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Software As a Service Companies — The Future Of Tech Businesses

2008.07.31 23:06 Software As a Service Companies — The Future Of Tech Businesses

Discussions and useful links for SaaS owners, online business owners, and more.

2011.06.17 20:49 tmixlogs Houseplants

A community focused on the discussion, care, and well-being of houseplants!

2018.07.13 07:58 Cobaltjedi117 Intentionally bad User Interfaces

Welcome to badUIbattles! This community is for intentionally bad UI design!

2024.06.10 08:05 DonComadreja Trying to find the name of this rom-com.

So all I have is that its kind of old, one of the main plot points is that A man places an ad in the paper for a romantic partner to marry but specifies that no sex as he believes he can make the marriage work with anyone as long as they are on the same page of no sex. A woman who is made to appear not "conventionally" attractive sees the ad and is interested, they meet and she agrees, at some point they move in together but she is the one that begins to desire him and movie ensues. Additionally, I have a list of films that chat GPT has suggested already that are NOT correct, if it helps to eliminate the possibilities.
submitted by DonComadreja to whatisthatmovie [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:03 desrosierss I got fired from my job and was never told why.

for context, you can see my previous post
TLDR: I was a waitress at a hibachi restaurant for three weeks, two of which I was training. I then got texted by my manager who fired me over text with zero explanation today.
I posted a few weeks ago in this subreddit about how I feel I’m being mistreated by my manager who treated me differently due to my autism. And no, I don’t mean in the “accommodation” way, I mean as in she found ways to call me an idiot without outright saying it.
Every day I came in she had something new to say to me and nitpicked my behavior and made me so anxious to even go into work. She also sported favoritism with a teenager (who is the same age as her son may I add) who could do whatever she wanted, including ignoring customers and giving bad service, so she could hang out with the manager all day.
Today, my final day and my third week of working there. Now, every day I would make some sort of small mistake that could easily be fixed in the computer. My mistakes would be different every day yet she would claim “I told you this a thousand times” when no had informed me. My training week was a disaster and the server who trained me the best, using hands on “throw to the sharks” type of training which is what I said to begin with that is the best way I learned. I learned most of what we did at the job because of him. He was very kind to me as well.
But it seemed since day one, I assume cause I didn’t treat the manager like a queen, but a person deserving of politeness and professionalism, she did not like me. I believe she only hired me because the owner was my regular customer at my previous job, who told me to come to his job.
Yesterday, I was yelled at for doing a customer request. We have plastic cups and he requested glass, we have chilled glasses for beer so I gave the gentlemen at the table those glasses. I had done this before and no one corrected me, but my manager came up to me to yell at me about how we don’t use glasses. I told her “he asked me to” that I was just obeying his request. She huffed, saying “Fine just finish it since you already started.” Because of this, with my nerves wracking my hands shook and the beer overflowed . She then told me that he wouldn’t want it anymore and that I have to pay for the beer since it was wasted. I explained to the table I couldn’t do this anymore cause I got in trouble and they were confused and upset. My manager was already rude to them prior. Because ? I assume because they were talkative towards me… I don’t know.
Then, today, I got in trouble and was accused of stealing a customers credit card. I’ve never stolen money in my entire life, nor have I ever lost someone’s card before. When I set the ticket book that contained the man’s card on her desk, she snapped again and told me “I’ll cash it out but I’m not putting it up for you.” I responded annoyed with the fact “there’s a card in there. It has to be paid for.” (Note: she never taught me how to use the cash register and claimed she would eventually) Apparently there was a whole in the ticket book that the card was accidentally placed into. Now for the next ten minutes we all searched for this man’s cards but no one found it until after he left. The man was very understanding and even still tipped me with a different card after I apologized. And after my manager made a slick comment about how “our servers are supposed to pay attention, to stop things like this from happening. Or you know, someone stealing.”
She watched the cameras for the next two hours with her teen girl favorite to figure out what happened. Eventually the card was found and it was inside the ticket book all along but I was still blamed for it!
Later on this day I was so nervous due to this that I convinced myself I fucked up a customers order on the computer which I didn’t even. I asked a coworker if she could ask the manager to fix it and she told the manager while I walked in that I was too nervous/scared to tell her. My manager replied “as she should be.”
And then, I was sent home once the side of the restaurant I was on closed down. I thought other than the card thing today, I did good. I pushed myself to believe that I won’t always be the new guy and eventually another new person will get the negative attention. That I won’t be treated as subhuman anymore.
But after I left I got a text where she told me I was fired. I asked why but she never answered.
I’ve never been fired before and ever hours later of processing this I still have no idea what I did wrong. Small mistakes like the computer (which I wasn’t trained well on) and I guess thinking as a restaurant were allowed the use glass cups if a customer requests it. But for working there for only three weeks I still don’t know. It feels really early to give up on an employee. I’m also upset because I was very friendly with the owner when he was MY customer and when I confronted him that I was worried about my job as I was threatened with being fired, he told me I had nothing to worry about. And then he lets her fire me.
I’ve been told it’s their loss, that I never had a customer complaint while working there. And that she just hated me for some unknown reason.
I still don’t know what I did wrong. Was I too autistic? Was it because I didn’t treat her like royalty and just as a person above me? Did I somehow reject the clique and was punished for it? But also, I was hired at the same time as a different girl and she was never treated (from the time I was there) like me. She was treated like a human and with kindness.
Why didn’t I deserve that same treatment?
submitted by desrosierss to autism [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:01 MidnaTwilightform Phone will disconnect from carrier

I just got an unlocked phone from Amazon, a Motorola G Stylus (2023). I think it was originally an AT&T phone, but I was able to take it to a Metro store to transfer my phone number over to the new phone. And it worked, but my phone will sometimes drop service with the carrier, even after attempting some of the troubleshooting tips. It just reconnected again, so I don't know what the actual problem is. My partner is gonna look into it next time we hang, but has anyone had this issue and what would you recommend I do?
submitted by MidnaTwilightform to MetroPCS [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:50 MakarovJAC What if a modern day, First World nation fought a war against a medieval army? The Answer is: Wallmart will save the day.

Just getting ahead of myself. But I believe this scenario is less epic than most people would ever want to admit.
*Also, I'm too lazy to make a video...
Let me explain:
Because of XYZ reasons, a medieval nation get involved in a conflict with a Modern Day nation capable of supplying their army with modern weaponry of the last 30 years.
I don't think I need to explain what would happen if both nations' armies struck each other. Medieval army gets mowed down from far, far, SWEETJESUSLORDWHATKINDOFWITCHCRAFTFROMHELLITSELFISTHIS-far away before they can even shoot back an arrow against them.
Unlike a certain Anime which I despise for being too idiotic on the matter, the medieval army decides to cut their loses, and retreat before unnecessarily losing more manpower to this hellspawns. They retreat with as many troops are still not willing to just leg it and flee into the nearest forest for shelter.
The Medieval kingdom/Empire/etc has recounts of high-standing nobles telling about these monsters which didn't even need to be met upfront to unleash hellfire upon them. So, it's not just "wives' tales" or "drunkard scary stories" going around. Factual evidence in the form of witness accounts by reliable sources (nobles) describe an enemy that can kill before they can even see the enemy face to face.
For the sake of drama, there are numerous anecdotes for flying monsters raining fire upon helpless victims (their troops). Giant bee monsters which can fly around and spit fire that can rip armoured men appart as if made out of paper. Even giant eagle dragons which spew more fire upon lines and lines of soldiers. Only the work of mad wizard could make the ground erupt like volcanoes. But hundreds of men were torn apart by the ground erupting all around them.
Soon after, rumors spread of mercenaries wearing all clothes of the same color. Some argue it's magical fabrics which turn them invisible against the trees. Though, some nobles know about bandits using mud to disguise with the foliage. Yet, some talk about living bushes and trees moving around in the forest. With bright eyes which shine in the dark.
After the incredible encounter, as questions pile up at the King's court, there are more reports of haunted carriages made out of iron, carrying the aforementioned, dressed-alike soldiers. And dragons being spotted all over the kingdom.
But more importantly, the Kingdom's territory seems to be shrinking at inhuman speeds. Towns, cities, etc. All submit to the unnatural invaders.
Some tell tales of said carriages moving faster than horses, letting the alien soldiers take out bandits assaulting settlements. Or they bring hounds and dozens of men with armot which looks like bushes go into the deep forest, hunting for robbers and villains.
The Empire decides to avoid direct confrontation. And to try to send envoys into the relinquished territories to try and cease the aggression by these unnatural creatures.
Meanwhile, the Modern Nation begins exploiting the annexed territories. Engineers and representatives of all the Industrial sector are sent to explore the new regions for exploitable resources.
Representatives of the "Green-Skinned Legion", amongst many other creative names, quickly tally and censor every settlement for their populations, their croops, their products, and their connections.
Not too soon after, there are tales of alchemists and healers going into the towns wearing all white uniforms. Administering potions and fantastic cures to all kinds of deadly ailments, like parasites, stomach diseases, skin conditions, coughs, rot, even bringing back people from the Death.
The Industrial Sector is having a blast by purchasing exploitation rights from their own government. Jobs are created, which helps the government in turn to raise in popularity and ensuring another term in office and parliament.
As the former "invaders", now renamed as "saviors", begin to occupy territories, the Private Sector begins to make use of the the local, backwards people as "cheap labor". Simple tasks are relegated to workers from the occupied settlements. To avoid legal and PR backlash, the exploited locals are introduced to things such as "compensations" and "performance bonuses". Either in spice (food and other goods and services), or respecting their local coin which is now being exposed to simple, uncomplexed Modern Day commodities such as pens, notebooks, ironcast tools and cooking utensils, etc.
As the Medieval people are being introduced to Modern Day wages and working conditions, a new market is openned. And here's where Wallmart comes in.
Walmart manages to obtain rights to operate within the Medieval territories. At first, it's Hell-On-Earth for local businesses. Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Seamstresses, etc. All of them lose their customer base to the "Infinite Market".
Within giant fortresses, the "Infinite Market" has every single product and tool and good any person (in Medieval World) may need. Food which never spoils. Fresh foods on any time of the year. Any kind of tools for their everyday basis. Clothing made afforadable (and sometimes, very short-lived).
The Store Manager is considered to be some kind of Merchant Lord. A man who can get anything. Instead of receiving complaints (at first), they are regarded as the hightest nobilities. Only second to the "Lords" who command the Legion of Wizards and Dragons.
With Walmart dominating the local market, most craftmen become employees of Walmart. Unless they are lucky enough to be contracted by merchants willing to acquire their goods. Which they later charge at inflated prices for being "handicrafted" back at the Modern Day nation.
Now, here you'll ask, what happened with Medieval Kingdom?
Well, things gets quite tumultuous. Medieval Kingdom simply can't beat any immediate encounter with the Modern Day "Realm of Wizards". Any previous attempt to reclaim occupied territories ended in horrible manslaughter. Or shameful defeats.
Merchants are willing more and more to cross the "Borders", as the "Legion of Wizards" calls it, to try and make it big with trade agreements.
Rumors of the "Wizard Kingdom" being literal monsters and abominable creatures are voluntarily spread to try and control the population. So they may not consider the grass is greener on the other side.
Their own economy begins to be infiltrated by the "House Walmart" and "House Great Value" commerce. Newer and more innovative tools and products finds its way into the Medieval Kingdom. Nobles betray allegiance to have easy access to things which once were worth fortunes.
And finally, after months or years of negotiations, the Medieval Kingdom finally agrees to negotiate peace treaties and trade agreements with the Modern Day Nation.
Controversies are denounced within Modern Day Nation, as many consider the Modern Nation politicians took advantage of a far weaker nation to exploit it. But, in the end, it becomes another page in history where a stronger nation takes advantage of a weaker one.
submitted by MakarovJAC to AskHistory [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:38 Significant-Tower146 Best Ford F-150 Grilles

Best Ford F-150 Grilles

Get ready to upgrade the style and performance of your Ford F-150 with the latest grille options on the market. In this article, we've compiled a roundup of the best Ford F-150 grilles to help you find the perfect fit for your truck. From sleek designs to heavy-duty options, these grilles will not only enhance your vehicle's appearance but also provide additional protection on any terrain. Let's dive into the world of Ford F-150 grilles and explore the best options available today.

