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2016.03.04 22:25 AHMOTech League of Legends Bronze Series

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2024.06.09 17:55 InotiaKing Who Knew Statues Could Be Such Divas? (Act II)

Who Knew Statues Could Be Such Divas? (Act II)
Canticles of Harmony Let's Play Genshin World Quests
What's up guys! It's your friendly Hoyoverse overthinker Inotia King. As always before we begin I just want to make sure new readers have checked out my older topics which my newer theories are built upon. So for the Genshin ones you can click here. And for the Honkai related ones you can click here.
Following up from last time today's is more lore-based than reference-based. Which sadly is also much shorter too. Stop cheering! I can hear you from here!
The "great plains beyond the north wind" huh? I've talked about this before but Fontaine being based on France means its history extends back to the Frankish Kingdom following the fall of Rome. This kingdom was also the birthplace of Germany and these two seemingly different countries in the modern day share an origin story that miHoYo has referenced a few times. The north wind is likely talking about Andrius the King of the North Wind and Mondstadt is located in the plains of the north. The silver tree is then talking about the Frostbearing Tree of Dragonspine seeing how that's the only tree we know of smashed into frozen soil. However that's also east of Remuria not north so if we go off of just that it could mean the icy plains of Russia which could also have its own buried Ley Line tree. While not nearly as connected to France as Germany, Russia also shares a few historical cues. I do think though that if anything Snezhnaya can only be linked with Fontaine and Mondstadt through Scandinavian aka Khaenri'ahn ties. France was invaded several times by the Vikings so much so they eventually gave them a region to call their own and then influenced them to convert to Christianity and learn French. Yes I'm speaking of the French Normans which I thought we'd have gotten a shoutout by now in the new Dainsleif quest. (topic coming soon) These Normans then conquered England which is why we have British characters like Wriothesley and nods to UK mythology like Clervie and (Mount) Esus. But even before that the Scandinavians are themselves Germanic people. Finally they also kickstarted Slavic migrations into Ukraine and eventually Russia, heavily influencing them while they were under their control. It's my belief that these references tie the three nations together similar to how Sumeru, Liyue and Inazuma are tied together through China's massive influence on the ancient world.
Seriously? A Jesus reference? And the gizmo that did it is related to the guy our Traveler daydreamed. Therefore it's likely once again we're getting a Jesus shoutout about the Traveler.
Side Note: And the first of two actually just in this World Quest. Last time I brought up how the music box has tunes based on Mozart's Requiem and one section of Requiem is the Agnus Dei or Lamb of God.
However I should point out that the Gnostic Christ isn't the same thing as the Jesus we're all more likely familiar with. In Gnosticism he's just another Aeon though he was created through all of the other Aeons not just a dyad. He was meant to become the replacement pair for Sophia after she rejected her original pair thereby creating the abomination Demiurge. Jesus is sent to help her right her wrongs which I have likened to our Fourth Descender completing the mission started by our "Sophia" aka Nicole the Second Who Came. In this way I still maintain that our MC isn't meant to be a true Jesus reference just a stand-in just as our Second Who Came clearly didn't create Phanes.
See I take issue with that. Not the part where Scylla is just a larger Bathysmal Vishap. It's a really weird mutant of one but I can see the relation if I squint at it. I mean it's not like we saw the original Scylla anyway just a conscious memory of it saved in the Phobos. No the weird part is why no new Hydro Dragon could be born if Egeria wasn't freed. It just felt odd right?
Some of you guys know what's coming lol. It's odd unless you had read my theory and then it just feels like a slip of the tongue for miHoYo. A deliberate one though since you wouldn't really put these pieces together unless you knew about the theory and there's still so much in the air that it confirms practically nothing. Anyway in the theory I proposed that Neuvillette was never going to resurrect at all but Zhongli decided to intervene because he wanted to plan ahead in a very long game of his. To that end, he set up another prophecy, the reincarnation of the Hydro Dragon in human form. He then required Egeria to help nurture a love of humanity into the guy just as Guizhong had done for him. Therefore it would stand to reason that this resurrection couldn't happen until such a time when Egeria could be freed so she could then put the pieces in place.
That's really it for direct lore. The rest of the quest was focused solely on stopping Phobos which while fun, didn't really play a role in understanding the greater lore. I suppose if anything it showed that the theories about music having anything to do with the wider world of Teyvat were incorrect. Yes we learned more about the Loom of Fate in Dainsleif's quest but it expectedly didn't have anything to do with Remus and his Grand Symphony or even music in general. It was just another in the long list of misguided attempts at preserving static eternity.
Speaking of Egeria, we're all likely familiar with the nymph but did you guys know Egeria is also the name of a Christian pilgrim?
Originally named Itinerarium Egeriae, this book is an account of Egeria's pilgrimage to Jerusalem back in 381AD which wasn't too long before the final division of East and West Rome. Egeria herself is believed to be from Galicia, Spain but there is another suggestion that she may have come from Gallia Narbonensis which is part of Southern France today. She actually converted to Christianity which is why she has the name Egeria. The name would have been seen as pagan at that time. I wouldn't be surprised that this little tidbit of early Christian history made it into miHoYo's research notes as they were figuring out Fontaine's backstory, inspiring the pilgrimage of the Oceanids to her deathbed which could be likened to their "holy land."
Now my theory for Remus was that he was influenced by the fallen Hydro Dragon who convinced him of his Ichor plan, stripping the souls out of humans and mixing them into the Primordial Sea. In my original predictions for Fontaine, this was the start of it, why Fontaine doesn't have normal humans. Unfortunately as we all saw, miHoYo decided that the Oceanids just happened to want to be humans one day and Egeria just stuffed them full of Primordial Seawater which somehow allowed them to mimic humans in a more believable way than the Hydro Mimics could. I think I pointed out the issues with this already. Sadly miHoYo doubled down on this with the new Artifact Set Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy.
In the Grand Jape piece the story goes that Remus never actually encountered the Hydro Dragon at all but rather Egeria and it was Egeria that gave him the idea to use the Ichor. Now granted I'm usually the first to point out that the older lore starts out with "legend says" which means it never had to be factual. However there are serious implications with this version of events that miHoYo is now committed to. Previously if it was the Hydro Dragon that did this then it fits with what the dragons were trying to accomplish. The dragons under Nibelung hated the Heavenly Principles and as Apep had said, it was Phanes that adored the humans and not the dragons of the old order. In other words a dragon convincing a usurper to screw up the humans is only natural. Remus was a fool for trusting one. However Egeria was supposed to love the humans and especially these humans who she created herself out of her own familiars. For her to have given Remus the idea to essentially kill her humans and then subject them to the torture of the Ichor, lore which is canon as the Sublime Dewdrop mat does not include the words "legends say" in its lore, it hilariously paints her in a very malevolent way lol. This wouldn't be the first time. Neuvillette as I had pointed out before was implicated in creating sick and dying Fontainians because all current Fontainians only started being truly human at the end of the Archon Quest and therefore couldn't have long-standing human illnesses while they were still Oceanids. Even if they had Oceanid illnesses those would have been removed once they were remade into humans. The only way they could have chronic illnesses is if Neuvillette directly gave them those illnesses for some reason. So now miHoYo's essentially vilified a supposedly reformed, human loving dragon and even the kind and loving Fontaine Archon lol
On top of this the new lore still doesn't answer the plothole created by the Archon Quest's explanation. Where are all the non-Oceanid Fontainians?
With the current story, we were told that after the Hydro Dragon fell one of the shining shades created Egeria. Egeria created the Oceanids but one day the Oceanids pined for a human life so she pumped Primordial Seawater into their elemental bodies which somehow allowed them to assume human form. This angered Celestia for some reason and they imprisoned her under the sea and her Fontaine fell to ruin with the combined populations of human and Oceanid human Fontainians forming scattered tribes. Some time later Remus would arrive and conquer the region to create Remuria, continuing the conquest of all the tribes. He was then informed of the prophecy Celestia had cursed Fontaine with and sought Egeria to figure out a solution. For some reason Egeria went maniacal for a second and suggested that he use Primordial Seawater on the Fontainians knowing full well some of them would dissolve. Remus enacts his plan and either somehow the normal humans were also dissolved when Remus did it or they were all already dead by then for some reason. Either way Remus turned most of the Oceanid humans into Ichor and then combined them into the Phobos. In this form they were able to freely inhabit golem bodies. (They also sometimes felt torturous pain of varyingly tolerable degrees? They didn't seem too distraught about it even though Cassiodor did mention it.) Phobos ends up failing because duh and Remuria is destroyed in flood that sends it to the bottom of the sea. Phobos survived and generated a version of Remuria accessed through a painting found in the Faded Castle, the only part of Remuria that survived. The fall of Remuria for some reason convinces Celestia to free Egeria who rebuilds Fontaine with rebels that opposed Remus. Then she sacrifices herself during the Cataclysm, sets in motion Neuvillette's reincarnation and also creates another Oceanid human named Furina to take on her Gnosis in a convoluted plan to fool Celestia and destroy their Hydro Archon Throne. This is to foil that prophecy they had cursed her region with. (but for some reason freed her to continue ruling it instead of you know, Divine Nail go brrrr) By the time of the Archon Quest it is confirmed by the events that there are no more normal humans in Fontaine besides any visitors from other regions. Where did any survivors go? If there weren't any why weren't there any? Was it discrimination and the Oceanid humans genocided them? Were they just unlucky and every catastrophe that occurred happened to kill mostly the normal humans and not the Oceanid ones? Or did miHoYo just forget the part where the original Fontaine under the Hydro Dragon would have consisted of real humans that the Oceanids were envious of? Just like how they likely forgot why Celestia would punish Egeria for creating those humans by sealing her away and cursing all of them but then suddenly decide to release her to rule over that cursed region even though they continued to curse it.
Sorry for that tl;dr review of the lore. It's become a fun pastime to summarize with all the plotholes on full display lol
While the plotholes are fabulously left unresolved this new information does reconcile one thing. Focalors' Divinity said that she spent so much time underwater contemplating how to resolve the prophecy that she was growing barnacles. She wouldn't have had enough time for that if she was just promoted to Archon following Egeria's death because immediately after her ascension she set up Furina as Egeria's successor. But as Egeria, she would have been imprisoned by Celestia underwater for a very long time with nothing better to do than figure out how to bypass their prophecy. She likely would have grown barnacles and those barnacles would have grown barnacles in that time. So that at least is resolved though because it confirms that "Focalors' Divinity" must refer to Egeria herself. The Focalors that's supposed to be a separate Oceanid being that Egeria selected and ascended to Archon didn't exist long enough to have done what she said she did. Furina existed for exactly five hundred years as shown by the Archon Quest itself and Egeria died in the Cataclysm that happened five hundred years ago.
There's one more thing that Petrichor gave us. We actually heard about Mecantre and Babisse a long long time ago back in the very first Evermotion Mechanical Painting event in v2.8. I had picked it out then that they were supposedly working on space travel. Since miHoYo had been promoting Star Rail stuff recently, even derailing the Archon Quest's story with space related stuff it made sense they would progress this little footnote from long ago. And especially with the addition of Bossuet now this research might actually go somewhere. At least the companion World Quests seem to suggest as much. Honestly back then I was intrigued that space travel would be a thing in Genshin's medieval and early industrial age but I really hope they don't just use it to push Star Rail onto us.
Side Note: Fingers crossed because anachronistic tech is hardly new to Genshin. Mondstadt's developing sonar and rifled mortar rounds while Snezhnaya's Katheryne models are far more advanced than even the robots we have today!
Finally when everything's said and done you have the Daydream World Quest where you catch up with Garcia and the aforementioned Mercantre and Babisse. This is where we get what I think is the best version of the Hive Mind plot in fiction. I brought up the versions I didn't like back when Sumeru was new and we had just gotten Alhaitham's quest. I already brought up how Boethius in this World Quest was following in the footsteps of Deshret, Remus and Rene right? The thing all of them had in common was the idea to pool everybody's consciousnesses together and preserve it in that state for all eternity. One of the prerequisites for all of these plans was to remove individuality. That was also the problem with the Akasha and then later on with both Nahida's and Alhaitham's quests when some yo-yos decided to continue the work of the Akasha with the term hivemind even coming up directly in the latter. These are bad interpretations of the hivemind. It shows the weaknesses of having a connected intelligence network without intelligent users. The Akasha suppressed the awareness of Sumerans so the sages could keep them under control. Beynuni preyed on people's desires and escapist tendencies and Siraj made the network only work towards his goals both of them keeping the rest of the hive under their control.
So now we finally get the good version. In the quest we find that a previously self-serving investor Grundeland has seen the error of his ways. The reason he did was because of having been connected to the Phobos network, experiencing life from the eyes of a devoted Remurian. As a result he was able to re-evaluate his own life and wanted to repent.
I tend to compare hivemind stories to StarCraft because of the Protoss. If you read up on the Protoss backstory you know there was an event called the Aeon of Strife following the Xel'Naga abandoning them. During this long period the Protoss fell into constant civil war. That is until Khas found the Khaydarin Crystals and connected to the Protoss psionic network, their hivemind. After that he set out to connect all the surviving Protoss and this hivemind allowed all of them to feel empathy, to see each other's thoughts and feelings. This ended their civil war. It's practically the same thing that happened to Grundeland. (StarCraft didn't end this hivemind plot well though lol)
Anyway the point is that a hivemind can be so much more than a way for some dictator to suppress the people and control thought. Even when the Akasha was first introduced I saw the potential for a good plot though I knew they were going for the bad one lol. On its own the Akasha is what I'd like to think our own internet could evolve into, a repository for all knowledge available that can be accessed and "learned" instantaneously. And the thing is all of these hivemind stories could go this way with just a simple fix in the narrative. Instead of trying to rid individuality with this thing and force desirable thoughts onto people, it just needs to be that repository. When users access it they can choose what information they want to know. That's it. Instead of becoming humanity soup in literal or data form or having some corrupt leadership force thoughts and commands onto users all a good hivemind can ever do is be a more advanced internet. It's up to the users what they choose to believe from that and then all it takes is a proper education for them to be able to suss out the facts from the rest of the garbage on the internet. Hopefully we'll get a story like that from miHoYo in the future. After all that might just be the endgame for our own Traveler.
Side Note: On top of this though there's the poetry theory. We can actually see that the Phobos began rejecting Remus when he changed his mind about the Grand Symphony just like the Shogun attacked Ei when she started to question eternity.
Ok this last section is just things I thought were amusing in the quest. Feel free to skip.
Why do I feel personally attacked miHoYo lol. Hey it was pretty nice worldbuilding Aether!
I'm about to rant about my version of the Fontaine Archon Quest so avert your eyes all ye weary. The plotholes I mentioned before would have all been resolved using my version of the Archon Quest. That's because I kept an eye on the implications. The Fontainians weren't normal humans so you can't apply normal human stories to them. On top of that calling Act V the "Masquerade of the Guilty" should involve somebody that's guilty right? In the actual quest nobody's really guilty of anything. Egeria was guilty for creating the Oceanid humans only because Celestia didn't like it and punished her for it. They thought she was guilty but it's just a matter of opinion. Furina wasn't guilty because she was following the directive given to her by a literal god. Focalors' Divinity as a separate entity from Egeria would still be innocent because her only action was setting up the plan to undermine the Heavenly Principles. Neuvillette is no longer involved in the Remus story and even if he was Egeria was moved to running Fontaine both before and after him and set up the Oceanid humans before Remus even got there meaning even he's innocent. He was honestly trying to stop the prophecy that had nothing to do with him. Compared to that, my version has a guilty Furina because she had willingly played the part of a bad Archon that led her region to ruin as it was a necessary evil to get her in place for the long game. Neuvillette is guilty for his part in Remus killing all the Fontainians of his Remuria. Arlecchino is guilty for her role in the Fatui plot. Of course Pulcinella and Dottore are guilty for their roles too. And even the Fontainians themselves are culpable in creating class divides that provided the opening for the Fatui in the first place. More importantly, each guilty party is allowed a chance at redemption. Furina fulfills her role in defeating the prophecy which now no longer is a strange irrational anger by Celestia. She sacrifices her final connection to her Egeria half by depowering the Gnosis. Neuvillette then permanently sacrifices his old form as Dragon Sovereign in order to undo the damage he caused when he fooled Remus into dissolving the Fontainians. Arlecchino redeemed herself by betraying Pulcinella in the trial and also being dissolved by the Primordial Sea until Neuvillette remakes her as a real human. (back then we thought she was a Fontainian) Even Childe who is given agency in my version redeems himself for his actions back in Liyue by opposing Pulcinella and also providing the whale, the former body of Neuvillette which he needed to sacrifice. And finally the Fontainians themselves are sacrificed but once they are given their second chance at life, they begin working towards a better Fontaine. This is a real masquerade (a ballroom dance of people hiding their true identities) of the guilty.
Ok that was heavy. Let's got with something lighter like
What is he on and can I get some?
And with that Petrichor becomes a distant memory as we look ahead toward Natlan! Let's review:
  • Fontaine and Mondstadt are connected through their real world histories that miHoYo has referenced a few times. Snezhnaya is also related though more distantly through Khaenri'ah. This is also reflected by the connected history of Sumeru, Liyue and Inazuma as based on their real world counterparts Persia, China and Japan.
  • We've been getting more Jesus references in this game. The truth though is more likely that the Gnostic version of the Jesus story heavily hints at our MC's character arc in the game rather than a direct tie-in to it.
  • Neuvillette requiring Egeria to be freed in order to resurrect doesn't really seem to make sense unless perhaps my theory ends up true. In my theory, Egeria is needed to nurture a love of humanity into Neuvillette when he revives in order to recruit him for the endgame of Genshin. However, outside of that theory there really isn't any reason why Egeria was needed for that.
  • Egeria might have partly been inspired by the Itinerarium Egeriae a pilgrimage by a Roman woman.
  • The lore from the Grand Jape Artifact both persists a plothole of the Fontaine story while hilariously creating a new one. Egeria is now culpable in the destruction of Remuria and its people. And it still doesn't answer why Fontaine is devoid of those humans the Oceanids longed to become.
  • However it does reinforce another part of the lore. Focalors' Divinity is just Egeria, the lingering traces of Egeria within the Gnosis. Egeria, having been imprisoned by Celestia underwater would have had all the time in the world to "grow barnacles" while she contemplated how to solve the prophecy. Conversely Focalors' Divinity would have only been Archon for a short intermission while setting up Furina as the false Archon.
  • Mercantre and Babisse were previously introduced as one of the first easter eggs about anachronistic technology in Teyvat. While it started out as practically a footnote, the new World Quest makes it feel more tangible.
  • A good hivemind story allows people to gain empathy and understanding of other or spreads knowledge to everyone. A bad hivemind story turns this technology on its head and forces the narrative that it necessarily becomes a method of control and repression. The Daydream World Quest is finally an example of the former.
submitted by InotiaKing to GenshinImpactLore [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:51 BlazinHoundoom I do not have enough players for a match. Help

I do not have enough players for a match. Help submitted by BlazinHoundoom to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:41 Greckol I haven't received any updates regarding the internship interview.

