranked first among receivers, making this the fourth consecutive season that Deebo holds that distinction (and he was 2nd as a rookie). The ascension of Brandon Aiyuk and full season from offensive player of the year Christian McCaffrey shrunk the role of one of the league's most exciting players, but he made the most of the opportunities he got, ranking 8th in yards per target among players with 1000 yards.
The most memorable game of the year for him is undeniably his hat trick against the Eagles amidst a tense race for the 1 seed, capped off by a 46 yard all-YAC touchdown. Contrary to popular belief, this is actually not how he gets all of his touches. His longest touchdown of the season, a 54 yarder against Seattle, and one of his back shoulder TDs (a new feature off the offense this year!) put the wide in wide back to remind fans (and a couple loud players) that Deebo is more than capable of killing you on traditional routes.
This was the final season for #19 in the Bay Area (because he's changing his jersey number to 1) and he once again left it all out there, putting together enough production to clinch a spot on this list despite a diminished role.

#91 - Justin Simmons - Denver Broncos - Safety

Previous Ranks
2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
69 59 55 24 N/A N/A N/A​
Written by: u/BlindManBaldwin
Winners are remembered. The glory of sports comes from hoisting a trophy at the end, and everyone who touches it becomes immortal. To those who never touch it, they can still create a legacy through winning in other ways: big regular season games to get into the playoffs, and perhaps even winning a couple games in the tournament.
In this lens — losers have no space. Those who come up short get nothing. Sports are zero-sum. There are always winners and losers. Every immortality comes with a death.
Justin Simmons played 118 games with the Denver Broncos since 2016. In his rookie year, the team went 9-7 but missed the playoffs. In every subsequent season, the Broncos had a losing record. Despite his All-Pro play, Simmons never played in a meaningful football game in late December or January. In a team with a history of winning — Justin Simmons was a loser.
A ball on a memorial in 2021. Spending a weekend at charity events in the city months after getting cut. Maybe the problem is the binary. Pursuit of immortality driving everyone mad to the point of blindness. There is the trophy and that matters, but there are more things in life too. There are the connections. There are the emotions.
Justin Simmons never won a big game in Denver. He never played in one. But in 2023 — as he had done throughout his career — he proved himself worthy of immortality in the Ring high above.

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submitted by packmanwiscy to nfl [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:58 jgoldner Bday Party On Father's Day - Annoying?

My kiddo is in the second grade and earlier this week (I think Tuesday the 4th) we received an electronic invite for a classmate's birthday party on Sunday June 16 aka Father's Day.
Was I going to spend Father's Day Sunday being massaged by many young maidens while being fanned with a palm frond and eating grapes one a time? Probably not. But I wasn't planning on driving to a ball field and hanging out in the sun and stuff.
We're going but I am sorta a little miffed and am wondering if others would be too.
For additional context:
submitted by jgoldner to daddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:10 Beginning-Falcon2208 IN DEPTH - HOW:TO JUDGE JUDY ACHIEVEMENT [hard]

Ill only be doing this with the God mode version because I completed with it and I’m not sure how to do it non-god wise! Sorry <3
GOD MODE - first, pick a female character that is born in BROOKLYN, USA - pick your special talent to be: ACTING -make all your attributes 100% (except fertility, that doesn’t matter)
ONCE YOU GET INTO MIDDLE SCHOOL - join drama club - if there’s student council or debate, join that !!

— Don’t date anyone, you can kiss but don’t date anyone - it’ll just be a distraction and when you break up it’ll lower your happiness
On that note, KEEP YOUR HAPPINESS UP!!! CONTINUOUSLY TAKE WALKS SPEND TIME WITH EVERYONE KEEP YOUR GRADES UP!!! KEEP YOUR LOOKS UP - by gardening, meditate, go to the gym, read books to keep smarts up, and visit the library!
HIGHSCHOOL - start doing freelance jobs, do that until you make 2k!
-just repeat everything I just said.
(if that isn’t showing up, get out of the app and refresh it until it does) - that literally applies for any time you mess up
IMPORTANT- JOIN A SORORITY!!!! If you aren’t popular enough to, compliment everyone you have a bad relationship -keep your grades up - continue to join the clubs you joined before - join any sorority and just look up the answer to the question they ask if you don’t know it
once you’re done with law school, make sure your looks, smarts, happiness, and health is at a 10/10,
looks - get your nails done, get a spray tan, and get a mani pedi smarts - library, read books happiness - hang out with everyone, garden, and go on walks health - WALKS, go to the doctor if u have any diseases, pray to BitLife devs for health
I still don’t recommend dating - YOU CAN NOT GET PREGNANT! AT ALL!
After law school, apply to be an acting extra in {special careers} - do around 10 auditions as an extra - then start applying to be in low popularity & bad script quality movies or shows (if you fit them) Star in at least one of these and then try to get a talent agent, make sure it’s someone that has their reputation in the green and keep your relationship with them high!
If you auditioned for a show and they renew it, stay until they renew it for a 4th year then quit the show - if it isn’t crime, if it is crime quit after the 10th season (if it lasts that long)
Then, go apply for any crime SHOW to be in
<3 it’ll take long but it’s worth it
~ my yap session is over ~
submitted by Beginning-Falcon2208 to BitLifeApp [link] [comments]