The Top 18 Best Ford F-150 Grilles

  1. Ford F-150 RedRock Upper Replacement Grille with LED DRL - Experience the ultimate F150 transformation with the F150 RedRock Upper Replacement Grille, boasting forceful styling, LED DRL T569085, and enhanced engine cooling!
  2. Upgrade Your Ford F-150 with a Stylish Double Layer Black Powder Coated Grille - Upgrade your Ford F-150's appearance with this sleek, double-layered laser cut stainless steel grille in a durable black powder coated finish, backed by top-notch customer reviews.
  3. Luxurious 2.5mm Wire Mesh Grille for 2021-2022 Ford F-150 Lariat - Transform your Ford F-150 into a stylish, corrosion-resistant marvel with this 2.5mm high-quality stainless steel 2021-2022 grille, featuring a luxurious chrome finish and easy installation.
  4. ToxicStorm Matte Black Mesh Grille for Ford F-150 F150 2018-2020 with DRL & Turn Signal Lights - Upgrade your Ford F-150 with ToxicStorm's durable Matte Black Mesh Grille, featuring DRL & Turn Signal Lights and 3 Amber LED Lights for an eye-catching, aggressive look.
  5. Black Front F-150 Grille with Satin Finish - Upper Grille - The DNA Motoring Grldm-f150-bk offers a striking black finish and precise fitment for a bold transformation of your Ford Super Duty, elevating its appearance and providing added protection with its vertical fence full ABS front grille.
  6. Ford F-150 Off-Road Armor Grille with LED Lights - Upgrade your Ford F-150's off-road capabilities and style with the AMERICAN MODIFIED Armor Grille, featuring LED lights for enhanced visibility and a durable ABS construction for unmatched durability.
  7. Ford F-150 Raptor Style Grille Replacement - Matte Black - Experience a stylish and durable Raptor Style Grille Mesh Grill for your Ford F-150 2018-2020, featuring DRL & turn signal lights and an easy installation process with no instructions needed.
  8. Upgrade Your 2021-2023 Ford F150 with Raptor Style Mesh Grille and Amber LED Lights - Upgrade your Ford F-150 with the American Modified Raptor Style Front Grille, featuring a predator-like design, increased airflow, LED lights, and durable construction for off-road adventures.
  9. Ford F-150 Customizable Grille Assembly for 2004-2006 Models - Restore your Ford F-150's front end style and protection with this premium, paintable grille assembly, offering hassle-free installation and a variety of high-quality finishes to choose from.
  10. American Modified Armor Grille with LED Off-Road Lights for 2015-2017 Ford F150 - Transform your Ford F-150 into a fully-customized off-road warrior with the AMERICAN MODIFIED Armor Grille - the ultimate combination of aggressive styling, high-quality LED lighting, and durable ABS construction.
  11. High-Quality Paintable Ford F-150 Grille Assembly with Honeycomb Insert - Elevate your Ford F-150's front end with a premium grille assembly, offering hassle-free installation in a variety of high-quality finishes that provide both style and protection.
  12. Stainless Wire Mesh Grille for 2006-2008 Ford F-150 - Upgrade your Ford F-150's appearance with APS's 1.8mm Stainless Wire Mesh Grille, expertly crafted in ISO-9001 certified factories for unmatched durability and style.
  13. Stylish Grille Upgrade for 2005 to 2007 Ford Super Duty F-150 - Upgrade your vehicle's appearance with the DNA Motoring Black Precise Fit Vertical Fence Full ABS Front Grille for 2005 to 2007 Ford Super Duty, offering easy installation, stunning looks, and ultimate protection.
  14. Chrome-Finished Ventilating Ford F-150 Grille Overlay with Mesh Design - Enhance the performance and style of your Ford F-150 with the ABS447 Chrome Upper Grille Overlay, designed to provide ventilation and prevent debris buildup while offering easy installation and a sleek, polished chrome finish.
  15. Stainless Steel Billet Grille Replacement for 1997-1998 Ford F-150/Light F-250/Expedition - Upgrade your 97-98 Ford F-150, Light F-250, or Expedition with the sleek, durable, and UV-resistant black iGrille, providing a stylish alternative to chrome while offering front-end protection.
  16. Ford F-150 Luxury Wire Mesh Grille with Chrome Polished Finish - Upgrade your Ford F-150's style with this 1.8mm stainless-steel wire mesh grille, featuring a polished finish and custom-fit for select models.
  17. American Modified Armor Grille: Off-Road Ready LED Lights for 2004-2008 Ford F150 - Take on any off-road challenge with an aggressive, armored look, thanks to the durable American Modified Armor Grille made specifically for 2004-2008 Ford F150 pickup trucks.
  18. AMERICAN MODIFIED Armor Grille: Durable and Aggressive Front Replacement for Ford F-150 - Transform your Ford F150 with the American Modified Armor Grille, featuring a striking aggressive design, durable ABS construction, and easy installation for off-road adventure and unique style.
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🔗Ford F-150 RedRock Upper Replacement Grille with LED DRL

A few weeks ago, I decided to upgrade my 2006 Ford F-150's front grille with a new RedRock Upper Replacement Grille. The idea of turning my mild-mannered daily driver into a mean off-road machine was too tempting to resist.
As I started the installation process, I noticed the honeycomb design of the grille and the three integrated LED accent lights across the top, giving it quite a unique look. The installation guide that came with it was fairly straightforward, but I found removing the grille surround a bit tricky.
With a few tools and a lot of determination, I managed to complete the installation. The overall style of the grille is pretty striking, and people started noticing my truck right away. However, I have to admit that the visibility improvement wasn't as noticeable as I hoped, considering the LEDs are mounted quite high.
The grille itself feels pretty solid and well-built, which was a pleasant surprise. The only downside was the presence of a few plastic components, which made it feel a bit less rugged than I expected.
All in all, the RedRock Upper Replacement Grille is a stylish choice for Ford F-150 owners looking to add some personality to their vehicle. Just be prepared for a bit of installation frustration and some minor visual trade-offs.

🔗Upgrade Your Ford F-150 with a Stylish Double Layer Black Powder Coated Grille

I recently upgraded my beloved Ford F-150 with a new Sheet Grille, and it's become the talk of the town. This high-quality grille is crafted from a sturdy stainless-steel frame, expertly laser cut into unique patterns that give it a bold look. The grille's durable black powder coating finish not just shines, but it also provides reliable corrosion resistance.
The package arrived with application-specific brackets, hardware, and an installation manual, making it super easy to install. The process is straightforward and doesn't require expert help. My Ford F-150 now boasts a sleek, luxurious appearance, with the added bonus of drawing admiration from fellow car enthusiasts.
However, I should note that the grille doesn't come with a logo or the plastic grille shell. But, since I'm more about the custom touch and durability, I don't mind a bit of extra effort on that end. Overall, I'd say this Sheet Grille is a worthy investment, and the result is truly a head-turner.

🔗Luxurious 2.5mm Wire Mesh Grille for 2021-2022 Ford F-150 Lariat

After installing the APS Wire Mesh Grille on my Ford F-150 Lariat, I was immediately impressed with the overall quality. The 2.5mm woven wire mesh made from 304 stainless steel provides a stylish and durable barrier against corrosion while the solid stainless-steel frame gives it a sturdy, well-polished finish. The installation process was straightforward, and the custom-fit brackets, hardware, and manual made everything easy to handle.
However, there's one thing to consider: the logo, emblem, and plastic grille shell are not included in the package. APS could consider adding those to create a complete, ready-to-install front grille. Nonetheless, this stylish wire mesh grille has significantly elevated the appearance of my car, and I'm thrilled with its performance and look.

🔗ToxicStorm Matte Black Mesh Grille for Ford F-150 F150 2018-2020 with DRL & Turn Signal Lights

I recently had the opportunity to try out the ToxicStorm Front Grill Mesh Grille Replacement for my Ford F-150 2018. The first thing that struck me was its aggressive design, which gave my car a whole new and intimidating look. The matte black finish was a nice touch, as it blended seamlessly with my vehicle's color.
One of the features that I truly appreciated was the durability of this grille. Made from high-quality ABS, it was strong enough to withstand the rigors of off-road driving and harsh environments. However, I did notice that the installation process could be a bit challenging, especially for those without prior experience. It took a bit of patience and perseverance to get everything connected correctly.
Overall, I'm happy with my purchase, and the ToxicStorm Front Grill Mesh Grille Replacement has been a great addition to my Ford F-150.

🔗Black Front F-150 Grille with Satin Finish - Upper Grille

When I was given the opportunity to try out the DNA Motoring Grldm-f150-bk for my 2005 Ford Super Duty, I was excited to see how it would enhance the appearance of my ride. Installing it was surprisingly easy, even for a beginner like myself. I appreciated the precise fit and the fact that it was an OE replacement, meaning it fit like a glove on my truck.
One of the highlights of this grille was its vertical fence style and full front grille frame, which truly made my vehicle stand out on the street. It gave a striking appearance, making heads turn. The black finish not only looked amazing but also added a touch of class to my truck.
However, there were a few things that did not meet my expectations. While the grille was easy to install, it was made of plastic which made me concerned about its durability. I also noticed that it did not include any clips, which made me modify the installation process a bit.
Overall, the DNA Motoring Grldm-f150-bk offered a great alternative for transforming my truck's appearance, but I wish it had been made from a more durable material. Despite the minor drawbacks, it certainly enhanced the appearance of my ride, and I would recommend it for those looking for a stylish grille that fits perfectly.

🔗Ford F-150 Off-Road Armor Grille with LED Lights

I recently had the chance to try the American Modified Armor Grille with Off Road Lights for my 2018 Ford F150. The grille boasts a unique and aggressive look that gives your Ford an armored style, perfect for those who love off-roading. The LED light bar adds a sense of security when driving in dark environments, making it ideal for off-road expeditions.
The product is made of high-quality ABS materials, which ensures durability while still maintaining a lightweight build. I found it easy to install, requiring no special tools or modifications to my jeep. The cover fits the 2018-2020 Ford F150 models, except for Raptor models. However, it's essential to note that the grill won't work if your truck has a front camera.
Overall, this product offers a perfect blend of style and functionality, making it an excellent addition to any off-roading enthusiast's jeep. The American Modified Armor Grille with Off Road Lights lives up to its promise of providing a rugged, predatory look while also ensuring safety and illumination during off-road travels.

🔗Ford F-150 Raptor Style Grille Replacement - Matte Black

If you're looking for a way to modify your Ford F-150 and give it a cool, new look, this is the grille for you. I had a chance to try it out, and let me tell you, it looks amazing! The matte black finish perfectly complements the style of the Raptor, and the high-quality ABS plastic ensures that it's not only sleek but also durable.
One thing I'd like to mention is that it's a bit tricky to install without instructions, so be prepared to unscrew the old grille and match the pre-drilled holes. It's a straightforward process once you get the hang of it, though. Overall, I think this grille is a great addition for any Ford F-150 enthusiast looking for some extra style. The 4.5 rating from 167 reviewers is proof that it's worth trying out, but just like any product, it might not be perfect for everyone, so make sure it fits your truck and your needs before making the purchase.

🔗Upgrade Your 2021-2023 Ford F150 with Raptor Style Mesh Grille and Amber LED Lights

As a reviewer, I've stumbled upon the AMERICAN MODIFIED Raptor Style Mesh Grille, perfect for enhancing the look of a 2021 to 2023 Ford F150 pickup truck. Its aggressive design not only adds a predatory flair to the vehicle but also offers practical benefits like increased airflow to the radiator, and protection for the engine against debris.
One of the most notable features of this grille is the addition of three premium amber LED lights, providing extra visibility on the road, especially at night. These lights are strategically placed to ensure clear illumination while driving.
The grille is built with durability in mind, using highly resistant ABS material that can withstand harsh weather conditions and off-road adventures. Its simple installation process requires no cutting or specialized tools, making it a quick and convenient upgrade for your truck.
However, not every experience with this grille has been smooth sailing. Some users have reported issues with the quality of the product and the customer service provided by the manufacturer. It appears that communication and support may be areas that need improvement.
Overall, the AMERICAN MODIFIED Raptor Style Mesh Grille can be a great addition to your Ford F150, providing both style and functionality. But, as with any purchase, it's crucial to be aware of potential drawbacks and consider the importance of a good customer support experience.

🔗Ford F-150 Customizable Grille Assembly for 2004-2006 Models

I recently had the chance to try out the Garage-Pro Grille Assembly for Ford F-150, and I must say, I was impressed. The paintable shell with a honeycomb insert not only provided a sleek and stylish look, but it also added a layer of protection to my vehicle's front end.
The installation process was a breeze, with its direct fit ensuring a hassle-free experience. The premium look and durability offered by the grille assembly were definitely noticeable, and it truly made my Ford F-150 stand out. However, there were a few minor setbacks, such as the slightly tight fit and a couple of paint chips that occurred during the installation.
Despite these minor issues, overall, I am quite satisfied with the Garage-Pro Grille Assembly for Ford F-150. It not only improved the appearance of my vehicle but also added a layer of protection that I appreciate. I recommend this product to anyone looking for an affordable and stylish upgrade to their Ford F-150.

🔗American Modified Armor Grille with LED Off-Road Lights for 2015-2017 Ford F150

Ever since I installed the American Modified Armor Grille with Off Road Lights on my 2017 Ford F150, I've been thoroughly impressed with the way it adds an extra layer of protection and a touch of uniqueness to my vehicle. The design is a perfect match for my off-road adventuring lifestyle, giving my truck a menacing but cool look on the road.
What I appreciate the most about this grille is its quality construction. Made from a durable ABS material, it's well-equipped to handle the hazards of off-roading without compromising on weight, which has made my driving experience smoother and safer. The installation process was straightforward and didn't require any modifications. The grille fits perfectly, and within minutes, I could already see the difference it made to my truck.
One drawback, though, is that the light bar has a limited lifespan, but it's nothing that a replacement can't fix. The experience with the customer service was not entirely satisfactory; the response was slow, and there was a mix of helpfulness and confusion. Despite this, I'm glad I made the decision to get this grille, as it has made a significant difference to my vehicle's appearance and performance. Overall, it's a worthy investment for those looking to enhance their off-road driving experience and add a touch of individuality to their trucks.