After completing two live technical rounds, I had a five-panel interview, including a union member, on the 30th of May for a data analyst position in the finance group division of the local government. There were many other candidates. The interview focused on technical questions but felt quite short. I haven't heard back since. Should I assume I didn't get the internship?
submitted by Greckol to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:40 Greckol I haven't received any updates regarding the internship interview.

After completing two live technical rounds, I had a five-panel interview, including a union member, on the 30th of May for a data analyst position in the finance group division of the local government. There were many other candidates. The interview focused on technical questions but felt quite short. I haven't heard back since. Should I assume I didn't get the internship?
submitted by Greckol to recruitinghell [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:56 ExtroverTom The Best Debut I Have Ever Seen : In Four Acts

Before I start, I have to semi-dox myself and say that I am Indonesian. I have to do that because it would add so much more context to this story.
Prologue : The Antlers
I bought the latest Football Manager few months ago while the price was discounted. I was so excited to finally have J-League licensed because playing in Asia have been my lifelong FM dream but without J-League which is arguably the biggest and most competitive league in Asia, it just felt wrong.
I embarked on this year's journey the same way I have always started, to pick one of the top half teams in the league that I wanted to play, so that I get accustomed not only by the league rules but more importantly by the latest features and wrinkles of the game. I usually would play it for a season before moving on to the real long-term save.
This year, the lucky organization is Kashima Antlers. To cut the story short about this club background, you can imagine them like Japanese Manchester United with even less successful history. They have gone years without lifting a trophy but is able to consistently stay on the contention. Now that I said that, I guess they are the less horribly managed Japanese Manchester United.
My one and only mission : bring the J1-League trophy back to the Island of Antlers. Although, whatever it was that I wanted to do, I have to do it within the limitation of only 5 foreign players as per J1 rules and the lack wingers within the club. After hours of thinking and tinkering I came up with a tactic that I believe would work.
The asymmetric 4-3-3 which emphasized the quality of Target Man Kai Chinen and homegrown talent Yuma Suzuki as well as 'hiding' the lack of winger but still be able to offer some width in the field. Saying that, it was still necessary for me to find a better winger for the formation than Yuta Matsumura, which was decent, but not good nor was he well-suited enough with the way I want to play.
Kai Chinen: Our main striker and one of our best player
The stats of Yuta Matsumura which was actually decent relative to the league quality, but not good enough. Also the only wingers other than him were some promising yet raw young talents.
**1******st Act : The Reds
J1-League transfer window would be closed on 31 March. By the start of the month I have brought into the team some quality players: Roberto Soriano and Ismael for free and bring creativity in that midfield, and an uzbek guy called Hojiakbar Alijonov, a mature physical attacking right back which will provide those crosses from the right winger-less side of our formation.
I have not found my guy to be put in that left side though, until a young right-footed brazilian had a semi-fallout with his club and get transfer-listed. SC Internacional, his club, asked for two millions euros for whoever wanted to bring him out from Brazil. Having only spent so little, and in nearly desperate need for a winger, I jumped into the chance, and built a 2 millions worth of a deal based on so many installments and bonuses. Finally after some contract negotiation, my long-awaited inside forward has finally arrived on 06 March 2023.
His name is Joao Gabriel Martins Peglow, a 21-years-old who modeled his game after his idol Cristiano Ronaldo. He has good technique as well as physical attributes perfected by almost world class amount of flair. With him running with the ball down our left side, I believe we can outrun and outscore anybody in the league.
Peglow: Our main winger, and he had not even reached his ceiling
and I was not making it up when I say he idolized CR7.
**2******nd Act : The Braces
You are forgiven for thinking that this story is about Peglow's debut. But it's not. His debut is mediocre at best. Playing against Urawa Red Diamonds in the J-League Cup (Japanese equivalent of Carabao Cup), he did not offer much. Only attempted 15 passes, produced 6.6 match rating, before I had to take him off in the one-hour mark of the game. In the game where the opponent produced nearly as many XGs from half as many shots, we ended up winning thanks to heroic performance of our first-choice goalkeeper, Tomoki Hayakawa.
Debuts are expected to be rough though. The real glimpse of what Peglow could bring to the team came almost two weeks after his debut. After another stinker which saw him produced 6.4 match rating in the league match that we otherwise dominated, I trusted and started him again in the match against one of the big boys: Yokohama Marinos. He paid that with an impressive return. I had to wait for a while though.
From the get-go, Yokohama's midfield which operate weirdly with two mezzalas in front of the single pivot, clearly got overrun by our midfield led by Roberto Soriano and spearheaded by Peglow. But it was our free agent signing, Ismael and our homegrown striker Yuki Kakita who gave us 2-0 lead before the halftime. In the 2nd half though, it's all Peglow's world and we were just living on it. He scored two goals in the span of 3 minutes before assisting another one in the closing stage of the match to close the game 5 goals to none. What a performance from him and surely, surely from then on, he would be the one leading this club to the promised land right?
**3******rd Act : The South-Easterners
All good things must come to an end. Some before it even begun.
I rested Peglow in the following match against lower division club in hope that he would be in peak condition for our next league match against Sanfrecce Hiroshima. Then the news struck.
It was 31 March, maybe around 10 am. Just one day before the league match mentioned before. Peglow was dribbling the ball in training when suddenly he turned sharply and fell. He scream in agony while the emergency radiology found out that he twisted his ankle and out for at least a month. It was far from being a career-ender, but if you pay close attention, it was 31 March. Not only was it just one day before the match, it was also THE transfer deadline. I only had hours to find Peglow's replacement. I had to.
I panicked and scrambled around scouting reports and player search columns. It was extra difficult knowing I had filled my foreigner quotas, so I could not add another foreigner anymore, but the japanese winger available just did not cut it. And there, at that moment, we came back full circle to me talking about the wrinkles of the league.
J-League has this unique registration rules where we could only field maximum of five foreign players, but with a little bit of curveball added. Due to some real life agreements, players from South East Asia countries is treated as non-foreign players. So I could buy and field whatever amount of players from Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, and my real life home country Indonesia, together with other smaller South East Asia countries that I wanted. It did not help me instantly though as there are next to none SEA players that good enough for the top division of japanese league, let alone to be the replacement of Peglow.
That's until just 8 hours before the deadline is closed, a message come to my inbox. Agent recommendation. Candra Firmansyah, an Indonesian agent, notified me about one of his clients. A left winger, just as young as Peglow, does not get the playing time he needed in his club ADO Den Haag and after just 3 appearance in the first team, he thought it was the right time to be loaned out. ADO agreed and he became loan listed. His name? Rafael Struick.
Rafael Struick : Every Indonesian knows who this man is. For you who do not know, oh you will soon do.
I took a glimpse. And I sit there in front of my laptop trying to process it. Not only does the boy good enough for the J1-League, he almost as good as Peglow. I could even argue his technical ability is superior and his physical attributes are comparable. For a moment I got "kicked out" back to real life and thinking not as Hiruzen Hiragana the Japanese manager of Kashima Antlers my alter ego, but as me myself, and thinking "It must be nice to manage my countryman in the biggest competition in the continent."
I might overpaid for him. Giving ADO 200k just for a loan fee seems a bit much and my board felt that way too. But, I need a winger, the deadline was just 4 hours away, I did not have many choices. So I pulled the trigger. The administration team moved fast enough to conclude the deal just in time. In the midnight Kashima Antlers welcoming the promising Indonesian youngster and hopes that he is fit for the match, tomorrow.
Final Act : The Mismatches
Bad news and good news. The bad news is Peglow's injury was not a nightmare nor an SI april mop at all. The good news, Struick was in peak condition to play against Hiroshima. I did not know how he took flight from den Haag to Kashima without took a nosedive in terms of his fitness, but there he is, just hours after signing the contract, wearing red shirt and white shorts, ready for his debut.
Hiroshima was not an easy opponent to play let alone for the first time. They finished in the 3rd place the season before. The attack was dangerously led by brazilian target man, Vieira and the defence was solid under the command of Kansai University alumni Hayato Araki. The road gets steeper due to the fact that heroic Hayakawa got injured, so Karl Jakob-Hein, another emergency loanee, deputized him between the sticks. But, ready or not, it's game on.
From the very first minute, I can see that Struick got cold feet. Maybe from the jet lag, maybe because he was not familiar with the exotic asymmetric system. Whatever it was, he did not look good. My hopes for Peglow to miraculously be healed and playing that day peaked when in just the 4th minute mark, Struick has the ball in the left side on the field and tried to make a field-switching pass to Ismael on the center of the field, but his wobbly legs did not generate enough power and the ball was stolen by Hiroshima's midfielder, Matsumoto.
Who brings the ball upfield, did a 1-2 pass combination into our penalty box, before swiftly pushing the ball in the path of their forward, Kashiwa who then struck the ball behind our net. Kashima 0, Hiroshima 1. In the 4th minute mark.
I encouraged the team, told them that there are still 86 minutes to play. I saw Kai Chinen came over to Struick, maybe to help him calm his nerve. I did not know what Chinen said, but whatever it was, it worked. Just a couple of minutes after did that horrendous pass, Struick again found himself in the left side of the field. This time though, he had more confidence in his heart, and brought the ball way up front.
He then passed to Chinen who quickly gave the ball to Suzuki in the right side. It was Suzuki's show right after. He dribbled past two defenders before hit the ball so hard, Hiroshima's keeper, Osako could barely even react. It's 1-1 and there are still 84 minutes left.
This match is destined to be an end-to-end affair, when after Ismael Silva stopped Hiroshima's passing in the centre of the field, he found Alijonov running full speed on the right side. And running he does. Alijonov picked the ball just inside our side of the field and quickly run near the byline, bringing the ball up ahead.
Without any pressure whatsoever, Alijonov bent a cross into penalty area where all of our forwards are ready to head it home. Some of you might notice that Struick had pretty impressive jumping reach. But I did not notice that until Struick leapt above the right back who man-marked him. And when I say leap, i mean it almost looked like that Ronaldo's header against Sampdoria. Struick headed it home, his first goal, just 10 minute into his debut. It's 2-1 for Kashima Antlers.
That goal gave Struick and the team massive confidence boost. At the same time, Hiroshima looked trembled. Few seconds later, they misplaced a pass and let Chinen stole the ball and slot it home. It's 3-1 after 11 minute.
The game calms down a little bit until in the 35th minute, again Alijonov found space in the right side and bent another cross almost finding Struick. But this time Hayato Araki won the duel and headed the ball for a throw-in. A few simple pass from throw in then ended in Struick's feet who stood just inside the penalty box.
With a few neat moves, Struick found the ball in his right feet and rocketed the ball deep into the low left side of the goal. It's a brace in his debut and it's 4-1 for Kashima Antlers.
After that, I instructed my team to lower the tempo a bit, to conserve energy and retain possession. It resulted in the match gone calm for a bit. After Kashiwa sent an amazing cross to Vieira who headed it past Jakob Hein and Chinen slotted home a penalty kick to make it all 5-2, Matsumura who came in for Suzuki had the ball inside Hiroshima's penalty area before he's getting tackled. Referee pointed out to the spot for the second time. Chinen, the original taker, took the ball and give it to Struick, to let him complete this magnificent night both for him and the team. Struick shot it as hard as he could, it did not fool the goalkeeper, but it blew past him. It's a hattrick in his debut, and it's a dominating 6-2 win for the team.
He ended the night with 3 goals, 1 key pass, won 7 aerial duels, attempted 5 tackles and won all of them, covered 13.1 kilometres the most compared to every other player in the field, and fielded a match rating of 9.9. It was a dream debut for Rafael Struick.
Epilogue : The Reasons
Now some of you might say, "meh, I once have a debutant scored 5 goals and assisted 5 more." And I would not object that. That's why the title is the best debut I have ever seen, not YOU have ever seen. Because from FM standpoint it is "just" a good showing, not a spectacular one.
But this is so personal to me. This is my first save after months of hiatus, and just the pure hype of this game, the roller coaster of emotion just based on finding the right inside forward, it's just beautiful. This story, especially this match, makes me love FM all over again.
submitted by ExtroverTom to TheOldZealand [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:44 ExtroverTom The Best Debut I Have Ever Seen : In Four Acts