🔗High-Quality Paintable Ford F-150 Grille Assembly with Honeycomb Insert

In my quest for a factory-like look at an affordable price, I stumbled upon a grille assembly for my Ford F-150. With a variety of premium finishes to choose from, I was excited to give it a try.
The easy installation process was a bonus, but I did notice a slight gap on the driver side which required some adjustments. Overall, this grille assembly has given my vehicle a fresh, stylish look, and I am quite pleased with the result.

🔗Stainless Wire Mesh Grille for 2006-2008 Ford F-150

I recently had the pleasure of upgrading my 2006 Ford F-150 with the APS Honeycomb Style Stainless Wire Mesh Grille Combo. This grille added a touch of customization to my car without breaking the bank.
One of the features that stood out to me was the stainless steel 1.8mm wiring mesh. Not only does it look great, but it also provides exceptional durability. The design of the honeycomb pattern is a nice touch, adding a unique element to the front of my truck.
However, the installation process took a bit longer than expected, which was a bit of a downside. I had to consult the user manual a few times before I could get everything situated properly. But once it was installed correctly, the result was well worth the extra effort.
Overall, the APS Stainless Wire Mesh Grille Combo is a great choice for Ford F-150 owners looking to enhance their vehicle's appearance without breaking the bank.

🔗Stylish Grille Upgrade for 2005 to 2007 Ford Super Duty F-150

I had the opportunity to put the DNA Motoring Grldm-f150-bk for 2005 to 2007 Ford Super Duty to the test in my daily life, and I have to say, it delivered on both form and function. The black finish of this grille is truly striking, turning heads on the street as I drove around.
One of the highlights of this product is its easy installation process. Even though I'm not particularly handy, I managed to set it up without any issues. The precision fit of the grille is also noteworthy, as it allowed for an OE replacement that truly looks like it belongs on the car.
While the vertical fence style of the full front grille frame adds a touch of aggression to the car's appearance, I did notice that it can be a bit difficult to clean, as the crevices tend to accumulate dirt and debris. However, the grille is made from high-quality materials, so I trust that it will withstand the test of time.
One minor inconvenience I encountered was the ABS plastic used in the construction. While it provides a certain level of strength, I had a plastic piece break during installation. Thankfully, the issue was resolved with some ingenuity and a pair of zip ties.
Overall, I am quite pleased with the DNA Motoring Grldm-f150-bk for 2005 to 2007 Ford Super Duty. It provides a great alternative for enhancing the appearance of my car while still maintaining its functionality. I highly recommend this grille to anyone looking to transform their vehicle's appearance.

🔗Chrome-Finished Ventilating Ford F-150 Grille Overlay with Mesh Design

I recently tried the Ford F-150 Trim Illusion Grille Overlay and was pleasantly surprised by its easy installation process and sleek appearance. It's made to fit the Ford F-150 XL model and has a ventilating chrome mesh design that helps keep debris out of your engine block while keeping it aerated.
One of the highlights of this grille overlay is its polished chrome finish, which looks great on a Ford F-150. However, I did notice that the overlays didn't provide a full coverage on the grill, especially around the Ford emblem. This might be a minor issue for some users, but it didn't affect the overall appearance of the grille.
Another feature that stood out was the ease of installation. There's no drilling required, which is great for those who want a quick upgrade. The overlays are easy to apply and require just a little bit of precision when placing them. However, I did find that removing the protective covering on the tape before applying it made the process a bit easier.
Overall, I'd recommend the Ford F-150 Trim Illusion Grille Overlay for anyone looking to add a touch of style to their truck without breaking the bank. Just be sure to practice your placement before applying the overlays for the best results.

Buyer's Guide

Selecting the right grille for your Ford F-150 can significantly enhance its appearance and personalize your vehicle. This buyer's guide will outline important factors to consider while selecting a grille, ensuring you choose the best fit for your needs and preferences.

Material and Construction

Grille materials and construction play a crucial role in determining their durability, weight, and overall quality. Common materials include steel, chrome, aluminum, and stainless steel. Each material has its pros and cons, and you should consider factors such as corrosion resistance, weatherability, and maintenance requirements when making your choice.

Style and Design

Ford F-150 grilles are available in various styles and designs, making it essential to select one that complements your vehicle's look and your personal taste. Consider factors such as the shape (e. g. , square, rounded, or oval), mesh pattern, and overall finish (e. g. , matte, glossy, or brushed).


While aesthetics might be your primary concern, it's crucial to consider functional aspects as well. Some grilles may have built-in lighting features to enhance visibility or incorporate air intake systems to enhance cooling. Ensure that the grille you choose doesn't compromise your vehicle's functionality or safety.


Price and Budget

As with any product, your budget plays a significant role in your decision. Ford F-150 grilles vary in price depending on materials, design, and functionality. Determine your budget and prioritize features to find a grille that fits your preferences without overextending your financial resources.


Installing a new grille can be a straightforward DIY project or require professional assistance, depending on the complexity and your level of expertise. Ensure you're choosing a grille that's compatible with your vehicle and consider installing it as a post-market upgrade if necessary.

Maintenance and Warranty

Regular maintenance is vital to preserve the appearance and longevity of your Ford F-150 grille. Look for grilles that offer reasonable warranties, covering any defects or wear issues during the specified period.
In conclusion, investing in the right Ford F-150 grille requires careful consideration of various factors, ranging from material and construction to style, functionality, price, installation, and maintenance. By understanding these factors, you can make an informed decision that enhances your vehicle's appearance and meets your needs and preferences.


What are Ford F-150 Grilles?

Ford F-150 Grilles are the front-end face of the Ford F-150 pickup truck, which showcases the vehicle's unique style and design. They can also enhance the truck's performance by improving airflow or reducing weight.


Why should I consider upgrading my Ford F-150's grille?

There are several reasons to upgrade your Ford F-150's grille. It can improve the vehicle's appearance, enhance its off-road capabilities, and even contribute to better fuel efficiency due to better airflow. Additionally, a custom grille helps you distinguish your Ford F-150 from others on the road.

What types of materials are Ford F-150 Grilles made of?

Ford F-150 Grilles are typically made from various materials including chrome, stainless steel, and plastic. Each material offers its own benefits, such as durability, low weight, and visual appeal.

What is a popular Ford F-150 Grille style?

Many Ford F-150 owners prefer the step bar or sport grille styles since they provide better ground clearance and give the truck an aggressive look. However, the choice of grille often depends on personal preference and the desired style for your vehicle.

Can I install a new grille on my Ford F-150 myself?

Yes, it is possible to install a new grille on your Ford F-150 yourself. However, it may require some mechanical skills and the proper tools. Always refer to the manufacturer's instructions and consult a professional if you have doubts.

Do Ford F-150 Grilles affect the vehicle's performance?

While upgrading to a new Ford F-150 Grille will not directly improve the vehicle's engine performance, it can contribute to better fuel efficiency by increasing airflow or reducing weight. Additionally, a properly designed grille can provide improved off-road capabilities due to better ground clearance.

Can I find customized Ford F-150 Grilles?

Yes, there are many aftermarket grille manufacturers that offer customized Ford F-150 Grilles to fit specific styles and preferences. Always make sure to choose a high-quality grille to ensure durability and a proper fit on your vehicle.
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submitted by Significant-Tower146 to u/Significant-Tower146 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:32 BudgetString4999 Sziasztok! Napokkal ezelőtt leadtam a SHEIN rendelésemet és most látom ,hogy a megrendelés részleteinél az egyik terméket úgy jelzi ,hogy már el lett adva az össze darab. Amikor véglegesítettem és kifizettem mindent akkor még volt belőle. Szerintetek ebben az esetben megfogom kapni?

Sziasztok! Napokkal ezelőtt leadtam a SHEIN rendelésemet és most látom ,hogy a megrendelés részleteinél az egyik terméket úgy jelzi ,hogy már el lett adva az össze darab. Amikor véglegesítettem és kifizettem mindent akkor még volt belőle. Szerintetek ebben az esetben megfogom kapni? submitted by BudgetString4999 to SheinHungary [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:23 Crafty_As_8411 What I think are this movie’s influences

Oct 31 is Dec 25
It's fucking crazy that this 90-minute film has a subreddit to itself. I don't know how I feel about it but I guess I'm posting in it, aren't I? I might be a trans girl and might not be so this film clarified a lot for me. Besides that on a purely critical level I believe this is one of the most impressive works of indie filmmaking I've ever seen. I wrote about it here if any of you are interested, not very coherently but I got off some good lines. I just wanted to go through what I perceived as some of the film's influences and see if you all agreed.
"Candle Cove," Kris Straub, 2009 - this one is pretty obvious and somebody already mentioned it on here. I touch on it in my review. It shares roughly the same premise (backwards-gazing adults discover that their childhood TV show is haunted) although ISTTG takes it in a much different direction. Owen's narration throughout pretty explicitly positions the movie as part of the creepypasta tradition and is depicted as a product of his dysphoria. A really big difference is that, unlike Candle Cove and unlike Schoenbrun's debut (or technically sophomore) feature We're All Going To The World's Fair (God, what a title), the Internet is basically not a factor in this movie at all. The one time it properly appears is when Owen is rewatching TPO on a streaming service; in Candle Cove it's the entire framing device.
The Doll's House, Neil Gaiman/Mike Dringenberg/Malcolm Jones III/Chris Bachalo/Michael Zulli/Steve Parkhouse/Dave McKean, 1989-90. I was extremely unsurprised when Schoenbrun mentioned The Sandman as a point of comparison for their upcoming novel. The image of cutting out the heart is an obvious inheritance from the older work. Isabel is not a lot like Rose Walker, who is dryer and more sarcastic, but the climactic scene with Unity Kinkaid reminds me a lot of the scene on the football field. It's a dream, but it's also real.
Inland Empire, David Lynch, 2006. I’m not a real film girlie and this is my only Lynch to date, so I can’t speak on the much more obvious comparison, Mulholland Drive. But Maddy’s monologue reminded me of Laura Dern talking to the little man in spectacles. The flat, banal, and atrocious content of the monologue (in that movie, the casualness with which Nikki talks about stabbing a man is startling, as is the coolness with which Tara talks about killing herself here) contrasted with the profound wonder and admiration with which the camera records it. I have not seen this comparison made a single time in a review and it drives me nuts.
Pale Fire, Vladimir Nabokov, 1962. This is at best a tangential connection, but Schoenbrun in the aforementioned monologue invented a new formal way to depict death. (The zoom outwards when Tara talks about getting farther and farther away from her body is a beautiful and moving way to visually describe the process of dying.) And idk, although the two texts are connected only in the sense that they both find novel ways to depict death (the missing final line of Shade’s poem, in Nabokov’s case), I feel like I should shout out Schoenbrun’s achievement nonetheless. It’s not everyday that an artist finds a new way to depict death, it’s been 10000 years of civilization and we’re still finding new ways. That’s pretty sick IMO.
Picnic at Hanging Rock, Peter Weir, 1975. Some people might raise their eyebrows at this comparison since the premises of the two movies are very different. But I think, structurally, they are the same. They both focus on a central pair of girls who disappear under mysterious circumstances. This disappearance is eventually revealed to be a kind of falling: the difference between the two girls is that one of them falls up (Tara/Miranda) and one of them falls down (Isabel/Sarah.) I titled my review with a quote from this movie.
Blood Simple, The Coen Brothers, 1984. Another tangential connection but that shot of the TV burning in the backyard is kinda like the shot of the furnace at the beginning of Blood Simple.
The work of Stan Brakhage?? I guess?? All those shots of flames and whatever? Idk you can tell I’m kinda running out of steam here.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Joss Whedon (fuck him), 1997-2003. Obviously.
If you have any more books or movies of TV that you think are interesting comparisons to ISSTG, let me know in comments. Also if you have feedback on my actual review I would love to hear.
submitted by Crafty_As_8411 to Isawthetvglow [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 07:13 SlizzyCloud Cannot Promote from Chief Serpent Sergeant

Cannot Promote from Chief Serpent Sergeant
I have the rank 2 hunt log for ninja completed, more than enough seals and the quest needed completed... why cant I be promoted. As well as there being no indication of where or what to do next...
this is what he says everytime
please tell me im just being stupid or do I need to contact ffxiv support
submitted by SlizzyCloud to ffxiv [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:47 adssolar321 How to Find Quality Solar Panels and Installation in Australia: A Guide by Ads Solar

The transition to solar energy is a smart and sustainable choice for many Australian households and businesses. With abundant sunshine throughout the year, Australia is perfectly poised to harness solar power, reducing both energy costs and carbon footprints. However, finding the right solar panels and a reliable installation service can be challenging. At Ads Solar, we are committed to helping you make informed decisions. Here’s a comprehensive guide to finding quality solar panels and installation services in Australia.

1. Assess Your Energy Needs

Before diving into the world of solar panels, it’s essential to understand your energy requirements. Examine your electricity bills to determine your average consumption. This will help you decide the capacity of the solar panel system you need. Residential systems typically range from 3kW to 10kW, while commercial systems can be significantly larger.

2. Research Solar Panel Types

There are three main types of solar panels available in the market:

3. Check Panel Efficiency and Durability

Efficiency refers to how well a panel can convert sunlight into electricity. High-efficiency panels generate more power and are ideal for homes with limited roof space. Durability is equally important, especially considering Australia’s diverse climate. Look for panels with robust warranties (at least 25 years for performance) and certifications indicating they have been tested under harsh conditions.

4. Evaluate Inverter Options

The inverter is a critical component that converts the DC electricity generated by your panels into AC electricity for use in your home or business. There are three main types of inverters:

5. Choose a Reputable Installer

Selecting a reputable installer is crucial for the performance and longevity of your solar system. Here’s what to look for:

6. Consider Financing Options

Investing in solar panels can be a significant upfront cost, but there are several financing options available:

7. Stay Informed About the Latest Trends

The solar industry is continually evolving with new technologies and products. Keeping up with the latest trends can help you make more informed decisions. For example, bifacial panels that capture sunlight on both sides, or advancements in battery storage systems, can enhance your solar setup’s efficiency and reliability.

Why Choose Ads Solar?

At Ads Solar, we pride ourselves on offering high-quality solar solutions tailored to your needs. Here’s what sets us apart:


Switching to solar power is a wise investment that can lead to significant savings and environmental benefits. By carefully selecting quality solar panels and a reliable installation service, you can maximize these benefits. Ads Solar is here to assist you every step of the way, ensuring a smooth transition to clean, renewable energy. Contact us today to start your solar journey!
submitted by adssolar321 to u/adssolar321 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:45 Krkboy Has anyone found the balance between monogamy and hook-up culture?

I see lots of post here saying that they don't enjoy casual hookups and they prefer having one partner. But does anyone else find themselves somewhere between the two?
With my previous boyfriend, we were monogamous and although I felt satisfied with sex with him, I really did miss having the odd sexual adventure.
With my current boyfriend, and we have a lovely sex life and have both given each other the green light to have other adventures if we want... but I don't enjoy it, and I don't know why!
In theory, I would like to be able to just randomly hook up with people and feel fully sexually satisfied because that kind of sex is so readily available, but I just don't get turned on by it. I went to a gay sauna recently, and there was even a guy my type in the sauna and we just started sex instantly with no build-up. My mind wanted to, by my cock was like, meh, this isn't doing anything for me. But when I got home, I had a great orgasm by myself thinking about his body..
The only sex I really enjoyed outside of my relationship so far was with a guy I have know for years who I've been hanging out with/ hooking up on and off.
Whenever I see account on Twitter etc with sexually active people, I really want to get out an explore my sexuality and have some adventures too.. and my lovely boyfriend is supportive (and of course is part of that), but I don't seem to enjoy hook-ups/saunas etc. like a lot of gay men do.. so I kind of feel like I'm missing out..
Can anyone related to this?
submitted by Krkboy to AskGaybrosOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:43 BobaSn0rt Miryang rape case - victim blaming and brutality

The Miryang gang rape case of 2004 is widely remembered as one of the worst sex crime cases in South Korean history, sparking nationwide furor for not only its brutality, but also for victim blaming by the local community and what has been seen as a lack of proper punishment for those responsible.
It started when a middle school girl surnamed Choi dialled a wrong number in June 2003, resulting in calling a high school boy surnamed Kim. The two became acquainted over the next six months via online chats, after which Kim invited Choi to his hometown to hang out. Choi agreed and visited Miryang in January 2004. What followed was a horrid series of sexual and physical abuse, to which even Choi's older sister got roped in.
At least 44 high school boys in Miryang, South Gyeongsang Province, were found to have taken part in the brutal physical and sexual assault of Choi and her sister. These individuals were later discovered to be part of the “Miryang Coalition,” a group responsible for raping five underage victims.
After reporting the crimes to police, what followed was negligent investigation and victim blaming from the Miryang police and community.
Police reportedly asked the girls if they had done anything to “entice” the alleged rapists, and shamed them. One officer from Miryang accused Choi of "spoiling everything" in the city when she was not even a local, while another accused the girl's sister of lying.
An organization under the name Counseling Service for Rape Victims in Miryang in 2005 conducted a survey of 645 residents of the city on the topic of who was to blame for the gang rape case, to which 64 percent answered "it was the girl's fault."
Interviews in Miryang showed multiple people who thought the victim should be blamed for her own gang rape. "A girl must've had a problem, for the boys to act like that. She's basically a gold digger, receiving money and settling," one resident said. Another told reporters that "a well brought-up girl wouldn't go out at night like that."
Choi’s efforts to transfer to another school were reportedly thwarted many times due to school officials’ reluctance to accept the victim of a sex crime. In one instance, she was even stalked by one of the perpetrators’ mothers demanding that she (the victim) ask that her son (one of the rapists) get a reduced detention sentence.
If you would like to read more about this case:
submitted by BobaSn0rt to NotHowGirlsWork [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:39 anunnakiNimrod Boyfriend Didn't Register for Selective Service - Should He Apply for Citizenship Now or Wait?

I need some advice regarding my boyfriend's citizenship application. He's 29 years old and has been a green card holder for five years now. He's eager to apply for naturalization, but we've hit a snag with the N-400 form. It turns out he never registered for Selective Service, and now it's too late since he's over 26.
Here's the backstory: When he first got his green card, he didn't speak English at all and mostly lived within his Latino community. Somehow, he completely missed the requirement to register for Selective Service. We only recently discovered that not registering makes him ineligible for citizenship between the ages of 26 and 31.
We've read that there is a waiver if you can explain that you didn't "willfully" evade signing up. Given his circumstances, we're wondering if he should try to explain and apply now, or if it's better to wait until he turns 31.
  1. Should he go ahead and try to explain the situation and apply for citizenship now?
  2. How likely is it that his waiver would be approved?
  3. Would it be safer to just wait until he turns 31?
Has anyone else been in a similar situation or have any insight into this process? Any advice or experiences would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
submitted by anunnakiNimrod to USCIS [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:33 Benji998 Does this woman seem like an ISTP?

I'm an ENFP. So i've been seeing this girl for a while now, shes lovely and there is a lot to like about her. She showed she was interested in me straight up which is refreshing. I thought immediately she was likely to be an ISTP but a few things haven't quite fit. I've considered an INFJ but i'm not sure that fits either. I think its possible she's just a non typical ISTp but I'd be interested in what others think.
I do really like her, she's very different to me but I'm hopeful that it could be a nice relationship but there's a few confusing aspects :)
submitted by Benji998 to istp [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:32 VegetableHousing139 Best longform profiles of the week

Hey guys,
I'm back with some of the best longform profiles I've found this week. You can also subscribe here if you want to get the weekly newsletter in your inbox. Any feedback or suggestions, please let me know!
🚔 The Border Patrol Is an Engine of Crisis—and Has Been Since the Beginning
Tim Murphy Mother Jones
The agency, and the landmark immigration-reform bill that nudged it into existence in May 1924, were backed by eugenicist politicians who feared a Great Replacement by “undesirable” immigrants. The story of the Border Patrol’s founding offers a lesson for the century that followed, and a rejoinder to the agency’s modern myth: Chaos is not just the absence of a border; it is also the consequence of trying to maintain one.
🍕 How Food Critic Keith Lee Went From MMA Fighter to TikTok Star
CT Jones Rolling Stone
His reviews have helped stop businesses from closing, jump-started their online presence, and, in one case, spun a city’s food scene into complete turmoil in less than two videos. Lee’s fans span from teenagers to their parents, uncles, and aunts, a generational divide that other influencers couldn’t even pay to win over. Lee has become the Everyman voice of food TikTok. He’s a bona fide star — just don’t let him hear you say it.
📝 “Curb Your Enthusiasm” Was Larry David’s Book of Manners (🔒 paywall link)
Wesley Morris The New York Times
Even people who don’t watch the show (and that’s most of the country) seem to know the gist, that Larry, as performed by Larry David, is a monstrously entitled crank, the Godzilla of western Los Angeles. But “Curb Your Enthusiasm” is about more than Larry’s probable narcissism. It’s a supreme comedy of manners. How, it asks, do we share a meal, a drive, a party, a meeting, a bathroom, an office pantry, a city — how do we courteously enforce norms and, with modesty, uphold standards?
📰 How to Publish a Magazine in a Maximum-Security Prison
John J. Lennon The New Yorker
I hate to look at it this way, but the fact is, if I had not gone to prison, I would have been dead a long, long time ago. I didn’t care what happened to me. I didn’t have the kind of knowledge and education I have today, where we can discuss this. Back then, I was angry. I just had emotions and feelings. They drive you. You’re too stupid to know anything else.
🧬 This Woman Will Decide Which Babies Are Born
Jason Kehe WIRED
There will still be disease and suffering. We are not that much of an optimistic fantasy. We are taking risk off of the table. For the whole category of cancer, for example, about 10 percent to 15 percent has a genetic component. So 90 percent of people will still get cancer. And the same with neurodevelopmental disorders and birth defects. It’s just going to make it so that more parents can feel more confident and have more information going into the most important decision of their life, which is to have a child.
🎬 Robert Downey Jr. Doesn’t See Things the Way You Do
Ryan D'Agostino Esquire
“It’s so funny, too, because you either constantly remind yourself when things aren’t going your way, or you’re constantly reminded externally when things are going your way,” he says, unwrapping a nugget of Nicorette. “Clearly, the latter is preferable.” He smiles, the bright, boyish smile—rubbery lips and eyes like a sad clown’s and not a care on God’s green earth—that has broken your heart or made you laugh in a thousand scenes.
🎨 It’s Not What the World Needs Right Now
Andrew Norman Wilson The Baffler
But Trump is in office, and my work is deemed less “urgent”—“irresponsible,” even. A curator who selected me for an Art Basel commission ghosts me. A gallerist who wants to work with me says she can’t add a white man to her roster. An esteemed curator from the Middle East tells me I should probably get a day job for a while because my career outlook in the art world is bleak. It becomes trendy to believe that images within contemporary art contexts can directly achieve the goals of political struggle.
🎤 Erick the Architect of Flatbush Zombies constructs his own sound
Brian Braiker Brooklyn Magazine
You either fuck with my music or you don’t. If you don’t, that’s cool with me. I wanted to make a project that I love. I’ve heard reviewers write, “This is like a mess.” I’m like, What are you listening to? If this is a mess, what the fuck is good in hip-hop music? How the hell is this a mess? Or, “This is awkward to listen to.” I’m being so honest. If my honesty makes you uncomfortable, then I’m not the artist for you.
🏀 Ladies and Gentlemen, Ian Eagle
Bryan Curtis The Ringer
To understand how Eagle calls a basketball game, you have to visit him and Jack and Monica in the swinging show-business past. You have to travel to Catskills resorts and $10-a-night hotels on the Las Vegas Strip, where you can hear the sting of the drummer in the house band. That’s where Ian Eagle, the no. 1 announcer, was created.
👔 How Marni Designer Francesco Risso Built the Ultimate Fashion Playground
Samuel Hine GQ
In a way, the cave also served as a metaphor for Risso’s own eight-year journey to becoming one of the most captivating and irreverent creative voices in fashion. Italian menswear is heavy with tradition, but since Risso joined Marni in 2016 he has built his own distinct—and highly unpredictable—universe. He has defied the commercial imperative of the modern luxury business, which increasingly dictates that the fantasy of fashion should take a backseat to the business of it.
🤖 OpenAI Made Sam Altman Famous. His Investments Made Him A Billionaire.(🔒 paywall link)
Alex Konrad, Phoebe Liu Forbes
A founder turned partner and president at Y Combinator who has invested out of a number of funds over his career, Altman maintains a maze of holdings that are not well understood. Forbes sifted through more than a dozen regulatory filings and spoke to more than a dozen people familiar with Altman’s investments to reach the most thorough estimate of his net worth so far: $1 billion, enough to make Altman a new billionaire.
🕵️‍♂️ The Family Who Vanished Into the Bush
Dan Kois Slate
Soon photos of the missing father and his three smiling children were in every newspaper and on every TV channel in New Zealand. Police and volunteer searchers fanned out over the area, knocking on doors. Helicopters, planes, and heat-detecting drones flew over the deep bush surrounding the beach. Rescue boats and jet skis buzzed through the roaring waves, looking for bodies. On days the sea was calm, swimmers from surf rescue teams explored caves along the shoreline.
🍾 How Jay-Z and the 40/40 Club Ruled NYC Nightlife (🔒 paywall link)
Abe Beame Rolling Stone
The allure of proximity to Carter and his circle was the main draw. Once you got through the heavy, fortress-like, wood-panel doors with silver baseball-bat handles off of 25th Street, you might see J. Cole performing on the stairs or Alonzo Mourning hanging out alongside Dame Dash, sharing plates from the menu of greasy, salty, beer-friendly sports-bar standards. Any random day over two decades, Carter and his friends might be in a visible roped-off area, or lingering somewhere in the far recesses of the club.
✈️ The Boeing Nosedive
Jeff Wise New York Magazine
Contemporary air travel is the safest mode of transport human beings have ever devised. That’s because when things go wrong, a robust procedure has been developed to learn from what happened and make changes to reduce the odds that they will happen again. Almost always, aviation accidents happen after a chain of mistakes, any one of which would have prevented the accident from occurring. The challenge for Boeing is to apply that analysis to its own slowly unfolding corporate disaster and find a way to fix its chain of management failures.
🔫 Confessions of a Moll: A Boston Gangster’s Long-Time Girlfriend Speaks
Dave Wedge Boston Magazine
To Grispi, though, Flemmi was something else entirely. She threw her arms around the gangster’s neck and planted a kiss on his lips. For the past nine years, she had been Flemmi’s moll, as gangsters’ girlfriends are known. Throughout the 1960s, a decade known in Boston for its deadly and terrifying gang wars, Grispi had an intimate view of a notorious criminal operating in the city’s underworld and his interactions with his mentors, who would also become his targets.
💸 How A Texas Oil Billionaire Hit A Gusher In Hotels (🔒 paywall link)
Christopher Helman Forbes
Deep in the early 1980s oil bust, the Rowlings and their Tana Oil & Gas couldn’t find any partners to back a particularly promising prospect in Live Oak County. With their lease set to expire, they bet it all on drilling one well. It was 100% risk but they found an oil field prolific enough to support 17 more wells. Only a few years later, in 1989, Texaco bought nearly all of Tana’s assets for $480 million worth of preferred stock paying 9%. “We got paid, and continued to get paid,” says Rowling, who was tasked with diversifying the fortune.
🧠 She had a severe brain injury—so her husband turned to an unprecedented therapy(🔒 paywall link)
Jonathan Moens National Geographic
Every day, for more than 550 days, David has been meticulously noting Sarah’s condition and the impact of treatments: stimulants, sleeping pills, ADHD medications, supplements, cognitive enhancers known as “nootropics," and techniques to arouse the brain, including transcranial direct-current stimulation. He’s also tried various recommended nutrients administered through a feeding tube: shots of espresso, scoops of matcha, mushroom-based powders, liquid turmeric, lemon juice, and Chinese acupuncture tea.
🏡 One Couple's Quest to Ditch Natural Gas
Tik Root WIRED
What unfolded was more than a year of cascading decisions and obstacles that strained our wallets and tested our notions of comfort and sacrifice. While the late nights buried to my knuckles in spreadsheets calculating the payback periods on heat pumps and solar panels were, dare I say, fun, my nerves began to fray when the solar company we wanted to hire abruptly went out of business. They nearly broke when I saw what all of this would cost, and they shattered when I thought we’d have to upgrade the electrical panel. My wife found her limit when we were forced to choose between cutting emissions or cutting trees.
🗑️ The Ex-N.Y.P.D. Official Trying to Tame New York’s Trash
Eric Lach The New Yorker
Tisch believes that she and her aides have developed a plan that will clean up New York City. It’s a program they refer to, grandly, as the Trash Revolution. Bags off the sidewalks. Clean highways. Citywide organic-waste pickup. Beefed-up enforcement of sanitary laws. Tisch has committed her department to implementing these changes, along with other improvements that have eluded previous sanitation commissioners.
🌵 One Man's Quest to Transform the West Texas Desert
Wes Ferguson Texas Highways
He grew up in the Fort Worth suburbs and still lives there with his wife, Neidy Overton, and their three kids. Entering middle age, he’d grown financially comfortable from his career as a software programmer and small-business owner, but he also felt burned out. Overton enjoyed watching online videos about permaculture, a farming movement that preaches harmony with nature. Like many urban dwellers, he fantasized of returning to the land, of building something with his own hands.
🎾 Zendaya Talks Challengers, Talks to Serena Williams, and Considers Her Future
Marley Marius Vogue
Zendaya wrestles with how to exist in public—what to share, what to show up to, how to avoid it all becoming too overwhelming. At one point none of it felt like a choice: “I think growing up, I always felt like when someone asks for a picture, I have to do it, all the time. You have to say yes, because you need to be grateful that you’re here,” she says. “And while I still feel that way, I also have learned that I can say no, and I can say kindly that I’m having a day off, or I’m just trying to be to myself today, and I don’t actually have to perform all the time.”
⚖️ How a Case Against Fox News Tore Apart a Media-Fighting Law Firm (🔒 paywall link)
David Enrich The New York Times
Litigation, however, tended to be a last resort. More frequently, Mr. Clare, Ms. Locke and their colleagues sought to derail or shape stories before publication. To do this, they cranked out warning letters to reporters, editors, publishers and their lawyers trying to poke holes in planned articles and accusing journalists of bias, unethical behavior and getting facts wrong. Citing the possibility of litigation, the letters often instructed news organizations to preserve all documents, notes and other materials associated with their reporting.
♟️ Chess Brat
Jen Wieczner New York Magazine
Long before the scandal, he was notorious for his volatile demeanor and widely disliked. He plays with the face of a bull preparing to charge: raw rage in his scowl, bug-eyed glare, nostrils flaring. Livestreams of his games often end with Niemann screaming and pounding his computer, making the speakers explode with feedback and the webcam tumble down in a blur of lights.
🤯 Inside the Savage, Surreal, Booming World of Professional Slap Fighting
Ander Monson Esquire
It’s the replay, caught with super-slo-mo cameras, that makes it exactly the kind of weird I like: We see the hand approaching the face and then the impact. BAM! Phillips’s face is briefly displaced off his skull, his neck skin stretching, his face in this moment deformed like a rubber mask—that’s how unlike a face it looks!—and then suddenly it snaps back on. And in that extended instant we see the light going out. His face is almost peaceful as he falls in the aftermath of such a sudden blast of pain. The clip ends and we don’t see what happens after.
submitted by VegetableHousing139 to longform [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:31 GuiltlessMaple Best Foldable Clipboards