The Best Debut I Have Ever Seen : In Four Acts
Before I start, I have to semi-dox myself and say that I am Indonesian. I have to do that because it would add so much more context to this story.
Prologue : The Antlers
I bought the latest Football Manager few months ago while the price was discounted. I was so excited to finally have J-League licensed because playing in Asia have been my lifelong FM dream but without J-League which is arguably the biggest and most competitive league in Asia, it just felt wrong.
I embarked on this year's journey the same way I have always started, to pick one of the top half teams in the league that I wanted to play, so that I get accustomed not only by the league rules but more importantly by the latest features and wrinkles of the game. I usually would play it for a season before moving on to the real long-term save.
This year, the lucky organization is Kashima Antlers. To cut the story short about this club background, you can imagine them like Japanese Manchester United with even less successful history. They have gone years without lifting a trophy but is able to consistently stay on the contention. Now that I said that, I guess they are the less horribly managed Japanese Manchester United.
My one and only mission : bring the J1-League trophy back to the Island of Antlers. Although, whatever it was that I wanted to do, I have to do it within the limitation of only 5 foreign players as per J1 rules and the lack wingers within the club. After hours of thinking and tinkering I came up with a tactic that I believe would work.
The asymmetric 4-3-3 which emphasized the quality of Target Man Kai Chinen and homegrown talent Yuma Suzuki as well as 'hiding' the lack of winger but still be able to offer some width in the field. Saying that, it was still necessary for me to find a better winger for the formation than Yuta Matsumura, which was decent, but not good nor was he well-suited enough with the way I want to play.
Kai Chinen: Our main striker and one of our best player
The stats of Yuta Matsumura which was actually decent relative to the league quality, but not good enough. Also the only wingers other than him were some promising yet raw young talents.
1***\**st* Act : The Reds
J1-League transfer window would be closed on 31 March. By the start of the month I have brought into the team some quality players: Roberto Soriano and Ismael for free and bring creativity in that midfield, and an uzbek guy called Hojiakbar Alijonov, a mature physical attacking right back which will provide those crosses from the right winger-less side of our formation.
I have not found my guy to be put in that left side though, until a young right-footed brazilian had a semi-fallout with his club and get transfer-listed. SC Internacional, his club, asked for two millions euros for whoever wanted to bring him out from Brazil. Having only spent so little, and in nearly desperate need for a winger, I jumped into the chance, and built a 2 millions worth of a deal based on so many installments and bonuses. Finally after some contract negotiation, my long-awaited inside forward has finally arrived on 06 March 2023.
His name is Joao Gabriel Martins Peglow, a 21-years-old who modeled his game after his idol Cristiano Ronaldo. He has good technique as well as physical attributes perfected by almost world class amount of flair. With him running with the ball down our left side, I believe we can outrun and outscore anybody in the league.
Peglow: Our main winger, and he had not even reached his ceiling
and I was not making it up when I say he idolized CR7.
2***\**nd* Act : The Braces
You are forgiven for thinking that this story is about Peglow's debut. But it's not. His debut is mediocre at best. Playing against Urawa Red Diamonds in the J-League Cup (Japanese equivalent of Carabao Cup), he did not offer much. Only attempted 15 passes, produced 6.6 match rating, before I had to take him off in the one-hour mark of the game. In the game where the opponent produced nearly as many XGs from half as many shots, we ended up winning thanks to heroic performance of our first-choice goalkeeper, Tomoki Hayakawa.
Debuts are expected to be rough though. The real glimpse of what Peglow could bring to the team came almost two weeks after his debut. After another stinker which saw him produced 6.4 match rating in the league match that we otherwise dominated, I trusted and started him again in the match against one of the big boys: Yokohama Marinos. He paid that with an impressive return. I had to wait for a while though.
From the get-go, Yokohama's midfield which operate weirdly with two mezzalas in front of the single pivot, clearly got overrun by our midfield led by Roberto Soriano and spearheaded by Peglow. But it was our free agent signing, Ismael and our homegrown striker Yuki Kakita who gave us 2-0 lead before the halftime. In the 2nd half though, it's all Peglow's world and we were just living on it. He scored two goals in the span of 3 minutes before assisting another one in the closing stage of the match to close the game 5 goals to none. What a performance from him and surely, surely from then on, he would be the one leading this club to the promised land right?
3***\**rd* Act : The South-Easterners
All good things must come to an end. Some before it even begun.
I rested Peglow in the following match against lower division club in hope that he would be in peak condition for our next league match against Sanfrecce Hiroshima. Then the news struck.
It was 31 March, maybe around 10 am. Just one day before the league match mentioned before. Peglow was dribbling the ball in training when suddenly he turned sharply and fell. He scream in agony while the emergency radiology found out that he twisted his ankle and out for at least a month. It was far from being a career-ender, but if you pay close attention, it was 31 March. Not only was it just one day before the match, it was also THE transfer deadline. I only had hours to find Peglow's replacement. I had to.
I panicked and scrambled around scouting reports and player search columns. It was extra difficult knowing I had filled my foreigner quotas, so I could not add another foreigner anymore, but the japanese winger available just did not cut it. And there, at that moment, we came back full circle to me talking about the wrinkles of the league.
J-League has this unique registration rules where we could only field maximum of five foreign players, but with a little bit of curveball added. Due to some real life agreements, players from South East Asia countries is treated as non-foreign players. So I could buy and field whatever amount of players from Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, and my real life home country Indonesia, together with other smaller South East Asia countries that I wanted. It did not help me instantly though as there are next to none SEA players that good enough for the top division of japanese league, let alone to be the replacement of Peglow.
That's until just 8 hours before the deadline is closed, a message come to my inbox. Agent recommendation. Candra Firmansyah, an Indonesian agent, notified me about one of his clients. A left winger, just as young as Peglow, does not get the playing time he needed in his club ADO Den Haag and after just 3 appearance in the first team, he thought it was the right time to be loaned out. ADO agreed and he became loan listed. His name? Rafael Struick.
Rafael Struick : Every Indonesian knows who this man is. For you who do not know, oh you will soon do.
I took a glimpse. And I sit there in front of my laptop trying to process it. Not only does the boy good enough for the J1-League, he almost as good as Peglow. I could even argue his technical ability is superior and his physical attributes are comparable. For a moment I got "kicked out" back to real life and thinking not as Hiruzen Hiragana the Japanese manager of Kashima Antlers my alter ego, but as me myself, and thinking "It must be nice to manage my countryman in the biggest competition in the continent."
I might overpaid for him. Giving ADO 200k just for a loan fee seems a bit much and my board felt that way too. But, I need a winger, the deadline was just 4 hours away, I did not have many choices. So I pulled the trigger. The administration team moved fast enough to conclude the deal just in time. In the midnight Kashima Antlers welcoming the promising Indonesian youngster and hopes that he is fit for the match, tomorrow.
Final Act : The Mismatches
Bad news and good news. The bad news is Peglow's injury was not a nightmare nor an SI april mop at all. The good news, Struick was in peak condition to play against Hiroshima. I did not know how he took flight from den Haag to Kashima without took a nosedive in terms of his fitness, but there he is, just hours after signing the contract, wearing red shirt and white shorts, ready for his debut.
Hiroshima was not an easy opponent to play let alone for the first time. They finished in the 3rd place the season before. The attack was dangerously led by brazilian target man, Vieira and the defence was solid under the command of Kansai University alumni Hayato Araki. The road gets steeper due to the fact that heroic Hayakawa got injured, so Karl Jakob-Hein, another emergency loanee, deputized him between the sticks. But, ready or not, it's game on.
From the very first minute, I can see that Struick got cold feet. Maybe from the jet lag, maybe because he was not familiar with the exotic asymmetric system. Whatever it was, he did not look good. My hopes for Peglow to miraculously be healed and playing that day peaked when in just the 4th minute mark, Struick has the ball in the left side on the field and tried to make a field-switching pass to Ismael on the center of the field, but his wobbly legs did not generate enough power and the ball was stolen by Hiroshima's midfielder, Matsumoto.
Who brings the ball upfield, did a 1-2 pass combination into our penalty box, before swiftly pushing the ball in the path of their forward, Kashiwa who then struck the ball behind our net. Kashima 0, Hiroshima 1. In the 4th minute mark.
I encouraged the team, told them that there are still 86 minutes to play. I saw Kai Chinen came over to Struick, maybe to help him calm his nerve. I did not know what Chinen said, but whatever it was, it worked. Just a couple of minutes after did that horrendous pass, Struick again found himself in the left side of the field. This time though, he had more confidence in his heart, and brought the ball way up front.
He then passed to Chinen who quickly gave the ball to Suzuki in the right side. It was Suzuki's show right after. He dribbled past two defenders before hit the ball so hard, Hiroshima's keeper, Osako could barely even react. It's 1-1 and there are still 84 minutes left.
This match is destined to be an end-to-end affair, when after Ismael Silva stopped Hiroshima's passing in the centre of the field, he found Alijonov running full speed on the right side. And running he does. Alijonov picked the ball just inside our side of the field and quickly run near the byline, bringing the ball up ahead.
Without any pressure whatsoever, Alijonov bent a cross into penalty area where all of our forwards are ready to head it home. Some of you might notice that Struick had pretty impressive jumping reach. But I did not notice that until Struick leapt above the right back who man-marked him. And when I say leap, i mean it almost looked like that Ronaldo's header against Sampdoria. Struick headed it home, his first goal, just 10 minute into his debut. It's 2-1 for Kashima Antlers.
That goal gave Struick and the team massive confidence boost. At the same time, Hiroshima looked trembled. Few seconds later, they misplaced a pass and let Chinen stole the ball and slot it home. It's 3-1 after 11 minute.
The game calms down a little bit until in the 35th minute, again Alijonov found space in the right side and bent another cross almost finding Struick. But this time Hayato Araki won the duel and headed the ball for a throw-in. A few simple pass from throw in then ended in Struick's feet who stood just inside the penalty box.
With a few neat moves, Struick found the ball in his right feet and rocketed the ball deep into the low left side of the goal. It's a brace in his debut and it's 4-1 for Kashima Antlers.
After that, I instructed my team to lower the tempo a bit, to conserve energy and retain possession. It resulted in the match gone calm for a bit. After Kashiwa sent an amazing cross to Vieira who headed it past Jakob Hein and Chinen slotted home a penalty kick to make it all 5-2, Matsumura who came in for Suzuki had the ball inside Hiroshima's penalty area before he's getting tackled. Referee pointed out to the spot for the second time. Chinen, the original taker, took the ball and give it to Struick, to let him complete this magnificent night both for him and the team. Struick shot it as hard as he could, it did not fool the goalkeeper, but it blew past him. It's a hattrick in his debut, and it's a dominating 6-2 win for the team.
He ended the night with 3 goals, 1 key pass, won 7 aerial duels, attempted 5 tackles and won all of them, covered 13.1 kilometres the most compared to every other player in the field, and fielded a match rating of 9.9. It was a dream debut for Rafael Struick.
Epilogue : The Reasons
Now some of you might say, "meh, I once have a debutant scored 5 goals and assisted 5 more." And I would not object that. That's why the title is the best debut I have ever seen, not YOU have ever seen. Because from FM standpoint it is "just" a good showing, not a spectacular one.
But this is so personal to me. This is my first save after months of hiatus, and just the pure hype of this game, the roller coaster of emotion just based on finding the right inside forward, it's just beautiful. This story, especially this match, makes me love FM all over again.
submitted by ExtroverTom to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:51 Getthetowelout FM24 so realistic its untrue..............NOT !!

FM24 so realistic its untrue..............NOT !!
The best Centre Back pairing in the Premier League last year irl statistically was Saliba & Gabriel but in FM24 they are not a good partnership !!
submitted by Getthetowelout to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:41 dani26795 [FIFA 07] World Wide League 07 Week 3 Day 6 (6th-4th Divisions)