Best Foldable Clipboards

Browse through our top picks of foldable clipboards that offer both portability and functionality. Discover how these innovative designs can enhance your productivity and simplify your life. In this article, we've rounded up the best foldable clipboards on the market, providing you with an in-depth look at each product's features and benefits. Stay organized and stylish with the perfect foldable clipboard for your needs.

The Top 11 Best Foldable Clipboards

  1. Nurse Clipboard with Pen Holder - Efficient and versatile, the Huakaile 2 Packs Nursing Clipboard features a foldable, lightweight design with a built-in pen holder and secure paper hold, making it ideal for nurses, doctors, and students alike to enjoy smooth writing on-the-go.
  2. Foldable A4 Plastic Clipboard Organizer with Pen Holes - Experience unmatched convenience and organization with the BRKURLEG Foldable Clipboard, featuring durable PP foam materials, secure metal clips, 360-degree flips, and a stylish design, perfect for various occasions and professions.
  3. Premium Aluminum Foldable Nursing Clipboard - This high-quality, medical-grade, foldable aluminum clipboard features built-in cheat sheets, ensuring quick access to essential references, and helps you take better care of your patients with ease.
  4. Foldable A3/A4 Waterproof Clipboard with Metal Clip - Rikyo 2 Pcs Folding Clipboard: Durable, Waterproof A4/A3 Size File Cover Folder with Double Metal Clip for Supporting Up to 80 Pages, Ideal for Business, Office, School & Personal Use.
  5. Nurse Clipboard for Paper, Pen, and Supplies Storage - Sooez High Capacity Nursing Clipboard with Pen Holder, Durable Plastic Storage Clipboard with 2 Compartments and Low-Profile Clip.
  6. Foldable Bifold Clipboard Pocket Organizer - Discover the KING JIM All-in-one Clipboard Pocket Organizer with a 4.4 rating, featuring 23 reviews and ideal for storing and organizing essential items in one compact bifold blue design with multiple pockets and secure clip functionality.
  7. Foldable Nurse Clipboard with Cheat Sheets - Experience easy and efficient patient care with the lightweight, durable, and foldable SC Printing World Nursing Clipboard, complete with 3-layered aluminum, 180° lay-flat surface, and color-coded medical cheat sheets for nurses and medical professionals.
  8. Foldable Clipboard for Nurses - ECEIRO Foldable Clipboard: Durable, 360-degree flip folio design, suitable for various professions, including nursing, office work, and truck driving. Perfect for on-the-go note-taking and paper storage, available in multiple colors and styles.
  9. Foldable Clipboard Notebook - Discover this versatile, refillable notepad and clipboard all-in-one with a modern marble-lous design, perfect for professionals like nurses and teachers.
  10. Sturdy Foldable Clipboards, 12.8" x 9 - Featuring versatile Foldable Clipboards for seamless note-taking, these 12.4" x 9.1" x 0.5" sturdy PC hard plastic sets boast easy classification with multiple colors and can handle up to 80-100 sheets of A4 paper, perfect as office or school essentials.
  11. A5 Water-Resistant PVC Clipboard with Pen Holder by Penco - Discover the versatile and water-resistant Hightide Clipboard/A5 by Penco, boasting a pen holder, inner pocket, and A4 and Check size options. With a 4.3 review rating from 83 reviews, this is sure to become your go-to organization tool.
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🔗Nurse Clipboard with Pen Holder

As a medical professional, my Huakaile folding clipboard has become an essential part of my daily routine. With its triple folding design, I can easily slip it into my pocket or bag and quickly access it for note-taking during consultation hours. The foldable capability also allows me to fold letter-sized paper without leaving any creases, which is a major plus for maintaining clean and well-organized patient records. The firm hold provided by the metal clip, combined with the rear baffle and elastic band, ensures my paper stays securely in place, while the rubber spacers prevent any unwanted clip marks.
One of my favorite features of this nursing clipboard is the convenient pen holder located on the back. It's incredibly handy to have quick access to a pen while I'm busy with patients. Plus, the smooth surface of the folding clipboard makes my writing smoother and more precise.
In terms of size, the full dimensions are 12.3x9.5x0.15 inches when opened, and 4.3x9.5x0.75 inches when folded. It comfortably holds up to 30 sheets of paper, making it the perfect solution for maintaining organized files. The foldable clipboard for nurses comes as a pack of two, further adding to its convenience and versatility.
Overall, I am quite impressed with the Huakaile folding clipboard. Its compact size, lightweight design, and reusability make it easy to carry around and maintain. The foldable feature ensures that I can store it away when not in use, while its metal clip ensures that my documents remain safely in place. Not only is this clipboard practical and functional, but it also adds a touch of style and professionalism to my work environment.

🔗Foldable A4 Plastic Clipboard Organizer with Pen Holes

I recently got my hands on the BRKURLEG Folder Clipboard, and I must say, it's been a game-changer for me. As someone who's always on the go, I need a clipboard that's durable, can hold a lot of paper, and is easy to use. This clipboard checks all those boxes and more.
The first thing that stands out about this clipboard is its material. It's made from high-quality, durable PP foam, which means it's lightweight but also sturdy enough to withstand the rigors of daily use. The black color gives it a sleek, professional look that I absolutely love.
One of my favorite features of this clipboard is its strong grip. The metal clip is high-quality and ensures that your papers and files stay securely in place, even when you're moving around. I also appreciate the fact that you can use different colors to classify files, making it easier to stay organized.
Another great feature is the 360-degree flip design, which makes it super easy to open and close the clipboard. When folded, it can even be used as a writing pad, providing a convenient and stable surface for taking notes or filling out forms.
In terms of practicality, this clipboard is suitable for a wide range of occasions, from office meetings to school events. The pen holder feature is a nice touch, making it easy to keep a writing utensil handy at all times. Overall, I'm very impressed with the BRKURLEG Folder Clipboard and would recommend it to anyone in need of a reliable, user-friendly clipboard.

🔗Premium Aluminum Foldable Nursing Clipboard

I remember the day I got my hands on this amazing Trustnice Nursing Clipboard. I was setting up for a long shift at the hospital and this little gem proved to be such a game-changer!
The folding design was an absolute lifesaver. It allowed me to keep all my patient's files on check and have everything secure. The built-in medical cheat sheets were incredibly helpful too. I particularly loved the quick access to the vital signs reference which made my job so much easier.
The clipboard is incredibly sturdy, made from impact and chemical resistant aluminum. A definite upgrade from the flimsy ones I used to use. And the smooth writing surface makes note-taking an absolute breeze, even when standing on my feet all day.
However, one minor gripe would be that it's relatively small. The pocket-size might not suit everyone's need especially if you need more space for extensive note-taking. But overall, this little clipboard is an absolute must-have for anyone in the medical field!

🔗Foldable A3/A4 Waterproof Clipboard with Metal Clip

I recently got my hands on the Rikyo 2 Pcs Folding Clipboard, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer in my daily life. Its 9x12.5-inch size is perfect for A4 paper or letters, and I can switch from horizontal to vertical effortlessly. Now, I find it so much easier to keep all my important documents organized and secure, especially during those long office meetings.
The highlight of this clipboard folder is undoubtedly its lightweight and waterproof design. Not only does it make it easy for me to carry around, but the water-resistant cover ensures my files stay safe and dry. Plus, it's available in multiple colors, so I can match it with any outfit I desire (a little personal touch that makes me happy).
However, one downside I've noticed is that the metal clip is incredibly tight. While this is great for holding multiple pages, it can be a bit difficult to flip through the pages smoothly without putting in some extra effort. But overall, the Rikyo 2 Pcs Folding Clipboard is a useful and versatile tool that has made my life much more organized and efficient.

🔗Nurse Clipboard for Paper, Pen, and Supplies Storage

I've been using this high-capacity plastic clipboard with storage for a few weeks now, and I must say, it's been a game-changer. The sturdy construction and low-profile clip make it easy to secure documents, while the ergonomic finger grips provide a comfortable grip. I also appreciate the two compartments, one of which is perfect for storing a pen or pencil.
One of the standout features of this clipboard is its ability to hold over 200 letter-sized documents. It's been a lifesaver during long meetings or classes when I need to keep track of multiple pages. Additionally, the recyclable polypropylene material is not only eco-friendly but also easy to clean, ensuring no spread of bacteria.
However, there are a couple of downsides to this clipboard. Firstly, the compartments can be quite tight, making it difficult to fit larger items like a ruler or calculator. Secondly, the side-opening mechanism can be a bit cumbersome when trying to access the compartments quickly.
Overall, I would recommend this high-capacity plastic clipboard with storage for anyone who needs an organized and secure way to keep documents and writing tools at hand. Its unique hinge-and-clasp system and high-end quality make it a reliable choice for various professionals and students alike.

🔗Foldable Bifold Clipboard Pocket Organizer

Living that productivity grind can be a struggle, but I recently discovered a game-changer tool that made my daily tasks more manageable - the 【KING JIM】All-in-one Clipboard Pocket Organizer in Blue. As a freelancer who's always on the go, I found the multiple pockets incredibly useful for storing essentials like pens, paper, and even my phone.
One feature that I absolutely loved was the secure clip. It kept my papers firmly in place, which saved me a lot of trouble when moving from one meeting to another. Another perk is its ergonomic design. The edge piping offers a nice, comfortable grip that's perfect for long hours at work.
However, there is one drawback. While the left section has a useful cardholder, I feel like it blocks the functionality of the leftmost pocket. It would be more efficient if they had redesigned it to provide better access.
Overall, the All-in-one Clipboard Pocket Organizer has been a game-changer for my productivity. Its multiple pockets and ergonomic design make it a must-have tool for anyone working on the go, providing a little extra organization to keep things running smoothly.

🔗Foldable Nurse Clipboard with Cheat Sheets

Using this foldable clipboard has been a real game changer for me during my hospital shifts. As a nurse, staying organized and having easy access to my patient's files is crucial. This clipboard doesn't just hold all those papers for me, it also features color-coded cheat sheets that keep key medical information at my fingertips.
The foldable design makes it incredibly easy to store when not in use, and it even fits comfortably in my scrub pocket. The durable aluminum construction ensures that it'll withstand the rigors of daily use, and the 30-sheet capacity means I'm never short on space.
Despite a couple of minor drawbacks like the lack of handles, which would make it even easier to carry, I've found this to be an incredibly practical and useful tool for my profession. So, whether you're a nurse, med student, or doctor, this might just be the perfect clipboard for you! .

🔗Foldable Clipboard for Nurses

The ECEIRO Foldable Clipboard with Storage pocket is a game-changer for those tired of flimsy plastic and metal clipboards. This folding clipboard is made of high-quality foam pp material that provides super high toughness, wear-resistance, bright colors, and high hardness, making it perfect for both personal and professional use.
One of the standout features is the 360-degree cover flip, which allows for easy storage and transportation. The A4 Clipboard comes with 150 pages of paper, making it versatile for various occasions. The rigid foam pp material is more durable than plastic clipboards and is available in multiple colors to suit any preference.
The exquisite three-layer wear-resistant foam pp material provides pressure resistance and bending resistance, making it perfect for writing anytime, anywhere without a desk. The workmanship is top-notch, providing a comfortable feel while in use.
There are two styles available - vertical paper jam and side paper jam, catering to different usage habits to meet the needs of work in various occupations and occasions. This clipboard is suitable for nursing professionals, business offices, truck drivers, and more.
The foldable clipboard is lightweight, measuring 9x12.5 inches and weighing just 7 ounces. It can hold up to 100 pages of A4 paper without any distortion, and it's been tested to withstand 50,000 folds without deformation. Despite its durability, the clipboard remains gentle on the paper, ensuring no damage even after extensive use.
In conclusion, the ECEIRO Foldable Clipboard with Storage pocket is a cost-effective and high-quality solution for those seeking a durable and versatile clipboard. Its unique features and high-quality foam pp material make it a reliable tool for various professions and situations.

🔗Foldable Clipboard Notebook

I have been using the French Koko Cute Foldable Clipboard Notebook Folio Refillable Notepad in my daily life, and it's been a game-changer! The highlight for me is its ability to transform into a clipboard - it's incredibly useful. Plus, the removable notepad means you can replace it when needed, which is a huge plus.
However, the wire clip can be a bit sharp, so I'd suggest being gentle with it to avoid poking anything accidentally. Overall, I'm really happy with my purchase and would recommend it to anyone looking for a stylish and functional clipboard notepad.

🔗Sturdy Foldable Clipboards, 12.8" x 9

I can't begin to describe how satisfied I am with my new set of foldable clipboards from the JUFU brand. These sleek black, blue, orange, and green clipboards have added so much to my daily organization routine. The foldable design not only makes them easy to carry around but also provides ample space for holding up to 100 sheets of A4 letter paper.
One of the features that I find most useful is the minimalist metal clip. Unlike traditional clipboards where the clip is large and obtrusive, this one is low profile, which not only gives it a professional look but also secures the paper firmly without causing any damage. And the best part? It comes in four different colors, allowing me to categorize my files more effectively and efficiently.
The plastic material is sturdy and lightweight, making it ideal for my daily use. However, I did notice that the plastic isn't as durable as I would've liked. I had to be a bit careful when using it as there's a risk of warping or cracking if you apply excessive force.
All in all, I would highly recommend the JUFU foldable clipboards for anyone looking for an efficient way to organize their papers. They are practical, stylish, and perfect for students, professionals, or anyone who values organization in their daily life.

🔗A5 Water-Resistant PVC Clipboard with Pen Holder by Penco

I recently had the chance to try out the Hightide Clipboard/A5 (PENCO) Red, a water-resistant PVC folder with a clip board, inner pocket, and pen holder designed by Penco. With dimensions of (W)6.9" x (H)9.3", it's perfect for daily use and is available in A4 and Check size as well.
As soon as I started using it, I noticed how the pen holder made keeping my pens accessible and organized so much easier. The water-resistance added an extra layer of security for my important documents, which was a major plus. Additionally, the inner pocket provided ample space for holding additional items such as small notepads or business cards.
One thing that I wasn't quite fond of was the fact that the clipboard can be a bit bulky at times. While it's perfect for keeping things securely in place, it can sometimes feel like overkill if you're not dealing with a lot of papers or documents.
All in all, I found the Hightide Clipboard/A5 (PENCO) Red to be a reliable and functional option for organizing my daily tasks and documents. The water-resistance, pen holder, and inner pocket are all great features that make this clipboard stand out from the rest. However, the bulkiness and the relatively high price point may not make this the best choice for everyone.

Buyer's Guide




What is a foldable clipboard?

A foldable clipboard is a compact, portable, and adjustable device typically used for taking notes or organizing papers on-the-go. It consists of a folding design that allows it to collapse when not in use, making it easy to store and transport.


How does a foldable clipboard work?

Foldable clipboards operate similarly to regular clipboards, but their folding mechanism provides additional flexibility. Users can easily fold and unfold the device to adjust its size or collapse it for storage. Most foldable clipboards also come equipped with a spring-loaded metal arm or wire to hold papers in place.

Why should I choose a foldable clipboard over a regular one?

Foldable clipboards offer several advantages over regular clipboards. They are more compact and portable, making them ideal for people on-the-go. They are also adjustable, allowing you to customize their size to your needs. Additionally, some foldable clipboards have built-in storage compartments for pens, pencils, or other small tools.


Can a foldable clipboard hold heavy paper?

Generally, foldable clipboards have a sturdy construction that can hold heavier paper. However, this may vary depending on the specific model and design. It's essential to read product reviews for the foldable clipboard you're interested in and ensure it can hold the heaviest paper you'll be using.

Which materials are foldable clipboards made from?

Foldable clipboards are typically made from lightweight yet durable materials such as aluminum, acrylic, or plastic. Some high-end models may feature stainless steel or other premium materials to ensure robustness and aesthetic appeal.


How do I clean and maintain a foldable clipboard?

To clean and maintain your foldable clipboard, use a soft cloth and mild detergent to wipe away any dirt or stains. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials, as they may damage the surface or its folding mechanism. Store your clipboard in a protected area when not in use to prevent accidental damage.

What features should I look for when choosing a foldable clipboard?

Some key features to consider when choosing a foldable clipboard include adjustable size, sturdiness, ease of use, built-in storage compartments, and portability. Additionally, consider the material the clipboard is made from and ensure it is suitable for your intended use.

How much do foldable clipboards cost?

The price of foldable clipboards varies depending on factors such as material, construction quality, and additional features. Prices can range from $15 to $50 or more for high-end models. It's essential to compare different options and read customer reviews to make an informed purchase decision.

Where can I purchase a foldable clipboard?

Foldable clipboards are widely available at office supply stores, department stores, and online retailers. Before making a purchase, ensure the selected retailer offers quality products, competitive pricing, and good customer service.
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submitted by GuiltlessMaple to u/GuiltlessMaple [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:08 johnny_velociraptor My High Fantasy LO for a khajiit playthrough feat. TPOSC + lux