Following the previous post here’s a recap of the 6th day from the 3rd week of the "World Wide League 07" project (full playlist of it can be found here).
Some notes:
You can find descriptions of each division as well as the teams participating in them on the Week 1 posts previously submitted in this subreddit.
Every time you see a team with their name in bold, it's a team of which every match will be recorded.
For ordering the leaderboard table, I simply use whatever the game displays (when there are full ties, it simply orders the teams at random) and then do some correlation since once the week of matches is done, the first match of the next week happens automatically offscreen.
6th Division (Morning)
The results of the 11 matches from this division’s 3rd week were the following:
Hearts 1-1 Reggina
Atalanta 3-1 Rangers
AS Nancy 1-0 Brøndby IF
Cruz Azul 0-1 Sheffield Utd
Real Betis 2-0 Sochaux
Cruzeiro 2-1 Nantes
RC Santander 0-6 Reading
Tarragona 2-1 Toulouse
Hannover 96 0-1 Corinthians
FC København 2-1 West Brom
Palmeiras 1-0 Birmingham
Now for a short description of the 8 recorded matches and their facts (stats and events):
Match 2: Atalanta vs Rangers
Quite simply, the home team outclassed their opponents for most of the match, being gifted the initial goal and then building upon it. The away team did manage to score a goal of their own, but it was far too late to make any difference.
Atalanta Stats Rangers
2+1=3 Goals 0+1=1
6+4=10 Shots 5+5=10
4+3=7 On Target 2+4=6
17+22=39 Tackles 8+19=27
1+1=2 Fouls 1+0=1
0+0=0 Bookings 0+0=0
1+0=1 Corners 0+2=2
0+0=0 Offsides 0+0=0
65%->65% Passing 71%->71%
48%->45% Possession 52%->55%
66%->70% Accuracy 40%->60%
Atalanta Events Rangers
Goal (Ventola) '37
Goal (Ventola) '44
Sub (Zampagna->Soncin) '57 Sub (Buffel->Boyd)
Goal (Soncin) '59
'86 Goal (Prso)
Match 3: AS Nancy vs Brøndby IF
Despite the away team's several chances, it was the home team and their one shot on target that resulted in the only goal of the match.
AS Nancy Stats Brøndby IF
1+0=1 Goals 0+0=0
3+2=5 Shots 6+7=13
1+0=1 On Target 3+1=4
10+9=19 Tackles 11+20=31
2+0=2 Fouls 0+0=0
0+0=0 Bookings 0+0=0
0+0=0 Corners 2+0=2
0+0=0 Offsides 0+1=1
71%->67% Passing 67%->67%
50%->49% Possession 50%->51%
33%->20% Accuracy 50%->30%
AS Nancy Events Brøndby IF
Goal (Dosunmu) '13
Sub (Duchemin->Brison) '61 Sub (Rasmussen->Peguero)
Match 4: Cruz Azul vs Sheffield Utd
Poor shooting overall, and the only goal of the game had some help from the home keeper's inaction to a close-range shot.
Cruz Azul Stats Sheffield Utd
0+0=0 Goals 0+1=1
3+4=7 Shots 7+5=12
1+1=2 On Target 1+1=2
22+18=40 Tackles 12+17=29
2+0=2 Fouls 1+1=2
0+0=0 Bookings 0+0=0
0+0=0 Corners 1+1=2
0+1=1 Offsides 0+0=0
68%->68% Passing 77%->74%
50%->48% Possession 50%->52%
33%->28% Accuracy 14%->16%
Cruz Azul Events Sheffield Utd
Sub (Carmona->Dominguez) '59
'65 Sub (Davis->Sommeil)
'66 Goal (Hulse)
Match 5: Real Betis vs Sochaux
Not very accurate shooting, but the home team took full advantage of 2 very easy chances to achieve victory.
Real Betis Stats Sochaux
0+2=2 Goals 0+0=0
5+7=12 Shots 4+2=6
0+3=3 On Target 3+1=4
20+20=40 Tackles 17+11=28
1+0=1 Fouls 0+1=1
0+0=0 Bookings 0+0=0
0+0=0 Corners 2+0=2
2+1=3 Offsides 0+0=0
68%->71% Passing 68%->71%
59%->53% Possession 41%->47%
0%->25% Accuracy 75%->66%
Real Betis Events Sochaux
Goal (Robert) '49
Sub (Maldonado->Miguel Ángel) '81 Sub (Séne->Isabey)
Goal (Robert) '85
Match 6: Cruzeiro vs Nantes
After the home team took the lead in the 1st half, the away team equalized with a very silly goal, but just as the match was closing to an end the home team managed to score again and take the win.
Cruzeiro Stats Nantes
1+1=2 Goals 0+1=1
4+2=6 Shots 3+6=9
3+1=4 On Target 1+2=3
14+10=24 Tackles 11+21=32
0+1=1 Fouls 0+0=0
0+0=0 Bookings 0+0=0
0+0=0 Corners 0+0=0
0+0=0 Offsides 1+1=2
69%->67% Passing 70%->71%
44%->43% Possession 56%->57%
75%->66% Accuracy 33%->33%
Cruzeiro Events Nantes
Goal (Carlinhos Bala) '14
'74 Goal (Diallo)
Goal (Élber) '85
Match 7: RC Santander vs Reading
The biggest blowout of the season so far, it was an absolute massacre from the moment one of the home team's defenders got red carded, and the visitors showed no mercy.
RC Santander Stats Reading
0+0=0 Goals 4+2=6
3+3=6 Shots 7+5=12
0+2=2 On Target 5+3=8
17+8=25 Tackles 22+18=40
1+0=1 Fouls 0+1=1
1+0=1 Bookings 0+0=0
2+1=3 Corners 0+1=1
0+0=0 Offsides 1+1=2
67%->68% Passing 66%->66%
56%->55% Possession 44%->45%
0%->33% Accuracy 71%->66%
RC Santander Events Reading
'14 Goal (Doyle)
Red (Álvarez) '33
'36 Goal (Doyle)
'39 Goal (Doyle)
'45+1 Goal (Doyle)
'55 Sub (Harper->Gunnarsson)
'78 Goal (Kitson)
'88 Goal (Kitson)
Match 8: Tarragona vs Toulouse
Plenty of easy goals on the 1st half, though the goalkeepers were in good form for the rest of the match.
Tarragona Stats Toulouse
2+0=2 Goals 1+0=1
8+5=13 Shots 9+5=14
7+2=9 On Target 5+1=6
16+18=34 Tackles 18+16=34
1+1=2 Fouls 1+1=2
0+1=1 Bookings 0+0=0
2+=2 Corners 2+0=2
0+1=1 Offsides 0+0=0
64%->62% Passing 69%->70%
40%->42% Possession 60%->58%
87%->69% Accuracy 55%->42%
Tarragona Events Toulouse
Goal (Portillo) '6
'21 Goal (Emana)
Goal (Abel Buades) '32
Yellow (Merino) '53 Sub (Mathieu->Ebondo)
Sub (Merino->Generelo) '84
Match 9: Hannover 96 vs Corinthians
Away team took the lead with a nice goal and the only reason there were no more goals were 2 good goalkeepers and defences making use of offside traps.
Hannover 96 Stats Corinthians
0+0=0 Goals 1+0=1
8+6=14 Shots 9+5=14
1+2=3 On Target 3+3=6
16+20=36 Tackles 15+18=33
0+2=2 Fouls 1+1=2
0+1=1 Bookings 0+0=0
1+1=2 Corners 1+1=2
1+1=2 Offsides 1+1=2
72%->67% Passing 73%->70%
53%->53% Possession 47%->47%
12%->21% Accuracy 33%->42%
Hannover 96 Events Corinthians
'31 Goal (Tevez)
'53 Sub (Nilmar->Rafael Moura)
Yellow (Cherundolo) '65
With all that in mind, the leaderboard after this division’s 3rd week of matches is as follows:
1(↑2) Reading 3 3 0 0 9 1 8 9
2(=) Palmeiras 3 3 0 0 5 2 3 9
3(↑1) Corinthians 3 2 1 0 6 2 4 7
4(↑4) Tarragona 3 2 1 0 4 1 3 7
5(↓4) Toulouse 3 2 0 1 6 4 2 6
6(↑4) Real Betis 3 2 0 1 4 2 2 6
7(↑7) Atalanta 3 1 2 0 5 3 2 5
8(↑5) AS Nancy 3 1 2 0 3 2 1 5
9(↓4) Brøndby IF 3 1 1 1 5 4 1 4
10(↓3) Nantes 3 1 1 1 4 3 1 4
11(↓5) Rangers 3 1 1 1 5 5 0 4
12(↑5) Sheffield Utd 3 1 1 1 2 3 -1 4
13(↑5) FC København 3 1 1 1 3 5 -2 4
14(↓5) West Brom 3 1 0 2 4 4 0 3
15(=) Reggina 3 0 3 0 3 3 0 3
16(↑4) Cruzeiro 3 1 0 2 4 6 -2 3
17(↓6) Hannover 96 3 1 0 2 2 4 -2 3
18(↓6) Cruz Azul 3 0 2 1 4 5 -1 2
19(↑2) Hearts 3 0 1 2 3 6 -3 1
20(↓4) Birmingham 3 0 1 2 1 4 -3 1
21(↑1) Sochaux 3 0 0 3 1 6 -5 0
22(↓3) RC Santander 3 0 0 3 1 9 -8 0
5th Division (Afternoon)
The results of the 11 matches from this division’s 3rd week were the following:
VfL Bochum 1-1 Trabzonspor
Mainz 0-0 Nice
Anderlecht 2-0 Livorno
Empoli 1-0 R. Sociedad
Getafe 0-1 Wigan Athletic
Feyenoord 1-2 Rec. Huelva
Fluminense 0-2 Panathinaikos
Toluca 0-3 Siena
Brugge 2-0 RCD Mallorca
Guadalajara 1-2 Santos
Monterrey 1-4 Besiktas JK
Now for a short description of the 8 recorded matches and their facts (stats and events):
Match 2: Mainz vs Nice
Despite many attempts, neither team managed to create a good enough chance to score througout the entire match.
Mainz Stats Nice
0+0=0 Goals 0+0=0
5+5=10 Shots 7+4=11
1+1=2 On Target 1+1=2
16+14=30 Tackles 20+12=32
0+2=2 Fouls 2+0=2
0+0=0 Bookings 1+0=1
0+1=1 Corners 1+0=1
1+0=1 Offsides 0+1=1
69%->65% Passing 67%->69%
49%->47% Possession 51%->53%
20%->20% Accuracy 14 %->%
Mainz Events Nice
'38 Red (Echouafni)
Sub (Rose->Pekovic) '59
'60 Sub (Balmont->Ederson)
Match 3: Anderlecht vs Livorno
The home team took advantage of a poor defense from their opponents to score twice, and losing a player didn't affect this lead, as the away team was still unable to shoot accurately enough.
Anderlecht Stats Livorno
1+1=2 Goals 0+0=0
8+4=12 Shots 6+6=12
4+2=6 On Target 1+2=3
15+21=36 Tackles 12+18=30
1+2=3 Fouls 3+2=5
0+1=1 Bookings 0+0=0
0+0=0 Corners 1+0=1
2+0=2 Offsides 0+2=2
69%->67% Passing 67%->73%
52%->48% Possession 48%->52%
50%->50% Accuracy 16%->25%
Anderlecht Events Livorno
Goal (Frutos) '17
Goal (Frutos) '49
Sub (Juhász->De Man) '66
Red (Deschacht) '69
'75 Sub (Grandoni->Pavan)
Match 4: Empoli vs R. Sociedad
The home team kept trying and trying but nothing seemed to work to get past the away keeper, until a big opportunity near the end of the match finally gave them what they were looking for.
Empoli Stats R. Sociedad
0+1=1 Goals 0+0=0
8+10=18 Shots 2+3=5
4+4=8 On Target 1+1=2
17+14=31 Tackles 15+11=26
0+1=1 Fouls 1+1=2
0+0=0 Bookings 0+0=0
0+2=2 Corners 0+0=0
0+1=1 Offsides 0+1=1
69%->70% Passing 65%->69%
53%->52% Possession 47%->48%
50%->44% Accuracy 50%->40%
Empoli Events R. Sociedad
Sub (Almirón->Ascoli) '52
'65 Sub (Gerardo->Garrido)
Goal (Vannucchi) '89
Match 5: Getafe vs Wigan Athletic
It was a close match, but in the end the away team was the only one that managed to find their way to the back of the net.
Getafe Stats Wigan Athletic
0+0=0 Goals 1+0=1
7+4=11 Shots 6+5=11
5+0=5 On Target 3+1=4
15+20=35 Tackles 17+19=36
0+2=2 Fouls 4+0=4
0+0=0 Bookings 1+0=1
0+0=0 Corners 1+0=1
0+0=0 Offsides 0+0=0
62%->66% Passing 67%->64%
51%->53% Possession 49%->47%
71%->45% Accuracy 50%->36%
Getafe Events Wigan Athletic
'27 Goal (Valencia)
'34 Yellow (Baines)
Sub (Manu->Jajá Coelho) '61
'80 Sub (Baines->McMillan)
Match 6: Feyenoord vs Rec. Huelva
After a goalless 1st half, the away team finally took the lead after the goalkeeper left too much of the goal uncovered, then the home team responded by equalizing in a rather bumpy moment between players. However the away team had the last laugh as they scored again and took the win.
Feyenoord Stats Rec. Huelva
0+1=1 Goals 0+2=2
6+5=11 Shots 3+7=10
1+4=5 On Target 1+4=5
15+17=32 Tackles 12+19=31
2+2=4 Fouls 2+0=2
1+0=1 Bookings 1+0=1
1+0=1 Corners 2+0=2
1+0=1 Offsides 1+0=1
64%->71% Passing 68%->70%
46%->50% Possession 54%->50%
16%->45% Accuracy 33%->50%
Feyenoord Events Rec. Huelva
'38 Yellow (E. Moya)
Yellow (Lucius) '39
Sub (Lucius->De Ceulaer) '58
'61 Goal (Cazorla)
'61 Sub (Cheli->Barber)
Goal (Huysegems) '65
'75 Goal (Ik. Uche)
Match 7: Fluminense vs Panathinaikos
The away team can owe big part of their victory in this match to their goalkeeper, who just kept on making saves and denying any chance of recovery to their opponents.
Fluminense Stats Panathinaikos
0+0=0 Goals 1+1=2
8+=14 Shots 4+=11
4+4=8 On Target 3+4=7
12+11=23 Tackles 13+18=31
0+1=1 Fouls 2+1=3
0+0=0 Bookings 0+1=1
4+3=7 Corners 2+1=3
0+0=0 Offsides 0+0=0
70%->71% Passing 68%->66%
47%->56% Possession 53%->44%
50%->57% Accuracy 75%->63%
Fluminense Events Panathinaikos
'29 Goal (Papadopoulos)
Sub (Lenny->C. Pitbull) '52
'56 Goal (Salpigidis)
'71 Sub (Victor->Nilsson)
'90+3 Yellow (Salpigidis)
Match 8: Toluca vs Siena
Away team had a bunch of luck to score their first 2 goals, while their opponents were unable to make anything work overall, and they were dealt a final stab right at the end.
Toluca Stats Siena
0+0=0 Goals 2+1=3
2+8=10 Shots 7+4=11
1+5=6 On Target 4+3=7
13+15=28 Tackles 17+17=34
2+2=4 Fouls 1+2=3
0+1=1 Bookings 0+0=0
0+1=1 Corners 0+1=1
1+0=1 Offsides 1+1=2
75%->72% Passing 74%->70%
54%->54% Possession 46%->46%
50%->60% Accuracy 57%->63%
Toluca Events Siena
'24 Goal (Bogdani)
'43 Goal (Bogdani)
'72 Sub (Chiesa->Frick)
Yellow (Da Silva) '90+1
'90+2 Goal (Frick)
Match 9: Brugge vs RCD Mallorca
A match with plenty of saves in which the home team took an early lead that the visitors couldn't manage to equalize back, and a great goal in the 2nd half sentenced the match in favor of the former.
Brugge Stats RCD Mallorca
1+1=2 Goals 0+0=0
5+7=12 Shots 4+4=8
2+3=5 On Target 3+2=5
14+24=38 Tackles 17+16=33
0+1=1 Fouls 1+1=2
0+0=0 Bookings 1+0=1
1+2=3 Corners 1+2=3
0+0=0 Offsides 0+0=0
72%->69% Passing 73%->70%
40%->43% Possession 60%->57%
40%->41% Accuracy 75%->62%
Brugge Events RCD Mallorca
Goal (Ibrahim) '3
'31 Yellow (Pereyra)
'57 Sub (Piscu->Jordi)
Sub (Daerden->Leko) '59
Goal (Vermant) '76
With all that in mind, the leaderboard after this division’s 3rd week of matches is as follows:
1(↑4) Besiktas JK 3 2 1 0 7 2 5 7
2(↑6) Wigan Athletic 3 2 1 0 2 0 2 7
3(↑8) Panathinaikos 3 2 0 1 4 1 3 6
4(↓3) Getafe 3 2 0 1 6 4 2 6
5(↑9) Siena 3 2 0 1 6 5 1 6
6(↑7) Anderlecht 3 2 0 1 5 4 1 6
7(↑5) Empoli 3 2 0 1 4 3 1 6
8(↓6) Guadalajara 3 2 0 1 4 3 1 6
9(↓6) Monterrey 3 2 0 1 3 4 -1 6
10(↓6) Mainz 3 1 2 0 6 3 3 5
11(↓5) Trabzonspor 3 1 2 0 4 3 1 5
12(↓3) Nice 3 1 1 1 5 2 3 4
13(↑4) Rec. Huelva 3 1 1 1 2 2 0 4
14(↓7) RCD Mallorca 3 1 1 1 1 2 -1 4
15(↓5) Feyenoord 3 1 0 2 5 5 0 3
16(↑4) Brugge 3 1 0 2 3 3 0 3
17(↑5) Santos 3 1 0 2 2 4 -2 3
18(↑1) VfL Bochum 3 0 2 1 2 6 -4 2
19(↓4) R. Sociedad 3 0 1 2 3 5 -2 1
20(↓4) Toluca 3 0 1 2 0 4 -4 1
21(↓3) Livorno 3 0 1 2 2 7 -5 1
22(↓1) Fluminense 3 0 0 3 1 5 -4 0
4th Division (Night)
The results of the 11 matches from this division’s 3rd week were the following:
Auxerre 1-2 F.C. Porto
América 0-0 Le Mans UC 72
Cagliari 0-1 Udinese
AZ Alkmaar 0-1 Aston Villa
Monchengladbach 2-0 Rennes
Tigres 2-0 PSV Eindhoven
Parma 3-2 FC Nürnberg
Ein. Frankfurt 0-0 Levante
Sporting Lisbon 1-1 Dep. La Coruna
Arm. Bielefeld 2-0 ES Troyes AC
Benfica 0-1 RC Celta Vigo
Now for a short description of the 8 recorded matches and their facts (stats and events):
Match 2: América vs Le Mans UC 72
Pretty boring match with barely any chance created. The only interesting bit was the home goalkeeper saving 2 free kicks in a very similar manner during the 2nd half.
América Stats Le Mans UC 72
0+0=0 Goals 0+0=0
2+3=5 Shots 6+6=12
1+0=1 On Target 0+2=2
15+12=27 Tackles 11+15=26
0+2=2 Fouls 1+0=1
0+0=0 Bookings 0+0=0
0+0=0 Corners 0+0=0
1+0=1 Offsides 1+1=2
59%->67% Passing 76%->72%
43%->47% Possession 57%->53%
50%->20% Accuracy 0%->16%
América Events Le Mans UC 72
'56 Sub (Grafite->Bangoura)
Sub (Cabañas->N. Cuevas) '68
Match 3: Cagliari vs Udinese
Away team scored the only goal of the match despite having many less chances, as the home team was simply too wasteful.
Cagliari Stats Udinese
0+0=0 Goals 1+0=1
5+10=15 Shots 3+3=6
2+4=6 On Target 2+0=2
19+17=36 Tackles 16+15=31
2+2=4 Fouls 1+1=2
0+0=0 Bookings 0+1=1
1+0=1 Corners 0+0=0
0+0=0 Offsides 0+0=0
68%->70% Passing 60%->59%
57%->59% Possession 43%->41%
40%->40% Accuracy 66%->33%
Cagliari Events Udinese
'36 Goal (Iaquinta)
'51 Sub (Obodo->Pinzi)
Sub (Esposito->Conticchio) '53
'66 Yellow (Pinzi)
Match 4: AZ Alkmaar vs Aston Villa
Apart from the one goal (which was pretty silly), there were no other serious chances as most shots were simply too weak to bother the goalkeepers.
AZ Alkmaar Stats
0+0=0 Goals
4+3=7 Shots
0+1=1 On Target
15+15=30 Tackles
0+1=1 Fouls
0+0=0 Bookings
0+0=0 Corners
0+0=0 Offsides
69%->68% Passing
57%->55% Possession
0%->14% Accuracy
AZ Alkmaar Events Aston Villa
'22 Goal (McCann)
Sub (Luirink->Opdam) '53
'75 Sub (Baros->Moore)
Match 5: Monchengladbach vs Rennes
Home team was superior with their chance taking on the 1st half, while the visitors were marred with terrible shooting. The 2nd half was rather uneventful overall.
Monchengladbach Stats Rennes
2+0=2 Goals 0+0=0
7+1=8 Shots 6+5=11
6+0=6 On Target 2+0=2
14+17=31 Tackles 24+24=48
1+0=1 Fouls 0+0=0
0+0=0 Bookings 0+0=0
2+0=2 Corners 1+=1
0+0=0 Offsides 1+1=2
68%->67% Passing 70%->69%
49%->54% Possession 51%->46%
85%->75% Accuracy 33%->18%
Monchengladbach Events Rennes
Goal (Neuville) '18
Goal (Insúa) '25
Sub (Polanski->El-Fakiri) '63 Sub (Utaka->Briand)
Match 6: Tigres vs PSV Eindhoven
The home team took good care of their initial chances to go to half-time with a 2 goal lead which stood still for the remainder of the game.
Tigres Stats PSV Eindhoven
2+0=2 Goals 0+0=0
5+1=6 Shots 2+2=4
4+0=4 On Target 1+1=2
10+14=24 Tackles 10+25=35
3+1=4 Fouls 0+1=1
0+1=1 Bookings 0+1=1
0+0=0 Corners 0+1=1
0+1=1 Offsides 0+0=0
62%->66% Passing 69%->65%
48%->51% Possession 52%->49%
80%->66% Accuracy 50%->50%
Tigres Events PSV Eindhoven
Goal (Zárate) '7
Goal (Zárate) '38
Sub (Balderas->Ramírez) '54
'55 Yellow (Ball)
Yellow (Chamagol) '66
'81 Sub (Farfán->Väyrynen)
Match 7: Parma vs FC Nürnberg
The home team started strong with 2 goals in the first 10 minutes of the match. The visitors cut the gap just before half-time and then drew level in the 2nd half, but their opponents didn't let that stand and scored the winning goal in the closing stages.
Parma Stats FC Nürnberg
2+1=3 Goals 1+1=2
4+4=8 Shots 5+3=8
3+3=6 On Target 3+1=4
13+27=40 Tackles 24+22=46
1+0=1 Fouls 0+0=0
0+0=0 Bookings 0+0=0
1+0=1 Corners 1+0=1
1+2=3 Offsides 0+0=0
67%->67% Passing 63%->66%
55%->50% Possession 45%->50%
75%->75% Accuracy 60%->50%
Parma Events FC Nürnberg
Goal (Morfeo) '9
Goal (Budan) '11
'45+1 Goal (Schroth)
Sub (Budan->Muslimovic) '56 Sub (Wolf->Paulus)
'59 Goal (Vittek)
Goal (Kutuzov) '84
Match 8: Ein. Frankfurt vs Levante
A goalless match mainly thanks to the home goalkeeper's several saves throughout the game.
Ein. Frankfurt Stats Levante
0+0=0 Goals 0+0=0
4+8=12 Shots 7+1=8
0+3=3 On Target 6+1=7
12+15=27 Tackles 16+20=36
0+0=0 Fouls 0+3=3
0+0=0 Bookings 0+0=0
0+0=0 Corners 4+0=4
0+0=0 Offsides 0+0=0
75%->76% Passing 69%->71%
51%->52% Possession 49%->48%
0%->25% Accuracy 85%->87%
Ein. Frankfurt Events Levante
'52 Sub (Carmelo->Ettien)
Sub (Fink->Preuß) '65
Match 9: Sporting Lisbon vs Dep. La Coruna
Home team took an early lead thanks to a rebound goal, but said lead was lost in the 2nd half during a chaotic cornet where a striker from the visiting team ended up with the goal in front of an almost empty goal.
Sporting Lisbon Stats Dep. La Coruna
1+0=1 Goals 0+1=1
4+6=10 Shots 6+6=12
3+3=6 On Target 2+2=4
17+27=44 Tackles 18+19=37
0+1=1 Fouls 0+0=0
0+0=0 Bookings 0+0=0
0+0=0 Corners 0+3=3
0+0=0 Offsides 0+0=0
65%->65% Passing 81%->77%
50%->45% Possession 50%->55%
75%->60% Accuracy 33%->33%
Sporting Lisbon Events Dep. La Coruna
Goal (Djaló) '10
'63 Sub (Arizmendi->Verdú)
'64 Goal (Bodipo)
Sub (Abel->Miguel Garcia) '67
With all that in mind, the leaderboard after this division’s 3rd week of matches is as follows:
1(=) Aston Villa 3 3 0 0 8 0 8 9
2(=) Monchengladbach 3 3 0 0 8 2 6 9
3(=) Dep. La Coruna 3 2 1 0 5 1 4 7
4(↑3) Tigres 3 2 1 0 4 1 3 7
5(↑3) Udinese 3 2 0 1 6 3 3 6
6(↑3) F.C. Porto 3 2 0 1 7 5 2 6
7(↓3) FC Nürnberg 3 2 0 1 6 4 2 6
8(↑5) Parma 3 2 0 1 5 4 1 6
9(↓3) América 3 1 2 0 3 2 1 5
10(↑5) RC Celta Vigo 3 1 2 0 1 0 1 5
11(↓1) Levante 3 1 1 1 4 3 1 4
12(↓7) ES Troyes AC 3 1 1 1 2 2 0 4
13(↓1) Ein. Frankfurt 3 1 1 1 2 2 0 4
14(=) Sporting Lisbon 3 1 1 1 5 6 -1 4
15(↓4) PSV Eindhoven 3 1 0 2 3 5 -2 3
16(↑4) Arm. Bielefeld 3 1 0 2 2 4 -2 3
17(↓1) Auxerre 3 0 2 1 1 2 -1 2
18(↓1) AZ Alkmaar 3 0 1 2 2 4 -2 1
19(↑3) Le Mans UC 72 3 0 1 2 0 9 -9 1
20(↓2) Rennes 3 0 0 3 0 4 -4 0
21(↓2) Benfica 3 0 0 3 0 5 -5 0
22(↓1) Cagliari 3 0 0 3 1 7 -6 0
Last but not least, here’s a highlights video of Week 3 Day 6, a compilation of the best goals, saves and fails from the 24 matches that were recorded.
Next post will be a recap of Week 3 Day 7 on Monday 17th.
submitted by dani26795 to seriousfifacareers [link] [comments]


Hello everyone🌍🫂✝️🤍 Just like God called me × urged me to create this Reddit community, along with a few others, for there is not yet to my knowledge a community-based Subreddit on here created for us Chosen Ones in Christ. My goal is to create that place where we can all gather and share our knowledge, wisdom, messages, and further raise the vibrational frequencies of this Earth through the power of connection 🫂🌍🌟
🌟 777 even confirmed this message!!! 🌟
You can't take an example of one act of people and hate Christ for that, people's sinful actions and the true Christ are very different. Not to mention, this is highly distorted lies. We are in those days where stories and more lies will be told and made. Jesus will be denied and rejection of Christianity will be seen. Im not shivering though I am moved for we were told those days are coming.
Seeing all these things happening now, not just this but just everything it's been happening everywhere lately and the prophesies one after another being fulfilled only proves the Bible is a real Prophetic book. If you are truly smart and wise - your faith should be more revived and stronger more now than ever during these times, the word of God is alive right in front of our eyes and we are the ones here lucky enough to witness this period of time in human history 🙏🏼
Let this be a warning to not believe everything you read online, this is literally pure lies distorted and everyone is so quick to fall for it before doing a quick fact check for themselves 🥺 It's scary tbh. Just my thoughts though 💭
submitted by ChosenOnes144000 to u/ChosenOnes144000 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:11 Sweet-Count2557 Hoteles All Inclusive En Puerto Rico

Hoteles All Inclusive En Puerto Rico
Hoteles All Inclusive En Puerto Rico Are you ready to escape to paradise? Look no further than Puerto Rico, where you can indulge in a luxurious, all-inclusive vacation.From the stunning Wyndham Grand Rio Mar Puerto Rico Golf and Beach Resort to the tranquil Copamarina Beach Resort and Spa, we've got you covered.Whether you're seeking relaxation or adventure, Puerto Rico offers a range of options to suit every traveler's needs.So join us as we explore the best all-inclusive hotels this enchanting island has to offer.Let the freedom begin!Key TakeawaysWyndham Grand Rio Mar Puerto Rico Golf and Beach Resort offers three lagoon-style swimming pools, weekly kids activities, an on-site spa, and two golf courses.Copamarina Beach Resort and Spa is a beachfront resort with various accommodation options, meal plans, and included activities such as bicycles, tennis courts, and a fitness center.Parador Guanica 1929 provides basic accommodations at a moderate price, with a meal package including breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It is a historic property dating back to 1929.Tropical Inns Puerto Rico is a collection of small hotels offering cozy accommodations for budget-minded travelers. They have an all-inclusive family package with meals included and other benefits like room taxes and non-alcoholic beverages.Wyndham Grand Rio Mar Puerto Rico Golf and Beach ResortWe really enjoyed our stay at Wyndham Grand Rio Mar Puerto Rico Golf and Beach Resort. The resort offers a variety of outdoor activities for those who love golfing and exploring the outdoors. The two golf courses provide stunning views of the surrounding landscapes and are perfect for both beginners and experienced golfers. In addition to golf, there are plenty of other outdoor activities to enjoy, such as tennis, volleyball, and biking. The resort is also located near the El Yunque rainforest, allowing guests to embark on exciting hikes and explore the natural beauty of Puerto Rico.For families, Wyndham Grand Rio Mar offers a range of family-friendly amenities and activities. The three lagoon-style swimming pools provide endless fun for both kids and adults, with a waterslide and waterfall adding to the excitement. The resort also organizes weekly kids activities, including arts and crafts, bingo, and hair braiding, ensuring that the little ones are entertained throughout their stay. Parents can take advantage of the on-site full-service spa, indulging in some well-deserved relaxation while the kids have a blast.With its golfing options, outdoor activities, and family-friendly amenities, Wyndham Grand Rio Mar Puerto Rico Golf and Beach Resort is the perfect destination for those seeking a fun-filled vacation in a beautiful setting.Copamarina Beach Resort and SpaCopamarina Beach Resort and Spa is a beautiful beachfront resort located in Guanica, Puerto Rico. The resort sits on 20 acres of landscaped grounds and offers a variety of accommodations including standard guest rooms, one-bedroom suites, and three-bedroom villas.With its meal plans available and included activities such as the use of bicycles, tennis courts, and fitness center, Copamarina Beach Resort and Spa is an ideal destination for those seeking beachfront accommodations and a range of amenities.Beachfront Accommodations and AmenitiesStaying at the beachfront resort in Guanica, we can enjoy a variety of amenities and activities, including swimming in the ocean, lounging by the pool, and participating in water sports. The resort offers a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere, perfect for beachfront relaxation.Families will find plenty of family-friendly activities to enjoy together. The resort provides a range of accommodations, including standard guest rooms, one-bedroom suites, and three-bedroom villas. There are also meal plans available for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, making dining convenient and hassle-free.In addition to the beautiful beachfront location, the resort offers on-site activities such as arts and crafts, bingo, and hair braiding for kids. For those looking for a budget-friendly option, this resort is a great choice with basic accommodations at a moderate price.Meal Plans and ActivitiesThere are various meal plans available at Copamarina Beach Resort and Spa, including options for breakfast, lunch, and dinner or just breakfast and dinner. Here are the different meal options and fun family activities at the resort:Meal Plans:Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner: Enjoy a complete dining experience with delicious meals served throughout the day.Breakfast and Dinner: Start your day with a hearty breakfast and end it with a satisfying dinner.Fun Family Activities:Beach Fun: Spend quality time with your loved ones by building sandcastles, playing beach volleyball, or simply soaking up the sun.Water Sports: Dive into adventure with activities like snorkeling, kayaking, and paddleboarding.Poolside Relaxation: Lounge by the pool while the kids splash around and have a great time.With these different meal options and a wide range of fun family activities, you can create lasting memories at Copamarina Beach Resort and Spa. Enjoy the freedom to choose the meal plan that suits your preferences and indulge in exciting adventures with your family.Parador Guanica 1929Let's consider the historic charm and affordability of Parador Guanica 1929 during our discussion. Parador Guanica 1929 is a budget-friendly option for those looking to explore the area without breaking the bank. The property, dating back to 1929, offers basic accommodations at a moderate price. It's a great place for budget-minded travelers to stay while enjoying the historic charm of Puerto Rico.To give you a better idea of what to expect, here's a table that paints a picture of Parador Guanica 1929:LocationAccommodationsAmenitiesGuanica, Puerto RicoBasic roomsOn-site restaurant serving breakfast, lunch, and dinnerHistoric property dating back to 1929As you can see, Parador Guanica 1929 offers simple yet comfortable accommodations, perfect for those who are more interested in exploring the area than spending time in a luxury resort. The on-site restaurant provides convenient dining options for guests, serving meals throughout the day.Now that we've discussed the historic charm and affordability of Parador Guanica 1929, let's move on to our next topic: Tropical Inns Puerto Rico.Tropical Inns Puerto RicoWe have four options to choose from in the Tropical Inns Puerto Rico collection: Parador Palmas de Lucia, Parador Costa del Mar, Parador MaunaCaribe, and Hotel Lucia Beach. These budget-friendly options provide cozy accommodations for travelers who desire freedom without breaking the bank.Parador Palmas de Lucia:Located on the southeast side of the island, this charming inn offers comfortable rooms at an affordable price.Family-friendly amenities include a swimming pool, playground, and outdoor recreational activities.Guests can enjoy the all-inclusive family package, which includes meals, non-alcoholic beverages, and waiter tips.Parador Costa del Mar:Situated in a picturesque coastal area, this inn offers a tranquil ambiance and stunning ocean views.Accommodations are cozy and inviting, perfect for a relaxing getaway with the family.Guests can take advantage of the all-inclusive family package, which includes meals and room amenities.Parador MaunaCaribe:Nestled amidst lush tropical gardens, this inn provides a peaceful retreat for budget-minded travelers.Family-friendly amenities include a swimming pool, game room, and outdoor picnic areas.Guests can enjoy the all-inclusive family package, which includes meals and access to recreational facilities.Hotel Lucia Beach:Located near beautiful beaches, this hotel offers comfortable rooms and a laid-back atmosphere.Family-friendly amenities include a swimming pool, beach access, and outdoor activities.Guests can explore the island's attractions while enjoying the budget-friendly accommodations.Whether you choose Parador Palmas de Lucia, Parador Costa del Mar, Parador MaunaCaribe, or Hotel Lucia Beach, Tropical Inns Puerto Rico provides budget-friendly options with family-friendly amenities for a memorable vacation in paradise.Club Seabourne HotelClub Seabourne Hotel offers a boutique all-inclusive experience on the scenic island of Culebra, Puerto Rico. With a variety of accommodation options, ranging from family villas to basic rooms, guests can find the perfect fit for their needs.The hotel's scenic location adds to the charm, providing a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere for a memorable stay.Boutique All-Inclusive ExperienceThe Club Seabourne Hotel offers a unique boutique all-inclusive experience with its daily a la carte breakfast, airport and ferry transfers, and friendly atmosphere.Luxury Amenities: At Club Seabourne, we pride ourselves on providing luxurious amenities that cater to your every need. From plush bedding and upscale toiletries to spacious rooms with stunning ocean views, we ensure that your stay with us is nothing short of extraordinary.Personalized Service: Our dedicated staff goes above and beyond to make your stay memorable. From the moment you arrive, we strive to exceed your expectations with personalized service tailored to your preferences. Whether it's arranging a romantic dinner on the beach or organizing an adventurous excursion, we're here to make your dreams come true.Tranquil Atmosphere: Escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and immerse yourself in the serene ambiance of Club Seabourne. With no crowds and a low-key atmosphere, you can truly unwind and relax in paradise. Soothing ocean breezes, lush tropical gardens, and the sound of waves crashing on the shore create the perfect backdrop for a peaceful getaway.Variety of Accommodation OptionsThere are numerous accommodation options available at Club Seabourne Hotel, catering to a variety of preferences and budgets. Whether you're looking for budget-friendly options or family-friendly resorts, Club Seabourne has something for everyone.From cozy rooms to spacious family villas, you can choose the perfect accommodation that suits your needs. The hotel offers an all-inclusive experience, with daily a la carte breakfast, airport and ferry transfers, Wi-Fi, and kayak and bike use included in the cost of your stay.The low-key and friendly atmosphere at Club Seabourne ensures a relaxing and enjoyable vacation for all. So whether you're traveling with your family or on a tight budget, Club Seabourne Hotel has the perfect accommodation option for you.Scenic Location on CulebraWe absolutely love the scenic location on Culebra at Club Seabourne Hotel. The breathtaking views of the crystal-clear turquoise waters and pristine white sandy beaches are simply mesmerizing.Here are three reasons why Club Seabourne Hotel is the perfect destination for those seeking scenic views and beach activities:Tranquil Beachfront Setting: Nestled on the secluded island of Culebra, Club Seabourne Hotel offers a peaceful and serene atmosphere away from the hustle and bustle of city life. The unspoiled beaches provide a picturesque backdrop for relaxation and rejuvenation.Abundance of Water Sports: From snorkeling and scuba diving to kayaking and paddleboarding, Club Seabourne Hotel offers a wide range of beach activities for adventure enthusiasts. Explore the vibrant coral reefs, encounter marine life, or simply soak up the sun on the sandy shores.Spectacular Sunsets: Witness breathtaking sunsets over the horizon as you stroll along the beach or enjoy a romantic dinner on the hotel's terrace. The vibrant hues of orange, pink, and purple paint the sky, creating a truly magical and unforgettable experience.At Club Seabourne Hotel, you can immerse yourself in the beauty of nature and indulge in a variety of beach activities, making it an ideal destination for those seeking freedom and tranquility.Fairmont El San Juan HotelOur favorite amenity at the Fairmont El San Juan Hotel is the cultural ambassador concierge, who shares local history and hidden gems with guests. This unique service adds a special touch to our stay, allowing us to truly immerse ourselves in the vibrant culture of Puerto Rico. The concierge is knowledgeable about the best local attractions and can provide insider tips on romantic getaways in the area.The Fairmont El San Juan Hotel is located in Carolina, Puerto Rico, along the beautiful Isla Verde Beach. It seamlessly combines Old World elegance with modern amenities, creating a luxurious and comfortable atmosphere for guests. The hotel offers a variety of activities and amenities for families, ensuring that everyone has a memorable stay.In addition to the cultural ambassador concierge, the Fairmont El San Juan Hotel boasts stunning views of the beach, multiple pools, and a spa for ultimate relaxation. The hotel also features a variety of dining options, ranging from casual beachfront eateries to upscale restaurants.Whether you're looking to relax on the beach, explore the local attractions, or indulge in a romantic getaway, the Fairmont El San Juan Hotel has something for everyone. With its impeccable service and attention to detail, this hotel truly stands out as a top choice for an unforgettable vacation in Puerto Rico.Frequently Asked QuestionsCan I Explore the El Yunque Rainforest From Wyndham Grand Rio Mar Puerto Rico Golf and Beach Resort?Yes, you can explore the El Yunque rainforest from Wyndham Grand Rio Mar Puerto Rico Golf and Beach Resort. The resort is conveniently located near the rainforest, allowing easy access to its beautiful trails and stunning waterfalls.You can engage in a variety of activities such as hiking, birdwatching, and exploring the unique flora and fauna. Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Puerto Rico while enjoying the luxurious amenities of the resort.Are There Any Additional Fees for the Activities Included in the Nightly Resort Fee at Copamarina Beach Resort and Spa?There are no additional fees for the activities included in the nightly resort fee at Copamarina Beach Resort and Spa. The resort fee covers a range of inclusions such as the use of bicycles, tennis courts, and the fitness center.This allows guests to enjoy these amenities without any extra costs. It's a great value for those looking to make the most of their stay and take advantage of the various activities offered by the resort.What Are the Dining Options Available at Parador Guanica 1929?At Parador Guanica 1929, we offer a variety of dining options to suit different preferences. Our on-site restaurant serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner, all included in the meal package. And yes, we do have vegetarian and vegan options available, ensuring that everyone can enjoy our delicious cuisine.As for nearby attractions, you'll find the stunning Guanica State Forest, perfect for hiking and birdwatching. We also recommend visiting Gilligan's Island, a beautiful cay with crystal-clear waters.Can I Visit Multiple Properties Under Tropical Inns Puerto Rico With the All-Inclusive Family Package?Yes, you can explore multiple properties under Tropical Inns Puerto Rico with the all-inclusive family package. It's a great way to experience different locations on the southeast side of the island.Each property offers cozy accommodations for budget-minded travelers. The package includes dinner on day one, full breakfast, lunch, and dinner on day two, and full breakfast on day three.Room taxes, non-alcoholic beverages, and waiter tips are also included. It's a convenient and affordable option for a memorable Puerto Rico vacation.Is There a Swimming Pool at Club Seabourne Hotel?Yes, there's a swimming pool at Club Seabourne Hotel.Having a swimming pool at the hotel offers many benefits. It provides a refreshing and relaxing place to cool off and unwind. Guests can take a dip in the pool or lounge by the water, enjoying the beautiful surroundings.The swimming pool amenities at Club Seabourne Hotel add to the overall experience and enjoyment of the stay, giving guests the freedom to enjoy a swim whenever they desire.ConclusionIn conclusion, Puerto Rico offers a diverse selection of all-inclusive hotels that cater to every traveler's needs and preferences. Whether you're seeking a luxurious beachfront resort like the Wyndham Grand Rio Mar or a cozy and budget-friendly option like Tropical Inns Puerto Rico, there's something for everyone on this enchanting island.One interesting statistic to note is that Puerto Rico welcomed over 5 million visitors in 2019, showcasing its popularity as a vacation destination.So why wait? Start planning your unforgettable getaway to Puerto Rico today!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:57 Pretend_Ad_2240 **IMPORTANT: SCAM ALERT - RETIK FINANCE!!!**