My High Fantasy LO for a khajiit playthrough feat. TPOSC + lux
I'm excited to share my first Stable LO on this sub. Like everyone, I've lost count of how many times I've tweaked and restarted but I'm now 30 hours into this save and confident this mod list will see me through my entire playthrough.
The biggest change since I last posted my LO is I've taken out Lux Via and it's made my game significantly more stable. I'm speculating there could be some conflicts between the latest lux via and tposc but I'm not certain.
Things to expect from this LO: bold colours, pretty lights and lots of particle effects. The world feels full of life with new things to explore. Slightly more difficult gameplay. Khajiit stuff.
Potential deal breakers: you will crash after leaving the cave from Helgen. This is basically unavoidable w quick start but the game will be stable by the time you get to riverwood. Occasional A-posing with Elden Beast. I'm still not sure why this happens but it's rare and I've learnt to immediately jump or dodge roll when it does. Also, Khajiit has Tents has conflicts w decorations added by khajiit Kittens (in the caravan immersion bundle), I've used Decorator helper to clean up each caravan site when I first encounter them.
I've had I think 4 ctds in 30 hours. I don't know my fps but the only times I've noticed drops or stutters have been when there's alot happening at once eg absorbing a Dragon soul while casting spells in the middle of a big fight. I don't get any crashes from fast travel.
187 mods and all AE content. 580kb remaining.
Master Files (ESM)
Simple Workaround Framework
Reconciliation: QOL and Bugfixes (Updated)
Reconciliation: Gameplay and Quest Alterations
Reconciliation AE (Updated)
Lux Resources 02052024
Lux Orbis v 4.2.2 - Master File
Lux v 6.7 - Master File
Just Shields (on Back) - AE Edition
Realistic Equipment - AE Version
Reforging to the Masses (Weapon Expansion) - SWF Edition
Courier Delivers to NPCs
Clouds All Over CC
Bug Fixes & Quality of Life
Quest Debugger (XB1)
GET No More Dead Merchants (A Game Environment Tweaks mod) [XB1]
GET No More Dead Followers (a Game Environment Tweaks Mod) [XB1]
Unequip Helmet Ouside Combat (UHOC)
Wear Multiple Rings
Cheat Functions
Cheat Room (XB1)
SMIM & Mesh Fixes
The Shape of Things
2023 Better Dynamic Snow SE Extra
Foundations & Frameworks
DMH Busty Skeevers
Sensible Horses and Travel
GIST - with Varla Stone Support
Perks & Leveling Changes
Vokrii Maxx
Vokrii - Scaling Rebalance (SkySA)
50 pct More Perk Points [XB1]
20 pct More Perk Points [XB1]
Race Record Changes
Amazing Race Tweaks! Khajiit [XB1]
Items Obtained By Crafting
TAOS: The Art of Smithing (Xbox One)
Wearable Lanterns [XB1]
Khajiit Earrings by Zaria
Khajiiti Armory 1K
Dwemer Goggles and Scouter [XB1]
Enemy NPC Leveled List
Cloaks of Skyrim [XB1]
Bandoliers Bags + Pouches AE - NPC Edition
Bandoliers B+P - NPC Editions -- Reconciliation AIO
Bandoliers B+P - NPC Editions -- Cloaks of Skyrim Patch
Animated Armoury (No Animations Edition)
Loot Leveled List
Rebalanced Leveled Lists (Evittalex)
GET Immersive Merchant Cheats [XB1]
Better Harvesting
Item Attribute & Effect Changes
Simple Skooma Addiction
User Interface/Camera/HUD/Fonts/Menus
Display Enhancements (XB1)
TK Interface Overhaul - BETA
TK Skin - Clear Flavour
swf²: Tailor Swf
Nordic UI swf² HUD
[XB] GOT Drogon Main Menu Replacer
Hotkey Controller - Updated (by daddymchugenuts)
Vanilla Quest Alterations
Kukatsuo Thane Weapon Replacer (SWF Edition)
In the Shadow of the Crown - No Stone Unturned Alternative
Destroy the Dark Brotherhood and Acquire Shadowmere
DAWN: Dramatic Atmospheres, Weathers, & Nature
Azurite Mists by Dr Jacopo
Skoglendi - A Grass Mod (No Landscape Textures)
No Grassias Lite by Knight4Life
Mesh & Textures - Architecture & Landscape
ERM - Enhanced Rocks and Mountains
CleverCharff AIO
CC's HQ Caves
Ice Cave Parallax Improved
Septentrional Landscapes SSE (1K)
Glacierslab Bumpy Chiseled (Rudy's Cut) 2k
Hyperborean Snow
Dave's UFHD Mountains (Darker) 1K
Northern Shores SE (1K)
Blended Roads Redone
Blended Roads Redone - Bridges Addon
Rally's Solstheim Landscapes 1K
Stony AF Markarth & Dwemer Ruins 1K
Blood & Wine Towns & Villages 1k - 512
Riton Imperial Forts
Nordic Stonewalls and Rocks
Meshes & Textures - Armors & Weapons
Cloaks of the Nords - 1k
LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Weapons SE XBox
Better-Shaped Bows of the Heavens SE XBox
ArteFakes (SWF Edition)
Divergence - Vanilla + Creation Club - AIO - 1K-512
Meshes & Textures - Clutter & Misc
Dwemer Automatons Glowmapped
Dwemer Tech Glowmapped
Rudy HQ - Hay SE 1K (Version 3)
Common Furniture Retexture
Elsopa HD Hand Painted Road Signs 1k
Moon Glow and Bigger Moons SE
Better Embers By Dragonborn77
Meshes & Textures - Effects
R.A.S.S. (Shaders and Effects)
RLO - Spells and Effects
Flame VFX Edit - Normal
Frost VFX Edit
Strange Runes Lite
VAE2 - Visual Animated Enchants 2-023
Enhanced Blood Textures
Just Blood - SWF Edition
Block Sparks Nioh Flash
Weapon Trails
Falling Leaves in Riften
Falling Gildergreen Petals [XB1]
Rainbows over Waterfalls
All The Little Things
NPC AI Alterations
[XB1] NOFF No Offensive Friendly Fire
AI Overhaul 1.8.2 Lite
NPC & Player Interactions
Skyrim Reputation - Mysteriously Fixed, Patched & Improved
Thane of Skyrim [XB1]
BA Khajiit Speak Redux
Follower Framework
My Home is Your Home
Khajiit Argonian Steward Fix
New Animal Companions & Mounts
Horses Simply Turn Better
New Followers & Named NPCs
[XB1] Inigo - Bloodchill Manor patch
Khajiit Speak Patch - Inigo
Lucien - Fully Voiced Follower [XB1]
Lucien - Anniversary Edition - All-In-One Creation Club Patch [XB1]
Khajiit Speak Patch - Lucien
New Creature & NPC Encounters
Sivaas Raan V2 Extended
Transparent and Refracting Icicle and Frost Atronach [XB1]
Khajiit Caravan Immersion Bundle
Combat Overhauls
Realistic Combat AI
Action Based Projectiles + AE Patches
NPC Face Replacers
True Faces (males only)
Flawed Faces for Bijin Skin - Refined Features-Better Normals 2K
Body Meshes & Skin Textures
Tempered Skins for Males (Rugged) by traa108
Tempered Skins for Females (Rugged) by traa108
Masculine Khajiit Textures - Leopard by MONSTERaider
Feminine Khajiit Textures - Grey Cat by MONSTERaider
Masculine Argonian Textures - Chameleon by MONSTERaider
Feminine Argonian Textures - Lizard by MONSTERaider
Beards, Brows & Hairs
Superior Lore-Friendly Hair (Saturated)
Lion's Mane
Bosmer NPCs have antlers
Kahjiit Ears Through Helmets
Kala's Eyes- Beast Race Edition Khajiit
Idle & Animation Replacers
360 Walk and Run Standalone
BIG Jump 2X (Jump Twice as High!) [XB1]
Realistic Ragdolls and Force, Impacts and No Death Animations Bundle
Dead Body Collision Fix (XB1)
Skeleton Frameworks & Nemesis Outputs
RBM Redux & Realistic Weapon Placement (Cloak Edition)
GDB'S: Elden Beast Edition
Equip On Back Animations Patch
Multi Area Edits
Khajiit Has Tents
Spaghetti's Faction Halls - AIO
Spaghetti's Palaces AIO
Spaghetti's Solstheim AIO
Single Area Edits
Spaghetti's Towns - Darkwater Crossing
Spaghetti's Towns - Iverstead
Spaghetti's Towns - Karthwasten
Spaghetti's Towns - Kynesgrove
Spaghetti's Towns - Nightgate Inn
Spaghetti's Towns - Old Hroldan
Spaghetti's Towns - Shor's Stone
Spaghetti's Towns - Stonehills
Spaghetti's Towns - Riverwood
Spaghetti's Towns - Rorikstead
Edmond's Hearthfire Improvements
Hearthfire Improvements - Light Compatability Patch
Magical College of Winterhold [X1]
Magical College of Winterhold Anniversary Patch
New Quest Mods with Area Edits
TPOSC Fishing Patch ( CC Content )
Trees & Flora with Area Edits
Trees of Iduna (Main)
Vivid Gildergreen Tree
Divergence - Luxuriant 2 - Plants - Performance
Cathedral 3D Plants AIO
Rally's Solstheim Plants
Rally's Hanging Moss - Desaturated Version
Cathedral - 3D Stonecrop (1k/512 Version)
Renthal's Reach Mountain Moss
Flora Additions - Water plants (dense)
Natural Waterfalls
Patch Rainbows over Waterfalls & Natural Waterfalls
Some High Quality H2O
LOD (Level of Detail) & Map Mods
Grass LOD Noise Green Tint
Ini (Settings) Changes
no screen blood
Bottom of LO Required
Optional Quick Start [XB1]
Decorator Helper
Subsurface Scattering Shaders for Skins
Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO [XB1]
Khajiit Speak Patch - RDO
Lux Orbis v 4.2.2 - Plugin
Magical College of Winterhold - LUX ORBIS PATCH [XBOX]
Lux Orbis Patch For The People Of Skyrim Complete
Lux v 6.7 - Plugin
Lux / Anniversary Edition CC Patch Bundle
Patch Rainbows over Waterfalls & Lux
Spaghetti's Palaces AIO - LUX Patch
Lux - The People of Skyrim Complete Patch Part 0ne
TPOSC - Lux Interior Patch Part 2
submitted by johnny_velociraptor to SkyrimModsXbox [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:06 Malea7 A Fae encounter as a kid?

I was hoping I could get some help understanding an experience I had as a kid. I used to attend Saturday German school and there was an event going on, so we weren't attending regular classes. The German school was held at a high school that was fairly large. I dont remember exactly how old I was, somewhere between 8 and 11 I think. My parents dropped me and my older sister off, and we mostly went off and did our own things. Eventually due to boredom and lonliness, I wandered away from where the festivities were happening and started wandering the halls of the school. It was dead silent and I was the only one there. It's hard to describe, but for some reason I started playing this game where I would wander some halls and take different turns and find my way back. I started with taking only a couple of turns, before turning back. Then the next time I went, I would take one turn further, get to the end of the hall, and then turn back. Every time I went, I added an extra turn, at one point even going down a stairwell. In hindsight, the geometry of where I was doesn't make sense in my memory. The halls themselves were devoid of lockers and had closed doors you couldn't see into. There was nothing hanging on the walls. It just felt like an incomplete, liminal space. And I don't know why I was playing this game. At some point, I suddenly stopped in the middle of a hall, because I had a sudden and urgent feeling that if I continued to the end, I was not going to find my way back. While the end of the hall looked normal with everything else, it also...didn't. It felt like I was at a boundary. It had felt like I was being lured into something, being so caught up in my game to notice how strange the space around me had become. I still distinctly remember the anxiety that I had suddenly felt, like I was not in a safe situation at all. I turned around, checking over my shoulder every so often, rushing back the exact way I came and returning to where everyone was. I found my sister who was pretty upset because I had been missing for over an hour apparently. It did not feel like I had been gone for an hour at all. I had felt confused about what had happened, but I just figured it was my over active imagination. This was is southern Ontario in a fairly green area. There are woods and a rivine all around that school in a small town. It might've just been my imagination, but I had a strong imagination and would fantasize a lot, and this had felt very different from any of my fantasizing. I could spook myself as a kid too with my imagination, but this felt more like real world, I need to take action and get out of this situation right now type of anxiety, rather than hide under the covers irrational fear. I dont know, has any one else had a similar experience? The game had felt fun up until it hadn't.
Tldr: as a kid at Saturday German school, I played a game by myself in the halls but suddenly stopped because I felt like I was in danger of being lost forever. The geometry of the school vs the halls I roamed that day doesn't make sense. Could this be the work of the fae?
submitted by Malea7 to faeries [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:00 LucyAriaRose New Update 8 months later: AITA for leaving the restaurant after my sister flirted with my girlfriend and made her uncomfortable?