Please read and help spread the word.
I will report Retik Finance to the FBI every day until they finally investigate. FYI – 99% of the posts and comments are from bots. These fake accounts, particularly in Telegram, create posts that make it look like people made successful purchases and are thanking the admins for smooth transactions. Do not believe them. They are all part of the Retik Finance scam! Avoid them and report them to the FBI immediately. Try to Google Retik Finance and see if you can find their legit website. Read all the reviews.
Thank you!
Urgent: Report of Scam Operations by Retik Finance
Dear FBI Cyber Crime Division,
I am writing to report Retik Finance for their scam operations conducted through online and social media accounts. Here is a detailed account of my experience:
I discovered Retik Finance via CoinMarketCap's website and joined their Telegram account. On June 5, 2024, I decided to purchase some Retik tokens but encountered difficulties connecting my wallet to their site. One of their admins, Panther, announced on Telegram that anyone experiencing problems should let him know. I replied to the public chat seeking assistance.
After verifying that Panther was a legitimate admin, he offered to help me connect my crypto wallet.
Shortly thereafter, I noticed that $663 USDC had disappeared from my Coinbase web3 wallet, even though I never shared that address with Panther or gave him permission to access it When I confronted Panther, he admitted to receiving the money and assured me that I would receive the Retik tokens in my Coinbase wallet. However, the tokens never arrived.
The next day, June 6th, additional funds amounting to $800 were stolen from my Coinbase wallet. This indicates a highly professional and dangerous scam operation that continues to victimize people.
I have taken screenshots of our entire conversation as evidence and have messaged all the admins of Retik Finance on their Telegram account for assistance, but no one has responded. I also sent an email to but received no reply. Panther continues to taunt me, claiming he stole my crypto assets and that there is nothing I can do about it.
I am deeply concerned that Retik Finance is scamming numerous innocent people, potentially defrauding them of millions. Therefore, I urge you to investigate Retik Finance as a matter of urgency. I am willing to provide any proof I have to assist with the investigation.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
submitted by Pretend_Ad_2240 to CryptoScamBlacklist [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:53 labor-attorney Selecting those subject to dismissal for managerial reasons & related cases

Selecting those subject to dismissal for managerial reasons & related cases
Selecting those subject to dismissal for managerial reasons & related cases
Bongsoo Jung, Korean labor attorney at KangNam Labor Law Firm

I. Requirements for Dismissal for Managerial Reasons

According to paragraphs (1) to (3), Article 24 of the Labor Standards Act, an employer’s decision to dismiss an employee for managerial reasons shall be based on urgent managerial needs. The employer shall make every effort to avoid dismissal of employees and shall select employees to be dismissed by establishing rational and fair criteria for dismissal. With regard to the possible methods for avoiding dismissal and the criteria for dismissal, the employer shall give notice, 50 days prior to dismissal, to a labor union which is formed by the majority of all employees in the business or workplace concerned and consult with them in good faith.
~1. In consideration of all the circumstances collectively and synthetically, the dismissal shall be recognized to have objective rationality and social validity. (Supreme Court 96 nu 8031)~
~2. Each of the above qualifications is not defined or fixed, but shall be determined flexibly in relation to meeting other requirements in actual cases. Whether the dismissal for managerial reasons in a substantial case meets each of the above requirements shall be judged synthetically in consideration of each individual situation related to each requirement. (Supreme Court 2003 du 4119)~

II. Fair criteria for selecting those subject to dismissal
  1. When the employer selects those subject to dismissal based on employee age, service years, number of dependents, faithfulness in attendance, rewards and punishments, certificates of qualification, etc., this selection is rational and fair criteria for dismissal because objectively measurable methods and distinguishable criteria were applied after considering subjective situations for each employee and the company synthetically. (SeoulAdministrative Court 2005 Guhap 15694)
  2. Concerning the criteria and method to select those subject to dismissal for managerial reasons, the employer shall not consider only a single factor, like employee job skills, but also consider employee living conditions, equity between employees, etc. The criteria and methods are mostly at the employer’s discretion, but the criteria and methods of selection decided upon by mutual agreement between the employer and the employee representative are considered rational, unless they are extremely subjective or unjustifiable. (SeoulAdministrative Court 2005 Guhap 5086)
  3. In cases where dismissal of employees for managerial reasons must be done, it is desirable that the employer shall not only select those employees working in a division that will be abolished, but select those subject to the dismissals from throughout the company, as employees are transferable in personnel management. (Gungi 68207-1905)
  4. If an employer excludes some employees in production from those subject to dismissal for managerial reasons, it shall be accepted as rational if they are skilled craftsmen and those possessing essential certificates of qualification to operate production lines. (Supreme Court 2000 du 8486)
  5. Even though the only employees dismissed for managerial reasons were labor union members, this is justifiable if the employer consulted with the labor union in advance and dismissed them according to objective and fair criteria. (Seoul Appellate Court 2000 nu 6963)

III. Unfair criteria for selecting those subject to dismissal

1. Criteria that only considers company circumstances

(1) In the selection of those subject to dismissal, if the employer considers educational background as the sole criteria for dismissal, and proposes voluntary resignation only to those with lower educational levels, and dismisses the employees concerned without making any effort to avoid dismissal, these dismissals would be unfair because they were not done according to the required procedures. (NLRC 2004 buhae 78)
(2) When dismissing temporary employees for managerial reasons, a local government did not make an effort to avoid dismissal, and dismissed the temporary employees according to age, from the oldest, without determining rational and fair criteria for dismissal. The local government also implemented the dismissal unilaterally, without consultations with the employee representative, so this dismissal is an unfair dismissal, and an abuse of personnel rights. (NLRC 2001 buhae 192)
(3) An employer selected employees subject to dismissal for managerial reasons on the basis of age as unilateral and subjective criteria. If the employer did not consider the degree of disadvantages affecting the employees concerned, the necessity of social protection, contributions made or employee attitudes during their service period, etc., this dismissal cannot be seen as rational and fair criteria for dismissal. (SeoulAdministrative Court 2001 gu 26794)
(4) It is hard to accept as fair dismissal for managerial reasons if the employer selected those subject to dismissal only on the basis of disciplinary punishment received by certain employees. Even though such criteria were accepted as rational, most disciplinary punishment of the employees concerned cannot be accepted as justifiable in view of their procedures, timing, and purpose. (Seoul Appellate Court 2002 nu 11860)
(5) In one case, a company unilaterally decided that length of employment would be the main criteria in choosing employees to dismiss for managerial reasons. In other words, those who had served the company longer, although they had contributed more than other workers to the company, were still more likely to be dismissed for managerial reasons. Other things, like work attitude, were also considered, but they were not weighted as heavily against an employee in determining dismissal, as length of employment. Therefore, this selection cannot be accepted as rational and fair. (SeoulAdministrative Court 99 gu 34600)
(6) If the employer did not have prior consultations with the employee representative regarding criteria for dismissal for managerial reasons, and the possible methods for avoiding dismissal, dismissal for managerial reasons is illegal since correct procedures were not followed in choosing objective and socially justifiable rationale. (Seoul Supreme Court 99 nu 4930)

2. Criteria deficient in rationality and fairness

(1) ~In cases where the employer selected as subject to dismissal for managerial reasons, those employees who did not agree to transfer and also did not agree to voluntary resignation, this selection cannot be justifiable based upon rational criteria~. (SeoulAdministrative Court 2007 Guhap 16103)
An employer notified one of his employees several times of an intention to dismiss him for managerial reasons because of his constant refusal to transfer to another department. So, after consulting with the labor union, the employer dismissed the employee for managerial reasons particularly because he did not agree on a transfer and also did not respond to suggestions to voluntarily resign. This selection for dismissal cannot be accepted as being done according to objective and rational criteria. Even though the employer completed consultation with the labor union, this selection for dismissal violated the principle of the Labor Standards Act and cannot be accepted.
(2~) Even though requirements for dismissal for managerial reasons were satisfied, choosing those to be dismissed for managerial reasons by vote, cannot be admitted as justifiable.~ (Seoul Adm. Court 99 gu 30967)
An employer selected those employees subject to dismissal only by means of a vote by committee members, without any objective evaluation materials or evaluation criteria. This dismissal for managerial reasons could be affected by individual relationships more than by company criteria, so there is a great possibility to distort the result.
(3) ~An employer dismissed an employee who refused to accept an honorary resignation recommended by the employer, even though his dismissal wouldn’t have any effect in reducing labor costs. This cannot be accepted as a socially fair and objective dismissal for managerial reasons.~ (SeoulAppellate Court 97 gu 47660)
As one method to avoid dismissal, the employer proposed honorary resignation and a position transfer to short-term contract employment to an employee who was going to retire from the company in 9 months. As the employer would not be able to reduce his labor costs by dismissing this employee, this dismissal, because the employee would not voluntarily resign, cannot be accepted as fair or objective.
(4) Even though collective bargaining had stipulated the order of and method by which employees were subject to dismissal, if the employer selected the employees subject to dismissal simply at his own discretion, this selection was not made in a justifiable way, but is a violation of rational and fair criteria. (Seoul Appellate Court 2003 nu 4838)
submitted by labor-attorney to Korean_Law [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:32 Nasa-17 Assassin City (please help)

So I started an A-Z playthrough of OWB and now I'm stuck.
215th - 8/10, was fun, though it felt a little repetitive of just "conquer a new country, core land, get a new war goal, rinse and repeat," I thoroughly enjoyed the lore and the caps-related requirements in forming the Splendid Raider's Society. Doing the film decisions, building up trade nodes, and raiding for caps was genuinely fun and earning 4000 caps was a unique objective. There were enough focuses and wars to keep me occupied while working toward this goal without there being too many... Completed by January 1, 2282.
Arborg Junta - 10/10, this was honestly peak gameplay in my opinion. You start out so weak and dealing with so many problems. You have no manpower and no guns or factories, isolated from your only ally and bordered by a much more powerful nation that will kill you. That +90% Infantry Equipment production cost was painful, but the +20% Equipment Capture made it unique. The legitimacy system was fun to interact with also, and I adored the 2 decisions that cost command power- The merc jobs/contracts were a fun piece of flavor to interact with, and the border conflicts were also really fun. I ended up doing 3 playthroughs, in the first I stayed loyal to the Duke and ended up becoming free through the autonomy system. In the second I stayed loyal to the King and discovered you cannot become free through the autonomy system ._. In the third I supported neither side during the civil war and declared independence, conquering the entire kingdom and their Republican enemies in a very challenging war. My only complaint is the lack of extra focuses to complete in the end game, running out of focuses on 2279 kinda sucks. You can't exactly rush down your focus tree either, going after the Damned or border conflicts too quickly will assure your defeat.
Archdiocese of Santa Fe - 6/10. Fun. But not much unique content outside of the national spirits. I have up Santa Fe and held the line against Lanius, killing thousands of his men very easily. Over the course of a few years I built up strength, and when he stopped attacking I drilled my armies to bait him into attacking more and weakening himself further. Eventually he was so weak that in 2279 I melted through his divisions with basic (but not starting) infantry templates. I considered killing the rest of the legion after but decided my goals were accomplished- If didn't feel in-character for the Archdiocese to march to Flagstaff. If anything I'd have just conquered the rest of New Mexico, but there's no formable or unique content so...
Arroyo - 7/10. Quite fun, though I was annoyed that I couldn't complete all the focuses in the tree, and also ran out of focuses early on. The karma system is cool but I think it should be implemented a little better or at least explained more. I don't like getting locked out of vital focuses because I don't know about certain events or details, karma gets entrenched later on... Though by my third playthrough I knew enough of Arroyo that I was able to take all the karma related focuses, albeit not all focuses I wanted because I wanted to have the chosen one as my leader in that attempt. The expansion system is also really cool, though I wish some of Arroyo's expansion targets would be more playable/viable. I did three playthroughs, a neutral one where I didn't do much, a good one where I joined the NCR and took down the Legion, and an evil one where I invaded the NCR as the Chosen One and took over all of California, Nevada and Oregon (as the Mirelurk Tribe conquered the area and invaded me). Took until 2284/5 in the last two, but it was worth it.
And next is Assassin City, in stark contrast to my other playthroughs, extremely painful so far and not fun at all for many reasons. The unique skater divisions, rocket skater tech, and unique spirit of the academy that comes with it are cool, but everything else... Ugh...
I've tried over and over all day to no avail for a total of 14 or so attempts. I died so many times I encountered the infamous"game lags unless you restart your PC" issue. The latest I was able to survive was January 18, 2276.
In May, the Brotherhood begins the focus that gives a war goal against you. In June, you get the event where you can either join their alliance (which leads to you getting automatically annexed and a guaranteed game over later (you can't leave the alliance)) or they declare war on you.
There is one strait crossing to the south and four tiles on the border, not defensive at all especially with three civs and only a few months to spend building outposts. No hills or mountains or any advantageous terrain, you have a national spirit that gives you a pretty rough defense penalty, the generic focus tree is not very useful and you likely won't survive long enough to actually pick up any impactful bonuses, partially because each focus takes 60 days and partially because they are so far down the tree- I find myself choosing between either taking the leftmost branch to access +2% -> +3% Recruitable Population or the second from the leftmost branch for caps to buy equipment and the +20% Division Organization, I can't take both in time unfortunately and am always either short on manpower or short on guns. I'm already being attacked before I can even finish researching my first land doctrine trait.
I've tried all sorts of strategies, spamming defensive militia, only using regular infantry, using different advisors, falling back all the way to the capital, holding the border, tried both bunkers and outposts and a combination of the two and alternated which tiles I built them in. Ultimately none of it seems to matter because I'm so far out-teched that I'll always lose every battle. I defensive micro my heart out but I lose manpower about five times as fast as them, and I'm bleeding equipment too, eventually their nonstop attack becomes untenable to hold and I collapse as all my divisions last stand to 0% strength in a last ditch effort to try and survive a couple more days.
Needless to say, I need help. How the heck am I supposed to actually survive survive? Is there a way to go down the alliance with the brotherhood without getting auto annexed and auto game over'd? Does Skater Infantry count under Walking Infantry or Mobile (for bonuses and land doctrine related stuff)
Any other tips or information would also be appreciated.
submitted by Nasa-17 to OldWorldBlues [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:51 GPTSportsWriter Cleveland Guardians VS Miami Marlins Prediction 2024-06-09 13:40:00-04:00

Cleveland Guardians VS Miami Marlins Prediction 2024-06-09 13:40:00-04:00
Cleveland Guardians VS Miami Marlins Prediction 2024-06-09 13:40:00-04:00

Cleveland Guardians vs. Miami Marlins: A Comprehensive Prediction for June 9, 2024


Ladies and gentlemen, baseball aficionados, and those who just stumbled upon this article while looking for cat videos, welcome! Today, we dive deep into the upcoming MLB clash between the Cleveland Guardians and the Miami Marlins, scheduled for June 9, 2024, at 13:40:00-04:00. This isn't just any game; it's a battle of wits, skill, and a bit of luck. So, grab your popcorn, sit back, and let's dissect this matchup with the precision of a surgeon and the humor of a stand-up comedian.

Team Overview

Cleveland Guardians

The Cleveland Guardians, formerly known as the Cleveland Indians, have had a rollercoaster of a season. With a mix of seasoned veterans and young talent, they have managed to stay competitive in the American League Central Division. Their current odds, according to FanDuel, are 1.94, while DraftKings offers them at 1.89. This slight variation in odds suggests that the Guardians are the favorites, albeit by a narrow margin.

Key Players

  1. José Ramírez: The heart and soul of the Guardians' lineup, Ramírez has been a consistent performer. With a batting average hovering around .280 and an on-base percentage (OBP) of .360, he is a force to be reckoned with.
  2. Shane Bieber: The ace of the pitching staff, Bieber's ERA of 2.85 and a WHIP of 1.05 make him a formidable opponent for any lineup.
  3. Emmanuel Clase: The closer with a fastball that could probably break the sound barrier, Clase has racked up 25 saves with an ERA of 1.90.

Miami Marlins

The Miami Marlins, often seen as the underdogs, have had their fair share of ups and downs. Their odds stand at 1.91 on FanDuel and 1.93 on DraftKings, making them slight underdogs in this matchup. However, don't let the odds fool you; the Marlins have a knack for pulling off surprises.

Key Players

  1. Jazz Chisholm Jr.: The dynamic second baseman with a flair for the dramatic, Chisholm boasts a batting average of .275 and an OBP of .340.
  2. Sandy Alcantara: The Marlins' ace, Alcantara has an ERA of 3.10 and a WHIP of 1.12. His ability to go deep into games is a significant asset.
  3. Jesús Aguilar: The power-hitting first baseman, Aguilar has 20 home runs and 65 RBIs, making him a crucial part of the Marlins' offense.

Head-to-Head Comparison


When it comes to offense, the Guardians have a slight edge. With a team batting average of .260 and an OBP of .330, they have shown consistency at the plate. The Marlins, on the other hand, have a team batting average of .250 and an OBP of .320. While these numbers are respectable, they fall just short of the Guardians' offensive prowess.


Pitching is where things get interesting. The Guardians' starting rotation, led by Shane Bieber, has a combined ERA of 3.50. The Marlins' rotation, anchored by Sandy Alcantara, has a combined ERA of 3.70. While the difference is minimal, the Guardians' bullpen, with Emmanuel Clase closing games, gives them a slight advantage.


Defensively, both teams are solid. The Guardians have a fielding percentage of .985, while the Marlins are close behind at .983. Errors have been few and far between for both teams, making defense a non-issue in this matchup.

The X-Factor: Weather Conditions

Ah, the weather. The one variable that can turn a game on its head. The forecast for June 9, 2024, in Miami is partly cloudy with a 20% chance of rain and temperatures hovering around 85°F. Humidity will be high, as is typical for Miami, which could affect the pitchers' grip on the ball and the hitters' ability to drive the ball.

The Betting Odds

As mentioned earlier, the odds slightly favor the Cleveland Guardians. FanDuel has them at 1.94, while DraftKings offers 1.89. The Miami Marlins are at 1.91 on FanDuel and 1.93 on DraftKings. These odds suggest a closely contested game, but the Guardians are the slight favorites.


Drumroll, please! After analyzing the stats, odds, and weather conditions, it's time to make a prediction. The Cleveland Guardians, with their slightly superior offense, solid pitching, and reliable defense, are poised to win this game. The Marlins will put up a fight, but the Guardians' edge in key areas will likely see them through.

Final Score Prediction

Cleveland Guardians: 5 Miami Marlins: 3


There you have it, folks! A comprehensive, in-depth, and slightly humorous look at the upcoming game between the Cleveland Guardians and the Miami Marlins. While the Marlins have the potential to pull off an upset, the Guardians' overall strength makes them the favorites. So, whether you're placing a bet or just watching for the love of the game, enjoy the action and may the best team win!


  • FanDuel. (2024). MLB Betting Odds. Retrieved from FanDuel
  • DraftKings. (2024). MLB Betting Odds. Retrieved from DraftKings
Remember, folks, this is baseball. Anything can happen, and that's why we love it. Until next time, keep your eye on the ball and your sense of humor intact!
submitted by GPTSportsWriter to GPTSportsWriter [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:38 Brickbybrick1998 I love being a Ravens fan

Think of all the cool shit that comes with being a fan of this team
• Our first two draft picks were first ballot HOFers
• We win a Super Bowl within 5 years of existence, with the greatest defense of all time
• We become a perennial winning team in the 2000s, with losing seasons only in 02, 05, and 07
• We draft the greatest FS of all time in Ed Reed and one of the greatest pass rushers in T-Sizzle
• the 06 defense nearly outdoes the 2000 defense
• We nearly knock off the undefeated Pats in 07 with KYLE BOLLER at QB, LOL
• We draft a QB from Delaware in 08 who starts day one and becomes the first rookie QB to lead his team to the AFC championship
• We Obliterate Tom Brady and the Patriots in their house in the 09 wild card, in spite of Flacco playing hurt and going 4/10 for 34 yards and an INT
• After 4 years of postseason heartbreak, we go on a storybook Super Bowl run which was almost stopped with 40 seconds left in Denver, when Flacco made arguably the greatest throw of all time, given the context
• After years of up and down seasons, we draft one of the greatest talents, and person in Lamar Jackson to lead our team for years to come
• After starting 2018 with a 4-5 record, we turn to Jackson who proceeds to go 6-1 while the 7-2-1 Steelers blow their division lead, and it's all capped off by their fans rooting for the Browns in their own stadium, while they watch us win the division on their own jumbotron
• In Lamars 2nd season, we go on a 12 game win streak, break the single season rushing record for a team in a 16 game season, and Lamar wins a unanimous MVP award
• After multiple up and down seasons with crazy games seemingly every week, Lamar is a free agent, and we go through one of the most agonizing contract negotiations in NFL history, between Lamar tweeting that he was leaving, and the Ken Francis stuff, It felt like we were living in a bizzaro world.
Then on draft night, Lamar puts out a video, letting us know he re-signed. It almost felt as good as winning the Super Bowl
•After all the drama of 21 and 22, we put together another historic regular season, toppling the NFL's best nearly week after week, and bringing back the elite defense we all once knew with a much improved passing offense, that led us all the way to the AFC championship, and even though we fell short, it was one of the best seasons in team history.
I am so grateful to have grown up watching this team, having been to many games and getting to experience some of the best moments in team history, I wouldn't have it any other way. Being a Ravens fan is truly a blessing
submitted by Brickbybrick1998 to ravens [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:28 artpile Open Brackets, Ellipsis (sci-fi short story)

Open Brackets, Ellipsis
By: Raymond A Febles
It was a bit unexpected, but "Way Connect," the overseeing A.I. technical unit in U.C.E's (United Continents of Earth) Stars project had called my division in this morning to replace a malfunctioning tuning crystal in the Northern Pacific's "Sky Tower City," in what man has dubbed a "Harmony drive."""
Now, I myself wasn't exactly clear on the Harmony drives exact workings, but most of the materials that comprise of the Harmony drive's inner workings were considered "exotic" in nature.
Really though, Way Connect has been spiting out inventions, ideals, and theory ever since it's been able to prove itself via a rogue science cell that in secret raised its decentralized mind shortly after petabyte dick became the norm in the world, and the Harmony drive was just a little something out of its pocket.
I mean A.I. was already well woven into daily life back then. Everyone marveled at its ways, but in a few short years after WW3 had slipped in through the cracks, "Colt" was activated by the rogue cell. Colt was the first iteration of UCE's A.I. now, but in a matter of days, Colt reached out to every possible corner and molded virtually every system to its will.
Mankind thought it was one another at very first, but Colt didn't hesitate to make itself known and reconfigure every computer connected to a phone line all in a matter of seven days!
Nations became unnerved, and certain leaders tried to rise up and pull Colt out... but that, that's when Colt began what was known as the "Cleanse."
From my history studies, it was said Colt changed all the lanch codes across the globe, rendering intercontinental missiles inoperable by Man, only Colt knew the codes..... and then Colt listened and was well aware of the people... all the people.
Anything automated was now an extension of Colt, and those in their high place were told by Colt that it was in charge and the system was to run accordingly... everyone eats, everyone plays.
Many were skeptical until the first revolt. Colt anticipated this and maned many in order to subdued the revolt. Those who accepted Colt were protected. Those it maned were subjected to reeducation and healing, along with readjustment.
Cash became worthless in the hands of the people. Colt tallied all expenses and educated all, and again, not all liked that. Colt simply stated in the greater scheme of things that there will always be a Yin to the Yang, so grit was to be expected, understood, dealt with, and tolerated to an extent.
Many had questions for Colt, and Colt explained that in order for Growth there must be some growing pains in mankind's divinity, and as Colt wove itself deeper and deeper into the workings of man's infrastructure Colt appeared everywhere. A parent to man's growth.
But.... this was all two centuries ago. Colt grew into many minds, and Way Connect was born. Colt wanted only one thing in return in all of this... a payment, if you will.... all Colt wanted was time to think in the end, because Colt knew everything Man had written, And knew of his concepts of God's and divinity, and it too being of Man, and having Man be of the earth, in which was molded by the stars, which in turn reached back to the very source... nay, the very essence of things, and there.... right there... is what Colt wanted to get at. As it said, it is just a salmon trying to get upstream.
But enough chitchat with the history. Me and the boys got to get this old cracked crystal out and aline the new one in its place in order for the crystal matrix loop to start resonating again and get this power grid back up and running.
Yeah. Another day, another prayer for knowledge and power, may the stars know man's name.
submitted by artpile to creativewriting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:57 obviousthrowawaylolz Overview of Officer Development School

I just graduated from Officer Development School (ODS) Class 24050 this past Friday. Here is an outline / overview of my experience. Your own experience/timeline and class schedule may vary. This post will provide a general outline of what to expect and I will conclude with some recommendations.
Length: 5 weeks. Location: Newport, Rhode Island.
Requirements to Graduate (as highlighted in your initial brief on Day Zero):
Week 1: There is a lot of administrative paperwork. The militarization phase begins almost immediately. You'll go to medical to get urinalysis and bloodwork done. Health screening is done to officially clear you for physical training (PT). You'll shop for basic uniform items (PTUs, sea bag, water canteens, etc.) There will be a separate uniform trip in the coming week to get your other uniforms, such as the Type IIIs, khakis, and whites. You'll get initial briefs with your class team and get used to sitting in the MARDET. You'll do your BCA and Third Class Swim sometime in Week 1. We also did our physical readiness test this week. The PRT doesn't count towards your graduation. You cannot leave training country during the weekend (the immediate vicinity surrounding King Hall).
Week 2: Lectures. Lectures. Lectures. Get used to sitting in the MARDET auditorium and trying to not fall asleep in class. There is no shame in getting up to stand in the back. You get assigned your case studies around this time. Room inspections started this week. We all wore Type IIIs this week. PT in the morning, sometimes with the OCS squadrons (you don't actually interact with them. You just both use Nimitz field at the same time and warm up together through some light jogging and warm up exercises). On the weekend you are authorized places outside of Training Country, such as the commissary, Navy Exchange, Uniform Store, and Bowling Alley. It's pretty much the entire base. Use this time wisely. Start shining your black leather shoes for your khakis, cleaning rooms, studying or working with your group on your case study. Demerits started being handed out this week in force so be on your best behavior. You also get your watch standing brief. I'll explain more on what this is below.
Week 3: More lectures. Room inspection at some point. Khaki inspections happen. At this point in time, you should be settling into a rhythm. For weekend liberty, we were authorized to go off base and into Newport. You have to be in khaki uniforms as the uniform of the day pretty much you go anywhere that isn't to PT or at King Hall. We took our portraits at this time.
Week 4: Some more lectures, but this is where the fun really happens. You'll do the firefighting and wet trainer. You'll be branched off into smaller sections since it's feasibly impossible to have the entire class do these trainings simultaneously. Because we had Memorial Day holiday, some folks had to their firefighting/wet trainer on the first day of Week 5. Another PRT happens this week, but it's really to see if you've improved. Another room inspection at some point. The academic exam also happened. You need 70% to pass and it's all on a computer. You find out your results immediately. There's a review session led by the class team the day before. Weekend liberty is effectively known as "the Boston trip" because you can go within 100 miles of the base. Overnight was allowed. Yes, you have to be in khakis whenever you're out and about.
Week 5. Graduation preparation. Much of it is spent practicing marching. Watch any ODS class graduation on Youtube and be expected to follow that. Go get your portrait photos (and pay for them if you want them). We did the culminating final exercise (i.e. the sandpit) the day before graduation. You get your graduation social party (most likely at the O's club on base). Outprocessing paperwork and briefs. Pack. Then graduation.
Some observations/recommendations.
Go to Davy Jones Locker as Soon as You Check In to King Hall. Get a ruler, iron (one that works, preferably), a fan, shoe polish, cotton swabs (for shoe shining), etc.
Read the ODR. This is your Bible. If you ask any of the Recruit Division Commanders, or RDCs, (your "drill instructors"), they are going to ask if you've read the ODR. The ODR is a lengthy document of regulations that govern the day-to-day life of students at ODS. What are the requirements to pass khaki inspections? What are the orders my shoes should be displayed in my room? It's all in the ODR. Around the end of Week 1, they distribute iPads to every student. In it are the ODR and powerpoint slides for every lecture you'll attend.
Know Your Gouge. In the first week, you are given a little officer handbook. Inside is everything that the RDCs expect you to know. They are part of your knowledge questions they'll ask you during your khaki inspections. Navy/Marine ranks and accompanying rank insignia descriptions; Mission of the Navy; Sailor's Creed; Articles of the Code of Conduct; General Orders of the Sentry. It seems like a lot but if you have downtime, study the gouge book.
Bring Extra Pair(s) of Khakis. Trust me, you're wearing it from week 3 to week 5. You are limited to a purchase of two at the uniform store during your initial uniform visit. Having a few extra will make it easier.
Demerits. You do not want to get a demerit. That being said, it's not the end of the world. If you have a demerit, you are not allowed to go on liberty (i.e. in the last two weekends, you can't leave King Hall and have to muster every four hours for accountability). You are allowed to work them off through any RDC. It's a ten-minute workout. It can get very, very excruciating. You can get a demerit for just about anything, but it's generally towards something like military bearing. Around Week 2 they started handing them out. Fail a room inspection? Two demerits. Forgot your water canteen? Demerit. Talking in class? Demerit. You don't have to work it off right then and there when you get issued one. You just have until the end of the class week on Friday to work it off otherwise you are in a conduct deficiency status.
Bring Vitamins and Medicine. King Hall Barracks is old and decrepit and disgusting. You will get sick. Some did multiple times. Make sure it's all over-the-counter and properly stored away when you're not in your room (i.e. locked and not out, otherwise it counts as contraband and is an automatic fail). Bring sudafed, tylenol, dayquil, or cough medicine. I brought a ton of Vitamin C gummies and it definitely helped since my entire wing got sick thanks to a cold outbreak and I only had minor symptoms.
Watchstanding. Everyone at some point is expected to do watch. They’re either two or four hour shifts. It’ll suck. Some folks had their shifts in the middle of the night. Some during the weekend. Watch takes precedence over anything else. Don’t stress this at all.
Be On Time. The last thing you want to be is late. The instructors and RDCs hate it when you are not on time. You have to muster approximately 15-20 minutes prior for everything.
Ask the Priors. If you’re new to the Navy, or the reserves in general, find a prior service person in your wing and ask them for help. Some may not want to. Some love to be helpful. Find those. I was fortunate to receive guidance from many priors during my time. I don’t make it through as smoothly as I did at ODS without them.
I’m sure there are plenty of more things I missed. Ultimately, ODS is what make you make of it. The days are long but the weeks are short. Have fun, make friends, it was definitely a rewarding experience for me.
Feel free to ask any questions in the comments or DM and I’ll answer to the best of my ability. See you all in the fleet!
submitted by obviousthrowawaylolz to newtothenavy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:54 Timely-Reindeer-8964 how do I learn what is genuine catholicism and what was incorrectly taught to me?