I am STILL NOT the Original Poster. That is still u/Different-Face-6704. He posted in AmItheAsshole and his own page.
You can read the previous BORU's here and here. New Update marked with ***** and is 7 days old.
Trigger Warning: incest; sexual harassment
Mood Spoiler: disturbing but things are much better than last time
Original Post: September 29, 2023
I've had this account for a bit, but I prefer lurking instead of posting. My (19M) sister 'Hailey' (20F, not real name) is a very open and flirty person. She's never put a label on her sexuality but she has said she's attracted to everyone. Ever since we were in high school, she'd often flirt with girls I was interested in. She'd also flirt with my friends when they'd come over to hang out. Sometimes Hailey would even come into my room without knocking just to talk to them.
It was very uncomfortable and some of my friends even stopped coming over to my house because of it. This made me really angry and I told our parents (45M and 42F) but they'd always say I'm being homophobic and to leave her alone. So she'd always get away with it. A few months after she graduated, she moved out of the house and I haven't had to deal with her flirting with my friends anymore.
Seven months ago I met my now girlfriend 'Layla' (18F) and we really hit it off. We've been together a little over four months. One thing to note about Layla is that she's really shy, so she's never voices any concerns until after the fact. Well I really wanted her to meet my parents so we set up a quick dinner at a nice restaurant on Tuesday night.
Without even telling me, my parent's invited Hailey (who was almost 30 minutes late). For the better part of the dinner, she would constantly flirt with my girlfriend. She'd give Layla compliments about her clothing, body, facial features, and even offer her number multiple times. My parent's would just laugh along with her antics saying it's just how she normally is. But I could clearly see Layla was uncomfortable so I paid my side of the bill and took her home. When we got to her house, I asked if I could spend the night and she said yes. And that's where I've been for the past few days.
My parents and Hailey have been blowing up my (edit:phone) calling me all sorts of names, which has me thinking I was in the wrong. I haven't answered any of my sister's messages but I told my mom where I am. When I asked Layla about it she said the compliments were nice at first but she got uncomfortable.
So AITA for making a big deal out of my sister flirting with my girlfriend?
ETA: I didn't put my reasoning, sorry. My parents think I'm an asshole for ignoring my sister's messages, and an even bigger asshole for walking out of the restaurant. They say I was entitled and rude. Does this make me TA?
Editor's note- there was a second edit, but OOP deleted it to make room for his 3rd and 4th edits, which pointed to his update. I have been unable to recover the second update.
Relevant Comments:
On OOP's relationship with his sister:
I'm already really low contact with my sister and have been since a few months after she moved out. Last time I saw her was Easter for a few minutes. I'm thinking of going LC with my parents but my gf says she would feel bad if this is the reason I stop talking to my parents. I don't want her to think it's her fault, but I'm pretty sure she's going to blame herself anyways.
Would your parents think it was cute/funny if you flirted with Hailey's dates?
Hailey has never been in a relationship long enough for them to meet our parents, which is why I think she has so much fun flirting with everyone. It just makes me angry when I can visibly see my friends and gf getting uncomfortable with it. A few told her to stop before but she didn't.
(to a different commenter): That actually reminds me of a time one of her female friends came over a few years ago and I hinted that she was pretty. My mom said I was a creep and had to stop 'stalking' my sister's friend.
I bet if you had a BROTHER your parents would be far less fine with this:
I've often wondered that and a few of my friends have mentioned it before. But my parents have always shut down the conversation before I could bring it up.Besides this, Hailey and I used to be very close and we had a bunch of stuff in common. But then she came out and it's put a huge strain on our relationship.
(different comment) I'm sure my sister was actually my brother, my parents would've said something a long time ago. I think they don't want to risk losing my sister and her claiming homophobia over them if they speak to her about it."
Have you tried talking with your sister?
I've tried talking to her privately when this started but she would run and tell our parents that I was bugging her. Then my parents would tell me to leave her alone. It was a constant back and forth all the time.
Why do they think you are entitled?
They say I'm entitled because I told my parents beforehand that I would be paying for the entire bill, so they didn't end up bringing any money with them. Apparently my sister paid for them after I left.
OOP is voted NTA
Update Post: October 1, 2023 (2 days later)
Apologies for posting this on my main page. I tried to post an update through the AITA subreddit but it wouldn't let me.
Sorry this update took a few days, I'm still reeling from everything that happened. First of all I want to thank all the people who left comments and judgements. I won't say much as I'm sure you all want to know what happened. It's a lot. I'm still disgusted and don't really know how to feel about all this.
Friday night I messaged my mom and dad to let them know I wouldn't be conversing with them unless Layla was given an apology. Up to this point, that still hasn't been received and I don't think it ever will. I also let them know I'd be stopping by on Saturday to pick up my things from the house. Well Saturday morning I go over to the house and bring my gf's dad (who we'll call Carl) to help me. Sitting on the porch is my sister who tells me immediately she wants to talk. Anyways we go inside and sit down which is when she says she has to tell me something without me freaking out. Basically in a much more dimmed down version my sister tells me she has had feelings for me since high school, which is when I started going to the gym and slimming out a lot more. She said the main reason she flirted with all my friends is because she wanted to 'divert' her attraction somewhere else. According to her this is also the reason she moved out so quickly, because she couldn't stand being around me and knowing she couldn't have me.
I left. I didn't get any of my stuff and honestly I don't know if I'll go back to get it. I blocked my sister on everything as soon as I got back to my gf's house and my mom keeps messaging me telling me to apologise for walking out again. I don't know how to feel. I'm absolutely disgusted. I feel like throwing up all the time and I'm not sure how I'm supposed to get up and go to work tomorrow like everything's normal. I haven't told my gf or her dad yet and I don't know if I'm going to. I have no idea if my mom or dad knows but even thinking about it makes my head hurt. This is so much worse than I thought it was. Wtf
I know a lot of people might start commenting about how this is fake and I don't really care. I wish it was.
Do your parents know?
I don’t know if my parents know and I have no intentions of asking. At this point I’m just trying to calm down and think about what I’m going to do next.
Update Post 2: October 9, 2023 (8 days later)
So it's been a week. I'm not sure how many people are going to see this, but whoever does, hi. After my last post, I didn't answer many comments because I was still going through the motions of what was said. I wanted to get a quick update out last week but things got in the way which led us to here.
Last Tuesday I messaged my parents telling them everything my sister had told me. It wasn't until Thursday I got a reply where they called me all sorts of names. They said I was perverted, a liar, a manchild, etc. However after messaging back and forth with them for a while it came out on my mom's side that my sister confirmed my story and wanted me to say it was false because neither of them wanted to believe it. It's safe to say I have no intention of talking to either of them for a long time.
I told my gf everything on Tuesday as well. She was a lot more supportive than I initially thought, so that worked out pretty well. On Friday, we told her father and we started looking for apartments to move in together. As for all my things back at my parent's house, my gf's dad and a few of my friends went to pick up my stuff without me. I gave them a list of all the necessary things. My friends don't know why I moved out but just that it was serious and not to ask.
Which leads us to today. I know a few people on my update post commented about this being fake and as much as I wish it wasn't, this is the hell I'm living in. Over the past week I've been looking back to my sister and I's relationship and realised a lot of stuff that isn't normal. I'd give examples but I just want this to be over with.
Thanks for the support and this'll probably be the last update.
*****Update Post 3: June 3, 2024 (8 months later)****\*
For a while I forgot I made this post, until it showed up on my Instagram feed a couple weeks ago. Figured I owed you all a final close to what happened. To be honest it's not much.
If anyone remembers I first posted asking if I was TA for leaving a restaurant after my (no longer consider her this but) sister openly flirted with my gf. Well turns out it was a hell of a lot worse and it came out that my sister had feelings towards me. I basically left home to live with my absolutely amazing girlfriend and her dad for a while.
So onto the update. My gf and I are still together, and let me just say she makes every single day worth it and I can't imagine my life without her. I'm so lucky to wake up every morning and just be able to stare at her and remember that she's mine. She's so incredibly smart that I've seen her outwit our incredibly stubborn cat several times. Also yeah we got a cat. Silly little orange furball named Mikey with way too much energy for such a small body. He keeps trying to eat the fish out of the tank lol. Pretty sure he has two functioning brain cells and that's it. I'm truly living the life. She and I eventually found an apartment for us a couple towns over. It's close to my girlfriend's college and I got a pretty decent job here to support the both of us. My girlfriend's dad, who is an absolute saint, helped with the first and last deposit just to help us out and I can't thank him enough. He's joked a few times about me calling him dad, so I guess that's where we are. Lol.
As for my parents and sister, I haven't heard anything from my parents except a few voicemails when I first moved from unknown numbers. One of my aunts told me that the truth came out a few months after I moved and the whole family turned on them. Apparently they left town but I'm not entirely sure where they ended up. As for my sister (if you can even call her that) apparently stuck around towns for several months but ended up spiralling into several substances and vanished with a new boyfriend she got. I don't know where she is now and honestly I couldn't care less. She isn't my sister anymore and hasn't been for a while now.
So that brings my story to a close. I'm sorry if it wasn't as exciting as people were expecting and I apologise that it took me this long to remember lol. Again I want to thank everyone who sent such supportive messages and advice on what I should do. There were several people who sent me private messages for an update so this is for you I guess. Anyways now I'm gonna go make my gf some green tea because she's been absolutely obsessed with it lately lol
submitted by LucyAriaRose to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:44 over18forreal four

5250 5500 5750 6000 6250 6500 6750 7000 7250 7500 7750
submitted by over18forreal to u/over18forreal [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:43 marvelash How do I make this library perfectly cozy…

How do I make this library perfectly cozy…
This is my library... and resident librarian, lil Marcellus. The second picture is the changes I'm currently in the middle of making. (Last pic is where we started when I moved in, just for comparison lol) This was a bedroom with a closet. I took the closet door down to add more shelf space and then decided to take the main door down as well so it wouldn't be fighting the additional shelving I plan to put in there.
After I finish painting the trim green, I plan to add more black shelves to the opposite wall, floor to ceiling. I'm also thinking curtains. (The chair is blue and the pillows are green, which I don't necessarily love, but the chair was $50 and I already had the pillows. Just bought my tiny house last year, so l'm running on a teeny budget.)
After this, I'm stumped. I've been advised to paint the ceiling green as well, but I can't decide if I'll regret that or not (could end up warmer, or could be too much?)... I've thought about adding art to the two walls not covered in books, hogwarts portrait style. I've thought about hanging lights or paper cranes from the ceiling (from a book series I loved as a teenager). I can’t picture any of it well without doing it.
The rest of my house is somewhere between minimalistic and dark eclectic grandpa, but this is the one area I want to be different. I want it to feel like your favorite hole-in-the-wall used bookshop. I want it to be cozy. But I'm not great at the cozy thing. When I pick things I like, they always end up simple, black or dark green, not much variation.
Any ideas are welcome.
submitted by marvelash to interiordecorating [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:42 slateauluq Ash Joshi: Building a Greener, Healthier Atlanta One Landscape at a Time

In the bustling city of Atlanta, Ash Joshi is reshaping outdoor spaces with a unique blend of sustainability and beauty. As the co-owner of Jake Warren Landscapes, Ash has committed himself to enhancing the environment and promoting wellness through his exceptional landscaping services. Specializing in hardscapes such as patios, retaining walls, irrigation systems, and outdoor lighting, Jake Warren Landscapes is not just transforming yards; it’s fostering healthier, greener communities across Atlanta.

A Vision for Sustainable Living

Ash Joshi’s vision for Jake Warren Landscapes goes beyond aesthetics. He believes in creating outdoor spaces that contribute to a healthier lifestyle and a sustainable future. Under his leadership, the company has become the largest contractor for Pike Nursery in Atlanta, a testament to its commitment to quality and innovation. Ash’s approach integrates eco-friendly practices with creative design, ensuring that every project not only looks beautiful but also promotes environmental sustainability.

Enhancing Health Through Thoughtful Design

At Jake Warren Landscapes, Ash Joshi and his team are passionate about the health benefits of well-designed outdoor spaces. Their expertise in creating inviting patios, sturdy retaining walls, and efficient irrigation systems is aimed at enhancing the well-being of Atlanta residents. By incorporating elements such as native plants, drought-tolerant landscaping, and energy-efficient lighting, Ash’s projects encourage outdoor activities, reduce water usage, and create serene environments that promote mental and physical health.

Fostering Community Wellness

Ash Joshi’s impact extends far beyond landscaping. He is deeply committed to fostering community wellness by creating spaces where people can gather, relax, and connect with nature. Jake Warren Landscapes employs 30 people, contributing to local employment and community development. Ash’s dedication to his team and clients underscores his belief in building a stronger, healthier community, one landscape at a time.

Leading with Innovation and Sustainability

Under Ash’s stewardship, Jake Warren Landscapes is at the forefront of sustainable landscaping practices. The company integrates cutting-edge technology and green solutions into its projects, from water-saving irrigation systems to solar-powered lighting. Ash is passionate about reducing the environmental footprint of his work while enhancing the beauty and functionality of outdoor spaces. His commitment to sustainability ensures that each project is a step towards a greener, healthier planet.

Inspiring a Greener Future

Ash Joshi is not just a business owner; he is a visionary leader in the landscaping industry. His involvement in community initiatives and professional organizations highlights his dedication to promoting sustainable living. Through his active engagement on social media, participation in industry events, and outreach programs, Ash inspires others to embrace eco-friendly practices and create spaces that benefit both people and the environment.


Ash Joshi’s journey with Jake Warren Landscapes is a powerful example of how passion, innovation, and community spirit can transform landscapes and lives. His dedication to creating sustainable, health-promoting outdoor spaces has made a lasting impact on Atlanta. With a focus on quality, innovation, and community well-being, Ash continues to lead the way in creating greener, healthier environments for everyone.
Discover more about Ash Joshi and Jake Warren Landscapes by visiting their website. Connect with Ash on Twitter and LinkedIn to stay updated on his latest projects and community initiatives.
submitted by slateauluq to healthyandwealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:31 TerribleSell2997 US Inverter Generators Market is Dazzling Worldwide and Forecast to 2030

The ~US inverter generator market~ is anticipated to grow at a significant CAGR of 4.2% during the forecast period. The US is the largest revenue contributor to the global inverter generator market. The inverter generator market in the US is likely to experience substantial growth due to increasing extremity and occurrences of weather-related disasters across the state. The aging electrical infrastructure and deteriorating grid resiliency is likely to drive the growth of the inverter generator market during the forecast period. The US electrical infrastructure requires increasing investments as structures and systems were laid in the 1970s and are prone to regular and erratic power failures. Over 70% of electrical outages in the US are caused due to weather-related events. Natural disasters including hurricanes, windstorms, floods, tsunamis, and earthquakes annihilate the critical power infrastructure resulting in prolonged power outages, resulting in an increased need for inverter generators in the country.
Get Free Sample link @ https://www.omrglobal.com/request-sample/us-inverter-generators-market
The increasing need for constant and reliable electricity supply, together with growing consumer dependency on backup power solutions during unpredictable power outages will propel the inverter generator market growth. Quick start-up, competitive prices, operational reliability, and sturdiness are vital features reinforcing the merchandise demand.
full report of US Inverter Generators Market available @ https://www.omrglobal.com/industry-reports/us-inverter-generators-market
· Market Coverage
· Market number available for – 2024-2031
· Base year- 2024
· Forecast period- 2024-2031
· Segment Covered- By Source, By Product Type, By Applications
· Competitive Landscape- Archer Daniels Midland Co., Ingredion Inc., Kerry Group Plc, Cargill
· Inc., and others
Market Segmentation
US Inverter Generators Industry Market by Fuel Type
o Gas-powered
o Battery-powered
o Propane-powered
o Mixed/Hybrid Fuel
o Solar-powered
US Inverter Generators Market by Application
o Camping & Recreation
o Emergency Use & Home Standby
o Jobsite & Construction
US Inverter Generators Market by End-user
o Recreation
o Medium-sized
o Large-sized
Company Profiles
o All Power America
o American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
o Briggs & Stratton, LLC.
o Champion Power Equipment
o China National Machinery Industry Corp.
o DuroMax Power Equipment
o Energizer
o Ford Motor Company
o Generac Power Systems, Inc.
o Green-Power America, LLC
o Greenworks Tools
o Hyundai Motor Company
o Lifan Power USA
o Powerbuilt Tools
o Pulsar Products, Inc.
o Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.
o Tomahawk Power
o Westinghouse Electric Corp.
o Whistler Group
o Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
The Report Covers
For More Customized Data, Request for Report Customization @ https://www.omrglobal.com/report-customization/us-inverter-generators-market
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submitted by TerribleSell2997 to Nim2908 [link] [comments]