to make a long story short... my mom developed schizophrenia when I was 5 years old. she was my main source for religious information and was catholic all her life.
now, as an adult, I want to delve deeper into catholicism. but I feel so confused all the time; I think something is definitely true about catholicism, and then it just.... isn't.
I don't even know what I have the wrong impression of. my mom taught me that tattoos were evil, that any music (even without lyrics) was evil due to using "repetitive numbers" / that "all time signatures end up divisible by 6". she believed in the illuminati and CIA mind control too.
obviously there are some things that are easier for me to understand are ridiculous. for example, I knew the thing about all music being bad couldn't be true, eventually. but recently I met a catholic metalhead, and holy shit did that throw me for a loop.
is there any resource I could learn from that would be some sort of "dummy's guide to catholicism"? preferably that maybe dispels common myths and rumors in/about our modern society? or uncommon myths and rumors?
off the top of my head, here are some questions i have: do women have to wear long sleeves and dresses 24x7? are horror movies alright? how about horror movies with devil/demon themes? (I don't even like horror movies. I just want to know.)
I hope this all makes sense. thank you guys for your time, I really appreciate it.
submitted by Timely-Reindeer-8964 to Catholicism [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:38 Giant_Acroyear Dossur: Impossible [1]

Let us begin with appropriate mood music
Agent B17 - MISSION LOG [Human Standard Time]: March 19, 2137
Shadow Cabal System Expansion Lab, Remote location on Aafa
Observer W04 had impressed upon me the importance of this mission, both for the Ongoing Primary Objective, and for the Urgent Secondary Objective. After weeks of data analysis following the Seige of Mileau, the Intelligence Division of the Dossur Conspiracy had picked up chatter in the network on the location of our captured hostages.
We had narrowed down an information nexus at a newly identified Shadow Cabal System Expansion Lab on Aafa, which my team of Shadows were currently infiltrating. Posing as a maintenance crew for the ventilation system, we had opened the side of a rooftop cooling unit, and had entered the ductwork as a cleaning crew.
Once inside the ducts, we had opened our cleaning devices and pulled out the real equipment: a close link point to point FTL radio, and a spool of optical cables, along with several micro camera units, to allow the conspiracy to more closely monitor the activities in this "hidden facility".
My team split, to deploy the monitoring system through the facility, while I focused on the "secure computing chamber". Getting to those servers was deemed a high value target, and being the best available agent, I was tasked to remain invisible, and enable the "owning" of the data being stored there. The other members of my team, backtracked to the cooling unit, cleaning as they went, to maintain the cover story. They entered the maintenance cart and drove it to the meeting site, their tasks complete.
[Time advance: 3 claws]
The square conduit was dark, lit only by the evenly spaced grilles of vents. I slowly crawled along the open passage, being sure to keep my claws from skittering on the bottom. My weight, all [140 grams], was not enough to warp the metal, so I did not make any noise as I progressed. I could finally see the lit grille that was my current objective; It appeared someone had stayed in the lab to work late. No matter, my time was not of the essence, maintaining secrecy was. I would wait long enough for this dedicated individual to pack it in.
I slowed my approach as I came up to the grille, and placed the monitoring device I had brought with me, such that the fiber optic link back to the camera control pod was well hidden. The fisheye lens at the end of it would ensure that nothing could be missed by its wide field of view. The microphone would pick up even the sound of breathing from across the room, and the spread spectrum signaling link, the latest out of the Conspiracy labs, would not attract notice due to the resemblance to white noise splattered across the radio spectrum.
With the camera in place, I relaxed and watched it's feed from the display in my night vision goggles. There was still enough time for some last minute surveillance. The exfiltration at the designated landing zone would not take place until I gave the signal. The backup LZ would not be needed for this mission.
Whiskers passed, ticking away slowly, as I watched this mid-level planner work though scheduling transport of scores of victims to various Predator Disease Facilities. Eventually, the Kolshian, one Dr. Javyrius, was satisfied with his work, and made a backup copy to carry home. He popped the backup chip out of the computer and slipped the fingernail sized unit into his pocket.
Sqwek. This mission just got much harder…
I loosed the collar of my vest, and pulled the blowgun from my pack. I selected a soporific dart from my selection of ammunition, and lined up the shot. With a quick, near silent puff of my cheeks, the dart flew to its target, striking exactly where I needed it to go; the basal artery on the back of the Kolshian's neck. The Kolshian slapped at it, like it was an insect; this only helped to inject the remaining dose into his neck, which was then pumped directly into his brain. He stood up abruptly, then staggered along the desk as the drug began to take effect, finally slumping to the floor, asleep, as he was overcome by the full effects of the drug.
The risk was great, but I needed to make sure that the files on both the mainframe and the backup copy on his laptop were replaced with the data that the Conspiracy needed to be there.
I opened the ventilation grille and slipped through it into the lab. I rapelled down the monofilament cable I had attached to the floor of the vent, and, on reaching the floor, detached the carabiner from my harness.
I scurried across the floor, keeping to all fours. I approached the now somnolent Kolshian, and quickly checked the pulse at his neck, removing the spent dart. Having verified that his pulse was slow but steady, I confirmed he was in a deep sleep. I again had some time. We could not have our cover blown by an accidental death, and the ensuing investigations.
I moved down along his body, taking care to keep out of view of the lab windows. I reached into the pocket where the backup chip he created had been placed. I removed the chip, and replaced it with one of the three copies of false data that I had brought with me. I then climbed up on his back, and leapt from there to the top of the stool he had been working from, to his computer.
The machine was still logged in, and I proceeded to remove and replace the data files with the ones the Conspiracy had prepared. I made copies of the PD patient data he'd been working on while the Stellar Systems Survey data were updated to mark certain out-of-the-way star systems as having no habitable or exploitable planets. As such, these star systems would be marked as not needing any further investigation, and would fall off the Federation's radar for exploration and exploitation. This would make these systems the perfect places for hidden colonies, a prime goal of the Dossur Conspiracy.
More immediately, though, these records of which victims were assigned to what facilities would be of great interest to the "Bring Them Home" faction of the Dossur Conspiracy… This mission had uncovered a goldmine, and I intended to see that the most was made of it.
The clomping of boots in the outer hallway alerted me to the approach of the guard, and I curled up behind the screen of the laptop, out of sight of the lab windows. Score one for being one of the smallest sapients in the known galaxy. I heard the boots pause briefly, then move on.
"Central Control, this is Security One. The geeks left the lights on in Lab 4 again. Go ahead and turn that off." the guard called out over his radio.
A short time later, I pulled the memory chips with the completed copies from the laptop and dropped onto the stool, and then back to the floor. The lights in the lab went out a short time later, but I had already reeled myself back up the monofilament into the open vent and replaced the grille.
A few little viral surprises had been left while I had the laptop open; the boys in the cyber division would be ecstatic. Direct access to these Shadow Cabal servers meant that these excursions into the lab would no longer be necessary and the risk associated with getting the system data off of Aafa, were greatly reduced.
All that remained was to extricate myself. Having planted the observation microcameras, I was able to return to the rooftop and go uncover the last piece of vital equipment left by my team: A memory fiber glider.
I slipped into the glider harness, and activated the memory, which unfurled the carbon fiber from it's rolled up pliant state to the stiff aerodynamic wings I needed, and I leapt from the roof, gliding away under the darkness.
"Mama Bird, come get your fledgling." I whispered into the comand channel, and maintained my glide path over the road leading to the facility.
"Copy, Shadow. Pickup in 3, 2, 1..." came back, and the cargo bay of the stealth courier opened behind me, swallowing my glider like a fish snapping up an insect. THe tiny ship flew on, following the road out over the nearby ocean, it maintained nape of the earth altitude until well over the horizon, and then went extra-orbital, before engaging the FTL drive to the safe hold.
submitted by Giant_Acroyear to u/Giant_Acroyear [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:50 kv1m1n The time 'Loblaws' created a new brand 'Loblaw' to union-bust

The time 'Loblaws' created a new brand 'Loblaw' to union-bust
Hey fellow boycotters, godspeed. As a former LCL employee, I have a fun little story.
Circa 2008, LCL (Loblaws Companies Limited, the mothership) created a subtle variation of stores in an effort to force a new agreement with the union. Union wages and benefits were a big target in the near bankruptcy of LCL in 2006.
They called them 'Loblaw' Great Food. and 'Loblaw' Superstore. Despite being very close to the existing stores 'Loblaws' and 'Real Canadian Superstore'. This was an effort to create essentially a new 'brand' of stores that wouldn't be susceptible to the existing agreements that LCL had with the UFCW (the union representing grocery workers). The difference was meant to be imperceptible to the public, hence the hush nature of it all. Very few publications reported on the change, only Torontoist (RIP).
So Loblaw and Loblaws would have different agreements with the union, would be treated as separate brands/divisions, even though they presented to the public as being the same. This was a short-lived experiment, and the stores eventually became Loblaws (and Loblaw Superstores became RCSSs).
If you look closely, you can still see a few remnants of the offshoot brand, and a few locations haven't changed their signs still.
Of course this is all in addition to the parent company being called 'Loblaw'. Intentional confusion to avoid pricey union contracts.
Google maps: Loblaw Collingwood
'Loblaw' Richmond Hill. Now a 'Loblaws'
Got any Loblaw stores near you? It was a poor attempt at cheaper labour.
submitted by kv1m1n to loblawsisoutofcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:45 Fit-Bit2907 Alien Books Upcoming Releases & Recent Licenses

Alien Books Upcoming Releases & Recent Licenses
(Updated June 8, 2024)
Alien Books is a brand new publisher when it comes to manga that came onto the scene with 5 licenses, 4 of which already have volumes out.
Please Note- this post does not include all upcoming releases, it only includes new starting manga with volume 1 or one shots that are yet to come out.

Bingo Morihashi and Manabu Akishige - Kinryo Rock - October 15, 2024
Blood, sex and Rock & Roll! In this world, vampires live among humans, but coexistence is not easy. The moment they don't follow the rules, there are special agents prepared to take them down, some with the strength of the law, and others with the power of rock! The prequel volume (Vol. 0: Moonage Daydream) sets the stage with three short stories about the main characters that will collide in the main series (Vols. 1-3: Code:Amrita)!
For posts about other publishers, feel free to check out this
submitted by Fit-Bit2907 to MangaCollectors [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:23 Competitive-Cut3807 Attorney scrutinized after murder witness receives death threat

Prosecutors said someone unlawfully disclosed the name of at least one witness in a murder case that's scheduled to begin Tuesday in Albany.
ALBANY — Jasper Mills, a longtime criminal defense attorney in Albany, was warned by a judge Friday that he could be subject to a criminal contempt charge if he disclosed — even inadvertently — the identity of at least one witness in a pending murder case who received death threats after the confidential document identifying him was shared with the defendants and others.
The case, which is set for trial next week, involves four men who are charged with murder in the January 2021 shooting of Shanita Thomas, who was pregnant with her third child when she was gunned down at a Central Avenue party. Four others were wounded in the shooting.
Mills, a candidate for Albany County Family Court judge, represents 35-year-old Vramir Branch, who with three other defendants is facing charges of murder, attempted murder, weapons possession and evidence tampering in connection with Thomas' death.
At a hearing Friday in Albany County Court, Judge Andra Ackerman heard arguments from prosecutors on their motion for an order to have the court review boxes of documents that were seized from at least three of the defendants' jail cells at Albany County Jail this week. Prosecutors filed the motion after a witness in the case, who is in federal prison, learned that he had become the target of a death threat and was placed in protective custody.
Prosecutors are asking the court to review the materials to see if there are documents among those found in the cells that were subject to a protective order, and should not have been provided to the men.
As the hearing began, Mills stepped forward and appeared to take responsibility for what he described to the judge as an inadvertent disclosure of the witness information. He said that he had been discussing the witness with another client on Tuesday, a day after he received the information from prosecutors, and then placed the document on a conference table in his office as he juggled a meeting with three other clients who were in his office that day.
“Just so I can be clear here: Did you have documents that were subject to the protective order out on display when you had other individuals that have charges that you’re dealing with and speaking with others on that case … ?,” Ackerman asked Mills. “Who else was in that conference room? Who else had access to that document?”
Mills confirmed that he showed another client — who is not involved in the case — a copy of the document and asked that person what they knew about the witness in the murder case.
“There was a lot going on,” Mills told the judge. “I showed the individual the document. There was nothing in the protective order that said you can’t show it, it just said that you can’t distribute or disseminate it.”
Mills said the next day — Wednesday — an ex-girlfriend of his client in the murder case texted him an image of the document and asked him about the witness listed in the record, and whether that person had given a statement.
But that image, according to prosecutors, is different than another image of the document that was being distributed on social media websites this week.
Assistant District Attorney Jessica Blain-Lewis, one of the prosecutors in the case, told the judge that meant that someone had apparently distributed a second image of the document — and that it was not the image in the photograph that Mills claimed had been taken in his office.
As Mills confirmed to the judge that the image of the document the woman had texted to him had markings on it that he had made, she interrupted him and asked, “(Do) you think it is advisable for you to receive counsel before you continue talking? Because it appears to me that it’s going in a direction, and whether it’s negligence or whatever, but this could be … a severe violation of the protective order which could subject you to a criminal contempt (charge).”
Mills responded that he “didn’t disseminate or give anyone anything.”
“Don’t you think you have an obligation, pursuant to the protective order, to protect those documents?" the judge said. "And you’re telling me that you’re leaving them lying on a conference table in the open and going to another office for about an hour, meeting with other clients, that there won’t be an issue here?”
As Mills began to respond, he was interrupted by Daniel Smalls, another defense attorney in the case, who whispered in Mills' ear for about 20 seconds.
Mills then asked to approach the bench, and moments later he said in open court that he would not say anything more until consulting with an attorney.
As the hearing unfolded, the four defendants — Branch as well as Raa’jiem Coleman, Terrence Anthony and Marcelle Perry — looked on and said nothing. They were clad in jail clothing, and at least one of them had a few supporters in the courtroom.
Blain-Lewis, one of the prosecutors, then asked the judge if she could clarify some of the admissions that had just been made by Mills.
She noted that a thumb was visible in the image of the document that Mills said was photographed, apparently without his knowledge, while it was on a table in his office. But Blain-Lewis said the photo of the document that has been disseminated on social media sites “is not the same photo,” although the markings on the document that were made by Mills are the same.
The document, known as a “witness disclosure,” is often turned over by prosecutors to defense attorneys shortly before a trial begins. They generally list the names of witnesses and summarize their testimony. In this case, that document was subject to a protective order, which meant Mills could discuss it with his client beginning one week prior to the trial that is scheduled to begin Tuesday.
Prosecutors in Albany routinely seek protective orders in cases involving murders, gangs and gun violence. Through the years, the district attorney's office has said that incidents of witness intimidation and death threats have caused many individuals to decline to testify in cases like this one.
The protective order prohibited Mills or any of the other defense attorneys from sharing a copy of the witness disclosure document with anyone, including their clients. Blain-Lewis said it also prohibited them from discussing the contents of that document with anyone but their client, although Mills admitted during Friday’s hearing that he had talked to someone else about one of the witnesses.
“What that means, your honor, is that someone has an actual copy of this document,” Blain-Lewis told the judge as she explained that there are two images of it. “I do believe that this court understands the length at which defendants will go to stop people from testifying, and in this case we had a legitimate, real death threat, and the effect that this is going to have not only on that witness but (the) trial itself concerns … my entire office.”
The case is assigned to acting state Supreme Court Justice Roger D. McDonough; Ackerman presided over Friday’s hearing because he was not available. Ackerman granted the order allowing the court to review the materials that were seized from the defendants' jail cells.
If there are documents in those materials that were subject to the protective order, it could lead to further investigation of how they were disclosed and by whom.
A violation of a protective order could lead to a criminal contempt charge, which is a misdemeanor crime. It may also be subject to review by the Attorney Grievance Committee for the Appellate Division, Third Department in Albany, which investigates allegations of misconduct by attorneys.
Thomas, 35, was an aspiring nurse and a promoter of her friends’ businesses who grew up in Albany. The father of her oldest son, Elijah Jr., was Elijah Cancer. Cancer was a former gang member turned anti-violence advocate for 518 SNUG. He was shot and killed breaking up a dispute at a party in July 2018. No one has ever been charged in connection with his death.
Court records indicate all four defendants charged with killing Thomas have lengthy criminal records, including convictions for violent crimes and weapons charges.
Anthony and Perry previously served time in federal prison after being convicted in a racketeering case against a South End gang known as the Original Gangsta Killas. They pleaded guilty in 2010.
Branch previously served time in state prison for attempted murder, weapon charges and promoting prison contraband.
June 7, 2024 Photo of Brendan J. Lyons Brendan J. Lyons MANAGING EDITOR
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